Toolkit Help
Toolkit Help
Toolkit Help
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1. Toolkit Overview
The Programmer's Toolkit is an extension of the EPANET simulation package. EPANET performs extended period simulation of hydraulic and water quality behavior within pressurized pipe networks. A network can consist of pipes, nodes (pipe junctions), pumps, valves and storage tanks or reservoirs. EPANET tracks the flow of water in each pipe, the pressure at each node, the height of water in each tank, and the concentration of a chemical species throughout the network during a multi-time period simulation. In addition to chemical species, water age and source tracing can also be simulated. The Toolkit provides a series of functions that allow programmers to customize the use of EPANET's hydraulic and water quality solution engine to their own applications. Before using the Toolkit one should become familiar with the way that EPANET represents a pipe network and the design and operating information it requires to perform a simulation. This information can be obtained from reading EPANET's on-line Help file or from the EPANET Users Manual. A typical usage of the Toolkit functions to analyze a distribution system might look as follows: 1. Use the ENopen function to open the Toolkit system, along with an EPANET Input file. 2. Use the ENsetxxx series of functions to change selected system characteristics. 3. Run a full hydraulic simulation using the ENsolveH function (which automatically saves results to a Hydraulics file) or use the ENopenH - ENinitH - ENrunH - ENnextH ENcloseH series of functions to step through a hydraulic simulation, accessing results along the way with the ENgetxxx series of functions. 4. Run a full water quality simulation using ENsolveQ (which automatically saves hydraulic and water quality results to an Output file) or use the ENopenQ - ENinitQ - ENrunQ ENnextQ (or ENstepQ) - ENcloseQ series of functions to step through a water quality simulation, accessing results along the way with the ENgetxxx series of functions. 5. Return to Step 2 to run additional analyses or use the ENreport function to write a formatted report to the Report file. 6. Call the ENclose function to close all files and release system memory. More specific examples of using the functions can be found in the Example Applications topic.
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The EPANET Toolkit is written in ANSI standard C with separate code modules for input processing, hydraulic analysis, water quality analysis, sparse matrix/linear equation analysis, and report generation. The data flow diagram for analyzing a pipe network is shown below. The processing steps depicted in this diagram can be summarized as follows:
The input processor module receives a description of the network being simulated from an external input file (.INP). The files contents are parsed, interpreted, and stored in a shared memory area. The hydraulics solver module carries out an extended period hydraulic simulation. The results obtained at every time step can be written to an external, unformatted (binary) hydraulics file (.HYD). Some of these time steps might represent intermediate points in time where system conditions change because of tanks becoming full or empty or pumps turning on or off due to level controls or timed operation. If a water quality simulation is requested, the water quality module accesses the flow data from the hydraulics file as it computes substance transport and reaction throughout the network over each hydraulic time step. During this process it can write both the formerly computed hydraulic results as well as its water quality results for each preset reporting interval to an unformatted (binary) output file (.OUT). If no water quality analysis was called for, then the hydraulic results stored in the .HYD file can simply be written out to the binary output file at uniform reporting intervals. If requested, a report writer module reads back the computed simulation results from the binary output file (.OUT) for each reporting period and writes out selected values to a formatted report file (.RPT). Any error or warning messages generated during the run are also written to this file. Toolkit functions exist to carry out all of these steps under the programmer's control, including the ability to read or modify most of the system's global data.
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interr; longt,tstep; err=ENsolveH(); if(err>100)return(err); ENopenQ(); ENinitQ(1); do{ ENrunQ(&t); ENnextQ(&tstep); }while(tstep>0); ENcloseQ(); ENreport();
The following code shows how to retrieve the pressure at each node of the network after each time step of a hydraulic analysis (writetofile is a user-defined function that will write a record to a file): inti,NumNodes; longt,tstep; floatp; charid[16]; ENgetcount(EN_NODECOUNT,&NumNodes); ENopenH(); ENinitH(0); do{ ENrunH(&t); for(i=1;i<=NumNodes;i++) { ENgetnodevalue(i,EN_PRESSURE,&p); ENgetnodeid(i,id); writetofile(t,id,p); } ENnextH(&tstep); }while(tstep>0); ENcloseH();
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4. Example Applications
Example 1 - Providing an embedded engine for other applications
This example shows how simple it is for the Toolkit to provide a network analysis engine for other applications. There are three steps that the application would need to take: 1. Write distribution system data to an EPANET-formatted Input file (see Input File Format). 2. Call the ENepanet function, supplying the name of the EPANET input file, the name of a Report file where status and error messages are written, and the name of a binary Output file which will contain analysis results. 3. Access the output file to display desired analysis results (see Output File Format) in the application.
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voidHydrantRating(char*MyNode, intN,floatD[],floatP[]) { inti,nodeindex; longt; floatpressure; /*OpentheEPANETtoolkit&hydraulicssolver*/ ENopen("example2.inp","example2.rpt",""); ENopenH(); /*Gettheindexofthenodeofinterest*/ ENgetnodeindex(MyNode,&nodeindex); /*Iterateoveralldemands*/ for(i=1;i<N;i++) { /*Setnodaldemand,initializehydraulics,makea singleperiodrun,andretrievepressure*/ ENsetnodevalue(nodeindex,EN_BASEDEMAND,D[i]); ENinitH(0); ENrunH(&t); ENgetnodevalue(nodeindex,EN_PRESSURE,&pressure); P[i]=pressure; } /*Closehydraulicssolver&toolkit*/ ENcloseH(); ENclose(); }
Example 2 Pascal usesepanet2;{ImportunitsuppliedwithToolkit} procedureHydrantRating(MyNode:PChar;N:Integer; D:arrayofSingle;varP:arrayofSingle); var i,nodeindex:Integer; t:LongInt; pressure:Single; begin {OpentheEPANETtoolkit&hydraulicssolver} ENopen('example2.inp','example2.rpt',''); ENopenH(); {Gettheindexofthenodeofinterest} ENgetnodeindex(MyNode,nodeindex); {Iterateoveralldemands}
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fori:=1toNdo begin {Setnodaldemand,initializehydraulics,makea} {singleperiodrun,andretrievepressure} ENsetnodevalue(nodeindex,EN_BASEDEMAND,D[i]); ENinitH(0); ENrunH(t); ENgetnodevalue(nodeindex,EN_PRESSURE,pressure); P[i]:=pressure; end; {Closehydraulicssolver&toolkit} ENcloseH(); ENclose(); end; Example 2 - Visual Basic 'AddEPANET2.BASasacodemoduletoyourproject SubHydrantRating(ByValMyNodeasString,NasLong,_ D()asSingle,P()asSingle) DimiasLong DimnodeindexasLong DimtasLong DimpressureasSingle 'OpentheEPANETtoolkitandhydraulicssolver ENopen"example2.inp","example2.rpt","" ENopenH 'Gettheindexofthenodeofinterest ENgetnodeindexMyNode,nodeindex 'Iterateoveralldemands Fori=1toN 'Setnodaldemand,initializehydraulics,makea 'singleperiodrun,andretrievepressure ENsetnodevaluenodeindex,EN_BASEDEMAND,D(i) ENinitH0 ENrunHt ENgetnodevaluenodeindex,EN_PRESSURE,pressure P(i)=pressure Nexti 'Closehydraulicssolver&toolkit ENcloseH ENclose EndSub
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violation=1; break; } } }
Example 3 Pascal usesepanet2;{ImportunitsuppliedwiththeToolkit} functioncl2dose(SourceID:PChar;Ctarget:Single):Single; var i,nlinks,nnodes,sourceindex,violation:Integer; c,csource:Single; t,tstep:LongInt; begin {Openthetoolkit&obtainahydraulicsolution} ENopen('example3.inp','example3.rpt',''); ENsolveH(); {Getthenumberofnodes&} {thesourcenode'sindex} ENgetcount(EN_NODES,nnodes); ENgetnodeindex(SourceID,sourceindex); {Setupsystemtoanalyzeforchlorine} {(incaseitwasnotdoneintheinputfile.)} ENsetqualtype(EN_CHEM,'Chlorine','mg/L',''); {Openthewaterqualitysolver} ENopenQ(); {Beginthesearchforthesourceconcentration} csource:=0; repeat {Updatesourceconcentrationtonextlevel} csource:=csource+0.1; ENsetnodevalue(sourceindex,EN_SOURCEQUAL,csource); {RunWQsimulationcheckingfortargetviolations}
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violation:=0; ENinitQ(0); repeat ENrunQ(t); if(t>432000)then begin fori:=1tonnodesdo begin ENgetnodevalue(i,EN_QUALITY,c); if(c<Ctarget)then begin violation:=1; break; end; end; end; ENnextQ(tstep);
Example 3 - Visual Basic 'AddEPANET.BASasacodemoduletoyourproject Functioncl2dose(ByValSourceIDasString,_ ByValCtargetasSingle)asSingle DimiasLong DimnlinksasLong DimnnodesasLong DimsourceindexasLong DimviolationasInteger DimcasSingle DimcsourceasSingle DimtasLong DimtstepasLong 'Openthetoolkit&obtainahydraulicsolution ENopen"example3.inp","example3.rpt","" ENsolveH 'Getthenumberofnodes&thesourcenode'sindex
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ENgetcountEN_NODES,nnodes ENgetnodeindexSourceID,sourceindex 'Setupsystemtoanalyzeforchlorine '(incaseitwasnotdoneintheinputfile.) ENsetqualtypeEN_CHEM,"Chlorine","mg/L","" 'Openthewaterqualitysolver ENopenQ 'Beginthesearchforthesourceconcentration csource=0 Do 'Updatesourceconcentrationtonextlevel csource=csource+0.1 ENsetnodevaluesourceindex,EN_SOURCEQUAL,csource 'RunWQsimulationcheckingfortargetviolations violation=0 ENinitQ0 Do ENrunQt Ift>432000Then Fori=1tonnodes ENgetnodevaluei,EN_QUALITY,c Ifc<CtargetThen violation=1 ExitFor EndIf Nexti EndIf ENnextQtstep 'EndWQrunifviolationfound
'Continuesearchifviolationfound LoopUntil(violation=0)Or(csource>=4.0) 'CloseuptheWQsolverandtoolkit ENcloseQ ENclose cl2dose=csource EndFunction
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5. Efficiency Issues
When making multiple hydraulic analyses on the same network (as would be done in an optimization procedure), do not use repeated calls to ENsolveH. Instead, use an iterated ENrunH - ENnextH loop as shown below:
longt,tstep; ENopenH(); stop=0; do{ setparams(); ENinitH(0); do { ENrunH(&t); evalresults(t,&stop); ENnextH(&tstep); }while(tstep>0&&!stop); }while(!stop); ENcloseH(); In the code above, setparams() would be a user-defined function which modifies the network in some manner from one iteration to the next. Another user-defined function, evalresults(), would evaluate the results at time t and set the value of a stop flag that signals the end of the iterations. Note that the argument passed to ENinitH()is 0, indicating that there is no need to save hydraulic results to file since they are being used directly as they are generated. This will also speed up the computations. When there is a need to make repeated water quality runs using the same hydraulics, then call ENsolveH once to generate and save the hydraulic solution and use code similar to that above for the water quality runs (using the ENopenQ, ENinitQ, ENrunQ, ENnextQ, and ENcloseQ functions instead).
