Technical Specification
Technical Specification
Technical Specification
Distribution board : iv. 4. MCCB, MCB, RCCB : v. Lug : vi. Casing caping/Conduit : vii. Cable gland : viii. Exhaust fan : ix. Lighting fixture : x. Ceiling fan : Finolex/ Havells/ Polycab wires. Legrand/ Anchor/ Havells. Legrand/ Hager/ Havells Legrand/ Hager/ Havells/ L&T. Dowells Berlia/ Polypack/ Pestoplast/ Richa Commet Bajaj/ Crompton Greaves/ Havells/ Usha/Orient Phillips/ Bajaj/ Crompton Greaves/Havells Bajaj/ Crompton Greaves/ Havells/ Usha/Orient
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61
CP Brass Fittings & Accessories Floor Drain Fixture & Channel Gratings C.P. Grating for Floor Trap Cast Iron Pipes & Fittings Manhole covers and frames As per IS:3989 (Pipes & Fittings) Cast Iron Pipes & Fittings Manhole covers and frames As per IS:1729 (Manhole covers and frames) Cast Iron Pipes & Fittings Manhole covers and frames As per IS:1536 (CILA pipe) Drip Seal GI pipe Sealant Pipe clamp & supports Clean Out Plug GM / Forged Brass Ball Valves Wafer Type Check Valve Butterfly Valve Air Release Valve Ball Float Valve MH / Water Tank Plastic Steps Insulation for Hot Water Pipes Water Tanks SFRC MH cover & frame and gratings Anticorrosive Tape for Pipe Protection Anticorrosive Bitumastic Paint Epoxy Paint Pressure Gauge Water Meter (Mechanical Type) Fastener Fire Sealant Sealant & Additives Concrete Additives Polymer sealant for expansion joint RCC pipe APP membrane Paver Tiles
Jaquar, Gem, Essess, Aquaplus Chilly, Neer, ACO Chilly Cockroach Trap, GMGR NECO, KAPILANSH NECO, Raj iron Foundry, BIC Calcutta, Kajeco, SKF BC, K.K.,SRIF, RIF Electro Steel Calcutta, Kesoram Calcutta Electro Steel Calcutta, Kesoram Calcutta, Kartar valves & fittings Vinod Cement Co. Chandigarh (PJS43) Henkel LOCTITE 55 Chilly, Euro Clamp, Hi tech Neer, GMGR Zoloto, DRP, Sant / Leader Audco, Zoloto, Advance Audco, Zoloto, Advance Zoloto, OR, Arco Zoloto, HBD, Esseti KGM, Patel, Pranali Industries Thermoflex, KFlex, Armacell Sintex, Rotoplast KK Manholes & Gratings, SFP/Steel Fibre Product Pragati PYPKOTE Shalimar Asian, Berger, J&N H Guru, Fiebig, Dwyer Kaycee Kranti, Capstan, Actaris Fisher, Hilti, Canon Hilti, Promat, Birla 3 M Asian paints, Foscroc, Pidilite SIKA, Fosroc, CICO, Sunanda Roff SIKA, CICO, Pidilite, G.E.Silicon. Ashok Cement pipe, Indian Hume pipe, KK Lloyd Insulation, Builtech Products Pvt. Ltd., CICO technologies Ltd., FOSROC chemicals, STP Ltd., SIKA, IWL India Ltd., Pure Leathers Ltd. Endura, Marbonite
Note: Incase of non-availability/shortage, contractor will take approval from Owner to procure alternative brands as per approved make list .
2.0 REFERENCE STANDARDS Wherever reference of BIS Specifications or BIS Codes of Practice are made in the Specifications/Schedule of Rates or Preambles, reference shall be to the latest edition of BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards). IS: 109 IS: 248 IS: 383 IS: 419 IS: 427 IS: 432 IS: 456 IS: 459 IS: 515 IS: 730 IS: 800 Ready mixed paint, brushing, priming, plaster to Indian Standard colour No. 631 and 361 white and off-white. Sodium bisulphite, technical (Sodium metabisulphite ). Coarse and Fine aggregates from natural sources for concrete. Putty, for use on window frames. Distemper, dry, colour as required. Mild Steel and Medium tensile steel bars. Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete. Corrugated & Semi-corrugated asbestos cement sheets. Natural and Manufactured aggregate for use in mass concrete. Hook bolts for corrugated sheet roofing. Code of Practice for General Construction in Steel
IS: 814 IS: 815 IS: 816 IS: 817 IS: 883 IS: 1038 IS:1079 IS: 1081 IS: 1161 IS: 1285 IS: 1361 IS: 1363 IS: 1367 IS: 1566 IS: 1786 IS: 2062 IS: 2116 IS: 2212 IS: 2386 IS: 2553 IS: 2835 IS: 3007 IS: 4021 IS:- 4923 IS: 4925 IS: 5410 IS: 6477 IS: 7318 IS: 10262
Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of carbon and carbon manganese steel. Classification coding of covered electrodes for metal arc structural steels. Metal Arc Welding for General Construction of Mild Steel. Code of practice for training and testing of metal arc welders. Code of practice for structural timber in building. Steel doors, windows and ventilators. Hot rolled carbon steel sheets and strips. Code of practice for fixing and glazing of metal (steel and aluminium) doors, windows and ventilators. Steel tubes for structural purposes. Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy extruded round tube and hollow sections. Steel windows for industrial buildings. Hexagon head bolts, screws and nuts of product grade C : Part-I Hexagon head bolts ( size range M-5 to M-64 ). Technical supply conditions for threaded steel fasteners. Hard - Drawn steel wire fabric for concrete reinforcement. High strength deformed steel bars and wires for concrete reinforcement. Steel for general structural purposes. Sand for masonry mortars. Code of practice for brickwork. Methods of test for aggregates. Safety glass : Part-I General purpose. Flat transparent sheet glass. Code of practice for laying of asbestos cement sheets. Timber door, window and ventilator frames. Hollow steel sections for structural use. concrete batching and mixing plant. Cement Paint. Dimensions for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys, extruded hollow sections. Fusion welding of steel. Recommended guidelines for concrete mix design. welding of
IS: 2720(PART- XXVIII) - Determination of dry density of soil, in-place, by the Sand Replacement Method IS: 2720(PART- XXIX) IS: 2076 IS: 4985 - Determination of dry density of soil, in-place, by the Core Cutter Method Specification for unsupported flexible vinyl film & sheeting Specification for unplasticised polymer of vinyl chloride pipe pressure for Geo textile sheet. IS: 13162(PART IV) - Method of test for determination of puncture resistance by falling cone method IS: 14293 IS: 14294 IS: 14324 3.0 3.1 3.1.1 Method of test for trapezoid tearing strength for Geo-textile sheet Method of test for determination of apperent opening size by dry sieving technique for Geo-textile sheet Method of test for determination of water permeability-permittivity for Geotextile sheet EARTHWORK EXCAVATION Excavation shall be carried out in soil of any nature and consistency, in the presence of water or in the dry, met on the site to the lines, levels and contours shown on the detailed drawings and Contractor shall remove all excavated materials to soil heaps on site or transport for use in filling on the site or stack them for reuse as directed by the Owner. Surface dressing shall be carried out on the entire area occupied by the buildings including plinth protection as directed without any extra cost. The depths of excavation shown on the drawings are the depths after surface dressing. The site around all buildings and structures to a width of 3 metres beyond the edge of plinth protection, ramps, steps, etc., shall be dressed and sloped away from the buildings. Black cotton soil, and other expansive or unsuitable soil excavated shall not be used for filling in foundations, and plinths of buildings or in other structures including manholes, septic tanks etc., and shall be disposed off within the contract area marked on the drawings, as directed, levelled and neatly dressed. In case of trenches exceeding 2.0 metres depth or where soil is soft or slushy, the sides of trenches shall be protected by timbering and shoring. The Tenderer shall be responsible to take all necessary steps to prevent
the sides of trenches from caving in or collapsing. The extent and type of timbering and shoring shall be as directed by the Owner. 3.1.6 Where the excavation is to be carried out below the foundation level of adjacent structure, the precautions to be taken such as under pinning, shoring and strutting etc., shall be determined by Owner. No excavation shall be done unless such precautionary measures are carried out as per directions of Owner. Specification for Earth work shall also apply to excavation in rock in general. The excavation in rock shall be done such that extra excavation beyond the required width and depth as shown in drawings is not made. If the excavation done in depth greater than required / ordered. The Contractor shall fill the extra excavation with concrete of mix 1:5:10 as the foundation concrete at his own cost. The Contractor shall make all necessary arrangements for dewatering/defiling as required to carry out proper excavation work by bailing or pumping out water, which may accumulate in the excavation pit from any cause / source whatsoever. Contractor shall provide suitable draining arrangements at his own cost to prevent surface water entering the foundation pits from any source. The Contractor is forbidden to commence the construction of structures or to carry out concreting before Owner has inspected, accepted and permitted the excavation bottom. Excavation in disintegrated rock means rock or boulders including brickbats which may be quarried or split with crow bars. This will also include laterite and hard conglomerate. Excavations in hard rock - meant excavation made in hard rock to be done manually, or by blasting using only explosives and / or pneumatic hammers. In case of blasting, control blasting should be adopted depending on site conditions. For using explosives, Contractor shall follow all provisions of Indian Explosive Act/Rules 1983, corrected/ revised upto date. In case of hard rock excavation to be carried out using explosive the Contractor shall obtain the written approval in advance. The measurements for excavations shall be restricted and limited to minimum excavation line as per drawing for payment purposes. ANTI-TERMITE TREATMENT MEASURES SCOPE This specification specifies the requirement for the chemical treatment of soils for the protection of buildings and plant buildings from attack by subterranean termites. This includes usages of anti-termite chemicals,
3.1.9 3.1.10
minimum rates of application, procedures to be adopted for preconstructional measures. 4.2 4.2.1 CODE OF PRACTICES The following Indian Standard Code of Practices of latest edition only shall be followed and wherever references of the same has been taken, it shall be of latest edition only : IS : 6313 (Part- I) (Part- II) (Part-III) IS : 8944 IS : 4015 (Part- I) (Part-II) 4.3 4.3.1 Code of Practice for Anti-termite Measures in Buildings : Constructional Measures. Pre-Constructional Chemical Treatment Measures. Treatment For Existing Buildings. Specification for Chlorpyriphos Emulsified Concentrate. Guide for Handling cases of Pesticide Poisoning : First- Aid Measures. Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.
TERMINOLOGY Chemical Barrier - The layer of chemically treated soil in immediate contact with the foundation and floor structure of a building and plant building forms a barrier and is impervious to termite entry. Soil Treatment - The application of chemicals (toxicants) to the soil adjacent to and under a building and plant building to form a chemical barrier which is lethal or repellent to termites. Pre-construction Chemical Treatments - This is a process in which soil treatment is applied to buildings or plant buildings during its construction. Treatments For Existing Buildings - The application of chemical termiticides to existing building or plant building to eliminate existing termite infestation and to make them resistant to termite attack. SITE PREPARATION The trees, stumps, logs or roots shall be removed from the building or plant building site area to reduce the hazards from subterranean termites. Similarly, the sub-floor area shall be kept free from all debris. In order to ensure uniform distribution of the treating solution and to assist penetration, the following site preparation may be necessary. On clays and other heavy soils where penetration is likely to be slow and on sloping sites where run off of the treating solution is likely to occur, the surface of the soil shall be scarified to a depth of at least 75 mm.
