June Newsletter 2013
June Newsletter 2013
June Newsletter 2013
13 -- Young Northeasters Social (see page 4) June 17-- Neighborhood meeting / Dessert Pot Luck (see below) June 24 -- New Resident Meet & Greet (see page 25)
Gleaning................................................4 Easter Egg Hunt....................................5 The Answer Lady................................ 11 Ahead: Candlelight Tour.....................14 No Strangers Here...............................18 Traffic Changes on 1st........................25 Filming in Old NE..............................33
Jay Marshall
Association President
decided for a change to consider whats happening in our neighborhood when we need to go out to shop or to enjoy some recreation. For sure, we have the big box stores in St. Petersburg and other nationally known franchises about which we hear (maybe all too often). Our downtown area has many great restaurants and cultural attractions. But within the neighborhood and along 4th Street, there is a treasure of history and opportunities that we have literally just up the street. And, they are part of our community, too. So I thought it would be interesting to talk about a few of them. Why? When reading the business section of the newspaper or business journals, we tend to read articles that relate to medium and large-sized businesses the ones that drive the stock markets here and abroad. For sure, their sustainability and growth are important to our economy. But we have also learned from our latest financial crisis just how important our small businesses are to our local and national economies. They drive the availability of most of our jobs and deliver most of our products and services. continued on page 8
by Yvonne Swanson t seemed like a good idea to sell our house in 2011. Like a lot of other homeowners, we wanted to downsize and simplify our lives. Lets enjoy more leisure time and spend less time maintaining a 90-year-old house, we reasoned. In fact, why not move into a modern, new house, and while were at it, move to the beach and really relax? So we traded our 4,400sqft charmer in The Old Northeast with its beautiful arched windows, original tile and oak floors, white picket fence and window boxes for an almost new Key West-style home within walking distance of the gulf. Walk-in closets! Energy efficient! Modern conveniences! It cant get better than this, we thought. ring your favorite decadent, deliriously It seemed much cooler by the beach with the wondelicious dessert to share with neighbors. derful westerly breezes. There were fewer mosquitoes. Plan to arrive about 6:45pm, and the devouring No loud music from outdoor concerts. There werent of the desserts will begin about 7. Then pick up alleys to contend with. We didnt have to share a some helpful tips from a brief program on ditrashcan with our neighbors. saster preparedness. St. Petersburg Fire Chief Robert Ballou willbe joining us and sharing Halloween night by the beach was quiet and we everything we need to know to be prepared for only needed one bag of candy. Christmas in the new a hurricane or other disaster. From home prepaneighborhood wasnt as decorative as in The Old ration to evacuation routes -- this will be a great Northeast, so we took a break from the usual outdoor opportunity to have your questions answered. Historic Old Northeast Neighborhood News on page 2 Page 1 continued
Coming Home
from page 1
garland, bows and lights. New Years Eve was quiet, too. In fact, it was mostly quiet in the new neighborhood by the beach. The familys grumbling started slowly, then picked up momentum as we tired of the constant snails-pace traffic in every direction (yes, the traffic is so much worse by the beach!). Its so boring out here, complained our teenager. My husbands commute to Tampa averaged almost two hours each day. I looked at Old Northeast houses on realtor.com every day, wondering if this beach idea was a big mistake. And, big surprise, no one was really going to the beach! Theres an old saying that you can never go home again. Once you leave, everything changes and cant be recreated. Thats not exactly true. Our beach experiment lasted exactly 10 months and 12 days. We hadnt even unpacked all the boxes. But we sold the beach house to the first person who viewed it. Then we found the perfect house for our family back in The Old Northeast, just five blocks from where we had lived! Its not the same; its better. We downsized as we had originally wanted. Our house is only 13 years old and has all the modern conveniences. We have simplified and have more time to enjoy life.
We have wonderful neighbors, who stopped by to meet us the very day we moved back. One brought a delicious coffee cake; another offered to help us with yard work. Its not so quiet anymore, and we like that. We enjoy seeing neighbors walking or cycling by, and just about everyone says hello. People are out gardening or socializing on front porches. The things we took for granted seem special now. We like hearing music from the park and getting a glimpse of fireworks now and then. Some of the most interesting walks are through our alleys especially just before trash pick-up day. We look forward to the holidays, when our neighborhood is bright and full of life. As for the beach, its just a short drive away. But, as for our family, The Old Northeast is the only place to call home.
With the exception of their beach experiment, the Swanson family has lived in The Old Northeast for about 10 years. They are happily settled in a smaller and newer home on 16th Avenue NE.
Circulation Joe OConnor Contributors All our Old Northeast neighbors Newsletter Layout & Design Sharon Bond: [email protected] ADVERTISING INFORMATION: Sue Strott www.honna.org/Newsletters/Advertising-Questions.html
*Preprinted inserts that you provide are delivered within the newsletter. Due to delivery restrictions, inserts are available on a limited basis. The newsletter quarterly publication dates are March, June, September, and December. The deadline for accepting new ads and ad changes is three weeks prior to the publication month. The next deadline is August 7th. Payment for new ads should be submitted at the same time that the ad layout is provided and should be addressed to HONNA Advertising. The newsletter is distributed by mail to all homes in The Old Northeast (boundaries are 5th Ave N to 30th Ave N, and 4th St N to North Shore Dr/Coffee Pot Bayou Blvd). There are approximately 2,500 active home mailing addresses. Contact Sue Strott: www.honna.org/Newsletters/Advertising-Questions.html Ad space is limited so please make arrangements early.
2 Qtrs 3Qtrs 1Year Business card 50 93 128 160 1/4 page (H 4.9 x w 3.7) 100 186 256 320 1/2 page (H 4.9 x w 7.8) 200 372 512 640 Full page 400 744 1024 1280 Back Cover 1/2 page 1400 *Inserts and Premium Placement: Rates Upon Request
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now delivers our HONNA banners/flags, which can be purchased on our website at honna.org. With our HONNA Board reduced in size this year, we need more volunteers for specific tasks. And, specifically, I am looking for a volunteer coordinator. If you have an interest or would like to help in other ways, please go to the HONNA web page for some of our specific needs, contact any Board member or me at Larry. [email protected].
Ron Magray, Chair 1st Street N ChangesThe drawings have been completed so look for the change to take place by July. The new 1st Street between 22nd Avenue N & 9th Ave N will have: 1) vehicle driving lane, one way south and 2) lined bicycle lanes, southbound on the west side and northbound on the east side of the street. [See In Case You Missed It in this issue.] Residents need to be aware of the dangerous circumstances on the Coffee Pot Boulevard curves because of speeding vehicles. We all remember the fatal accident on the curve just south of 20th Avenue. The curve on Coffee Pot near the intersection of 18th Avenue NE has recently had three hit and run accidents damaging City property, most recently a lamp post (and then theres the case of the SUV that went over the seawall). I am interested in speaking with concerned residents in the areas and pedestrians who frequent the walkways. You can reach me at [email protected] or by calling 727/269-5521x213.
Rick Carson, Editor Mandy Minor, who had been writing articles for the newsletter involving matters related to job hunting, resumes and interviews, has moved out of the neighborhood and will no longer be sharing these helpful tips with us. It was great of Mandy to offer to cover this subject area, which we hope was helpful to residents during this tough job market. As always, we do welcome Old NE residents such as Mandy who step forward to say, Id like to help with the newsletter. So if you have an interest in any aspect of this newsletter, such as writing, securing advertisers or managing the mailing list data base, PLEASE let me hear from you. Please! With the departure of Susan Coffey to Boston, Kim Wolfe has assumed the responsibility for the ONE Book Group whose reviews appear in this newsletter and members of the group will be taking turns providing the write-ups. Thanks to Susan for her years of letting us know if the reads were thumbs up or thumbs down.
Larry Smith, Chair Welcome to the over 66 new members [ see list on page 9] who have joined HONNA in the last quarter, primarily as the result of our Yard Sale/March Madness membership campaign, chaired by Kristi Alexander with great assistance from Chris Avren and all the volunteers who delivered flyers to your doors. We have an action-packed second half of the year planned, and there is no better way to get to know your neighbors than to participate in a few of these upcoming activities. In June, we start with a Pot Luck General Meeting (June 17), a Porch Party (June 21) and concluding the month with a New Resident Meet & Greet -- with delicious cheese and chocolate fondue -- at the Melting Pot (June 24). In July and August we focus on our families with children, with our 4th of July Parade at Coffee Pot Park and a special back to school event on Friday evening, August 16 -- a Family Porch Party at Great Explorations and Sunken Gardens. A parting thank you goes out to my former Membership cochair, Sarah Bogdanovich, for all the work she did last year on developing a membership database that is now significantly easier to manage. We wish her the best in her move to California. In her place, Steve Urgo has stepped up and is now doing a terrific job. Also, special thanks go out to new volunteer Kate Kroupa, who
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By Kristi Alexander HONNA Board Member The March 16 Old Northeast Yard Sale was a great success! 61 sellers had their addresses listed on the map HONNA posted on our website and hardcopies distributed to treasure hunters that Saturday morning. There were so many buyers that people parked blocks away to get to houses to grab great deals. Gracious sellers took their un-purchased items down to North Shore Park to the Goodwill truck, which was completely filled. All financial contributions made by participating homeowners are very much appreciated and help support this great neighborhood in which we live. Many thanks to all who participated, and a special thank you to Chris Avren and Anna Costello for helping organize this increasingly popular yearly event. Looking forward to next year!