6. Toolkit Reference
6.1. Error Codes
Code 0 101 102 103 104 105 106 Description No error Insufficient memory No network data to process Hydraulics solver not initialized No hydraulic results available Water quality solver not initialized No results to report on
toolkit.rtf 110 120 200 202 203 204 205 207 223 224 240 241 250 251 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309
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Cannot solve hydraulic equations Cannot solve WQ transport equations One or more errors in input file Illegal numeric value in function call Undefined node in function call Undefined link in function call Undefined time pattern in function call Attempt made to control a check valve Not enough nodes in network No tanks or reservoirs in network Undefined source in function call Undefined control statement in function call Function argument has invalid format Illegal parameter code in function call Identical file names Cannot open input file Cannot open report file Cannot open binary output file Cannot open hydraulics file Invalid hydraulics file Cannot read hydraulics file Cannot save results to file Cannot write report to file
1 System hydraulically unbalanced - convergence to a hydraulic solution was not achieved in the allowed number of trials 2 System may be hydraulically unstable - hydraulic convergence was only achieved after the status of all links was held fixed 3 System disconnected - one or more nodes with positive demands were disconnected from all supply sources 4 Pumps cannot deliver enough flow or head - one or more pumps were forced to either shut down (due to insufficient head) or operate beyond the maximum rated flow 5 Valves cannot deliver enough flow - one or more flow control valves could not deliver the required flow even when fully open 6 System has negative pressures - negative pressures occurred at one or more junctions with positive demand
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Input File
The Input file is a standard EPANET input data file that describes the system being analyzed (see Input File Format). It can either be created external to the application being developed with the Toolkit or by the application itself. It is the first file name supplied to the ENopen function. None of the other Toolkit functions (except ENepanet) can be used until an Input file has been opened with ENopen. The data associated with the Input file remains accessible until the Toolkit system is closed down with the ENclose function.
Hydraulics File
The Hydraulics file is an unformatted binary file used to store the results of a hydraulic analysis. Results for all time periods are stored, including those at intermediate times when special hydraulic events occur (e.g., pumps and tanks opening or closing because control conditions have been satisfied). Normally it is a temporary file that is deleted after the ENclose function is called. However, it will be saved if the ENsavehydfile function is called. Likewise, a previously saved Hydraulics file can be used if the command HYDRAULICSUSE filename appears in the [OPTIONS] section of the input file, or if the ENusehydfile function is called. When the Toolkit function ENsolveH is used to make a hydraulic analysis, results are automatically saved to the Hydraulics file. When the ENinitH - ENrunH - ENnextH set of functions is used, the saveflag argument to ENinitH determines whether results are saved or not. The need to save hydraulic results is application-dependent. They must always be saved to the Hydraulics file if a water quality analysis will follow.
Report File
The Report file is the second file name supplied to the ENopen (or ENepanet) function. It is used to log any error messages that occur when the Input file is being processed and to
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record all status messages that are generated during a hydraulic simulation. In addition, if the ENreport function is called the resulting report can also be written to this file. The format of the report is controlled by statements placed in the [REPORT] section of the Input file and by similar statements included in calls to the ENsetreport function. Only results at a specified uniform reporting time interval are written to this file. To suppress the writing of all error and warning messages to the Report file either include the command MESSAGESNO in the [REPORT] section of the Input file or call the Toolkit function ENsetreport("MESSAGESNO"). To route a formatted report to a different file than the Report file either include the command FILEfilename in the [REPORT]section of the Input file or call the Toolkit function ENsetreport("FILEfilename"), where filename is the name of the file to use.
Output File
The Output file is an unformatted binary file used to store both hydraulic and water quality results at uniform reporting intervals (see Output File Format). It is the third file name supplied to the ENopen function. If an empty string ("") is used as its name then a scratch temporary file will be used. Otherwise the Output file will be saved after the ENclose function is called. Saving this file is useful if further post-processing of the output results are needed. The function ENsaveH will transfer hydraulic results to the Output file if no water quality analysis will be made. Using ENsolveQ to run a water quality analysis automatically saves both hydraulic and water quality results to this file. If the ENinitQ - ENrunQ ENnextQ set of functions is used to perform a water quality analysis, then results will be saved only if the saveflag argument of ENinitQ is set to 1. Again, the need to save results to the Output file is application-dependent. If a formatted output report is to be generated using ENreport, then results must first be saved to the Output file.
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The order of sections is not important. However, whenever a node or link is referred to in a section it must have already been defined in the [JUNCTIONS], [RESERVOIRS], [TANKS], [PIPES], [PUMPS], or [VALVES] sections. Thus it is recommended that these sections be placed first. Each section can contain one or more lines of data. Blank lines can appear anywhere in the file and the semicolon (;) can be used to indicate that what follows on the line is a comment, not data. A maximum of 255 characters can appear on a line. The ID labels used to identify nodes, links, curves and patterns can be any combination of up to 15 characters and numbers.
Purpose: Attaches a descriptive title to the network being analyzed. Format: Any number of lines of text. Remarks: The [TITLE] section is optional.
Purpose: Defines junction nodes contained in the network. Format: One line for each junction containing: ID label Elevation, ft (m) Base demand flow (flow units) (optional) Demand pattern ID (optional) Remarks: 1. A [JUNCTIONS]section with at least one junction is required. 2. If no demand pattern is supplied then the junction demand follows the Default Demand Pattern provided in the [OPTIONS] section, or Pattern 1 if no Default Pattern is specified. If the Default Pattern (or Pattern 1) does not exist, then the demand remains constant. 3. Demands can also be entered in the [DEMANDS] section and include multiple demand categories per junction. Example: [JUNCTIONS] ;IDElev.DemandPattern ; J110050Pat1 J212010;Usesdefaultdemandpattern J3115;Nodemandatthisjunction
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Purpose: Defines all reservoir nodes contained in the network.
Format: One line for each reservoir containing: ID label Head, ft (m) Head pattern ID (optional) Remarks: 1. Head is the hydraulic head (elevation + pressure head) of water in the reservoir. 2. A head pattern can be used to make the reservoir head vary with time. 3. At least one reservoir or tank must be contained in the network. Example: [RESERVOIRS] ;IDHeadPattern ; R1512;Headstaysconstant R2120Pat1;Headvarieswithtime
Purpose: Defines all tank nodes contained in the network.
Format: One line for each tank containing: ID label Bottom elevation, ft (m) Initial water level, ft (m) Minimum water level, ft (m) Maximum water level, ft (m) Nominal diameter, ft (m) Minimum volume, cubic ft (cubic meters) Volume curve ID (optional) Remarks: 1. Water surface elevation equals bottom elevation plus water level. 2. Non-cylindrical tanks can be modeled by specifying a curve of volume versus water depth in the [CURVES]section. 3. If a volume curve is supplied the diameter value can be any non-zero number 4. Minimum volume (tank volume at minimum water level) can be zero for a cylindrical tank or if a volume curve is supplied. 5. A network must contain at least one tank or reservoir. Example: [TANKS] ;IDElev.InitLvlMinLvlMaxLvlDiamMinVolVolCurve ; ;Cylindricaltank T1100155251200 ;Noncylindricaltankwitharbitrarydiameter T21001552510VC1
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Purpose: Defines all pipe links contained in the network.
