Letters & Codes

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? - Not able to identify if file material belongs with

the information requested on a particular individual

AAG - Assistant Attorney General.

AD - Assistant Director.
Add. Info - Additional information.
ADIC - Assistant Director in Charge.
ADM - Administrative.
AG - Attorney General
AIRTEL - Urgent internal FBI communication which must be typed the same day it is
AKA - "Also known as" EXAMPLE: Joe Smith, A.K.A. Joe Q Smith
AL – Albany Field Office.
AMSD - Air mail special delivery.
AN - Anchorage Field Office.
Analysts - work in FOIPA branch and determine what information should be released to a
Anonymous Source - Generally refers to usage of an illegal investigative technique.
AO - Auxiliary Office.
APB - All Points Bulletin.
Applicant Investigation, or Apps - Refers to employees or applicants of federal agencies.
AQ - Albuquerque Field Office ARL - Pertains to anti-riot laws
ARMS - Automated Records Management System.
ASAC - Ass't Special Agent in Charge. Second in command of a field office.
Asset - Term used for informants.
Assistant Director or Ass't D - Title given to the Head of each division of FBI Headquarters,
as well as the New York and Los Angeles field offices. Replaced Associate Director in
Assistant to the Director - High-level FBI official who is also known as the Deputy
Associate Director.
Associate Director - Prior to 1979, this position was the second in command of the FBI.
AT - Atlanta Field Office.
ATIO - Means, "adjusted time in office." Agents can subtract from time in office on special
projects or in conferences.
Att C.F. - Attach case file.
AUSA - Assistant U.S. Attorney
Auxiliary Office or AO - Field offices which offer a supporting role, yet not a primary one, in
AX - Alexandria Field Office.
B. - "the Bureau," or FBI Headquarters.
BA - Baltimore Field Office BB - "bank burglary".
Bed to Bed FISUR - Morning to night physical surveillance of a person who is under
BEX - Black extremist.
BH - Birmingham Field Office.
Big Manual - Known as the official FBI Manual of Rules and Regulations.
BL - Bank larceny.
Black Bag Job - Entry by the FBI (without a warrant) to conduct searches, take
photographs or to confiscate
documents. This does not apply to installation of microphones for recording purposes,
Blind Memo - A memo that has no marks to identify that it came from the FBI.
Blue Slip - Voucher used with confidential FBI funds. Blue Slip funds are used to pay FBI
BR Matters - Bank robbery matters.
BS - Boston Field Office BSU - Black Student Union.
BT - Butte Field Office BU - Buffalo Field Office.
BUFIL - Files which are kept at the Washington, D.C. FBI Headquarters
BUG - Concealed recording device: microphone.
Bureau - Another name for the FBI.
C - can mean "communist," "a criminal manner informant," "confidential," or could mean a
case is closed.
Capbom - Relates to 1971 bombing of the U.S.
Capitol Case File - the main file.
Case Number - Used after the classification number in the FBI file number.
CC - Carbon copy.
CCH - Computer Criminal Histories.
CE - Charlotte Field Office.
CF - Case file.
CH - channelized, which means copies have been provided to the correct offices.
CG - Chicago Field Office.
CGR - Crime on Government Reservation.
Change-to Memo - Means a particular document was moved to a file that was more
CHICOMS - Chinese Communists.
Chief Clerk - Clerk, whose responsibility is to open, index and provide documents to the
correct FBI employee.
CI - "Confidential Informant" or "Cincinnati Field Office" or "Communist Index".
CIA - Central Intelligence Agency
CIC - Counter Intelligence Corp.
CINAL - Current Intelligence Analyses, which are made up of information on domestic
CIP - Counterintelligence Program.
CL - Can mean "closed" or "civil litigation."
CMC - Communist-Pro-Chinese.
CMS - Communist-Pro-Soviet.
CNDI - Confidential National Defense Informant.
CO - Columbia Field Office.
COGOG - Communists In Government Groups.
COINTELPRO - Counterintelligence Program supposedly discontinued in 1971.
Comfugs - Communist fugitives.
COMINFIL - Communist Infiltration.
COMINT - Communications Intelligence.
Comintern - Communist International.
COMPIC -Communist Picture Album.