Got Fruit?
Food Bank. When: Saturday, June 29, from 10am-Noon. Where: First Presbyterian Church parking lot (facing dog park) in back of church located at701 Beach Drive NE If you have a tree, but dont have time to pick, contactsaintpeteabundance.org or call 727/475-0287. There is a sign up sheet on the website so volunteers can pick for you. If you dont have a tree but would like to help, there is a sign up sheet for volunteers, too!
(for the under 40 or young at heart)
Thursday, June 13, 6-8pm
Old Northeast Tavern
Come meet some of the many new young singles, couples and families that have moved into the neighborhood! Pizza and salad provided. Contact [email protected] with any questions.
o you have a fruit tree that produces more than you can use? Donate it! Mangos and lychees are in season now. Lakewood Estate Civic Association is hosting a Fruit Drive to benefit the St. Petersburg Free Clinic
Minimum number for a tour is 15 For the inclusive price of per person, enjoy the following:
10 Am 3 Pm wEEkdAYS
President....................................... Jay Marshall Vice President................... Peter Motzenbecker Treasurer.....................................Ann Caviness Secretary............................... Donna Guillaume Board Kristi Alexander Chad Boyd Rick Carson Mary Alice Lange Ron Magray Larry Smith
An in-depth, guided tour of Sunken Gardens highlighting the history and horticulture of this famous tropical paradise A self-guided tour to lead you through the Historic Old Northeast Neighborhood A copy of the recently published Souvenir of St. Petersburg, Views from the Vinoy A delectable 3-course lunch in the historic dining room, Marchands Bar & Grill, at the Renaissance Vinoy Resort A one hour, guided tour of the historic Renaissance Vinoy Resort with an experienced and entertaining Vinoy Docent
To contact an officer or Board member via e-mail, go to honna.org/get-involved/ volunteer/ where you can click on the name of the office/person you wish to contact and send him/her a message. HONNA Board meetings are held the first Monday of each month at 6:30pm at Westminster Presbyterian Church and are open to the public. Check beforehand with the Board president in case the meeting day has been re-scheduled.
Bill Ogrady
Elaine Normile
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The Annual Easter Egg Hunt Rabbits and Squirrels and Kiddies, Oh, My!!
by Connie Lancaster eter Cottontail (aka, The Easter Bunny but actuallyDrew Glaser from Smith & Associates Real Estate) arrived again at the North Shore waterfront park for the Annual Old NE Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt. The event -- held Saturday, March 30, the day before Easter was sponsored bySmith & Associates and HONNA. The gathering just keeps getting bigger and bigger every year and, of course, the several thousand candy-stuffed plastic eggs -- and the special golden/silver metallic eggs that are rewarded with prizes --keep the little ones (and their parents!) coming back. Cynthia Serra and I first started these festivities 11 years ago, and weve continued to coordinate the event with help from other colleagues at Smith & Associates. This year prep work by resident Cathy Leonard andothers from Harbour Hill condo, Old NE resident Kelly Piccion along with a crew from Westminster Communities (Anne Osborne, Director of Volunteers, and residents Julia Mulholland, Pauline Sherman, Ella Miyashiro, Carol Lee and Ed Wathen) got the egg-stuffing done in record time. Check the HONNA Facebook page to see some of the priceless faces and moments captured as the event evolved. Approximately 100+ toddlers and tikes participated along with parents and grandparents (who occasionally provided key egg-spotting advice). And the eggs have to grabbed up in short order otherwise the squirrels will definitely get their share of the goodies.It seems they have us on their calendar every year and they dont wait for the event to begin before they start hunting! Please watch for next years date and plan to join in the fun!
Connie is a long-time Old NE resident and Realtor with Smith & Associates.
CBC 028160
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Communications Anna Costello & Rick Carson Newsletter Rick Carson Programs Chad Boyd Neighborhood Planning Mary Alice Lange Neighborhood/Historic Preservation Peter Motzenbecker & Kristi Alexander Membership Larry Smith Public Safety Peter Motzenbecker Traffic/Parking Ron Magray
where you can click on the name of the person you wish to contact and send him/her a message.
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Did you know that small companies with 25 employees or under comprise 98% of all businesses operating in St. Petersburg? And that 96% have 10 employees or less. These businesses are the backbone of our daily wants and needs. Moreover, they reflect the entrepreneurial spirit of this country. The business corridor along 4th Street has always been an active part of our City. In fact, 4th Street was the main link between St. Petersburg and Tampa before the days of the Interstate highway. I visited with Ms. Shrimatte Ojah-Maharij, who manages the Citys Business Assistance Center, to get a historical perspective of commerce along 4th Street. In order to stimulate the revitalization of downtown, the City began its effort in 1992 to help organize and promote neighborhoods and businesses south and north of downtown. Shrimatte was there on the ground, knocking on doors, helping with neighborhood planning in The Old Northeast and enhancing the attractiveness of the business corridor running along our western border. This effort led to the creation of the 4th Street Business Association, which exists today. The Association is focused on making 4th Street an attractive and viable area for City residents to shop. And it has paid off. We have almost every imaginable business industry represented along 4th Street, certainly enough to cater to us as residents. And almost all of them are classified as small businesses. Now that I have laid the landscape, heres my personal perspective. My rather simple logic model is this: If I can get what I want without having to drive 30 or more minutes to get there, I have already won. If I can get there in 15 minutes or less, I get a gold medal. Why?
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Because I save gas, time and money. Ill start with the food and drinks. I always do. After a grueling HONNA Board meeting or just to grab a bite to eat, I make it to the Old Northeast Tavern. It sits on the corner of 7th Avenue and 2nd Street N. Bob and Mark are the owners, and they are great partners with the neighborhood. Matty is behind the bar and rules. The menu is diverse and the food is great. The pizza is up there with the finest in town. And its a great place to meet and talk with your neighbors. For many, it is the neighborhood hangout. Along 4th Street there are some other great places to visit. Although a national chain, The Melting Pot offers something unique fondue style dining that you will not find elsewhere in the Cityand its not just cheese either. It has been a favorite place of many residents of The Old Northeast. Three Birds Tavern is a happening place and also offers full dining service. All three of these businesses have host hosted our new HONNA resident Meet and Greet receptions, and we appreciate their support. If you are relatively new to the neighborhood and would like to get to know more of your neighbors, please come; the next one will be Monday, June 24. There are literally dozens of cafs and eateries along the street. My neighbor, John Arsenault, makes his way to Starbucks on foot almost every morning. He must have a special account (or should). Man loves his coffee and exercise. Getting to these restaurants brings me to the next element of our business district transportation. I dont know anything about cars, except how to drive them. Thats my point. Venturing along 4th Street, one finds Bob Lees Tire Company. Opened in 1947, Bob Lee has a devout following. Thats 56 years and run by the family from the beginning, and Bob Lee III and IV are there almost every day making sure the business runs smoothly. I found Bob Lee IV and asked how he could fix my car. He turned me over to Reno, the shop manager: he and his crew can fix anything. I left my car there and walked home. Walked back to pick it up the next day and had great service. And at a very reasonable price. That was easy. Ive been going back ever since. Because we are a biking neighborhood, no surprise that there are a couple of bicycle shops nearby. One that has been a sponsoring partner with HONNA for events is St. Pete Bicycle & Fitness at 12th Avenue. They have it all -- bikes for the professional speed riders and more modest bikes for those like me who just want to tool around the neighborhood. Shopping for gifts along 4th Street can be fun, because you get to see items that normally do not make it into the big box stores. Marions is my favorite when shopping for wife Barbara. Their inventory is almost as eclectic as the architecture in the neighborhood. If you are looking for home furnishings, both Being and Lasting Impressions have what you need. Finally, Reno Beach Surf Shop at the corner of 11th Avenue is THE place for all your swimming needs with a nice selection of casual wear. Jon LaBuddle started the Shop in 1982 (at Janus Landing) and moved it to 4th Street in 1985. Thats 31 years of operation. Speaks volumes of his business skills and being a part of our neighborhood. A few of our Old NE neighbors own their businesses along 4th Street.