4.3.3 4.3.4
4.4 4.4.1
On loose, sandy or porous soils where loss of treating solution through piping or excessive percolation is likely to occur, preliminary moistening to fill the capillary spaces in the soil shall be done. All sub-floor levelling and grading shall be completed. All cutting, trenches and excavations shall be completed with back-filling in place. Borrowed fill must be free from organic debris and shall be well compacted. All concrete form work, levelling pegs, timber off cuts and other builders debris shall be removed from the area to be treated. CHEMICALS Chlorpyriphos emulsified concentrate 1% concentration, toxic to subterraineean termites, shall be use to check termite infestation in the soil. This is useful in the treatment of new building / plant building sites and shall also be used to eradicate existing infestation in building and plant buildings and to prevent reinfestation. The above chemical emulsion is required to be dispersed uniformed in the soil so as to form an effective chemical barrier. Chlorpyriphos 20% emulsifiable concentrate conforming to IS : 8944 of approved brand and manufacturer shall be purchased directly either from the manufacturer or from the reputed and authorised dealers in sealed original containers which shall be clearly levelled with the concentration of emulsifiable concentrate. The containers of the above chemical concentrate shall be kept in safe custody of the Contractor or his authorised representatives and storage shall be done in a dry and cool place under shed away from any fires source or flame. The above chemical concentrate shall be issued for use to meet the days requirement. Empty container, after proper washing and container with concentrated chemical with left unused at the end of the days work shall be returned to the storage place. 1 litre of Chlorpyriphos 20% emulsified concentrate should be mixed with 19 litres of water for getting Chlorpyriphos emulsifiable of 1% concentration. Graduated containers shall be used for the above dilution of Chlorpyriphos chemical. Application of the chemical shall be done using hand operated compressed air sprayer of water can to facilitate uniform dispersal of the chemical emulsion. For large jobs, power sprayer shall be used to save labour and time. Proper check shall be kept to ensure that the specified quantity of chemical is used for the required area during the operation. PRE-CONSTRUCTION CHEMICAL TREATMENT Pre-construction treatment of soils for the protection of buildings or plant building from the sub-terraineean termites shall be done as per IS : 6313 (Part-II).
d. 4.5 4.5.1
4.6 4.6.1
Soil treatment shall start when foundation trenches and pits are ready to take bed concrete / levelling course in foundations. Laying of bed concrete / levelling course should start when the chemical emulsion has been absorbed by the soil and the surface is quite dry. In the event of water logging of foundation pit, the water shall be pumped out and the chemical emulsion shall be applied when the soil is absorbent. The treatment shall not be carried out during rains or soil is wet. The treatment to the surface of earth filling within the plinth shall also be done in the same manner laying the sub-grade for flooring. The treated soil barrier shall not be disturbed. If , for the some reasons, the treated soil barriers are disturbed, immediate step shall be taken to restore the continuity and completeness of the barrier system. The Chlorpyriphos emulsified 1% concentration shall be applied uniformly at the prescribed rate in all the stages of the treatments given below : Treatment for Masonry Foundations and Basements The bottom surface and the sides (upto a height of 300 mm ) of the excavations made for masonry foundation and basements shall be treated with the chemical at the rate 5.0 litres per square metre surface area. After the masonry foundation and the retaining wall of the basements come up the back fill in the immediate contact with the foundation structure shall be treated at the rate of 7.5 litres per square metre of the vertical surface of the sub-structure of each side. If water is used for ramming the earth fill, the chemical treatment shall be carried out after the ramming operation is done by rodding the earth at 150 mm centres close to the wall surface and spraying the chemicals with the above doses. Treatment for RCC Foundations and Basements The treatment shall start at the depth of 500 mm below ground level except when such ground level is raised or lowered by filling or cutting after the foundations have been cast. In such cases the depth of 500 mm shall be determined from the new soil level resulting from the filling or cutting mentioned above, and soil in immediate contact with the vertical surfaces of RCC foundations shall be treated at the rate of 7.5 litres per square metre.
4.6.4 a.
Treatment of Top Surface of Plinth Filling The top surface of the consolidated earth within the plinth walls shall be treated with chemical emulsion at the rate of 5.0 litres per square metre of the surface before the sand bed or sub-grade is laid. If the filled earth is well rammed and the surface does not allow the emulsion to seep through, holes upto 50 to 75 mm deep at 150 mm centres both ways shall be made with 12 mm diameter mild-steel rod on the surface to facilitate saturation of the soil with the chemical emulsion.
Special care shall be taken to establish continuity of the vertical chemical barrier on inner wall surfaces from ground level (where it had stopped with the treatment described in 6.4.1b) upto the level of the filled earth surface. To achieve this, a small channel 30 x 30 mm shall be made at all the junction of walls and columns with the floor (before laying the sub-grade). The rod holes shall be made in the channel upto the ground level 150 mm apart and the iron rod moved backward and forward to break-up the earth. The chemical emulsion shall be poured along the channel at the rate of 7.5 litres per square metre of the vertical wall or column surface so as the soak the soil to the right to the bottom. The soil should be tamped back into place after this operation. a. Treatment of Soil Along External Perimeter of Building After the building or plant building is completed, 300 mm deep holes shall be made in made in the soil with iron rods along the external perimeter of the building/plant building at intervals of 150 mm. The rods should be moved backward and forward in-side the holes to break up the earth and these holes shall be filled with chemical emulsion at the rate of 7.5 litres per square metre of the vertical surfaces. After the treatment, the earth should be tamped back in to place. In the event of filling is more than 300 mm, the above external perimeter treatment shall be extended to the full depth of earth filling upto the ground level.
Treatment of Soil under Apron (Plinth protection) along External Perimeter of Building
Top surface of the consolidated earth over which the apron is to be laid shall be treated with chemical emulsion at the rate of 5.0 litres per square metre of the surface. If consolidated earth does not allow the emulsion to seep through, holes upto 50 to 75 mm deep at 150 mm centres both ways shall be made with 12 mm diameter mild steel rod on the surface to facilitate saturation of the soil with chemical emulsion. Treatment of walls Retaining soils above Floor Level Retaining walls such as basement walls or outer walls above the floor level retaining soil shall be protected by providing chemical barrier by treatment of retained soil in the immediate vicinity of the walls. The soil retained by the walls shall be treated at the rate of 7.5 litres per square metre of the vertical surface, in continuation of the one formed under 6.4.1. Treatment of Soil Surrounding Pipes, Wastes and Conduits When pipes, wastes and conduits enter the soil inside the area of the foundation, the soil surrounding the points of entry shall be loosened around each such pipe wastes or conduit for a distance of 150 mm and to a depth of 75 mm before treatment is commenced. When they entered the
soil external to the foundations, they shall be similarly treated for a distance of over 300 mm unless they stand clear of the walls of the buildings by about 75 mm. Treatment of Expansion Joints The soil beneath the Expansion joints should be given special attention when the treatment under 6.4.3 above is carried out. This treatment should supplemented treating through the expansion joints after the subgrade has been laid, at the rate of 2.0 litres per linear metre of expansion joints. 4.6.5. Measurements All dimensions shall be measured correct to a cm. The measurements for all the operations described above shall be plinth area of the building or plant building in square-metres at floor 1 level (Ground floor). Nothing extra shall be measured for payment. 4.7 4.7.1 TREATMENT FOR EXISTING BUILDING Anti-termite measures described below shall be necessary for the eradication and control of termites in existing buildings/plant buildings. Chemical treatment for the eradication and control of sub-terraineean termites in existing buildings or plant buildings shall be done as per IS : 6313 (Part-III). The Chlorpyriphos emulsified 1% concentration shall be applied uniformly at the prescribed rate in all the stages of the treatments given below : Treatment Along Outside of Foundations The soil in contact with the external wall of the building/plant building shall be treated with chemical emulsion at the rate of 7.5 litres per square-meter of vertical surface of the sub-structure for each side. To facilitate this treatment, trenches shall be excavated with help of a shovel exposing the wall surfaces upto a depth of 500 mm and holes 150 mm apart shall be made with an iron rod close to the wall face and the same shall be extended from the bottom of the trench to the top of the footing of the foundation or upto a depth at least 500 mm. Half the total quantity of the chemical emulsion shall be poured into these holes and the rest shall be sprayed on the back filled earth as it is return on to the trench, directing the spray against the wall surface. If there is a concrete or masonry apron around the building, approximately 12 mm diameter holes shall be drilled as close as possible to the plinth wall about 300 mm apart, and deep enough to reach the soil below. The chemical emulsion shall be poured in to these holes to soak the soil below at rate of 2.25 litres per linear metre.
4.7.2 a.
In case of RCC framed structure, the soil (back-fill earth) in contact with the column sides and plinth beams along the external perimeter of the building / plant building shall be treated with chemical emulsion at the rate of 7.5 litres per square metre of the vertical surfaces of the structures. To facilitate this treatment, trenches shall be excavated with the help of a shovel exposing the sides of the column and plinth beams upto a depth of 500 mm or upto the bottom of the plinth beam, if this level is less than 500 mm. The chemical emulsion shall be sprayed on the back-fill earth as it is returned into the trench, directing the spray against the concrete surfaces of the beams or columns as the case may be. Treatment of Soil Under Floors. Chemical treatment shall be done by drilling 12 mm diameter holes at the junction of the floor and walls along the cracks on the floors and along the construction joints at the interval of 300 mm to reach soil below. Chemical emulsion shall be squirted into these holes using a hand operated pressure pump to soak the soil below until refusal or upto a maximum of 1.0 litre per hole. The hole shall then be sealed properly with cement mortar 1 : 2 ( 1 cement : 2 coarse sand) finished to match the existing floors. The above cement mortar applied shall be cured for atlas 10 days as per the direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
Treatment of Voids in Masonry The movement of termites through the existing masonry wall should be arrested by drilling holes in masonry wall at plinth level and squirting chemical emulsion into the holes to soak the masonry. The hole shall be drilled at an angle of 45o from both sides of the plinth wall at 300 mm intervals and the chemical emulsion shall be squirted through these holes to soak the masonry using a hand operated pressure pump. This treatment shall also be done to internal walls having foundations in the soil. Holes shall also be drilled at wall corners and where doors and window frames are embedded in the masonry or floor at the ground. Emulsion shall also be squirted through these holes till saturation or to a maximum 1.0 litre per hole. Care shall be taken to seal these holes after the treatment.
Treatment at Points of Contact of Wood Work All the existing wood work in the building / plant building which is in contact with floor or walls and which is infested by termite shall be treated by spraying the chemical emulsion at the points of contacts with the adjoining masonry by drilling 6 mm diameter holes at downward angle of about 45o at the junction of wood work and masonry walls. The squirting of chemical emulsion into these holes shall be till refusal or to a maximum of half a litre per hole. The treated holes shall then be sealed properly.
Measurements All dimensions shall be measured correct to a cm. The measurement shall be made of the surface actually provided with anti-termite treatment.
Measurement shall be done separately for treatment of foundations, soil under floors, voids in masonry and wood work as detailed below : a. b. Treatment along out side of foundations : The measurements shall be made in running metres taking lengths along the plinth of the building. Treatment of soil under floors : The measurements shall be made in Square metres. Inside the clear dimensions of rooms, verandah etc., shall be taken. Treatment of voids in masonry : The measurements shall be made in running metres along the plinth of the building. Treatment to wood work : The measurements shall be made in running metres for chowkhats, joists, purlins, beams etc. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL OF CONTAINERS Containers with chemical shall be kept in a cool, dry and well ventilated room under lock and key. It shall be kept away from food and food stuffs, children and animals and any fire source or flame. Empty containers instead of reusing shall be destroyed or buried in soil at safer place away from inhabitation. Containers shall never be kept open. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Precautions for health hazards and safety measures shall conform to Appendix- B of IS: 6313 (Part- II). Particular care should be taken to prevent skin contact with concentrates. Prolonged exposure to diluted emulsions shall also be avoided. Workers shall wear clean clothing and should wash thoroughly with soap and water specially before eating and smoking. In the event of sever contamination, clothing shall be removed at once and the skin shall be washed with soap and water. If chemical splashes into the eyes, they shall be flushed with plenty of soap and water and immediate medical attention shall be sought. The concentrates are oil solutions and will cause fire hazard owing to the use of petroleum solvents. Flames shall not be allowed during mixing. In case of poisoning, suitable measures shall taken for protection in accordance with IS: 4015 (Part- I) and IS: 4015 (Part- II). FILLING Back filling of excavations in trenches, foundations and elsewhere shall consist of one of the following materials approved by Owner. i. Soil ii. Sand iii. Moorum iv. Hard-core v. Stone / gravel. All back filling materials shall be approved by the Owner /Consultant.
c. d. 4.8
4.9 a. b.
c. d. 5.0 5.1
Soil filling - Soil material shall be free from rubbish, roots, hard lumps and any other foreign organic material. Filling shall be done in regular horizontal layers each not exceeding 20 cm. Depth. Back filling around completed foundations, structures, trenches and in plinth shall be done to the lines and levels shown on the drawings. Back filling around pipes in the trench shall be done after hydrotesting is done. Back filling around liquid retaining structures shall be done only after leakage testing is completed and approval of Owner is obtained. Sand filling - Sand shall be coarse, clean, strong, free from dust, organic and foreign matter and shall be approved by the owner / consultant. The filling shall be done in layers not exceeding 20 cm in thickness including consolidating and dressing each deposited layer by flooding with water, compacting with Mechanical contractor and properly consolidated. The density to be achieved for each layer shall not be less than 90% of the density obtained in the laboratory. The compaction should be tested as per I.S. 2720 (Part 28 & 29). Care shall be taken to see that the compaction equipment does not hit or come too close to the Bullet so as to cause any damage to it. The top and slope surface of consolidated sand filling shall be dressed to required level, slope, lives and grades and shall be protected from damage and maintained till the works are completed in all respects. Sand filling shall not be covered till the Engineer-in-charge inspects the job, satisfied and approved.