Comsab - Communist sabotage.
Consensual Monitoring - Monitoring a conversation through electronic means with the
consent of one of the people involved
CONUS - Continental United States
Cover - To conceal one's dealings with the FBI or other agency, such as the CIA.
CP-USA - Communist Party U.S.A.
CRC-PO - Clandestine Radio Communications, Potential Operators.
CRS - Central Records System.
CRU - Classification Review Unit.
CRV - Conditional Release Violator.
CS - Confidential Source.
CSC - Civil Service.
Commission CTNF - Computerized Telephone Number File.
CV - Cleveland Field Office.
DAPLI - Departmental Applicants, Professional Staff.
DCGO - Direct Coast Guard Office.
DCI - Director of Central Intelligence.
DD-553 - Defense Department Form
DE - Detroit Field Office.
DEA - Drug Enforcement Administration.
Dead drop - A place for dropping off and picking up spy information
Detcom - Detention of Communists.
DI - Domestic Intelligence Division DIOuty Intelligence
Officer DISefense Investigative Service
DLallas Field Office
DOB - Date of Birth
DOD - Department of Defense
DOE - Department of Energy.
DOJ - Department of Justice.
"Do Not File" - Pertains to records intentionally kept out of the main records system.
Downgrade - To lower the level of classification of a file.
DS - Pertains to files which have been destroyed.
Electronic Surveillance - Includes monitoring by means of wiretapping or by microphone.
ELSUR - Electronic surveillance.
EP - El Paso Field Office
Esp-R - Russian espionage.
Esp. Sec. - Espionage Section.
Established Sources - Persons who already supply information to the Bureau.
Exp. Proc. - Expedite Processing.
FAG - Fraud Against Government.
FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation.
FBI HQ - Federal Bureau of Investigation Headquarters.
FBW - Fraud by Wire.
FCI - Foreign Counterintelligence.
FGJ - Federal Grand Jury.
FHD - Federal House of Detention.
FINDER - Automated fingerprint scanner machine used at FBI HQ
FISUR - Physically watching subjects, such as a demonstration
Five - Division Five, otherwise known as Intelligence Division.
FNU - First Name Unknown.
FO - Field Office.
FOIA - Freedom of Information Act.
FOIPA - Freedom of Information/Privacy Act - Fingerprint classification.
FRN - Foreign Affiliation.
FUDE - Fugitive or Deserter.
Fug - Fugitive.
GAO - General Accounting Office.
GJ - Grand Jury.
Glove - Another word for covered by surveillance.
G-Men - FBI Agents.
HCUA - House Committee on Un-American Activities.
Hit - When information is found in the NCIC (National Crime Information Computer)
HN - Honolulu Field Office.
HO - Houston Field Office
HQ - Federal Bureau of Investigation Headquarters.
I - Identical.
IA - Informative Asset.
IACP - International Association of Chiefs of Police.
IC - Incoming or Investigative Clerk.
Illegals - Persons from foreign countries who enter the U.S. illegally.
Info - Information.
Informant or INFT - Individual who provides information to the FBI.
INS - Immigration and Naturalization Service
Inspector - Official in the FBI whose job it is to conduct yearly inspections on document
handling in Field Offices.
Interpol - International Criminal Police Organization.
INV - Investigative.
IOC - Interception of Communications.
IP - Indianapolis Field Office.
IPAL - Information and Privacy Acts Litigation.
IRS - Internal Revenue Service.
IS - Internal Security.
IS-C - Internal Security - Communist.
ISINT - Israeli Intelligence Service.
ISS - Indices Search Slip.
ITAR - Interstate Transportation in Aid of Racketeering.
ITOM - Interstate Transportation of Obscene Matter.
ITSMV - Interstate Transportation of Stolen Motor Vehicles.
ITSP - Interstate Transportation of Stolen Property.
JCS - Joint Chiefs of Staff.
JK - Jacksonville Field Office.
JN - Jackson Field Office K-(followed by a number) - Stands for Laboratory specimen ID
KBE - Key Black Extremist.
KC - Kansas City Field Office.
KGB - Russian Committee for State Security - Russian Intelligence Agency.
KX - Knoxville Field Office.
LA - Los Angeles Field Office.
LCN- La Cosa Nostra - the Mafia, or organized crime.
Legat - Legal attache.
LNU - Last Name Unknown.
LR - Little Rock Field Office.
LRC - Last Relevant Communication.