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There may be more, so if I left someone out, my apologies just let me know and we will work you into future issues. Dick and Debbie Hutchins operate the Therapy and Sports Center located on 12th Avenue, just off 4th Street. Barbara and I are repeat customers having Dick and Debbie take care of our aches and pains. We challenge them sometimes, but they always know how to make us whole again. Artistic Flowers is operated by Greg and Barbara Creamer. I am cheating a little as the shop is just north of our boundaries (at 32nd Avenue), but they get constructive credit. Greg and Barbara have been gracious to donate flowers for our annual Candlelight Tour of Homes, and they had their home on the Tour a couple years ago. There are three jewels in our neighborhood that everyone should visit. The Palladium, which sits at the corner of 5th Avenue and 3rd Street, serves as a venue for some absolutely terrific music jazz, blues, pop, classical and opera, to name a few and dance. Enjoy a night listening and watching great performances at a cost much less that traveling up to the Straz in Tampa. Along 4th Street is Great Explorations -- a playground on steroids.
How cool is it to let your children have fun and learn at the same time. Great Ex is an interactive way for children to discover the world, develop sensory and cognitive skills, prepare them for their first shopping visit to Publix and appreciate health, safety, nutrition, fitness and many other life building experiences. Lisa Negrini, who serves as the CEO for this unique setting, is always looking for ways to enhance our childrens growth and bring in new, interactive exhibits. If youre looking for a rewarding time when school closes for the summer, check out the summer camp program. And finally, one of the oldest living museums, Sunken Gardens, is a botanical paradise. Started in 1903, this was the anchor on 4th Street serving as the major artery between St. Petersburg and Tampa. Be prepared to spend a good while at the Gardens enjoying exotic plants from around the world, waterfalls, flamingoes and breathtaking beauty. There are no alligators here, so you will be safe. All this to say that we have a lot of treasures and commerce in and around The Historic Old Northeast. I am the first to admit that it is tempting to head to Tyrone Mall, International Mall or to the big box stores. Or to head south to Beach Drive. But try your luck right up the street. You may find just what you are looking for.
Kate Houser.................................1200 North Shore Dr. NE #501 John & Peggy Howard..................................115 19th Avenue NE Colleen & Elliott Hulse.................................344 21st Avenue NE Gail Kelley......................................................144 30th Avenue N Mariana Kind..................................................321 26th Avenue N Nancy Kiper.............................................. 2101 Cherry Street NE Hayden Knowlton.........................................535 17th Avenue NE Paul Kriegler...................................................226 7th Avenue NE Anthony & Valerie Laudicina........................... 241 24th Avenue N Kathlene Lima & William Powell..................... 124 19th Avenue N Sharon K. Lindert........................................... 201 28th Avenue N Suzanne & Daniel Lombardi.............................1730 Beach Drive Kate & Kyle Masterson................................... 106 20th Avenue N Alyzon Mayoh..............................................400 22nd Avenue NE Mike & Carolyn Meagher..............................516 20th Avenue NE Robert & Ann Miller....................................................................... Nathan Murdach............................................ 176 22nd Avenue N Elaine New...................................................346 19th Avenue NE Jim Parker & Nancy Beck............................ 2408 Brevard Rd NE Katie & Laura Pemble..................................615 16th Avenue NE Frank Pizzica..................................................200 14th Avenue N Mary & Brian Reed......................................... 175 21st Avenue N Joseph Ruperto..............................................219 14th Avenue N Paul Scherer.....................................................145 5th Avenue N Ann Schieser.................................................170 22nd Avenue N Patricia Smith & Thomas Parker....................215 6th Avenue NE Timothy & Barbara Spofford....................655 10th Avenue NE #5 John Tony.....................................................120 19th Avenue NE Katee Tully & Helen Levine..........................315 14th Avenue NE Elizabeth & Laurent Vanneste......................506 18th Avenue NE Manuel & Vicki Vilaret...................................526 18th Avenue NE Gina & William Wadley...................................231 8th Avenue NE Jane & Doug Williams..................................156 20th Avenue NE Hon Wong.....................................................161 24th Avenue NE Brian & Sabrina Young.................................338 15th Avenue NE
New Members
Todd Anthony & Brett Chuckerman..............234 18th Avenue NE Annette & Jerry Baesel......................................2300 Brevard NE Emily & Ian Barber.......................................... 1625 1st Stree NE Karen & David Berman................................... 185 26th Avenue N Kevin & Jessica Best...................................... 247 30th Avenue N Mel & Mary Helen Bettcher..........................306 19th Avenue NE Judy Blanton...................................................145 7th Avenue NE Todd & Marla Bohlander...............................143 15th Avenue NE Joseph Bonacci..............................................195 28th Avenue N Lisa Bromma & Kirk Williams.......................105 13th Avenue NE Nathalie & Franck Carlier.............................416 18th Avenue NE Juleene Carroll........................................615 10th Avenue NE #4 Sheryl & Jed Chilton..................................... 115 11th Avenue NE Carol & Vince Ciccarello...............................156 14th Avenue NE Christina Diamond..........................................165 7th Avenue NE John & Jean Ann Echternach..........................111 14th Avenue N Susan Ferrera................................................161 24th Avenue N Kirsten & Ashley Fisher................................225 17th Avenue NE William & Yvonne Flowers.............................. 195 20th Avenue N Peter & Lani Ford..........................................1001 Bay Street NE Sarah Frey.........................................................1500 1st Street N Tara & Cory Gaffney......................................224 6th Avenue NE Susanne & Bubby Gillem..............................210 23rd Avenue N Armin M. Goodin................................................425 18th Ave NE Wendy Gough...............................................735 18th Avenue NE Bob Griendling & Karla Leavelle..................555 16th Avenue NE Julie Hamashima..........................................325 20th Avenue NE Susan & Gregory Hebrank............................1915 Bay Street NE Jeanne Hoffman...........................................315 10th Avenue NE Ted & Leann Hoornstra................................626 18th Avenue NE
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Gift cards for any occasion. Good for massages, retail products and stress-free celebrations.
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Are you one of those people who goes about your day-to-day life noticing things happening around you (or not happening) in the neighborhood and our City and you wonder why (or why not) but never get around to discovering the answer? Weve decided to ask one of our neighbors, Sue Strott, whos lived in The Old Northeast almost forever, to track down the explanations for some of those puzzling questions which bug, bedevil and frustrate us. So heres a start with some of those nagging, niggling WHYs? and WHATs?. Let us know if you have a particular issue or query youd like The Answer Lady to check out and well see what she can learn. Like FiOS... will we ever hear them now? Contact The Answer Lady at [email protected].
by Sue Strott
Its unbelievable the number of dogs in The Old Northeast. The nice thing is that most residents walk their dogs for exercise and to get some of the fire out of them. Our neighborhood is perfect for these walks with all the shade trees and sidewalks provided. Then, there are those who almost never walk their dogs. All the
pets have to do all day is sit atop a sofa and yap, yap, yap away at whomever or whatever walks by. Others may be big dogs, behind short fences, who have a WOOF that scares most folks to the point of their having to cross the street, busy or not. Some even have to grasp their tiny dogs and run past the fence of these seemingly vicious dogs. Having had several dogs over the years, I feel I can perceive their woof intent whether it be a friendly cmon in and play with me or a nasty and frightening I am the King or Queen of the block. Being a long-time landlady, Ive rejected tenants with pets for years but have found that lately most folks who are trying to move into our idyllic neighborhood have pets. Recently, I took aboard two, in different apartments, and I couldnt be happier with their manners and demeanor. All dogs are not problem dogs when their owners tend to them properly. Then, theres my dog, Foxy Lady, who tries to call in all manner of friendly dogs to play or to fend off unwelcome visitors. She gets daily walks, but the fence divides her from the traffic going by. Shes fine on a leash or free in the dog park, its just being behind that doggone fence that can elicit bad behavior. So what have I done to correct that? I purchased a water cannon (not a little water pistol) from Target, which I can pump some 30ft with one pump. Now, Foxy Lady loves baths, but she hates rain and other water. This has been so effective that now all I have to say is gun or Ill get the gun and she steps back from the fence and stops barking. One of my neighbors has already trained her Chihuahua with one, on my advice. Maybe more folks could try it and help save the sanity of passers-by and nearby neighbors, who can be annoyed by a dogs incessant barking. [For more on dogs, see The Institution of Dog Walking in the Hood on page 22.]
Sue was born in Chicago and lived in Canada before moving to The Old NE in 1973 where she continues to run an apartment rental business. She lives with her dog, Foxy Lady, and is one of those people who enjoys being busy!
