Rife Technology

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The document discusses research on Rife frequency technology and related devices. It covers topics like biophysics, electromagnetic fields, essential oils and frequencies, and more.

The document is a compilation of research material on the use of TrueRife frequency technology and related devices. It discusses experimental findings from a variety of sources.

Some of the sources of information mentioned include emails/online exchanges, discussion forums, instructions from TrueRife technical support, published materials, and experiences of researchers.


Desktop Reference Archives and Research Data

truerife.com Copyright 2010

ThisDeskReferenceisacompilationofresearchmaterialbasedontheuseof TrueRifefrequencytechnologyandrelatedTrueRifedevices.Muchinformation containedhereisofanexperimentalnatureandhasbeengleanedfromavarietyof sources: 1.Emailsandotheronlineexchangesbetweenpractitionersandresearchers exploringtheworldoffrequencytechnology. 2.Onlinediscussionforumsandinformationexchangesdedicatedtofrequency researchandelectrotherapyingeneral,andTrueRifetechnologyinparticular. 3.InstructionsandsuggestionsfromTrueRifestechnicalsupportregardingthe applicationofTrueRifesexperimentaldevicesandrelatedsoftware. 4.Informationanddata mostlyunverifiedandexperimental takenfrompublished books,texts,periodicals,studies,websites,practitioners,andothersourcesof researchinthefieldofnaturalhealingandalternative complementary medicine. 5.Thedirectanecdotalexperiencesofresearchers,healthprofessionals,andothers whohavebeenexperimentingandapplyingtheprinciplesofelectrotherapyand frequencytechnologytovariouslifesituations. TheinformationpresentedinthisDeskReferenceispurelyexperimentaland anecdotal.Noneofthedatadiscussedinthesepageshasbeentestedorapprovedby anyofficialagencyandshouldnotinanywaybeconstruedasmedicaldiagnosis, medicaladvice,orrecommendedmethodsoftherapy.Itisratheracompendiumof exploratoryresearchintoasubjectthatmayeventuallybecomealeadingedge technologyforhealing.

Robert Stratton

FrequencyResearcher/Practitioner SantaRosa,California April22,2008/Revised2010

Table of Contents
PartOne:RifeFrequencyTechnology ..............................7
BioPhysics&Rife...................................................................................................................................7 EMFields...................................................................................................................................................8 TheRifeFrequenciesHistoryandBackground...............................................................16 PrinciplesofRifePlasmaandContactDevices.......................................................................18 EssentialOils&Frequencies..........................................................................................................19 FieldResonance...................................................................................................................................22 TheFieldResonanceApproachinMedicine............................................................................22 Politics&Rife.......................................................................................................................................23

F117FrequencyGenerator...........................................................................................................27 F117Phaser.........................................................................................................................................28 Frequencies...........................................................................................................................................31 GeneralQuestions&Answers.......................................................................................................46 Grounding..............................................................................................................................................53 GRSScanner..........................................................................................................................................58 IonProWaveElectrolysisSystem................................................................................................71 IonicSilver TrueSilver ..................................................................................................................85 MeasuringOutputfromTrueRifeSystem............................................................................... 100 PlasmaSphereOzonator................................................................................................................. 101 PlasmaBulbs/Tubes........................................................................................................................ 114 Program Software Updating..................................................................................................... 127 Pulsing................................................................................................................................................... 128 TrueFocusBrainEntrainment..................................................................................................... 132 TrueSilver,Water,andImprinting............................................................................................. 144

Addictions............................................................................................................................................ 153 AIDS&HIV........................................................................................................................................... 154 Allergies................................................................................................................................................ 156 Anxiety.................................................................................................................................................. 157 Arthritis................................................................................................................................................ 157 AttentionDeficitDisorder ADD ............................................................................................... 159 Autism................................................................................................................................................... 160 4

BellsPalsy........................................................................................................................................... 164 BladderConditions ........................................................................................................................... 164 BodyFunctionNormalization...................................................................................................... 165 BowelConditions.............................................................................................................................. 166 BrownRecluseSpiderBites .......................................................................................................... 169 Cancer.................................................................................................................................................... 173 Candida,Mold,Fungus,&Yeast.................................................................................................. 213 CarpalTunnelSyndrome............................................................................................................... 221 Cataracts............................................................................................................................................... 222 CentralNervousSystemStabilization&Normalization................................................... 222 Cheloids................................................................................................................................................ 223 ChlamydiaPneumoniae .................................................................................................................. 224 CrohnsDisease .................................................................................................................................. 225 DeathByMedicine............................................................................................................................ 225 DentalFoci........................................................................................................................................... 226 Depression&Anxiety...................................................................................................................... 228 Diabetes................................................................................................................................................ 230 Diverticulitis....................................................................................................................................... 231 DNARepair&FoodFrequencies................................................................................................ 233 EarInfections..................................................................................................................................... 234 EpsteinBarreVirus EBV ............................................................................................................ 235 DustMites............................................................................................................................................ 236 Emphysema......................................................................................................................................... 237 EyeFloaters......................................................................................................................................... 237 FeverofUnknownOrigin.............................................................................................................. 238 Fibroids................................................................................................................................................. 239 Fibromyalgia....................................................................................................................................... 241 Flu Influenza ................................................................................................................................... 242 FungalInfections............................................................................................................................... 250 HealingAcceleration........................................................................................................................ 251 HearingProblems............................................................................................................................. 252 Heart&CirculationDisorders..................................................................................................... 253 HeavyMetalsToxicity..................................................................................................................... 260 Hepatitis............................................................................................................................................... 265 HerpesViruses................................................................................................................................... 269 ImmuneSystemStabilization...................................................................................................... 275 Inflammation...................................................................................................................................... 276 Insomnia............................................................................................................................................... 277 KidneyDisease................................................................................................................................... 278 Lupus..................................................................................................................................................... 281 LymesDisease.................................................................................................................................... 282 MacularDegeneration ..................................................................................................................... 296 MigraineHeadaches ......................................................................................................................... 298 Mononucleosis................................................................................................................................... 300 MorgellonsDisease......................................................................................................................... 301 MRSA...................................................................................................................................................... 302 5

MultipleSclerosis.............................................................................................................................. 304 Mycoplasma........................................................................................................................................ 308 Pain......................................................................................................................................................... 308 Parasites............................................................................................................................................... 309 ParkinsonsDisease......................................................................................................................... 313 PathogenComplexes....................................................................................................................... 314 PhysicalInjuries................................................................................................................................ 330 PlantarWarts ...................................................................................................................................... 331 ProstateEnlargement/ProstateCancer ................................................................................... 332 RestlessLegSyndrome................................................................................................................... 334 Scarring................................................................................................................................................. 335 Scleroderma........................................................................................................................................ 335 SebaceousCysts................................................................................................................................. 336 ShoulderConditions........................................................................................................................ 337 Tinnitus................................................................................................................................................. 338 Tuberculosis/Cough/Flu........................................................................................................... 339 UlcerativeColitis............................................................................................................................... 340 Vaccinations........................................................................................................................................ 341

BioPhysics & Rife
Bricklayers Vs Brick and Mortar The human body basically rebuilds and manages its repair in two ways. The first way is the utilization of various elements of the earth for the construction and replacement of dead tissue and cells. Some researchers believe that our bodies are basically replaced every few years with new materials. In order the carry on the process of manufacturing, the body uses messengers to stimulate production as well as destruction of tissue in order to continue a renewal process. For example, the body utilizes calcium to build strong bones much as a builder would use brick and mortar to build a wall, while at the same time it may use potassium as a bricklayer or messenger. Note how potassium acts as a messenger in contrast with calcium. Potassium is necessary for normal cell respiration; a deficiency can cause decreased levels of oxygen, which will reduce the efficiency of cell function. Adequate supplies of potassium are also required to regulate heartbeat, facilitate normal muscle contraction, regulate the transfer of nutrients to cells, and regulate kidney function and stomach juice secretion, among other things. One of the most important uses of potassium in the body is in the process of nerve transmission, as it is a cofactor catalyst for the activation of several enzyme systems, but since only minute amounts are required for these processes, deficiency in this respect is unlikely. If one has the bricks to build the body but not the bricklayers to build the wall or stimulate the appropriate functions necessary to utilize the bricks they will not benefit from having the brick and mortar. Likewise having the bricklayers show up for work but not finding any bricks or mortar to build with will render similar results. From this example we can see the necessity of both components for a healthy body and efficient repair. Focusing on the Brick Layers or Messengers Let us focus at this time on the bricklayers or messengers within the human body. When considering the usefulness of Rife Technology or Resonant Initiated Field Effects one should think beyond simply the de-vitalization of pathogens. One must understand that the messenger or bricklayers are communicating instructions to the body through frequencies that are a result of their molecular structure. Biophysics Concept You must grasp the following two points in order to move deeper into this discussion.

The body communicates with itself through information in the form of vibratory frequencies. Each substance, whether it is a vitamin, amino acid, etc., has its own unique vibratory frequency, a unique vibratory signature. These are the messengers or bricklayers that the body utilizes for construction and repair.

Since the transmission of instructions is frequency based, what would be the results if we could decode the frequency of each of these messengers (vitamins, supplements, amino acids, etc) that are beneficial and necessary for life and proper body function? If these frequencies could be decoded and then encoded into the human body could we achieve the same physiological results as say ingesting potassium? Could we stimulate various functions of the body that have been dormant due to lack of communication with these frequency messengers? Could for example a dormant but alive pancreas be reawakened with a decoded and then encoded frequency in order to reverse the effects of diabetes? We do not claim to have the answers to these questions. But we are in the process of researching the possibility of decoding and then encoding various elements that we know have a beneficial physiological effect, then using or encoding these frequencies as brick layers to stimulate the rebuilding and repair of the human body. What is the frequency of this beneficial substance? The merging of GRS technology with TrueSilver and the Helix Vortex energy field to provides the possibility of developing a frequency analysis device that may open the door to normalizing or stimulating frequencies that may in effect jump start previously dormant physiological systems.

EM Fields
Rife plasma systems put out an EM field along with the frequencies used during Rife Sessions. The following information on what scientist and researchers have discovered regarding EMF effects may be of interest in understanding how Rife systems not only target disease but may also be used if properly tuned to "normalize" the bodys systems.

Beneficial Effects
Alpha is also the home of the window frequency known as Schuman Resonance 7.83 Hz, which is the vibrational frequency of the earth's electromagnetic field (emf). This means that the brain waves of a person in the alpha state will resonate in sympathy with the earth's emf producing constructive interference which amplifies the vibration. The discovery of millions of crystals in the cells of the brain suggests that the brain might be able to tune in (similar to a radio receiver) to the surrounding earth's emf, the crystals providing the vibratory link between the earth's emf and the alpha brain waves, resulting

in the Schuman Resonance. The transmission of waves from the brain throughout the body in possibly a similar way to transmission of radio waves from a radio tuned to a certain frequency could help the body achieve its own particular resonant frequency thought to achieve, or be conducive to, optimal health. The importance of existing in harmony with the earth's natural emf has been brought to our attention with the emergence of diseases attributed to magnetic field deficiency syndrome, such as many degenerative diseases, certain types of memory loss, or conditions. Human beings, and all other living creatures, have their own electrical-magnetic energy balance. Since our first appearance on the planet, we have also encountered external emfs. The human body floats in a sea of magnetic fields those of the earth, moon, sun and other galactic fields. The earth itself has an iron core that generates a halo of electromagnetic energy, reaching far beyond our atmosphere. All life on earth has adapted to and existed in this natural electromagnetic environment for millions of years. The body is full of magnetizable materials, such as iron in the hemoglobin of the blood. The biomagnetic fields of the body have been measured using SQUIDS (super-conducting quantum interference devices) and found to be 100,000 times weaker than the earth's fields. We are so dependent on the earths fields that when we leave the planet for prolonged periods we suffer. Astronauts in space for long periods require artificial magnetic fields to maintain health.

Scalar energy
A survey of the literature suggests that 'scalar' energy is the most appropriate description of healing energy up-to-date, as it allows for the fact that healing energy has been shown to be not part of the electromagnetic spectrum as we understand it. According to Robert Jacobs, scalar waves are capable of acting on living organisms at a sub-atomic level, and certain frequencies of scalar have been shown to destroy viruses and bacteria. The most efficient use of scalar waves appears to be when the body is exposed en masse to a sweeping range of beneficial frequencies, which enhances its own healthy resonance and helps to restore energetic order. More research needs to be done to validate the existence of scalar waves and their potential effects.

Electromagnetic Fields and Rife Technology

It should be noted that all Rife devices produce EMF to varying degrees. The earth itself produces a constant EM field, which we are constantly exposed to. Many EMF researchers believe that the earths polarized EM field has potential health benefits. EMF can create or destroy, protect or restore. Yes EMF can do damage, but it can be directed as any form of energy to

accomplish positive things as well. Electrical current and voltage can both destroy or construct depending on the application. The same holds true with EMF. When an electrical current flows, an electromagnetic field forms around the conductor. The voltage and current flowing and the type of current flow (Ac, Dc, pulsating Dc, etc) determine the size and strength of the EM field. As well as the conductor through which the current is flowing. The size, shape and type of conductor make a big difference in the EM Field. As the frequencies go higher or lower, and the wavelengths then become longer or shorter, energy fields will fall into the following categories: 1. X-rays 2. Ultraviolet (UV) light 3. Visible light, infrared light (IR), 4. Microwaves (MW) 5. Radio-frequency radiation (RF) 6. Magnetic fields from electric power systems are all parts of the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum. 7. Scalar Waves The parts of the electromagnetic spectrum are characterized by their frequency or wavelength. The frequency and wavelength are related, and as the frequency rises the wavelength gets shorter. The frequency is the rate at which the electromagnetic field goes through one complete oscillation (cycle) and is usually given in Hertz (Hz), where one Hz is one cycle per second. Electromagnetic fields are what are said to hold the atoms of matter together (in atomic theory). It is the force holding electrons in orbit around the nucleus of atoms. It is possible to make an atom of something resonate with an EM field, or current. If you increase the power of the resonance enough, heat will be generated, and if the power is increased enough, atomic structure will break down. The interaction of biological material with an electromagnetic source depends on the frequency of the source. We usually talk about the electromagnetic spectrum as though it produced waves of energy. However, sometimes-electromagnetic energy acts like particles rather than waves, particularly at high frequencies. The particle nature of electromagnetic energy is important because it is the energy per particle (or photons, as these particles are called) that determines what biological effects electromagnetic energy will have.

Ionized Energy Fields

At the very high frequencies characteristic of UV and X-rays (less than 100 nanometers), electromagnetic particles (photons) have sufficient energy to break chemical bonds. This breaking of bonds is termed ionization, and this part of the electromagnetic spectrum is termed ionizing. The well-known biological effects of X-rays are associated with the ionization of molecules.


Non-Ionized Energy Fields

At lower frequencies, such as those characteristic of visible light, radio-frequency radiation, and microwaves, the energy of a photon is very much below those needed to disrupt chemical bonds. This part of the electromagnetic spectrum is termed nonionizing. Because non-ionizing electromagnetic energy cannot break chemical bonds there is no analogy between the biological effects of ionizing and non-ionizing electromagnetic energy. Non-ionizing electromagnetic sources can produce biological effects. Many of the biological effects of ultraviolet (UV), visible, and infrared (IR) frequencies depend on the photon energy, but they involve electronic excitation rather than ionization, and do not occur at frequencies below that of infrared (IR) light (below 3 x 10^11 Hz). Radio frequency and microwaves sources can cause effects by inducing electric currents in tissues, which cause heating. The efficiency with which a non-ionizing electromagnetic source can induce electric currents, and thus produce heating, depends on the frequency of the source, and the size and orientation of the object being heated. At frequencies below that used for broadcast AM radio (about 10^6 Hz), electromagnetic sources couple poorly with the bodies of humans and animals, and thus are very inefficient at inducing electric currents and causing heating. Thus in terms of potential biological effects the electromagnetic spectrum can be divided into four portions: 1. The ionizing radiation portion. This is where direct chemical damage can occur (Xrays, "vacuum", ultraviolet light). 2. The non-ionizing portion of the spectrum the optical radiation portion, where electron excitation can occur (ultraviolet light, visible light, and infrared light). 3. The portion where the wavelength is smaller than the body and heating via induced currents can occur (microwaves and higher-frequency radio-frequency radiation). 4. The portion where the wavelength is much larger than the body and heating via induced currents seldom occurs (lower-frequency radio-frequency radiation, power frequency fields and static fields). Most Rife transmissions fall within a safe EMF level (example 4), are non-ionizing in nature, and are limited in both power as well as frequency output ranges so as not to produce destructive heat (as for example one would see with microwaves operating at 2450 MHz, the frequency to boil water). It can also be seen that much higher-powered Rife EMF output could pose potential health risk. Those constantly seeking "more power with RF devices that generate ionized energy fields may actually be moving in the wrong direction. A clear understanding of EMF can give one the proper balance of both the possible dangers as well as potential benefits. The TrueRife Ion Pro Wave system represents another way of introducing Rife research frequencies. In EMEM Rife equipment, the frequencies and Electro-magnetic field is what does the work of killing, or altering living things, as well as altering none organic (none living) things. EM fields can change the way living things function, or stop their function altogether.


EMF and Living Organisms

A single living human cell performs over 50,000 different biochemical reactions. It carries in the DNA molecule billions of bits of data (survival know how). Research tells us that in every living cell there is an extremely complex process of subtle electromagnetic vibrations. Each of these cells are an extraordinary electromagnetic device in themselves. It is these cells that compose our organs, our central nervous system, our brains and our body. The enormous 'survival know how' in these single cells compose our own human immune system and together these cells keep us alive and healthy. However due to external or internal forces these can become corrupted. In living things, everything vibrates, the smaller, the faster. The frequencies of the vibrations in a living cell depend on the size of the components. Life within a single cell is really a "dance of electrons", using an enormous range of electromagnetic frequencies. This dance is the basis of life itself. Without electromagnetic energy, life could not exist. It is one of the forces that bind the universe together down to the smallest known particles.

Micro Current
Plasma-ray micro-current devices, the TrueRife plasma bulbs, and the Ion Pro Wave all produce micro-current. It should be noted that while certain other devices are only micro current based, TrueRife systems are also frequency specific. The following article may provide further understanding regarding Micro Current frequency effects. All of our devices introduce micro-current along with specific resonant frequency targeting. These are the conclusions of researchers regarding the possible effects of micro-current at the cellular level:

Understanding Micro-current on the Cellular Level

Full article at: http://www.healusnow.com/mcarticle.htm The cells of our bodies can be viewed as miniature batteries with their functioning being governed by low-level (Micro Current) electrical impulses. It has been postulated that these Micro Current Electrical impulses run our entire body's physiological processes. Two German research scientists, Dr. Sakman and Dr. Neher won the Nobel Prize for their work on the response of Micro Current on the physiology of human cellular membranes. Micro Current's electrical impulses, depending upon the frequencies used, would cause an opening in the "voltage sensitive cellular ion channels". Their research showed that each cell contains between 20 and 44 different ion channels, each being specific for a particular nutrient: calcium, magnesium, sodium, etc. Their


research further showed that Diabetes was a deficiency of ATP-controlled ion pump or ion channel that interferes with pancreatic insulin production; Cystic Fibrosis was a result from a missing or deficient Chloride ion channel. There were also applications for heart disease, epilepsy and disorders affecting the nervous and muscular systems. The Ion Pro Wave is a frequency-based micro-current device. Later it was shown that this pulsation of the cell's membrane allowed for a process known as "Electroporation" whereby toxic material (including heavy metals) trapped inside the cell could be "electrically pulsated" out. The heavy metal program in the TrueRife frequency folder is designed to induce frequency generated micro-current pulsations through the footbath. Note the Ion Pro Wave program below. (Do not run this on the bulb) #Heavy Metal Toxicity # Frequencies from Dr. Jeff Sutherland 31905.6 # Aluminum in air pollution 38014.3 # Lead 39032.6 # Barium in air pollution 43644.3 # Mercury 56656.4 # Fluoride 76677.5 # Acrylamide 43644.3 #mercury release 38014.3 #lead release 4202.30 #DNA database 5333.7 # Toxic Protein 9887 # Toxic Protein 1902 #CAFL list freqs that work Note: TrueRife does not claim that heavy metals are removed into the water during ionic footbath sessions as this effect has not been validated. We have received anecdotal reports of a reduction of heavy metal toxicity after running the program above, which we have published. These reduction reports may be based on the above research as opposed to the ionization effects of the water itself. Toxins may be removed through the normal body channels after electroporation, although this is uncertain. Micro Current became the therapy of choice in many autoimmune clinics around the world. Dr. Robert Beck of Santa Ana, California, and a group at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York both did simultaneous research on the positive effects for treating AIDS, HIV and Hepatitis, Epstein-Barr and Herpes B. The New York group showed that this minute electrical current (50100 microamperes) altered the outer protein layers of the HIV virus so as to prevent its subsequent attachment to receptor sites in the blood.

Frequency Targeting
The following link is Mythbusters video demonstration of shattering a glass with the human voice! It took 556 Hz, 20 attempts, and 105 decibels to break this glass with no amplification.


To illustrate accurate frequency targeting, there was a recent episode of the TV show "MythBusters" in which they attempted to duplicate the old Memorex commercial where Ella Fitzgerald shattered a glass with her voice - "Is it live? Or, is it Memorex?" Using modern amplification apparatus they were indeed able to duplicate the commercial and break several Crystal Glasses. Crystal glasses will make sound when you moved a finger around the rim of the Crystal. Doing this gives the singer the tone needed to shatter it. The singer then tries to vocalize the same frequency. When they hit it just right the glass would shatter, but untrained voices had great difficulty getting the frequency just right. Although they would start out close to the right frequency, the glass would not break until they hit just the right tone. This implies exactly what you say about hitting the right frequency with the frequency generator. This was true of frequencies in the audible range, well below 2000 Hz. The higher the frequency the more difficult it would be to hit it just right. For the sake of balance, though, it is interesting to note that the untrained vocalists were at first unable to shatter the glass with their un-amplified voices. While some opera singers may be able to shatter glass without amplification, no doubt this is due to the strength of their voice from training rather than their being able to hit the frequency more accurately. It has been observed that the effectiveness of Rife machines increases proportionately to the amount of energy it radiates. So there seems to be a need for power along with targeting of specific frequencies. While most of us can't observe the results of the Rife machine in action we can compare it to something that many of us have seen. If you have ever tuned a Guitar you will know what I am talking about. Whether you use a tuning fork, the 5th fret method, or harmonics you have seen that the string you are tuning will begin to vibrate if you sound the same note with a tuning fork, or another string. This "sympathetic vibration" is due to the same reason you can shatter glass with sound. The sound wave from the source hits the string and moves it because the frequencies match. The string will move a little even if your guitar is slightly out of tune. Which is why inaccurate targeting still can produce results? But as you tune the string and it gets closer to the target frequency the movement increases because the energy is more efficient. Still, the source frequency must be close enough for its energy to transfer and move the string you are tuning. If you sound the tuning fork too far away it will not have enough energy to move the string you are tuning. As you move it closer to the string it's effect will be greater due to greater energy. This is also true relative to "foreign invaders" being targeted by Rife frequencies. The goal is to induce "sympathetic vibrations" in their cell membranes, or their DNA, to break the bonds, thus shattering them just as Ella shattered the glass or sound made the guitar string move. To do so requires the accurate targeting of a frequency delivered with enough energy to produce the desired results. Without proper targeting you can hit them with all the


energy these machines can produce and you will not succeed. But, without enough energy in the wave, hitting the right frequency will be just as ineffective.

Good Targeting / Divisional Convergence Harmonics

TrueRife research is based on square wave delivery and harmonics. In this forum there have been many very positive reports along with blood work and medical test to help validate results. Divisional conversion harmonics are incorporated into TrueRife programs. Research indicates a higher percentage of resolution when using these protocols. Resolution is all about good targeting and this is what all researchers agree on rather they choose to use sine or square waves. Square waves produce harmonics, sine waves do not. This is not to say that sine wave transmission will not work. It will, as long as the targeting frequency is exact. From time to time TrueRife sends out programs that have a fuzz or sweep command of: fuzz 1 .03125 or more recently fuzz .1 .03125

Divisional Convergence Harmonics is at the core of TrueRife research

While sufficient power is necessary for a kill, bad targeting cannot be compensated for by more output. This is like putting a bigger rubber band on a sling shot, when what really is necessary to up the percentages is to upgrade the targeting to something that is more advanced and precise.

Convergences and Harmonics / Principles for Accurate Targeting

Many Rife programs (written by other researchers) fuzz or sweep at 1 1 or 1 Hz up and down from the primary number. Example: Target frequency is 100. The first frequency with the above fuzz command would be 99 then 100, then finishing with 101. The purpose of this is to pick up possible mutations and variants outside of the target number. It should be noted that in many cases one is relying on harmonics of the primary number for targeting. The actual primary number for example could be 331251 (Epstein - Barr virus). This number is too high for many Plasma systems to drive. So if you divide by 32 you come up with a useful harmonic frequency within the audio range that one can drive (or you can divide by 2 repeatedly). If one were to run 1 Hz fuzz or sweep around the primary frequency 331251, you would run 331250 then 331252 and finish with a target frequency of 331251. Note what happens however as you divide these 3 numbers by 32 to get a useful harmonic within the audio range that the system can drive: 331250 = 10351.5625 331251 = 10351.59375 (target frequency)


331252 = 10351.625 It can be seen that all 3 frequencies fall within the same frequency range of 10351 Hz. The difference between these 3 numbers must be measured by the smaller numbers after the decimal point to get a true harmonic convergence of 1 Hz up and down in the audio range. The difference is .03125. Or each change of 1 Hz in the upper range frequencies is a .03125 difference when divided by 32 to give us harmonics in the audio range. Therefore a fuzz or sweep of 1 Hz up and down of the primary frequency within the audio range of our harmonic numbers should have a command of .03125 to gain a true 1 Hz sweep of the true higher range frequencies that were divided by 32. This new command line should produce the greatest true fuzz or sweep as well as spread of the primary number: This is the new command line: fuzz 1 .03125 This actually will give you a fuzz or sweep of 32 Hz off the primary number to pick up any possible mutations, even though in the audio range it appears to be only spreading out 1 Hz, the second number .03125 in the command line is what gives you the spread of 32 Hz up and down from the primary frequency, picking up all the true harmonics. 1 Hz divided by 32 = .03215 From this research it can also be seen that if you reverse the math then a fuzz or sweep in the audio range of 1 Hz off from the primary number in the audio range of 10351 will produce harmonics of not 1 Hz but 32 Hz off the true target number of 331251! Or it would translate like this: 10350=331200 10351=331232 Target Frequency: 331251 10352=331264 It should be noted that NONE of these frequencies produce a true harmonic of our target number of 331251. The only way to generate a true harmonic of 331251 from the audio range is to have an oscillator accurate enough to generate frequencies with differences of less than 1 Hz. In this case the frequency in the audio range must be 10351.59375 to produce the true harmonic target frequency of 331251. Thus the need for a precision oscillator to produce these frequencies with smaller differences than simple 1 Hz steps. TrueRife has created specialized programs with sweeps using these principles.

The Rife Frequencies History and Background

Much speculation and controversy over the years has been created due to the fact that the Rife MORs (frequencies or Mortal Oscillatory Rate) from his lab notes were in the


kHz as opposed to the audio range (Hz) frequencies employed by most using Rife Technology today. This controversy will continue but may overshadow the facts of what is working vs. what is not. In the late 1980s and early 90s, John Crane was still selling both Ray Tube and Electrode Pad "Rife" devices, and before his death in 1995, he released the frequencies his devices used. These have become known as the "Crane" frequencies. Many have had a live or die attitude towards Rifes original lab notes, assuming everything he wrote down was absolute truth, and somehow Cranes frequencies have little relationship to Rifes original MORs and therefore may be ineffective. With the discovery of Rifes 1932 lab notes, and the reconstruction and back-engineering of Rife and Crane Frequency Instruments by researchers, it has been speculated that Crane adapted Rifes early RF Carrier Kilohertz readings to the Hertz audio square wave readings many have been using. (1-10,000Hz) John Crane wrote to Rick Sheppard in 1988 concerning some of the statements in Rifes original lab notes: "The frequencies given in Hertz apply to the square wave generator and also the Rife Ray Tube Machine. The wording given for the frequencies at page 43 is in error and part of Rife's thinking was to "cover up" the facts." Crane was saying in essence that Rife in the early years deliberately hid the true MORs which he had discovered in order to protect his early research. In the Mexican deposition taken from Rife, which was intended to be used for Cranes legal defense, Rife states that his microbe killing frequencies were given to Crane in 1950. Although it may be argued that John Crane "lowered" Rifes original frequencies, Crane achieved results using both ray tubes and function generators with electrode pads. And for nearly 60 years now, the people who have been using these frequencies, with ray tubes, with pad units, with or without an RF carrier wave, have had good results. Although the controversy may continue concerning Crane MOR Vs Rife MOR, or HZ Vs MHz, the simple truth is, they work. The TrueRife systems along with Ion Pro Wave are capable of delivering both MHz and Hz frequencies. We have experienced positive results from both.

Question: Are there any of the microscopes left that Dr. Rife invented, so that you can actually see the effects of the frequencies? Most are non-functional. Some are in museums; some are in the hands of private collectors.


Principles of Rife Plasma and Contact Devices

Rife plasma devices put out a preset frequency and an electromagnetic field in order to cause resonance or vibration of one of the components of a targeted pathogen in order to bring about devitalization. Some people find it difficult to comprehend that a bulb could put out an invisible beam of energy that could have any impact on a microorganism. One of the best ways to comprehend this possibility is to understand the principles behind a microwave oven which most of us have in our homes.

How do microwave ovens work?

In a microwave oven, food is cooked by exposing it to microwave radiation. Most household microwave ovens operate on a frequency of 2450-megahertz (MHz or million cycles per second) in a continuous wave (cw) mode. Larger ovens used for industrial applications sometimes operate at 915 MHz. The source of the radiation in a microwave oven is the magnetron tube. The magnetron, basically, converts 60 Hz power line electric current to electromagnetic radiation of 2450 MHz. The high voltage (typically 3,000 to 4,000 volts) which powers the magnetron tube is produced by a step-up transformer rectifier, and filter which converts the 120V AC (alternating current or 60 Hz line voltage) to 4 kV DC (direct current). The microwave radiation produces heat inside the food in the oven. Heat is produced when the water molecules in the food vibrate (at a rate of 2,450,000,000 times per second) when the food absorbs the microwave radiation. The movement of the molecules produce friction which causes heat. This heat cooks or warms up the food. Or in the case of an egg that has been overcooked it will explode! A piece of dry paper however does not heat at all since the frequency output of a microwave is a match to water not paper.

Egg explodes! It is similar with Rife Plasma devices. A bulb outputs energy that is a frequency match to one of the components of a microorganism and devitalizes it due to vibration or excitation! TrueRife plasma bulb transmission devices have an output in the audio or Hz range and generate a safe non-ionized field that produces only vibration and not the destructive heat of a microwave or radiation devices which operate at much higher ionized frequencies. Rife Plasma devices use excitation to devitalize their targets.


Rife Contact Devices

Rife contact devices operate on different principles of energy transmission. These devices generally transfer their energy through surfaces and therefore are excellent in treating the blood, but may have some limitations regarding full body penetration. This might be illustrated by considering another common household device that can be found in most homes: a stove. In this case, unlike a microwave, energy transference is generated through contact with the coils of the stove. Energy first circulates around the surface of the object placed on the burner and then slowly transfers over time farther into the object being cooked. Since the body is a semiconductor with approximately 1 million ohms of resistance, penetration of contact energy is somewhat limited. Transferring energy through the body by means of contact is like placing a turkey on top of the stove burner Vs a pot of water, which conducts energy much easier. While a commercial microwave can fully penetrate the bird with its bulb outputted energy transmission, the stove as a contact device is limited. The bodys resistance can be reduced by employing ground devices as pictured below resulting in much greater energy flow. Ground tube being held while bulb is being placed in direct contact with the skin, resulting in both radiant and contact energy flow being accelerated through the body. Center picture demonstrates the use of a grounding plate for energy acceleration. Contact is made with the bulb as shown on the right while feet rest on plate. Employing both methods of energy transference for maximum frequency penetration and impact is possible with cold bulb Rife plasma transmission systems when used with grounding devices while making skin to bulb contact. The benefits of both plasma and contact devices can be employed simultaneously this way resulting in dramatic results!

Essential Oils & Frequencies

There is still much research to be conducted, but if we can keep the body frequency high enough and well oxygenated, some researchers claim we should be free of disease. Essential oil frequencies start at 52 Hz and go as high as 320 Hz, which is the frequency of Rose Oil. Clinical research shows that essential oils have the highest frequency of any natural substance known to man, creating an environment in which disease, bacteria, virus, fungus, etc., CANNOT live.

Pure Essential Oils Have a Very High Frequency The effectiveness of essential oils cannot be fully understood without some discussion of frequency. Frequency is the measurable rate of electrical energy flow that is constant between any two points. Everything has frequency. Dr. Robert O. Becker in his book The
Body Electric establishes that the human body has an electrical frequency and that


much about a person's health can be determined by its frequency. In 1992, Bruce Tainio of Tainio Technology, and independent division of Eastern State University in Cheny, Washington, built the first frequency monitor in the world. http://www.tainio.com/ir/frqmonitor/faq.htm#1 Tainio has determined that the average frequency of the human body during the daytime is 62-68 MHz (A healthy body frequency is 62 - 72 MHz). When the frequency drops, the immune system is compromised. If the frequency drops to 58 MHz, cold and flu

symptoms appear, at 55 MHz, diseases like Candida take hold, at 52 MHz, Epstein Bar and at 42 MHz, Cancer. According to Dr. royal R. rife, every disease has a frequency. He
found that certain frequencies can prevent the development of disease and that others would destroy disease.

The following Frequencies are in MHz:

Frequencies of Young Living Essential Oil Blends in MHz

Abundance 302Acceptance 307Aroma Life 312Aroma Siez 317Awaken 322Christmas Spirit 327Citrus Fresh 332Clarity 337Di-Tone 342Dragon Time 347Dream Catcher 352EndoFlex



188 82 48 147 103 72 112 105 98 46 70 75

102 JuvaFlex 84 64 89 Melrose Mister Motivation

104 My-Grain 90 Pane Away

101 Peace & Calming 102 Present Time 72 98 Purification Raven

138 R.C.


357En-R-Gee 362Forgiveness 367Gathering 372Gentle Baby 377Harmony 382Hope 387Immupower 392Inspiration 397ArthroTune 403

106 Release 192 Relieve It 99 Sacred Mountain

102 56 176 150 72 47 47

152 Thieves 101 3 Wise Men 98 89 141 87 87 Megazyme Mint Condition Valor White Angelica

83 83

Body Balance 409 43 ComforTone 415 43 FemiGen 421 56 ICP 427 56 Immugel 433 108 ImmuneTune 439 140 JuvaTone 445 88 Master Hers 451 86 Master His 457 83 Magazyme 463 83 Mint Condition 469ProGen 83 Royal Essence 197 VitaGreen 76 Thyromin 52 Super Cal 78 Super C 80 Super B 63 Specially His 47 Specially Hers 44 Royaldophilus 89 Radex 89


Field Resonance
The Field Resonance Approach in Medicine
By Dr. Jens Jerndal President, the Cosmosophical Foundation, Stockholm, Sweden
(Text of a Paper presented at the 3rd World Congress of Alternative Medicine, Colombo, 22nd October, 1982. The Field Resonance Approach in Medicine is based on the theory that the highest level of organization of a living organism is not physical but one of the complex energy structures of an electro-magnetic or similar kind.)

The world is made up of energy structures. Structures that are non-material and that resonate. The most easily shown example of an energy structure I can think of is that of a magnet. With a piece of paper and a hand full of iron fillings anybody can see the energy field of the magnet. And also how the energy fields of two magnets interfere with each other, when they get close enough. Every physical structure has energy fields. Prof. Harold Saxton Burr of Yale University in the United States, after 40 years of painstaking research showed that all living organisms do indeed have an energy field, which he learnt to measure and analyze with a special electronic instrument he built himself. He also showed that the energy fields of living organisms (he called them L-fields - L for Life) show continuous, mostly cyclic variations. Some of these variations coincide with the diurnal cycle (or the so called circadian rhythms, i.e. the 24-hour cycle), others coincide with the sunspot cycle, which as has been clearly demonstrated by other researchers is related to planetary configurations. Others again coincide with the lunar cycle, and so on. Burr also discovered that he could predict illness through the changes in the L-field, before any physical symptoms of illness could be registered. Maybe the most revolutionary and transcendental discovery Burr made during his research with L-fields, was that the field exists by itself before any trace can be seen of the physical formation to which it corresponds. It cannot, therefore, be an emanation from the physical structure. Burrs conclusion was, inevitably, that the L-field is the organizing principle behind the physical structure, or the program that organizes the atoms and molecules into cells and organs, and conditions them to certain forms and functions. Impulses generated within this energy field are translated into chemical language by the endocrine glands, notably the pineal and pituitary. Chemical instructions from the glands are in their turn transformed into physiological building, decomposition or elimination processes that become visible as physical forms shaping or disintegrating. This means that the only level of treatment that cannot be overruled is that of the L-field itself, which is a vibrating, that is wave-producing, energy structure. Characteristic of such a structure is its ability to resonate, which is picking up certain vibratory characteristics from waves produced by other structures. It is my conviction that cancer causing agents produce their effect through the weakening or change of the cells normal vibratory frequencies and thereby change their pre-set or inherited program of behavior, causing them to eventually go wild or be taken


over, as it were, by a foreign wave-pattern which breaks up the indigenous bio-structure of the organism. It is well known that many types of radiation cause cancer, as well as many chemical agents such as tar develops the disease. German biophysicist F. A. Popp at the University of Marburg says that each living cell has a standing wave-field, principally consisting of one sound wave and one heat wave within the infrared part of the electro-magnetic spectrum. This wave-field functions as a kind of defense system that wards off disturbing electro-magnetic influences from outside. It also works as a carrier of biological information. Cancer growth can, according to Popp, be caused by laser-active substances that interfere irreversibly with the standing wave-fields of cells, provoking an increase in their wavelength with at least 25%, which would change their program code and enable them to divide and multiply in a wild fashion. Parenthetically: I have given a good deal of thought to the nature and cure of cancer. I have come to the conclusion that official institutional medicine in the West with all its massive financial support is fumbling in complete darkness. There is no simple cure for cancer, like a pill or a certain type of radiation: Cancer is caused and has to be fought on 3 different levels simultaneously. The first may be the elimination of cancer cells. This can usually be done by natural anticancer food which contains what could be called selective cell-poison attacking only cancer cells and not healthy structure, while even at the same time strengthening the self-defending energies of the body. The second level is reinforcing the natural energy structures in two ways: Eliminating toxins and clogging substances that constitute a burden to the organism, impede circulation and drain its energies thus weakening its defense systems; supplying extra vital energy through breathing fresh and energy-charged air and eating energy-laden pure food. The third level is just as important, if not more so, than the two previously mentioned : it is the psychological level, both that of conscious thoughts and above all that of subconscious emotional reflexes or programming. There has to be a determination by the individual to live on, and therefore there has to be a deeply rooted motivation and satisfaction that it is worth while continuing the present existence. If this is lacking, no treatment on the physical and energy levels can save the patient in the long run.

Politics & Rife

Some make it their life to debate endlessly about the theories as to what works, why it works or doesn't work, what is Rife, what is not Rife, contact, plasma LED, alternative, traditional, etc. Science vs. no science, theories, semantics. What are important are facts. Here are some facts: People around the world are getting positive responses from this technology as well as a many other alternative protocols. For some, these facts are ignored. Unless one can demonstrate how this technology works and prove it through a scientific explanation, or microscopic examination, it matters little that someones cancer is in remission, or that


26 years of pain has disappeared after a 26 minute Rife session (he is still pain free 4 years later). "Unless I can see God, there is no God. For that matter there is no air, no atoms, no electrons, no thought, and apparently no brain since we cannot see it. Some would argue that there is no credibility to this technology until one can provide masses of data, numbers, and clinical studies. Rife Technology does have some data, studies and blood work, but its best data is the people who have benefited from it! The American Cancer Society possesses all of these things, yet the number of cancer deaths in this country continue to rise, while some of those using alternative methods of research and treatment protocols without the numbers and studies are having far better results without the side effects. Some want billions spent on research to "validate" this technology. The pharmaceutical companies have billions at their disposal and have spent billions. And because of the billions spent on pain reduction by the pharmaceuticals they have at their disposal volumes of research, double blind studies, blood work, FDA approval and a host of drugs. But billions of people continue to suffer from pain as these drugs seldom work, while others for a few pennies of electricity are now pain free. They can spend their billions on crunching numbers. If people want numbers, clinical studies, data and all the research, then they need to go to the FDA or the AMA. They have plenty! It would be better for people to examine the effectiveness and details of any apparently successful protocol. Case in point: Dr. Holt's 2 file cabinets of cancer survivors who were told they should have been dead that is an impressive statistic. On the other hand, two file cabinets of research on chemotherapy will undoubtedly reveal a different outcome. Medical research without results is meaningless. How or why this technology exactly works in all cases may never be fully understood. Then again, maybe someday it will be. To debate it or spend hours ridiculing it because of the absence of millions or billions in research and cabinets full of data is speaking to the wind. The bottom line is does it work? Engineers have stated that the TrueRife wiring schemes and ideas cannot and will not work. Ignoring these "facts" and proceeding with the experiment has shown that it does work! This is a fact. Spending billions on research does not always translate to results when it comes to medical advancement. This is because those who would invest this kind of money expect a return. Profit is the driving force first, helping people is somewhere down the list. Developing new drugs that sometimes kill or maim while only treating symptoms is a guaranteed profit. It is not vast amounts of money that leads to progress, it is love for people.

De-licensed Stephen Barrett, Quackwatch.com Founder Loses in Court Again / October 20, 2005
On October 13, 2005, notorious self-proclaimed consumer medical advocate, Stephen Barrett's defamation lawsuit against Dr. Ted Koren was thrown out of court after a grueling three and a half-day trial. To the unknowing observer, this may seem


insignificant, but in no uncertain terms, it was a big victory for the battle of freedom and rights of all individuals to select the health care of their choice. The American Medical Association has a long-standing history of trying to monopolize health care in the United States by eliminating competition. In Wilk vs. AMA a Federal court ruled that the AMA and other individuals and organizations had conspired to contain and eliminate the practice of chiropractic. The court found that the AMA and its officials instituted a boycott of chiropractors and made it unethical for a medical doctor to associate with chiropractors. This boycott disallowing a medical doctor to associate with a chiropractor was only one part of a seeming comprehensive multi-phase strategy to eliminate chiropractic. The AMA also, and sometimes subtly, made attempts to undermine chiropractic educational institutions, conceal evidence of the usefulness of chiropractic care, undercut insurance programs for patients of chiropractors, subvert government inquiries into the efficacy of chiropractic, engage in a massive misinformation campaign to discredit and destabilize the chiropractic profession, and engage in numerous other activities to maintain a monopoly over health care in this country. It has been reported that the AMA's Committee on Quackery was the group purportedly assigned with the task of eliminating chiropractic. A sub-group of the Committee on Quackery called the Coordinating Conference on Health Information (CCHI) was also set up to perform covert activities and operated in total secrecy. According to Joseph Lisa in his book, "The Assault on Medical Freedom," in 1974, the CCHI and its activities were turned over to regional councils against health fraud. According to Lisa, Stephen Barrett, MD, a psychiatrist in Allentown Pennsylvania was the leader of one of the affiliate groups called the Lehigh Valley Council against Health Fraud. Notice the intentional transition from the word quackery to describe nonconventional health care, to the worlds health fraud. In 1977, the Allentown group merged with the California Committee against Health Fraud to form the National Council against Health Fraud (NCAHF) which is still in existence today and is still an advocate against chiropractic. Stephen Barrett is now de-licensed (he voluntarily gave up his Pennsylvania medical license, the last of four medical licenses he once held, in the early 1990's) and the Vice President of the NCAHF. He also operates at least 20 websites affiliated with his main site, Quackwatch.com. The website and its affiliate web sites are seemingly designed to spread deceitful, untruthful and malicious propaganda about chiropractic and other non-conventional health practices; similar to the way the CCHI did under the auspices of the AMA. NCAHF is also involved in similar activities. In addition, Barrett and his groups also frequently consult for major media magazines, television, radio, governmental agencies such as the FBI, FTC and FDA and even the AMA. One of Barrett's anti health-choice activities is to frequently file libel lawsuits against non-conventional health care practitioners, manufacturers and publishers. He testified in court to filing lawsuits against at least forty individuals. One of these lawsuits was filed against well-known chiropractor, Dr. Ted Koren and his publishing company, Koren Publications in 2003. Perhaps it is no coincidence that Barrett admits that he is a consultant to the FTC who unsuccessfully tried to destroy


Koren's publishing business in the 1990's using tactics intimately familiar to the CCHI and NCAHF. The FTC investigation was withdrawn after a full briefing of the facts to FTC officials by Dr. Koren's attorneys. Realizing that the defamation lawsuit was just another of Barrett's continued, conspiratorial tactics to destroy chiropractic, Dr. Koren decided that this time things would be different. In order to officially link Barrett to the original conspiracy revealed in Wilk v. AMA, he and Foundation for Health Choice cofounder and attorney Jim Turner, would have to get Barrett to court instead of settling like so many of his predecessors did. Jim Turner joined forces with health freedom trial attorney Carlos F. Negrete of San Juan Capistrano, California and attorney Christopher Reid of Allentown, Pennsylvania who all decided to take this precedent setting case to trial. This way, they could challenge Barrett and put his activities to the test before a jury of his own peers in his hometown. The Barrett v. Koren trial took place between October 10th and October 13th 2005, and the case was thrown out by the judge before it went to the jury because Barrett had not provided sufficient evidence to prove his case. Barrett did, however, provide plenty of sufficient evidence to show that he was linked to the continued conspiracy against chiropractic. The Foundation for Health Choice now has a comprehensive multi-phase strategy to continue to investigate and uncover activities and organizations created to undermine chiropractic educational institutions, conceal evidence of the usefulness of chiropractic care, undercut insurance programs for patients of chiropractors, subvert government inquiries into the efficacy of chiropractic, engage in a massive misinformation campaign to discredit and destabilize the chiropractic profession, and engage in numerous other activities to maintain a monopoly over health care in this country. With your help we can stop the activity of these divisive and propagandist organizations once and for all. We ask that you consider supporting this effort to protect your freedom of health choice. Fifty dollars a month, from 1500 individuals, will fund the strategy to end the anti-chiropractic campaign of Barrett and his cronies. You can find out more at http://www.foundati onforhealthchoic e.com



True Rife Equipment & Products

F-117 Frequency Generator
Question from a Researcher: What is the difference between using a sound card that is used by some Rife Manufacturers as a frequency generator as opposed to the Atelier Robin frequency generators used by TrueRife? Answer: The F-117 uses a true precision frequency generator as opposed to sound cards which have severe limitations. The most advanced computer-controlled frequency generator is at the heart of TrueRife machines. The engineering of the F-117 Internal frequency generator represents at least a $100,000 investment. This is why some vendors use "cheap" ineffective audio sound cards within their systems. The clue as to if a cheap sound card is being used is the manufacturer will advertise that you can run his system with an MP 3 player. The above question was posed to the manufacturer of the F-117. This is the response: The main difference between a sound card and our frequency generators is bandwidth. The other difference, not strictly related to the limitations of a sound card is programmability. I am not aware of software as flexible as F100 that works with sound cards. As far as bandwidth, it is one difference that has major implications for the different features you use with our generators: square waves, duty cycle control. To produce a reasonable square wave at 10KHZ for example, you need a generator with a bandwidth of at least 200 kHz. The higher the bandwidth, the more square the wave will be and the more harmonics it contains. A PC sound card tops at 20KHZ (180 kHz short) The F117 has a square wave with a rise/fall time of a few nano-seconds. That translates into a bandwidth in the 800 MHz region for the F-117 frequency generator. Duty cycle control is another feature that requires high bandwidth and precise waveform control simply not possible with a PC sound card. Best Regards, Patrick Robin


These are the Specs of the board used in TrueRife systems: DDS square wave frequency generation controlled by internal 32-bit processor MS-Windows F100 3.0 software to control the F110 from a PC USB port. Program file format fully compatible with F100 2.0 and our previous generators 2 internal channels: A:1.5 MHz, B:100 kHz 1 output 5 V TTL. Channels A, B can be routed to the output in any combination (see note 2) Any of the 2 internal channels can be used as a carrier for the other channel Channel A, B frequency resolution: .01 HZ Reference quartz oscillator stability: 50 PPM Channels A, B duty cycle programmable. Can be programmed to automatically load and run a program at powerup in standalone mode without the need for a PC. Max output current 100 ma / Bandwidth 800 MHz The F-117 is the only Plasma based Rife machine with scanning capabilities! Example: #20 minutes # Diagnostic Program/Watch for Hits #Enter hits (frequencies in AAA template or access them under File / GRS Hits, then save the program) Label pinworms label strongyloides # Run these an extra 5 minutes total label Trichinosis label epstein

F-117 Phase Shifting Technology

Could you please explain in greater detail the circuitry that appears on your web site? What is your background the led to the development of this modality of using a phase shifting circuit as part of a Rife transmission device? Everything about this new circuitry is not given away on


the site. The illustrations and circuitry found on the site is only for an individual to understand how phase shifting works in principle, not to reveal exactly how we accomplish this or what type of wave we are driving. As frequency changes on a Rife system, so does current flow to the amplifiers. The result is you must find a way to compensate for this change to get the system working. Even to get two transistors to fire in phase simultaneously is a major obstacle. Simply running these in parallel will not work. One transistor will fire through certain frequency ranges and the other one will remain dead. You can beat your head on the wall for months to try to figure out not only why this happens but how to overcome this problem. You need two fully functional transistors or amplifiers both firing to have the two channels to phase shift.

History of Phase Shifting

Phase shifting was first done by Phil Specter who was looking for a way to get a fuller sound from the vocals in the recording studio. He crudely accomplished this by placing a finger on one of the stereo tape drives to slightly delay signal 2, while tape drive 1 remained in phase with the original recording, tape drive 2 was now out of phase or delayed. The result on playback was a fuller sound audibly. I have personally been working with digital computerized phase shifting for several years as part of our studio recording projects.

Translating from one technology to another

The question is how would this technology translate to Rife device frequency transmission? In this case we are trying to generate a pounding or jackhammer effect or pulsation. This can be done through pulsations of equal values and constants that can be programmed within the Rife oscillator software itself. Most Rife researchers run pulses to generate quicker kills. What electronic phase shifting does is not only double the pounding effects of any preset software pulse, but changes the constant or duty between these pulsations in a different way then software generated pulse presets. This creates a different pulse rhythm and possibly quicker kills. Early reports are remarkable. Both bulb and Ion Pro Wave outputs have the new circuitry integrated.

The F-117 generates half of the heat to the transistors because of splitting the signal. Output signal strength remains the same. Note there are two transistors on the the F-117. Transistor 1 is in phase, while transistor 2 is slightly delayed or out of phase. Signal output remains stable. Two signals are generated at the same frequency with the second delayed or



What is Phasing?
Phasing is created by splitting a signal into two components, delaying one portion of it by a few milliseconds, and then reintroducing it back into the source at the same amplitude or frequency as the source. The device used to perform this operation is most commonly called a Phase Shifter but may also be referred to as simply a Phaser. Putting this in simpler terms, the current way of delivering resonant frequencies could be compared to a one armed boxer. We generate a single resonant signal that matches the frequency of one of the components of the targeted organism. By increasing the intensity of a matching frequency, which resonates naturally with these microbes, we increase their natural oscillations until they are distorted and disintegrated from structural stresses. The knockout punch must be in resonance or a frequency match with the intended target for de-vitalization to take place. The resonant signal is also pulsed during most Rife sessions which give the output signal a further punching effect. If we add the second arm and fist to the punching effect with a slight delay we will in effect be doubling the amount of hits or blows to the target. Or instead of a one armed boxer, we will now have a boxer with two arms to deliver twice the blows but in a delayed fashion. First fist strikes followed by the second fist that is slightly delayed in its time of impact. This is in effect what a phase shifter does. It generates a secondary duplicate signal, which is then slightly delayed to give us a two-armed punching effect. Now imagine two bulbs resonating but the second is slightly delayed. To illustrate this another way, imagine setting up two Rife machines that are set to run the same exact program. You start the first machine and then a fraction of a second later you start the second machines program as well. You are now generating two signals that are the same but are out of phase or time because they were not started at the exact same moment. This is what we hope to accomplish by adding a phase shifter interface with our current machines. Only one Rife machine will be needed to accomplish what the two are doing


in the above illustration. This current Phaser will function on both the bulb and Ion Pro Wave outputs.

Researcher Question to TrueRife: How did you come up with your frequencies? One of our engineers is frequency sensitive, so much so that he can feel the difference between both of these programs:

converge 1 .03125

fuzz 1 .03125
555 He has been instrumental in validating and writing some of our best sets. However many of our frequencies such as ALLERGY GRS.frq are arrived at using the GRS (galvanic resonant scanner) and then confirming these "hits" by evaluating the results sometimes in conjunction with medical test and blood work. It has been brought to our attention that a few researchers are using dowsing rods to arrive at frequencies. We have tested some of these programs (before we were aware of how the researcher arrived at them) only to find them useless. Such research has been removed from TrueRife Frequency programs and folders. Many of the frequencies included in the TrueRife sets are CAFL frequencies from other researchers that we have validated by our own process. Improvement to the effectiveness of these sets is as much as to how they are delivered as the frequencies themselves. The command lines of DUTY / PULSE / CONVERGE / SWEEP / and FUZZ and the way they are written can be the difference between a high percentage of achievement Vs average or no results at all. This is because the harmonics produced by these commands at times has to be (not always) duplicated to achieve the same effects that we often report on.


Frequency delivery / How Important?

The way frequencies are delivered may be just as important as the frequencies themselves. One can toss a bullet at a target with the hand, or fire it with a high powered rifle. Both will hit the target, but the latter will do more damage because of the method of delivery. We just sent out research indicating the advantages of sweeps over convergence commands for possible better kills. We will be making some modifications with some of our programs in the future to take advantage of this research. By simply changing one command in current F-100 programs one can sweep through the primary frequencies for targeting instead of the bouncing effect we have currently been using with a converge command. By changing this command line we can produce the ripple effect with each frequency suggested by the sweep Vs converge research. Here is the change that has been implemented: Look at this set: duty 55 converge 1 .03125 pulse 4 60 2025, 1830, 1552, 1550, 1246, 1206, 880, 822, 802, 787, 727, 722, 489, 432 By changing the word "converge" to "fuzz" in the command line you will generate a perfect sweep of each frequency with harmonic increments. The new programs will look like this instead: duty 55 fuzz 1 .03125 pulse 4 60 2025, 1830, 1552, 1550, 1246, 1206, 880, 822, 802, 787, 727, 722, 489, 432 Over the course of the last three years we have continued to modify our programming as more research has been developed. This is the history of these modifications. 2003: Changed the converge commands from 10 1 to 1 1 to give us more dwell time on primary frequencies 2003: Added a duty 75 command to our generators to pick up more frequency harmonics and to increase the output. 2004: Changed pulse commands to lower pulse rates for longer burns. 2004: Beg in experimenting with divisional convergence harmonic research resulting in a command line change from 1 1 to 1 .03125 or .125 2005: Changed duty cycles on most programs from a duty of 75 to a duty of 71.5. Research indicated we were missing every third harmonic. Changing to 71.5 will pick up all the frequency harmonics.


2006: New cancer research indicated that higher pulse rates may have a better effect on cancer. Pulse rates were adjusted to a pulse 64 75 for cancer sets. 2006 (current) Began adjusting converge command to a fuzz command to generate positive impact energy due to the "ripple effect" discovered by previous research. 2007: Frequency set research takes a new direction to increase output by matching the programming to specific frequency ranges. This results in cooling the system and increased output and stability. 2007: GRS scanning is interfaced with the software to auto record "hits" resulting in developing new frequency sets. 2007: Overnight folder is added allowing for use of specific programs in sequence while the user sleeps reducing time needed during the day for sessions. 2008: Auto frequency download / update software is released to the world resulting in one click upgrades and quicker evaluations by our researchers of new frequency sets and changes. 2008: More researchers added to our circle to contribute or assist in evaluating new sets. 2008: After a year of evaluation it is determined that we can tighten the fuzz command on most of our sets for greater impact or dwell time on the primary frequency. Over 500 sets revised. This should result in up to 10 x the total impact time as compared to the previous fuzz command resulting in quicker resolutions. 2009: Duty command research leads to greater output. Duty is adjusted in over 800 frequency set programs to optimize output and keep the machine running cool. 2010: Software Links button added to software / New DVD release to explain software usage and functionality.

Ripple effect explained

Most of the converge programs run a convergence of .03125 Hz up and down from the primary frequency to pick up mutations, but a researcher has submitted this information about sweeps VS converge. This is the e-mail he sent: The other day I was giving my son some help in the bathtub and thought about how to explain "resonant frequencies" and how they affect use of the "Rife Machine" that we got from you. This is important to help understand why the use of the sweeps is having such an impact on us here. To understand how the Rife machine works there are a couple of basic concepts that came to mind when giving my son a bath.


When you make a splash in the tub the wave goes to the edge of the tub and returns. If left undisturbed it will actually go back and forth a number of times with diminishing strength each time the direction is changed. This is wave action rather than water flow. That wave motion is different than water flow can be seen in that waves still come in and go out when the tide is ebbing and flowing. Although the water is receding waves still pound the shore. Now back to the bathtub. If you splash the water more than once the successive waves either strengthen the preceding wave(s) or diminish them. If you time your splashes just right you can splash to push the first wave along increasing its strength and the amount of water displaced by the wave action. Continue doing this and the wave action will strengthen to the point that the water will splash over the sides of the tub. It is not that you are splashing that hard, but that the repeated slashes are timed just right to compound their strength to the previous ones. Some have suggested that this principle is what causes hurricane winds to develop. These are "resonant frequencies." On the other hand, you can time it just right so that the next wave cancels out the preceding wave. (This happens to sound systems that are out of phase, but for a different reason.) Anything in between does both. So, the closer the frequency to a resonant frequency the stronger the increase in wave strength. The farther away from the resonant frequency the less it strengthens the wave. So the frequencies don't have to be exact to cause the wave to build up. And most people have used this in attacking "bugs" with frequencies. From the "bug's" point of view it is suddenly being bombarded by energy waves that start a wave action in its structure. Wave after wave comes at it, jostling it. If the wave frequency is "resonant" it shakes the "bug's" insides violently until either the nucleus ruptures, the cell membrane ruptures, or the internal functions are so incapacitated that the "bug" cannot continue to function. If the frequency isn't exactly a resonant frequency it can do the same thing, it just takes longer. If the frequency isn't even close to resonant the succeeding waves diminish the wave action and the "bug" continues rather unaffected. That is all fine and good, but the problem comes in the fact that there are so many frequencies that a "bug" can exist on. For example, the Epstein-Barr virus has 4200 possible frequencies. If you ran each frequency for 1 minute it would take 4200 minutes to devitalize the Epstein-Barr Virus. So the tactic most have used is to pick a few frequencies within that range and dwell on them for up to 3 minutes. These have obviously been somewhat effective, but what we have noticed is that the "bug" makes a comeback a few days later. So the questions are raised as to whether that is due to re-infection, normal life cycle changes or if some "bugs" are being spared due to not hitting their frequencies. And, if the later is so, could we be developing "frequency resistant bugs?" We thought that the only hypothesis we could test was the later, since we don't have the equipment to study the bugs directly. So we developed frequency lists that had many more frequencies in them. We started by hitting 1/100 frequencies on the Epstein-Barr Virus. Our client who seemed to be getting diminishing results from the old frequencies noticed a dramatic improvement, but still had a relapse a few days later. So we set up 10 programs that hit 1/100 of the frequencies that could be used on a rotating basis to randomize the frequencies and do less to contribute to the "frequency resistant bugs."


During the course of this process we came to see that for each 1 Hz change in frequency we needed to alter the number we were using by .03125 because we were using a harmonic frequency of the actual virus we were targeting. That is when the idea of a sweep came to mind. Could we set up a program that would hit each of the 4200 frequencies for Epstein-Barr? And, if so, how long would it have to dwell on each frequency in order to be effective? In thinking about this it seemed that the "Converge" command would probably be less effective than the "sweep" command. Again, think about it from the "bug's" point of view. With the sweep command, as the waves begin to bombard the "bug," its innards start to jiggle. As the frequency gets closer and closer to the resonant frequency of that particular "bug" the wave action gets stronger and stronger until it "pops" the "bug." Now if you are using a converge command the frequency bounces back and forth from too slow to too fast. This would seem to have the effect of canceling out some of the wave energy rather than building on it. If that is the case it would take longer to get the "bug's innards" moving violently enough to do the job. Although it is too soon to say for sure, this appears to be verified by the results we are getting from the sweeps we are using. Setting up a sweep on the Epstein Barr Virus that dwells for just .1 second gave better results than the converge programs that spent 1520 seconds on each frequency. I got the same result from using the respiratory program I had previously used with a converge program. Even though the time in between was only a week or so the "Herx reaction" or detox was much more intensive with the sweep than the converge. #2 hours #EPSTEIN BARR VIRUS #CANDIDA

From Gerald Foye, Author of Royal Rife / Persecuted and Betrayed Frequency duration & effects
The issue of detox has come up again which is an important issue. This involves: duration of frequency and side effects, which MIGHT cause a bad reaction. The issue of Herx effect and detox seems to scare people. Personally I have been subjected to hundreds of hours of frequency applications. I have cured myself of some issues with no noticeable side effects and, in most cases, did not even FEEL the frequency that solved the problem. However, there were times I did feel frequencies which, for me was a very subtle sensation. In rare cases I have gotten a herx effect.

Feeling Frequencies
Everyone is different. Personally I seldom feel frequencies; yet, I have witnesses others who had severe reaction to certain frequencies. Example: Three of us were sitting in front of the plasma device - two of us felt nothing, the third person would literally jerk upwards in his seat at certain frequencies. Initially I thought he was playing with us but I arranged the frequency changes so he had no way of telling when the changes took place.


Further, by re-running the program he reacted to the same frequencies, which he could not see. In addition some frequencies would cause him to promptly go into sleep mode and slump forward, next frequency would cause him to abruptly sit straight.

Duration of Frequencies
Yes, Rife did recommend 3 minutes per frequency, which is a good way to start but does not imply we must continue that in all cases. We have to find out what duration is required for our purpose. Here are some experiences I had. Certain frequencies seemed to make a specific condition worse. This was based on the 3-minute protocol. Therefore, I avoided those frequencies for some time. Finally, getting nowhere with my problem I selected the annoying frequencies and just let the first one run. For maybe 4-5 minutes I felt nothing. About minute seven I began experiencing a subtle, strange sensation in my body. At that point I almost turned the unit off since I didn't know what was taking place, but fortunately decided to let it run. The sensation lasted a few minutes then abruptly stopped. Total time about 12 minutes. At that point I came to realize I had cured a major, 3-year-old medical problem. If I had not proceeded I would never have found an answer to my problems and may even have given up on this technology. There was no after effect (Herx) in this case. I felt great. Some experimenters have found specific frequencies or sets that they might run for an hour or more at a time. But we don't do that without good reason.

Herx Reactions & Detox

A couple of times I have gotten a reaction after a major event. Basically, the following day I felt horrible, nauseous, head ache, no energy. The day after that, back in good shape again. Drink a lot good water prior to running frequency sets, and more after.

Knowing What Frequencies are Running

There are a lot of devices pre-programmed with unknown frequency sets. This may be acceptable for some people; but, for those who like to experiment it's best to see the frequencies that are being run. How else can a person determine what frequency is affecting them at a certain point or if you had good or bad results the next day, how could you determine which frequency did what? I personally prefer the ability to arrange or alter frequency sets.

Bad Frequencies
I have encountered a couple frequencies I prefer not to use but won't go into that or the reason at this time.

Running many frequencies in one group and session

There are conditions where a long run of selected frequencies is required as HIV sets. But normally (personal again) I find it best to keep frequencies in small groups in order to keep tabs on frequencies that work for a specific condition. Sometimes we might want to back track to find what worked a huge group makes it hard to back track.


Feeling Frequencies with Plasma tunes (EMEM devices)

Using a coil (EM) unit with a plasma tube touching the skin I find good frequencies give a warm feeling - I search for those. GF, author Royal R. Rife

Article: New Way to Kill Viruses: Shake Them to Death

By Michael Schirber Special to LiveScience Posted: 05 February 2008 09:27 am ET Scientists may one day be able to destroy viruses in the same way that opera singers presumably shatter wine glasses. New research mathematically determined the frequencies at which simple viruses could be shaken to death. The capsid of a virus is something like the shell of a turtle," said physicist Otto Sankey of Arizona State University. "If the shell can be compromised [by mechanical vibrations], the virus can be inactivated." Recent experimental evidence has shown that laser pulses tuned to the right frequency can kill certain viruses. However, locating these so-called resonant frequencies is a bit of trial and error. "Experiments must just try a wide variety of conditions and hope that conditions are found that can lead to success," Sankey told LiveScience. To expedite this search, Sankey and his student Eric Dykeman have developed a way to calculate the vibrational motion of every atom in a virus shell. From this, they can determine the lowest resonant frequencies. As an example of their technique, the team modeled the satellite tobacco necrosis virus and found this small virus resonates strongly around 60 Gigahertz (where one Gigahertz is a billion cycles per second), as reported in the Jan. 14 issue of Physical Review Letters.

A virus' Death Knell

All objects have resonant frequencies at which they naturally oscillate. Pluck a guitar string and it will vibrate at a resonant frequency. But resonating can get out of control. A famous example is the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, which warped and finally collapsed in 1940 due to a wind that rocked the bridge back and forth at one of its resonant frequencies. Viruses are susceptible to the same kind of mechanical excitation. An experimental group led by K. T. Tsen from Arizona State University have recently shown that pulses of laser light can induce destructive vibrations in virus shells. "The idea is that the time that the pulse is on is about a quarter of a period of a vibration," Sankey said. "Like pushing a child on a swing from rest, one impulsive push gets the virus shaking." It is difficult to calculate what sort of push will kill a virus, since there can be millions of atoms in its shell structure. A direct computation of each atom's movements would take several hundred thousand Gigabytes of computer memory, Sankey explained. He and


Dykeman have found a method to calculate the resonant frequencies with much less memory.

In Practice
The team plans to use their technique to study other, more complicated viruses. However, it is still a long way from using this to neutralize the viruses in infected people. One challenge is that laser light cannot penetrate the skin very deeply. But Sankey imagines that a patient might be hooked up to a dialysis-like machine that cycles blood through a tube where it can be hit with a laser. Or perhaps, ultrasound can be used instead of lasers. These treatments would presumably be safer for patients than many antiviral drugs that can have terrible side effects. Normal cells should not be affected by the virus-killing lasers or sound waves because they have resonant frequencies much lower than those of viruses, Sankey said. Moreover, it is unlikely that viruses will develop resistance to mechanical shaking, as they do to drugs. "This is such a new field, and there are so few experiments, that the science has not yet had sufficient time to prove itself," Sankey said. "We remain hopeful but remain skeptical at the same time." We have several therapist who are reporting observable parasites within the foot bath water. Some magnify the debris under intense light, and state this must be done quickly before they sink to the bottom.

Top Ten Programs

1. PAIN.BIO Basic This program has been tremendous in resolving some chronic pain issues that were over 20 years old in just 30 minutes. Start with this program for any pain issues. 2. Sinusitis Stubborn Sinusitis Stubborn has been consistently effective for the last 2 years against chronic sinusitis. Be sure to try this one when all others fail. 3. Allergy GRS and Allergy 2: Great against allergies / Has reduced allergy symptoms from 80-100% 4. Immune System Stabilization primarily run on Ion Pro Wave systems, but this program seems to stabilize the immune system. Can be used against everything from Arthritis to Lupus. 5. Pseudomonas aeruginosa Primarily found in cystic fibrosis victims, this bug mimics a number of diseases and conditions from arthritis to pneumonia. A non-malignant breast tumor was even shrunk and eviscerated in a matter of weeks running this program and surgery was canceled! 6. Parasite Flukes run this program for a good parasite kill. Extend the run time to double or triple if parasites are suspected. Can eliminate joint pain and a host of other problems. 7. Fibromyalgia XP We have found this set to be effective after 1-3 sessions. Based on Canadian research frequencies. 8. Mycoplasma Fermentans / Weaponized in the 1950's, associated with a host of medical issues including heart disease, HIV, Fibromyalgia and MS.


9. Cancer BX2 A collection of the best cancer frequencies for targeting the BX virus. Includes work done by Dr. James Bare and many others. 10. Detox Primarily run on the Ion Pro Wave system, this program has even been used for cancer.

What is the thinking regarding analog vs. digital frequencies?

From the John Wright website http://www.staytuned.ws/analog.htm he writes: The bulb output of the TrueRife system is Analog. The Ion Pro Wave system is digital. Having said that, some manufacturers promote the advantages of analog output because they are using cheap 555 timers within their systems. We would agree with the principles stated regarding analog output but also believe that the core of the machine must be a digital precision oscillator to produce dramatic results. Cheap 555 timers cannot duplicate the TrueRife systems precision oscillators.
Analog Output Digital Output

All of our research is based on square wave delivery and harmonics as part of our targeting, for which we have very positive reports along with blood work. We use divisional conversion harmonics as part of our command lines and a duty of 55 or 35 depending on the frequency range. Our research indicates a higher percentage of resolution when using these protocols. A 50% duty only picks up half the harmonics up the scale. 55 or 35 or lower will pick up most of the harmonics. Resolution is all about good targeting and this is what all researchers agree on rather they choose to use sine or square waves. Square waves produce harmonics, sine waves do not. This is not to say that sine wave transmission will not work. It will, as long as the targeting frequency is exact.

Overnight Set Folder

Many of these sets have been developed, tested and evaluated by a practitioner who has reported excellent results using these as part of a seven day program. The advantage of a TrueRife plasma system is that it can be run with no contact using the larger bulbs. Many of us are busy during the day and can run overnight sets while sleeping using the double bubble bulb (no grounding required). TrueRife systems can be run indefinitely with no damage to the unit unlike some other manufacturers devices


which must be shut down after just a few hours. Pulse rates have been adjusted to assist in sleeping. The double bubble bulb has been gassed for low photonic emission to further assist in an uninterrupted sleep. A towel can be draped over the bulb to completely remove the light in a darkened room. This will not affect bulb output. Inexpensive pad type Rife devices do not have this capability. Another exclusive feature of TrueRife systems.

Updating Frequency Sets

Atelier Robin has created the F-100 software version which is exclusive to TrueRife. The web site for updating frequencies is: http://truerife.com/TrueRifeDownload.html

F-100 Version 3.0.31 is exclusive to TrueRife and features one click frequency upgrading!


Simply open your new F-100 Software, click File, then click Download Frequencies! Your F-100 software will now automatically access this site and download the latest TrueRife frequencies sets to your computer! TrueRife makes from 15-50 adjustments in our frequency research sets every month, sometimes new updates are added daily. one month we made over 500 adjustments to our programming. You will now be able to download these latest adjusted sets with a click of the mouse. Your computer must have Windows XP, Vista, Win 7 or later and have Internet access to use this feature. To download this new version of software go to: http://truerife.com/TrueRifeDownload.html Then click on the F-100 icon and click the setup.exe file after the download is finished to complete the installation. This version is compatible with all F-117 and F-110 TrueRife generators (older T-150's will not run this version and must order the upgrade disk). Your personal programs or frequency sets will not be overwritten when you choose the Frequency Upgrade option in your new software. TrueRife provides this unique advanced F-100 version FREE to all of our clients as well as those who have joined our research list!

Question: What is included in the updates?

Updates can include new frequencies added to the sets, changes in command lines or additional information regarding protocols for addressing the condition. Question: Will I lose the personal programs I have generated if I choose to upgrade? No! Any programs you have generated under a different name than our standard sets will not be overwritten when you upgrade. Question: Is there any advantage to downloading the F-100 software if I do not have a TrueRife system? Yes! The best protocols for a variety of health conditions from leading medical and alternative practitioners are included in our programs. These files can only be accessed through the F-100 software.

Examples of research data:

How to pass a Kidney stone in 2 hours. Reversing heart blockage. Latest Lyme disease protocols A little known inexpensive drug that Pharmaceutical companies do not want you to know about that has proven effective for MS Nasa research article for repairing nerve damage Supplements for specific cancers Autism protocols


How to resolve cystitis and bladder infections naturally in 6-12 hours. And hundreds more!

Muscle Frequencies
From a Practitioner: I have located a collection of muscle frequencies to be tested: http://vibroacoustic.org/FrequencyInfo/muscle_frequencies.htm

Hertz - Muscle Name

52 Occipitalis 58 Levator Palpebrae, superior division 60 Orbicularis Oculi, superior division 62 Orbicularis Oculi, inferior division 70 Depressor Septi 98 Orbicularis Oris, upper division 100 Orbicularis Oris, inferior division 102 Buccinator 110 Temporalis, parietal division 112 Temporalis, occipital division 114 Masseter, superficial division 118 Masseter, deep division 120 Pterygoid Internal Medialis, sphenoid division 122 Pterygoid Internal Medialis, palatine division 124 Pterygoid External Lateralis, upper division 126 Pterygoid External Lateralis, lower division 130 Rectus Superior Bulbi 132 Rectus Inferior Bulbi 134 Rectus Medialis Bulbi 136 Rectus Lateralis Bulbi 138 Obliquus Superior Bulbi 140 Obliquus Inferior Bulbi 270 Upper Trapezius, scapular division

Hertz - Muscle Name

580 Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis, Manus 582 Abductor Digiti Minimi Manus, flexor division 584 Abductor Digiti Minimi Manus, abductor division 586 Opponens Digiti Minimi Manus, abductor division 588 Opponens Digiti Minimi Manus, flexor division 590 Interossei Palmaris, fourth 592 Interossei Palmaris, third 594 Interossei Palmaris, second 596 Palmaris Brevis 610 Spinalis Thoracis, lumbar division 612 Spinalis Thoracis, thoracic division 614 Longissimus Thoracis, superior division 618 Longissimus Thoracis, inferior division 642 Lavator Costorum, inferior division 648 Serratus Posterior, superior division 652 Serratus Posterior, inferior division 656 Diaphragm, right lumbar division 662 Diaphragm, left lumbar division 690 Pyramidalis 692 Obliquus Externus Abdominis, anterior division 694 Obliquus Externus Abdominis, lateral division 696 Obliquus Internus Abdominis, anterior division 698 Obliquus Internus Abdominis, lateral division 700 Rectus Abdominis, first division 702 Rectus Abdominis, second division

704 Rectus Abdominis, third division

272 Upper Trapezius, clavicular division


274 Sternocleidomastoid, sternal division 706 Rectus Abdominis, fourth division, medialis
276 Sternocleidomastoid, clavicular division 278 Scalenus anterior 282 Scalenus medius 284 Scalenus posterior 286 Platysma, anterior division 288 Platysma, posterior division 290 Digastric, anterior belly 292 Digastric, posterior belly 294 Stylohyoid 296 Mylohyoid 298 Geniohyoid 300 Sternohyoid 302 Sternothyroid 304 Thyrohyoid 306 Omohyoid 308 Longus Coli, vertical division 314 Longus Capitis 322 Splenius Capitis, mastoid division 326 Splenius Cervicis 332 Semispinalis Capitis 334 Semispinalis Cervicis 346 Obliquus Capitis Superior 350 Interspinalis (cervical) 362 Cricoarytenoideus Lateralis 370 Thyroarytenoideus 380 Constrictor Pharyngeus Medius 390 Trapezius, middle division 392 Trapezius, lower division 394 Levator Scapula, superior division 396 Levator Scapula, inferior division 398 Rhomboid minor 400 Rhomboid major 402 Serratus Anterior, superior division 404 Serratus Anterior, inferior division 406 Pectoralis minor, superior division 708 Rectus Abdominis, fourth division, lateralis 710 Iliacus 712 Iliacus Minor 714 Transverse Abdominis, upper division 718 Transverse Abdominis, lower division 722 Psoas Major, lumbar division 724 Psoas Major, thoracic division 726 Psoas Major, diaphragmatic division 728 Psoas Minor 730 Quadratus Lumborum, costal division 732 Quadratus Lumborum, lumbar division 734 Multifidus, lumbosacral division 736 Iliocostalis Lumborum 738 Longissimus Lumborum 740 Coccygeus, sacral division 742 Coccygeus, coccyx division 744 Pubococcygeus 746 Iliococcygeus 752 Cremaster 780 Gluteus Medius, posterior division 782 Gluteus Medius, middle division 784 Gluteus Medius, anterior division 786 Gluteus Minimus, anterior division 788 Gluteus Minimus, posterior division 790 Tensor Fascia Lata, anterior division 792 Tensor Fascia Lata, posterior division 794 Rectus Femoris, reflected head 796 Rectus Femoris, straight head 798 Pectineus 800 Adductor Brevis 804 Adductor Longus, inferior division 806 Adductor Longus, superior division 808 Gracilis 810 Sartorius 812 Obturator Externus


408 Pectoralis minor, inferior division 410 Subclavius, clavicular division 412 Subclavius, scapular division 414 Latissimus Dorsi, thoracic division 416 Latissimus Dorsi, lumbar division 418 Latissimus Dorsi, iliac division 420 Supraspinatus, spine division 422 Supraspinatus, fossa division 424 Infraspinatus, superior division 426 Infraspinatus, middle division 428 Infraspinatus, inferior division 430 Teres minor 432 Teres major, superior division 434 Teres major, inferior division 436 Subscapularis, superior division 438 Subscapularis, third division 440 Subscapularis, second division 442 Subscapularis, inferior division 444 Coracobrachialis, corachoid division 446 Coracobrachialis, septal division 448 Deltoid, posterior medial division 450 Deltoid, posterior lateral division 452 Deltoid, middle posterior division 454 Deltoid, middle anterior division 456 Deltoid, anterior scapular division 458 Deltoid, anterior clavicular division 460 Pectoralis Major, clavicular division 462 Pectoralis Major, sternal division 464 Pectoralis Major, costal division 466 Biceps Brachii, longhead 468 Biceps Brachii, shorthead 470 Triceps, longhead 472 Triceps, lateral head 474 Triceps, medial head 476 Articularis Cubiti 478 Brachialis

814 Quadratus Femoris 816 Vastus Medialis, upper division 818 Vastus Medialis, middle division 820 Vastus Medialis, lower division 822 Obturator Internus 824 Biceps Femoris, shorthead 826 Biceps Femoris, longhead, fibular division 828 Biceps Femoris, longhead, tibial division 830 Vastus Lateralis, superior division 832 Vastus Lateralis, middle division 834 Vastus Lateralis, lower division 836 Vastus Intermedius, medial division 838 Vastus Intermedius, lateral division 840 Articularis Genu 842 Adductor Magnus, vertical division 844 Adductor Magnus, oblique division 846 Adductor Magnus, transverse division 848 Gluteus Maximus, iliac division 850 Gluteus Maximus, sacral division 852 Gluteus Maximus, coccygeal division 854 Semitendinosis 856 Semimembranosus, tibial division 858 Semimembranosus, popliteal division 860 Piriformis 862 Gemellus Inferior 864 Gemellus Superior 870 Popliteus 872 Gastrocnemius, medial division 874 Gastrocnemius, lateral division 876 Plantaris 878 Soleus, medial division 880 Soleus, lateral division 882 Tibialis Posterior, tibial division 884 Tibialis Posterior, fibular division 886 Peroneus Longus, cuneiform division 888 Peroneus Longus, metatarsal division


480 Brachioradialis, humeral division 482 Brachioradialis, septal division 484 Pronator Teres, humeral division 486 Pronator Teres, ulnar division 488 Anconeus, olecranon division 490 Anconeus, ulnar division 492 Supinator, radial division 494 Supinator, ulnar division 496 Pronator Quadratus, proximal division 498 Pronator Quadratus, distal division 500 Palmaris Longus 502 Flexor Carpi Radialis, abductor division 504 Flexor Carpi Radialis, flexor division 506 Flexor Carpi Ulnaris, flexor division 508 Flexor Carpi Ulnaris, adductor division

890 Peroneus Brevis, fibular division 892 Peroneus Brevis, septal division 894 Peroneus Tertius 896 Tibialis Anterior, supinator division 898 Tibialis Anterior, dorsiflexor division 900 Flexor Hallucis Longus, tibial division 902 Flexor Hallucis Longus, fibular division 904 Extensor Hallucis Longus, interosseous division 906 Extensor Hallucis Longus, fibular division 908 Flexor Digitorum Longus, medial division 910 Flexor Digitorum Longus, lateral division 912 Extensor Digitorum Longus, medial division 914 Extensor Digitorum Longus, lateral division 920 Adductor Hallucis, superior division 922 Adductor Hallucis, inferior division

510 Extensor Carpi Ulnaris, adductor division 924 Flexor Hallucis Brevis, first cuneiform division 512 Extensor Carpi Ulnaris, extensor division 514 Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis 926 Flexor Hallucis Brevis, tendonal division 928 Flexor Hallucis Brevis, third cuneiform division

516 Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus, extensor 930 Flexor Hallucis Brevis, cuboid division division 932 Abductor Hallucis Oblique Head, peroneus division 518 Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus, abductor 934 Abductor Hallucis Oblique Head, metatarsal division division 520 Extensor Pollicis Longus, ulnar division 936 Abductor Hallucis Transverse Head, medial division 522 Extensor Pollicis Longus, septal division 938 Abductor Hallucis Transverse Head, lateral division 524 Extensor Pollicis Brevis, radial division 940 Extensor Hallucis Brevis 526 Extensor Pollicis Brevis, septal division 942 Quadratus Plantae, medial division 528 Flexor Pollicis Longus 944 Quadratus Plantae, lateral division 530 Abductor Pollicis Longus, ulnar division 946 Flexor Digitorum Brevis, medial division 532 Abductor Pollicis Longus, radial division 948 Flexor Digitorum Brevis, lateral division 534 Flexor Pollicis Brevis 950 Flexor Digitus Pedis, second 536 Interossei Pollicis (Palmaris first) 952 Flexor Digitus Pedis, third 538 Opponens Pollicis, flexor division 954 Flexor Digitus Pedis, fourth 540 Opponens Pollicis, abductor division 956 Flexor Digitus Pedis, fifth 542 Abductor Poliicis Brevis 958 Adductor Digitus Pedis, second 544 Adductor Pollicis Transversus 960 Adductor Digitus Pedis, third 546 Adductor Pollicis Obliquus 962 Adductor Digitus Pedis, fourth 548 Extensor Digitorum Communis Manus, 964 Adductor Digitus Pedis, fifth


medial division 550 Extensor Digitorum Communis Manus, lateral division 552 Extensor Digiti Minimi Manus 554 Extensor Indicis Proprius 556 Flexor Digitorum Superficialis, medial division 558 Flexor Digitorum Superficialis, lateral division 560 Flexor Digitorum Profundus Manus, medial division 562 Flexor Digitorum Profundus Manus, lateral division 564 Interossei Dorsales Manus, fourth 566 Interossei Dorsales Manus, third 568 Interossei Dorsales Manus, second 570 Interossei Dorsales Manus, first 572 Lumbricales Manus, fourth 574 Lumbricales Manus, third 576 Lumbricales Manus, second 578 Lumbricales Manus, first

966 Abductor Digitus Pedis, second 968 Abductor Digitus Pedis, third 970 Abductor Digitus Pedis, fourth 972 Abductor Digitus Pedis, fifth 974 Abductor Digiti Minimi Pedis 976 Extensor Digitorum Brevis

General Questions & Answers

(Frequently Asked Questions About the TrueRife System) What is the TrueRife Frequency Generator?
The TrueRife F-117 frequency generators create square wave pre-set frequencies. Both systems allow for sweeping as well as a pulse mode for greater effectiveness. The system comes complete with an Atelier Robin frequency generator at its heart and produces an electromagnetic field as well as radiated radio frequencies in the audio range. As the waves travel through the body, the organisms that are resonant to the wave will demodulate the signal (these are the targeted microorganisms known to cause disease). This is the same way your radio works, a resonant circuit is created by changing the radio's tuning and you are able to selectively demodulate just one radio station at a time. If there is no resonance, the wave passes through unchanged with no effects. The plasma bulb acts as the emitter or antenna to broadcast the frequencies directionally. This is the same system in principle that Rife used in the 1930's for his experimentation.


What is the advantage of the plasma bulb over the direct contact method or an antenna?
Audio frequencies have a very long wave (this is the formula: 3,000,000/frequency in hz. So 3,000,000/1000= a 300 meter /1000 foot long antenna!). Therefore an antenna would be much too large to concentrate the E M energy where you want it. Furthermore you can see the plasma bulb light up, so you can see that the system is truly working. There simply is no way to know for sure that anything is actually being produced by pads or antenna without some sort of device to measure the output. Our bulbs run cold /warm, so a person can also use them as a direct contact device with grounding if they choose to do so. Some individuals have claimed excellent results for pain relief using this method! The human body is a semiconductor, so we generally prefer allowing frequencies to pass through the body as opposed to trying to introduce them electrically through an audio card or similar device. These bulbs are specifically built for TrueRife to our specifications, and are made with filtered glass for UV filtering. Our manufacturer claims up to 30 years bulb life since there are no filaments to burn out!

What is the range of the equipment?

Our policy is the closer the better for specific problems. Thus we have created a removable handheld bulb holder and boom arm stand to place the TrueRife bulb as close as possible to the subject. However, we have conducted test demonstrating complete body penetration of the frequency waves over several feet. The laws of physics say that for every doubling of the distance you get 1/4 of the power. So, if one is sitting 4 feet away from the plasma lamp, and moves 2 feet closer, they are receiving at least 4x more of the power of the emitted field. We recommend 3 feet or less for best results. When the F-117 driving a Qx2 is set to accelerated mode, measurements may exceed 8 feet.

How effective is the TrueRife system?

It accurately delivers the frequency presets as well as programs created by the user. We have demonstrated complete body penetration. Although we have testimonials as to amazing results and claims for those who have tried this system, FDA regulations do not allow us to make any health claims regarding the effectiveness of these devices.

What is in the footbath? How do you sanitize between patients?

The foot bath uses two internal Stainless Steel Plates to generate the frequency sets along with the ions. You sanitize with bleach. Most clients use liners between clients. These are available as well.

How often might I run sessions?

For serious issues, some people begin with one to two sessions per day with 6 hr intervals between sessions for detoxification. It may take weeks or months of repeating these sessions before seeing results. However, I have witnessed testimonials of results within minutes to a few hours from individuals suffering from Pain, Sinus Infections, Poison Ivy, etc. Most, if not all individuals with more critical issues such as Cancer, Hepatitis C, Aids, or Herpes, report no significant observable change until days or weeks have passed after regular treatments. Overnight sets are well tolerated with minimal herx effects.


How does the TrueRife system compare to other systems?

