An2014 001-15229
An2014 001-15229
An2014 001-15229
AN2014 serves as a quick start guide to PSoC 1 Programming. It describes the Programming Interface connections, Programming modes, Programming protocol and also the different tools and applications available for programming PSoC 1 devices.
PSoC 1 devices can be programmed after they have been installed in a system. In-circuit programming is convenient for prototyping, manufacturing, and in-system field updates. This allows a PSoC 1 device to be programmed during prototyping, later in the manufacturing flow, or reprogrammed in the field at a later date. PSoC 1 uses in-system serial programming (ISSP) protocol for programming. ISSP is a two-wire protocol that uses a bidirectional data line (SDATA) and a clock line (SCLK) from the host to PSoC 1 to perform device Programming. There are various Programming tools that are available to program PSoC 1 using ISSP protocol. PSoC 1 supports two ISSP modes: Reset and Power Cycle programming.
In-Circuit Emulation Cube (ICE-Cube CY3215-DK): The ICE development kit is used for Debugging PSoC 1 devices. It can also program PSoC 1 devices. The CY3215-DK is used for prototyping and developing applications with PSoC 1 IDE (PSoC Designer, PSoC Programmer). This kit supports incircuit emulation and the software interface allows access to the contents of specific memory locations. Third party Programmers: Besides the Programmers from Cypress, there are a host of third party vendors who offer Programming tools to program PSoC 1 devices in production. A list of third party Programmers that support PSoC 1 programming is available at Custom Host Programmers: Customers may sometimes want to develop their own custom Host programmers to program PSoC 1 devices. The host programmer could be a Microcontroller, a DSP or an FPGA. The Programming procedure described in the AN2026 series (AN2026a, AN2026b, AN2026c) of application notes has to be implemented on the host to program PSoC 1. To reduce the development time required to create Host programmers, the practical implementation of Programming procedure described in AN2026 series is provided as reference code in Clanguage in the host sourced serial programming (HSSP) application notes (AN44168, AN59389).
PSoC 1 Programmers
Cypress offers a variety of Programmers to program PSoC 1 devices. Depending on the application requirements and the stage of end product development, the appropriate Programming tool can be used for Programming. The programming options available are listed below: 1. MiniProg1 Programmer (CY3217-MiniProg1): This is a Programmer from Cypress that can be used to program all PSoC 1 devices, except the CY25/26xxx devices. MiniProg3 Programmer (CY8CKIT-002 PSoC MiniProg3 Program and Debug Kit): This is an all-inone programmer from Cypress for PSoC 1, PSoC 3 and PSoC 5 architectures and a debug tool for PSoC 3 and PSoC 5 architectures. It provides a 5-pin ISSP programming header for programming PSoC 1 devices.
* To program in Power Cycle mode, the host programmer must be capable of toggling power to the PSoC 1 device. ** XRES pin in PSoC 1 is active high input. It has an internal pull-down resistor to keep it at logic low when left floating. XRES pin is not available in all device packages. Check the device data sheet for information on XRES pin availability. Use Power Cycle mode if XRES is not available.
The electrical pin connections between the programmer and the target shown in the figure are listed in Table 1. This includes two signal pins, a reset pin, a power pin, and a ground pin. Leave the other pins floating. The pin naming conventions and drive strength requirements are also listed in Table 1. Table 1. Pin Names and Drive Strengths
Pin Name Function SDATA Serial Data In/Out Programmer HW Pin Requirements Drive TTL Levels, Read TTL, High Z PSoC 1 Drive mode behavior Strong drive (while sending data to host), Resistive pull down mode (Reading data from host, Waiting for data from host) High Z Digital input Active high Reset input with internal resistive pull down Ground connection
Programming Modes
The programming mode determines how the programmer acquires the device for programming. There are two programming modes: Reset or Power Cycle.
