Analysing Energy and Material Saving Technologies' Adoption and Adopters
Analysing Energy and Material Saving Technologies' Adoption and Adopters
Analysing Energy and Material Saving Technologies' Adoption and Adopters
0 INTRODUCTION Manufacturing is defined as the transformation of materials and information into goods for the satisfaction of human needs. Turning raw materials into consumer products is also a major source of generating environmental pollution. Waste coming out from manufacturing activities is an environmental threat originating from several regions around the world [1]. Therefore, in recent years, mostly in response to increasing pressure from environmental regulations, many manufacturing firms have made significant efforts in cleaner production [2] to [4]. Industrial energy efficiency plays a central role as the manufacturing industry accounts for about 75% of the worlds yearly coal consumption, 44% of the worlds natural gas consumption, and 20% of global oil consumption. In addition, these manufacturing firms also use 42% of all the electricity generated [5]. Although renewable energy technologies, such as photovoltaic technology, might be a long-term solution, more efficient energy use can make the highest and most economic contribution towards solving these problems in the short run. Using the available energy more efficiently is an effective countermeasure to rising energy needs and unsecure energy supplies [6] and[7]. Bunse et al.
[8] argue that examples in the literature and in the world of practice show that although the manufacturing sector has made continuous improvement in energy efficiency, economically beneficial energy efficiency potential is not yet exploited [8] and [9]. This paper is based on an empirical study that tries to contribute to world literature in the field of energy and material efficient technologies. The objective of this paper is firstly to map the adoption of the technologies for reduction of energy and resources consumption in production and, second to contribute to the identification and understanding of the characteristics of the manufacturing firms that use this kind of innovative technologies. The paper is organized as follows. Introductory background and literature review about the energy efficiency in production is recalled. Next, we present our research methodology and methods used to analyse the characteristics of energy and material saving technologies adoption and their adopters. Results and findings are presented for the manufacturing firms with the use of descriptive statistics and simple correlation tests. In the end we discuss our results and present some implications. 1 LITERATURE REVIEW
Corr. Author's Address: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Smetanova 17, SI-2000 Maribor, Slovenia, [email protected]
Energy efficiency of manufacturing processes has recently been discussed intensively due to the increasing energy cost and the associated greenhouse gas emissions [11]. Improving energy efficiency is regarded as one of the most important options to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases and the dependency of countries on energy imports [12]. Measuring energy efficiency is the basis for controlling energy consumption in the production processes, for deciding about improvement measures and for tracking changes and improvements in energy efficiency [8]. Studies on energy consumption of manufacturing processes have provided fundamental information for improving energy efficiency and build a comprehensive foundation towards reducing the energy consumption of manufacturing processes [11]. There is also an on-going debate on the reasons why profitable investments to reduce energy consumption are not realized in firms [13] and [14]. There are several barriers to implementing energy efficiency improvement measures in firms, e. g.: payback periods, limited capital, a low priority given to energy efficiency by the management, lack of information, or difficult-to-measure components of energy investments [8] and [15] to [17]. Bunse et al. [8] argue that many industrial firms still lack appropriate methods to effectively address energy efficiency in production management. Current approaches to integrate energy efficiency performance as a relevant criterion in production management seem to have shortcomings in their comprehensiveness and practicality. The authors of this paper argue that there are two reasons for this: the first reason is the fact, that there is no consensus on the definition of energy efficiency. The second reason is the variety of possibilities to measure and monitor energy efficiency. When discussing energy efficiency in the industrial sector, different definitions are used [8] and [18] to [21]. Bunse et al. [8] define energy efficiency as the ratio of energy services out to energy input (meaning) getting the most out of every energy unit you buy. Increased energy efficiency may be accomplished by more efficient technology, energy recovery in the same process or further use of energy waste in different processes, increased energy conversion efficiency or optimized operational practices.
