Causes of Bipolar Disorder
Causes of Bipolar Disorder
Causes of Bipolar Disorder
What this fact sheet covers: Factors involved in developing bipolar disorder Where to get help for bipolar disorder Key points to remember Where to get more information Introduction While the exact causes of bipolar disorder are not yet fully understood, we do know that it is primarily a biological illness. However, its onset is often linked to stressful life events. There are a number of factors that are believed to play a role in developing bipolar disorder including genetics, brain chemicals, environmental factors and sometimes medical illnesses. Genetics Bipolar disorder is frequently inherited, with genetic factors accounting for approximately 80% of the cause of the condition. If one parent has bipolar disorder, there is a 10% chance that his or her child will develop the illness. If both parents have bipolar disorder the likelihood of their child developing the illness rises to 40%. However, just because one family member has the illness, it is not necessarily the case that other family members will also develop the illness. The following factors might also be involved in the onset of bipolar disorder. Brain chemicals A recent theory about the cause of bipolar disorder is that it is related to abnormal serotonin chemistry in the brain. Serotonin is one of the neurotransmitters in the brain, and one that strongly affects a persons mood. It is thought that the abnormal serotonin levels causes mood swings because of its feedback effect on other brain chemicals. It is unlikely, however, that serotonin is the only neurotransmitter involved; other neurotransmitters are also likely to play a role. Environmental Factors While the onset of bipolar disorder may be linked to stressful life events, it is unlikely that stress itself is a cause of bipolar disorder. Despite this, people who suffer from bipolar disorder often find it beneficial to discover ways of managing and reducing stress in their lives as emotional pressure is often a trigger for relapse. Seasonal factors appear to play a role in the onset of bipolar disorder, with the likelihood of onset increasing in spring. The rapid increase in hours of bright sunshine is thought to trigger depression and mania (a severely high mood where an individual often experiences delusions and/or hallucinations) or hypomania (a less severe high without any delusions and/or hallucinations) by affecting the pineal gland (which is responsible for the release of melatonin).
This Fact Sheet may be freely downloaded, copied or distributed on condition no change is made to the content. The information in this Fact Sheet is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Updated October 2012.
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Black Dog Institute Hospital Road, Prince of Wales Hospital, Randwick NSW 2031 (02) 9382 4530 / (02) 9382 4523 Email: [email protected]
This Fact Sheet may be freely downloaded, copied or distributed on condition no change is made to the content. The information in this Fact Sheet is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Updated October 2012.