Prof. Dr. Szilágyi József - The Deficit of Humidity and The Associated Risks in The Reghin Subcarpathians
Prof. Dr. Szilágyi József - The Deficit of Humidity and The Associated Risks in The Reghin Subcarpathians
Prof. Dr. Szilágyi József - The Deficit of Humidity and The Associated Risks in The Reghin Subcarpathians
ABSTRACT. The Deficit of Humidity and the Associated Risks in the Reghin Subcarpathians Droughts are atmospheric phenomena of complex risk, due to the reduction or even to the absence of rainfall, characterized by a deficit of humidity (rainfall, underground waters, surface leakage) which can affect the geographical covers over a long period of time. This paper presents an analysis of the pluviometric conditios in the Reghin Subcarpathians with a special view of the periods of pluviometric deficit. In order to identify the periods of pluviometric deficit, in a first stage, we analysed the main parameters which define the pluviometric conditios (the annual, the seasonal and the monthly variations and deviations, the degree of assurance of the different quantities of rainfall), and in order to emphasize the intensity and the caracter of the periods showing a deficit we calculated the Standard Rainfall Anomaly, the Angot index, the analysis of the negative deviations in the rainfall quantities with the help of the Hellmann method and the Martonne aridity index. Keywords: quantity of rain-fall, excess of humidity, natural risks, vulnerability.
1. INTRODUCTION Droughts are atmospheric phenomena of complex risk, due to the reduction or even to the absence of rainfall, characterized by a deficit of humidity (rainfall, underground waters, surface leakage) which can affect the geographical covers over a long period of time. According to the definition given by Hellman, through drought period we understand that period of at least 14 consecutive days in the October-March period and at least 10 consecutive days in the April-September period, in which there was no rainfall or the total quantity of rainfall was not larger than 0,1 mm. Through dryness period we understand that period of at least 5 consecutive days without any rainfall or, if it rained, the quantity was not useful to the vegetation. We can distinguish several types of drought: atmospheric drought, agroforest drought, hydrological and hydraulic drought, soil-related drought, phreatic drought. 2. MATHERIALS AND METHODS In order to identify the periods of pluviometric deficit in the Reghin Subcarpathians, in a first stage, we analysed the main parameters which define the pluviometric conditios (the annual, the seasonal and the monthly variations, the degree of assurance of the different quantities of rainfall) and in order to emphasize the intensity and the caracter of the
Babe Bolyai Univesity, Faculty of Geography, Clinicilor no. 5-7, 400006, Cluj Napoca, Romania,
periods showing a deficit we calculated the Standard Rainfall Anomaly, the Angot index, the negative deviations in the rainfall quantities with the help of the Hellmann method and the Martonne aridity index, having as a basis the data regarding the pluviometric conditios for the 1978-2008 period, recorded at the Tg.Mure station (=4632', =2432,H =308m), the Eremitu station ( = 4640', =2500,H =510m), the Gurghiu station ( = 4646', =2451, H =415m) and the Bato station ( = 4632', =2432, H = 308 m). 3. THE ANNUAL VARIATIONS IN THE RAINFALL QUANTITIES AND THEIR NEGATIVE DEVIATIONS The lowest annual rainfall quantities for the 1978-2008 period have recorded values between 400-500 mm at Trgu Mure, 500-600 mm at Gurghiu and 600-700 mm at Eremitu. At the Bato meteorological station, in the 19872008 period, the lowest annual rainfall quantities have been between 400-500 mm, the lowest one -421,2 mm, being recorded in 2003. The evolution of the sliding averages of rainfall quantities for periods of ten years with successive one year differences, emphasises, for the studied area, periods with rainfall quantities under the multiannual average, in the successive periods between 19781987,1979-1988, 1980-1989, 1981-1990, 1982-1991, 1983-1992, 1984-1993, 1985-1994, 1986-1995, 1987-1996, 1988-1997, 1989-1998, when the recorded rainfall quantities were under the multiannual average with untill 200 mm/year. From the analysis of the deviations of the average annual rainfall quantities as compared to the multiannual average, we can state that the values of the negative deviations, which generated years showing a rainfall deficit, can be integrated between -100 i -250 mm, while that the highest values of the negative deviations recorded in the succession of the analysed years have been of -237,9 mm (1990) at Eremitu, -220 mm (2003) at Bato, -200,9 mm (1987) at Trgu Mure and 198,2 mm (1987) at Gurghiu.