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is a collection of what weve heard exchanged in the aisles of the supermarkets, shared waiting in line to pick up the kids from school, read in the papers, overheard in the pew behind us in church and, yes, even passed over the back fence. If you have something youd like to share about a special recognition, award received, birth, graduation, gooddeed-done or observation around the neighborhood please pass it along to the Editor. Over the Back Fence is only going to be interesting if we hear from you!
temporarily relocated to Bahstin to spend more time with their family and business matters (theyre keeping their home here). Susan has landed a nursing job at Mass General Hospital and Amir continues to run his car service, Town and Country Coach. Anyone visiting the Bahstin area can contact them at [email protected] Celebration of Cuban Culture.An Afternoon in Havana and enjoy the history of the city. We wish them well! is taking place at the Coliseum on Sunday, June 23, from 2-6pm Dennis on a Roll.Part-time Old NE and Boston-area resident a celebration of Cuban culture featuring music by the Grammy Dennis Lehane author, Eckerd professor wrote a New York award winning Buena Vista Social Club and Latin dancing by inTimes column in the aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombing ternational champions. There will be food and drinks in addition to titled, Dont Mess with Boston, which appeared on the front page Cuban music and dancing. A portion of the proceeds will benefit of the Perspective section of the 4/21 Tampa Bay Times. Dennis recently won the Edgar Allan Poe Award for best novel from the the St. Petersburg Arts Alliance. For ticket info and details go to Mystery Writers of America for his Prohibition-era book, Live www.afternooninhavana.com. by Night, set in Ybor City. Ben Affleck has written a screenplay Wedding Bells.Sara Wolski, a contributing writer to this adaptation of the book, in which the Academy Award winning acnewsletter, is getting hitched to fellow Old NE resident Adam tor plans to star and direct. [source: Tampa Bay Times, 5/4, 5/14] Hopkins on June 22 in a ceremony at The Lyceum. Honeymoon Swim, Bike, Run.New neighbor John Macedo was one of to follow in romantic locations in Italy. Congrats and best wishes! the top male finishers in the St. Anthonys Triathlon with a time Beantown Bound.Former HONNA Board member Amir of 01:58:38. [source: Tampa Bay Times, 4/29] Lashgari and Susan Coffey, who wrote the reviews for the Changes at the Pot.The Melting Pot, the longtime stalwart ONE Book Club which appeared in this newsletter, have at least on 4 th Street, caught the attention of a newspaper business columnist who analyzed some recent changes at the fondue emporium. According to writer Susan Thurston, the restaurant dropped its Big Night Out items in favor of a new menu offering more ala carte dishes, customized meal options, more affordable wines along with craft beers and specialty cocktails. Initial reports are that customers welcome the changes. [source: Tampa Bay Times, 4/30] Cozy on Up.JWags Saloon, at 2312 4th Street N, received an upbeat review in the 3/14 edition of the Tampa Bay Times, noting that it is A friendly, easygoing neighborhood bar with live music and sidewalk service where everything is surprisingly cheap Green Benches Not.Our City was pegged (for a sixth time) as one of the Top 100 Communities for Young People by Americas Promise Alliance and the ING Foundation. Criteria include efScan the QR code with forts made by the community to address the high school dropout youR SmaRtphone problem while providing programs and services for youth to live, learn and grow. [source: St. Petersburg Downtown newsletter, 5/13] Jamaica, Mon!!....Catering by Saffrons, Cuisine of the Sun has opened at 1040 4th Street N for your takeout and catering needs (822-1717), bringing joy to those who recall Saffrons when it was located off Park Street in Jungle Prada. Historic Old Northeast Neighborhood News Page 12
here in The Old Northeast. In 1997 they decided to downsize by Paul Boudreaux and moved into a unit at Whisony Cappelli -- the long-time maintenance supervisor at pering Waters. Tony has received three the Whispering Waters Condominiums on North Shore awards from the City ac Drive -- has retired after serving at Whispering Waters for over half a century. Indeed, its hard to think about Whispering Waters knowledging the beauty of the grounds at the campus. Lina without him. Tony was born in Ausonia, Italy, and grew up on a farm where assists him with maintenance he studied agriculture. When he was 21 (this was 1957), he visited and assists a number of the an uncle living here in St. Petersburg. He got a job at a plant nurs- elderly residents there. A few years ago Tony reery owned by Randy Wedding but had to return to Italy when his duced his schedule to halfvisa expired. Mr. Wedding helped make arrangements for Tony time but now has pretty to return to the States and resume working for him. much retired. Sometime later, Tony heard of a It would be property maintenance job at WhisOver The Back Fence is a hard to imagpering Waters. He was interviewed i n e Whisand was hired in 1962. Little did he pering Wa know he would be at Whispering ters without Waters so many years! STEP ON UP Tony, but he A few years later Tony met, will still be involved in specific and Lina, the woman who was to betasks there and will continue to work privately for come his wife. They purchased the LETS HEAR the many residents who want his services. Holiday Motel at 415 24th Avenue All who have had the good fortune to know him FROM YOU N, and Lina ran the motel while hold him in the highest regard. Tony worked at the condo complex. Paul and wife Barri live at Whispering Waters. The Cappellis lived at the Holiday e-mail: [email protected] Paul previously served on the HONNA Board. and later in a home on Oak Street
111 2nd Ave. N.E., Ste. 400 St. Petersburg, FL 33701 [email protected]
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Page 13
Several residents have already volunteered, but we need more folks to get involved. It is a great way to give back to the neighborhood and work with your neighbors. If you have a particular interest in these areas or if you want to find one that is right for you, we need you. Contact Jay Marshall at [email protected] or call him at 727/248-9288.
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Page 14
Historic Old Northeast Neighborhood News
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Page 15
years. We become witnesses to the culture of post-World War II Italy, the strengths and weaknesses inherent in a close knit, almost ghetto-like community, and the difficulties facing all children, but especially females, trying to advance and break free of the forces that would hold them back economically and socially. It is a story of an intimate friendship and its impact on each girl and how they helped each other through their periods of attachment and detachment. The only real criticism of the book given by our group was that there were so many auxiliary characters -- all with confusing Italian names -- that it was nearly impossible to keep the various subplots straight. The group gave it a thumbs up and will surely be eagerly reading books two and three when they are published. ONE Great Book Club continues to have a waiting list. It meets the second Thursday evening every other month. Coordinator Kim Wolfe can be reached at [email protected]. ONE also continue to have a sister/brother book group which meets the last Wednesday of every month at 2pm. Contact Colleen Grant at [email protected] for more information.
MAY 2013
OLD NoRTHEAST BRIGHTWATERS PASS A GRILLE Historic Old Northeast Neighborhood News
or to just be somewhere else -- completely misses all of these small details. He does not see the child in the swing or the man with the lemonade or even the little garden that was planted. The driver is oblivious and looks instead toward wherever he is going. In essence, he misses these small neighborhood details. Such is not the case with cycling. When riding, a cyclist finds a new perspective and can see beauty everywhere. Cycling connects people. When a cyclist passes, she typically smiles, waves and says Hi. She tows her kids or just enjoys the ride with friends or significant others. Cycling connects people. Plants and flowers and home-grown gardens that have been lovingly planted are noticed and remarked upon. While riding a bike you can catch the laughter of children playing ball in the street and say Hello to people as they walk by with their dogs. Cycling is a way to help build community and keep this wonderful neighborhood a neighborhood, a community. In a sense, cycling helps give the perspective that the world doesnt have to be a fearful place, that the neighborhood environment and pulse is alive and filled with people who love where they call home. Cycling builds an appreciation for things that may be overlooked by others just passing by. Cycling around The Old Northeast is a fantastic way to become part of a great community -- one that you can proudly call home, enjoy like I do. Change your perspective and jump on a bike!
We carry comfort, cruiser, hybrid, off-road and road bicycles for men, women & kids JOIN US! for monthly shop events and rides
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Page 17
No Strangers Here in The Old NE -Just Friends Who Havent Met Yet! by Barbara Marshall
here will never be an end in time to feature the many interesting and talented folks who live in our popular neighborhood, The Historic Old Northeast. This is the third installment to feature a few more of our wonderfully diverse and widely interesting friends and neighbors. Jules Cozine (11th Avenue N). Originally from Atlanta, Jules moved to St. Petersburg two years ago because of its strong art scene. As an artist -- primarily a painter working in oil on canvas -- her art is abstract, inspired by Helen Frankenthaler, a 1950s artist of the abstract expressionist movement. Jules sells her paintings through the Anne Irwin Fine Art Gallery in Atlanta and Soho Myriad in LA, a commercial gallery placing her artwork in high-
end hotels like the Las Vegas Four Seasons. Shes lived in Italy, Japan and England. Before having her three children, Jules worked as an art teacher for The Atlanta College of Art and the Savannah College of Art and Design. Her work has been purchased by celebrities and is often featured in designer show houses, including the Hamptons Showhouse in New York. Check out her Facebook page: www.facebook.com/jules.cozine.studio Lisa Grattan (14th Avenue NE) A St. Petersburg native, Lisa (see right on book cover) likes to joke that Tennis is my racket! She began playing junior tournaments at age 10, played collegiate tennis for the University of Florida and taught tennis locally for 10 years. Lisa has serve for the past 15 years asa Player Representative on the WTA (Womens Tennis Association) Board of Directors (represent ing the players voice). Shes currently the Chairperson of the Womens Tennis Benefit Association. Lisa has worked with the WTA for over 22 years, first as a tour supervisor, traveling as much as 200 days annually to tournaments all over the world. This month (June), she will travel to Wimbledon where she will partake in a special celebratory event for WTAs 40th anniversary. No matter where Lisa travels, she claims There is no place like home and loves being in the burg. Tonya Zalick, (Locust Street NE) Tonya moved to The Old Northeast in May, 2005. She works for the Executive Director of the Westminster Palms retirement community on Beach Drive NE ( www.westminsterretirement. com). Although we may not be able to pick her out of the clown brigade, Tonya participates as a clown in local parades such as the Grand Prix Illuminated Night Parade and downtowns Santa Parade, after having recently attended All Childrens Clown Alley School in 2012. She and her husband have donated their time as a Big Couple through Big Brothers Big Sisters, and shes volunteered to be a hugger for the organization Keep Saint Petersburg Local and its celebration of National Hugging Day, which occurs globally and annually in January. As Tonya expresses, When you live in a city like St. Petersburg that offers so much, it is a pleasure to find ways to give back.