LS - Louisville Field Office.
LV - Las Vegas Field Office.
Mail Intercept - Opening mail.
MC - Mexico City Legal Attache.
ME - Memphis Field Office.
MF - Main File.
MI - Mis-indexed.
MI-5 - British Security Service; similar to FBI.
MI-t - British Intelligence Service; similar to CIA
MID - Military Intelligence Division.
MISUR - Surveillance conducted by microphones.
MM - Miami Field Office.
MO - Mobile Field Office.
MOI - Manual of Instructions.
MP - Minneapolis Field Office.
MPD - Metropolitan Police Department.
MS - Denotes a document is missing.
MURKIN - Files pertaining to the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.
NCIC - National Crime Information Computer.
NCIC Cleared - Fugitive is in custody.
ND - Naval District.
NF - Norfolk Field Office.
NH - New Haven Field Office.
IS - Naval Investigative Service.
NK - Newark Field Office.
NO - New Orleans Field Office.
NP - Not Pertinent.
NPC - Newspaper Clippings.
NR - No Record.
NSA - National Security Agency.
NY - New York Field Office.
O & C - Official and Confidential.
OC - "Out of the Country" or "Oklahoma City Field Office" or "Organized Crime".
OO - Office of Origin.
OG- Outgoing phone call.
OM - Omaha Field Office.
1A Envelope - Envelops which usually contain physical evidence.
OOJ - Obstruction of Justice.
ORI - Originating Agency.
P - Pending.
P* - Pending, but inactive.
P & C - Personal and Confidential.
P & P - Pamphlets and Publications.
PCI - Potential Crime Informant.
Pct - Precinct.
PF - Personal File.
PG - Pittsburgh Field Office.
Ph - Phonetic spelling.
PH - Philadelphia Field Office.
PHS - Personal History Statement.
POB - Place of Birth.
PR - Prosecutive Report.
PRI - Potential Racial Informant.
PRN - Puerto Rican Nationalist.
PROSAB - Protection of Strategic Air Command Bases of U.S. Air Force
Protect - To keep a person's identity a secret.
PSI - Potential Security Informant.
PV - Parole Violator.
PX - Phoenix Field Office.
RA - Resident Agent or Resident Agency.
RCMP - Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
Relet - Referring to letter ....
Req Rec'd - Request has been received.
REV - Revolutionary.
RM - Registered Mail.
R/S - Routing Slip.
RUC - Referred Upon Completion.
RWBS - Report Will Be Submitted.
S - Secret; data that is deemed to cause damage to national security if released.
SA - "Special Agent" or "San Antonio Field Office".
SAC - Special Agent in Charge.
S-B - Soviet Bloc.
SD - San Diego Field Office.
SE - "Special Employee of the FBI" or "Seattle Field Office"
Sec - Section (usually followed by a number).
See Ref - See Reference.
Sensitive - Information that, if exposed, could cause embarrassment.
SF - San Francisco Field Office.
SI - "Security Informant" or "Springfield Field Office".
SJ - San Juan Field Office.
SL - St. Louis Field Office.
Source - A person who provides information to the FBI.
SS - Search Slip.
SSA - Selective Service Act.
SSN - Selective Service Number.
Stats - Statistics.
SU - Salt Lake City Field Office.
SUB or Subj - Subject.
Sulet - Submit Letter.
SUM - Summary.
SUPV - Supervisor.
SV - Savannah Field Office.
SWAT - Special Weapons and Tactics Team T-(followed by a number) - Denotes a
confidential source.
TEPCI - Top Echelon Potential. Criminal Informant.
TESUR - Surveillance conducted via telephone.
TFIS - Theft From Interstate Shipment.
TGP - Theft of Government Property.
TIO - Time in Office.
TOPLEV - Top Level.
TP - Tampa Field Office.
TS - Top Secret. Material of this nature has been determined to cause extreme damage to
national security.
Turn - To become an FBI informant.
U - "Unavailable Reference"or "Unclassified".
UACB - Unless Advised to Contrary by the Bureau.
UCR - Uniform Crime Reports.
UFAC - Unlawful Flight to Avoid Confinement.
UFAP - Unlawful Flight to Avoid Prosecution.
UNSUB - Unknown Subject.
Upgrade - When a decision is made to raise the security level of a document.
USA - United States Attorney.
USC - "United States Court" or "United States Code".
USDS - United States Department of State.
UTL - Unable to Locate.
VIDEM - Vietnam Demonstrations.
WA - With Alias.
WAS - With aliases.
WFO - Washington Field Office.
WLM - Women's Liberation Movement.
WLMBE - When Letter May Be Expected.
WRMBE - When Report May Be Expected.