Format: One line for each pipe containing: ID label ID of start node ID of end node Length, ft (m) Diameter, inches (mm) Roughness coefficient Minor loss coefficient Status (OPEN,CLOSED, or CV) Remarks: 1. Roughness coefficient is unitless for Hazen-Williams and Chezy-Manning head loss formulas and has units of millifeet (mm) for the Darcy-Weisbach formula. Choice of head loss formula is supplied in the [OPTIONS]section. 2. Setting status to CV means that the pipe contains a check valve restricting flow to one direction. 3. If minor loss coefficient is 0 and pipe is OPEN then these two items can be dropped from the input line. Example: [PIPES] ;IDNode1Node2LengthDiam.RoughnessMlossStatus ; P1J1J21200121200.2OPEN P2J3J260061100CV P3J1J10100012120
Purpose: Defines all pump links contained in the network. Format: One line for each pump containing: ID label ID of start node ID of end node Keyword and Value (can be repeated) Remarks: 1. Keywords consists of: POWER - power for constant energy pump, hp (kw) HEAD - ID of curve that describes head versus flow for the pump SPEED - relative speed setting (normal speed is 1.0, 0 means pump is off) PATTERN - ID of time pattern that describes how speed setting varies with time 2. Either POWER or HEAD must be supplied for each pump. The other keywords are optional.
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Purpose: Defines all control valve links contained in the network.
Format: One line for each valve containing: ID label ID of start node ID of end node Diameter, inches (mm) Valve type Valve setting Minor loss coefficient Remarks: 1. Valve types and settings include: Valve Type PRV (pressure reducing valve) PSV (pressure sustaining valve) PBV (pressure breaker valve) FCV (flow control valve) TCV (throttle control valve) GPV (general purpose valve) Setting Pressure, psi (m) Pressure, psi (m) Pressure, psi (m) Flow (flow units) Loss Coefficient ID of head loss curve
2. Shutoff valves and check valves are considered to be part of a pipe, not a separate control valve component (see [PIPES])
Purpose: Defines junctions modeled as emitters (sprinklers or orifices).
Format: One line for each emitter containing: Junction ID label Flow coefficient, flow units at 1 psi (1 meter) pressure drop Remarks: 1. Emitters are used to model flow through sprinkler heads or pipe leaks. 2. Flow out of the emitter equals the product of the flow coefficient and the junction pressure raised to a power.
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3. The power can be specified using the EMITTEREXPONENT option in the [OPTIONS] section. The default power is 0.5, which normally applies to sprinklers and nozzles. 4. Actual demand reported in the program's results includes both the normal demand at the junction plus flow through the emitter. 5. An [EMITTERS] section is optional.
Purpose: Defines data curves and their X,Y points.
Format: One line for each X,Y point on each curve containing: Curve ID label X value Y value Remarks: 1. Curves can be used to represent the following relations: Head v. Flow for pumps Efficiency v. Flow for pumps Volume v. Depth for tanks Head Loss v. Flow for General Purpose Valves 2. The points of a curve must be entered in order of increasing X-values (lower to higher). 3. If the input file will be used with the Windows version of EPANET, then adding a comment which contains the curve type and description, separated by a colon, directly above the first entry for a curve will ensure that these items appear correctly in EPANETs Curve Editor. Curve types include PUMP, EFFICIENCY, VOLUME, and HEADLOSS. See the examples below. Example: [CURVES] ;IDFlowHead ;PUMP:CurveforPump1 C10200 C11000100 C130000 ;IDFlowEffic. ;EFFICIENCY: E120050 E1100085 E1200075 E1300065
Purpose: Defines time patterns.
Format: One or more lines for each pattern containing: Pattern ID label One or more multipliers
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Remarks: 1. Multipliers define how some base quantity (e.g., demand) is adjusted for each time period. 2. All patterns share the same time period interval as defined in the[TIMES]section. 3. Each pattern can have a different number of time periods. 4. When the simulation time exceeds the pattern length the pattern wraps around to its first period. 5. Use as many lines as it takes to include all multipliers for each pattern. Example: [PATTERNS] ;PatternP1 P11. P10. ;PatternP2 P21111 P2001
Purpose: Formats: GLOBALPRICE/PATTERN/EFFIC valuePUMPPumpID PRICE/PATTERN/EFFICvalue DEMANDCHARGEvalue Remarks: 1. First format is used to set global default values of energy price, price pattern, and pumping efficiency for all pumps. 2. Second format is used to override global defaults for specific pumps. 3. Parameters are defined as follows: PRICE = average cost per kW-hour, PATTERN = ID label of time pattern describing how energy price varies with time, EFFIC = either a single percent efficiency for global setting or the ID label of an efficiency curve for a specific pump, DEMANDCHARGE = added cost per maximum kW usage during the simulation period. 4. The default global pump efficiency is 75% and the default global energy price is 0. 5. All entries in this section are optional. Items offset by slashes (/) indicate allowable choices. Example: [ENERGY] GLOBALPRICE0.05;Setsglobalenergyprice GLOBALPATTERNPAT1;andtimeofdaypattern PUMP23PRICE0.10;OverridespriceforPump23 PUMP23EFFICE23;Assignseffic.curvetoPump23 Defines parameters used to compute pumping energy and cost.
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Purpose: Defines initial status of selected links at the start of a simulation.
Format: One line per link being controlled containing: Link ID label Status or setting Remarks: 1. Links not listed in this section have a default status of OPEN (for pipes and pumps) or ACTIVE (for valves). 2. The Status value assigned in this section can be OPEN or CLOSED. For control valves (e.g., PRVs, FCVs, etc.) this means that the valve is either fully opened or closed, not active at its control setting. 3. The Setting value can be a speed setting for pumps or valve setting for valves. 4. The initial status of pipes can also be set in the [PIPES]section. 5. Check valves cannot have their status be preset. 6. Use [CONTROLS] or [RULES] to change status or setting at some future point in the simulation. 7. If a CLOSED or OPEN control valve is to become ACTIVE again, then its pressure or flow setting must be specified in the control or rule that reactivates it. Example: [STATUS] ;LinkStatus/Setting ; L22CLOSED;LinkL22isclosed P141.5;SpeedforpumpP14 PRV1OPEN;PRV1forcedopen ;(overridesnormaloperation)
Purpose: Supplement to [JUNCTIONS]section for defining multiple water demands at junction nodes. Format: One line for each category of demand at a junction containing: Junction ID label Base demand (flow units) Demand pattern ID (optional) Name of demand category preceded by a semicolon (optional) Remarks: 1. Only use for junctions whose demands need to be changed or supplemented from entries in [JUNCTIONS] section. 2. Data in this section replaces any demand entered in [JUNCTIONS]section for the same junction. 3. Unlimited number of demand categories can be entered per junction. 4. If no demand pattern is supplied then the junction demand follows the Default Demand Pattern provided in the [OPTIONS] section, or Pattern 1 if no Default Pattern is supplied. If the Default Pattern (or Pattern 1) does not exist, then the demand remains constant.
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Purpose: Format: Defines simple controls that modify links based on a single condition. One line for each control which can be of the form:
LINKlinkIDstatusIFNODEnodeIDABOVE/BELOWvalue LINKlinkIDstatusATTIMEtime LINKlinkIDstatusATCLOCKTIMEclocktimeAM/PM where: linkID status nodeID value time clocktime = = = = = = a link ID label OPEN or CLOSED, a pump speed setting, or a control valve setting a node ID label a pressure for a junction or a water level for a tank a time since the start of the simulation in hours a 24-hour clock time (hrs:min)
Remarks: 1. Simple controls are used to change link status or settings based on tank water level, junction pressure, time into the simulation or time of day. 2. See the notes for the [STATUS] section for conventions used in specifying link status and setting, particularly for control valves. Examples: [CONTROLS] ;CloseLink12ifthelevelinTank23exceeds20ft. LINK12CLOSEDIFNODE23ABOVE20 ;OpenLink12ifthepressureatNode130isunder30psi LINK12OPENIFNODE130BELOW30 ;PumpPUMP02'sspeedissetto1.5at16hoursinto ;thesimulation LINKPUMP021.5ATTIME16 ;Link12isclosedat10amandopenedat8pm ;throughoutthesimulation LINK12CLOSEDATCLOCKTIME10AM LINK12OPENATCLOCKTIME8PM
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Purpose: Defines rule-based controls which modify links based on a combination of conditions. Format: Each rule is a series of statements of the form:
RULEruleID IFcondition_1 ANDcondition_2 ORcondition_3 ANDcondition_4 etc. THENaction_1 ANDaction_2 etc. ELSEaction_3 ANDaction_4 etc. PRIORITYvalue where: ruleID conditon_n action_n priority = = = = an ID label assigned to the rule a condition clause an action clause a priority value (e.g., a number from 1 to 5)
Remarks: 1. Only the RULE, IF and THEN portions of a rule are required; the other portions are optional. 2. When mixing AND and OR clauses, the OR operator has higher precedence than AND, i.e., IFAorBandC is equivalent to IF(AorB)andC. If the interpretation was meant to be IFAor(BandC) then this can be expressed using two rules as in IFATHEN... IFBandCTHEN... 3. The PRIORITY value is used to determine which rule applies when two or more rules require that conflicting actions be taken on a link. A rule without a priority value always has a lower priority than one with a value. For two rules with the same priority value, the rule that appears first is given the higher priority. Example: [RULES] RULE1 IFTANK1LEVELABOVE19.1 THENPUMP335STATUSISCLOSED ANDPIPE330STATUSISOPEN RULE2
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The SYSTEM object can use the following attributes: DEMAND (total system demand) TIME (hours from the start of the simulation expressed either as a decimal number or in hours:minutes format)) CLOCKTIME (24-hour clock time with AM or PM appended) Relation operators consist of the following: = IS <> NOT < BELOW > ABOVE <= >=
Some example action clauses are: LINK23STATUSISCLOSED PUMPP100SETTINGIS1.5 VALVE123SETTINGIS90 See the notes for the [STATUS]section for conventions used in specifying link status and setting, particularly for control valves.
