This document provides a report to Pope Leo X on the condition of ancient Roman monuments and ruins in Rome during the Renaissance period. It summarizes that while the ruins provide great pleasure in what can still be seen, they also bring great grief as the once great city of Rome has been "wretchedly wounded." It describes the damage done not only by invaders but also by previous popes who allowed ruins to be destroyed for materials. The report urges the Pope to protect what remains of ancient Rome to keep its memory and example alive.
This document provides a report to Pope Leo X on the condition of ancient Roman monuments and ruins in Rome during the Renaissance period. It summarizes that while the ruins provide great pleasure in what can still be seen, they also bring great grief as the once great city of Rome has been "wretchedly wounded." It describes the damage done not only by invaders but also by previous popes who allowed ruins to be destroyed for materials. The report urges the Pope to protect what remains of ancient Rome to keep its memory and example alive.
This document provides a report to Pope Leo X on the condition of ancient Roman monuments and ruins in Rome during the Renaissance period. It summarizes that while the ruins provide great pleasure in what can still be seen, they also bring great grief as the once great city of Rome has been "wretchedly wounded." It describes the damage done not only by invaders but also by previous popes who allowed ruins to be destroyed for materials. The report urges the Pope to protect what remains of ancient Rome to keep its memory and example alive.
This document provides a report to Pope Leo X on the condition of ancient Roman monuments and ruins in Rome during the Renaissance period. It summarizes that while the ruins provide great pleasure in what can still be seen, they also bring great grief as the once great city of Rome has been "wretchedly wounded." It describes the damage done not only by invaders but also by previous popes who allowed ruins to be destroyed for materials. The report urges the Pope to protect what remains of ancient Rome to keep its memory and example alive.
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the calculation of forces and of the strength of the musdes;
patience also may be wanting, so that you lack persever ance. As to whether all these things were found in me or not, the hundred and twenty books composed by me will give verdict. Yes or No. In these I have been hindered nei ther by avarice nor negligence, but simply by want of time. Farewell. PHILOSOPHICAL MAXIMS (1133). Thou, 0 God, dost sell us all good things at the price of labour. ( 1140). And you, 0 Man, who will discern in this work of mine the wonderful works of Nature, if you think it would be a criminal thing to destroy it, reflect how much more criminal it is to take the life of a man; and if this, his external form appears to thee marvellously constructed, remember that it is nothing as compared with the soul that dwells in that structure; for that, indeed, be it what it may, is a thing divine. Leave it then to dwell in its work at its good will and pleasure, and let not your rage or malice de stroy a life-for indeed, he who does not value it, does not himself deserve it. MORALS (116z). Now you see that the hope and the desire of returning to the first state of chaos is like the moth to the light, and that the man who with constant longing awaits with joy each new springtime, each new summer, each new month and new year-deeming that the things he longs for are ever too late in coming-does not perceive that he is longing for his own destruction. But this desire is the very quintessence, the spirit of the elements, which finding itself imprisoned with the soul is ever longing to return from the human body to its giver. And you must know that this same longing is that quintessence, inseparable from nature, and that man is the image of the world. A REPORT TO POPE LEO X ON ANCIENT ROME [This report to Pope Leo X (1513-15Z1) on the condi tion of the Roman monuments and ruins in the Eternal City at the time has been assigned for want of specific evidence of authorship to Bramante, Raphael, Baldassare Casti glione and others. Raphael (1483-15zo), prominent among the artists at the papal COUlt of Julius II, became, with the election of Giovanni de' Medici, second son of Lorenzp the Magnificent, to the papacy, the dominant figure at the Vati can court concerned with the varying interests of the Pope. He was in charge of the great fresco series to decorate the palace, executing himself the Camera della Segnatura, succeeded Bramante (t1514) as the architect of St. Peter s. However, his few remaining letters show him to have been inept at expressing himself in writing. Baldassare Castiglione (1478-15z9), the envoy of Guido Montfeltro, Duke of Urbino, at the Vatican, known best as the author of Il Cortegiano (The Courtier), describing the qualities possessed by the Italian gentleman of the Renais sance, was a distinguished man of letters. In the Castiglione family library has been found a draft of the report to the Pope in Baldassare's writing, containing personal idiosyn crasies of punctuation and elements of his Mantovan dia lect. As Raphael and Baldassare were intimate friends, it is possible Baldassare wrote the report in collaboration with Raphael.] A REPORT TO THE POPE ON ANCIENT ROMEI There are many