Pseudo Ephraem and Morgan Edwards
Pseudo Ephraem and Morgan Edwards
Pseudo Ephraem and Morgan Edwards
by Stephen P. Bohr
Hal Lindsey has recently challenged the late intrusion of the pre-tribulation rapture idea into the Christian mainstream (Hal Lindsey, Vanished Into Thin Air (Beverly Hills, California: Western Front, Ltd, 1999). He insists that the pre-tribulation rapture has been the historic blessed hope of the church since apostolic times. And who are his start witnesses? Any of the early ante-Nicene fathers? No. Any post-Nicene fathers? Again, no. Any of the great Protestant reformers such as Thomas Aquinas? No. Any of the great Protestant reformers such as Luther, Calvin, and Zwingli? No. Any of the great Protestant confessions of faith? No. Any of the great Protestant commentators such as Matthew Henry, Albert Barnes, or Adam Clarke? No. Any of the Roman Catholic futurist counterreformers such as Ribera, Bellarmino, or Lacunza? No. Any of the futurist expositors who belonged to the Oxford Tractarian Movement such as Maitland, Burgh, Todd, or Newman? Again no! Who, then, is left to support Lindseys view? He presents two star witnesses. The first is a document that was supposedly discovered in 1997 by futurist theologian Grant Jeffrey. This document, known as Pseudo-Ephraem, is attributed to Ephraem of Nisibis (306373) who was one of the great figures of the history of the Syrian church. Lindsey admits that some of the works attributed to Ephraem are of doubtful authenticity (p. 112) and that it is not necessarily true that it [Pseudo-Ephraem] was authored by Ephraem of Nisibis (p. 113). Lindsey goes on to recognize that it could have been authored as late as the eighth century (p. 113). On the basis that this one pseudo-document Lindsey concludes that the early church taught a pre-tribulation rapture. In his own words: The church already believed that the Antichrist would not appear on the worlds stage until after the church has been evacuated (p. 113, emphasis supplied). That Lindsey would even dare use this document as evidence for a pre-tribulation rapture in the early church is astonishing and stretches credulity to the breaking point! Let us assume, for the sake of argument, that Pseudo-Ephraem was written by Ephraem and that he did teach a pre-tribulation rapture. Does one voice prove that this was the historic hope of the whole church at that time? Not anymore than a solo proves the existence of a choir! If Pseudo-Ephraem was influential as Lindsey believes, then why wasnt it picked up on by anyone in the history of the church until the time of Darby and Irving? The fact is that no one either before or after this document ever taught a pre-tribulation rapture of the church until the early 19th century. If a pre-tribulation rapture was the blessed hope of the church from the very beginning as Lindsey believes, it is surprising that this hope could not be found for 19 centuries! But it is not at all clear that Pseudo-Ephraem even teaches a pre-tribulation rapture. Lets
quote from the section 2 of the document: For all the saints and elect of God are gathered [gathered to where, H. L.] prior to the tribulation that is to come, and are taken to the Lord lest they see the confusion that is to overwhelm the world (p. 115, emphasis Lindseys). The statement does not say that the saints will be taken to heaven or snatched away or evacuated. In fact, Pseudo-Ephraem never even quotes any of the choice Bible passages which are used by pre-tribulationists such as 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17. The expression taken to the Lord could very well mean [in the light of the erroneous anthropology of the day] that they would be allowed to die and go to heaven at the very moment of death. In effect, section 10 of the document points to the time after the tribulation, when Jesus will declare: Arise, O sleeping ones, arise, meet Christ, because his [Antichrists] hour of judgment has come (p. 122). This statement strongly suggests that the author of Pseudo-Ephraem believed that the resurrection of the righteous would be at the glorious Second Coming and that the Antichrist would be judged at the same time. In the light of this analysis, Lindseys inserted question, [gathered to where, H. L.] must be answered: We are not absolutely certain, or, Thats what I would like to know! Thus, Lindseys first line of evidence in favor of an early belief in the rapture is based on a document whose date is uncertain, whose author is unknown, and whose message does not clearly prove his point! Maybe his second star witness will fare better. Lindseys second exhibit for an early belief in a pre-tribulation rapture is in a statement from a Baptist pastor Morgan Edwards (1722-1788). Even though Lindsey does not provide the source, he assures us that Edwards taught a form of pre-tribulationalism (p. 133). But by Lindseys own admission, Edwards taught that the rapture would be about three and a half years before the Millennium (p. 133, emphasis Lindseys). On several counts, Lindsey assumes more than the statement allows. First of all, the statement does not say that the church will be taken to heaven three and a half years before the glorious coming of Jesus. Edwards could very well mean that the glorious appearing of Jesus will take three and a half years before the millennium begins. There is no indication in the statement that there will be two comings of Jesus. It seems, rather, that Edwards tacks on three and a half years to the beginning of the millennium to allow for the righteous to participate in a work of judgment. It is notable that Edwards does not mention the tribulation or the reign of Antichrist. He doesnt even tell us where he gets the three-and-a-half-year figure. Furthermore, he doesnt even hint that only the church will disappear and that literal Israel and unbelievers will be left behind. Once again, Lindsey has employed dubious testimony to try and prove his point. At best for Lindseys view, Edwards taught a mid-tribulation rapture, a view which Lindsey
vigorously rejects in his book. At worst for Lindseys view, Edwards was not teaching a mid-tribulation rapture at all. So for Lindsey to say on the basis of Edwards remarks that as early as 1788, the Rapture was an established doctrine is an obvious stretch (p. 134, emphasis supplied). Does the dubious voice of one man prove that a doctrine is established? If that is so, then Arianism is correct because one man taught it! Even if Edwards did teach a pre-tribulation rapture (which he does not clearly do), what proves that is view was the orthodox teaching of the entire Christian Church for 17 centuries? Therefore, in the light of the evidence, it is safe to say that the idea of a pretribulation rapture first introduced upon mainline Protestantism in the early 19th century.