Engineers To CEO
Engineers To CEO
Engineers To CEO
1. Introduction 1. Introduction
In the vast majority of cases it is a long and often torturous path to success for a CEO. Generally they start as young professionals learning the basics of their original trade before moving into middle management and then working their way up based on merit. While there is no well defined character traits required by a CEO, there are often skills and attributes that are perceived as
desirable and in some cases essential for CEO positions regardless of their intelligence or other skills. Potentially the identification of these variables can lead to a model of successful executive career progression. In essence, to construct a framework that reflects how the majority of CEOs and other high level executives achieve their professional success. The development and validation of such a model can provide the basis for education and training programs that can maximize an engineers chance of achieving executive success.
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The report compiled by Boston Consulting Group attempts to identify the attributes and skills needed for future managers to be properly equipped to manage effectively. The 2020 Vision report essentially is a review of current development in managerial training and the change in trends of workplaces demographics, and was hinged on the Karpin Report [9, 10] released in 1995. The reader is referred to the literature for more details on the work of the Commonwealth of Australia on Management Education [11-13]. The Engineers Australias Engineering Executive [14] recognition framework was also used to form the questionnaire.
3. Methodology 3. Methodology
This investigation used a questionnaire to gain a view on the perceptions of top-level executive who have an engineering degree on the training of engineers. It was aimed at discovering their perceptions as to the skills and attributes that they possessed that had assisted in their success. Questionnaire participants were selected on the basis that they held a Bachelors degree in Engineering and have been successful in the business world. These participants were sourced from the Whos Who In Business [15] (WWIB) database. In order to maximize the level of responses, the questionnaire was distributed by both email and regular mail.
Fig. 1. Questionnaire distribution types Figure 1 depicts a breakdown of the questionnaires sent out. There were 82 responses in total, 13 by email and 69 through regular mail. This represents a response rate of 8% electronically and 19.6 % in hardcopy, which is an excellent response rate considering the time-poor nature of these senior managers. The WWIB database enabled the identification of the business, and hence business type of the listed engineers. In a general way, this shows how these successful engineers careers have progressed. That is, if they have achieved success simply by working in an industry that has a technical element applicable to their training, that is the skill sets of these engineers are applicable to management in general not just technical based industries. It would be expected that a larger percentage of the executives listed would work in technical industry while relatively few would work in non-technical industry. Table 1 identifies the industry sector of all listed engineers that work for companies listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX). It lists the number of engineers in each industry group and compares it to the percentage of the number of companies listed in that industry group within the ASX. The industry sectors are listed as per the Global Industry Classification Standard. The distribution of companies in the ASX should approximate the number of management executives represented in the WWIB.
The Table shows a similar distribution between the number of engineers and the number of companies in the ASX. As expected there are proportionally more engineers in areas such as mining (materials), as there are more mining companies on the ASX, as opposed to Diversified Finanicials. This is a natural result of engineers basing their careers in industries that relate more closely to their chosen fields of study. The industry sectors where engineers are over represented as CEOs are capital goods 15.9%, energy 12.3% and surprisingly, banks 6.7%. There is proportionally a large cohort of engineers in management within these groups than there are companies of these types within the ASX. The difference in the proportions for other industry groups is not as large. Table 1. Industry sector of engineers in management No. of Distribution % of Engineers (%) ASX Automobile & Components 1 0.5% 0.5% Banks 4 2.1% 0.8% Capital Goods 31 15.9% 5.3% Commercial Services & 7 3.6% 3.1% Supplies Consumer Durables & 1 0.5% 1.2% Apparel Consumer Services 1 0.5% 2.3% Diversified Financials 13 6.7% 8.1% Energy 24 12.3% 9.6% Food Beverage & Tobacco 2 1.0% 2.4% Health Care Equipment 8 4.1% 3.5% &Services Materials 65 33.3% 28.0% Media 3 1.5% 2.4% Pharmaceuticals, 2 1.0% 4.3% Biotechnology & Life Sciences Real Estate 9 4.6% 5.8% Retailing 3 1.5% 2.4% Semiconductors & 1 0.5% 0.1% Semiconductor Equipment Software & Services 11 5.6% 4.2% Technology Hardware & 4 2.1% 1.7% Equipment Telecommunication Services 1 0.5% 1.7% Transportation 2 1.0% 1.2% Utilities 2 1.0% 1.5% Total 195 Companies 2115 BOLD: Large representation of Engineers in senior management Engineers are under represented in comparison to the distribution of company sectors mainly within the consumer type industries and surprisingly, within the telecommunications sector where you would expected a more technical orientation. From the results, there is a correlation between the number of engineers that have achieved success in management within a particular sector and the proportion of companies within that
