Design of Assessment Instruments

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1. Ground the basis for assessment according to the Curriculum 2011 and the National English Program in Basic Education (NEPBE). 2. Familiarize participants with the selection and design of an assessment instrument and criteria. Length: Participants: 2 hours. In-service English teachers in Basic Education in D. F.

1. Assessment based on the Curriculum 2011
1.1 Assessment for learning 1.2 Emphasis on the development of competencies 1.3 Curricular Standards

2. Assessment within the NEPBE

2.1 General purpose and characteristics 2.2 Curricular standards for English as a Second Language

3. Design of assessment instruments

3.1 Selecting an instrument 3.2 Designing assessment criteria Glossary Annex 1. Social Practice 3B (4th Grade) 2. Sample instrument


1.1 Assessment for learning1 The teachers are responsible for the assessment of the students learning, the students follow up, and for creating learning opportunities and make changes to their practice so that the latter achieve the learning stipulated in the Plan and the syllabi. The assessment of learning is the process that makes it possible to obtain evidence, make judgments and offer feed-back to students on their learning achievements throughout their formative stage; therefore, it is an integral part of the teaching and learning processes. From this viewpoint, it is advisable to obtain pieces of evidence and offer feedback to students throughout their formation, since this information on their own learning will equip them with tools to actively participate in the improvement of their performance and will expand their learning possibilities. The students need to have full comprehension of the ways in which they can reach full potential of their achievements and overcome their difficulties. Thus, the teacher should describe and explain to students the ways in which they can achieve these. In this sense, a mark or a description without proposals for improvement will turn out to be insufficient and inappropriate to improve their performance. To suit this purpose, it is necessary to identify the strategies and instruments that are adequate to reach the desired level of development and learning of the students. Some instruments worth using for gathering pieces of evidence are: Rubrics or check-matrixes Checklists (control and observation) Anecdotal notes or Teacher journals Direct observation Written and graphic products Collaborative projects for information searching; problem identification and alternative solutions formulation Diagrams and concept maps Records of students attitudes observed in groups activities Portfolios and work binders Written or oral evaluations tests

1.2 Emphasis on the development of competencies2 Basic Education is aimed at developing competencies, the achievement of Curricular Standards and the Expected Learning Outcomes by the following means:

1 2

Acuerdo 592. Por el que se establece la articulacin de la Educacin Bsica. Ibdem.

A competency is the capacity of responding to different situations, and it implies to know how to (abilities), to know about (knowledge), and to be conscious of the consequences of actions (values and attitudes). The Curricular Standards are the descriptors of achievement, which determine what students will be able to do at the end of a school period. They incorporate the expected learning outcomes, which are organized per subject, grade and unit in elementary and secondary levels, and per educational fields in Preschool. The Curricular Standards are equivalent to international standards, and in conjunction with the achievements, they constitute the parameters for national and international evaluations, which are intended to assess students progress along Basic Education, considering the complexity and gradation of learning outcomes. The expected learning outcomes are indicators of achievement which, according to the established time in the curriculum, define what is expected from each student in terms of the knowing, doing and being. Moreover, the achievements constitute the reference to verify what students are able to do, as well as to plan and assess learning. In addition, the expected learning outcomes consolidate gradually the knowledge, abilities, attitudes and values which students must reach in order to manage more complex stituations, to achieve the Curricular Standards, and to develop the competencies.

To sum up, the competencies, the Curricular Standards, and the expected learning outcomes will provide students with the necessary tools to apply efficiently the acquired knowledge, abilities, values and attitudes, with the intention of acting according to current demands in different contexts. 1.3 Curricular Standards3 Curricular Standards are organized in four academic periods that encompass three school grades each. These periods correspond to certain key features or characteristics in the cognitive development of students. The curricular standards are the basis for the design of assessment instruments.
CURRICULAR STANDARDS SCHOOL PERIOD First Second Third Forth SCHOOL GRADE Third grade preschool Third grade elementary Sixth grade elementary Third grade secondary STUDENTS AGE Between 5 and 6 years old Between 8 and 9 years old Between 11 and 12 years old Between 14 and 15 years old


The curricular standards are aimed at establishing the ideal citizenship according to the global context, which implies the use of different tools and languages that the context demands. 2. ASSESSMENT WITHIN THE NEPBE 2.1 General purpose and characteristics In the National English Program for Basic Education (NEPBE), assessment is conceived as a means to make decisions about:
the students performance in order to intervene at different moments (before, during and after) in the teaching-learning process, and decide whether the teaching situations, the organization of work in the classroom, the use of materials and the kind of help or guidance provided are on the right track towards reaching the programs purposes. For this reason, it is necessary that assessment take into account: the students performance during the development of tasks or programmed activities. the progress students make, related to their own starting point and the products derived from the specific competencies with the English language in different social environments.