FOR EXAMPLE: 12-34567-890

The first number is the classification number and tells what type of investigation the
document relates to. 12

The second number is known as the Individual Case Number and are in sequence as to
the number of file
opened in that particular office. 34567

The third number is the document number, or serial number. This indicates in which order
it was placed in
the file. 890

At the FBI Headquarters, either a "0" or "00" is put before the first case appearing in a

"0" files include miscellaneous data or complaints for which there are no need to open a
separate case file.
"00" files contain procedures and policies that relate to classification. If there is a change
pertaining to
classification procedures, that document is put in the "00" file.

But what do all those classification numbers mean? You will find the numbers, along with
detailed descriptions, in the FBI's yearly "Privacy Act" notices in the Federal Register. Over
the years, there are changes to titles or descriptions, but the categories' general essence
usually remains intact.

Below you'll find a comprehensive listing of classification numbers -- including older

categories that are obsolete but have been used in older FBI files. For the sake of
continuity and comprehension, the classification numbers have been kept in order and


1 National Academy Matters

2 Neutrality Matter
3 Destruction or Overthrow of the Government
4 National Firearms Act
5 Income Tax
6 Interstate Transportation of Strikebreakers
7 Kidnapping
8 Migratory Bird Act
9 Extortion Matters
10 Red Cross Act
11 Tax (other than income)
12 Narcotics
13 National Defense Act; Prostitution; Selling Whiskey Within Army Camps, 1920
only (obsolete)
14 Sedition
15 Theft from Interstate Shipment
16 Consolidated into Classification 69
17 Fraud Against the Government - Veterans Administration
18 May Act
19 Censorship Matters
20 Federal Grain Standards Act, 1920 only (obsolete)
21 Food and Drugs
22 National Motor Vehicle Traffic Act, 1922-27 (obsolete)
23 Prohibition
24 Profiteering, 1920-24 (obsolete)
25 Selective Service Act
26 Interstate Transportation of Stolen Motor Vehicles and Stolen Aircraft
27 Patent Matter
28 Copyright Matters
29 Bank Fraud and Embezzlement
30 Interstate Quarantine Law (obsolete)
31 White Slave Traffic Act
32 Fingerprint Matters
33 Uniform Crime Reporting
34 Violation of Lacy Act, 1922-43 (obsolete)
35 Civil Service
36 Mail Fraud
37 False Claim Against the Government, 1922-29 (obsolete)
38 Application for Pardon to Restore Civil Rights, 1921-35 (obsolete)
39 Falsely Claiming Citizenship (obsolete)
40 Passport and Visa Matters
41 Explosives (obsolete)
42 Deserter
43 Illegal Wearing of Uniform
44 Civil Rights
45 Crime on the High Seas
46 Fraud Against the Government
47 Impersonation
48 Postal Violations (except Mail Fraud)
49 National Bankruptcy Act
50 Involuntary Servitude and Slavery
51 Jury Panel Investigation
52 Theft or Destruction of Government Property
53 Excess Profits on Wool, 1918 (obsolete)
54 Customs Laws and Smuggling
55 Counterfeiting
56 Election Laws
57 War Labor Dispute Act (obsolete)
58 Bribery; Conflict of Interest
59 World War Adjusted Compensation Act, 1924-44 (obsolete)
60 Anti-Trust
61 Treason
62 Miscellaneous-Non-subversive
64 Foreign Miscellaneous
65 Espionage
66 Administrative Matters
67 Personnel Matters
68 Alaskan Matters (obsolete)
69 Contempt of Court
70 Crime on Government Reservation
71 Bills of Lading Act
72 Obstruction of Criminal Investigations
73 Application for Pardon
74 Perjury
75 Bondsmen and Sureties
76 Escaped Federal Prisoner
77 Applicants (Special Inquiry, Departmental, Other Gov't Agencies)
78 Illegal use of Government Transportation Requests
79 Missing Persons
