Intermittens #6: Lesser Poop
Intermittens #6: Lesser Poop
Intermittens #6: Lesser Poop
Magazine of Discordia
bad jokes
very short stories
screw with your brain
scatological humor
misleading covers
delicious pies
how to eat
dog poop!
issue # 6
23% of Americans
think that
defecating is as
uplifting as church.
But the connection
runs much deeper
than that.
incorporates the notion that absurdity is a rational
response to an increasingly absurd world. Discordians hold
nothing sacred but fun, which they defend with territorial
pissings and monkey noises. They take their cues from
Eris, the Greek Goddess of Confusion, who started the
Trojan war by throwing a Golden Apple (representing
human desire) into the midst of Olympian divinity. Eris has
been sleeping for many centuries, but she has returned to
help us transcend the season of Bureaucracy and stand
hand in hand in Aftermath. Watch out for flying lasagna.
KSC OJC FOOP ASS WOMP his is the "Bathroom Reader" edition of
edited by Cramulus Intermittens. It is meant to be left in
bathrooms, restrooms, water closets,
any place where people are sitting
around and contemplating life. 4 Awful Jokes
8 Short Stories
I'm not a religious man, but I think I 10 Space Dockers
know the Divine when I see it. Going to 11 Sensory Tricks
the bathroom is something we have in 21 Jokeland
common with all humanity, and maybe 22 Discordian Magique Spells
even with God. Medieval serfs did it. 23 Emergency Toilet Paper
People a thousand years from now will 24 Limericks
still do it. Cave men did it. In fact, they 25 In the Foosteps of Omar
did it better than us. We have much to 25 Return of Who Killed the Lulz?
learn from our ancestors. 26 Exercises to Mindfuck Yourself
31 Jinn Gin
If you're sitting on the john, make a 32 8 Circuit Limericks
pact with yourself right now. Make this 32 St. George of the Bubbling Fnords
the greatest poop you've ever created.
Or at least, try your best. Just don't
half ass it. They say: If you can poop
well you can live well.
is a kopyleft Discordian magazine. You're welcome to print
it, photocopy it, remix it, do whatever you want with it.
Please give credit where credit is due. Most of the images
were "made" by Cramulus in some sense. The text was
mainly cobbled it together from stuff submitted at and the principiadiscordia forums, a group
of people who are all about mind bending projects and
scatological adventures.
For more shenanigans, go to, and
Intermittens: Lesser Poop
Awful Jokes
loke goes to the doctors. Q: What's worse than finding a worm in your apple?
A: Finding half a worm in your apple!
Bloke: Doctor, I feel like a moth.
Doctor: Well, I think you need a Q: What's worse than half a worm in your apple?
psychiatrist not a doctor. A: The Holocaust.
Bloke: Yes, I know.
Doctor: So why are you here then?
Bloke: The light was on. Q: What do you call an Arab who flies a plane?
A: A pilot, you fucking racist.
Issue #6 April 2009 Discord 3175
Intermittens: Lesser Poop
omewhere in the warmer parts of the Pacific A man's wife had been in a coma
Ocean a cruise ship sank, and all the crew in hospital for some time. As part of
and passengers died except for three her continued care, her sheets were
people. Those three were all passengers changed often and she was given
from the cheap rooms, two men and one sponge baths by a nurse.
woman who managed to make it to a lifeboat. During one of the sponge baths, the nurse noticed
They drifted for a day or so before washing up on the wife reacted slightly when her private parts were
an deserted island. After landing, they soon had washed.
built a rudimentary shelter and found all the food The nurse spoke to the husband and explained
and water they'd need to subsist indeffinietly. that she had an unconventional idea that might bring
Now feeling much more at ease in their new his wife out of the coma. She explained the reaction
primitive paradise, they all realized how horny and suggested that the husband should try oral sex
they were. with his wife.
The two men had something of a He quickly decided to give it a try, and shut the
disgareement over who would parnter with their door for some privacy. After a few minutes, the
female companion, (She cast no vote herself, not alarms on the life support equipment began to
wanting to contribute to further unrest), until they sound. The nurse rushed into the room and was
hit upon a solution. Each male would switch off shocked to find that wife was dead!
weekly partnering with the woman, thus satisfying "What happened!" screamed the nurse.
all parties as best possible under the "I don't know," said the husband. "She must have
circumstances. choked!"
No rescue attempts located them,
and they lived happily on the island for two years.
Until one day the woman died. What do you call a cross between a deer and a
The first week after her death was bad. pickle?
The second was worse. A dill-doe.
The third sucked.
The fourth week, things finally got so awful, the
two men had no choice any longer, and had to A doe walked outta the woods and said "I'd never do
bury her. that for 2 bucks again"
Issue #6 April 2009 Discord 3175
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
The police. I'm afraid there's been an accident.
Your husband is in hospital.
