The Rosicrucian Library
The Rosicrucian Library
The Rosicrucian Library
for the Home and Business III The Mystical Life of Jesus IV The Secret Doctrines of Jesus V "Unto Thee I Grant . . ." (Secret Teachings of Tibet) VI A Thousand Years of Yesterdays (A Revelation of Reincarnation) VII Self Mastery and Fate with the Cycles of Life (A Vocational Guide) VIII Rosicracian Manual IX Mystics at Prayer X Behold the Sign (A Book of Andent Symbolism) XI Mansions of the Soul (A Cosmic Conception) XII Lemuria The Lost Continent of the Pacific XIII The Technique of the Master XIV The Symbolic Prophecy of the Great Pyramid XV The Book of Jasher XVI The Technique of the Disciple XVII Mental Poisoning XVIII Glands Our Invisible Guardians XIX Along Civilization's Trail (Out of Print) XX The Word Went Forth (Out of Print) XXI What to Eat and When XXII The Sanctuary of Self XXIII SepherYezirah XXIV Of Gods and Miracles (Other volumes will be added from time to time. Write for complete catalogue.)
One may or may not believe in the strange theories of continuous existence of personality, and one may reject the more or less unscientific theories regarding the probability of femcarnatwn, but one cannot reject with the same absoluteness the apparent completeness of memory's records. Almost everyone has experienced the sudden conscious realization of facts released from the storehouse of memory involving incidents long forgotten in the conscious recollection; and, coupled with the release of such facts as one knows were stored away within the present span of earthly life, there comes an array of incidents, associated and unassociated, which could not have been stored in the memory through any experience in this life. Psychology offers as an explanation for the possession of such seemingly inexperienced facts, the theory that in our dreams we charge our minds with experiences which are not consciously realized at the time, or possibly are forgotten in our waking state, but which return to consciousness by association of ideas. Another theory offered attempts to explain the mass of inexperienced incidents and ideas which come from the subconscious mind, as being the result of the process of imagination. Shakespeare wrote: And as imagination bodies forth The Form of things unknown the poet's pen Turns them to shapes, and gives to airy nothing A local habitation and a name. But such theories leave the cause and nature of dreams and imagination unexplained. To conceive of the mind mechanically creating from nothing those wondrous things which the imagination of man has given us in the past and present, is more difficult than to conceive of subconscious experiences or experiences of the mind, stored away in the memory, resulting from forgotten realizations. Laying aside the prophetic nature of some dreams, and likewise the prophetic nature of many things seemingly drawn from the imagination, we still have a great mass of facts and incidents resulting from dreams and imagination, which coincide with experiences, facts, and incidents which have had actuality in the past, outside of our con-