men, Most Holy Father, who, since they measure with their own feeble judgement the great things written of the Romans-of their arms, their city of Rome with its wonderful art, riches, ornament and the grandeur 1 Translated from text given in J. Vogel, Bramante e Kunstwissenschriftliche Studien IV, Leipzig, 1910, and V. GoIZIO, RafJaeUo, nei documenti e neUe testimonianze det contemporanei e nella letteratura del suo secolo, Pontificio Accademia Artistica 290 THE: RENAISSANCE of its buildings-believe these things to be more fable than truth. ' But to me it has seemed, and does still seem, otherwise. For, if one considers what may still be seen amid the ruins of Rome, and what divine gifts there dwelt in the hearts of the men of ancient times, it does not seem unrea sonable to believe that many things which to US would ap pear to be impossible were simple for them. Now I have given much study to these ancient edifices: I have taken no small effort to look them over with care and to measure them with diligence. I have read the best authors of that age and compared what they had written with the works which they described, and I can therefore say that I have acquired at least some knowledge of the ancient architecture. On the one hand, this knowledge of so many excellent things has given me the greatest pleasure: on the other hand the greatest grief. For I behold this noble city, which was the queen of the world, so wretchedly wounded as to be almost a corpse. Therefore I feel, as every man must feel, pity for his kindred and for his country. I feel con strained to use every part of my poor strength to bring to life some likeness, or even a shade of that which once was the true and universal fatherland of all Christians. For Rome was so noble and so powerful that men believed her to be, alone under the heavens, above all fortune and be yond nature, exempt from death and destined to endure for ever. It seemed that time, jealous of the glories of men and not wholly trusting to her own powers for their destruction, allied herself with the fortunes of the heathen and iniqui tous barbarians who added sword and fire to the sharp file and the poisonous teeth of the chisel. So the famous works which now more than ever should appear in the flower of their beauty, were burned and destroyed by the brutal rage and savage passions of men wicked as the wild beasts. Yet not completely so, for there still remains to us the skeleton of those things, though without their ornament-the bones dei Virtuosi al Pantheon, Vatican City, 1936. See also V. Cian, "Nel Mondo di Baldassare Castiglioni," Archivo StorieD Lom bardo, Nuova Serle, Milan, 1942. REPORT ON ANCIENT ROME 291 of the body without the flesh, one might say. And why should we bewail the Goths, the Vandals, and other per fidious enemies of the Latin name, when those who above all others should be fathers and guardians in the defence of the poor relics of Rome, have even given themselves over to the study-long study-of how these might be destroyed and disappear. How many Pontiffs, Holy Father, who held the same office as yourself, though without the same knowl edge, the same valour or greatness of soul-how many, I say, of these Pontiffs have permitted the ruin and deface ment of the ancient temples, of statues and arches and other edifices that were the glory of their builders? How many allowed the very foundations to be undermined that poz zolana might be dug from them, so that, in but a little time, the buildings fell to the ground? How much lime has been burned from the statues and ornaments of ancient time? I am bold to ask how much of all this new Rome that we see today, however great, however beautiful, however adorned with palaces and churches and other buildings has been built with lime made from ancient marbles? Nor can I re member without grief that during the time I have spent in Rome-not yet twelve years-so many beautiful things have been ruined: as, for example, the Meta that was in the Via Alexandrina; the arch at the entrance to the Baths of Diocletian; the Temple of Ceres on the Sacred Way; a part of the Forum Transitorium burned and destroyed only a few days ago and lime made from its marbles; and the greater part of the Basilica of the Fonun, ruined. Besides all these, how many columns ha ve been broken and cracked in two, how many architraves and beautiful friezes shat tered? It is the infamy of our time that we have suffered these things, of which it can truly be said that by compari son with what has been done today Hannibal would appear to have been a pious 2 man. Therefore, 0 Holy Father, let it not be last in the thought of Your Holiness to have a care that the little which remains of the ancient mother of glory and of the Italian name, witness of the divine spirits whose 2 Or: "that neither Hannibal nor any other did more." N.B. pio appears in the dictionary as an old form of pia. 293 29 2 THE RENAISSANCE memory even today creates and moves us to virtue-spirits still alive among us-should not be altogether wiped out by the depredations of the evil and the ignorant. These, un happily, do hurt to those souls who of their own blood brought forth so much glory for the world, for our country and for ourselves. May Your Holiness, while keeping the example of the ancient world still alive among us, hasten to equal and to surpass the men of ancient days, as you even now do, by setting up magnificent