Continued on page 12
Intermittens: Lesser Poop
Clowns, Jenne, Ratatosk, Triple Zero, Philly Fillet,
Sheered Völva, Quercus, The Good Rev Roger,
Videodrome, and Hoopla.
As Jack found the artifact, he wondered whether My cats think I've gone mad. But I'll
back into its intestinal tract and causing a mild
diarrhea, he pondered the ramifications of his It was a very quick tumble down the stairs. Much
latest exploit. His real father would have faster than I had anticipated. But the slide down the
understood the importance of fertilizer. bannister, THAT, briefly, was epic.
After taking another bite from my bagel, I asked Max was confused. "It worked last time", he assured
the other one, "So this is mutual, right? You're his now restless audience. Maybe he wasn't using
not being forced into it?" She said enough goat blood.
it was a mutual agreement, and I always liked
with that they were married. I
cheerfully told them to fuck off, children. That is, It was another crazy Monday
and then it dawned on me that I
had sealed a lesbian marriage
until the operation. Morning. Mother loaded me into the
cannon, per usual. Someone must
between two non-lesbians. have monkeyed with the positioning because this
time I ran smack into a tree.
Jack Chick knelt before the alien brass idol. Continued on page 16
"Was the last comic sufficient, master?" The
reply, apparently negative, was a horrible flash of
light which caused the aging cartoonist to twist
on the floor in seizure.
Intermittens: Lesser Poop
Space Dockers!™
(look it up)
SLACK for the Astro-Age!™
by Philly Fillet
A puberty-stricken boy, TIMMY, is playing
video games.
Feces Christ. Fact: it’s been
knock, knock, knockin’ on
heaven’s door since your last
supper. You must poop!
The boy looks at the camera, and gasps in shock. That’s right, Timmy, you can save
time pooping and get back to
[Timmy] mindless slaughter in no time!
You’re right! But I’m almost to six
million points in my new action [Timmy]
shooter, "Lollercaust". If only I But won’t people make fun of me
could poop faster! for wearing them in public?
[V.O.] [V.O.]
Now you can! --with new Space Poppycock! Space Dockers are all
Dockers brand pants! the rage! AND they come in a
variety of styles:
The pants are displayed with a round-the-
crotch zipper. SLACKS - for the working man;
DENIM - for the rebel without
[V.O. (Cont.)] a pause;
Space Dockers are the only SLACKS KHAKIS - for relaxed movement;
that feature Astro-age, anti- and even CORDUROY - if you’re
gravity zipper technology, allowing a spag!
Space Dockers to have a zipper that
starts in the front and keeps on [Timmy]
trucking! Awesome! Here I come, economic
As the pants are displayed, the zipper is
demonstrated as going from the front to the [V.O.]
back waistband of the crotch. Space Dockers™: “Prepare for
But that means...
Issue #6 April 2009 Discord 3175
start twisting it
back and forth
as fast as you
can. (Do NOT
actually do this
with a light
with Richter bulb or socket,
btw.) Let your
Sitting there bored? Since you’re reading this, it’s a fingers flail out.
safe bet you have a mostly functional central, and (if After a few
you’re lucky) peripheral nervous system. Public seconds, the air
masturbation is NOT endorsed, but there are a rushing against
couple other bugs in that meat machine that you can your fingers
have some fun exploiting. These are quirks that are and blood
great fun to appreciate, savor, and look silly while rushing in to
testing. People are certain to ask what you’re up to, your fingers
which is a great way to get them doing something will produce
silly too. the weirdest
sensation of “soft” on your fingertips.
Intermittens: Lesser Poop
Anti-Humor (con't)
Two fish are in a tank, one says to the other "You
Q: Why do women fake orgasms?
operate the cannon, I'll drive."
A: Because they want to give men the impression
that they have climaxed.
Two old grannies at the café having a coffee. One
says to the other "Did you come on the bus?"
Q: Why are there no aspirin in the jungle?
The other says, "Yeah but I pretended it was an
A: Because it would not be financially viable to
asthma attack."
attempt to sell Pharmaceuticals in the largely
unpopulated rainforest.
Two old ladies meet outside their nursing home
for a smoke. As they each start their second
Two men are sitting in a pub. One man turns to the
cigarette, it begins to rain. The first lady, undeterred,
other and says: 'Last night I saw lots of strange men
pulls out a condom, deftly removes the tip with
coming in and out of your wife's house.' The other
sewing scissors, rolls it over her smoke, and takes
man replies: 'Yes, she has become a prostitute to
another drag.
subsidise her drug habit.'
The second little old lady sees this, and is
"Where do you get those funny rubber things?" ,
Two cows are in a field. Suddenly, from behind a
she asks. "I could sure use some."
bush, a rabbit leaps out and runs away. One cow
"They're called condoms. I get them at the
looks round a bit, eats some grass and then wanders
pharmacists, but you have to ask at the counter for
them.", her friend replies.
So the little old lady heads to the pharmacy, and
goes to the counter.