We encourage you to compare our product to other available systems. Every person has a different budget as well as different needs. We at TrueRife have tried to offer as effective a system as possible, which is user friendly, while still keeping the cost low. We have seen comparable systems selling for several thousand dollars more than our products. Tremendous amounts of time, energy, research and resources have been expended to create this technology. We have tried to keep our cost down while not sacrificing the quality or effectiveness of the system. Each unit is hand built and bench tested for before it is released for use.

How exactly do EM fields work?

EM fields & Rife Technology Impact on Living Organisms A Rife function generator does not produce pressure waves in air. It produces an electrical signal, of the chosen frequency and type (sign, square, etc.) When an electrical current flows an electromagnetic field forms around the conductor. The voltage and current flowing and the type of current flow (Ac, Dc, pulsating Dc, etc) determine the size and strength of the EM field. As well as the conductor through which the current is flowing. The size, shape and type of conductor make a big difference in the EM Field. Electromagnetic fields are what are said to hold the atoms of matter together (in atomic theory). It is the force holding electrons in orbit around the nucleus of atoms. It is possible to make an atom of something resonate with an EM field, or current. If you increase the power of the resonance enough, heat will be generated, and if the power is increased enough, atomic structure will break down. One example of this break down is an atomic bomb. Of course the effects of current and EM fields are quite different at different frequencies and powers. When your brain tells your finger to move (using a electrical current) there is no damage done. The Electro chemical reaction in your muscle produces heat. The more work you do the more heat is produced, in hard work you will sweat, to cool your body. EM fields can do work, as in an electric motor. EM fields can carry information as in Radio and TV. EM fields are a part of how your brain works. Electrical current controls your heart rhythm. Electrical current is in part what makes your muscles contract. Electrical current does not exist without producing an EM field. And the opposite is also true, an EM field does not exist without an electrical charge being present. In Rife equipment, an Electro-magnetic field is what does the work of killing, or altering living things, as well as altering non-organic (non-living) things. EM fields can change the way living things function, or stop their function altogether.

Are there any Bad Frequencies?

Some researchers have reported on six possible frequencies: 1840, 1910 helps Mal growths. One report states that 10000 Hz may cause edema if run over 10 minutes, and 925, 1850 or 962 Hz may contribute to arthritis pain. We are not aware of any other frequencies that have a negative impact. Healthy human cells oscillate at 70 Million Hz, far beyond the ranges of the TrueRife system. Your microwave heats water molecules at approximately 2.3 Gigahertz!


Is the system safe to use?

We are not aware of any known risk or side effects associated with the TrueRife system when following standard recommendations. We have taken safety precautions to create what we feel is a highly effective system, running a "cold bulb" transmission, and limiting the power output as well as frequency ranges to a safe zone and level. The EM Field is safely limited to a few feet, and weakens exponentially. Regarding EM Fields posing a possible health hazard: In 1996, the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) reviewed the scientific literature regarding EMF effects on health. The NAS concluded that power-line EMF (60Hz) was not a human health hazard, stating: Based on a comprehensive evaluation of published studies relating to the effects of power-frequency electric and magnetic fields on cells, tissues, and organisms (including humans), the conclusion of the committee is that the current body of evidence does not show that exposure to these fields presents a human-health hazard. Specifically, no conclusive and consistent evidence shows that exposures to residential electric and magnetic fields produce cancer, adverse neurobehavioral effects, or reproductive and developmental effects.

Questions from a Researcher:

1. Spiral Bulb - Do I need to run a specific program to use the spiral bulb, or can I use it independently? You can run it independently or on any Rife program. 2. Output Control What level should I set this control? Is the setting different when I use the 'double bulb' vs. the 'spiral bulb'? The output control only controls energy when using the Ion Pro Wave foot bath. Set it at 12:00 O'clock and slowly dial up the power when using the foot bath till you feel a tingling in the hand or are comfortable. 3. I had a hit on frequency 1413, but it's not listed on Cross Reference List. Could you tell me what it is? There is no cross reference as of yet for this frequency. The GRS has discovered a new frequency. Run it (1413) several more times or for an additional 7-10 minutes. 4. #7 in the GRS instruction manual (page 6) states that the green LED will light on the GRS hand control when I push the red baseline reset switch on the GRS hand control, but it didnt light. Also, the green light on the GRS hand control was not lit when I turned on the GRS unit in the beginning. The 9 V battery inside of the hand control needs replaced. Remove the 4 screws from the hand control and replace the battery. The GRS will still work perfectly even though the battery inside of the hand control unit is dead. 5. If my GRS hand control is working correctly, should the green light on the hand control be ON or OFF when I set the baseline? It should be off.


6. Would you please check if I have all the manuals? I feel like theres something else, which explains about how to use the spiral bulb and the big bulbs. Also, how high I should one set the big bulbs in relation to the body? You should have 4 manuals. The TrueRife frequencies, research and conclusions manual explains proper use of bulbs.

More Common Questions & Answers:

I have not tried to use the big bulb yet, what do I do with the big bulb, just sit and look at it? Hold it? Where is it placed? The big bulb is used primarily in radiant mode without grounding (holding the grounding tube). Many people use this bulb and stand to run overnight sets while sleeping. Run this bulb about 3 feet or less from your body. This bulb has 4X the output of the spiral bulb. Every foot closer will give you approximately 4X the energy to your body. If you choose to make contact with this larger bulb, be aware that some people may get a hair raising experience on lower frequencies if holding the grounding tube. This is the reason for High Energy Grounding Control or the Matrix foot plate, so that such high output can be limited while making contact with the large bulb with such tremendous energy flow. When using the Spiral bulb, make contact with your skin to the area of distress while holding the grounding tube. Always grab the grounding tube first before making contact with the bulb. This will give you maximum energy flow. Most people will not have grounding issues with the spiral bulb.

Rules to follow:
For pain issues, place the bulb in contact with the area of pain. For cold and flu, the chest. For parasites or intestinal problems the stomach area. For prostate or cancers in these areas tuck the spiral bulb into the waistline. Headaches, ear infections or dental problems, use the bulb on the cheek. Where does the color and other stuff in the water come from when using the Ion Pro Wave footbath? Is it actually being drawn out of the body or is it a chemical reaction in the water? There is always some discoloration of the water due to the effect of the Ion Pro Wave on the minerals in the water and ionization. The baseline is a carmel color. You will see


variance as pictured in the color chart according to the programs and who is on the system. Everything floating is from your body as well as variances in color. The ionized energy field has a drawing effect of toxicity and debris out of the body. If you are running both bulb and Ion Pro Wave sessions, then run the Ion Pro Wave second to assist in removal of debris and toxicity generated by the bulb. Note: TrueRife does not claim that heavy metals are removed through the foot bath itself into the water, even though we have anecdotal reports of a reduction of heavy metal toxicity after running an Ion Pro Wave session. Heavy metals if they are removed may be releasing through the bodies normal channels of toxicity removal.

Is there any danger in using any of these devices with children? For reasons of liability, we cannot recommend running these systems on children. Use at your own risk. We know of individuals who have run systems on children as young as 2 years old. However we would not ground a small child because of the danger of shock. Using this on children is a personal matter, and there is always some risk with any device. We have not seen any negative effects on small children, and have witnessed cold and flu symptoms completely disappear in 24 hours or less in children, while the same program took up to 72 hours to clear an adult with the same virus. Some have expressed concern over a small child's ability to detox debris created by such systems after sessions. We have not witnessed such events, but would not argue with these concerns. We have never run a small child on an Ion Pro Wave system. If one chooses to do so, I would not use the grounding tube or any other grounding device. Using the big bulb I do understand it is used without grounding, but I assume its more effective and stronger using the ground? The big bulb is used primarily in radiant mode without grounding (holding the grounding tube). Many people use this bulb and stand to run overnight sets while sleeping. Run this bulb about 3 feet or less from your body. This bulb has 16X the output of the spiral bulb. Every foot closer will give you approximately 4X the energy to your body. If you choose to make contact with this larger bulb, be aware that some people may get a hair raising experience on lower frequencies if holding the grounding tube. This is the reason for High Energy Grounding Control, so that such high output can be limited while making contact with the large bulb with such tremendous energy flow. There are effects without grounding. Running the bulb without ground is similar to the energy flow you would get from a microwave. There is a bulb that emits frequencies causing water to oscillate which produces heat and energy flow with no contact whatsoever. With your bulb there is an Electromagnetic field that carries the energy through the body. Plasma devices give full body penetration. Contact devices are like putting a 20 LB turkey on the burner of a stove and trying to heat it up. There is an effect along the surface or area of contact, but no real penetration.


Also just because you cannot feel the effects while holding the grounding tube on higher frequencies does NOT mean there is no energy flow through the ground. How do you know how many times a week to run a program on someone? In the case of injury, the accelerated healing program should be run every day. Note the difference after 5 days! There is no set rule. For chronic disease such as Cancer or Lyme, 5 -7 day sessions for weeks or months may be necessary. For other issues of a minor nature 1-3 sessions a week may be sufficient. We have seen some conditions resolved after a single session. Some of our programs such as the Candida Sweep will make recommendations. Can you ever do too much of a program? Yes and no. You need to watch for Herx effects (sickness caused by die off). If you experience these, you may have to curtail sessions to allow your body time to detox. It says on children you should not do the Ion Pro Wave. Why is that? Is there a certain weight they should be? If a child has cancer, can you do it then? There are children who under parental supervision use the Ion Pro Wave and Rife Systems. For liability reasons we (TrueRife) cannot recommend using any of our devices on children. In the True Rife F-117 manual, on page 11 it says you should let the unit cool down for 10 minutes. Another communication directed one to shut down immediately. Please advise. Also it said you should turn on & off with power strip w/surge protection. Does that mean you leave red switch in on position? Also the switch in back of machine, would you leave that in on position? F-117's with the transistor mounted on the back or the floor underneath the cabinet should be turned off immediately when you are done using the machine. Older F-117's and F-110's should go through a cool down for 10 minutes after you are finished using the machine. This would include most machines manufactured before 3/1/07. If you are shutting down with a power strip you do not need to turn off any of the buttons on the machine. Are there any issues using this on people with foreign objects in their body, like metal plates and stints? No problem with steel plates, stints etc...The Em Fields pass harmlessly through metal devices. You can use the Rife system as instructed. Some caution is in order regarding those with pacemakers. Also, the Ionic Pro Wave foot bath, if used by someone with a pacemaker, would not be used with grounding. Ion Pro Wave being used with GRS scanner One should never use grounding devices with people who have pacemakers. We have tested our systems


this way with grounding with no contradictions, but cannot recommend this to others because of liability issues.

The Matrix foot plate and Soft Ground Pillow is compatible with ALL rife plasma systems that have grounding capabilities. This Reflective Energy Grounding device was developed with General Electric Polymer shapes. See http://truerife.com/Matrix.html for more details.

Questions from Researchers re the Matrix foot plate:

1. Is there any significant measurable improvement using the matrix foot plate over the hand held grounding tube? If so how much? Yes and no. The grounding tube tends to localize electrical energy transference, which can be a good thing. For example, if someone has an issue with the neck and shoulder, the bulb would be placed at the neck area, and the ground tube held in the hand that is on the side of the body where the shoulder is a problem. This will isolate the majority of energy flow to the affected area. In the case of the grounding plate, energy transference is pretty much body wide, which can be a good thing for infections and parasites. Of course, the plasma bulb itself will tend to radiate the entire body even without grounding. 2. Can you stand up on it without cracking it? Someone weighing 200 lbs. stood on the device without cracking it, but it has not been tested for maximum weight. 3. Does this plug into the high energy grounding control or does it have the resistor built in? It plugs directly into the ground on your device. It does not need to be limited with High Energy Ground Control. 4. Are the corners of the plate rounded for safety? Yes they are!

Color Wand Setup and Usage / F-117 2010 BlueRay

In the illustration above the Color wand has been set to Blue Light and placed near the carotid artery. The line has been wrapped around the neck twice to keep it stable. We are running a set for Swine Flu (viral) and using the color wands Blue Light for a possible


bacterial infection. The color wand LED's do not have the deep penetration as a Rife bulb, and therefore is placed on or near a blood supply on the body or open wound.

Blue light according to researchers is anti-bacterial. The color wand can be set to BLUE then placed on an open wound or on the neck just under the jaw over the jugular vein. Red light is used for pain management and accelerate healing.

Note: The Color wand may stop at times during Rife Sessions. Certain frequencies will interfere with the computer chip within the color wand. This is normal. A Researcher Asks: Is it possible to run a configuration with the feet on the Matrix foot plate connected to high energy grounding device? Seems like this will produce maximum penetrative flow for testing with the GRS Rife Frequency Scanner . Yes! In fact this would be the best way to run the GRS as it would result in maximum energy flow and protection from arcing while scanning. The Matrix Foot plate is a perfect complement to the GRS, since it has a G.E. polymer surface, arcing cannot occur no matter how conductive the skin becomes during hits. The RED wire (as pictured above) is no longer a part of the GRS hand control as the Matrix foot plate made this output unnecessary The Matrix resistance is perfectly calibrated because of its composition for safety and comfort while delivering maximum energy. In the rare event of USB errors during scanning, some have found that removing the Matrix foot plate has reduced these errors. Below is a sample of a GRS cart that can be used for manually recording hits. The new automated software automatically records this information for you writing a custom program that can be saved for future use. NOTE: As of 2010 we no longer recommend using grounding while scanning. Doing so may result in instability during the scan.

What is the purpose of using grounding with a plasma device?

A bulb makes contact with High Energy Ground skin while holding the ground Control

tube as pictured for maximum energy flow.


Rife plasma bulb output devices can be run with or without grounding. When grounding is used, you can often hear and feel the acceleration of signal from the bulb. This is because adding grounding such as pictured allows energy or current to flow to ground out of the body. This dramatically increases the bodies conductivity resulting in an amplification of both Plasma EMF as well as current flow of research frequencies being run during Rife sessions. This allows for shorter sessions and quicker kills because of this increase in impact energy. Here you see the Soft Ground Pillow in contact with skin for maximum energy while using the bulb applications. Those who experience strong herx effects from such use may have to either suspend using grounding, shorten programs, or allow more recovery time after sessions. TrueRife has shortened many programs to compensate for this increased energy flow which has allowed users to spend less time in sessions. Energy output has been calibrated on all of our models to allow for grounding devices to be used safely when used as instructed. Grounding however must be used with caution! Grounding tubes and other manufacturers metal foot plates can cause electrical burns if not used correctly. The top layer of the Matrix foot plate is not metal but a silver oxide coated polymer and therefore eliminates unsafe issues that can be experienced when using other manufacturers metal foot plates. Soft Ground Pillow relies on the cloth surface for dampening during grounding. High Energy Grounding control and the NEW Matrix foot plate have been developed to eliminate safety issues that can arise from grounding. Warning: Never place a color wand grounding tube anywhere but in the hand or under a foot to avoid possible injuries or burns! If you own a Rife Plasma system other than those manufactured by TrueRife consult your vendor as to the safety of using grounding with their systems! Children and people with pacemakers should not be grounded.

Is it safe to use the regular Lyme program through the Ion Pro Wave not from the Ion Pro Wave folder but from the main one?
It is safe to do so. Use Soft Ground Pillow behind the back for this application. Any program can be run through the foot bath!


Can I use the Internet when I am running the programs? Yes, you can use the Internet or access any other programs on your computer while the F-117 is running. The F-117 has its own computer on board so requires very little memory or processing power from your computer. Always turn on the F-117 at least 10 seconds before starting the software as the F-117 internal computer needs time to boot up. Otherwise you may get a CANNOT FIND DEVICE ERROR. If this happens simply close the software and re-start it. Try not to touch your computer other than the mouse while in contact with the bulb as this may send 45,000 volts through the computer.

Which bulb do you think is more effective to use with the GRS and Scanning programs? We prefer using the spiral bulb in contact with skin for GRS scanning. With the scanning programs, I would tuck the spiral under the shirt in contact with my abdomen, then start the program. Re-check your baseline after about 5-10 minutes into the session, then begin recording any hits you may experience. Some people however may receive more intense GRS response using the Helix Vortex as pictured below. Okay, so to make sure Ive got it straight, I can hold either the grounding tube in my hand for greater juice or the ground control for a bit less? And I won't get electrocuted with either? I tried touching the grounding tube while doing an arthritis program and I got quite a shock. Why would that happen if it was safe? I am a little afraid of it. Thanks! [ If using the color wand ground tube, you must always pick it up first before making contact with the bulb. ] You do need to have a healthy fear of the grounding tube especially when using the bulbs. That is why there is a warning on top of your machine. Grounding tubes do allow for a tremendous amount of energy flow out of the body, but they can also be risky if not used properly or used with larger bulbs such as the double bubble or Vortex in contact with skin. High Energy ground control (when set to bulb) and the Matrix foot plate will seldom give a shock as they limit grounding effects to a safer level. These are the safest for grounding with the bulbs and should be used with the double bubble! The spiral bulb pictured below is usually safe to use with a ground tube as pictured below if used properly.


Color Wand Grounding tube should be used with caution!

Never use a grounding tube except in the hands. Do not tuck into the pants or a sock as electrical burns can result. Grounding tubes are safe with the Ion Pro Wave foot bath as long as the control dial on the F-117 is set at 12:00 o'clock and then adjusted clockwise to a comfortable level. Set the control dial as pictured above when using the foot bath with the grounding tube for comfort. The control dial on the F-117 that is used for the Ion Pro Wave cannot control energy from the bulbs as it is too great. That is why other grounding devices are offered in addition to the standard grounding tube in order to allow comfort and safety when using bulbs. Never use a Color Wand ground tube with a Helix Vortex bulb. You must use a Matrix foot plate, Soft Ground Pillow or High Energy Ground control set to bulb for comfort. Using grounding devices reduces the bodies resistance to energy flow. Grounding however is optional with bulbs as the radiant field from the bulbs do result in complete body penetration, although the energy field is less, this does not mean that desired effects cannot be achieved. We have seen complete resolution without grounding at all. Grounding devices however can accelerate the speed of die off and could result in greater herx effects.

The manual says that since this new system is a High Energy EMF, I should use the grounding systems provided. Some of the programs are QUITE long and I was intending to run them with the Double-Bubble while I sleep. Is the grounding system necessary in that case? No. overnight sets do not require grounding. Bulb output is sufficient by itself for these longer sets. Overnight ground straps are available for those that want additional impact. On the page that talks about the High Energy Grounding Control, you indicate that there is a High Energy Mode (and presumably also a Low Energy Mode). How is the output level switched? Switching to bulb output adds 1 million ohms resistance and reduces conductivity protecting the user from shock while using higher output bulbs.


Switching down to amber or Ion Pro Wave mode there is NO resistance. This mode is primarily for the foot bath, but some will use while running the bulb for more energy flow and then switch back to bulb if the voltage becomes too strong. The grounding strip should be seated in the palm not on the fingers to protect against shock and electrical burns.

GRS Scanner
The GRS Scanner is an effective tool used by some researchers while running sessions to isolate possible frequencies that may be the most beneficial. When these occur the GRS will emit an audible chime and record the frequency into the software. Question: I just downloaded latest frequencies and got a hit on 861.312 after running Cold and Flu. This value is not in the book. Is there an updated set of numbers? Answer: The GRS Scanner is used to research possible "hits" during sessions. Hits are the frequencies that may be the most beneficial in targeting! The GRS picks up "hits" at times where there is no research cross reference frequency available. However, this specific frequency is the one that may be a match to the infection you are fighting. The best you can do is to cross reference to the closest whole number in the book to look for a possible match. "Hits" are automatically recorded into the software for recall, cross reference and extended run times! In this case I would look at 861 and 862. Both of these indicate an influenza along with other possible conditions. This can be a clue that the infection may be viral rather than bacterial perhaps run this frequency of 861.312 for extended times of up to 10 minutes. If the current program you are running is not effective switch to an influenza program. Please see the GRS training DVD for the latest instructions on GRS scanning.


Question: After getting a positive hit, the GRS keeps on chiming with the alternating chime. I mean it would keep on chiming even though we have continued with the program and the program will be scanning different frequencies. How should we get rid of the chime ? Answer: Once the program goes to a different range frequency or about 1-2 minutes after the chime, reset the baseline on the control unit by dialing counter-clockwise till the chime stops. Question: How often in a program should we reset the baseline? Answer: Only once 5-10 minutes after the session starts, unless you get a prolonged chime, then follow the instructions above. Question: The tune control on the GRS unit seems to be too sensitive. We did a program and I got a positive hit. The alternating chime stopped after about 6 or 7 minutes. After about 20 minutes, I asked my Mother to reset the baseline ( after previously showing her how to do it ) but each time she would just touch the tune control (or dial ) the alternating chime would start immediately. How can this be corrected ? Answer: Do not wait 20 minutes to reset the baseline. Do so immediately! Question: After a positive hit, the alternating chime would sometimes continue by itself until the program would display a message stating; " Cannot open U.S.B. port. That would automatically cause the whole program to stop and then I would have to start the whole program again, after reconnecting the U.S.B. port to the computer. How can this be prevented in the future ? Answer: The electromagnetic field from the program is putting noise into the USB of your computer because the computer is poorly shielded or you have a buggy USB. DO NOT restart the program. Simply unplug the USB from your computer with the F-117 still running and plug it back in. It will pick up the program on the F-117. Your F-117 will sequence perfectly even though the USB lost connectivity with the F-117. By unplugging and re-plugging the USB your computer will auto-detect the program and resume the timer and frequency read-outs. Disconnecting the Matrix foot plate or Soft Ground Pillow if this is in use can reduce these errors in some cases. Question: I got two hits in the last program that I did. I could literally feel a painful sensation at the site where my cancer is blocking up the lymph system. The GRS never activated during these hits. What can be done about this? Answer: Keep in mind that the GRS is an investigative tool. It is not absolute. For example, most people will not register GRS hits during a PAIN.BIO.frq session or Ion Pro Wave session but may experience resolution indicating that the frequencies were effective even though the GRS did not register any hits. Pain.BIO's have a totally different affect on the body than say a Lyme program that may generate a lot of die off and debris invoking physiological stresses on the body on specific frequencies, thus invoking a galvanic response and a GRS chime. Client physiological response is the primary determining factor for the effectiveness of any session or set. The GRS is an investigative tool to be able to measure physiological response during sessions to use as a guide in determining which frequencies may be generating positive results.


There are occasions where physiological response does not result in a chime because the bodies central nervous system is not seeing this as a stress that would invoke a galvanic response, and may actually be de-stressing because of positive resolution, even though the client can feel the hit. Record these hits even though the GRS did not detect them. Question: The GRS works on an established baseline. Each time you do a program, your baseline will be different, depending on the condition of your central nervous system at the time. Why is it then important to record hits for a program, if you have a different baseline each time you do a program? Answer: A hit during a GRS session is a ramp-up or stress that raises the baseline of that given session. Your baseline however will vary from hour to hour and day to day because of differing internal or external stresses you may be experiencing. When using the GRS you are looking for additional stress during the session over and above the current stress or baseline of your central nervous system for that particular session. Similar circuitry is used in lie detection. This is why a number of questions are asked to establish a baseline for that particular session to determine when the body is experiencing ADDITIONAL stress during the questions.

Question: How do you scan for hits to develop a specific program? We used a GRS / Galvanic Resonant Scanner. Started the all bugs sweep program below, then scan for hits. This is how we arrived at the following frequencies. The four frequencies with the backfreq command are the hits. The additional ones we added later on that came from another practitioner. See: http://truerife.com/Scanner.html Place the Spiral bulb on the stomach, the Vortex in the back of the shirt or place the double bubble near the infection. The client holds the scanner control while session runs. When scanning you must first choose a program that is specific to the condition being targeted. For our example we will be scanning for a specific frequency for a cold or flu bug. After setting the scanners baseline, we would then start this program using the spiral bulb placed in the chest area or the back. Note: It is recommended that the baseline be reset after about 10 minutes into the session to maintain sensitivity. This is done by pausing the program, checking the baseline sensitivity on the scanner, then clicking the pause button to restart the program)


Scan Program Example

#21 minutes #You may not see the bulb light while running these high frequencies. #Clark Harmonics Bug Sweep #All Bugs Kill #Over a 100 Pathogens fall into this sweep range When the scan is finished Choose FILE / GRS HITS to access the generated program. This is the program that was generated from our hits: backfreq b 4.000 60.0 duty 55.0 1357.525 backfreq b 4.000 60.0 duty 55.0 1251.619 backfreq b 4.000 60.0 duty 55.0 1252.525 backfreq b 4.000 60.0 duty 55.0 1313.963 backfreq b 4.000 60.0 duty 55.0 1357.525 By choosing the SAVE AS command these can be save as MY HITS for example to be run for future sessions. The Flu 2008 program was developed using this technique. While 8 hour Flu overnight sets were yielding poor results for this particular strain, this program would trash it out in about 15 minutes.

Question: Is there an advantage to using a MultiWave Oscillator (MWO) that is capable of running up to 8 frequencies at the same time? The upside of a multiwave oscillator (MWO) is shortened dwell time since as many as eight frequencies can be run at the same time. The cost of such a board would add about $1,000 to our current systems wholesale cost. It should be noted however that Rife himself would have never opted for this method. Why? By running multiple waves or more than one frequency simultaneously one cannot isolate the hits or primary frequency that is getting resolution. This is because as many as 8 frequencies may be running at the same time the hit is
Royal Rife in his Lab


detected. So which one was it? In any given set of say 20-40 frequencies run for a particular condition, if resolution is found it was probably just one of those frequencies that did the job. The rest were probably useless. The question is which one? With the use of a dark field microscope or scanning devices (GRS) one can isolate this frequency and then run this one for extended times as well as cross reference it for other possible connections that may relate to the problem. GRS Scanner used for frequency research We could easily upgrade our systems to MWO boards. But for the reasons above we have chosen not to. Other researchers have also followed a similar course. Here is an example of a recent experience we had while searching for the best frequencies for an allergy problem. The program that was developed has had dramatic effects on numerous people. This would not have been possible if one were running an MWO: Report from a Practitioner: A few weeks ago I had a 20 year old co-worker in with allergies so severe he could not sleep at night. On a weekday we ran an allergy set on him while looking for hits on the GRS (Galvanic Resonant Scanner). Within minutes into the program he generated a very strong reaction at 1500 Hz, then again at 727. In looking at the numerous possibilities in cross referencing these two frequencies, one thing jumped out at me Dental Foci. This was the one disorder where the two frequencies matched! Here is some research information that on this particular issue: . . . .remission of 16-years of rheumatoid arthritis after unusually vigorous treatment of closed dental foci. This report describes a remission of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) of 16 years duration, apparently caused by the extraction of endodontically well-treated, healthy looking teeth. The only clue that the teeth were contributing to the disease pathogenesis in this case of RA was that the patient was able to reproducibly induce severe attacks of arthritis after prolonged, heavy pressure on some of his teeth treated with root canal fillings. After extraction, a small pus layer was found to cover the apices of the clinically healthy looking teeth. The rheumatoid factor (RF) became negative and the patient remained symptom free for the next 16 years. Dental Foci have been associated with arthritis, an autoimmune disorder. Could there also be an association with allergies as well? We switched to the Dental Foci set and picked up positive GRS hits on nine of the twenty two frequencies in the set! This is almost unheard of! It is not unusual to pick up just one GRS hit in three sessions! That evening his allergies worsened, only to be followed by 95% remission the following 3 weeks. His improvement continued for the two years.


This past week someone ran these same frequencies that the GRS picked up on another client. This was the report from the following day: "Last night was the first time in 32 years Andy has not snored all night! Quiet as a mouse. I was amazed." Here is the program on current TrueRife systems: #30 minutes #Allergy GRS #Ran an allergy set on a client while scanning for hits with a GRS. The first two frequencies cross referenced to Dental Foci. Switched to that set and detected hits on almost half of the frequencies! Clients symptoms worsened the first night, then dramatically improved the next day. Allow 48-72 hours to evaluate results. #Allergies encompass a wide range of symptoms and affect people differently. The severity of allergic reactions can depend on the allergen type, the level of exposure and each individual's immune response. Check out these articles that address the standard symptoms that most people associate with allergies and learn what you can do to get some relief. Allergic Headaches / Allergy Symptoms / Anaphylaxis / Atopic Dermatitis / Contact Dermatitis / Dark Circles or Allergic Shiners / Ear Discomfort / Exercise-Induced Anaphylaxis and Urticaria / Flare-Up Around Eyes / Hives / Oral Allergy Syndrome Reactions from the Sun / Red, Itchy, Watery Eyes / Sternutation / Summer Skin Rashes Tiredness The smaller bulb can be used for GRS scanning as it is less prone to USB errors that occur on some poorly shielded computers. The double bubble could be used in radiant mode for overnight sets.

Practitioner Report:
I just ran a Rife session with a client while I used the scanner. There was no hit recorded by the scanner, but there were several frequencies that were felt by the client. Should I treat these as a hit even though the scanner did not react? Yes! Click the Memorize button in the software to add these. So why do I need the scanner then? When a physiological response occurs that is not recorded by the scanner it would be good to reset the scanners baseline at this time. The clients baseline may have changed during sessions as a result of becoming more relaxed which may also explain while the scanner did not pick up a "hit" while the client states they are feeling internal physiological stresses. The Scanner is measuring galvanic response or a rise in skin conductivity due to internal or external stresses. If your client is "feeling sensations" during sessions it would be good to still record these.


Some individuals (this is the first case I have heard of) may feel hits but they will not measure a galvanic response. It is the same with lie detection. There are people who can live without invoking a galvanic response to the internal stresses that occur with most people under these circumstances. Lie detectors are not 100%, but are an excellent research tool used by law enforcement. Very few diagnostic tools used by the health care industry are 100% either, whether MRIs, Ultrasounds, Mammograms, etc. The GRS is a research tool. It is not 100%. Neither are the physiological symptoms that may be experienced while in session. Without Rife's microscope these "hits" are the best markers we have at the present time and can be amazingly effective in isolating target frequencies.

Note these additional comments from the GRS Instruction Manual Questions regarding non-responsive observable hits:
I can see clients getting glassy eyed and sleepy yet no hit is registered during the frequency. I have adjusted the receiver appropriately and they are holding the device with appropriate contact. Clearly it is a response to the frequency. Is there some other explanation for not hearing from the GRS when the program appears to be stimulating response? In this case the frequencies may be having a positive effect on the body in such a way that the central nervous system is actually ramping down (thus no chime). This is possibly why you are observing the "sleepy effect." This effect is often observable during Ion Pro Wave sessions, thus it is difficult to get a GRS response in these cases as the positive effects such as cellular separation, elevating alkalinity, stimulating the immune system, etc. may actually cause the body to begin to relax as internal stresses are eliminated during session. Thus the bodys measurable galvanic response or skin conductivity will drop, resulting in a NON response from the GRS that is set to look for rises in galvanic response. If you suspect a RAMP down during the session, you can check your baseline adjustment calibration. If a ramp down has taken place, the baseline will no longer be set as sensitive as when you first set the baseline. Dial clockwise and check the distance to get a "chirp." Keep in mind that the GRS is an investigative tool. It is not absolute. For example, most people will not register GRS hits during a PAIN.BIO.frq session or Ion Pro Wave session but may experience resolution indicating that the frequencies were effective even though the GRS did not register any hits. Pain.BIO's have a totally different affect on the body than say a Lyme program that may generate a lot of die off and debris invoking physiological stresses on the body on specific frequencies, thus invoking a galvanic response and a GRS chime.


Client physiological response is the primary determining factor for the effectiveness of any session or set. The GRS is an investigative tool to be able to measure physiological response during sessions to use as a guide in determining which frequencies may be generating positive results.

Physiological response to hits

Paying attention to the physiological response to various frequencies can be used as a diagnostic tool to determine possible underlying problems. These responses to individual frequencies are what are referred to as hits. (Note: Some people are very sensitive to frequencies that are having a positive impact, while others are not. The alleviation of symptoms may be the only response that you experience when using an effective frequency set.) For example: When you run the frequency set for your problem, it may get worse at first. This tells you that you may have found something that hits your problem. You may experience increased pain or itching. Your blood sugar or blood pressure may swing widely. Your heart rate can change, you may experience palpitations. Others experience fatigue or illness due to a possible die off. A hit is when you tune the Rife machine to a frequency and the client has a response, which can be any one of the following. (These responses may not be observable for several minutes after the hit frequency has activated the response. The GRS can identify these hits much faster. The following list was first published by Ken Uzzell. List of possible responses: a) goose bumps b) watering eyes c) slight muscle spasm/twitches d) sinus clearing - runny nose e) prickles in scalp f) churning stomach (not very often) e) feet and hands get twitchy, like nervousness f) breathing rate change. (Either way) g) quickening of the pulse h) GRS response / Chime with 2 LEDs i) a group of muscles going soft or strong j) nerve pathways (deep in tissue usually) tingle k) noise in ears alters (can go loud or soft) l) low level pain in joints increase then falls away quickly. m) a random tingle in the body, but of late I have noticed it to be the site of tumors and fatty lumps in the body when doing gentle palpation exploration. I see this more on cancer victims. n) a feeling of warmth in the tissue or sweating


When you get a reaction, you have learned something about the root cause of your problem. No response to a particular set, regarding the alleviation of symptoms, may indicate the need to move on to another frequency set. Not following through with specific sessions may make symptoms worse, much like taking half the dose of antibiotics prescribed to treat pneumonia. Run your hits for longer times, from 5 to 10 minutes if necessary or until the reaction or symptoms disappear. There are many frequency sets that have been published. But you can create your own, by making note or using the GRS (scanner) of what frequencies you get a reaction from and following the instruction in the TrueRife frequency manual that comes with your equipment regarding creating your own programs. This is how the frequency sets are developed. Once again, hits are any frequencies, which cause a sensation, such as tingling, pulsing, tickling, itching, warmth etc. Note these frequencies, and then use them as a research tool to determine possible relationships between those frequencies and the problem for which it is associated, then refer back to the frequencies manual for other frequencies sets that match these suspicious hits. For example, a hit on 152 may indicate possible problems with Candida, Roundworms or Parasites. You may want to run these sets to clear out these suspicious problems. By clicking on the MEMORIZE button within the TrueRife Software, these hits are save to a program and the DB hits tab will display possible connections.

Question: When running the frequencies, if one can't feel the hits, but feels the grounding tube strongly, is that a sign that we are getting hits and that it's working? It can be. Check the frequency however as lower frequencies will tend to be stronger. If the machine has jumped from say 5,000 Hz to 440 Hz you will feel more current flow through the ground tube. Having said that, hits will induce a Galvanic Skin (perspiration)response in the hand, which increases conductivity and will result in more current flow through the ground tube. You can often feel this event. So at times, the ground tubes elevated conductivity does indicate a hit. The GRS monitors the central nervous systems response during Rife sessions. And how do you tell if what your working on is getting better, like when working on internal organs, like bladder or heart.? Healing can take weeks, months or even years. Physiological changes in your health and medical test will reveal your progress. Supplementation or a good diet is important to restore your health along with the Rife system.


Over five years ago research began that led to the development of the GRS (Rife Frequency Scanner) used for detecting "hits" during Rife sessions. The original GRS was replaced in 2006 by a new model with some minor improvements.

2005 GRS

New GRS with F-117

This device has been instrumental in developing many of our programs as well as isolating frequencies that may be having the strongest physiological impact during sessions. Beginning in early 2007 we began researching other ways to improve on the current GRS. A labor strike in Canada back-ordered one of the key components used in the circuitry forcing us to begin experimenting with other components. The end result was the discovery of an entirely new circuit that is much more stable than the previous boards in both output and eliminating false positives. So we released the F-117 TrueRife machine as we entered into further research into integrating the GRS (with the F-117 microprocessor) and our current F-100 software to gain computer control over the GRS so as to automatically record hit frequencies and generate a custom program that could be recalled within the software.

This project has required changes in 3 areas

1. Placing an interface within the F-117 oscillator itself to receive recorded hits from the GRS. This required physical modifications to the F-117 board and firmware. 2. Re-inventing the GRS circuitry to interface with the F-117 oscillator. This required several changes in the output circuitry as well as optically and electronically isolating part of the GRS from ground. 3. A new software interface to call up recorded hits. This project represented one of the largest investments of time, energy and resources that we ever invested because of its scope and impact. In the spring of 2007 we released the new F-117 intercept and third generation GRS. We named this model the F-117 INTERCEPT, because it has the capabilities to intercept GRS hits and record them automatically within the F-100 software! The 2007 F-117 Intercept with the new GRS (Rife Frequency Scanner) became one of the most advanced and stable scanning Rife


research devices ever developed for a Rife plasma system. The initial frequency hit is recorded the moment the GRS circuitry is activated, subsequent frequencies (False Positives) that may occur as the GRS continues to chime for a few seconds or minutes after this initial hit are ignored till the baseline is reset. Hit frequency, correct duty and pulses are automatically recorded for future use! Beginning 2009 we also added a DB Hits tab. When this is accessed it will give a database for RESEARCH PURPOSES ONLY.

Question: I've been running my Rife machine using the big bulb doing overnight sessions for issues regarding muscle pain and tightness. When I ran a GRS scan of the program to see what frequencies I was hitting on, I didn't hit on any of them. Yet, I am definitely feeling effects from the sessions, so I am continuing to run it. When I look up the frequencies in the reference book, they do not relate to any specific pathogens. How were these frequencies determined? Are they associated with pathogens or is there something else going on? There are times that the effects from the sessions feel like pathogens are being killed off, based on the Herx reactions I get. Very few people will pick up "hits" on a scanner with normalizing or pain sets. This is because the scanner is measuring central nervous system responses or elevations. When undergoing normalizing sessions rather than debris being generated that would cause an elevated response, your body will actually begin to relax or your measurable central nervous system response will diminish as pain or issues are resolved. Thus no GRS measurable hit even though you are getting resolution. Pain programs work in possibly three ways. 1. Open up the neuropathways from the brain to cause a healing response. 2. Resolve inflammation issues do cellular polarization. 3. Target a specific pathogen that is causing an infection. There are reports of 80% effectiveness against all pain issues, with 20% not responsive at all. The frequencies are referred to as normalizing and do not relate oftentimes to specific pathogens.


Question: My mom has very dry skin, so even on the max setting GRS is not registering baseline. I used a piece of wet paper towel between contacts and hand to make it work. Is this advisable? The GRS is a scanner that measures rise in skin conductivity during Rife sessions in order to detect possible "hits". The baseline or sensitivity of the scanner is set by dialing the control knob counterclockwise till the audio tone stops. It is not advisable to use a wet towel. You are creating a false baseline. The GRS in most cases will still pick up hits even when the baseline is off scale due to dry skin as described above. When skin is too dry to get an audio tone, set the GRS fully clockwise. Hands should be free of lotions and hand creams prior to sessions. If hands are washed, you may need to wait several minutes for the natural oils to return to the hands in order to find a baseline in some cases. Or recheck the baseline (reset) about 10 minutes into the Rife session. One can hydrate themselves the day before a scan by drinking plenty of water and taking electrolytes. In any event, we have scanned several individuals that were off scale due to excessively dry skin and have still been able to detect hits. When the central nervous system ramps up during Rife sessions, this undetectable baseline will in most cases rise sufficiently for the scanner to chime and record the hit frequency into the software.

This was posted by Gerald Foye the author of Royal R. Rife These are interesting guidelines one may choose to follow. For those that use the GRS scanner or are sensitive to hits you will want to use the HOLD button in the F-100 software to extend frequency run time. Gerald Foye's book is available to order at http://truerife.com/TrueRifeDownload.html

A New Method of Scanning

From TrueRife: We received a phone call from a practitioner who has been seeing remarkable recoveries from cancer. She stated that the new scanners we sent her were not working in the same way as her original. She kept pointing out that she had a different way of scanning. As she tried to explain over the phone what was going on, it was hard to comprehend that there was any problem at all.


The scanners we sent her were working exactly as we designed them to function. It should be noted that this practitioner writes custom programs and reports eight cancer remissions using her original GRS scanner. In desperation she drove over 2 hours to our lab to demonstrate what was going on. After she arrived at our lab and begins to explain how she was scanning, I still could not comprehend what she was talking about, so she plugged me into the system: 1. She placed the spiral bulb down into my chest area. 2. We are not using a ground 3. Then the scanner control in my hand. The configuration to the left would also work for scanning. 4. Next she pulled up a program for cancer. She changed the programs dwell to 10 (I would recommend 30 for novices). This would result in a frequency change every 10 seconds instead of the usual three minutes. 5. She then set my baseline on the GRS and started the program. For each frequency change, she would reset the baseline (TUNE knob) until she could actually hear audibly the pulsations of the program leaking through the system. This would tell her that the scanner was set at maximum sensitivity. 6. If the GRS toned during this 10-second interval she would manually write down those frequencies, make a custom program out of them, and save it under the clients name. Most of us however will use the Memorize button in the F-100 software to record these hits. 7. She then advises them to run that custom program through the Ion Pro Wave System. 8. And finally she has them run the DNA repair program as an overnight session through the bulb. The TrueRife / GRS software can automatically record hits To use the auto record frequency feature in the scanner: At each frequency change click Pause, reset the baseline to maximum sensitivity and then clicks Pause again, which will re-start the program. If the GRS tones or chimes the frequency hit will be recorded. Repeat this for each frequency change. The baseline is set using the TUNE knob. The RED "HIT" LED will light or pulse at maximum sensitivity. The problem this practitioner was having is that NONE of our scanners would make this audible tone for setting baseline sensitivity. We have spent months trying to duplicate this effect on our current scanners and finally succeeded in 2009.


It should also be noted that rescanning of the same frequencies should not be done for 30 days to allow the central nervous system to stabilize. Doing so may result in picking up NO hits. When setting the baseline for maximum sensitivity while the program is running, the RED LED will begin to pulse or light in rhythm with the program pulse, indicating the same thing she is hearing audibly. This provides a visual marker for setting the scanner at maximum sensitivity at each frequency change in order to check for hits. This method of scanning can achieve remarkable results. People who have dry skin cannot be scanned using this method (about 10%), but a sensitive baseline on the scanner can still be set by listening for the tone from the scanner to stop when setting the baseline, then slowly dialing clockwise a fraction to generate a sensitive baseline setting or a chirping sound.

Ion Pro Wave System

Pro Model & Control Module
The Ion Pro Wave / ION PRO WAVE system is a professional ionic footbath. It is the only computer frequency generated (not sound card / MP3) ionic foot bath in the world with a bandwidth of 800 MHz and a frequency range of 1.5 MHz. All of the over 800 TrueRife programs can be run through this system. The ION PRO WAVE folder programs should not be run through the bulb application as many of them are out of range! Other footbaths are not based on computer based program specific frequency generation. Other ionic footbaths run a 60 Hz / 12 volt charge through their systems and are not program-specific or frequency-based devices and should not be compared to the Ion Pro Wave system. The device to the left is a knock-off of the TrueRife Ion Pro Wave and is sound card based. It does not possess the bandwidth or programming to duplicate the Ion Pro Wave output. Sound card devices (CD / MP3) do not possess the programming or bandwidth necessary to duplicate the Ion Pro Wave output and should not be confused with our system. Sound card bandwidth peaks at 20 kHz (20 Thousand Hertz). The TrueRife frequency generator peaks at around 800 MHz (800 Million Hertz) to generate harmonics and precision targeting. A new folder appears on all upgraded frequency sets. It is

Older Effectrolysis


New Ion Pro Wave

labeled ION PRO WAVE. The Effectrolysis Energy System has been re-labeled ION PRO WAVE. The Effectrolysis folder has disappeared from theTrueRife folder all together. This folder is a duplicate of the Effectrolysis folder. The ION PRO WAVE folder is to be run on the Ion foot bath only as many of its programs will overheat the F-117 if they are run on the bulb.

Movement of Protons through Ion Pro Wave Electrolysis System

The Ion Prow Wave system (formerly referred to as Effectrolysis) uses the action of electrolysis to deliver our research frequencies. This approach has at times produced incredible reports regarding reversal of a variety of conditions. We have speculated on a number of possible reasons for these reports. The following conclusions are merely speculative and unproven, but may lend insight into what this system may be doing on the molecular level or in this case on the atomic level.

Electrolysis Explained
Electrolysis of water is the decomposition of water (H2O) into oxygen (O2) and hydrogen gas (H2) due to an electric current being passed through the water. The Ion Pro introduces both electrical current a programmed frequencies during sessions. An electrical power source is connected to two electrodes, or two plates, (typically made from some inert metal such as stainless steel) which are placed in the water. Hydrogen will appear at the cathode (the negatively charged electrode or Top plate in the Ion Pro Wave array, where electrons are pumped into the water), and oxygen will appear at the anode (the positively charged electrode or bottom plate in the Ion Pro Wave array). The bubbling effects of the Ion Pro Wave is the result of Hydrogen being generated at the Cathode or top plate within the Ion Pro Wave internal array. These are clearly observable. Pure water has an electrical conductivity about one millionth that of seawater. It is sped up dramatically by adding an electrolyte (such as a sea salt, ) this is why we add on tablespoon of Sea Salt to the water before starting a session.

The Migration of Protons

When the water is supplied at the anode side, it dissociates (definition: to undergo a reversible or temporary breakdown of a molecule into simpler molecules or atoms) so that


protons and electrons migrates to the cathode under the effect of the electric field. The protons are also discharged at the cathode forming neutral hydrogen gas. When you ground someone (either by holding the stainless steel ground tube in the hand or placing the Matrix footplate at the back) while using the Ion Pro Wave array, the individual in essence becomes a second cathode or are negatively charged to ground. Positive charge electrons and protons deliver the research frequencies into and through the body to ground.

Proton Properties / Throwing Rocks instead of Grains of Sand

Protons have mass, and this physical property means that protons tend to penetrate tissues without being deflected as much as a beam of electrons. Their weight also makes it possible to control where they release their energy. As the energy of the protons increases, the beam penetrates more deeply. The proton delivers most of its ionizing radiation where it stops or in this case where it finds a resonant frequency match. Note Dr. James Bares comments regarding protons possible role in the frequency effects: . . . there is one other very important charge carrier in an atom besides and electron. Namely a proton. Now a proton technically has a charge equal to and opposite of that of an electron. There is something significant about a proton that isn't normally considered. The proton is 1,836 times as heavy as the electron. What this means is that from an energetic standpoint an electron and proton moving at the same speed and impacting an object will strike the object with significantly different kinetic energies. To make this a bit more understandable. One could take a grain of sand 0.1-gram in weight and throw at a window or one could take a rock 183.6 grams in weight and throw at the same window. What would happen when the rock hits the window is very obvious. If the Ion Pro Wave array is delivering both proton and electron energy through the array during sessions, this could explain some of reports we are getting. We had a client report to us out of Florida recently that she had visited a Doctor who uses Rife Technology as part of his protocols for addressing pathogens, especially parasites. He is also in possession of a high-resolution microscope with a computer screen display. After viewing a sample of the blood of the friend of our client who he was testing, he asked our client if she had been zapping her friend before bringing her in for blood work. She said she had run an ion footbath program on her an hour or so earlier. The Doctor showed her the microscopic viewable results on the monitor, which displayed the fragmented remains of parasites, which he had discovered in her blood work!

Protons and life on the molecular level

It should be noted that some bacteria must chemically


manipulate protons in order to generate the energy it needs to survive and proliferate.

From a researcher regarding bacteria and protons

Photosynthetic bacteria absorb light, transfer excitation energy to reaction centers, and use the excitation to move an electron across a biological membrane. The energy stored in the resulting transmembrane charge-separated state is used to pump protons across the membrane, generating a proton gradient, or proton motive force. The bacterium can then use this chemical energy to generate adenosine triphosphate, ATP, which can meet all its energy needs. (Role of Scalar Protons in Metabolic Energy Generation in Lactic Acid Bacteria Lolkema, J.S.; Poolman, B.; Konings, W.N. (1995) Lactic acid bacteria are able to generate a proton motive force across the cytoplasmic membrane by various metabolic conversions without involvement of substrate level phosphorylation or proton pump activity. Weak acids like malate and citrate are taken up in an electrogenic process in which net negative charge is translocated into the cell thereby generating a membrane potential. The uptake is either an exchange process with a metabolic end-product (precursor/product exchange) or a uniporter mechanism. Subsequent metabolism of the internalized substrate drives uptake and results in the generation of a pH gradient due to the consumption of scalar protons.

Only Conjecture
It is unknown what effects both EM Fields being generated by bulb output or the Ion Pro Waves array are having on the atomic level when a frequency match is achieved. Protons necessary for the proliferation of a bacterium may be rendered dysfunctional with correct frequency application and delivery. Other functions may be stabilized or even normalized using different sequences such as we do with our Immune System Stabilization sets. Delivered proton energy along with electrons and EMF may also be the deciding factor. The "proton" effects is an area that may explain the effectiveness of the Ion Pro Wave system in addressing certain difficult conditions. The matter of most importance still remains: Positive Results.

Question: Where does the color/stuff come from in the water? Is it actually being drawn out of the body or is it a chemical reaction in the water? There is always some discoloration of the water due to the effect of the Ion Pro Wave on the minerals in the water and ionization. The baseline is a carmel color. You will see variance as pictured in the color chart according to the programs and who is on the system. Everything floating is from your body as well as variances in color. The ionized energy field has a drawing effect of toxicity and debris out of the body. If you are running both bulb and Ion Pro Wave sessions, then run the Ion Pro Wave second to assist in removal of debris and toxicity generated by the bulb.


Note: TrueRife does not claim that Heavy Metals are removed into the water during foot bath sessions. Although we do have Anecdotal reports of heavy metals being reduced after theses sessions it may be through the normal body channels for removing toxicity. Biological material observed in the water has been confirmed under hospital laboratory microscopes. Heavy Metal removal into the water has not been validated at this time.

Is there any danger to any option with children?

For reasons of liability, we cannot recommend running these systems on children. Use at your own risk. We know of individuals who have run systems on children as young as 2 years old. However I would not ground a small child because of the danger of shock. Using this on children is a personal matter, and there is always some risk with any device. I personally have not seen any negative effects on small children, and have witnessed cold and flu symptoms completely disappear in 24 hours or less in children, while the same program took up to 72 hours to clear an adult with the same condition. Some have expressed concern over a small child's ability to detox debris created by such systems after sessions. I have not witnessed such events, but would not argue these concerns. I have never run a small child on an Ion Pro Wave system. If one chooses to do so, I would not use the grounding tube.

What is the science behind the Ion Pro Wave or ion foot bath that is part of TrueRife systems?
The TrueRife Ion Pro Wave introduces resonant frequencies into the footbath as opposed to a plasma bulb or contact device. This allows for a pure digital output of frequencies as well as ranges as high as 1.5 million Hz. This is an explanation from another source using a similar device (Ion Cleanse) that answers some basic questions. I walked into the Santa Cruz room at the Embassy Suites Hotel in North Phoenix just in time to catch the beginning of Dr. Jeff Ulery's lecture on joint mobility. Dr. Jeff, a chiropractor, works out of Dr. Bruce Shelton's office, and was one of the presenters at the May, 2002 HEEL seminar. A few minutes into his lecture, Jeff introduced Bob Moroney, who was standing next to him with a small tub of water. Bob proceeded to place Egon Langraf 's feet in the water that contained a plastic module attached to a power supply. While Jeff talked and cameras rolled, the water around Egon's feet turned a bright yellow-green, then orange, then brown, with prodigious quantities of fatty material floating on top. Jeff interrupted his lecture to allow Bob to explain the strange transformation of ordinary tap water into a tub of Technicolor sludge. Bob explained that the water module utilizes low voltage direct current to separate the water molecule into positive and negative ions. The ions travel through the body, attaching to and neutralizing oppositely charged particles, and osmosis pulls the neutralized particles out through whatever surfaces are


exposed to the water. I can regulate the ion mix according to the pH of the body by changing the direction (polarity) of the electrical flow. Bob was asked if he could explain the chemistry of what's happening in the water. I'll try. The process of separating oxygen and hydrogen is known as decomposition, which means oxidation-reduction reaction. Oxidation means giving up electrons and reduction means gaining electrons. Water is oxidized at the anode. The reaction is 2H20 --- 02 + 4H+ + 4e- where 4e- stands for 4 negatively charged electrons that are given up in the oxidation process. Water is reduced at the cathode. The reaction is 4H20 + 4e- --- 2H2 +40H- where the 4e- stands for the electrons that are gained in the reduction process. In the overall decomposition reaction, the volume of H2 produced is twice the volume of 02: 2H20 --- 2H2 + 02.4 What we have, therefore, are free negative and positive ions circulating in a water solution (the physical body is a water solution), and occasionally combining to form H202, otherwise known as hydrogen peroxide." TrueRife Ion Pro Wave Hydrotherapy systems are similar to other ion foot baths with one difference, resonant preset frequencies are introduced into the ionized energy field into the water that produces somewhat different effects along with what is discussed in this article. So are we dealing with free hydrogen, free oxygen and various combinations of both, and what are the effects of these combinations on the human body? Majid Ali, M.D., author of Oxygen and Aging, states that when functional, oxygen provides the basic drive for human metabolism, is the quarterback detox molecule of the body, and is nature's most potent antimicrobial agent. Thus, it is the guardian angel of human health. When dysfunctional, oxygen is oxidizing, acidifying and dysoxygenative. In chapter seven, he presents extensive research linking several chronic disorders, including Fibromyalgia, CFS, environmental sensitivity syndrome and Gulf War syndrome, to pleomorphic forms and faulty oxygen metabolism. There is no claim that the Ion Cleanse cures these conditions, but several doctors have said that patients report feeling better after a series of treatments. Obviously, a periodic infusion of oxygen makes it more difficult for these microorganisms to proliferate, especially if the oxygen was accompanied by a pH change. Researchers have had similar experiences with the Ion Pro Wave system. Note one experience from the past: My husband and I recently went down to New Orleans to help with the Disaster Relief effort. The sights we saw were pretty unreal. There are sections and neighborhoods that have either not been touched, or were just recently allowed back in. These homes have sat for 8 to 10 weeks. The water may have been gone after a few hours or days, but the damage is done. Especially where the mold is concerned.


My husband and I were on teams that went in and gutted these homes. Floors ceilings, drywall, and paneling. The mold was everywhere. If you have ever seen or heard of sponge painting, that is the only way to describe it. The homes looked as if someone had gone inside and sponge painted black everywhere. These walls had to be gutted down to the studs and wiring to see if the home is salvageable. We wore face masks, but to be effective you would have had to change your mask every 15 minutes. We just didn't have enough to do so. While we were down there we developed a cough and felt a heaviness in our chests. When we came home it kept getting worse. Although I knew it was probably the mold I wasn't sure what to do about it. I had a gentleman who went with us come over for an Ion Pro Wave detox one night thinking that this would at least be a start. He was having the same symptoms as we were. He told me he almost didn't come because he was feeling so bad. While he was detecting, I started looking through some of the manuals, and came across two frequencies in the "Cross references List of Rife Frequencies" that specifically dealt with mold. They are 336, and 337. They deal with Fungus flora and mold. Thinking, "What could it hurt? I waited until the detox was over, went into the AAA program and keyed these two frequencies in and ran them for 8 minutes longer. To say that I was amazed would be an understatement. His water was already pretty bad, but this greenish, black substance started coming out immediately. I was bad and there was a lot of it. The man that I ran this one could not believe it. I did the detox and added the same frequencies for my husband and myself, with the same results. My husband said he felt immediate results, and I felt better by the next day. I truly felt like this was a Godsend. I can't even imagine the doctor bills if our only option would have been a doctor's visit.

Report from a Researcher: I ran the Roundworms, Flatworms, etc., program on my husband last night. I couldn't believe the amount of dark green, almost black flecks that were in the water. When I picked up the plate to take it out of the water, the water turned completely black with tiny particles so that I couldn't see anything in the water at all. Why, when you are running a program for a specific problem, do you get flecks that (according to the booklet) could be from the liver or heavy metals? By the way, up to about 15 years ago, he used to do a lot of welding. Also, when we come across these flecks (he also had green and light green before the water got so black I couldn't see), do we keep running the program every day or so until we don't get the flecks anymore? I would. And make sure you are thoroughly cleaning the unit so that you get a true reading. When testing of the body indicates a lowering of heavy metals it has not yet been established whether most of the detoxification is going into the water or if the bodys own systems are being stimulated to remove the debris through elimination. The important thing is that testing is showing a good response. We are running specific frequencies through our systems, which may result in an entirely different physiological response than conventional ion foot baths.


Question: Is it just as important to drink lots of water and have an empty stomach when using the Ion Pro Wave programs? Do you get Herx symptoms from the Ion Pro Wave programs too? Yes! You can get herx effects from the Ion Pro Wave sessions as you are running frequencies through the foot bath that may target certain "critters" resulting in a die off and a subsequent Herx. Question: Is there any information for the higher frequencies? We got some definite reactions last night but none of the booklets show numbers as high as we were at (XXX,XXX). 10,000 seems to be as high as they go. When you use the Ion Pro Wave system in conjunction with the GRS scanner you will begin charting frequency hits that are yet undiscovered and indexed. You should record these hits when they occur for future use and reference.

Question: Can any bulb programs be run on the foot bath? Answer: All bulb programs can be run on the foot bath. Just make sure that you do not set the control knob beyond 12:00 o'clock in running those programs not in the Ion Pro Wave folder as the stronger hitting frequencies will show up last. This could result in shock if the control knob is set too high. Ion Pro Wave folder programs are calibrated so that you can set the power control to a comfort level without fear of getting stronger frequency hits later in the session resulting in shock. Do not run foot bath or Ion Pro Wave programs on the bulbs as they are often out of range.

Question: Regarding the aqua unit for the footbath, I was impressed from your posts regarding the heavy metal detox and particularly the parasite cleanse that was taking place through the soles of the feet. In thinking about that and how amazing it is that parasites could be "pulled" out through the bottom of the feet, I thought that there could be an even better method. If a person were to sit in a plastic tub of water with the aqua unit in it, the normal elimination channels (anus and urethra) would serve as better aqueducts for parasite removal than via skin pores on the bottom of the feet. What do you think about that? There have been many positive reports regarding the Ion Pro Wave Ion foot bath, and some individuals have used the device as you suggest.


In most cases a single unit is used, but we have developed an adapter that allows running two units simultaneously. Dual output adapter allows for running 2 foot baths at the same time. Do not over-salt. No more than 1 tablespoon of salt should be used! A few therapist have used this method to run session on two clients at one time. Placing 2 units into a bathtub may have interesting effects. If a person chooses to use this method or runs the Ion Pro Wave several times a week they may want to supplement minerals and electrolytes to prevent the possibility of depletion. We recommend using the foot bath no more than 3 times a week. Most will see results with just a once a week session. There are cases where people have run 5 times a week with no apparent ill effects. What makes the Ion Pro Wave Ion foot bath system different is its use of computer driven frequency programs. This may explain some of the experiences that are reported when compared to similar devices.

Report from a Researcher: I have had good results by adding 10,000 Hz to the frequency list at the start of each program we run with the Ion Pro Wave. 10,000 Hz is a general therapeutic frequency, which improves immune function. And the higher frequency jump starts the Electrolysis to get the ions into the water faster, thus improving the absorption of ions and detoxification of the body. Once I start the program, I push HOLD until I see the bubbles rapidly coming up out of the unit. At that point I push HOLD again (which releases the Hold) and the normal program starts up from that point. I think doing this maximize the benefits of the program.

Question: I tried the Ion Pro Wave in the bathtub tonight and I am very impressed, I think it is the strongest treatment I have had yet. I can tell because in addition to my Lyme I have a chronic blood fungus thing going on and the bath caused a big flare up. Get itchy spots in random spots all over. (That's good, means its working) . So my questions are: 1. How much salt would you put in the tub? . 1 Tablespoon / DO NOT EXCEED! 2. Can I combine this with my weekly H202 Epsom salt soak? I'm guessing not but it'd be handy to do both at once. YES. 3. Is it okay to use my bath filter ball to remove chlorine? I don't want to soak in chlorine but I do remember you saying to use regular tap water for the foot bath. Yes, as long as you still have enough minerals in the water after filtration to get and maintain conductivity after you add the salt. 4. Regarding blood fungus, I have been reading that the Bob Beck blood purifier is more effective than rife. But I was wondering if the spiral bulb could serve the same purpose. Where would you put it? If not, what do you think of the Bob Beck devices? They are not expensive. If you think that would be more effective, can you make one? I can control


my problem pretty well by taking tons of acidophilus but that is expensive. I'd rather get rid of the fungus and just take a normal amount of acidophilus. By the way, I love the machine. Its really helping the Lyme. Also my daughter came in for a visit from Seattle and it is starting to clear up her many warts. The Beck Blood Purifier places pads on major arteries to treat the blood. Your Ion Pro Wave system replicates this process while using the foot bath as blood works its way through the feet in the course of natural circulation. Placing the bulb in contact with a major vein should also get you similar results. The Beck protocols are in your system in the Ion Pro Wave folder under AIDS XP. This is the program that is used on the Ion Pro Wave: #40 minutes #Experimental Aids blood purification program to be run on the Ion Pro Wave Hydrotherapy system # These protocols are based on some of the research done by Robert Beck #Please access the site below for more details # The information below is quoted from: Ken Adachi http://educate-yourself.org/be/ # In the Fall of 1990, two medical researchers, Drs. William Lyman and Steven Kaali, working at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City made an important discovery. They found that they could inactivate the HIV virus by applying a low voltage direct current electrical potential with an extremely small current flow to AIDS infected blood in a test tube. Initially, they discovered this in the lab by inserting two platinum electrodes into a glass tube filled with HIV-1 (type 1) infected blood. They applied a direct current to the electrodes and found that a current flow in the range of 50-100 microamperes (uA) produced the most effective results. Practically all of the HIV viral particles were adversely affected while normal blood cells remained unharmed. The viral particles were not directly destroyed by the electric current, but rather the outer protein coating of the virus was affected in such a way as to prevent the virus from producing reverse transcriptase, a necessary enzyme needed by the virus to invade human cells. Reverse transcriptase allows the virus to enter a human T cell line (called CEM-SS) and commandeer the DNA reproduction machinery. After using the host cell to reproduce itself into thousands of new virii, the swollen host cell (now called syncytia or giant cell) will burst and spew the contents into the bloodstream or lymph system. This is how the virus spreads, but lacking reverse transcriptase, the HIV virus can't invade the host cell and it becomes vulnerable to destruction by the body's immune system. (The details of this experiment can be read from Kaali's patent application.) # While Kaali and Lyman used DC current to deactivate the AIDS virus, Beck found that he could get the same results using the 3.92HZ square wave. # If you use this program on the bulb change the duty to 3.72


Ion Pro Wave Quick Clean Procedure

Cleaning the unit once or twice a month (depending on use) this way can renew its operation. You can also use Vinegar or Lime Away, which are much safer to use but take hours of soaking to achieve the same results. Muriatic Acid can be purchased at the hardware store. Get a plastic pale. Mix one part Muriatic Acid with 10 parts of water outside of the house. Do not do this inside of the house as fumes can be overwhelming. Place unit in the water. Poor a little bit strait onto the unit once it is submersed. Leave for 10 -15 minutes. Then remove and rinse thoroughly. This is strong acid. Be careful not to breath fumes or get on hands. Clean units will have improved conductivity over dirty ones. It is important to keep the top plate inside the unit free from slime and mineral build-up.

Regarding the science behind the Ion Pro Wave or ion foot bath The TrueRife Ion Pro Wave introduces resonant frequencies into the footbath as opposed to using a plasma bulb or contact device. This allows for a pure digital output of frequencies as well as ranges as high as 1.5 million Hz. Water color change is normal and a result of the plating and components of the water itself. No claims are made by TrueRife that any meaning at all should be attached to water color if it should vary. The color charts provided with the system are for research. The Baseline of the Ion Pro Wave system is carmel colored. This color will occur whether someone is in the water or not. This effect is caused by the electrolysis effect on the plates as well as the ionized field reacting with the minerals in the water itself. In the case of some systems, the baseline color may be a greenish tone because of the mineral content of the water. As long as there is color change, the Ion Pro Wave unit is functioning perfectly. If one is not seeing any variance but only a baseline of green, this indicates that the body is not putting out any by-products during session that would result in variance. The longer people run the Ion Pro Wave system, the more likely they will achieve the baseline color and not see any more variance. The Ion Pro Wave system is putting out a much different energy field than the bulbs as it pulses through the programs. It is able to introduce frequencies to the body digitally, as well as reach frequency ranges up to 1.5 million Hz. The bulb output is analog and has a limit of about 13,000 Hz. Each system, rather bulb or Ion Pro Wave has its own advantages and disadvantages because of the way they function. While the Ion Pro Wave can reach frequencies in very high ranges with a digital square wave, the bulb is able to achieve full body penetration, and the analog effect may pick up variance in the MOR. It is recommended to clean the unit from time to time by soaking in a strong acid to remove impurities from the plates and inside of the unit itself that may hinder seeing color variance if that is what you are looking for.


Ion Pro Wave and RR Enzyme

Since the introduction of the Ion Pro Wave Hydrotherapy system, we have received positive reports as well as blood work for a variety of cancers. What has been puzzling is that many of these reports came from individuals who were running simple detox frequencies only. Since these frequencies have no known association with Rife Cancer frequency research, what is the mechanism for these positive reports? A clue as to what may be happening may have to do with the enzyme RR (ribonucleotide reductase) which some researchers believe to be at the core of cancerous growth. Enzymes control what takes place in a cell. The pivotal enzyme for the synthesis of DNA, and thus for cell growth, is RR (ribonucleotide reductase) since it supplies building blocks of DNA. A novel way of blocking this enzyme is suggested by the fact that at the core (activesite) of this enzyme is a lone electron (free-radical) which is essential for its activity. Such free radicals can be neutralized or disabled by passing mild direct electric current through the tissue. Since the concentration of the target enzyme RR is much higher in cancerous cells, as compared to healthy resting cells, the gentle DC electrotherapy would act selectively on malignant growth. Evidence is continuously building that the vortex of the disease cancer is around the enzyme ribonucleotide reductase. The following facts about cancer seem to lend credence to RR as a necessary component for cancerous growth. There are no cancers of the heart muscle, nor of the nerve cells of the brain; cells of these tissues do not need and thus may not possess basal level concentrations of the enzyme ribonucleotide reductase. There is strong circumstantial evidence that cancer is initiated at the site of this enzyme. If that is the case, disabling this enzyme is tantamount to nipping in the bud the whole process of cancerous growth! Low level DC electrotherapy has been proven in some studies to interrupt and reverse cancerous growth. In the 1985 study, gentle electrotherapy was shown to consistently and progressively reduce the tumor mass. Five one-hour treatments over 5 days at 2.4 milliampere resulted in 98% reduction! Researchers (they refer to this as GEIPE or Gentle Electrotherapy to Inhibit Pivotal Enzyme) who are pursuing these protocols state this cancer treatment should be effective in treating various solid cancers such as bladder, bone, brain, breast, cervical, colon, esophagus, kidney, liver, lung, ovarian, pancreatic, prostate, rectal, skin, stomach, testicular, throat & uterine cancers. Rather this is the mechanism of the Ion Pro Wave hydrotherapy systems positive reports is not known, but it may provide interesting insight and clues on what may be happening during the sessions.


Trouble shooting Ion Pro Wave / Unit does not bubble

1. There may be rust in the ION plug of the Ion Pro Wave unit itself. This is caused by moisture getting into the plug if water gets on it during the cleaning process and can cause it to run erratically.

On the new F-117 one can unscrew the jacket off the jack to inspect for damage. Rust around the solder joint is evidence of water damage. The unit will have to be sent in for repair.
2. Check the jack on the front of the machine. It should be all the way in. 3. The hydrotherapy unit itself may have experience internal wire failure. Check the bottom of the unit. If you see a lot of erosion and the red nipple is loose the unit may be failing or have failed completely. 4. The unit may need cleaned with an acid based cleaner such as lime away. The top plate can become coated causing loss of conductivity. Use lime away or strait vinegar and soak. If you use vinegar soak overnight. 5. Make sure you have added salt to the water and that you are not using distilled or demineralized water. Hydrotherapy units are not warranted against wear. The bottom plate must erode during the process of ionization to produce the effects. Bottom plate material is being electrically transferred to the top plate of the unit. The bottom plate erodes and the top plate thickens. As this process happens ions are formed.

Understanding the Ion Pro Wave Hydrotherapy Unit Potential

New program updates will extend the life of your hydrotherapy system. Open the F-100 Software / Click FILE / Download Frequencies to update! The Hydrotherapy unit life expectancy can vary from as low as 35 hours all the way up to 120 hours and beyond. Comparing the plate life of other systems indicates that we have succeeded in doubling the operating hours of the Ion Pro Wave system. Most other manufacturers have a limit of 60 uses before failure on similar systems. These units have plates, which produce an ionized energy field and generate frequency transmission. Molecules and material is shifted from one plate to the opposing plate that has an opposite charge. This results in an erosion of the bottom plate, while the opposing plate actually begins to thicken. Both the wiring and the plate go through this erosion process. It cannot be predicted which will fail first, the wire terminal or the plate. In most cases the plate fails and the wire terminal breaks free resulting in plate failure.


Factors that can change the rate of erosion are the following: 1. The amount of salt added to the water. Over salting will increase the erosion of the plates thus shortening their life. Add no more then 1 tablespoon of salt. 2. The programs that are run. Users have no control over this aspect. Some programs are harder hitting while others are weaker in signal. 3. The water that is used. Some water has greater conductivity because of the mineral content, while other water such as distilled is a poor conductor. Higher conductivity water will reduce plate life. 4. The conductivity of the person using the system. Conductivity is primarily determined by the grounding adjustment of the system, however some people are better conductors then others or can tolerate higher loads of current flow resulting in stronger hits. Stronger hits may yield better results, but may also result in shorter plate life. There are some individuals that may be pushing a year or more on their original unit, while others that are running clinics or daily users may burn out the plate or wire in as little as 6 weeks or less. Getting water in the cord jack will also destroy the unit, as the terminal screw will rust reducing conductivity. Evidence of unit failure is observed when the watercolor and bubbling are no longer observable in the water. On newer units, the red plate failure sensor on the bottom of the unit may either fall out, or can be pushed inside of the unit. In the event of wire failure due to erosion, the sensor may still appear to be intact even though plate failure has resulted. Clean at least once a month with an acid based cleaner such as Lime Away to increase plate conductivity. Use the white clean-out hose to rinse by hooking to the back of the unit and hooking the other end to the sink spout. Muriatic Acid (use with caution) mixed 1/10 with water will clean a unit in as little as 5 minutes. We have made recent changes in the Ion Pro Wave units to further extend plate life. Question: Our daughter has had surgery on her foot and had some pins put in. When we tried to run the Ion Pro Wave she had a lot of discomfort and we had to stop the program. Could this be because of the pins in her feet? The ion foot bath is inducing a current into the pins. If she finds this uncomfortable, place a bulb on the foot and run PainBio.basic.


Ionic Silver (TrueSilver)

Note the following article on ionic silver. TrueRife systems are capable of producing ionic silver with the TrueSilver interface pictured below. When used in conjunction with Rife systems it can have an amplification effect on Rife sessions according to some researchers, accelerating results.

Ionic Silver The Powerful Defense Against Viruses And Other Microbes
By Herbert Slavin, M.D.

As the nation watches and waits to see if HN51, commonly called bird flu or avian flu, will become a threat to humans, and firms are scrambling to hopefully develop a cure before theres even anything to target or conduct tests with, it appears that a new form of ionic silver may already be providing us with a remarkably effective treatment for not only a bird flu pandemic that may or may not occur but also an enormous range of infectious diseases that are a very real part of our world today. The fact is that the medical field has yet to prove itself able to deal effectively with virtually any virus, let alone a new one that does not even yet exist. Yet a rapidly growing phenomenon is taking place wherein ionic silver is emerging as the new antimicrobial wonder in dealing with bacterial as well as, yes, viral conditions too, both in medicine and in industry.

A Respected Antimicrobial and More

Ionic silver was actually a commonly-used antimicrobial 100 years ago, before the advent of modern antibiotics, which only address bacteria and are becoming largely obsolete while posing risks related to resistant super-germs. Ionic silver is increasingly being recognized for its broad-spectrum antimicrobial qualities and the fact that it presents virtually none of the side-effects related to antibiotics. Ionic silver is entirely non-toxic to the body. Research at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis has shown that some resistant strains of disease cannot develop with ionic silver the way that they will with antibiotics. Reports of any pathogens developing resistance to ionic silver are rare. Some reports indicate it even kills drugresistant strains of germs. Ionic silver is also a powerful tissue-healing agent, so much so that it has been used topically for decades in burn centers and currently represents one of the fastest growing sectors if not the fastest growing sector in wound care today. The fact that ionic silver is effective against a very broad range of bacteria is well established and, due to recent advances in the delivery of ionic silver, together with the


problems associated with antibiotics, it is being used in a rapidly growing range of dietary-supplement, medical, and industrial products. Illustrating how serious this trend is, in a report published in April 2006 by Chemical & Engineering News about a new method from Nexion for applying ionic-silver coating to catheters, IV needles, and other medical devices, the chief technical officer of the company is quoted as saying, To date, no pathogens have been able to survive contact with silver.1 And that product is just the tip of the iceberg. AcryMed also recently announced FDA approval of its product SilvaGard, a silver-nanotechnology coating to protect medical devices from bacteria. The company stated, Ionic silver has been long recognized and used as a highly effective antimicrobial.2 Covalon is a manufacturer that has introduced an antimicrobial silver-ion releasing, collagen-based sheet dressing for wound care. In January 2006, the president of the company is quoted as having said, In the wound dressings market, silver dressings growth outperforms all others in the category.3 Curad and Johnson & Johnson bandages are now available to the consumer with ionic silver actually impregnated into the gauze so as to destroy bacteria.4 In the medical field, another company, AgION has stated that, Today silver is a key ingredient in new hightech, powder coated finishes that hospitals and doctors offices are using to protect walls, counters and other germ-gathering surfaces. Others are jumping on the bandwagon. Samsung recently introduced a clothes-washing machine that they claim kills 99% of bacteria in cold water by using ionic silver.5 Sharper Image has a line of slippers and pillows that have ionic silver incorporated into the fabric to prevent odor-causing bacteria. Containers for food storage are now being impregnated with ionic silver to prevent bacterial growth that contributes to spoilage. Writing pens, bath mats, cutting boards, and door knobs are being coated with ionic silver to prevent bacteria from being spread. Water-treatment facilities that service hospitals use silver ions. And that is still just the tip of the iceberg. The list goes on and on, and is growing faster every week.

Is It Also Antiviral?
It is noteworthy that the above quotes illustrate that ionic silver is often referred to as having antimicrobial qualities, rather than just antibacterial qualities. This is a very important distinction because many diseases that affect human beings today and bird flu if it should ever become a pandemic in the future all involve viral pathogens, not bacteria. And the medical community truly has nothing that will reliably combat viral pathogens. While the push is on for a vaccine, there is enormous controversy as to the efficacy and safety of existing vaccines, let alone one that has yet to be developed, if ever. Nothing that exists today in our efforts to fight common modern-day viral conditions suggests we should expect any miracles. Using ionic silver as a preventative, a treatment, or both may very well prove to be, if not a miracle, perhaps a major stride in shifting the tide in our favor. In Europe, ionic silver is recognized as an accepted treatment for viral conditions. Walk into a pharmacy in Europe and tell them youve been diagnosed with a cold or flu, which is viral in nature, and they will look in their desk reference and find a number of silver-ion


compounds or complexes listed as remedies to sell you. It seems the United States is finally catching on. A study at the University of Arizona recently showed ionic silver to be effective against the corona virus that researchers use as the surrogate for SARS.6 A study out of the University of Texas reportedly suggested ionic silver may be effective against HIV-1, and researchers expect it may be shown effective against other viruses and bacteria as well. "We're testing against other viruses and the 'super bug (Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus),' said Miguel Jose Yacaman, from University of Texas, Department of Engineering and one of the study's authors. Our preliminary results indicate that silver nano-particles can effectively attack other micro-organisms."7 It would make sense that this would be the case since the antimicrobial effect of ionic silver is recognized to be extremely broad-spectrum when applied to bacterial and fungal pathogens including mold and yeast. Indeed, it would also make sense that silver would be antiviral since it is clearly recognized to be highly effective against essentially every other class of pathogen. Phrases like antimicrobial and no pathogens survive are apparently intended to be quite broad in scope. And the mechanisms of action that make ionic silver effective as an antimicrobial are apparently unique enough to support it. According to AgION, Ancient Egyptians used it to keep food supplies safe from fungus and mold. A press release by Curad quoted Philip M. Tierno, Ph.D., Director of Clinical Microbiology and Immunology at New York University Medical Center and author of The Secret Life of Germs (Atria Books 2004), as stating, Silver is a natural antibacterial that works by killing bacteria, fungi and yeast by interfering with the metabolism necessary for respiration of these microbes. It fights germs with much less fear of developing antibiotic resistance.8 A representative of AgION stated in a recent press release, Silver has multiple mechanisms of action. Use of silver as an antimicrobial is therefore unlikely to promote antibiotic resistance. The FDA has regulations that prohibit the manufacturer of any product from making disease claims unless the product has been approved for drug use (the definition of a drug is any product sold for treating a disease). Since virtually any presence of a viral pathogen in the human body will by definition be disease related, it is unlikely we would be seeing any product promoted as an antiviral until the tedious and extremely expensive process of FDA drug approval was completed a seriously-flawed process that has seen deadly drugs like Vioxx approved while beneficial ones languish in limbo. A search on the Internet, however, will turn up literally thousands of testimonials reporting viral conditions across a very broad range being successfully treated with ionicsilver products such as the outdated but still popular colloidal silver. It is very plausible, if not highly likely, that before long ionic silver will emerge as the recognized solution for the vast majority of viral conditions.

Delivery for Systemic Human Use

Back 100 years ago, major pharmaceutical firms made ionic silver products for systemic human use in the form of what is loosely referred to as colloidal silver, a very crude and archaic substance that did the job of delivering silver ions decently for its time. But after


the advent of far more profitable antibiotics and the change of the laws in the 1930s when the FDA as we know it today was formed, silver fell out of favor. In recent decades, colloidal silver has seen a resurgence in popularity, but primarily in the alternative- or natural-medicine field, or when sold as a dietary supplement. Meanwhile, important advances in the field of ionic-silver delivery, most notably with the Opti-Silver technology, are rapidly rendering colloidal silver obsolete. A new, patented technology, this special form of ionic silver apparently represents a major breakthrough in the delivery of ionic silver for systemic, or internal, human use. In this regard, there are two pivotal questions to be considered: (1) whether silver ions kill viral pathogens; and (2) the method of delivery for systemic human use. From my perspective, the question of whether ionic silver kills viral pathogens has been answered in the resounding affirmative. It seems that only the tedious process of FDA drug approval or perhaps a major clinical study that is planned on Opti-Silver hitting the media is needed before it becomes common knowledge. Even if silver ions are effective against viral pathogens, the delivery mechanism for use in the human body becomes the key issue. All of the products on the market today that utilize ionic silver for its antimicrobial and tissue-healing qualities incorporate some kind of deliberate delivery mechanism in order to provide for a controlled release of silver ions at the rate that is desired. This delivery mechanism varies relative to the environment where the ionic silver is being used and relative to the rate of release that is desired. In each case, the medium is a factor; and, far more importantly, the complexing or compounding agent used to release the silver ion is a factor. Our growing understanding of this area of controlled delivery has contributed greatly to the increase in the number of products using ionic silver for antimicrobial purposes. The New York Times stated in a December 2005 article, Silver, one of humankind's first weapons against bacteria, is receiving new respect for its antiseptic powers, thanks to the growing ability of researchers to tinker with its molecular structure.9 What this refers to is the deliberate formation of molecular structures that will release silver ions in the given environment at the desired rate. The same article goes on to say, But silver's time-tested if poorly understood versatility as a disinfectant was overshadowed in the latter half of the 20th century by the rise of antibiotics. Now, with more and more bacteria developing resistance to antibiotic drugs, some researchers and healthcare entrepreneurs have returned to silver for another look. This time around, they are armed with nanotechnology, a fast-developing collection of products and skills that helps researchers deploy silver compounds in ways that maximize the availability of silver ions, the element's most potent form. Scientists also now have a better understanding of the weaknesses of their microbial adversaries. This need for a delivery mechanism to maximize availability is all the more demanding when attempting delivery of ionic silver in the human body, due to the aggressive and fluctuating electrochemical environment the human organism presents. The common substances listed in the pharmacists desk reference in Europe, for instance, may work marginally well but lack an efficient delivery mechanism and therefore fail to unlock the potential of what ionic silver might be capable of doing in the human body to kill germs.


The patented Opti-Silver technology, which its maker Invision International says is the result of years of research and development, is designed to optimize the delivery of silver ions in the human body. While the patent covers a broad range of substances, the company has chosen to use citrate as the complexing agent, and potassium as the counter-ion for maximum stability, in the water-based dietary-supplement formulation it currently sells under the brand name of Silver 100. The recommended usage is entirely safe the maximum recommended daily amount introduces less silver to the body than may be contained in an individuals ordinary drinking-water intake, with the difference being that it is intended to be released as activated ions. It consists of all-natural nano technology.10

Treatment of Hepatitis B and C

I myself have had a patient come into my office at the Institute of Advanced Medicine who was diagnosed as having both hepatitis B and C. The blood work that came back from the lab showed the viral load and liver enzymes to be extremely elevated, indicating an advanced condition. The patient, not wanting to be subjected to the Interferon and Ribavirin treatment that was common because of the high risk of side effects and the low incidence of success, chose instead to be put on a 90-day regimen of using Silver 100, at an elevated dosing relative to normal suggested use. Silver 100 is a water-based dietary supplement made by Invision International that contains the Opti-Silver form of ionic silver. At the end of 90 days, the same battery of lab tests showed the blood reading to be 100% normalized, indicating the treatment was highly successful. See: http://www.SilverFacts.com for a write-up of the laboratory work. Note that the patients readings elevated again after use of the product was stopped temporarily.) My experience in seeing patients and others in the public sector use ionic silver for a variety of bacterial and viral conditions over a number of years indicates that this was not a fluke at all but was rather a predictable result of the use of ionic silver. The makers of Opti-Silver claim that it represents a quantum leap in the delivery of ionic silver for the human body. At present, they themselves, however, make no disease claims for their product.

Silver May Outshine the Threat of Bird or Swine Flu

As for the bird flu threat, well, there are many theories. While some say a pandemic is inevitable, reasonable arguments are also made that suggest it is far from certain that it will ever be a problem unless some evil person genetically modifies the organism to actually make it lethal to humans. Some even speculate that the prospect of bird flu is more of a political issue than a medical one, claiming that it is being used to fan the flames of fear in order to persuade an unwitting public to give up liberties in order to be protected by the authorities. That is not my area of expertise. I do find it curious, though, that Tamiflu is still often touted as being the treatment of choice when initial studies to date seem to indicate that it is really not an effective treatment for many viruses, least of all a potential human strain of bird flu.


If the stories that say Donald Rumsfeld has a large stake (40% seems most common) in the company that makes it, then that would obviously contribute to the suspicious nature of things. When one thinks of the massive dollars involved, well, one can tend to wonder. Regardless, whether or not bird flu will ever pose a problem to humans is simply speculative at best today. It seems that perhaps the possible solution to a bird-flu pandemic, if it were to develop, may already exist today in ionic-silver products. And it may be the solution for a lot of things that really need an answer today. According to Jay Newman, president of Invision, who is a co-member with me on the Committee for the Responsible Use of Silver in Health, hosted at www.SilverFacts.com, he was told a few years ago by the then-director of the largest financial entity in the world that, in her opinion, The technology behind Opti-Silver has the potential to lead to a billion-dollar company and to make history changing the world of antibiotics, both from a financial point of view and a humanitarian point of view. Based upon my personal observations and the proliferation of products coming out in the medical field that use ionic silver, it seems to me that statement may prove to have been remarkably prophetic. At the least, it would seem that this is a technology worth watching and exploring. Ionic silver may prove to be the answer to not only a bird flu strain that may never emerge but also for a very wide range of infectious diseases that are very real and present threats to the health of the public today.

Herbert Slavin, M.D. is the founder and director of the Institute of Advanced Medicine, located in Lauderhill, Florida. He is a member of the Committee for the Responsible Use of Silver in Health, which is hosted at www.SilverFacts.com and at which more information may be found. People with medical concerns should check with their knowledgeable physicians before using any of the products mentioned in this article.

This is the current program for silver production used on TrueRife systems: #1 hour 2 minutes #Production program for TrueSilver Generator / Toggle Switch in the UP position! #Use distilled water only for production! Do not overfill the container! Should be 2/3 full. #This program will produce 7-10 PPM ionic silver (recommended). To increase to 20 PPM change dwell to 625 # Water temperature should be 72 degrees. #Up dosage to 1-2 oz per day if you have an infection. This is about 75 metered sprays from the True Spectrum bottle twice a day. Use higher dosage up to 10 days then cut back to 25 metered sprays for 10 days. Allow up to 7-10 days when experiencing a major infection to evaluate results. #Chemical Symbol: Ag #Atomic Number: 47


#Atomic Weight/Mass: 107.8682 amu #Standard State: Solid, at 298 Degrees Kelvin ( 77 degrees Fahrenheit ) #Number of Protons & Electrons: 47 #Number of Nuetrons: 61 #Crystal Structure of Silver: Cubic ( face-centered ) #Number of Energy Levels/Valence Shells: 5 #First Energy Level: 2 Electrons/Protons #Second Energy Level: 8 Electrons/Protons #Third Energy Level: 18 Electrons/Protons #Fourth Energy Level: 18 Electrons/Protons #Fifth Energy Level: 1 Electron/Proton #Silver Nuclear Magnetic Resonance ( Nuclide 107 ): #Frequency: 4.046 MHz ( Ag+ ) 880 # antiseptic imprint frequency

Posting Re Food Poisoning

Don't forget about colloidal/ionic silver!! One of the best uses of the ionic silver we make at home has been its use in treating food poisoning. I'm not familiar with the specific strain (Coli O157:H7) however the silver has been successful in treating virtually every other form of food poisoning that any of my family members including myself have ever contracted. If there are no obvious symptoms of food poisoning after consuming something in question it might be much harder to treat once things have progressed for a week or so. However since we now know that consuming ionic silver is very safe it might be good to recommend that people take a shot or two right away after they have eaten something they may have concerns about. They may never know if they had actually consumed a particular strain of bacteria but at least they can have the assurance that if they did they have nipped the problem in the bug. Seriously though, you've got the silver, a unique and special way of making it, which to my knowledge no one else has to date. As I said, one of the most visible obvious uses of ionic silver is the immediate treatment and essentially prevention of food poisoning. The stronger the silver the faster and more obvious the results! Its absolutely the truth and my loved ones and I have seen it do the trick many-many times. There were actually a couple of times when my folks had dinner in Mexico where I believe my mother may very well have died if we hadn't had the silver on hand at the time. Please consider recommending the silver to others? I am absolutely certain that you will get a few gracious thank-yous' from people down the road.

Question: What is different about the silver that is made on the rife, from any that you would buy at the store? Is it better? I have always been a little scared to make my own because of the stories you hear of people turning gray when it is not properly made.