2.2 Curricular Standards in Second Language: English The definition and construction of the Curricular Achievements is based on national and international criteria and standards, such as the Certificacin Nacional de Nivel de Idioma (CENNI), and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning Teaching, Assessment (CEFR). The achievements refer to knowledge, skills and attitudes expected at different stages in students development. The achievements are organized as follows:
i. ii. iii. iv. Comprehension. Involves receptive skills: listening and reading in communication. Expression. Involves productive skills: speaking and writing in communication. Multimodality. Use and understanding of non verbal cues, the interaction with objects, performance of movements, combination of image and writing, as well as multimedia texts. Attitudes towards language and communication . It implies to incorporate aspects related to interculturality, language diversity, personal and social identity construction.

The standards are specified according to the purposes of each cycle:

Cycle I: Familiarization and awareness of the language. Cycle II: Acquisition of the language. Cycle III: Development of specific competencies.

Curricular Standards


First period Listening comprehension involves understanding and responding to expressions of basic social interaction, common instructions, and basic information of oneself and ones own environment.

Second period Listening comprehension involves the ability to understand the general meaning and participate in exchanges and short oral texts produced in social environments that use a familiar repertoire of words.






Reading comprehension includes participating in the exploration of illustrated informative texts and childrens literature, identifying the relation between graphic and textual components, and participating in reading aloud actions. Speaking implies the ability to respond with known expressions to oral and written models related to immediate communication needs in familiar and known contexts and with specific purposes. Writing involves reacting to familiar and known texts through the spontaneous production of graphics, as well as the guided production of words that communicate a message.

Reading comprehension implies to participate in the recognition of instructions and basic ads, as well as the search for vocabulary and information on specific topics.

Third period Listening comprehension involves the ability to understand and participate in exchanges and short oral texts used in different social environments, such as the identification of the main idea in brief announcements and messages. Reading comprehension involves understanding both personal and everyday life texts, as well as finding specific information in simple literary and academic texts.

Speaking involves the ability to assume the role of speaker and/or recipient to participate in common and short oral exchanges in familiar and known contexts. Writing involves both the ability to express opinions and simple requests in familiar contexts, such as the writing of personal data to fill out formats and forms.

Speaking involves the ability to participate as a speaker in short and common oral exchanges in different social environments.

Writing involves producing short and simple texts related to everyday and routine information, immediate needs and simple descriptions, based on a repertoire of known words.

Curricular Standards


Non verbal language

First period Involves relating images to oral and written texts, and reproducing sound and rhythmic patterns from rhymes, songs, and children poems. It implies to show curiosity and interest in learning about English and using it, and to appreciate and enjoy literary and cultural expressions in English.

Second period Recognize the differences in font, colors and images when creating multimodal texts.

Third period Understand the distribution of graphic and textual components in texts of familiar and community environments.

Attitudes towards language and communication

Interculturality Values

It implies to appreciate emotions, cultural traditions, and experiences in literary texts, and to use language and be aware of its effects on others.

It implies to become aware of problems that affect ones own environment, and to show civic commitment and sense of belonging to the community.


Activity 1. In teams, explain in your own words the following aspects for designing an assessment instrument.

Consider the purpose of assessment

Aim at the development of competencies

Consider school periods and Curricular Standards

Characteristic s of assessment within the NEPBE

Consider the Social Practice, and the Expected Learning Outcomes

Select an assessment instrument

Specify assessment criteria

2 1

Activity 2. Discuss these questions in teams: 1. Which aspect(s) of language learning do you usually assess? 2. What do you use the assessment outcomes for? 3. How do you collect and register the information?

3.1 Selecting an instrument In order to select an assessment instrument, it is important to consider the characteristics and purposes of each official instrument as well as the type of assessment that is being carried out: diagnostic, formative or summative. Activity 3. Complete the following chart in teams.


Assessment tool that specifies the levels of performance expected from students in a value scale. It helps to clarify the criteria or indicators. Checklists contain a list of behaviors or specific characteristics, which are to be determined if they are present or absent. Behaviors are usually expressed in simple sentences. Notes taken by the teacher about students performance. They include a description of students achieved competencies. This record is a free and contextualized register. It offers unbiased and contextualized information about students performance in a series of tasks. They offer evidence of students development throughout a period of time.