Stone filling Stone shall be broken stone of 90 mm to 10 mm size suitable for providing a dense and compacted layer. Stone shall be sound, durable, free from flakes, dust, other impurities, decay, weathering, salt, alkali and adherent coatings. Broken stone shall be spread and leveled in layers of 15 cm thick, watered i/c hand packing wherever required as per direction of Engineerin-charge. The thickness of broken stone layer shall remain same as it exists in other areas. Stone pitching - The size of pitching stone shall not be less than 15 cm in either direction. It should be sound, durable, free from dust, other impurities, weathering, salt, alkali and adherent coatings. Stone shall be laid in proper line, slope and set with cement mortar 1 : 6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand) including cement mortar pointing 1 : 3 (1 cement : 3 fine
sand) after racking out of joints upto 12 mm depth and shall be cured properly as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. 6.0 UPVC Pipe - Unplasticised polymer of Vinyl Chloride (UPVC) pipe shall conform to I.S. 4985 and shall be of standard manufacture. Pipe shall be tested as per I.S. 4985 (latest). All test clearance certificates shall be produced to the client for approval. 150 mm dia perforated UPVC pipe shall be laid over sand filling of mound at the top of bullet as shown in the drawing and as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. Pipe shall be laid to collect all percolated water / moisture deposited over UPVC sheet and drain out the same in outside. The pipe shall be laid in slope so that all collected water can be drained out effectively. Pipe shall be supplied along with all related accessories required for fillings, connections and installation of pipe. Pipe shall be covered with layer of pea gravel 150mm thick all along the pipe as shown in the drawing and as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. All work shall be subject to inspection by the client and the contractor must satisfy the client. Pea Gravel - Pea gravel shall be clean, strong, free from dust, organic and foreign matter and its size shall remain same as it exists on other side of mound. It shall be approved by the client before laying. Pea gravel of 150 mm (min) thick, after hand packing, shall be laid all round and all along UPVC perforated drainage pipe as per drawing and as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. The thickness of gravel layer shall remain same as it exists on the other sides of mound. Care shall be taken so that filled-up sand cannot enter into the perforated pipe. The contractor shall guarantee that the pea gravel layer shall remain in position, level and thickness as specified in the drawing for at least one year after commissioning. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to replace the gravel layer if it is damaged during guarantee period. PLAIN AND REINFORCED CONCRETE WORK This specification deals with cement concrete, plain or reinforced, for general use, and covers the requirements for concrete materials, their storage, grading mix design, strength and quality requirements, pouring at all levels, reinforcements, protection, curing, form work, finishing, painting, admixtures, inserts and other miscellaneous works. 8.1 8.1.1 MATERIALS Cement : Any of the following cements may be used as required. IS - 269 IS - 455 IS - 6909 IS - 8041 IS - 8112 Ordinary Portland Cement, 33 Grade. Portland Slag Cement. Specifications for Super Sulphate cement. Rapid Hardening Portland Cement. 43 Grade Ordinary Portland cement.
Water : Water used for mixing and curing concrete and mortar shall conform to the requirements as laid down in clause 4.3 of IS: 456. Seawater shall not be used for concrete work. Aggregates : Coarse and fine aggregates for cement concrete plain and reinforced shall conform to the requirements of IS : 383 and / or IS : 515. Before using, the aggregates shall be tested as per IS : 2386. Coarse aggregate: Coarse aggregate for all cement concrete work shall be broken or crushed hard stone, black trap stone obtained from approved quarries or gravel. Sand : Fine aggregate for concrete work shall be coarse sand from approved sources. Grading of coarse sand shall be within grading zones I, II or III laid down in IS : 383, table-4. If required the aggregates (both fine and coarse) shall have to be thoroughly washed and graded as per direction of Owner.
MIXING All cement concrete plain or reinforced shall be machine mixed. Mixing by hand may be employed where quantity of concrete involved is small, with the specific prior permission of the Owner , 10 % extra cement shall be added in case of hand mixing as stipulated in IS - 456.
WATER CEMENT RATIO Once a mix, including its water-cement ratio, has been determined and specified for use by the Owner that water cement ratio shall be maintained.
LAYING Concreting shall be commenced only after the Owner has inspected and passed the sub-base / base or the centering, shuttering and reinforcement. Concrete in slab, beams, columns, footings etc., shall be laid gently in layers not exceeding 15 cm and shall be properly consolidated by means of approved mechanical vibrators.
8.5 a.
CURING After the concrete has begun to harden, it shall be protected with moist gunny bags, sand or any other material approved by the Owner /Consultant against quick drying. After 24 hours of laying concrete, the surface shall be cured by flooding with water or by covering with wet absorbent materials for 7 days as per the direction of Owner.
Approved curing compounds may be used in lieu of moist curing with the permission of the Owner /Consultant. Such compounds shall be applied to all exposed surfaces of the concrete as soon as possible after the concrete has set. No extra payment shall be made for the same. GRADES OF CONCRETE Grades of Cement concrete shall be as given below : Grade Specified Characteristic compressive strength at 28 days (N / mm2) 07.5 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 ( 75 Kg / cm2 ) ( 100 Kg / cm2 ) ( 150 Kg / cm2 ) ( 200 Kg / cm2 ) ( 250 Kg / cm2 ) ( 300 Kg / cm2 )
8.6 8.6.1
M - 7.5 M - 10 M - 15 M - 20 M - 25 M - 30
Grades lower than M-15 shall not be used in reinforced concrete. M-7.5 grades of concrete may be used for lean concrete bases and simple foundation for masonry walls. A sieve analysis test of aggregates shall be carried out as and when the source of supply is charge without extra charge notwithstanding the mandatory test required to be carried out as per CPWD Specification. All test in support of mix design shall be maintained as a part of records of the contract. Test cubes for mix design shall be prepared by the Contractor under his own arrangements and at his costs, but under the supervision of the Owner . NOMINAL MIX CONCRETE All concrete work (P.C.C. / R.C.C.) shall be with nominal mix concrete unless specified otherwise. The proportions of materials used for concrete of grades M-5, M-7.5, M-10, M-15 and M-20 shall be as per the following table. Proportions for Nominal Mix of Concrete Grade of Concrete Total Quantity of Dry Aggregate by Mass per 50 Kg of Cement (as sum of Fine and Coarse Proportion of Fine Aggregate to Coarse aggregate Quantity of water per 50 Kg of cement
8.7 8.7.1
M- 5
( by Mass ) Generally 1.2 subject to an upper limit of 1 : 1.5 and a lower limit of 1: 2 .5 -do-do-do-do-
Maximum in Liters. 60
M-7.5 M - 10 M - 15 M 20 M- 25
45 34 32 30
Notes : 1. The proportions of the fine aggregates should be adjusted from upper limit to lower limit progressively as the grading of the fine aggregates become finer and the maximum size of coarse aggregate becomes larger. Graded coarse aggregate as per IS: 383 may be used. 2. This Table envisages batching by weight. Volume batching when done, the nominal mixes would roughly be 1: 3: 6, 1 : 2.5 : 5 and 1 : 1.5 : 3 for M-10, M-15 and M-20 respectively. For under-water concreting the quantity of coarse aggregate, either by volume or mass, shall not be less than 1.5 times and not more than twice that of the fine aggregates. The cement content of the mix specified for any nominal mix shall be proportionately increased if the quantity of water in a mix has to be increased to overcome the difficulties of placement and compaction, so that water-cement ratio is not exceeded. In case of vibrated concrete, the limits specified, above may suitably be reduced to avoid segregation. If the nominal mix concrete is made in accordance with the proportion given for a particular grade does not yield the specified strength, such concrete shall be classified as belonging to lower grade. However, if the strength results of test are higher than those specified for the grade in the nominal mix of concrete it shall not be placed in a higher grade. TESTING OF CONCRETE Testing of concrete, sampling and acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with Clauses 14 and 15 of IS :456. A slump test shall be taken at each mixer at least once in every fifty batches mixed. Any batch for which a slump test is being made shall not be transferred to the place of laying until the slump test has been completed. Any batch which gives a slump in excess of that described at the time of preliminary tests shall be rejected and removed from the site.
8.8.3 8.8.4
The minimum frequency of sampling of concrete of each grade shall be in accordance with the provision in IS-456 (Cl.No.-15.2.2) If a test for particular work does not meet the specified requirements, the Owner in his absolute discretion may accept the work at a correspondingly reduced rate provided the average strength at 28 days is not less than 85% of the specified strength. If the results are poorer than 85% of the specified strength, the Owner may order further testing of any kind as may be deemed necessary in his opinion, including load tests. The load tests shall be carried on the portion of the structure involving concrete represented by the unsatisfactory works test and such other adjoining elements of a building as the Owner may decide. If the results of the load tests are not satisfactory, the Contractor shall at his own cost undertake remedial measures including dismantling and reconstruction according to the directions and to the satisfaction of the Owner / Consultant. If the load test is successful, the Owner/ Consultant may exercise his judgement before accepting or rejecting the work and shall still have the power to apply a reduction in rate as herein stated before, in case the work in question is accepted.
PROPORTIONING Mixes of cement concrete shall be as ordered. Where the concrete is specified by grade, it shall be prepared by mixing cement, sand and coarse aggregate by weight as per mix design. In case the concrete is specified as volumetric mix, then dry volume batching shall be done, making proper allowances for dampness in aggregate and bulking in sand. Equivalent volume batching for concrete specified by grade may however be allowed by the Owner at his discretion.
9.0 9.1
STEEL REINFORCEMENT Steel reinforcement shall comprise : i. ii . iii . iv . v. Mild steel bars conforming to IS: 432, Part-I. TISCON CRS bars. Hard drawn steel wire fabric conforming to IS: 1566. Cold twisted bars conforming to IS: 1786. TMT bars.
All joints in reinforcement shall be lapped adequately to develop the full strength of the reinforcement, unless reinforcement are as per provision of IS: 456 as per instruction of Owner.
Following procedure shall be followed for welding of Tor steel reinforcement bars : i. ii. Welding of Tor steel reinforcement bars shall be taken up only after specific approval by Owner / Consultant. Lap welding with longitudinal beads shall only be adopted.
iii. The thickness of weld bead should be 0.2 x diameter of bar and the length of the longitudinal bead required shall be 10 x diameter of bar, however, the maximum length of continuous bead shall be limited to 5 x diameter of bar with intermediate gap. When welding is done on both sides bead length shall be 5 x diameter of bar on each side. iv. Stripper at closer spacing shall be provided in the lap welded joints as directed by Owner 9.3 M.S. round bars shall be hooked at ends as specified. Ribbed Tor-steel shall be bent at right angles at ends as indicated or directed. FORM WORK The shuttering or form work shall conform to the shape, lines and dimension as shown on the drawings and be so constructed as to remain sufficiently rigid during placing and compacting of the concrete and shall be sufficiently tight to prevent loss of liquid from the concrete. The surface that becomes exposed on the removal of forms shall be examined by Owner or his authorised representative before any defects are made good. Work that has sagged or bulged out or contains honey combing, shall be rejected. All shuttering shall be plywood or steel shuttering. The Contractor shall be responsible for sufficiency and adequacy of all form work. Centering and form work shall be approved by the Owner before placing of reinforcement and concreting. STRUCTURAL STEEL WORK This specification covers the technical requirements for the preparation of shop drawings, supply, fabrication, protective coating, painting and erection of all structural steel rolled sections, built up sections, plates and miscellaneous steel required for the completion of the work. 11.1 STRUCTURAL STEEL All structural steel used in construction within the purview of this contract shall comply with one of the following Bureau of Indian Standard Specifications, whichever is appropriate or as specified. IS: 2062 Hot Rolled Sections and Plates.