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To m a n d K a re n D a vis (Brevard Road NE) Tom and Karen are newcomers to St. Petersburg and to Florida. In April 2012 they wrapped up a combined 81 years of Federal government service with the USAF and State Department Foreign Service and looked no further than St. Pete to call home.Together and separately their assignments took them to Vietnam,Korea,Germany, Austria, Bangladesh, Uganda, Ghana, Pakistan, Indonesia, Nepal and various stateside postings. Being used to moving and unpacking every one to three years, they first celebrated by throwing out every old packing box and then bought bicycles to enjoy this beautiful area.Tom brushed up his pottery skills acquired in Korea in the early 1970s and works most days at Charlie Parkers Studio on 6th Avenue S throwing and firing Raku pieces.Karen, used to a career of organizing ambassadors schedules, is now enjoying planning their own activities, welcoming visitors and traveling.Tom and Karen enthusiastically agree that, There is no place like home.We are just enjoying being back in America after so many years abroad and we cant believe we landed in such a beautiful city and welcoming neighborhood.
Fran Tenorio and Richard Becker (8th Avenue NE) Fran and Richard retired to St. Petersburg in 2011 after careers in education and law (Fran was a teacher of children and adults; Richard was a lawyer and mediator). They spent most of their adult lives in Albuquerque and Santa Fe.They love life in The Old Northeast, where the neighbors are friendly and life is peaceful. In 2009, while in their mid-60s, Fran and Richard went to Nicaragua with the Peace Corps for two adventurous years. AARP (American Association of Retired Persons) produced a five-minute video about their experience. Visit http:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=BI9_3i-CdvA.
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Page 19
Marriage on a Mission
his season, my husband and I made it our mission to attend more Rays games. We have had so much fun cheering the team on with our friends and feeling more a part of this great organization. One of my favorite parts of the games, other than watching the Rays win of course, is the 7th inning stretch. This may sound strange, but I try to make sure that Im in my seat after the top of the 7th so I can stand up with the rest of the fans, stretch out my arms, and belt out the lyrics to Take Me Out to the Ball Game. I love this for several reasons: 1) I cannot wait to stand up and move around after sitting in those plastic blue chairs for a few hours, and 2) I absolutely love tradition. I love the significance behind doing something that has been done thousands of times before, all over North America, for decades and decades. (I also love it because it reminds me a bit of singing We are the Boys at Florida football games Go Gators!) This past Rays game, as the song was finishing up, the Jumbotron showed an elderly couple with their arms around one another, swaying and singing the song together. When the song wrapped up, the couple cheered and gave each other a kiss. It was a sweet moment to behold and such a neat little tradition that they have created on their own. After watching this, I leaned over to my husband and told him that we should make that a tradition as well. I think it is such a motivating image to picture my husband and I in our later years in life, still attending baseball games and still giving each other kisses every time the 7th inning stretch ends. It gives us a vision for where we want to go and what kind of couple we want to be -- and to me, having that vision is such an important thing if we want a marriage that stands the test of time. There are a few elements of this story that I believe are essential to having a thriving marriage, and from
what I saw the elderly couple at the Rays game got it right. The first element is to have shared rituals and traditions. I see far too many couples in my office who feel they have fallen out of love or feel that they are just operating as roommates. To me, that fading away does not happen overnight but after years of operating too independently of one another without having any kind of shared rituals. Shared rituals can include many things: a date night every Thursday, drinking coffee on the porch together on Saturday mornings, making sure to give a goodbye kiss before work or going to bed together at the same time in the evenings. These rituals may be grand gestures or may be tiny, seemingly insignificant things but these rituals are far from insignificant as they bring you together as a team and remind you that you are operating as one unified unit. It is important, however, to remember that rituals does not mean we become ritualistic in doing these things, thereby allowing them to lose their meaning. If date night on Thursday is becoming a chore, move it to Monday and go to a different restaurant. If your kiss before work has become dry and insincere, give the other person an extended hug instead (20 seconds or more is ideal). The important thing is that you are both going out of your way to maintain traditions that set you apart as a couple. The second element that I believe is essential to having a thriving marriage is to have a shared mission. A few questions I will often ask couples during premarital counseling are: What do you want your marriage to stand for?, If I were to ask your friends or family to describe your marriage in the future, what would you want them to say?, and If you were to make a mission statement for your marriage, what would it be? We can all probably assume the general mission statement couples have: buy a house, have kids and be happy. But what about a more specific mission statement? What kind of impact would you as a couple like to have on your community? What goals would you like to achieve together? What bucket list items would you like to cross off your list together? We have to move from just being satisfied with happiness -- because, as we know, happiness is circumstantial -- and seek to have purpose as a couple. I encourage you couples and families to sit down today and consider the importance of shared rituals and a shared mission. Try to identify some shared rituals you may already have that you hadnt considered before. Then try to come up with some new rituals you would enjoy doing that would create bonding and a feeling of unity. Also ask yourselves the following question: What do we want our marriage to mean? Try to come up with a mission statement together in order to gain a vision of your marriage a month from now, 10 years from now and even 40 years from now. It is never too late to start operating as a team, and these are a few ways to facilitate that shared meaning together.
Courtney Ellis is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor who provides individual and couples counseling to the Tampa Bay area. She lives in a cozy bungalow in The Old Northeast with her husband and two dogs. She tries to spend as much time on her front porch as possible.
Page 20
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Page 21
iving in The Historic Old Northeast allows the residents to watch the neighborhood world. Whether you are gazing out a window, taking a stroll or involved in walking your dog, there are always interesting sights to see. Many of the alleys are artistically decorated or planted and houses change colors and modifications with every new owner. There are new plantings, new flowers sprouting and neighbors out and about catching up with one another. This neighborhood is most vibrant and always interesting; it is not a static area. Dog walkers differ, too. There are those who are indifferent to the surroundings and walk glued to their phone, the dog usually ignored. There are those who walk in front of their dog so there is no sight communication at all. There are those who walk with their dog leading the way, and then there are those who never pick up the dog droppings. Fortunately, most dog walkers are diligent and responsible and carry bags for disposal -- newspaper bags, grocery bags, plastic bags, store-bought bags made for this one purpose and even pieces of newspaper or paper towels are carried for the clean-up chore.
And one does not have to go very far to find a neighborhood trash barrel or Dumpster for the disposal. One neighbor, while watching from her window, became infuriated by a formally dressed man whose dog left a large pile of droppings on her lawn and blithely walked away. Grabbing a grocery bag, she ran after the man and while waving her cell phone she loudly announced that it was against the law to allow dog littering and that if he didnt return and clean up after his dog she was calling the police. Duly warned, the man returned to the spot, cleaned up the droppings and walked away, clutching the obvious bag of dog litter, his head held high in abject defiance! Other troublesome sights are those who leash their dogs, then jump on a bike and ride dragging the dog alongside. This dangerous dog exercise activity has been seen crossing a very active intersection as well as along a very busy avenue here in The Old Northeast. Those dog owners do not realize that they are playing a flirting game with death or injury for themselves as well as their dog. Other sightings include a resident who has trained her cat to wear a harness and leash as she tours the nearby avenues, and there is a dog walker who also gives a shoulder perch to his parrot. Nearly infirm but very determined senior residents grab their canes -and sometimes their walkers -- to insure that their also senior companion gets exercise. Not all dogs are sociable, so alert dog walkers are seen quickly turning down an alley or crossing the street when another dog is approaching.