Q: How do you stop a clown from laughing?
"Good afternoon,", says the pharmacist, "What
A: Hit him in the face with an axe
can I help you with?"
"I'd like a pack of condoms.", she tells him.
The pharmacist is somewhat taken aback at this,
but remains professional. "What size would you like,
Ok, ok, you guys, this is a great one. Ok, How does
an OCTOPUS go to WAR? Anybody? Huh? Huh?
"Oh, I don't know", say the elderly lady, "What's
*snicker* An OCTOPUS going to WAR, how does
the right size
he do it? *giggle* Do you know? Anybody know?
for a Camel?"
Ok, here it is -- this is a great one guys -- he goes to
wa--wait, let me repeat the question. How does an
OCTOPUS go to WAR? ................. ARMED!
Bwahahahahaaaa!!!! Get it?? Get it??? LOL LOL
LOLOL!! It's an OCTOPUS, and he goes to war
ARMED ..... because the octopus-- octopi, they have--
don't you get it?
Issue #6 April 2009 Discord 3175
A guy walks into a bakery and orders a cake another three days.
shaped like the letter "B" three more days pass and the guy returns to the
The baker says, "well, I think I can do that, but bakery and the baker shows him the cake.
it'll take a few days." "oh man, that's perfect. that's exactly what I
The guy says, "that's fine, I'm in no hurry." wanted," the guy said.
Three days go by and the man returns to the "you want i should box that up for you then?"
bakery. said the baker.
The baker presents him with the cake and says, "no, I'll just eat it here."
"well, what do you think?"
The guy says, "oh geez- it's really nice and all,
but I forgot to explain that what I really needed The insane boy put his finger into the sky and
was a cake shaped like a lower case 'b' - I'll gladly asks his father what is there.
pay you for all the extra trouble" "Its a plane, son."
The baker says that's fine and to come back in "Daddy, I want his meat."
Intermittens: Lesser Poop
Dave and Chris are seated either side of a table in a I've told you about your sex After a long night of
rough pub when a well-dressed man enters, orders a life! drinking, the first poop I
beer and sits on a stool at the bar. The two builders I see! That's pretty take in the morning is a
start to speculate about the occupation of the suit... impressive... thanks mate! highly concentrated vessel
Both leave the toilet and of pure evil. I actually feel
I reckon he's an accountant. Dave returns to his mate. guilty for releasing it into
: No way - he's a geologist. I see the Suit was in the world. But what I feel
He ain't no geologist! A geologist wouldn't come there. Did you ask him good about is that even on
in here! what he does? a bad day, I still get more
Yep! He's a logical evil done before breakfast
The argument repeats itself for some time until the scientist! than most people do all
volume of beer gets the better of Dave and he makes What's that then? week.
for the toilet. On entering the toilet he sees that the suit I'll try and explain.
is standing at a urinal. Curiosity and the several beers Do you have a goldfish?
get the better of the builder... Nope
Well then, you're a wanker
Scuse me.... no offence meant, but me and me
mate were wondering what you do for a living?
No offence taken! I'm a Logical Scientist by Q: What do you call a Spaniard who loses his car?
profession! A: Carlos!
Oh! What's that then?
: I'll try to explain by example ...Do you have a
goldfish at home? A circus owner is at home and hears a knock at the
Er....mmm....well yeah, I do as it happens! door. Opening it, he finds a man standing there with a
Well, it's logical to follow that you keep it in a carrier bag in his hand.
bowl or in a pond. Which is it? "Can I help you?" the circus owner asks.
It's in a pond! "Yes," replies the man, "I have a great act which will
Well then it's reasonable to suppose that you be a hit with your circus."
have a large garden then? "And what would that be?" he asks.
As it happens, yes I have got a big garden! "I am the man that can feel no pain" he declares.
Well then it's logical to assume that in this town if "Hit me, burn me - I feel no pain."
you have a large garden then you have a large house? The man reaches into his carrier bag and hands the
As it happens I've got a five bedroom circus owner a large hammer.
house...built it myself! "Go on." says the man "Hit me on the head with it."
Well given that you've built a five-bedroom house "But..."
it is logical to assume that you haven't built it just for "It's all right," says the man, "I'll feel no pain. Go on."
yourself and that you are quite probably married? The circus owner takes the hammer and delivers
Yes I am married, I live with my wife and three the most restrained tap to the man's head. The man
children. yelps, clasps his head and falls to the ground. The
Well then it is logical to assume that you are circus owner, frantic with worry, calls for an ambulance
sexually active with your wife on a regular basis? and soon the man is taken to hospital. He goes into a
Yep! Four nights a week! coma.
Well then it is logical to suggest that you do not The circus owner, overwhelmed with guilt, visits the
masturbate very often? man every night and sits by his bedside. After three
Me? Never months, the man sits bolt upright in his bed and goes
Well there you are! That's logical science at "Ta-Daaaaaaaaa!"