80 Laboratory Research Matters, Headquarters
81 Gold Hoarding, 1933-45 (obsolete)
82 War Risk Insurance (obsolete)
83 Claims court
84 Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act (obsolete)
85 Home Owners Loan Corporation (obsolete)
86 Fraud Against the Government - Small Business Administration
87 Interstate Transportation of Stolen Property
88 Unlawful Flight to Avoid Prosecution
89 Assaulting or Killing a Federal Officer
90 Irregularities in Federal Penal Institutions
91 Bank Robbery
92 Racketeering Enterprise Investigations
93 Ascertaining Financial Ability
94 Research Matters
95 Laboratory Examinations
96 Alien Applicants (obsolete)
97 Foreign Agents Registration Act
98 Sabotage
99 Plant Survey (obsolete)
100 Domestic Security
101 Hatch Act (obsolete)
102 Voorhis Act
103 Interstate Transportation of Stolen Cattle
104 Servicemen's Dependents Allowance Act of 1942 (obsolete)
105 Foreign Counterintelligence
106 Alien Enemy Control
107 Denaturalization Proceedings (obsolete)
108 Foreign Travel Control (obsolete)
109 Foreign Political Matters
110 Foreign Economic Matters
111 Foreign Social Conditions
112 Foreign Funds
113 Foreign Military and Naval Matters
114 Alien Property Custodian Matter (obsolete)
115 Bond Default
116 Department of Energy, Applicant
117 Atomic Energy Act
118 Applicant, Central Intelligence Agency (obsolete)
119 Federal Regulation of Lobbying Act
120 Federal Tort Claims Act
121 Loyalty of Government Employees (obsolete)
122 Labor Management Relations Act
123 Special Inquiry, State Department, Voice of America (obsolete)
124 European Recovery Program (obsolete)
125 Railway Labor Act
126 National Security Resources Board (obsolete)
127 Sensitive Positions in the United States Government (obsolete)
128 International Development Program (obsolete)
129 Evacuation Claims (obsolete)
130 Special Inquiry, Armed Forces Security Act (obsolete)
131 Admiralty Matter
132 Special Inquiry, Office of Defense Mobilization (obsolete)
133 National Science Foundation Act Applicant (obsolete)
134 Foreign Counterintelligence Assets
135 PROSAB - Protection of Strategic Air Command Bases of the US Air Force
136 American Legion Contacts (obsolete)
137 Informants
138 Loyalty of Employees of International Organizations
139 Interception of Communications
140 Security of Government Employees
141 False Entries in Records of Interstate Carriers
142 Illegal Use of Railroad Pass
143 Interstate Transportation of Gambling Devices
144 Interstate Transportation of Lottery Tickets
145 Interstate Transportation of Obscene Matter
146 Interstate Transportation of Prison Made Goods
147 Fraud Against the Government-Department of Housing and Urban
148 Interstate Transportation of Fireworks
149 Destruction of Aircraft or Motor Vehicles
150 Harboring of Federal Fugitives, Statistics (obsolete)
151 Referral Cases from Office of Personnel Management, Applicant Loyalty
152 Switchblade Knife Act
153 Automobile Information Disclosure Unit
154 Interstate Transportation of Unsafe Refrigerators
155 National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958
156 Employee Retirement Income Security Act
157 Civil Unrest
158 Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 (obsolete)
159 Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959
160 Federal Train Wreck Statute
161 Special Inquiries for White House, Congressional Committees, and Other
Government Agencies
162 Interstate Gambling Activities
163 Foreign Police Cooperation
164 Crime Aboard Aircraft
165 Interstate Transmission of Wagering Information
166 Interstate Transportation in Aid of Racketeering
167 Destruction of Interstate Property
168 Interstate Transportation of Wagering Paraphernalia
169 Hydraulic Brake Fluid Act (obsolete)
