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Moire Fringes and the Conic Sections Author(s): M. R. Cullen Source: The College Mathematics Journal, Vol.

21, No. 5 (Nov., 1990), pp. 370-378 Published by: Mathematical Association of America Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2686902 Accessed: 22/10/2010 14:59
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Fringes M. Ft. Cullen





Mike Cullen is Professor of Mathematics and formerchairman at Loyola MarymountUniversity in Los Angeles, and has been a faculty member at Grinnell College, L.S.U., and New Mexico Highlands University.He received his Ph.D. in mathematics at of Iowa and has done post-graduate age 24 fromthe University work in biomathematics at the Universityof Washington. His publications include research papers in classical complex analy? sis and two undergraduate books in mathematical biology. He takes special delight in uncovering nonstandard applications of undergraduate mathematics.

two geometric patterns are superimposed, additional geometric patterns (known as moire patterns) may become visible. In the "Op Art" posters of the 1960's two superimposed screens create additional images that appear to change rapidly with the slightest movement of the viewer [2, pp. 239-252], [3], [12]. To create a moire or "watered" silk, two layers of ribbed silk are steam pressed third a and together pattern emerges which resembles reflections on the surface of a pool of water [5]. The scientific applications of the mathematical theory of overlapping geometric patterns range from wave interference phenomena in physics to the detection of stress patterns in metals and of aberrations in lenses [4], [5], [11]. Two objects can be positioned precisely by arranging for moire patterns to appear with any small displacement in alignment [8]. Particular examples will be given later in the paper. Figure 1 shows a family of concentric circles that has been superimposed on a grid of horizontal lines. A third family of oval-shaped curves, the moire pattern of the two original families of curves, can be clearly seen near the vertical bisector of the figure. Notice that each individual oval (or moire fringe) appears as the eye follows successive intersections of lines and circles. The moire fringes arising from



such families of lines and circles are indeed conic sections, as we will show. We first explain exactly how these fringes are formed. General Moire Fringes

Let f(x, y) = c denote the family of level curves of a function of two variables. When the collection of values that c assumes is discrete, we call the family a grating and write fix, y) = cm, where m ranges over a set of consecutive integers and ck<ck+l. Moire fringes are formed from points of intersection of two gratings. If, for a particular m and n, point P is an intersection point of fix, y) = am and as the grating coordinates of P. In Figure 2, gix,y) = bn, we will record (m,n) B = (m-1, and D = n + 1), C = (m - 1, n-l), A = (m + 1, n-l), the sum of their grating <m + l,n + l>. Note that A,P, and B each have m+nas coordinates. Thus a moire fringe through A,P, and B may be found by solving the system fix,y) gix,y) =am =bn

= a, a fixed subject to the condition that m + n integer. The set of all such curves, a is moire of different from values a, pattern. Likewise, the difference generated between the first and second coordinates of C, P, and D is m ?n, and so a second moire fringe may be found by solving the same system subject to the condition m ? n = a. The moire fringe with the smaller diagonal distance (either AB or CD in Figure 2) is the fringe that the eye perceives. The relative relationship between these diagonal distances may change as one grating slides over the other, which results in some dramatic op art effects. Note that AB is the smaller diagonal when the angle 9 in Figure 2 is acute. Since 6 is equal to the angle between gradient vectors - V/ and Vg, it follows that cos0= ||Vg||). We may therefore -(V/)-(Vg)/(||-V/|| is visible in those conclude that the moire pattern corresponding to m +n=a regions for which

df dg -+-<0 dx dx and the moire pattern corresponding

df dy

dg dy is visible in those regions for

to m?n=a

8(x,y) = bn+ K g(x,y) = bn


= am + 1 fix,y) = am

fix,y) = am_x B

Figure 2 VOL. 21, NO. 5, NOVEMBER1990 371

which df dg -+->0 dx dx [11, pp. 14-17]. Circular and Line Gratings df dy dg dy

The radii of the circles in Figure 1 increase by a fixed amount p called the pitch of the circular grating. The distance between the horizontal lines is kp, for some constant A > 0, and we will call this distance the pitch of the lines. Thus the corresponding system may be written as x2+y2 (mp) = y n{kp),