I know it can be safe, because I have used store bought for 20 years and I'm not gray yet, but how easy would it be to goof up and turn yourself gray with homemade? And does the rife silver always have a frequency? If so, can you input different frequencies, and how would you decide which one or ones? I am thinking about buying the attachment sometime in the next few months, as my silver will probably last that long. Answer: The TrueSilver generator is designed to run at a preset frequency to give you around 10 PPM silver. You can double the PPM by changing the dwell in the program according to instructions. You could probably drink the entire batch of 10 PPM every day (4 oz) and never experience Argyria. Most users will not exceed 1 - 2 oz per day of the product, and probably much less. I have heard reports of individuals consuming as much as several pints a day of silver products with no apparent ill effects, but we could not recommend this high of consumption. It comes with 2 bottles (2 oz) for metering the correct amount to use as well as labels (True Spectrum). Harmonic frequencies are used for the production program. It is difficult to compare the TrueSilver product to store bought as different methods are utilized by different manufacturers to make their product. TrueSilver however is the only generator I am aware of that uses computer controlled harmonics of silver in processing along with imprinting. 880 Hz has been recently added to the production program as this frequency is considered antiseptic by Rife researchers. It imprints during the last 60 seconds of production time.

There are many TrueSilver generators being used currently and many positive reports have been received. Using ionized silver prior to Rife sessions has been demonstrated to accelerate frequency impact and resolution, sometimes cutting recovery time from 72 hours to 24! Four metered sprays under the tongue 20 minutes prior to a Rife session is best for acceleration. A new larger 32 oz bottle is available. Herx effects can be experienced and I usually recommend that use should be discontinued after 10 days if large amounts are being used or strong herx effects are being felt, and then can be resumed after several days. Imprinting of silver can be done and there are over a dozen experimental programs that can be used for imprinting. Imprint time is 1 minute. The imprint frequencies are labeled. For example: Arthritis / Cancer BX / Candida.

Question: Where can I get additional bottles for the product?

TrueRife can provide additional bottles and labels for the product, but they can also be ordered direct at: http://www.sunburstbottle.com/s.nl;jsessionid=ac112b321f43a731fc2ae71f435baa3ba33 cf70cd617.e3eSc38TaNqNe38KbxeKbhmRbN10n6jAmljGr5XDqQLvpAe?it=A&id=1618


From a Researcher: I am running some silver solutions now and trying to explain how the generated frequency imprints work. I have likened this to homeopathic solutions? Do you have a better explanation? My clients tend to be a little more savvy of the holistic field so if there is some better way to understand what's happening do tell. I also have likened it to Emoto's ideas of vibrational attunements in water.

Principles of Water Memory and Imprinting

Water is a unique substance and a necessary component for the existence of life. Our bodies are about 70% water. Water has many unique properties, some of which are very well know, and still others that are just beginning to be discovered. Since our bodies are made up of 70% water, water is utilized by the human body for its very existence. While a person may survive for weeks without food, dehydration or a lack of water will result in death in just a few days. The body is of very complex chemical makeup and composition. At any given moment there is communications with perhaps billions of cells and components that are functioning as a team to keep us alive. All of this communication must not only transverse the neuro pathways but also channel its resources as well as codes and instructions through the water that makes up the human body. Electrolytes within our body or certain minerals are what gives water its conductivity to allow information to pass freely and without interruption. A deficiency in electrolytes will interrupt the communication pathways as a result of loss of intercellular conductivity resulting in death. Water must be a pliable substance capable of transforming and being shaped by the bodies instructions between all of its components much like air is able to be shaped by the human voices frequency or vibrations to allow for communications between individuals. The variance in snowflakes is a primary example of waters flexibility. Just as air will take on a wave shape when a jet breaks the sound barrier, water has the same abilities. This is most simply demonstrated by the effects of the gravitational pull of the moon on our oceans, or the waves produced after a storm. The waves in effect transfer a memory from the moons gravitational pull or the storms impact. Water imprinting involves introducing a specific frequency into water to mimic the characteristics of another substance. The imprinting of the frequencies for essential oils would be just one example of research being done with imprinting. No one is quite sure how essential oils actually work or for that case imprinted water, but one theory is that the frequency of these substance may interrupt the communications systems of certain pathogens virtually rendering them inoperable, or actually adjust the bodys own frequency communication pathways to resolve long standing issues. When an opposing army draws up plans for War, the first target is the enemies lines of communications. Once these are knocked out the enemy can easily be subdued. The same may hold true regarding the bodies foreign invaders.


TrueSilver Imprinting
TrueRife imprinting research and development uses the TrueSilver imprinting system. In this case ionized silver is used to assist in signal transference, but pure water could be imprinted in a matter of seconds. Imprinting time is 60 seconds or a dwell 60 for the system. Silver production time is 1 hour. If you choose to only imprint water you can do so by not using the Silver production program first, but simply adding water and choosing an imprinting program or frequency. Water will be imprinted in a matter of minutes and unlike ionic silver, there are not limitations on the amount that can be consumed. Several therapist are currently using imprinting research along with Rife Technology with their clients.

From an Online Rife List:

I have met a fellow recently that had lung cancer in his mid thirties. He was coughing up a cup of blood a day. He had a large circular mass in lung x-ray. He used 10 grams of vitamin C and silver water. He is now 65 and healthy. Those fighting lung cancer using Rife Technology may want to research these additional protocols. TrueSilver was developed for those doing research in this area along with Rife Technology. This device uses the F-110 or F-117 Ion Pro Wave output to generate 10 PPM ionized silver using particle frequency harmonics. Processing time is about 1 hour. Imprinting time is 1 minute. We have documented accelerated results when supplementing silver along with Rife. One clients flu symptoms were in 90% remission after just 16 hours following a Rife session along with silver supplementation. Many researchers believe that signal is actually accelerated during sessions due to the properties of colloidal or ionized silver in the blood stream further accelerating resonant initiated field effects. From a Researcher: I have personally noticed much greater results with my own Rife Sessions about a half hour after taking ionized silver and it seems that the silver must be being immediately absorbed into a body's cells. This is what the updated version of the program looks like that generates the product: #1 hour 2 minutes #Production program for TrueSilver Generator / Toggle Switch in the UP position! #Use distilled water only for production! Do not overfill the container! Should be 2/3 full. #This program will produce 7-10 PPM ionic silver (recommended). To increase to 20 PPM change dwell to 625


# Water temperature should be 72 degrees. #Up dosage to 1-2 oz per day if you have an infection. This is about 75 metered sprays from the True Spectrum bottle twice a day. Use higher dosage up to 10 days then cut back to 25 metered sprays for 10 days. Allow up to 7-10 days when experiencing a major infection to evaluate results. #Chemical Symbol: Ag #Atomic Number: 47 #Atomic Weight/Mass: 107.8682 amu #Standard State: Solid, at 298 Degrees Kelvin ( 77 degrees Fahrenheit ) #Number of Protons & Electrons: 47 #Number of Nuetrons: 61 #Crystal Structure of Silver: Cubic ( face-centered ) #Number of Energy Levels/Valence Shells: 5 #First Energy Level: 2 Electrons/Protons #Second Energy Level: 8 Electrons/Protons #Third Energy Level: 18 Electrons/Protons #Fourth Energy Level: 18 Electrons/Protons #Fifth Energy Level: 1 Electron/Proton #Silver Nuclear Magnetic Resonance ( Nuclide 107 ): #Frequency: 4.046 MHz ( Ag+ ) 880 # antiseptic imprint frequency

Researchers Report: Ionic silver, which is also referred to as colloidal silver has been reported to kill 650 microorganisms, many of which are associated with human diseases. Older people report feeling younger and more energized while others have experienced improved digestion. Colloidal silver works by depriving the oxygen metabolism enzyme or the lungs of viruses and single celled pathogens devitalizing them through suffocation. The bodys own systems then start the elimination process to clear the existing debris. Until 1938, colloidal silver was in common use. For example, silver dollars were placed in milk to prolong its shelf life. The March 1978 issue of Science Digest, in an article, "Our Mightiest Germ Fighter," reported: "Thanks to eye-opening research, silver is emerging as a wonder of modern medicine. An antibiotic kills perhaps half-dozen different disease organisms, but silver kills some 650. Resistant strains fail to develop. Moreover, silver is virtually non-toxic." The article ended with a quote by Dr. Harry Margrave, a biochemist and pioneering silver researcher who worked with the late Carl Moyer, M.D., chairman of Washington University's Department of Surgery in the 1970s: "Silver is the best all-around germ fighter we have." Colloidal silver has been reported by users to be both a remedy and prevention for numerous infections, Candida, colds, and flu.


How does ionized silver connect to Rife Research?

Using ionized silver prior to Rife sessions has been demonstrated to accelerate frequency impact and resolution, sometimes cutting recovery time from 72 hours to 24! 7-10 metered sprays under the tongue 20 minutes prior to a Rife session is best for acceleration.

What is the difference between ionized silver and Rife sessions regarding the de-vitalization of pathogens?
Ionic silver sold commercially differs from Rife Technology effects in three important ways: 1. Rife systems are specific in targeting. Silver is multi-spectrum. While one may experience a strong herx (die off) effect from using Rife Technology, silver, since it is a multi-spectrum killer may result in die off of multiples of pathogens at the same time, resulting in an unexpected herx effect due to toxic build-up. This is why silver should be taken in measured amounts, increasing the metered sprays slowly from 14-21 per day, all the way up to 150-200 (1-2 oz) when fighting a chronic infection, and decreasing dosages when strong herx effects are experienced. Rife systems may produce strong herx effects in as little as a day or less, while silvers herx may not appear for several days or even a week or longer. Flu-like conditions, headache, extreme fatigue, dizziness, nausea or aching muscles can occur as a result of die off. Ease off on the colloidal silver to a smaller amount and increase your distilled water intake. Regular bowel movements are a must in order to relieve the discomforts of detoxification. 2. When a Rife session ends, the die off for the most part ends as well. With silver, traces of die off may continue for several weeks after discontinued use, as silver can remain in the system for up to 3 months. 3. Rife sessions when they are effective can bring about quick resolution of infections, sometimes within as little as 24 hours. Silver is a slower destructive process that may take a week to 10 days to fully do its job or even longer. It is important to recognize the difference. The first few days of using silver may seem to be yielding little effects, but much like antibiotics, positive results are often achieved if you stay the course. (The same holds true with Rife sessions for more chronic conditions such as Lyme disease, be patient and stay the course) Question: What is the function of the laser pointer that is included with the TrueSilver system? Answer: The laser pointer is included FREE with current orders of TrueSilver in order to establish that you have sufficiently "cooked" the product. The computer programs dwell or production time is preset based on water temperature of 72 degrees. Lower water temperatures can produce a weaker product. Even sun spots can affect production time.


To be sure that your product is sufficiently ionized point the laser through the completed solution and look for a stream of light to be produced. This is called the Tyndall effect. If you do not get a stream, restart the program and recheck every 10 minutes with the laser till the Tyndall effect becomes evident. Tyndall effect of silver ions (color added for demonstration).

Many have requested a source for the 2 oz metered spray bottles that come with the TrueSilver system: CB2AB http://www.sunburstbottle.com/s.nl;jsessionid=ac112b6b1f439016eeab 8b41429b98d987bf442ded00.e3eTa3aSaxmTe38PbN8Mch8Nay1ynkn vrkLOlQzNp65In0?it=A&id=1618 Additional labels can be provided by TrueRife.

Report From a Researcher: I've had such fun playing with my TrueSilver. I've been using it about a week now, and noticed quite a few things. I've only ingested it a few times, wanted to go slow with that. I ingest it before Ion Pro Wave. But, I have been spraying it on my face 2 times a day. I've noticed a lot of scarring and red patches seem to be clearing so nicely. I definitely notice the wrinkles around my eyes smoothing out a lot! That thrills me! Eye creams are so expensive. I have sprayed the TrueSilver on hemorrhoids, and it has made a big difference. Also, I have been imprinting plain (not silver) distilled water every morning with the mental clarity program in TrueSilver, and drinking it all, and I feel that it is making me more productive. Whether it is a placebo effect or not remains to be seen, but remember I used to use an encoded sound product for years and recently stopped using it due to finances. I feel this will be a wonderful substitute. It is weaker than what I used before, but I use more and plan on increasing my intake. Now somewhere in all these new things I am doing, lays the reason I am not waking up stiff in the morning anymore. I really appreciate benefiting all your hard work!

Like any product, silver should not be consumed by the gallon. 1-2 oz per day for a period of 10 days should be sufficient and entirely safe. There are reports of individuals consuming up to a quart a day with no side effects. There have never been any reports of the condition experienced by the "blue man" below resulting from these trace amounts. Thus the FDA allows ionized/colloidal silver to be sold over the counter at health food stores. Most of these products are in the 10-20 PPM range.


What Causes Argyria?

Man turns blue after consuming silver cocktail over long period. Argyria has resulted from extreme misuse of very strong silver solutions consisting of silver salts, including silver nitrate, silver arsphenamine, silver chloride and possibly silver iodide. These products were sold until 1975 under various labels consisting of solutions ranging from 5-30% silver [50,000300,000 PPM (parts per million)] (Federal Register, FDA-21CFR Part 310, pg. 53685). Our products are in the 10-20 PPM range.

Silver Salts Are Not Colloidal Silver

Silver salts have mistakenly been called colloidal silver products by some misguided individuals. By definition, the word colloidal means a system in which particles larger than molecules in size (in this case retaining their metallic identity) of one substance are suspended throughout a second substance. In the case TrueRife silver products, finite particles of metallic silver are suspended within highly purified water. Silver salts readily dissolve in water, and therefore are not colloidal in nature. The cases of Argyria are so rare that few photos are available of this condition. These are comments from a variety of sources: Argyria is a rare cause of cutaneous discoloration caused by silver deposition. There are conflicting reports regarding the long-term use of colloidal silver. Some studies implicate the use as a major cause for Argyria, a debilitating condition due to the deposition of silver salts in various tissues such as the skin, eye, and internal organs. However, some others cite case studies that highlight its potential anti-fungal and antiviral properties and propose no harmful side effects even after the administration of large doses over extended periods. There are several articles in support of its non-allergic, anti-infective, and healing properties. The healing ability is attributed to the alkaline nature of colloidal silver. Silver is an important trace element required for the human body. It contributes to 0.001% of the minerals and deficiency can result in functional impairment of the immune system, a major defense mechanism of the body. Colloidal silver has amazing properties. It is a highly versatile substance with several applications in healing afflictions by either a topical preparation or through ingestion as a liquid, in veterinary science, and gardening and against infectious micro-organisms. It is considered as a suitable antiseptic for application to babys eyes and one of the best deodorants on the market.

I just finished reading TrueRifes latest information explaining and answering questions about Rife Tech and Ionic Silver. I have to say that very rarely have I ever read an entire


article containing so much information on either of these subjects where I did not have to disagree with something. I am also a researcher in the areas of Rife, Radionics, etc., and work in most area's associated with energy in is numerous forms. I also build HV Ionic Silver makers and so I understand TrueRifes unique method of making ionic silver. Not only has TrueRife perfected his Rife set-up beyond any other that I have been able to find but he has taken the art and science of ionic silver making to a whole new level with his TrueSilver Ionic Silver Maker. TrueRife has spent a great deal of time researching all the various knowledge that is available on ionic/colloidal silver, Rife Technologies, Brain Entrainment, Microbiology, Electronic Engineering, etc., and has utilized that superior knowledge to create something that has never before been done. The TrueSilver Ionic Silver making technique is unique in that it combines frequency imprintation upon the H2O molecules in harmony with the silver ions contained in that modified water molecule. I had thought about doing this myself years ago but I simply didn't have the gumption to follow through with it. TrueRife did, and as I read more and more on the physics of water imprintation I feel like kicking myself for not taking the studies more seriously and building what should have been a no brainer as I look back on things now. What you have actually done is to open up a whole new area of alternative homeopathic medicine by using your expertise in these various fields. Only now is the mainstream medical community beginning to realize the mistake that they made nearly a century ago when they locked up and shunned those who suggested that Rife and/or Radionics techniques could be used to treat just about any kind of health problem. Mainstream medicine has now become nothing but big business and we are now more likely to die in a modern day hospital or as a result of being in one than we are anywhere else on the planet! I am not a doctor of medicine but it doesn't take a genius to see that the FDA is more concerned about keeping the dollars flowing through pharmaceutical companies than they are about anyone's health in this country anymore. It's been twelve years now since I have been treating myself and my loved one's with alternative medical techniques including ionic silver and various ozone therapies and I haven't even contracted a mild cold in all those years. I've gotten food poisoning on several occasions while in Mexico and within 15 minutes of taking a 70ppm solution of ionic silver I was right back in the saddle and suffering no further effects. The same goes for any flu virus that has gone around. I make my ionic silver between 60 to 70 PPM because I only use it when I feel it is truly necessary. I've actually taken as much as a quart a day over the period of several weeks before I did my own research into it all and because my folks recommended it for a really bad sinus infection but I never turned gray, blue, green, polka dotted, or any other weird color.

Report from a researcher MRSA and Silver / My Personal Experience SILVER is deadly to the MRSA virus. It is also very effective against various other mutations of flesh eating viruses. The application of either powdered silver or a fine silver mesh to the infected area was the only thing that killed these mutant viruses when my step-father contracted the MRSA virus a little over a year ago.


A highly concentrated ionic silver solution (approx., 50ppm) was apparently enough to kill whatever flesh eating virus it was that I had contracted in 2003 after scraping my are on a sharp piece of plastic. Within 2-3 hours the bug had eaten close to .5 inch into my arm and was spreading faster than I could have believed. However, after applying the highly concentrated ionic silver solution to a thick piece of gauze and taping it over the infected area over night, I woke up in the morning to find that not only had the silver solution completely killed the virus but the wound was already closing up and healing very quickly. In addition: I have found that ionic silver can greatly hasten the healing time of every type of wound that I have applied it to. I recommend combining a concentrated ionic silver solution with vitamin E and Aloe-Vera Gel to speed up the healing time of virtually any type of wound. It will also greatly reduce the likelihood of any scaring that may otherwise occur. This web page provides the FDAs views on Colloidal silver: http://nccam.nih.gov/health/alerts/silver/#d

Measuring Output from TrueRife System

We have had many request for a way to measure output from the TrueRife Plasma System as well as the body while in session. These testers can be ordered from TrueRife or purchased at Home Depot $21.95.

Greenlee Voltage GT-12 Tester:

Turn the handle to the ON position. Place the tip on a television monitor or in an electrical socket. You should see the tip of the device activate and dissipate as you pull it away. 1 inch. Turn on the TrueRife plasma bulb system. Run Program. Note the amount of energy and distance of measured electrical discharge from the F-117 plasma device. 2-5 ft! Make contact with Rife bulb with hand, then test output from the body. Have someone stand just out of range (where the tester first stops sounding while the program is running and you are in contact with the bulb) holding the tester from you and extend your free hand toward the person holding the tester. The tester will sound. Have them pull their hand back. The tester will stop. Use this to demonstrate output range from body.


PlasmaSphere Ozonator
The PlasmaSphere Ozonator was built in conjunction with G.E. Polymer shapes generating ozonated water. Production time is about 10 minutes. With the lid removed, the PlasmaSphere can ozonate a room to safe levels within 1-2 hours depending on square footage. The bulb is removable from the Ozonator to be used for Rife sessions. It should be noted that standard Rife programs can be run through the PlasmaSphere and it will still generate ozone along with generating a EM field for Rife frequency transmission. This has proved effective in dealing with stubborn sinus and lung infections. In this mode you would remove the top of the PlasmaSphere to generate ozonated air while running a sinusitis set for example.

Understanding Oxidation / Proper Use of Ozonated Water Ozone is an oxidizing agent. It works by stealing electrons from the biological material that it comes in contact with. These electrons are what hold the mass of pathogens and other microscopic material together. When these structures are oxidized, holes or perforations develop in their exterior layer resulting in their decomposition and devitilization. All oxidizers on the molecular level are short electrons. As a result they scavenge or strip electrons from other structures that have an excess of electrons. Once this is done decomposition of the affected structure (that lost the electrons) takes place. Compound B would be ozone / Compound A represents a pathogen Understanding the Relationship of Antioxidants and Ozone Therapy The apple on the left has been oxidized on the left side. The right side has been protected by lemon juice, which is an antioxidant and has neutralized the oxidative effects. Antioxidants are the opposite of Ozone. They carry an extra electron within their molecular structure. When an antioxidant comes in contact with an


oxidizing agent it gives up its electron and neutralizes it. Vitamin C is an example of an antioxidant. the above illustration of the apple demonstrates the effects of an antioxidant on an apples right side as opposed the unprotected left side which is oxidizing from the effects of oxygen. Ozonated water is an oxidizing agent and is neutralized by vitamin C. Antioxidants are a good thing to protect the body from oxidizing scavengers. But there are times when we want the effects of an oxidizing agent to be used for our benefit such as while undergoing ozone therapy. In this case we are utilizing the effects of a very strong oxidizing agent (ozone) to destroy pathogens. This effect lasts for about 1 hour after which ozone returns to the state of oxygen (a weak oxidizer in comparison). For proper utilization of Ozone therapy one should not take an antioxidant in the 8-hour period prior to utilizing the powerful effects of ozone. One should wait for 2 hours after drinking ozonated water before taking antioxidants such as vitamin C or drinking orange juice. This will prevent one from neutralizing the effects of ozone with antioxidants. Red blood cells are much larger than bacteria Because pathogens are much smaller animals than healthy blood cells they (pathogens) are less protected from oxidative effects such as ozone. NOTE: Overuse of any oxidative therapy can result in damage to healthy tissue as well. The PlasmaSphere ozonated water never exceeds .2 PPM which is in the range of safe EPA standards. It is safe to drink up to eight 8 oz glasses of ozonated water each day. The advantage of ozone over other oxygen therapies is that it converts back to oxygen after about one hour allowing healthy cells to utilize these oxygen molecules for energy and repair.

The following article explains some of the interesting aspects of ozone:


13 Major Effects of Ozone On The Human Body

As reported by Dr. Frank Shallenberger Considered one of the leading authorities on medical ozone, Dr. Shallenberger has done important work to support the hypothesis that ozone can have long-term positive effects on AIDS. He has also conducted workshops on the proper application of medical ozone at an International Ozone Symposium in Texas. He successfully treats patients with medical ozone via Major Autohemotherapy. The thirteen physiological effects are list below and are accompanied by a brief explanation.


1. Ozone stimulates the production of white blood cells. These cells protect the body from viruses, bacteria, fungi and cancer. Deprived of oxygen, these cells malfunction. They fail to eliminate invaders and even turn against normal, healthy cells (allergic reactions). Ozone significantly raises the oxygen levels in the blood for long periods after ozone administration; as a result, allergies have a tendency to become desensitized. 2. Interferon levels are significantly increased. Interferons are globular proteins. Interferons orchestrate every aspect of the immune system. Some interferons are produced by cells infected by viruses. These interferons warn adjacent, healthy cells of the likelihood of infection; in turn, they are rendered nonpermissive host cells. In other words, they inhibit viral replication. Other interferons are produced in the muscles, connective tissue and by white blood cells. Levels of gamma interferon can be elevated 400-900% by ozone. This interferon is involved in the control of phagocytic cells that engulf and kill pathogens and abnormal cells. Interferons are FDA approved for the treatment of Chronic Hepatitis B and C, Genital Warts (caused by Papilloma virus, Hairy-cell Leukemia, Karposis Sarcoma, Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis and Chronic Granulomatous Disease. Interferons are currently in clinical trials for Throat Warts (caused by Papilloma virus), HIV infection, Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia, Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, Colon tumors, Kidney tumors, Bladder Cancer, Malignant Melanoma, Basal Cell Carcinoma and Leishmaniasis. While levels induced by ozone remain safe, interferon levels that are FDA approved (and in clinical trials) are extremely toxic. 3. Ozone stimulates the production of Tumor Necrosis Factor. TNF is produced by the body when a tumor is growing. The greater the mass of the tumor the more tumor necrosis factor is produced (up to a point). When a tumor has turned metastatic, cancer cells are breaking off and being carried away by the blood and lymph. This allows the tumor to take up residence elsewhere in the body; or in other words, divide its forces. These lone cancer cells have little chance of growing due to the TNF produced to inhibit the original tumor. When the tumor is removed surgically TNF levels drop dramatically and new tumors emerge from seemingly healthy tissue. 4. Ozone stimulates the secretion of IL-2. Interleukin-2 is one of the cornerstones of the immune system. It is secreted by T-helpers. In a process known as auto-stimulation, the IL-2 then binds to a receptor on the T-helper and causes it to produce more IL-2. Its main duty is to induce lymphocytes to differentiate and proliferate, yielding more Thelpers, T-suppressors, cytotoxic Ts, T-delayeds and T-memory cells. 5. Ozone kills most bacteria at low concentrations. The metabolism of most bacteria is on average one-seventeenth as efficient as our own. Because of this, most cannot afford to produce disposable anti-oxidant enzymes such as catalase. Very few types of bacteria can live in an environment composed of more than two percent ozone. 6. Ozone is effective against all types of fungi. This includes systemic Candida albicans, athletes foot, molds, mildews, yeast and even mushrooms. 7. Ozone fights viruses in a variety of ways. As discussed above, ozone also goes after the viral particles directly. The part of the virus most sensitive to oxidation is the reproductive structure. This is how the virions enter the cell. With this structure inactivated, the virus is essentially dead. Cells already infected have a natural weakness to ozone. Due to the metabolic burden of the infection the cells can no longer produce the enzymes necessary to deal with the ozone and repair the cell.


8. Ozone is antineoplastic. This means that ozone inhibits the growth of new tissue because rapidly dividing cells shift their priorities away from producing the enzymes needed to protect themselves from the ozone. Cancer cells are rapidly dividing cells and are inhibited by ozone. 9. Ozone oxidizes arterial plaque. It breaks down the plaque involved in both Arteriosclerosis and Arteriosclerosis. This means ozone has a tendency to clear blockages of large and even smaller vessels. This allows for better tissue oxygenation in deficient organs. 10. Ozone increases the flexibility and elasticity of red blood cells. When one views a red blood cell under a microscope, it looks like a disc. In the capillaries, where they pick-up (lungs) and release (tissue) oxygen, these discs stretch out into the shape of an oval or umbrella. This aids their passage through the tiny vessels and makes the exchange of gas more efficient. The increase in flexibility of the RBCs allows oxygen levels to stay elevated for days, even weeks after treatment with ozone. 11. Ozone accelerates the Citric Acid Cycle. Also known as the Krebs Cycle or TCA Cycle, this is a very important step in the glycolysis of carbohydrate for energy. This takes place in the mitochondria of the cell. Most of the energy stored in glucose (sugar) is converted in this pathway. 12. Ozone makes the anti-oxidant enzyme system more efficient. 13. Ozone degrades petrochemicals. These chemicals have a potential to place a great burden on the immune system. They also worsen and even cause allergies and are detrimental to your long-term health.

Ozone Effects
Ozone is highly reactive, so it interacts with most contaminates and allergens it encounters, rendering them harmless while also removing odors. Ozone can be effective against chemical sources, bacteria, mold, odors, etc. Ozone is also biocidal, which means it kills harmful biological and bacterial contaminants. This biocidal action results from its reaction with the double bonds of fatty acids in bacterial cell walls, membranes and the protein capsid of viruses. In bacteria, the oxidation results in a change in cell permeability and leakage of cell contents into solution. Ozone attacks these cell walls, breaking down membranes and ultra-structural components of the organism. In more simple terms, the unstable electrons of ozone blast holes through the membranes. The following information may reveal some of the potential of this device. It is taken from this web site: http://www.healingcancernaturally.com/ozone-therapy-cancer-faq.html

Ozone therapy in cancer treatment / Frequently asked questions:

Based upon answers provided by Gaylen T. and edited by Healing Cancer Naturally. All opinions expressed are those of the author and not meant as medical advice. Q-1: Will you give me some details on the type of ozone therapy that your wife was taking.


Answer: Basically all we did was make ozonated water and drink it, and breathe the ozone while sleeping and later, when we had a more powerful Ozonator, while we were making the water. Please remember that I'm not a practitioner. I'm just someone who has found a cure for the cancer my wife had. Q-2: It seems your wife used both ozone and chemo? Answer: She just used ozone while she underwent chemo. The ozone is what saved her. The chemo was working except for the 3 largest tumors, and was killing her. Q-3: Did you simply put the ozone in a vaporizer, to humidify the air, for when you slept? Answer: No, I just turned on the generator and it puts ozone in the air, so after turning on the generator in our bedroom we went to sleep (note: ozone cannot be breathed in higher concentrations unless one first bubbles it through virgin olive oil, see book references in: http://www.healingcancernaturally.com/ozone-therapy-cancer-faq.html Ozone is great, because it kills all the bad things and helps all the good things. It kills ALL bacteria, odors, viruses, mold, & fungus. We have one side of our house that never sees sun (in Washington State where it rains all the time) and had mold growing in the outside of the house. After using ozone for one winter the mold on the outside of the house died off. Ozone is a great penetrator. It will get rid of that toxic building syndrome and get rid of all the smells also. Q-4: How do you ozonate your water or where does one get ozonated water? Answer: You make your own ozonated water with an ozone generator. You make ozonated water, because ozonated water you would have bought contains no ozone (it breaks down in about an hour). Put the tube from the generator in a glass of water for 515 minutes and drink it. Q-5: What is the best way to either make or buy ozonated water? Answer: As mentioned, you have to make ozonated water, you can't buy it with enough ozone to do any good. The best ozone generators are at plasmafire.com $1,800. Buy less expensive ones at appliedozone.com. The former generator gives you all the equipment to apply it in all the different ways & it's guaranteed forever. With the cheaper models make sure you can ozonate water with them. I would also get one that uses oxygen tanks with it so you get the best ozone possible. Q-6: How much ozonated water does one need to drink? What diet does one follow? Answer: You drink 1-8 glasses a day. Yes, you can drink other fluids. I would wait 1-2 hours after drinking the ozonated water so you get the best effects from that. You can do whatever diet you want, but I think the raw or vegetarian diet or "Makers diet" is best for health. Compare these sites: http://www.healingcancernaturally.com/cancer-diet-and-nutrition.html And: http://www.healingcancernaturally.com/nutrition4.html#Cancer%20healing%20testimonie s%20through%20raw%20food%20and%20freshly-extracted%20vegetable%20juices


Not sure what type of cancer produced so many tumors, just that it started out as breast cancer and spread from there. They did a cat scan with marker dye to determine it was gone. Q-7: Isnt $1,800 more than most are able to spend on their healing? What are these people supposed to do? Answer: I realize $1,800 is a lot for some people, that's why I mention there are cheaper models. They start for $400. We cured my wife with about $400 the first time, and that's the cost of a few visits to a doctor, so I'll let you judge if that's a lot or not. I'm just telling what got rid of 18 tumors throughout my wifes body. Q 8: Do those machines require medical grade oxygen, and if yes, where do you get it? Answer: The best one does, and it's at plasmafire.com. The $400 one doesn't. You can find one that does for around $600 at appliedozone.com. Just call him and tell what you're doing and he'll set you up. Q 9: Is breathing ozone the same thing as breathing ions (like from an ionizing air filter machine)? Answer: No, ozone is not the same as ionized air. Q-10: Can you please tell me the difference between ozone and oxygen therapies. Answer: The difference is, ozone has one extra molecule of oxygen (O3) that doesn't want to be there, so it breaks off and tries to join other elements like carbon monoxide (CO1) which is deadly, and changes it into carbon dioxide (CO2) which the body knows what to do with. That extra molecule also oxidizes (destroys) all toxins except for about 6 or 7 things. All parts of the body love oxygen, so that extra molecule is gobbled up by everything that is good in the body and destroys all that is bad, because things like bacteria, viruses, molds, fungus, parasites, and cancer don't like oxygen. After this molecule is gone, oxygen (O2) is left. Oxygen doesn't destroy toxins, or do any of the things I just talked about nearly as well. So ozone is A LOT more active. It's like oxygen therapy one level higher. Q-11: Regarding keeping my pets: I am doing Dr. Hulda Clarks Protocol: http://www.healingcancernaturally.com/detoxification.html#Hulda%20Regehr%20Clark's %20detoxification%20protocols And my prognosis is very good. I have not as yet been tested for ascaris as yet, but it is in all likelihood there, due to the animals. How do I know if I really need to give up my pets since I have contracted cancer. Specifically with reference to Dr. Clark's recommendations that pets have the ascaris parasites and anyone with cancer should not have them. Her new book does give info to pet owners to treat them for parasites also, which we are doing, but I wonder if that will do any good. I and my family love our animals, so it tears me apart to possibly have to give them up. Answer: It's not required to get rid of your pets. There are a few things Dr. Clark says I feel aren't really necessary. The pet thing is one. We've had two cats while curing my wifes cancer, and we still have them. We did throw out all cleaning products into the garage, use natural cleansing products, and moved the cat box out there too. Use a


mask when cleaning the cat box. Also you don't have to do the parasite cleanse before the liver cleanse. These are some of the things we did and it worked. Hopefully it should work for anyone. Compare: Dr. Hulda Regehr Clark's detoxification protocols http://www.healingcancernaturally.com/detoxification.html#Hulda%20Regehr%20Clark's %20detoxification%20protocols and: Excerpts from Dr. Hulda Clarks The Cure For All Cancers http://www.healingcancernaturally.com/causes8.html Q-12: I remember you said to drink ozonated water on an empty stomach. How long after drinking before we can eat? Answer: Ten minutes is sufficient, unless you are planning on eating an orange. Then I would wait 20 minutes. (Credits: Dr. Saul Pressman) Q-13: Why did you need to cure your wifes cancer twice? If you cure cancer the first time, why a second cure? Answer: If you have cancer then sometimes you need to do more than get rid of your cancer tumor[s]. You also have to get rid of whatever caused that first cancer tumor[s], which usually involves lifestyle changes, otherwise you are at risk of getting more cancer tumor[s] in the future. For example, a smoker needs to stop smoking. We've found (what we think) is the cause for her cancer : leaky gut & parasites. I believe the leaky gut is probably caused by the parasites, and the chemo before. She has a few different kinds of parasites, and has probably had them since being a kid. The only thing is, she can't take wormwood. We've tried to find some other way, but haven't had any luck. Also we've found there are two ways to live with the threat of cancer. Eliminate the cause, or keep the cause "under control", and keep the cancer from manifesting. The first way is much better, but the second works. Until we can find a way to kill the parasites, we have to go the second way. As to the smoking, we are addressing that now. Bottom line is killing the cancer first, so you can address the other problems later. Q-14 What primarily causes cancer from your point of view? Answer: The PRIME cause of cancer is hypoxia at the cellular level. When a cell chronically cannot get enough oxygen, it will revert to fermentation as a backup in order to survive. It becomes surrounded by its waste, lactic acid, and as that increases, T-cells and macrophages passing the area interpret the acidity as damage requiring replacement of damaged cells, and so they secrete enzyme growth factors, which stimulates the fermenting cell into making copies of itself. More lactic acid is produced by more fermenting cells, followed by more enzyme growth factors, resulting in more cell replication, in a vicious circle. (credits: Dr. Pressman) Q-15 What do you suggest as a possible brain cancer treatment? Answer: All I know for brain cancer is ozone. Ear insufflation has had excellent success with brain tumors of all types. Daily, 15 minutes per ear, 1-3 times per day. It kills parasites, Candida, reverses Parkinson's, and brain fog also. It helps repair damage


done by radiation & helps repair nerve damage. The brain uses 15% of the body's oxygen supply, being only 2% of the body, so it will love extra oxygen. The ozone goes through the ear drum, into the sinuses, and through that thin spot behind the nose & into the brain. But See: Budwig Brain Cancer Cure Testimonials http://www.healingcancernaturally.com/brain-cancer-cure-testimonials.html

The Germans have been successfully curing cancer and even full blown AIDS for decades now with ozone but only an extreme few know anything about it in this country. I had gotten my hands on a Donahue Show tape years ago that was smuggled away by one of the camera crew. The show was all about how terminal AIDS and Cancer patients had gone to Germany as a last hope to find a cure before they died. Each of the guests had been told that they had from about two days to perhaps two months at most to live by their doctors and most looked like the photos we see of Jewish Prisoners of Nazi Camps during the WWll. Within two weeks of treatments in Germany though they were all diagnosed as being 100% free of AIDS and / or Cancer and looked healthier than most so-called healthy people. It's shame that this countrys political leaders bend so low to the pharmaceutical corporations and mainstream medical community to the point that they care more about their bank accounts than they do human lives. I don't know if you care much for Michael Moore but I recommend his movie, Sicko, about this countries health care policies.

Ozone cancer treatments can be found at this link:

http://www.cancertutor.com/Cancer/Ozone.html The following is a quote from this web site: http://educate-yourself.org/ozone/ Cold plasma will produce far greater quantities of ozone in a given space of time compared to ultraviolet production. However, that is not to say that the ultraviolet method is not a useful method of producing ozone. When you want a smaller, steady trickle of ozone, then UV might be the better choice. Some cold plasma units also have the capability of producing short-lived isotopes of ozone which include O4, O5, O6, O7 etc. These isotopes are even more reactive than ordinary O3.

Ozonated Water
Ozonated water is highly beneficial for both healthy and sickly people. It's easy to make and should be consumed regularly. Besides providing more oxygen to the brain (greater alertness and mental clarity), Ozonated water will oxidize pathogens and synthetic residues in the body, allowing their complete elimination through excretion. http://educate-yourself.org/ozone/ozoneart2.shtml


Question: I received my PlasmaSphere this week and the water it makes is very good. Could a person do up a gallon of it in the morning, cap it, and refrigerate it and drink it up through the day? Sunburst makes amber gallon jugs. I just dont seem to have the time to make it fresh throughout the day one glass at a time. I would like to be able to take it to work with me and drink it all day. Is that workable? Please advise. Answer: You cannot store Ozonated water. It will convert back to oxygen in 30-40 minutes. You should drink it within a half an hour after generating or as soon as possible for maximum effects.
PlasmaSphere Cold Plasma Ozone Generator

Question: How long would you suggest the program for ozonated water be run on a gallon of water?

Answer: Increase the dwell to 20 minutes or dwell 1200 from dwell 600.

We have been using the Ozonator in the house every day. We recently moved to a different house and location. We noticed immediately after moving that we had allergies to the new place. Whether it was a reaction to the outside environment, the house, or a combo, I don't know. After receiving and setting up the Ozonator, the allergy problem is almost gone. A side benefit is I now know that my cat is parasite free. After being in the room with the program running the cat appeared to get sick and have problems. Later the problems ended up in her litter box. I truly believe that this treatment works for parasites. This has to be the easiest to use and most effective accessory yet.

The PlasmaSphere the first Cold Plasma Ozone Generator that does not produce UV light. All of our bulbs filter ultraviolet light to protect the eyes and skin from harmful UV rays during sessions. Other cold plasma ozone generators use quartz glass for their bulbs and thus have to seal their systems to protect the user from UV. The PlasmaSphere containment system is clear and uses the Helix Vortex Detonator bulb and a corona grid to generate ozone. The Helix Detonator Bulb Handle inserts into a slot on the PlasmaSphere wall. The Ozonated water and air barrel of the bulb faces down within the containment system has many benefits. onto a corona grid mounted to the floor. Mounted to the top is a pump to transfer the atmosphere within the PlasmaSphere chamber into the chilled water that is placed inside of the coil of the vortex. The PlasmaSphere doubles as an air Ozonator capable of clearing 4000 cubic feet of air space in 1-2 hours, as well as producing ozonated water (oxygenated water). The Helix Vortex Detonator bulb is used as the PlasmaSphere driver. It can also be used as a frequency imprinter to generate structured water. Those who currently own the Helix Vortex bulb will be able to adapt these to the PlasmaSphere thus reducing the purchase cost of the completed product.


The mechanics of ozone

The PlasmaSphere can be used for ozonating air (left) or water (right).

The bulb can be removed for normal Rife sessions. The following information is taken from: Ozone effects on bacteria, molds and viruses - ozone and bacteria destruction http://www.ozoneapplications.com/info/ozone_bacteria_mold_viruses.htm Ozone destroys viruses by diffusing through the protein coat into the nucleic acid core, resulting in damage of the viral RNA. At higher concentrations, ozone destroys the capsid, or exterior protein shell by oxidation so DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), or RNA (ribonucleic acid) structures of the microorganism are affected.

Pathogen Aspergillus Niger (Black Mount) Bacillus Bacteria

Dosage Destroyed by 1.5 to 2 mg/I Destroyed by 0.2 m/I within 30 seconds

Bacillus Anthracis (causes anthrax in sheep, cattle and Ozone susceptible pigs. Also a human pathogen) Bacillus cereus B. cereus (spores) Bacillus subtilis Bacteriophage f2 Botrytis cinerea Candida Bacteria 99% destruction after 5-min at 0.12 mg/l in water 99% destruction after 5-min at 2.3 mg/l in water 90% reduction at 0.10-PPM for 33 minutes 99.99% destruction at 0.41 mg/l for 10-seconds in water 3.8 mg/l for 2 minutes Ozone susceptible


Clavibacter michiganense Cladosporium Clostridium Bacteria

99.99% destruction at 1.1 mg/l for 5 minutes 90% reduction at 0.10-PPM for 12.1 minutes Ozone susceptible

Clostridium Botulinum Spores. Its toxin paralyses the central 0.4 to 0.5 mg/l threshold value nerve system, being a poison multiplying in food and meals. Coxsackie Virus A9 95% destruction at 0.035 mg/l for 10-seconds in water 99.99% destruction at 0.4 mg/l for 2.5-minutes in sludge effluent Destroyed by 1.5 to 2 mg/l

Coxsackie Virus B5 Diphtheria Pathogen

Eberth Bacillus (Typhus abdomanalis). Spreads Destroyed by 1.5 to 2 mg/l typically by aqueous infection and causes typhoid. After a contact time of 1 Echo Virus 29: The virus most minute at 1 mg/l of ozone, sensitive to ozone. 99.999% killed. Enteric virus Escherichia Coli Bacteria (from feces) E-coli (in clean water) E-coli (in wastewater) 95% destruction at 4.1 mg/l for 29 minutes in raw wastewater Destroyed by 0.2 mg/l within 30 seconds in air 99.99% destruction at 0.25 mg/l for 1.6 minutes 99.9% destruction at 2.2 mg/l for 19 minutes Destroyed to zero level in less than 30 seconds with 0.1 to 0.8 mg/l. Ozone susceptible Destroyed to zero level in less than 30 seconds with 0.1 to 0.8 mg/l. 1.1 mg/l for 10 minutes

Encephalomyocarditis Virus Endamoebic Cysts Bacteria Enterovirus Virus Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.


lycopersici Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. melonogea GDVII Virus 99.99 % destruction at 1.1 mg/l for 20 minutes Destroyed to zero level in less than 30 seconds with 0.1 to 0.8 mg/l. 99.5% reduction at 0.25 mg/l for 2-seconds in a phosphate buffer Destroyed to zero level in less than 30 seconds wit 0.1 to 0.8 mg/l. 0.4 to 0.5 mg/l threshold value Destroyed by 1.5 to 2 mg/l 99.99% destruction at 0.32 mg/l for 20 minutes in distilled water

Hepatitis A virus

Herpes Virus 1737Influenza Virus Klebs-Loffler Bacillus Legionella pneumophila

Luminescent Basidiomycetes Destroyed in 10 minutes at (species having no melanin 100-PPM pigment). Mucor piriformis 3.8 mg/l for 2 minutes 99.9% with a CT value of 0.17 in water (scientifically reviewed document) 90% destruction at 0.25 mg/l for 1.6 minutes in water Ozone susceptible 3.8 mg/l for 2 minutes 99.99% kill with 0.3 to 0.4 mg/l in 3-4 minutes 99.5% destruction at 0.25 mg/l for 1.6 minutes in water Very susceptible Very susceptible Destroyed to zero level in less than 30 seconds with 0.1 to

Mycobacterium avium

Mycobacterium foruitum Penicillium Bacteria Phytophthora parasitica Poliomyelitis Virus Poliovirus type 1 Proteus Bacteria Pseudomonas Bacteria Rhabdovirus virus


0.8 mg/l Salmonella Bacteria Salmonella typhimurium Schistosoma Bacteria 1788Staph epidermidis Staphylococci Stomatitis Virus Very susceptible 99.99% destruction at 0.25 mg/l for 1.67 minutes in water Very susceptible 90% reduction at 0.1-ppm for 1.7 min Destroyed by 1.5 to 2.0 mg/l Destroyed to zero level in less than 30 seconds with 0.1 to 0.8 mg/l Destroyed by 0.2 mg/l within 30 seconds 99.99 % destruction at 1.1 mg/l for 20 minutes Destroyed to zero level in less than 30 seconds with 0.1 to 0.8 mg/l Very susceptible Ozone causes chromosome aberration and its effect is twice that observed by the action of X-rays

Streptococcus Bacteria Verticillium dahliae

Vesicular Virus Virbrio Cholera Bacteria

Vicia Faba progeny

Along with Rife, one may want to add digestive enzymes, ozone and ionized silver as part of ones regimen against viral attacks!

Ozonated Water report:

I drank some ozonated water for my pneumonia and started having chest pains and was coughing up mucus which are typical symptoms for me when I get pneumonia. I used to get pneumonia about once every year until I came across True Rife and have been using it. It has been almost 3 years since I have had it. In the almost 3 years I have been using True Rife I have been amazed at some of the resolution to ailments that I and clients have had, but to say I was amazed by the water I drank would be an understatement. The next day I realized the coughing bouts I had been having, some keeping me up at night, were virtually nonexistent and the pain in my chest was almost gone. I specifically


did not use the Rife machine for the next week to test the results and my cough and chest pain were gone within a few days.

There have been very positive responses regarding the PlasmaSphere Ozonator. Many people report an increase in energy after drinking ozonated water. Others have run the a Rife bulb program through the PlasmaSphere with the lid off to not only attack the virus with the Rife program but to simultaneously generate ozone in the air which disinfects the room as well as clears the sinuses and lungs. It produces .05 ppm ozone which meets EPA standards for safety. Experience of a Researcher: Recently had a client in with a sick pup that the vet wanted to put down. We ozonated the infection as pictured below. We added an extra length of tubing to the PlasmaSphere output, sealed off the leg with a plastic bag, and then ran the ozone into the bag. This has not only cleared the infection but has accelerated the healing. The owner is also running Rife sessions as well. On the last vet visit the dog was pronounced healthy and fit and only needs time to continue to heal from the infection.

Plasma Bulbs/Tubes
TrueRife uses specialty bulbs that are manufactured specifically for Rife applications. Some vendors are promoting toy novelty bulbs sold by Radio Shack or Wal-Mart as a substitute for professionally manufactured Rife bulbs. It should be noted that these inexpensive Older StyleTrueRife Double Bubble novelty bulbs are Original Double Bubble Replaced with the Qx2 simply not the same "animal" as custom manufactured TrueRife / Allred Bulbs. Novelty plasma bulbs will produce a plasma photonic emission (light), but do not have "getters" incorporated inside of the tubes to guarantee clean and strong frequency emission. The Novelty plasma bulb output signal is inferior to say the least as it was designed for entertainment, not for Rife applications.


Left: Novelty Plasma Bulb. This is not designed for Rife applications! Here is an explanation of what is involved in the manufacturing of the bulbs: Barry Allred, our bulb manufacturer, comments on the GETTERS incorporated into his tubes: In answer to your inquiries about an internal electrode getter, here is what I can offer as to an explanation. The coating most commonly used is barium strontium carbonate, which is reduced to barium strontium oxide during the heating of the tube manufacture. The oxide coating is a good source of free electrons. In laymen's terms, the getter works as a scavenger inside the tube which is heated 100's of degrees to drive out and open the deep layers of the glass. As the glass is heated, the electrodes turn cherry red, thus breaking down the barium inside the tube, which is trapped within the walls when it cools back down. After the tube is vacuumed, then gassed, and pressured, then the tube is sealed. This can leave a small impurity in the tube, from the hand torch. Having barium inside the tube, enables the tube to age in on a burn in transformer, usually 60 milliamps. After the heat inside the tube dissipates and the tube begins to burn cool, it is ready to be shipped. A tube that has been properly pumped will have very little heat with better impedance for a cleaner signal. Ceramic collars are used to keep the gases clean and to keep down impurities. When a tube is properly pumped and aged, a tube will last 30 years. I have been bending and processing for over 30 years, and have tubes in service that are still burning. Barry Allred

Photonic Output Vs EMF (radiant energy) Output

TrueRife recently purchased a solid state transformer to drive our Helix Vortex Bulb inside of the "PlasmaSphere ozone generator." This bulb is primarily used for Rife work. (Our Neon sign transformer is an AC system with an output voltage of around 7,000 v) The bulb will glow brightly using an neon transformer, but little radiant energy is produced and no detectable ozone. Prototype PlasmaSphere ozone generator being driven by an F-117 Rife machine will produce detectable ozone. The PlasmaSphere is compatible with T-150 / F-110 and F-117 machines. As the bulb was fired with the AC neon transformer it glowed brightly, but I immediately noticed there was not the sizzle that we get from the Rife machine driving the bulb. In checking the radiant energy it was down from 6 ft to 6 inches. Our bulbs run just warm to the touch off the Rife machine,


while the bulb now was producing a generous amount of heat. Also there was no detectable ozone as there is with the F-117 driving the system. The lesson to be learned from this is that photonic light output is not always an indicator of a strong EM field or radiant energy output. We recently ran across research stating that ALL cold plasma systems put out heat. As proof of this the author told the reader to put his hand in front of a neon sign light. TrueRife machines are not driving the same current and voltages as neon signs. They are D.C. pulse frequency based devices. You need a DC pulse and a minimum of 5 v impact for devitalization. Plasma systems will run between 1,50045,000 volts or beyond. Our neon sign transformer was AC not DC and is not a frequency based output device. Not only do TrueRife plasma system bulbs run only warm to the touch but also generate an EM field up to 10 X what a neon transformer would output. Using these bulbs in contact with the skin while grounding can generate a tremendous of both radiant and contact energy forces to speed up resolution. When the Ozone Amplifier is added to the PlasmaSphere circuit, radiant energy will increase up to 16 x (for F-117's only) Three specific applications in one! Running overnight Rife sets through the Qx2 in Accelerated mode can generate up to 3 applications at once!

1. Rife Frequency Specific Rays 2. A gentle amount of ozone to disinfect the ambient air. 3. Brain Entrainment / Most overnight sets are pulsed to run at four pulses per second (with the exception of Cancer sets). This is the frequency of brain waves (3-4 Hz) during sleep. Many clients report a deep restful sleep when running overnight sets.

Question: For serious illnesses should one always use the double-bubble bulb? Answer: Any of the bulbs can be used. Bulb output will vary. The larger bulbs just have greater output. We have received positive reports from all three.

Least to greatest bulb output -- from left to right.


May of us are using the bulbs for overnight sets in "radiant" mode. When we speak of radiant bulb output we are referring to using the bulb in a non-contact application. Nothing compares to the amount of energy transference in direct bulb contact to ground as pictured! The output of this bulb is so great in contact mode that the Matrix foot plate had to be developed in order to have a safe grounding device to further accelerate energy without shock hazard. Radiant mode requires more output energy than Rife bulbs that are used in contact since there is a tremendous amount of energy loss when the bulbs are moved even a few feet from the user as opposed to direct contact to ground. This is why larger bulbs such as the double bubble are used for overnight sets. Recommended distance is no more than 3 feet in this mode, but with increased output one could extend this distance or get quicker resolutions.

The pictures below are radiant mode examples:

The Helix Vortex bulb output is greater than any other bulb we have measured! Rife researchers have experimented with expensive multiple coils and circuitry variations to attempt to double the output of a Rife device in radiant mode. We have never adopted these research variations because of expense and instability reports with these kind of circuits. Others have added multiple bulbs to their systems with some limited success. Some manufacturers use two bulbs in an attempt to generate more output. Our research and testing shows the increase is there but cannot compare to the Helix Vortex bulb output alone. The Qx2 boast the greatest amount of output.

Practitioner Report: Sit with the back to the tube or place the tube on the back. This provides a broader target with less fat tissue to penetrate particularly useful for lungs and bladder. I have been repeating certain programs with some of my clients, switching up and back between plasma bulb and Ion Pro Wave foot bath especially with the chronic conditions like


Epstein-Barre and parasites. But it had not occurred to me to switch between plasma units. Differing results occurred depending on the condition, but one unit will ring in more frequently than the other. This seems to alleviate symptoms much more quickly as well, whether because of second run or different equipment approach I can't say. Question: Please comment on the fat penetration issue. Is there anything else we can do to help this situation? Does it seem technically more effective to use the double bubble or coil or spiral bulb on place where people carry more "insulation"? Response: Using the Double Bubble or Helix Vortex will result in at least 4x the output of the spiral. Switching between bulbs is not necessary. Placing the spiral or double bubble on the back of the client was the suggestion above, but either chest or back may give resolution. We have done both. Plasma output will penetrate fat, bone and even steel. If you are dealing with lung infections, positioning the bulb as described in the quoted comments would be optimal. For bladder infections we usually place the bulb on the stomach or lower back.

More Plasma Bulb Questions and Answers

Question: I have not tried to use the big bulb yet, what do I do with the big bulb, just sit and look at it? Hold it? Where is it placed? Answer: The big bulb is used primarily in radiant mode while holding the color wand as pictured. Many people use this bulb and stand to run overnight sets while sleeping. Run this bulb about 3 feet or less from your body. This bulb has 16 X the output of the spiral bulb. Every foot closer will give you approximately 4 X the energy to your body. If you choose to make contact with this larger bulb, be aware that some people may get a hair rising experience on lower frequencies if holding the grounding tube. This is the reason for High Energy Grounding Control or the new Soft Ground Pillow, is so that such high output can be limited while making contact with the large bulb with such tremendous energy flow. When using the spiral bulb, make contact with your skin in the area of distress while holding the grounding tube. Always grab the grounding tube first before making contact with the bulb. This will give you maximum energy flow. Most people will not have grounding issues with the spiral bulb. Rules to follow: For pain issues, place the bulb in contact with the area of pain.


For cold and flu, the chest. For parasites or intestinal problems the stomach area. For prostate conditions tuck the spiral bulb into the waistline. Headaches, ear infections or dental problems, use the bulb as pictured to the left.

Question: I understand that one uses the big bulb without grounding, but is it more effective and stronger using the ground? Answer: There are effects without grounding. Running the bulb without ground is similar to the energy flow you would get from a microwave. There is a bulb that emits frequencies causing water to oscillate which produces heat and energy flow with no contact whatsoever. With your bulb there is an Electromagnetic field that carries the energy through the body. Plasma devices give full body penetration. Using a grounding device such as a Color Wand Tube, Soft Ground Pillow or Matrix foot plate will increase energy flow even if one is not in contact with the bulb. Also, just because you cannot feel the effects while holding the grounding tube on higher frequencies does NOT mean there is no energy flow through the ground!

Bulb Configurations
There are 3 bulb configurations available for TrueRife. The handheld spiral bulb and double bubble are standard on all systems. The Helix Vortex is optional. How do these bulbs differ in use as well as output potential? TrueRife Spiral Bulb The spiral bulb is used with grounding and in contact with skin for most applications. The energy field although 1/16th the output of the double bubble, is compensated for in contact mode while using the grounding tube as this accelerates the energy field. Both Electromagnetic Energy as well as contact energy transference is achieved while using this bulb. You can actually hear the signal accelerate while holding the ground tube when you make skin contact with the spiral bulb. The bulb will produce infrared at the point of contact resulting in increased circulation around the immediate area.

TrueRife Qx2 Double Bubble

Rife Original Double Bubble


The TrueRife Double Bubble is an E-gas filled bulb with 8X the output of the spiral bulb. It and be used in contact mode just as the spiral for an incredible amount of energy transference. High Energy Ground Control or the Matrix foot plate is used to prevent possible electrical burns or shocks if one chooses to use on full contact with grounding. Grounding decreases the bodies resistance and increases current flow!

Matrix Foot Plate Used with Vortex or Double Bubble

Because of the increased energy output many people use the double bubble bulb in radiant mode, on the boom arm and stand placing the bulb within a foot or two of the body. This bulb is also good for using when running overnight sets while one is sleeping. It has the same physical configuration of the Rife original double bubble which according to Gerald Foye in his book, Royal R. Rife was Rife's favorite bulb (see page 63) or http://truerife.com/Rife%20with%20Bulb.pdf

Double Bubble in Radiant Mode

Helix Vortex Bulb

This is a fairly new Rife plasma bulb configuration. The new configuration has directional properties and measurable energy while in contact mode at frequencies in the 7,000 Hz range at a distance of up to 8 feet as compared to a maximum of 6 feet while running much lower frequencies from the double bubble! This is astounding as these higher frequencies (7,000 Hz range or higher) usually result in less output, but in this case more output could be measured than at a lower range of 4100 Hz, in fact, we have never seen these ranges of energy from any other plasma device we have tested period! This is an example of the EM field effects produced by such coiled configurations. There is a compounding of energy at the core of the vortex resulting in an explosive energy field leaving the core directionally resulting in 8X the energy output of the double bubble. Researchers have reported excellent results using this bulb. For some this is the primary bulb used. This bulb is great for arthritic conditions as well as carpal tunnel. All bulbs should be placed near or at the area of concern. It is advised that Rife sessions be done on an empty stomach to minimize herx effects.

Question: Is the Helix Vortex bulb as effective as the twin bulb system? The Helix Vortex Detonator one of the highest output bulbs we have. Yes it is as effective. The double bubble has the advantage of being used on a stand and in amplified mode is 16 times as powerful as the Helix Vortex.


Helix Vortex Detonator

TrueRife Double Bubble

Original Rife Double Bubble

Current Helix bulbs have an orange glow due to the new high performance gas. Vortex bulbs are available as an option on all TrueRife systems.

Question: Which bulb is more effective to use with the GRS and Scanning programs? Use the spiral bulb in contact with skin for GRS scanning. With any of the programs from the GRS scan folder, tuck the spiral bulb under the shirt in contact with the abdomen, then start the program. Re-check your baseline after about 5 minutes into the session, and then begin recording any hits you may experience. Some people, however, may receive more intense GRS response using the Helix Vortex or Qx2 bulb.

Question: When does one use the Vortex bulb as a contact device for larger areas, say on a shoulder? Does it matter which part is in contact? For example, would it be more powerful with the sides touching, or the end ring part? The ring part has the greatest output. There is a compounding of energy at the core of the vortex resulting in an explosive energy field leaving the core directionally! Question: . . . and if we use it around a foot, I am guessing that having just the other foot in contact with the matrix is enough of a ground, right? You can touch the other foot to the outer ring, or place it on the Matrix foot plate.


Question: Is the Helix Vortex bulb for treating a specific body part, unlike the double bubble which will cover the whole body? The Helix Vortex bulb configuration has directional properties and measurable energy while in contact mode at frequencies in the 7,000 Hz range at a distance of up to 8 feet. It can be used several ways: Left: Specific, in this case used on the wrist for carpal tunnel. Right: Inserted into the new PlasmaSphere Ozone generator to generate ozonated water or air. TrueRife is currently doing research on the effects of different light spectrum along with frequency delivery to get a better grasp of the Helix Vortex Detonator bulbs potential and astounding results. It should be noted, however, that with Rife bulb output, it is the resonant effects (frequency output) as opposed to the photonic output that is used for devitalization. However, certain light spectrums that are produced by the Helix Vortex energy array may also be of value.

Ultraviolet (UV) Light

IMPORTANT: All TrueRife bulbs filter harmful UV rays, but the following information is of interest regarding UV effects. It appears that UVC is the best bug killer. The downside is that it can cause damage to the skin and eyes. We know our current bulb glass filters the harmful (but bug killing) UVC. This is why we use leaded glass. Having said that, there appears to be some research indicating possible benefits from UVA and UVB with limited exposure to UVC. UV light in limited dosage benefits malignant melanoma the dangerous kind of skin cancer. It is often blamed on excessive exposure to sunlight. But long-lived people at high altitudes in the Andes and Himalayas are not known to get it. Moreover, sunscreens block out beneficial UVA and UVB, but not dangerous UVC. In fact, a study published in The Lancet [3] found fluorescent light rather than sunlight promotes melanoma! The ends of the cathodes of most fluorescent light tubes, Dr. Ott found, emit low-level x-rays and other electromagnetic pollution. Terminal cancer patients that Dr. Ott knew of personally, got well in a rocking chair in the sunshine. One such woman ventured out with Norwegian fishermen, ate a lot of their catch, and recovered. Friends ate fish but stayed inside -- and their cancers killed them. Had she "protected" herself from UV when she could see her shadow, would her cancer have ended? And if sun-loving Arizonans threw away their sunscreens and sunglasses and limited their sun exposure -- wouldn't their cancers largely disappear?


Light Therapy Overview

Visible red light, at wavelengths from 630 to 700 nm penetrates tissue to a depth of about 10 mm. Light at this wavelength is very beneficial in treating problems close to the surface such as wounds, cuts, scars, trigger and acupuncture points, and is particularly effective in treating infections. Infrared light (800 to 1000nm) penetrates to a depth of about 40mm and deeper which makes it more effective for treating organs and provide relief for ailments of bones, joints, deep muscle tissue. The diverse tissue and cell types in the body all have their own unique light absorption characteristics; that is, they will only absorb light at specific wavelengths and not at others. For example, skin layers, because of their high blood and water content, absorb red light very readily, while calcium and phosphorus absorb light of a different wavelength. Although both red and infrared wavelengths penetrate to different depths and affect tissues differently, the therapeutic effects are similar. Pulsing the at specific rates known as Nogier frequencies produce bio-resonate effects that further enhance the therapeutic action. Precise frequencies discovered by medical researcher and physician Dr. Paul Nogier are found to resonate with specific body issues and dynamically reinforce their healthy function. Our current Vortex configuration may already be producing the same effects as these LED configurations but at a 1,000 X greater penetration and output. The Helix Vortex Bulbs generates infrared when used in conjunction with the Matrix Foot Plate.

Therapeutic Effects
Increases blood capillary circulation and vascular activity by promoting improvement in the metabolism of nitric oxide (NO). This facilitates improved regulation of vasodilation and leads to the formation of new capillaries - this in turn provides additional oxygen and nutrients to accelerate natural tissue healing processes and eventually evokes a cascade of beneficial biochemical processes. Stimulates synthesis of adenosine tri-phosphate (ATP) an immediate energy source for muscle contraction and essential in the metabolism of all cellular processes and sustaining living systems. Relaxes muscles, reduces nerve excitability and stimulates nerve transmission. Reduces scar tissue and stimulates wound healing. Increases lymphatic system activity and relieves edema and discomfort associated with swelling. Stimulates acupuncture points and immune response. Stimulates production of collagen the most important component of wound healing. Increases phagocytosis - the bodys natural process to scavenge dead and degenerated cells and is important to the infection control process required for


healing. Increases RNA/DNA synthesis - this stimulates cellular reproduction and facilitates accelerated replacement of damaged cells. Increases production of endorphins and enkephelins from the brain - promoting pain reduction and mood elevation. Stimulates production of adrenals which ffacilitatelong term pain relief and resilience to stress. Reduces inflammation and swelling in chronic conditions of arthritis, bursitis, and tendonitis. Stimulates fibroblastic activity - promoting repair of connective tissue and formation of collagen fibers. Stimulates tissue granulation and connective tissue formation - an important process in the healing of wounds, ulcers and inflamed tissues.

Nogier Frequencies
Seven frequencies were developed experimentally by Dr Paul Nogier in the 1970s. These frequencies are constantly used in routine medical practice, as they are preferentially recognized by the body. They enter into resonance with the body and specific exert effects on the body. These frequencies are used both for detection and for research. 1.14 Hz is the so-called "universal" frequency and the resulting 7 fundamental frequencies. Harmonics of this primary or universal frequency are as follows: A = 292 hz B = 584 hz C = 1168 hz D = 2336 hz E = 4672 hz F = 73 hz G = 146 hz The following table summarizes the main therapeutic applications of NOGIER frequencies: A = action on the tissues wounds, epithelial tumors, epidermal reactions B = gastrointestinal and metabolic problems, trophic functions, polarity, parasympathetic, interoceptive impulses C = locomotor problems, ergotropic function, sympathetic polarity D = disorders of laterality E = pain and nerve conduction spinal cord diseases F = brain and bone reconstruction G = action on the cerebral cortex cortical, mental disorders


The effects can be increased by associating various frequencies. These combinations of frequencies are especially used in research therapy: Analgesic / Pain and inflammation: E & G Regenerating: Frequencies: A, B & F Muscle Relaxing: C, D & G These frequencies have been added to the normalizing folder for further research in conjunction with the Helix Vortex bulb output. Here is one of four new programs in the normalizing folder. #Nogier frequencies all #Seven frequencies were developed experimentally by Dr Paul NOGIER in the 1970s. These frequencies are constantly used in routine medical practice, as they are preferentially recognized by the body. They enter into resonance with the body and specific exert effects on the body. #The following table summarizes the main therapeutic applications of NOGIER frequencies: #A action on the tissues wounds, epithelial tumors, epidermal reactions #B gastrointestinal and metabolic problems, trophic functions, polarity, parasympathetic, interoceptive impulses #C locomotor problems, ergotropic function, sympathetic polarity #D disorders of laterality #E pain and nerve conduction spinal cord diseases #G action on the cerebral cortex cortical, mental disorders #Frequencies


Rife Bulbs and Photonic Emissions

We have received questions regarding the brightness of bulbs as compared to other Rife systems TrueRife Bulbs have a different gas mixture than the other plasma bulbs resulting in greater photonic emission or more light coming from the bulb itself. It should be noted that these bulbs have amazing output, even greater then helium or argon filled bulbs which have been a standard for years used by Rife researchers. This gas has been chosen for because of better frequency range as well as deeper penetration. One can place a towel over the bulb for overnight sets to dampen the amount of light or purchase the Hammer Hi-Lo bulb pictured above. The Hammer is designed for overnight sets, has low photonic emissions, but high output. While the smaller spiral bulb can be used for GRS scanning as it is less prone to USB errors that occur on some poorly shielded computers. The double bubble or Hammer should be used in radiant mode for overnight sets.

Phanatron Bulbs
DISCLAIMER: Neither TrueRife nor Rife Lite Neon manufactures or retails the Phanatron tube pictured on the left. A study was done for comparative purposes. We have compared output of UV and EMF. It should be noted that we use Allred neon filtered glass bulbs which are built to TrueRife specifications for safety and maximum output. The TrueRife Helix Vortex Detonator bulb has 4 to 16 times the EMF output of a Phanatron depending on where the radiant energy field is measured. Vortex UV Rating: 0 / Safe Phanatron UV Rating: 3 / 44 minute safe exposure UV which can cause burns with excessive exposure was at zero for the Vortex as compared to a UV rating of 3 for the


Phanatron tube. The Phanatron UV output is safe at a distance of a few feet, but should not be placed near the eyes. TrueRife Rife Lite Neon tubes are safe even within inches of the eyes and can be used with cataract programs as well as any other program that would require close proximity to the body.

Question: I have not tried to use the big bulb yet, what do I do with the big bulb, just sit and look at it? Hold it? Where is it placed? The big bulb is used primarily in radiant mode without grounding (holding the grounding tube). Many people use this bulb and stand to run overnight sets while sleeping. Run this bulb about 3 feet or less from your body. This bulb has 4X the output of the spiral bulb. Every foot closer will give you approximately 4X the energy to your body. If you choose to make contact with this larger bulb, be aware that some people may get a hair rising experience on lower frequencies if holding the grounding tube. This is the reason for High Energy Grounding Control or the Matrix Foot Plate, so that such high output can be limited while making contact with the large bulb with such tremendous energy flow. Note: Soft Ground Pillow serves a similar function. When using the spiral bulb, make contact with your skin to the area of distress while holding the grounding tube. Always grab the grounding tube first before making contact with the bulb. This will give you maximum energy flow. Most people will not have grounding issues with the spiral bulb.

Program (Software) Pasting Programs Together

Here are the instructions of how to copy and paste programs into the software to add one program to another. Select (highlight) the program. Example: Select EVERYTHING IN RED with the mouse. Example: #1 hour 36 minutes #Autism Program #What are the symptoms of autism? #All people with autism have difficulty with social interactions and relationships. Parents often describe their child with autism as preferring to play alone and making little eye contact with other people. Other symptoms of autism include:


#Difficulties with verbal and nonverbal communication. Language development in children with autism is almost always delayed. duty 55 fuzz 1 .125 dwell 120 pulse 1 60 2950 322 476 468 589 664 785 822 895 936 944 1043 1614 1871 2062 1489 3742 748 pause 300 fuzz 1 1 dwell 120 2950 322 476 468 589 664 785 822 895 936 944 1043 1614 1871 2062 1489 3742 748 Now right-click the mouse over the selected text and choose COPY. Now in the F-100 program Software you can place a cursor where you want to add this program, Now Right click your mouse, then CHOOSE PASTE with a left click and Choose SAVE AS. Name the file with the name of the program.

The purpose of pulsing during programs is to get better impact energy. This can best be demonstrated by applying 10 lbs. of continuous pressure with your fist to the chin or the side of some ones face. Now imagine doing the same thing with your fist with a punching movement where this pressure is applied and then reapplied 4-64 times each second. In a short time serious damage will be inflicted. Note the research from another company who manufactures what they refer to as a PEMF, or a pulsed electro-magnetic field machine. (This device is used for pain management and is not a Rife device, although TrueRife systems can duplicate these types of systems)

Which pulse form is the best?

All kinds of combination pulse forms have been tried and


clinical studies support the use of pure sinusoidal waveform as basic carrier frequency, which is modulated with the pulsing frequencies. This warrants the necessary energy transfer during the pulse time into the body, if combined with sufficient speed of magnetic induction.

What about the range of pulsing frequencies?

The available pulsing frequencies of the PEMF system should cover a wide range in order to have available the best therapeutic possibilities for the various different applications. For treatment of diseases the range should be 1-50 Hz (above 50 Hz there is no more relevant therapeutic effect) and for health and fitness 1-22 Hz.

What about using a fixed pulsing frequency?

When sitting in a plane we experience noise made by the motors of the plane. After a short while we do hardly notice this noise anymore. This is due to the ability of our body to adapt to surrounding disturbances and thus canceling out this noise. The same holds true for magnetic fields, which pulse the whole time with the same frequency and intensity. These pulses are a disturbance for the body and it will adapt to the used pulsing frequency after just a few minutes and the effect will become close to nil (is this the reason why some manufacturers call for the use of just 8 minutes?) By automatically changing the used pulsing frequencies every couple of minutes this adaptation effect is avoided and effective therapy is thus obtained for the whole therapy session. The program that emulates the above research is the pain.bio basic program being run on the bulb. Note the pulse commands in this program:

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field for Carpal Tunnel

duty 35 dwell 180 pulse 4 60 160 500 1600 5000 pulse 2 60 1600 500 160 converge 1 1


160 324 528 The above program first pulses 4 times a second for a dwell of 180 or 3 minutes for each frequency, then shifts to a pulse of 2 times per second for the remainder of the program. This is to compensate for any physiological adjustment that the body may make during the session. Frequencies in programs 20 Hz or below do not need a pulse command since they are already pulsing due to their low cycles per second. When F-117's are set to Kill they generate a non-fixed disturbance. Newer F-117's are always set to "Kill." There is NO Stun or Kill switch. In spite of the above research, there is no evidence that micro-organisms have the ability to adjust to frequency pulsations anymore than the water molecules in your microwave, since we are dismantling the molecular structure. Therefore, we seldom if ever would change or adjust the pulses of a Rife program used for de-vitalization. Rife himself never observed pathogens having the ability to adjust to a pulsed MOR. The new F-117s actually doubles the pulsations, but not at a rhythm of a pulse command used in programming. This may explain why we are getting reports of shorter resolution times. The Phaser circuitry generates always generates a non fixed disturbance, even when there is no pulse command in the program. See: T-150 Page at http://truerife.com/TrueRife150.html

Frequency Pulsing Can Play a Major Role in De-Vitalization

Some programs are set to pulse at a higher rate such as programs that sweeps for just 1 second through a range of frequencies. In this case the pulse would be set for the higher rate of 64 times per second with an on cycle of 75% to avoid missing any frequencies during the off phase of the pulse while the sweep is running. The following study may have interesting implications for cancer. It appears from this study that a higher pulse of: Pulse 64 45 may be of interest in research of the effects of resonance on cancer tumors. We have revised our Cancer programs to investigate the potential of these higher pulses which will result in 64 bursts of high voltage per second to the tumor area to see if this may give us better resolution. F-117 's will actually generate a 128 pulses per second when set to Kill.

Article on Electro-Therapy for Tumors

By Philip Walzer The Virginian-Pilot March 13, 2006 NORFOLK - A team of scientists from Old Dominion University and Eastern Virginia Medical School has reported killing melanoma s in mice using lightning-fast, high-


powered jolts of electricity. The researchers expect their paper to be placed online Wednesday in the journal Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications . It's the culmination of at least eight years of work seeking possible health benefits from short, high-voltage doses of electricity. The results, the researchers think , eventually could translate into an effective cancer treatment that carries no side effects. "We've never had a tumor that didn't respond," said the lead researcher, Richard Nuccitelli , an associate professor of electrical and computer engineering at Old Dominion. "Every tumor has shrunk. We know we can eliminate them with the right conditions." The electric bursts often disrupted the blood flow to the tumor cells and shrunk their nuclei by 50 percent, Nuccitelli said. The scientists found that they could kill the tumors with hundreds of electrical pulses in two treatments given two to three weeks apart. Each burst (pulsation) of electricity carried 4,000 volts and lasted less than one-millionth of a second. Nuccitelli said they think the process worked by severely damaging the DNA in the cells. The method produced no scarring and did not harm adjacent cells, the professors said. The mice survived, they said, with no ill effects. James Weaver , a senior research scientist for the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology , said Friday that the team from ODU and EVMS is in the forefront of bioelectric research. "People have known for a long time that certain kinds of big electrical field pulses can kill cells," he said. This, Weaver said, might mark the first time tumor cells have been killed without harming nearby cells. "I think it's going to attract a lot of attention," he said. Another researcher on the team, Karl Schoenbach , who holds ODU's Batten Endowed Chair of Bioelectric Engineering , said they focused "on the one type of cancer which is the easiest one to access." H e said the work might have many more applications. "It could give a new weapon to cancer research," Schoenbach said. "Maybe some tumors that are not responding now might respond electrically." Nuccitelli, who also works for a biotechnology company, BioElectroMed Corp. , said the corporation might try to adapt the research to treat human skin lesions. The scientists said they need to hone their techniques before they can experiment on people. Doing that, they said, requires a federal grant, which they have not yet won. Eight professors and graduate students participated in the study. They are affiliated with the Frank Reidy Research Center for Bioelectrics, a collaborative effort between ODU and EVMS led by Schoenbach. The center takes up the fifth floor of the Norfolk Public Health Center , near Brambleton and Colley avenues. The melanoma work is not the first piece of prominent research to come out of the bioelectrics center in the past year. Mounir Laroussi , an associate professor at Old Dominion, developed a "plasma pencil" that kills E. coli bacteria but leaves skin cells unharmed. Laroussi has been featured on the Discovery Channel and in National Geographic. Nuccitelli said he hopes the paper about melanoma will draw lots of attention. "As well as money, of course," said Stephen Beebe , an associate professor of physiological sciences at EVMS who helped to pioneer the bioelectric research.


TrueFocus Brain Entrainment

IMPORTANT NOTE: People subject to any form of seizure, epilepsy, using pacemakers, suffering from cardiac arrhythmia or other heart disorders, currently taking stimulants, psychoactive drugs, or tranquilizers, are in a medical risk of using brain entrainment devices such as TrueFocus. No medical claims are made or implied for this device! It is not intended to diagnosis, cure, prevent, treat or mitigate any medical condition or disease. This device is for research purposes only! Please consult a qualified physician for any medical conditions.

TrueFocus / Super Entrainment

The TrueFocus Brain Entrainment system has been designed to deliver digital controlled computer programmed entrainment frequencies by means of audio tones and L.E.D. goggles. This system interfaces with the output on T-150, F-110 and F-117 TrueRife machines. This is the latest technology in brain entrainment. There is no need for binaural beats that are used with other entrainment systems. This device can be used with or without headphones. Audio output can be heard from the TrueFocus module itself and is computer controlled as well as programmable. The TrueFocus L.E.D. goggles emit green pulsations of light when active. We have worked with G.E. Polymershapes in developing the mirrored insert eyepieces to reflect the generated pulsations of light.

Entraining the brain to an optimized state

If external stimulus is applied to the brain, it becomes possible to entrain the brain frequency from one stage to another. For example, if a person is in beta stage (highly alert) and a stimulus of 10 Hz is applied to her brain for some time, the brain frequency is likely to change towards the applied stimulus. The effect will be relaxing to the person. This phenomenon is also called frequency following response. Watching the flickering of flames or listening to the steady beat of waves as they move across the shore has a relaxing effect on most people. This is because the brain actually is being entrained to the frequencies of audible as well as visual events around us. Any repeating stimulus can entrain the brain. Pulses of sound, flickers of light or physical vibrations. When experimenting with the TrueFocus programs, in most cases you will be able to evaluate their effectiveness almost immediately. If the program does not work in the first 1-2 sessions, you should move to a different one.


Because we are entraining the brain, the effects of a single program session that is effective may not be long lasting and may require up to 30-40 session to achieve more permanent effects. Once this is accomplished, there may no longer a need continue running these sessions. A single touch up session may be needed every few weeks or months in the case of a relapse. It is similar to exercising an atrophied muscle for physical rehabilitation. A single exercise session will bring about some improvement, but weekly exercise will be necessary to retrain the muscle for a permanent fix. After several weeks when the goal is achieved, muscle strength will become more sustainable. If the muscle should lose its strength due to lack of use, it will not take the same amount of exercise session to return to the same level of strength because muscle has memory. It is similar with brain entrainment. Do not run TrueFocus programs from the TrueFocus folder on the bulbs of TrueRife systems. The program below should only be run on TrueFocus as the duty cycles for these programs will stress the machine if run on the bulbs.

Sample TrueFocus Program

#Insomnia #Many studies have shown brainwave entrainment to be incredibly effective with sleep disorders. The most obvious benefit is that it can help guide your mind to Theta, or light sleep. This method is very effective, and while common sense says Theta training would be the most effective treatment for Insomnia, the work of Dr. Hauri and others suggests that there is no "panacea" for poor sleep, that a single protocol does not work for everyone. In fact, chronic, life-long insomniacs tend to respond much better to SMR training than Theta. See: Insomnia SMR if this program does not seem effective. (Sensory Motor Response) #One study successfully treated 16 long time psycho-physiological insomniacs, randomly assigning each of them to either SMR training or Theta training. It was found that the tense, anxious insomniacs responded well to Theta training as opposed to those who, while deeply relaxed, still found it difficult to sleep, responding better to SMR training. #This program will slowly move you to Delta stage. Visual blackouts are possible during the final minutes of this program. Try to focus on the sound or light pulsations and remain relaxed as possible during the session. It may be best to run in evening at bedtime. One should not operate a motor vehicle immediately following this session.

Researcher Report: The TRUEFOCUS system has been an absolutely awesome addition. When I use it's anxiety program in combination with a cleansing product called Oxy-Powder which also oxygenates the cells, the results are remarkable. I have high energy and a positive outlook. As compared with before, I felt that I had to drag myself around to get done what must be done and sometimes I felt I was close to a nervous breakdown. And so to reverse an old saying, When Mama's happy, it helps the whole


household to be happy. I feel like I'm starting to become my old self again. Thanks so much for all you've put into these machines.

Researcher Report: Im having fun with the goggles. See: Brain Entrainment / http://truerife.com/truefocus.html I noticed that the brain wave correction and Schumann's resonance are all the same frequencies with the difference being the dwell. What factors would make one choose one over the other? Or is it just try it and see? I will say, I was having quite a herx from a Candida program and the Schumann's resonance program seemed to stop it dead in its tracks. I'll have to see if that works again. Also my son who has had attention problems and anxiety all his life said he thought both the ADD and Mental clarity programs were relaxing and felt good afterward. And, the delta definitely helped me get a good 9 hrs of sleep compared to my usual 6. The programs are the same with the exception of the dwell setting. Brain wave correction has been designed for therapist, has a shorter run since there are usually some time constraints for the client. This program (Brain Wave Correction) may be just as effective as the longer set but also may require more sessions for permanent entrainment than the longer set. Time constraints will determine which set is best. Personally I would start with the shorter set first, then evaluate results. Then move into the longer set later on if necessary. Others may choose to start with the longer set on day 1, followed by the shorter set on day 2. See TrueFocus folder.

From a Researcher: It happened again the Schumann's resonance brain entrainment program stopped a nasty herx that I got from restarting Salt-C protocol for Lyme. I felt so good I ended up going to the health club. I am wondering which program would be most likely to help the sister I've been Rifeing. She is a bundle of nerves, allergic to many things, and getting tons of hits off the healing nerves, insomnia, colon, and tonsillitis but still having panic attacks. I am thinking something in the true focus folder should be really good for her but not sure which. She is trying to cope with Xanax but that is so debilitating, not to mention addictive. Any ideas would be appreciated. Report from a brain entrainment researcher: In one case study a 29 year long-time sufferer of panic attacks completely rid herself of her disorder by using Alpha training. Interestingly enough, Chronic Anxiety can also be caused by an overabundance of slow brainwave activity, or under arousal, in some cases. A mind without a healthy


balance of brainwaves can be foggy, confused and more easily frustrated. This can lead to a highly anxious and stressful daily life. Since Anxiety is a broad disorder, covering a variety of symptoms and causes, stimulating SMR and other brainwave patterns has proven to be effective in many people, particularly people who have not had any success with traditional treatments. Keep in mind that if a program is going to be effective you will experience immediate though perhaps temporary results from the first session. Use of programs that give temporary results over a term of several weeks may give permanent resolution requiring only a single session "touch-up" every few weeks or months.

Reports from several Researchers I have a 7 year old boy who has been in trouble in school and on the school bus every day. I ran the TrueFocus ADD program on him one time and almost every day for a month he has had good reports from his teacher and the bus driver. He has only had a couple of bad reports in the last month!

I thought you might like an update on our progress with using the TrueFocus insomnia programs. We got the goggles (TrueFocus) when they first came out (last Dec? ) or early Jan.. They worked on my son's insomnia right away but he had to do the program each night. Well this is 6 months later and he no longer has to do the program! For at least a month now he has been just fine without doing anything. I really think that the goggles induced a permanent change for him. Needless to say this has been a real blessing. Thanks again for all the research!

Question: How many goggle programs in a day are too many? Would one cancel out the other if they are done too close together? For example, running the Schumann's resonance, and then mental clarity, or vice versa. Answer: There is no specific rule on this. Insomnia could be run in the evenings, while mental clarity could be run in the mornings. Running programs back to back will cancel the previous entrainment if the ending frequency is at a different range. Question: . . . also, would any of the TrueFocus programs be useful for someone with brain damage due to drugs or injury? Which would you recommend? Use the list below as a general guideline. Alpha would be the program to run. Research on Brain Entrainment Effects. All numbers represent the frequency in Hz. 0.1-3 Delta range deep sleep, lucid dreaming, increased immune function. Mod. therapy 0.18 10


0.20 - 0.26 Dental pain 0.20 10 0.28 10 0.45 10 0.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 4 Post-traumatics Arthritis Muscle pain Relaxation, headache, lower back pain thyroid, reproductive, excretory stimulant, whole brain toner Pain relief Delta range, Anti-aging; reduces cortisol, a hormone associated with stress & aging; increases levels of DHEA (anti-aging) & melatonin (antaging); a blissful "being" state such as deep sleep or coma. Delta deep, dreamless sleep, profound relaxation, restorative sleep. Feeling of well-being, pituitary stimulation to release growth hormone. Headaches. Tri-thalamic entrainment format. Creates entrainment between hypothalamus, pituitary & pineal. May benefit dyslexics + people with Alzheimer's. Sinus Congestion seems to clear centering around 1.8 HZ Nerve regeneration Associated with bladder Associated with intestines Theta1 Range Increased Reaction Time [RT] [SS]; 3.0 HZ & below used to reduce muscle tension headaches, but worked less well on migraines & sinus headaches. Used to treat allergies, in conjunction with 330 HZ. Influences physical vision Theta Range deep relaxation, meditation, increased memory, focus, creativity Sound sleep Accelerated language retention; enhancement of receptivity, depression & anxiety; DNA stimulation Theta Range Promotes learning+memory when functioning normally Abnormal in awake adults, but seen in children up to 13 years old. Remedy for anger & irritability Attitude & behavior change Skeletal muscle resonances 0.28 - 2.15 Alcohol addiction 0.37 - 2.15 Drug addiction

13 1.0 1.2 1.45

1.8 2.0 2.57 2.67 3.0 5.5 3.0

34 38 3.4 3.5 3.5 7.5

3.6 4-6 4-12



Those who suffer from Chronic Fatigue exhaust very easily. When moved to 4HZ these individuals showed marked improvement in the length of time between the occurrence of exhaustion after certain exercises were completed. Associated with kidneys / strength Associated with spleen & blood Introspection, Induce relaxation, meditation. Unusual problem solving. Relaxation Associated with stomach. Associated with lungs. "Theta2" frequency range : .. Consists of trains (long runs) of rhythmic frontal activity centering at 6.5-Hz with amplitudes reaching the 50-100 uV (micro-volt) range. .. Is induced in some people by the performance of a mental task such as mental arithmetic, tracing a maze, counting the number of cubes piled in a three-dimensional representation, & imaging a scene. .. More common in extroverts with low traits of neurosis & anxiety. Because Theta2 is associated with mental tasks & its influence is seen in evoked potential latencies, Mizuki (1987) believes that the appearance of Theta2 closely relates to mechanisms of attention or arousal. Fear, Absent-mindedness, Dizziness. Long term memory stimulation; (reduce) unwillingness to work. Associated with heart (Effects=love, warmth) Frontal Midline Theta (Fm Theta) is a specific EEG frequency seen in those subjects actively engaged in cognitive activity, such as solving math problems. Accelerated learning & increased memory retention. (reduce) Anger + Irritability. Possible use for muscle spasms 6.88 Treatment of Addictions Treatment of sleep disturbances; Bone growth For Treating Alcohol + Drug Addiction - This range of frequencies tells a person they're satisfied, which is "missing" in addictive personalities Associated with shoulders (Effects=strength of the arms) Earth Resonance, grounding, "Schumann Resonance." Improved stress tolerance; pituitary stimulation to release growth hormone (helps develop muscle, recover from injuries, rejuvenation effects) Earth Resonance Frequency - 'leaves you feeling revitalized like you've spent a day in the country.' reports of accelerated healing/enhanced learning - "the earth's natural brainwave"

4.11 4.6 4.9 5.0 5.0 - 10.0 5.14 5.35 5.5 8.0

5.8 6.0 6.15 6.2 6.7

6.0 10.0 Creative Visualization - about 6 Hz for a while, then up to 10 Hz

6.30 Hz 6.8 7.0 8.0 7.0 7.5 8 7.69 7.83


8 8.6

Reduced Stress/Anxiety

8.0 10.0 Learning new information 8.0 12.0 Alpha range - light relaxation, "super learning", positive thinking; Conducive to creative problem solving, accelerated learning, mood elevation, stress reduction, etc., characterized by intuitive insights, creative "juice", inspiration, motivation, daydreams etc. Relaxed, yet alert; Associated with calm, relaxed, unfocused (not concentrating), lucid mental states, dream sleep & pleasant drifting feelings or emotions. Promotes mental resourcefulness, aids in mental coordination, enhances relaxation, "Can move quickly + efficiently to accomplish whatever task is at hand.", feelings of "at ease" + calm, promotes good moods, a bridge between conscious + subconscious, alpha waves indicate a person is alert but not actively processing information, seen more in extroverts than introverts, seen during creative problem solving. 8 13 Alpha range Non-drowsy but relaxed, tranquil state of consciousness, primarily with pleasant inward awareness; body/mind integration. Major frequency used for prostate problems. Center of Alpha Range - The brain's scanning/idling frequency - indicating a brain standing by, waiting to "give way to beta should attention be required, or be the bridge, the gate, to Theta & Delta for drowsiness, sleep, and certain cognitive challenges. Enhanced release of serotonin & mood elevator, universally beneficial, use to try effects of other mixes Acts as analgesic, safest frequency, especially for hangover & jet lag. Used for nicotine withdrawal. Learning a foreign language. Significant improvements in memory, reading & spelling are reported (in conjunction with 18 HZ) Treatment for Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity, Treatment for closed head injury. Headaches; ligament healing. 10.3 10.5 10.6 10.7 11.0 & Below 11 14 11.0 Associated With Nasal Passages (Effects=breathing, taste) Frequency for healing of body, mind/body unity, Lowering Blood Pressure. Relaxed & alert Associated with ears (Effects=hearing, formal concepts) Stress Reduction Focused alertness Achieve "relaxed yet alert" states.