Purpose: Defines initial water quality at nodes.
Format: One line per node containing: Node ID label Initial quality Remarks: 1. Quality is assumed to be zero for nodes not listed. 2. Quality represents concentration for chemicals, hours for water age, or percent for source tracing. 3. The [QUALITY]section is optional.
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Purpose: Formats: ORDERBULK/WALL/TANKvalue GLOBALBULK/WALLvalue BULK/WALL/TANK pipeIDvalue LIMITINGPOTENTIALvalue ROUGHNESSCORRELATIONvalue Remarks: 1. Remember to use positive numbers for growth reaction coefficients and negative numbers for decay coefficients. 2. The time units for all reaction coefficients are 1/days. 3. All entries in this section are optional. Items offset by slashes (/) indicate allowable choices. ORDER is used to set the order of reactions occurring in the bulk fluid, at the pipe wall, or in tanks, respectively. Values for wall reactions must be either 0 or 1. If not supplied the default reaction order is 1.0. GLOBAL is used to set a global value for all bulk reaction coefficients (pipes and tanks) or for all pipe wall coefficients. The default value is 0. BULK, WALL, and TANK are used to override the global reaction coefficients for specific pipes and tanks. LIMITINGPOTENTIAL specifies that reaction rates are proportional to the difference between the current concentration and some limiting potential value. ROUGHNESSCORRELATION will make all default pipe wall reaction coefficients be related to pipe roughness in the following manner: Head Loss Equation Hazen-Williams Darcy-Weisbach Chezy-Manning Roughness Correlation F/C F / log(e/D) F*n Defines parameters related to chemical reactions occurring in the network.
where F = roughness correlation, C = Hazen-Williams C-factor, e = Darcy-Weisbach roughness, D = pipe diameter, and n = Chezy-Manning roughness coefficient. The default value computed this way can be overridden for any pipe by using the WALL format to supply a specific value for the
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Purpose: Defines locations of water quality sources.
Format: One line for each water quality source containing: Node ID label Source type (CONCEN, MASS, FLOWPACED, or SETPOINT) Baseline source strength Time pattern ID (optional) Remarks: 1. For MASS type sources, strength is measured in mass flow per minute. All other types measure source strength in concentration units. 2. Source strength can be made to vary over time by specifying a time pattern. 3. A CONCEN source: represents the concentration of any external source inflow to the node applies only when the node has a net negative demand (water enters the network at the node) if the node is a junction, reported concentration is the result of mixing the source flow and inflow from the rest of the network if the node is a reservoir, the reported concentration is the source concentration if the node is a tank, the reported concentration is the internal concentration of the tank is best used for nodes that represent source water supplies or treatment works (e.g., reservoirs or nodes assigned a negative demand) do not use at storage tanks with simultaneous inflow/outflow. 4. A MASS,FLOWPACED, or SETPOINT source: represents a booster source, where the substance is injected directly into the network regardless of what the demand at the node is affects water leaving the node to the rest of the network in the following way: - a MASS booster adds a fixed mass flow to that resulting from inflow to the node - a FLOWPACED booster adds a fixed concentration to the resultant inflow concentration at the node - a SETPOINT booster fixes the concentration of any flow leaving the node (as long as the concentration resulting from the inflows is below the setpoint) the reported concentration at a junction or reservoir booster source is the concentration that results after the boosting is applied; the reported concentration for a tank with a booster source is the internal concentration of the tank is best used to model direct injection of a tracer or disinfectant into the network or to model a contaminant intrusion. 5. A [SOURCES] section is not needed for simulating water age or source tracing. Example: [SOURCES] ;NodeTypeStrengthPattern ; N1CONCEN1.2Pat1;Concentrationvarieswithtime N44MASS12;Constantmassinjection
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Purpose: Identifies the model that governs mixing within storage tanks.
Format: One line per tank containing: Tank ID label Mixing model (MIXED,2COMP,FIFO, or LIFO) Compartment volume (fraction) Remarks: 1. Mixing models include: Completely Mixed (MIXED) Two-Compartment Mixing (2COMP) Plug Flow (FIFO) Stacked Plug Flow (LIFO) 2. The compartment volume parameter only applies to the two-compartment model and represents the fraction of the total tank volume devoted to the inlet/outlet compartment. 3. The [MIXING] section is optional. Tanks not described in this section are assumed to be completely mixed. Example: [MIXING] ;TankModel ; T12LIFO T232COMP0.2
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= cubic feet per second = gallons per minute = million gallons per day = Imperial MGD = acre-feet per day = liters per second = liters per minute = million liters per day = cubic meters per hour = cubic meters per day
For CFS, GPM, MGD, IMGD, and AFD other input quantities are expressed in US Customary Units. If flow units are in liters or cubic meters then Metric Units must be used for all other input quantities as well. (See Units of Measurement). The default flow units are GPM.
HEADLOSS selects a formula to use for computing head loss for flow through a pipe. The choices are the Hazen-Williams (HW), Darcy-Weisbach (DW), or Chezy-Manning (CM) formulas. The default is HW. The HYDRAULICS option allows you to either SAVE the current hydraulics solution to a file or USE a previously saved hydraulics solution. This is useful when studying factors that only affect water quality behavior. If the file name supplied contains any spaces then the name must be placed between double quotes. QUALITY selects the type of water quality analysis to perform. The choices are NONE, CHEMICAL, AGE, and TRACE. In place of CHEMICAL the actual name of the chemical can be used followed by its concentration units (e.g., CHLORINEmg/L). If TRACE is selected it must be followed by the ID label of the node being traced. The default selection is NONE (no water quality analysis). VISCOSITY is the kinematic viscosity of the fluid being modeled relative to that of water at 20deg. C (1.0 centistoke). The default value is 1.0. DIFFUSIVITY is the molecular diffusivity of the chemical being analyzed relative to that of chlorine in water. The default value is 1.0. Diffusivity is only used when mass transfer limitations are considered in pipe wall reactions. A value of 0 will cause EPANET to ignore mass transfer limitations. SPECIFICGRAVITY is the ratio of the density of the fluid being modeled to that of water at 4 deg. C (unitless). TRIALS are the maximum number of trials used to solve network hydraulics at each hydraulic time step of a simulation. The default is 40. ACCURACY prescribes the convergence criterion that determines when a hydraulic solution has been reached. The trials end when the sum of all flow changes from the previous solution divided by the total flow in all links is less than this number. The default is 0.001. UNBALANCED determines what happens if a hydraulic solution cannot be reached within the prescribed number of TRIALS at some hydraulic time step into the simulation. "STOP" will halt the entire analysis at that point. "CONTINUE" will continue the analysis with a warning message issued. "CONTINUE n" will continue the search for a solution for another "n" trials
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with the status of all links held fixed at their current settings. The simulation will be continued at this point with a message issued about whether convergence was achieved or not. The default choice is "STOP". PATTERNprovides the ID label of a default demand pattern to be applied to all junctions where no demand pattern was specified. If no such pattern exists in the [PATTERNS] section then by default the pattern consists of a single multiplier equal to 1.0. If this option is not used, then the global default demand pattern has a label of "1". The DEMANDMULTIPLIERis used to adjust the values of baseline demands for all junctions and all demand categories. For example, a value of 2 doubles all baseline demands, while a value of 0.5 would halve them. The default value is 1.0. EMITTEREXPONENT specifies the power to which the pressure at a junction is raised when computing the flow issuing from an emitter. The default is 0.5. TOLERANCE is the difference in water quality level below which we can say that one parcel of water is essentially the same as another. The default is 0.01 for all types of quality analyses (chemical, age (measured in hours), or source tracing (measured in percent)). MAP is used to supply the name of a file containing coordinates of the network's nodes so that a map of the network can be drawn. It is not used for any hydraulic or water quality computations. Remarks: 1. All options assume their default values if not explicitly specified in this section. 2. Items offset by slashes (/) indicate allowable choices. Example: [OPTIONS] UNITSCFS HEADLOSSDW QUALITYTRACETank23 UNBALANCEDCONTINUE10
Purpose: Formats: DURATION value (units) HYDRAULICTIMESTEP value (units) QUALITYTIMESTEP value (units) RULETIMESTEP value (units) PATTERNTIMESTEP value (units) PATTERNSTART value (units) REPORTTIMESTEP value (units) REPORTSTART value (units) STARTCLOCKTIME value (AM/PM) STATISTIC NONE/AVERAGED/ MINIMUM/MAXIMUM/ RANGE Defines various time step parameters used in the simulation.