Energy efficiency developments can be monitored by quantifying the ratio of energy input and the useful output of a certain activity over time. The useful output of an activity can be defined in either physical (e.g. litres of beer produced or person kilometres driven) or monetary units (e.g. GDP of a country or value added of a sector) [12]. Usually, energy efficiency indicators are ratios describing the relationship between an activity and the required energy. In the industrial sector, activities such as the production process of a product can be described in either economic or physical terms resulting in either economic or physical indicators. Economic indicators are useful at an aggregated level, such as for comparing different sectors; however, to gain insight into particular manufacturing processes, physical indicators are more suitable [22]. Examples of physical indicators are specific energy consumption [22] to [25], final energy efficiency improvement [26], thermodynamic energy efficiency [19], etc. There is no single energy efficiency indicator that can be applied in every situation, but the appropriate indicators have to be defined depending on the decision to be made or decision tool to be applied [25]. Only several studies used for environmental variables the use of production activities or energy efficient technologies. One of the most recent is from Zeng et al. [27] who found out an overall positive impact of cleaner production on firms' business performance, but not under all circumstances. They argue that the cleaner production activities of low-cost scheme (e. g. improve employee environmental consciousness through training, improve working conditions to reduce waste, strictly enforce rules on cleaner production, increase the recyclability of the products and components) have a bigger contribution to financial performance than the high-cost scheme activities (e. g. using energy efficient and clean technologies or using renewable resources as raw materials), which require significant financial investment but may not result in immediate economic benefit. The low-cost scheme cleaner production activities do not require significant financial input but may bring immediate financial benefits. 2 METHODOLOGY
We used data from European Manufacturing Survey (EMS) for our research. The EMS is the largest European survey on manufacturing activities, coordinated by the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI, Germany. The survey collects data on manufacturing strategies, the application of innovative organisational and technological concepts in production, personnel deployment and qualification, the production off-shoring and back-sourcing activities, cooperation patterns etc. In addition, data on firm characteristics and performance indicators (R&D expenses, productivity, returns on sales,) is collected. The 2009 EMS edition has been carried out in 12 countries. This paper uses data from the Spanish and Slovenian sub-samples. The Spanish sub-sample had 116 responses and the Slovenian accounted for 64, all together 180 responses. The survey was performed in manufacturing firms (NACE codes from 15 to 37) with at least 20 employees. In recent years, only a few surveys have been launched in the world that analyse energy efficiency in manufacturing firms and their energy saving technologies (EST) and material saving technologies (MST) use. These existing surveys cover only some industrial sectors monitoring very specific technologies or cover only American and Asian countries. None of them include the European countries covered by EMS that also encompasses all manufacturing industries. Therefore, the latest survey added several questions relating environmental and energy issues. In that sense, EMS defines 10 general groups of technologies, 8 for energy efficiency and 2 for material consumption saving. These wide groups allow classifying any specific technology into one of them obtaining a global map of their use and level of implementation. EST included were: T1. control system for shut down of machines in off-peak periods, T2. electric motors with rotation speed regulation, T3. compressed air contracting, T4. highly efficient pumps, T5. low-temperature joining processes, T6. retrieval of kinetic and process energy, T7. combined cold, heat and power Bi-/Trigeneration and T8. waste material for in-house energy
generation. We included two MST: T9. utilisation of recycled material in product manufacturing and T10. product recovery after product life cycle. EST and MST are characterized in terms of use and also in terms of usage levels (extent of use) through a descriptive and a frequency analysis. Extent of actual use is referred to comparing the actual use of the technology in the firm to the most reasonable potential use. There are three levels: Extent of utilised potential low for an initial attempt to utilise, medium for partly utilized and high for extensive use. We have analysed the characteristics of EST and MST adopters according to the OECD's taxonomy of manufacturing industries classified by their technological intensity [28]. We have formed three groups: Low technology with firms from NACE 15-16, 17-19, 20-22, 36-37; Medium-Low technology with firms from NACE 23, 25, 26, 351, 27, 28; and MediumHigh and High technology with firms from NACE 24, 31, 34 excl. 2423, 352+359, 29 and 353, 2423, 30, 32, 33. As we can observe in Table 1 the majority of firms falls within Medium-Low technology group. If we join Medium-Low technology and Medium-High technology this group consists of 131 firms, thus making Medium technology industry the biggest one. Since our High technology industry group (NACE 353, 2423, 30, 32 and 33) involves only 13 firms, this group was merged with the Medium-High technology industry group in order to reduce the number of groups. We created a discrete variable to group this classification into three categories: "Low technology" value 1, Medium-Low technology value 2 and Medium-High and High technology value 3. Medium-Low technology was taken as a reference variable. Next, we have classified technology adopters in three groups that represent the relative energy and materials consumption efficiency in production. These groups have been created from the responses of the question regarding the perception of their production efficiency in terms of actual material and energy consumption in comparison with other factories in their industry. Energy efficiency is therefore measured on a relative scale with values from 1 to 5. The scale ranges from 1 equalling considerably much less efficient (0.5%) to value 5 considerably much
Corr. Author's Address: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Smetanova 17, SI-2000 Maribor, Slovenia, [email protected]
more efficient (2.2%). The value 2 indicates rather less efficient (6.1%), 3 indicates equally efficient (62.6%) and 4 indicates rather more efficient (28.5%). In the analyses, three groups have been created from this variable: Less efficient (including firms rated with values 1 or 2), Equally efficient (including firms rated with value 3) and More efficient (including firms rated with values 4 or 5). 3 RESULTS AND FINDINGS Table 1 presents the results according to the OECD's taxonomy of manufacturing industries classified by their technological intensity. The results show that adopters in higher
technological intensive industries have, on average, a higher number of employees, higher per cent of firms with R&D expenditure, superior exportation intensity (more than 50% of sales abroad) and a major use of environmental management systems, such as ISO14000. Firms in Medium-high and High technology industrial sectors have also an average turnover in 2008 of more than the double of each one of the other two technological groups (62 M vs. 22 M and 30 M). Observing at the average estimation of material and energy efficiency in production (max. range=5, min. range=1), there is hardly any difference between these groups of technological sectors relative to the average of material and energy efficiency in production.