sector. This comparatively even distribution seems to suggest that engineers generally do have management skills that can be applied across all industries. The respondents details are tabled in Tables 2,3,4, and provides a good description of the surveyed sample. The majority of respondents are from the Civil, Mechanical, and Electrical disciplines. Most held positions at the CEO and Managing Director level, and most possessed postgraduate qualifications with 29.3% as MBAs, though 19.5% possessed no formal postgraduate qualifications. Table 2. Respondents by engineering bachelor degree Degree Number Surveyed BE (Chem) 11 BE (Civ) 20 BE (Elect) 22 BE (Mech) BE (Mining) Other Total Table 3. Current roles of respondents Current Position CEO / Managing Director Chairman Other executive manager Non Executive Director Technical Retired Total 19 7 3 82
No. of responses 34 14 18 7 1 8 82
Table 4. Qualification of engineers in senior management Qualification No of Occurrences MBA 24 Other Management Masters 16 Higher technical qualification 16 Management Diploma 18 Technical Diploma 6 PhD 7 No other qualifications 16
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engineers spent similar lengths of time in technical roles before proceeding into management. The length of time spent in a technical role was expected to vary some very successful people have elected to never use the technical aspects of their training. For example, some engineering graduates moved directly into the business world (eg. Investment Banking) or politics. Note that politicians were excluded from this study as it was not considered as a standard management type career progression. Others have used their technical expertise built up over many years as a platform to switch into management. This may be considered to be the case for successful academics for example. In some cases, good research or other academic achievements have led people into management style careers. However, academics were also excluded from this study as the focus here is on management in business. Table 5 and Table 6 below shows the time spent in technical and management type roles. Table 5. Years spent in technical roles Years in technical role Number of responses Nil 4 1-5 years 40 6-10 years 24 11-19 years 14 20+ years 2 Total 84 Table 6. Years spent in management roles Years in management Number of responses role 1-10 years 9 11-20 years 24 21-30 years 30 31-40 years 15 41+ years 2 Total 80
Table 7. Reasons for move into management Reason for move into No. of management responses Always wanted management 20 Only promotion available 4 Avoiding technical career 3 Natural career progression 46 Good offer to move to 2 management Other reasons 7 Total 82
Overall, the survey indicated the average time spent in a technical role before moving into management was found to be 6.6 year. This covered responses from individuals who spent no time in technical positions up to two respondents who spent 20 years in technical roles before management roles. Table 6 above shows the level of experience of those who replied to the questionnaire. After spending an average of six and half years in technical roles, the respondents have spent an average of 22.5 years in management. This was bounded by a range of 3 to 45 years in management roles. While the motivation for the move into management was not a major focus of this project it gives some idea as to the personalities of these engineers that have succeeded in business. The majority believe that they reached their positions naturally through a normal career progression as shown in Table 7. That is, they did not actively pursue management, but their individual skills were recognized as being of the requisite standard to progress to higher levels of management, and that their organization facilitated the move into management.
Table 8. Importance of skills/attributes and training requirements % Importance Respondents Skill / Attribute Average Suggesting Response Training (out of 10) Required Integrity 9.52 7.5% Leadership 9.07 58.5% Communication Ability 8.88 66.0% Handle complexity 8.79 11.9% Interpersonal Skills 8.72 41.3% Drive / Ambition 8.70 2.5% Initiative 8.62 6.3% Business Acumen 8.70 56.6% Decisiveness 8.51 13.8% Energy / Passion 8.49 3.8% Analytical / reasoning skills 8.39 45.0% Achievement orientation 8.33 7.6% Self Awareness 8.14 23.1% Strategic Planning 8.15 73.6% Emotional Intelligence 8.00 20.5% Team player 7.99 18.8% Conceptual skills 7.90 12.5% Financial management 7.82 88.7% Planning ability 7.23 41.3% Entrepreneurial ability 7.12 13.8% HR Management 7.07 50.6% Project Management 7.02 65.8% Technical competence 6.70 64.6% Sales / Marketing ability 6.28 47.8% Mentor 6.28 6.5% Administrative Ability 6.24 31.7% International Experience 5.99 7.6% Multi-company experience 5.78 2.6% Disciplinary knowledge 5.73 38.2% BOLD: 50% and over suggesting training required are highlighted The survey then looked at the perceptions of CEOs as related to their own success. Although it may be argued that the respondents have a subjective view of themselves and the reasons for their success, these executives are best placed to answer the question of management success. Not only have they achieved success themselves but are in positions that often require the