300 200 100 0 -100 -200 -300 1978 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1989 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1997 1998 1999 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 1979 1988 1991 1996 2000 2008
Tg. Mure
Fig .1. The annual deviations in the rainfall quantities as compared to the normal (multiannual average).
The analysis of the frequency of the years with deviations from the multiannual average in the rainfall quantities in the succession of the analysed years, emphasises for the studied area, a higher weight of the years with pluviometric deficit. The periods with negative deviations are usually of 2-3 years, the longest periods of pluviometric deficit 11
years have been recorded at Trgu Mure, between 1986-1996, and 8 years at Gurghiu, between 1988-1996. 4. THE MONTHLY VARIATION IN RAINFALL QUANTITIES AND THEIR NEGATIVE DEVIATION The annual rainfall conditions, in the studied area, shows a main minimum in the month of February and a secondary minimum in the month of November, months in which the lowest average rainfall quantities in a year are recorded, of 23,3 mm respectively of 31,8 mm. By analysing the frequency of the months with minimum values of rainfall it can be established that all the months of the year, except July, were considered at least once as the droughtiest month of the year, the highest cases of minimum rainfall values being recorded between January and March. Therefore, January and March represented months with pluviometric deficit in 22,6% of the cases, February and October in 19,4% of the cases, June, November and December in 9,7% of the cases, April in 6,4% of the cases, while that May and August in 3,2% of the cases. By calculating the frequency of the monthly rainfall deviations from the multiannual monthly average it has been ascertained that there is a higher weight of the negative deviations as compared to the positive deviations with untill 20%. Generally, the values of the monthly negative deviations oscillate between 5 i 20 mm, but there are cases when these reach 30 respectivly 40 de mm. The highest weight of the negative deviations from the multiannual monthly average had been recorded in the warm season of the year, in May, June, August and September (58-61,2%), when the value of the monthly negative deviations from the multiannual monthly average recorded values of until 70,2 mm.
0 -20 % -40 -60 -80 -100 I II III IV V VI Eremitu VII VIII Gurghiu IX X XI XII
Trgu Mure
Fig. 2 The weight of the negative monthly rainfall deviations from the annual monthly average, 1978-2008
5. THE ANALYSIS OF THE PLUVIOMETRIC DEFICIT WITH THE HELP OF THE ANGOT INDEX The estimation of the Angot index for each month allows us to establish the types of monthly rainfall variations for each station submitted to analysis, and to emphasize the months with pluviometric deficit and pluviometric excess, by removing the influence of the number of days from that month.
J. SZILGYI, I. A. IRIMU From the analysis of the Angot index, the periods January-March and OctoberDecember show pluviometric deficit, the droughtiest month being February, for which the Angot index shows the lowest values at all the studied stations. By comparing the values of the Angot index and the frequency of the different quantities of rainfall characteristic to the two time periods, on the one hand it can be established that in the January-March period the pluviometric deficit is higher (IA 0,5-0,6) than in the October-December period (IA 0,7-0,8), and on the other hand, there is a lower severity of the pluviometric deficit in the sub-mountainous area ( helmann diagrams). The analysis of the frequency of the different rainfall quantities for the two time periods with pluviometric deficit shows for the western extremity of the studied area a weight of 40-60% for the rainfall quantities between 25,1-50 mm and a weight of 25-35% for the quantities of 25,1-50 mm, while in the sub-mountainous area, the highest frequency is recorded by the rainfall quantities between 25,1-50 mm, with a weight of 40-60 % followed by quantities between 50,1-75 mm, with a weight of 13-38% and quantities of 75,1-100 mm, with a weight of 13-25% (Eremitu).