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Remarks: 1. Units can be SECONDS(SEC), MINUTES(MIN),HOURS, or DAYS. The default is hours. 2. If no units are supplied, then time values can be expressed in either decimal hours or in hours:minutes notation. 3. All entries in the [TIMES] section are optional. Items offset by slashes (/) indicate allowable choices. DURATION is the duration of the simulation. Use 0 to run a single period snapshot analysis. The default is 0. HYDRAULICTIMESTEP determines how often a new hydraulic state of the network is computed. If greater than either the PATTERN or REPORT time step it will be automatically reduced. The default is 1 hour. QUALITYTIMESTEP is the time step used to track changes in water quality throughout the network. The default is 1/10 of the hydraulic time step. RULETIMESTEP is the time step used to evaluate Rule-Based controls. If supplied, it should be some fraction of the Hydraulic Timestep. If not supplied, the default value is 1/10 of the Hydraulic Timestep. PATTERNTIMESTEP is the interval between time periods in all time patterns. The default is 1 hour. PATTERNSTART is the time offset at which all patterns will start. For example, a value of 6 hours would start the simulation with each pattern in the time period that corresponds to hour 6. The default is 0. REPORTTIMESTEP sets the time interval between which output results are reported. The default is 1 hour. REPORTSTART is the length of time into the simulation at which output results begin to be reported. The default is 0. STARTCLOCKTIME is the time of day (e.g., 3:00PM) at which the simulation begins. The default is 12:00AM midnight. STATISTIC determines the type statistical post-processing to apply to the time series of analysis results before they are reported. The choices are: NONE AVERAGED MINIMUM MAXIMUM RANGE Example: no post-processing (the default) report time-averaged values report minimum values report maximum values report the range (maximum - minimum) of values
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Purpose: Formats: PAGESIZE value FILE filename STATUS YES/NO/FULL SUMMARY YES/NO MESSAGESYES/NO ENERGY YES/NO NODES NONE/ALL/node1node2... LINKS NONE/ALL/link1link2... variable YES/NO variable BELOW/ABOVE/PRECISION value Remarks: 1. All options assume their default values if not explicitly specified in this section. 2. Items offset by slashes (/) indicate allowable choices. 3. The default is to not report on any nodes or links, so a NODES or LINKS option must be supplied if you wish to report results for these items. PAGESIZE sets the number of lines written per page of the output report. The default is 0, meaning that no line limit per page is in effect. FILE supplies the name of a file to which the output report will be written. If the file name contains spaces then it must be surrounded by double quotes. If not supplied then the Report file, as specified in the second parameter of the ENopen (or ENepanet) function will be used. STATUS determines whether hydraulic status messages are written to the Report file. If YES is selected the messages will identify those network components that change status during each time step of the simulation. If FULL is selected, then convergence information will also be included from each trial of each hydraulic analysis. This level of detail is only useful for de-bugging networks that become hydraulically unbalanced. The default is NO. SUMMARY determines whether a summary table of number of network components and key analysis options is generated. The default is YES. MESSAGES determines whether error and warning messages generated during a hydraulic/water quality analysis are written to the Report file. The default is YES. ENERGY determines if a table reporting average energy usage and cost for each pump is provided. The default is NO. NODES identifies which nodes will be reported on. You can either list individual node ID labels or use the keywords NONE or ALL. Additional NODES lines can be used to continue the list. The default is NONE. LINKS identifies which links will be reported on. You can either list individual link ID labels or use the keywords NONE or ALL. Additional LINKS lines can be used to continue the list. The default is NONE. Describes the contents of the output report produced from a simulation.
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This reporting option is used to identify which variables are reported on, how many decimal places are displayed, and what kind of filtering should be used to limit output reporting. Node variables that can be reported on include: Elevation Demand Head Pressure Quality Link variables include: Length Diameter Flow Velocity Headloss LinkQuality LinkStatus Setting (Roughness for pipes, speed for pumps, pressure/flow setting for valves) Reaction (reaction rate) FFactor (friction factor) The default reporting variables are Demand, Head, Pressure, and Quality for nodes and Flow, Velocity, and Headloss for links. The default precision is two decimal places. Example: The following example reports on nodes N1, N2, N3, and N17 and all links with velocity above 3.0. The standard node variables (Demand, Head, Pressure, and Quality) are reported on while only Flow, Velocity, and F-Factor (friction factor) are displayed for links. [REPORT] NODESN1N2N3N17 LINKSALL FLOWYES VELOCITYPRECISION4 FFACTORPRECISION4 VELOCITYABOVE3.0
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and all of these counts are themselves written to the file's prolog or epilog sections.
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Flow Units Option 0 = cfs 1 = gpm 2 = mgd 3 = Imperial mgd 4 = acre-ft/day 5 = liters/second 6 = liters/minute 7 = megaliters/day 8 = cubic meters/hour 9 = cubic meters/day Pressure Units Option 0 = psi 1 = meters 2 = kPa Time Statistics Flag 0 = none (report time series) 1 = report time-averaged values 2 = report minimum values 3 = report maximum values 4 = report ranges Reporting Start Time (seconds) Reporting Time Step (seconds) Simulation Duration (seconds) Problem Title (1st line) Problem Title (2nd line) Problem Title (3rd line) Name of Input File Name of Report File Name of Chemical Chemical Concentration Units ID String of Each Node ID String of Each Link Index of Head Node of Each Link Index of Tail Node of Each Link Type Code of Each Link 0 = Pipe with CV 1 = Pipe 2 = Pump 3 = PRV 4 = PSV 5 = PBV 6 = FCV 7 = TCV 8 = GPV Node Index of Each Tank
Integer Integer Integer Char Char Char Char Char Char Char Char Char Integer Integer Integer
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Cross-Sectional Area of Each Tank (value of 0 denotes a Reservoir) Elevation of Each Node Length of Each Link Diameter of Each Link
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Status Code for Each Link 0 = closed (max. head exceeded) 1 = temporarily closed 2 = closed 3 = open 4 = active (partially open) 5 = open (max. flow exceeded) 6 = open (flow setting not met) 7 = open (pressure setting not met) Setting for Each Link Roughness coeff. for Pipes, Speed for Pumps Setting for Valves Reaction Rate for Each Link (mass/L/day) Friction Factor for Each Link
Float Float
4*Nlinks 4*Nlinks
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SI Metric
mg/L or ug/L (see Flow units) millimeters meters percent meters flow units @ 1 meter drop kwatt - hours LPS (liters / sec) LPM (liters / min) MLD (megaliters / day) CMH (cubic meters / hr) CMD (cubic meters / day) unitless meters meters unitless kwatts meters 1/day (1st-order) mass/sq-m/day (0-order) meters/day (1st-order) mm (Darcy-Weisbach) unitless otherwise mass/minute meters/sec cubic meters hours
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intENepanet(char*f1,char*f2,char*f3,void(*)(vfunc)) Description: Runs a complete EPANET simulation. Arguments: f1: f2: f3: vfunc: Returns: Returns an error code. Notes: ENepanet is a stand-alone function and does not interact with any of the other functions in the toolkit. If there is no need to save EPANET's binary output file then f3 can be an empty string (""). The vfunc function pointer allows the calling program to display a progress message generated by EPANET during its computations. A typical function for a console application might look as follows: voidwritecon(char*s) { puts(s); } and somewhere in the calling program the following declarations would appear: void(*vfunc)(char*); vfunc=writecon; ENepanet(f1,f2,f3,vfunc); If such a function is not desired then this argument should be NULL (NIL for Delphi/Pascal, VBNULLSTRING for Visual Basic). ENepanet is used mainly to link the EPANET engine to third-party user interfaces that build network input files and display the results of a network analysis. name of the input file name of an output report file, name of an optional binary output file pointer to a user-supplied function which accepts a character string as its argument.
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intENopen(char*f1,char*f2,char*f3) Description: Opens the Toolkit to analyze a particular distribution system. Arguments: f1: f2: f3: Returns: Notes: If there is no need to save EPANET's binary Output file then f3 can be an empty string (""). If f2 is an empty string, then reporting will be made to the operating system's stdout device (which is usually the console). ENopen must be called before any of the other toolkit functions (except ENepanet) are used. See Also: ENclose name of an EPANET Input file name of an output Report file name of an optional binary Output file. Returns an error code.
intENclose(void) Description: Closes down the Toolkit system (including all files being processed). Returns: Notes: ENclose must be called when all processing has been completed, even if an error condition was encountered. See Also: ENopen Returns an error code.
intENgetnodeindex(char*id,int*index) Description: Retrieves the index of a node with a specified ID. Arguments:
toolkit.rtf id: index: Returns: Notes: See Also: node ID label node index
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Returns an error code. Node indexes are consecutive integers starting from 1. ENgetnodeid
int ENgetnodeid( int index, char* id ) Description: Retrieves the ID label of a node with a specified index. Arguments: index: id: Returns: Notes: The ID label string should be sized to hold at least 15 characters. Node indexes are consecutive integers starting from 1. See Also: ENgetnodeindex node index ID label of node Returns an error code.
intENgetnodetype(intindex,int*typecode) Description: Retrieves the node-type code for a specific node. Arguments: index: typecode: Returns: Notes: node index node-type code (see below)
Returns an error code. Node indexes are consecutive integers starting from 1. Node type codes consist of the following constants:
0 1 2
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intENgetnodevalue(intindex,intparamcode,float*value) Description: Retrieves the value of a specific link parameter. Arguments: index: paramcode: value: Returns: Notes: node index parameter code (see below) parameter value
Returns an error code. Node indexes are consecutive integers starting from 1.
Node parameter codes consist of the following constants: EN_ELEVATION 0 Elevation EN_BASEDEMAND 1 Base demand EN_PATTERN 2 Demand pattern index EN_EMITTER 3 Emitter coeff. EN_INITQUAL 4 Initial quality EN_SOURCEQUAL 5 Source quality EN_SOURCEPAT 6 Source pattern index EN_SOURCETYPE 7 Source type (See note below) EN_TANKLEVEL 8 Initial water level in tank EN_DEMAND 9 Actual demand EN_HEAD 10 Hydraulic head EN_PRESSURE 11 Pressure EN_QUALITY 12 Actual quality EN_SOURCEMASS 13 Mass flow rate per minute of a chemical source Parameters 913 (EN_DEMAND through EN_SOURCEMASS) are computed values. The others are input design parameters. Source types are identified with the following constants: EN_CONCEN EN_MASS EN_SETPOINT EN_FLOWPACED 0 1 2 3
See [SOURCES]for a description of these source types. Values are returned in units which depend on the units used for flow rate in the EPANET input file (see Units of Measurement).