where m and n range over the integers. From the partials condition we see that a fringe is visible in the upper half plane y > 0 when we impose the condition m-n=a. Although it can be proved algebraically that this fringe is a conic (by the corresponding system), it is much easier to give a demonstration that solving uses the polar definition of a conic: A conic is the set of all points P such that the ratio of the distance from P to a fixed point F to the distance from P to a fixed line / is a constant (called the eccentricity of the conic). and let P = (0,0) be the Let / denote the fixed horizontal line y= -a(Xp) = mp and fixed point. If P=(m,n), then, as illustrated in Figure 3, d(P,F) - n = d(p, /) = n(Xp) + a(\p). Using the condition m a, it follows that the ratio d(P,F)_ d(P,/) ~ mp kp(n + a) 1/A. A similar argument a fringe in the lower half of the lines (i.e., A = 1), a and directrices y = -ap,

is constant and so P lies on a conic with eccentricity (which uses the condition m + n = a) can be given for plane y < 0. We may therefore conclude: 1. If the pitch of the circular grating equals the pitch family of parabolas is formed with common focus at (0,0) for a an integer.

y = n(Xp)

y= -a(\p)


2. If the pitch of the lines is greater than that of the circles (i.e., A > 1), a family of ellipses is formed as in Figure 1. Each ellipse has one focus at (0,0) and eccentricity 1/A. 3. If the pitch of the lines is less than that of the circles (i.e., 0 < A < 1), a family of hyperbolas is formed. Each hyperbola has one focus at (0,0) and eccentricity 1/A. The third case is illustrated in Figure 4. These three cases can be presented to a class using transparencies and an overhead projector. The images are quite pleasing to observe and it is not necessary to align the circles and lines carefully to see the moire fringes.

Figure 4

Two Circular


If the centers of two identical circular gratings each of pitch p are positioned at a distance of 2c from each other, the equations of the two families of curves can be written as (x + c)2+y2 and (x-c)2+y2 = (np)2, P2 = (c,0), and = (mp)2

where m and n range over the positive integers. If Fx =(-c,0), P = (jc, y), then the equations may be expressed as d{P,Fx)=mp d(P,F2)=np. The condition m ?n=a is equivalent to mp ? np=ap or

d(P,Fi)-d(P9F2)=ap. Thus the corresponding moire fringes are hyperbolas with foci at Fx and F2. Likewise the condition m + n = a leads to a family of ellipses with foci at F{ and F2. The hyperbolas can be clearly seen in Figure 5 as the partials condition predicts. The ellipses are more apparent when the distance between the centers is increased.

VOL. 21, NO. 5, NOVEMBER1990


Figure 5 We can also consider circular gratings for which the distance between successive circles is not constant. For example, in a regular Fresnel zone grating, the area of each ring is equal to the area of the center circle. Thus, if rn denotes the radius of the nth circle, or irrZ+l-irrZ 2 2 = irp2 2

where rx =p. It follows that r2 = np2 and so the family of circles can be repre? sented by x2 +y2 = np2. If the centers of two identical Fresnel zone gratings are positioned 2 c units apart, the corresponding system of equations can be written as (x + c) (x-c) -\-y2= mp2 -\-y2= np2.

In this case it is easier to solve the system directly to discover moire fringes. If we and subtract the two equations, we obtain 4xc = impose the condition m-n=a = or x as shown in Figure 6, one set of moire fringes is Thus, ap2 ap2/(4c).


= a and add the composed of vertical lines. If we impose the condition m + n ? 1c2). Set r2 = = two equations, we obtain the family of circles x2-\-y2 \{ap2 - 2c2) and note that = r2 + \{ap2 r2+1 \p2. The area of each ring is therefore \irp2. Thus the second moire pattern is itself a special Fresnel zone grating (see Figure 7). As the centers of the original two Fresnel zone gratings are moved apart, you will also see additional circular moire fringes that correspond to side conditions of the form m + fin = a.

Figure 7



A ripple tank creates moire fringes from the superposition of the crests of two wave trains. A train of horizontal waves may be generated by dipping a ruler into the surface of the water with a certain frequency, while circular waves are easily formed by dipping a pencil into the tank. If wave trains are generated simultane? ously from two such sources, the moire fringes correspond to positions where double crests are formed. These appear as bright regions when the wave pattern is projected onto the screen of the ripple tank. Excellent ripple tank photos are given in many physics texts (see, e.g. [7]). Moire patterns can be used for the precise linear and angular positioning of objects. Typically, one grating is fixed to an object which is then viewed through an identical transparent master grating. If the previously aligned object is displaced, a moire pattern will be visible. For example, to obtain a continuous record of the movement of a building during an earthquake, a high speed camera can record the moire patterns formed when a line grating on a wall is viewed through a second line grating [1]. When two identical line gratings of pitch p is again a family of parallel lines with pitch angle that the lines make with one another. moire fringes are far apart and the slightest are superimposed, the moire pattern p/(2 sin(0/2)), where 6 is the acute Note that when 6 is near zero, the displacement of the gratings causes the fringes to move rapidly (see Figure 8). Aside from alignment problems in optics, this key property can be used to detect loose thermal-protection tiles on the space shuttle [10], to align cloth while being heat set [9], and to detect movement of teeth [6]!