Trgu Mure 2,03 1,62 1,22 1,33 1,36 1,13 0,78 0,79 0,71
0,51 II
1,3 1,04
7. THE FREQUENCY OF THE PERIODS WITH PLUVIOMETRIC DEFICIT AFTER THE HELLMAN CRITERION From the analysis of the negative deviations in the quantities of the annual rainfall, according to the Hellman criterion, it has been ascertained that in the Reghin Subcarpathians, the frequency of the years with pluviometric deficit is higher than that of the years with pluviometric excess, with 10% in the sub-mountainous area and 20% in the West of the studied area. From the total of the years showing a rainfall deficit there is an emphasize on a high frequency of the extremely droughty and droughty years with a weight of 9,6-16,1%, followed by the moderately droughty years, with a frequency between 3,2-16,1% and very droughty with a frequency of 6,04-9,6%. The highets number of cases of negative deviations with over 20% from the multiannual average, considered normal, were recorded at Trgu Mure (6 cases-19,3%) and at Gurghiu (5 cases16,1 %), cases in which the negative deviations from the multiannual average have recorded values of until 250 mm. By analysing the frequency of the extreme deviations from Fig. 4 The monthly frequency of the different pluviometric characteristics during a year after the normal of the rainfall quantities, Hellman criterion, Gurghiu, 1978-2008 it can be ascertained that the frequency of the excessively 100 droughty years and the excessively rainy years have an 80 almost equal weight of 19,6%. 60 % The analysis of the 40 negative deviations in the 20 quantities of the monthly rainfall 0 from the multiannual monthly I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII average, considered normal, highlights a higher weight of the Moderat droughty Droughty Very droughty Extremely droughty months with pluviometric deficit (46,2-47,9%) as compared to the normal ones (10,3%-15,3). The monthly frequency of the negative deviations during a year generally shows values between 45-55%. The months recording the highest frequency of the pluviometric
J. SZILGYI, I. A. IRIMU deficit vary territorialy. Therefore the pluviometric deficit records frequencies higher than 50% of the total number of cases in the months of January, March, August, September. In the warm semester of the year the weight of periods with pluviometric deficit are comprised between 35,5-51,6% at Trgu Mure, 29,0-41,9% at Gurghiu, 36,4-40,9% at Bato and between 32,2-38,7% at Eremitu.
Mure1978-2008 100 80 % 60 40 20 0 I II III IV V Droughty VI VII Very droughty VIII IX X XI XII Moderat droughty Extremely droughty
Eremitu1978-2008 100 80 % 60 40 20 0 I II III IV V VI VII Very droughty VIII IX X XI XII Moderat droughty Droughty Extremely droughty
Fig. 5 The monthly frequency of the different pluviometric characteristics during a year after the Hellman criterion
On a seasonal basis, in the 1978-2008 time period, the highest frequencies of the periods with pluviometric deficit have been recorded in the winter season with 142 (26,5%) cases, from the total of 541 cases with pluviometric deficit recorded during the entire analysed time period analysed. At the opposite end, we have the summer season with 124 (22,9%) cases, while that the transitional seasons, spring and autumn, have recorded 136 (25,1%) cases, respectively 124 (22,9%) cases. By totalizing the periods with pluviometric excess showing different characteristics on a seasonal basis, after the Hellman criterion, it has been ascertained that there is a higher weight of extremely droughty periods (38,2-33,8%), in each season, followed by the very droughty periods (36,0-26,6%), the droughty and the moderately droughty having the lowest weight in all cases with 18,7-13,3% respectively 20,1-7,9% from the cases.