Page 22
The variety and number of canines here can compete with the purebred dogs in the Westminster Dog Show competition. But most of the dogs do not possess American Kennel Club bloodlines. There is Amie, a white Poodle who excitedly whirls in 360 degree circles; Jack, a black Poodle, behaves per fectly, is fed treats from his owners shirt-pocket; a pair of SPCA Celebrity Pugs named Daisy and Lily who appear unwilling to be outside. There are three small Havanese named Lady Gwen, King Havana and Prince Diego who walk in side-by-side formation. There is a probable Shih Tzu named George who possesses a Napoleon Complex and a little mixed-breed dog named Bella, newly-rescued and learning her manners. All of them and many other canine companions happily trot around our Old Northeast neighborhood. There are various scruffy dogs of untraceable pedigree with many patterns and colors, there are dogs costing many dollars as well as rescue dogs that were saved from
cruel situations. Other dogs, cooped up inside their houses, jealously bark as the walkers and their dogs pass by. It is quite noticeable that the dogs who are walked, by any human mode, look healthier and happier than those who are not given the gift of fresh air time with their owner, time to sniff for messages as well as experience the sights and sounds of a peaceful but active, and always interesting, Historic Old Northeast neighborhood.
Photos courtesy of Ed McGrath
Jill and Ed McGrath (who grew up together in the Hudson River Valley of New York) are restoring a 1910 cottage on the corner of Bay Street and 6th Avenue NE. This is Jills fifth (Eds third) complete house restoration project and they have promised each other that it will be their last.
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Page 23
In Case You Missed It: Updates and Follow Ups Keeping You Current on Some Neighborhood Stories That Have Been in the News
restoration and streetscape improvements got underway. A joint study by the state Department of Transportation and the City then evaluated traffic accidents along the stretch of road between 5th Avenue N and 30th Avenue N, with the first median/ pedestrian crosswalk then created at Sunken Gardens in 2010. After public meetings with property owners, businesses and the affected neighborhood associations, the subsequent medians were designed and approved. The existing two-way center left turn lanes were converted to dedicated left-turn lanes into each avenue. The purpose was to reduce the incidence of vehicle collisions and provide safe areas for pedestrians crossing midblock. The posted speed limit is 35mph. [source: Tampa Bay Times, 4/14] A coalition of community groups has urged the City to provide better recycling opportunities. In April the Peoples Trash campaign called for universal curbside recycling. How can St. Petersburg call itself a Green City without more extensive recycling?, asked the president of the local League of Women Voters chapter. At present the City provides several recycling centers; residents can also pay $3.75/month for private curbside pick-up. The effort is supported by the Council of Neighborhood Associations and the St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce. [source: Tampa Bay Times, 4/17]
A recent Dr. Delay newspaper column responded to a question about the 13 newly-installed medians along 4 th Street. According to information supplied by City transportation manager Mike Frederick, the medians are the second phase of an improvement project dating back to 1994, which was to change the corridor from a pass-through route to a business destination area. Once easements had been secured, sidewalk
A new condo project is planned near the southern boundary of The Old NE at 146 4th Avenue NE. The six-story 20 unit beaux-arts style building will be known as Rowland Place, offering residences between $500,000-$800,000. The half-acre location is between the P. Buckley Moss Gallery and the Watergarden Inn at the Bay; the existing 1920s bungalow will be moved and remodeled. [source: Tampa Bay Times, 5/3]
Page 24
Melting Pot, 2221 4th Street N For more info, contact Larry at
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ne sure winner in this years Triple Crown was Kathi Harris, Milliner extraordinaire! Kathi, who lives in The Old Northeast, put the crowning touch on the heads of over 400 women who attended this years Kentucky Derby. Kathi creates hats for a variety of occasions such as church, weddings, graduations, carriage driving events and extravagant racing events. Of course, every woman needs a casual hat for everyday shopping, travel, garden, beach, bad hair day or to stay cool and out of the sun on hot summer days. For more about Kathi and her business Hat-a-Tude, visit www.hat-a-tude.com
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Page 26
Property Transfers
The St. Pete Times section of the Wednesday edition of the Tampa Bay Times provides a partial listing of real estate transactions compiled from public records. These entries come from those listings. If any of these folks live near you, make sure you welcome them to the neighborhood.
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555 5th Avenue NE #1022.............. Paul and Linda Colombani 165 7th Avenue N.................Benjamin and Christina Diamond 226 7th Avenue NE ..............................................Paul Kriegler 444 10th Avenue NE..........................................Simon Morgan 615 10th Avenue NE #6................... Robert and Ruby Pahmer 208 11th Avenue N........... Rodney Erms and Vladislav Rangotchev 124 12th Avenue N........................................ Ronald Hiemann 136 13th Avenue NE.......................................Sean Bartonicek 156 14th Avenue NE....................Carol and Vincent Ciccarello 546 14th Avenue NE...............Creed and Michelle Ann Rucker 116 15th Avenue NE.......Taylor and Joanna Maribel Andersen 535 15th Avenue NE.................. Robert Smith and Mary Frank 255 16th Avenue NE................................ Brian and Molly Auld 626 16th Avenue NE........Martin Paro and William Denman Jr. 656 16th Avenue NE................Howard Miller and Nancy Clark 215 17th Avenue NE................. Robert and Michelle Robinson 214 18th Avenue N........................................ Ronald Hiemann 246 19th Avenue NE................... Anthony and Lauren Leavine 635 19th Avenue NE............................. Cary and Joan Putrino 636 19th Avenue NE...................... David and Kathleen Monks 156 20th Avenue NE.....................Douglas and Janet Williams 305 20th Avenue NE......................................Eldridge Bravo III 152 21st Avenue N............... Philip Valdes and Jena Koshaish 426 22nd Avenue NE.....................................Jodi Ann Lippens 115 25th Avenue N................. Krista and Christopher Bledsoe 300 26th Avenue N........................................... Adria Cobeaga 310 26th Avenue N.......................... Michael and Katie Bernas 139 26th Avenue NE.............................John and Pamela Tony 1430 1st Street N....................................................Staci Cross 2924 1st Street N.........................William and Diann OConnor 1107 3rd Street N.............................. Dennis and Helga Mahar 824 Bay Street NE......................................... Shawne Angelle 1900 Bay Street NE........................................... Carol Tessem 700 Beach Drive NE #406....... Heidi Trilsch and Robert Siclari 700 Beach Drive NE #804.... Donald Robert Mac and Jack Smith 1225 Beach Drive NE......................................... Roger Pettee 1400 Beach Drive NE................... Stephen and Melissa Clark 1012 North Shore Drive NE #35........................... Neil Joseph
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WPArchitect.com 727-399-7504 [email protected]
Source: Compiled from public records and printed in the Tampa Bay Times.
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Barbara & Jay Marshall, Owners & Historic Old Northeast residents
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Page 27
Development Review Services Division at 727/893-7471 for more information about legally recognized parking areas.
Condition of Structures
Junk and rubbish cannot be left in the yard and must be properly disposed of. This includes: junk auto parts, appliances, furniture, building materials and tires, trash such as discarded paper, cardboard, plastics, etc. and debris such as tree trimmings and fallen limbs. Outdoor storage is prohibited. Generally, any equipment, materials or furnishings that would ordinarily not be used outdoors may not be stored outdoors. For example, you may not keep indoor furniture, household appliances, auto parts or building materials outside. You may not store firewood outside unless it is stacked on open racks 18 inches above the ground. You may store a barbecue grill, lawn furniture, garden hoses, garden tools, outdoor play equipment for children or a lawn mower outside in an orderly fashion.
The maintenance of a structure is the responsibility of the property owner. Any wood, siding, shingles, roof covering, railings, fences, walls, ceilings, porches, doors, windows and screens and other exterior parts of a structure must be maintained in weather tight, rodent proof, sound condition and good repair. The property owner is responsible for maintaining secure windows, doors or other openings that cannot be readily opened for the outside. An owner may need to board up a vacant structure if a break-in occurs. Security boards must be made of exterior grade plywood painted in a neutral color that blends inconspicuously with the exterior colors of the building. Domestic equipment includes motor homes, trailers, utility trailers, boats and campers. Up to two pieces of domestic equipment may be located on certain areas of a residential lot. Domestic equipment may be located in the rear yard or interior side yard of a lot but not in a front yard, a street side yard or a waterfront yard. On weekends only, equipment may be brought into the front yard to allow easy access and more frequent use. Generally, commercial equipment and commercial vehicles may not be parked in a residential area unless they are within a fully enclosed structure that was constructed with a permit. For each residential lot, one commercial vehicle designed as a van, pickup truck or similar vehicle of up to 22 feet long and up to nine feet high may be parked on a legally recognized parking area provided that the vehicle does not display commercial identification lettering or advertising covering in excess of 50% of the visible surface area, is in sound condition and properly licensed. Dwelling units that have been added to the interior or the exterior of a structure without proper permits are illegal, regardless of how long the units have existed. The City will require closure of such units.