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intENgetlinkindex(char*id,int*index) Description: Retrieves the index of a link with a specified ID. Arguments: id: index: Returns: Notes: See Also: link ID label link index Returns an error code. Link indexes are consecutive integers starting from 1. ENgetlinkid
intENgetlinkid(intindex,char*id) Description: Retrieves the ID label of a link with a specified index. Arguments: index: id: Returns: Notes: The ID label string should be sized to hold at least 15 characters. Link indexes are consecutive integers starting from 1. See Also: ENgetlinkindex link index ID label of link Returns an error code.
intENgetlinktype(intindex,int*typecode) Description: Retrieves the link-type code for a specific link. Arguments: index: typecode: link index link-type code (see below)
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Notes: Link indexes are consecutive integers starting from 1. Link type codes consist of the following constants: EN_CVPIPE EN_PIPE EN_PUMP EN_PRV EN_PSV EN_PBV EN_FCV EN_TCV EN_GPV See Also: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Pipe with Check Valve Pipe Pump Pressure Reducing Valve Pressure Sustaining Valve Pressure Breaker Valve Flow Control Valve Throttle Control Valve General Purpose Valve
intENgetlinknodes(intindex,int*fromnode,int*tonode) Description: Retrieves the indexes of the end nodes of a specified link. Arguments: index: fromnode: tonode: Returns: Notes: Node and link indexes are consecutive integers starting from 1. The From and To nodes are as defined for the link in the EPANET input file. The actual direction of flow in the link is not considered. See Also: ENgetlinkindex link index index of node at start of link index of node at end of link
intENgetlinkvalue(intindex,intparamcode,float*value) Description: Retrieves the value of a specific link parameter. Arguments:
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Link indexes are consecutive integers starting from 1. Link parameter codes consist of the following constants: EN_DIAMETER EN_LENGTH EN_ROUGHNESS EN_MINORLOSS EN_INITSTATUS EN_INITSETTING EN_KBULK EN_KWALL EN_FLOW EN_VELOCITY EN_HEADLOSS EN_STATUS EN_SETTING EN_ENERGY 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Diameter Length Roughness coeff. Minor loss coeff. Initial link status (0 = closed, 1 = open) Initial pipe roughness Initial pump speed Initial valve setting Bulk reaction coeff. Wall reaction coeff. Flow rate Flow velocity Head loss Actual link status (0 = closed, 1 = open) Pipe roughness Actual pump speed Actual valve setting Energy expended in kwatts
Parameters 813 (EN_FLOW through EN_ENERGY) are computed values. The others are design parameters. Flow rate is positive if the direction of flow is from the designated start node of the link to its designated end node, and negative otherwise. Values are returned in units which depend on the units used for flow rate in the EPANET input file (see Units of Measurement). See Also: ENgetlinkindex
intENgetpatternid(intindex,char*id) Description: Retrieves the ID label of a particular time pattern. Arguments: index: id: pattern index ID label of pattern
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The ID label string should be sized to hold at least 15 characters. Pattern indexes are consecutive integers starting from 1.
intENgetpatternindex(char*id,int*index) Description: Retrieves the index of a particular time pattern. Arguments: id: index: Returns: Notes: pattern ID label pattern index Returns an error code. Pattern indexes are consecutive integers starting from 1.
intENgetpatternlen(intindex,int*len) Description: Retrieves the number of time periods in a specific time pattern. Arguments: index: len: Returns: Notes: pattern index number of time periods in the pattern Returns an error code. Pattern indexes are consecutive integers starting from 1.
intENgetpatternvalue(intindex,intperiod,float*value) Description: Retrieves the multiplier factor for a specific time period in a time pattern.
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time pattern index period within time pattern multiplier factor for the period Returns an error code. Pattern indexes and periods are consecutive integers starting from 1. ENgetpatternindex,ENgetpatternlen,ENsetpatternvalue
intENgetcontrol(intcindex,int*ctype,int*lindex, float*setting,int*nindex,float*level) Description: Retrieves the parameters of a simple control statement. The index of the control is specified in cindex and the remaining arguments return the control's parameters. Arguments: cindex: ctype: lindex: setting: nindex: level: Returns: Notes: Controls are indexed starting from 1 in the order in which they were entered into the [CONTROLS] section of the EPANET input file. Control type codes consist of the following: 0 (Low Level Control) applies when tank level or node pressure drops below specified level 1 (High Level Control) applies when tank level or node pressure rises above specified level 2 (Timer Control) applies at specific time into simulation 3 (Time-of-Day Control) applies at specific time of day For pipes, a setting of 0 means the pipe is closed and 1 means it is open. For a pump, the setting contains the pump's speed, with 0 meaning the pump is closed and 1 meaning it is open at its normal speed. For a valve, the setting refers to the valve's pressure, flow, or loss coefficient value, depending on valve type control statement index control type code index of link being controlled value of the control setting index of controlling node value of controlling water level or pressure for level controls or of time of control action (in seconds) for time-based controls Returns an error code.
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For Timer or Time-of-Day controls the nindex parameter equals 0. See ENsetcontrol for an example of using this function.
int ENgetcount( int countcode, int*count ) Description: Retrieves the number of network components of a specified type. Arguments: countcode: count: component code (see below) number of countcode components in the network
Returns: Returns an error code. Notes: Component codes consist of the following: EN_NODECOUNT EN_TANKCOUNT EN_LINKCOUNT EN_PATCOUNT EN_CURVECOUNT EN_CONTROLCOUNT 0 1 2 3 4 5 Nodes Reservoirs and tank nodes Links Time patterns Curves Simple controls
The number of junctions in a network equals the number of nodes minus the number of tanks and reservoirs. There is no facility within the Toolkit to add to or delete from the components described in the Input file.
intENgetflowunits(int*unitscode) Description: Retrieves a code number indicating the units used to express all flow rates. Arguments: unitscode: Returns: value of a flow units code number (see below).
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Notes: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Flow units codes are as follows: =EN_CFS =EN_GPM =EN_MGD =EN_IMGD =EN_AFD =EN_LPS =EN_LPM =EN_MLD =EN_CMH =EN_CMD cubic feet per second gallons per minute million gallons per day Imperial mgd acre-feet per day liters per second liters per minute million liters per day cubic meters per hour cubic meters per day
Flow units are specified in the [OPTIONS] section of the EPANET Input file. Flow units in liters or cubic meters implies that metric units are used for all other quantities in addition to flow. Otherwise US units are employed. (See Units of Measurement).
intENgettimeparam(intparamcode,long*timevalue) Description: Retrieves the value of a specific analysis time parameter. Arguments: paramcode: timevalue: Returns: Notes: Time parameter codes consist of the following constants: EN_DURATION 0 Simulation duration EN_HYDSTEP 1 Hydraulic time step EN_QUALSTEP 2 Water quality time step EN_PATTERNSTEP 3 Time pattern time step EN_PATTERNSTART 4 Time pattern start time EN_REPORTSTEP 5 Reporting time step EN_REPORTSTART 6 Report starting time EN_RULESTEP 7 Time step for evaluating rule-based controls EN_STATISTIC 8 Type of time series post-processing used: 0 = none 1 = averaged 2 = minimums 3 = maximums 4 = ranges EN_PERIODS 9 Number of reporting periods saved to binary output file time parameter code (see below) value of time parameter in seconds
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intENgetqualtype(int*qualcode,int*tracenode) Description: Retrieves the type of water quality analysis called for. Arguments: qualcode: tracenode: Returns: Notes: water quality analysis code (see below) index of node traced in a source tracing analysis
0 1 2 3
The tracenode value will be 0 when qualcode is not EN_TRACE. See Also: ENsetqualtype
intENgetoption(intoptioncode,float*value) Description: Retrieves the value of a particular analysis option. Arguments: optioncode: value: Returns: Notes: an option code (see below) an option value
Returns an error code. Option codes consist of the following constants: EN_TRIALS EN_ACCURACY EN_TOLERANCE EN_EMITEXPON EN_DEMANDMULT 0 1 2 3 4
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intENgetversion(int*v) Description: Retrieves the current version number of the Toolkit. Arguments: v: Returns: Notes: version number Returns an error code (should always be 0). The version number is a 5-digit integer that increases sequentially from 20001 with each new update of the Toolkit.
intENsetcontrol(intcindex,intctype,intlindex, floatsetting,intnindex,floatlevel) Description: Sets the parameters of a particular simple control statement. Arguments: cindex: ctype: lindex: setting: nindex: level: Returns: Notes: Controls are indexed starting from 1 in the order in which they were entered into the [CONTROLS] section of the EPANET input file. Control type codes consist of the following: EN_LOWLEVEL EN_HILEVEL EN_TIMER EN_TIMEOFDAY 0 1 2 3 Control applied when tank level or node pressure drops below specified level Control applied when tank level or node pressure rises above specified level Control applied at specific time into simulation Control applied at specific time of day control statement index control type code index of link being controlled value of the control setting index of controlling node value of controlling water level or pressure for level controls or of time of control action (in seconds) for time-based controls Returns an error code.
