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BSC Business Management Programmes (Year 3) Strategic Supply Management (Bs3738) Assignment Brief

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BSc Business Management Programmes (Year 3) Strategic Supply Management (BS3738) Assignment Brief

Assignment Distributed: Monday 28th January 2013 Due Date: Monday 22nd April 2013 (1 hard copy to P28 by 10am) Submission Procedure: Submit one hard copy of the assignment to P28 use 1 staple, (no folders) Ensure you include a cover sheet (Appendix 2) Format: Report using Harvard referencing (refer to the suggested format for guidance) Word count: 4,000 words (+/- 10%) (Reference list, tables, graphs, figures and executive summary are NOT included in word count) Assignment Weighting for Overall Assessment: 40% (end of year exam = 60%) Lecturer: Jane Lynch Learning Outcomes A. Appraise key logistics concepts, both traditional and contemporary

B. Critically appraise the role of the supply chain as a vehicle for achieving competitive advantage Demonstrate analytical and written communication skills by presenting their arguments clearly and concisely C. Develop a critical ability in the interpretation of empirical evidence

Part I
TASK Lysons and Farrington (2006) propose that at least three drivers have influenced, and are influencing changes to the purchasing function. Using the questions provided, explain how globalisation, management philosophy and technology, have influenced the strategic awareness of supply and supplier management within companies. Using a case company of your own choice; a) Suggest how globalisation might have driven changes within the supply management function of your selected organisation (25% weighting) b) Identify at least one management philosophy and find evidence to support this with your selected organisation and suggest how it might impact the changing role of the purchasing and supply management function. (25% weighting) c) Focusing on one specific technology or software application and, linked to globalisation and management philosophy, how could the Information Technology (IT) support the purchasing and supply management to become strategically important within the organisation? (50% weighting) Present your findings in a report format 2. Suggested Report Structure Title Page Executive Summary Contents Page Introduction Findings and Analysis Recommendations/Conclusions Appendix References

Part II
Write no more than 250 words in reflection of completing this assignment. Use the following suggested structure (Appendix 1) to help with this. Whilst this will not carry marks, nonsubmission of the reflective journal could influence marks which fall into two boundaries.

Appendix 1
Reflect on what you might have done differently or might do differently next time Identify any further development needs and actions taken based on your application of the course material first time around

A set of questions you may wish to consider; What did I learn from producing the coursework? About myself? About the subject matter presented? About my research techniques? About time management and planning? About the standards and levels required? Did I encounter any major problems when completing the assignment? With resources? With understanding and/or interpretation of the assignment brief? With teaching and learning techniques adopted? Any other? What would have enabled me to do a better job? Do I honestly believe that I have performed to my ability? (N. B. You should not feel obligated to answer all these questions whilst reflecting. Choose ones that are most appropriate to your development) Some simple rules of thumb to follow when writing your journal are; Be honest with yourself Make it your own Let the words flow Use your own words (strike a balance with theory you need to use) Dig deeper Write things up as soon as you can Seek help if necessary Be selective

Appendix 2


There are FIVE main success criteria considered for marking this coursework: FORMAT and PRESENTATION [10%] : Use of range of references which are formatted using Harvard style; layout; use of paragraphs and headings; figures or tables and the correct labelling and numbering of these; STRUCTURE [10%] : A well-structured report will include a title page, and introduction which clearly states the aims & objectives for the assignment; literature findings and any case application; critical analysis (discussion); conclusion; references, and any appendices if required; there should be flow and continuity between sections with a well developed conclusion; LITERATURE [35%]: Appropriate content and selection of material; this is a purchasing assignment, therefore the emphasis should be given to purchasing and supply chain management literature; use of a range of secondary sources such as books and journal papers. To gain higher marks there needs to be some evidence of critical thinking; CASE STUDY ANALYSIS [30%]: Identify any case examples to apply your concepts and frameworks. CRITICAL ANALYSIS [15%] Comparison of author viewpoints to support you literature review. Highlight key issues, reaching logical conclusions about the development of the purchasing and supply management role and its contribution to your selected firm, achieving a competitive advantage.

INSTRUCTIONS: You MUST submit this document as your assignment. Other formats will not be accepted and you will receive a mark of zero. Do not try to change the layout of this document as it will not be accepted. Complete all details in Section 1 and start your assignment on Page 2. Ensure you enter your details in the header on Page 2, they will appear on every page. Save the file as <StudentNo><ModuleCode> (e.g. 1123456BS1234). IMPORTANT: Save this file in MICROSOFT WORD ONLY (unless otherwise instructed by your lecturer). Other formats WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.

Cardiff Business School COURSEWORK COVER SHEET 2012/2013

Section 1 (to be completed by the student) <Insert your First Name(s) here> <Insert your Surname/Family Student Name: name here> Student Number: <Insert your Student Number here> Module Code: Module Title: Coursework Title: Submission date:
(before 10am on)

<Insert the Module Code here> <Insert the Module Title here> <Insert your Coursework Title here>

<Insert the date assignment is due to be submitted here>

Date document printed:

(Updated automatically)


<Insert your lecturers name here>

Section 2 ( To be completed by the Lecturer) COMMENTS: ---


<Start typing your assignment here. To insert your details in the header at the top of this page, double click on the text and enter the required information. If you are having problems with this document, please contact your lecturer or the Undergraduate Enquiries Office. Delete this text before you start typing your assignment.>

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