How's that then? Q: Why don't blind people like to sky dive?
Well from finding out that you had a goldfish, A: Because it scares the dog.
Issue #6 April 2009 Discord 3175
MSBNC has just won the rights to screen the first There's this young teenage girl who's parents are
World Origami Championships from Tokyo. out of town for the weekend, and she has her
Unfortunately it's only available on Paper View boyfriend over to hang out.
Like any hot blooded young couple, they are
There's an Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman. taking the opportunity to do the Nasty on the couch.
They are all trapped in a jail cell. Eventually they all It should be mentioned that this is the parent's new
starved to death. couch. A new, pristine white, cloth couch.
Oh yeah, they're doing it anal too.
A guy is in a pub with his sister, karaoke night. At As they finish up, the aforementioned abused
some point he goes and takes the mic, and says "Right, sphincter is a bit fatigued form the vigorous action it
I know this isn't exactly karaoke, but this is my sister's has just endured, and there is a loss of control.
birthday today, and I'd like us all to sing 'happy On the Couch. On the new, pristine white, cloth
birthday' to her" couch.
The crowd cheers for the sister and everybody Well, needless to say, the rest of the weekend
sings happy birthday to her, while she looks slightly involves the young couple trying every cleaning
embarassed. product in existence to remove the brown staining,
Once the song is finished, the guy takes the mic but nothing does the trick, this stain is not going
once again and says: anywhere. The girl's parents come home, notice the
"I'd like to thank you all. Actually it isn't exactly her stain, and ask what happened to the couch.
birthday today, but it's been a year exactly that she's Our young heroine is dumbfounded. She can't
been off the methadone." admit her carnal sins to her parents, so she stammers
out the first feasible thing. "The Dog did it."
There once was a woman from Prague Her parent's don't say anything to her, and don't
Whose forehead was shaped like a book raise any fuss. Much to her surprise, they only put
She stood on a nail their bags away and go out to the kennel in the back
It went into her shoe yard.
And now there's a nail in her shoe. And they shot the dog.
Intermittens: Lesser Poop
The jesus fish on my car seemed to I hope they deliver my dry cleaning before the office
be staring at the darwin fish on her party starts. It's not that I want to attend. It's that I
car. Like a sadomasochist who have to cut through the party on the way to the my
embraces both pleasure and pain, I car, and it'd be nice to be wearing pants when I do.
Issue #6 April 2009 Discord 3175
I set my wine glass down, mostly empty except for The pulsing beat of the music inside made her yearn
those fine drops of a 10 year oak-aged chardonnay to enter the dark doorway, but she hesitated even
sliding down the bowl of the glass to the bottom. It still. The night was young, full of many possibilities.
was then, I realized, I was out of wine. I called for But this was Lulu's evening to be on the town and
the wine steward, who silently retrieved the glass and maybe get some kicks in, and the richer Johns were
kissed me goodbye. always found in the nightclubs on Tuesdays at eleven.
His prison catalog boots carried him further from At the top of the stairs was a strobing light, its beam
the gate, the sun bright overhead. Today, he was a cutting clear across the ceiling with little discs that
free man, and he reveled in the feeling, turning his turned on and off, on and off. The hallway was
face upward to catch the slight silent, but you could still hear
breeze that had been blowing the Going to the the distant thrumming of the
grass at the edge of the sidewalk bathroom is a traffic out on the street. Across
nearby. "I've gotta get two things," voluntary behavior. the hall, the cat waited silent and
he thought, "A gun, and the That means you can still on a chair, hoping to bait
American Dream." quit it, right? In that final mouse he wanted from
spring of 2004, I inside the wall.
learned the answer.
She traced lazy circles in the
condensation left by the cool of the glass at her A shrill cry broke the night air, slicing it in shards
elbow. Funny how diners always have this ugly table and tearing into the detective's heart. He lay
countertop she thought, time out of mind. Hearing bleeding, unable to move except to swallow and gasp
a sound to the back of the restaurant she turned to when the spasms inside his shredded torso stopped
find that her lover Hades had in fact dared to meet intermittently. In the distance, an even shriller and
her here, in broad daylight, in front of the whole high-pitched wail of sirens could be heard, but the
town. sound of a car engine nearby told him the boys in
blue were too late--the killer was again at large.
Intermittens: Lesser Poop
Waiting for a text. Need a caffeine fix bad. The moment the noodles left my hands, I knew
Change of plans, how about this weekend? it was a mistake. The die cast, no backing down
was possible as they tumbled, I took to the table
and delivered my adress with gusto.
Something wasn't right, again, continuing the AND SLAP YOUR DISGUSTING
familiar pattern of discontent, searching, GENTIALS OUT OF YOUR MOTHER'S
fulfillment, and disillusionment. He wasn't sure MOUTH?"
what manner of disease to the soul came upon (tip of the hat to to B. Clevinger.)
him during his most recent endeavors nor which
event in particular sparked it. What he did
know, as he began his most recent desertion of We would like to remind you that we have a
familiarity, what he always knew is that he'd find diverse office, so be respectful of your fellow
the cure just beyond the horizon. employees religious choices. Instead of wishing
people a "Merry Christmas" you are instead
encouraged to "HAIL SATAN". Thank you and
have a happy HAIL SATAN.