10.0 10.1
Cold Formed Light Gauge Sections. Tubular Sections. Hollow Sections ( rectangular or square )
SMITHY WORKS All smithy work shall be accurately made as shown in the drawings and shall be clean and sound. The metal shall not be burnt or injured in any way.
FABRICATION Fabrication of steel structure shall be carried out in conformity with the best modern practices and with due regard to speed with economy in fabrication and erection and shall conform to IS: 800. All members shall be so fabricated as to assemble the members accurately on site and erect them in correct positions. Before despatch to site the components shall be assembled at shop and any defect found shall be rectified. All members shall be free from kind, twist, buckle, bend, open joints etc., and shall be rectified before erecting in position. Failure in this respect will subject the defective members to rejection.
11.4 11.4.1
WELDING Welding shall be adopted in most of the cases for fabrication of steel structure. Welding work shall be carried out as shown in relevant drawings as per IS-816 or as required and approved by the Owner /Consultant. Welding of joints shall be so arranged that the resulting tensile and compressive stresses produced by each part of weld tend to balance each other. The step back method of welding shall be adopted for continuous runs. Members which offer greater resistance to compression shall be welded first. The work shall be securely held in position by means of tack weld, clamps or jig before commencing of welding work so as to prevent relative movement due to distortion or other cause. All welds with blow holes, slag-intrusion and other defects must be removed from each run before another run is super imposed and also from the final run. Any defects in the work shall be rectified by the Contractor at his own expense. Bends, twists or distortion caused in any member due to faulty workmanship and method adopted during welding or in transit will be rejected and will have to be replaced / rectified by the Contractor at his own expense. According to the size of electrodes used, the Contractor is expected to adjust the current rating in the welding generators. The Owner /Consultant reserves the right to have test done at any time for any welding and the cost of the test shall be borne by the Contractor.
Wherever continuous plates are used in built up member such as girders, columns, etc., the continuity of such plates shall be first ensured by full strength butt joints before welding such plates with the main member to form part of the built up member. All connection / joints made in shop shall wherever possible be welded connections and connections / joints made at site shall be bolted connections /site welded connections. Continuous welding shall be done for all box members even if it is not required from design point of view. Electrodes: Electrodes used for welding shall comply with IS: 814 or IS: 815 or any specification provided to the Contractor from time to time. No electrodes remaining in open containers for more than 72 hours shall be used. No welder shall be employed to carry out welding in any position except those who are fully qualified to weld in that position as per IS: 7318, Part1 Qualifying tests for metal arc welders. Welders employed shall be required both before commencing work and at intervals during the progress of work to make test pieces as laid down in IS: 817 and IS: 7318, Part-1 for the purpose of grading of welders and according to the said grading, welders will be employed on jobs. Welders are to be got approved by Owner / Consultant before engaging on work. MS BLACK / HIGH STRENGTH BOLTS AND NUTS MS Black / High Strength Bolts and Nuts and washers etc., shall be as per IS: 800, IS: 1363 and IS:- 1367. Manufacturers test certificate shall be made available to the Owner /Consultant or his representative, when called for. For bolted joints, shanks and threaded bolts are to be used to ensure that threaded length do not encroach within the thickness of connected members of dimension beyond the following limit : a) b) 1.5 mm for connected members of thickness below 12 mm and 2.5 mm for connected member of thickness 12 mm and above and that adequate shearing and bearing values required as per design are achieved.
Every portion work shall have its erection mark or number stencilled on the member for guidance in erection and bear all necessary marks of erections as directed by the Owner. No part of the work is to be oiled, painted (except contact surfaces ) packed, bundled, crated or despatched until it has been finally inspected and approved by the Owner or his authorised representative. The whole steel work before being despatched from the Contractors shop shall be dry and after being thoroughly cleaned from dust, mills scale, rust etc., and shall be given two coats of primer and one coat of final paint as per painting specification attached in this enquiry. Unless otherwise specified, all surfaces inaccessible after welding shall be given
two coats of primer and two coats of paints as per painting specification attached in this enquiry. 11.13 The Owner or his authorised representative shall have free access at all reasonable time to all places where the work is being carried out, and shall be provided by the Contractor at his own expenses all necessary facilities for inspection during fabrication and erection. The Owner or his authorised representative shall be at liberty to reject the work in whole or in part if the workmanship or materials do not conform to the terms of the specifications mentioned herein. The Contractor shall remove, replace or alter any part of the work as ordered by the Owner or his authorised representative. PAINTING ON STRUCTURAL STEEL The following specification shall be used for painting of structural steel work : 12.1 SCOPE This specification shall be used in non coastal area. Surface Preparation The surfaces to be painted shall be sand blasted to Sa - 2.5 as per Swedish Standard SIS 05 - 59 - 00. Air used for sand blasting must be dry and oil free. Sand used for sand blasting shall be good quality river sand suitable for achieving the required surface finish. For optimum results pressure of sand blasting gun should be maintained at around 7.0 kg/cm2 and maximum height of profile should be kept around 50 microns. Sand blasted surfaces must be coated with primer within 4 hrs. In dry climate. Moreover it is not advisable to carry out sand blasting when humidity exceeds 85% (R.H). 12.1.1 a. Painting system to be used are indicated below: Epoxy Painting Primer P 1-2 coats + finish paint FP1 ( 2 coats ) where P1 is epoxy polyamide cured zinc chromate primer having DFT of 35 micron per coat and FP1 is epoxy polyamide cured finish paint having DFT ( Dry Film Thickness ) of 35 micron per coat. b. For Chlorinated Rubber Paint Primer P2 - 2 coats + finish paint FP2 - 2 coats. Where P2 is high chlorinated zinc phosphate primer having DFT of 50 microns per coat and FP2 is chlorinated rubber based paint having DFT of 50 microns per coat. 12.1.2 Equivalent product chart for approved paint manufactures for primer P1 and P2 and finish paint FP1 and FP2 indicated above is enclosed.
All the surfaces must be sand blasted and 2 coats of prime plus 1 coat of finish paint applied in the shop before the same are shifted to site for erection. All the members must be suitably match marked for facilitating proper assembly. After erection is over all surfaces shall be washed up as follows :
Washing with clean water ( pressure 7 kg/cm2 ) using suitable nozzles. During washing broom corn brushes shall be used to remove foreign matters. Solvent washing if required to remove traces of oil grease etc. After washing the surface as indicated above, the surfaces shall be suitably touched up to the extent required so that all the damages to the primed surfaces caused during erection are taken care off. The surfaces affected by welding and / or gas cutting during erection shall also be suitably touched up. Before touch up is taken up surfaces shall be prepared by mechanical means such as grinding, power brushing etc., to achieve surface finish to ST-3. After touch up work is over as indicated above all the surface shall be given one coat of finish paint to the required specification.
12.1.4 a. b. c.
The following points must be observed for painting work : Primer and paint shall be compatible to each other and should be from the same manufacturer. The recommendation of the paint manufacturer regarding mixing, matching and application must be followed meticulously. Technical representative of paint manufacturer should be available at site as and when required by Owner for their expert advice as well as to ensure that the painting work is executed as per the instruction of paint manufacturers. Paints and primers shall be supplied at site in original container with factory seal otherwise such paints and primers shall not be allowed to be used. Mode of application i.e., by spray, brush or roller shall be strictly as per recommendation of paint manufacturers. Painting materials must be used before the expiry date indicated on the containers. Number of coats and DFT per coat must be strictly followed as indicated above. If the desired DFT is not achieved for primer and finish paints in two coats (each), Contractor shall be required to apply extra coat (s) to achieve the desired DFT without any extra cost to Owner.
Colour shade for each coat of primer and finish paint must be different to identify the coats without any ambiguity. Shade for the final finish coat shall be decided by Owner at site. All painting materials must be accompanied by manufactures test certificates. However, if Owner has any doubt regarding quality of materials, he shall have the right to direct Contractor to get the doubtful material tested or and provide ( by the Contractor ) testing agencies for which no extra payment shall be made to the Contractor and the charges shall deemed to be covered in the unit rates quoted for fabrication and erection of structural work. DFT for paint shall be measured on at least 20 points and mean DFT shall not vary by more than 10% than specified in DFT. Instrument for measurement of DFT shall be arranged and provided by Contractor at his cost. Thickness of each coat shall also be checked regularly to ensure uniformity in DFT. 12.1.5 Measurement Structural work so painted shall be measured on MT basis. The weight for this item shall be taken from any of the following documents in the following order of priority: i. ii. 12.1.6 12.1.7
Weights mentioned on the approved drawings. Weights for actual structural fabrication work. Sand blasting and painting works, being a specialised job, carried out through the approved agencies only. Equivalent Chart for various paint manufacturers
must be
FP 1
FP 2
SCOPE This specification shall be used for the painting of structural steel in coastal area in saline atmosphere.
SURFACE PREPARATION Surface preparation for all items to be painted shall be done by sand blasting to SA 2.5 as per Swedish Specification SIS 05-59-00. Air used for sand blasting must be dry and oil free. Sand used for sand blasting must be of good quality river sand suitable for achieving required surface finish. For optimum results, pressure at sand blasting gun should be maintained at around 7 kg/cm2 and maximum height of profile should be kept around 50 microns. Sand blasted surface must be coated with primer within 2 hrs. In dry climate. Moreover it is not advisable to carry out sand blasting when humidity exceeds 50% RH.
Painting systems to be used are as indicated below: For unpainted surfaces. P1 - One coat of Ethyl silicate inorganic zinc primer having DFT of 70 microns per coat. IP1 - One coat of Epoxy MIO having DFT of 70 microns per coat. FP1 - One coat of finish epoxy paint using two pack Polyamide cured epoxy having DFT of 40 microns per coat. FP-2 - One coat of Aliphatic Acrylic Polyurethane paint having DFT of 40 microns per coat. The following points must be observed for painting work: Only the approved paints / primers as indicated in the equivalent product chart (attached herewith) are to be used. All the surfaces must be sand blasted and one coat of primer including one coat of MIO are to be applied in the fabrication shop at project site before lifting the components for erection. After erection is over all the surfaces must be washed as indicated below:
Wash with clean water (pressure approx. 7 kg /cm2) using suitable nozzles. During washing, broom corn brushes to be used to remove foreign matter, if any. Solvent washing if felt necessary to remove traces of oil, grease etc. After washing surfaces as indicated above, shall be suitably touched up to the extent required, so that all the damages to the primed surfaces caused during erection are taken care off. Surfaces effected by welding and/or gas cutting or handling during erection shall also be suitably touched up after preparing the damaged surfaces by mechanical means such as grinding, power brushing etc., to achieve surface finish to ST-3. Application of ethyl silicate inorganic zinc primer must be undertaken by spray method. Other application methods such as brush / roller application is not permitted. Primers and paints for a particular system must be purchased from same manufacturer for compatibility. Recommendation of the paint manufacturer regarding mixing, maturing, application (except as indicated specially in this specification ) must be followed meticulously. Technical representative of the paint manufacturers at site must be made available as and when required by Owner / Consultant for their expert advice as well as to ensure that painting work is executed as per instructions of paint manufacturer. All paints, primers must be supplied to site in original containers with factory seal. Otherwise paints, primers shall not be allowed to use. Mode of application for other primers and paints except ethyl silicate inorganic zinc primer shall be strictly as per recommendation of paint manufacturer. All painting materials should be consumed within expiry date indicated by manufacturers on the containers. Number of coat & DFT per coat must be strictly followed as indicated in the specification above and if the desired DFT is not achieved in the specified number of coat, Contractor shall be required to apply extra coat (s) to achieve desired DFT without any additional cost to Owner / Consultant. It may be noted here that multi-coat is not allowed for ethyl silicate inorganic zinc primer and therefore extreme care is to be taken for assuring desired DFT in single coat. Unless it is not practical to do so, colour shades for primer, intermediate coat and finish paints must be different to identify each coat without any ambiguity. All painting materials must be accompanied by manufacturers test certificate. However, if Owner / Consultant has any reasonable doubt
ii. iii. c.
e. f.
h. i.