VOL 21, NO. 5, NOVEMBER1990


Figure 8

If the two line gratings are placed on a circular grating of the same pitch, three moire patterns are visible?two families of parabolas formed from the circular grating and each line grating, and a third family formed by the circular grating and the linear fringes of the two line gratings (see Figures 9 and 10). When 0 < 60?, A = > 1 and so this third family is a family of ellipses. When 0 = 60?, l/(2sin(0/2)) the pitch of the moire pattern is again p, and a third family of parabolas is formed. This provides us with a visual way of positioning the two line gratings at an angle of 60?. The method can be accommodated to an angle 0O other than 60? by = adjusting the pitch (A \ sec 0O) of the second line grating.

Figure 9 0<6O?



Figure 10 0>6O?


for Students

The following moire fringe problems are well within the capabilities of most calculus students. Students can experiment with transparencies or computers to anticipate or verify their results: 1. Find the moire fringes that result from the two families of lines y = mp y = 5X + nirp) for m and n integers and s and r fixed real numbers. (The second family of lines has pitch (r cos 6)p, where s = tan 0.) 2. Find the moire fringes that result when the Fresnel zone grating x2+y2 = mp2 is placed on a grid of horizontal lines y = niXp). 3. The centers Fx and F2 of circular gratings of pitches p and Xp, respectively are positioned at a distance of 2c from one another. Show that the moire fringes is constant}. When A # 1, these may be described as {P:AdiP,Fl)?diP,F2) curves are not conies. Experiment with circular gratings to discover the shapes of these curves. 4. The moire pattern corresponding to m + n = a is visible in those regions for


df dg -+-<0. dx dx

df dg dy dy

Use this criterion to explain why the centers of the circular gratings in Figure 5 must be pulled apart in order for the elliptical fringes to be seen. Perform a similar analysis for the Fresnel zone plates in Figure 6.