Very stripped down story. Poor man's
Hemmingway? Need more coffee?
"EAT PORK!", I roared, towering over the
crowd of listeners. The fools bought my book.
He liked Vonnegut's writing style. Yes. He did. The fools asked me how to improve their lives.
Intermittens: Lesser Poop
ainst a thousand.
It was one man ag head first. I start working
friends, out of strangely over sized the
He was out of flush lever when
his mind, but he "It's almost February, Hank, a low mechanica
ammo and out of l growling sound
and zeal. He
had determination and high time to take down begins to em
anate from th
badly. e
lost... really, really the holiday decorations." plumbing, the bo
ttom of the bow
opens up, and de l
vours the toilet se
"Tell me, Helen, when pisser like an at
fr om th e enormous garbag
sh e
The outward pu in te st in es
exactly DOES the lawn- disposal. As I st
ep back from th
he r e
deepest caves of pr es sure,
covered-with-continually- aftermath, wonderin
g how to explain
e an d m or e burning-garbage season the severed legs
built up mor ag in g to sticking out of th
ite m an e
fecal matter not qu un w an ted
end? According to MY bowl, the janitor
walked in with an
th e calculations, it's only just "Out of order" sign.
mold around a jo lt,
W ith
intruder, SHIT. so m ew ha t
w en t,
further inside it
once more in
out, in, out and From the beginn
ing, I thought sh
mething rupture, e
again as he felt so en t bl ac k
''Sweet jesus, holy was a bit shellfish
. This caused ou
e w or ld w mother of god, why is relationship, at tim r
FUCK. After th et er ni ty , es, to flounder. In
be an
for what seemed to a fir ey
there a fish swimming the end, love conc
hered all.
ey es to
she opened her gr inning
around my head?''
d a hu ge re d They huddled around
landscape an or no
, ra pe
devil, "Sorry babe a sin!",
their keeper, strewn If I ever meet he
r, before we even
y is st ill on the ground, swap names, I
rape, sodom will kiss her
D AM N. watching as he lay passionately on th
e lips. Sometimes
before their tank. I'll call, just to he
ar her say, "''If yo
are finished reco u
rding, press 1 fo
a singular focus more options''." r
His mind was of
ed around the
and as he look
"There has to
room, he thought, I was surrounded
ooth and round The other racers
be something sm by angry Apache. I became a blur of
a Himalayan color as they passed
about." After had only 2 bullets
him, lying next to
eyes met the his bike in the m
heartbeat, his left, when all 50 of iddle of the street
of a pint-sized .
seductive contours them finally This was his brai
n tumor's way of
set it on its end. saying, "Tour de
mason jar, and he charged. France be damne
en lowering like d,
Hovering, and th Obviously, they you're out of tim
e." To his relief,
e, his proudly
a suspension cran killed me. bombs exploded and
enveloped the everybody. killed
worn prolapse
sant, if ordinary,
mason jar in plea
ddenly, he was
tradition when, su I grabbed the
plate a silly
forced to contem guy who left To the fat squirrel
outside: Goodbye.
oh why Gods
question: "Why, the last Enjoy the gastric ac
back on the
WHY did I lean available stall
mason jar!?!?" with piss all
over the seat, So much emotio
g punk n. And
"Say some youn flipped him only three senten
ces in
for your
tried to get your over in the which to share it.
Ah, the
call the
auto. Would you air, and slam tyranny of grammar
the role
one time and play dunked him
ink you
model? NO, I th
ypress Hill
play like a thug." -C
Issue #6 April 2009 Discord 3175
Intermittens: Lesser Poop
Toilet Paper These fortune toilet paper squares "activate" when you flush 'em
but if you want, you can also give them to people.
You may or may not want to use them first..
Magical Magical
WISH Meet an Death
Poop Old Friend Poop
Drop a poop, Drop a poop,
make a wish! somebody dies!
Intermittens: Lesser Poop
Limericks by Cram, Burns, Rev Whats His Name, and various other pirated sources
a poet once tried for a month Let us now broach a firkin to Durkin, I m et a l ewd n ud e in Ta lu da
are bad words for a limerick writer You're shirkin' your firkin' to b e woo ed i n th e n ud e;
-- you bastard!" I p ur su ed he r, s ub du e d he r,
an d s cr ew ed he r.
