A Picture of What Should Be: Local & Global Community Projects 2013-2014
A Picture of What Should Be: Local & Global Community Projects 2013-2014
A Picture of What Should Be: Local & Global Community Projects 2013-2014
Hi Church, Eight months ago, we moved into our beautiful new building: The Impact Centre. In that time we have not only been able to settle into our new church home, but we have connected with our community as never before - our building is serving as a bridge, not a barrier. We have growing credibility and relationship in our community. It is on this platform that we launch our local & global community vision for the next twelve months with great pleasure and excitement. We have ten projects reaching our local and global community, each aiming to take people on their journey towards Christ. We would ask that you prayerfully consider your support and involvement with our Community Vision so that together in the next 12 months, we will see more people come to faith in Christ than ever before! This is our next step in an exciting journey! God bless, Ian & Yvonne
Across the world, over 18 million people have completed The Alpha Course. Its an opportunity to explore the Christian faith in a relaxed setting and find answers to lifes big questions. As a church we are embracing Alpha as our key strategy for local evangelism - aiming to see 500 people attend Alpha over the next 12 months as we offer Alpha to business people, sports people, men, women, youth, kids, your family and your friends! Uniting our faith, influence and our finance will see our goal reached and our community engage in relationship with Jesus.
The Shine Program has seen so many young girls open their eyes to their purpose & potential as weve facilitated the course across local high schools. In addition to this life changing course, we want to adjust our strategy and focus our resource to target one local school at a time allowing us to make a greater impact in the lives of young people. This year, we will be partnering with St Philips Christian College seeking to provide a youth worker one day a week to facilitate a breakfast program, lunch time meeting and the opportunity to build relationship with high school students linking them to relationship with Jesus and a brighter future.
Indonesia has always captivated our hearts with our orphanage projects in Denpasar and West Timor. Numerous teams have visited and invested practically and spiritually into the lives of our orphans & the Indonesian people. Its time to take the next step into seeing God move in that nation seeing churches planted in local communities is vital to seeing people connect with God. Our vision is to support a church planter in the region of Soe, enabling the gospel to be spread among the villages and hearts won for Jesus.
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highschools youth alive indonesia alpha japan russia lovebank mathew john homework club holiday program
We are called to influence nations and God is opening the door for us to step into the city of Kobe, Japan. Partnering with Jesus Life House Church and Ps Rod Plummer, together we have the opportunity to financially support a new church plant that will reach into the 1.5 million population of Kobe that have never heard the name of Jesus. Our support will set up this new church plant with the equipment and resource they need to start a vibrant congregation that will see Japanese people reached and discipled into relationship with Jesus. This will then lead to us following up with annual Missions Trips to our new church plant.
We all want our kids to do the best they can during their years at school. The Homework Club is all about giving students in our community the chance to get a little extra help each week as we facilitate a team of volunteer teachers to assist them with their homework. Kids will get a healthy afternoon tea and access to iPads and resources to help bring out their best and set them up for the future ahead. This service to the students in our region will build bridges to the community and enable us to make a difference in the lives of kids on the coast.
Youth Alive is an initiative of the ACC that unifies local churches for the purpose of seeing young people come to Jesus through the annual youth event Groundswell. Every year hundreds of young people make decisions for Jesus and are connected into local churches through this inspiring and relevant event. Our goal is to see 1000 young people in attendance at this years event. Our contribution to this movement, makes all this possible & gives way for youth on the coast to hear about Jesus and begin their journey with Him.
Last year, the Love Bank project reached into the heart of our Community, meeting the practical needs of people on the Central Coast as we deposited our gifts and skills along with other local businesses. Together we completed home makeovers, gave furniture and appliances and made dreams come true. The Love Bank continues to be an asset to people in need and our desire is to do even more as we pool our resources to make a practical difference in the lives of every day people in our community.
With such an amazing facility in our hands it gives us the opportunity to benefit our community in so many ways. The school holiday program gives local kids a place to belong during the school holidays - a place they can come with friends & family to learn a new skill or make some memories. For one week every school holidays we will to open the Impact Centre to school aged kids to enjoy workshops (craft, cooking, sport, music etc). We will then give them an opportunity to come to a grand finale concert where theyll have an opportunity to hear about Gods love for them. As a church we have the ability to support this great program and see kids lives impacted.
For more than a decade our commitment to seeing Russia open its heart to the gospel has been outworked by our teams connecting with young Russians in annual summer camps. As a church we have made a financial investment into providing bibles to put into the hands of every Russian we meet. A childrens bible costs just $12 and $15 will purchase an adult bible, these make such an impact in seeing them understand the future and the hope they have in knowing God. We want to see thousands come to know Him and providing them with the gift of a Bible opens the doors for that journey to begin
How can I give? Automatic credit card debit (via pledge card), Cheque (Make out to Coastlife Assist for tax-deductibility. Make out to Coastlife Church Congregation for non tax-deductibility), Credit card (via envelope at church or pledge card), Cash (via envelope at church) Deposit (details will be forwarded to you) While filling out a pledge card doesnt commit you to any certain amount, it helps with budgeting for the projects. Fill out your pledge card and bring on June 23, 2013 (or hand in at reception) Is giving tax-deductible? 1. If you tick I require tax-deductibility, your giving can be used on projects indicated by (due to their PBI status). A tax receipt will be issued after June 30, 2014. 2. If you tick I do not require tax-deductibility, your giving can be used on all projects. 3. If you tick I would like it split between both, the board will nominate the distribution of your pledge according to the the needs of our 10 projects. If you would like information on the distribution of your pledge, please contact the church office.
Who is accountable for the distribution of giving? The board of Coastlife Assist is responsible for the community budget. Coastlife Assist and Coastlife Church Congregation report to the Australian Charities & Not-for-Profit Commission. Can I find out progress of certain projects? Yes. Updates will be given monthly at church services. Further information can be given by request.
Post: PO Box 5187, Erina Fair, NSW 2250 Offices: The Impact Centre, 19 Chetwynd Rd, Erina Phone: 02 4367 6767 Email: [email protected] Web: www.coastlifechurch.com