40 35 30 25 % 20 15 10 5 0 Primavara Moderat droughty Vara Droughty Toamna Very droughty Extremely droughty Iarna
Fig. 6 The frequency of periods with pluviometric deficit showing different seasonal characteristics after the Hellman criterion, 1978-2008
8. THE ANALYSIS OF THE PLUVIOMETRIC DEFICIT THROUGH THE STANDARD RAINFALL ANOMALY (SRA) METHOD From the analysis of the variations in the values of the Standard Rainfall Anomaly it has been ascertained that the years considered normal from a pluviometric point of view (SRA 1,0-1,0) have the highest frequency, with a weight of 67,8-74,2%, while that the years with pluviometric deficit (SRA< -1,0) have presented a frequency between 9,719,3%, values situated under the time periods of pluviometric excess (SRA >1,0). A decrease in the years with pluviometric deficit from the western part of the studied area has been found as well (19,3% Trgu Mure) towards the sub-mountainous area, where the frequency of the pluviometrically deficitary years has recorded a weight comprised between 9,7-13,7% from the total number of cases. Among the droughty years the following ones distinguish themselves: 1982, 1983, 1986,1987,1990,2001 and 2003, when the pluviometric deficit recorded values reaching 250 mm as compared to the multiannual average. The frequency of the years with pluviometric deficit according to the Standard Rainfall Anomaly Table 1
Qualificative Deviation % Staion TG. MURE EREMITU GURGHIU BATO Normal 1,0-1,0 Nr. of case 21 23 21 15 % 67,8 74,2 67,8 68,2 Pluviomtric deficit > -1,0 Nr. of case % 6 19,3 3 9,7 4 12,9 3 13,7
By totalizing the frequency of the years showing a pluviometric deficit for the studied time period, with different characteristics, it has been ascertained that there is a higher weight of the droughty years with 13 cases (81,25%), followed by the very droughty periods with 3 cases (18,7%).
40 35 30 25 % 20 15 10 5 0 Spring Summer Moderat droughty Droughty Autumn Very droughty Extremely droughty W inter
Fig. 7 The frequency of the years with pluviometric deficit with different characteristics according to the Standard Rainfall Anomaly
In the time period between 1978-2008 the highest number of months with pluviometric deficit was recorded as follows: the months of July, August and October had a frequency of 14 (11,2%) cases, followed by the months of January and April each with 13 (10,4%) cases, November with 10 (8,0%), March and June- each with 9 (7,2%) cases, February with 8 (6,4%) cases, September with 7 (5,6%) cases and December with 6 (4,8%) cases. By calculating the frequency of the months with a pluviometric excess, with different characteristics, it has been ascertained that there is a high frequency of the droughty months (8,6-10,2%), followed by the very droughty ones (1,3-2,1%), while that the extremely droughty periods have recorded only one case, in February, which represents a weight of 0,4% from the total number of cases. The frequency of the months with pluviometric deficit showing different characteristics according to the Standard Rainfall Anomaly Table 2
Normal Deviation % Station TG. MURE EREMITU GURGHIU 1,0-1,0 Nr. cas e 277 282 275 % 74, 5 75, 8 73, 9 Droughty -1,1-1,5 Nr. cas e 33 32 38 % 8,9 8,6 10, 2 Very droughty -1,5-2,0 Nr. case 9 5 8 % 2,4 1,3 2,2 Extremely de droughty -2,0-2,5 Nr. case 0 0 0 % 0 0 0 Exceptionally droughty <2,5 Nr. case 0 0 0 % 0 0 0
On a seasonal basis, in the 1978-2008 time period, the highest weights of the periods with pluviometric deficit have been recorded in summer and autumn with 30,4% respectively 24,8% of the total number of cases, followed by spring with 24,0% and winter with 20,8% of the caeses.
By totalizing the periods with pluviometric deficit showing different characteristics on a seasonal basis, after the Standard Rainfall Anomaly, we can notice a high weight of the droughty periods (68,4-92,3%) in all the seasons, as compared to the very droughty periods which have recorded the maximum value at summer (31,6%), and it has not exceeded a higher frequency than 17,0% of the cases.
