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Church Bulletin For June 7 & 9, 2013

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welcome ggg

Its great to have you with us this weekend! Our passion is to be an authentic expression of the kingdom of Jesus and our purpose is to help you discover and experience the God-centered life, as well as to be a place where you can connect, grow, and serve. Please feel at home, and may something new and wonderful happen in your life this weekend. Pastor Brian & Peri Zahnd

to word of life church

Scripture for the Week: John 4:46-54 Psalm for the Day, June 9: Psalm 10

June 7 & 9, 2013

Third Sunday after Pentecost

Word of Life Church

6/8 6/9 6/11 6/12

. The Joseph Company . MYC . VBS Family Night . Hannah & The Trailblazers . Divorce/Relationship Recovery . Celebrate Recovery

Congratulations Project 58

~Aaron and Shelbi Scott, who were married on Saturday, June 1. ~Ryan and Megan Haywood on the birth of their son, Fletcher Wayne on June 1.

Open Door Food Kitchen

This week your donations helped a Word of Life family with their electric bill, and a lady in the community to visit a sick child receiving essential out-of-town care. Each month, at the Open Door Food Kitchen, WOLC provides 600 meals to those in our community who would otherwise go hungry. If you are interested in serving at the Open Door Food Kitchen, contact Megan Taylor at the church office for dates and details. WOLC volunteers actively support Second Harvest in a variety of ways. New opportunities are available this summer, including a community garden and a summer lunch program for kids. Contact Megan Taylor at the church office for more information.

Second Harvest Community Food Bank



THIS Sunday, June 9 thru August 11 6:30-8:30 PM Felix Square

IMAGINE Eleven is a Sunday night summer concert series, organized by more than 20 St. Joseph area churches. This series will feature eleven evenings of great music, tasty food, and summertime family fun. The music genres will vary weekly, all the way from Blues to Broadway. All food and beverage sales will benefit a local charity. For more information, check out ImagineEleven.com. Our worship band will be in concert at IMAGINE Eleven for Word of Lifes official Summer Jam. If you dont have kids in VBS, dont miss the fun - the band will play a special set as HANNAH & THE TRAILBAZERS. Bring lawn chairs, have a rockin good time, and support a great cause.

prayer for the week

O God, from whom all good proceeds: Grant that by your inspiration we may think those things that are right, and by your merciful guiding may do them; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

connect ~ grow ~ serve . EVENTS .

THIS WEEK! June 9-13

VBS 2013 - God in Action

Its time for Vacation Bible School. VBS is for children ages 4 through 12. Well kick off on Sunday night, June 9 with a special FAMILY NIGHT from 6 - 8:15 PM, with games and prizes. That evening parents are invited to stay for the entire first night of VBS! Register in the foyer today.

MYC Discount Cards

Going to summer camp can be the most lifechanging experience for young people in their journey of faith. We believe every student deserves this opportunity, but not every student can afford it. There are two ways you can help MYC and 678 students go to summer camp! For only $20, you can purchase an MYC discount card. They provide great discounts at your favorite spots like Cold Stone, Pizza Hut, Sonic, and many more. We also have an Adopt-a-Camper program that would allow you to sponsor a student. Visit the MYC fundraiser table in the foyer for more information and to purchase discount cards. Circle of Friends is our group for those over 50! On Thursday, June 13 at 9 AM, we will be meeting for breakfast at Denny's for the "4 Dollar Deal". Then, on Thursday, June 20, we will be taking a tour of the Shatto Dairy and stopping for lunch at Plain Jane's off 36 HWY. The shuttle will meet at the church at 9:30 AM and we ask that you pre-pay $5 by June 18 to reserve your spot. Lunch expenses will be on your own. Call the church office for more information.

. . .

The Joseph Company

THIS Saturday, June 8
The Joseph Company meets monthly to equip women and men who are passionate about leadership and the Kingdom of Jesus, every day of the week. On Saturday, June 8, Pastor Brian will share an important, timely message, The Three Josephs. We always enjoy plenty of connection time, as well as the worlds greatest home-cooked breakfast.

Circle of Friends

Gluten Free Communion Bread

Word of Life is now serving ONLY gluten free communion bread, in all the communion services. For those with gluten dietary restrictions, we now have the right bread for you.

Middle School Summer Camp

August 5-8
If you are an upcoming 6th grader, a graduating 8th grader, or in any of the grades in between, join us for an unforgettable camp at Youthfront West. Activities include: water sliding, swimming, blobbing, paintball, ATVs, a ropes course with zip-line, prayer and worship, games, and more! Registration is only $229. Visit mycyouth.com to register, or call the church office for more information.

Children's Classrooms Floor Covering

Thanks for your great response in giving to the Children's Ministry floor covering project! We have raised $9,764 of the $15,000 goal. If you want to help with this special offering, please designate it on the offering envelope.

Sunday Mornings at 9 & 11 Friday Nights at 7 in the MYC Wednesday Prayer & Communion at noon in The Upper Room Communion is served every Sunday. The next Baptism is July 14. The next New Member Sunday is September 15.

Tuesday-Friday, 9 AM-4 PM 3902 NE Riverside Road St. Joseph, MO 64505 816.233.6367



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