buildings, by sustaining and encouraging the virtuous, by fostering talent, by re warding all noble effort-thus sowing the fruitful seeds among the Christian princes. For, as by the calamities of war are brought to birth the destruction and the ruin of the arts and sciences, so from peace and concord are born the happiness of men and that highly-prized serenity of spirit that may imbue us with strength to accomplish work reaching to the heights of achievement. Because of the di vine wisdom and authority of Your Holiness this has become the hope of every man of our century. And this is truly to be the merciful Shepherd, yes, the greatest Father of the world. But to go back to what I have already said: Your Holiness has commanded me to make a drawing of ancient Rome 3 -as much as may be known from what can be seen today with those buildings showing so much of what remains that, with careful study, you may know exactly what they were. Those that are completely ruined and no longer visible may be understood by the study of those that still stand and can be seen. To this end I have tried to use every skill of mine, so that the mind of Your Holiness and those others who shall profit by our effort shall no longer be left in ignorance, but enjoy the fruits of our work. I have studied in many Latin authors these things that I mean to set forth, but among all these I have chiefly followed P. Victore, since he was one of the latest of them all, and can give more par ticular information on the works of that time, while not neglecting the older ones. In his writings he identifies the 8 The literary evidence that Raphael made such a drawing is given by Vincenzo Golzio, op. cit. REPORT ON ANCIENT ROME different regions by means of some of the ancient marbles he also describes. To some it might seem difficult to distinguish the ancient from the modern buildings, or the most ancient from those of lesser age. To leave no doubt in the minds of those who wish to have such knowledge I would say that with a little effort one may attain to it. For there are only three styles of building to be found in Rome: the first is that of the good antique, which lasted from the first Emperors until the time when Rome was ruined and despoiled by the Goths and other barbarians; the second is what prevailed from that time until the Gothic domination of Rome and for one hundred years afterwards; the third is from that age until our own. The modem buildings are easily known, not only because they are new but also because they are not of such excellent workmanship, nor are they built at such a great cost as that of the ancient edifices that we see and admire. For although in our own day architecture is active and ap proaches very nearly to the antique style, as may be seen in many beautiful buildings of Bramante, the ornamenta tion nevertheless is not made of such precious material as that used by the men of ancient times, who spent an im mense amount to realize what they had imagined, and by the strength of their will overcame every difficulty. The buildings of the time of the Goths, however, are so whollv without grace or of any style whatsoever that they are un like both ancient and modern. It is therefore not difficult to recognize the buildings of the period of the Emperors, which are more excellent in style and built more perfectly, at greater expense and with more art than all the others. It is only of the work of this period that I wish to speak. There is no need for any man to question whether the less ancient of this era are lesser in beauty, less well conceived or of a different style. For they were all built in the same manner of beauty. And although many of the buildings were often restored by the men of that age, as we may read that in the same place where the Golden House of Nero had stood the Baths of Titus and his House and the Amphi theatre were built, nevertheless these were constructed in the same style and manner as the other edifices of a time 294 295 THE RENAISSANCE still older than the time of Nero and contemporary with the Golden House. For although literature, sculpture, painting and almost every art were long in decline and deteriorated until the time of the last Emperors, architecture alone ob served and maintained the same principles, and building was carried on in the same manner of greatness and dignity as before. Of all the arts, architecture was the last to decline. This may be learned from many things, and among others from the Arch of Constantine, which is beautiful and well conceived from an architectural point of view. But the sculptures on the same arch are very tasteless, without art or good design, though the fragments from the time of Trajan and of Antoninus Pius are excellent and of the purest style. The same thing may be seen in the Baths of DiocIe tian, where the sculptures of his own time are mediocre and poorly executed and the remains of painting to be seen there cannot be compared with those of the time of Trajan or Titus. Yet the architecture itself is noble and well conceived. In the days when Rome was ruined, burned and de stroyed by the barbarians, it seems that by this same fire and tragic ruin of the monuments the art that had known how to erect them was ruined with them. The fortunes of Rome were then so changed that in the place of limitless victories and triumphs came the humiliations and wretched ness of servitude. It appeared