Domestic Equipment
Commercial Equipment
Inoperative motor vehicles cannot be stored except in a fully enclosed structure that was constructed with a permit. An inoperative vehicle is a vehicle that does not display a current license tag and/or is not equipped with all parts that are required to legally and safely operate on public streets and/or cannot be driven under its own power (whether or not designed for use on the public streets).
Paint or other water resistant treatment is required on the exterior of structures. Approved exterior siding or brick that is well maintained and water resistant will also meet the code. Any repairs to the exterior of a structure must be made with materials that match the balance of the structure. Therefore, siding or brick must be repaired using similar siding or brick. When damaged wood is repaired, the replacement wood must be painted the same as the surrounding wood.
Prohibited Business
Parking in the required front yard setback is permitted for passenger cars and motorcycles on residential lots only on a legal driveway or in a garage. A driveway or parking area must be constructed with For further information, please contact the Codes Compliance Assistance approved parking surfaces. There are limits to the amount of yard Department at 727/893-7373 or through www.stpete.org. You can also visit the Municipal Services Center, located at One 4th Street N, First Floor. area that can be used for a driveway or parking. Check with the Historic Old Northeast Neighborhood News Page 28
Most businesses are not allowed to operate in residential areas. This means that car and boat repairs, construction of cabinets and furniture and other activities that are not normally carried on in a residential district are prohibited except that you may work on your own car, boat, cabinets, etc., provided the activity does not disrupt or injure nearby residents.
Porch Parties are held the third Friday of the month from 7:30-10pm (except December). Porch Parties are strictly social and provide and informal and fun way to mix and mingle with your neighbors. Bring your own beverage. Cups, ice and light snacks are provided. Ask a neighbor to ride or walk over with you. For more info, contact [email protected]
MJ and Jerry Robinson 705 18th Avenue NE Celebrating 10 years of HONNA Porch Parties
Youre Invited!
No Porch Party
Sue Strott The Answer Lady asked if she could share her thoughts about the May Porch Party which, by popular demand, has become the annual Cinco de Mayo Porch Party. Rumor has it that it was quite the party, which Sues accounting confirms. As to Sues urging to do it again real soon: Sorry, youre going to have to wait 11 months for the 2014 version which is likely to be another not-to-be-missed gathering. t was a refreshingly slightly cool evening on May 3 as I walked over to the front door of the lovingly restored home at 213 12th Avenue N, which Betty and Larry Smith and family had remodeled for Bettys father, Lew Bennett. Larry gave me a name tag and I turned the corner into the back yard. We were here to celebrate Cinco de Mayo, for the first time at this location as Betty and Larrys home on 13th Avenue N is in the middle stages of restoration. I was greeted on the patio with the sight of a small invitingly lit swimming pool amid a myriad of cobblestones. The yard was festively decorated with colored lights. And a table under the back porch groaned under the weight of all manner of Mexican fare -from pepper poppers to creamy cheese and regular salsa and chips as well as heavenly meatballs.This wasnt your run-of-the-mill chips n dips social -- this was elegant! As the night wore on, more and more folks arrived to chat with old friends and neighbors and to meet new ones. Son Bennett and his lovely wife Ashleigh were just as fine a host as Betty and Larry have been. And the other son Alexander and wife Jennifer with the grand-baby filled out the melting pot of a great family. By the time I got to snapping a few photos, several folks had left -- all having praised the beauty of the location and fare. Lets do it again real soon!
When contracting services from any business its always a good idea to check with the Better Business Bureau for prior complaints. Ask for references and confirm that your contractor is licensed. Page 29
Consumer Tip
We encourage you to go directly to the City website www.stpete.org and look for Upcoming Events where you can click on View All Events. This will enable you to check updates and all the scheduled events day-by-day for the coming weeks and months.
JUNE 1 Bay 5K for Kids, Vinoy Park (percentage of proceeds benefits Ronald McDonald House/All Childrens Hospital) JUNE 8 Book Sale, Mirror Lake Library Rain Harvesting, (i.e., creating rain barrels) Weedon Island Preserve; 453-6500 Young Eagles, (free flights for kids) Albert Whitted Field JUNE 12 City Budget Public Forum, Enoch Davis Center JUNE 13 YOUNG NORTHEASTERS SOCIAL (SEE PAGE 4) JUNE 17 NEIGHBORHOOD DESSERT POTLUCK MEETING (SEE PAGE 1) JUNE 21 PORCH PARTY (SEE PAGE 29) JUNE 22 Going Coastal: Saltwater Seining, Weedon Island Preserve; 453-6500 JUNE 23 An Afternoon in Havana, Coliseum JUNE 24 NEW RESIDENT MEET-AND-GREET (SEE PAGE 25) JUNE 26 Breakfast with the Mayor JUNE 29 GLEANING (SEE PAGE 4)
St. Pete Pride, Grand Central District
JULY 19-21 Tampa Bay Home Show, The Trop JULY 20-21 Cool Art Show, Coliseum; 736-2976 JULY 20 Going Coastal: Discovering the World of Plankton, Weedon Island Preserve; 453-6500 JULY 24 Breakfast with the Mayor JULY 26 Vans Warped Tour, Vinoy Park AUGUST 8 Mayors Night Out, Campbell Park Center AUGUST 16 FAMILY PORCH PARTY AT GREAT EX (SEE PAGE 29) AUGUST 24 Miles for Hope Wig Out, South Straub Park (benefits All Childrens Hospital) AUGUST 27 Primary Election AUGUST 28 Breakfast with the Mayor RECURRING EVENTS
(see calendar at www.stpete.org for more opportunities and details and any changes in these schedules)
JULY 4 4TH OF JULY CHILDRENS PARADE COFFEE POT PARK (SEE PAGE 6) JULY 6 Weedon the Beautiful: Nature Photo Scavenger Hunt, Weedon Island Preserve; 453-6500 JULY 13 Archaeology Works: Shells, Weedon Island Preserve; 4536500 Happy Hour with the Historian: an Evening of Wine Words and Wisdom, St. Petersburg Museum of History JULY 18 Mayors Night Out, Bay Vista Center JULY 19 PORCH PARTY (SEE PAGE 29)
DAILY Yoga, Sunken Gardens; 551-3102 MONDAY Art Bites (2d), Museum of Fine Arts; 896-2667 Jazz Jam (1st), Hangar Restaurant TUESDAY New Parents Gallery Gathering (2nd), Museum of Fine Arts; 8962667 EVERY TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY Hoop Dancing, Sunken Gardens; 551-3102 WEDNESDAY Coffee Talk (2nd), Museum of Fine Arts; 896-2667 Coffee with a Curator, Dali Museum; 823-3767 THURSDAY Genius Next Door, Dali Museum; 823-3767 Opera @ The Dali, Dali Museum; 823-3767 Our Town: Conversations with St. Pete Mythmakers (last), Dali Museum; 823-3767 Shakespeare Shakes (2nd), Ale & Witch FRIDAY Garden Tour, Sunken Gardens; 551-3102 St. Pete Shuffle, Shuffleboard Courts; 822-2083 Get Downtown Music Series (1st). Central b/w 2nd-3rd
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RECURRING EVENTS, cont... SATURDAY Breakfast with Dali and Families (1st), Dali Museum; 823-3767 Horticulture Workshop, Sunken Gardens; 551-3102 Super Special Saturday/Family Day (3rd), Museum of Fine Arts; 896-2667 Yoga & Family (1st), Museum of Fine Arts; 896-2667 Arts and Crafts for Families, Dali Museum; 823-3767 Take 5 with the Director (2nd), Museum of Fine Arts; 823-2667 2nd Saturday Art Walks/Gallery Walk (2nd), various downtown locations; 323-ARTS St. Pete Indie Market (1st), 600 Central Avenue Williams Park Summer Market, Williams Park Warehouse Arts District Gallery Walk/Trolley Tour (2nd), www.warehouseartsdistrictstpete.org SUNDAY Inspire Yoga at the Dali, Dali Museum; 823-3767 BUSINESS-RELATED
June 3 SBA Loans and Programs June 4 Franchising 101: Exploring Myths and Facts June 5 Introduction to Business Startup June 6 Disaster Preparedness and Recovery for Small Business Owners Intellectual Property Anyone? June 11 Social Media June 12 How to Research and Write Your Business Plan June 13 Establishing a Home- Based Business June 17 City of St. Petersburg Incentives and Services for Business Owners and Startups June 18 Business Start-Up Basics June 19 How to Do Business with the City June 20 How to Make Your Business Thrive Not Just Survive June 24 SBA 8(a) HUBZone Certification and Federal Contracting June 25 Credit for Your Small Business
Page 31
We are pleased to announce that Jack LoBianco and Peter Motzenbecker have joined Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC
The LoBianco Financial Consulting Group of Wells Fargo Advisors 700 Central Avenue, Suite 100 St. Petersburg, FL 33701 727-550-2222 800-624-1221 Toll Free [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Investment and Insurance Products: u NOT FDIC Insured u NO Bank Guarantee u MAY Lose Value Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC, Member SIPC, is a registered broker-dealer and a separate non-bank affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company. 2012 Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC. All rights reserved. 0612-01937 06/12
We welcome these new and returning businesses which are advertising in our newsletter. Thank you!