170 Extremist Informants (obsolete)
171 Motor Vehicle Seat Belt Act (obsolete)
172 Sports Bribery
173 Civil Rights Act of 1964
174 Explosives and Incendiary Devices
175 Assaulting, Kidnapping or Killing the President
176 Antiriot Laws
177 Discrimination in Housing
178 Interstate Obscene or Harassing Telephone Calls
179 Extortionate Credit Transactions
180 Desecrationof the Flag
181 Consumer Credit Protection Act
182 Illegal Gambling Business
183 Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations
184 Police Killings
185 Protection of Foreign Officials and Official Guests
186 Real Estate Settlement Procedure Act of 1974
187 Privacy Act of 1974
188 Crime Resistance
189 Equal Credit Opportunity Act
190 Freedom of Information / Privacy Acts
191 False Identity Matter (obsolete)
192 Hobbs Act - Financial Institutions; Commercial Institutions
193 Hobbs Act - Commercial Institutions (obsolete)
194 Hobbs Act - Corruption of Public Officials
195 Hobbs Act - Labor Related
196 Fraud by Wire
197 Civil Actions or Claims Against the Government
198 Crime on Indian Reservations
199 Foreign Counterintelligence - Terrorism
200 Foreign Counterintelligence Matters
201 Foreign Counterintelligence Matters
202 Foreign Counterintelligence Matters
203 Foreign Counterintelligence Matters
205 Foreign Revenue Sharing
205 Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977
206 Fraud Against the Government
207 Fraud Against the Government
208 Fraud Against the Government
209 Fraud Against the Government
210 Fraud Against the Government
211 Ethics in Government Act of 1978
212 Foreign Counterintelligence - Intelligence Community Support
213 Fraud Against the Government
214 Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act
215-229 Foreign Counterintelligence Matters
230-240 FBI Training Matters
241 DEA Applicant Investigations
242 Automation Matters
243 Intelligence Identities Protection Act of 1982
244 Hostage Rescue Team
245 Drug Investigative Task Force
246-248 Foreign Counterintelligence Matters
249 Toxic Waste Matters
250 Tampering with Consumer Products
251 Controlled Substances
252 National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime/Violent Criminal Apprehension
Program - NCAVC/VI-CAP
253 Fraud and Related Activity in Connection with Identification Documents
254 Destruction of Energy Facilities
255 Counterfeiting of State and Corporate Securities
256 Hostage Taking - Terrorism
257 Trademark Counterfeiting Act of 1984258 Credit and/or Debit Card Fraud
259 Security Clearance Investigations Program
260 Industrial Security Program
261 Security Office Matters
262 Overseas Homicide - Attempted Homicide
263 OPR - Office of Professional Responsibility Matters
264 Computer Fraud and Abuse
265 Acts of Terrorism in the United States - International Terrorists
266 Acts of Terrorism in the United States - Domestic Terrorists
267 Drug-Related Homicide. Title 21, U.S. Code, Section 848(e).
268 Engineering Technical Matters--FCI.
269 Engineering Technical Matters--Non-FCI.
270 Cooperative Witnesses.
271 Foreign Counterintelligence Matters. Attorney General Guidelines
on Foreign Counterintelligence. Executive Order 11905.
272 Money Laundering. Title 18, U.S. Code, Sections 1956 and 1957.
273 Adoptive Forfeiture Matter--Drug. Forfeiture
274 Adoptive Forfeiture Matter--Organized Crime. (Same explanation as 273.)
275 Adoptive Forfeiture Matter--White Collar Crime.
276 Adoptive Forfeiture Matter--Violent Crime/Major Offenders Program.
277 Adoptive Forfeiture Matter--Counterterrorism Program.
278 Presidents Intelligence Oversight Board. Executive Order 12334.
279 Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989.
280 Equal Employment Opportunity Investigations.
281 Organized Crime Drug Investigations.