Table 2 presents the results according to three groups representing the relative energy and materials consumption efficiency in production. There are only 12 firms in the Less efficient group. The majority of firms are in the Equally efficient group. There were only 4 firms that claimed that they are considerably more efficient than firms in their industry. The More efficient group has all together 55 firms. Regarding this energy and materials efficiency in groups, descriptive analysis shows that firms belonging to more relative efficient groups have, on average, higher number of employees (much more than equally and less efficient firms 377 vs. 146 and 140). Average firms turnover also increases as relative efficiency of these firms increases (More efficient group has an average turnover in the amount of 63.54 M vs. 22.86 M and 12.77 M). However, high exportation intensity (more than a 50% of sales abroad) is being reduced on average as the studied groups gain relative efficiency. Looking at technological intensity of the firms we can observe a slight decrease of the technological intensity values from Less efficient group to More efficient group. And finally, looking at R&D expenditure and the use of environmental management systems, such as ISO 14000, hardly any trend is perceived. But we have to mention an interesting fact that the average use of environmental management systems in the Equally efficient group is much smaller than even in the Less efficient group. Fig. 1 depicts the use of EST and MST for all manufacturing sectors presented. It is shown that Speed control is the most used technology with a 56% of affirmative responses. The second and third technology in the use ranking MST, namely Recycled material in production with a 35%, and Product recovery with a 29%. The second EST is in the fourth position and far from the first one Control system for shut down of machines in off-peak periods (27%). The high share of Speed control technology and its distance to other technologies could be misleading. The understanding of this technology could be misunderstood or widely interpreted. The term Electric motors with rotation speed regulation could be understood in the sense that almost each machine that produces any kind of motion or rotation with a common speed regulation system over the engine, have implemented this technology. For most machines
this is not an option, but an intrinsic characteristic. A doubt arises to what extent Speed control, presented as it is, should be considered an EST.
Fig. 1. Use of EST and MST for all manufacturing sectors The graph in Fig. 2 presents a distribution of technologies used according their implementation degree and ranked by the highest implementation level to the lowest. This ranking compared to the simple use has changed. Bi/Tri-generation is the EST with the largest high implementation per cent (43%), together with Product recovery that is a MST. The second EST in the ranking of highly implemented technologies is Highly efficient pumps with 42%. The Speed regulation technology was the most widely used technology, but only 31% of firms acknowledge high use of this technology rank 7. This fact could be again related to the possible misunderstanding of the term Speed regulation. Nevertheless, a reduction in the dispersion of the per cents of the highly implemented technologies is perceived compared with the per cents of the simple use of these technologies. This fact is more evident for EST, less for MST as both MST technologies are more widely used and both have relatively high extensive share of use. Only Energy retrieval technology and Control system for shut down of machines in off-peak periods technology have the smallest usage share in the high use group.