Drive TTL Levels. Active High Low Resistance Ground Connection 0 V, 1.8 V, 3.3 V, 5 V. 20 mA Current Capability
Supply voltage
The PSoC 1 SDATA pin drive modes vary during the programming operation. When the PSoC 1 drives the SDATA line to indicate it has started up completely or to send data back to the host, SDATA is in a strong drive configuration. When it waits for data or receives data from host, SDATA is in a resistive pull down configuration. It is important to design the Host external pin drive mode circuitry such that a strong high to resistive low transition can be detected, and also so that the pin can be driven both high and low when it is in resistive pull-down mode. Due to internal pull-down resistor (5.6 K) on SDATA line, the presence of external pull-up resistors on the SDATA line might cause the host to miss the high to low transition on the target device due to resistive voltage divider. It is not recommended to use external pull-up resistors on the SDATA line due to this reason. Figure 2. ISSP Header (Top View)
A five pin, 0.1 spaced header is available on the PSoC evaluation boards and can be incorporated on production boards to enable ISSP. The part number of this connector can be found in the knowledge base article: Part Number for the MiniProg1 target connector, 5-pin ISSP header in MiniProg3. The CY3215-DK development kit includes a cable with RJ45 connection on one end and an ISSP connection on the other. See Figure 3 and Figure 4 for example connections using ICECube Emulation kit, MiniProg1. Refer to the respective kit documentation for more information on the Programming tools. Figure 3. Hardware Configuration with ICE-Cube
The Programming pins on PSoC 1 (SCLK (P1[1], SDATA (P1[0]) are also shared by the external 32 kHz crystal. If the external 32 kHz crystal is used, the programming connections to ports P1[0] and P1[1] need to be kept as short as possible. The total capacitance on each side of the crystal should be close to 25 pF, including the capacitance of the package leads. (See the device data sheet for pin capacitance.) Excessive trace length on these signals could adversely affect the operation of the oscillator. During programming, the 32 kHz crystal loading does not add loading to the programming pins.
>1 k
The XRES signal is a single function pin. This signal should be connected directly to the programmer connector. Some designs may drive the XRES signal from another source, such as a system reset, to force reset at a known time. In this case, a resistor may be placed in series with the signal source and the XRES pin. The programmer is then connected on the pin side of the register. See the following figure. This will allow the programmer to overdrive the XRES pin.
SDATA, SCLK, and XRES signals does not exceed the specified maximum ratings. If using the Power Cycle programming mode with ICE CUBE or MiniProg, verify that the target board does not require more than 100 mA. For larger systems that require more than 100 mA, it may be possible to use the VDD signal from the ICE to control the power supply on the target board. The following table shows which mode is supported for the previously described configurations: Table 2. Programming Condition
AN2026a: This application note supports the following devices: CY8C21xxx / CY8C22xxx / CY8C24xxx / CY8C24xxxA / CY8C27xxx, CY8CTMG110, and CY8CTST110 HSSP Source Code and Instructions are found in AN44168 AN2026b: This application note supports the following devices: CY8C21x45, CY8C22x45, CY8C24x94, CY8C28xxx, CY8C29x66, CY8CTST120, CY8CTMA120, CY8CTMG120, and CY7C64215 HSSP Source Code and Instructions are found in AN44168 AN2026c: This application note supports the following devices: CY8C20xx6, CY8C20xx6A, CY8CTMG2xx, and CY8CTST2xx, CY7C643xx, and CY7C604xx. HSSP Source Code and Instructions are found in AN59389
Yes No Yes
Yes Yes No Target requires more than 100 mA or complex power system.
This application note provided a brief overview of the different tools and applications for Programming PSoC 1. It also explained the connections between Host programmer and the PSoC 1 device. The different considerations to be made while using Programming pins for other applications were also discussed. Troubleshooting techniques were also listed to aid in solving commonly encountered programming problems.
If an error occurs during programming, verify all connections. Also, verify that the electrical loading on the
Document History
Document Title: AN2014 Introduction to PSoC 1 Programming Document Number: 001-15229
Revision ** ECN 1063380 Orig. of Change MKEA Submission Date 05/11/2007 Description of Change Obtain spec. # for note to be added to spec. system. Update copyright. Add source disclaimer, revision disclaimer, Samples Request Form URL, PSoC App. Note Index URL. Same title in DMS, .doc, and web. This note had no technical updates. CCD, PSoC: Please replace existing version on Updated PSoC Designer and Programmer references and screenshots. Changed the title, and updated the content. Removed spec from the system. Updated references, diagrams. Updated template. Removed the point on CY3207ISSP Programmer.
*A *B *C *D
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