For pipes, a setting of 0 means the pipe is closed and 1 means it is open. For a pump, the setting contains the pump's speed, with 0 meaning the pump is closed and 1 meaning it is open at its normal speed. For a valve, the setting refers to the valve's
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pressure, flow, or loss coefficient, depending on valve type. For Timer or Time-of-Day controls set the nindex parameter to 0. For level controls, if the controlling node nindex is a tank then the level parameter should be a water level above the tank bottom (not an elevation). Otherwise level should be a junction pressure. To remove a control on a particular link, set the lindex parameter to 0. Values for the other parameters in the function will be ignored. Example: This example uses ENgetcontrol and ENsetcontrol to change the low level setting on the node that controls a link with index thelink to a new value newlevel. ENgetcount(EN_CONTROLS,&numctrls); for(i=1;i<=numctrls;i++) { ENgetcontrol(i,&ctype,&lindex,&setting, &nindex,&level); if(ctype==EN_LOWLEVEL&&lindex==thelink) { ENsetcontrol(i,ctype,lindex,setting, nindex,newlevel); break; } } See Also: ENgetcontrol
intENsetnodevalue(intindex,intparamcode,floatvalue) Description: Sets the value of a parameter for a specific node. Arguments: index: paramcode: value: Returns: Notes: node index parameter code (see below) parameter value
Returns an error code. Node indexes are consecutive integers starting from 1.
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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Elevation Baseline demand Time pattern index Emitter coefficient Initial quality Source quality Source pattern Source type (See note below) Initial water level in tank
Source types are identified with the following constants: EN_CONCEN EN_MASS EN_SETPOINT EN_FLOWPACED 0 1 2 3
See [SOURCES] for a description of these source types. Values are supplied in units which depend on the units used for flow rate in the EPANET input file (see Units of Measurement).
intENsetlinkvalue(intindex,intparamcode,floatvalue) Description: Sets the value of a parameter for a specific link. Arguments: index: paramcode: value: Returns: Notes: Link indexes are consecutive integers starting from 1. Link parameter codes consist of the following constants: EN_DIAMETER EN_LENGTH EN_ROUGHNESS EN_MINORLOSS EN_INITSTATUS EN_INITSETTING EN_KBULK 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Diameter Length Roughness coeff. Minor loss coeff. Initial link status (0 = closed, 1 = open) Pipe roughness Initial pump speed Initial valve setting Bulk reaction coeff. link index parameter code (see below) parameter value
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Wall reaction coeff. Current pump or valve status (0 = closed, 1 = open) Current pump speed or valve setting
Values are supplied in units which depend on the units used for flow rate in the EPANET input file (see Units of Measurement). Use EN_INITSTATUS and EN_INITSETTING to set the design value for a link's status or setting that exists prior to the start of a simulation. Use EN_STATUS and EN_SETTING to change these values while a simulation is being run (within the ENrunH - ENnextH loop). If a control valve has its status explicitly set to OPEN or CLOSED, then to make it active again during a simulation you must provide a new valve setting value using the EN_SETTING parameter. For pipes, either EN_ROUGHNESS orEN_INITSETTING can be used to change roughness.
intENsetpattern(intindex,float*factors,intnfactors) Description: Sets all of the multiplier factors for a specific time pattern. Arguments: index: factors: nfactors: Returns: Notes: Pattern indexes are consecutive integers starting from 1. factors points to a zero-based array that contains nfactors elements. Use this function to redefine (and resize) a time pattern all at once; use ENsetpatternvalue to revise pattern factors in specific time periods of a pattern. See Also: ENgetpatternindex,ENgetpatternlen,ENgetpatternvalue, ENsetpatternvalue time pattern index multiplier factors for the entire pattern number of factors in the pattern
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intENsetpatternvalue(intindex,intperiod,floatvalue) Description: Sets the multiplier factor for a specific period within a time pattern. Arguments: index: period: value: Returns: Notes: Pattern indexes are consecutive integers starting from 1. Use ENsetpattern to reset all of the factors in a time pattern. See Also: ENgetpatternindex,ENgetpatternlen,ENgetpatternvalue, ENsetpattern time pattern index period within time pattern multiplier factor for the period Returns an error code.
intENsetqualtype(intqualcode,char*chemname,char*chemunits, char*tracenode) Description: Sets the type of water quality analysis called for. Arguments: qualcode: chemname: chemunits: tracenode: Returns: Notes: water quality analysis code (see below) name of the chemical being analyzed units that the chemical is measured in ID of node traced in a source tracing analysis
0 1 2 3
Chemical name and units can be an empty string if the analysis is not for a chemical. The same holds for the trace node if the analysis is not for source tracing. Note that the trace node is specified by ID and not by index. See Also: ENgetqualtype
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int ENsettimeparam( int paramcode, long timevalue ) Description: Sets the value of a time parameter. Arguments: paramcode: timevalue: Returns an error code. Time parameter codes consist of the following constants: EN_DURATION EN_HYDSTEP EN_QUALSTEP EN_PATTERNSTEP EN_PATTERNSTART EN_REPORTSTEP EN_REPORTSTART EN_RULESTEP EN_STATISTIC 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Simulation duration Hydraulic time step Water quality time step Time pattern time step Time pattern start time Reporting time step Report starting time Time step for evaluating rule-based controls Type of time series post-processing to use: EN_NONE(0) = none EN_AVERAGE(1) = averaged EN_MINIMUM(2)= minimums EN_MAXIMUM(3) = maximums EN_RANGE(4) = ranges time parameter code (see below) value of time parameter in seconds
Returns: Notes:
Do not change time parameters after calling ENinitH in a hydraulic analysis or ENinitQ in a water quality analysis.
intENsetoption(intoptioncode,floatvalue) Description: Sets the value of a particular analysis option. Arguments: optioncode: value: Returns: Notes: an option code (see below) an option value
Returns an error code. Option codes consist of the following constants: EN_TRIALS EN_ACCURACY EN_TOLERANCE EN_EMITEXPON EN_DEMANDMULT 0 1 2 3 4
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intENsavehydfile(char*fname) Description: Saves the current contents of the binary hydraulics file to a file. Arguments: fname: Returns: Notes: Use this function to save the current set of hydraulics results to a file, either for postprocessing or to be used at a later time by calling the ENusehydfile function. The hydraulics file contains nodal demands and heads and link flows, status, and settings for all hydraulic time steps, even intermediate ones. Before calling this function hydraulic results must have been generated and saved by having called ENsolveH or the ENinitH - ENrunH - ENnextH sequence with the saveflag parameter of ENinitH set to 1. See Also: ENusehydfile,ENsolveH,ENinitH name of the file where the hydraulics results should be saved. Returns an error code.
intENusehydfile(char*fname) Description: Uses the contents of the specified file as the current binary hydraulics file. Arguments: fname: Returns: Notes: Call this function to refuse a set of hydraulic analysis results saved previously. These results are checked to see if they match the following the parameters associated with the current network being analyzed: number of nodes, number of tanks and reservoirs, number of links, number of pumps, number of valves, and simulation duration. Do not call this function when the hydraulics analysis system is still opened (i.e., ENopenH has been called but ENcloseH has not). See Also: ENsavehydfile name of the file containing hydraulic analysis results for the current network. Returns an error code.
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intENsolveH(void) Description: Runs a complete hydraulic simulation with results for all time periods written to the binary Hydraulics file. Returns: Notes: Use ENsolveH to generate a complete hydraulic solution which can stand alone or be used as input to a water quality analysis. It can also be followed by calls to ENsaveH and ENreport to write a report on hydraulic results to the report file. Do not use ENopenH, ENinitH, ENrunH, ENnextH, and ENcloseH in conjunction with ENsolveH. Example: ENopen("net1.inp","net1.rpt",""); ENsolveH(); ENsolveQ(); ENreport(); ENclose(); Returns an error code.
intENopenH(void) Description: Opens the hydraulics analysis system. Returns: Notes: Call ENopenH prior to running the first hydraulic analysis using the ENinitH - ENrunH ENnextH sequence. Multiple analyses can be made before calling ENcloseH to close the hydraulic analysis system. Do not call this function if ENsolveH is being used to run a complete hydraulic analysis. See Also: ENinitH,ENrunH,ENnextH,ENcloseH Returns an error code.
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intENinitH(intflag) Description: Initializes storage tank levels, link status and settings, and the simulation clock time prior to running a hydraulic analysis. Arguments: flag: Returns: Notes: Call ENinitH prior to running a hydraulic analysis using ENrunH and ENnextH. ENopenH must have been called prior to calling ENinitH. Do not call ENinitH if a complete hydraulic analysis is being made with a call to ENsolveH. Values of flag have the following meanings: 00 01 10 11 do not re-initialize flows, do not save results to file do not re-initialize flows, save results to file re-initialize flows, do not save results to file re-initialize flows, save results to file Two-digit flag indicating if hydraulic results will be saved to the hydraulics file (rightmost digit) and if link flows should be re-initialized. Returns an error code.
Set flag to 1 (or 11) if you will be making a subsequent water quality run, using ENreport to generate a report, or using ENsavehydfile to save the binary hydraulics file. See Also: ENopenH,ENrunH,ENnextH,ENcloseH
intENrunH(long*t) Description: Runs a single period hydraulic analysis, retrieving the current simulation clock time t. Arguments: t: current simulation clock time in seconds.
