Lab No 9
Lab No 9
Lab No 9
To get acquainted with the types of filters To get acquainted with filter design process To get acquainted with FDA tool To observe the relation b/w order of the filter and the degree of its cutoff To get acquainted with FV tool
The filters may be broadly classified as follows: 1. Low-pass filters 2. High-pass filters 3. Band-pass filters 4. Band-stop filters The typical responses of these filters are shown below:
Lab #9
Magnitude Response (dB) 0
Magnitude (dB)
10 Frequency (kHz)
Magnitude (dB)
10 Frequency (kHz)
Lab #9
Magnitude (dB)
15 Frequency (kHz)
Magnitude (dB)
Lab #9
1. FIR Response is time limited 2. IIR Response is not limited in time FDA tool is the filter design and analysis tool in MATLAB which is used for the design and analysis of FIR or IIR filters. It may be opened by simply typing the following command in MATLAB command window: >>fdatool Alternatively, it may also be opened by following the method given below: 1. Go to MATLAB Start 2. Point to Toolboxes 3. Point to Filter Design in the sub menu 4. Click on Filter Design & Analysis Tool (fdatool) Following is the self-explanatory diagram of FDA tool interface:
Lab #9
Following are some of the parameters considered during filter design process in FDA tool: fstop Start of stop band fpass End of pass band Apass Magnitude (dB) by which pass band frequencies will be attenuated Astop Magnitude (dB) by which stop band frequencies will be attenuated fs Sampling frequency of the filter Must be greater than twice the max filter frequency Order Order of the filter Think of order as the measure of how much processing power our digital filter will require to be implemented. Hence, 1. Sharper the cutoff, higher the order 2. Higher the fs (not fstop), higher the order Task1: Verify the above statements in your in lab tasks in FDA tool FV tool is the Filter Visualization tool in MATLAB and you can use it to analyse your filter response in details. It may be opened from FDA tool by first designing a filter and then opening this tool from ViewFilter Visualization Tool. The interface of this tool is shown below:
Lab #9
FV Tool Interface
In-Lab Tasks
1. Design a minimum order low pass filter to suppress all frequencies above 4kHz. Mention the application of such a filter in your reports 2. Design a minimum order high pass filter to pass all frequencies above 6kHz. Mention the application of such a filter in your reports 3. Note: Observe that there is a guard band of 2kHz between 4kHz and 6kHz. Exploit it. 4. For a frequency range of 24kHz 28kHz, design band pass and band stop filters resp. 5. Use FV tool to show all the above results