T h e r e o n ce w a s a m a n f r o m t h e st i cks
w h o l i ke d t o w r i t e l i m e r i cks
b u t h e w r o t e t h e m t o o sh o r t
T h e r e o n c e w a s a l a d y f r o m Bu d e
It's hard to wake up at the last hour
W h o w e n t sw i m m i n g o n e d a y i n t h e l a ke .
and rise from bed without glower A m an in a punt
you might try and combine St u c k h i s p o l e i n t h e w a t e r
your routines to save time T h e r e o n c e w a s a m a n f r o m Pe r u ,
An d s a i d " Yo u c a n ' t s w i m h e r e
it's just a shame you can 't W h o se l i m e r i cks st o p p e d a t l i n e t w o .
- - i t ' s p r i va t e . "
shit in the shower.
T h e r e w a s a l a zy b a st a r d n a m e d C r a m u l u s
Issue #6 April 2009 Discord 3175
I n t h e F o o t s t e p s o f Om
by Nigel
I pulled the chair clo
ser, pressing myse
and feeling a tingle lf against the uprig
of passion at the co ht back
my already-turgid me ntact. Using one ha
mber from the conf nd to free
the other to position ines of my trousers,
the chair in front of I used
carefully cut in the me, with the the ho
fabric right in front le I'd
moment I teased th of my ready cock.
e frayed hole with For a
wanted that chair to my moistly glistenin
want me to fuck it, g tip ... I
thought, I could no HARD. Overcome by
longer restrain myse the
as I clutched the ch lf, and my hips thru
air to myself and st wildly
unbearable agony OH exploded in a paro
SHITFUCKDAMN... xy sm of
...upholstery tack.
the return
L o rd ED THE LU
with a tip of th
h i s h Om a r h
e hat to HP Lo
e a ve craft
e v e n a rt f o r a d l o v e by Cainad
chai l l th i
rs ng s , in
Again I say, I d
o not know w h
though I think-- at has become
almost hope--th of the lulz,
if there be anyw at it is in peace
here so blessed ful oblivion,
have for five ye a thing. It is tru
ars been its clo e that I
sharer of its terr sest friend, and
ible jokes abou a partial
deny, though m t the unknown.
y memory is un I will not
this witness of yo certain and ind
urs may have se istinct, that
on the Gainsvil en us together
le pike, walking as he says,
Swamp, at half toward Big Cyp
past 11 on that ress
electric lantern awful night. Th
s, spades, and a at we bore
attached instru curious coil of
ments, I will ev wire with
played a part in en affirm; for th
the single hideo ese things all
burned into my us scene which
shaken recollec remains
But of what foll
owed, and of th
and dazed on th e reason I was
e edge of the sw found alone
insist that I kno amp next morn
w nothing save ing, I must
and over again. what I have told
You say to me yo u over
swamp or near that there is no
it which could thing in the
frightful episod form the settin
e. I reply that I g of that
saw. Vision or knew nothing b
nightmare it m eyond what I
nightmare I ferv ay have been--vi
ently hope it w si on or
retains of what as--yet it is all th
took place in th at my mind
left the sight of ose shocking h
men. And why ours after we
its shade--or so the lulz did not
me nameless th return, it or
can tell. ing I cannot des
Intermittens: Lesser Poop
Exercises to
FUCK what you THINK YOU KNOW about YOURSELF Pick up a magazine which you would never otherwise
By: Cramulus, LMNO, Payne, 000, Burns, Golden read. Pick something for which you are certainly not the
Applesauce, planeswalker, Richter, Enki-][, Alfred Rhazi, target audience, like a differing political opinion, or a
Anton, Cain magazine intended for the opposite gender. Don't resist
and mentally counter what you're reading, try to explore
what that headspace would be like. Get out of your own
Borrow some clothes from a friend. Try to pick ideas and opinions and become the target audience.
clothes as different from your regular dress style as
possible. Not only will you not look like you in the mirror, ...bonus points if you find yourself getting off to scat
people will treat you subtly differently. grannies.
Classic habitual breaking exercises. Do everything Develop rational and convincing arguments that run
differently for a day or a week. It's easy to begin with but counter to your own political beliefs.
in the end it needs a lot of reflection to come up with stage2 - believe them for a couple of months. This is
new ways of getting your everyday tasks done. the single most effective way to get inside your own
head and break down all the meaningless bullshit that
Right before you put on your clothes, write a you have in there. If you're having trouble believing
message on your body. Try not to think about this - something as part of this exercise, approach it from the
forget that you wrote it there, so when you disrobe and other side and start by proving your existing belief
see it, you'll surprise even yourself. wrong. Note: All beliefs can be proven wrong, usually by
What to write? One Line Meme Bombs are good, simply changing the context. If you don't believe this
( but it's then I'd suggest you start with this belief.
easier to find a phrase of personal significance in old
journals or notebooks. If there's a time in your life where Attempt to go for a period of time without using
you were more idealistic or active, pen a slogan or the word "I". Speaking about yourself in the third person
reminder of that time. Anything that will conjure up old doesn't count.
emotions and memories. But be careful - your next
exposure to the phrase has to be a surprise, so don't Turn off the TV, stereo, or computer. Sit in silence
think about it. for 15 minutes, doing nothing.