J. k.
regarding quality of the materials then, Contractor shall be required to get doubtful materials tested by Owner / Consultant approved testing agencies and nothing extra shall be paid for carrying out above testing and testing charges shall be deemed to be included in the rates quoted for painting work. m. DFT for painting shall be measured on at least 20 points and mean DFT shall not vary by more than 10% of the specified DFT. Reliable and calibrated instrument for measurement of DFT shall be arranged and provided by Contractor at his cost at site. Sand blasting, painting work being a specialised job, must be carried out through approved agencies only. List of approved agencies is as indicated below : EQUIVALENT CHART FOR VARIOUS PAINT MANUFACTURERS
APCOSIL 70 601
13.0 13.1
ALUMINIUM DOORS, WINDOWS & VENTILATORS Aluminium doors, windows and ventilators shall be as per the specification of CPWD Specifications 2009 Volumes II (Sub Head 21.0) and manufactured from wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy extruded round tube and/or hollow rectangular / square sections conforming to IS: 1285 and IS: 6477 or equivalent as approved by Owner / Consultant..
FLOORING AND PAVING Sub base of Floor The area to be paved shall be divided into suitable panels. Form work shall be provided. The boarding / battens shall be fixed in position with their toe at proper level, giving slope where required. Alternatively base concrete may be deposited in the whole area at a stretch. Before placing the base concrete the sub-base shall be properly wetted and rammed. The concrete of the specified mix shall then be deposited between the forms where provided, thoroughly tamped and the surface finished level with the top edge of the forms. The surface of base concrete shall be spread uniformly. The surface shall be finished rough to provide adequate bond for the topping. Two or three hours after concrete has been laid the surface shall be brushed with wire brush to remove any scum or latinate and swept clean so that coarse aggregate is exposed. Cement Concrete Floor Finish The surface of base concrete shall be thoroughly cleaned by scrubbing with coir or steel wire brush. Before laying the topping, the surface shall be soaked with water at least for 12 hours and surplus water mopped up immediately before the topping is laid. The forms shall be fixed over the base concrete dividing into suitable panels. Where glass dividing strips are provided, thickness of glass dividing strips shall be 4 mm or as indicated. Before placing the concrete topping, neat cement slurry at the rate of 2 Kg/Sq.m. shall be then thoroughly brushed into the base concrete just ahead of the finish. The topping shall then be laid, thoroughly compacted by using screed board/plate vibrator. The surface floated with a wooden float to a fair and even surface shall be left for some time till moisture disappears from it. Junctions with skirting / dado on wall surfaces shall be rounded off using cement mortar 1:2. Curing shall be carried out for a minimum of 7 days. PLASTERING Sand for plastering shall conform to IS-1542. Preparation of surface shall be done as per CPWD Specifications. Cement mortar shall be of the mix as indicated in the items and shall be mixed as specified in the CPWD Specifications. Joints in walls etc. shall be raked to a depth of 12 mm, brushed clean with wire brushes dusted and thoroughly washed before starting the plaster work. The surface shall be thoroughly washed with water cleaned and kept wet to saturation point before plastering is commenced.
14.2 14.2.1
Cement mortar as indicated, shall be firmly applied to the masonry walls in a uniform layer to the thickness specified and will be pressed into the joints. On concrete surfaces rendering shall be dashed to the roughened surface to ensure adequate bond. The surface shall be finished even and smooth. Hectoring wherever required shall be done as per directions of Owner / Consultant. Nothing extra shall be paid on this account. All plaster work shall be cured for at least 7 days. Integral water proofing compound shall be mixed with cement in the proportion recommended by the manufacturer. Care shall be taken to ensure that the water proofing material gets well and integrally mixed with cement. All other operations are the same as for general plaster work. For sand face plaster, undercoat of cement plaster 1:4 ( 1 cement : 4 sand ) of thickness not less than 12 mm shall be applied similar to one coat plaster work. Before the under coat hardens the surface shall be scared to provide for the top coat. The top coat also of cement mortar 1:4 shall be applied to a thickness not less than 8 mm and brought to an even surface with a wooden float. The surface shall then be tapped gently with a wooden float lined with cork to retain a coarse surface texture, care being taken that the tapping is even and uniform. WHITE WASHING AND CEMENT PAINTING White Washing Where white wash is indicated, 3 coats of white wash shall be applied. The surface shall present a smooth and uniform finish. White wash shall be prepared from lime slaked at site and mixed and stirred with 5 litres of water for 1 Kg. of unslaked lime to make a thin cream. The cream shall be screened through a clean,coarse cloth and suitable adhesive such as DDL or equivalent as per manufacturer specification shall be added. About 1.3 Kg of sodium chloride in hot water shall also be added for every 10 Kg. Of lime for making the coat hard and rule resistant. Indigo shall also be mixed @ 3 gm/Kg of lime. Each coat shall be allowed to dry before next coat is applied. When dry the wash should show no sign of cracking, One coat consists of application with brushes in horizontal stroke followed by vertical stroke.
15.7 15.8
16.2 16.2.1
Cement Painting Cement paint: Cement paint shall comply with IS: 5410 specification for cement paint of colour as required.
Where shown on drawings for external surfaces of sand faced plaster, or any other surface, two coats of cement paint shall be applied of tint and shade as approved by the Owner. On external plastered surfaces, sand faced or plain plastered and concrete surfaces, cement paint shall be vigorously scrubbed on to work the paint into the voids and provide a continuous paint film free from pin holes and other openings. Curing shall be done between the coats and for at least 2 days following the final coat.
Purpose: Purpose of this Quality Assurance Plan is to provide guidelines & procedure for ensuring proper quality for the jobs to be executed within the contract based on the item description & specifications as per Tender document. However, this document is for guidance only and should not be considered as exclusive. There may be some more tests which are required to be done by the contractor during various stages of execution as relevant standards/ specifications/ direction of EIC. Scope: Scope of this Manual is to define the procedure for Quality Assurance & Quality Control for construction activities. Site Organogram : To achieve proper control over quality of work, a site organization/ organogram has been framed and provided in Annexure V of the tender document, which requires deployment of two (2) numbers of lead quality officers one each for civil jobs and electrical works. General:
3.2 3.3
3.4.1 The contractor shall be required to produce samples of all materials sufficiently in advance to obtain approval of the EngineerinCharge. Subsequently the materials to be used in the actual execution of the work shall strictly conform to the quality of samples approved. In case of variation, such materials shall be liable to rejection. 3.4.2 All the materials used in the work shall comply with the requirement of Engineerin Chargeand shall pass all the tests and analysis required by him as per particular specifications as applicable or such recognized specifications as acceptable to the EngineerinCharge.
The contractor shall be required to provide appliances at site, such as weighing scale, graduated cylinder, standard sieves, thermometer, slump cones etc. as per Annexure X in order to enable the EngineerinCharge to conduct field tests to ensure that the quality is consistent with the prescribed specifications and nothing extra shall be paid on this account. The contractor shall at his cost, make all arrangement and shall provide such facilities as may be require for collecting, preparing and forwarding the required number of samples for tests and for analysis at such time and to such places, as directed by NRL. Nothing extra shall be paid for the above and including the cost of material to be tested.
3.4.5 The necessary tests shall be conducted in the laborator ies approved by the NRL. The testing charges, if any, shall be borne by the contractor. 3.4.6 The contractor or his Lead Quality Officer shall associate in collection, preparation, forwarding and testing of such samples. In case he or his authorized representative is not present or does not associate himself, the results of such tests and consequences thereon shall be binding on the contractor.
3.4.7 The contractor shall give a performance test of the entire installations as per standard specifications before the work is finally accepted and nothing extra whatsoever shall be payable to the contractor for the test. 3.4.8 Contractor arrange for various construction material tests as per details provided in AnnexureXI. The tests mentioned in this list are indicative only. Some more tests may be required to be done from time to time, during the progress of work. Contractor shall arrange for such tests at field or laboratories at no extra cost. 3.4.9 Contractor has to maintain and regularly update the following machine printed site registers, formats of which are enclosed in AnnexureXII. These registers shall be updated and submitted to NRL for further checking. a) Material Issue & Stock Register (for materials issued by NRL) b) Site Measurement Register c) Site Instruction Register d) Site inspection Register e) Cube Test Register f) Equipment Deployment Record g) Material Test Register 3.4.10 Hindrance Register: This register shall be kept in custody of NRL. Hindrance, if any, shall be reported in person by the contractor or his representative maximum within the next day of hindrance. In case of failure in reporting within the next day of hindrance, the same shall not be recorded by NRL. 3.5 Inspection & Test Plan General Note: The enclosed ITPs shall be followed for the work to be performed by the contractor. The provisions indicated for stage wise inspection by Engineerincharge are the minimum and the Engineerincharge may decide to increase Witness points. Activities for which ITPs are not given, contractor has to develop and get the same approved by Engineerincharge well before start of the work. Contractor has to carry our 100% examination of all activities. Legend: WC : 100 % Examination by Contractor. W : Witness Point : An activity which requires witnessing by Engineerincharge / NRL when the activity is performed after proper notification has been provided. Rm : Random / Surveillance Inspection by Engineerincharge. : Monitoring of making observation to verify whether or not material/ item or services conform to specified requirement. Surveillance activities may include audit, inspection, witness of testing, review of quality documents & records, Personnel qualification etc. Note : Responsibility of execution of the inspection / testing is with the contractor. Engineerincharge / NRL only verifies examination of testing done by the contractor at important stages. Abbreviations: AFC : Approved For Construction BM : Bench Mark PCC : Plain Cement Concrete
: Reinforced Cement Concrete : Water Bound Macadam : Poly Vinyl Chloride : Optimum Moisture Content : Finished Ground Level : Ground Level : Plinth Level
Inspection Test Plan
