Mauli Fridge PO

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SUPPLIER: 9408 MAULI FRIDGE 216/1, SANT TUKARAM NAGAR NO. 1 NEAR SHRIMJIVI SCHOOL, ALANDI ROAD, BHOSARI, PUNE,MH 411 039 India Raychem RPG Pvt. Ltd. CORP-IO-WORLI 463, Dr. A. B. Road CEAT Mahal Annexe, Worli, 400030 India PO No: 2101300126 RELEASE No: PO / RELEASE DATE: PROJECT No: PO Revision No: 0 13-MAY-13


DELIVER TO: Raychem RPG Pvt. Ltd. CORP-IO-WORLI 463, Dr. A. B. Road CEAT Mahal Annexe, Worli, Mumbai,Maharashtra,India 400030 PRICE TERM: MODE of TRANSPORTATION: REFERENCE:

S Rao CONTACT PERSON: CONTACT No: [email protected] Email: SHIP TO: Raychem RPG Pvt. Ltd. CORP-IO-WORLI 463, Dr. A. B. Road CEAT Mahal Annexe, Worli, 400030 India CST No: 27850000111C VAT No: 27850000111V ECC No: IEC CODE: 0388128933


SUBJECT: Approved PR for AMC for Airconditioner from chakan plant offices ITEM NO SADM026001 ITEM DESCRIPTION ADM-REPAIR & MAINTAINACE FOR OFFICE-COMMON TAX DETAILS DELIVERY DATE 10-MAY-13 UOM Indian Rupees QTY 81000 UNIT RATE 1.00 CURR INR AMOUNT 81,000.00 81,000.00 TAX AMOUNT 0.00 81,000.00


TOTAL: Indian Rupee Eighty-One Thousand

Kindly acknowledge the receipt of the PO and send us order acceptance and proforma invoice at earliest. All correspondence here onwards shall be marked to Purchaser.

Thanking You, Mr. Ramani Kasi Raychem RPG Pvt Ltd


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Form No. #6003 Issue No. #003

GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS 1. We have established Environmental and occupational health & safety Management System at Raychem RPG Pvt. Ltd. In view of this you are deemed to comply with requirements of DO's & DONT'S & Transport Emergency Card. It has been already communicated to you 2. Any vehicle entering premises shall carry valid P.U.C. certification and proper documents. The driver shall carry valid license. Without this vehicle will not be allowed to enter the premises. In case of transporting the Hazardous chemicals, vehicle shall comply with the requirements for transportation of Hazardous chemicals under central motor vehicle acts & rules there under. 3. The material shall be supplied along with proper invoice and challan. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. If any discrepancy in invoice with respect to PO is identified the invoice will not be accounted for payment till corrected invoice is provided. Such period will not be considered as payment delay period. All VAT invoice shall carry VAT, TIN or local sales tax no and VAT declaration. Service tax no & PAN no. shall be provided on invoices carrying service tax. PAN no. shall be provided on invoice for all job work invoices. The invoices shall be provided as per the formats suggested by the Tax departments only.

Proper purchase order no. must be mentioned on the invoice. Material will not be allowed to enter if proper purchase order no. is not mentioned on the invoice. 10. All contractors shall provide ESIC & PF registration details prior to start of the work. 11. For any job work, contract based upon estimated quantities; payment will be made based upon certified quantities only. Supplier and site in charge upon completion of the work shall sign off Job completion report. 12. Any unfair practices followed by supplier / contractor will be termed as breach of contract and the contract will become void and null and Raychem RPG Ltd will not be liable to make the balance payment. 13. Any goods receipt note provided by Raychem RPG Pvt. Ltd. as acknowledgement of receipt of material shall not be treated as acceptance of the material. 14. Any damage to property / individual within premises occurred due to carelessness of supplier / contractor will be to supplier / contractors account and will be debited accordingly. 15. Only the site in charge shall approve any amendment or change in scope. 16. Any work carried out without proper purchase order will not be considered for payments. 17. The material will be accepted at site between 9.30AM till 4.30PM - Monday to Saturday 18. All material reaching on holidays or weekly off will not be allowed to enter the premises. The company will not be liable to the holdup charges. In specific cases due authentication from site officials shall be availed in advance. 19. No supplier shall promote practice of employing Child Labour in any circumstances. Any person below age of 18 Years will not be allowed to enter premises. 20. All contractors shall comply with all the applicable legal & Raychem RPG requirements. 21. Contractor shall ensure compliance of controls defined in Environmental Aspects register & HIRA (Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment) register related to his activities. 22. Contractors to get valid Work Permit issued from authorized Raychem RPG employee prior to start of any work including related to confined space, work above 6 feet height, excavation, hot work and work on energized / pressurized systems. 23. Ensure that all waste generated during activity are stored & disposed as per Raychem RPG requirements. Any hazardous material shall not be discharged in sanitary, storm water drain or anywhere in the Raychem RPG premises. In case of any unintended spillage, discharge, emission or emergency situation inform immediately to authorized Raychem RPG person & mitigate situation as per his guideline. 24. Contractor shall ensure that all skilled employees are deployed at the work & and appropriate Personal Protective Equipment's (PPEs) are provided & used during work, PPEs shall be of national or international standard. Get these PPEs verified by authorized Raychem RPG employee prior to use. 25. In case of any incident related to environment & safety, inform to authorized Raychem RPG person and act as per his guideline. 26. All medical expenses incurred for treating an injured person and compensation as per the Rules shall be paid by the contractor. 27. During the work in the premises Raychem RPG staff will audit your activities, contractors are expected to comply with findings and take necessary corrective action to comply with Raychem RPG standards.

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Form No. #6003 Issue No. #003

28. Raychem RPG have right to stop your activities & remove any contractor employee or subcontractor from company premises for violations of any Raychem RPG rules, regulations. 29. In case of any emergency occurrence during transport of Diesel, any other chemical, raw material on road, the liabilities lies with supplier for controlling the emergency.

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Form No. #6003 Issue No. #003

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