VOL 21, NO. 5, NOVEMBER1990


References 1. R. Chang and C. Lin, Test the highbuilding an earthquakeby vibration and the deformation during Society for highspeed camera withmoire fringe of SPIE-The International technique,Proceedings 497 (1984) 36-39. OpticalEngineering 2. M. Gardner,MartinGardner'sSixthBook of Mathematical W. H. GamesfromScientific American, Freeman,New York, 1971. 3. G. Oster,Optical art, AppliedOptics4 (11), (1965) 1359-1369. 4. _, Moire patterns, McGraw-Hill,1985,pp. 299-301. Encyclopedia of Scienceand Technology, 5. G. Oster and Y. Nishijima,Moire patterns, American208 (5), (1963) 54-63. Scientific 6. R. L. Patersonet a!., A techniqueforreal timemeasurement of tootheruption, Proceedings of the NinthAnnual Conference in Medicineand BiologySociety2 (1987) 737-8. of theIEEE Engineering 7. PhysicalScience StudyCommittee, D.C. Heath, Lexington, MA, 1960,Chapters17 and 18. Physics, 8. C. A. Sciammarella, The moiremethod?a review,Experimental Mechanics22 (11) (1982) 418-433. 9. Thomas P. Sheahen, Opportunities to apply physicsto energyconservation problemsin process on PhysicsCareers, industries: Proceedings of Conference examples fromtextilesand papermaking, and Education,State College PA, 1-3, 1978, pp. 201-206. Employment 10. W. L. Snow, et al., Dynamic moire methodsfordetectionof loosened space shuttletiles, NASA, Report No: NASA-TM-83205,Sept. 1981, 17 pages. 11. P. S. Theocaris, MoireFringes in StrainAnalysis, NY, 1969. PergamonPress,Elmsford, 12B (1-2), 1986, pp. 363-378. with 12. W. Witschi, & Mathematics Moires, Computers Applications (Reviewers,continuedfrompage 369.) Martin Isaacs, U. of Wisconsin, Hurley, U. of Connecticut; Madison; Walther Janous, Innsbruck, Austria;Charles Jepsen,GrinnellC; Elgin Johnston, Iowa State U.; Charles Jones, GrinnellC; Zaven Karian, Denison U.; Jerome Keisler, U. of Wisconsin, Madison; Paul Kelly, Santa Barbara, CA; James R. King, U. of Washington;L. R. King, Davidson C; Roger Kirchner, Carleton C; David Klein, CaliforniaState U., Northridge; Benjamin G. Klein, Davidson C; Vivian Kraines, MeredithC; Joseph B. Kruskal, AT&T Bell Laboratories;Lester H. Lange, San Jose State U.; L. Carl Leinbach, Gettysburg C; Louis Leithold, PacificPalisades, CA; Tung-Po Lin, CaliforniaState Peter Lindstrom, North Lake C; Andy Liu, U. of Alberta; Donna Llewellyn, U., Northridge; Georgia Tech.; Robin Lock, St. Lawrence U.; Antonio Lopez, Jr.,Loyola U., New Orleans; Robert Lopez, Rose-Hulman Institute;B. Pauline Lowman, Western KentuckyU.; William F. Lucas, ClaremontGraduate School; Roy Luke, Los Angeles Pierce C; Rajindar Singh Luthar, Janesville, WI; Frederick Luttmann, Sonoma State U.; W. A. J. Luxemburg, Caltech; Joseph Malkevitch, York C, Jamaica,NY; Colin L. Mallows, AT&T Bell Laboratories;Stephen Maurer, Swarthmore C; Thomas R. McCutcheon, Los Angeles Pierce C; Richard McIntosh, U. of Regina; B. Arthur Arizona U.; Jerry Moreno, JohnCarroll Miller, Mount Allison U.; Charles G. Moore, Northern Richard D. State U., New Kensington; U.; Frank Morgan, WilliamsC; Roy Myers, Pennsylvania Neidinger, Davidson C; Yves Nievergelt, Eastern Washington U.; Andrew M. Odlyzko, AT&T Bell Laboratories;Morris Orzech, Queen's U., Kingston;Arnold Ostebee, St. Olaf C; Paul R. Patten, NorthGeorgia C; Brian Peterson, San Jose State U.; Richard Pfiefer, San Jose State U.; Stephen Pierce, San Diego State U.; John Poole, FurmanU.; Gerald Porter, U. of Pennsylvania; Charles Rees, U. of New Orleans; Amy Rocha, San Jose State U.; Edwin Rogers, Siena C; Mary Kenneth Ross, U. of Oregon; Edward Rozema, U. of Rosen, California State U., Northridge; Tennessee; Dieter Ruoff, U. of Regina; Hans Sagan, North Carolina State U.; Paul Schaefer, George Schnibben, Francis Marion Honeoye, NY; Mark Schilling, CaliforniaState U., Northridge; C; Alan Schoenfeld, U. of California,Berkeley;William C. Schulz, NorthernArizona U.; Jon Scott, Montgomery C; J. Arthur Seebach, St. Olaf C; Judy Seery, AT&T Bell Laboratories; Annie Alexander Selden, Tennessee Technical U.; Lester Senechal, Mount Holyoke C; Donald R. Sherbert, U. of Illinois; Tatiana Deretsky Shubin, San Jose State U.; David B. Singmaster, Polytech.of the South Bank, London; Daniel Sloughter, Furman U.; Larry Small, Los Angeles Pierce G; Donald B. Small, Colby G; Andy Sterrett, Denison U.; J. Suck, Essen, FRG; Alvin Arizona State U.; Richard Trout, RutgersU.; George Tsintsifas, Thessaloniki,Greece; Swimmer, Thomas Tucker, Colgate U.; Barbara Turner, CaliforniaState U., Long Beach; Floyd Vest, U. of NorthTexas; Michelle Wachs, U. of Miami, Coral Gables; Bert Waits, Ohio State U.; William T. Watkins, Pan AmericanU.; Joan W. Weiss, FairfieldU.; Ronald Wenger, U. of Delaware; John Stephen Willson, Iowa State U.; Lynn Wilson, AT&T Bell Laboratories; Williams, U. of Hartford; JeffWitmer, Oberlin G; John W. Wrench, Jr., Frederick, MD; Paul Zorn, St. Olaf G



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