1 National Academy Matters

2 Neutrality Matter
3 Destruction or Overthrow of the Government
4 National Firearms Act
5 Income Tax
6 Interstate Transportation of Strikebreakers
7 Kidnapping
8 Migratory Bird Act
9 Extortion Matters
10 Red Cross Act
11 Tax (other than income)
12 Narcotics
13 National Defense Act; Prostitution; Selling Whiskey Within Army Camps, 1920
only (obsolete)
14 Sedition
15 Theft from Interstate Shipment
16 Consolidated into Classification 69
17 Fraud Against the Government - Veterans Administration
18 May Act
19 Censorship Matters
20 Federal Grain Standards Act, 1920 only (obsolete)
21 Food and Drugs
22 National Motor Vehicle Traffic Act, 1922-27 (obsolete)
23 Prohibition
24 Profiteering, 1920-24 (obsolete)
25 Selective Service Act
26 Interstate Transportation of Stolen Motor Vehicles and Stolen Aircraft
27 Patent Matter
28 Copyright Matters
29 Bank Fraud and Embezzlement
30 Interstate Quarantine Law (obsolete)
31 White Slave Traffic Act
32 Fingerprint Matters
33 Uniform Crime Reporting
34 Violation of Lacy Act, 1922-43 (obsolete)
35 Civil Service
36 Mail Fraud
37 False Claim Against the Government, 1922-29 (obsolete)
38 Application for Pardon to Restore Civil Rights, 1921-35 (obsolete)
39 Falsely Claiming Citizenship (obsolete)
40 Passport and Visa Matters
41 Explosives (obsolete)
42 Deserter
43 Illegal Wearing of Uniform
44 Civil Rights
45 Crime on the High Seas
46 Fraud Against the Government
47 Impersonation
48 Postal Violations (except Mail Fraud)
49 National Bankruptcy Act
50 Involuntary Servitude and Slavery
51 Jury Panel Investigation
52 Theft or Destruction of Government Property
53 Excess Profits on Wool, 1918 (obsolete)
54 Customs Laws and Smuggling
55 Counterfeiting
56 Election Laws
57 War Labor Dispute Act (obsolete)
58 Bribery; Conflict of Interest
59 World War Adjusted Compensation Act, 1924-44 (obsolete)
60 Anti-Trust
61 Treason
62 Miscellaneous-Non-subversive
64 Foreign Miscellaneous
65 Espionage
66 Administrative Matters
67 Personnel Matters
68 Alaskan Matters (obsolete)
69 Contempt of Court
70 Crime on Government Reservation
71 Bills of Lading Act
72 Obstruction of Criminal Investigations
73 Application for Pardon
74 Perjury
75 Bondsmen and Sureties
76 Escaped Federal Prisoner
77 Applicants (Special Inquiry, Departmental, Other Gov't Agencies)
78 Illegal use of Government Transportation Requests
79 Missing Persons
80 Laboratory Research Matters, Headquarters
81 Gold Hoarding, 1933-45 (obsolete)
82 War Risk Insurance (obsolete)
83 Claims court
84 Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act (obsolete)
85 Home Owners Loan Corporation (obsolete)
86 Fraud Against the Government - Small Business Administration
87 Interstate Transportation of Stolen Property
88 Unlawful Flight to Avoid Prosecution
89 Assaulting or Killing a Federal Officer
90 Irregularities in Federal Penal Institutions
91 Bank Robbery
92 Racketeering Enterprise Investigations
93 Ascertaining Financial Ability
94 Research Matters
95 Laboratory Examinations
96 Alien Applicants (obsolete)
97 Foreign Agents Registration Act
98 Sabotage
99 Plant Survey (obsolete)
100 Domestic Security
101 Hatch Act (obsolete)
102 Voorhis Act
103 Interstate Transportation of Stolen Cattle
104 Servicemen's Dependents Allowance Act of 1942 (obsolete)
105 Foreign Counterintelligence
106 Alien Enemy Control
107 Denaturalization Proceedings (obsolete)
108 Foreign Travel Control (obsolete)
109 Foreign Political Matters
110 Foreign Economic Matters
111 Foreign Social Conditions
112 Foreign Funds
113 Foreign Military and Naval Matters
114 Alien Property Custodian Matter (obsolete)
115 Bond Default
116 Department of Energy, Applicant
117 Atomic Energy Act
118 Applicant, Central Intelligence Agency (obsolete)
119 Federal Regulation of Lobbying Act
120 Federal Tort Claims Act
121 Loyalty of Government Employees (obsolete)
122 Labor Management Relations Act
123 Special Inquiry, State Department, Voice of America (obsolete)
124 European Recovery Program (obsolete)
125 Railway Labor Act
126 National Security Resources Board (obsolete)
127 Sensitive Positions in the United States Government (obsolete)
128 International Development Program (obsolete)
129 Evacuation Claims (obsolete)
130 Special Inquiry, Armed Forces Security Act (obsolete)
131 Admiralty Matter
132 Special Inquiry, Office of Defense Mobilization (obsolete)
133 National Science Foundation Act Applicant (obsolete)
134 Foreign Counterintelligence Assets
135 PROSAB - Protection of Strategic Air Command Bases of the US Air Force
136 American Legion Contacts (obsolete)
137 Informants
138 Loyalty of Employees of International Organizations
139 Interception of Communications
140 Security of Government Employees
141 False Entries in Records of Interstate Carriers
142 Illegal Use of Railroad Pass
143 Interstate Transportation of Gambling Devices
144 Interstate Transportation of Lottery Tickets
145 Interstate Transportation of Obscene Matter