A Message from Our Neighbors at Westminster Presbyterian Church and Day School
David McKalip for City Council Vintage Interiors Start to Finish Spine Care Keller Williams Realty/ Rachel Sartain
by Rev. Gail Zoya, Pastor oes it feel as if something is missing from your life? Are you searching for deeper meaning in your relationships and/or your career? Do you yearn for spiritual wholeness? You are invited to come and journey with us at Westminster Presbyterian Church (126 11th Avenue NE). Westminster is a PC(USA) congregation that welcomes all into our family of faith. We hope you will join us for Sunday worship at 10:30am. Westminster Day School is now enrolling for the 2013-2014 school year! We offer small class sizes and individual attention to each child. We serve children ages two through five and provide free VPK. Come and check us out or call 822-5906 for further information.
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by Sara Wolski
Photo taken at a shoot for Publix at the home of Jeffrey and Jacqueline Meister on 16th Avenue NE in late January.
ouve seen them. They come in with the dawn and are on how accommodating the residents and neighbors are, and gone by dinner. Massive trucks with equipment, nimble that they have observed a real sense of pride in the neighborworkers, cameras. Theres nothing like the magic of film, and hood. theres something about the allure of a film set that always makes Our neighbors who have hosted film shoots have been very people curious. positive about their experiences as well. Sharon and Rick We are fortunate to enjoy a neighborhood rich in history, with Kantner have hosted both Brighthouse and Publix commercials cobbled streets and well-maintained old homes. We were drawn and had this to say about it: here by the same qualities that draw location managers perhaps Our girls thought it was really cool, and they cant wait the most important quality is the areas character. to see our house on TV. There was not a lot involved on Old homes have a character that no new home, however beautiour end. We just provided the house and stayed out of ful, can ever parallel, says Guy Balson, a location manager who their way. The commercial shoot was one full day with has coordinated several film shoots in the neighborhood and all two visits prior from the clients, and they used some of over St. Petersburg. When advertisers are trying to get their buyour furniture from the rooms they were shooting in while ers to relate to an image, something old with original furnishings bringing in some of their own props. Everything was left has such a different quality than something new, and homes with in good order when they wrapped up. The director, cast character are what theyre looking for. and crew were professional and very respectful of our house. The terms of the use of our home were contained Many of the houses in The Historic Old Northeast boast original in a written contract, and we were paid promptly on the furnishings and often an eclectic mix of styles, some old and some new. Companies like Publix, Brighthouse and Century 21 have day of the filming. The filming agency took out insurance been very pleased with their advertisements filmed in The Old for any damages that may be incurred, though in our Northeast, and they continue to come back to the area for more two experiences we did not have any damages or issues. projects, as do many other large companies. You must have flexible and accommodating neighbors As a location manager, Balson works with both local film as the crew will take over the street with their trucks crews and New York or Los Angeles-based directors and direcand cars. If you dont mind having lots of crew memtors of photography (or DPs as they are known in the business bers in and out of your house for a day, I would highly -- this is the person actually behind the camera). Depending recommend anyone that is contacted about filming a on the clients concept, Balson will scout for the appropriate commercial at their home to consider it. look and feel until he finds the perfect match. So the next time you see the telltale concentration of trucks When choosing homes for film shoots, Balson says the comand equipment on a neighborhood block and the directional mon misconception is that houses must be mansions. Thats crew signs posted on North Shore or Beach Drives, con not at all the case. However, these projects do require a good tinue to spread our warm neighborhood welcome. If you are amount of space. Each project varies significantly, but large interested in learning more about opening your home for a film projects can see 60-70 people in and out of a home over the shoot, contact Guy Balson at [email protected]. Compencourse of a day. A crew will often bring in all new furniture sation for the homeowners is dependent on the project; for a for a room or temporarily cover kitchen countertops to create film shoot, a typical range is between $1-2,000. a completely new look in the space. It all depends on what the project requires. The memory it creates, however, and the experience of your family seeing your home on television is quite arguably, According to Balson, despite their short timelines for project priceless. completion and the large amount of work involved, film crews A version of this article appeared in the May/June issue of the have been overwhelmingly positive about their experiences Northeast Journal working in our neighborhood. Crewmembers have commented Historic Old Northeast Neighborhood News Page 33
Plant Rant
by Flora Adorer
ts Summer, and you know what that means! More mosquitoes in the hot, steamy Old Northeast. Almost feels like living in a terrarium. Be a good neighbor and help reduce the flying pests. Get rid of standing water in your yard. Turn over empty containers that collect rainwater. Drain clogged roof gutters. And for Gods sake, if you grow bromeliads, be responsible! Water pools in them and skeeters love breeding in them. Regularly flush them with water to wash out larvae and eggs or sprinkle Bti (Bacillus thuringienis ssp. Israelensis), a natural bacterial spore, over them each month. You can buy a jar of the Bti mosquito bits or granules at garden centers. Wouldnt our neighborhood be a lot nicer without so many of those blood-sucking critters? I heard about a zealous neighbor a few blocks away who walks around the hood with a tape measure to find tree and shrub branches that extend over the sidewalk. Then she reports it to the City, which requires a minimum of eight feet vertical clearance above the sidewalk (and 14 feet above streets and alleys). Ill admit there are some places where Ive had near head-bangers. Consider yourself warned. Be nice and trim those branches -- or you might get busted by the neighborhood snitch. Put away that Miracle Grow and Scotts Turf Builder. You arent allowed to use fertilizer that contains nitrogen or phosphorous in Pinellas County from June 1 to September 30 because of storm runoff into our waterways. Stores dont even sell it during this time. If youre heavy-handed on the stuff, its a good time to wean your plants off those salt-laden chemicals that turn your plants into fertilizer junkies. While youre hibernating indoors this summer, read up on composting and start making your own natural garden food. Its all about feeding the soil, not the plants. Whats up with the big box garden stores selling plants that will most likely die in our yards? Im talking about the sago palm, which Ive seen at several local stores. It was practically wiped out locally due to the airborne Asian cycad scale, which is difficult and costly to treat. If you like the shape and look of the sago, check out the coontie (see photo left) instead its hardy and you wont waste your money. I couldnt help but hear two neighbors fighting over leaves. It seems one neighbor was blowing his leaves into the next door neighbors yard and the street in front of his house. Almost came to fisticuffs. Come on, people! If you are going to blow leaves and garden debris, get it into a big pile, pick it up and dispose of it! Where do you think it goes when you just blow it out of your yard? Does anyone remember the rake, broom and a trash can? Kudos to all the neighbors who have pulled up the turf and planted hardy groundcovers such as perennial peanut, mimosa and jasmine. These plants not only look great and require little maintenance, but theyre better for the environment and pocketbook. Think about it. You plant grass, you feed it fertilizer and pesticide to grow more, then mow it cause its grown too much. Crazy Night-blooming cereus plants (see photo right) those gangly, unattractive cactus-looking things growing up trees and telephone poles all over the hood should be getting ready to bloom about now. The unusual plant typically blooms just one night each year with huge, fragrant white flowers that slowly open before your very eyes. They start to unravel a day or so before the night bloom. I hope youll get to see the big show! Cereus at 505 16th Avenue NE
Page 34
James W. Martin, P.A., Attorney at Law 146 2nd St N, St. Petersburg, FL [email protected] (727) 821-0904
Networking * Education * Community Involvement Monthly meetings held on the 2nd Wednesday of every month. Learn more and get involved! Visit us online at;
www.4thStreetBusinessAssociation.com www.4thStreetBusinesAssociation.com Historic Old Northeast Neighborhood News
Page 35
All Neighborhood Dessert Pot Luck Monday, June 17, at 6:45pm (see p.1)
All residents welcome
Historic Old Northeast Neighborhood Association P.O. Box 76324 St. Petersburg, FL 33734
IN THIS ISSUE Think Global -- Shop Local You Can Come Home Again Dog Walking Top 10 Code Violations Plant Rants 4th of July Parade Lots To Do (see On the Docket)
... and more!
Good to Know.
Whether you are buying or selling a home, get to know us
Kathryn Krayer Zimring
We know St. Petersburg and the housing market. We know the technology that will help you buy or sell faster. We know the intricacies of the close. And well get to know your wants and needs and do whatever we can to meet or exceed them.
Julie Jones
and the
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