unfitting for those who were conquered and in bondage to live in the grand manner that they had known when they were the conquerors of the bar barian. And with the change of fortune came at the same time a change in the manner of living and building, as far distant from what they had known as servitude is from free dom. Men were reduced to a life suited to their misery, without art. They became so ignorant they no longer even knew how to make baked bricks or any other kind of orna ment. They stripped the ancient walls to obtain bricks, broke marble into little squares, and with a mixture of these squares and the bricks they built their walls, as we may see today in the tower called the Tower of the Militia. So, for a goodly space of time, they continued in their igno rance, as is shown by all the work of the age. The cruel and REPORT ON ANCIENT ROME atrocious storm of war and destruction broke not only over Italy but spread also over Greece, where once the inventors and perfect masters of all the arts had prevailed, and there also the worst and most worthless style of painting and sculpture came into being. Next, in ahnost every country, the German style of architecture appeared-a style which as one can see by its ornament, is far removed from the good manner of the Romans and the antique. In the Roman period, aside from the structure of the building itself, there may be seen the most beautiful cornices, friezes and archi traves, columns, capitals and bases, decorations of a perfect and most pure style. German architecture, which in many places still persists, often used cramped and poorly con structed small figures for ornament, and, worse still, strange animals, figures and leaves out of all reason, as corbels to support a beam. Nevertheless, this architecture had a cer tain justification: it originated by the taking of branches of unpruned trees, binding them together and bending them to construct pointed arches. Although this invention is not wholly to be despised, it is weak, because the huts de scribed by Vitruvius in his account of the origin of the Doric order, in which tree trunks chained together serve as col umns, and with their tops and roofs, can support a far greater weight than the pointed arch, which has two thrusts. Moreover, a half circle, whose every line presses toward a single centre, can, according to mathematical rules, bear a much greater load. Aside from the weakness of a pointed arch, it lacks the grace of Our style, which is pleasing to the eye because of the perfection of a circle. It may be observed that 'nature herself strives for no other form. But it is unnecessary to compare Roman architecture with that of the barbarians, for the difference is well known; nor is it necessary to speak in detail of the Roman style since it has been so admirably described by Vitruvius. It is enough to know that Roman building, down to the time of the last Emperors, was always constructed in a good architectural style and therefore halmonized with the older work. There is no difficulty in distinguishing the Roman buildings from those of the times of the Goths, or even from those of later times, because the two are the extreme op THE RENAISSANCE 29 6 posite of each other. Nor is it difficult to distinguish them from those of our own modem age, even if it were not for the novelty which makes them noticeable. I have now spoken enough of the ancient buildings of Rome to show that it was of these that I wished to speak, and also to make plain how easy it is to distinguish them from the others. It remains now for me to teach the method by which we have tried to measure and draw them, so that anyone who himself wishes to devote himself to architecture may learn by this method to execute both processes with out error. It is right to know that in the description of tbis method we have not been governed by chance, or by experience Oiily, but by following a well thought-out plan. I have never heard or read that the men of ancient times knew of the method used by us of measuring with the magnetic compass, and I therefore believe it to be a modem inven tion. However, it seems wise to expound it in detail, to one who is not acquainted with it. A round flat instrument, like an astrolabe,4 should be constructed, about two hand-spans in diameter, or as much larger or smaller as the user may wish. The circumference of the instrument should be divided into eight equal parts, and in each part should be written the name of one of the eight winds. . . . ... If, wishing in every way to obey, I have been for tunate enough to serve Your Holiness, first and Supreme Prince of all Christian lands, I may call myself the most happy of all Your devoted servants. So I pray rightly to value this opportunity of placing my work in the holy hands of Your Holiness, whose most sacred feet I humbly kiss. 4 A graduated circle, with sights for taking altitudes at sea, is illustrated in our fig. 20. It is now superseded by the quadrant and sextant. As the confusion in the description of the instrument and its employment makes it difficult to comprehend its use, it is omitted.
(Studies in The History of Christian Traditions 172) Salvatore I. Camporeale, O. P. - Christianity, Latinity, and Culture - Two Studies On Lorenzo Valla 2014
Ackerman, James. The Conventions and Rhetoric of Architectural Drawing. Origins, Imitation, Conventions Representation in The Visual Arts, MIT Press, 2002