146 Interstate Transportation of Prison Made Goods
147 Fraud Against the Government-Department of Housing and Urban
148 Interstate Transportation of Fireworks
149 Destruction of Aircraft or Motor Vehicles
150 Harboring of Federal Fugitives, Statistics (obsolete)
151 Referral Cases from Office of Personnel Management, Applicant Loyalty
152 Switchblade Knife Act
153 Automobile Information Disclosure Unit
154 Interstate Transportation of Unsafe Refrigerators
155 National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958
156 Employee Retirement Income Security Act
157 Civil Unrest
158 Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 (obsolete)
159 Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959
160 Federal Train Wreck Statute
161 Special Inquiries for White House, Congressional Committees, and Other
Government Agencies
162 Interstate Gambling Activities
163 Foreign Police Cooperation
164 Crime Aboard Aircraft
165 Interstate Transmission of Wagering Information
166 Interstate Transportation in Aid of Racketeering
167 Destruction of Interstate Property
168 Interstate Transportation of Wagering Paraphernalia
169 Hydraulic Brake Fluid Act (obsolete)
170 Extremist Informants (obsolete)
171 Motor Vehicle Seat Belt Act (obsolete)
172 Sports Bribery
173 Civil Rights Act of 1964
174 Explosives and Incendiary Devices
175 Assaulting, Kidnapping or Killing the President
176 Antiriot Laws
177 Discrimination in Housing
178 Interstate Obscene or Harassing Telephone Calls
179 Extortionate Credit Transactions
180 Desecrationof the Flag
181 Consumer Credit Protection Act
182 Illegal Gambling Business
183 Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations
184 Police Killings
185 Protection of Foreign Officials and Official Guests
186 Real Estate Settlement Procedure Act of 1974
187 Privacy Act of 1974
188 Crime Resistance
189 Equal Credit Opportunity Act
190 Freedom of Information / Privacy Acts
191 False Identity Matter (obsolete)
192 Hobbs Act - Financial Institutions; Commercial Institutions
193 Hobbs Act - Commercial Institutions (obsolete)
194 Hobbs Act - Corruption of Public Officials
195 Hobbs Act - Labor Related
196 Fraud by Wire
197 Civil Actions or Claims Against the Government
198 Crime on Indian Reservations
199 Foreign Counterintelligence - Terrorism
200 Foreign Counterintelligence Matters
201 Foreign Counterintelligence Matters
202 Foreign Counterintelligence Matters
203 Foreign Counterintelligence Matters
205 Foreign Revenue Sharing
205 Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977
206 Fraud Against the Government
207 Fraud Against the Government
208 Fraud Against the Government
209 Fraud Against the Government
210 Fraud Against the Government
211 Ethics in Government Act of 1978
212 Foreign Counterintelligence - Intelligence Community Support
213 Fraud Against the Government
214 Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act
215-229 Foreign Counterintelligence Matters
230-240 FBI Training Matters
241 DEA Applicant Investigations
242 Automation Matters
243 Intelligence Identities Protection Act of 1982
244 Hostage Rescue Team
245 Drug Investigative Task Force
246-248 Foreign Counterintelligence Matters
249 Toxic Waste Matters
250 Tampering with Consumer Products
251 Controlled Substances
252 National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime/Violent Criminal Apprehension
Program - NCAVC/VI-CAP
253 Fraud and Related Activity in Connection with Identification Documents
254 Destruction of Energy Facilities
255 Counterfeiting of State and Corporate Securities
256 Hostage Taking - Terrorism
257 Trademark Counterfeiting Act of 1984258 Credit and/or Debit Card Fraud
259 Security Clearance Investigations Program
260 Industrial Security Program
261 Security Office Matters
262 Overseas Homicide - Attempted Homicide
263 OPR - Office of Professional Responsibility Matters
264 Computer Fraud and Abuse
265 Acts of Terrorism in the United States - International Terrorists
266 Acts of Terrorism in the United States - Domestic Terrorists
267 Drug-Related Homicide. Title 21, U.S. Code, Section 848(e).
268 Engineering Technical Matters--FCI.
269 Engineering Technical Matters--Non-FCI.
270 Cooperative Witnesses.
271 Foreign Counterintelligence Matters. Attorney General Guidelines
on Foreign Counterintelligence. Executive Order 11905.
272 Money Laundering. Title 18, U.S. Code, Sections 1956 and 1957.
273 Adoptive Forfeiture Matter--Drug. Forfeiture
274 Adoptive Forfeiture Matter--Organized Crime. (Same explanation as 273.)
275 Adoptive Forfeiture Matter--White Collar Crime.
276 Adoptive Forfeiture Matter--Violent Crime/Major Offenders Program.
277 Adoptive Forfeiture Matter--Counterterrorism Program.
278 Presidents Intelligence Oversight Board. Executive Order 12334.
279 Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989.
280 Equal Employment Opportunity Investigations.
281 Organized Crime Drug Investigations.

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