Inspection & Test Plan Sl. No. 1.0 SURVEYING 1.1 Grid pillars 1.2 Survey equipment inspection 1.3 R.L transfer from permanent B.M 1.4 Initial levels of area, contour plans etc. 1.5 Protection of Control points, Permanent Bench Mark 2.0 SITE GRADING 2.1 Initial levels of area 2.2 Filling material test 2.3 Compaction test (Core cutter test format attached) 2.4 Final levels of area 3.0 EARTH WORK 3.1 Initial levels of area 3.2 Layout, Excavation 3.3 Obstacles underground pipes, cables etc. 3.4 Subsoil water, shoring, strutting 3.5 Final level of excavation & filling, compaction 4.0 BACK FILLING/ SAND FILLING/ EARTH FILLING 4.1 Subgrade formation/ compaction 4.2 Filling material test 4.3 Treatment of soil (if any) 4.4 Filling in layers, consolidation, watering 4.5 Compaction tests on filling 4.6 Filling to required level 5.0 ANTI-TERMITE TREATMENT 5.1 Chemical details 5.2 Surface preparation 5.3 Safety precautions 5.4 Chemical application 6.0 SHUTTERING 6.1 Layout & Cover check 6.2 Shuttering material inspection 6.3 Water tightness, Line, level and alignment check 6.4 Staging, scaffolding, walkway etc. 6.5 Surface cleanliness check 6.6 Removal time for shuttering 7.0 PLAIN CEMENT CONCRETE 7.1 Layout & Surface preparation 7.2 Material inspection, Mix proportion 7.3 Shuttering, concreting, compaction
7.4 Top level / Thickness of PCC 7.5 Curing 8.0 REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE 8.1 Material Tests Material Inspection, Layout & Surface preparation 8.2 8.3 Design Mix 8.4 Form work/ Water stoppers/ Cover 8.5 Reinforcement 8.6 Mix proportion, W/C ratio, Slump test 8.7 Inserts, Foundation bolts, templates 8.8 Pour card (format attached) 8.9 Concreting, compaction, test cubes 8.10 Curing 8.11 Testing of cubes 9.0 BRICK WORK 9.1 Layout 9.2 Material tests 9.3 Soaking of bricks 9.4 Thickness of joints/ bond/ closers 9.5 Line, level, plumb 9.6 Raking out joints, Keys in brick work, if any 9.7 Curing 10.0 PLASTERING 10.1 Scaffolding 10.2 Mix proportion 10.3 Hacking, cleaning of surface, removing of loose particles 10.4 Watering of surface prior to plastering 10.5 Thickness of plaster, plumb, even surface 10.6 Grooves, opening etc. 10.7 Curing 11.0 STRUCTURAL STEEL (During fabrication) 11.1 Material test 11.2 Fabrication drawings 11.3 Welders performance qualification 11.4 Welding machines, tools, tackles 11.5 Filler material, baking of electrodes, sequence of welding, interpass cleaning 11.6 Surface cleaning, application of primer, paint 11.7 Checking as per drawing 12.0 STRUCTURAL STEEL (During Erection) 12.1 Safety of workmen, scaffolds 12.2 Final coat of paint 13.0 PAINTING WORKS 13.1 Colour brand/ shade 13.2 Material inspection 13.3 Surface cleaning & preparation 13.4 Application 14.0 ROOFING SHEETS 14.1 Material as per specification check 14.2 Type of hooks J/ L or self tapping screws 14.3 Layout & level of truss/ purlin 14.4 Lapping
Rm Rm W Rm W Rm Rm Rm W W Rm Rm W Rm W Rm Rm Rm Rm Rm Rm Rm Rm Rm Rm Rm Rm W W Rm Rm Rm W W W Rm W W Rm Rm W Rm Rm Rm
14.5 Fixing of hooks, washers/ self tapping screws 14.6 Wind ties 14.7 Barge boards (is any) 15.0 TILES FLOORING/ SKIRTING/ WALL TILES 15.1 Material inspection 15.2 Base surface preparation 15.3 Layout/ pattern 15.4 Level/ slope in floor 15.5 Base plaster mix 15.6 Soaking of tiles in water 15.7 Cutting of tiles as per design & room layout 15.8 Finishing & cleaning 16.0 CEMENT CONCRETE FLOORING/ SKIRTING 16.1 Base surface preparation 16.2 Layout/ pattern 16.3 Glass strips, (if any) 16.4 Level/ slope in floor 16.5 Thickness of floor 16.6 Concrete mix 16.7 Curing 17.0 INER-LOCKING PAVER BLOCKS 17.1 Material inspection 17.2 Layout/ Pattern 17.2 Base preparation 17.4 Sand filling compaction, thickness 17.5 Laying & Fixing 18.0 TERRAZO FLOORING 18.1 Material inspection 18.2 Base surface preparation 18.3 Mix proportions & laying 18.4 Curing 18.5 Polishing 19.0 KOTA STONE/ MARBLE/ GRANITE FLOORING 19.1 Material inspection 19.2 Base surface preparation 19.3 Base plaster mix 19.4 Layout & Fixing 19.5 Polishing 20.0 INTERNAL PLUMBING 20.1 Material inspection 20.2 Layout 20.3 Painting of pipes (if any) 20.4 Installation testing 20.5 Sanitary fixtures & fittings 20.6 Sunken slab treatment 21.0 EXTERNAL PLUMBING 21.1 Material inspection 21.2 Layout 21.3 Painting of pipes (if any) 21.4 Bed concrete of pipes 21.5 Hooking up with manhole/ septic tank 21.6 Road crossings, if any 21.7 Installation testing
Rm Rm Rm W Rm Rm W Rm Rm Rm Rm Rm Rm Rm W Rm Rm Rm W Rm Rm Rm Rm W Rm Rm Rm Rm W Rm Rm Rm Rm W Rm Rm W W W W Rm Rm Rm Rm Rm W
22.0 WATER PROOFING 22.1 Surface preparation 22.2 Chemical 22.3 Execution by specialised agency 23.0 PVC- Doors & Windows 23.1 Material inspection 23.2 Embedment of members in wall/ floors 23.3 Alignment of frames 23.5 Hold fasts 23.6 Fittings 24.0 WOOD WORKS- Doors/ Windows/Ceiling & Frames 24.1 Material inspection 24.2 Thickness of members as per requirement 24.3 Clearance prior to painting/ oiling as well as fixing in place 24.4 Wood preservative 24.5 Polishing/ primer & painting 24.6 Embedment of members in wall/ floors 24.7 Alignment of frames 24.8 Hold fasts 24.9 Fittings 24.10 Wire gauge 24.11 Glass panes 25.0 ALUMINIUM WORKS 25.1 Material inspection 25.2 Glass panes 25.3 Fixing 26.0 ROAD WORKS 26.1 Excavation/ grading depth 26.2 Bed level compaction tests 26.3 Slope, camber 26.4 Material Inspection 26.5 GSB 26.6 Side shoulder construction in advance for confinement of aggregates 26.7 Scarifying, if any 26.8 WBM 26.9 Tack coat application 26.10 Premix carpeting 26.11 Embankment compaction tests 27.0 FENCING WORKS 27.1 Posts RCC/ angles 27.2 Base & Spacing of posts 27.3 Alignment of posts 27.4 Galvanized chain link dia & wire mesh size 27.5 Fixing & straightening of chain link, keeping it tight, erect 27.6 Painting on posts, if any
W W Rm W Rm Rm Rm Rm W Rm Rm Rm Rm Rm Rm Rm Rm Rm Rm W Rm Rm W W Rm W Rm Rm Rm Rm Rm Rm W Rm Rm Rm W Rm Rm
SL No.
The above e structure wor rk have been checked and foun nd ready for con ncreting. Mr t contractor will w be from the . present du uring concreting g.
SL. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
DESCRIPTION 1 Mass of core cutter (gm) Mass of core cutter + wet soil (gm) Volume of core cutter (cc) Bulk density (gm/cc) Mass of wet soil (gm) Mass of oven dried soil (gm) Moisture content (%) Dry density = BD/ (1+MC/100), (gm/cc) Lab control density (gm/cc) % of compaction
ANNEXURE X List of Laboratory Equipments A. For Building & Road works: 1. Sieves as per IS 4601962 (i) IS Sieves 450mm internal dia., of sizes 100mm, 80mm, 63mm, 50mm, 40mm, 25mm, 20mm, 12.5mm, 10mm, 6.3mm, 4.75mm, complete with lid and pan. (ii) IS Sieves 200mm internal dia. (brass frame), consisting of 2.36mm, 1.18mm, 600 microns, 425 microns, 300 microns, 212 microns, 150 microns, 90 microns, 75 microns, with lid and pan. 2. Sieve shaker capable of 200mm and 300mm dia. Sieves, manually operated with timing switch assembly. 3. Ovens electrically operated, thermostatically controlled upto 110 C sensitivity 1C. 4. Equipment for slump test Slump cone, steel plate, tamping rod, steel scale, scoop. 5. Cube moulds 150cm X 150cm X 150 cm 50 no.s 6. 100 tonnes compression testing machine, electricallycum manually operated. 7. Graduated measuring cylinders 200ml. capacity 8. Balances (i) 7 kg. to 10 kg. capacity, semiself indicating type accuracy 10 gm. (ii) 500 gm. Capacity, semiself indicating type accuracy 1hm. (iii) Pan balance 5 kg. capacity accuracy 10 gms. (iv) Chemical balance, 100 gm capacity accuracy 0.1 gm 9. Aggregate Crushing strength apparatus 10. Aggregate Impact value appartaus 11. Los Angeles Test apparatus 12. Rapid Moisture meter 13. Core cutter apparatus 14. Temperature gun, Temperature Range 0 to 750F 15. Theodolite 16. Dumpy Level with staffs 17. Electrical moisture meter for timber 18. Digital Elcometer (0125 microns for steel & 0100 microns for non ferrous base with accuracy of 1 micron) B. Miscellaneous: 1. Vernier Callipers 2. Steel measuring tapes 3. Rebound hammer for testing concrete
Sl. No. (1) (i) pH Value (ii) Limits of Acidity (iii) Limits of Alkality IS 3025 L
Material (2)
Tests (3)
Frequency (7)
Water from each source shall be got tested before the commencement of work and thereafter once in every 3 months till the completion of the work. Number of Tests for each source shall be 3.
(iv) Percentage of solids (a) Chlorides (b) Suspended matter (c) Sulphates (d) Inorganic solids (e) Organic solids Percentage of soft or deleterious material IS: 2386, part II Particle size Appendix B F or L As per requireme nt 50 cum
Coarse Aggregates
50 cum or part thereof and on each change of source. 10 cum 10 cum or part thereof
Estimation of Organic Impurities Surface moisture Determination of 10% fine value Specific Gravity Bulk Density Aggregate Crushing Strength Aggregate Impact value
Sl. No. (1) Sand Silt Content Bulking of Sand Appendix D Appendix B F or L F Particle size distribution Concrete Slump test Appendix G F 20 cum Appendix C F Organic Impurities Appendix A F 40 cum
Material (2)
Tests (3)
Frequency (7)
50 cum for R.C.C work including in all other small location. In case, R.C.C. done in a day is less than 50 cum test may be carried out as required by EIC 20 cum 50 cum or 10 batches of 57 cum each for R.C.C work in all location taken together. In case, R.C.C. done in a day is less than 50 cum test may be carried out as required by EIC.
Cube test
Appendix H
F/ L
Moisture Content
Appendix M
1 cum
Sl. No. (1) Bricks For lot size, 200110000, 20 no.s For lot size, 1000135000, 32 no.s For lot size, 3500150000, 50 no.s For lot size 2000 or less bricks, as per decision of EIC Dimensional test Appendix I L Water Absorption Efflorescence Appendix L Appendix K For lot size 200110000, 5 no.s of bricks For lot size, 1000135000, 10 no.s of bricks For lot size, 3500150000, 15 no.s of bricks For lot size 2000 or less bricks, as per decision of EIC From 2650 shutters, 8 no. samples From 51100 shutters, 13 no. samples From 101150 shutters, 20 no. samples From 151300, 32 no. of samples From 301500, 50 no. of samples From 501 and above, 80 no. of samples For 25 and lesser no.s, as per decision Of EIC F/L NA NA
Material (2)
Tests (3)
Frequency (7)
IS 2720, MORST& H
Annexure XII Register Formats a) Material Issue & Stock Register (for materials issued by NRL) MATERIAL STOCK & ISSUE RECORDS
Name of work: Contractor: W.O No.: SOR Item No. Date Qty. Brief Item Description Executed on Rate of Consumption Consumed Qty. Material Requisition Details Contractor NRL Signature Page No:
(Page No.)
W.O No.:
Name of work:
Page No:
Page No:
W.O No.:
Name of work:
Sl. No.
Contractor NR L
Material description
Sample taken on
Date of testing
APPENDIX A TEST FOR ORGANIC IMPURITIES The aggregate must also be checked for organic impurities such as decayed vegetation humus, coal dust etc. What is called the colour test is reliable indicator of the presence of harmful organic matter in aggregate, except in the area where there are deposits of lignite. Fill a 350 ml clear glass medicine bottle upto 70 ml mark with a 3% solution of caustic soda or sodium hydroxide. The sand is next added gradually until the volume measured by the sandy layer is 125 ml. The volume is then made upto 200 ml by addition of more of solution. The bottle is then stoppered and shaken vigorously and allowed to stand for 24 hours. At the end of this period, the colour of the liquid will indicate whether the sand contains a dangerous amount of matter. A colourless liquid indicates a clean sand free from organic matter. A straw coloured solution indicates some organic matter but not enough to be seriously objectionable. Darker colour means that the sand contains injurious amounts and should not be used unless it is washed, and a retest shows that it is satisfactory. Add 2.5 ml of two per cent solution of tannic acid in 10 per cent alcohol, to 97.5 ml of three per cent sodium hydroxide solution. Place in a 350 ml bottle, fix the stopper, shake vigorously and allow to stand for 24 hours before comparison with the solution above the sand. Note: A three per cent solution of caustic soda is made by dissolving 3 g of sodium hydroxide in 100 ml of water, preferably distilled. The solution should be kept in a glass of bottle tightly closed with a rubber stopper. Handling sodium hydroxide with moist hands may result in serious burns. Care should be taken not to spill the solution for it is highly injurious to clothing, leather, and other materials.