Returns: Returns an error code. Notes: Use ENrunH along with ENnextH in a do...while loop to analyze hydraulics in each period of an extended period simulation. This process automatically updates the
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simulation clock time so treat t as a read-only variable. ENinitH must have been called prior to running the ENrunH - ENnextH loop. See ENnextH for an example of using this function. See Also: ENopenH,ENinitH,ENnextH,ENcloseH
intENnextH(long*tstep) Description: Determines the length of time until the next hydraulic event occurs in an extended period simulation. Arguments: tstep: Returns: Notes: This function is used in conjunction with ENrunH to perform an extended period hydraulic analysis (see example below). The value of tstep should be treated as a read-only variable. It is automatically computed as the smaller of: the time interval until the next hydraulic time step begins the time interval until the next reporting time step begins the time interval until the next change in demands occurs the time interval until a tank becomes full or empty the time interval until a control or rule fires Example: longt,tstep; ENopenH(); ENinitH(0); do{ ENrunH(&t); /*Retrievehydraulicresultsfortimet*/ ENnextH(&tstep); }while(tstep>0); ENcloseH(); See Also: ENopenH,ENinitH,ENrunH,ENcloseH,ENsettimeparam time (in seconds) until next hydraulic event occurs or 0 if at the end of the simulation period. Returns an error code.
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intENcloseH(void) Description: Closes the hydraulic analysis system, freeing all allocated memory. Returns: Notes: See Also: Returns an error code. Call ENcloseH after all hydraulics analyses have been made using ENinitH - ENrunH - ENnextH. Do not call this function if ENsolveH is being used. ENopenH,ENinitH,ENrunH,ENnextH
intENsolveQ(void) Description: Runs a complete water quality simulation with results at uniform reporting intervals written to EPANET's binary Output file. Returns: Notes: A hydraulic analysis must have been run and saved to the binary hydraulics file before calling ENsolveQ. It can be followed by a call to ENreport to write a report on hydraulic and water quality results to the report file. Do not use ENopenQ, ENinitQ, ENrunQ, ENnextQ, and ENcloseQ in conjunction with ENsolveQ. Example: ENopen("net1.inp","net1.rpt",""); ENsolveH(); ENsolveQ(); ENreport(); ENclose(); Returns an error code.
intENopenQ(void) Description: Opens the water quality analysis system. Returns: Notes: Call ENopenQ prior to running the first water quality analysis using an ENinitQ ENrunQ - ENnextQ (or ENstepQ) sequence. Multiple water quality analyses can be made before calling ENcloseQ to close the water quality analysis system. Returns an error code.
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Do not call this function if a complete water quality analysis is being made using ENsolveQ. See Also: ENintQ,ENrunQ,ENnextQ,ENstepQ,ENcloseQ
intENinitQ(intsaveflag) Description: Initializes water quality and the simulation clock time prior to running a water quality analysis. Arguments: saveflag: Returns: Notes: Call ENinitQ prior to running a water quality analysis using ENrunQ in conjunction with either ENnextQ or ENstepQ. ENopenQ must have been called prior to calling ENinitQ. Do not call ENinitQ if a complete water quality analysis is being made with a call to ENsolveQ. Set saveflag to 1 if you intend to use ENreport to generate a report or wish to save computed results to the binary output file. See Also: ENopenQ,ENrunQ,ENnextQ,ENstepQ,ENcloseQ 01 flag indicating if analysis results should be saved to EPANET's binary output file at uniform reporting periods.
intENrunQ(long*t) Description: Makes available the hydraulic and water quality results that occur at the start of the next time period of a water quality analysis, where the start of the period is returned in t. Arguments: t: current simulation clock time in seconds.
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Use ENrunQ along with ENnextQ in a do...while loop to access water quality results at the start of each hydraulic period in an extended period simulation. Or use it with ENstepQ in ado...while loop to access results at the start of each water quality time step. See each of these functions for examples of how to code such loops. ENinitQ must have been called prior to running an ENrunQ - ENnextQ (or ENstepQ) loop. The current time t of the simulation is determined from information saved with the hydraulic analysis that preceded the water quality analysis. Treat it as a read-only variable. See Also: ENopenQ,ENinitQ,ENnextQ,ENstepQ,ENcloseQ
intENnextQ(long*tstep) Description: Advances the water quality simulation to the start of the next hydraulic time period. Arguments: tstep: Returns: Notes: This function is used in a dowhile loop with ENrunQ to perform an extended period water quality analysis. It allows you to access water quality results at each hydraulic period of the simulation. The water quality routing and reactions are carried out internally at a much smaller time step. Use ENstepQ instead of this function if you need to access results after each water quality time step. The value of tstep is determined from information saved with the hydraulic analysis that preceded the water quality analysis. Treat it as a read-only variable. Example: longt,tstep; ENsolveH();/*Generate&savehydraulics*/ ENopenQ(); ENinitQ(0); do{ ENrunQ(&t); /*Monitorresultsattimet,which beginsanewhydraulictimeperiod */ ENnextQ(&tstep); }while(tstep>0) ENcloseQ(); time (in seconds) until next hydraulic event occurs or 0 if at the end of the simulation period. Returns an error code.
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intENstepQ(long*tleft) Description: Advances the water quality simulation one water quality time step. The time remaining in the overall simulation is returned in tleft. Arguments: tleft: Returns: Notes: This function is used in a dowhile loop with ENrunQ to perform an extended period water quality simulation. It allows you to access water quality results at each water quality time step of the simulation, rather than at the start of each hydraulic period as with ENnextQ. Use the argument tleft to determine when no more calls to ENrunQ are needed because the end of the simulation period has been reached (i.e., when tleft = 0). Treat tleft as a read-only variable (do not assign it a value). Example: longt,tleft; ENsolveH();/*Generate&savehydraulics*/ ENopenQ(); ENinitQ(0); do{ ENrunQ(&t); /*Monitorresultsattimet*/ ENstepQ(&tleft); }while(tleft>0) ENcloseQ();
See Also:
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intENcloseQ(void) Description: Closes the water quality analysis system, freeing all allocated memory. Returns: Notes: Call ENcloseQ after all water quality analyses have been made using the ENinitQ ENrunQ - ENnextQ (or ENstepQ) sequence of function calls. Do not call this function if ENsolveQ is being used. See Also: ENopenQ,ENinitQ,ENrunQ,ENstepQ,ENnextQ Returns an error code.
intENsaveH(void) Description: Transfers results of a hydraulic simulation from the binary Hydraulics file to the binary Output file, where results are only reported at uniform reporting intervals. Returns: Notes: ENsaveH is used when only a hydraulic analysis is run and results at uniform reporting intervals need to be transferred to EPANET's binary output file. Such would be the case when an output report to EPANET's report file will be written using ENreport. The reporting times can be set either in the EPANET input file (in its [TIMES] section) or by using the ENsettimeparam function. See Also: ENreport,ENsettimeparam Returns an error code.
intENsaveinpfile(char*fname) Description: Writes all current network input data to a file using the format of an EPANET input file. Arguments: fname: name of the file where data is saved.
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The data saved reflect any changes made by calls to the ENsetxxx family of functions since EPANET data was first loaded using ENopen.
intENreport(void) Description: Writes a formatted text report on simulation results to the Report file. Returns: Returns an error code. Notes: Either a full hydraulic analysis or full hydraulic and water quality analysis must have been run, with results saved to file, before ENreport is called. In the former case, ENsaveH must also be called first to transfer results from the Hydraulics file to the Output file. The format of the report is controlled by commands placed in the [REPORT] section of the EPANET input file or by similar commands issued with the ENsetreport function.
intENresetreport(void) Description: Clears any report formatting commands that either appeared in the [REPORT]section of the EPANET Input file or were issued with the ENsetreport function. Returns: Notes: After calling this function the default reporting options are in effect. These are: No status report No energy report No nodes reported on No links reported on Node variables reported to 2 decimal places Link variables reported to 2 decimal places (3 for friction factor) Node variables reported are elevation, head, pressure, and quality Link variables reported are flow, velocity, and head loss See Also: ENreport,ENsetreport,ENsetstatusreport Returns an error code.
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intENsetreport(char*command) Description: Issues a report formatting command. Formatting commands are the same as used in the [REPORT] section of the EPANET Input file. Arguments: command: Returns: Notes: Call ENresetreport to clear any previous report formatting commands that either appeared in the Input file or were issued with calls to ENsetreport or ENsetstatusreport. Formatted results of a simulation can be written to the Report file using the ENreport function. See Also: ENreport,ENresetreport,ENsetstatusreport text of a report formatting command. Returns an error code.
intENsetstatusreport(intstatuslevel) Description: Sets the level of hydraulic status reporting. Arguments: statuslevel: Returns: Notes: Status reporting writes changes in the hydraulics status of network elements to the Report file as a hydraulic simulation unfolds. There are three levels of reporting: 0 - no status reporting 1 - normal reporting 2 - full status reporting The full status report contains information on the convergence of each trial of the solution to the system hydraulic equations at each time step of a simulation. It is useful mainly for debugging purposes. If many hydraulic analyses will be run in the application it is recommended that status reporting be turned off (statuslevel = 0). level of status reporting (see below).
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intENgeterror(interrcode,char*errmsg,intnchar) Description: Retrieves the text of the message associated with a particular error or warning code. Arguments: errcode: errmsg: nchar: Returns: Notes: error or warning code text of the error or warning message for errcode maximum number of characters that errmsg can hold Returns an error code. Error message strings should be at least 80 characters in length.
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Running a complete "command line style" simulation Opening and closing the EPANET Toolkit system Retrieving information about network nodes
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