assessment of managers, and grooming of future managers. In particular, the respondents are familiar with the pressures of an engineering career, and more importantly to this study the degree to which their university studies and training prepared them for success. Although individuals do have different views as to the importance of various characteristics, the responses gathered were sufficient to identify a general trend. Table 8 contains the responses from the questionnaire and provides a score from 0 to 10 to each of the skills and attributes, with 10 being the most relevant. Naturally the most important skills or attributes are those that are likely to have the most important implications for education and training. The most important attribute required by CEOs, as identified in the questionnaire is Integrity. Integrity had an average importance score of 9.52 compared to the next highest score being 9.07 for leadership. However, unsurprisingly, integrity was not seen a requiring training as it is to a large extent considered to be an inherent character trait rather than something that can be taught. Table 9 below shows the highest importance scores as per the questionnaire with the added criteria of scoring over 7.5 and over 50% of respondents suggesting that some sort of training is required. This also provides an indication of the deficiency or skill/knowledge gaps from the formal education undertaken by the respondents. Table 9. Skills/Attributes with highest importance with training required % Respondents Importance Suggesting Average Training Response Required Leadership 9.07 58.5% Communication ability 8.88 66.0% Business Acumen 8.70 56.6% Strategic Planning 8.15 73.6% Financial management 7.82 88.7% However, education and training can occur throughout an individuals career. When the importance factors are compared to the suggested stages that training should occur, a pattern or training continuum is suggested. Table 10 shows those attributes that the questionnaire respondents thought required formal training. The percentage figure shown indicates the numbers of people who thought training was required only those greater than 30% are shown. This is developed further in Table 11 which shows the questionnaire results in terms of skills that require training at each stage of an engineers career. Table 10. Skills/Attributes requiring formal qualifications Skills/Attributes % Respondents Strategic planning 30.0% Financial management 70.8% Project management 31.1% Economics 41.9% Accounting skills 40.0%
Table 11. Importance of skills/attribute s developments across career stages Undergraduate Studies Accounting skills Economics Analytical / reasoning skills Financial management Project management Technical role Communication skills Further technical skills Administration Analytical / reasoning skills Project management Junior management Legal awareness Leadership Strategic planning Financial management Project management Mid-management Strategic planning Leadership Legal awareness Business acumen Change management Senior Management Change management Leadership Strategic planning Legal awareness Business acumen 35.7% 32.5% 32.5% 30.4% 26.1% 59.1% 56.1% 56.1% 47.5% 41.3% 59.2% 46.7% 33.3% 32.6% 30.4% 27.1% 20.0% 18.4% 16.3% 15.9% 4.5% 4.4% 4.2% 4.1% 2.3%
In general, there appears to be four main skill areas that respondents believe engineers would benefit from specific training after graduation. These skills are Leadership, Communication, Financial, Problem solving (including analytical reasoning and strategic planning).
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6. Summary 6. Summary
This study has investigated the skills and attributes of CEOs within an Australian context and related them to the skills and attributes of engineers in order to determine how engineers can succeed in management careers, and how education and training can best support this career path with a 21st century outlook. CEOs surveyed were found to have strong communication and strategic thinking skills enhanced by leadership. They attained their positions via many different career paths but there are similarities on the types of skills and attributes required to reach senior executive level positions. In comparison, engineers were discovered to be good at problem solving but, in general, lack leadership and communication skills. This was evidenced in the literature as well as a general trend in the comments of respondents. This, of course, does not mean that some individuals are not highly competent in these areas only on average that engineers are less skilled than their peers in other professions. The focus for both individual engineers and learning institutions should therefore be to develop the skill set that is common across the two groups. Leadership, Communication and Financial skills stand out as being important for engineers intending to pursue a career in management, but yet have the ability to maintain a deep knowledge of their industry. There is some overlap between the skill sets of CEOs and engineers. Thus by effective education and training, engineers may be in a better position for the transition into the management.
References References
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D. Karpin, (Chair), Enterprising Nation: Renewing Australias Managers to Meet the Challenge of the AsiaPacific Century, Report of the industry task force on leadership and management skills, Australian Government Printing Service, Canberra, 1995. [10] Australian Institute of Management, Key Findings Management Development Practice in Australia, Management Research Series No 1/2003, Australian Institute of Management, January 2003. [11] Commonwealth of Australia, Australias Managers to Meet the Challenges of the Asia-Pacific Century, Australian Government Publishing Service, April 2005. [12] Commonwealth of Australia Experienced Insights into Management Opinions of Australian Managers,
Enterprising Nation Renewing Australias Managers to Meet the Challenges of the Asia-Pacific Century, Australian Government Publishing Service, April 2005. [13] Commonwealth of Australia, Research Report Volume 1 Industry Task Force on Leadership and Management Skills, Enterprising Nation Renewing Australias Managers to Meet the Challenges of the Asia-Pacific Century, Australian Government Publishing Service, April 2005. [14] Engineers Australia, Engineering Executive Applicants Handbook, Revision 1.4, Engineers Australia, Barton A.C.T., August 2006. [15] Crown Content (Database), Whos Who in Business in Australia, 2007 [online], Available:
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