BEE Final Power Protection and Switchgear
BEE Final Power Protection and Switchgear
BEE Final Power Protection and Switchgear
PART-I Answer any three questions. Two marks reserved for neatness. 1. (a) What are the most desirable features of a protective relay? Also briefly explain their interdependancy. 8 Why a power system is divided into different protective zones? Why overlapping of adjoining zones is done? How the zones are physically demarcated? Explain with the help of a neat diagram. 8 What do you mean by primary relaying and backup relaying? Mention the differences between them. Also briefly explain different types of back-up protection applied in power system. 8 Explain the principle of operation of induction type nondirectional over current relay. Also name the different equipments protected by such relay. 8 Explain the operating principle of percentage biased differential relay. Discuss about its utility in transformer protection. 8 [ Turn over
2. (a)
3. (a)
( 2 )
(b) Discuss about pilot wire relaying, with necessary circuit diagrams. What are the limitations of pilot wire schemes? 8 Discuss about the principle of 3-step 3-zone scheme of distance protection. Name the different types of distance relays that can be used in the above zonal scheme. 8 Write the universal relay torque equation. Therefrom derive the equation of torque for Mho relay. Suggest a suitable connection diagram of operating coils on a four pole induction cup structure, for an Mho relay.
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Both the transformers have their neutrals solidly grounded. Five 3 phase, 2 MVA, 6.6 KV synchronous motors are connected in parallel at receiving end. Draw sequence networks of the system. Calculate fault current for single line to ground fault at the middle of the transmission line. Assume zero sequence impedance for transmission line is twice of its positive sequence impedance.
4. (a)
T1 6 .6 /3 3 K V
Z L in e = 1 0 o h m
T2 M 3 3 /6 .6 K V Xn
What is replica impedance? Develop the relationship between replica impedance and actual line impedance. 8 5. (a) The secondary winding of a 100:1 Amp C.T. is connected to a 1Amp IDMTL over current relay, with its plug set at 50%. What will be the PSM if the current through the CT primary winding is 400 Amp. 4 Write short notes on any two of the following. (i) Protection required for large generators. 62
F ig u re - 1
G : 20 MVA, 6.6 KV, X1= 20%, X2=15%, X0= 8%, T1 = T2 = 20MVA, X = 5% M : 5 MVA, 6.6 KV, X1 = 15%, X2 = 10%, X0 = 6%, 6+10 Xn = 1.5 ohm (for each motor)
(ii) Effect of zero sequence current on Y- transformer differential protection. (iii) Different materials used in protective fuses. (iv) Carrier acceleration scheme used in pilot protection of transmission line.
( 4 )
(b) Write a short note on various types of explosion pots used in Oil circuit breakers. 7 Answer in brief : (i) Define arc time constant. 6. (a) 52
( 3 )
PART-II Answer any three questions. Two marks allotted for neatness. Figures in the margin indicate full marks.
9. (a)
(ii) Why arc chutes are used in Air circuit breakers? (iii) How many auto-reclosing is generally used in high voltage circuit breakers any why? (iv) What are the use of main and arcing contacts in air circuit breakers? (v) A 10MVA capacitor bank and a 10MVA, 0.8 p.f. lagging load are to be tripped by opening the circuit breakers. Which one will impose more stress on the circuit breaker any why? (b) Draw possible sketches for closing coil current, current through the circuit breaker, voltage between the contacts and the travel records of a circuit breaker contact while closing under a fault. Give brief explanation of each sketch. 6 Why symmetrical components are used for analyzing unsymmetrical faults in power system?
Define RRRV. Why control of RRRV is important for successful arc extinction in circuit breakers. Show that resistance switching may be used for controlling RRRV. 2+2+6 A three phase 100MVA, 33KV, 50Hz alternator with earthed neutral is connected to a bus bar through a circuit breaker. The leakage reactance of the alternator inclusive of connecting leads is 0.3 p.u. and the capacitance from any one terminal of the circuit breaker to earth is 0.01 F. if a triple line to ground fault on the bus bar is interrupted at a current zero determine the average RRRV and the frequency of the transient restriking voltage. 6
7. (a)
10. (a)
Why static characteristic of arc is different from dynamic characteristics? How arc in vacuum is different from that in gaseous medium? What special feature are used in vacuum circuit breaker to utilize the special arc characteristic? 3+3+3 Discuss about the rating of a circuit breaker. 7
(b) (b) A 3 phase, 30MVA, 6.6KV star connected alternator is connected through a 30 MVA, 6.6KV/33KV delta-star transformer to a 33 KV transmission line having negligible resistance and a reactance of 10 ohm. At the receiving end of the line there is a 30 MVA, 33KV/6.6KV deltastar transformer for stepping down the voltage to 6.6KV. 8. (a)
Explain why current chopping is a problem in ABCB, SF6 and vacuum circuit breakers but not in oil circuit breakers. Why oil circuit breaker is not suitable for auto-reclosing operation? 6+3 [ Turn over