100 80 % 60 40 20 0 Spring Summer Droughty Autumn Very droughty W inter
Fig. 8 The frequency of periods with pluviometric deficit showing different seasonal characteristics, 1978-2008
9.THE ANALYSIS OF THE PLUVIOMETRIC DEFICIT WITH THE HELP OF THE DE MARTONNE ARIDITY INDEX In order to calculate the De Martonne aridity index on the territory of the Reghin Subcarpathians we have used the annual and monthly average values of the rainfall quantities and of the temperatures at the two meteorological stations existent in the studied area- Trgu Mure for the 1978-2008 period and Bato for the 1987-2008 period. From the analysis of the De Martonne aridity index (A) for the Trgu Mure station it has been ascertained that from the succession of the studied years, in 58,1% of the cases, the values of index A were between 20-30, which shows a higher weight of periods with semiwet character and at the Bato station in 72,7% of the cases index A has recorded values over 30, which shows a higher weight of periods with wet character.
50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
19 88 19 98 20 06 19 78 19 80 19 82 19 84 19 86 19 90 19 92 19 94 19 96 20 00 20 02 20 04 20 08
Trgu Mure
Fig. 9 The variations in the values of the De Martonne aridity index, 1978-2008
10. THE RISKS INDUCED BY THE PLUVIOMETRIC DEFICIT Although droughts can be recorded all year long, in the studied area the largest number of droughts is registered at the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. According to the moment of the year when they appear, droughts can be classified in: winter droughts, spring droughts, summer droughts and autumn droughts, each category having a negative impact over agriculture: -Winter drought causes the decrease of the water reserve in the ground/soil necessary to the start of the vegetation process at the beginning of spring; -Spring drought delays the vegetative cycle and it can be associated with other risk phenomena (powerful winds); -Summer drought has negative effects conditioned by the types of crops and their phenophases; -Autumn drought has major negative consequences especially for the autumn crops, which, under the conditions of a deficit of humidity in the soil, germinate slower. Prolonged droughts have an influence over the water feeding of places. During the periods of hydrological drought, the water supplies on the interior rivers can subside almost nine times, which creates problems, especially in the areas with a high risk to this extreme meteorological phenomenon. At the same time, there is also an emphasized diminishment of the underground water reserves, which increases the water deficit in those areas, where a hydric stress is set up, (The National Strategy and Programme of action regarding the fighting ofdesertification, the degradation of fields and of drought, 2000). 11. CONCLUSIONS The data analisys for the studied area evidence: - the lowest annual rainfall quantities record values between 400-500 mm at Trgu Mure and Bato, 500-600 mm at Gurghiu and 600-700 mm at Eremitu; - the annual rainfall conditions, in the studied area, shows a main minimum in February, and a secondary minimum in November, months when the lowest average rainfall quantities in a year have been recorded, of 23,3 mm respectively 31,8 mm; - January, March represented months with pluviometric deficit in 22,6% of the cases, February and October in 19,4% of the cases, June, November and December in 9,7% of the cases, April in 6,4% of the cases, May and August in 3,2% of the cases; - according to the Angot index, in the Reghin Subcarpathians, there are periods with pluviometric deficit between January-March (IA 0,5-0,6) and OctoberDecember (IA 0,7-0,8) while that February is recorded as the droughtiest month; - according to the Hellman criterion, from the total of years showing a pluviometric deficit, there is an emphasize on the higher frequency of extremely droughty and droughty years with a weight of 9,6-16,1%, followed by the moderately droughty years with a weight between 3,2-16,1%, and very droughty with a frequency of 6,04-9,6%. By totalizing the frequency of the months with different negative deviations, we ascertained, in
all the studied stations, the high frequency of extremely droughty periods (15,2-20,1%) and of very droughty ones (14,0-16,6%), followed by the droughty and moderately droughty with frequencies between 6,5-9,9% respectively-8,3%.
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