9.0 13.0 Alpha Range - relaxed, not thinking about anything in particular. 9.4 9.5 10


11.514.5 An implication for neurotherapy is that if increased intelligence + mental efficiency is the objective, then a frequency band with a 13-Hz center should be used. A more desirable frequency band than 12 to 15-Hz is 11.5 to 14.5-Hz.


12.036.0 Beta Range dominant brainwave in alert/awake/anxious adults with their eyes open. Comes into play when "listening & thinking during analytical problem solving, judgment, decision making, processing information about the world around us." 12.014.0 Learning Frequency - Good for absorbing information passively, when you plan to think about it later. 12.05.0 13 27 Beta (low) relaxed focus, improved attentive abilities, Treating Hyperactivity ; Used in the treatment of mild autism. Beta Range Associated with focused attention towards external stimuli, alert mental activity, normal waking consciousness, & active thought processes. Beta Range Normal wakefulness, the taking in & evaluating of various forms of data received through the senses. It's present with worry, anger, fear, hunger & surprise. Waking state, motivation, outer awareness, survival, problem solving, arousal, dendrite growth, combats drowsiness; Conscious Thinking, Autonomic Processes & Emotions. Beta Range a high frequency pattern, conducive to stimulating energy + action; most of our current institutionalized education is beta geared, characterized by logical, analytical, intellectual thinking, verbal communication.

13 30

13 40

14.030.0 Beta Range This pattern is optimal for intense mental activities such as calculations, linear logical analyses & other highly structured functions. 14.0 15.0 8.0 15 16.0 18.0+ Awake & alert, Alert focusing, vitality, concentration on tasks ; Intelligence Enhancement in conjunction with 22.0 HZ. Beta (mid) increased mental ability, focus, alertness, IQ "alert but not agitated"/"aware of self & surroundings" Chronic pain. Bottom limit of normal hearing, Release oxygen & calcium into cells. Beta (high) fully awake, normal state of alertness, stress & anxiety; Significant improvements in memory, reading & spelling are reported (in conjunction with 10 HZ) (used to) improve hyperactive behavior, Associated with mental activity like math + planning - alert, but may also be agitated. Phospene imagery, peak luminosity in visual field. Helps with tinnitus (a condition that causes ear-ringing); Adrenal Stimulant, (used on) sinus disorders/sinus infection/head cold/headache; Commonly used "cure-all" Rife Frequency. Bypassing the eyes for images imprinting (visual cortex); Tested clinically with patients who complain of anxiety. Pituitary stimulation to release growth hormone (helps develop muscle, recover from injuries, rejuvenation effects) (this is a higher octave of the 7.83HZ Schumann Resonance)

18.022.0 Beta outward awareness, sensory data.

20 30 20.0

25.0 31.32


Question: When will I notice an effect from TrueFocus? The benefits of sessions can last for days after using them, and eventually the goal is for you to have trained your brain to retain the patterns on its own. The time it takes to notice results differs from person to person, but generally you should start seeing improvements within a few weeks, assuming you use it regularly (5-7 times a week) and properly. If you do not experience any success within that time period, try changing your program. We strongly advocate that you base all of your decisions on results. If what you are doing is not working, try something else. The ultimate goal, long-lasting changes- can take longer to manifest. While permanent emotional and behavioral change can happen very rapidly for advanced users (even after only one session), researchers say that major shifts in brainwave patterns usually take place over a series of months and 30- 60 sessions. TrueFocus uses super entrainment (unlike many other systems). The TrueFocus system has demonstrated the ability to make changes without the use of drugs or medications. A researcher recently reported recovery from a cocaine addiction. She stated that at times a tremendous urge would come over her to use again. By using the TrueFocus system when these urges appear (she runs the addiction program) she states these urges vaporize within 30 minutes with no return for days or weeks. Continued use of the TrueFocus system over months on a regular basis may eliminate these urges forever.

Frequency Follow Response

Brain frequency is associated or trained to connect with certain behavior patterns or urges based on our life experience and choices rather good or bad. When the brain shifts to certain frequencies it can act as a trigger that opens up previous memories, emotions or urges. Some of these may be positive, others may betray negative behavior and thoughts. By forcing the brain to shift gears when these patterns appear it is retrained to not lock in on these negative triggers but continue to move up or down in frequency. The brain can also be retrained to associate negative brain frequency triggers with new thoughts and behavior patterns resulting in positive personality changes. This would involve putting on a new personality.

Question: Can specific frequencies alone eliminate negative thought patterns and change them to positive ones?


Although some claim this, they are being overly "optimistic" with such claims. Frequencies can and do relax in the lower ranges between 6-9 Hz. At 3-4 Hz you are sleeping. Lifelong negative thought patterns for example feelings of failure or impending doom cannot be removed through frequency application alone, but must be adjusted through conscious effort and a shift in conscious thought as well. These are the four steps to reducing negative thought patterns according to Mayo clinic researchers: 1. When you find yourself thinking that you won't enjoy something or won't succeed in some project, reject the thought. Focus on the positive. 2. Try to enjoy your work, regardless of your job, look for aspects that you find satisfying. 3. Deal with situations you that you can control. Try to accept those that you cannot. 4. Look for people who view life positively. 5. Every day, write down or think about at least three good things that happened to you. Brain Entrainment / http://truerife.com/truefocus.html Having stated the above, systems such as TrueFocus could assist some in the effort to become a "positive" thinker. Programs that eliminate insomnia, depression and anxiety when they are effective could be a real bonus in the battle. Frequency based systems for brain entrainment cannot replace conscious effort! Most of us will tend to turn to negative thinking late in the day when we are run down and tired. Some of us become cranky and almost unbearable to be around when we do not get a good nights sleep. A good nights rest is essential in speeding up the conscious effort to positive thinking. There are positive reports regarding the Anxiety and Relaxation program being run overnight to assist in getting a good nights rest. This Rife program is published below. This is not a TrueFocus brain entrainment program. Pulses are set at 4 60 which will generate some brain entrainment effect similar to TrueFocus along with the insomnia frequencies. Most will report greater alertness and energy during the day. Some who have used TrueFocus to conquer the battle of addiction have stated that their craving will disappear that day after just one session on an addiction program. However this is only effective because a conscious choice is being put forth to break free from the addictive substance. TrueFocus and the systems frequency based output can only assist this effort, it cannot replace it. It is important that one using brain entrainment systems dwell on positive thoughts during sessions. These are very powerful systems. Focusing on the pulsations and audio tones is important for resolution. One should be in a relaxed a quiet environment to achieve the greatest results. RUN THE FOLLOWING PROGRAM ON THE RIFE SYSTEM OR BULB OVERNIGHT IF YOU SUFFER FROM INSOMNIA. #1 hour


#Anxiety and Relaxation TrueFocus programs should not be run on the bulb!

If the TrueFocus Insomnia program does not work then switch to Insomnia SMR in the TrueFocus folder within your software. These have reported to have a more permanent effect when run repeatedly over several weeks with some reporting years of insomnia almost completely reversed. Sample of the program: (DO NOT RUN THIS ON THE BULB!) #Insomnia SMR #Many studies have shown brainwave entrainment to be incredibly effective with sleep disorders. The most obvious benefit is that it can help guide your mind to Theta, or light sleep. This method is very effective, and while common sense says Theta training would be the most effective treatment for Insomnia, the work of Dr. Hauri and others suggests that there is no "panacea" for poor sleep, that a single protocol does not work for everyone. In fact, chronic, life-long insomniacs tend to respond much better to SMR training than Theta. See: Insomnia SMR if this program does not seem effective. (Sensory Motor Response) #One study successfully treated 16 long time psycho-physiological insomniacs, randomly assigning each of them to either SMR training or Theta training. It was found that the tense, anxious insomniacs responded well to Theta training as opposed to those who, while deeply relaxed, still found it difficult to sleep, responding better to SMR training.

Question: About the insomnia programs; would they work better if one turns off the TV and just listens to the program? Or doesn't it really matter? Answer: If you are running the TrueFocus your brain needs to be undistracted from other stimuli in order to properly entrain. You should be in a positive and quiet environment and think relaxing thoughts during sessions or simply focus on the lights and audio tones. Turn off the TV, radio and your husband or wife and kids during sessions. Question: What program may help with insomnia using the Rife bulb? Answer: Run the anxiety and relaxation program for insomnia. We have had very positive reports from those who run the anxiety and relaxation program while in bed. The pulses in this program are set to a brain entrainment of 4 pulses per second. It is recommended that you use the double bubble bulb for this set as the bulb gas is not as bright as the Spiral or Vortex. This is deliberate so that the double bubble can be used for overnight sets without being so bright it keeps you awake!


You can set your F-117 to run as a standalone or Auto-run device for overnight sets by choosing FILE / FGEN / Copy to FGEN then picking the program. The next time you turn on your machine it will run this program without a computer connected and every time thereafter. To stop the Auto Run, choose FILE / FGNEN / Delete Auto-Run. You must delete the AUTO RUN to run additional programs. The older T-150s do not have the ability to run as a standalone device.

TrueFocus Audio CD Set

Health professionals and individuals have long requested that we release a CD version of our TrueFocus computer generated sets. These sets are now available on CD, and can be played on any CD player! These are audio only! The goggles will not function with this audio CD version of TrueFocus Brain Entrainment as it does with our full blown system. The user or client must use their own CD player (and headphones if they choose). The TrueFocus audio CD set has been digitally mastered to reproduce each of our 20 sets. Comes with revised instructions and brochures. For more details regarding pricing and use, See: http://truerife.com/truefocuscd.html This set will allow Health Professionals to generate audio CD versions of the specific programs for their clients to take home with them for use between visits and sessions. These CD's are not to be reproduced or copied without the permission of TrueRife. How to Receive Permission to Reproduce (Burn or Rip) your TrueFocus CD's We have produced a TrueFocus CD label and Brochure pack that can be purchase to license you to reproduce our TrueFocus CD's as long as our purchased label is attached to the CD that you have copied. This pack includes enough labels to copy four complete sets of the TrueFocus CD. The CD label pack does not include the TrueFocus CD set, the CD jewel cases or blank CD's for copying. It does include the pre-printed CD labels and 20 Tri-fold brochures for handout to the client. Purchasing the CD label pack licenses you to generate 4 complete sets for copying or up to 28 CD's for use with your clients. See our web site for pricing.


TrueSilver, Water, and Imprinting

TrueRife imprinting research and development uses the TrueSilver imprinting system. In this case ionized silver is used to assist in signal transference, but pure water could be imprinted in a matter of seconds. Imprinting time is 60 seconds or a dwell 60 for the system. Silver production time is 1 hour. Several therapists are currently using imprinting research along with Rife Technology with their clients.

From a Practitioner: I am running some silver solutions now and trying to explain how the generated frequency imprints work. I have likened this to homeopathic solutions? Do you have a better explanation? My clients tend to be a little more savvy of the holistic field so if there is some better way to understand what's happening do tell. I also have likened it to Emoto's ideas of vibrational attunements in water.

Principles of Water Memory and Imprinting / Digital Biology

Water is a unique substance and a necessary component for the existence of life. Our bodies are about 70% water. Water has many unique properties, some of which are very well know, and still others that are just beginning to be discovered. Since our bodies are made up of 70% water, water is utilized by the human body for its very existence. While a person may survive for weeks without food, dehydration or a lack of water will result in death in just a few days. The body is of very complex chemical makeup and composition. At any given moment there is communications with perhaps billions of cells and components that are functioning as a team to keep us alive. All of this communication must not only transverse the neuro pathways but also channel its resources as well as codes and instructions through the water that makes up the human body. Electrolytes within our body or certain minerals are what gives water its conductivity to allow information to pass freely and without interruption. A deficiency in


electrolytes will interrupt the communication pathways as a result of loss of intercellular conductivity resulting in death. Water must be a pliable substance capable of transforming and being shaped by the bodies instructions between all of its components much like air is able to be shaped by the human voices frequency or vibrations to allow for communications between individuals. Just as air will take on a wave shape when a jet breaks the sound barrier, water has the same abilities. This is most simply demonstrated by the effects of the gravitational pull of the moon on our oceans, or the waves produced after a storm. The waves in effect transfer a memory from the moons gravitational pull or the storms impact. Water imprinting involves introducing a specific frequency into water to mimic the characteristics of another substance. The imprinting of the frequencies for essential oils would be just one example of research being done with imprinting. No one is quite sure how essential oils actually work or for that case imprinted water, but one theory is that the inputted frequency of these substance may interrupt the communications systems of certain pathogens virtually rendering them inoperable, or actually adjust the bodys own frequency communication pathways to resolve long standing issues. When an opposing army draws up plans for War, the first target is the enemies lines of communications. Once these are knocked out the enemy can easily be subdued. The same may hold true regarding the bodies foreign invaders.

An Interview with Dr. Jacques Benveniste / Digital Biology

http://www.digibio.com/cgi-bin/node.pl?nd=n3 Dr. Jacques Benveniste is a medical doctor who has discovered certain scientific properties of water which defy explanation by the tenets of mainstream physics. His science, which he calls Digital Biology, is based upon two breakthrough observations that he can prove in experiments that have been duplicated by other scientists: 1. If a substance is diluted in water, the water can carry the memory of that substance even after it has been so diluted that none of the molecules of the original substance remain; and 2. The molecules of any given substance have a spectrum of frequencies that can be digitally recorded with a computer, then played back into untreated water (using an electronic transducer), and when this is done, the new water will act as if the actual substance were physically present. The applications of Digital Biology are endless. Some of them include digital fertilizers and growth enhancers, detection of contaminating organisms in agriculture, digital


pharmaceuticals, digital homeopathics, water analysis and purification, and electromagnetic pesticides. Dr. Benveniste is a French medical doctor and researcher who studied at the Scripps Institute in La Jolla, California, for three years. We spoke with him by phone at his research facility in Paris, France. Wynn: Could you just briefly state what it is that you have discovered? Jacques: It's known as the "memory of water." When you add a substance to water and then dilute the water to the point where there are no more molecules of the added substance left in the water, you can still measure effects of the water as if the originally diluted substance were still present. Wynn: What made you curious enough to start your research? Jacques: It was an accident. There was a technician in my lab that accidentally diluted more than she thought, and realized that for the amount of molecules that were left there shouldn't be any indication of the original substance. But there was. We kept diluting, and the action kept coming back. So we knew we had a new phenomenon. Wynn: That would it mean if I had a giant lake and I poured something into the lake...? Jacques: No, it doesn't work that way. First you have to add the substance to the water in a fixed proportion: one to ten, one to a hundred, one to a thousand... So it's a very small amount of information that you bring. Wynn: Why do you think those specific proportions are meaningful? Jacques: We don't know. But out of serendipity and experience, we have shown that without those proportions, it doesn't work as well. Then, between each dilution, you have to agitate violently for 20 seconds to incorporate the little amount of information you put into the test tube. So for instance you might put one drop of the diluting medium into nine-hundred-ninetynine drops of water, then agitate for twenty seconds with a violent motion in what we call a vortex. Only then do you get the transmission of the information. You wouldn't be able to shake your lake. Wynn: A vortex is like a spiral? Jacques: Exactly, like a funnel inside of the water. Wynn: How do you determine that the water has the memory of the original substance? Jacques: You get a specific effect. Here's an example. Let's say that you apply a histamine to the skin of an animal and it creates an irritation, like a blister. Then if you apply water that has been given the memory of histamine to the skin of the same animal, you will also end up with a blister. That's what I mean by a specific effect. We added histamine to an isolated guinea-pig heart and found that the effect was the same whether we used a high dilution or the original strength. We did the same with other compounds and got the same result.


We can take this one step further. We can record the activity in the water that has a diluted substance on a computer, and then play the recording to untreated water. And the computer-treated water will have the same effect as the water that was treated with an actual substance and diluted. Wynn: Let me see if I understood what you just said. Instead of putting the substance in the water, you can put the frequencies of the substance in the water? Jacques: We don't like to use the word "frequency," because that implies we know what the frequency is. In fact, it's exactly the same thing when you record something on your computer a song or a voice and then you replay it. Your ear is vibrating the same way as if the person were in the room. The ear is fooled by the recording. The ear reacts just as if the singer were singing live in the room. You don't know the frequencies involved, you just know that the voice coming out of the speaker exactly emulates how the singer would sound if they were live in the room. In the same way, you can record the frequency spectrum of a substance. Wynn: By what interface do you get the spectrum from the treated water into the untreated water? Jacques: Instead of replaying to a loudspeaker, we use the loudspeaker outlet of the sound card, and plug in a copper coil. The frequency spectrums are always within the audio range of 20 to 20,000 cycles per second. The point is that we have solved one of the mysteries of classical biology. The phrase "molecular signal" is one of the most used references in biology, except no one has known or asked, "What is the physical nature of the signal?" And we have discovered that at least a good representative signal of the molecule is between 20 and 20,000 Hertz, which makes sense, as only a low frequency can get through water. Wynn: How do you record a signal from a substance? Jacques: Think of a microphone without a membrane, just an electromagnetic coil. You plug that electronic coil into the female receptacle of the sound card. Then you put the molecules in a test tube next to the coil. When those millions of molecules in this liquid vibrate, it's enough for the coil to pick them up. We are just using commercially available components to measure this. Wynn: So these experiments sound as though they can be duplicated very easily. Jacques: Actually, it takes very stringent conditions for the experiment to be repeatable. That's because when you replay to water, the water may or may not take the signal, depending upon local electromagnetic conditions. For example, now you are recording my voice on tape, and if you put a magnet over the tape, you will erase my voice. But if we were talking face to face, you could put the magnet in front of my mouth and you would still hear my words. So there is a difference between the electromagnetic recording and the real voice, even though they both sound the same. So the electromagnetic fields in the environment affect whether or not the signal is transferred back to the water. A lab in Chicago duplicated my experiment where they recorded 26 samples, of which half, or 13, were a control group of random frequencies, and half were actual molecular signals of various substances. Then they sent the untitled computer .wav files to me so


my lab didn't know which was which. But we were able to recognize and identify the 13 real substances, as separate from the control, with a very high significance. When I published this, no one believed it at first. They thought it was impossible to send molecules over the Atlantic. But they never could point to anything wrong with the experimental protocol. Wynn: What is it in water that holds the memory? Jacques: This is the multimillion-dollar question. People will have to rethink the ideas they have on water. From the get-go, water doesn't behave as it should. There are more than 30 physical constants of water that are wrong. For example, water is a mixture of two gases, hydrogen and oxygen, that become liquid at ordinary room temperature. That's totally impossible. Water shouldn't exist. Why is water liquid? The physicists don't understand this. None of this can really be understood by the common laws of physics. So even though it's inexplicable, all I can do is to repeat my experiments and demonstrate that it works. Wynn: What's the connection between your discoveries and homeopathy? Jacques: That has actually become an area of controversy. I am not an alternative practitioner, but a very classical doctor. But I was accused of supporting homeopathy. Regular doctors get very upset when you do something that seems to validate homeopathy. Yet my experiments do show irrefutably that even when you highly dilute a compound, you can still get activity. So in essence my experiments give a scientific explanation of how homeopathy can work. It's like a CD. When you break open a CD, the singer is not inside. But you can get the same effect. You don't need the real thing. Wynn: What are some of the other applications of your discovery? Jacques: One application is that you can put a detector anywhere in the world and detect any bacteria that are around. You can go to the middle of nowhere in Africa, and if you have a telephone or satellite, in seconds you can send anywhere the signal of the bacteria which are in proximity to the detector. You can then identify the specific bacteria. We do it every day in the lab. The old way of doing this is to manually collect samples of water and send it to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control), where they will manually analyze the water for traces of bacteria. Wynn: So if you were working with a very contagious bacterium, you could analyze it without being in direct exposure to it. But couldn't the signal of the bacteria make someone sick? Jacques: I don't believe so, unless you would put this person inside of a huge coil and send thousands of watts with the signal of the bacteria through the coil. Then if the bacteria generated a toxin in the body, the toxin could be duplicated through the coil. But by diffusing the signal in the air, it would just be too weak. Wynn: What are some other applications?


Jacques: We think we could detect the AIDS virus at concentrations way below what is commonly measurable. If someone is contaminated with AIDS, there is a period where the antibodies do not appear, yet the person is very contagious. This is a nightmare for blood banks. This could be done very cheaply as compared to DNA analysis. So far, we are working on a very small budget, so we've haven't been able to develop these protocols yet. Another application would be killing pests with the field. This would allow pests to be eliminated without contaminating the environment with toxic chemicals. Wynn: How have you funded your experiments? Jacques: I am not funded at all. I have created a company with my collaborator called Digi-Bio. We financed our company with small investors, but we are currently looking for larger sponsors so we can develop applications for this technology. There are many other possible applications yet to be discovered and proven. Right now there are only three people working on this project. But someday I believe there will be thousands of researchers experimenting on this technology, and then the applications will develop fast. But perhaps that will be 30 years from now. There's nothing described in physics that explains why, when you put two molecules in proximity to each other, there would be any kind of exchange of information except with radioactive substances. The only way that molecules could communicate is by their vibrations. It is known that molecules vibrate. This has been known for 50 years. So what we are saying is that the vibration is not separate from the molecule. And these vibrations are the way molecules communicate. Digi-Bio is demonstrating the validity of this communication, and this is a significant breakthrough. Wynn: Thank you very much for taking your time to explain this research to our readers. Jacques: Thank you for giving me the opportunity. NOTE: This is a bilingual pun: The French word pire, which is pronounced the same as the English word peer, means "worse." Jacques Benveniste is a Doctor of Medicine and a former resident of the Paris Hospital System and research director at the French National Institute for Medical Research. He is known worldwide as a specialist in the mechanisms of allergy and inflammation, and achieved recognition in 1971 by his discovery of Paf (Platelet Activating Factor), a mediator implicated in the mechanisms involved in allergy pathologies (for example, asthma). In 1984, while working on hypersensitive (allergic) systems, by chance he brought to light the so-called "high dilution phenomenon," which was picked up by the media and labeled "the memory of water." The DigiBio website (http://www.digibio.com/) contains a wealth of information about experimental protocols that support Dr. Benveniste's discoveries, the many applications to which this new technology might be put, and the beginnings of a theory to explain how molecules actually communicate. You can contact him by email at [email protected].


Rife Breakthrough -- Hepatitis C Zapped Article by Ken Welch

[email protected] On August 19th the New England Journal of Medicine carried an article warning that 2.7 million Americans now carry the Hepatitis-C virus, according to statistics from the CDC. This would make Hepatitis, a potentially fatal disease, and the most common bloodborne infection in the country. Globally, the World Health Organization has reported that almost half the world's population carries one or more of the various hepatitis virus, and fatalities are greater than for HIV. On the same day the article appeared, the first American patient began treatment at an experimental clinic in Georgia, where a multidisciplinary team is attempting to reproduce a 96% Hepatitis cure rate claimed for a Russian trial program last year. The most astounding feature of the Russian treatment is that it used neither drugs nor surgery. A combination of two techniques from beyond the medical mainstream, and often soundly condemned by it, are reported to have removed all traces of the virus in as short a time as three weeks. These results are in the published proceedings of the 1999 Scientific and Technical Conference, an annual event in Moscow, sponsored by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The word from Georgia insiders is that lab results on the first batch of patients are pretty exciting, although astounding might be a better word, given the mode of treatment. Patients receive only an IV drip of - believe it or not - the same standard saline solution used in hospitals around the world. The difference is that this IV solution carries a special charge or resonance, in a surprise blending of Homeopathy and the pioneering research of Royal Raymond Rife. Rife demonstrated the destruction of disease organisms by broadcasting energy at specific frequencies. Today, a new twist takes his work another step forward. Researchers around the world, including ordinary people fascinated with the concept, are currently working with various devices based on Rife's work. The Web is a rich resource for information about what is available. Any search engine can point you toward the "Rife Ring", a collection of sites devoted to this area. Rife used a form of broadcast energy, created in a neon-like florescent tube, to apply frequencies to person's whole body. His premise was that the right frequency could cause the death of a specific target organism, and thus eliminate a particular disease. He arrived at this by actually observing the destruction of viruses in a unique microscope he invented using the same broadcast energy concepts. With his microscope, Rife had the advantage of being able to tune his device and confirm the correct frequency simply by observing the result. Researchers following him have not been so fortunate, and often seem to arrive at specific frequencies in a hit or miss patchwork of guesses and unexpected results.


Lists containing hundreds of frequencies and their possible results are freely available, but so far there are few really solid, provable associations between a specific frequency and a specific problem. To add to the confusion, many Rife experimenters are attempting to broaden the concept. Frequencies are suggested for the promotion of good health for various organs, an idea completely unrelated to the basic theory of Rife's work. In the midst of this confusion, the Russian team apparently combined several technologies to create a scientific breakthrough. While the devices and technology are protected by patent and the subject of considerable secrecy, it is apparent that several problems have been solved. These involve the selection of what specific frequency or resonance will be effective, and the method of "charging" water molecules with that energy to create a viable delivery system. While diagnosis is still dependent on traditional lab work, and patients applying to the Georgia clinic are expected to forward a liver scan from their own physician and lab, computerized instrumentation is being used to confirm that the selected frequency is correct before treatment begins. In other words, technicians can measure the response of a particular person to a particular frequency. While no details are offered so far, this technology has the potential to turn Rife-based frequency work into a very practical and useable medical treatment overnight. The existence of this technology might have remained secret, but apparently the device is being used to check the original treatment plan against American patients who present a slightly different clinical picture than the original Russian subjects. Due to better health care in the U.S., hepatitis patients live longer. They may appear as "chronic" rather than "acute", which may mean more organs are involved. Apparently, the device used at the clinic can measure the response of a particular organ to a particular frequency in only minutes, eliminating a lot of trial and error experimentation. The second breakthrough is in the delivery system, both in theory and in practice. The Russians see their frequency selection as an opposite or "canceling" frequency, rather than the more direct, "destructive" frequency which Rife observed when microorganisms glowed and shattered in the field of his microscope. While it may not be possible to prove exactly what the mechanism really is, the Russian theory is that an invading virus (and perhaps other problems as well) has a certain frequency, and that by bathing this pathogen in something carrying an "opposite" frequency the result is a zero sum: the organism's energy is neutralized and the virus dies. This is somewhat like the physicists who had to come up with a theoretical structure for the atom without being able to see one. Only time will tell what is really happening. Of course the results of treatment must be verified by lab work, and the clinic is very firm that success of their hepatitis program is dependent on the disappearance of the "markers" for the virus in an independent lab report. The choice of water and a homeopathic system, as opposed to direct frequency exposure via a Rife tube, is fascinating. Homeopathy, a highly respected school of medicine around the world, is totally dependent on the concept that water molecules can carry "information" or "charge" left over from some other substance that has been so greatly diluted that for all practical purposes it is no longer there at all.


Apparently it is also possible to induce the desired frequency or resonance at a molecular level through electronic or other means. This is the physical key to the delivery system and apparently a Russian device or machine is used to do the charging. There are many unanswered questions here which will probably be resolved in time. The real story, over and above what may be a terrific treatment for hepatitis, is the technology itself. Working with "frequencies" may turn out to be the medicine of the new millennium. If lab reports can show dramatic improvements when the only thing administered was hospital saline solution still sealed in its original sterile bag, a major paradigm shift is on the way. Surveys already indicate that chemical-based Allopathic medicine is now the alternative medicine as far as the American public is concerned. Once the Georgia clinic has run through a few thousand patients and published their results, we may have a medical revolution on our hands.

TrueRife Post: 3/20/08 This report came out of Florida. We have several clients reporting Hep C results to us at this time. A 3 pronged attack was used in this case: the Rife system / TrueSilver / PlasmaSphere Ozonated water. Below is the set that was run overnight. You can download this set from our site along with the new software. These were questions asked regarding his protocols during the 812 weeks of sessions prior to the results.

1. Is this the overnight set you ran? Yes (See protocols under Hepatitis in the Overnight
Sets folder for the program)

2. Did you also use our ionized silver? Yes If so, how much? 2 oz of silver and two 8 oz
glasses of ozonated water. (breakfast and supper)

3. Is this the only program you ran overnight. No. I have run other sets for parasites, etc.
Also do a foot bath using Hep C program and Clark liver cleanses along with her parasite protocols.

4. Also how often did you run the program? I ran the program 3 x a week minimum using the double bubble. Removed the bulb from the reflector and place the bulb at the midsection under the blankets. Sometimes places the Matrix beneath calves. 5. What was your viral load report before and after.
August 17th 07: Viral Load: 1,740,000 Integrated TrueRife machine and interfaces with sessions: 11/20/07 Feb 16th 08: Viral Load: 587,000 / May 10th, 2008: Viral Load Report / 187,000

This represent a viral load drop of 1,153,000 over a period of less than 6 months of sessions.


Note: Frequencies for the following conditions are not specifically listed. The programs from the TrueRife frequency sets folder used by TrueRife practitioners and researchers are listed in this section. You must access the TrueRife software to duplicate these protocols as they contain important specific commands along with the frequency sets! See: http://truerife.com/TrueRifeDownload.html for FREE access to the TrueRife frequencies software program database.

Conditions & Disorders

(See also TrueFocus) Folder: TRUEFOCUS / Program: ADDICTION / Sessions: 3-21 Question: I was wondering, are any of the TrueFocus programs good for fighting addictions? And, would you ever run any of the TrueRife programs through the goggles, such as the addiction program? I ask because it worked pretty well when we accidentally ran TrueRife insomnia through the goggles. Answer: You may have seen improvement in addiction disorder by running the TrueFocus insomnia program which moves the brain waves to Delta. This is the range that researchers use for treating addiction. You could run the TrueRife frequencies through the goggles, but these are not brain entrainment frequencies. If you are getting good results, one cannot argue! Below is a new program for addictions. This would apply to food, alcohol or drugs. WARNING: DO NOT RUN THIS PROGRAM ON THE BULB. THIS IS A TRUEFOCUS PROGRAM ONLY. Duties and frequency ranges of TrueFocus programs can stress the machine if run on the bulb. #Addiction / cravings #What Is Drug Addiction? #Drug addiction is a complex brain disease. It is characterized by compulsive, at times uncontrollable, drug craving, seeking, and use that persist even in the face of extremely negative consequences. Drug seeking becomes compulsive, in large part as a result of the effects of prolonged drug use on brain functioning and on behavior. For many people, drug addiction becomes chronic, with relapses possible even after long periods of abstinence. #Very low Delta ranges have been used to reduce addiction.


#Caution: Do not operate a motor vehicle for at least 1 hour after running this program! Run preferably in the evening.


Folder: TRUERIFE FREQUENCIES / Program: AIDS / Sessions: 30 or more Folder: ION PRO WAVE / Program: AIDS XP / Sessions: 30 or more

From a Practitioner:
We conducted a 3 week study of your F-117 and its potential impact on HIV viral counts and CD4's with a client in the US. The client also supplemented Colloidal silver (less than1 ounce per day) along with 2 other supplements. On 8/13/07 the results have come in. It should be noted that the client discontinued use of all HIV drugs several weeks prior to our study. The herb he was taking during this discontinuation of the HIV drugs did not inhibit his viral load from rising. His Viral load after discontinuing the HIV drugs for several weeks was: 268,000 Viral Load after running the F-117 for 3 weeks every day: 146,000

This represents a drop of 122,000 or a 46% decrease in HIV viral load in 3 weeks. CD4 count : The CD4 count tells the doctor how strong your immune system is, how far
HIV disease has advanced (the stage of the disease), and helps predict the risk of complications and debilitating infections. The CD4 count is most useful when it is compared with the count obtained from an earlier test. The CD4 count is used in combination with the viral load test (http://www.labtestsonline.org/understanding/analytes/viral_load/glance.html), which measures the level of HIV in the blood, to determine the staging and outlook of the disease. His CD4 was: 154 CD4 count after running the F-117 for 3 weeks: 165 It is not known how much more progress would be made with continued use of the system, but early results from just 3 weeks look promising. These are the programs that were run: Ion Pro Wave for first 2 weeks: #55 minutes #Experimental Aids blood purification program to be run on the Ion Pro Wave Hydrotherapy system # Run for a minimum of 14-21 sessions in a row to evaluate results # These protocols are based on some of the research done by Robert Beck #Please access the site below for more details


# The information below is quoted from: By Ken Adachi http://educate-yourself.org/be/ # "In the Fall of 1990, two medical researchers, Dr.William Lyman and Steven Kaali, working at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City made an important discovery. They found that they could inactivate the HIV virus by applying a low voltage direct current electrical potential with an extremely small current flow to AIDS infected blood in a test tube. Initially, they discovered this in the lab by inserting two platinum electrodes into a glass tube filled with HIV-1 (type 1) infected blood. They applied a direct current to the electrodes and found that a current flow in the range of 50-100 microamperes (uA) produced the most effective results. Practically all of the HIV viral particles were adversely affected while normal blood cells remained unharmed. The viral particles were not directly destroyed by the electric current, but rather the outer protein coating of the virus was affected in such a way as to prevent the virus from producing reverse transcriptase, a necessary enzyme needed by the virus to invade human cells. Reverse transcriptase allows the virus to enter a human T cell line (called CEM-SS) and commandeer the DNA reproduction machinery. After using the host cell to reproduce itself into thousands of new virii, the swollen host cell (now called syncytia or giant cell) will burst and spew the contents into the bloodstream or lymph system. This is how the virus spreads, but lacking reverse transcriptase, the HIV virus can't invade the host cell and it becomes vulnerable to destruction by the body's immune system. (The details of this experiment can be read from Kaali's patent application.)" #"While Kaali and Lyman used DC current to deactivate the AIDS virus, Beck found that he could get the same results using the 3.92HZ square wave." #Rife spiral bulb placed on the chest with grounding effects for 3 weeks concurrently: #1 hour 2 minutes #SEE AidsXP in the Ion Pro Wave folder #Many people have a flu-like illness 3 to 6 weeks after they are first exposed to HIV, but symptoms can occur just a few days after exposure. This first stage of infection with HIV is called acute retroviral syndrome. Symptoms of acute retroviral syndrome are often mistaken for symptoms of another viral infection, such as influenza or infectious mononucleosis, and may include: #Abdominal cramps, nausea, or vomiting. #Diarrhea. #Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck, armpits, and groin. #Fever. #Headache. #Muscle aches and joint pain. #Skin rash. #Sore throat. #Weight loss #After the initial infection with HIV, a person may go many years without any other sign of illness. When symptoms do oc5cur, they may change a lot and be hard to describe. A


health professional may suspect HIV if the symptoms do not go away over time; there seems to be no other cause, such as an upper respiratory tract infection, flu, or another illness.

Folder: ION PRO WAVE / Program: IMMUNE SYSTEM STABILIZATION / Sessions: 1-6 / Folder: TRUERIFE FREQUENCIES / Program: ALLERGY GRS / Sessions 1-3 Question: One of our brothers has been suffering from an allergic reaction. Now his eyes are red and his arms are blotchy and kind of swollen. Very itchy. He's been taking 2 Benadryl at night and they bring it down a little but then it comes back. He is going to see a chiropractor who is good at diagnosis. Meanwhile, I offered the rife footbath - stabilize immune system. He is probably going to come tonight. Should he continue to come - how often etc. Would there be an allergy program also? Through the plasma bulb or footbath? Answer: Run Allergy 2 through the bulb and Immune System Stabilization through the foot bath. Two sessions and you should see improvement. Two shots of Colloidal Silver in the eyes will usually stop the itching in a matter of minutes. If these protocols do not work, tell him to replace his pillow. It is probably full of dust mite droppings and debris.

Allergy Experience
I suffer from allergies and found that the Allergy no relief program gave me results. I was even able to sleep with our windows open an nice nights for the first time in years! Thank you.

Allergy Remission / Finding the Causative Agent

Practitioner: We had a client in several years ago with severe allergies. After running the Immune System Stabilization program on them they would stabilize for 3-4 months only to have a return of symptoms and need another session. While scanning this client with the GRS we were able to determine that Dental Foci was likely the underlying problem. After running the Dental Foci program this client never returned for another frequency session and remained in remission for two years and counting. From this scan we developed the Allergy GRS program.


Dental Foci has been attributed by some researchers as having a connection with autoimmune disorders. We normally run this program (Immune System Stabilization) through the ionic foot bath. The bulb counterpart is 80% effective when there is resolution, while the Ion Pro Wave system has reported cases of 100% remission. Poison Ivy seems to respond better to the bulb output, while allergies in general respond better to the Ion Pro Wave system. Arthritis, Asthma, Lupus and other autoimmune diseases have also been reported as responsive.

(See also Depression & Anxiety) Folder: TRUEFOCUS / Programs: Anxiety or SMR / Sessions: 3-30 TrueFocus Brain Entrainment Program (http://truerife.com/truefocus.html) Only run this program through the TrueFocus Interface! DO NOT RUN THESE PROGRAMS ON THE BULB! Anxiety If this program is not effective try SMR. Do not run depression programs for anxiety issues as these can aggravate the problem. #Theta Waves: Generally, specific brain wave frequency ranges can be associated with mood or thought patterns. Frequencies below 8 Hertz are considered theta waves. While these seem to be some of the least understood frequencies, they also seem to be associated with creative, insightful thought. WARNING: When starting the program labeled anxiety.frq in the TrueFocus folder your anxiety may actually increase at first. This is because the program is matching your current brain wave pattern. Picture a runaway car doing 100 mph. To slow it down with your vehicle you must first get in front of it and match its speed. For this brief moment you are in the same danger zone as the other vehicle until you slowly apply the brakes and gradually slow it down.

Folder: TRUERIFE FREQUENCIES / Program: ARTHRITIS RHUEMATOID / Sessions: 6-30 Note from a Practitioner demonstrating the importance of continuing Rife sessions over a period to evaluate true results: My father-in-law had arthritis so bad, that his fingers had nearly doubled in size. They were swollen so much and stiff, that he couldn't even bend them. He quit driving


because he could no longer hold the wheel. He was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis quite a few years ago. I ran the Rheumatoid frequency sets on him, and he may have felt sensations on 2 different numbers, and noticed, little results. Then I changed to the Arthritis_1 frequency set. Boy... what a difference! He felt nearly 80 percent of the numbers. I sat with him, and logged every number he felt, what he felt, and where he felt it. I ran this set along with the pain bio basic, and continued to log every sensation for 3 days in a row, then I take 2 or 3 days off. After the first 3 days, he noticed a decrease in the pain, where he had pain 24 hours a day, and lived on prescription pain killers as well as Tylenol, he now had intermittent pain, and felt no reason to keep taking the prescription pain meds, and only took Tylenol when the pain returned, and was at its worst. I knew it was working, because he called me every other day to see if I could give him another demo. After noticing, he was not having any sensation on some of the frequencies, that he had felt in the past, I removed them from the set, to save time, then we could also increase the amount of time that we would run the numbers, that he was still feeling, as well as, add new numbers to take the places of some we removed. One number that he felt a hit on (724) I cross reference, and it pointed to Brown Recluse Spider. He stated to me he had been bitten by a brown Recluse and had almost lost his arm until Mayo clinic treated him some 22 years ago! We continued this type of treatment through late summer and fall, constantly removing "no more hit" numbers, then increasing the amount of time spent on the remaining, or simply changing from pulse to a constant dwell. His doctor that he sees for his arthritis even noticed that the swelling was leaving his hands in September. His hands are now at a normal size. He is now bending his fingers to almost a closed fist, but not yet, the pain however is almost completely gone, and when he does feel something, it's more like a little tenderness in the finger joints when he does a lot of strenuous work, that he has not been able to do in years. He has also started driving again, and can once again grip a door knob to open it. He left for Florida the day after Thanksgiving, but not until he cleaned out his garage, and loaded his own car.

Arthritis Experiences
There are dozens of testimonials regarding Rife sessions and Arthritis. Too many to count! In fact, an 80% success rate. Here is an older post that was quite interesting. All of these are using a Plasma based system with most but not all researchers making contact with the bulb.


From a Researcher: I have two experiences to relate. I had my mother on the Rheumatoid Arthritis program, and had the light aimed at her left hip. Thirteen minutes into the thirty-three minute program she held up her left hand to show my daughter her arthritic claw. As she did so her had straightened out completely. Needless to say, she was in shock and related she had not been able to open that hand in years! The second incident involves my 7 year old, 7 LB toy poodle. He had been limping around on three legs for about 6 months, maybe you noticed when you were here in September. Well, after one Pain.bio program, he is now back on four legs. Astounding. We did not have the surgery done to him as the vet had recommended because we could not bare to see him go through it. My only cautionary comment would be that in the future I will run the grounding rod through my own body while holding him, because his heart was beating faster than normal during the treatment.

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)

Folder: TRUEFOCUS / Program: ADD / Sessions: 3-30 Report from a Researcher: I have a 7 year old boy who has been in trouble in school and on the school bus every day. I ran the TrueFocus ADD program on him one time and almost every day for a month he has had good reports from his teacher and the bus driver. He has only had a couple of bad reports in the last month! WARNING: Do not run TrueFocus programs on the bulb as they may overheat the system. These programs are designed specifically for the TrueFocus brain entrainment system. The program: #Numerous studies have found that Beta training can greatly increase cognitive abilities, enhancing memory, increasing focus and mental speed, and reducing "slow-wave" disorders such as ADD. Harold Russel Ph.D. and John Carter, Ph.D., of the University of Houston, did several studies in which they used brainwave entrainment to treat ADHD and other learning disorders. After a short period of treatment, they observed 5 to 7 point increases in IQ. Michael Tansey used a similar protocol to increase 11 - 19hz brainwaves in people suffering from dyslexia and other learning disorders, reporting a 19 point average increase in IQ. #Drs. Siegfried and Susan Othmer found, in a controlled study, that beta training in the 15-18 range produces average IQ increases of 23 percent with ADD children. In cases where the starting IQ value is less than 100, the average IQ increase was 33 points! They also found significant improvements in memory, reading and arithmetic. In a one year follow-up, trainees showed major improvements in self esteem, concentration and self-expression. #Psychologist Michael Joyce used brainwave entrainment with a group of 30 children and observed vast improvements in reading level and a half year advancement in grade


level as well as substantial improvements in attention, reaction and a reduction in impulsivity and variability. Note that these studies were done using groups of people who probably needed an IQ increase. For those who are already overachievers, these sessions may have less effect. We do believe they will be of great benefit to most people, however. To the learning disabled, it could be a god send.

Folder: TRUERIFE FREQUENCIES / Program: AUTISM MAC / Sessions: Unlimited / Also run: Autism Secondary Causes 3 times / week for 6 weeks From a Researcher: We are so thankful to have the rife machine. We use it daily and it has helped us to either overcome or deal with the many obstacles to our health, from EBV to autism. There are many things that we do for Michael to help him battle autism, from diet, supplements and digestive enzymes. But the rife machine was the first thing that started bringing him out of his own little world. The detox program was a big help to him the first few years, and the Candida program continues to be important for him. He continues to make great progress. Trial Duration: 6 Months System: TrueRife T-150 EMEM Based System (Plasma Device) with grounding capabilities Frequency of treatment: Weekly / 1hr Subject age: 6 years Last fall 2004 we completed our fourth treatment on "Michael" for autism. Mike is 6 years old. His mother reports dramatic increases in social interaction and greater focus. For example: she would have to time his breakfast and constantly "prod" Mike to continue eating his breakfast. Because of lack of focus, if left alone his breakfast could take two hours to finish, if he finished it at all. He now is finishing his breakfast on his own without constant prodding and reminders. He has also noticed a decrease in his appetite for carbs, although this has resurged when treatments were discontinued for two weeks. He has been receiving treatments once a week. School has generally improved, but more progress would be hopeful. We have created the M. A. C. Frequency Set for autism. Mac stands for MERCURY / AUTISM / CANDIDA which seems in early testing to be producing dramatic results. It must be remembered that even if some of the contributing factors to autism have been resolved, social skills must be learned. During the Candida frequency session his cheeks turn rosy red, indicating we are getting a 'hit" on this set. Will keep you posted on future progress. UPDATE: This letter I just received after our treatment from his father:


Michael has made remarkable improvement since the "grounded" Rife Treatment. For the first time in his life he asked a "Why" question on Thursday. It was a simple question but nonetheless the very first time he ever used the word asking a question. His eye contact has improved immensely. He will look us in the eye for several seconds' duration now. He used to occasionally glance at our eyes before. When we would tell him to look at our eyes it was almost as if it hurt him to do that. As if he couldn't take much of it. He is improving in his communication ability as well. It is becoming very apparent that communication -- that is actually formulating words and sentences -- has been very hard for him. In his younger years we noticed that he would use words he found in his books to express himself. Lately he has been attempting to construct his own sentences and it is obviously difficult for him. Tonight he started and stopped himself mid-sentence 4 times before he was able to complete the word he wanted to use in the sentence he was saying to Julie. But he did not give up. It was a complicated sentence with big words in it -- like "episode" "ingredient" and "crucial." Not your average fair for a kindergartner. But it revealed his difficulty in communicating. UPDATE: Received this update today concerning the autism case: Michael continues to make good progress with his condition. It is amazing to us to see him develop in ways that autistic kids are supposed to have difficulties with. One area that characterizes autism is that autistic people have a difficult time realizing that other people think differently about things than they do. Michael used to project his preferences on us all the time. Like he likes red as his favorite color. Then he would tell me that my favorite color is yellow and Julie's is blue. He could not accept that we might like a different color. That's just how it had to be. But he has grown a great deal in this regard. Not only understanding that we think differently about things but accepting the fact. If we have a different opinion or desire he no longer tries to convince us otherwise. He will just say that he feels differently. UPDATE: We are in the final stages of isolating an effective autism MAC set. We had to adjust some frequencies from our last program run which we tested a week ago, as "Mike" had a difficult week. We had tried a new set last week, but returned to a previously effective one. Received this e-mail the day after treatment: "It has certainly made a big difference in his behavior. They (his teachers) told his mother that he had a good day at school." UPDATE: Since finalizing the MAC set, Michael has continued to make good progress with NO relapse. We see his parents every other week now. UPDATE: Michael has received about eight Rife MAC sets for autism.... He has not regressed for an entire month since we locked in the best frequencies to complete the MAC set. MAC stand for Mercury (Detox) Autism and Candida. These are the 3 areas we go after each time. Received this letter today from his father: Michael continues to make good progress with his condition. It is amazing to us to see him develop in ways that autistic kids are supposed to have difficulties with. One area that characterizes autism is that autistic people have a difficult time realizing that other people think differently about things than they do. Michael used to project his


preferences on us all the time. Like he likes red as his favorite color. Then he would tell me that my favorite color is yellow and Julie's is blue. He could not accept that we might like a different color. That's just how it had to be. But he has grown a great deal in this regard. Not only understanding that we think differently about things but accepting the fact. If we have a different opinion or desire he no longer tries to convince us otherwise. He will just say that he feels differently. Conclusions: This Technology seems to have made a tremendous difference in the symptoms that characterize autism, but it is too early to tell how much further progress will be made as behavioral changes take months or years to develop. Continued treatments may be necessary over months or years to stabilize progress and prevent relapse. Michael continues to receive regular Rife treatments from his parents who now own and operate Rife technology. UPDATE: Here is the latest on Michael. At age 5 Michael was pretty much noncommunicative, although he talked about books he read, usually simply reciting them, or portions of them. Michael is now 9-1/2. He is main streamed in school. K-2nd Grade he had a Teacher's Aide assist him to be able to focus on the class room activity. By 3rd grade he no longer needs the assistant, although other kids assist Michael at times. Although there are still many challenges ahead, Michael has improved so much that, sometimes it is not readily apparent that he has autism. But the improvement is still quite fragile. Simple things like UV lights, Smells, and too much stimulation will send him into his own world or out of ours. In addition to the MAC set I put together various other programs which address secondary issues with Autism and have attached these so that you can pass them on to others. I have tried to be very careful to explain what we are addressing with each program and why it helps with autism. With Michael we now simply run programs at night and notice a difference in Him the next day.

Autism Revised MAC Set

# 57 minutes #What are the symptoms of autism? #All people with autism have difficulty with social interactions and relationships. Parents often describe their child with autism as preferring to play alone and making little eye contact with other people. Other symptoms of autism include: #Difficulties with verbal and nonverbal communication. Language development in children with autism is almost always delayed. #Limited, repetitive, and overused (stereotyped) patterns of behavior, interests, and play. Many typical behaviors such as repetitive body rocking, unusual attachments to objects, and holding fast to routines and rituals are driven by the need for sameness and resistance to change. #There is no standard or typical person with autism. Although autism is defined by the above characteristics, people with autism can have many different combinations of behaviors in mild to severe forms. # Check for Fatty Acid Levels in the brain and supplement as needed. Try Krill Oil


#MAC Set / Mercury / Autism / Candida #Mercury Detox ## Check for Fatty Acid Levels in the brain and supplement as needed. Try Krill Oil

From a Practitioner: I have been a physician for nearly thirty years. I think, as others have speculated, that Streptococcus pyogenes is the cause of autism. Streptococcus pyogenes, nick-named Strep A, causes common infections, usually of the respiratory type, including strep throat, tonsillitis, sinus infections, ear infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, rheumatic fever, scarlet fever, a bad flu-like disease, and peurperal fever (child birth fever). The disease can be so subtle chronically that the individual does not seem sick to the parents or to the child themselves. Often they have pink cheeks, nose, and chin, and sometimes the "v" of the neck, because ultra-violet from the sunlight causes the capillaries of the skin to have more inflammation. It can cause murmurs in the heart, also, since if it is acute enough it will cause rheumatic fever. It is a very variable disease, that is, the symptoms and the signs of the infectious disease. Even the sniffles can be caused by the organism in question. I have written to various autism societies and never get any reply. I am retired now and am writing a book and the information will be in the book. The underlying autoimmune condition can cause other target-organ diseases, but it is an extensive subject, too long to go into here. It is easy to test for: just do ASO titer, AntiDNAse B titer, Anti-hyaluronidase titer, and Anti-Streptokinase titer tests on a group of autistic children. Also, since it is an inflammatory disease the C-reactive protein, RA factor and Sedimentation Rates will be elevated often. All patients probably have a history of frequent respiratory diseases between birth and three. Often someone in the family is a carrier and they do not know it. All the family, in my view, needs to have an examination and be treated with a stiff dose of prophylactic antibiotics, and then child treated prophylactically in a chronic fashion like they had had rheumatic fever. Plain old penicillin is usually best. Autism and its variations is a common problem, so it has to have a common cause. The prejudiced, ill conceived and thought out prohibition, one of the many incorrect edicts of "evidence based medicine", on the use of common and inexpensive antibiotics, has caused the epidemic of autism, I surely think. It is part of the PANDA's concept that is connected to Streptococcal diseases.


Bells Palsy
Folder: TRUERIFE FREQUENCIES / Program: BELLS PALSEY / Sessions: 6-30 One Researcher reports success with Bell's Palsy. She reported that after a few sessions running this program 33 years of paralysis began to reverse and numbness began to dissipate after just one session. This is the program: #48 minutes #The exact cause of Bell's palsy has not been pinpointed. Most doctors assume that some process causes swelling of the facial nerve. Because the facial nerve passes through a narrow, bony area within the skull, any swelling of the nerve causes it to be compressed against the skull's hard, bony surface. This interferes with the nerve's functioning. Researchers have long believed that viral infections may be involved in the development of Bell's palsy. Recently scientists have found evidence suggesting that the herpes simplex 1 virus (a common cause of cold sores) may be responsible for a large percentage of Bell's palsy cases.

Bladder Conditions
Folder: TRUERIFE FREQUENCIES / Program: BLADDER CONTROL / Sessions: 312 A researcher reports a possible connection between Teflon and bladder control problems. The text is incorporated into the Bladder Control program. #50 minutes #Bladder Control #"About three or four years ago I began having to urinate too often, including getting up five or six times at night. Gradually it got worse until it reached a peak a few months ago when I was urinating two or three times an hour all day long. #Sometimes after going to bed I would have to get up and urinate 10 or 12 times in the first two hours. Then, in addition, I would still get up another five or six times during the night. #Along the way I had my prostate checked manually ... TWICE. No problem could be found. I took a blood test and my PSA was 0.69, which, I understand, is excellent. Ultrasound was done regarding my prostate, kidney and bladder -- no problem was found. Nonetheless, I still had to urinate frequently. There wasn't much there when I had to go but, regardless, Mother Nature was being quite insistent. #A Surprising Environmental Link #I noticed, however, that the problem went away when I left home to go on a trip. Within 24 to 48 hours of walking out my front door, my system returned to normal. When I


returned, the problem came back within 24 to 48 hours. So, what was happening at home to cause this? #I did elimination diets and could find no discernible cause from what I was eating. I spent more time outdoors to see if a change from non-house air was doing it. No difference. Besides, it wasn't likely to be something in my home because I had moved two years ago and had the same problem in the previous house. #Sometimes the problem would subside for a while and them come roaring back, and I was convinced that I was somehow causing it. #How a Teflon Pan Made All the Difference #Then, about two or three months ago, I read an article on your Web site regarding Teflon. It said that cooking things in Teflon over high heat was likely to cause toxicity. Although I never used high heat (nothing above medium heat), I recalled that three or four years ago (about the time all this started) my mother gave me a Teflon frying pan ... which I began using regularly. #I stopped using the Teflon frying pan and BINGO! About 24 to 48 hours later the problem vanished and has never returned. It now made sense. When I left home for a trip, I was away from the Teflon frying pan. When I came back, I started using the Teflon frying pan again. #Sometimes we cause illnesses and are completely oblivious to what we are doing.

From a Practitioner: Received a call today from a researcher struggling with ALS. Several programs have helped stabilize his symptoms. The Bladder Control program reduced his night time trips from 6 down to one. The program: #50 minutes #Bladder Control

Body Function Normalization

Folders: ION PRO WAVE & NORMALIZING FREQUENCIES / Program: BODY FUNCTION NORMALIZATION / Sessions: 1-5 The program Body Function Normalization is currently found in the Ion Pro Wave Folder. It can be added to the Normalizing folder and be run on the Bulb or Ion Pro Wave. Many of these research frequencies are from Bruce Stenulson.


Note: Many of the Ion Pro Wave folders programs should not be run on the bulb as they are out of range! #Body Function Normalization #Normalize Adrenal Function 1335 Hz #Normalize Pituitary Function 635 Hz #Stimulate Increased HGH Production [Pituitary] 645 Hz #Stimulate Normal Pineal Function 662 Hz #Normalize Endocrine System Function 537 Hz #Stimulate / Normalize Immune System Function 835 Hz #Stimulate Normal Colon Function 635 Hz #Stimulate Normal Thyroid Function 763 Hz #Stimulate Normal Pancreas Function 654 Hz #Stimulate Normal Liver Function 751 Hz #Stimulate Normal Kidney Function 625 Hz #Stimulate Normal Heart Function 696 Hz

Bowel Conditions
Folder: ION PRO WAVE / Program: HEAVY METAL AND PROSTATE / Sessions: 25 (Also test Constipation program in the TrueRife Frequencies folder) From a Practitioner: My client was having chronic problems with bowel movements. He has tried a number of protocols with little effect. Answer: When all else has failed this may be the cause:

Aluminum Poisoning Effects

The large bowel and kidneys This is the organ commonly affected in all aluminum sensitivities. It is generally the very first organ to suffer damage. The changes due to aluminum poisoning are of two sorts. There is first of all an alteration in the function of the large bowel, which, if the poisoning goes on, may advance into changes in the bowel itself, shown on an X-ray examination. The functional changes are in three directions. There may be diarrhea or looseness of the bowels, the motions are light colored, not formed, but passed in little pieces. The patient may go to the lavatory three or four times daily, especially on rising and after meals. This diarrhea is habitual, and goes on month after month, with remissions for a time, now and again. If there be not diarrhea, the opposite may occur. The patient is constipated. There is inability to expel the motion even with hard straining. Some of these patients actually pass one motion daily, but on examination, their rectal passages, which are the end of the bowel, are still filled out with motion. This means that food takes an inordinate length of time to be expelled from the body, leading to some putrefaction and poisoning of the system.


This condition is called intestinal toxemia, and it is a very potent cause of disease. Intestinal toxemia is the cause of many forms of rheumatism, and muscular fibrositis, and gouty changes. It can also cause blood changes such as certain forms of anemia, and even pernicious anemia. The toxemia usually causes a general feeling of lassitude and tiredness. The most advanced change in the large bowel is ulcerative colitis, in which ulcers develop in the bowel. The patient has chronic diarrhea, and anemia, and passes blood and mucus in the motions. Years ago, as a young man recently qualified, I experienced great difficulty in treating or even helping these patients in any way. I then did not know what caused their condition. I do now. There is nothing more gratifying than the healing of an ulcerative colitis case with antialuminum measures. Such cases are extremely sensitive to the use of aluminum and will soon break down if they get the wrong food. The large bowel or colon, then, is by far and away the most important organ to be affected, because it is always the organ to bear the brunt of the poisoning, and it is one of the most important organs in the body. Surgeons used in the old days to remove the whole or part of the colon. A very brutal procedure! The Rectum The lower end of the bowel, the rectum and anus, is also often affected by aluminum. The rectum often shows a muscular weakness whereby large fecal masses are retained inside the organ unknown to the patient. The constipation and the consequent straining at stool can cause piles, so piles are often present in aluminum cases, and in particular external piles around the anal opening. Itching in the anal region is a particularly prevalent symptom in aluminum poisoning, and is a special pointer indicating aluminum trouble. It will be seen therefore how potent aluminum is for causing damage to the abdominal organs. It must be stressed that if the abdominal organs, or some of them, are so affected, generally other systems escape. The poisoning generally fixes on one system to wreak its worst effect. Other effects produced are an alteration in the normal species of germs present in the bowel. Very often other races of germs can get a footing, and grow, and these germ growths are the hallmark of the poisoning. Such germs can get into the bloodstream and be excreted by the kidneys and here you get a group of diseases in kidneys and bladder: kidney inflammations, stones in the kidney, inflammation of the bladder are all pretty common sequels.

Run this program on the Ion Pro Wave. These frequency are out of range for many plasma devices. This program is listed in the Ion Pro Wave folder under Heavy Metal and Prostate for TrueRife owners or those running TrueRife frequency sets. This is the result from the program below after one session! Individual results will vary. ?? # Heavy Metal Toxicity # This set may give an out of range error on some older frequency generators # If an error message appears, you must divide all frequencies over 150,000 Hz by 2 till you arrive at a frequency harmonic below 150,000 Hz.


This additional program can be run on the bulb! Access the correct folder for your application (either bulb or Ion Pro Wave set). 36 minutes Also run Heavy Metal and Prostate program in the Ion Pro Wave folder (Use the Hydrotherapy system) A very common disturbance within the digestive tract, it restricts regular bowel movement. Since improper stool produces toxins (ama) which find their way into the blood stream and are then carried to all parts of the body, in chronic cases this problem can give way to serious diseases as rheumatism, arthritis, piles, high blood pressure and even cancer. Symptoms Infrequency, irregularity or difficulty in eliminating hard fecal matter Coated tongue Foul breath Loss of appetite Headaches Dizziness Dark circles under the eye Depression Nausea Pimples Mouth ulcers Diarrhea alternating with constipation Varicose veins Pain in the lumbar region Acidity Heart burn Insomnia Root Causes Improper diet & irregular eating habits Insufficient intake of water and high fiber food. Excessive intake of animal protein Irritable colon Spastic colitis Emotional disturbances Lack of physical activity Paralytic or mechanical obstruction to the passage of stools.


Brown Recluse Spider Bites


Distribution and Diagnosis

The brown recluse spider, Loxosceles reclusa, is found throughout the south central and Midwestern United States. Infestations in Kentucky are intermittent, becoming more common as one travels westward. Other species of Loxosceles spiders occur in the southwestern U.S. and southern California, but the brown recluse is the most notable and widespread. Recluse spiders are rare outside their native range and are widely over-reported. Occasionally, one or a few spiders may be transported to a non-native area in boxes or furnishings, but infestations seldom become established.

Distribution of the brown recluse spider (dark shading) and other species of Loxosceles spiders in the U.S. (light shading) (adapted from distribution map of R. Vetter, Univ. Calif. Riverside)

Though variable in size, adult brown recluse spiders with legs extended are about the size of a U.S. quarter. Coloration ranges from tan to dark brown, and the abdomen and legs are uniformly colored with no stripes, bands or mottling. The legs are long and thin and lack conspicuous spines. For laypersons, the most distinguishing feature of a brown recluse is a dark violin-shaped mark on its back, with the neck of the violin pointing toward the rear (abdomen) of the spider. This feature is consistent in adult brown recluses, but sometimes less obvious in younger spiders. The initial bite is usually painless. Oftentimes the victim is unaware until 3 to 8 hours later when the bite site may become red, swollen, and tender. The majority of brown recluse spider bites remain localized, healing within 3 weeks without serious complication or medical intervention. In other cases, the victim may develop a necrotic lesion, appearing as a dry, sinking bluish patch with irregular edges, a pale center and Eye pattern of a brown recluse spider. In the photo, the peripheral redness.
pair of eyes marked by the arrow is most apparent (R. Bessin, Univ. Kentucky)

Often there is a central blister. As the venom


continues to destroy tissue, the wound may expand up to several inches over a period of days or weeks. The necrotic ulcer can persist for several months, leaving a deep scar. Infrequently, bites in the early stages produce systemic reactions accompanied by fever, chills, dizziness, rash or vomiting. Severe reactions to the venom are more common in children, the elderly, and patients in poor health. Persons bitten by a brown recluse spider should apply ice, elevate the affected area, and seek medical attention immediately.

Medical Misdiagnosis
Many medical conditions are mistaken for brown recluse bites. The wound on the left is from a brown recluse spider, the one on the right from a bacterial infection. (M. Potter, Univ. Kentucky)

Spider bites are difficult to diagnose, even by physicians. Contrary to popular belief, it is exceedingly hard to diagnosis a brown recluse spider bite from the wound alone. Many medical conditions mimic the necroticlooking sore from a recluse bite, including bacterial and fungal infections, gangrene, and diabetic or pressure ulcers. Several recent misdiagnoses have arisen from outbreaks of drug-resistant infections by Staphylococcus aureus. The bacterium produces painful skin lesions that resemble recluse bites, and can run rampant in close living quarters such as hospitals, nursing homes, summer camps, military barracks, and correctional facilities. Similar-looking lesions can also be caused by other types of insects and arthropods. The Program: Brown Recluse Spider Pgm 30 minutes

Persistence pays off / Brown Recluse Spider A researcher conveyed this experience last winter. It demonstrates the importance of continuing Rife treatments over a period to evaluate true results. My father-in-law had arthritis so bad, that his fingers had nearly doubled in size. They were swollen so much and stiff, that he couldn't even bend them. He quit driving because he could no longer hold the wheel. He was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis quite a few years ago. I ran the Rheumatoid frequency sets on him, and he may have felt sensations on 2 different numbers, and noticed, little results.


Then I changed to the Arthritis_1 frequency set. Boy... what a difference! He felt nearly 80 percent of the numbers. I sat with him, and logged every number he felt, what he felt, and where he felt it. I ran this set along with the pain bio basic, and continued to log every sensation for 3 days in a row, then I take 2 or 3 days off. After the first 3 days, he noticed a decrease in the pain, where he had pain 24 hours a day, and lived on prescription pain killers as well as Tylenol, he now had intermittent pain, and felt no reason to keep taking the prescription pain meds, and only took Tylenol when the pain returned, and was at its worst. I knew it was working, because he called me every other day to see if I could give him another demo. After noticing he was not having any sensation on some of the frequencies, that he had felt in the past, I removed them from the set, to save time, then we could also increase the amount of time that we would run the numbers, that he was still feeling, as well as, add new numbers to take the places of some we removed. One number that he felt a hit on (724) I cross reference, and it pointed to Brown Recluse Spider. He stated to me he had been bitten by a brown Recluse and had almost lost his arm until Mayo clinic treated him some 22 years ago! We continued this type of treatment through late summer and fall, constantly removing "no more hit" numbers, then increasing the amount of time spent on the remaining, or simply changing from pulse to a constant dwell. His arthritis doctor even noticed that the swelling was leaving his hands in September. His hands are now at a normal size. He is now bending his fingers to almost a closed fist, but not yet, the pain however is almost completely gone, and when he does feel something, it's more like a little tenderness in the finger joints when he does a lot of strenuous work, that he has not been able to do in years. He has also started driving again, and can once again grip a door knob to open it. He left for Florida the day after Thanksgiving, but not until he cleaned out his garage, and loaded his own car.

Report from a Practitioner: Received a call this morning reporting of a man who pulled a seldom worn suit off the rack to attend a funeral. During the service he could feel something biting at his legs. After arriving home, he could see the bite marks. There was a nest of brown recluse spiders in his trousers. These kind of bites can be fatal or at least debilitating. The following illustrates the progression of a brown recluse spider bite. The affected skin actually dies on the body.


This man was bitten by a Brown Recluse spider

Day 3

Day 5

Some of the pictures toward the end are pretty nasty, but take a look at the last one it is a picture of the spider itself.

Day 6

Day 9

People will be digging The Dangerous Brown Recluse Spider around, doing yard work, spring cleaning, and sometimes in their attics. Please be careful. Spider bites are dangerous and can have permanent and highly negative consequences. They like the darkness and tend to live in storage sheds or Day 10 attics or other areas that might not be frequented by people or light. If you have a need to be in your attic, go up there and turn on a light and leave it on for about 30 minutes before you go in to do your work. This is the only research program we have. Seek medical attention immediately if you suspect a bite! This program has not been validated for effectiveness: #Brown Recluse Spider Program #30 minutes


#Spider bites are difficult to diagnose, even by physicians. Contrary to popular belief, it is exceedingly hard to diagnosis a brown recluse spider bite from the wound alone. Many medical conditions mimic the necrotic-looking sore from a recluse bite, including bacterial and fungal infections, gangrene, and diabetic or pressure ulcers. Several recent misdiagnoses have arisen from outbreaks of drug-resistant infections by Staphylococcus aureus. The bacterium produces painful skin lesions that resemble recluse bites, and can run rampant in close living quarters such as hospitals, nursing homes, summer camps, military barracks, and correctional facilities. Similar-looking lesions can also be caused by other types of insects and arthropods.

Folder: ION PRO WAVE/ Programs: Cancer Bx2 (Run through foot bath daily) / Dna Repair Overnight / Overnight Programs Folder (Run every night) Parasite or Epstein Barr programs through the Qx2 Bulb output / TrueRife Frequencies Folder. I will not credit TRUERIFE alone for the good equivocation, that WITHOUT RIFE and other ENERGY MEDICINE MODALITIES, I KNOW I would NOT ONLY NOT BE ALIVE and most CERTAINLY I would NOT beCANCER FREE. I have sent an attachment concerning the many other modalities I used to help myself during the last few months but each person has to find his own path. I simply encourage EVERYONE to BECOME an ACTIVE PARTICIPANT in his own healing. Last September I had a "nipple smear" done at a lab. My breast was 'leaking" and actually bleeding, so it was NO SURPRISE that abnormal cancer cells were found. BIOPSY was recommended. I refused and had to argue with two doctors and a couple of nurses. Well meaning friends were astounded and concerned and I think quite a few may be surprised to learn that I am still alive. I simply asked ALL my friends to give me the SPACE I needed. Last night I sent them all an email to let them know I am STILL "here" as well as BREAST CANCER FREE! I am EXTREMELY chemically sensitive, having been poisoned with arsenic and with other heavy metals, and I have a history, since childhood, of NOT doing well with synthetic drugs. I chose the natural approach. Was it risky? Probably. Was it scary? Yes, indeed, but I have "lost" Everyone I KNOW who used the chemo and rads approach. I'm 70 years old and "on my way home" anyhow so I figured I'd do it "my way," just like Frank and Elvis! I'm also certified in biofeedback therapy and in homeopathy and have relied upon a number of natural modalities for a number of years. If I live I'll eventually accomplish certification as a naturopath.


Now, let me quickly add that I consult ONLY with physicians, LICENSED MEDICAL DOCTORS, who practice holistic/alternative/complementary healing modalities, and if at ALL possible, no matter how far I have to drive, I see physicians who are knowledgeable about ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE. I believe that in today's world, EVERYONE is toxic to some degree and that EVERYONE must be very vigilant and proactive toward maintaining HEALTH. I bought the TRUERIFE shortly before the diagnosis, thinking it would be a wonderful adjunct to my arsenal of remedies. IT CERTAINLY WAS! I can't even begin to list all the programs I ran but I learned how to do the GRS scans and found a NUMBER of "HITS" that confirmed what I knew. I made "true silver" and used that to good advantage and even found that my dentist and chiropractor wanted the silver for their own use! I did the "brain training" for relaxation and ran all kinds of parasite, bacterial and viral programs as well as heavy metals detoxing programs. Sometimes I even overdid it and felt TERRIBLE with HERX (which I like to call HEALING REACTIONS) reactions! Then I'd take a break for a few days. However, I knew when I felt "bad"; I'd feel SO MUCH BETTER because it meant that my immune system was REACTIVATED and working "full tilt" for me! I simply rested, drank LOTS and LOTS of water and green drinks, took my detoxing liver and kidney teas and herbs and got back to the RIFE when I felt better again. Rebounding, water exercise and massage therapy kept my lymph moving! In conclusion, I want to say that just because I am "cancer free" today does NOT mean that I will be tomorrow. Everyone has cancer cells at all times, so it is imperative to be vigilant and to give the body all the help and support it needs. Needless to say I do NOT subscribe to the allopathic notion of "DESTROY THE BODY AND DESTROY THE CANCER". I DO believe that if we FIND THE CAUSE we can FIND THE CURE. I DO believe that if we HEAL THE BODY, the BODY DESTROYS CANCER. TRUERIFE is a POWERFUL modality, and I wish that EVERYONE had access to it. Maybe someday they will.


Article in the Lancet Saturday, January 10, 1880 / To the Editor of THE LANCET:
Sir, As I am not aware that the records of the healing art furnish any case of cancer having yielded to the influence of lightning, I venture to draw the attention of the numerous readers of THE LANCET to the following remarkable case, which may awaken due interest in the curative value of electricity in diseases of a malignant type. Many years ago I heard the late Dr. Golding Bird express an opinion to the effect that electrical sparks drawn from a cancerous structure until an eruption is produced was the only reliable means of cure which he could endorse. In confirmation of the theory of the celebrated electrician, I beg to submit an extraordinary instance of the therapeutic freaks of atmospherical electricity in the cure of cancer. The case loses none of its interest on the plea of antiquity.


About thirty years ago, I attended Reuben S, a farm laborer, residing at Langtoft, on the Yorkshire Wolds, who suffered from cancer of the inferior lip and part of the chin for about a year, and who had agreed to an operation for their removal. In the meantime he under took to assist a poor farmer for a day in ploughing his land. During this Occupation he was struck down by lightning, and carried home in a state of insensibility. Both of his horses were killed, and the wooden beam of the plough was split and reduced to considerable fragments. Soon after the occurrence I visited, and found the ploughman in a state of great prostration, and emitting a strong odor of ozone, indicating electrical condensation of the adherent oxygen. As soon as reaction took place I bled him from the arm, which act constituted the whole of the treatment. What seems to be the most astonishing feature in the case is the healing process which was set up in the lip and chin soon after the accident. The cancer gradually lessened, and in a few weeks every trace of the diseased structure disappeared, and for ten years he enjoyed complete freedom from his former suffering and signs of the disease.

Article in the Virginian-Pilot By Philip Waltzer / March 13, 2006 NORFOLK - A team of scientists from Old Dominion University and Eastern Virginia Medical School has reported killing melanoma s in mice using lightning-fast, highpowered jolts of electricity. The researchers expect their paper to be placed online Wednesday in the journal Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. It's the culmination of at least eight years of work seeking possible health benefits from short, high-voltage doses of electricity. The results, the researchers think, eventually could translate into an effective cancer treatment that carries no side effects. "We've never had a tumor that didn't respond," said the lead researcher, Richard Nuccitelli , an associate professor of electrical and computer engineering at Old Dominion. "Every tumor has shrunk. We know we can eliminate them with the right conditions." The electric bursts often disrupted the blood flow to the tumor cells and shrunk their nuclei by 50 percent, Nuccitelli said. The scientists found that they could kill the tumors with hundreds of electrical pulses in two treatments given two to three weeks apart. Each burst of electricity carried 4,000 volts and lasted less than one-millionth of a second. Nuccitelli said they think the process worked by severely damaging the DNA in the cells. The method produced no scarring and did not harm adjacent cells, the professors said. The mice survived, they said, with no ill effects. James Weaver , a senior research scientist for the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology said Friday that the team from ODU and EVMS is in the forefront of bioelectric research. "People have known for a long time that certain kinds of big electrical field pulses can kill cells," he said. This, Weaver said, might mark the first time tumor cells have been killed without harming nearby cells. "I think it's going to attract a lot of attention," he said. Another researcher on the team, Karl Schoenbach , who holds ODU's Batten Endowed


Chair of Bioelectric Engineering , said they focused "on the one type of cancer which is the easiest one to access." He said the work might have many more applications. "It could give a new weapon to cancer research," Schoenbach said. "Maybe some tumors that are not responding now might respond electrically." Nuccitelli, who also works for a biotechnology company, BioElectroMed Corp. , said the corporation might try to adapt the research to treat human skin lesions. The scientists said they need to hone their techniques before they can experiment on people. Doing that, they said, requires a federal grant, which they have not yet won. Eight professors and graduate students participated in the study. They are affiliated with the Frank Reidy Research Center for Bioelectrics, a collaborative effort between ODU and EVMS led by Schoenbach. The center takes up the fifth floor of the Norfolk Public Health Center , near Brambleton and Colley avenues. The melanoma work is not the first piece of prominent research to come out of the bioelectrics center in the past year. Mounir Laroussi, an associate professor at Old Dominion, developed a "plasma pencil" that kills E. coli bacteria but leaves skin cells unharmed. Laroussi has been featured on the Discovery Channel and in National Geographic. Nuccitelli said he hopes the paper about melanoma will draw lots of attention. "As well as money, of course," said Stephen Beebe , an associate professor of physiological sciences at EVMS who helped to pioneer the bioelectric research.

TrueRife plasma driven systems are capable of delivering anywhere from 1500 to 45,000 volts when used in contact mode. (Warning: Use of some Rife Systems are not safe in contact mode as the bulbs run HOT and may result in burns). An interesting aspect of some Plasma Driven Rife systems is the ability to make contact with the bulb to ground, thus introducing not only frequencies but very high voltages. This is as close as you can get to a "lightning effect." Left: Bulb in contact with skin while holding ground. The Matrix foot plate (not pictured) allows for high voltage grounding effects!

Royal Raymond Rife On Cancer

Before my discovery of the cause of cancer and other diseases, I had sought to find such evidence with standard Research microscopes. I observed all types of malignant tissue to find some trace of the cause. I felt that the start of malignancy would be


originated by some type of micro-organism. The isolation of cancer virus and other micro-organisms was an accomplishment with which I felt a great deal of pride. Finally in 1931, I discovered the transformation of cancer virus and the successful treatment for cancer and other diseases by actual observation of the universal microscope while applying the frequency instrument. Thus, this data is presented for evaluation." With the frequency instrument, no tissue is destroyed, no pain is felt, no noise is audible, and no sensation is noticed. A tube lights up and 3 minutes later the treatment is completed. The virus or bacteria is destroyed and the body then recovers itself naturally from the toxic effect of the virus and or bacteria. Several disease forms may be treated simultaneously. Rife Audio clip: http://truerife.com/TruerifeStory.mp3

It should be noted that while some respond in a very positive way after undergoing sessions, others do not. The following information may help foster some understanding of why this may be the case in some situations: Understanding the Cancer Matrix From what has been learned there are multiple causes for cancer. But on a cellular level, two things have to happen before one can call the cell malignant. 1.The first is that the cell has to become deformed. 2. For a cell to be considered malignant, it has to prefer anaerobic life to aerobic. This means that it lives on fermentation rather than oxygenation. Since healthy cells were originally conceived in a matrix, any disturbance to that matrix poses a risk. Think of this matrix as a garden. You plant some flowers in a perfect spot. The sun shines, you water them, and the flowers bloom the way you anticipate. If you have too much light or shade, not enough water, or a change in the soil pH, the garden takes on an appearance you did not expect. Flowers may die, and be replaced by weeds, moss and fungus. Likewise, your cells are designed to perform optimally under certain specific conditions, and research shows that they do as expected unless there are some surprises. For them, certain environmental conditions can be as disturbing as a drought is to your garden. Also, just as some plants will adapt and others will die, cells that are challenged may bite the dust or mutate so as to survive under more challenging circumstances. Then, if the conditions are corrected, it is anyone's guess how many cells will have the capacity to revert back and how many are irrevocably altered. We can look at the work of Royal Rife and take heart from the fact that the organisms he studied, for example the BX cancer virus, were pleomorphic meaning that when the matrix changed, the form would become more or less pathogenic (The word "pathogenic" comes from two Greek roots: "pathos" (disease) + "genesis" (bringing into being) = literally, bringing disease into being). The idea is simply that the conditions in which a cell lives determines how the cell will appear, but unlike plants in the garden, pleomorphic cells develop upwards and


downwards. This is complex terminology but if you think of an egg hatching and becoming a chicken, you have a linear view of life because you know the chicken will not become an egg again. At best, it will lay an egg. In pleomorphism, growth is not like this. The chicken can actually revert back to an egg. So a pathogenic organism can become benign and vice versa. The value in this understanding is that we may have far more control and ability to influence our health than we realize. Normalizing the body chemistry and removing the root causes of cellular deformity, rather they be carcinogenic or pathogenic, or in other words restoring the body to its original health matrix may allow the body to return to a state of health and result in a reversal of cellular mutation. Moreover, we may have so much control that we can basically defeat disease or cause an otherwise sensible therapy to fail if the matrix is not protected from injurious factors.

Article: Contagious Canine Cancer Spread by Parasites

By Charles Q. Choi Special to LiveScience Posted: 10 August 2006

www.livescience.com Dogs have a form of sexually transmitted cancer that for 200 to 2,500 years has apparently spread via contagious tumor cells that escaped from their original body and now travel around the world as parasites. These cells are the oldest cancers known to science thus far, and could shed light on how cancers survive and evade the immune system. The researchers investigated canine transmissible venereal tumor, a cancer found in the domestic dog and potentially in relatives such as the gray wolf and coyote. It is spread through sex and licking, biting and sniffing cancerous areas. The tumors usually regress three to nine months after their appearance, leaving the dogs immune to re-infection, although providing enough time for dogs to pass the disease on. Some human cancers, such as cervical cancer, are caused by viruses. What is unique about this dog cancer is that, for 30 years, scientists have suggested it was caused by spreading the tumor cells themselves rather than a virus or other contagious agent. Prior research showed, for instance, the disease could not spread from tumor cell extracts or dead tumor cells, but only via living tumor cells. Still, virus-like particles seen in the tumor cells clouded the issue. Cancer researcher Robin Weiss at University College London and his colleagues analyzed genetic markers in recently collected and archived tissue from dogs spanning five continents, from locales in Italy, India, Kenya, Brazil, the United States, Turkey and Spain. They found the tumor cells did not actually belong to the dogs they were in. Rather, the cells were all genetically nearly identical, apparently stemming from a wolf or a closely related ancient dog breed from China or Siberia.


The tumor cells themselves act as parasites, the new study concludes. The researchers found the cancer secretes compounds that inhibit facets of the immune systems of their hosts, allowing them to avoid detection. At the same time, the immune inhibition they cause rarely results in death of the infected animal, to help guarantee the host passes the disease on. Judging by the number of mutations the cancer's DNA accumulated, the researchers estimate it emerged 200 to 2,500 years ago. Instead of becoming progressively more genetically unstable over time, as scientists widely supposed happens to cancer, these cancer cells do not go on getting more and more genetically unstable, Weiss told LiveScience. The study is detailed in the Aug. 11 issue of the journal Cell. (www.livescience.com)

Top 10 Mysterious Diseases Cat Parasite Affects Human Culture Marine Mammals Suffer Human Diseases Dinosaur Tumor Studied for Human Cancer Clues Inside Look: How Viruses Invade Us


Breast Cancer
By Michelle Esteban / May 7, 2006 SEATTLE - Breast cancer is something women think they know all about: Look for lumps; have mammograms; see our doctors. But none of that will save you from one silent breast cancer killer that women know virtually nothing about. It's called "inflammatory breast cancer," and it's something every woman must know about. Nancy Key didn't know. "I was furious and at the same time, terrified that I was going to die, 'cause I didn't know," she said. What Marilyn Willingham didn't know, killed her. "She smiled and took a breath and went to sleep," says Phil Willingham, Marilyn's husband. And Kristine Turck didn't know. "It's going to be a tough fight," says Kristine. They didn't know there was more than one kind of breast cancer. They didn't know they could get breast cancer without a lump. They didn't know a mammogram would not detect this kind of breast cancer. They didn't know Inflammatory Breast Cancer - or IBC is the most aggressive form of breast cancer. They didn't know, until they got it. Almost Never a Tell-Tale Lump "How can I have something when I go to the doctor every year, I do self breast exams every month and what is this? Why am I surprised?" asks Nancy. We've all been taught the same thing when it comes to breast cancer -- we look for a lump. But when it comes to IBC, forget that! You won't find a lump. "Inflammatory breast cancer almost always presents itself without a lump," says Breast Cancer Specialist Dr. Julie Gralow. Inflammatory breast cancer appears in sheets of cancer, or what doctors call cancer nests. The cancer clogs breast tissue vessels. "If I


had heard of it prior, I probably would have been more suspect that something was wrong rather than just young and dumb," says Kristine Turck. Kristine was just 37 when she was diagnosed with IBC, three years away from the recommended age to start mammograms. Patti Bradfield can never forget the day her daughter Kristine told her. "I have the kind that I'm going to die," says Patti Bradfield. Patti had never heard of IBC either. "Ignorance is causing death," says Bradfield. The information below that was sent out a few weeks ago will pick up inflammatory breast cancer in its early stages. Strangely, this diagnostic procedure is never discussed by Cancer "experts." Thermography uses heat sensitive photographic images to diagnose disease. It is used to provide graphic illustrations of temperature changes in areas nourished by branches of specific arteries. Thermographic testing can spot breast cancers by the formation of abnormal blood vessels when a tumor is one fifth of a millimeter in diameter. Studies show that breast cancers are often diagnosed with Thermography 5-8 years before they can be diagnosed with mammography. Thermography is a passive test. There is no radiation and no direct physical contact with the patient.

Normal Thermogram

Abnormal Thermogram

http://members.aol.com/IntegrativeHC2/Thermography.html From a Researcher: I did have the thermogram and there are problems. I can't thank you enough for pointing me in the right direction. I went through a 3 day lymph detox program and then a liver/gallbladder cleanse, and I'm at least at little less toxic. I think that having the foot baths and running Rife programs before I went through that made it MUCH easier on me. I have been drinking seltzer water from aluminum cans, and I asked about that. No more of that for me. And then when I came home and checked my email, I found out the aluminum poisoning connection. WOW. I want to try that heavy metal toxicity program. Heavy Metal Toxicity Program Also run: Cancer BX2 Program 1 hour 10 minutes This program is a collection of cancer research frequencies from a variety of sources.


Run this program at least twice a week along with other cancer protocols. Look for hits and allow 3-6 months to evaluate results. Most of these are harmonics of the actual frequencies. # Supplement vitamin C, the amino acids L-lysine and L-proline, and a polyphenol fraction of green tea known as Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) See: http://www4.dr-rath-foundation.org/NHC/cancer/cellular_solutions.htm The first step in dealing with cancer electronically must be to eliminate all Bacillus Lichenformis from the body as it appears to be both a tumor promoter and a mutagen. Tumors will tend to grow or recur with this organism present. Also, any significant infection with this organism depresses the immune system and severely drains energy from the body, possibly one of the main reasons that newly diagnosed cancer patients often deteriorate so rapidly. Most people with a depressed immune system are infected with nanobacteria and that must be eliminated also. See: Bacillus Lichenformis Program

From a Practitioner: I had two clients with breast cancer referred to me by an osteopathic physician within the last 2 months. One lady was going in for surgery on Friday, came to see me just before surgery on Tuesday. She had a hard golf ball sized tumor in her left breast. I ran the following program on her using a TrueRife spiral plasma bulb in direct skin contact, and did an Ion Pro Wave foot bath. Next day her husband emailed me and said the tumor was soft. She still had the surgery on Friday because they did not want to take a chance. The hospital pronounced her cancer free after removing what was left of the tumor. The couple ordered a TrueRife unit the next day to insure it was a permanent result. The following week the osteopathic physician came to my house and had an Ion Pro Wave ionic foot bath. She ordered a TrueRife unit the next week. Another one of her patients came to me post breast surgery. I ran the TrueRife GRS (galvanic resonant scanner) on her to scan for hits. She came up with a solid hit on 2128 Hz, which is for intestinal and liver flukes. I reported the scan results to the doctor. I ran the spiral plasma bulb on the area of pain and swelling from the surgery using the breast cancer program. As the program was running we looked at each other and gasped when we saw that 2128 Hz was used twice on the program with a more intense part toward the end of the program. The GRS had picked up a solid hit on 2128 which I did not know was a major part of the breast cancer program. I followed up the session with a TrueRife Ion Pro Wave foot bath. Two days later she emailed me and told me the pain and swelling was gone and the sutures had already healed. Now she is doing follow up sessions with the doctor.