3.2 Designing assessment criteria As established by the Acuerdo 6484, which is the guideline and legal document for evaluation and assessment, the components to be taken into account in this process should be: Assessment of students performance in relation to the achievement of the expected learning outcomes and the competencies involved, considering as well its suitability to the curriculum. The diverse characteristics cultural, linguistic, of learning styles and rhythmspresent in students.

Thus, considering the elements mentioned, once the assessment instrument has been selected, the main guidelines for designing it correspond to the expected learning outcomes since they are the indicators of students performance during the development of tasks. In addition, the social practice, the contents and the product, should be also considered for determining the activities to collect evidence of students performance.

Activity 4. In teams, analyze and modify the assessment instrument included in the Annex 2, considering the following aspects: Does it comply with the guidelines mentioned in the previous sections? Does the format correspond to a specific instrument? Is the information that should be registered clear? Which tasks would you use to collect information and evidence to register it in this instrument?

SEP. Acuerdo 648.


Curricular Standards

They are the reference for teachers to design their assessment instruments. They express what students should know and be able to do in four academic periods: at the end of third year of preschool, at the end of third and sixth grade of secondary school. These periods correspond to specific features of cognitive development of students, and they correspond to the curriculum contents of the each grade. Expected learning outcomes. They should be related to the purpose of each unit and they can be used as assessment criteria. It is the capacity of responding to different situations, and it implies to know how to (abilities), to know about (knowledge), and to be conscious of the consequences of actions (values and attitudes). Group of actions aimed at getting information about the students performance in order to intervene at different moments (before, during and after) in the teaching-learning process. It is defined as a global, continuous and formative process.



Assessment Characteristics of assessment within the NEPBE

Unit 3B - 4th Grade
Social practice of the language: Formulate and answer questions in order to find information about a specific topic Environment: Academic and educational Specific Competency: Formulate and answer questions to obtain information about a specific topic Achievements Contents Product Understands the purpose of questions. Identifies the content of questions. Formulates questions to obtain information. Identifies auxiliaries in questions. Understands the use of question marks. Writes questions to obtain information. Doing with the language Explore a set of illustrated questions about a topic of interest for students. Identify the purpose of questions. Predict the content of questions. Identify the structure of interrogative sentences. Clarify the meaning of unknown words. Listen to the reading aloud of questions. Identify words used to formulate questions. Read questions aloud. Complete questions. Practice pronunciation of words in interrogative sentences. Identify words that work as auxiliaries in interrogative sentences. Read questions. Check intonation when formulating questions. Write questions to obtain information. Select and order words to formulate questions. Complete interrogative sentences using auxiliaries or question words. Identify punctuation in interrogative sentences. Write questions to obtain information about a specific topic. Define and list aspects of a topic about which it is intended to obtain information. Detect the order of words in questions. Formulate questions to obtain information about the topic, based on a model. Knowing about the language Contextual clues. Graphic components. Acoustic characteristics. Types of sentences: interrogatives with auxiliaries and with the copulative verb (to be). Question words. Verb forms: auxiliaries. List of suitable words. Word division in the acoustic chain. Punctuation: question mark. Upper-case letters. Being through the language Show interest towards new knowledge. Cooperate to check the finished work. Questionnaire to study Select a topic of study and determine the aspects that will form the questions. Formulate questions orally and check that they are relevant to obtain the information needed. Write questions based on a model. Check that the questions are understandable, complete and that they comply spelling conventions. Write the final version of the questions on a sheet of paper to make a questionnaire. Exchange the questionnaires with other teams and practice reading the questions aloud. Request permission to ask students in higher grades to answer the questionnaire.


Schools name: Teachers name: Social Practice: Formulate and answer questions in order to find information about a specific topic Grade & Group: 4 Product: Questionnaire to study Specific Competency: Formulate and answer questions to obtain information about a specific topic Unit: 3B Learning Environment: Academic and educational


Uses intonation when formulating questions.

Formulate questions in affirmative and negative form.

Selects and order words to formulate questions.

Writes questions to obtain information.

Speaking Ask and answer questions about specialized topics correctly

Spelling Uses upper and lower case letters when necessary

Uses auxiliaries, subjects and verbs in questions.



SEP. Programa Nacional de Ingls en Educacin Bsica. Segunda Lengua: Ingls. Fundamentos Curriculares. Preescolar. Primaria. Secundaria. Mxico, 2011.


SEP. Plan de Estudios 2011. Mxico, 2011.

SEP. Acuerdo Nmero 592. Por el que se establece la articulacin de la Educacin Bsica.Mxico, 2011.

SEP. Acuerdo 648. Por el que se establecen normas generales para la evaluacin, acreditacin, promocin y certificacin en la Educacin Bsica. Mxico, 2012.

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