Another method is to hide a note with this phrase I've always found consciously breaking habits, such
somewhere where you'll find it unexpectedly in the future as my usual morning ritual of "cigarette(in bed)/turn on
-- like in a shirt pocket, your glove compartment, or computer/coffee", and doing something completely
inside a box of cereal. different such as "go for a half hour walk, without a
shower and wearing yesterdays clothes" works wonders
alternate angle: you can use to for kick starting my head and making me think differently.
send yourself a text message which you won't receive
until days, weeks, or years later.
Issue #6 April 2009 Discord 3175
Explore your values and morals by systematically far as to advocate crap voluenteer work. Working in an
testing your conscience. Work with aversions to explore environment where you have to be totally selfless might
your superego. be a great for some people.
The fist approach is to adopt an amoral attitude about Robert Anton Wilson talks from reality tunnels in
life. The idea is to go beyond the right/wrong, Prometheus Rising. Tinkering with your reality tunnels
moral/immoral point of view and to work within a can shift your sense of self and force you to examine
headspace that is of a 3rd perspective, a noninterfering your own beliefs. It's odd to think. but there might be
point of view... "being the watcher". ways you might benefit from being a nazi for a day.
The idea of the watcher perspective is to bring deep
awareness to the experiment. For instance, say you want Go blind for a day. Wear one of those "sleep
to have sex with an ugly person. Bring up the full masks", or blindfold yourself on a day where you can
awareness of the quality of ugliness stay around the house all day but
that you're perceiving. By
DANGEROUS still have to accomplish normal
disassociating yourself with the
MORAL chores. Television, doing laundry,
person in the role of ugly-person-
RELATIVISM making meals (avoid the oven at all
fucker, it sets up an experience you
AHEAD. NIHILISTIC costs, I learned), and generally
can analyze without identifying with it.
VORTEX IMMINENT. amusing yourself. When I did this I
This gives you free reign (read: excuse) for some was baffled by how much I rely on
sick experimentation. So make a list of your aversions, visual cues to keep my mind occupied.
the things you absolutely cannot stand... And do them.
Your separated headspace (you know, making an Force yourself to stay awake for a few days.
excuse) is very necessary, Christopher Hyatt had an
article in this book Undoing Yourself where he mentioned Be asexual for a few weeks. When you see people,
making POOP SCULPTURES! (I guess it had to be ignore their bodies like they were one of those
mentioned eventually.) I have yet to really do that...but it international icons on bathroom doors; try to think about
illustrates where I'm setting up barriers (albeit rather the world without gender (such as using 'they' or 'it' in
insignificant). your mind instead of 'he' or 'she'); no porn, no
Experiment with a member of the same sex if you're masturbation, no sex.
straight, experiment with a
member of the opposite sex if
you're gay. uhhhh fuck an animal
if you're bi (but be nice about it
and like make it porportional,
please. and no chillauahas [that
means you, wade]). I have to
emphasize the sexual part of it
because thats where it seems
that most people have their
biggest hangups. Fucking ugly
people has always been a useful
one (spare, crowley). As you can
imagine, this requires a good
sense of responsibility.
But lighter issues might be
working in a nursing home -- I
mean why not allow someone
else benefit from your
mindfuckery? But i'd even go so
Intermittens: Lesser Poop
Intermittens: Lesser Poop
doing,) that's just a free conversation reminder to persist in the kind of focus for that day.
Force your internal monologue to speak in gibberish
Use's random plot rather than English. Try hard not to repeat
generator to choose a character trope sound/meanings. The idea is to think without resorting to
every morning for a week. For the remainder of the language. This can be interesting because language
day, be the epitome of that character trope frames our thoughts a great deal.
Spend a long period operating under the assumption Car Screaming. Ever wondered what you sound like
that everything you see is a divine message from God. when you scream? When IS the last time you had to
Or the infinite. Or space. Or your mother. scream in pain, anger, or as a self propelled PA system?
Inarticulate howls, vulgarity, taxonomical classifications,
the "Breathing Game": Start walking somewhere Russia swears, or racial slurs, we just don't get a chance
(anywhere, as long as you'll be able to walk for a long to vent these much. Try it next time you're driving alone,
time) and count your breaths for X minutes (decide what preferrebly on a highway, not near other cars (got carried
X is before you start). We will call the number of breaths away and swerved once), and going too fast for any
you take in X minutes, Y. bystanders to potentially catch or ID you. Take a deep.
After you're done, count your breaths for Y minutes. breath. and HOWL. It's cathartic, educational, and no
After you're done, look up and see where you've matter what sounds or filthy words you let fly, you're not
walked to. pointing them at anything or anyone who might care, be
When I did this, I started with X = 7, walking on a hurt, or take exception.
nature trail in a park. I ended up nine miles away from
my car, in the middle of a field next to a series of office Try laughing for five minutes, crying for five minutes
buildings, with people in the office watching me out their and screaming for five minutes, repeat. It seems fake at
windows. first but persist.
start examining of your linguistic style and habits Have Your Friends Call You a different name for a
count the number of questions you ask in a day. count couple weeks. Think about who that person is.
the number of times you say the word "like" in a day.