APPENDIX B TEST FOR PARTICLE SIZE (SIEVE ANALYSIS) Apparatus: Perforated plate sieves as per IS designation should be used. The balance or scale shall be such that it is readable and accurate to 0.1 per cent of the weight of the test sample. Sample: The weight of sample available shall not be less than the weight given in the table below. The sample of sieving shall be prepared from the larger sample either by quartering or by means of a sample divider. TABLE SHOWING MINIMUM WEIGHTS FOR SAMPLING Maximum size present in substantial proportions (mm) 10 4.75 2.36 Minimum weight of sample for sieving (Kg) 0.5 0.2 0.1
Test Procedure: The sample shall be brought to an airdry condition before weighing and sieving. This may be achieved either by drying at room temperature or by heating at a temperature of 100 degree to 110 degree centigrade. The air dry sample shall be weighed and sieved successively on the appropriate sieves starting with the largest. Care shall be taken to ensure that the sieves are clean before use. Each sieve shall be shaken separately over a clean tray until not more than a trace passes, but in any case for a period of not less than two minutes. The shaking shall be done with a varied motion, backwards and forwards, left to right, circular clockwise and anticlockwise, and with frequent jarring, so that the material is kept moving over the sieve surface in frequently changing directions. Materials shall not be forced through the sieve by hand pressure, but on sieves coarser than 20 mm, placing of particles is permitted, Lumps of fine material, if present may be broken by gentle pressure with fingers against the side of the sieve. Light brushing of underside of the sieve with a soft brush may be used to clear the sieve openings. Light brushing with a fine camel hair brush may be used on the 150 micron IS sieve to prevent segregation of powder and blinding of apertures. Stiff or worn out brushes shall not be used for this purpose and pressure shall not be applied to the surface of the sieve to force particles through the mesh. On completion of sieving the material retained on each sieve, together with any material cleaned from the mesh, shall be weighed. Reporting of Results: The results shall be calculated and reported as: (a) The cumulative percentage by weight of the total sample passing each of the sieves, to the nearest whole number: Or (b) The percentage by weight of the total sample passing one sieve and retained on the next smaller sieve, to the nearest 0.1 percent. In order that the sieves shall not be overloaded, care must be taken to ensure
that the maximum sieve loads shown in Table (below) are not exceeded at the completion of sieving. Maximum weight for 45 cm dia sieve kg 30 cm dia sieve kg 10 8 6 4 3 2 1.5 1.0 4.5 3.5 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.75 0.50 0.30
APPENDIX C TEST FOR SILT CONTENT The sand shall not contain more than 8% of silt as determined by field test with measuring cylinder. The method of determining silt contents by field test is given below: A sample of sand to be tested shall be placed without drying in a 200 ml measuring cylinder. The volume of the sample shall be such that it fills the cylinder upto 100 ml mark. Clean water shall be added upto 150 ml mark. Dissolve a little salt in the water in the proportion one tea spoon to half a litre. The mixture shall be shaken vigorously, the last few shakes being sidewise direction to level off the sand and the contents allowed to settle for three hours. The height of the silt visible as settled layer above the sand shall be expressed as a percentage of the height of sand below. The sand containing more than the above allowable percentage of silt, shall be washed so as to bring the silt contents within allowable limits. APPENDIX D BULKING OF FINE AGGREGATES/SAND (FIELD METHODS) Two methods are suggested for determining the bulking of sand/fine aggregate. The procedure may be suitably varied, if necessary. Both depend on the fact that the volume of inundated sand/fine aggregate is the same if the sand/fine aggregate were dry. Method -1: Put sufficient quantity of sand loosely into a container until it is about two third full. Level off the top of the sand and push a steel rule vertically down through the sand at the middle to bottom, measure the height. Suppose this is X cm. Empty the sand out of the container into another container where none of it is lost. Half fill the first container with water. Put back about half the sand and rod it with a steel rod, about 6 mm in diameter, so that its volume is reduced to a minimum. Then add the remainder and level the top surface of the inundated sand. Measure its depth at the middle with the steel rule. Suppose this is Y cm. The percentage of bulking of the sand due to moisture shall be calculated from the formula: Percentage bulking = (X/Y 1) X 100 Method-2: In a 250 ml measuring cylinder, pour the damp sand, consolidate it by staking until it reached the 200 ml mark. Then fill the cylinder with the water and stir the sand well (the water shall be sufficient to submerge the sand completely). It will be seen that the sand surface is now below its original level. Suppose the surface is at the mark of Yml, the percentage of bulking of sand due to moisture shall be calculated from the formula. Percentage bulking= (200/Y 1) x 100
APPENDIX E TEST FOR SURFACE MOISTURE Take a sample of wet aggregate and weigh it (A). Then place it in a frying pan and gently apply heat, meanwhile stirring with a glass rod until the surface moisture disappears. This is apparent when the aggregate loses its shining wet appearance and becomes dull, or when it just attains a free funning condition. The saturated surface dry material is then weighed (B). Continue the heating thereafter until the moisture is evaporated and weigh the dry sample (C). The surface moisture is then calculated as follows: Surface moisture = 100 x A B C It is expressed as a percentage of dry aggregate.
APPENDIX F DETERMINATION OF TEN PER CENT FINE VALUE Apparatus: The apparatus for the standard test shall consist of the following: (a) A 15 cm diameter openended steel cylinder, with plunger and baseplate, as shown in Fig. in the end of this appendix. The surfaces in contact with the aggregate shall be machined and case hardened or otherwise treated so as to have a diamond (VH) pyramid hardness number of not less than 650 VH. (b) A straight metal tamping rod of circular crosssection 16 mm in diameter and 45 to 60 cm long, rounded at one end. (c) A balance of capacity 3 Kg, readable and accurate to one gram. (d) I.S. Sieve of sizes 12.5, 10 and 2.36 mm. (d) A compression testing machine capable of applying a load of 50 tonnes and which can be operated to give a uniform rate of loading so that the maximum load in any test is reached in 10 minutes. This load may vary from 0.5 to 50 tonnes. (e) For measuring the sample, a cylindrical metal measure of sufficient rigidity to retain its form under rough usage and of the following internal dimensions: Diameter 11.5 cm Height 18.0 cm (f) Means of measuring the reduction in the distance between the plates of the testing machine to the nearest one millimeter during the test (for example, dial gauge). Test Sample: Material for the test shall consist of aggregate passing a 12.5 mm I.S. Sieve and retained on a 10 mm I.S. Sieve. The aggregate shall be tested in a surface dry condition. If dries by heating the period of drying shall not exceed four hours, the temperature shall be 100C to 110C and the aggregate shall be cooled to room temperature before testing. The quantity of aggregate shall be such that the depth of material in the cylinder, after tamping as described below, shall be 10 cm. The weight of material comprising the test sample shall be determined (weight A) and the same weight of sample shall be taken for the repeat test. Note: About 6.5 kg of natural aggregate is required to provide the two test samples. Less of light weight aggregate is required. The measuring cylinder is filled in three layers of approximately equal depth with aggregate passing a 12.5 mm I.S. Sieve and retained on 10 mm I.S. Sieve. Each layer is subjected to 25 strokes from the tamping rod (16 mm dia and 45 to 60 cm long) rounded to one end, care being taken in case of weak materials not to break the particles. The surface of the aggregate shall be carefully leveled and the plunger inserted so that it rests horizontally on this surface. Test Procedure: The apparatus, with the test sample and plunger in position, shall then be placed in the compression testing machine. The load shall be applied at a uniform rate so as to cause a total penetration of a plunger in 10 minutes of about: 15.0 mm for rounded or partially rounded aggregates (for example uncrushed gravel) 20 mm for nominal crushed aggregate & 24 mm for honey combed aggregate (for example expanded shales and slags). These figures may be varied according to the extent of the rounding or honey combing. After reaching the required maximum penetration, the load shall be released and the whole of the material removed from the cylinder and sieved on a 2.36 mm I.S. Sieve. The fines passing the sieve shall be weighed, and this weight expressed as a
percentage of the weight of the test sample. Normally, this percentage will fall within the range 7.5 to 12.5, but if it does not, a further test shall be made at a load adjusted appropriately, to bring the percentage fines within the range of 7.5 to 12.5. A repeat test shall be made at the load that gives as percentage fines within the range 7.5 to 12.5. Calculations: The mean percentage fines from the two tests at this load shall be used in the following formula to calculate the load required to give 10 percentage fines. Load required for 10 percent fines = Where X = Load in tonnes and 14 X Y + 4 Y= mean percentage fines from two test at X tonnes load. Reporting of Results: The load required to produce 10 percent fines shall be reported to the nearest whole number for loads of 10 tonnes or more, the nearest 0.5 tonne for loads of less than 10 tonnes. The value expressed to the nearest 0.5 tonne should be as follows: (a) For normal concrete, not less than 5 tonnes. (b) For wearing surfaces, not less than 10 tonnes. (c) For granolithic concrete, not less than 15 tonnes.
100 to 150 20
25 152.0.5
130 to 140
K 16All
APPENDIX G SLUMP TEST Apparatus: Mould shall consist of a metal frustum of cone having the following internal dimensions: Bottom diameter..20 cm Top diameter10 cm Height30 cm The mould shall be of a metal other than brass and aluminium of at least 1.6 mm (or 16 BG) thickness. The top and bottom shall be open and at right angles to the axis of the cone. The mould shall have a smooth internal surface. It shall be provided with suitable foot pieces and handles to facilitate lifting it from the moulded concrete test specimen in a vertical direction as required by the test. A mould provided with a suitable guide attachment may be used. Tamping rod shall be of steel or other suitable material 16 mm in diameter 60 mm long and rounded at one end. Procedure: The internal surface of the mould shall be thoroughly cleaned and free form superfluous moisture and any set concrete before commencing the test. The mould shall be placed on a smooth horizontal, rigid and non-absorbent surface viz. leveled metal plate. The operator shall hold the mould firmly in place while it is being filled with test specimen of concrete. The mould shall be filled in four layers, each approximately one quarter of height of mould. Each layer shall be tamped with twenty five strikes of the rounded end of the tamping rod. The strokes shall be distributed in a uniform manner over the cross section of the mould and for the second and subsequent layers shall penetrate into the under- lying layer. The bottom layer shall be tamped through out its depth. After the top layer has been rodded, the concrete shall be struck off level with trowel or the tamping rod, so that the mould is exactly filled. Any mortar which shall leak out between the mould and the base plate shall be cleaned away. The mould shall be removed from the concrete immediately after filling by raising it slowly and carefully in a vertical direction. The moulded concrete shall then be allowed to subside and the slump shall be measured immediately by determining the difference between the height of the mould and that of the highest point of specimen. The above operations shall be carried out at a place free from vibration or shock, and within a period of two minutes after sampling. Result: The slump shall be recorded in terms of millimeters of subsidence of the specimen during the test. Any slump specimen which collapses or shears off laterally give incorrect result. If this occurs, the test shall be repeated with another sample. The slump test shall not be used for very dry mixes as the results obtained are
APPENDIX H CUBE TEST FOR COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CONCRETE - MANDATORY LAB TEST H-0 One sample (consisting of six cubes 15x15x15 cm shall be taken for every 20 cum or part thereof concrete work ignoring any part less than 5cum or as often as considered necessary by the Engineer- in-Charge. The test of concrete cubes shall be carried out in accordance with the procedure as described below. A register of cubes shall be maintained at the site of work in Appendix C. The casting of cubes, concrete used for cubes and all other incidental charge, such are curing, carriage to the testing laboratory shall be borne by the contractors. The testing fee for the cubes, if any, shall be borne by the department. H-1 Test Procedure H-1.1 Mould The mould shall be of size 15 cmx15 cmx15 cm for the maximum nominal size of aggregate not exceeding 40 mm. For concrete with aggregate size more than 40 mm size of mould shall be specified by the Engineer-in-charge, keeping in view the fact that the length of size of mould should be about four times the size of aggregate. The moulds for test specimens shall be made of non-absorbent material and shall be substantially strong enough to hold their form during the moulding of test specimens. They shall not vary from the standard dimensions by more than one percent. The moulds shall be so constructed that there is no leakage of water from the test specimen during moulding. All the cube moulds for particular site should, prior to use, be checked for accuracy in dimensions and geometric form and such test should at least be made once a year. Each mould shall be provided with a base plate having a plane surface and made of nonabsorbent material. This plate shall be large enough in diameter to support the moulds properly without leakage. Glass plates not less than 6.5mm thick or plain metal not less than 12mm thick shall be used for this purpose. A similar plate shall be provided for covering the top surface of the test specimen when moulded. Note: Satisfactory moulds can be made from machine or steel castings, rolled metal plates or galvanized. H-1.2 Sample of Concrete Sample of concrete for test specimen shall be taken at the mixer or in the case of ready mixed concrete from the transportation vehicle discharge or as directed by Engineer-inCharge. Such samples shall be obtained by repeatedly passing a scoop or pail through the discharge stream of concrete. The sampling operation should be spread over evenly to the entire discharging operation. The samples thus obtained shall be transported to the place of moulding of the specimen to counteract segregation. The concrete shall be mixed with a shovel until it is uniform in appearance. The location in the work of the batch of concrete this sampled shall be noted for further reference. In case of paving concrete, samples shall be taken from the batch immediately after deposition of the sub grade. At least five samples shall be taken from different portion of the pile and these samples shall be thoroughly mixed before being used to form the test specimen.