Hodgkins Disease
From a Practitioner: We've had a 22 year old client with returning Hodgkins. She had been diagnosed with it about a year and a half ago and had done the Chemo treatment, was declared clean and then this spring during a recheck they found two spots in between her lungs. The next medical treatment was to be radiation which (as explained by the doctor) would probably result in breast or lung cancer in later life. Her Mom asked to take time to deal with it in more natural ways and was given three months to do "whatever". She ran various rife sets from the Hodgkins, BX and BX2, Nano-bacterium and Detoxs. Along with that (because mom is a colon hydrotherapist in our office) she got regular colonics to help with the detoxing process. Well they ran the PET scan on her last week and the results are in and she is cancer free!!!! She will be checked again periodically but we did it!! Mom will email the schedule they followed if you'd like. This is a life-saving technology life saving technology.

From a therapist whose father has Hodgkins Lymphoma:

My father recently returned to Florida where his primary care physicians recommended CHEMO based on their most recent blood work. He stated he had not felt this good in a long time and was not interested in Chemo. They ran new blood work on him (He had been on the TrueRife T-150 Rife machine for around 3 months). His PSA count came back as normal (1). These are the two programs that were run, alternating every other day.

Day 1
#Hodgkin's Disease #A cancer of the lymphatic system that is both chronic and progressive. A form of malignancy characterized by enlargement of the lymph tissue and often includes weight loss, fever, night sweats, and anemia. Also called lymphogranuloma. Also see Chlamydia pneumonia, Pseudomonas, Penicillium, Aspergillus, and Rhizopus. # Run this program daily with weekends off.

Day 2
#Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a spiral-shaped bacterium that is found in the gastric mucous layer or adherent to the epithelial lining of the stomach. H. pylori causes more than 90% of duodenal ulcers and up to 80% of gastric ulcers. Before 1982, when this bacterium was discovered, spicy food, acid, stress, and lifestyle were considered the major causes of ulcers. The majority of patients were given long-term medications, such


as H2 blockers, and more recently, proton pump inhibitors, without a chance for permanent cure. These medications relieve ulcer-related symptoms, heal gastric mucosal inflammation, and may heal the ulcer, but they do NOT treat the infection. When acid suppression is removed, the majority of ulcers, particularly those caused by H. pylori, recur. Since we now know that most ulcers are caused by H. pylori, appropriate antibiotic regimens can successfully eradicate the infection in most patients, with complete resolution of mucosal inflammation and a minimal chance for recurrence of ulcers. #How common is H. pylori infection? #Approximately two-thirds of the world's population is infected with H. pylori. In the United States, H. pylori is more prevalent among older adults, African Americans, Hispanics, and lower socioeconomic groups. #What illnesses does H. pylori cause? #Most persons who are infected with H. pylori never suffer any symptoms related to the infection; however, H. pylori causes chronic active, chronic persistent, and atrophic gastritis in adults and children. Infection with H. pylori also causes duodenal and gastric ulcers. Infected persons have a 2- to 6-fold increased risk of developing gastric cancer and mucosal-associated-lymphoid-type (MALT) lymphoma compared with their uninfected counterparts. The role of H. pylori in non-ulcer dyspepsia remains unclear. #Recent studies have shown an association between long-term infection with H. pylori and the development of gastric cancer. Gastric cancer is the second most common cancer worldwide; it is most common in countries such as Colombia and China, where H. pylori infects over half the population in early childhood. In the United States, where H. pylori is less common in young people, gastric cancer rates have decreased since the 1930s. #Alternate these programs every other day for at least 3 months.

An update on my dad's progress with lymphoma. He just drove back from Florida...12 hrs the first day and 14 hrs the second day. Not bad for an 81 year old guy who was told he would not live for more than a few months last July! He was doing well on the Rife machine and supplements before he left for Fl last fall and had even become very active and energetic. He found a new Dr. in FL....who insisted he do chemo. The Dr. even had the nerve to tell my dad that he knew the cancer was spreading through his body because he did not have chemo. (note that this Dr. took no tests to confirm this and actually did have test results from MI that stated the opposite and that the cancer was at least not growing) Sorry to say that this Dr. intimidated and frightened my parents to the point that my dad had 3 chemo treatments in FL. After the 3 treatments The Dr. could not understand why my dad was still doing so well (not sick from the treatments) They only made him weak. So this %&^*?" Dr. wanted to do more chemo through the summer and keep my parents in FL. (Since he was doing so well and was not deathly sick like his other patients) Thank God they refused and came home. Their oncologist here ordered a cat scan. It shows no change or growth in the cancer. The oncologist does not feel the chemo was of any benefit. He also stated that he would recommend that my dad continue his natural


treatments since this is what he felt kept the cancer at bay and even seemed to build his body up. Now we need to rebuild what the Chemo did to him!

UPDATE: More blood work was done this September 2006. Test results indicate complete remission. This is approximately 1 year after beginning Rife sessions.

From a Researcher: I am excited about the Rife sessions for my cancer. I had a left mastectomy in December 2000. Although the tumor was large, no lymph nodes were involved. We have always done alternative treatments in terms of supplementation, coffee enemas etc. I kept having reoccurring cancer in the scar tissue and the chest wall. I went so far as to have localized radiation to see if that would take care of it. It was back again within a year. During this time, I had intermittent treatment with Femara (aromatase inhibitor). At no time did this drug reverse any cancer nodules but it did appear to prevent continuation of growth. After discovering last October that I again had reoccurrence on the chest wall I went back on Femara. In December I was diagnosed with the same cancer in the right breast. We did some initial Ion Pro Wave sessions at a healing center and purchased a Rife machine in late December. I started the Monday am etc series of cancer sessions the first two weeks in January. I used the double bulb without holding on to the grounding tube. I was detoxing too much and got a respiratory infection that hung on for awhile. During that time I slowed the sessions down to one a day. I also included, at least weekly, the Bacillus Lichenformis program. In addition to the Rife sessions I was following the A blood group diet and had eliminated sugar, wheat and red meat. I had a PETscan on February 6th. A PET scan works on the basis of radioactive glucose uptake. Cancer cells use more glucose than normal body cells. No areas of true uptake were noted on the scan not even in the L chest wall. To me this says that as of right now there is no active indication of cancer present in my body! I am continuing to do cancer sessions along with BX virus and Bacillus Lichenformis programs. I will continue to eat a modified Blood type diet as well. The diet dropped my cholesterol 70 points in one month! The advantage of the double bulb was that I could simultaneously use the session as a meditation period and reduce my mental stress. Hope this will be helpful. Sorry this has gotten rather lengthy. Blame it on working in the medical system for 30+ years and wanting to be totally accurate. I actually kept a record of all my sessions.


Report from a Practitioner Using the F-117: A 31 year old man with liver cancer was told by a doctor after ultrasound that the tumor was the size of his liver and I palpated his abdomen and can say for sure that his liver was very enlarged. He was having increasing pain in his liver once we began his sessions. After 10 sessions on his personalized program, his pain was so bad that he went back to the doctor who ultra-sounded him and his liver was normal in size and the tumor reduced to the size of a golf ball!

Ovarian Cancer
In 2004 my Dr. found a cyst on my left ovary and for some reason he was a little suspicious of how it looked so we scheduled surgery. It turned out to be ovarian cancer stage 1. He wanted to follow up my hysterectomy with chemotherapy. However after much prayer and research we decided to try alternative treatments and keep the chemotherapy for plan B if it was needed. A Naturopathic doctor was recommended to us and I began his regime of treatment which included using his rife machine. We also found a medical Dr. who was willing to order any medical tests that I needed to make sure we were on the right track with my treatments. My CA125 test (which is a cancer marker test for Ovarian cancer) started out at 26 and with his treatments was lowered to 13,(normal is 0-35). We have been using your machine for the last year or so. How I used it is-- at the beginning I ran the Mon-Sun program morning and afternoon for about 2 weeks. I placed the wand directly on my left side where the cancer was and then move it slightly in different spots on my abdomen. Then after consulting my naturopath he recommended that I only run the cancer programs once every third day. He feels that the immune system needs a day or so off to recuperate, that the rife machine just stuns it mildly. So I followed his recommendation and ran the Adenocarcinoma programs every third day for several months. I continued to follow it up with blood work every three months and it has been stable at 6 or 7. I also run the parasite programs every week. I really feel that the rife machine has aided me in my treatments. I now run the Adenocarcinoma program once a week.

There is a volume of research that a raw fruit and vegetable (uncooked) diet has benefits in preventing and eliminating many cancers. Here is additional information.
Tomatoes. Besides loads of vitamin C, tomatoes are one of the richest sources of the flavenoid lycopene - which gives them their red color - which has shown to defend, in


study after study, against cancers of the lungs, cervix, prostate and mouth. Tomatoes are also one of the chief ingredients of "the Mediterranean diet", now well known for the many important health benefits it conveys. Blueberries. In addition to plenty of flavenoids - the rich pigment of the berries - which has repeatedly shown to protect against several cancers, blueberries may also hold "the secret of youth". In a study published in Journal of Neuroscience, investigators found that elderly rats fed the human equivalent of at least 1/2 cup of blueberries per day, improved in balance, coordination and short term memory. A normal serving consists of one cup. Like other fruits and vegetables - and particularly so the 'dark' ones blueberries contain chemicals that act as antioxidants, now believed by scientists to protect the body against "oxidative stress," one of several biological processes that cause aging. Red Cabbage, Red Beets. All cabbages - including their kin broccoli, cauliflower, kale, brussel sprouts bok choy, and so forth - are not only rich in calcium, but recent research has shown that they are also extremely rich in anti-cancer flavenoids, the source of the purple color of the red cabbages. But the red cabbage tops them all; it is the richest source of flavenoids among all vegetables, besides red beets, of course. Red beets have so much of these flavenoids that it can alarm people who are not used to them, because it turns urine red. But there is no reason to panic, it's just the abundance of the potent flavenoids in red beets. Spinach. Also one of the "dark" vegetables, spinach is also a rich source of vitamin C, beta-carotene - both are potent antioxidants - as well as folic acid, now discovered to be so vital to our health that the US Dept. of Health has mandated that it is added to flour. In several studies (University of Minnesota, Environmental Health Services, and others), it has been found that people who include two or more servings of spinach per week in their nutrition have considerably lower lung and breast cancer rates. Garlic. Studies focused on garlic have shown, again and again, that this pungent onion kin lives up to its age-old reputation of being a powerful all-around health promoting food. The sulfur compounds that give it its strong flavor have now been shown to protect against cancer by neutralizing carcinogens and slowing tumor growth. In a recent Iowa Women's Health study, investigators found that women who consume garlic at least once a week also have a 32% lower incidence of breast cancer. Garlic is, of course, also a major ingredient in the now well known "Mediterranean diet". Oranges. Already well known for their high vitamin C content, much recent research in the food sciences has shown that oranges are also rich in many other potent anti-cancer compounds. Investigators have now found that oranges contain more than 170 phytochemicals, including more than 20 from the potent carotenoid family alone. In addition, compounds called limonoids - which give citrus fruit their slightly bitter taste appear to be highly active anti-cancer agents as well. Regular consumption of oranges is associated with significantly lower lung and stomach cancers. Strawberries. In a study tracking the diet and health of 1.271 people, researchers at the Harvard School of Health found that people who love strawberries have a 70% lower incidence of cancer. But, and as many other studies have shown, the same holds true for all other colorful and deeply colored berries, such as cranberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, red and purple grapes, and so forth. Beans. Much recent research in the food sciences has established that all kinds of


beans are loaded with protease inhibitors, compounds that make it hard for cancer cells to invade adjacent tissue. Fava beans contain much herein, which has shown to block carcinogens in the digestive tract. And soy beans are especially rich in isoflavones, which appears to reduce the risk of breast cancer by blocking the tumor-growing influence of estrogen. Lentils also belong to the bean family, and are one of the tastiest, most versatile, and easiest to prepare beans.

The following is a range of natural foods that have been found to possess anti-cancer compounds:
Cherries, Cranberries, Raspberries, Plums, Raisins, Prunes. These all contain important antioxidants known as anthocyanidins, of which there are over 150 in the plant world. The fruits with the highest antioxidant capacity were those with blue, black, and purple pigments, such as blueberries, black grapes, blackberries and prunes. Berries contain a phytochemical, ellagic acid believed to prevent abnormal cellular changes and cherries, perillyl alcohol, a compound related to limonene in citrus fruits, but five times more powerful. This phytochemical can induce apoptosis (cell death) during the promotion and progression stages of cancer and encourage cancer cells to regress. Grapes contain resveratrol, found to inhibit cancer initiation, promotion and progression. Cruciferous Vegetables These vegetables are considered to be some of the most powerful cancer protectors and include, cabbage, brussel sprouts, broccoli, kale, cauliflower, collard greens and watercress. Cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower were found to be the most protective because they contain a compound called sulphoraphane, which stimulates the livers Phase 2 detoxification process. Cruciferous vegetables hold other secrets, when chewed, a compound indole-3-carbinole (13C) is released, helping to protect the body against the damaging effects of estrogen , reducing the risk of breast cancer. Eating cabbage can alter estrogen patterns within just five days. Spices If youre a curry fan youll be pleased to know curcumin in turmeric has been found to prevent cancer in animals and halt the growth of cancer cells in test tube studies. Soya Although the issue of soya has become controversial, there is a wealth of knowledge supporting evidence to show that it may play an important role in cancer prevention, particularly of breast and prostate. Genistein and daidzein 2 phytoestrogens (plant estrogens) in soya are able to reduce the activity of the bodys own estrogen by binding to estrogen receptors on breast cells. Another benefit is that it can help extend the length of the first half of the menstrual cycle, thereby lowering the overall levels of estrogen throughout life. As well as phytoestrogens, soya contains protease inhibitors which have been shown to block cancer-causing protease enzymes. Fish and Flax Seeds People who eat fish regularly are less likely to develop cancers particularly of the breast and colon. One reason for this is that Omega-3 essential fatty acids, which increase the production of anti-inflammatory prostaglandins in the body. Vegetarians or those who do not like fish can obtain Omega-3 fatty acids from flax seeds or flax seed oil (one or two tablespoons a day).


Carrots, Tomatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Squash. The compounds that lend fruit and vegetables their colors are carotenoids. These are potent antioxidants and promote the bodys detoxification of enzymes. Beta carotene has been noted to stimulate the release of natural killer cells, which hunt down and destroy cancer cells. The red pigment in tomatoes, lycopene, works by quenching the highly damaging free radical singlet oxygen. Research has concluded that a single serving of tomatoes was enough to reduce levels of oxidative damage to DNA within 24 hours. The prevention of prostate cancer, in particular, has been linked to lycopene. Other carotenoids are found in large quantities of carrots, apricots, sweet potatoes, squash and dark leafy green. Garlic and Onions Louis Pasteur was the first to identify the antibacterial properties of onions and garlic. However, of garlics many beneficial actions, inhibiting the growth of cancer must be the most remarkable. Studies suggest it has the ability to prevent the development of cancers of the breast, colon, skin, stomach, esophagus and prostate. According to research Garlic can slow down tumor proliferation and induce apoptosis, it also suppresses cancer formation and reduces activation and tumor growth. Onions are protective to the body. The red and yellow varieties are rich in flavenoid, quercetin, which has been called, "the king of the flavenoids". Citrus Fruits: Oranges, Grapefruit, Lemons According to the American National Cancer Institute oranges are "a complete package of every class of natural anti-cancer inhibitor know, including carotenoids, terpenes, flavenoids and vitamin C". The peel of citrus fruits contains the cancer inhibitor, limonene, which works by inhibiting both the initiation and promotion stages of cancer. Green Tea Green tea, popular in Asia for over 3,000 years has been referred to as "one of the most practical cancer preventives". The antioxidants in green tea are 100 times more effective than vitamin C and 25 times more effective then vitamin E. It may also stop cancer spreading once developed. For a tumor to spread to other sites, it has to break through the extra-cellular matrix, which holds cells together. To enable this to happen it uses destructive enzymes called Matrix Metallo-Proteinases (MMPs). One Japanese study found that green tea could inhibit MMPs significantly and induce apoptosis in several cancer cell lines including those of the stomach and colon, and leukemia cells. As you can see much can be done to prevent the disease from forming, growing and even spreading. The best advice is to eat widely from the vast array of colorful raw fruits and vegetables that are as protective as they are delicious.

The following information is for research purposes only, and does not claim to present a cure for any disease or health condition.


Understanding the function of cancer on its most basic level can often result in getting a better grasp on other avenues of targeting or even preventing malignancy. This is deep stuff, but it is worth the time for serious researchers to evaluate. Quote from: http://www.angio.org/understanding/understanding.html

The Body's Control of Angiogenesis

Angiogenesis occurs in the healthy body for healing wounds and for restoring blood flow to tissues after injury or insult. In females, angiogenesis also occurs during the monthly reproductive cycle (to rebuild the uterus lining, to mature the egg during ovulation) and during pregnancy (to build the placenta, the circulation between mother and fetus). The healthy body controls angiogenesis through a series of "on" and "off" switches:

The main "on" switches are known as angiogenesis-stimulating growth factors The main "off switches" are known as angiogenesis inhibitors

Angiogenesis may switch off in as little as two to fourteen days. When angiogenic growth factors are produced in excess of angiogenesis inhibitors, the balance is tipped in favor of blood vessel growth. When inhibitors are present in excess of stimulators, angiogenesis is stopped. The normal, healthy body maintains a perfect balance of angiogenesis modulators. In general, angiogenesis is "turned off" by the production of more inhibitors than stimulators.

History of Angiogenesis Research

1787 - British surgeon Dr. John Hunter first uses the term 'angiogenesis' (new blood vessel growth) to describe blood vessels growing in the reindeer antler. 1935 - Boston pathologist Dr. Arthur Tremain Hertig describes angiogenesis in the placenta of pregnant monkeys. 1960's - Judah Folkman first hypothesized in the 1960's that angiogenesis is also integral to the complex biology that enables and encourages the growth of tumors and other forms of cancer. Folkman has spent the last four decades validating this hypothesis, beginning with a publication in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1971. In this paper, he proposed the revolutionary concept that tumors are unable to grow beyond a certain size unless they have a dedicated blood supply, and that successful tumors secrete an unknown

substance (which he then called tumor angiogenesis factor, or TAF) that encourages new blood vessel growth. The process of
angiogenesis, Folkman argued, helps transform a tumor from a small cluster of mutated cells to a large, malignant growth. According to the National Cancer Institute, solid tumors cannot grow beyond the size of a pinhead, that is, 1-2 cubic mm, without inducing the formation of new blood vessels to supply the nutritional needs of the tumor. So without the tumors promotion of angiogenesis, tumor growth would terminate at a point where it would not be life threatening.


In 99% of cases observed by researchers, this is exactly what happens. The fact is that many people go to their grave with these small cancerous tumors never affecting the quality of their lives, but in 1% of cases, the tumor is able to generate its own TAF or angiogenesis factor allowing for uncontrolled cancerous tumor growth, in effect the switch is now locked to the ON position for blood vessel growth. Uncontrolled cancer malignancy has now begun. Since rapid vascularization and tumor growth appear to occur concurrently, interrupting the vascular growth cycle is paramount to overcoming or even preventing malignancy. Or to put is simply, if one could turn the angiogenesis switch to OFF, tumor growth would stop, and may even regress, or would have never started at all.

Enter Ribonucleotide Reductase

From a Practitioner: Since the introduction of the Ion Pro Wave Hydrotherapy system, there have been positive reports as well as blood work for a variety of cancers. What has been puzzling is that many of these reports came from individuals who were running simple detox frequencies only. Since these frequencies have no known association with Rife Cancer frequency research, what may be the mechanism for these positive reports? A clue as to what may be happening may have to do with the enzyme RR (ribonucleotide reductase) which some researchers believe to be at the core of cancerous growth. A simple way of blocking this enzyme is suggested by the fact that at the center of this enzyme is a lone electron (free-radical) which is essential for its activity. It has been demonstrate that such free radicals can be disabled with a small amount of electrical current being passed through the tissue. Evidence is mounting that the vortex of cancerous growth and angiogenesis is centered around the enzyme ribonucleotide reductase.

The following information came from:

http://www.dukemednews.duke.edu/news/article.php?id=444 A gene labeled RRM1 is responsible for the production of ribonucleotide reductase. Ribonucleotide reductase or RR, has been known for 30 years or so and has been studied biochemically, and is required for cell viability and cell repair. It is also a necessary component for angiogenesis. If you can knock out RRM1, there is no way a cell can overcome the lack of ribonucleotide reductase and survive." Potential therapy could, therefore, either block the enzyme, rendering it ineffective, or could target the remaining copy of the RRM1 gene to prevent it from producing the enzyme. As with all cancer treatments, however, there needs to be selectivity so that cancer cells are killed but normal cells are left alone as much as possible. Normal cells have two copies of RRM1 and would be more resistant than a cancer cell that has 1 copy of the RRM1 gene. With no ribonucleotide reductase active, the cancer will die, tumors will stop growing, and angiogenesis will be turned OFF.


While normal cells may be affected also, they should have enough residual enzyme activity to survive and wouldn't become cancerous just because of diminished RRM1 activity. The gene doesn't make cancer, it just makes cancer spread when angiogenesis is out of balance." Two copies of the RRM1 gene are good; no copies and the cell dies. One copy seems to make the cell prone to metastasizing or angiogenesis in the case of tumor growth. Currently, new drugs are being developed known as angiogenesis inhibitors.

Enter Electrotherapy
In the 1985 study, electrotherapy was shown to consistently and progressively reduce tumor mass. This consisted of five one-hour sessions over 5 days at 2.4 milli-amperes! Researchers (See: http://www.cancer-treatment.net/index.html) who are pursuing these protocols state this cancer treatment should be effective in treating various solid cancers such as bladder, bone, brain, breast, cervical, colon, esophagus, kidney, liver, lung, ovarian, pancreatic, prostate, rectal, skin, stomach, testicular, throat & uterine cancers. Rather this is the mechanism of the Ion Pro Wave hydrotherapy systems or other conventional Rife systems positive reports is not known, and certainly much more research needs to be done. However, it may provide interesting insight and clues on what may be happening during the sessions, and may provide a new avenue of research for resonant initiated field effects.

Article: Electricity used to kill cancer

By Ed Sussman WEST PALM BEACH, Fla., July 2 (UPI) -- U.S. researchers said Monday that focused electric pulses can puncture holes into cancer cells, killing those cells without using extremes of heat or cold that can damage other tissues. In laboratory experiments, a one-minute test utilizing irreversible electroporation destroyed 92 percent of tumors in mice, said Rafael Davalos, assistant professor of biomedical engineering at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg. "The key to this is that it is relatively simple to perform in places such as community hospitals or in resource-limited setting," Davalos told United Press International. "We have already completed laboratory experiments in the test tube and in animals," he said. "We expect to begin human trials with this process within a year." In the treatment, small, needle-like electrodes are positioned around the tumors and electric micro-pulses are fired. The electric charges open holes in the cell membranes, some of which do not close and cannot be repaired by the cell. These holes are fatal to the cell.


"We cannot distinguish individual cells," said Davalos, "so some healthy cells within the field of attack would also be killed." But because the system does not heat up cells or freeze, there is no "bystander effect" in which cells outside the field are killed, he said. "This application creates permanent openings in the pores in the cells of the undesirable tissue. The openings eventually lead to the death of the cells." "We were actually quite surprised to find the effectiveness of the system in our animal experiments," Davalos said. He said the efficiency in killing the cells was unexpected because in some cells the electric pulses do not cause enough damage to fatally injure the cancer cells -- especially the cells on the periphery of the target. The researchers successfully destroyed tissue using the electroporation pulses in the livers of male rats. "We did not use any drugs, the cells were destroyed, and the vessel architecture was preserved," Davalos said. He describes his work in the special August issue of Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment. The research by Davalos flows from previous attempts to use electroporation to temporarily open holes in cancer cells. The electric pulses would then be used to drive chemotherapy drugs into the cells to kill them. Davalos said that his system could also be combined with the drugs to kill more targeted cells. "This seems like an exciting new process to kill cancer cells," said Dr. Douglas Scherr, clinical director of urologic oncology at the Weill Medical School of Cornell University, New York. "The key is imaging, especially in treating prostate cancer. The most difficult part of prostate cancer treatment is killing the microscopic cancers in the prostate without damaging healthy tissue or other anatomical structures." Scherr suggested that the irreversible electroporation would prove more effective in treating tumors such as breast cancer, kidney cancer or brain cancer where the malignancies can be more easily imaged. He said that work at Weill is under way in developing more accurate imaging so that only the tumors would be impacted. "The lack of a bystander effect with the electroporation could prove to be an advantage of that type of system," he told UPI. Davalos and colleagues are working with the National Institutes of Health to use the irreversible electroporation device in brain cancer patients. It should be noted that TrueRife systems will induce a current within the body itself as well as along the surfaces when bulbs are used in contact mode. Voltages can vary from 1500 to 45,000 volts.

Green Tea Supplementation

http://greentealovers.com/greenteahealthcancer.html Green tea has been shown to help prevent metastasis. Cancer cells secrete special enzymes called collagenases in order to penetrate and colonize various tissues. It is the metastatic (angiogenesis)process that is lethal, not the primary tumor. Hence finding substances that can prevent metastasis is of prime importance in fighting cancer. A study done at the University of Shizuoka in Japan found that epigallocatechin gallate does in fact inhibit the secretion of collagenases by tumor cells (in this study, highly metastatic lung cancer cells), thus arresting their ability to invade normal tissue. Black


tea theaflavins were also effective. There is also additional evidence that green tea polyphenols help inhibit angiogenesis, or the growth of new blood vessels that nourish the tumor."

Rife Technology should be viewed as a complement to other protocols, especially when dealing with chronic or life threatening disease. The following article is of interest in showing the positive aspects of Vitamin D in preventing cancerous growth.

Study Shows Risks of Several Types of Cancer Cut in Older Women
By TIMBERLY ROSS AND JEFF DONN, AP OMAHA, Neb. Building hope for one pill to prevent many cancers, vitamin D cut the risk of several types of cancer by 60 percent overall for older women in the most rigorous study yet. The new research strengthens the case made by some specialists that vitamin D may be a powerful cancer preventive and most people should get more of it. Experts remain split, though, on how much to take. "The findings . . . are a breakthrough of great medical and public health importance," declared Cedric Garland, a prominent vitamin D researcher at the University of California-San Diego. "No other method to prevent cancer has been identified that has such a powerful impact." While the most reliable yet, the study does have drawbacks. It was designed mainly to monitor how calcium and vitamin D improve bone health, and the number of cancer cases overall was small, showing up in just 50 patients. "It's a very small study," said Dr. Edward Giovannucci, who researches nutrition and cancer at the Harvard School of Public Health. "I don't think it's the last word." In either case, the study takes an important step in extending several decades of research that began with observations that cancer rates among similar groups of people were lower in southern latitudes than in northern ones. Scientists reasoned that had to do with more direct sunlight in southern regions. The skin makes vitamin D when exposed to sunlight's ultraviolet rays. This study used that same form of the vitamin, known as D3 or cholecalciferol. Multivitamins usually carry a much weaker variant known as D2, but D3 is available in stand-alone dietary supplements.

Lower Your Risk

Get the real facts and medical myths associated with breast cancer. Do a Self Breast-Exam http://body.aol.com/condition-center/breast-cancer/learn-about-it


Tools & Resources http://body.aol.com/conditions/breast-cancer-major-1/health-tools Earlier research has shown that vitamin D helps regulate cell growth, a fundamental biological process that goes haywire in cancer. Most other supplements have tended to target specific types of disease in early testing, like selenium or vitamin E for prostate cancer. This study, published Friday in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, is the first time that researchers significantly boosted - and measured - blood levels of vitamin D and then followed identical groups of patients from start to finish. That's why, despite its modest size, the research was generating excitement. Nearly all other work has compared disparate groups of patients. The researchers at Creighton University in Omaha focused on 1,179 seemingly healthy women with an average age of 67. The women were divided into three groups: 446 got calcium and vitamin D3 supplements, a similar number got calcium alone, and 288 took dummy pills. The research team gave 1,000 daily international units of vitamin D, more than current guidelines calling for 200 to 600 units depending on a person's age. The researchers intended to check mainly for the effects of calcium on bone health. Their interest in cancer risk was secondary. But the lower cancer risk stood out. Only 13 women, or 3 percent, developed cancer over four years after taking calcium and vitamin D supplements. With calcium alone, 17 women, or 4 percent, got cancer. With dummy pills, cancer appeared in 20 women, or 7 percent. That shows a 60 percent lower cancer risk over four years in the group taking both supplements, compared to patients taking placebos. And when the first-year cancers were excluded - the ones mostly likely present before the study began - the findings were stronger still: a 77 percent lower risk for the combo group. While the calcium-only group lowered its four-year cancer risk by 47 percent compared to the untreated group, it did no better when early cancers were excluded. That suggests calcium alone may have done little in this experiment, the researchers said. Experts reviewing the study focused on vitamin D as the powerful agent in the combo group, but it can't be ruled out that calcium might somehow amplify the effect of vitamin D. While numbers were limited, these women developed a broad range of cancers, including disease of the breast, colon, lungs and blood. Dr. Michael Holick, of Boston University Medical Center, who sat on the professional panel that issued the 1997 guidelines for vitamin D, said this study shows that enough vitamin D "markedly reduces the risk of developing the most serious deadly cancers." He supports raising the recommended amount of the vitamin and said 1,000 daily units of vitamin D3 would now be reasonable for most people. On the other hand, Dr. Michael Thun of the American Cancer Society favors keeping the current recommendation of 200 to 600 IUs for now. And he cautioned that more than 2,000 units is viewed in the guidelines as potentially dangerous.


Joan Lappe, the study's lead researcher, said it "just adds to the great bunch of evidence that we need to have better vitamin D nutrition." Some foods carry the vitamin, like salmon, tuna and fortified milk, but diet accounts for little of the vitamin circulating in the body. Overexposure to the sun can cause skin cancer. Still, people should consult their doctors before boosting their vitamin dosage, several experts also warned. More study is needed to determine if the effects in this study hold true for large groups of people and men as well as women.

Supplements / ClearLine Products

TrueRife has added CA Clear to the Clear Line detoxification formulation package. We call this package C-Pack when all 5 products are ordered together to integrate the 3 month program. These are available from TrueRife under the Nutritional Support link. Click: http://truerife.com/Clearline.wmv for 30 minute video. CA Clear is considered an immune system builder. Some of the ingredients (Graviola and Dionaea Muscipula ) are also being researched for anti-cancer properties.

Venus Flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) & HIV-AIDS Venus Fly Trap extract Acts as a deep immune activator, antiviral, analgesic and antineoplastic. In Germany, a standardized solution of this plant is used in the treatment of chronic diseases, including most forms of cancer, ulcerative colitis, multiple sclerosis, all types of herpes infections, chronic arthritis and almost any immune deficiency state, including AIDs. In cases of cancer, its proponents claim it works therapeutically to shrink solid tumors, but does not help with blood abnormalities such as leukemia. Proponents also claim that in clinical applications, it has been effective in boosting immune function and eliminating the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) from the blood. Dr. Morton Walker writes "I have observed laboratory test readings on HIV-positive patients, recorded by German doctors and American holistic physicians. The patients Thelper cell counts rose from as low as 11 per cubic millimeter of blood to well beyond 700, while the T-suppressor cells decreased sharply. This makes the individual's


important helper/suppressor ratio almost normal. The most surprising result has been the German Venus' Flytrap solution's direct effect in reducing the viability of the HIV. Quite simply, an identified biochemical ingredient in Venus' Flytrap kills the AIDS virus. Also, the Beta-2 Microglobulin test, which measures the amounts of plasma proteins produced by HIV, decreases. This test for Beta-2 levels is judged to be the most accurate of all predictors of HIV progression to AIDS. A decrease in Beta-2 levels indicates that the patient is not advancing to full blown AIDS. Graviola If you enter the term "Graviola" into Google you come up with an amazing 12,300 citations, over 2,000 of which relate to cancer. You also get a rash of sidebar advertisements such as "A great product to fight cancer," "Graviola helps to fight cancer," and "How Millions Beat Cancer," presumably with the help of this herb. The plant is also the subject of several dedicated websites. According to www.graviola.org, the plant is "an astounding cancer-fighting tree from the Amazon!" It is reputedly "10,000 times stronger in killing colon cancer than Adriamycin, a commonly used chemotherapeutic drug" and has the ability to "hunt down and destroy prostate, lung, breast, colon, and pancreatic cancers ... leaving healthy cells alone!" These are formidable claims. Adriamycin (doxorubicin) is one of the most powerful (and toxic) drugs in chemotherapy. Adriamycin was discovered in Italy in the 1970s, hence the "Adria-tic" name. Now, we are told, an herb has come to light that is not only as powerful as Adriamycin, but 10,000 times more powerful, and non-toxic to boot.

CA ClearTM This document was prepared for Future Body Sciences, Inc. by Daniel Phend, Master Herbalist and CEO, Future Body Sciences, Inc. CA ClearTM was formulated to support and activate the immune system during the time of detoxification when it is common for the body to come across old and dormant pathogens. We do not want them making the body weak during its time of hard work. Its broad range of plants, rich in a very specific phytochemistry, help support the immune system in its many roles as both killer and rebuilder of the body's systems. We have found that this is the perfect formula during the final phases of detoxification, when the deepest areas of the lymph are being released. CA ClearTM Herbs: Dionaea Muscipula / Graviola Mistletoe Sutherlandia Frutescens Deturge when combined with Lymph Clear emulates the Hoxey Cancer formula. http://www.truerife.com/Clear_Line.html for more information!


PH Clear Elevation of PH cannot be understated when dealing with Cancer. PH. Levels should be maintained at 7.4 or higher. Proper pH levels of the human body have already been discovered. Even Rife advocated PH elevation in his Cancer study. From chemistry, we know that 7.0 is neutral. The late Dr. Carey Reams, an Oxford MD with 6 other PhDs, said that human and animal life requires a pH of 6.4 of both the urine and saliva because that is "neutral" for the body. The body must keep our blood pH perfect or we will die, and consequently, when problems finally show up in our bloodstream, say like diabetes, we already have the problem! Reams said that what is in the bloodstream today, will be in the urine tomorrow, so he reasoned and proved that the urine and saliva more accurately show us what is occurring internally, well in advance of a crisis. Dr. Reams reversed cancer, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, and many others by doing a thorough internal cleanse. The urine pH indicates the state of the whole body, the saliva indicates the state of our digestive system (liver and pancreas). He added that we were made on an exponential or logarithmic scale and when our SALIVA pH's move to 7.4 instead or the more healthy 6.4, we only have 10% of the digestion strength of a healthy person, for example. He would offset or cause to move any improper urine and saliva pH levels with nutritional inputs of the opposite pH. He mentioned that allopathic practitioners rely upon a pH of 7.4 for our blood pH. If our BLOOD pH should move as much as .4 of a pH, away from that mark, we quickly die, he stated. The pH's of the urine and saliva tell us much, as does the full "Reams Bio-Ionization Test" which checks blood (urine) sugar levels, levels of blood mineral salts and albumin (cell debris), and blood (urine) levels of ammonia and nitrogen ureas. We have never lost anyone whose URINE pH was maintained between 6.4 and 7.0 using alkaline nutritional inputs, which is also the best pH range to have those people at when using a Rife device. Dr. Reams showed that most of us die when both our urine and saliva pH's drop to 4.8, although we had a fellow who lived two days with both pH's at 4.6. Incidentally, the use of Dr. Reams test on humans is prohibited in California, Oregon, and Washington but the book, "Alkalize or Die: by Theodore Broody, is an excellent book on balancing pH's.

The Spread of Cancer Can Be Controlled

http://www4.dr-rath-foundation.org/NHC/cancer/cellular_solutions.htm In the laboratory at Matthias Rath, Inc. scientists have conducted research with live cells to provide answers to various scientific questions. Once they understood the mechanism by which cancer cells metastasized, there was one critical question that the Matthias Rath Inc. researchers sought to answer: How could they naturally inhibit the invasion of cancer cells through collagen and connective tissue in a way that would enhance the bodys own capacity for managing disease?


In seeking this answer, the researchers designed an experiment so that they could first investigate the ability of cancer cells to digest through a collagenous matrix and then develop a method to control it. For this purpose, the researchers used specific vials that included partitions made of collagenous material similar to that which surrounds cells in the body. In the upper chamber of some vials, they incubated cancer cells with nutritive agents. In the upper chamber of other vials, they incubated cancer cells without nutritive agents. Afterwards, the researchers were able to determine which group of cancer cells was able to digest the collagen membrane and migrate to the lower chamber. The results of the experiment were remarkable. A simple combination of nutrients was able to stop cancer cells from invading the collagen matrix! The most powerful nutrient combination contained vitamin C, the amino acids L-lysine and L-proline, and a polyphenol fraction of green tea known as Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG). #This program is a collection of cancer research frequencies from a variety of sources. #1 hour 21 minutes # Run this program at least twice a week along with other cancer protocols. Look for hits and allow 3-6 months to evaluate results. # Most of these are harmonics of the actual frequencies # Supplement vitamin C, the amino acids L-lysine and Lproline, and a polyphenol fraction of green tea known as Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) See: http://www4.dr-rathfoundation.org/NHC/cancer/cellula r_solutions.htm #The first step in dealing with cancer electronically must be to eliminate all Bacillus Lichenformis from the body as it appears to be both a tumor promoter and a mutagen. Tumors will tend to grow or recur with this organism present. Also, any significant infection with this organism depresses the immune system and severely drains energy from the body,


possibly one of the main reasons that newly diagnosed cancer patients often deteriorate so rapidly. Most people with a depressed immune system are infected with nanobacteria and that must be eliminated also. See: Bacillus Lichenformis Program #In the mid-1990's, Dr. Bihari found that patients in his practice with cancer (such as lymphoma or pancreatic cancer) could benefit, in some cases dramatically, from LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone). http://www.lowdosenaltrexone.org/index.htm Nutritionist at Waterside Content says too much pasteurized milk can promote cancer http://watersidesyndication.com/content/?p=90 Published by editor December 18th, 2006 in bad foods, cancer, newstarget, informative, news Drinking an excess of [pasteurized] cows milk can promote cancer growth, according to Dr. T. Collin Campbell, Emeritus professor from Cornell University. After 27 years of animal research, Dr. Campbell came to that rather surprising conclusion which he revealed in his book, China Study. Dr. Campbell wrote a book on diet and cancer in 1982 that shocked U.S. medical authorities, as he organized an epidemiological study in China seeking associations between diets and diseases. The New York Times called the study the greatest in the world of epidemiological studies. In Dr. Campbells experiments, two groups of rats were exposed to equally high doses of highly carcinogenic aflatoxin to induce cancer. The rats were then fed a diet either with 20 percent gluten from plants, or 20 percent casein from animals. After a certain period, cancer cells did not increase in rats on the gluten diet, while the number of cancer cells in the rats on the casein diet drastically increased. Dr. Campbells conclusion was that when casein which comprises 87 percent of milk protein reaches or exceeds the level rats need for normal growth, casein starts to


promote proliferation of cancer cells. His research and experiments demonstrated that low intake of plant protein can inhibit cancer induced by aflatoxin. In fact, he found that even after a cancer has already developed, low intake of dietary protein can significantly suppress the progression of cancer. Dr. Campbells research also showed that milk can induce chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and osteoporosis as well.

The following research describes the anaerobic nature of cancer and its use of glucose for energy. Healthy cells use oxygen (aerobic). Knowing these principles may prove to be one of the keys in conquering cancer.

Dictionary Definitions (http://en.wikipedia.org)

Glycolysis is a metabolic pathway by which a 6-carbon glucose (Glc) molecule is oxidized to two molecules of pyruvic acid (Pyr). The word glycolysis is derived from Greek (sweet) and (rupture). It is the initial process of most carbohydrate catabolism, and it serves three principal functions: As the foundation of both aerobic and anaerobic respiration, glycolysis is the archetype of universal metabolic processes known and occurring (with variations) in many types of cells in nearly all organisms. Glycolysis, through anaerobic respiration, is the main energy source in many prokaryotes, eukaryotic cells devoid of mitochondria (e.g. mature erythrocytes) and eukaryotic cells under low oxygen conditions (e.g. heavily exercising muscle or fermenting yeast). It should be noted that cancer thrives on carbohydrates and starves or dies in the presence of oxygen. The fact that the mitochondria are turned off within the cells once this conversion takes place, explains the so called "immortality" of cancer cells. There are reports of live cancer cells in culture that have continued to divide for decades with no observable death of the parent cells. The fact that a drug may be able to switch the mitochondria back on to devitalize cancer is an interesting area for research. Is it possible that the application of the correct resonant frequency could also be used without the side effects of drugs to accomplish the same results? The following research has been used by one of our clients that is designed to work along with the above principles regarding cancers anaerobic functions. We do not have any feed-back yet as to the possible effects of this approach to validate its usefulness. For further information on this experimental protocol see: http://truerife.com/egbt.pdf Applied frequency to a substance could be monitored for resonant change by a voltage comparator circuit. Voltage will rise when the functional frequency is matched and then recorded for an anti-cancer product replication and encoded. As we advance into further research into a decode / encode system we may someday be able to determine the exact frequency to switch on the cancer cells mitochondria using simple resonance to duplicate the drugs interaction on the molecular level. We are currently investing a large amount of our resources into the scanning end of this research. Rife Technology currently uses resonance to devitalize any viral link to



From a Practitioner: In dealing with Cancer we have witnessed two approaches that clients have used with reported success. The first is to use the Monday through Friday Cancer sets. However, I have also received reports and witnessed with my own eye improvement running parasite sets.

Note the experience below:

We have had the F-110 for about a year and have experienced very good results, both for ourselves and some of our friends, especially a friend with bladder cancer. He ran the Schistosoma and other parasite programs (and detox once a week) 3 Xs a week for 5 weeks prior to surgery. 2006 F-110 with Helix Vortex Bulb The tumor was gray when it was removed and planned chemo therapy was canceled. Of course the surgeon was NOT informed as to what he had been doing. He is continuing Rife sessions for a month or so, 2 times a week to be sure that any dormant cancer cells are taken care of if they spring to life. Just thought you would like to know!

Parasite Program
#50 minutes #Schistosomes are trematode parasites of which three main species are pathogenic for man and infect about 200 million people in 75 countries in the tropics and sub-tropics. They thus rank second in importance among the parasite pathogens of man. Only one drug, praziquantel, is currently effective against all species of schistosome and is exclusively used for their control. The appearance of strains of the parasite resistant or tolerant to the drug has been recently reported from two endemic areas. #haematobium #mansoni

Chemotherapy is a personal choice for those battling cancer. However, the following study is revealing regarding the effectiveness of chemotherapy alone: "The overall contribution of curative and adjuvant cytotoxic chemotherapy to 5-year survival in adults was estimated to be 2.3% in Australia and 2.1% in the USA" The contribution of cytotoxic chemotherapy to 5-ye...[Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol). 2004] PubMed Result


http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=1563084 9&dopt=AbstractPlus

Turning Up the Heat to Beat Cancer

By Lex Alexander Staff Writer Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2008 3:00 am Researchers at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center are reporting promising results from the use of radio-frequency energy to try to eliminate kidney cancers. The goal of the research is to determine whether the less-invasive procedure is a good alternative for patients who aren't good candidates for surgery, the preferred treatment. The technique uses energy similar to microwaves to generate intense heat that destroys tumors instantly, said Dr. Ronald J. Zagoria, a professor of radiology at Baptist and the lead author of the study. In the study, the largest of its type to date, the technique was used to treat 125 biopsyconfirmed malignant tumors in 104 patients between 2000 and 2005. Patients were then followed to see whether any residual cancers appeared. Of the 125 tumors, 109 were destroyed in a single session and an additional seven were destroyed in a follow-up session. In the procedure, the doctor inserts a needle-sized probe into the skin of the sedated patient's back. He uses a CT scanner to track the probe's progress until it is in the tumor. The probe is then connected to an electrical generator. It functions like a radio antenna, emitting radio-frequency energy almost identical to that generated by a microwave oven. "It generates a huge amount of heat around the tip of the probe and destroys the tumor instantly," Zagoria said. "Then, we take the probe out." The procedure leaves a wound small enough to be covered with a Band-Aid. The patient is monitored for a few hours before leaving the hospital and resuming normal activities. Recovery time from kidney surgery, on the other hand, is measured in weeks or months. Traditional kidney-cancer treatment involves surgical removal, Zagoria said. The patients in the study were not good candidates for surgery, either because of other health problems such as emphysema or because they had a syndrome in which they repeatedly developed kidney tumors. Those patients typically would need their kidneys removed and would end up on dialysis, a result Zagoria's team was trying to avoid. "Surgery is still preferable if the patients can tolerate it," Zagoria said. The technique had been used previously to eliminate liver and lung tumors, and doctors at Baptist have more experience performing the procedure than those of anyplace else in the world, Zagoria said. Earlier studies involving kidney tumors had involved smaller numbers of patients, and in some cases not all tumors had been confirmed malignant by biopsy. To follow up, Zagoria said, the team will continue to follow the patients who underwent the procedure and compare their outcomes to those of patients who underwent surgery.


"The goal is just to see if the procedure is a good alternative for people who are not good surgical candidates," he said. "Surgery works great, and we're not trying to replace it."

Kanzius Radio Frequency Machine Question: Did anyone see on 60 Minutes (4/13/08) a segment about Radio Frequencies killing cancer using nano particles? Leslie Stahl interviewed the inventor, Mr. Kanzius of Florida who created a radio frequency machine to heat up tumors and kill them. We wondered if he knows about the Rife machine and Rife since it appears that he has developed this on his own. Since he has leukemia he may benefit from TrueRifes device and research. The process he hopes to develop will probably not be ready soon enough for him to benefit. Maybe TrueRife should contact him and compare research? http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/04/10/60minutes/main4006951.shtml Response: Its an interesting approach but the problem seems to be that this technique does not address the underlying cause, but just the cancer cells themselves. Whether this approach will ultimately work is unknown. Actually there are similar devices already on the market. For example, Radiofrequency Ablation for Cancer - Treatment Options at Mayo Clinic http://www.mayoclinic.org/radiofrequency-ablation/ The Mayo clinic already uses a safer but simpler approach to cancer tumors

The radio frequency needle is placed into a liver tumor.

Electrodes deployed through the needle cause a zone of thermal destruction that encompasses the tumor and a small zone of normal liver tissue.


This is applying a microwave approach to cancer tumors. By placing tin foil in a microwave you can demonstrate such effects. Caution! This may cause a fire in your microwave! Using destructive RF heat transmission is not new. This approach is looking for a way to target cancer cells without the collateral damage caused by radiation therapy. Injecting tumors with metallic nano-particles (conductors of heat when radiated with RF) is of course much easier than actually getting these particles into cancer cells throughout the body. But even if you could accomplish this, how would you then remove these nano-particles from the system? Rife's research established that the underlying cancer causes must be addressed to not only obtain a cancer remission but to prevent the cancer from recurring. Vibration Not Heat! It should be noted that TrueRife machines are based on resonance and not the use of RF or destructive heat. Rife devices are based on vibration not on cauterization. TrueRife has no interest in his approach because of the destructive heat aspects and the failure to address underlying causes, which in some cases could possibly be viral (according to Rife).

Epstein-Barre Cancer Link?

Recent research has now shown a possible connection with the Epstein-Barre Virus. Cancer Research UK : Secrets of a cancer virus revealed http://info.cancerresearchuk.org/news/archive/pressreleases/ 2003/july/39371 Those struggling with cancer may want to run this program from time to time as an adjunct to the cancer programs. There are two programs that should be run. This is the latest: #Epstein-Barr virus, frequently referred to as EBV, is a member of the herpes virus family and one of the most common human viruses. The virus occurs worldwide, and most people become infected with EBV sometime during their lives. In the United States, as many as 95% of adults between 35 and 40 years of age have been infected. Infants become susceptible to EBV as soon as maternal antibody protection (present at birth) disappears. Many children become infected with EBV, and these infections usually cause no symptoms or are indistinguishable from the other mild, brief illnesses of childhood. In the United States and in other developed countries, many persons are not infected with EBV in their childhood years. When infection with EBV occurs during adolescence or young adulthood, it causes infectious mononucleosis 35% to 50% of the time. #Symptoms of infectious mononucleosis are fever, sore throat, and swollen lymph glands. Sometimes, a swollen spleen or liver involvement may develop. Heart problems


or involvement of the central nervous system occurs only rarely, and infectious mononucleosis is almost never fatal. There are no known associations between active EBV infection and problems during pregnancy, such as miscarriages or birth defects. Although the symptoms of infectious mononucleosis usually resolve in 1 or 2 months, EBV remains dormant or latent in a few cells in the throat and blood for the rest of the person's life. Periodically, the virus can reactivate and is commonly found in the saliva of infected persons. This reactivation usually occurs without symptoms of illness. #EBV also establishes a lifelong dormant infection in some cells of the body's immune system. A late event in a very few carriers of this virus is the emergence of Burkitt's lymphoma and nasopharyngeal carcinoma, two rare cancers that are not normally found in the United States. EBV appears to play an important role in these malignancies, but is probably not the sole cause of disease.

There have been many positive cancer reports. Many of the individuals have used other protocols along with frequency therapy. Some have only used the frequencies with no additional protocols. Early detection and frequency application is imperative for the best chance of a positive outcome. Note these comments from Dr. James Bare: Please be aware that if a person has a prognosis of only a few weeks to live, and tries the device, the results have been universally poor. The degree of response to the device seems to be directly related to the overall ability of a persons body to respond and rebuild. If there is massive cancerous invasion of various organ systems with associated failure of the organs, the results of exposure to the device are very meager. There have been reports from people with multiple metastatic sites that have responded well to the device. These people responded, as the damage done by the cancer was not severe enough to be immediately life threatening. Dr. Bare

Report from a Researcher who used TrueRife technology to help his wife who was under hospice care at the time she began frequency application. She passed away a few months later. . . . I have no regrets the machine was able to do things that were listed. I used it to rebuild her white blood and red blood cell counts back up, most important the pain routine that that I modified continued to work even when morphine wouldn't and allowed her to rest. We were still plugging along when the ambulance came for her. The original cancers seemed to have been stopped.


Reports I saw after her death didn't mention bone damage in the original areas but these were in new areas. The original tumor that was visible on her head had started to recede. Her Home Health nurse was originally very skeptical but was soon amazed by her progress. She went from being flat on her back to sitting up the last month of her life. Without help from doctors (she was under Hospice care) there is no way to know what is going on internally. The reports on her lungs said there were significant changes but didn't say good or bad changes. She never had any breathing problems like they told us would happen. I believe the pain wore her out and she no longer wanted to carry on. I cannot blame her. I would probably do the same under those circumstances.

Esophageal Cancer Report (7/7/05) from a Practitioner Running a 2005 TrueRife T-150 with High Energy and Ion Pro Wave:
One of my clients has esophageal cancer. From the beginning she was severely anemic the doctor ordered iron infusions twice weekly. I believe her beginning Hgb was around 5 (very low) and they want it to be above 12. About 3 weeks into her chemo /radiation/iron infusion treatments, she began having sessions on the Rife machine. Even with twice weekly infusions, her hemoglobin would only go up a 10th of a point or so each time. We started on a Friday evening about 3 weeks into her treatments. At that point her Hgb was 7.8 and White Blood Cell count was pretty low. We ran Normalize Red/White Blood Cell Production throughout the weekend. By Monday her WBC was in the normal range and her Hgb had gone up to 9.4! Then 3 days later it was 10. And then 4 days later it was 10.9. She had not been having these results with the iron infusions alone and we found it amazing that the numbers kept going up despite the chemo / radiation treatment. I have also seen that when we run the Immune System Stabilizer, she has either very mild or no adverse reaction to her chemo /radiation. She seems to be full of energy for the most part and only has set backs on the days she doesn't come for sessions. We are also running the Adenocarcinoma programs daily and she is now able to swallow thick drinks. At the beginning the tumor was so big she couldn't even swallow water. She is going to have another endoscopy 1 month from now...so I'll update you then.

Esophageal Cancer Update (8/03/05)

I just wanted to update you on my client with esophageal cancer. She is 5 weeks out from chemo / radiation and went yesterday for her follow-up endoscopy. Now, we have been running the cancer frequencies/immune system stabilizer/normalize red-white blood cells every day since the end of her treatments. Plus adding in an Ion Pro Wave session whenever time allowed. She went for her endoscopy yesterday and we were thrilled. Even though there is still an area of irritation/tumor...it is ALMOST GONE! The doctor even told her she might NOT have to have the surgery! He is giving her another month to heal and will check again in a


month! This is a cancer that is considered "incurable." The chances of surviving are minimal. But it looks like this has given her a chance. Of course I also have to be fair and say that she has done a lot of hard work in getting off of the Ensure (milk/sugar) and onto a healthier liquid diet full of vitamins, minerals, and nutrition based on brown rice protein. Also, she had been experiencing pretty bad esophageal burning after the radiation and recently decided to work her way up to tolerance on Vitamin C Ascorbates. She is currently up to 25,000 mg / day and still hasn't reached tolerance. However, the burning is GONE! This just goes to show what a powerful healer Vitamin C is! It is still an uphill battle, but she has the energy to fight! And I honestly don't think that we would have gotten this far without the time and research that someone else so unselfishly gave to develop these frequencies. And for the time and effort of the ones who continued his work.

Report From a Researcher: My husbands niece, 21 years old was diagnosed with stage 4 uterine cancer. As there are only 5 stages, hers was fairly severe and had begun to metastasize. She was scheduled for surgery six weeks later. I ran her two series of the weekly cancer programs. (Monday morning, Monday afternoon, etc.) Due to our schedules, this took approximately 5 weeks to accomplish. She was retested for cancer and was found cancer free! Tests were negative. I intend to do maintenance programs on her, twice per month to keep the cancer at bay.

Waldenstroms macroglobulinemia is a rare, chronic cancer that is classified as a

low-grade, or indolent, type of lymphoma. (Indolent lymphomas tend to grow slowly and cause fewer symptoms.) It affects plasma cells, which develop from white blood cells called B-lymphocytes, or B cells. The subject discontinued chemotherapy about 4 months prior to this report and is currently on no cancer drugs. These test were conducted over a 6 week period with blood work being done before (9/20/04-11/1/04) and after a series of test running Rife frequencies through the Ion Pro Wave hydrotherapy system. The first CBC test showed marked improvement. Two more weeks of test were done comparing these numbers to the previously improved numbers to demonstrate that there was a pattern of improvement, and again two weeks later. After the third two-week session of twice a week on the Ion Pro Wave system these are the CBC test result comparisons over a 6-week period: One of the most important blood tests that your doctor will order for you on a regular basis is called a complete blood count (CBC). While there are many different types of cells in your blood, they can all be grouped into one of three categories: red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Hemoglobin before 10.7 / after: 12.0 / latest: 12.8 Hemoglobin is a protein that is carried by red cells. It picks up oxygen in the lungs and delivers it to the peripheral tissues to maintain the viability of cells. Hemoglobin is made


from two similar proteins that "stick together". Both proteins must be present for the hemoglobin to pick up and release oxygen normally. One of the component proteins is called alpha, the other is beta. Platelet Count before: 146 / after: 172 / latest: 178 Platelets are necessary for normal blood clotting (homeostasis). Most important, they aggregate (clump together) to plug small holes in damaged blood vessels. They also activate factor VIII (a component of the coagulation cascade) and release phospholipids necessary for coagulation. White Blood Cell Count before: 3.43 / after 5.10 / latest: 3.42 Whenever a germ or infection enters the body, the white blood cells snap to attention and race toward the scene of the crime. The white blood cells are continually on the lookout for signs of disease. When a germ does appear, the white blood cells have a variety of ways by which they can attack. Some will produce protective antibodies that will overpower the germ. Others will surround and devour the bacteria. Cannot speculate why this count rose and then dropped. Possible die off of pathogens may be the reason. These results are exciting as we have witnessed a pattern of improved CBC test numbers over the course of 6 weeks.

Report from a Researcher: I just received the following article from one of my stepsisters and thought that you might find it interesting. God only knows if its actually true but it does seem to present some logic in explaining how the method actually works. Also, to add to the claims, I just received an e-mail from a good friend of mine who BTW is also a Rife enthusiast and he told me that after trying this simple treatment he just passed the large cancerous tumor that he was diagnosed as having a year ago yesterday as he was sitting on the throne. We can't for the life of us think of anything else that this tissue could be other than the tumor that he had but he will be going to the doctor to make certain that it was what it appears to be. I suggested that he take the tissue mass to a lab to do a biopsy as soon as possible and I'm hoping that he will take my advice. I've asked him to report back to me when he has verified the facts, and I will get back to you as soon as he does.

Maple Syrup and Baking Soda?

Maple Syrup and Baking Soda - Cancer Research http://www.care2.com/c2c/groups/disc.html?gpp=14557&pst=1160842&posts=2 Dear IMVA, Tonight we are going back to medical basics with the application of the least expensive, safest and perhaps most effective cancer medicine there is. Sodium bicarbonate has


been on many cancer patients minds this past year. It has not been easy though to get to Rome or even contact Dr. Tullio Simoncini for treatment. And doctors willing to give bicarbonate IVs are not on every corner so its been somewhat frustrating to have something so simple and effective remain elusive. If doctors doing such treatments want to be listed by the IMVA for referral please contact us. Though we have known that oral intake of sodium bicarbonate will have the Simoncini" effect on oral, esophagus and stomach cancer we have not focused at all on the systemic effect of bicarbonate taken orally. Every cancer patient and every health care practitioner should know that oral intake of sodium bicarbonate offers an instant and strong shift of blood pH into the alkaline. So strong is the effect that athletes can notice the difference in their breathing as more oxygen is carried throughout the system and as more acids are neutralized.[i] The difference can be stunning for those whose respiration is labored under intense exercise loading.[ii] This tells us to take very seriously the oral use of bicarbonate for cancer treatment no matter what other treatment is used. This diagram shows the diffusion directions for H+, CO2, and O2 between the blood and the muscle cells during exercise. The resulting concentration changes affect the buffer equillibria, shown in the upper right-hand corner of the diagram (yellow). If the amounts of H+ and CO2 exceed the capacity of hemoglobin, they affect the carbonic acid equilibrium, as predicted by Le Chtelier's Principle or the quantitative treatment in terms of equilibrium constants. As a result, the pH of the blood is lowered, causing acidosis. The lungs and kidneys respond to pH changes by removing CO2, HCO3-, and H+ from the blood. When one reads my thesis on different medicinal substances one has to always remember that I am a protocol man who does not support single shot cures for anything. With the publication of todays chapter on sodium bicarbonate and maple syrup sodium bicarbonate slips securely into the number three spot right behind magnesium chloride (http://www.magnesiumforlife.com/) and iodine. Each of these three substances effects directly onto basic human physiology in a way most pharmaceutical drugs do not. When used together we have a super threesome that will inexpensively go far to resolving many of the physical and even some of the emotional problems we and our children face. And if you have not made the connection please note that all three of these substances are used in emergency rooms and intensive care wards and they do commonly save lives every day with their inherent healing powers. See my chapter on emergency room medicine and cancer treatment (http://www.winningcancer.com/txt/emergency-room-cancer-treatment/) All cancer sufferers and in fact every chronic disease patient should hold clearly in mind that pH is the regulatory authority that controls most cellular processes. The pH balance of the human bloodstream is recognized by medical physiology texts as one of the most important biochemical balances in all of human body chemistry. pH is the acronym for "Potential Hydrogen". In definition, it is the degree of concentration of hydrogen ions in a substance or solution. It is measured on a logarithmic scale from 0 to 14. Higher numbers mean a substance is more alkaline in nature and there is a greater potential for absorbing more hydrogen ions. Lower numbers indicate more acidity with less potential for absorbing hydrogen ions.


Our body pH is very important because pH controls the speed of our body's biochemical reactions. It does this by controlling the speed of enzyme activity as well as the speed that electricity moves through our body; the higher (more alkaline) the pH of a substance or solution, the more electrical resistance that substance or solution holds. Therefore, electricity travels slower with higher pH. If we say something has an acid pH, we are saying it is hot and fast. Alkaline pH on the other hand, bio-chemically speaking, is slow and cool. Body ph level changes are intense in the profundity of their biological effects. Even genes directly experience external pH. pH differentially regulates a large number of proteins. Increased oxidative stress, which correlates almost exponentially with ph changes into the acidic, is especially dangerous to the mitochondria, which suffer the greatest under oxidative duress. Epigenetics, which may now have begun eclipsing traditional genetics, commonly describes how factors such as diet and smoking, rather than inheritance influence how genes behave. The following chapter comes after 100 pages of text in the Yeast and Fungi Invaders section of the Winning the War on Cancer book (http://www.winningcancer.com/) Please note that sodium bicarbonate taken in water alone will have a powerful effect on entire body physiology because of the instant shift into alkaline pH levels. Bicarbonate can be taken frequently throughout the day with half teaspoons amounts though for long term use lower doses are safer. For cancer patients initial use should be heavy and frequent to force a greater shift because smaller pH shifts can actually stimulate cancer growth. Common sense knowledge speaks loudly about cancer and Candida patients avoiding glucose. This is similar to the common sense of pilots who know to pull back on the stick to pull out of a dive. That works until you approach the speed of sound and at that point all the pulling in the world will not work. You have to push the stick forward and do what instincts scream not to do. Several died trying until Chuck Yeager pushed that stick forward and became the first man to break the speed of sound.

Bicarbonate Maple Cancer Treatment International Medical Veritas Association

The bicarbonate maple syrup cancer treatment focuses on delivering natural chemotherapy in a way that effectively kills cancer cells but significantly reduces the brutal side effects experienced with most standard chemotherapy treatments. In fact so great is the reduction that the dangers are brought down to zero. Costs, which are a factor for the majority of people, of this particular treatment are nil. Though this cancer treatment is very inexpensive, do not assume it is not effective. The bicarbonate maple syrup cancer treatment is a very significant cancer treatment every cancer patient should be familiar with and it can easily be combined with other safe and effective natural treatments. This cancer treatment is similar in principle to Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT). IPT treatment consists of giving doses of insulin to a fasting patient sufficient to lower blood sugar into the 50 mg/dl. In a normal person, when you take in sugar the insulin levels go up to meet the need of getting that sugar into the cells.


In IPT they are artificially injecting insulin to deplete the blood of all sugar then injecting the lower doses of toxic chemo drugs when the blood sugar is driven down to the lowest possible value. During the low peak, it is said that the receptors are more sensitive and take on medications more rapidly and in higher amounts. The following principles may be used with Sodium Bicarbonate Maple syrup protocols. This article published several years ago talks about glucose blocking principles. See http://truerife.com/egbt.pdf

Report from a Practitioner: Recently met with a client in Indiana who stated she was diagnosed by two separate tests with stage 4-5 metastasized cancer. The health care practitioner was reluctant to continue her protocols as she was concerned that the case was hopeless. Her sister has a TrueRife T-150, which she proceeded to use running the Cancer BX2 protocols every third day along with Bacillus Lichenformis sets and an Ion Pro Wave detox. She continued this routine for two months, taking off 2 days in between sessions. After two months she was retested by the original practitioner, and at this time she reports that she is in remission. This is the program: Cancer BX2 and Bacillus Lichenformus in the TrueRife Frequencies folder #1 hour 10 minutes #This program is a collection of cancer research frequencies from a variety of sources. # Run this program at least twice a week along with other cancer protocols. Look for hits and allow 3-6 months to evaluate results. # Most of these are harmonics of the actual frequencies

The client below has a TrueRife Platinum Pro System. She has wisely used everything at her disposal in her battle with Cancer as you can see from the experience below.

I will not credit TRUERIFE alone for the good news I had yesterday, BUT I WILL say, without equivocation, that WITHOUT RIFE and other ENERGY MEDICINE MODALITIES, I KNOW I would NOT ONLY NOT BE ALIVE and most CERTAINLY I would NOT be "CANCER FREE. I have sent an attachment concerning the many other modalities I used to help myself during the last few months but each person has to find his own path. I simply encourage EVERYONE to BECOME an ACTIVE PARTICIPANT in his own healing. Last September I had a "nipple smear" done at a lab. My breast was 'leaking" and actually bleeding, so it was NO SURPRISE that abnormal cancer cells were found. BIOPSY was recommended. I refused and had to argue with two doctors and a couple of nurses. Well meaning friends were astounded and concerned and I think quite a few


may be surprised to learn that I am still alive. I simply asked ALL my friends to give me the SPACE I needed. Last night I sent them all an email to let them know I am STILL "here" as well as BREAST CANCER FREE!

I am EXTREMELY chemically sensitive, having been poisoned with arsenic and with other heavy metals, and I have a history, since childhood, of NOT doing well with synthetic drugs. I chose the natural approach. Was it risky? Probably. Was it scary? Yes, indeed, but I have "lost" Everyone I KNOW who used the chemo and rads approach. I'm 70 years old and "on my way home" anyhow so I figured I'd do it "my way," just like Frank and Elvis! I'm also certified in biofeedback therapy and in homeopathy and have relied upon a number of natural modalities for a number of years. If I live I'll eventually accomplish certification as a naturopath. Now, let me quickly add that I consult ONLY with physicians, LICENSED MEDICAL DOCTORS, who practice holistic/alternative/complementary healing modalities, and if at ALL possible, no matter how far I have to drive, I see physicians who are knowledgeable about ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE. I believe that in today's world, EVERYONE is toxic to some degree and that EVERYONE must be very vigilant and proactive toward maintaining HEALTH. I bought the TRUERIFE shortly before the diagnosis, thinking it would be a wonderful adjunct to my arsenal of remedies. IT CERTAINLY WAS! I can't even begin to list all the programs I ran but I learned how to do the GRS scans and found a NUMBER of "HITS" that confirmed what I knew. I made "true silver" and used that to good advantage and even found that my dentist and chiropractor wanted the silver for their own use! I did the "brain training" for relaxation and ran all kinds of parasite, bacterial and viral programs as well as heavy metals detoxing programs. Sometimes I even overdid it and felt TERRIBLE with HERX (which I like to call HEALING REACTIONS) reactions! Then I'd take a break for a few days. However, I knew when I felt "bad"; I'd feel SO MUCH BETTER because it meant that my immune system was REACTIVATED and working "full tilt" for me! I simply rested, drank LOTS and LOTS of water and green drinks, took my detoxing liver and kidney teas and herbs and got back to the RIFE when I felt better again. Rebounding, water exercise and massage therapy kept my lymph moving! I learned about RAW FOODS, bought a VITAMIX, and worked with a wonderful nutritionist, Wendy Rudell, author of The Raw Transformation. Wendy deserves a "plug" and anyone who contacts her for help at [email protected] will be pleased at what she has to offer both physically and spiritually. Finally I have attached some of my own "hints" that may help you IF you have cancer. THERE are MANY ways to heal but I'd give up my car before I'd give up my TRUERIFE.


In conclusion, I want to say that just because I am "cancer free" today does NOT mean that I will be tomorrow. Everyone has cancer cells at all times, so it is imperative to be vigilant and to give the body all the help and support it needs. Needless to say I do NOT subscribe to the allopathic notion of "DESTROY THE BODY AND DESTROY THE CANCER". I DO believe that if we FIND THE CAUSE we can FIND THE CURE. I DO believe that if we HEAL THE BODY, the BODY DESTROYS CANCER. TRUERIFE is a POWERFUL modality, and I wish that EVERYONE had access to it. Maybe someday they will.

Candida, Mold, Fungus, & Yeast

Folder: TRUERIFE FREQUENCIES / Program: CANDIDA COMPREHENSIVE / Sessions: 30-40 Four years of research has indicated that these may be the best sets for Candida. Candida is one of the most stubborn issues to eliminate. Patience and persistence will however pay off! The program is labeled Candida Comprehensive (Candida 1 is the best short set) # 4 hours 5 minutes # Can be run as an overnight set! #Candida albicans, and other strains of Candida are yeast that normally inhabits our digestive system: the mouth, throat, intestines and genitourinary tract. Candida is a normal part of the bowel flora (the organisms that naturally live inside our intestines, and are not parasitic). It has many functions inside our digestive tract, one of them to recognize and destroy harmful bacteria. Without Candida albicans in our intestines we would be defenseless against many pathogen bacteria. Healthy person can have a millions of Candida albicans. Our immune system is supposed to keep it under control, together with "friendly" bacteria (Lactobacillus acidophilus , B. bifidum, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, S. thermophilus and L. salivarius, ...). If the number of friendly bacteria is decreased (antibiotics, pesticides, chlorine,...) in relation to a number of Candida, the immune systems is weakened or other conditions for yeast proliferation occur (diet high in sugar, improper pH in the digestive system) Candida albicans will shift from yeast to mycelial fungal form and start to invade the body. In the yeast state Candida is a non-invasive, sugar-fermenting organism, while in fungal state it is invasive and can produce rhizoids, very long root-like structures. Rhizoids can penetrate mucosa or intestinal walls, leaving microscopic holes and allowing toxins, undigested food particles and bacteria and yeast to enter the bloodstream. These condition is known as Leaky Gut Syndrome, one more name for the food and environmental intolerances.


#For Candida overgrowth syndrome: Place three drops of oregano oil into an empty gelatin capsule or mix the same amount of oil into juice and take three times a day. Several weeks of continuous use may be required for the anti-fungal properties of oil of oregano to clear up a deep-seated Candida infection. #Eat organic plain yogurt full of acidophilus and a variety of beneficial cultures in it, daily to ensure normal levels of beneficial intestinal flora. #35 minutes # Candida Sweep # Contains Divisional Sweep Harmonics (DSH) #This sweep targets all the frequencies for Candida. According to Hulda Clarke Candida needs to be killed off every day for a month to be rid of it completely as it hides within your own body cells reproducing. This sweep runs 35 minutes. # You may want to increase the dwell to 1 or 2 for stubborn infections. This will double the time of exposure.

Report from a Practitioner: I have a 53-year-old male client who has been a big meat eater / beer drinker / bread and cheese eater all his life. He finally started feeling bad enough that he decided to do something about it. He had the typical swollen abdomen (congested colon) and felt miserable every time he ate anything. He had changed his diet to a healthier one, started taking herbs, took lots of fiber and had regular bowels, but still didn't feel right. With even the smallest amount of food he would bloat and have trouble breathing - no doubt from the transverse colon being so congested. We started him on regular detoxes and he started feeling better. But from research that he did, he wanted to take it further. We started him on the Parasite_gen_comp.frq program daily and what happened after this is amazing. Within a week he was expelling small worms in his bowel movements. By 1 1/2 weeks he had worms as long as 12 inches coming out. His stomach size started to reduce and he started losing weight, but he still didn't feel quite right. We read Hulda Clark's information on the Candida sweep frequency program and started running that on a daily basis with the parasite program every other day. He had suffered from athlete's foot for many years and that cleared up. But the raw, red, itchiness of the Candida moved to in between his fingers. We applied Thieves oil to help the itching. This condition over the course of the next 2 weeks came and went twice, lasting about 3 days each time. He then began experiencing a heaviness or dullness in the left side of his head. During the course of one of the Candida sweeps his ears starting itching horribly. We stopped the program and gave him some q-tips and literally saw black specks which when examined by a magnifying glass were parasites coming out of his ears. Over the course of the next 1 1/2 weeks, the parasites came out his nose and ears. He even had a blister that appeared on his gums and when this popped another black "things" came out of it.


We have done 40 straight days now of the Candida sweep as well as the parasite sweep every other day. All itching is gone, the Candida appears cleared up, and he has lost 15 pounds and feels like he's 40 again. It was a miserable experience for him to go through but as he looks back now it was worth it. 40 days ago he had no idea what was wrong but though he was going to have a stroke. He was really afraid he was getting lifethreateningly ill. What he realizes now is that because of his past diet, parasites and Candida had taken over his colon and intestinal tract. The worms would actually close off the colon when new food was being introduced and thus make his colon back up. As we killed them off with the frequencies they moved around his body and eventually into his head area. He really feels that the parasite and Candida programs saved his life. He says thank you very much for your hard work and continuing what Dr. Rife started so many years ago.

Question: Can you lend some clarity to the definitions of: Mold, Fungus, Candida, and Yeast that might help clarify the use of the various programs. Which symptoms might indicate one over the other? My understanding is that Candida and yeast are forms of fungus but I am not so sure about molds. Response: Actually, all four are related. However that being said there are thousands of species that make up these microorganisms. Blood test, physiological evidence as well as symptoms will help one isolate more specifically what one is dealing with, and then proceed with proper protocols. Symptoms of each may cross over in many cases making it difficult at times to determine based on symptoms alone specifically which one is the problem. After reading the following information it will become much clearer why some diseases are often missdiagnosed and miss-treated. The following information is taken from a variety of sources:

What is Mold?
Molds are fungi that reproduce by releasing tiny spores into the air. Spores lucky enough to land on moist objects may begin to grow. There are thousands of different types of mold and we encounter many of them every day, inside and out. Most molds are simply harmless fungi, including most black molds, which are often mistakenly thought to be toxic. But one black mold called Stachybotrys chartarum and its toxic by-product known as mycotoxin have been the focus of most of the panic. Many molds need simple things to exist and colonize. Mold may begin growing indoors when mold spores land on surfaces that are moist. There are many types of mold, and none of them will grow without water or a type of moisture intrusion or humidity, otherwise known as "the wicking effect."


The dangers of toxic mold are that they can cause serious health ailments but are hard to detect. A microbiologist can only determine differences between just mold and toxic mold. Common symptoms of toxic mold exposure include memory loss, allergies, and breathing difficulties. People with existing respiratory illness, asthma, and infants should be especially careful because of the fever and mold infections that can be suffered within their lungs due to toxic mold exposure.

What Are Fungi?

Fungi are single cell living forms of life which inhabit the land, air and waters of the earth. They are everywhere. They are more highly developed than bacteria and viruses and there are many more species than are found in the microbes. It is estimated that there are over 500,000 different species. Fungi have been on earth several billion years and, quite remarkably, have had little genetic change over that period of time. They are survivalists. They can change their form from rapidly growing to no growth for thousands of years, such as seen in their living spores which have been found in Egyptian tombs. They make poisons called mycotoxins. Fungi, which include yeasts, molds, smuts and mushrooms, are responsible for causing four types of mycotic (fungal) disease: 1. Hypersensitivity - an allergic reaction to molds and spores; 2. Mycotoxicosis - poisoning by food products contaminated by fungi 3. Mycetismus - the ingestion of preformed toxin (toadstool poisoning) 4. Infection (systemic) - (Mycotoxicosis; the subject below) The following is a list of the most common symptoms of fungal exposure (bear in mind, people never fit all of below criteria). Most people with some forms of Mycotoxicosis meet at least 8 (recent symptoms) of the following criteria:

Fibromyalgia/mps (and several correlated symptoms) Respiratory distress, coughing, sneezing, sinusitis Difficulty swallowing, choking, spitting up (vomiting) mucous Hypersensitivity pneumonitis Burning in the throat and lungs (similar to acid reflux and often misdiagnosed) Asthmatic signs; wheezing, shortness in breath, coughing, burning in lungs, etc. Irritable bowel syndrome, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pains, stomach lesions Bladder, liver, spleen, or kidney pain Dark or painful urine Dirt-like taste in mouth, coated tongue Food allergies/leaky gut syndrome/altered immunity Memory loss; brain fog, slurred speech, occasionally leading to dementia


Vision problems Swollen lymph nodes Large boils on neck (often a sign of anaphylaxis) Yellowing of nails, ridges, or white marks under nail Thyroid irregularities, sometimes leading to complete dysfunction; adrenal problems Headaches Anxiety/depression, heart palpitations - confusion, PTSD Extreme blood pressure, cholesterol, or triglycerides irregularities Ringing in ears, balance problems (very common), dizziness, loss of hearing (aspergillus niger) Chronic fatigue (also included under this classification directional confusion) Intermittent face flushing; almost always systemic, Called the Mylar Flush (neurological)) Night head sweats, and drooling while sleeping, profuse sweating Multiple chemical sensitivity; only upon exposure to Stachybotrys and Chaetomium Nose bleeds (stachybotrys) Bruising/scarring easily; rash or hives, bloody lesions all over the skin (Often systemic, see images; skin) Reproductive system complications; infertility, changes in menstrual cycles, miscarriage Sudden weight changes (Detoxifier genotypes tend to gain weight, non-detoxifier genotypes tend to lose weight) Cancer Hair loss, very brittle nails, temporary loss of fingerprints (in rare cases) Joint/muscle stiffness and pain Irregular heart beat/heart attack Seizures, inadvertent body jerking, twitching, inadvertent facial movements or numbness in face Hypersensitivity when re-exposed to molds, which can lead to anaphylaxis Anaphylaxis upon re-exposure to mycotoxin producing molds Death, in extreme cases


Candida / Yeast
Candida is the name for a group of yeast (a type of fungus) that commonly infect the skin. The name Candida refers to the white color of the organisms in culture. Candida infection is known as candidiasis, candidosis or moniliasis. Candida is a symbiotic yeast, which lives in us and on us, as part of our normal collection of microorganisms. In a normal digestive tract, 90% of the Candida live in the mouth and colon. There are five commonly identified families. Candida albicans is most often isolated from the skin and vagina. The stomach and small intestine are relatively hostile to Candida growth. Candida populations in the colon are constrained by competitive microbes. Candida depends on a living host for survival. It is a normal inhabitant of the human digestive tract from early infancy, where it lives without causing any disease most of the time. However, if the host's defenses are lowered, the organism can cause infection of the mucosa (the lining of the mouth, anus and genitals), the skin, and rarely, deepseated infection. The most common Candida (C) species to result in candidiasis is C. albicans. Other species are:

C. tropicalis C. parapsilosis C. glabrata C. guilliermondii Oral candidiasis (oral thrush) Vulvovaginal candidiasis (genital infection in women) including cyclic vulvovaginitis Balanitis (penile infection) Intertrigo (skin fold infections) Napkin dermatitis (nappy or diaper rash) Chronic paronychia (nail fold infection) Onychomycosis (nail plate infection) Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis

Candida skin infections include

In the First Stage of Candida, the mucous membrane areas of the body may be infected. These include the mouth, vagina, nose, and Respiratory System. Besides vaginal infections, severe P.M.S., urinary tract infections, body rashes, acne, and oral thrush, ALLERGIES to foods, dust, molds, fungus, yeast, inhalants, and chemicals are the most common symptoms. Each day more people seem to be allergic to everything in their environment. Repeated bouts of bronchitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, and strep or staph


infections may be typical. Mononucleosis and pneumonia may also be noted. It is easy to perceive that each of these successive illnesses requires more and more antibiotics, which may open the door for further Candida overgrowth. Talk about a vicious circle! The Second Stage of Candida may involve more generalized reactions such as PAIN, HEADACHES (including Migraine), EXTREME FATIGUE, PSORIASIS, and INFECTIONS OF THE NAILS, MUSCLE ACHES, JOINT PAINS, AND ARTHRITIS. Naturally, drug after drug is usually taken in hopes of alleviating these miserable conditions. In most cases, the SYMPTOMS alone are being treated--while the CAUSE (Candida overgrowth) may be literally being PROMOTED at the same time! The Third Stage of Candida may involve MENTAL and BEHAVIORAL RESPONSES: Inability to concentrate, not being able to read or follow a television program or carry on a hobby, serious forgetfulness, memory loss, mental confusion, not being able to think of the words to say something, switching around of words and letters when trying to speak and/or write something, loss of previous skills (such as how-to-type or how-to-play-thepiano, etc.) These frightening problems may often lead to "HOPELESS CRYING" SPELLS, SEVERE DEPRESSION, SLEEP DISORDERS (may include insomnia, confusion dreams, nightmares, apnea, and not feeling rested or restored after sleep), IRRATIONAL THOUGHTS, UNUSUAL FEARS, PHOBIAS, PANIC/ANXIETY ATTACKS, MUSCLE TWITCHING, IRRITABILITY, VIOLENCE, AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR, and even EPILEPTIC SEIZURES and THOUGHTS OF DEATH OR SUICIDE. Sometimes people with these symptoms are labeled "Mentally ill", thought to be suffering from manic-depressive Psychosis or Schizophrenia. These desperately sick patients are sometimes turned over to the care of a psychiatrist or hospitalized in a mental institution. They may be given antidepressants, tranquilizers, lithium, etc. to lighten the mental symptoms. But the CAUSE may be overlooked and the patient is not CURED on a long-term basis. A person in the Fourth Stage of Candida may experience a virtual SHUTDOWN OF VARIOUS ORGAN SYSTEMS of the body. For example, the adrenal glands may stop functioning when the Endocrine System fails, or the Digestive System may stop, producing vomiting or severe constipation. The extreme fatigue may escalate into TOTAL MUSCLE WEAKNESS, such as the neck muscles no longer being able to hold up the head. The body rashes may escalate into HIVES or BOILS. The Circulatory System may be swamped with so much yeast that the capillaries are clogged, causing HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, NUMBNESS OF EXTREMITIES, and EASY BRUISING. The person may run a low-grade fever, but the hands and feet will often be very cold. The HEART may develop TACHYCARDIA (palpitations, irregular beats, mitral valve problems or heart murmur). In the Respiratory System, the alveoli (air sacs) of the lungs may be packed with yeast so that the person cannot get adequate breath for speaking, singing, or exercise; there may be a FEELING OF SUFFOCATION, which may lead to HYPERVENTILATION and PANIC. The complete failure of the Immune System leaves the body defenseless against all enemy bacteria, viruses, and disease conditions--including cancer. The Fifth Stage of Candida seems inevitable at this point: rampant systemic Candidiasis is 100% fatal unless it is diagnosed early enough to kill the yeast overgrowth and regenerate the Immune System.


Along with Candida 1 to be used on the bulb, this Ion Pro Wave program has received positive reports for black mold: #Mold and Mold Toxins Sweep #My husband and I recently went down to New Orleans to help with the Disaster Relief effort. The sights we saw were pretty unreal. There are sections and neighborhoods that have either not been touched, or were just recently allowed back in. These homes have sat for 8 to 10 weeks. The water may have been gone after a few hours or days, but the damage is done. Especially where the mold is concerned. My husband and I were on teams that went in a gutted these homes. Floors, ceilings, drywall, and paneling. The mold was everywhere. If you have ever seen or heard of sponge painting, that is the only way to describe it. The homes looked as if someone had gone inside and sponge painted black everywhere. These walls had to be gutted down to the studs and wiring to see if the home is salvageable. We wore face masks, but to be effective you would have had to change your mask every 15 minutes. We just didn't have enough to do so. #While we were down there we developed a cough and felt a heaviness in our chests. When we came home it kept getting worse. Although I knew it was probably the mold I wasn't sure what to do about it. I had a gentleman who went with us come over for an Ion Pro Wave detox one night thinking that this would at least be a start. He was having the same symptoms as we were. He told me he almost didn't come because he was feeling so bad. While he was detoxing, I started looking through some of the manuals, and came across two frequencies in the "Cross references List of Rife Frequencies" that specifically dealt with mold. They are 336, and 337. They deal with Fungus flora and mold. Thinking "What could it hurt?", I waited until the detox was over, went into the AAA program and keyed these two frequencies in and ran them for 8 minutes longer. To say that I was amazed would be an understatement. His water was already pretty bad, but this greenish, black substance started coming out immediately. I was bad and there was a lot of it. The man that I ran this on could not believe it. I did the detox and added the same frequencies for my husband and myself, with the same results. My husband said he felt immediate results, and I felt better by the next day. I truly felt like this was a Godsend. I can't even imagine the doctor bills if our only option would have been a doctor's visit. Report from a Practitioner Received this experience a year ago regarding a fungus infection: An 86 year old woman came into my clinic July 12th with a severe case of fungus on her legs and arms. They severely itched and she had by this time open sores on her legs. She was also in a lot of pain especially in her legs. All her limbs were turning black. I ran the fungus program and pain bio program through the Ion Pro Wave her first time in. I also added a few drops of therapeutic essential oils to an herb cream called Neem. She applied it immediately and started to get relief from the itching. She came in the next


week for another session of the fungus and pain bio program. Her arms were looking better. By August 11th with 4 sessions under her belt her arms were completely healed and the right leg was totally healed with the color normal in those 3 limbs. She only had 2 very small lesions left on her left leg and her visiting nurse said she would not need her visits with her anymore. She is coming in for at least 1 more session and I fully expect her left leg to be completely healed. By the way she told me today that she feels almost like she did as a young girl with lots of energy and full of zest. The program: #Clark Mold and Mold Toxins Sweep

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Folder: TRUERIFE FREQUENCIES / Program: PAINBIO.BASIC / Sessions: 1-7 Report from a Practitioner: In the last two months we have had two clients in with carpal tunnel. The first client has reported 90% remission after just one session. It has been 6 months. He has not returned for a follow up as he states it doesn't bother him enough to make the trip. The second just arrived for a second session, along with his wife who is experiencing bone spurs in her heel. After the first session this client reported 100% improvement in the right hand, and 95% improvement in the left. We have been running the PainBiobasic.frq program using the Helix Vortex bulb as pictured below. Still pain free after 6 months Helix Vortex Bulb being used with Matrix foot plate for Carpal Tunnel Research #30 minutes # Stiffness and pain in a particular joint. CAUSES may be due to a single pathogen. # Why this program works in as little as 30 minutes is not fully understood. It is possible that the electrical impulses generated by this set mimic the electrical discharges of the central nervous system and instruct the brain and body to generate specific neuropeptides, the key chemicals used by the body to heal. Proper communication between the brain and the area of pain may then invoke a rapid healing process that previously may have not been possible.


Folder: TRUERIFE FREQUENCIES / ION PRO WAVE Program: Cataract or Heavy Metal and Prostate / Sessions: 3-21

Cataract Experience: Here are some of our good results. My husband, used the heavy metals program as he is a painter and felt that it would do him a lot of good. He is 74 years old and has had cataract surgery in one eye and the doctor told him that he had to have the other one done. That was 6 months ago. after using the rife machine several times he had his usual visit to the eye doctor. During the visit the doctor asked if he had remembered the chart. He told him he had not and the doctor never mentioned the eye needing surgery. My husband had noticed a difference from the first treatment on.

Central Nervous System Stabilization & Normalization

Folder: TRUEFOCUS / Programs: THETA OR SMR / Sessions 3-30 TrueFocus is designed to address central nervous system issues, the Theta or SMR programs would be a starting point, although I have seen a pathogen attack the central nervous system causing anxiety, mental confusion and depression issues. Below is a list of possible pathogens that have been associated with the central nervous system. One could run Rife programs that are available for these "bugs" then evaluate results. Scanning with a GRS during such sessions may be the best way to isolate these possible connections.

Pathogens that attack the brain

The most common organisms isolated from brain abscesses are aerobic, microaerophilic, or anaerobic streptococci; other anaerobic bacteria; staphylococci; and gram-negative bacilli (especially when the abscess arises from chronic ear infection). Common associations are Klebsiella pneumonia and viridans streptococci in brain abscess from hematogenous spread; S. aureus, K. pneumonia, and viridans streptococci in postneurosurgical brain abscess; viridans streptococci from paranasal sinusitis infections; and Proteus species in polymicrobial brain abscesses of otogenic origin.32K. pneumonia is an especially common pathogen in patients with diabetes.33


Clinical Features
Most patients with brain abscess caused by such pathogens may have symptoms for several days to weeks before they seek medical attention. Fever is present in only about 40% to 50% of cases. The most common symptom is headache, which may be diffuse or localized to the abscess area. Other frequent findings are altered mental states, such as confusion, aberrant behavior, and somnolence; generalized or focal seizures; and specific neurologic abnormalities, depending on the abscess site.

