A Field Guide To Manufactured Explosives
A Field Guide To Manufactured Explosives
A Field Guide To Manufactured Explosives
A Field Guide To Manufactured Explosives Here is a complete, modern guide to making 45 different explosives for unconventional warfare applications. Includes vital safety guidelines, step-by-step procedures, a breakdown of explosive components, explosives to avoid, a useful glossary and more. For academic study only. Posted in Explosives Handbooks
A Review of Energetic Materials Synthesis Heterocycles generally have a higher heat of formation, density, and oxygen balance than their carbocyclic analogues. This study will concentrate on the synthesis of heterocycles. Posted in Explosives Handbooks
A Small-Scale Screening Test For He Performance: Application To The New Explosive Llm-105* Describes a smallscaletest that permits a preliminary characterization of the performance of a new explosive using only a few grams of material. We have performed the test on several explosives in common use. Posted in Explosives Handbooks
The purpose of this manual is to provide the average prospective user with a structured, understandable, illustrated manual in the handling and use of explosives. Posted in Explosives Handbooks
Chemistry and Technology of Explosives Vol. 1-4 The four Chemistry and Technology of Explosives Volumes represent one of the single most comprehensive and reliable sets of information on the wide field of explosives. This information is presented in an easy to read format with extensive use of plain-english. A perfect start for one wishing to gain a thorough and wide ranging understanding on the chemistry and technology of explosives. Posted in Explosives Handbooks
Encyclopedia Of Explosives And Related Items The most complete, comprehensive, and thorough reference textbook ever written on explosives, propellants, pyrotechnics, and ammunition. No other work on explosives published after this Encyclopedia even comes close to the level of information it contains. Posted in Explosives Handbooks
Evaluation Of New Explosives And Explosive Mixtures Evaluation Of New Explosives And Explosive Mixtures provides an excellent overview to explosives and methods for which to evaluate and test them. Posted in Explosives Handbooks
Explosives and Demolitions This course handbook teaches how to determine the amount of explosives needed to form abatis obstacles, remove tree stumps, and cut timber using internal tamped, external tamped, and ring charges. It includes all formulas for four common explosives. Posted in Explosives Handbooks
Explosives and Explosions Powerpoint Explosives, Explosions and Propellants Powerpoint presentation. This powerpoint presentation covers a range of explosives, propellants and their explosive effects. Posted in Explosives Handbooks
Explosives Explained Contains a large array of explosive recipes and syntheses for a range of high explosives, primaries and low explosives. Well formatted and easy to read. Posted in Explosives Handbooks
Explosives: Nature, Use, Effects, And Applications The purpose of this handbook is to provide a general understanding of the nature of explosions and explosives. It is intended not as a textbook or technical manual, but as a source of background information for police, security, and other law enforcement officials finding themselves involved in the prevention and control of the illegal use of explosives. Posted in Explosives Handbooks
Field Expedient Methods for Explosives Preparation Field Expedient Methods for Explosives Preparation takes explosive synthesis to the field. This handbook is designed primarily for the combatant under pressure and in need of explosives with minimal resources. Posted in Explosives Handbooks
Gerald L. HURST's Chemistry and Explosives Gerald L. Hurst, AKA Jerry (Ico), is a Cambridge Ph.D. chemist with experience in explosives and fire-related matters, having been Chief Scientist of the Atlas Powder Company, the then largest explosives manufacturer in the U.S.: he developed the trade secret formulas for Liquid Paper (Gillette), patented the so-called Mylar balloons (the metallized helium balloons found in super- markets), Astrolite A-1-5 (coinventor) and the best-known Kinepak binary explosive. He has an extensive forensic experience in arson/murder cases dating back 30 years: much of his present work involves the analysis of fires and explosions to determine the cause and origin. Posted in Explosives Handbooks
Considers the manufacture and application of commercial explosives and their accessories.. Deals with the fundamental aspects of the subject and considers the basis of the design and performance of explosives. Accounts of military explosives and their uses are also included.. Posted in Explosives Handbooks
Home and Recreational Use of High Explosives This is a must have for those people interested in explosives. It teaches how to safely handle, store, and use explosives. It also teaches the set-ups for fusing and demolition techniques. There is also a section for use on breaching steel, timber, trees, mining, creek diversion and stump removal. Posted in Explosives Handbooks
Improvised Explosives Improvised Explosives by Seymour Lecker has chapters on easily obtainable substances, how to mix them to make explosive substances, chapter 3 has diagrams of fuses and detonators, chapter 4 is on chemical timers, chapter 5 electrical timers, chapters 6 and 7 on ways to put them all together to make various types of improvised explosive devices and booby trap devices. Contains loads of clear diagrams throughout the book to explain the text. Posted in Explosives Handbooks
Improvised Munitions Black Books Vols. I, II, and III Improvised Munitions Black Books Vols. I, II, and III. Material on explosives, rockets, chemical mixtures, how to build devices, and how to aquire ingredients, whatever your specific interests in improvised munitions is, youll find it in this series of books.
Improvised Munitions Handbook (Improvised Explosive Devices or IEDs) U.S. Army technical manual on making explosives, sabotage devices, firearms, etc. from available materials. Chapter include: Explosives and Propellants; Mines and Grenades; Small Arms Weapons; Mortars and Rockets (for example: a cardboard container grenade launcher); Incendiary Devices; Fuses; Detonators and Delay Mechanisms. Illustrated. Posted in Explosives Handbooks
Kitchen Improvised Plastic Explosives, Blasting Caps and Fertilizer Explosives This collection of books by Tim Lewis present tried and true home production methods for various military grade plastic explosives out of commonly available materials, the production of blasting caps to detonate these explosives, and fertilizer explosives as as alternative. Posted in Explosives Handbooks
Military Explosives And Demolitions The purpose of this manual is to provide technical information on explosives used by United States military forces and their most frequent applications. Posted in Explosives Handbooks
Ordnance And Explosives Response This manual provides the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) personnel with the procedures to be used to perform engineering and design activities for all phases of Ordnance and Explosives (OE) response actions. Posted in Explosives Handbooks
Selectable Initiation Shaped Charges Several initiation-based selectable detonation techniques have been developed to allow shaped charge warheads to achieve not only deep penetration, but also to exhibit enhanced lethality effects against light armored targets, geologic materials and in a variety of demolition applications. This paper demonstrates all aspects of this explosives development and testing. Posted in Explosives Handbooks
The Anarchy Files An Illustrated Handbook on the Art and Science of Things that Go Boom The Anarchy Files is a collection of explosives and related recipes. It is similar to The Anarchist Cookbook. It deals with such topics as Fuses, explosive casings, high & low explosive compounds, smoke, producing loud report explosions and much more. Posted in Explosives Handbooks
The Chemistry of Powder and Explosives Originally published in 1941-1943, this book contains both Volume I and Volume II. Although primarily aimed at chemists and students of explosives, Davis includes much on black powder and fireworks. In addition, there are chapters on smokeless powders, high explosives, detonators, and primers. Well illustrated, many photographs, numerous pyrotechnic formulas. 502 pages. Posted in Explosives Handbooks
The Makeshift Arsenal The Makeshift Arsenal, written by lowry, presents a multitude of dangerous explosive mixtures, weapons and other such devices. It is an honest account of life in the day of a redneck providing quality ideas throughout humorousones Posted in Explosives Handbooks
Warheads Royal School Of Artillery Basic Science & Technology This document dissects the warhead and missile in an illustrated, basic approach. This paper also deals with such specifics as types of explosive used, computer system and engine. Posted in Explosives Handbooks