The sampling shall be spread as evenly as possible throughout the day. When wide changes occur during concreting, additional sample shall be taken if so desired by the Engineer-inCharge. H-1.3 Preparation of Test Specimens The interior surfaces of the mould and base plate shall be lightly oiled before the concrete is placed in the mould. The samples of concrete obtained as described under the test specimen shall be immediately moulded by one of the following methods as indicated below:When the job concrete is compacted by manual methods, the test specimen shall be moulded by placing the fresh concrete in the mould in three layers, each approximately one third of the volume of the mould. In placing each scoopful of concrete the scoop shall be moved around the top edge do the mould as the concrete there sided from it, in order to ensure a uniform distribution of concrete within the mould. Each layer shall be rodded 35 times with 16 mm rod, 60 cm in length, bullet pointed at the lower end. The strokes shall be distributed in uniform manner over the cross section of the mould and shall penetrate into underlying layer. The bottom layer shall be rodded through its depth. After the top layer has been rodded, the surface of the concrete shall be struck off with a trowel and covered with a glass plate at least 6.5 mm thick or a machined plate. The whole process of moulding shall be carried out in such a manner as to preclude the change of the water cement ratio of the concrete, by loss of water either by leakage from the bottom or over flow from the top of the mould. When the job concrete is placed by vibration and the consistency of the concrete is such that the test specimens cannot be properly moulded by hand rolling as described above, the specimens shall be vibrated to give a compaction corresponding to that of the job concrete. The fresh concrete shall be placed in mould in two layers, each approximately half the volume of the mould. In placing each scoopful of concrete the scoop shall be moved around the top edge of the mould as the concrete there slides from it, in order to ensure a symmetrical distribution of concrete within the mould. Either internal or external vibrators may be used. The vibration of each layer shall not be continued longer than is necessary to secure the required density. Internal vibrators shall only be used when the concrete is required to be compacted in layers. In compacting the first layer, the vibrators shall not be allowed to rest on the bottom of the mould. In placing the concrete for top extent that there will be no mortar loss during vibrations. After vibrating the second layer enough concrete shall be added to bring level above the top of the mould. The surface of the concrete shall then the struck off with a trowel and covered with a glass or steel plate as specified above. The whole process of moulding shall be carried out in such a manner as to preclude the alteration of water-cement ratio of the concrete by loss of water, either by leakage for the bottom or over flow from the top of the mould. H-1.4 Curing and Storage of Test Specimen In order to ensure reasonably uniform temperature and moisture conditions during the first 24 hours for curing the specimen and to protect them from damage, moulds shall be covered with wet straw or gunny sacking and placed a storage box so constructed and kept on the work site that its air temperature when containing concrete specimens shall remain 22C to 33C. Other suitable means which provide such a temperature and moisture conditions may be used.
Note:- It is suggested that the storage box be made of 25 mm dressed tongued and grooved timber, well braced with battens to avoid warping. The box should be well painted inside and outside and should be provided with a hinged cover and padlock. The test specimen shall be removed from the moulds at the end of 24 hours and stored in a moist condition at a temperature within 24C to 30C until the time of test. If storage in water is desired, a saturated lime solution shall be used. H-1.5 Testing The specimens shall be tested in accordance with procedure as described below: (a) The tests shall be made at an age of concrete corresponding to that for which the strengths are specified. (b) Compression tests shall be made immediately upon removal of the concrete test specimen from the curing room i.e. the test specimen shall be loaded in damp condition. The dimensions of the test specimens shall be measured in mm accurate to 0.5 mm. (c) The metal bearing plates of the testing machine shall be placed in contact with the ends of the test specimens. Cushioning materials shall not be used. In the case of cubes, the test specimen shall be placed in the machine in such a manner that the load is applied to sides of the specimens as cast. An adjustable bearing block shall be used to transmit the load to the test specimen. The size of the bearing block shall be the same or slightly larger than that of test specimen. The upper or lower section of the bearing block shall be kept in motion as the head of the testing machine is brought to a bearing on the test specimen. (d) The load shall be applied axially without shock at the rate of approximately 140 per per minute. The total load indicated by the testing machine at failure of specimen shall be recorded and the unit compressive strength is calculated in kg sq. cm. using the area computed from the measured dimension of the specimen. The type of failure and Appearance of the concrete shall be noted. kg. test per test
APPEND DIX I T TEST FOR DIMENSION D AL TOLERA ANCE Procedure P A the blisters, loose particles of cla All ay and smal ll projection ns shall be re emoved from m the su urface of br ricks. Each specimen of 20 bri icks shall then t be ar rranged up pon a le evel surface e successiv vely as indic cated in Fig g. A, B and C below in contact c with h each other and in straight line. The overa all length of f the assemb bled bricks (20 Nos) sh hall be m measured wi ith a steel ta ape sufficien ntly long to measure the whole row w at one stre etch. T Tolerance T actual dimensions The d of bricks when w tested d as descri ibed in A2 shall be within w th he following g limits per r 20 bricks. Modular Bri M icks Length 3720 to 3880 mm m (3800 80 8 mm) W Width 1760 to 1840 mm m (1800 40 4 mm) H Height 1760 to 1840 mm m (1800 40 4 mm) for r 90 mm hig gh brick 760 to 840 mm (800 ( 40 mm) m for 40 mm high br rick N Non-Modula ar Bricks For class 10 Length (4520 0 to 4680) mm m (4600 80 mm) W Width (2240 to 2160) mm (2200 40 mm) H Height (1440 0 to 1360) mm m (1400 40 mm) fo or 70 mm high h bricks (640 to 560) mm m (600 40 0 mm) for 30 mm high bricks For other cla asses Length (4320 0 to 4680) mm m W Width (2130 0 to 2310) mm m H Height (1340 0 to 1460) mm m for 70 mm m high br ricks (840 to 920) mm m for 44 mm m high brick ks C Criteria for Conformit ty A lot shall be conside ered confor rming to the t require ements of dimensions s and to olerances if f all the gro oups of bricks are teste ed to meet the t specified requirem ments.
A' Measureme ent of Length 'A
B' Measureme ent of Width 'B 'C C' Measureme ent of Height
APPENDIX J TEST FOR COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH Specimen Five whole bricks shall be taken from the samples as specimens for this test. Length and width of each specimen shall be measured correct to 1 mm. Apparatus The apparatus consists of compression testing machine, the compression plate of which shall have a ball seating in the form of portion of a sphere the centre of which shall coincide with the centre of the plate. Procedure (a) Pre-conditioning: The specimen shall be immersed in the water for 24 hours at 25 to 29C. Any surplus moisture shall be allowed to drain at room temperature. The frog of the bricks should be filled flush with mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 clean coarse sand of grade 3 mm and down) and shall be kept under damp jute bags for 24 hours, after that these shall be immersed in clean water for three days. After removal from water, the bricks shall be wiped out of any traces of moisture. (b) Actual Testing: Specimen shall be placed with flat faces horizontal and mortar filled face upward between three 3 ply plywood sheets each of thickness 3 mm and carefully centred between plates of the testing machine. Plaster of Paris can also be used in place of plywood sheets to ensure a uniform surface. Load shall be applied carefully axially at uniform rate of 14 N/mm2 per minute till the failure of the specimen occurs. Reporting the Test Results The compressive strength of each specimen shall be calculated in N/mm2 as under : Maximum load at failure (in N) Area of Specimen (in sq mm)
Compressive Strength =
In case the compressive strength of any individual brick tested exceeds the upper limit of the average compressive strength specified for the corresponding class of brick, the same shall be limited to the upper limit of the class specified in 6.1.2 for the purpose of calculating the average compressive strength. Compressive strength of all the individual bricks comprising the sample shall be averaged and reported. Criteria for Conformity A lot shall be considered having satisfied the requirements of average compressive strength if the average compressive strength specified in 6.1.2 for the corresponding class of brick tested is not below the minimum average compressive strength specified for the corresponding class of bricks by more than 20 per cent.
APPENDIX K TEST FOR WATER ABSORPTION No. of Specimen Five whole bricks shall be taken from samples as specimen for this test. Apparatus A balance required for this test shall be sensitive to weigh 0.1 percent of the weight of the specimen. Procedure (a) Pre-conditioning: The specimen shall be allowed to dry in a ventilated oven at a 110C to 115C till it attains a substantially constant weight. If the specimen is known to be relatively dry, this would be accomplished in 48 hours, if the specimen is wet, several additional hours may be required to attain a constant weight. It shall be allowed to cool at room temperature. In a ventilated room, properly separated bricks will require four hours for cooling, unless electric fan passes air over them continuously in which case two hours may suffice. The cooled specimen shall be weigh (W1) a warm specimen shall not be used for this purpose. (b) Actual Testing: Specimen shall be completely dried before immersion in the water. It shall be kept in clean water at a temperature of 27C 2C for 24 hours. Specimen shall be wiped out of the traces of water with a damp cloth after removing from the water and then shall be weighed within three minutes after removing from water (W2). Reporting the Test Results The water absorption of each specimen shall be calculated as follows and the average of five tests shall be reported. Water Absorption W2 W1 x 100 W1 Criteria for Conformity A lot shall be considered having satisfied the requirements of water absorption if the average water absorption is not more than 20% by weight.
APPENDIX L TEST FOR EFFLORESCENCE No. of Specimen Five whole bricks shall be taken as specimen for this test. Apparatus Apparatus required for this test shall be a shallow flat bottom dish containing distilled water. Procedure (actual testing) The brick shall be placed vertically in the dish with 2.5 cm immersed in the water. The room shall be warm (18C to 30C) and well ventilated. The bricks should not be removed until it absorbs whole water. When the whole water is absorbed and the brick appears to be dry, place a similar quantity of water in that dish and allow it to evaporate as before. The brick shall be examined after the second evaporation. Reporting the Test Results The rating to efflorescence in ascending order shall be reported as NIL, SLIGHT, MODERATE, HEAVY or SERIOUS in accordance with the following : (a) NIL: When there is no perceptible deposit of efflorescence. (b) SLIGHT: When not more than 10 per cent of the area of the brick is covered with a thin deposit of salts. (c) MODERATE: When there is heavier deposit and covering upto 50% of the area of the brick surface but unaccompanied by powdering or flaking of the surface. (d) HEAVY: When there is a heavy deposit of salts covering 50% or more of the brick surface but unaccompanied by powdering or flaking of the surface. (e) SERIOUS: When there is heavy deposit of salts, accompanied powdering and/or flaking of the surface and tending to increase in the repeated wetting of the specimen. Criteria for Conformity A lot be considered having satisfied the requirements of efflorescence if for 4 out of the specimen of 5 bricks, the rating of efflorescence is not beyond Moderate.