Other Sources of Infection

Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV), a human zoonosis caused by a rodentborne arenavirus, has been associated with both postnatal and intrauterine human disease. Infection in man is acquired after inhalation, ingestion, or direct contact with virus found in the urine, feces, and saliva of infected mice, hamsters, and guinea pigs. Acquired LCMV infection, asymptomatic in approximately one third of individuals, is productive of central nervous system manifestations in one half of the remaining cases. Aseptic meningitis or meningoencephalitis are the predominant syndromes, although transverse myelitis, a Guillain-Barre-type syndrome, as well as transient and permanent acquired hydrocephalus have also been reported. Fatalities are rare.

Brain Entrainment Program Update for users of TrueFocus #Anxiety / If this program is not effective try SMR. Do not run depression programs for anxiety issues as these can aggravate the problem. #Theta #Theta Waves: Generally, specific brain wave frequency ranges can be associated with mood or thought patterns. Frequencies below 8 Hertz are considered theta waves. While these seem to be some of the least understood frequencies, they also seem to be associated with creative, insightful thought.

Folder: TRUERIFE FREQUENCIES / Program: CHELOIDS / Sessions: 1-14 From a Researcher: Just a quick note to tell you that I zapped 2 cheloid tumors with this program. Results took place almost immediately. I believe that the results were immediate because the tumors were only a month old. Cheloids Program 43 minutes Question: Do you suggest a program for scar tissue? We do not have a specific program for this. Accelerated healing may help or this program: #Cheloids / #43 minutes


Chlamydia Pneumonia
Folder: TRUERIFE FREQUENCIES / Program: CHLAMYDIA PNEUMONIA / Sessions: 3-10 Chlamydia pneumonia is a bacteria that is most commonly known for causing colds and pneumonia. However, researchers have recently found a link between C. pneumonia and atherosclerosis, a clogging of the arteries that causes heart attack and stroke. In addition, ongoing research is showing that certain strains may play a role in asthma, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, and arthritis.

What makes Chlamydia Pneumonia (Cpn) so troublesome?

While it may start as a respiratory infection, Cpn can be carried to other parts of the body and infect many other tissues, including nerve tissue, the brain, muscles, the lining of blood vessels and even your immune cells (macrophages). Standard single antibiotic courses (two weeks) only kill Cpn in one of its three life phases, leaving live forms of Cpn bacteria which are in other stages to renew infection. Cpn contains at least two endotoxins (toxic chemicals) which cause tissue damage and inflammation, chronic immune activation and toxic load in your body. Cpn infects inside your cells and parasitically steals energy from your own body cells in order to replicate.

David Wheldon MB FRCPath

After much controversy a considerable body of evidence now demonstrates a causal connection between chronic infection with the primary respiratory pathogen Chlamydophila (Chlamydia) pneumonia and at least some variants of the neurological disease Multiple Sclerosis. These web-pages review the evidence. References are cited. Treatment of chronic infection with this organism is regarded as highly problematic. Some authorities claim that total eradication is not possible. These pages suggest a possible schedule of treatment which may be expected to address all phases of the organism's life-cycle . . . For complete article: http://www.davidwheldon.co.uk/ms-treatment.html #30 minutes #Chlamydia pneumonia #Chlamydia pneumonia, a common cause of human respiratory disease, was first isolated from the conjunctiva of a child in Taiwan in 1965 and was established as a major respiratory pathogen in 1983 when it was isolated from the throat of a college student at the University of Washington. C. pneumonia causes approximately 10% of community-acquired pneumonia and 5% of pharyngitis, bronchitis, and sinusitis. #Chlamydia pneumonia, a type of bacteria, has been identified by medical researchers the world over as the Heart Attack Germ. People infected by the germ are at a significantly increased risk for stroke, heart attack and other cardiovascular problems,


including the symptoms of Alzheimers disease. It has also been associated with MS by some researchers.

Crohns Disease
Folder: TRUERIFE FREQUENCIES / Program: CROHNS / Sessions: 7-30 Also run: Immune System Stabilization from the Ion Pro Wave Folder TrueRife program for Crohn's Disease #1 hour #Each year, about 600,000 Americans are diagnosed with IBD, a condition that consists of a spectrum of disorders that vary with cause and degree of intestinal inflammation. Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are the two major, chronic inflammatory diseases that cause inflammation and ulcers in the lining of the digestive tract. This results in severe pain, diarrhea, and gastrointestinal bleeding. #In May 2006, clinical trial researchers at Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine reported: "LDN therapy offers an alternative safe, effective, and economic means of treating subjects with active Crohn's disease." http://www.lowdosenaltrexone.org/index.htm

Death By Medicine
The American medical system is the leading cause of death and injury in the US (783,936 per year). By contrast, the number of deaths attributable to heart disease in 2001 was 699,697, while the number of deaths attributable to cancer was 553,251.

Death by Medicine
By Gary Null, PhD; Carolyn Dean MD, ND; Martin Feldman, MD; Debora Rasio, MD; and Dorothy Smith, PhD Something is wrong when regulatory agencies pretend that vitamins are dangerous, yet ignore published statistics showing that government-sanctioned medicine is the real hazard. Until now, Life Extension could cite only isolated statistics to make its case about the dangers of conventional medicine. No one had ever analyzed and combined ALL of the published literature dealing with injuries and deaths caused by government-protected medicine. That has now changed. A group of researchers meticulously reviewed the statistical evidence and their findings are absolutely shocking.4 These researchers have authored a paper titled Death by Medicine that presents compelling evidence that todays system frequently causes more harm than good.


This fully referenced report shows the number of people having in-hospital, adverse reactions to prescribed drugs to be 2.2 million per year. The number of unnecessary antibiotics prescribed annually for viral infections is 20 million per year. The number of unnecessary medical and surgical procedures performed annually is 7.5 million per year. The number of people exposed to unnecessary hospitalization annually is 8.9 million per year. The most stunning statistic, however, is that the total number of deaths caused by conventional medicine is an astounding 783,936 per year. It is now evident that the American medical system is the leading cause of death and injury in the US. (By contrast, the number of deaths attributable to heart disease in 2001 was 699,697, while the number of deaths attributable to cancer was 553,251). For entire article: http://www.lef.org/magazine/mag2004/mar2004_awsi_death_01.htm

Dental Foci
Folder: TRUERIFE FREQUENCIES / Program: DENTAL FOCI / Sessions: 3-10 Also test Allergy GRS from the TrueRife frequencies folder Report from a Researcher: Here is an example of a recent experience we had while searching for the best frequencies for an allergy problem. The program that was developed has had dramatic effects on numerous people. This would not have been possible if we were running a MWO (Multi-Wave Oscillator): A few weeks ago I had a 20 year old co-worker in with allergies so severe he could not sleep at night. On a weekday we ran an allergy set on him while looking for hits on the GRS (Galvanic Resonant Scanner). Within minutes into the program he generated a very strong reaction at 1500 Hz, then again at 727. In looking at the numerous possibilities in cross referencing these two frequencies, one thing jumped out at me Dental Foci. This was the one disorder where the two frequencies matched! Here is the research information that we have on this particular disease that caught my attention: 16-year remission of rheumatoid arthritis after unusually vigorous treatment of closed dental foci. This report describes a remission of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) of 16 years duration, apparently caused by the extraction of endodontically well-treated, healthy looking teeth. The only clue that the teeth were contributing to the disease pathogenesis in this case of RA was that the patient was able to reproducibly induce severe attacks of arthritis after prolonged, heavy pressure on some of his teeth treated with root canal fillings. After extraction, a small pus layer was found to cover the apices of the clinically healthy looking teeth. The rheumatoid factor (RF) became negative and the patient remained symptom free for the next 16 years. The possible connections between micro-organisms in closed dental foci under constant pressure and the chronicity and exacerbations of RA are discussed.


Dental Foci have been associated with arthritis, an autoimmune disorder. Could there also be an association with allergies as well? We switched to the Dental Foci set and picked up positive GRS hits on nine of the twenty two frequencies in the set! This is almost unheard of! It is not unusual to pick up just one GRS hit in three sessions! That evening his allergies worsened, only to be followed by 95% improvement the following 3 weeks. This past week we ran these same frequencies that the GRS picked up on another client. Received this e-mail the following day: "Last night was the first time in 32 years Andy has not snored all night! Quiet as a mouse. I was amazed." Here is the program: 30 minutes Allergy GRS Ran an allergy set on a client while scanning for hits with a GRS. The first two frequencies cross referenced to Dental Foci. Switched to that set and detected hits on almost half of the frequencies! Clients symptoms worsened the first night, then dramatically improved the next day. Allow 48-72 hours to evaluate results. Allergies encompass a wide range of symptoms and affect people differently. The severity of allergic reactions can depend on the allergen type, the level of exposure and each individual's immune response. Check out these articles that address the standard symptoms that most people associate with allergies and learn what you can do to get some relief. Allergic Headaches / Allergy Symptoms / Anaphylaxis / Atopic Dermatitis / Contact Dermatitis / Dark Circles or Allergic Shiners / Ear Discomfort / Exercise-Induced Anaphylaxis and Urticaria / Flare-Up Around Eyes / Hives / Oral Allergy Syndrome / Reactions from the Sun / Red, Itchy, Watery Eyes / Sternutation / Summer Skin Rashes Tiredness #54 minutes #People with superficial infections may complain of localized pain, edema, and sensitivity to temperature and air. People with deep infections or abscesses that spread along the facial planes may complain of fever and difficulty swallowing, breathing, and opening the mouth. #I have had a whopping dental infection that just was not improving much at all with antibiotics. the dental infection V program has nearly cleared it up in 3 days. Even though it hurt to run it, I knew it was working on it. I increased the dwell time the first night and ran it several times during the night while I tried to sleep. Also have run it in Ion Pro Wave the next day along with detox. I can't tell you how much I appreciate this wonderful machine!


Depression & Anxiety

Folder: TRUEFOCUS / Programs: ANXIETY, SMR or DEPRESSSION / Sessions: 330. Also use Depression Viral Link program from the TrueRife Frequencies folder Report from a Practitioner: There are two approaches to depression and anxiety. One is to target a possible viral or parasitical link, and the other is to use brain entrainment to adjust the brains frequency to a different level. I have to tell you that the TRUEFOCUS has been an absolutely awesome addition. When I use it's anxiety program in combination with a cleansing product called OxyPowder which also oxygenates the cells, the results are remarkable. I have high energy and a positive outlook. As compared with before, I felt that I had to drag myself around to get done what must be done and sometimes I felt I was close to a nervous breakdown. And so to reverse an old saying, " When Mama's happy, it helps the whole household to be happy." I feel like I'm starting to become my old self again. Thanks so much for all you've put into these machines. Brain entrainment is simply adjusting the frequencies of the brain through audio and visual pulsations. Picture the brain as a transmission in a car. Most cars have at least four transmission settings / Reverse / first, second and third gear as well as overdrive. These gears are designed to allow the engine to run smoothly while traveling at different speeds or direction. Sometimes the brain gets stuck in a certain gear, resulting in an inability to concentrate, be mentally alert or sleep. These conditions can lead to depression, anxiety and insomnia and a host of other mental conditions depending on which gear the brains transmission is stuck in. In essence, the transmission may be slipping or missing a gear. Brain speed using the above analogy should be pictured this way: REVERSE FIRST GEAR SECOND GEAR Delta 0.5Hz - 4Hz Deep sleep Theta 4Hz - 8Hz Drowsiness (also first stage of sleep) Alpha 8Hz - 14Hz Relaxed but alert

THIRD GEAR and OVERDRIVE: Beta 14Hz - 30Hz Highly alert and focused The brain is constantly shifting gears through the day so that it can keep up with the proper processing speed for adequately dealing with certain task. Brain Entrainment devices stimulate the brain to shift through the gears to the desired speed to restore brain function and re-balance processing speeds to match the desired state, rather it be sleep or mental clarity, etc. Missing gears are restored after repeated sessions.


Only run this program through the TrueFocus Interface! #Anxiety / If this program is not effective try SMR. Do not run depression programs for anxiety issues as these can aggravate the problem. #Theta #Theta Waves: Generally, specific brain wave frequency ranges can be associated with mood or thought patterns. Frequencies below 8 Hertz are considered theta waves. While these seem to be some of the least understood frequencies, they also seem to be associated with creative, insightful thought.

Borna Virus: Depression Viral Link program in the TrueRife Frequencies folder
Bulb Program #54 Minutes #Borna virus #Research FRQ. Dr. Jeff Sutherland #New research from Germany indicates some cases of serious depression may be caused by a virus. "We think that there is ... a lot of evidence that Borna virus has clinical significance for this type of disease," said Dr. Liv Bode of the Robert Koch Institute in Berlin. #The virus was first identified in the late 1800's among horses near the town of Borna, Germany. The horses stopped eating, walked in circles and got sick. Some even killed themselves. #Autopsies led scientists to the virus in the region of the horses' brains that controls emotions. Researchers in Berlin have found a similar strain in humans. #The anti-viral drug amantadine, used to treat Parkinson's disease, has been found to relieve some cases of depression. A trial is now under way. # I think I'm one of the most skeptical people around ... but I have to face the fact that for about a year now, we've been treating patients and we've been seeing responses to amantadine, said Dr. Ron Ferszt of the Free University of Berlin. #German patient Rosemarie Wenzlaff, who suffered from depression for 10 years, says the medication changed her life. #"I didn't take care of myself when I was depressed; I couldn't eat," she said. "Now I'm thinking of cooking marmalade. I listen to music now. I watch TV. It's a totally different life." #Also try hookworms (Anclystoma), Ascaris of cats and dogs, Trichinellas and Strongyloides. #Shigella Bacteria has also been associated with depression.


Folder: TRUERIFE FREQUENCIES / ION PRO WAVE / Program: KIDNEY FAILURE From a Practitioner: I Have a client who is diabetic and is now entering the final stages of Kidney failure. She has been offered dialysis but has decided against it, pretty much waiting to die a slow death. As the weeks and months have passed she has developed many of the symptoms of kidney failure as her body begins to build up more toxicity. Client with Chronic Kidney Disease Have had her in for 5 sessions: Week 1: Ran Kidney Failure program along with an Ion Pro Wave detox. She reported that she had passed more urine then she had in months, but basically did not feel much better. Week 2: Same program: Left the session feeling lighter than air. Reported 1 week later that she had incredible energy and felt better than she had in months. Week 3: Same program: Reported on arrival that she was declining. Left session feeling energized. Week 4: Returned saying she has felt great since the last session with the exception of a few bad days after a flu shot. Ran the GRS ( Galvanic Resonant Scanner) on her during a Parasite General set. Picked up 2 hits (853 and 605) one for eczema and another for a fungal infection in the lungs. She stated that she has had Eczema almost her whole life, and suffers from Asthma. Week 12: Returned with a bad viral infection that had put her in bed for a week. Ran the Streptococcus Pneumonia set on her along with .5 fl oz of colloidal silver. She was up the next day after the session cleaning house! Update: Last doctors visit revealed that kidney function had elevated from 23% to 26% over a 6 month period. This does not mean that she has necessarily improved, but the progression of the disease has been halted for the past 6 months. Client seems to be doing well and has not been back for additional sessions for at least 3 months. Update: 2 years later stabilized and not on dialysis.

Question: Are there any frequencies or programs that would help with diabetic neuropathy? the legs are already numb from it and its spreading to the torso. Answer: Some researchers are currently studying the effects of Rife frequencies effects on neuropathy. One report was received of reversal after 6 sessions over a period of several weeks.


Use the Matrix foot plate with either the Helix Vortex bulb or one of the other bulbs in contact with the skin as pictured below if the problem is in the lower torso and feet. #48 minutes #Preventing Diabetic Neuropathy #The best way to prevent neuropathy is to keep your blood glucose levels as close to the normal range as possible. Maintaining safe blood glucose levels protects nerves throughout your body. #L-Arginine was tested at the Scottsdale Neuropathy Institute, and has shown dramatic relief to patients of diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Also supplement vitamin B-12.

Folder: TRUERIFE FREQUENCIES / Program: DIVERTICULITIS / Sessions: 10-20 Also test the programs discussed below. They are all found in the TrueRife Frequencies folder. Diverticulitis is a condition in which the interior of the colon get coated with unexpelled waste that distort the colon and interfere with the systolic action by means of which the wastes are eliminated. One source of these wastes is from the ingestion of and incomplete expelling of food. Another source comes from normal cellular and Immune function. Just as your body has veins and arteries which distribute oxygen and nutrients, as well as remove wastes, by means of your blood, it also has a system of ducts that lead to the colon by means of which some intracellular and extracellular wastes are eliminated from the body. Diverticulitis interferes with this system as wastes deposited along the sides of the colon back up and these ducts get plugged and stop working. Logically, and, according to the many proponents of colon health, this contributes to many chronic illnesses. Since this is not typically an illness associated condition there is no "Magic Bullet" by means of which to fix it. In 1975 I was diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome and had the Barium x-ray to check for more serious problems. Through trial and error I learned what foods to avoid so as not to irritate the condition. In 1984 I went through a series of colonic treatments and the Colon Therapist noted from my x-ray films that I had the beginnings of Diverticulitis. (The colonic treatments (Water Colonics) along with Fasting and dietary changes resolved the problems for a number of years. However, when I resumed the normal US diet of Deep Fried / Fast Food (albeit only occasionally), other colon problems arose. In 1999 I was diagnosed with a prolapsed colon. (This means that a small part of my colon came outside of my body cavity during bowel movements). I was also bleeding profusely from the colon after bowel movements. Blood tests indicated that I was moving in the direction of Colon Cancer. Some 3 years later I found a large tape worm was growing inside my colon following one of my first Rife Treatments.


I killed this out with Black Walnut Extract and the bleeding subsided along with the prolapsing of the colon. But not completely. Since the elimination of the Tape Worm I have had occasional bouts of bleeding and other colon problems. To help with these problems I am taking a multi-pronged approach. I run a Rife program for Candida to stop the bleeding, although this is not a complete solution since Candida is always present and should be in part of your digestive tract. But, if I start bleeding I run this and it discontinues. This will also eliminate hemorrhoids. #1 hr. 10 minutes # Candida Sweep # Contains Divisional Sweep Harmonics (DSH) #This sweep targets all the frequencies for Candida. According to Hulda Clarke Candida needs to be killed off every day for a month to be rid of it completely as it hides within your own body cells reproducing. This sweep runs 35 minutes. # You may want to increase the dwell to 1 or 2 for stubborn infections. This will double the time of exposure. The other program I have found helpful is Crohn's and Bowel conditions in the Preset programs. This actually stimulates movement in my colon which will cause any prolapse to retract. Otherwise, it can stay distended for several hours or until I go to sleep at night. #1 hour #Each year, about 600,000 Americans are diagnosed with IBD, a condition that consists of a spectrum of disorders that vary with cause and degree of intestinal inflammation. Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are the two major, chronic inflammatory diseases that cause inflammation and ulcers in the lining of the digestive tract. This results in severe pain, diarrhea, and gastrointestinal bleeding. #In May 2006, clinical trial researchers at Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine reported: "LDN therapy offers an alternative safe, effective, and economic means of treating subjects with active Crohn's disease." http://www.lowdosenaltrexone.org/index.htm The other side of the coin is that you probably need to change your eating habits. I have found that getting off the deep fried foods (You can fry at home, just not the restaurant type of deep fried - i.e. Bob Evans, Denny's, Mc Donald's, etc.) and sweets helps minimize the problems. Further, the book The Biochemical Machine by Eleonora De Lennart explains how to combine foods in your diet so that they digest properly. (This is not the typical, flawed food combination chart available in Health Food Stores.) She actually worked with biochemists to determine which foods work together and how they affect your bodies Ph. MINOR CHANGES - MAJOR RESULTS! Following these guidelines has increased the frequency and ease of Bowel Movements so that things are moving closer to the normal every day elimination rather than away from it. She also helps you see how to eat so as to Alkalize your body effectively. We have found this book to be very useful and effective. It is also much easier than Fasting for 20


to 30 days to clear out accumulated wastes as we did when doing the Colonic treatments.

DNA Repair & Food Frequencies

Folder: NORMALIZING FREQUENCIES / Program: DNA REPAIR / Sessions: 3-30 The long version of this program is found in the Overnight Sets Folder and may achieve better results! Partial Quote from: http://www.redicecreations.com/specialreports/20 06/11nov/cellfreqfields.html A Japanese professor whose credentials and work will be examined in more detail below, theorized that the energetic or frequency information in the food we eat is even more important than the nutrients. Food contains molecular compounds of amino acids, complex carbohydrate chains and various chemical elements, each having their own unique frequency or vibration. It is the vibrations of the nutrients that raise the vibrations of the body's tissue. Pesticide and chemical laden fruits and vegetables, as well as animal protein contaminated with antibiotics and growth hormones, have chaotic vibratory oscillations that act to derail the high coherence of our nutritional energy needs. The cell's inner most center is made up of ribonucleic acid and proteins (all molecules). The antenna or filament strand like configuration of DNA allows the molecules to receive and transmit electromagnetic frequency information along its nucleotide bases, creating resonance reactions within targeted genetic or nucleotide triplets that create the template for the formation of messenger RNA (mRNA). Once mRNA has formed it leaves the cell nucleus and attaches to structures known as ribosomes. Using raw material from the cell, the ribosomes produce proteins by following the sequence as instructed by the mRNA. The proteins in turn go about doing their jobs inside or outside the cell based on the original instructions passed down from the electromagnetic coding to DNA to RNA and finally to the ribosomes.


The process is known as transcription and provides the means for electromagnetic frequency oscillations, the body's master conductor, to interact with the cell's command center to instruct what notes to play, when, how loud, how long, etc., etc. in order to maintain the precision and harmony of the whole body's vibratory and cellular orchestra. It has been documented that DNA repair can be activated using a frequency of 528 Hz. Even the slightest deviation in resonance on the cellular level can cause the frequency to become something less coherent. This diagram illustrates how body building is both genetic, involving RNA transcription of DNA codes to create cells, and energetic, dependent on the interface between the electromagnetic fields and junk or potential DNA for regulation of cellular composition.

DNA Repair Many researchers have documented that 528 Hz is used by geneticists for DNA repair.

Ear Infections
Folder: TRUERIFE FREQUENCIES / Program: EAR INFECTION / Sessions: 1-3 Report from a Researcher: Recently my wife spent some time with a friend of hers who complained of a 1 week ear infection and no health insurance. With limited resources my wife invited her in. Ear infections can be the most difficult to clear. So in this case we tried a 3 pronged approach. These are the protocols we used. Those who have purchased a TrueRife Platinum systems or additional interfaces can use this approach. Step one Ozonate water: One glass chilled ozonated water, with one ounce of ionized silver sprayed under the tongue and 10 metered sprays into the ear canal. Next we took the stone off the Ozonator and had her hold in to her ear for 6 minutes. Finally we ran the ear infection program with bulb placed in radiant mode for 52 minutes. She reported that her ear was draining and the pressure was relieved by the end of the session. We sent her home with 1 ounce of ionized silver to spray in her ear for the next few days to make sure the infection


is cleared. The Rife Program: #52 minutes #Acute otitis media is an infection that produces pus, fluid, and inflammation within the middle ear. Older children will often complain about ear pain, ear fullness, or hearing loss. Younger children may demonstrate irritability, fussiness, or difficulty in sleeping, feeding, or hearing. Fever may be present in a child of any age. #These symptoms are frequently associated with signs of upper respiratory infection, such as a runny or stuffy nose or a cough. Severe ear infections may cause the eardrum to rupture. The pus will then start to drain out of the middle ear and into the ear canal. The hole in the eardrum from the rupture usually heals after medical treatment. #In children, the Eustachian tube is shorter and less slanted than in adults and allows bacteria and viruses to find their way into the middle ear more easily. This results in acute otitis media, with a buildup of pus within the middle ear. The pressure and inflammation result in pain and the inability of the eardrum to vibrate. During the infection there will usually be some temporary hearing loss. #otitis external(outer ear infection) # 5 drops hydrogen Peroxide in each ear for 2 weeks.

# Also try PainBio.basic

Epstein-Barre Virus (EBV)

Folder: TRUERIFE FREQUENICES / Program: EPSTEIN BARR / Sessions: 1-7

Bulb Program
#49 minutes #Epstein-Barre virus, frequently referred to as EBV, is a member of the herpes virus family and one of the most common human viruses. The virus occurs worldwide, and most people become infected with EBV sometime during their lives. In the United States, as many as 95% of adults between 35 and 40 years of age have been infected. Infants become susceptible to EBV as soon as maternal antibody protection (present at birth) disappears. Many children become infected with EBV, and these infections usually cause no symptoms or are indistinguishable from the other mild, brief illnesses of childhood. In the United States and in other developed countries, many persons are not infected with EBV in their childhood years. When infection with EBV occurs during adolescence or young adulthood, it causes infectious mononucleosis 35% to 50% of the time. #The clinical diagnosis of infectious mononucleosis (EBV) is suggested on the basis of the symptoms of fever, sore throat, swollen lymph glands, and the age of the patient.


Usually, laboratory tests are needed for confirmation. Serologic results for persons with infectious mononucleosis include an elevated white blood cell count, an increased percentage of certain atypical white blood cells, and a positive reaction to a "mono spot" test. #There is no specific treatment for infectious mononucleosis, other than treating the symptoms. No antiviral drugs or vaccines are available. Some physicians have prescribed a 5-day course of steroids to control the swelling of the throat and tonsils. The use of steroids has also been reported to decrease the overall length and severity of illness, but these reports have not been published.

I still need to use the EBV ( Epstein-Barre Virus) program most every day. I use either the 17min. or the 30 min., so it's not bad. The doctor told me that the EBV imbeds itself in our DNA, so you can't get rid of it. So I'm sure glad I've got something to fight it!

Dust Mites
Folder: ION PRO WAVE / Program: IMMUNE SYSTEM STABILIZATION / Sessions: 1-4 We have been working with clients who will develop a chronic cough that seems to linger after contracting a cold or flu virus. Oftentimes the problem is dust mites or an allergy. It is important to replace pillows that have been in use for 5 years or longer as some researchers say that over 50% of the pillows weight is dust mite carcasses, fecal matter as well as living dust motes themselves. No matter how long you Rife or use other protocols to end a chronic cough, if dust mites are the problem burying your head in a pillow full of them each night as you sleep is counterproductive. If you suspect this is your problem, try changing out your pillows as a starting point. You can also run the following program after you clear the source to help stabilize your immune system. It is in the TrueRife Ion Pro Wave folder under Immune System Stabilization. # stabilize Immune system #Resonant therapy to assist in immune system stabilization. Excellent to address a host of immunological conditions. Arthritis, Poison Ivy, Allergies, Lupus, MS, etc.


Folder: TRUERIFE FREQUENCIES / Program: EMPHYSEMA / Sessions: 1-3 months once a day to evaluate results Question: Have you, or do you know of anyone, that has any experience with the emphysema program? We have an older sister that has been told she has 6 months to live because of her emphysema, (I do wish Drs. would not do that) She is on oxygen. she used to smoke but hasn't in over 35 years. I have not mentioned it to her because I don't want to get her hopes up. so I need some guide lines here. Emphysema can be halted and sometimes reversed. The MSM protocols along with coenzyme Q-10 should be implemented. Lung repair may not be noticeable for 6 months running the program with these protocols. #33 minutes #Emphysema is a general term that refers to air-filled expansions in tissues. However, it is most commonly used to refer to a type of chronic obstructive lung disease characterized by shortness of breath and usually caused by chronic tobacco smoking. Its hallmark is accumulation of air and loss of elastic recoil in the lung tissues. #use with parasite, especially roundworm frequencies #Supplement with (KAL Brand) MSM to rebuild lungs 4,000 mg breakfast and 4,000mg at supper # Take MSM with meals / If you cannot find KAL Brand, add vitamin 500mg of Vitamin C to each dose. Also supplement CO-Q10 100 Mg

Eye Floaters
Folder: TRUERIFE FREQUENCIES / Program: EYE FLOATERS / Sessions. 3-6 Also test the Eye Floaters program from the TrueFocus folder (Run on the TrueFocus system only!) Question: Have you had any results with eye floaters? This is the program found on TrueRife systems under Eye Floaters: 2 hours


Some have wondered about frequencies for eye floaters. A pointer to an Italian web site referenced the following parasites: 1 - Dirofilaria spp. (a) 2 - Onchocerca volvulus (a) 3 - Toxocara canis (b) The neat thing about eye floaters is that you can usually see them, particularly if you stare at a plain light colored wall. When you hit them with the right frequency they change from a sharp outline and disperse into a black mist and disappear.

Report from a Researcher: We were running a demonstration of a TrueFocus program this past week on one of our staff. Within 10 minutes the his floaters began to disintegrate! Why this program had this effect through the TrueFocus L.E.D. goggles is unknown. This program is experimental. This program should be saved in the TrueFocus program and never run through the Rife bulb as it will overheat the system. This program will also reduce anxiety. It is to be used through the TrueFocus Brain Entrainment system only! There is, however, a Rife bulb version of this program in the TrueRife frequencies folder for those who do not own the TrueFocus system. #Floaters XP # TrueFocus Program # Run once to evaluate results! # DO NOT RUN THIS PROGRAM THROUGH THE BULB as it will overheat the system!

Fever of Unknown Origin

This symptom can be not only frustrating but life threatening to an individual who cannot get a proper diagnosis. Those with FUO may run a constant fever over 100 F. for months! The following medical conditions are some of the possible causes of FUO.

Chronic low-level infection AIDS Tuberculosis Leukemia Subacute bacterial endocarditis (SBE)


Cancer Abscess Drug side effect Malaria Amebiasis Coccidioidomycosis Rocky mountain spotted fever Blastomycosis Histoplasmosis Lyme disease Brucellosis Psittacosis Trichinosis CMV

(Source - WD writers)

Medications and Substances Causing FUO

The following drugs, medications, substances or toxins are some of the possible causes of FUO as a symptom. This list is incomplete and various other drugs or substances may cause your symptoms. Always advise your doctor of any medications or treatments you are using, including prescription, over-the-counter, supplements, herbal or alternative treatments.

Certain antibiotics Sulfa Antihistamines Barbiturates Phenobarbital

The following TrueRife programs may be run as a starting point to address this issue if one cannot get a clear diagnosis from medical tests: 1. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) 2. Lyme (Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever) 3. Mycoplasma Fermentans 4. Immune system stabilization (Ion Pro Wave)

Folder: TRUERIFE FREQUENCIES / Program: FIBROIDS / Sessions: 10-30


Question: Do you have any suggestions or have any experience with using the rife machine to help fibroids such as how often to run the program or if you already have good sized ones, does the machine help then? Or what other programs might be of help? We have had great success with Fibroid reduction. Run the program for several weeks to evaluate results. Experience: Female Nurse complaining of abdominal pain scheduled for surgery for fibroids. Seven fibroids were diagnosed during ultrasound ranging in size from 1 cm to 4.5 cm. Doctor prescribed hormones several weeks before surgery in an attempt to shrink the fibroids. She took them only 1 day, as she could not tolerate the side effects (said they made her feel weird). Rife sessions for fibroids were introduced during this interim period of 3 weeks. After her pain disappeared she insisted on a second ultrasound prior to surgery. There was a 78% reduction in the mass of fibroids! Doctor asked what she had been doing, and she (a RN with a 4 year degree) just told him nothing! He knew his own prescription could not have brought about these results. Surgery canceled! And for now, she states, the pain is gone. More sessions run as well as sessions for macular degeneration. She is now reading small print on sugar packages without bifocals! #1 hour 3 minutes #May be linked to iodine deficiency / 1488 1234 #GRS "hit" frequencies Question: Has anyone had any reports on how often or how many sessions to do for fibroids? One of my friends wants to experiment but she is anxious about not knowing how often it would be safe to do it, or necessary. I am unsure about how often to do it. Fibroids #1hour 3 minutes # Run 3-5 times a week for 3 weeks to evaluate results. #Classified by their location within and around the uterus, the noncancerous growths known as fibroids can grow for years without causing a problem and may vanish after menopause. Sub-mucous fibroids lie just below the inner lining of the uterus, subserous below the outer lining, and intramural deep within the uterine wall. If one of these growths develops a stalk, it's called a pedunculated fibroid. When found in the ligaments that support the uterus, it's an interligamentous fibroid. If a fibroid causes any symptoms at all, the first one is likely to be excessive menstrual bleeding. #May be linked to iodine deficiency 1488 1234 #GRS "hit" frequencies


Question: I'm curious whether other users of the fibroid program have also experienced a significant increase in hot flashes, and whether this would be a reason to stop the program or whether it is more of a healing crisis type thing that will get better . Any feedback from other users on this? Response: Julie says that she has had an increase in Hot Flashes after running the Fibroids program. However, she said she also has felt better from doing it. Her understanding is that Hot Flashes can result from an increase in estrogen, which is a good thing during menopause. Julie suggests that people try to run the progesterone program to balance this out. Another Response: Had a client that had great relief from monthly discomfort after running the fibroid program alternated with the fluke / schistosome programs. She did not report any adverse sessions but felt she could tell things were moving or spasming around but nothing painful. She was thrilled after 30 years of pain and pain medication. She no longer uses any pain relievers at all, has mild flow and regular cycles.

Folder: TRUERIFE FREQUENCIES / Program: FYBROMYOLGIA XP / Sessions: 615 Those with Fibromyalgia may want to try these protocols: #1 hour Streptothrix (includes Nocardia and Actinomyces israelii) #Fibromyalgia XP #36 minutes #Fibromyalgia XP #Canadian Research Frequencies #In our Fibromyalgia clinic we have identified five distinct etiologies of Fibromyalgia. One is associated with prolonged emotional or physical stress and the subsequent adrenal depletion, leaky gut and food allergies. One is associated with exposure to organic chemicals, heavy metals or pesticides. One appears to be genetic and seems to be associated with food allergies or with increased need for enzyme substrate in the liver detoxification pathways or serotonin pathways. One type occurs after immunizations or viral illness. And there is one type of Fibromyalgia that occurs after whiplash injuries, cervical trauma or after surgery. The postsurgical cases are thought to occur when the neck is hyper-extended during intubation and constitutes a cervical injury. A.K. has had Fibromyalgia for 18 years. After eight weeks of treatment she was off all pain medication. At her first visit she had 14/18 tender points. After eleven treatments eight weeks later she had four of eighteen tender points and was sleeping through the night without medication. She had OGI physical therapy for reconditioning and is still doing very well. Her response is optimal for this group.


Flu (Influenza)
Folder: TRUERIFE FREQUENCIES / Program: FLU 2010 or latest release / Sessions: 1-5 / Additional programs are released monthly. The 2009-2010 season started slowly, peaked in mid-February and seems to be declining, although cases are still being reported, CDC officials said. Swine Flu was the biggest concern. This season's vaccine was the worst match since 1997-1998, when the vaccine didn't work at all against the circulating virus, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Based on adult deaths from flu and pneumonia, this season is the worst since 2003-2004, another time when the vaccine did not include the exact flu strain responsible for most illnesses. This is the latest TrueRife program: #flu 2008 #30 minutes #February Flu 2008 Bug Kill #After running 3 overnight sets on my wife with no results for the current flu bug, I had a client in and we scanned him while running the AllBugsKill program. #These are His hits. My Wife immediately felt improvement it just 15 minutes after running this program. It should be run 2x a day with a 2 hour interval and once again before bed time. The strongest hit was 1357.525. #Mycoplasma causes influenza-like disease. Symptoms include chronic cough, general aches and pains, as well as tooth decay. In an effort to advance the speed of frequency research this forum is a place for practitioners and researchers to share their information and results. There are over 2,000 TrueRife devices and more than 700 TrueRife frequency generators in the field.

Flu Pandemic & Rife

The influenza pandemic of 1918-1919 killed more people than the Great War, known today as World War I (WWI), at somewhere between 20 and 40 million people. It has been cited as the most devastating epidemic in recorded world history. More people died of influenza in a single year than in four-years of the Black Death Bubonic Plague from 1347 to 1351. Known as "Spanish Flu" or "La Grippe" the influenza of 1918-1919 was a global disaster. Real fears exist that another pandemic may be on the horizon. The pandemic affected everyone. With one-quarter of the US and one-fifth of the world infected with the influenza, it was impossible to escape from the illness. Even President


Woodrow Wilson suffered from the flu in early 1919 while negotiating the crucial treaty of Versailles to end the World War (Tice). Those who were lucky enough to avoid infection had to deal with the public health ordinances to restrain the spread of the disease. The public health departments distributed gauze masks to be worn in public. Stores could not hold sales, funerals were limited to 15 minutes.

A Survivors Letter
Camp Devens is near Boston, and has about 50,000 men, or did have before this epidemic broke loose. It also has the Base Hospital for the Div. of the N. East. This epidemic started about four weeks ago, and has developed so rapidly that the camp is demoralized and all ordinary work is held up till it has passed. These men start with what appears to be an ordinary attack of La-Grippe or Influenza, and when brought to the hospital, they very rapidly develop the most viscous type of Pneumonia that has ever been seen. Two hours after admission they have the Mahogany spots over the cheek bones, and a few hours later you can begin to see the Cyanosis extending from their ears and spreading all over the face, until it is hard to distinguish the colored men from the white. It is only a matter of a few hours then until death comes, and it is simply a struggle for air until they suffocate. It is horrible. One can stand it to see one, two or twenty men die, but to see these poor devils dropping like flies sort of gets on your nerves. We have been averaging about 100 deaths per day, and still keeping it up. We have lost an outrageous number of Nurses and Doctors, and the little town of Ayer is a sight. It takes special trains to carry away the dead. For several days there were no coffins and the bodies piled up something fierce, we used to go down to the morgue (which is just back of my ward) and look at the boys laid out in long rows. This letter will give you an idea of the monthly report which has to be in Monday. I have mine most ready now. My Boss was in just now and gave me a lot more work to do so I will have to close this. Good Bye old Pal, "God be with you till we meet again" Keep the bowels open. (Sgd) Roy

Viruses, Observable Devitalization, & Rife

There has been much discussion over the years about observations of viral devitalization outside of the body Vs what may transpire inside. Getting a better understanding of viruses and how they function may reveal that in most cases viruses that have been altered inside the body by resonance are more likely to meet their destruction than those observed under a microscope.


In fact, viruses viewed under the microscope while being targeted with resonance may appear to have survived when in reality their envelope or genome has been altered by frequencies making it impossible for them now to hide from the immune system or release their replication instructions while inside healthy cells. The HIV protocols used in our recent study are designed to disable the reverse transcription process making it impossible for the virus to replicate. This happens on the molecular level. Thus, frequencies that may have appeared to have no observable effect under a microscope outside of the body, in reality have a major effect inside. If the virus envelope or genome has been altered due to resonance this may invoke an immune system response that results in devitalization. In this case it was resonance that removed the cloak or disabled the genome, but the immune system that devitalized it. Without resonance, the virus may have remained concealed much longer or even indefinitely resulting in its proliferation and overwriting the bodies cellular genetic instructions. See also Pathogen Complexes.

A New Influenza Virus: How it Could Cause a Pandemic

Much of the following information is from WHO (World Health Organization): Annual outbreaks of influenza are due to minor changes in the surface proteins of the viruses that enable the viruses to evade the immunity humans have developed after previous infections with the viruses or in response to vaccinations. When a major change in either one or both of their surface proteins occurs spontaneously, no one will have partial or full immunity against infection because it is a completely new virus. If this new virus also has the capacity to spread from person-toperson, then a pandemic will occur. Outbreaks of influenza in animals, especially when happening simultaneously with annual outbreaks in humans, increase the chances of a pandemic, through the merging of animal and human influenza viruses. During the last few years, the world has faced several threats with pandemic potential, making the occurrence of the next pandemic just a matter of time. If an influenza pandemic appears, we could expect the following:

Given the high level of global traffic, the pandemic virus may spread rapidly, leaving little or no time to prepare. Vaccines, antiviral agents and antibiotics to treat secondary infections will be in short supply and will be unequally distributed. It will take several months before any vaccine becomes available. Medical facilities will be overwhelmed. Widespread illness may result in sudden and potentially significant shortages of personnel to provide essential community services.


The effect of influenza on individual communities will be relatively prolonged when compared to other natural disasters, as it is expected that outbreaks will reoccur.

In the vent of such an outbreak, it will be imperative to begin isolating the Rife program that shows effects against the virus. One should begin with the flu pandemic overnight set, as well as begin supplementation of antivirals such as ionized silver, high dose vitamin C . (http://eregimens.com/therapies/Supplements/Vitamins/VitaminC/index.htm) Oregano oil, olive leaf extract and Echinacea. Antiviral General Regimen (http://eregimens.com/regimens/Antiviral%20General.htm) I.V. hydrogen Peroxide therapy is another avenue that may need to be pursued. Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy (http://members.aol.com/IntegrativeHC/H202.html) Researchers are constantly researching the best programs and protocols for the current strains. Some believe the latest infection includes both a viral and bacterial infection. This has been confirmed by hospital lab test. One should begin with the flu overnight program for 2 nights followed by the following program for 2 nights: # Bacterial Infections Overnight / Lung Infections #6 hours #Last winter I was diagnosed with Pneumonia and given 2 courses of antibiotics, which attenuated the infection but did not knock it out. Using the preset programs for pneumonia had similar results. It seemed to knock down but not out. As long as I "Rifed" 3 times a day or more I could function and feel halfway decent, but the infection was definitely still there. I began to look through H. Clark's experiences and wrote down all the foreign invaders she noted were associated with respiratory infections. From this I put together the following program to hit all those invaders. This worked and completely knocked out the infection. It seemed that the thing that hit me the hardest was Pseudomonas aeruginosa. When my wife later began to feel the tickle in her chest this program stopped it dead in its tracks as well. #This overnight set may be the best for knocking down the current bug. I ran it overnight for 2 nights in a row before I felt things begin to break up. The pulse is set for 1, which if you have trouble sleeping, simply turn towards the bulb, and your brain waves will slowly entrain to delta which will render you unconscious in about 15-20 minutes or even less. #This is a stubborn infection. Supplementation of Oregano oil / 2 capsules twice a day and Olive leaf extract (take 2 every 4 hours) along with ionized silver (1-2 oz daily for 10 days) will give you a triple antibiotic effect along with the above program. #These frequencies aim at things that are associated with upper respiratory problems. #Influenza A & B, Streptococcus Pneumonia #Mycoplasma #Bacteroides fragilis


#Pseudomonas aeruginosa #C. diphtheriae, Mycoplasma - 2, G. tetragena #respiratory problems caused by pathogens listed by Hulda Clark #RSV, Coxsackie Virus - 4 second range #Pneumonia Pyrogenes #Pertussis, commonly called whooping cough, is a bacterial infection of the respiratory system that involves the voice box (larynx), windpipe (trachea), and breathing tubes (bronchial tubes). The infection causes irritation in the breathing passages, which results in severe coughing spells. #While whooping cough occurs in people of all ages, 60% of whooping cough cases are in children younger than 5 years of age. Whooping cough is most serious when it affects babies under 1 year of age. Usually, the younger the infant, the more serious the illness.

Report from a practitioner demonstrating the importance of addressing layers of problems Flu / Fibromyalgia / Shingles / Sinus / Migraines My client called feeling as if a weight was dragging him down. He was having recurring flu symptoms and sinus infections. His immune system had been diagnosed with only 2% of 2 out of 10 markers several months previous. He was also suffering from a bad case of shingles and I know from the past has the herpes virus that causes cold sores. The shingles were so painful that he couldnt sleep. His sinus problems that began in 1978 was so bad that eventually he was put on a sinus pill that cost $300 per pill. The doc said that if it didnt work, then they didnt have anything that would. He also has severe migraines. All of this has basically caused him to lose his job and ability to live normally.

Some of his history:

1973-1979 was flying B-52s. In 1978 began getting really bad sinus and headaches. Antibiotics were begun. In 1979 he was grounded because of cyst on his tailbone. In 1980 began working in a Power Plant. 1980-85 Teaching- headaches began to get even worse. 1986 tore the muscles in his back. Was in hospital for two weeks. They did a spinal tap, which wouldnt close up. AVM rupture and stoke. Always tired and headache. 1996 was finally diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. Was put on drugs to sleep and tranquilizers. Anti-seizure med made to feel drunk. 1st Session: Rife and Ion Pro Wave Experimental 4 hour Session Immune Stabilization Pgm Flu & Respiration Pgm Nanobacteria Program: Ion Pro Wave


Nogier Muscle Relaxing: Normalization freq. 9 minutes Nogier Analgesic: Normalization freq. 6 minutes

Additional Protocols
He is currently taking Olive leaf tincture, green tea extract, feverfew, mult-vit, vit C, Life source greens, Bromelain, magnesium, apple pectin, cherry juice, B vitamins, fish oil, flax oil, primrose oil. Niacinamide every 6 hours (not the time released), this helps with muscles and depression. I suggested Yellow dock and skullcap for shingles which cleared up the painful outbreak in a few days. Lemon balm, super snooze to sleep. (Lemon balm also helps with the herpes virus and can be used as a wash for shingles or cold sores) Colloidal Silver and kudzu root has been added for pathogens and for migraines. After the Ion Pro Wave water settled it had two layers of colored gook. The top was grayish green; the bottom was a purplish black. There were round yellowish scabs that floated on the top even after several days. When alcohol was added the scabs broke up into small roundish bubble like things. After the first session he said that he only had one headache during the past week. His main problem now seemed to be sinus. He also said that he felt much lighter during the week. This is some improvement over the weighted feeling he was having when he first called. The shingles have cleared. All over, much improvement. 2nd Experimental Rife Session Immune system stabilization and stimulation. #78 minutes Fibro XP 2- Coxsackie B1 and B4 (I added a B4 frequency) Heavy Metal detox. #36 minutes on Ion Pro Wave Mucous Cytomegalovirus program The salivary gland virus or herpes type 5, plus #Acetino israelii A bacterium normally found in the bowel and throat that causes deep, pus-filled holes in tissue and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Listed under Mucous. 74 minutes #dwell time may need to be doubled for long term infections #Acetino israelii Program A bacterium normally found in the bowel and throat that causes deep, pus-filled holes in tissue. #Candida sweep Program sweep 6003.125 6068.75 .15625 #Cytomegalovirus known as the salivary gland virus or human herpes type 5


After Ion Pro Wave water had settled it was orange with not nearly as much floating. Just clear packman looking floaters. We were both disappointed on running the heavy metal Ion Pro Wave program. Results during the next week: After this session he had so much energy that he totally revamped his yards working 8 hours straight and also working the next day for another 8 hours. 3rd Experimental Rife and Ion Pro Wave Session Ran Fibro XP- 48 minutes Immune system stabilization #24 minutes Ion Pro Wave Chemtrail Ion Pro Wave 60 minutes (A doctor from Korea hypothesizes that Nanobacteria may come from chemtrails). The Ion Pro Wave again brought up some purplish black stuff, but it wasnt as much as when we ran the nanobacteria Ion Pro Wave. So far running the nanobacteria Ion Pro Wave has produced the most amazing results. Dan is still very energetic walking through our 16 acres up and down hills. He was breathless after the hike up the last hill, but recovered quickly.

This information on Flu vaccines was sent by Dr. Gary Coller


What a Shock! Flu Vaccines Don't Work

You may have heard the latest news on the flu vaccine. The national news finally publicized the fact that this year's vaccine didn't work. The Centers for Disease Control said it worked about 40% of the time. But I suspect it's much lower than that. Why? Because this isn't anything new. Almost three years ago, the prestigious journal The Lancet published two studies. One paper examined all the data from patient studies over 37 years. Vaccines at best showed a "modest" ability to prevent influenza or its complications in the elderly. "The runaway 100% effectiveness that's touted by proponents was nowhere to be seen," said Tom Jefferson. He's a Rome-based researcher with the Cochrane Vaccine Fields project, an international consortium of scientists who perform systematic reviews of research data. "There is a wild overestimation of the impact of these vaccines in the community," Dr. Jefferson said. "In the case of a pandemic, we are unsure from the data whether these vaccines would work on the elderly." In a nutshell, the flu vaccine just doesn't work. A companion article found that new flu strains are becoming increasingly resistant to antiviral drugs. Only the expensive drug Tamiflu holds effectiveness against the new dreaded bird flu. However, its use is also called into question since the study has shown how quickly the flu virus can mutate into full resistance. Further, all antiviral drugs only blunt the disease at best. Wealthy nations are stockpiling all the newer antivirals they can get. But it may be for naught. Tamiflu has already killed at least 12 children and can cause psychiatric/mental problems. If it's harming children, you can be sure it will harm the elderly as well.


Please don't be misled into getting a flu shot. Next year, you'll hear promises that they have the correct strain and the shots will work. But that's unlikely. At best it's a bad crap shoot. At worst, it's a direct ticket to Alzheimer's. The aluminum and other chemical preservatives will preserve your brain in a condition you might not want. Instead, eat right, exercise, and get plenty of sunshine. If there's a bad flu outbreak, remember that high dose vitamin D (5,000-10,000 IU daily), vitamin C (2,000 mg daily or more), and oxidation treatments (such as hydrogen peroxide, hyperbaric oxygen, and ozone) will likely be your best bet. The homeopathic ocsillococcinum, available in most health food stores, has been a long time mainstay for flu prevention. Many of my colleagues and patients swear by it, and it has no downside. Just be sure you are taking it as directed during the flu season, as it is a preventive and not a treatment. Yours for better health and medical freedom, Robert Jay Rowen, MD Ref: The Lancet, September 21, 2005.

Flu 2010 Program From TrueRife folder

#30 minutes #February Flu 2010 Bug Kill #After running 3 overnight sets on my wife with no results for the current flu bug, I had a client in and we scanned him while running the AllBugsKill program. #These are his hits. My Wife immediately felt improvement it just 15 minutes after running this program. It should be run 2x a day with a 2 hour interval and once again before bed time. The strongest hit was 1357.525. #Mycoplasma causes influenza like disease. Symptoms include chronic cough, general aches and pains, as well as tooth decay #Mycoplasma

MRSA Program Through PlasmaSphere

Question: What is the current program for the latest head and chest infection going around April, 2008? The current bug can bring on full symptoms in as little as 3 hours. Breathing can become difficult in 6-12 hours, with extreme congestion and drainage. There was a report in Michigan of a bodybuilder who was dead within 72 hours or so from the onset of symptoms after contracting MRSA. Run the MRSA program and then the Bacterial infections overnight set (overnight) immediately. Running these programs through the PlasmaSphere may reverse symptoms in as little as 12 hours.


The program should be run for 3 days if symptoms persist. If symptoms worsen where breathing becomes difficult emergency medical assistance may be advisable!
MRSA is Resistant to Antibiotics

This is the program: #1hour #Methicillinresistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) is a type of bacteria that is resistant to certain antibiotics. These antibiotics include Methicillin and other more common antibiotics such as oxacillin, penicillin and amoxicillin. Staph infections, including MRSA, occur most frequently among persons in hospitals and healthcare facilities (such as nursing homes and dialysis centers) who have weakened immune systems.

Fungal Infections
(See also Candida)
Folder: TRUERIFE FREQUENCIES / Programs: FUNGUS GENERAL AND PAINBIO BASIC / Sessions: 4-7 (Run these programs through the Ion Pro Wave)

From a Practitioner:
An 86 year old woman came into my clinic July 12th with a severe case of fungus on her legs and arms. They severely itched and she had by this time open sores on her legs. She was also in a lot of pain especially in her legs. All her limbs were turning black. I ran the fungus program and pain bio program through the Ion Pro Wave her first time in. I also added a few drops of therapeutic essential oils to an herb cream called Neem. She applied it immediately and started to get relief from the itching. She came in the next week for another session of the fungus and pain bio program. Her arms were looking better. By August 11th with 4 sessions under her belt her arms were completely healed and the right leg was totally healed with the color normal in those 3 limbs. She only had 2 very small lesions left on her left leg and her visiting nurse said she would not need her visits with her anymore. She is coming in for at least 1 more session and I fully expect her left leg to be completely healed. By the way she told me today that she feels almost like she did as a young girl with lots of energy and full of zest. She says Thank-You and so do I.


Healing Acceleration
Folder: NORMALIZING PROGRAMS / Program: ACCELERATED HEALING / Sessions: EVERY DAY TILL REVERSED Report from a Researcher: My husband had a total hip replacement done on February 5th. I ran the Accelerated Healing Program on his hip daily for two weeks when he came home. During his six week checkup, the doctor xrayed his hip to determine how well it was healing so that he could begin putting weight on it. His bone grafts were at a SIX MONTH level and they could not determine the end of the prosthesis which doesn't usually happen until later. We're so excited and wanted to share this with you. The program: #Program can be run up to 3 hrs to accelerate healing # Works on the principle of polarizing cells for rapid healing # Based on Schumann Resonance and Canadian EM Therapy Research #Contains Nasa research frequencies (see: stimulate healing of nerves information) #Generally, bone fractures heal normally with standard fracture care. Occasionally, the healing process stops due to added risks or complications. It has been proven that electric current can stimulate bone growth and enhance the healing process.

Report from a Researcher: My husband had a total hip replacement done on February 5th. I ran the Accelerated Healing Program on his hip daily for two weeks when he came home. During his six week checkup, the doctor x-rayed his hip to determine how well it was healing so that he could begin putting weight on it. His bone grafts were at a SIX MONTH level and they could not determine the end of the prosthesis which doesn't usually happen until later. We're so excited and wanted to share this . From Another Practitioner: My client had a severe ankle sprain requiring the use of crutches. She ran the Accelerated Healing program on the bulb. By day 3 she could walk without using crutches. The client did not seek any medical attention and did not use ice to reduce swelling. She ran only the Accelerated Healing program on the bulb. This program is found in the normalizing folder for users of TrueRife systems.


Hearing Problems
Folder: TRUERIFE FREQUENCIES / Program: HEARING LOSS / Sessions: 7 Also test Menieres Disease in the TrueRife Frequencies folder Question: Anyone know of any programs (or other therapies) that can help slow or reverse hearing loss? You can experiment with these frequencies: #hearing loss dwell 180 fuzz 1 .03125 pulse 1 60 duty 55 311, 320, 750, 984, 720

Also consider this set:

#39 minutes #Meniere's Disease (MD or endolymphatic hydrops) is a disorder of the inner ear associated with a change in the volume of fluid inside a portion of the inner ear called the labyrinth, which includes the membranous labyrinth and the bony labyrinth. #When the head moves, endolymph fluid in the membranous labyrinth shifts, telling nerve receptors to signal the brain about the body's motion. If the amount of endolymph increases, doctors believe, the membranous labyrinth can balloon or dilate. If it then ruptures, endolymph fluid can mix with perilymph fluid in the bony labyrinth, causing Meniere's symptoms. The underlying cause of Meniere's is still unknown, though many hypotheses have been advanced. #Symptoms include dizziness, nausea, vomiting, unsteadiness, a sense of fullness in the ear, ringing in the ear (tinnitus), headache, abdominal discomfort and hearing loss, which can increase if the disease progresses. These symptoms occur in three stages of severity, as the disease advances, and can happen with varying frequency, duration and intensity. Usually, attacks are sudden and may last several hours. The very first episode may last longer than 24 hours, but subsequent episodes do not. While children can get MD, it most commonly affects men and women between 20 and 50. #Diagnosis is difficult because other conditions present some of the same symptoms, so diagnostic testing is critical, including radiological studies. #Treatment focuses on managing vertigo, reducing the frequency of Meniere's attacks and, primarily, preserving hearing. Eliminating alcohol, coffee and salt may help make attacks less frequent and eliminating tobacco and stress may make them less severe. Medication can reduce symptoms, and several surgical options are also available.


Heart & Circulation Disorders

Folder: TRUERIFE FREQUENCIES / Program: HEART DISEASE / Sessions: 4-6 Question: Are there programs that have been shown to help congestive heart problems? Use the following program found under Heart Blockage. Also supplement 150 mg COQ10.

Treatment of Heart Disease with Coenzyme Q10

CoQ10 is known to be highly concentrated in heart muscle cells due to the high energy requirements of this cell type. For the past 14 years, the great bulk of clinical work with CoQ10 has focused on heart disease. Specifically, congestive heart failure (from a wide variety of causes) has been strongly correlated with significantly low blood and tissue levels of CoQ10 (15). The severity of heart failure correlates with the severity of CoQ10 deficiency (16). This CoQ10 deficiency may well be a primary etiologic factor in some types of heart muscle dysfunction while in others it may be a secondary phenomenon. Whether primary, secondary or both, this deficiency of CoQ10 appears to be a major treatable factor in the otherwise inexorable progression of heart failure. Pioneering trials of CoQ10 in heart failure involved primarily patients with dilated weak heart muscle of unknown cause (idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy). CoQ10 was added to standard treatments for heart failure such as fluid pills (diuretics), digitalis preparations (Lanoxin), and ACE inhibitors. Several trials involved the comparison between supplemental CoQ10 and placebo on heart function as measured by echocardiography. CoQ10 was given orally in divided doses as a dry tablet chewed with a fat containing food or an oil based gel cap swallowed at mealtime. Heart function, as indicated by the fraction of blood pumped out of the heart with each beat (the ejection fraction), showed a gradual and sustained improvement in tempo with a gradual and sustained improvement in patients' symptoms of fatigue, dyspnea, chest pain, and palpitations. The degree of improvement was occasionally dramatic with some patients developing a normal heart size and function on CoQ10 alone. Most of these dramatic cases were patients who began CoQ10 shortly after the onset of congestive heart failure. Patients with more established disease frequently showed clear improvement but not a return to normal heart size and function. Internationally, there have been at least nine placebo controlled studies on the treatment of heart disease with CoQ10: two in Japan, two in the United States, two in Italy, two in Germany, and one in Sweden (17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25). All nine of these studies have confirmed the effectiveness of CoQ10 as well as its remarkable safety. There have now been eight international symposia on the biomedical and clinical aspects of CoQ10 (from 1976 through 1993 (26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33)). These eight symposia comprised over 300 papers presented by approximately 200 different physicians and scientists from 18 different countries. The majority of these scientific papers were Japanese (34%), with American (26%), Italian (20%) and the remaining 20% from Sweden, Denmark, Germany, United Kingdom, Belgium, Australia, Austria, France, India, Korea, Netherlands, Poland, Switzerland, USSR, and Finland.


The majority of the clinical studies concerned the treatment of heart disease and were remarkably consistent in their conclusions: that treatment with CoQ10 significantly improved heart muscle function while producing no adverse effects or drug interactions. It should be mentioned that a slight decrease in the effectiveness of the blood thinner, coumadin, was noted in a case by a Norwegian clinician (34). This possible drug CoQ10 interaction has not been observed by other investigators even when using much higher doses of CoQ10 for up to seven years and involving 25 patients treated with coumadin concomitantly with CoQ10 (this is still, as of this date, unpublished data). The efficacy and safety of CoQ10 in the treatment of congestive heart failure, whether related to primary cardiomyopathies or secondary forms of heart failure, appears to be well established (35,36,37,38,39, 40,41,42). The largest study to date is the Italian multicenter trial, by Baggio et al., involving 2664 patients with heart failure (43). The most recent work in heart failure examined the effect of CoQ10 on diastolic dysfunction, one of the earliest identifiable signs of myocardial failure that is often found in mitral valve prolapse, hypertensive heart disease and certain fatigue syndromes (44,45). Diastolic dysfunction might be considered the common denominator and a basic cause of symptoms in these three diagnostic groups of disease. Diastole is the filling phase of the cardiac cycle. Diastolic function has a larger cellular energy requirement than the systolic contraction and, therefore, the process of diastolic relaxation is more highly energy dependent and thus more highly dependent on CoQ10. In simpler terms, it takes more energy to fill the heart than to empty it. Diastolic dysfunction is a stiffening' of the heart muscle which interferes with the heart's ability to function as an effective pump. It is seen early in the course of many common cardiac disorders and is demonstrable by echocardiography. This stiffening returns towards normal with supplemental CoQ10 in tempo with clinical improvement. It is important to note that in all of the above clinical trials, CoQ10 was used in addition to traditional medical treatments, not to their exclusion. In one study by Langsjoen et al (46), of 109 patients with essential hypertension, 51% were able to stop between one and three antihypertensive drugs at an average of 4.4 months after starting CoQ10 treatment while the overall New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional class improved significantly from a mean of 2.40 to 1.36. Hypertension is reduced when diastolic function improves. In another study(39), there was a gradual and sustained decrease in dosage or discontinuation of concomitant cardiovascular drug therapy: Of 424 patients with cardiovascular disease, 43% were able to stop between one and three cardiovascular drugs with CoQ10 therapy. The authors conclude that the vitamin-like substance, CoQ10, may be ushering in the new era of cellular/biochemical treatment of disease, complementing and extending the systems-oriented, macro and microscopic approach that has served us well to this point. TrueRife Program # 2 hour 20 minutes # This program targets known germs that can contribute to cardiovascular disease. #During the past decade, several novel risk factors for atherosclerosis, including inflammation and infections, have been reported. Seroepidemiological studies suggest


an association between several microbes and coronary heart disease. Microbes or their structural components are found in atherosclerotic plaques, but the only intact microbes commonly present are herpes viruses and Chlamydia pneumonia. These agents are able to initiate and accelerate atherosclerosis in animal models. If they cause persistent infection in the vessel wall, they can directly promote a proinflammatory, pro-coagulant, and pro-atherogenic environment. Microbes could also have a remote effect--e.g., bacterial heat shock proteins with high sequence homology with human counterpart could, in the presence of a chronic infection, induce autoimmunity against vascular cells, and lead to an atherosclerotic process. #Also supplement: vitamin C, lysine and proline. #http://www.thecureforheartdisease.com/pauling/short.html #Pauling's claim that specific orthomolecular or non-toxic food substances, called Lp(a) binding inhibitors, taken orally will prevent, resolve, and even dissolve existing atherosclerotic plaque build-ups is based on scientific research that began in the late 1930s in Canada. Three United States of America Patents have now been granted on the Pauling/Rath method. #Pauling's announcement was made after experiments with guinea pigs, which like humans cannot make their own vitamin C, proved cardiovascular disease can be caused by inadequate vitamin C in our diet. #The two primary "Lp(a) binding inhibitor" are the amino acids lysine and proline. Vitamin C is need to heal and activate lysine and proline. #The therapeutic dosage is 5-6 g each of vitamin C and lysine. Some people require even more vitamin C (See BOWEL TOLERANCE at orthomed.com ). Smaller dosages will have less effect. Pauling recommended 3 g each of vitamin C and lysine daily as a preventive measure. #The Germs of Cardiovascular Disease # Herpes Zoster #Chlamydia pneumonia #Helicobacter pylori #Cytomegalovirus (CMV) #Herpes simplex virus (HSV) #Nanobacterium 2

What is Endocarditis? Endocarditis is caused by bacteria (or rarely, fungi) that enter the bloodstream and settle on the inside of the heart, usually on the heart valves. Bacteria can invade your bloodstream in many ways, including during some dental and surgical procedures.


Having your teeth cleaned or even brushing your teeth can cause bacteria to enter the bloodstream if you don't take proper care of your teeth. 1 What increases the risk of Endocarditis? If you have a normal heart, you have a low risk of developing endocarditis. However, if you have a problem with your heart that affects normal blood flow, it increases the likelihood that bacteria or fungi will attach to heart tissue. This puts you at a high risk for endocarditis. Some heart conditions that put you at high risk include having heart defects, heart valve problems, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and artificial heart valves. Other risk factors include:

Having had endocarditis in the past. Having hemodialysis, which is mechanical purification of the blood. Injecting street drugs. This is caused by dirty needles. Having AIDS. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome decreases your ability to fight infection.

What can I do if I am at risk for Endocarditis? Tell all health professionals who treat you that you are at risk for endocarditis before you have any medical, dental, or surgical procedures. You may need to take antibiotics before having dental work or oral surgery. Maintaining good oral hygiene is especially important to prevent endocarditis if you are at risk. You may also need to take antibiotics before other surgeries, including stomach, intestinal, prostate, or gallbladder surgery. These surgeries and procedures increase your chances of getting endocarditis, especially if you already have a condition that puts you at high risk. Your doctor can give you a card to carry in your wallet which states that you need preventive antibiotics before certain procedures. What are the symptoms? The symptoms of endocarditis progress as the bacteria or fungi grow in your heart. Vague, flu-like symptoms, such as a low-grade fever and fatigue, often occur first. Most people with endocarditis begin to have symptoms within 2 weeks after becoming infected with bacteria or fungi. However, a powerful strain of bacteria may cause symptoms to appear much faster, within a few days. Symptoms include:

Chills and fever. Fatigue. Weight loss. Night sweats. Painful joints. Persistent cough and shortness of breath.


Bleeding under the fingernails. Tiny purple and red spots under the skin, called petechiae.

Although symptoms are vague and may not seem worth telling your doctor about, if they persist or if you know you are at risk for endocarditis, contact your doctor. If endocarditis is not treated, the bacteria that cause endocarditis can form growths on or around the heart valves. The growths prevent the heart valves from opening and closing properly. This interrupts the normal blood flow through the valves and interferes with the heart's pumping action. Blood can leak backwards instead of being pumped forward. Over time, heart failure can develop because your heart may not be able to pump enough blood to meet your body's needs. Endocarditis can also cause other problems, including an abnormal heartbeat, a stroke, and kidney failure. How is endocarditis diagnosed? First, your doctor will ask about your medical history and do a physical exam. If your doctor thinks that you may have endocarditis, he or she will check for signs of the infection, such as a heart murmur, an enlarged spleen, skin rashes, and bleeding under your nails. Blood cultures will be done to check for bacteria in your bloodstream, and other tests, such as an echocardiogram, may be done to check your heart function. It is important to treat endocarditis as soon as possible to avoid permanent damage to the heart muscle or heart valves. How is it treated? Antibiotics given through a vein (intravenously, or by IV) are the usual treatment for endocarditis. If your heart valves are damaged by the infection or if you have an artificial heart valve, surgery to repair or replace the valve may be needed. You may also need surgery if your endocarditis is caused by a fungus. If it is not treated, endocarditis can be fatal. TrueRife Program as a starting point: # 2 hour 20 minutes # This program targets known germs that can contribute to cardiovascular disease. #During the past decade, several novel risk factors for atherosclerosis, including inflammation and infections, have been reported. Seroepidemiological studies suggest an association between several microbes and coronary heart disease. Microbes or their structural components are found in atherosclerotic plaques, but the only intact microbes commonly present are herpes viruses and Chlamydia pneumonia. These agents are able to initiate and accelerate atherosclerosis in animal models. If they cause persistent infection in the vessel wall, they can directly promote a proinflammatory, pro-coagulant, and pro-atherogenic environment. Microbes could also have a remote effect--e.g., bacterial heat shock proteins with high sequence homology with human counterpart could, in the presence of a chronic infection, induce autoimmunity against vascular cells, and lead to an atherosclerotic process. #Also supplement: vitamin C, lysine and proline. #http://www.thecureforheartdisease.com/pauling/short.html


#Pauling's claim that specific orthomolecular or non-toxic food substances, called Lp(a) binding inhibitors, taken orally will prevent, resolve, and even dissolve existing atherosclerotic plaque build-ups is based on scientific research that began in the late 1930s in Canada. Three United States of America Patents have now been granted on the Pauling/Rath method. #Pauling's announcement was made after experiments with guinea pigs, which like humans cannot make their own vitamin C, proved cardiovascular disease can be caused by inadequate vitamin C in our diet. #The two primary "Lp(a) binding inhibitor" are the amino acids lysine and proline. Vitamin C is need to heal and activate lysine and proline. #The therapeutic dosage is 5-6 g each of vitamin C and lysine. Some people require even more vitamin C (See BOWEL TOLERANCE at orthomed.com ). Smaller dosages will have less effect. Pauling recommended 3 g each of vitamin C and lysine daily as a preventive measure. # Mega doses of COQ10 have been proven to reverse congestive heart failure. #The Germs of Cardiovascular Disease #Chlamydia pneumonia #Helicobacter pylori #Cytomegalovirus (CMV) #Herpes simplex virus (HSV) #Nanobacterium 2 # Herpes Zoster #Chlamydia Pneumonia # Helicobacter pylori #CMV #Nanobacterium 2

Question from a Practitioner: I have a client with a mysterious health concern. For the last 15 years his platelet count has been above normal. Any suggestions? There is no specific Rife program for this condition. 1. You could try DNA repair or the Heart Disease protocols. 2. The EPO Stabilization program (Both EPO Programs are the same) 3. If you suspect that inflammation may be the underlying cause, then I would run the Immune system stabilization program on the Ion Pro Wave along with a pain.bio basic on the bulb.
Ozone Generator

4. Ozonated water (in safe amounts) may increase your oxygen levels thus reducing EPO output from the kidneys as they sense more available oxygen. (There are no research studies to support this possibility) See: Ozone Generator



Causes of a High Platelet Count?

A high platelet count can occur for many reasons, but there are two basic processes involved.

The cells within the bone marrow produce more platelets. Less platelets are removed from the blood by the spleen.

Mild to moderately elevated platelet counts are commonly seen when chronic inflammation is present. In other cases a high platelet count can signal a more serious blood problem known as a myeloproliferative disorder (abnormal growth of blood cell elements within the bone marrow). In most cases thrombocytosis is caused by increasing platelet production. Reduced platelet removal only occurs following surgical removal of the spleen (splenectomy). A high number of platelets can be caused by severe bleeding, infection, strenuous exercise, pregnancy, removal of the spleen, iron deficiency, polycythemia vera, rheumatoid arthritis, some types of cancer and leukemia, or a condition of unknown cause in which platelets are over-produced (called essential thrombocytosis). This program may also be of benefit. It is a bulb program found within the normalizing folder:
Rife Double Bubble

#Erythropoietin Hormone Normalization #The kidney cells that make EPO are specialized so that they are sensitive to low oxygen levels in the blood coming into the kidney. These cells make and release EPO when the oxygen level is too low. #Chemically, what is erythropoietin (EPO)? #EPO is a protein with an attached sugar (a glycoprotein). It is one of a number of similar glycoproteins that serve as stimulants for the growth of specific types of blood cells in the bone marrow. #What exactly does erythropoietin (EPO) do? #Erythropoietin stimulates the bone marrow to produce more red blood cells. The resultant rise in red cells increases the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood. #As the prime regulator of red cell production, EPO's major functions are to: #Promote the development of red blood cells. #Initiate the synthesis of hemoglobin, the molecule within red cells that transports oxygen. #Is the kidney the sole source of EPO?


#No. EPO is produced to a lesser extent by the liver. The EPO gene has been found on human chromosome 7 (in band 7q21). Different DNA sequences flanking the EPO gene act to control liver versus kidney production of EPO. #Why is an EPO test done? #The EPO hormone can be detected and measured in the blood. The level of EPO in the blood can indicate bone marrow disorders, kidney disease, or EPO abuse. Testing EPO blood levels is thus of value if: #Too little EPO might be responsible for too few red blood cells (such as in evaluating anemia). #Too much EPO might be causing too many red blood cells (polycythemia). #Too much EPO might be evidence for a kidney tumor. #Too much EPO in an athlete suggests EPO abuse. #How is the EPO test done? #The patient is usually asked to fast for 8-10 hours (overnight) and sometimes to lie quietly and relax for 20 or 30 minutes before the test. The test requires a routine sample of blood. #What does an abnormal EPO level mean? #Lower than normal values of EPO are seen, for example, in anemia due to chronic kidney failure.

Heavy Metals Toxicity

Folder: ION PRO WAVE / Program: HEAVY METALS AND PROSTATE / Sessions: 1-2 per week From a Practitioner: Recently had in a client who works in auto body repair. He is a painter by trade, but has worked in this industry for most of his life (30 years). We had run Ion Pro Wave detox programs on him in the past, but today we switched to the heavy metals and prostate program. Note the results below after this 35 minute session: Ninety percent of the time, when these colors (aqua green) appear the client will tell us he has been working with petroleum based products. The normal baseline color on an Ion Pro Wave detox is carmel. Normally, after just one detox this extreme amount of residue will not appear again. Color and effects will vary from person to person and program to program. This is the program that in the Pro Ion Wave folder that we ran: Heavy Metal Toxicity


Testing for heavy metal toxicity is necessary to truly evaluate the result of any treatment. In the following case, testing was done before and then again after several sessions on the Pro Ion Wave system. Report from a Practitioner: I had a lady start coming to me for Heavy metals. She had been tested and was told she had high levels of metals. She came each week for about 8 sessions with a general Ion Pro Wave detox about every third time. She was re-tested and they could not believe how much the levels of metals had come down. I ran the Heavy metal program through the hydro-therapy unit every time. She is very pleased.

#Heavy or toxic metals are trace metals that are at least five times denser than water. As such, they are stable elements (meaning they cannot be metabolized by the body) and bio-accumulative (passed up the food chain to humans). These include: mercury, nickel, lead, arsenic, cadmium, aluminum, platinum, and copper (metallic form versus ionic form). Heavy metals have no function in the body and can be highly toxic. Heavy metals are taken into the body via inhalation, ingestion, and skin absorption. If heavy metals enter and accumulate in body tissue faster than the bodys detoxification pathways can dispose of them, a gradual buildup of these toxins will occur. High-concentration exposure is not necessary to produce a state of toxicity in the body tissues and, over time, can reach toxic concentration levels. #Heavy metal overload in the walls of coronary arteries seems to decrease levels of nitric oxide, a compound known as "Endothelial Relaxing Factor,"--without this substance normal blood flow is impeded therefore increasing the risk of vascular blockages. Heavy metal overload in the adrenal glands reduce the production of hormones, which cause early aging, stress, decreased sex drive and aggravation of menopausal symptoms. Heavy metal overload can lead to unresponsiveness of diabetics to their medications. Heavy metal overload can lead to neurological diseases such as depression and loss of thinking power. It can also aggravate conditions such as osteoporosis and hypothyroidism. For obvious reasons, removing metals from the body safely has been a concern of physicians for many years. # Heavy Metal Toxicity # I had enlarged prostate and it shrunk and I most probably attribute it to using two frequency sets. # Also Run Nanobactrerium set / Frequencies from Dr. Jeff Sutherland # This set may give an out of range error on some frequency generators


# If an error message appears, you must divide all frequencies over 150,000 Hz by 2 till you arrive at a frequency harmonic below 150,000 Hz.

From Another Practitioner: My client was having chronic problems with bowel movements. She tried a number of protocols with little effect. When all else fails the following may be the cause:

Aluminum Poisoning Effects

Large Bowel & Kidneys This is the organ commonly affected in all aluminum sensitivities. It is generally the very first organ to suffer damage. The changes due to aluminum poisoning are of two sorts. There is first of all an alteration in the function of the large bowel, which, if the poisoning goes on, may advance into changes in the bowel itself, shown on an X-ray examination. The functional changes are in three directions. There may be diarrhea or looseness of the bowels if the motions are light colored, not formed, but passed in little pieces. The patient may go to the lavatory three or four times daily, especially on rising and after meals. This diarrhea is habitual, and goes on month after month, with remissions for a time, now and again. If there be not diarrhea, the opposite may occur. The patient is constipated. There is inability to expel the motion even with hard straining. Some of these patients actually pass one motion daily, but on examination, their rectal passages, which are the end of the bowel, are still filled out with motion. This means that food takes an inordinate length of time to be expelled from the body, leading to some putrefaction and poisoning of the system. This condition is called intestinal toxemia, and it is a very potent cause of disease. Intestinal toxemia is the cause of many forms of rheumatism, and muscular fibrositis, and gouty changes. It can also cause blood changes such as certain forms of anemia, and even pernicious anemia. The toxemia usually causes a general feeling of lassitude and tiredness. Other effects produced are an alteration in the normal species of germs present in the bowel. Very often other races of germs can get a footing, and grow, and these germ growths are the hallmark of the poisoning. Such germs can get into the bloodstream and be excreted by the kidneys and here you get a group of diseases in kidneys and bladder: kidney inflammations, stones in the kidney, inflammation of the bladder are all pretty common sequels. The most advanced change in the large bowel is ulcerative colitis, in which ulcers develop in the bowel. The patient has chronic diarrhea, and anemia, and passes blood and mucus in the motions. Years ago, as a young man recently qualified, I experienced great difficulty in treating or even helping these patients in any way. I then did not know what caused their condition. I do now. There is nothing more gratifying than the healing of an ulcerative colitis case with antialuminum measures. Such cases are extremely sensitive to the use of aluminum and will soon break down if they get the wrong food. The large bowel or colon, then, is by far and away the most important organ to be affected, because it is always the organ to bear the


brunt of the poisoning, and it is one of the most important organs in the body. Surgeons used in the old days to remove the whole or part of the colon. A very brutal procedure! The Rectum The lower end of the bowel, the rectum and anus, is also often affected by aluminum. The rectum often shows a muscular weakness whereby large fecal masses are retained inside the organ unknown to the patient. The constipation and the consequent straining at stool can cause piles, so piles are often present in aluminum cases, and in particular external piles around the anal opening. Itching in the anal region is a particularly prevalent symptom in aluminum poisoning, and is a special pointer indicating aluminum trouble. It will be seen therefore how potent aluminum is for causing damage to the abdominal organs. It must be stressed that if the abdominal organs, or some of them, are so affected, generally other systems escape. The poisoning generally fixes on one system to wreak its worst effect. See: Dangers Inherent In the Widespread Use of the Metal by H. Tomlinson, M.B., Ch.B http://www.whale.to/v/tomlinson_b.html#5._Diseases_Associated_with_Aluminium_Intox ication

One can take steps to minimize the effects of aluminum in the environment. A sustained, three pronged attack is the most effective response;

Avoiding it. Blocking its uptake with supplements (calcium, magnesium, iron) , Eating foodstuffs that help to eliminate it from your system. Sulfur-rich foods such as cabbage, beans and lentils, onions, garlic asafetida (alt. sp. asafoetida) and egg yolks.

Aluminum contaminated consumables are now very common. Being aware of the sources is the first step in elimination. Removing aluminum from your diet can be quite easy if a gradual approach is taken. The principal symptom of aluminum poisoning is the loss of intellectual function; forgetfulness, inability to concentrate, and in extreme cases, full blown dementia. It is also known to cause bone softening and bone mass loss, kidney and other soft tissue damage, in large doses it can cause cardiac arrest. Many of those who have gone on to low aluminum diets have reported a reduction in irritability, headaches and significant improvements in memory and ability to concentrate. Parents reported improvements in children suffering from behavioral problems. One series of tests designed to find out if lead caused ADHD came up with the finding that children suffering from attention deficit disorders had much higher than average levels of aluminum in their hair. Experiments conducted at Toronto University have shown that those Alzheimer's Disease patients given treatment to remove aluminum from their system experience an immediate reduction in the rate of deterioration. Feeding even relatively small amounts


of some aluminum salts to laboratory animals results in brain tissue damage identical to that found in Alzheimer's patients. Recent research has identified aluminum fluoride as a particularly nasty substance, shown to cause the deposition of amyloid proteins (the proven cause of the tangled brain cells in most dementia cases) in the brains of rats when they are given drinking water with only 0.5 to 1 parts per million concentration. The following additives contain aluminum compounds: E173, E520, E521, E523 E541, E545, E554, E555 E556, E559. Antacids quite often contain aluminum tri silicate as does buffered aspirin. Foods containing aluminum based additives include dry cake mixes, pastries and croissants made from frozen dough, processed cheeses, some donuts and waffles, check muffins for E541 (sodium aluminum phosphate), and food coloring. The list of substances containing aluminum salts is quite depressing, it even includes toothpaste!, especially tooth whitening products. Another obvious and easily avoided source is aluminum cooking pots and pans, this can be quite easily remedied by using enameled, stainless steel and cast iron pots. Cooking in earthenware and glass containers is another option. There is no need to throw out all of your aluminum pots, it is OK to fry food in aluminum pans and intact Teflon, non-stick coatings will effectively prevent any contamination. Run this program on the Ion Pro Wave / These frequency are out of range for many plasma devices: Heavy Metal and Prostate The following is the result in one case after one session. Individual results will vary. #36 minutes #Heavy Metal Toxicity #Heavy or toxic metals are trace metals that are at least five times denser than water. As such, they are stable elements (meaning they cannot be metabolized by the body) and bio-accumulative (passed up the food chain to humans). These include: mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium, aluminum, platinum, and copper (metallic form versus ionic form). Heavy metals have no function in the body and can be highly toxic. Heavy metals are taken into the body via inhalation, ingestion, and skin absorption. If heavy metals enter and accumulate in body tissue faster than the bodys detoxification pathways can dispose of them, a gradual buildup of these toxins will occur. Highconcentration exposure is not necessary to produce a state of toxicity in the body tissues and, over time, can reach toxic concentration levels. #Heavy metal overload in the walls of coronary arteries seems to decrease levels of nitric oxide, a compound known as "Endothelial Relaxing Factor,"--without this substance normal blood flow is impeded therefore increasing the risk of vascular blockages.


#Heavy metal overload in the adrenal glands reduce the production of hormones, which cause early aging, stress, decreased sex drive and aggravation of menopausal symptoms. #Heavy metal overload can lead to unresponsiveness of diabetics to their medications. #Heavy metal overload can lead to neurological diseases such as depression and loss of thinking power. It can also aggravate conditions such as osteoporosis and hypothyroidism. For obvious reasons, removing metals from the body safely has been a concern of physicians for many years. #I had enlarged prostate and it shrunk and I most probably attribute it to using two frequency sets. # This set will give an out of range error on older T-150 frequency generators! # If an error message appears, you must divide all frequencies over 150,000 Hz by 2 till you arrive at a frequency harmonic below 150,000 Hz.

Hepatitis C
Folder: OVERNIGHT SETS / Program: HEPC YARNELL SET / Sessions: Everyday From a Practitioner: My research has indicated it is important to include Ionized / Colloidal Silver as a part of Hepatitis C protocols. 1-2 oz per day. Having said that, the following is a result we obtained just using the F-117 Phaser. Note the significant drop: The viral numbers she had in her blood work were before treatments: 12,900,000 and after treatments: 9,890,000. Ill now be adding the colloidal silver to her program. Two other practitioners reported a viral load drop of over 50% when silver was added to the regimen.

Note: The F-117 Phaser circuitry is the

only model observed to demonstrate a clear drop in HPC viral load. Older TrueRife F-110 models are upgradable to this circuitry.

Rife Breakthrough -- Hepatitis C Zapped

by Ken Welch


[email protected] On August 19th the New England Journal of Medicine carried an article warning that 2.7 million Americans now carry the Hepatitis-C virus, according to statistics from the CDC. This would make Hepatitis, a potentially fatal disease, the most common blood-borne infection in the country. Globally, the World Health Organization has reported that almost half the world's population carries one or more of the various hepatitis virus, and fatalities are greater than for HIV. On the same day the article appeared, the first American patient began treatment at an experimental clinic in Georgia, where a multidisciplinary team is attempting to reproduce a 96% Hepatitis cure rate claimed for a Russian trial program last year. The most astounding feature of the Russian treatment is that it used neither drugs nor surgery. A combination of two techniques from beyond the medical mainstream, and often soundly condemned by it, are reported to have removed all traces of the virus in as short a time as three weeks. These results are in the published proceedings of the 1999 Scientific and Technical Conference, an annual event in Moscow, sponsored by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The word from Georgia insiders is that lab results on the first batch of patients are pretty exciting, although astounding might be a better word, given the mode of treatment. Patients receive only an IV drip of - believe it or not - the same standard saline solution used in hospitals around the world. The difference is that this IV solution carries a special charge or resonance, in a surprise blending of Homeopathy and the pioneering research of Royal Raymond Rife. Rife demonstrated the destruction of disease organisms by broadcasting energy at specific frequencies. Today, a new twist takes his work another step forward. Researchers around the world, including ordinary people fascinated with the concept, are currently working with various devices based on Rife's work. The Web is a rich resource for information about what is available. Any search engine can point you toward the "Rife Ring", a collection of sites devoted to this area. Rife used a form of broadcast energy, created in a neon-like florescent tube, to apply frequencies to person's whole body. His premise was that the right frequency could cause the death of a specific target organism, and thus eliminate a particular disease. He arrived at this by actually observing the destruction of viruses in a unique microscope he invented using the same broadcast energy concepts. With his microscope, Rife had the advantage of being able to tune his device and confirm the correct frequency simply by observing the result. Researchers following him have not been so fortunate, and often seem to arrive at specific frequencies in a hit or miss patchwork of guesses and unexpected results. Lists containing hundreds of frequencies and their possible results are freely available, but so far there are few really solid, provable associations between a specific frequency and a specific problem. To add to the confusion, many Rife experimenters are attempting to broaden the concept. Frequencies are suggested for the promotion of good health for various organs, an idea completely unrelated to the basic theory of Rife's work. In the midst of this confusion, the Russian team apparently combined several technologies to create a scientific breakthrough. While the devices and technology are


protected by patent and the subject of considerable secrecy, it is apparent that several problems have been solved. These involve the selection of what specific frequency or resonance will be effective, and the method of "charging" water molecules with that energy to create a viable delivery system. While diagnosis is still dependent on traditional lab work, and patients applying to the Georgia clinic are expected to forward a liver scan from their own physician and lab, computerized instrumentation is being used to confirm that the selected frequency is correct before treatment begins. In other words, technicians can measure the response of a particular person to a particular frequency. While no details are offered so far, this technology has the potential to turn Rife-based frequency work into a very practical and useable medical treatment overnight. The existence of this technology might have remained secret, but apparently the device is being used to check the original treatment plan against American patients who present a slightly different clinical picture than the original Russian subjects. Due to better health care in the U.S., hepatitis patients live longer. They may appear as "chronic" rather than "acute", which may mean more organs are involved. Apparently, the device used at the clinic can measure the response of a particular organ to a particular frequency in only minutes, eliminating a lot of trial and error experimentation. The second breakthrough is in the delivery system, both in theory and in practice. The Russians see their frequency selection as an opposite or "canceling" frequency, rather than the more direct, "destructive" frequency which Rife observed when microorganisms glowed and shattered in the field of his microscope. While it may not be possible to prove exactly what the mechanism really is, the Russian theory is that an invading virus (and perhaps other problems as well) has a certain frequency, and that by bathing this pathogen in something carrying an "opposite" frequency the result is a zero sum: the organism's energy is neutralized and the virus dies. This is somewhat like the physicists who had to come up with a theoretical structure for the atom without being able to see one. Only time will tell what is really happening. Of course the results of treatment must be verified by lab work, and the clinic is very firm that success of their hepatitis program is dependent on the disappearance of the "markers" for the virus in an independent lab report. The choice of water and a homeopathic system, as opposed to direct frequency exposure via a Rife tube, is fascinating. Homeopathy, a highly respected school of medicine around the world, is totally dependent on the concept that water molecules can carry "information" or "charge" left over from some other substance that has been so greatly diluted that for all practical purposes it is no longer there at all. Apparently it is also possible to induce the desired frequency or resonance at a molecular level through electronic or other means. This is the physical key to the delivery system and apparently a Russian device or machine is used to do the charging. There are many unanswered questions here which will probably be resolved in time. The real story, over and above what may be a terrific treatment for hepatitis, is the technology itself. Working with "frequencies" may turn out to be the medicine of the new millennium.