Next time you consume some form of media
William Burroughs wrote about mindfucks through (especially a
audio cutups. He'd record little snippets of his day - game or TV
interactions with store clerks, the sound of traffic, a bit of programme), spend time operating
a phone conversation - and them cut them up, mixing try to under the assumption
them together. He says you'll hear NEW content in the imagine that everything you
mix. what some see is a divine
mediocre message from God. Or
Consider how you can change a flashlight from a student from the infinite. Or outer
pinpoint focus to a wide spread light. Consider your the future space. Or your mother.
attention as a flashlight. spend a day using the pinpoint would write
focus of your attention. Focus intensely on the one thing, in a "thousand-word essay about the themes of this
the figure of you're doing. Spend the next day using the classic".
wide spread attention. Soak it all in. Don't focus on one
particular thing but just notice everything as if there is no Stop complaining. As in, of your own free will, try not
figure... just background. Record your observations. How to bitch and whine about shit that's bugging you.
do they differ in terms of your choice of activity? Did you
see anything new? It might be useful to plant personal Begin to use your less dominant hand for normal
symbols of your activity in easily noticed places as a activities.
Intermittens: Lesser Poop
Go through any well known "As we drove away from the
personality test, such as the house, my father's last words
Jungian/Myers-Briggs were lost in the noise of the
personality tests, or engine and the snow crunching
enegramms. Go through all the under my tires. I'd never if it could
personality types described have aided me in the coming days, or
within until you have a pretty return to find out what he would have told me, because
good and coherent picture of the various typologies in the next week ALL HELL would break loose."
contained within. Then take one random method of
selection, and use it to pick one personality type. Try Set up some kind of randomized timer and every
and embody that personality for the next half hour. time it goes off, write down a bit of what your internal
Repeat again, the next day (with the same or different dialogue consisted of. Later, mentally dissect and argue
personality type), but this time, try and be in that against what you wrote down.
headspace for an hour. Continue until you feel
comfortable with pulling off that personality type for long On a social networking site (preferably something
periods or get bored, and select another. like twitter or facebook, wherein the assumption is that
you're friending people you know, whether or not they
Take a recent, possible future, or past event in your remember you) friend people you actually *don't* know
life and write / imagine it described as if it was in a at all and then just play it like you are an old
children's book (more Berenstein / Dr. Seuss or Shell aquaintence that they can't remember and that you
Sylverstein (personal favorite), than "Dick and Jane"). aren't all that interested in *talking* to them (you just
This makes it difficult, even insulting, to take even felt it would be impolite not to friend them). This
heavy shit seriously. probably works best if you never actually talk to them
Conversely, take a simple, mundane, and harmless at all afterwards. This totally mindfucks me on a daily
event, and rewrite it as if it was forshadowing in a basis, because I manage to get segments of the
personal life of Jeph Jaques, Mixmaster Morris, Justin
Coope, etc. totally out of context.
Issue #6 April 2009 Discord 3175
Outside, a
bedraggled, ascetic
man looks on the
scene. He shows only
the hint of a grin,
whispering to
himself, "Never be
mistaken that
enlightenment is a
by Philly Fillet
8 Circuit Limericks
based on Timmy Leary's "8 circuit" model of consciousness by Ratatosk
"In circuits", did Leary once say, And after, perhaps there are more,
"I can model the most likely way, than circuits one, two, three and four,
that people will act but the next quatrain it seems,
though it may not be fact... is of dubious means,
it seems rather useful today." Since he was tripping his balls 'cross the floor.
The first circuit imprints when you're born, Nonetheless,we move on to the fifth,
and you're hungry and alone and forlorn, which may cause a reality shift,
You'll learn flee or fight, Neurosomatic indeed
(if Leary is right) as we're smoking some weed
when you're treated with love or with scorn. Or maybe in freefall adrift.
Circuit two determines the way, Circuit Six, if the model's correct
that territory will come into play, may not be quite what we expect
Are you bottom or top, It seems that dear Leary
will you fight, will you flop, held a post-terrestrial theory
In short are you hunter or prey? about just how High we might get!
And the third of the circuits is said, Neurogenetics (or learning from cells),
to help you map out your head means hearing what DNA yells,
in symbol and sign, You can trip out on Lucy,
as bound up with time or learn from a Sufi
And that's how ideas can spread just where Yog-Sothoth dwells.
Society and sex it would seem, Circuit Eight, although it sounds odd,
fall into the fourth circuits stream. might be our circuit to God,
If you like it rough, it escapes space and time,
or you like to be tough, as you hit Ketamine
or covered in cherries and cream. unless Leary was an old Fraud.