If lab reports can show dramatic improvements when the only thing administered was hospital saline solution still sealed in its original sterile bag, a major paradigm shift is on the way. Surveys already indicate that chemical-based Allopathic medicine is now the "alternative medicine" as far as the American public is concerned. Once the Georgia clinic has run through a few thousand patients and published their results, we may have a medical revolution on our hands.

#Experimental Imprinting program / Hepatitis C

From a Researcher: This is an update you on the status of the sister in palliative (end of life care): She is responding very well although there are a lot of weird things going on with her doctor. She is not on IV anymore and looks and feels a lot better. She has been switched from Morphine to Mezadone (which is also used to wean people off of Morphine without withdrawal) for pain and is sitting up and more lucid. TrueSilver is an interface with the TrueRife signal generators. What is confusing is that my daughter was there one day when the dressing was being changed and saw the improvement and healing of the wound. The nurse at that time admitted she was improving too, but the doctor says she is not healing at all. In fact, he says she has not improved but will not share test results with her parents who are visiting from out of state. What a confusing situation! The fact is that most of this "improvement" has been due to the regular administration of the silver at 2 oz per day, not to exceed 4 oz (10 ppm.) I really want to thank you for educating people about this amazing "antibiotic." Her father relayed to me that she has had four operations within a year for her knees and bones, pins being inserted several times. Apparently she had her femur break after a knee replacement which resulted in a staph infection rather than healing. The doctor insists that she has no signs of osteoporosis and only slight osteopenia( a precursor to osteoporosis) and that there is no known cause of her bones not healing or being brittle. Do you know of anything that causes visually healthy bones to fracture easily and not heal even after months? If you have heard of something or have a suggestion I would love to hear it. She has hepatitis C and abnormal electrolyte balances and needs potassium. I don't know if these are related. Thank you again for the info on colloidal silver. Hepatitis C has been associated with brittle bones. This may be an underlying cause. There are many testimonials of Ionized or Colloidal silver assisting people with Hepatitis C. This is the program to run:


#32 minutes #Hepatitis C - used by a doctor in France to good effect. #See: http://eregimens.com/regimens/Hepatitis.htm

This report from Florida several researchers reporting Hep C results: A 3 pronged attack was used in this case: TrueRife system / TrueSilver / PlasmaSphere Ozonated water. These were the questions asked regarding protocols during the 8-12 weeks of sessions prior to the result. 1. What is the overnight set you ran? #7 hour 46 minutes (total time) # Yarnell Overnight Set 2. Did you also use ionized silver? Yes, 2 oz of silver and two 8 oz glasses of ozonated water. (breakfast and supper) 3. Is this the only program you ran overnight? No. I have run other sets for parasites, etc. Also did a foot bath using Hep C program and Clark liver cleanses along with her parasite protocols. 4. How often did you run the program? Three times per week minimum using the double bubble. I removed the bulb from the reflector and placed it at the midsection (under the blankets) and I sometimes placed the Matrix foot plate beneath the calves. 5. What was the viral load report before and after? August 17th, 2007: 1,740,000. TrueRife programs were started on 11/20/07. On Feb 16, 2008: 587,000. Update: May 10th, 2008: 187,000

Herpes Viruses
Folder: TRUERIFE FREQUENCIES / Programs: HERPES Type 1 or HERPES Type 2 / Sessions: 3-21 / Also see related programs: Cytomegalovirus, Cold Sores, and Shingles in the TrueRife Frequencies folder From a Researcher: I own a Rife machine and was wondering if you had the frequency for Herpes and how long each session would take? Is this a virus that can be destroyed with the Rife machine? I would appreciate any comments! Thank you!


It is recommended that you use a Rife Plasma device such as the TrueRife F-117 since the virus hides in the ganglia or nerve bundles. Simple contact or pad devices have limited penetrative effects. The Double Bubble bulb or other bulbs should be place at the point of outbreak. In the case of cold sores, it should be placed near the cheek. For herpes type 2 it should be placed at the base of the spine. The PlasmaSphere Ozonator interface may have an impact on herpes as well. See the following site: http://www.hsv-free.com/Herpes_cure_info.htm There are reports of success in eliminating herpes. But the programs must be run repeatedly, and outbreaks can be expected as the virus is detoxed during sessions.

Herpes Type 1 and 2

Question: I need some clarification on the various Herpes programs. Because of the various strains of the virus I'm unclear as to which frequency sets are appropriate for which type. What is the specific uses for Herpes Neuralgia, Herpes Simplex 2 ( I understand this is the type that occurs in the genitalia ), Herpes Type 1 anec comp, Herpes Type 1 primary, Herpes Type 2 comp, Herpes Zoster and Herpes Zoster V. Answers from the Forum: How alike are HSV-1 and HSV-2? Lets look at the latest scientific facts about the two types of herpes simplex virus, as well as social attitudes toward oral and genital herpes. When many people first tell someone they have genital herpes, they start by comparing the infection to oral herpes, or cold sores. How apt is the comparison? In spite of scientific facts, the social stigma and emotional attitudes surrounding genital herpes can make it hard to compare it objectively with an oral infection that most people casually accept. Following the unspoken assumptions of our society, many people still believe there is a good herpes virus-HSV- 1, the usual cause of cold sores-and a "bad" herpes virus-HSV-2, the usual cause of genital herpes. Lets look at HSV- 1 and 2 to see how alike and different the two viral types really are. We asked leading researchers how the two compare in terms of severity, recurrences, and transmission rates. We asked how often each occurs outside its usual site of preference, and how each behaves in the genital area. We questioned how much immunity having one type orally or genitally provides against getting the second type. In addition, we looked at the way our society views oral and genital herpes. What's behind the very different images the two types carry? And what can we do about it? In an interview, counselors at the National Herpes Hotline suggest ways to help replace judgmental social assumptions with a healthy attitude. Under a microscope, HSV- 1 and 2 are virtually identical, sharing approximately 50% of their DNA. Both types infect the body's mucosal surfaces, usually the mouth or genitals, and then establish latency in the nervous system. For both types, at least two-thirds of


infected people have no symptoms, or symptoms too mild to notice. However, both types can recur and spread even when no symptoms are present. The primary difference between the two viral types is in where they typically establish latency in the body- their "site of preference." HSV-1 usually establishes latency in the trigeminal ganglion, a collection of nerve cells near the ear. From there, it tends to recur on the lower lip or face. HSV-2 usually sets up residence in the sacral ganglion at the base of the spine. From there, it recurs in the genital area . Even this difference is not absolute either type can reside in either or both parts of the body and infect oral and/or genital areas. Unfortunately, many people aren't aware of this, which contributes both to the spread of type 1 and to the misperception that the two types are fundamentally different. People don't understand that you can have type 1 genitally or orally, that the two types are essentially the same virus,' says Marshall Clover, manager of the National Herpes Hotline. One type is associated with stigma, the other is just a cold sore- our society has a euphemism for it so we don't even have to acknowledge that it's herpes. The common myth is that HSV-1 causes a mild infection that is occasionally bothersome, but never dangerous. The reality? HSV-1 is usually mild, especially when it infects the lips, face, or genitals. However, in some cases type 1 can recur spontaneously in the eye, causing ocular herpes, a potentially serious infection which can lead to blindness. In very rare cases HSV- 1 can spread spontaneously to the brain, causing herpes encephalitis, a dangerous infection that can lead to death. HSV-1 is also the usual cause of herpes whitlow, an infection on the finger, and "wrestler's herpes," (herpes gladiatorum) a herpes infection on the chest or face. The range and potential severity of HSV-1 infections lead some experts to view the virus as more risky than usually perceived. "This is heresy, but I think type 1 is a more significant infection than type 2," says Spotswood Spruance, MD, an oral HSV specialist at the University of Utah. "Type 1, and the morbidity associated with it, are underestimated." By comparison, HSV-2 is widely believed to be a painful, dangerous infection that affects only people with very active sex lives. The reality? Some 22% of adult Americans from all backgrounds, income levels, and ethnic groups have HSV-2. Like HSV-1, type 2 is usually mild-so mild that two- thirds of infected people don't even know they have it. Type 2 rarely causes complications or spreads to other parts of the body. It is the most common cause of neonatal herpes, a rare but dangerous infection in newborns, however, type 1 causes up to one-third of neonatal infections. The two types do behave somewhat differently depending on whether they are residing in their site of preference-the mouth and face for HSV-1, and the genital area for HSV-2. But both types are quite common, and under most circumstances neither is a major health threat. That's one reason medical professionals tend to dismiss HSV -2 despite the emotional trauma a diagnosis can cause for a patient.

Herpes Zoster
Herpes Zoster, also known as shingles, is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox. After an episode of chickenpox, the virus becomes dormant in the body. Herpes zoster occurs as a result of the virus re-emerging after many years.


The cause of the re-activation is usually unknown, but seems to be linked to aging, stress or an impaired immune system. Often only one attack occurs, without recurrence.

Herpes 5 / CMV or another strain of herpes 1 / What is Cytomegalovirus (CMV)?

CMV is a common virus that infects most people at some time during their lives but rarely causes obvious illness. It is a member of the herpes virus family. Other members of the herpes virus family cause chickenpox, infectious mononucleosis, fever blisters (herpes I) and genital herpes (herpes II). Like other herpes viruses, CMV infection can become dormant for a while and may reactivate at a later time. The virus is carried by people and is not associated with food, water or animals.

Who gets CMV?

Anyone can become infected with CMV. Almost all people have been exposed to CMV by the time they reach adulthood.

How is CMV spread?

Although the virus is not highly communicable, it can be spread from person to person by direct contact. The virus is shed in the urine, saliva, semen and to a lesser extent in other body fluids. Transmission can also occur from an infected mother to her fetus or newborn and by blood transfusion and organ transplants.

What are the symptoms of CMV infection?

Most children and adults who are infected with CMV do not develop symptoms. Those who develop symptoms may experience an illness resembling infectious mononucleosis and have fever, swollen glands and feel tired. People with a compromised immune system (such as AIDS patients or those receiving chemotherapy) may experience more serious illness involving fever, pneumonia and other symptoms. The following information from: http://members.aol.com/herpesite/recur.html may be helpful.

When Herpes Simplex Virus becomes active, it begins to multiply, and then comes to the surface along the nerve paths. Reactivation may be symptomatic or asymptomatic there may be signs and symptoms, or there may be no signs at all. Due to the nature and structure of the neural pathways, recurrences of herpes may not always appear in the same exact place. However, they will remain in the same general area - in genital Herpes infections, perhaps migrating a few inches in the genital region, or showing up on the upper thigh, or the buttocks. Many times, genital herpes outbreaks appear in the anal region. Some have theorized that herpes takes the "path of least resistance" when coming to the surface, which may explain why some people have their recurrences in the same spot time after time, and why other people's outbreaks change to an area like the anus where there may be repeated abrasion as a trigger.


The spinal ganglia and neural paths to the skin Recurrence rates vary greatly, and studies indicate that as many as 80 to 90% of people infected with HSV will experience recurrences, generally within 3-6 months after initial outbreak. Genital HSV recurs an average of 5 times per year, more or less, depending of course on various factors, including viral type & site, therapies, the individual's immune system, emotional state, personal trigger factors, and even environmental factors. Some women notice recurrences around their menstrual periods. The recurrence rate is usually much lower in those whose genital infections are caused by HSV-1. Oral HSV-2 normally recurs much less often than HSV-1, statistically about once every ten years. Recurrences are usually less severe and of shorter duration than first episodes. Recurrences generally become less frequent as time passes. However, major emotional events, or specific stresses, such as an illness, or friction, or Environmental Factors like sunburns, can trigger recurrences where one may have been mostly free of activity beforehand.

Signs of an Impending Outbreak: Prodrome

The state or set of symptoms that precede a Herpes outbreak is called "prodrome." The first sign of an upcoming occurrence, prodrome can occur from 30 minutes to a few days prior to an outbreak. Prodrome may include tingling, itching, and/or burning sensations at the site of impending outbreak, and/or shooting pains, numbness, aches, or other sensations in the lower back, buttocks, or thighs (in genital infections). Other possible symptoms are fever, headaches, soreness, and swollen lymph nodes. Prodrome may also include an onset of listlessness and irritability, as well as increased sensitivity to environmental factors. When these symptoms are present, the Herpes Virus is active and risk of transmission is high. Some people feel a few or many of the above Prodrome sensations from time to time without having full-blown outbreaks or any visible signs. Again, even though there may be no visible symptoms, the virus is active at these times, and precautions should be taken to avoid transmission. Others have some or all of these symptoms, with or without outbreaks, or after outbreaks, that last for days, weeks, or months in some cases. This is called Post-Herpetic Neuralgia.

Post-Herpetic Neuralgia
Neuralgia is pain that occurs along the path of the nerves. This condition is best known in relation to Shingles (Varicella Zoster Virus). Although it has been little studied in connection with genital Herpes Simplex infection, the incidence of this condition is much more common that is normally reported. This type of neuralgia is the result of the virus irritating the nerves and neural pathways. The symptoms are similar to Prodrome, including tingling, twitching, burning sensations, shooting pains, numbness, and/or aches in the area of infection, and also particularly in the buttocks, legs, and thighs. The pain can be intermittent, and in some people it can be chronic, lasting for weeks and months at a time. This kind of chronic HSV-PHN is considered to be rare, although anecdotal evidence suggests that it occurs much more frequently than has been documented. HSV can also cause a "sciatica syndrome" - pain the sciatic nerve in the back of the thigh. Many women have found their PHN intensifies prior to menstruation.


Some people have found that eliminating coffee and other neuro-stimulants has helped in both decreasing PHN and outbreaks. There are also some medical experts who say that the neuralgia, like many other aspects of herpes virus infections, gets better by itself with time... Experts advise that patients experiencing prodromal symptoms or PHN consider the virus to be active, and to take precautions against transmission.

Triggers and Environmental Factors are many, and vary with each person. Some of the more common triggers for outbreaks are rubbing, chafing, friction, overexposure to wind, cold, wet, heat, sun (especially sunburn), restrictive clothing, and sweating. Extreme environments of any sort, be they physical, emotional, auditory, etc., may create more stress in the body, and subsequently trigger nerve response that may possibly increase reactivation of HSV. Foods reported by some to affect outbreaks include coffee, chocolate, nuts, popcorn, and alcohol. Women report a tendency to be more susceptible to outbreaks around menstruation. Tampons are reported by many women to aggravate Herpes, probably due to the friction or chafing with insertion and removal. Men or women who engage in sexual penetration will lessen chances of aggravation of HSV sites by assurance of lubrication and refraining from overly-vigorous activity. Personal and lifestyle factors which may directly influence recurrence include stress, sleep, diet, fatigue, and illness.

Rife Session
Our experience with herpes sets is the virus will tend to run or accelerate after sessions. It is imperative that at least three sessions be run with 20 minute intervals to slow down or prevent an outbreak. If more severe symptoms do occur after session, in this case it has been recommended by researchers to continue to run the program despite the acceleration of the outbreak. This program is listed under Cold Sores Primary in the TrueRife Frequencies folder and need not be copied. It already has the pauses built in the program so that it will run 3 times. #1 hour 32 minutes # This program runs 3 times with 10 minute intervals for best kill. #Run consecutive days till gone #L-Lysene Stimulation..May be good for Cold Sores #Cold sores -- also called fever blisters -- are a painful infection caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV) Type 1. They may show up anywhere on your body but are most likely to appear on your gums, the outside of your mouth and lips, your nose, cheeks, or fingers. Blisters form, then break and ooze; a yellow crust develops and eventually sloughs off, revealing new skin underneath. The sores usually last seven to 10 days. #The infection from a cold sore may cause blindness if it spreads to the eye; herpes is a frequent cause of infectious blindness.


#Sores may develop as late as 20 days after exposure to the virus. Once the virus enters your body, it may emerge years later at or near the original site of entry. Before an attack you may experience itching or sensitivity at the site. The virus may be triggered by certain foods, stress, fever, colds, allergies, sunburn, and menstruation.

Immune System Stabilization

Folder: ION PRO WAVE / Program: IMMUNE SYSTEM STABILIZATION / Sessions: 1-4 It is electromagnetic energy that is used by EMEM TrueRife systems for specific frequency based transmissions. Although most frequency research is primarily aimed at targeting the components of pathogens, there are normalizing or stimulating research frequencies that are used quite extensively by Rife practitioners. Exactly why these programs work is unknown. The fact that many of them do is well documented. One of them is Immune System Stabilization. Both of these programs have received excellent reports.

Rebooting the Immune System

One theory as to how these frequency specific electromagnetic fields may be working is when a resonant match is achieved upon the cell or structures that control immune system function, these functions are temporarily halted. When the frequency session is stopped the body in essence now re-boots bringing in a new back-up sequence to restart the immune system returning it to its former stability. This could be illustrated to placing electrical paddles (defibrillator) on the heart to temporarily interrupt a corrupted heart pattern. When the heart restarts on its own it will often return to a normal pattern. Assuming that the causative agent of the corruption of the system is no longer present, stability should be retained. In many cases the causative agent is still present and over time will corrupt the systems code or sequence once again.

Stabilize Immune system Program (Ion Pro Wave)

SV40 / Ion Pro Wave Program (Jeff Sutherlands Research) #Research frq. by Dr. Jeff Sutherland #The Virus and the Vaccine is the true story of a cancer-causing monkey virus, contaminated polio vaccine, and the millions of Americans exposed. #In the age of AIDS, SARS, Avian Flu, and Ebola, here is a real-


life, riveting account of a carcinogenic monkey virus that contaminated Americas most revered vaccine and the cancers it is causing today. #Jonas Salk's polio vaccine has taken on legendary quality as a medical miracle, for it largely eradicated one of the most feared diseases of the twentieth century. But the story of the vaccine has a dark side, one that has never been fully told before. In one of modern medicines biggest blunders, between 1954 and 1963, 98 million Americans received polio vaccinations widely contaminated with a carcinogenic monkey virus, known as simian virus 40, or SV40. A concerted government effort downplayed the incident, and it was generally accepted that although oncogenic to laboratory animals, SV40 was harmless to humans. #But now SV40 is showing up in a variety of human lung, brain, bone, and lymphatic cancers in adults. It is also appearing in the cancers of some children too young to have received the contaminated Salk vaccine. #SV40

Allergy Remission / Finding the Causative Agent

We had a client in several years ago with severe allergies. After running the Immune System Stabilization program on them they would stabilize for 3-4 months only to have a return of symptoms and need another session. While scanning this client with the GRS we were able to determine that Dental Foci was likely the underlying problem. After running the Dental Foci program this client never returned for another frequency session and remained in remission for two years and counting. (From this scan we developed the Allergy GRS program) Dental Foci has been attributed by some researchers as having a connection with autoimmune disorders. We normally run this program (Immune System Stabilization) through the ionic foot bath. The bulb counterpart is 80% effective when there is resolution, while the Ion Pro Wave system has reported cases of 100% remission. Poison Ivy seems to respond better to the bulb output, while allergies in general respond better to the Ion Pro Wave system. Arthritis, Asthma, Lupus and other autoimmune diseases have also been reported as responsive.

Folder: TRUERIFE FREQUENCIES / Program: PAINBIO BASIC / Sessions: 1-3

How Do Steroids Work?


Steroids work by decreasing inflammation and reducing the activity of the immune system. Inflammation is a process by which the body's white blood cells and chemicals protect the body against infection and foreign substances such as bacteria and viruses. In certain diseases, however, the body's defense system (immune system) doesn't function properly. This may cause inflammation to work against the body's own tissues and cause damage. Inflammation is characterized by redness, warmth, swelling and pain. Steroids reduce the production of inflammatory chemicals in order to minimize tissue damage. Steroids also reduce the activity of the immune system by affecting the function of white blood cells.

Folder: TRUEFOCUS / Program: INSOMNIA or INSOMNIA SMR / Sessions: 3-30 Report From a Researcher: My son has had great success with the insomnia program in the true focus folder. He usually takes an hour to fall asleep, then wakes up again at 2 am and can't go back to sleep at all. After the insomnia, he still took an hour to fall asleep but slept through the night no problem. So we are very happy with the goggles (TrueFocus Brain Entrainment System). Sample TrueFocus Program #Insomnia #Many studies have shown brainwave entrainment to be incredibly effective with sleep disorders. The most obvious benefit is that it can help guide your mind to Theta, or light sleep. This method is very effective, and while common sense says Theta training would be the most effective treatment for Insomnia, the work of Dr. Hauri and others suggests that there is no "panacea" for poor sleep, that a single protocol does not work for everyone. In fact, chronic, life-long insomniacs tend to respond much better to SMR training than Theta. See: Insomnia SMR if this program does not seem effective. (Sensory Motor Response) #One study successfully treated 16 long time psycho-physiological insomniacs, randomly assigning each of them to either SMR training or Theta training. It was found that the tense, anxious insomniacs responded well to Theta training as opposed to those who, while deeply relaxed, still found it difficult to sleep, responding better to SMR training. #This program will slowly move you to Delta stage. Visual blackouts are possible during the final minutes of this program. Try to focus on the sound or light pulsations and remain relaxed as possible during the session. It may be best to run in evening at bedtime. One should not operate a motor vehicle immediately following this session.

Another Report from a Researcher:


We got the goggles (TrueFocus) when they first came out last December or early January. They worked on my son's insomnia right away but he was having to do the program each night. Well this is 6 months later and he no longer has to do the program! For at least a month now he has been just fine without doing anything. I really think that the goggles induced a permanent change for him. Needless to say this has been a real blessing.

Kidney Disease
Folder: TRUERIFE FREQUENCIES / Program: KIDNEY FAILURE / Sessions: 4-6 minimum. Run this program on the bulb and then through the ION PRO WAVE (See additional programs below) A Practitioner Reports: The person that I ran the kidney failure program on went to the hospital thinking he was having a heart attack, they ended up taking 2 quarts of fluids from around his heart. Scared me! While they were working on him he told his wife he peed his pants and she said its ok you're under a lot of stress, and he said no, you don't understand, I peed my pants. He hadn't been able to go to the bathroom for weeks because of kidney failure and dialysis. FYI: In 1988 I did private duty nursing on a woman who had only one kidney, it was filled with stones, and she refused dialysis so she was sent home to die. She was given less than a week to live. She was 81 years old and had made peace with this decision. They had previously taken out the other kidney. I agreed to take care of her ONLY if she would take germanium 1500 mg a day. With my limited experience at that time, I thought it would stop pain and nausea. For 4 FOUR days, she did not void, she had uremic frost, change of mentation, some nausea. On the 5th day, I catheterized her as she became incontinent of highly sediment urine. That night she voided 3 liters, the next day 2 liters. When she went to the doctor 21 days later, he told her "any day now" she would be back in renal failure, she lived to be 97 years old and just died this past year. She never had any more kidney stones. I believe the germanium thinned the fibrin that was covering the stones and then the body could destroy them. In studying 21 patients with chronic renal failure who were on or off dialysis (serum creatinine levels of 5 mg/dl or above), 11 were assigned to an intervention group that received coenzyme Q10 at 60mg, 3 times daily, compared with 10 subjects who received a placebo (cellulose) at 1 g, 3 times daily. There was a significant reduction in serum creatinine and blood urea and a significant increase in creatinine clearance and urine output in the coenzyme Q10 group versus the placebo group after the 4-week trial. After 4 weeks, the subjects on dialysis were significantly fewer in the coenzyme Q10 group (36.2%) than in the placebo group (90.0%). There was a significant increase in plasma levels of vitamins A, E, C and beta-carotene, whereas thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, diene conjugates and malondialdehyde showed a significant reduction in the coenzyme Q10 group compared with the control


group. Q-Gel, which is a hydrosoluble coenzyme Q10, was used as the coenzyme Q10 substance in this study. Infectious Complications: ARF (Acute Renal Failure) and infections are commonly associated. Not only is septicemia frequently associated with the onset of ARF, but also infections often complicate the course of ARF. Common sites are pulmonary, urinary, and peritonitis. These infectious complications can be a leading source of morbidity and mortality. From a Practitioner: I have a client who is diabetic and is now entering the final stages of Kidney failure. She has been offered dialysis but has decide against it, pretty much waiting to die a slow death. As the weeks and months have passed she has developed many of the symptoms of kidney failure as her body begins to build up more toxicity. Client with Chronic Kidney Disease Have had her in for 5 sessions: Week 1: Ran Kidney Failure program along with an Ion Pro Wave detox. She reported that she had passed more urine then she had in months, but basically did not feel much better. Week 2: Same program: Left the session feeling lighter than air. Reported 1 week later that she had incredible energy and felt better than she had in months. Week 3: Same program: Reported on arrival that she was declining. Left session feeling energized. Week 4: Returned saying she has felt great since the last session with the exception of a few bad days after a flu shot. Ran the GRS ( Galvanic Resonant Scanner) on her during a Parasite General set. Picked up 2 hits (853 and 605) one for eczema and another for a fungal infection in the lungs. She stated that she has had Eczema almost her whole life, and suffers from Asthma. Week 12: Returned with a bad viral infection that had put her in bed for a week. Ran the Streptococcus Pneumonia set on her along with .5 fl oz of colloidal silver. She was up the next day after the session cleaning house! Update: Last doctors visit revealed that kidney function had elevated from 23% to 26% over a 6 month period. This does not mean that she has necessarily improved, but the progression of the disease has been halted for the past 6 months. Client seems to be doing well and has not been back for additional sessions for at least 3 months. Update: 2 years later stabilized and not on dialysis. From a Practitioner: Regarding kidney damage, if your blood count is low or you are anemic this may be helpful.


We have a client who's kidney was damaged from prescribed med's (Lipitor) for high cholesterol. His kidney no longer produces enough Erythropoietin. Erythropoietin(EPO) is a hormone produced by the kidney that promotes the formation of red blood cells by the bone marrow. Erythropoietin stimulates the bone marrow to produce more red blood cells. The resultant rise in red cells increases the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood. The client also developed a blood clot in his left leg from the drugs which resulted in edema in his ankle and foot. The doctors said this would never go away. We have been working with this client for a few months 2 x week. The swelling in his ankle & foot is noticeably going down. The following are the test results: Before Currently Normal Range 4.5-11.0 4.50-5.50 13.0-17.0 40.0-50.0 83.0-101.0 27.0-34.0 31.5-36.0 11.5-14.5 150-400 1.8-7.7 1.0-4.8 0.2-1.0 0.0-0.5 0.0-0.2 135-145 3.5-5.1 96-108 24-30 8-20 700-110 0.4-1.2 8-20 4-10.2 3.8-5.2 2.7-4.5

WBC 4.5 4.7 RBC 3.78 4.08 HGB 11.2 12.3 HCT 33.9 36.7 MCV 89.7 89.9 MCH 29.7 30.1 MCHC 33.1 33.4 RDW 14.3 13.2 Platelet 196 176 Neutrophils 2.7 2.9 Lymphocytes 1.1 1.0 Monocytes 0.5 0.6 Eosinophils 0.2 0.2 Basophils 0.1 0.1 Sodium 141 135 Potassium 5.6 4.8 Chloride 107 103 Carbon Dioxide 22 24 Anion Gap 18 13 Glucose 94 94 Creatinine 2.0 2.0 BUN 47 40 Calcium 9.0 8.8 8. Albumin 4.3 4.1 Phosphorus 3.2 2.9

We ran the following frequencies on the client 2 x week:


Accelerated Healing (on the bulb) #Program can be run up to 3 hrs to accelerate healing # Works on the principle of polarizing cells for rapid healing # Based on Schumann Resonance and Canadian EM Therapy Research #Contains Nasa research frequencies (see: stimulate healing of nerves information) #Generally, bone fractures heal normally with standard fracture care. Occasionally, the healing process stops due to added risks or complications. It has been proven that electric current can stimulate bone growth and enhance the healing process. #Stabilize Immune system (Ion Pro Wave) #Resonant therapy to assist in immune system stabilization. Excellent to address a host of immunological conditions. Arthritis, Poison Ivy, Allergies, Lupus, MS, etc Nanobacterium 2 Ion Pro Wave (Jeff Sutherlands Research) #Nanobacteria sanguineum is an extremely nasty organism that severely compromises your immune system. Most people I have tested are infected with it. Almost anyone who has been vaccinated has it because the cow serum used to make vaccines has been contaminated. It will pass through the placenta so you have it if your mother was infected. Antibiotics are useless, with the exception of tetracycline. However, because of its ability to surround itself with a calcium shell when attacked, even tetracycline can't get at most of it.

Folder: TRUERIFE FREQUECIES / Program: LUPUS / Sessions: 6-12 minimum Also run Immune system Stabilization through the Ion Pro Wave Report from a Practitioner concerning an 8 year old with lupus: I have been giving medical massage and Rife sessions to a young 8 year old girl with Dermatomyositis, a form of Lupus. The client started coming to me in Jan 2005. She was on 8 mg of steroids a day. She had puffy dark eyes, swollen limbs, face, back and abnormal hair growth. She could not tie her shoes as she could not bend well. She lacked energy and rarely played with the other children at school because of feeling bad most of the time. I started her twice a week on Medical Massage Therapy for 40 min. along with the following Rife programs:

Lupus (Bulb) and Immune System Stabilization (Ion Pro Wave Hydrotherapy)
I am very pleased to report now after 6 months the client is off steroids, swelling is gone, abnormal hair growth is gone, eyes are bright, child can tie shoes, has lots of energy and is now on a softball team. Her doctor is very pleased with her progress as well as her family.


I now have a new client with Lupus. This is a woman in her 60's that has been plagued with Lupus for many years. She complains of being in pain most of the time and suffers from constipation. She originally came to me last August and would only come 1 time a month. She said that she always felt better afterwards but still would not come weekly. At the beginning of May she decided to come weekly and is on the same program as the young child described above. This client was taking daily doses of Organidin, Vioxy, and Flonase. After just one month the patient is on no meds and feels very good. She reports to me that she is now having regular movements, sleeps better and is not in pain anymore. Her husband has also reported that he can see a big change in her attitude as well as her over all better health. 42 minutes Lupus is an autoimmune disease. Your bodys immune system is like an army with hundreds of soldiers. The immune systems job is to fight foreign substances in the body, like germs and viruses. But in autoimmune diseases, the immune system is out of control. It attacks healthy tissues, not germs. Lupus is a disease that can affect many parts of the body. Everyone reacts differently. One person with lupus may have swollen knees and fever. Another person may be tired all the time or have kidney trouble. Someone else may have rashes. Lupus can involve the joints, the skin, the kidneys, the lungs, the heart and/or the brain. If you have lupus, it may affect two or three parts of your body. Usually, one person doesnt have all the possible symptoms.

From Another Practitioner: The foot bath immune system stabilization program has been effective with allergies, asthma and lupus. Eighty percent of those I have worked with report partial to complete remission with 20 percent seeing little or no significant change. Poison Ivy reports have been 100% positive when run on the bulb. (Poison Ivy Program) Lupus rash

Lymes Disease
Folder: TRUERIFE FREQUENCIES / Program: LYME ROCKY MTN / Sessions: Run as tolerated up to 5 days a week for 12-36 weeks minimum. Also run the Lyme Disease Fundamental and Lyme Disease Sweep from the Ion Pro Wave Folder 1-3 times per week. From a Practitioner: In the case of Lyme disease I would place the bulb on the chest or abdominal area. From another Practitioner: A client came in for the second session for Lymes. Since I was running a Pain.bio on her for chronic knee pain, I ran the Lymes program on her husband as he sat beside her,


allowing for the crossover of his frequency session to hit her as well. When she came in she used a cane. Upon leaving she carried it with her! Session Time: 75 minutes Week 2 report from the client: I can now give you a more accurate report on how I have been responding to the program for Lymes disease. This is my 3rd session (a friend ran it on me last summer for the 1st time). I was diagnosed 5 years ago and received no prior treatment. Each time my reaction has been consistent. Within a few hours I start having chills, a headache, fever, depression, confusion and lethargy. This will last 3-4 days after the session. This past Monday you ran the Lymes on my husband, he does not have Lymes but benefited for some reason. The kicker is we didn't run it on me, but I sat beside him and still got the full Lymes Session as well as the full range of die off symptoms. After the fourth day my sore throat, swollen glands go away. I am standing upright today with little pain in my knees with energy I haven't felt for years! I even have a little speed in my step! I thank-you for this day!

Another Practitioner Report:

Friday Ran third session for Lymes on my client. Positive response was noted after intense herx reactions. Improved breathing and diminished pain was reported after the first two sessions. Wednesday Client reports, Not doing very well. I had a few days of cold chills from the Lymes program. Now I am in a great deal of pain in my knees, feet, hands and hips. My hands and knees are swollen. Thursday Client reports, So much better today...I didnt know what to expect from the program so I thought I was relapsing. That was the first time I had such intense pain in several years. Are you getting feedback from others on Lymes? Am I reacting normally? Practitioner Response: TrueRife is breaking new ground in this research on Lymes. Others who have used this technology claim very intense Herx reactions after sessions, and 6 months to a year to get resolution. You seem to be receiving the same effect. Researcher Comment: I love the machine, its really helping the Lyme! I am using the Ion Pro Wave in the bath tub as one of my protocols. Experiences from a Rife Forum (discussing various Rife devices): Since 1988, I've had Lyme disease. Like so many others, it took a long time to be properly diagnosed. I'd been told I had MS, but I never believed that. When we found out it was Lyme disease, we were hopeful that I could rid my body of the infection. In 1997, my health deteriorated drastically. The Lyme had infected my brain severely and I could no longer take care of myself. My husband has been my caretaker and has also researched every treatment imaginable for Lyme disease. He took me for 90 hyperbaric oxygen treatments (which did help, but was not a cure), blood chelation (also helpful, but not the cure), IV antibiotics and antiprotozoans for years (very helpful, but also not the cure). There were many other regimens.


I have attempted to eat healthy and take good vitamins and supplements, but I seemed to be fighting a losing battle. Then my husband looked into the Rife-like machines and talked to our sons-in-law (both engineers) and decided that it had real merit. In desperation, he had a machine built, and for 17 months I have been using the machine weekly. The quality of my life has improved dramatically. I have horrible herxheimers and they are difficult to endure sometimes, but once the toxins are eliminated I experience a feeling of tremendous improvement. Another: I have had Lyme 25 years, misdiagnosed as CFS/ME for 22 years. Four years of antibiotics did nothing for me. I was having mini-seizures for over 10 years. Nothing helped. 17 months ago I purchased a Rife Device. Within a few weeks of using it the seizures stopped. After several months I had a break from rifeing and slowly but surely the seizures came back. I am finally convinced that Rife works. The first few months were the hardest with strong herxes. However, I have turned the corner and am able to do many things I could not do prior to Rife. I am still not out of the woods, but certainly improved. From a practitioner: Strong herx reactions along with relapses as the pathogen revitalizes can be expected. Continued use over several months may be needed to truly evaluate results.

Received this some months ago from Dr. James Bare on his calculations for Lyme disease. He evaluated the following set based on his own research: Hi everyone, A researcher has just posted these Lyme frequencies for us. I thought I'd do an evaluation of them using the available spread sheet CRF calculator with the experimental fundamental of 2773568. The numbers in parenthesis are the nearest CRF derived using the spread sheet. This was the set provided by the researcher: 7989, 4880, 4870, 1590, 1455, 4996.9, 5054.9 884, 846, 797, 758, 693, 673, 579, 578, 577, 422, 417, 239, 128 This is the result of the calculation: I've rounded off the calculated values if they were within .05 Hz. 7989 ( 7993 ) 4880 ( 4883) 4870 ( 4874) 1590 ( 1590.34) 1455 ( 1455.17) 4996.9 ( 4997.4) 5054.9 (5052)


884 ( 884.4) 846 ( 846.11) 797 ( 797 ) 758 ( 758) 683 ( 683.14) 673 ( 673) 579 ( 579) 578 ( 578.06) 577 ( 577.10) 422 ( 422) 417 ( 417) 339 ( 239) 120 ( 120) I don't know how this researcher is deriving his frequencies, but correlation in the frequency range below 10000 Hz is excellent! If one considers that the programming is doing a sweep across 1 Hz, then correlations are excellent for all but the highest three posted frequencies. In no way does this mean that the highest frequencies posted by this researcher are incorrect. They may be targeting a different part of the organism. Jim Bare

This is the Ion Pro Wave version of the program. Do not run on bulb. #28 minutes # Jim Bare experimental fundamental frequencies # Run this program after the Lyme_RockyMtn.frq on the bulb #From 1 to 4 weeks after being infected with the bacteria that cause Lyme disease, up to 90% of people develop an expanding, circular red skin rash (called erythema migrans, or EM, rash).4 While most people develop a red rash that may spread out in the shape of a circle, about 40% will develop what is called a "bull's-eye" EM rash, with a pale center area surrounded by a bright red rim. #The rash is accompanied by flu like symptoms in up to 50% of people who have Lyme disease. The flu like symptoms can include: #Fatigue (the most common symptom). #Headache and stiff neck. #Fever (may be high in children, but this is rare) and chills. #Muscle and joint pain. #Swollen lymph nodes. #If Lyme disease is not detected and treated while early symptoms are present, or if a person does not have early symptoms that trigger the need for treatment, the infection may spread to the skin, joints, nervous system, and heart.


#Heart and nervous system problems may develop weeks to months after the initial infection (early disseminated Lyme disease). Symptoms of this stage may include: #Persistent fatigue. #Additional skin rashes (not from tick bite). #Pain, weakness, or numbness in the arms or legs. #Inability to control the muscles of the face (paralysis of the facial nerves). #Recurring headaches or fainting. #Poor memory and reduced ability to concentrate. #Conjunctivitis (pink eye) or sometimes damage to deep tissue in the eyes. #Occasional palpitations, or in rare cases, serious heart problems (occurs in up to 10% of people) # Rife can cause serious herxeimer reactions. Allow 3 months to one year for complete resolution of Lyme while Rifeing.

Salt & Vitamin C Therapy for Lyme

# quote from http://www.lymephotos.com/faq/index.html #We use 1-gram Sodium Chloride USP tablets made by the Consolidated Midland Corporation (CMC). We order these through our local pharmacy. They are not a prescription drug, but not having widespread use are rarely a stock item and need to be special-ordered. The CMC salt pills have an NDC # of 0223-1760-01, which should help your pharmacist locate the exact type. The cost is about $10 US for a bottle of 100 tablets. We usually order a dozen bottles at a time to make it worth the pharmacy's effort. Given the costs of other treatments and the long-term debilitating nature of Lyme disease, we think this cost is acceptable. Another source (AmericaRx.com) for salt tablets is available over the internet. #Question: Can I use sea salt? #Answer: Any salt should help your condition, but it takes quite a bit to really get the effects you want. One teaspoon of salt is equal to approximately 6 grams; therefore, consider starting with a quarter teaspoon of salt in a large glass of water. The salt tablets are in a compressed form that can be easily administered. Sea salt, as well as ordinary table salt, also contains other compounds and we think it is the sodium chloride itself which does the trick. Our fear is that some salts contain multiple elements and these additions may compromise the treatment. The added elements could aid the parasites in their survival. #Question: Is this much salt and vitamin C safe? #Answer: Salt and vitamin C are both water soluble. This means that as long as you are getting enough water into your system your body will flush out the excess. But for the average sufferer, there will be no excess. Your body will use up whatever you give it or flush it out in your urine. Again, drink plenty of water. We have all heard about the proverbial 8 glasses of water per day. We recommend a full glass of water each time you take the pills. A side effect of the treatment in the dying off of the organisms is diarrhea. But be prepared for the weird sensation caused by the organisms' using any


and all paths to escape the salt and vitamin C. You will feel but not see these creatures coming out all over your body. #Question: Can anyone use the salt and vitamin C treatment? #Answer: We see no reason not to try the protocol, no matter how old or young. The dosage should be relative to body weight. Therefore, if one was going to put a small child on the treatment, they might want to reach a 4 to 6 gram total on both the salt and C. Remember, drink plenty of water. #Question: How much salt is too much? #Answer: In our research we could only find this tidbit of information that might be of some help. In ancient eastern customs, when a man dishonored his family, he committed suicide using his sacred sword. Women were not allowed to touch these swords, so upon their dishonor, they committed suicide by consuming one pound of salt in a day, and were dead by morning. Now, our treatment recommends approximately 8 to 16 grams of salt and vitamin C per day depending on body weight. One pound of salt is equivalent to 453.59 grams; therefore, our recommendation is less than 3% of a pound per day. We do not believe this is a harmful amount. As mentioned, for centuries people consumed approximately 20 grams per day due to the way foods were processed and personal taste. We have tried consuming more salt than we recommend and have had no ill effects, we just feel that the body can only process a certain amount to combat the pathogens and the rest was leaving through the urine. Again, judging from one's body weight we recommend 8 to 16 grams of each per day, divided into smaller dosages throughout the day. Always take the salt and vitamin C together with a full glass of water, maybe every two or three hours. #Question: Why do you believe this works? #Answer: Salt has been considered a bactericide for thousands of years. As far as the worms go, have you ever put salt on a slug? The salt sucks the life out of them. We have made their environment intolerable. The vitamin C rejuvenates your body, allowing your cells to rebuild. #Question: How long will I have to take the treatment? #Answer: We think it is relative to how long you have had the illness. Bacteria and microfilarial worms reproduce at an astounding rate; therefore, the longer you have had the illness, the longer it will take to get rid of all the organisms. For some, the treatment could take 2 to 3 years. #Question: Can you explain the contradiction on the site regarding the nematomorphs protecting the bacteria, yet also attacking and consuming them? #Answer: Just as humans raise and care for their food supplies, such as cattle, they brutally club and feed off the herds. #Question: Why do you not recommend using an antihelminthic such as Ivermectin? #Answer: Ivermectin only temporarily reduces larval production; therefore, it does not eliminate the infection. Since it does not cure and because it has some major side effects, we do not recommend this treatment.


#Question: Can I add other products such as catsclaw, wormwood, walnut hulls, rife machine, or whatever else sounds feasible? #Answer: We feel that it would be a major mistake to add anything else to the treatment. Since, in reality, we know so little about these organisms and their propensity to survive. We know that the salt and vitamin C treatment kills the pathogens. We do not know what possible effects other elements added to the treatment may have. Salt and Vitamin C occur naturally in nature. It is just lately that our consumption of salt is so low. We believe that the salt and C treatment is the one thing that truly works against this disease. #Question: Do you have any other recommendations while doing this treatment? #Answer: Ultra-violet light kills nematodes, bacteria, viruses, and many other microorganisms. Try to spend fifteen minutes per day outside in bright sunlight. Do not use sunscreen. Do not stay out long enough to burn. Feel free to repeat these 15 minute sun sessions throughout the day. The old practice of taking our sick out into the sunlight made sense; ultra-violet light kills germs. Salt water baths are also very helpful. Add table salt to your bath until the water is saturated; that is, until no more salt can be absorbed. Four cylinder canisters of table salt is probably the amount needed for the average size tub. #Question: Why do I start feeling like I have beaten this illness, and then all of a sudden I feel sick again? #Answer: The salt and Vitamin C kill the active organisms, yet many more lie dormant in your tissues. It is believed that the absence of a pheromone, possibly daumone, awakens the hibernating organisms and the cycle begins again. The treatment must continue to kill off the newly awakened worms. This process may take years for some, unfortunately; however, with each die-off cycle, you will feel a little better, until you get them all.

Received this from one a researcher who is using the F-110 in conjunction with other protocols for Lyme: Here are some of the findings from research that I have in my clinic plus my protocol for treatment of the Lymes disease. Lyme disease is the fastest-growing epidemic in the world. The Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia affirms that there is considerable under-reporting of Lyme disease, maintaining that the actual infection rate may be 1.8 million, 10 times higher than the 180,000 cases currently reported. Nick Harris, Ph.D., Director of the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society (ILADS), states Lyme is grossly under-reported. In the U.S. we probably have about 200,000 cases per year. Lee Cowden, M.D., states that there are very few symptoms where one should not consider Lyme, especially given that a quarter of the U.S. population may be infected. It is estimated that Lyme disease may be a contributing factor in more than 50% chronically ill people. The Lyme bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb) a spirochete bacteria is not just passed by an arthropod, or tick bite. In addition to tick bites, published research indicates Bb may be carried by fleas, mosquitoes, and mites. New research indicates it can be passed from mother through the placenta and mothers milk. University of Wisconsin


researchers state that dairy cattle and other food animals can be infected with the JB. Burgdorferi and hence some raw foods of animal origin might be contaminated with the pathogen. Recent findings indicate that the pathogen may be transmitted orally to laboratory animals, without an arthropod vector. Thus, the possibility exists that Lyme disease can be a food infection. Compelling evidence supports horizontal (sexual) and vertical (congenital) human to human transfer. It also has the possibility of being transferred through blood transfusions. As you can see the spirochete bacteria (Lyme disease) should be seriously considered when chronic symptoms are diagnosed as Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, ALS, Alzheimers Disease, IBS, Lupus, MS, Scleroderma and a host of other diagnosis. Now for the diagnosis. What test you get a physicians office I have been told by a nurse is only 40% accurate. You need a live cell analysis by a technician trained in looking for the spirochete bacteria. I have that available in my area. I have been treating for Lyme for the past year and have found great success using TOA free CATS CLAW, (una de gato) and running the Lyme program 1 to 3 times per week through the Ion Pro Wave. The TOA free Cats Claw is different from regular cats claw. You must use the TOA free. This herb kills the bacteria and the Rife Lyme program helps kill and detox it out of the system. I am seeing complete resolution of the bacteria in 3 months. After another live cell analysis confirms no more bacteria than a program of rebuilding the body at the cellular level is important. The bacteria gets into the body tissue and travels around. Destroying tissue in muscle, organs, eyes, and even the brain. A person needs to be on the cell rebuilding program 6 months to a year. Just a few ending comments. Every client that I have sent in for live cell analysis the past year has been positive for Lyme. The protocols I have set out are experimental only and do not take the place of the care of your physician.

Run Mycoplasma Fermentans and Parasite sets / 40 minutes A pilot study treated 28 patients with Advanced Chronic Lyme Disease with TOA-free Uncaria tomentosa (cats claw). Conventional cats claw contains TOA alkaloids that interfere with the desired immune modulation. The 14 person control group was given antibiotic therapy. At the studys termination 85 % of those receiving the cats claw preparation no longer had positive blood tests for Bb. All 28 persons had experienced a dramatic improvement in their clinical condition. No significant changes were seen in the control group. Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF) is an infection that is transmitted by ticks. The signs and symptoms of RMSF may follow within 1-14 days of a tick bite. But in many cases, someone who develops the infection does not remember being bitten by a tick. Symptoms of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever usually begin suddenly. There is a high fever - often 103F (39C) to 105F (40C) - with chills, muscle aches and a severe headache that may center around the forehead area. Eyes may become red, muscles may be tender to the touch, and there may be generalized body swelling.


The rash that makes Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever a "spotted" fever may begin anytime between 1-10 days after the fever and headache start, but it most often appears on the third to fifth day. The rash looks like small red spots or blotches that begin on the wrists, ankles, palms and soles. It spreads up the arms and legs toward the trunk, but often spares the face. As the Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever infection progresses, the original red spots may change in appearance to look more like bruises or bloody patches under the skin. Rarely, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever may cause either mild symptoms or no symptoms at all. But usually it causes a moderate to severe illness that can damage the liver, kidneys and lungs. Before antibiotic treatment was available, about 20-30 percent of people with the infection would die. But antibiotics have helped to decrease much of the suffering and danger resulting from the infection. About cat's claw, for what it's worth, I'd like to share my personal experience with it. For about a 3 month period I succeeded in becoming symptom free with a combo of cat's claw toa free, and Rainforest Remedies Clearing Support, also known as Kayabim. These 2 together were such a strong antibiotic that I had major Candida problems, although it was worth it and treatable with probiotics. But on going off of these all my Lyme symptoms came back 5 times worse than they were before going on these 2, and quickly, within a week. For me these did nothing but suppress the Lyme symptoms and make it worse in the long run. In addition, when I tried to go back on the cat's claw and clearing support, they were no longer successful, which is when I purchased my rife machine and am now feeling very good with just the rife and the salt C protocol.

From a clinic that is getting resolution of Lyme in 3-6 months with their clients using a TrueRife T-150 and recent TrueRife Lyme protocols. Here are some of the findings from research that I have in my clinic plus my protocol for treatment of Lymes disease. Lyme disease is the fastest-growing epidemic in the world. The Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia affirms that there is considerable under-reporting of Lyme disease, maintaining that the actual infection rate may be 1.8 million, 10 times higher than the 180,000 cases currently reported. Nick Harris, Ph.D., Director of the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society (ILADS), states Lyme is grossly under-reported. In the U.S. we probably have about 200,000 cases per year. Lee Cowden, M.D., states that there are very few symptoms where one should not consider Lyme, especially given that a quarter of the U.S. population may be infected. It is estimated that Lyme disease may be a contributing factor in more than 50% chronically ill people. The Lyme bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb) a spirochete bacteria is not just passed by an arthropod, or tick bite. In addition to tick bites, published research indicates Bb may be carried by fleas, mosquitos, and mites. New research indicates it can be passed from mother through the placenta and mothers milk. University of Wisconsin researchers state that dairy cattle and other food animals can be infected with the JB. Burgdorferi and hence some raw foods of animal origin might be contaminated with the pathogen. Recent findings indicate that the pathogen may be transmitted orally to laboratory animals, without an arthropod vector. Thus, the possibility exists that Lyme disease can be a food infection. Compelling evidence supports horizontal (sexual) and vertical


(congenital) human to human transfer. It also has the possibility of being transferred through blood transfusions. As you can see the spirochete bacteria (Lyme disease) should be seriously considered when chronic symptoms are diagnosed as Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, ALS, Alzheimers Disease, IBS, Lupus, MS, Scleroderma and a host of other diagnosis. Now for the diagnosis. The test you get a physicians office I have been told by a nurse is only 40% accurate. You need a live cell analysis by a technician trained in looking for the spirochete bacteria. I have that available in my area. I have been treating for Lyme for the past year and have found great success using TOA free CATS CLAW, (una de gato) and running the Lyme program 1 to 3 times per week through the Ion Pro Wave. The TOA free Cats Claw is different from regular cats claw. You must use the TOA free. This herb kills the bacteria and the Rife Lyme program helps kill and detox it out of the system. I am seeing complete resolution of the bacteria in 3 months. After another live cell analysis confirms no more bacteria then a program of rebuilding the body at the cellular level is important. The bacteria gets into the body tissue and travels around. Destroying tissue in muscle, organs, eyes, and even the brain. A person needs to be on the cell rebuilding program 6 months to a year. Just a few ending comments. Every client that I have sent in for live cell analysis the past year has been positive for Lyme. The protocols I have set out are experimental only and does not take the place of the care of your physician. I didnt realize how many are interested in the Lyme disease epidemic. Here is a list that I have of symptoms that should make people suspect Lyme disease: Brain fog, Insomnia or excessive sleep, Memory loss (short and long term), Joint pain/swelling/stiffness, Poor coordination/ataxia, Difficulty reading, Slow or slurred speech, Unexplained chills and fevers, Rash, Sudden abrupt mood swings, Continual infections, Poor concentration, Decreased ability to spell correctly, Tremors, Disorientation, Burning/stabbing pain (I find this symptom especially in my clients feet), Facial paralysis(Bells Palsy), GI distress/abdominal pain, Poor word retrieval/Aphasia, Shortness of breath, Anxiety, Heart palpitations/chest pain, Difficulty swallowing, Sore throat, Swollen glands, Nausea/vomiting, Anorexia, Cough, Vasculitis, Muscle pain or cramps, Loss of muscle tone, Changes in taste or smell, Twitching of muscles (face or other), Obsessive-compulsive symptoms, Panic attacks, Changes in cerebral blood flow/brain waves, Peripheral neuropathy/tingling/numbness, Number reversal, lightheadedness, Headaches/migraines, Light sensitivity, Menstrual irregularities, Change in hearing/bussing/tinnitus, Trigeminal neuralgia(TMJ), Unexplained hair loss, Dilated cardiomyopathy, Visual disturbance, Loss of temperature control. If a person has any of these symptoms and their physician cannot find a reason for their symptoms suspect the Bb spirochete bacteria. I will now list the diagnoses people have received instead of Lyme disease. Acrodermatitis Chronica Atrophicans ACA, Acute Transitory Atrioventricular Block, Allergies, Arrhythmia, Arthralgias, Demyelinating Disorders, Depression, Encephalopathy, Erythema Chronicum Migrans, Fibromyalgia, Meningitis, Arthritis, ADD, ADHD, Autoimmune Disorders, Bells Palsy, Chronic Encephalitis and Encephalomyelitis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Cognitive Dysfunction, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), Meningoencephalomyelitis, Multiple Sclerosis, Myoperjcarditis, Parkinsons


Disease, Progressive Visual Deterioration, Reversible Dementia, Sensory or Motor Radiculoneuropathies, Sleeping disorders, Cranial Polyneuritis, Alzheimers Disease, ALS Lou Gehrigs Disease (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Lupus, Polymyalgias rheumatica, Reflex sympathetic dystrophy, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Scleroderma, Syphilis. All rheumatological diseases and many connective tissue diseases may be Lyme related. Please get a live cell analysis from a qualified technician trained in recognizing the spirochete bacteria to rule out Lyme disease.

The following information may be of interest to those exposed to Lyme disease: Lyme disease is now thought to be the fastest growing infectious disease in the world. There are believed to be at least 200,000 new cases each year in the U.S. and some experts think that as many as one in every 15 Americans is currently infected (20 million persons). Dr. Robert Rowen knows a family where the mothers infection spread to 5 of her 6 children[1] all of whom recovered with appropriate therapy. It is difficult to believe that these children were all bitten by ticks and seems more plausible that person to person spread within the family caused this problem. Bacteriologist, Dr. Lida Mattman, states Im convinced Lyme disease is transmissible from person to person. In 1995 Dr. Mattman obtained positive cultures for Bb from 43 of 47 persons with chronic illness. Only 1 of 23 control patients had a positive Bb culture. Dr. Mattman has subsequently recovered Bb spirochetes from 8 out of 8 cases of Parkinsons Disease, 41 cases of multiple sclerosis, 21 cases of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and all tested cases of Alzheimers Disease. The complete recovery of several patients with terminal amyotrophic lateral sclerosis after appropriate therapy shows the great importance of establishing the diagnosis of Lyme Disease. Some very important information has recently become available about the spread and magnitude of the problem with Lyme Disease. The severity of the Lyme illness is related to the spirochete load in the patient. Few spirochetes produce mild or asymptomatic infection. A study from Switzerland in 1998 pointed out that only 12.5 % of patients testing positive for Bb had developed symptoms. A German boy developed Lyme arthritis 5 years after his tick bite. Often mycoplasma infections remain without symptoms until the victim suffers a traumatic event (stress, injury, accident etc.) These stressing events enable the mycoplasma to begin consumption of cholesterol and symptoms may begin to present. The mechanism of this deterioration is thought to be suppression of the immune system secondary to stress. Many patients with LD have concomitant infections with other parasites (Ehrlichia in white blood cells and Babesia in red blood cells) Some patients have all 3 parasites. Each requires a different therapy with Babesia being particularly difficult to eradicate.


Recently, Artemisinin appears effective in Babesia infections. All co-infections must be eliminated to obtain a successful result. Dr. Joanne Whitaker relates that nearly every patient with Parkinsons Disease (PD). has tested positive for Bb. Dr. Louis Romero reports that 3 patients with PD are 99 % better after TAO-free cats claw (Uncaria tomentosa) therapy. When Dr. Mattman cultured 25 patients with Fibromyalgia all subjects had positive cultures for the CWD Bb. which causes LD. She relates that Bb can be found in tears and could thus easily appear on the hands where touching could spread LD. Several families are now documented where nearly every family member is infected. How sick the individual patient becomes probably relates to their initial spirochete dose, immune system, detoxification capability and stress levels. This is the primary program on TrueRife systems: #40 minutes #Also run Ion Pro Wave version as well as Mycoplasma Fermentans and Parasite sets #A pilot study treated 28 patients with Advanced Chronic Lyme Disease with TOA-free Uncaria tomentosa (cats claw). Conventional cats claw contains TOA alkaloids that interfere with the desired immune modulation. The 14 person control group was given antibiotic therapy. At the studys termination 85 % of those receiving the cats claw preparation no longer had positive blood tests for Bb. All 28 persons had experienced a dramatic improvement in their clinical condition. No significant changes were seen in the control group. #Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF) is an infection that is transmitted by ticks. The signs and symptoms of RMSF may follow within 1-14 days of a tick bite. But in many cases, someone who develops the infection does not remember being bitten by a tick. #Symptoms of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever usually begin suddenly. There is a high fever - often 103F (39C) to 105F (40C) - with chills, muscle aches and a severe headache that may center around the forehead area. Eyes may become red, muscles may be tender to the touch, and there may be generalized body swelling. #The rash that makes Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever a "spotted" fever may begin anytime between 1-10 days after the fever and headache start, but it most often appears on the third to fifth day. The rash looks like small red spots or blotches that begin on the wrists, ankles, palms and soles. It spreads up the arms and legs toward the trunk, but often spares the face. As the Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever infection progresses, the original red spots may change in appearance to look more like bruises or bloody patches under the skin. #Rarely, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever may cause either mild symptoms or no symptoms at all. But usually it causes a moderate to severe illness that can damage the liver, kidneys and lungs. Before antibiotic treatment was available, about 20-30 percent of people with the infection would die. But antibiotics have helped to decrease much of the suffering and danger resulting from the infection.


We are in the process of ordering copies of this publication for our clients as well as continuing to stock copies of Brians previous book Lyme Disease and Rife Machines. We are continuing to do research on Lyme disease frequencies that may be of benefit. The current program set that we receive the most positive reports from is Lyme and RockyMtn.frq Experience: I am having great results with the different Lyme programs. My energy is tripled and most of the arthritis is gone. Even though I do the Lyme programs weekly I have actually gotten the most hits from the sore throat program. I made 2 hour long programs of hits that work well. I have had a pain at the base of my neck for many years, never have found out what it is but these programs keep it in check. These are each about an hour. I try to get them done every other day or so. I have also been running Mycoplasma once a month, and in August I have been doing the parasite and Candida programs daily, and without getting into graphic details I do see evidence that I'm getting my money's worth from the machine! I made an A and a B program. I think I am treating much more than Lyme, so I don't want to pose these as hits that would work on someone else's Lyme but here they are! #Program A / Lyme GRS hits #Run every other day #Program B / Lyme GRS hits #Run every other day

From a Researcher: I am going to run the Lyme frequency programs. However, I noticed that the frequencies in the True Rife Lyme programs do not match the frequencies in the Lyme disease and Rife Machines book. For best results, which set of frequencies should one use? I decided to go with the ones in the True Rife folder first. I suppose I can always write more programs testing the others in that book, but I wanted to know if the TrueRife frequencies were more current. Response: You can use TrueRife or Brians. A lot of research has taken place since the book was published but it certainly does not mean the book frequencies are obsolete. TrueRife sets have been validated. Brians have been validated as well. So you can also experiment with the book frequencies. To date Brian Rosners book is still the best compiled source for dealing with Lyme and Rife machines on the planet, that is why we offer it on our web site. I doubt anything will replace it unless Brian chooses to release a revised version someday. But he is certainly "the man" when it comes to expertise with Lyme. Note: We no longer offer this publication. To order: Rife Machine Accessories and Components then scroll down the page. (http://truerife.com/truerifedevices.html)


The best sets based on testing and reports seems to by the LYME and Rocky Mtn.frq Dr. James Bare has even commented on this set as being an almost perfect match to his Lyme disease fundamental frequency.

Question: Do you have any suggestions on how to clear herxes faster? We have started limiting the exposure to the foot bath and the bulb. The bulb causes her eye to go bloodshot within minutes. She has Lyme with coinfections as well as Candida. Response: Strong Herx effects are almost unavoidable in the case of Lyme. Some individuals experience an increase in symptoms as a result of the die off of microorganisms. It is recommended that subject drink 6-8 additional glasses of water after sessions to aid in detoxification. Drinking water on an empty stomach is highly recommended for more effective detoxification. Since detoxification is needed to flush away blasted debris, it is important to employ the speediest method of detoxing, which will in turn speed up healing. The most rapid way to detox is on an empty stomach. It takes 3 hrs after a meal for your stomach to digest and metabolize your meal, so one may want to plan their Rife sessions after meals. This may not always be practical, but is presented as the most effective means where heavy detoxification is an expected result. Fruit will digest in one sixth the time or a half hour, so one may want to eat fruit if hungry to sustain them before a heavy Rife session. After sessions one should immediately began drinking water. Drinking plenty of water on a full stomach actually can slow digestion and dilute the digestive enzymes causing the meal to putrefy adding to the toxicity. These are general guidelines to follow, and of course may not always be practical.

Ionic Foot Bath for Lyme Disease

Much research done by Lyme experts such as Brian Rosner have researched Rife Bulb application against Lyme disease. EMEM systems such as those produced by TrueRife are the device of choice for most Lyme disease researchers and clients. See: Rife Frequencies Upgrade Page to order Rosners books. The ionic foot bath has received positive reports as well. One researcher claims resolution in as little as 6 weeks with regular usage of the Ion Pro Wave (Effectrolysis). Results may vary depending on multiple infections and general health.


EMEM Systems such as those manufactured by TrueRife are often preferred by Lyme researchers The ionic foot bath represents a new way of frequency delivery in the battle against Lyme disease. A Report from a Researcher: I am thrilled to report that having had the second highest titer for Lyme, after using the foot bath with the L sweep, and having a terrible Herx reaction that lasted for one week, my lab work arrived today, showing no Lyme, a few cells of Babesia, normal as per the CDC. I am elated with the results and so grateful to TrueRife and that dear, splendid Dr. Rife, for whom my beloved late husband, and extraordinary Physician, had the highest admiration and love, utilizing some of his technology on his very special cases. This is the program for the Ion Pro Wave Foot Bath. DO NOT RUN THIS PROGRAM ON THE BULB! #Lyme Disease Sweep

Macular Degeneration
Folder: TRUERIFE FREQUENCIES / Programs: MACULAR DEGENERATION / Sessions: 14-28 There have been mixed results with this condition . Evaluate progress after 30 days

Micro Current Stimulation For The Treatment of Age-Related Macular Degeneration

By Edward C. Kondrot, MD (H)

Micro Current stimulation is an exciting development that is now being used to treat macular degeneration. Results of the initial clinical trials indicate that 70% of patients with the dry or wet form of macular degeneration will have a significant improvement of vision. There are many factors related to the etiology of macular degeneration. The most common cause is the arteriosclerotic process that takes place as we age. The macula has very high metabolic needs compared to other areas of the body. It requires proper nutritional elements, oxygen, and the elimination of waste products in order to function properly. Arteriosclerosis reduces the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the macula and will cause a dysfunction in the macula and, ultimately, degeneration. The increased levels of free radicals are related to the development of macular degeneration. Free radicals lead to the breakdown of important cellular structures, which are necessary for proper macular functioning. The earliest changes take place in the development of drusen. Drusen are deposits, which develop at the base of the retinal


pigment epithelial cells. These are often accompanied by pigmentary abnormalities. This can either be hypo or hyperpigmentary changes. These changes then progress to atrophy or dry macular degeneration. The dry type results in a slow progressive loss of vision. In another type of ARMD, small blood vessels develop which result in leakage of blood or fluid. This is wet macular degeneration and often leads to a rapid decrease in vision. In one study 88% of severe visual loss in ARMD was seen in the wet form. Micro Current stimulation (MCS) is a treatment in which a weak electric current is used to stimulate the retina and the diseased macula to restore sight. Interest in the procedure developed when Sam Snead, the retired professional golfer, underwent a series of MCS treatments which improved his vision which was weakened by macular degeneration. The MCS is different from the more commonly used TENS (Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation). TENS uses a higher voltage to block the nerve impulse and has wide application in pain control. It stimulates the pain-suppressing nerve fibers to work against the pain-carrying nerve fibers. MCS uses low voltage to stimulate the natural healing mechanisms of the body. Robert Becker, in The Body Electric, documents the relationship of electricity in life and healing. Becker found that voltage differences develop in the body during injury and disease. An injury produces a positive charge in the area and sets up the voltage potential differences. It becomes a bioelectric battery waiting to be turned on. Studies show that the MCS facilitates the healing of the body. An article by Cheng et al (1982) delineated the effect of Micro Current on the three variables necessary to the healing process of the cell: adenosine triphosphate (ATP) generation, protein synthesis, and membrane transport. His studies showed at low voltage (500 micro-amp) ATP generation in the rat skin increased almost 500%, and amino acid transport was increased 30 to 40%. Micro Current technology has been used as an effective treatment for the healing of bone fractures, tendon, and skin injuries. In 1993, Dr. Merill Allen and Dr. Leland Michael published their preliminary study on the rate of development of ARMD in people using nutritional supplements and simultaneous treatment with a weak electrical current. In 1997, Dr. John Jarding reported his results after treating thirty-five macular degeneration patients with a controlled Micro Current containing between 200 and 250 micro-amps applied to eight points around the eye. All thirty-five patients reported an improvement in their vision. The Macular Degeneration Foundation has begun a national clinical trial to look at the effects of MCS and ARMD. Some examples of results of MCS and macular degeneration 36 patients/ 25 with an improvement of vision / 9 no change/ 2 worse.

Case Histories

J.L. is an artist was having difficulty with her paintings due to ARMD. Her complaints were blurred vision and difficulty with distinguishing shades of color. After several MCS treatments, her vision returned to normal and she was able to distinguish the subtle shades of color. E.S. had advanced ARMD and was unable to watch TV and drive her car. After the MCS treatment, her vision improved so she could now watch TV. She is now thinking about getting her divers license.


Extensive research by one of our clients has led to the development of the following sets and protocols for Macular Degeneration. There are 3 sets involved in these protocols to be run on different days or times. Program #1: To be run Monday, Wednesday and Friday Morning / Followed by the Macular Degeneration Evening set on the same days. Use the Macular Degeneration 2 set on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Here are the supplements he is taking. Ocuvite, gingko biloba (at Night), liqui-vida or juice of life and mega vita-mannan. These last 2 are both from the company Liquidity International which is an MLM company. The mega vita-mannan changes free radicals into oxygen and water. I believe this is what is changing my hair back from white to black. #After two weeks on this program he is beginning to see some results. The spots are lighter and changing shape and not as definite on the edges. We m/c that it would take 3 months of these sessions to work and in one month he could see some results so we are ahead of schedule. We are very encouraged by this and will continue. #Few people are aware that macular degeneration is an incurable eye disease and that it is the leading cause of blindness for those aged 55 and older in the United States, affecting more than 10 million Americans. #Macular degeneration is caused by the deterioration of the central portion of the retina, the inside back layer of the eye that records the images we see and sends them via the optic nerve from the eye to the brain. The retina's central portion, known as the macula, is responsible for focusing central vision in the eye, and it controls our ability to read, drive a car, recognize faces or colors, and see objects in fine detail. Supplement Gingko Biloba This Program uses DSH (divisional Sweep Harmonics) conversions. One opthalmologist reports reversal using a 14 Hz square wave. Experiment with placing the spiral bulb near the eye in contact with the skin. Grounding should also be employed.

Migraine Headaches
Folder: TRUERIFE FREQUENCIES / Program: PAINBIOBASIC / Sessions: 1-2 Question: I have a relative with migraines, just wondering if you use the program in the TrueFocus ahead of time to prevent migraines, or wait till you have one and use it to get rid of it. Has anyone written in with any experiences with migraines? Answer: The TrueFocus system can be used either way, one could also use the standard Rife system below although it may not have the


same preventive effects as the TrueFocus system brain entrainment research indicates. Received from a Brain Entrainment Researcher: I've suffered from terrible migraines for years and was amazed when I tried your preset for headaches. After playing the preset my migraine went away, which I found incredible considering my migraines do not respond to conventional medicine! Thank-you to TrueRife. For brain entrainment and headaches: Headache / Migraine Relief Program

Migraines May Cause Flashes

Migraines are more prevalent in the 25 to 44 years age group, with females being affected 2.5 times more frequently than males. Classic migraine has three distinct phases: a prodromal phase, a headache phase, and a resolution phase. Several visual symptoms appear during the prodromal phase of migraine. The most common visual aura in the prodromal phase is the scintillating scotoma. 'Scintillating' means 'sparkling flashes' and 'scotoma' means 'a non-seeing area'. It usually begins as a shimmering arc of white or colored lights. The arc of light gradually enlarges, becomes more obvious, and may take the form of a definite zigzag pattern. On occasion, this is preceded or followed by a spreading zone of visual loss. Even if there is no identifiable area of visual loss, the disturbance of vision created by the scintillating scotoma may make reading and driving difficult. Scintillating scotoma may also be accompanied by mild feelings of dizziness or vertigo. The zigzag appearance may become so pronounced that the term "fortification spectrum" may be applied because of the resemblance to the ground plans of a fort. Sometimes the visual symptoms appear as a "ball of light" in the center of the visual fields which obscures vision to a great degree. These visual phenomenon may last 20 to 30 minutes, or in rare cases several days.

One Researcher had the following experience seeing his migraines as opposed to feeling them:
I have migraine headaches that do not cause pain, but affect my vision for about 20 minutes. When I close my eyes I see a thumbnail half moon flashing around my eye. The doctors told me this is because the migraine is affecting my optical nerve. During the last attack, I turned the TrueRife system to the Pain.BioBasic. I couldn't believe it! As I closed my eyes the Half Moon began to shimmer until it completely vanished in about 3 minutes, and my vision normalized! This is the program: (PainBioBasic.frq) #30 minutes # Stiffness and pain in a particular joint. CAUSES ... Maybe due to a single pathogen.


# Why this program works in as little as 30 minutes is not fully understood. It is possible that the electrical impulses generated by this set mimic the electrical discharges of the central nervous system and instruct the brain and body to generate specific neuropeptides, the key chemicals used by the body to heal. Proper communication between the brain and the area of pain may then invoke a rapid healing process that previously may have not been possible.

Folder: TRUERIFE FREQUENCIES / Program: EPSTEIN BARR / Sessions: 3-6 Question: What program should be used for Mononucleosis? Response from a Practitioner: Always use the Epstein-Barre Virus program for Mononucleosis. There is an Epstein Barr XP (experimental program) if the program below proves ineffective. There are reports amounting to a 90% success rate using this program. A couple of years ago a mother brought her 16 year old son in after the Doctors diagnosed him with Mononucleosis. Medical tests had been run on him for almost a year, only to be told this was the problem. When asked after thousands of dollars what are we going to do now, the mother was told to take him home and give him plenty of rest. Many practitioners simply send you home when this diagnosis is confirmed with no treatment options offered. There is no specific treatment for infectious mononucleosis, other than treating the symptoms. No antiviral drugs or vaccines are available. Some physicians have prescribed a 5-day course of steroids to control the swelling of the throat and tonsils. The use of steroids has also been reported to decrease the overall length and severity of illness, but these reports have not been published. We ran the Epstein Barr Virus program on him along with a flu program for a secondary infection. His parents brought him a Pizza to eat during the session. Bad idea. He herxed so bad after the session he puked in our bathroom before leaving. Forty eight hours later after a single session he was completely recovered. Most people will require at least 3 sessions to achieve results. # Epstein Barr Virus #49 minutes #Epstein-Barr virus, frequently referred to as EBV, is a member of the herpes virus family and one of the most common human viruses. The virus occurs worldwide, and most people become infected with EBV sometime during their lives. In the United States, as many as 95% of adults between 35 and 40 years of age have been infected. Infants become susceptible to EBV as soon as maternal antibody protection (present at birth) disappears.


Many children become infected with EBV, and these infections usually cause no symptoms or are indistinguishable from the other mild, brief illnesses of childhood. In the United States and in other developed countries, many persons are not infected with EBV in their childhood years. When infection with EBV occurs during adolescence or young adulthood, it causes infectious mononucleosis 35% to 50% of the time. #The clinical diagnosis of infectious mononucleosis (EBV) is suggested on the basis of the symptoms of fever, sore throat, swollen lymph glands, and the age of the patient. Usually, laboratory tests are needed for confirmation. Serologic results for persons with infectious mononucleosis include an elevated white blood cell count, an increased percentage of certain atypical white blood cells, and a positive reaction to a "mono spot" test. #There is no specific treatment for infectious mononucleosis, other than treating the symptoms. No antiviral drugs or vaccines are available. Some physicians have prescribed a 5-day course of steroids to control the swelling of the throat and tonsils. The use of steroids has also been reported to decrease the overall length and severity of illness, but these reports have not been published. #Around 90 per cent of British adults are infected with EBV. In most of us, the virus does very little harm, but in a small minority it helps to trigger cancer - being associated with Hodgkin's disease, Burkitt's lymphoma, and nasopharyngeal cancer, as well as certain rare cancers in immunosupressed transplant patients. http://info.cancerresearchuk.org/news/archive/pressreleases/2003/july/39371

From a Practitioner: My client has almost no symptoms of mono after three sets of Epstein-Barre Virus. His energy is good; however, the ultra sound done on him yesterday still shows an enlarged spleen. The spleen is down from a week ago however the doctors have not given him the green light. I am considering running the Spleen Enlarged set in the neutralizing folder.

Morgellons Disease
Folder: TRUERIFE FREQUENCIES / Program: MORGELLONS DISEASE / Sessions: 7-21 #3 hours 11 minutes #Morgellon's Disease #Experimental / No known cure for this disease / Read Experience below for additional protocols. #Physicians treating patients with this disease believe that it involves a novel organism. This organism has been difficult to identify, but appears to infect individuals whose immune systems have been altered by Lyme Disease, also known as Lyme Borreliosis.


#Most individuals with this disease report non-healing skin lesions, which are associated with highly unusual structures. These structures can be described as fiber-like or filamentous, and are the most striking features of this disease. #Supplement (KAL brand) MSM. At least 8 Grams per day. #Supplement Colloidal Silver both orally and topically. # Experience: I have been Morgellon's sufferer for over ten years. #As I am sure fellow sufferers can relate to, over the years, I have experimented with various "super baths," filling the tub with hot water and putting in things like lemons, baking soda, dish detergent, laundry detergent, alcohol, etc....well, one day about four months ago, I was filling the bath and I was pretty dirty from housecleaning so I put some Sun powdered laundry detergent with color safe bleach into the water, just a tad, because it really cleans the skin so good, and once I finish with the bath, I scrub it off with regular soap and a scrubby thing that is regularly disinfected. #I left the bathroom for a minute or two and heard a crash that sounded like one of my cats getting into something. When I returned to the bathroom, nothing seemed amiss, so I got undressed and slid into the water for a soak. #Everything seemed normal until the bubbles parted, and I got the sight of a Morgellon's sufferers' lifetime: those black and gray specks MIGRATING OUT OF MY SKIN AS FAST AS THEY COULD IN DROVES BY THE HUNDREDS FROM EVERY SQUARE INCH OF MY BODY! #And even as I saw that, I also noticed several large oblong things "dissolving" in the bottom of the tub. I picked one up, and it was an alfalfa tablet. Then I noticed the bottle on the counter next to the tub was overturned, and about 25 of them had fallen into the water! They were the cause of the migration of all things of Magellan out of my skin in a fantastic migration for about an hour! #Brown flecks, black specks, fibers, white patches of fibers drifted off the surface of my skin like No Problem, see you later, something I had NEVER BEEN ABLE TO ACCOMPLISH WITH ANY OTHER TOPICAL AGENT. 4611#THE MIGHTY ALFALFA HAS SINCE CONQUERED MORGELLONS IN MY BODY. #The scabs are gone, the fibers are history, the patches of fibers are all taped to a piece of wax paper and about to be sent off to a research lab that has requested them. #I've done a little research on the mighty alfalfa, and apparently it creates an alkaline environment in the body in which things like CANCER and other diseases cannot survive. So, taking it internally can only be a good thing, also; but it's the BATHS that made all the difference in the world for me. #I also tried putting St. Johns art in the bath along with it, with even better results. And for some reason, using the Sun powdered laundry detergent with color safe bleach also helps facilitate the migration of the specks.

Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) 302

Folder: TRUERIFE FREQUENCIES / Program: MRSA / Sessions: 3-10 MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) is becoming a grave concern amongst health care professionals. Report from a Practitioner: I used the MRSA program and saw visible results even during the session. This is the latest program: #1hour #Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) is a type of bacteria that is resistant to certain antibiotics. These antibiotics include Methicillin and other more common antibiotics such as oxacillin, penicillin and amoxicillin. Staph infections, including MRSA, occur most frequently among persons in hospitals and healthcare facilities (such as nursing homes and dialysis centers) who have weakened immune systems.

Report from a researcher: MRSA and Silver / My Personal Experience

SILVER is deadly to the MRSA virus. It is also very effective against various other mutations of flesh eating viruses. The application of either powdered silver or a fine silver mesh to the infected area was the only thing that killed these mutant viruses when my step-father contracted the MRSA virus a little over a year ago. A highly concentrated ionic silver solution (approx., 50ppm) was apparently enough to kill whatever flesh eating virus it was that I had contracted in 2003 after scraping my are on a sharp piece of plastic. Within 2-3 hours the bug had eaten close to .5 inch into my arm and was spreading faster than I could have believed. However, after applying the highly concentrated ionic silver solution to a thick piece of gauze and taping it over the infected area over night, I woke up in the morning to find that not only had the silver solution completely killed the virus but the wound was already closing up and healing very quickly. In addition: I have found that ionic silver can greatly hasten the healing time of every type of wound that I have applied it to. I recommend combining a concentrated ionic silver solution with vitamin E and AloeVera Gel to speed up the healing time of virtually any type of wound. It will also greatly reduce the likelihood of any scaring that may otherwise occur.


Multiple Sclerosis
Folder: TRUERIFE FREQUENCIES / Program: MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS V / Sessions: 30-60 / Also use Sticky Blood found in the Ion Pro Wave folder From a Researcher: I have had Multiple Sclerosis for 26 years, my eyes have been blurred from optic neuropathy during that time. I ran sticky blood on the Ion Pro Wave and literally could not believe my eyes. By the end of the program, I could see clearly! I was so excited because I thought I would be stuck with blurry vision for life. Thanks for my eyesight. This is the program found in the Ion Pro Wave folder #Sticky blood, known as APS, it is frequently called Hughes Syndrome in honor of the doctor who identified it. #In people with a genetic predisposition to the syndrome, a virus seems to trigger the release of antiphospholipid antibodies into the blood. These attack the slippery coating of blood cells, so they become sticky, jam together and cause clots. Since clotting can affect every sphere of medicine, the syndrome can be at the root of many conditions. In pregnancy, clots block the placenta causing it and the fetus to wither and die. In neurological conditions, such as memory loss, the clots impair blood flow to the brain. # Research by Dr Hughes and his team at St Thomas is revealing that many people with Hughes syndrome are being misdiagnosed as having multiple sclerosis. Thirty per cent of people with Hughes syndrome have that label hanging over them at some stage, he says. #Once Hughes syndrome is diagnosed through a blood test, then it is easily controlled. Taking aspirin, or anticoagulants such as heparin and warfarin, produces a dramatic reduction in symptoms in 80 per cent of patients. We had one lady who had been wrongly told she had mad cow disease, and shes well now, he says. Another was in a wheelchair, paralyzed from the waist down luckily, she was seen by a neurologist who referred her to us and she can walk now. #Supplement Gingko Biloba

From a Researcher: My daughter-in-law recently finished up about 20 sessions for MS. She also added a few other programs, like Fibromyalgia. She didn't need a walker after the first sessions. She just returned from her doctors appointment who said her MS is very good, and he didn't need to see her again for six months. Also see: http://www.newtreatments.org/multiple%20sclerosis for other possible protocols.


It is important to elevate PH level according to some researchers. This will hold true with protocols for any chronic disease. Heres what leading scientist, Dr Robert O. Young, has to say about the ROOT cause of diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis: There is only One Sickness and One Disease, and this one sickness is the overacidification of the body due primarily to an inverted way of living, thinking, and eating... there can therefore be only one remedy and treatment, and that is to alkalize the body and break the cycle of imbalance, thus allowing us to experience the energy, vitality and true health we are all meant to have. There are 6 programs for MS. This is the primary program that some have been using: #30 minutes #Multiple Sclerosis - Use of 5000 Hz for 30 minutes every other day, used the Hep C protocol on alternate days. So one day 5000, next day Hep C._v. One should start the 5000 at about 10 minutes and work up in time slowly watching for detox reactions. Also try Mycoplasma Fermentans and Lyme disease protocols.

Naltrexone / Low Dose

Low Dose Naltrexone is a little known and seldom used FDA approved drug for use against Cancer. It has also been found to be effective for use against MS symptoms and a host of other diseases. This drug is so inexpensive that pharmaceutical has no interest in marketing it or promoting its effectiveness. The cost is about $30.00 per month for as opposed to $1400.00 a month for Copaxone injections used for MS. The drug is an Auto-immune enhancer. The effectiveness of this drug against chronic disease further demonstrates the importance of immune system optimization in the battle against disease. The immune system stimulation program may be worth a try along with supplementation of immune enhancing products.

A Researchers Experience
I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 1989. Have been using Copaxone for approximately 8 to 20 years (daily injections) I had slowly progressed to having to use a cane and not able to work any longer because of the instability, fatigue and other complications. I came across a drug that had been approved by the FDA by the name of Naltrexone at doses of 50 milligrams for treatment of heroin addiction. It was found that at low doses, 3 milligrams it helps diseases such as Crohns, MS, cancer and others. I found a doctor to prescribe it, within days my stability improved, fatigue was lessened. After using only a month returned to the doctor. He was amazed at the improvement after doing a neurological test, in comparison to the previous month, stating he would never suspect I had MS if he did know it. I am amazed at how much better I feel. The web site where information can be found is http://www.lowdosenaltrexone.org/index.htm#What_is_low_dose_naltrexone


What Diseases Has it Been Useful for and How Effective Is It?
Bernard Bihari, MD, as well as other physicians and researchers, have described beneficial effects of LDN on a variety of diseases: Cancers: Other Diseases:

ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease) Alzheimer's Disease Autism Spectrum Disorders Behcet's Disease Celiac Disease Chronic Fatigue Syndrome CREST syndrome Crohn's Disease Emphysema (COPD) Endometriosis Fibromyalgia HIV/AIDS Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Parkinson's Disease Pemphigoid Primary Lateral Sclerosis (PLS) Psoriasis Rheumatoid Arthritis Sarcoidosis Scleroderma Systemic Lupus (SLE) Transverse Myelitis Ulcerative Colitis Wegener's Granulomatosis

4659Bladder Cancer Breast Cancer Carcinoid Colon & Rectal Cancer Glioblastoma Liver Cancer Lung Cancer (Non-Small Cell) Lymphocytic Leukemia (chronic) Lymphoma (Hodgkin's and NonHodgkin's) Malignant Melanoma Multiple Myeloma Neuroblastoma Ovarian Cancer Pancreatic Cancer Prostate Cancer (untreated) Renal Cell Carcinoma Throat Cancer Uterine Cancer

How does LDN work? LDN boosts the immune system, activating the body's own natural defenses. Up to the present time, the question of "What controls the immune system?" has not been present in the curricula of medical colleges and the issue has not formed a part of the received wisdom of practicing physicians.


Nonetheless, a body of research over the past two decades has pointed repeatedly to one's own endorphin secretions (our internal opioids) as playing the central role in the beneficial orchestration of the immune system, and recognition of the facts is growing. Witness these statements from a review article of medical progress in the November 13, 2003 issue of the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine: "Opioid-Induced Immune Modulation: .... Preclinical evidence indicates overwhelmingly that opioids alter the development, differentiation, and function of immune cells, and that both innate and adaptive systems are affected.1,2 Bone marrow progenitor cells, macrophages, natural killer cells, immature thymocytes and T cells, and B cells are all involved. The relatively recent identification of opioidrelated receptors on immune cells makes it even more likely that opioids have direct effects on the immune system.3" The brief blockade of opioid receptors between 2 a.m. and 4 a.m. that is caused by taking LDN at bedtime each night is believed to produce a prolonged up-regulation of vital elements of the immune system by causing an increase in endorphin and enkephalin production. Normal volunteers who have taken LDN in this fashion have been found to have much higher levels of beta-endorphins circulating in their blood in the following days. Animal research by I. Zagon, PhD, and his colleagues has shown a marked increase in metenkephalin levels as well. [Note: Additional information for Dr. Zagon can be found at the end of this page.] Bihari says that his patients with HIV/AIDS who regularly took LDN before the availability of HAART were generally spared any deterioration of their important helper T cells (CD4+). In human cancer, research by Zagon over many years has demonstrated inhibition of a number of different human tumors in laboratory studies by using endorphins and low dose Naltrexone. It is suggested that the increased endorphin and enkephalin levels, induced by LDN, work directly on the tumors' opioid receptors and, perhaps, induce cancer cell death (apoptosis). In addition, it is believed that they act to increase natural killer cells and other healthy immune defenses against cancer. In general, in people with diseases that are partially or largely triggered by a deficiency of endorphins (including cancer and autoimmune diseases), or are accelerated by a deficiency of endorphins (such as HIV/AIDS), restoration of the body's normal production of endorphins is the major therapeutic action of LDN. #54 minutes #This program is designed to stimulate the immune system #Run after Immune system stabilization #Also Run Nanobacterium 2 If LDN is so wonderful, why isn't it FDA-approved or reported in one of the respected medical journals? 1. Although the Food and Drug Administration approved Naltrexone at the 50 mg dosage in 1984, "low dose Naltrexone" ( LDN ) in the 4.5mg dosage has not yet been submitted for approval because the prospective clinical trials that are required for FDA approval


need to be funded at the cost of tens of millions of dollars. In the absence of such a current scientific clinical trial, medical journals tend not to be interested in "anecdotal" reports of therapeutic successes. 2. The investment cost to return benefits to Pharmaceutical companies does not yield a profit because the drug is available at such a cheap cost for low dosage use ($15-$40 per month).

Folder: TRUERIFE FREQUENCIES / Program: MYCOPLASMA FERMENTANS / Sessions: 3-10 Researcher Report Re TrueRife Program for Mycoplasma The mycoplasma fermentans registers a hit with almost all frequencies, and that is why I need to make sure I am doing this right. Assuming I am doing it right, can you give me anymore info about this myco thing? I read on the internet it was a weaponized form of brucella which causes every modern debilitating disease known. Have received positive reports from researchers running mycoplasma fermentan sessions on clients who were previously unresponsive to other sessions. Recently talked with a researcher working with MS. Little results from the MS sets that are available until recently when she ran a session for Mycoplasma. Client reported waking up in the morning with muscle stiffness gone and a feeling of fluidity.

Folder: TRUERIFE REQUENCIES / Program: PAINBIO.BASIC / Sessions: 1-4

From a Researcher:
I have no idea why I didn't try this sooner. I have had a very sore, achy, painful hip for probably a year now. Difficult walking after sitting, restless sleep as I could not get comfortable, unsteadiness climbing stairs at times thinking my hip may give out, even difficult raising my leg after much use. My Chiropractor would adjust my hip from time to time, but couldn't understand the amount of discomfort I was having. Thursday I ran the Pain Bio Basic set holding the spiral bulb on my hip and using the grounding tube. I experienced immediate results. Not completely pain free, but I slept better than I have in months. Today (Saturday), this has been on my mind all day, because I continue to


expect the pain and brace myself for each movement; but there is no pain. I am going to run the Pain Bio Basic set again this evening and continue to try to figure out why I waited so long! Thanks! More Reports: I was having some abdominal pain for some days and was thinking the worst and then did the pain bio basic and it was gone in less than 1/2 hour. What is the reason the pain bio works for pain? Do parasites lodge in locations of injury? I have terrible knee pain and when I use the spiral bulb and the pain bio, I get instant relief. I get a lot of reaction in only certain places on the top and behind the knee. Other locations nothing at all. It is so amazing to me! I am so grateful, I would be in agony without it. Is it possible to use the program every other night (say) even if symptoms are not bad, as a form of insurance? No one is quite sure how the pain.bio works. There are two possibilities: 1. There is a specific pathogen that has been thriving in the chronically injured area that is preventing a healing phase from reaching completion. When this is targeted and removed a healing phase begins. 2. It is possible that the electrical impulses generated by this set mimic the electrical discharges of the central nervous system and instruct the brain and body to generate specific neuropeptides, the key chemicals used by the body to heal. Proper communication between the brain and the area of pain may then invoke a rapid healing process that previously may have not been possible. 1600 Hz seems to be the primary frequency responsible for this effect.

Folder: ION PRO WAVE / Program: CLARK PARASITE AND WORMS / Sessions: 21-30 / Also run additional programs mentioned in research. Question from a Researcher: I ran the Roundworms, Flatworms, etc., program on my husband last night. I couldn't believe the amount of dark green, almost black flecks that were in the water. When I picked up the plate to take it out of the water, the water turned completely black with tiny particles so that I couldn't see anything in the water at all. By the way, up to about 15 years ago, he used to do a lot of welding. Also, when we come across these flecks (he also had green and light green before the water got so black I couldn't see), do we keep running the program every day or so until we don't get the flecks anymore? I would, but make sure you are thoroughly cleaning the unit so that you get a true reading. Question: Why, when you are running a program for a specific problem, do you get flecks that (according to the booklet) could be from the liver or heavy metals?


This interview may help explain what researchers say happens when an ionized energy field is set up in the water. This will occur no matter what program you are running: I walked into the Santa Cruz room at the Embassy Suites Hotel in North Phoenix just in time to catch the beginning of Dr. Jeff Ulery's lecture on joint mobility. Dr. Jeff, a chiropractor, works out of Dr. Bruce Shelton's office, and was one of the presenters at the May, 2002 HEEL seminar. A few minutes into his lecture, Jeff introduced Bob Moroney, who was standing next to him with a small tub of water. Bob proceeded to place Egon Langraf 's feet in the water that contained a plastic module attached to a power supply. While Jeff talked and cameras rolled, the water around Egon's feet turned a bright yellow-green, then orange, then brown, with prodigious quantities of fatty material floating on top. Jeff interrupted his lecture to allow Bob to explain the strange transformation of ordinary tap water into a tub of Technicolor sludge. Bob explained that the water module utilizes low voltage direct current to separate the water molecule into positive and negative ions. The ions travel through the body, attaching to and neutralizing oppositely charged particles, and osmosis pulls the neutralized particles out through whatever surfaces are exposed to the water. Observation of a Researcher: When testing of the body indicates a lowering of heavy metals, we have not yet established if most of the detoxification is going into the water or if the bodys own systems are being stimulated to remove the debris through elimination. The important thing is that testing is showing good response. We are running specific frequencies through our systems which may result in an entirely different physiological response than conventional ion foot bath produces.

Question: Is it important to drink lots of water and have an empty stomach when using the Ion Pro Wave programs? Do you get Herx symptoms from the Ion Pro Wave programs too? Response: Yes! You can get herx effects from the Ion Pro Wave sessions as you are running frequencies through the foot bath that may target certain "critters" resulting in a die off and a subsequent Herx. Question: Is there any information regarding the higher frequencies? We got some definite reactions last night but none of the booklets show numbers as high as we were at (XXX,XXX), 10,000 seems to be as high as they go. Response: When you use the Ion Pro Wave system in conjunction with the GRS scanner you will begin charting frequency hits that are yet undiscovered and indexed. You should record these hits when they occur for future use and reference.


From a therapist who ran two consecutive Ion Pro Wave sessions on a client: First we ran a Kidney Insufficiency program. She got up to change the water. Then we ran the Nanobacterium 2 frequencies. At the end of the session, this bug came out. Her toe nail on her big toe also started coming off. No sign of any fungus and she had not noticed that her toe nail was loose. Response from another practitioner: I have seen something similar but not exactly like this. One case was from a gentleman who traveled frequently to Peru. Never found out a name but guessed that it was a parasitical bug of that country and it's nest. The other was from client whom we discovered had contaminated water in her home. I also ran nanobacterium frequency. There were similar bugs in the water. I urge therapist to check the water during Ion Pro Wave. As bugs leave through the feet they sink or fall apart. Amazingly they come through the soles of the feet whole but the electrical process causes them to shatter or break into pieces, and just be dissolved into the water as colored particles. Magnifying glasses are needed and microscopes work better to see most parasitical bugs. Sometimes just touching them breaks them apart. Be sure to have an air purifier running and wear gloves.

Tip from a Researcher: I don't know if this is shareable but thought maybe people would like to know. One of THE most effective means of disengaging a worm parasite's jaws for easy disposal is to: Obtain any squash with the large white seeds (ie, pumpkin, butternut, spaghetti squash etc.). Scoop out the seed and strings and place in food processor with two cups distilled water. (Large pumpkins may require as much as 4 cups water). Liquefy as much as possible and STRAIN through a screen, leaving just the juice behind. Consuming 4-6 oz of this juice first thing every morning for 4 days causes the jaws of the critter to be paralyzed and easily falls away the colon lining without tearing or putrefying. (I believe this is where the idea that pumpkins seeds are antiparasitical arises from.) Consumption is usually repeated 4 days on 4 days off, until worms are seen in the stool. Doesn't usually take more than two rounds and is VERY effective when used with TrueRife programs for parasites. Juice must be no more than 48 hours old so use small batches. The juice is a very mild green flavor easily lost in a smoothie or with lemonade, orange juice etc. I have noticed that those with parasites will develop an aversion to the juice in the last uses as the parasites begin to become aware of their demise. Get through that and the results are fabulous. The results are also good with animals, although cats may need to be tested for tolerance. Smaller amounts can be used as well.


A Practitioner Reports: Several months ago while doing Ion Pro Wave treatments on a client, who had been diagnosed with pre-cancerous cells, I discovered many rubbery clear bubbles in the water. After some research I discovered that these were parasite eggs. I also found several very small oval shapes looking very much like grain hulls in the water. Upon closer observation with a magnifying glass I found that they were clear with small dark formations in them. More research proved them to be parasites. I have over the past 3 months found numerous kinds of parasites in the Ion Pro Wave water of different clients. I have found muscle parasites in those who have arthritis complaints. In examining each parasite and using a parasite reference source I can locate the area of manifestation. You must be watching the water constantly during the Ion Pro Wave as the parasites and eggs quickly sink. Also trying to pick them up is difficult since they crush easily. I now do an initial Ion Pro Wave detox program. Next day I then run the 2-hr parasite program w/bulb, then another Ion Pro Wave detox in which I find different parasites from the first time. I have found if the first Ion Pro Wave detox yields a lot of parasites that I must give the client "Clarkia" or an oral parasite cleanse. The client must watch bowel content after each session, as they will pass the larger parasites. If there are too many to pass or too large, there has to be assistance or the client can become constipated or blocked. Parasites do NOT show up on x-rays, as they are "tissue like". Clients say they have really dark bowel movements, or lots of white in it or some describe it as looking like straw. It all depends on the type of parasite that they are passing. I am continuing to find new and strange parasites. Very few clients do not have them. You just have to watch closely! This is a book that some are using to identify some of the observable debris in the Ionic Foot Bath water. http://www.geocities.com/parasiteatlas/parasites.html Regarding parasites being found in the footbath of the Ion Pro Wave Hydrotherapy system, another researcher commented: Parasites generally enter the body through the mouth or skin. Parasites that enter through the mouth are swallowed and can remain in the intestine or burrow through the intestinal wall and invade other organs. Parasites that enter through the skin bore directly through the skin or are introduced through the bites of infected insects (the vector). Some parasites enter through the soles of the feet when a person walks barefoot or through the skin when a person swims or bathes in water where the parasites are present.


Parkinsons Disease
Folder: TRUERIFE FREQUENCIES / Program: PARKINSONS DISEASE / Sessions: 7-30 to evaluate results. Also run Parkinsons Tremors program found in the TrueRife frequencies folder. Report from a Practitioner: I received a call from a client a few weeks ago who gave me what he felt was a primary frequency for Parkinson's. He states that he and 2 others are in complete remission. I have not received any other validation for this program. This is a program in the TrueRife software #50 minutes #In Parkinson's disease, for reasons that are not fully understood, nerve cells in the part of the brain that produces dopamine, the substantia nigra, begin to decrease in number. This causes a decrease in the amount of the available dopamine. Also, the chemical in the synapse that breaks down the dopamine (MAO-B) continues to deplete what little dopamine is left. The overall effect is a large loss of dopamine in the brain. This throws off the normal dopamine/acetylcholine balance, since the level of acetylcholine remains normal. #In Parkinson's disease, there is not enough dopamine to keep balance with the acetylcholine. The result of this imbalance is a lack of coordination of your movement that often appears as tremor, stiff muscles and joints, and/or difficulty moving.

There are positive reports regarding Parkinsons. The last report out of Texas was verbal and not complete. Question: How often and how long for Parkinson's, tremors, primary etc.? At least 3 weeks. Researchers Experience: About 5 months ago I started another friend of mine (who has had Parkinson's for at least 5 years) on the Parkinson's Disease frequencies and the Parkinson's Tremors frequencies. Immediately afterwards I put him on the Ion Pro Wave (renamed Ion Pro Wave) for Heavy Metals. He can only come once or twice a month and I do all three every time. Here is what he has experienced: 1st Session His left foot quit shaking totally. After the Ion Pro Wave for heavy metals he felt so much better and energized. Went home and worked on some bathroom remodeling until 5 in the morning! He couldn't believe how well he was feeling. His hand tremors were almost gone and it lasted for approximately 2 weeks! 2nd Session Same thing. Felt more energized and was walking better. Quit his tremors for another couple of weeks. Felt more lucid although he is still taking his medications.


3rd Session His tremors aren't very noticeable following the light sessions. The Ion Pro Wave water is clearing up tremendously and he feels so much better. He walks with a cane and tends to shuffle when he walks but after his last session he was actually walking normal without shuffling. He will continue to come when he can because he says he knows the TrueRife is helping him and he is now also taking Glutathione capsules and will try to get Glutathione injections. According to the book Detox or Die, Glutathione injections can actually reverse Parkinson's.

Report from a Practitioner: I received a call from a client a few weeks ago who gave us the primary frequency for Parkinson's. He states that he and 2 others are in complete remission. This is the only report I have heard for this condition. This is the program to be run on the bulb or Ionic foot bath: #50 minutes #In Parkinson's disease, for reasons that are not fully understood, nerve cells in the part of the brain that produces dopamine, the substantia nigra, begin to decrease in number. This causes a decrease in the amount of the available dopamine. Also, the chemical in the synapse that breaks down the dopamine (MAO-B) continues to deplete what little dopamine is left. The overall effect is a large loss of dopamine in the brain. This throws off the normal dopamine/acetylcholine balance, since the level of acetylcholine remains normal. #In Parkinson's disease, there is not enough dopamine to keep balance with the acetylcholine. The result of this imbalance is a lack of coordination of your movement that often appears as tremor, stiff muscles and joints, and/or difficulty moving.

Pathogen Complexes
Programs mentioned below are in the TRUERIFE FREQUENCIES folder. Session times will vary!

From a Researcher:
Often we hear of illnesses categorized as a particular disease or pathogen. In reality, illness is often a complex of pathogens, some of which may be categorized as viral, others bacterial and still others as parasitical. The bodys immune system is constantly addressing all of these factors to maintain a balance of health. As we age, more and more of pathogens may become systemic and accumulate inside of our bodies till we reach a threshold where the immune system is overwhelmed and chronic disease sets in. It is because of viral complex or the layering of pathogens that disease is often misdiagnosed and mistreated, and the illness may become chronic and systemic. Many look for the quick fix, the magic pill or specific treatment that will turn the tide, not


realizing that just as the illness is a complex of pathogens, the solution may be a complex of protocols that addresses each layer to bring about resolution. Diet does play an important role in the battle against viral complex. Elevating pH levels alone to 7.0 or higher can eliminate an environment that supports over 140 diseases. Eliminating carbohydrates short term may also be necessary to starve out certain yeast infections. (Kicking the beast and then feeding it may not yield the desired results!) When it comes to using Rife Technology, one would want to research all the possible links to the disease or condition that they are battling, and then begin running the programs systematically for weeks or months to burn out each layer of the condition. Along with these frequencies, other health protocols should be implemented to gain the maximum results. In looking at overall health, one may begin with parasite frequencies. Parasites have been determined by some researchers to be the underlying cause of many chronic as well as terminal conditions. Conditions such as arthritis, depression, lupus, and even some cancers have responded well to a parasite kill. Mycoplasma Fermentans may be another place to start. Allow yourself time to heal. Healing typically takes place in cycles: 3 days, 7 days, 21 days, 42 days, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years.

Report from a Researcher:

I developed severe lung problem (bronchitis with violent coughing for couple months, then developed flu, plus I suspect I had other pathogens) health was bad, dangerous for a fellow 75 years old. Stomach not feeling good, no appetite, headaches, no energy, slight temperature with periodic sweating. Started about 6 months prior, slowly built up to a point something had to be done. Doctor, medications, cough medications, antibiotics all did nothing. Tried various frequency sessions - nothing worked. As of today (10-06-06) I am back to normal health - but it took effort. Someone recommended some frequency sets that began the healing process. I started with: Pseudomonas aeruginosa - improvement about 60% overall ran 2nd day - no additional change. Actually those sessions improved my lung problems considerably but still had other health issues pending one of which was flu. Couple days later found a (new) flu set someone sent in which took care of the flu, after running that group twice. I still had other pathogens to deal with - sort of something amiss (general malaise) but can't put finger on it: slightly swollen glands under jaw, lack of energy, uncomfortable stomach. Searched through frequency groups and found Mycobacterium avium - more improvements up to about 90% overall. Still that lingering annoyance of something not right. Finally this one got me back to 100%: Streptococcus pyogenes. This shows: A Frequencies do work. B It isn't always easy. It took lot effort and trial on my part - not easy when not feeling well and everything is an effort. But sticking with it can make the difference! Gerald Foye #57 minutes


#Streptococcus pyogenes is one of the most frequent pathogens of humans. It is estimated that between 5-15% of normal individuals harbor the bacterium, usually in the respiratory tract, without signs of disease. As normal flora, S. pyogenes can infect when defenses are compromised or when the organisms are able to penetrate the constitutive defenses. When the bacteria are introduced or transmitted to vulnerable tissues, a variety of types of supportive infections can occur. #Acute diseases associated with Streptococcus pyogenes occur chiefly in the respiratory tract, bloodstream, or the skin. Streptococcal disease is most often a respiratory infection (pharyngitis or tonsillitis) or a skin infection (pyoderma). Some strains of streptococci show a predilection for the respiratory tract; others, for the skin. #Killer bugs are in my face" screamed a headline as Britain's tabloids created panic with graphic descriptions of the effects of a strain of Streptococcus pyogenes (Group A streptococcus), a bacteria that, in severe cases, can destroy tissue as fast as surgeons can cut it out. An unexplained proliferation of seven cases around the city of Gloucester had the British press predicting an epidemic, and British public health officials had to fight to bring the panic under control. #This bacteria, medically known as Streptococcus pyogenes or Group A streptococcus, has been made famous in recent times by media reports of a flesh-eating bacteria which claims the lives of up to 25% of its victims. In 1990, it was also responsible for the death of the famous puppeteer and creator of the Muppets, Jim Henson. #The bacteria was identified as early as 1884 from patients with skin infections. It is identifiable as a spherical cell 0.6-1.0 um in diameter and occurs as pairs or as short chains in clinical specimens. It is usually grown in the laboratory with the supplementation of blood or human serum. Streptococcus pyogenes is responsible for a number of different diseases including: #1. Streptococcal pharyngitis (Streptococcal sore throat). #2. Scarlet fever. #3. Skin infections such as: Streptococcal pyoderma- a localized purulent skin infection; erysipelas- spreading infection of the skin; and cellulitis-spreading infection of the skin and underlying tissue. #4. Necrotizing fasciitis or Streptococcal gangrene, the flesh-eating disease. #5. Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (STSS).

Simian Virus
SV 40 is an abbreviation for Simian vacuolating virus 40 or Simian virus 40, a polyomavirus that is found in both monkeys and humans. Like other polyomaviruses, SV40 is a DNA virus that has the potential to cause tumors, but most often persists as a latent infection. SV40 has not been proven to cause disease in humans, but several studies have suggested a link to cancer based on the presence of


relatively large amounts of what may be SV40 DNA fragments in some tumor tissues, particularly mesotheliomas and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. There is as yet no consensus on the meaning of these findings. SV40 is believed to damage the tumor-suppressing p53 gene in humans. The p53 gene is responsible for initiating apoptosis, or "cellular suicide," when a cell is damaged. A damaged p53 gene may contribute to uncontrolled cellular reproduction, leading to a tumor. Soon after its discovery, SV40 was identified in the injected form of the polio vaccine produced between 1955 and 1961. This is believed to be due to kidney cells from infected monkeys being used to amplify the vaccine virus during production. Both the Sabin vaccine (oral, live virus) and the Salk vaccine (injectable, killed virus) were affected; the technique used to inactivate the polio virus in the Salk vaccine, by means of formaldehyde, did not reliably kill SV40. Some estimates suggest that millions of people are currently infected with the virus. The virus causes primary brain tumors, bone tumors, lymphomas, and mesotheliomas when injected into some rodent models. It has also been detected in a similar spectrum of human tumors. However, epidemiological studies have failed to conclusively demonstrate a higher incidence of disease in affected populations. To date, over 60 reports from 49 different laboratories have shown SV40 sequences in tissues from human cancer patients.

The SV40 Programs

#1 hour # Research frq. by Dr. Jeff Sutherland #The Virus and the Vaccine is the true story of a cancer-causing monkey virus, contaminated polio vaccine, and the millions of Americans exposed. #In the age of AIDS, SARS, Avian Flu, and Ebola, here is a real-life, riveting account of a carcinogenic monkey virus that contaminated Americas most revered vaccine and the cancers it is causing today. #Jonas Salk's polio vaccine has taken on legendary quality as a medical miracle, for it largely eradicated one of the most feared diseases of the twentieth century. But the story of the vaccine has a dark side, one that has never been fully told before. In one of modern medicines biggest blunders, between 1954 and 1963, 98 million Americans received polio vaccinations widely contaminated with a carcinogenic monkey virus, known as simian virus 40, or SV40. A concerted government effort downplayed the incident, and it was generally accepted that although oncogenic to laboratory animals, SV40 was harmless to humans. #But now SV40 is showing up in a variety of human lung, brain, bone, and lymphatic cancers in adults. It is also appearing in the cancers of some children too young to have received the contaminated Salk vaccine.

Ion Pro Wave Frequencies

#SV40 Program


See: http://truerife.com/research.html for a better understanding of viruses and Rife Technology.

Norwalk Virus
Report from a Researcher: The past weekend I contracted what I thought was food poisoning. My wife came down with similar symptoms 72 hours later pointing to a possible virus. Symptoms include nausea, headache and extreme fatigue. Programs for food poisoning and stomach flu yielded no results. The program labeled Norwalk Virus brought it under control. The Norwalk virus can cause stomach problems and is a form of food poisoning Both of us experienced a fever each time we ran the following program with the elimination of most symptoms within 16 hours of running the program. Placing the bulb in contact with the stomach is the best protocol for stomach conditions. This is the program in the TrueRife frequencies folder. #54 minutes #Norwalk virus infection is an intestinal illness that often occurs in outbreaks. #Norwalk and Norwalk-like viruses are increasingly being recognized as leading causes of food borne disease in the United States. #The viruses are passed in the stool of infected persons. People get infected by swallowing stool-contaminated food or water. #Outbreaks in the United States are often linked to raw oysters. #Infected people usually recover in 2 to 3 days without serious or long-term health effects. #To prevent Norwalk virus infection: 1) wash hands with soap and warm water after toilet visits and before preparing or eating food; 2) cook all shellfish thoroughly before eating; 3) wash raw vegetables before eating; and 4) dispose of sewage in a sanitary manner.

Mycoplasma Fermentans
From a Researcher: When all else fails, this program has helped some with chronic issues: #1 hour 44 minutes #Mycoplasma Fermentans #A species of the genus mycoplasma, originally isolated infrequently from the lower genital tract of humans, and possessing uncertain pathogenicity. The incognitus strain of


M. Fermentans has been identified in necrotizing lesions of multiple organs from aids and non-aids patients dying of an acute influenza-like disease. #M. fermentans incognitus and other strains of M. Fermentans have been associated with rheumatoid arthritis. #Take three or four lemons and use citrus juicer. Mix with clean water. Distilled would be good. Now sweeten with Grade B Real Maple syrup. Now mix in the hottest rated cyan pepper you can find. African bird 180 h. u. would be the best. Drink one of those a day.

A Common Disease Agent Weaponized

There are 200 species of Mycoplasma. Most are innocuous and do no harm; only four or five are pathogenic. Mycoplasma fermentans (incognitus strain) probably comes from the nucleus of the Brucella bacterium. This disease agent is not a bacterium and not a virus; it is a mutated form of the Brucella bacterium, combined with a visna virus, from which the mycoplasma is extracted. The pathogenic Mycoplasma used to be very innocuous, but biological warfare research conducted between 1942 and the present time has resulted in the creation of more deadly and infectious forms of Mycoplasma. Researchers extracted this mycoplasma from the Brucella bacterium and actually reduced the disease to a crystalline form. They "weaponized" it and tested it on an unsuspecting public in North America. Dr Maurice Hilleman, chief virologist for the pharmaceutical company Merck Sharp & Dohme, stated that this disease agent is now carried by everybody in North America and possibly most people throughout the world. Despite reporting flaws, there has clearly been an increased incidence of all the neuro/systemic degenerative diseases since World War II and especially since the 1970s with the arrival of previously unheard-of diseases like chronic fatigue syndrome and AIDS. According to Dr Shyh-Ching Lo, senior researcher at The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology and one of America's top mycoplasma researchers, this disease agent causes many illnesses including AIDS, cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, Crohn's colitis, Type I diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Wegener's disease and collagenvascular diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and Alzheimer's. Dr Charles Engel, who is with the US National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, stated the following at an NIH meeting on February 7, 2000: "I am now of the view that the probable cause of chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia is the mycoplasma..." I have all the official documents to prove that mycoplasma is the disease agent in chronic fatigue syndrome/fibromyalgia as well as in AIDS, multiple sclerosis and many other illnesses. Of these, 80% are US or Canadian official government documents, and 20% are articles from peer-reviewed journals such as the Journal of the American Medical Association, New England Journal of Medicine and the Canadian Medical Association Journal. The journal articles and government documents complement each other.

How the Mycoplasma Works

The mycoplasma acts by entering into the individual cells of the body, depending upon your genetic predisposition. You may develop neurological diseases if the pathogen


destroys certain cells in your brain, or you may develop Crohn's colitis if the pathogen invades and destroys cells in the lower bowel. Once the mycoplasma gets into the cell, it can lie there doing nothing sometimes for 10, 20 or 30 years, but if a trauma occurs like an accident or a vaccination that doesn't take, the mycoplasma can become triggered. Because it is only the DNA particle of the bacterium, it doesn't have any organelles to process its own nutrients, so it grows by up taking pre-formed sterols from its host cell and it literally kills the cell; the cell ruptures and what is left gets dumped into the bloodstream. CREATION OF THE MYCOPLASMA

A Laboratory-Made Disease Agent

Many doctors don't know about this mycoplasma disease agent because it was developed by the US military in biological warfare experimentation and it was not made public. This pathogen was patented by the United States military and Dr Shyh-Ching Lo. I have a copy of the documented patent from the US Patent Office.1 All the countries at war were experimenting with biological weapons. In 1942, the governments of the United States, Canada and Britain entered into a secret agreement to create two types of biological weapons (one that would kill, and one that was disabling) for use in the war against Germany and Japan, who were also developing biological weapons. While they researched a number of disease pathogens, they primarily focused on the Brucella bacterium and began to weaponize it. From its inception, the bio-warfare program was characterized by continuing in-depth review and participation by the most eminent scientists, medical consultants, industrial experts and government officials, and it was classified Top Secret. The US Public Health Service also closely followed the progress of biological warfare research and development from the very start of the program, and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the United States were working with the military in weaponizing these diseases. These are diseases that have existed for thousands of years, but they have been weaponized--which means they've been made more contagious and more effective. And they are spreading. The Special Virus Cancer Program, created by the CIA and NIH to develop a deadly pathogen for which humanity had no natural immunity (AIDS), was disguised as a war on cancer but was actually part of MKNAOMI.2 Many members of the Senate and House of Representatives do not know what has been going on. For example, the US Senate Committee on Government Reform had searched the archives in Washington and other places for the document titled "The Special Virus Cancer Program: Progress Report No. 8", and couldn't find it. Somehow they heard I had it, called me and asked me to mail it to them. Imagine: a retired schoolteacher being called by the United States Senate and asked for one of their secret documents! The US Senate, through the Government Reform Committee, is trying to stop this type of government research.


Crystalline Brucella
The title page of a genuine US Senate Study, declassified on February 24, 1977, shows that George Merck, of the pharmaceutical company, Merck Sharp & Dohme (which now makes cures for diseases that at one time it created), reported in 1946 to the US Secretary of War that his researchers had managed "for the first time" to "isolate the disease agent in crystalline form".3 They had produced a crystalline bacterial toxin extracted from the Brucella bacterium. The bacterial toxin could be removed in crystalline form and stored, transported and deployed without deteriorating. It could be delivered by other vectors such as insects, aerosol or the food chain (in nature it is delivered within the bacterium). But the factor that is working in the Brucella is the mycoplasma. Brucella is a disease agent that doesn't kill people; it disables them. But, according to Dr Donald MacArthur of the Pentagon, appearing before a congressional committee in 1969,4 researchers found that if they had mycoplasma at a certain strength--actually, 10 to the 10th power (1010)--it would develop into AIDS, and the person would die from it within a reasonable period of time because it could bypass the natural human defenses. If the strength was 108, the person would manifest with chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia. If it was 107, they would present as wasting; they wouldn't die and they wouldn't be disabled, but they would not be very interested in life; they would waste away. Most of us have never heard of the disease brucellosis because it largely disappeared when they began pasteurizing milk, which was the carrier. One salt shaker of the pure disease agent in a crystalline form could sicken the entire population of Canada. It is absolutely deadly, not so much in terms of killing the body but disabling it.

Because the crystalline disease agent goes into solution in the blood, ordinary blood and tissue tests will not reveal its presence. The mycoplasma will only crystallize at 8.1 pH, and the blood has a pH of 7.4 pH. So the doctor thinks your complaint is "all in your head" Classification
Higher order taxa: Bacteria; Proteobacteria; Alphaproteobacteria; Rhizobiales; Brucellaceae Species: Brucella abortus, Brucella canis, Brucella cetaceae, Brucella maris , Brucella melitensis, Brucella pinnipediae, Brucella sp.

Description and Significance

Brucella sp. causes brucellosis, a "zoonotic disease endemic in many areas of the world, characterized by chronic infections in animals leading to abortion and infertility, and a systemic, febrile illness in humans"(An illness of sudden onset that manifests with fever Brucella suis was the first pathogenic organism used by the U.S. military as a weapon back in the 1950s. Although treatment is available for brucellosis, it is prolonged antibiotic therapy. In addition, early diagnosis is problematic and no acceptable vaccines have been made (Paulsen et al. 2002).


Crystalline Brucella and Multiple Sclerosis

In 1998 in Rochester, New York, I met a former military man, PFC Donald Bentley, who gave me a document and told me: "I was in the US Army, and I was trained in bacteriological warfare. We were handling a bomb filled with brucellosis, only it wasn't brucellosis; it was a Brucella toxin in crystalline form. We were spraying it on the Chinese and North Koreans." He showed me his certificate listing his training in chemical, biological and radiological warfare. Then he showed me 16 pages of documents given to him by the US military when he was discharged from the service. They linked brucellosis with multiple sclerosis, and stated in one section: "Veterans with multiple sclerosis, a kind of creeping paralysis developing to a degree of 10% or more disability within two years after separation from active service, may be presumed to be service-connected for disability compensation. Compensation is payable to eligible veterans whose disabilities are due to service." In other words: "If you become ill with multiple sclerosis, it is because you were handling this Brucella, and we will give you a pension. Don't go raising any fuss about it." In these documents, the government of the United States revealed evidence of the cause of multiple sclerosis, but they didn't make it known to the public--or to your doctor. In a 1949 report, Drs Kyger and Haden suggested "the possibility that multiple sclerosis might be a central nervous system manifestation of chronic brucellosis". Testing approximately 113 MS patients, they found that almost 95% also tested positive for Brucella.5 We have a document from a medical journal, which concludes that one out of 500 people who had brucellosis would develop what they call neurobrucellosis; in other words, brucellosis in the brain, where the Brucella settles in the lateral ventricles--where the disease multiple sclerosis is basically located.6

Contamination of Camp Detrick Lab Workers

A 1948 New England Journal of Medicine report titled "Acute Brucellosis Among Laboratory Workers" shows us how actively dangerous this agent is.7 The laboratory workers were from Camp Detrick, Frederick, Maryland, where they were developing biological weapons. Even though these workers had been vaccinated, wore rubberized suits and masks and worked through holes in the compartment, many of them came down with this awful disease because it is so absolutely and terrifyingly infectious. The article was written by Lt Calderone Howell, Marine Corps, Captain Edward Miller, Marine Corps, Lt Emily Kelly, United States Naval Reserve, and Captain Henry Bookman. They were all military personnel engaged in making the disease agent Brucella into a more effective biological weapon. COVERT TESTING OF MYCOPLASMA

Testing the Dispersal Methods

Documented evidence proves that the biological weapons they were developing were tested on the public in various communities without their knowledge or consent.


The government knew that crystalline Brucella would cause disease in humans. Now they needed to determine how it would spread and the best way to disperse it. They tested dispersal methods for Brucella suis and Brucella melitensis at Dugway Proving Ground, Utah, in June and September 1952. Probably, 100% of us now are infected with Brucella suis and Brucella melitensis.8 Another government document recommended the genesis of open-air vulnerability tests and covert research and development programs to be conducted by the Army and supported by the Central Intelligence Agency. At that time, the Government of Canada was asked by the US Government to cooperate in testing weaponized Brucella, and Canada cooperated fully with the United States. The US Government wanted to determine whether mosquitoes would carry the disease and also if the air would carry it. A government report stated that "open-air testing of infectious biological agents is considered essential to an ultimate understanding of biological warfare potentialities because of the many unknown factors affecting the degradation of micro-organisms in the atmosphere".9

Testing via Mosquito Vector in Punta Gorda, Florida

A report from The New England Journal of Medicine reveals that one of the first outbreaks of chronic fatigue syndrome was in Punta Gorda, Florida, back in 1957.10 It was a strange coincidence that a week before these people came down with chronic fatigue syndrome, there was a huge influx of mosquitoes. The National Institutes of Health claimed that the mosquitoes came from a forest fire 30 miles away. The truth is that those mosquitoes were infected in Canada by Dr Guilford B. Reed at Queen's University. They were bred in Belleville, Ontario, and taken down to Punta Gorda and released there. Within a week, the first five cases ever of chronic fatigue syndrome were reported to the local clinic in Punta Gorda. The cases kept coming until finally 450 people were ill with the disease.

Testing via Mosquito Vector in Ontario

The Government of Canada had established the Dominion Parasite Laboratory in Belleville, Ontario, where it raised 100 million mosquitoes a month. These were shipped to Queen's University and certain other facilities to be infected with this crystalline disease agent. The mosquitoes were then let loose in certain communities in the middle of the night, so that the researchers could determine how many people would become ill with chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia, which was the first disease to show. One of the communities they tested it on was the St Lawrence Seaway valley, all the way from Kingston to Cornwall, in 1984. They let out hundreds of millions of infected mosquitoes. Over 700 people in the next four or five weeks developed myalgic encephalomyelitis, or chronic fatigue syndrome.


Before and during World War II, at the infamous Camp 731 in Manchuria, the Japanese military contaminated prisoners of war with certain disease agents. They also established a research camp in New Guinea in 1942. There they experimented upon the Fore Indian tribe and inoculated them with a minced-up version of the brains of diseased sheep containing the visna virus which causes "mad cow disease" or Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. About five or six years later, after the Japanese had been driven out, the poor people of the Fore tribe developed what they called kuru, which was their word for "wasting", and they began to shake, lose their appetites and die. The autopsies revealed that their brains had literally turned to mush. They had contracted "mad cow disease" from the Japanese experiments. When World War II ended, Dr Ishii Shiro--the medical doctor who was commissioned as a General in the Japanese Army so he could take command of Japan's biological warfare development, testing and deployment--was captured. He was given the choice of a job with the United States Army or execution as a war criminal. Not surprisingly, Dr Ishii Shiro chose to work with the US military to demonstrate how the Japanese had created mad cow disease in the Fore Indian tribe. In 1957, when the disease was beginning to blossom in full among the Fore people, Dr Carleton Gajdusek of the US National Institutes of Health headed to New Guinea to determine how the minced-up brains of the visna-infected sheep affected them. He spent a couple of years there, studying the Fore people, and wrote an extensive report. He won the Nobel Prize for "discovering" kuru disease in the Fore tribe.

Testing Carcinogens over Winnipeg, Manitoba

In 1953, the US Government asked the Canadian Government if it could test a chemical over the city of Winnipeg. It was a big city with 500,000 people, miles from anywhere. The American military sprayed this carcinogenic chemical in a 1,000%-attenuated form, which they said would be so watered down that nobody would get very sick; however, if people came to clinics with a sniffle, a sore throat or ringing in their ears, the researchers would be able to determine what percentage would have developed cancer if the chemical had been used at full strength. We located evidence that the Americans had indeed tested this carcinogenic chemical-zinc cadmium sulphide--over Winnipeg in 1953. We wrote to the Government of Canada, explaining that we had solid evidence of the spraying and asking that we be informed as to how high up in the government the request for permission to spray had gone. We did not receive a reply. Shortly after, the Pentagon held a press conference on May 14, 1997, where they admitted what they had done. Robert Russo, writing for the Toronto Star11 from Washington, DC, reported the Pentagon's admission that in 1953 it had obtained permission from the Canadian Government to fly over the city of Winnipeg and spray out this chemical--which sifted down on kids going to school, housewives hanging out their laundry and people going to work.


US Army planes and trucks released the chemical 36 times between July and August 1953. The Pentagon got its statistics, which indicated that if the chemical released had been full strength, approximately a third of the population of Winnipeg would have developed cancers over the next five years. One professor, Dr Hugh Fudenberg, MD, twice nominated for the Nobel Prize, wrote a magazine article stating that the Pentagon came clean on this because two researchers in Sudbury, Ontario Don Scott and his son, Bill Scott had been revealing this to the public. However, the legwork was done by other researchers! The US Army actually conducted a series of simulated germ warfare tests over Winnipeg. The Pentagon lied about the tests to the mayor, saying that they were testing a chemical fog over the city, which would protect Winnipeg in the event of a nuclear attack. A report commissioned by US Congress, chaired by Dr Rogene Henderson, lists 32 American towns and cities used as test sites as well.


The AIDS pathogen was created out of a Brucella bacterium mutated with a visna virus; then the toxin was removed as a DNA particle called a mycoplasma. They used the same mycoplasma to develop disabling diseases like MS, Crohn's colitis, Lyme disease, etc. In the previously mentioned US congressional document of a meeting held on June 9, 1969,12 the Pentagon delivered a report to Congress about biological weapons. The Pentagon stated: We are continuing to develop disabling weapons. Dr MacArthur, who was in charge of the research, said: We are developing a new lethal weapon, a synthetic biological agent that does not naturally exist, and for which no natural immunity could have been acquired. Think about it. If you have a deficiency of acquired immunity, you have an acquired immunity deficiency. Plain as that. AIDS. In laboratories throughout the United States and in a certain number in Canada including at the University of Alberta, the US Government provided the leadership for the development of AIDS for the purpose of population control. After the scientists had perfected it, the government sent medical teams from the Centers for Disease Control--under the direction of Dr Donald A. Henderson, their investigator into the 1957 chronic fatigue epidemic in Punta Gorda--during 1969 to 1971 to Africa and some countries such as India, Nepal and Pakistan where they thought the population was becoming too large.13 They gave them all a free vaccination against smallpox; but five years after receiving this vaccination, 60% of those inoculated were suffering from AIDS. They tried to blame it on a monkey, which is nonsense. A professor at the University of Arkansas made the claim that while studying the tissues of a dead chimpanzee she found traces of HIV. The chimpanzee that she had tested was born in the United States 23 years earlier. It had lived its entire life in a US military laboratory where it was used as an experimental animal in the development of these diseases.


When it died, its body was shipped to a storage place where it was deep-frozen and stored in case they wanted to analyze it later. Then they decided that they didn't have enough space for it, so they said, Anybody want this dead chimpanzee? and this researcher from Arkansas said: Yes. Send it down to the University of Arkansas. We are happy to get anything that we can get. They shipped it down and she found HIV in it. That virus was acquired by that chimpanzee in the laboratories where it was tested.14

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

Chronic fatigue syndrome is more accurately called myalgic encephalomyelitis. The chronic fatigue syndrome nomenclature was given by the US National Institutes of Health because it wanted to downgrade and belittle the disease. An MRI scan of the brain of a teenage girl with chronic fatigue syndrome displayed a great many scars or punctate lesions in the left frontal lobe area where portions of the brain had literally dissolved and been replaced by scar tissue. This caused cognitive impairment, memory impairment, etc. And what was the cause of the scarring? The mycoplasma. So there is very concrete physical evidence of these tragic diseases, even though doctors continue to say they don't know where it comes from or what they can do about it. Many people with chronic fatigue syndrome, myalgic encephalo-myelitis and fibromyalgia who apply to the Canada Pensions Plan Review Tribunal will be turned down because they cannot prove that they are ill. During 1999 I conducted several appeals to Canada Pensions and the Workers Compensation Board (WCB, now the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board) on behalf of people who have been turned down. I provided documented evidence of these illnesses, and these people were all granted their pensions on the basis of the evidence that I provided. In March 1999, for example, I appealed to the WCB on behalf of a lady with fibromyalgia who had been denied her pension back in 1993. The vice-chairman of the board came to Sudbury to hear the appeal, and I showed him a number of documents which proved that this lady was physically ill with fibromyalgia. It was a disease that caused physical damage, and the disease agent was a mycoplasma. The guy listened for three hours, and then he said to me: "Mr. Scott, how is it I have never heard of any of this before? I said: "We brought a top authority in this area into Sudbury to speak on this subject and not a single solitary doctor came to that presentation."


Information is not generally available about this agent because, first of all, the mycoplasma is such a minutely small disease agent. A hundred years ago, certain medical theoreticians conceived that there must be a form of disease agent smaller than bacteria and viruses. This pathogenic organism, the mycoplasma, is so minute that normal blood and tissue tests will not reveal its presence as the source of the disease. Your doctor may diagnose you with Alzheimer's disease, and he will say: "Golly, we don't know where Alzheimer's comes from. All we know is that your brain begins to


deteriorate, cells rupture, the myelin sheath around the nerves dissolves, and so on." Or if you have chronic fatigue syndrome, the doctor will not be able to find any cause for your illness with ordinary blood and tissue tests. This mycoplasma couldn't be detected until about 30 years ago when the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test was developed, in which a sample of your blood is examined and damaged particles are removed and subjected to a polymerase chain reaction. This causes the DNA in the particles to break down. The particles are then placed in a nutrient, which causes the DNA to grow back into its original form. If enough of the substance is produced, the form can be recognized, so it can be determined whether Brucella or another kind of agent is behind that particular mycoplasma.

Blood Test
If you or anybody in your family has myalgic encephalomyelitis, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis or Alzheimer's, you can send a blood sample to Dr. Les Simpson in New Zealand for testing. If you are ill with these diseases, your red blood cells will not be normal doughnutshaped blood cells capable of being compressed and squeezed through the capillaries, but will swell up like cherry-filled doughnuts which cannot be compressed. The blood cells become enlarged and distended because the only way the mycoplasma can exist is by uptaking pre-formed sterols from the host cell. One of the best sources of pre-formed sterols is cholesterol, and cholesterol is what gives your blood cells flexibility. If the cholesterol is taken out by the mycoplasma, the red blood cell swells up and doesn't go through, and the person begins to feel all the aches and pains and all the damage it causes to the brain, the heart, the stomach, the feet and the whole body because blood and oxygen are cut off. And that is why people with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome have such a terrible time. When the blood is cut off from the brain, punctate lesions appear because those parts of the brain die. The mycoplasma will get into portions of the heart muscle, especially the left ventricle, and those cells will die. Certain people have cells in the lateral ventricles of the brain that have a genetic predisposition to admit the mycoplasma, and this causes the lateral ventricles to deteriorate and die. This leads to multiple sclerosis, which will progress until these people are totally disabled; frequently, they die prematurely. The mycoplasma will get into the lower bowel, parts of which will die, thus causing colitis. All of these diseases are caused by the degenerating properties of the mycoplasma. In early 2000, a gentleman in Sudbury phoned me and told me he had fibromyalgia. He applied for a pension and was turned down because his doctor said it was all in his head and there was no external evidence. I gave him the proper form and a vial, and he sent his blood to Dr Simpson to be tested. He did this with his family doctor's approval, and the results from Dr Simpson showed that only 4% of his red blood cells were functioning normally and carrying the appropriate amount of oxygen to his poor body, whereas 83% were distended, enlarged and hardened, and wouldn't go through the capillaries without an awful lot of pressure and trouble. This is the physical evidence of the damage that is done.


ECG Test
You can also ask your doctor to give you a 24-hour Holter ECG. You know, of course, that an electrocardiogram is a measure of your heartbeat and shows what is going on in the right ventricle, the left ventricle and so on. Tests show that 100% of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia have an irregular heartbeat. At various periods during the 24 hours, the heart, instead of working happily away going "bump-BUMP, bump-BUMP", every now and again goes "buhbuhbuhbuhbuhbuhbuh". The T-wave (the waves are called P, Q, R, S and T) is normally a peak, and then the wave levels off and starts with the P-wave again. In chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia patients, the T-wave flattens off, or actually inverts. That means the blood in the left ventricle is not being squeezed up through the aorta and around through the body. My client from Sudbury had this test done and, lo and behold, the results stated: The shape of T and S-T suggests left ventricle strain pattern, although voltage and so on is normal. The doctor had no clue as to why the T-wave was not working properly. I analyzed the report of this patient who had been turned down by Canada Pensions and sent it back to them. They wrote back, saying: It looks like we may have made a mistake. We are going to give you a hearing and you can explain this to us in more detail. So it is not all in your imagination. There is actual physical damage to the heart. The left ventricle muscles do show scarring. That is why many people are diagnosed with a heart condition when they first develop fibromyalgia, but it's only one of several problems because the mycoplasma can do all kinds of damage.

Blood Volume Test

You can also ask your doctor for a blood volume test. Every human being requires a certain amount of blood per pound of body weight, and it has been observed that people with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis and other illnesses do not have the normal blood volume their body needs to function properly. Doctors aren't normally aware of this. This test measures the amount of blood in the human body by taking out 5 cc, putting a tracer in it and then putting it back into the body. One hour later, take out 5 cc again and look for the tracer. The thicker the blood and the lower the blood volume, the more tracer you will find. The analysis of one of my clients stated: "This patient was referred for red cell mass study. The red cell volume is 16.9 ml per kg of body weight. The normal range is 25 to 35 ml per kg. This guy has 36% less blood in his body than the body needs to function." And the doctor hadn't even known the test existed. If you lost 36% of your blood in an accident, do you think your doctor would tell you that you are alright and should just take up line dancing and get over it? These tragic people with these awful diseases are functioning with anywhere from 7% to 50% less blood than their body needs to function.


The body undoes the damage itself. The scarring in the brain of people with chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia will be repaired. There is cellular repair going on all the time. But the mycoplasma has moved on to the next cell.


In the early stages of a disease, doxycycline may reverse that disease process. It is one of the tetracycline antibiotics, but it is not bactericidal; it is bacteriostatic--it stops the growth of the mycoplasma. And if the mycoplasma growth can be stopped for long enough, then the immune system takes over. Doxycycline treatment is discussed in a paper by mycoplasma expert Professor Garth Nicholson, PhD, of the Institute for Molecular Medicine.15 Dr Nicholson is involved in a US $8-million mycoplasma research program funded by the US military and headed by Dr Charles Engel of the NIH. The program is studying Gulf War veterans, 450 of them, because there is evidence to suggest that Gulf War syndrome is another illness (or set of illnesses) caused by mycoplasma.

Streptococcus Pneumonia
From a Practitioner: It should be noted that currently the streptococcus pneumonia program is currently the most effective for a head and chest infection that is going around. #1 hour 6 minutes # Streptococcus Pneumonia #Can cause pneumonia, empyema, middle ear infections, endocarditis, peritonitis, arthritis, bacteremia, and meningitis.

Human Papilloma Virus

Question: Do we have any frequencies for the Human Papilloma virus? Yes! It is under Papilloma Virus in the TrueRife frequencies folder. Apparently the vaccine has not always had favorable results. See: HPV Vaccine Reaction This program may be a safer way of dealing with it: #45 minutes

#Infection with human papilloma virus can lead to a penile wart or infertility. This condition is one of the most common sexually
transmitted diseases. Some strains of the germ have been called responsible for developing cervical cancer in many patients. Multiple sexual partners, the presence of other STD's, and weak immune system are the risk factors. Infection with (hpv) papilloma virus can lead to a penile wart or infertility. #Turmeric Root Extract has been clinically proven to reduce HPV concentrations in women.


Physical Injuries
Folder: NORMALIZING FOLDER / Program: ACCELARATED HEALING / Sessions: ONCE A DAY UNTIL HEALED From a Practitioner: This client had his nose broken after being struck by a softball. He looked like a raccoon on day 1 when he came into our lab the following day after the injury for an Accelerated Healing program Rife session. We ran the program on 3 different days. Pay close attention to the cut between his eyebrows above the bridge of his nose. You can see the results below. Note the amount of swelling of the entire face on day 1. The program is located in the Normalizing folder of the TrueRife frequency set. #Program can be run up to 3 hrs to accelerate healing # Works on the principle of polarizing cells for rapid healing # Based on Schumann Resonance and Canadian EM Therapy Research #Contains Nasa research frequencies (see: stimulate healing of nerves information) #Generally, bone fractures heal normally with standard fracture care. Occasionally, the healing process stops due to added risks or complications. It has been proven that electric current can stimulate bone growth and enhance the healing process.

Day 1: Accelerated Healing/Dble Bubble

Day 3: Helix Vortex Bulb

Day 6: Cut between eyebrows healed

Report from a Researcher: I have had a very sore, achy, painful hip for probably a year now. Difficult walking after sitting, restless sleep as I could not get comfortable, unsteadiness climbing stairs at times thinking my hip may give out, even difficult raising my leg after much use. My Chiropractor would adjust my hip from time to time, but couldn't understand the amount of discomfort I was having. Thursday I ran the Pain Bio Basic set holding the spiral bulb on my hip and using the grounding tube. I experienced immediate results. Not completely pain free, but I slept better than I have in months. Today (Saturday), this has been on my mind all day, because I continue to expect the pain and brace myself for each movement; but there is


no pain. I am going to run the Pain Bio Basic set again this evening and continue to try to figure out why I waited so long!

From a Practitioner: This is the experience of a client who was running the Accelerated Healing program on the bulb. She had a severe ankle sprain requiring the use of crutches. By day 3 she could walk without using the crutches.

Injury to ankle (sprain) 11-24

Double Bubble Treatment

Ankle swelling reduced 11-27

The client did not seek any medical attention, did not use ice to reduce swelling. Ran only the Accelerated Healing program on the bulb. This program is found in the normalizing folder for users of TrueRife systems.

From a Researcher: I wanted to let everyone know the results my husband has gotten. He had a total hip replacement done on February 5th. I ran the Accelerated Healing Program on his hip daily for two weeks when he came home. During his six week checkup, the doctor x-rayed his hip to determine how well it was healing so that he could begin putting weight on it. His bone grafts were at a SIX MONTH level and they could not determine the end of the prosthesis which doesn't usually happen until later. We're so excited and wanted to share this with you.

Plantar Warts
Folder: TRUERIFE FREQIENCIES / Program: PLANTAR WARTS / Sessions: 3-6 Question: Is there a program for plantar warts? Helix Vortex bulb on foot #30 minutes #Plantars Warts #A friends 6 year old son had plantar warts. Had been unsuccessful with doctor's treatment for almost three months which consisted of applying acid, freezing, scraping, sanding, etc.


The wart kept getting bigger and more painful to the point where he was limping quite badly. The doctor's recommendation then was surgery. His plantar wart was very deep so this would have been a painful remedy with no guarantees and a great possibility of scar tissue forming causing more discomfort. #When I heard about this, I looked up Plantar Warts in the Frex which said to use frequencies 915 and 918 for 15 to 30 minutes. I didn't really know what I was doing so I typed those frequencies over and over until the program would run for 30 minutes. We used the big light close to his foot and ran this on a Monday then again on Thursday. By the weekend the wart had shrunk so much he was no longer in pain....no limp at all. We ran the program again on Sunday. Today (Monday) his mother said she can hardly tell where the wart was. Since these warts are caused by a virus, we will run the program a few more times just to be sure. My friend is thrilled....no need for surgery and her son is running and playing again pain free! #Oh, I almost forgot, he kept saying "It's tickling me!" during the session. I'm not sure what that was from, but it sure worked! # Run Every day till gone #Duct tape and cayenne pepper have also been found useful as well as nail polish.

Prostate Enlargement / Prostate Cancer

Heavy Metals and Prostate program should be run from the Ion Pro Wave folder / Sessions: Once a day / Unlimited / Also run Prostate Cancer and Prostate Cancer Secondary

From a Researcher: I had an enlarged prostate that shrank and I attribute it to using
two frequency sets: Prostate Cancer and Prostate Cancer Secondary Also Run: Nanobactrerium set / Frequencies from Dr. Jeff Sutherland This set may give an out of range error on some frequency generators. If an error message appears, you must divide all frequencies over 150,000 Hz by 2 until you arrive at a frequency harmonic below 150,000 Hz.

Practitioner reports regarding TrueRife programs for Prostate Cancer

At least half a dozen individuals are working with prostate cancer and TrueRife systems with varied results. One Michigan therapist is reversing PSA counts by running heavy parasite sets along with the Ion Pro Wave foot bath using heavy metal detox. She states that eliminating parasites and then implementing heavy duty detoxification protocols has worked better than simply running the prostate cancer sets alone. A client of several years ago with pancreatic cancer experienced improvement with parasite sets alone.


Additional protocols for Prostate Cancer recently reported 2 men whose PSA's were over 10, both numbers have dropped by over 30%. For prostate cancer: 1. Ion Pro Wave detox 2. Prostate heavy metals (cancer program folder) (Take into consideration individual toxicity levels and adjust programs accordingly) #DNA repair Overnight # Many researchers have documented the 528 Hz is used by geneticists for DNA repair. # Experimental

Enlarged Prostate Causes

The prostate gland, which is normally about the size and shape of a walnut, wraps around the urethra between the pubic bone and the rectum, below the bladder. In the early stage of prostate enlargement, the bladder muscle forces urine through the narrowed urethra by contracting more powerfully. As a result, the bladder muscle becomes thicker and more sensitive, causing a need to urinate more often. As the prostate grows larger and the urethra is squeezed more tightly, the bladder might not be able to fully compensate for the problem and completely empty. Rarely, blockage from prostate enlargement may cause repeated urinary tract infections and gradually result in bladder or kidney damage. It may also cause a sudden inability to urinate (acute urinary retention) a medical emergency. The program that has produced positive reports is Heavy Metals and Prostate. This program is found in the Ion Pro Wave folder. The Prostate program below along with the protocols can be run on the bulb. It is found in the TrueRife frequencies folder. #36 minutes #As they get older, men are more likely to experience problems relating to the prostate gland, the gland at the outflow of the bladder. It slowly enlarges, and sometimes causes pressure on the outflow tube, resulting in a slower stream, and often a need to go to pass urine more frequently, including during the night. This condition is known as benign prostatic hypertrophy. Occasionally men develop cancer of the prostate, which causes similar symptoms, but this is rarer, and the one does not necessarily lead on to the other. #Eating raw tomatoes or tomato juice may help reduce symptoms.

Those battling prostate cancer may also want to run this program: #50 minutes #Propionibacterium acnes / Prostate Cancer Secondary Cause


#A significant number of prostate cancers may be linked to infection with the microorganism Propionibacterium acnes, study findings suggest. #Previously, scientists have suggested that prostate cancer may develop from inflammation in the prostate gland, explain Dr Ronald Cohen, from Uropathy Pty Ltd in Nedlands, Western Australia, and colleagues in the Journal of Urology. #Thinking that this inflammation may be caused by infection with an organism that is difficult to detect or eradicate, the researchers studied prostate tissue samples from 34 prostate cancer patients. #They found that bacterial infection was present in over half (56%) of the samples, with P. acnes seen in 35%. #Indeed, the team found that the presence of P. acnes was significantly associated with the presence and extent of inflammation in the prostate tissue samples. #The researchers conclude: P. acnes can be cultured from the prostatic tissues of a considerable proportion of prostate glands removed at prostatectomy [surgical removal of the prostate gland] and shows a positive association with prostatic inflammation." They add: "P. acnes may be involved in development of prostatic inflammation, which may contribute to the development of cancer. #Propionibacterium acnes

Restless Leg Syndrome

Folder: TRUERIFE FREQUENCIES / Program: RESTLESS LEG / Sessions: AS NEEDED once a day in the evening. #1 hour #Restless leg syndrome #Run in the evening #Though there is no unique pathological changes in the brains of patients with restless legs syndrome, it seems that cells in a portion of the mid-brain are not getting enough iron. #Connor's study found that a specific receptor for iron transport is lacking in patients with restless legs syndrome. Enough iron gets into brain cells to keep them alive, but not enough to allow them to function optimally. It was suggested that the missing iron may cause a misfiring of neural signals to the legs causing the creepy-crawly sensation. #These conclusions do not suggest that a person has a dietary iron-deficiency and requires supplements. It does suggest that the receptors are not packaging and delivering an adequate amount of iron to the specific cells in the specified middle brain portion. #Some people have found temporary relief by taking iron supplements, but it is vitally important that any supplement therapy be managed by a physician. #Try These Essential Oils for Restless Legs


#Roman Chamomile can be mixed with almond oil to massage the legs thoroughly. Use only few drops of Roman Chamomile essential oil for preparing this massage oil. Grape seed essential oil has also received positive reports.

The programs mentioned below are in the TRUERIFE FREQUENCIES folder. Report from a Researcher: After having colon surgery and two other surgeries thereafter, in due time bowel movements became difficult for about five years. Taking extra vitamin c and magnesium and plenty of fiber made no difference. My wife being an R.N. said I may have scarring causing the problem. So I ran frequencies for adhesions, then colon problems and parasite general, all three together about six times. My condition has improved, I would say almost back to normal.

Folder: ION PRO WAVE / Program: SCLERODERMA / Sessions: AS NEEDED Results are usually experienced after 1-3 sessions.

From a Practitioner: I did a Scleroderma program on the Ion Pro Wave today. It was wonderful. I was able to take the full power and got a lot of hits in a wide variety of places in my body. My muscles seem much more pliable even now and I'm interested to see what it's like tomorrow. I have very little pain sitting at this moment which I haven't had for about three weeks.
We have had very positive reports regarding the Scleroderma program. The best results are reported using the version in the ION PRO Wave folder using the ionic foot bath. This program is out of range for bulb applications, but there is a bulb version in the TrueRife folder. The program should be run as often as needed. Results are usually experienced within the first few hours or days. #Scleroderma #Also Try Reynauds in the Ion Pro Wave folder


#What is Scleroderma? #Scleroderma is an autoimmune disease of the connective tissue. Autoimmune diseases are illnesses which occur when the body's tissues are attacked by its own immune system. Scleroderma is characterized by the formation of scar tissue (fibrosis) in the skin and organs of the body. This leads to thickness and firmness of involved areas. Scleroderma is also referred to as systemic sclerosis. #The cause of Scleroderma is not known. Researchers have found some evidence that genes are important factors, but the environment seems to also play a role. This means that inheritance at least play a partial role. It is not unusual to find other autoimmune diseases in families of Scleroderma patients. Some evidence for the role genes may play in leading to the development of Scleroderma comes from the study of Choctaw Native Americans who are the group with the highest reported prevalence of the disease. The disease is more frequent in females than in males. #How is Scleroderma classified? #Scleroderma can be classified in terms of the degree and location of the skin involvement. Accordingly, Scleroderma has been categorized into two major groups, diffuse and limited. #The diffuse form of Scleroderma is involves symmetric thickening of skin of the extremities, face, trunk (chest, back, abdomen, or flanks) which can rapidly progress to hardening after an early inflammatory phase. Organ disease can occur early on and be serious. Organs affected include the esophagus, bowels, and lungs with scarring (fibrosis), heart, and kidneys. High blood pressure can be a troublesome side effect. #The limited form of Scleroderma tends to be confined to the skin of the fingers and face. The skin changes and other features of disease tend to occur more slowly than in the diffuse form. # Supplement 6-8 grams of(KAL)MSM per day, with breakfast and again at supper.

Sebaceous Cysts
Folder: TRUERIFE FREQUENCIES / Program: STREPTOTHRIX / Sessions: 3-21 A sebaceous cyst is a closed sac occurring just under the skin which contains a "pasty" or "cheesy" looking substance. A foul odor is also often present in the substance called keratin which fills sebaceous cysts. Keratin is a protein that creates the sac of cells called sebaceous cysts. The bumps or lumps you can feel under your skin are actually the sac of cells. What causes sebaceous cysts? Sebaceous cysts are often the result of swollen hair follicles, or skin trauma. What are the symptoms of sebaceous cysts?


Small lumps or bumps that occur just under the skin of the vagina, genitalia, breast, abdomen, face, neck, or elsewhere on the body are the most common symptom of sebaceous cysts. Occasionally infections may occur. Signs or symptoms that may indicate infection of sebaceous cysts include:

redness tenderness increased temperature of the skin over the bumps or lumps grayish white, cheesy, foul smelling material draining from the bump or lump

How are sebaceous cysts diagnosed ? Sebaceous cysts are usually easily diagnosed by their appearance to the trained eye. In some cases, a biopsy may be necessary to rule out other conditions with a similar appearance. My daughter put this program together for cysts that result from these bacteria in the program below. She had many sebaceous cysts as well as cysts that were red inflamed perimeters with sore and pus in the middle, coughing, inflammation as well as fibromyalgia. Within a few days of two sessions, the cysts are no longer raised and are healing. The inflammation has decreased significantly and her joints as well as TMD symptoms. Swelling has diminished and movement is less painful. Coughing as well has improved. She has had two sessions on the program.

Shoulder Conditions
Folder: TRUERIFE FREQUENCIES / Program: PainBio.basic / Sessions: 1-3 From a Researcher: We have enjoyed using the machine this week. Joe is the one who has used it every day for the pain in his shoulder. His MRI showed rotator cuff damage. The orthopedic doctor wants surgery (of course) but Joe doesn't. What suggested programs could he run to help the repair. Also, will these programs actually repair the damage or just alleviate the pain? Response: I have seen rotator cuff damage reversed after just 3 sessions running the Pain.bio basic program. The Accelerated Healing program also may be worth a try. I have personally worked with two individuals with long term rotator cuff damage who experienced complete resolution in about two weeks. I assume the damage was repaired as the pain never returned in either case and that was 3 years ago. It just depends on the extent of the damage whether surgery will become a necessary option.


This is an interesting experience regarding a shoulder pain issue that was resolved with a simple detox: I wanted to pass along two experiences with the Ion Pro Wave hydrotherapy detox unit. R.K. a woman in her 40s came in for a detox. She made an appointment for another one the following week. On her return visit she couldnt wait to tell me that for the last five years she has had a knot the size of a golf ball in her right shoulder. She had been seeing a massage therapist every week for five years and massaging that area herself in between visits. She told me it was very painful. She said 24 hours after her detox the knot was half the size it had been and in 48 hours it was gone. No more knot no more pain. She was so happy!

Folder: TRUERIFE FREQUENCIES / Program: TINNITUS / Sessions: 1-3 to evaluate results. Question: What results can I expect from the Tinnitus program and how often should I run it? There have been poor outcomes when dealing with Tinnitus, but this program has been a breakthrough for some: #15 minutes #Tinnitus #Male aged 52 #Tinnitus in both ears for about 15 years. Right ear worse than the left. Been getting a lot worse since he turned 50. Doctor says he's getting old. Ear expert say damage to middle ear resonance chamber from playing in a rock group when he was younger tissue getting harder, no longer soft and responsive. #I had always thought Tinnitus was a vein too close to the ear drum, but it looks like I was wrong. #I had to push this friend to have a Rife session, he wasn't interested at first, but as he was a friend I pushed hard I told him he wouldn't get another coffee unless he agreed to a Rife session. This is out of character for me. #I ran the Tinnitus freqs 20, 2720, 728, 784, 880 (3 minutes each) #Last Friday, 6 days after his initial visit he dropped into my clinic asking for another Rife session. He was excited as he said something had changed in him and the ringing was less. #We sat down to a coffee and a chat and I ran the above set again for 10 minutes on each frequency. As he didn't experience any Herx from the first session I figured I would ramp up the dosage. He rang me last night (2 days after the second session) extremely excited and asking me all about Rife technology, again.


That's when he reported about a 40 or 50% improvement in the reduction of ringing in his ears. He told me it is so easy to hear people, it's like I've got a new life he told me. He's coming up to see me next weekend for another session. #Patients suffering from tinnitus were given 2ml of a medicated DMSO solution every 4 days. The medication contained anti-inflammatory and vasodilatory compounds and was applied locally to the external ear canal. #They were also given an intramuscular injection of DMSO at the same time. After one month, 9 of the 15 subjects had a complete cessation of the tinnitus which didn't return during the one year observation period. #It diminished in two others and in the remaining four occurred occasionally instead of permanently. Cold temperatures seemed to be the main factor causing it to return. [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 75:243:468: p.74] #See also Circulatory stasis, Dental foci, General antiseptic, and Otitis frequencies. #While standing, roll the head in a complete circle three times clockwise and three times counter clockwise. Bend the neck left and right three times, and forward and back three times. Do this every day faithfully. In a few days there may be a popping sound in the neck. For some the ringing will subside, and finally never return again.

Tuberculosis / Cough / Flu

Folder: TRUERIFE FREQUENCIES / Program: TUBERCULOSIS / Sessions: 3-10 This program can be useful for cough and flu symptoms. #1 hour 16 minutes #Tuberculosis general # Extend Time On Hits #Direct Bulb Contact #Tuberculosis is generally caused by exposure to microscopic airborne droplets containing the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The disease is almost never transmitted through clothes, bedding or other personal items. Because most people with TB exhale only a few of these germs with each breath, you can contract the disease only if you are exposed to an infected person for a long time. If you spend eight hours a day for six months, or 24 hours a day for two months, with someone with an active case of TB, you have a 50% chance of getting infected.


Ulcerative Colitis
Folder: TRUERIFE FREQUENCIES / Program: COLITIS and DIARRHEA / Sessions: 3-21 Report from a Practitioner: I had a client with debilitating diarrhea, bloody stool, headaches, rashes, cramping, weight loss the whole bit. He was told by her doc that it WAS NOT colitis. So I started with some parasite and bacteria runs....little better with detox run but not enough / not much success...the last she was in, things had gotten real bad. I said it looks like a duck, walks, talks and the whole bit...it's a duck! So I ran the colitis-diarrhea program using the double bubble on her...She hit on every one of the first half frequencies...also Normalization for Colon / Immune system. Next day she reports...80% better, no cramping, no loose watery stools, appetite returns etc. I also gave her a personal blend for digestion (I am an aroma therapist using YL Oils) and she has used this to continue further calming her insides. She's THRILLED...so am I....Love to help others..Thanks for helping us! #45 minutes Ulcerative colitis is a disease that causes inflammation and sores, called ulcers, in the top layers of the lining of the large intestine. The inflammation usually occurs in the rectum and lower part of the colon, but it may affect the entire colon. Ulcerative colitis rarely affects the small intestine except for the lower section, called the ileum. Ulcerative colitis may also be called colitis, ileitis, or proctitis. The inflammation makes the colon empty frequently, causing diarrhea. Ulcers form in places where the inflammation has killed colon lining cells; the ulcers bleed and produce pus and mucus. The most common symptoms of ulcerative colitis are abdominal pain and bloody diarrhea. Patients also may experience #Fatigue #Weight loss #Loss of appetite #Rectal bleeding #Loss of body fluids and nutrients #About half of patients have mild symptoms. Others suffer frequent fever, bloody diarrhea, nausea, and severe abdominal cramps. Ulcerative colitis may also cause problems such as arthritis, inflammation of the eye, liver disease (fatty liver, hepatitis, cirrhosis, and primary sclerosing cholangitis), osteoporosis, skin rashes, anemia, and kidney stones. No one knows for sure why problems occur outside the colon. Scientists think these complications may occur when the immune system triggers inflammation in other parts of the body. These problems are usually mild and go away when the colitis is treated.


Folder: TRUERIFE FREQUENCIES or ION PRO WAVE / Program: SV40 / Sessions: 3-10

Advice from a Researcher:

Regarding which program should be run for vaccinations, this one should top the list for those who were vaccinated between 1955-1961 with Salk's polio vaccine. There is some evidence that SV40 has been transmitted to future generations. Quote from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SV40 SV40 virus as viewed under an electron microscope SV 40 is an abbreviation for Simian vacuolating virus 40 or Simian virus 40, a polyomavirus that is found in both monkeys and humans. Like other polyomaviruses, SV40 is a DNA virus that has the potential to cause tumors, but most often persists as a latent infection. SV40 has not been proven to cause disease in humans, but several studies have suggested a link to cancer based on the presence of relatively large amounts of what may be SV40 DNA fragments in some tumor tissues, particularly mesotheliomas and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. There is as yet no consensus on the meaning of these findings. SV40 is believed to damage the tumor-suppressing p53 gene in humans. The p53 gene is responsible for initiating apoptosis, or "cellular suicide," when a cell is damaged. A damaged p53 gene may contribute to uncontrolled cellular reproduction, leading to a tumor. Soon after its discovery, SV40 was identified in the injected form of the polio vaccine produced between 1955 and 1961. This is believed to be due to kidney cells from infected monkeys being used to amplify the vaccine virus during production. Both the Sabin vaccine (oral, live virus) and the Salk vaccine (injectable, killed virus) were affected; the technique used to inactivate the polio virus in the Salk vaccine, by means of formaldehyde, did not reliably kill SV40. Some estimates suggest that millions of people are currently infected with the virus. The virus causes primary brain tumors, bone tumors, lymphomas, and mesotheliomas when injected into some rodent models. It has also been detected in a similar spectrum of human tumors. However, epidemiological studies have failed to conclusively demonstrate a higher incidence of disease in affected populations. To date, over 60 reports from 49 different laboratories have shown SV40 sequences in tissues from human cancer patients.


The SV40 Programs:

#1 hour # Research frq. by Dr. Jeff Sutherland #The Virus and the Vaccine is the true story of a cancer-causing monkey virus, contaminated polio vaccine, and the millions of Americans exposed. #In the age of AIDS, SARS, Avian Flu, and Ebola, here is a real-life, riveting account of a carcinogenic monkey virus that contaminated Americas most revered vaccine and the cancers it is causing today. #Jonas Salk's polio vaccine has taken on legendary quality as a medical miracle, for it largely eradicated one of the most feared diseases of the twentieth century. But the story of the vaccine has a dark side, one that has never been fully told before. In one of modern medicines biggest blunders, between 1954 and 1963, 98 million Americans received polio vaccinations widely contaminated with a carcinogenic monkey virus, known as simian virus 40, or SV40. A concerted government effort downplayed the incident, and it was generally accepted that although oncogenic to laboratory animals, SV40 was harmless to humans. #But now SV40 is showing up in a variety of human lung, brain, bone, and lymphatic cancers in adults. It is also appearing in the cancers of some children too young to have received the contaminated Salk vaccine. Ion Pro Wave frequencies See #SV40 in TrueRife software.


Accelerated Healing program, 250, 329, 331 ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), 134. See Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) addictions insomnia program for, 153 TrueFocus for, 139 AIDS & HIV, 154, 324 Alexander, Lex, 201 Ali, Majid, M.D., 76 allergies and dental foci, 225, 226 ozonated air and, 108 Stabilize Immune System program for, 156, 275 aluminum poisoning, 166, 261 AMA (American Medical Association), 25 analog frequencies, 39 angiogenesis, 187 antioxidants and ozone, 100 anxiety depression and, 227 TrueFocus program for, 133, 157 argyria, 97 arthritis, 157 asthma, 141,157,215,223,229,276,282 Atelier Robin F-100 software, 40 frequency generators, 27 Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), 159 autism, 160 autoimmune disorders, and dental foci, 157, 228 Bacillus Lichenformis, 197 baking soda/maple syrup treatment, 207 Bare, James, Dr., 72, 204, 284, 294 Barrett, Stephen, 25 Beck, Robert, Dr., 13, 79 Becker, Robert O., Dr., 19 bell's palsy, 164 Benveniste, Jacques, Dr. (interview), 144 Bihari, Bernard, M.D., 197, 305 BioPhysics and Rife, 7 bird flu, ionic silver for, 88 bladder conditions, 164 blood purifier protocol (Beck), 79

blood test for mycoplasma, 326 blood volume test for chronic illness, 328 board specs (F-117), 28 Body Function Normalization program, 165 Borna virus, 228 bowel conditions, 166 brain abscesses, 221 brain cancer Budwig testimonials, 107 brain cancer, ozone for, 107 brain entrainment (TrueFocus) addictions and, 153 anxiety and, 133, 222, 227 audio CD set, 142 eye floaters and, 237 for migraine headaches, 298 for negative thought patterns, 140 frequencies and effects, 135 fundamentals, 131, 139 insomnia and, 134, 141, 276 noticing effects of, 139 panic attacks, 134 sample program - insomnia, 132 Schumann resonance and, 133 timing of programs, 134 breast cancer, 178, 182 Brown Recluse spider bites, 169 Brucella, crystalline, 320, 324 Budwig brain cancer testimonials, 107 Burr, Harold Saxton, Professor, 22 cancer anaerobic nature of, 199 angiogenesis, 187 bacillus Lichenformis, 197 brain cancer, 107 breast cancer, 178, 182, 192 cancer matrix explained, 176 canine cancer and parasites (article), 177 chemotherapy, 200 effects of lightning on, 173 Electricity Used to Kill Cancer (article), 190 Enzyme RR (Ribonucleotide Reductase), 189 Epstein-Barre virus and, 203 esophageal cancer, 205


field resonance and, 23 green tea supplementation, 202 high-voltage electrical treatment for, 174 Hodgkins disease, 180 Hulda Clark approach, 200 Kanzius radio frequency research, 202 liver cancer, 183 lung cancer and ionic silver, 93 maple syrup and baking soda treatment, 207 Matthias Rath approach to, 196 ovarian cancer, 184 ozone therapy for, 103, 107 parasites and, 200 pasteurized milk and, 198 prostate cancer, 194, 332 radio-frequency energy for (article), 201 raw diet for, 184 Royal Raymond Rife on, 175 sample TrueRife program, 194 selenium and, 194, 195 supplements for, 194 Tainio frequencies and, 20 thermography for breast cancer, 178 uterine cancer, 206 Vitamin D and, 192 Waldenstroms macroglobulinemia, 206 candida, 20, 212, 217 canine cancer and parasites (article), 177 carcinogens, testing over Winnipeg, 324 carpal tunnel syndrome, 220 cataracts, eye, 221 Cat's Claw herb (lyme), 289 central nervous system conditions, 221 cheloids, 222 chemotherapy, 200 children, using TrueRife system with, 51, 74 chlamydia pneumoniae (Cpn), 223 Choi, Charles Q., 177 chronic fatigue syndrome, 325 Clark, Hulda, Dr., 105, 200 CleanUpRunMeFirst program, 55, 120 CMV (Cytomegalovirus), 271 Coenzyme Q10 for heart disease, 252 colds, 20

colitis, ulcerative, 224, 339 Coller, Gary, Dr., 247 contact devices principles of, 19 vs. plasma tubes, 46 CONVERGE command, 31 conversion harmonics, divisional, 15 cough program, 339 Crane, John, 17 Crohn's disease, 224 crystalline Brucella, 320, 324 cysts, sebaceous, 336 Dean, Carolyn, 224 Death by Medicine (article), 224 dental foci, 61, 157, 225 depression and anxiety, 227 detoxification, Herxheimer reactions and, 36 diabetes case history, 229, 278 MicroCurrent and, 12 Digital Biology (interview), 144 digital frequencies, 39 disease agents, covert testing of, 323 diverticulitis, 230 divisional conversion harmonics, 15 DNA repair, 232 Donn, Jeff, 192 Double Bubble bulb (big bulb) for overnight sets, 117 grounding and, 51, 118 output of, 118 use of, 50, 118 doxycycline for mycoplasma, 328 drugs, fever-causing, 238 dust mites, 235 DUTY command, 31 ear infections, 233 EBV (Epstein-Barre Virus). See Epstein-Barre Virus (EBV) electro-therapy for cancer, 189 for tumors, 130 EM fields and living organisms, 12, 48 basics, 9 beneficial effects of, 8 divisional conversion harmonics, 15 frequency targeting, 14 how they work, 48 ionized energy fields, 10


MicroCurrent and, 12 non-ionized energy fields, 11 scalar energy, 9 emphysema, 236 endocarditis, 255 energy fields ionized, 10 non-ionized, 11 Enzyme RR (Ribonucleotide Reductase), 189 Epstein-Barre virus (EBV) cancer and, 203 fundamentals of, 235 program for mononucleosis, 301 esophageal cancer, 205 essential oils, frequencies of, 19 eye floaters, 237 F-117 frequency generator basics of, 27, 46 history of development, 32 shutting down, 52 F-117 Phaser hepatitis and, 264 technical description, 28 fever of unknown origin, 238 fibroids, 251 fibromyalgia, 240 field resonance, 22 Field Resonance Approach in Medicine, 22 floaters, eye, 237 flu (influenza) 2008 bug kill program, 241, 248 layered with other conditions, 245 MRSA program through PlasmaSphere, 249 new pandemic possibility, 243 overnight program, 244 pandemic of 1918, 242 Tainio frequencies and, 20 tuberculosis program for, 339 vaccines, danger of, 247 virus devitalization, 243 food frequencies, 232 food poisoning, ionic silver for, 90 Foye, Gerald, 35, 68, 315 frequencies analog vs. digital, 39 delivery of, 32 development of, 31 duration and effects of, 35

feeling of, 35 feeling with plasma tubes, 36 for lyme disease, 294 harmful, 48 higher, 77 Nogier, 122 of body organs, 20 of essential oils, 19 of food, 232 of muscles, 42 pulsing, 128 ripple effects, 33 targeting, 14 top ten frequency programs, 38 updating sets of, 40 water consumption and, 36 frequency generator, F-117. See F-117 Frequency Generator Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), 46 fungal infections, 215, 219, 249. See also candida FUZZ command, 31 glycolysis, defined, 199 green tea supplementation, 191 Greenlee Voltage GT-11 tester, 99 grounding and overnight sets, 57 Double Bubble bulb and, 51 grounding tube with bulb, 56 High Energy Grounding Control, 57 Matrix foot plate usage, 53 pacemakers and, 52 with plasma devices, purpose of, 54 GRS (Galvanic Resonant Scanner) automatic recording of "hits", 69, 211 fundamentals and use of, 57 GRS Diagnostic Data Record form, 54 GRS hand control, 49 Helix Vortex bulb and, 55 Spiral bulb and, 55, 120 unique method for, 69, 210 Gulf War syndrome, 328 harmonics, divisional conversion, 15 headaches, migraine. See migraine headaches healing acceleration program, 250 hearing problems, 251. See also tinnitus heart and circulation disorders Coenzyme Q10 for, 252


endocarditis, 255 high blood platelet count, 258 TrueRife program for, 254 heavy metals toxicity program, 167 running program through Ion Pro Wave, 259, 263 Helix Vortex bulb GRS scanning and, 55 output of, 116, 118 overview of, 119 positioning of, 121 hepatitis brittle bones and, 268 F-117 Phaser and, 264 Hepatitis C Zapped article, 149 \iHepatitis C Zapped\I article, 265 ionic silver for, 88, 264 protocols used by researchers, 268 herpes viruses bulb positioning for, 269 CMV virus, 271 herpes zoster, 271 post-herpetic neuralgia, 273 prodrome symptoms, 272 Rife sessions for, 273 triggers, 273 type 1 and 2, 269 Herxheimer reactions clearing, 295 water consumption for, 36 High Energy Grounding Control, 57 Hodgkins disease, 180 Hodgkins lymphoma, 181 Holter ECG test for chronic illness, 327 HSV-1 & HSV-2 viruses, 269 Hughes syndrome, 304 human papilloma virus, 329 immune system stabilization, 274 imprinting and water memory, 92 infections, ear, 233 inflammation, 276 insomnia, TrueFocus program for, 134, 153, 276 Ion Pro Wave hydrotherapy 10,000 Hz and, 78 Bare program for lyme disease, 285 cleaning of, 83 colors in water, 50, 74 control module, 70 electrolysis explained, 71

experiences with, 76 for multiple sclerosis, 303 heavy metals detox with, 259 Herxheimer reactions and, 77 in bathtub, 78, 79 movement of protons through, 71 parasites observed in, 309 plate life of, 83 quick clean procedure, 80 RR enzyme and, 81 running bulb programs on, 77 sanitizing, 47 science behind, 75, 80 Stabilize Immune System program, 275 troubleshooting, 82 vs. other ionic foot bath systems, 75 ionic silver (TrueSilver). See also TrueSilver device and food poisoning, 90 and lung cancer, 93 argyria, 97 fundamentals of, 94 imprinting with frequencies, 143 laser pointer function, 96 MRSA and, 99 Powerful Defense Against Viruses and Other Microbes article, 84 production program, 89 quantity consumed, 97 silver salts and, 97 source for bottles, 92, 96 topical use of, 96 using before Rife sessions, 91, 95 vs. other ionic silvers, 91 vs. Rife sessions, 95 water memory and imprinting, 92 ionized energy fields, 10 Jerndal, Jens, Dr., 22 Kanzius radio frequency research, 202 kidney disease, 229, 277 kuru (wasting) disease, 323 lactic acid bacteria, 73 laser pointer (TrueSilver), 96 LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone), 197, 305 Lennart, Eleonora De, 231 L-fields, 22 light therapy, 122 liver cancer, 183 Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN). See LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone)


lung cancer, ionic silver and, 93 lupus, 302 lyme disease Cat's Claw for, 289 diagnoses, 291 frequencies to use, 294 Ion Pro Wave for, 55, 295 Ion Pro Wave version of Bare program, 285 James Bare calculations for, 284 mycoplasma fermentans & parasite sets, 289 overview and history of, 288, 292 primary TrueRife program for, 293 reports of treatments and results, 282 researcher custom program, 293 Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF), 289 salt & Vitamin C therapy, 286 symptoms of, 291 lymphoma, Hodgkins, 181 MAC (mercury/autism/candida) set, 160, 162 macular degeneration case histories, 297 MicroCurrent stimulation for, 296 mad cow disease, 323 maple syrup/baking soda cancer treatment, 207 Matrix Footplate, 53, 119 Matthias Rath cancer protocol, 196 Mercola, Joseph, Dr., 194 mercury/autism/candida) se (MAC). See MAC (mercury/autism/candida) set MicroCurrent basics of, 12 stimulation for macular degeneration, 296 microwave ovens, 18 migraine headaches, 298 milk, pasteurized, 198 mites, dust, 235 molds, 214, 219 mononucleosis, 300 MOR (mortal Oscillatory Rate), 17 Morgellon's disease, 301 MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) fundamentals, 302 ionic silver and, 99, 303

running program through PlasmaSphere, 249 multiple sclerosis crystalline brucella and, 321 Ion Pro Wave program for, 303 Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN), 305 mycoplasma fermentans and, 308 primary TrueRife program for, 304 multiwave oscillators (MWO), 61 muscles, frequencies of, 42 myalgic encephalomyelitis. See chronic fatigue syndrome mycobacterium avium, 315 mycoplasma fermentans and parasite sets for lyme disease, 289 covert testing of, 322 history & biological effects of, 320 history, biological effects, & testing of, 318 multiple sclerosis and, 308 recovering from, 328 testing your body for, 326 mycotoxicosis symptoms, 215 Neher, Dr., 12 neuropathy, diabetic, 229 Nicholson, Garth, Professor, 328 Nogier frequencies, 122 non-ionized energy fields, 11 norwalk virus, 317 Null, Gary, 224 Ouput Control, level of, 49 output, measuring bulb, 99 ovarian cancer, 184 overnight sets folder, 39 through PlasmaSphere, 115 oxidation and ozone, 100 Oxygen and Aging (book), 76 ozonated water and ear infections, 233 basics of, 108 consuming, 104 pneumonia and, 112 producing with PlasmaSphere Ozonator, 108 ozone antioxidants and, 100 effects on pathogens, 109 general effects of, 103


German application to cancer and AIDS, 107 healing external infections with, 113 in cancer treatments, 103, 107 Major Effects of Ozone on the Human Body article, 101 pacemakers, precautions with, 52 pain program (Pain Bio Basic set), 308, 330 panic attacks, TrueFocus and, 134 parasites and cancer in animals, 177 book for identifying, 312 observed in Ion Pro Wave sessions, 309 running parasite sets for cancer, 200 Parkinson's disease, 312 pathogen complexes central nervous system, 221 crystalline Brucella, 320, 324 fever-causing, 239 human papilloma virus, 329 kuru (wasting) disease, 323 mad cow disease, 323 mycobacterium avium, 315 mycoplasma fermentans, 318, 320 norwalk virus, 317 overview of, 314 pseudomonas aeruginosa, 315 simian virus (SV40), 316 streptococcus pneumonia, 328 streptococcus pyogenes, 315 pets, treating for parasites, 105 Phanatron bulbs, 126 phase shifting, history of, 29. See also F-117 Phaser Phaser, F-117, 28 phasing, defined, 30 photonic emissions of bulbs, 125 photonic vs. EMF bulb output, 114 physical injuries, 329 plantar warts, 331 plasma devices, principles of, 18 plasma tubes (bulbs) Double-Bubble bulb. See DoubleBubble bulb feeling frequencies with, 36 Helix Vortex bulb. See Helix Vortex bulb overview of, 113 Phanatron bulbs, 126

photonic emissions of, 125 photonic vs. EMF output, 114 placement of, 118 programs, running on Ion Pro Wave, 77 radiant mode in overnight sets, 116 range of, 47 vs. contact devices, 46 PlasmaSphere Ozonator. See also ozone basics of, 100 creating ozonated water with, 108 MRSA program through, 249 running overnight sets through, 115 usage and setup, 108 pneumonia, ozonated water and, 112 polymerase chain reaction test, 326 Popp, F.A., 23 post-herpetic neuralgia, 273 prodrome symptoms (herpes), 272 programs, top ten, 38 prostate conditions, 194, 332 protons bacteria and, 73 migration of, 72 movement through Ion Pro Wave, 71 properties of, 72 pseudomonas aeruginosa, 315 PULSE command, 31 pulsing frequencies, 128 Quackwatch, 25 radiant mode in overnight sets, 116 raw diet for cancer, 184 restless leg syndrome (RLS), 334 Ribonucleotide Reductase enzyme, 189 Rife technology BioPhysics and, 7 electromagnetic fields and, 9 EM fields. See EM fields politics and, 23 Rife frequencies, history of, 17 Rife, Royal R., Dr. frequency theory, 20 multiple simultaneous frequencies and, 61 on cancer, 175 ripple effects, frequency, 33 Robin, Patrick, 27 Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF), 289 Ross, Timberly, 192


Rowen, Robert, M.D., 248 Royal R. Rife (Foye), 68 Sakman, Dr., 12 salt & vitamin C therapy (lyme), 286 Sankey, Otto, 37 scalar energy, 9 scanning, GRS. See GRS (Galvanic Resonant Scanner) Schumann Resonance, 8 scleroderma, 335 sebaceous cysts, 336 selenium for cancer, 194, 195 sessions overdoing, 52 timing of, 47, 51 Shallenberger, Frank, Dr., 101 Sheppard, Rick, 17 shingles (herpes zoster), 245, 271 shoulder conditions, 334 silver salts, 97 silver, ionic. See ionic silver (TrueSilver) simian virus (SV40), 316, 340 Simpson, Les, Dr., 326 Slavin, Herbert, M.D., 84, 89 sound cards as frequency generators, 27 foot baths and, 70 Spiral bulb grounding with, 119 GRS scanning and, 55, 120 output of, 118 rules for positioning, 50, 118 use of, 49, 119 Stabilize Immune System program for asthma, 282 for lupus, 281 through Ion Pro Wave, 275 steroids, 276 streptococcus pneumonia, 328 streptococcus pyogenes, 163, 315 Sussman, Ed, 190 Sutherland, Jeff, Dr., 228, 317 SV40 (simian virus), 316, 340 SWEEP command, 31 Tainio, Bruce, 19 Teflon toxicity, 165

The Biochemical Machine (De Lennart), 231 The Body Electric (Becker), 19 thermography for breast cancer, 178 Theta waves, 157, 228 tinnitus, 338. See also hearing problems TrueFocus brain entrainment. See brain entrainment (TrueFocus) TrueRife system manuals, 49 measuring output from, 99 metal implants and, 52, 84 pacemakers and, 52 safety of, 48 silver production program, 89, 94 updating software, 127 using with children, 51, 74 vs. other systems, 47 TrueSilver device. See also ionic silver (TrueSilver) imprinting frequencies with, 93 uniqueness of, 98 Tsen, K.T., 37 tuberculosis, 339 ulcerative colitis, 224, 339 ultraviolet (UV) light, 121 updating frequency sets, 40, 127 uterine cancer, 206 vaccinations, 340 viruses devitalization of, 243 herpes. See herpes viruses Shake them to Death (article), 37 Vitamin D and Cancer (article), 192 Vortex Bulb. See Helix Vortex Bulb Waldenstroms macroglobulinemia, 206 Walzer, Philip, 174 warts, plantar, 331 water memory and imprinting, 92, 143 Welch, Ken, 149, 265 Wheldon, David, 223 yeasts. See candida Young Living essential oils, frequencies of, 20 Young, Robert O., Dr., 304 Zagoria, Ronald, Dr., 201


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