Exploring the impact of energy efficiency technologies on manufacturing firm environmental performance
Fig. 2. Implementation degree of EST and MST for all manufacturing sectors Fig. 3 presents EST and MST in accordance to three technological intensity groups. The technologies are ranked based on the share of use in the Medium-High and High technology group (from the highest to the lowest share). Low-temperature joining processes is the technology with the highest per cent of use in Medium-High and High technology with 56%. Not even one firm utilises this technology in the Low technology group. Bi-/Tri-generation is the only other technology that is predominantly used in Medium-High and High technology group with 50%. We can observe that not even one technology is most widely used in Low technology group (firms in this group represent a per cent of the total used technologies always below 30%). On the other hand at least 30% of used technologies are within Medium-High and High technology group (from 31 to 56%). MST are technologies with lowest use per cent of firms in Medium-High and High technology group.
based on the share of use in the Medium-High and High technology group (from the highest to the lowest share). It is seen that this ranking comparing to general implementation degree has changed. It is interesting to note that the average percentage of highly implemented technologies in Medium-High and High technology group is lower than for the implementation of EST and MST in general. This leads to a conclusion that analysed EST and MST are predominately highly implemented in a low and medium-low technology groups.
Fig. 4. High implementation per cent of EST and MST by technological sector Fig. 5 presents EST and MST in accordance to three groups that represent the relative energy and materials consumption efficiency in production. The technologies are ranked based on the share of use in the More effective group (from the highest to the lowest share). Energy retrieval is the technology with the highest share of More efficient group with a 53%. For this technology and for Waste material for energy and Product recovery, no firm (0%) in the Less efficient group has answered to use them. Energy retrieval is the only technology most widely used in the More efficient group. All the other technologies are most widely used in Equally efficient group (47 to 64%). They represent 65% of the total number of firms. It is very obvious that EST and MST are hardly used in Less efficient group with the share always lower as 9%. On the other hand at least 30% of the technologies are within More efficient group (from 31 to 53%).
Fig. 3. Implementation per cent of EST and MST by technological sector We have also analysed the use of highly implemented technologies according to three technological intensity groups (Fig. 4). The highly implemented technologies are ranked
Fig. 5. Implementation per cent of EST and MST by level of efficiency relative to the sector We have also analysed the use of highly implemented technologies according to three groups that represent the relative energy and materials consumption efficiency in production (Fig. 6). The highly implemented technologies are ranked based on the share of use in the More effective group (from the highest to the lowest share). It is seen that this ranking comparing to general implementation degree has changed, but not very drastically. More importantly, we can observe that analysed EST and MST are usually highly implemented in firms that claim to be more energy efficient than other firms from their industry.
Fig. 6. High implementation per cent of EST and MST by level of efficiency relative to the sector In order to test the possible relationship between technology level (intensity) and environmental management systems implementation and the number of EST and MST implemented or the number of these technologies highly implemented, several tests of correlation has been done (Tables 3 and 4). We conducted correlation tests, using the value of a Pearson correlation. Table 3 presents a correlation matrix between firm technology level and use and high use of EST and MST. The results show that no significant correlation appears between technology level and EST and MST use and high use.
Table 3. Correlation matrix between firm technology level, and use and high use of EST and MST
Exploring the impact of energy efficiency technologies on manufacturing firm environmental performance
Table 4. Correlation matrix between environmental management systems use and use and high use of EST and MST
We also wanted to explore the relationship between environmental management systems use, and use and high use of EST and MST. As shown in Table 4, only the simple use of EST and MST is significantly correlated with environmental management systems such as ISO 14000, but not with high use of these technologies. In these cases, both Pearson correlation coefficients are significant at 0.01 level (2-tailed), and the one considering also MST is higher than the one considering only EST. Consequently, relationship strength is slightly bigger. 4 CONCLUSIONS Based on our analysis five conclusions can be drawn. General observation on the use of EST and MST is that the use of these technologies in manufacturing firms is still relatively low (from 8% to 35%). The only exception is Speed control technology with 56%. The first conclusion is the fact that analysing energy efficiency groups we have observed that there is a slight decrease of the technological intensity values from Less efficient group to More efficient group. On the other hand, Low Technology group has a slightly higher average of material and energy efficiency in production than Medium-High and High technology group
(3.25 vs. 3.18). Both this facts could reveal a possible negative relationship between energy efficiency in production and technological intensity of firms, at least on average. This could lead to a conclusion that firms in high technology industries focus less on energy efficiency than low technology firms. Secondly, both MST are ranked second and third in general use. But it is interesting to see that they are mostly used in low and medium technology sector, not in high technology one. Product recovery after product life cycle is even most widely highly utilised technology, being mostly used in low and medium technology sector. Thirdly, only 7% of all manufacturing firms claims to be less energy efficient than firms from their sector, 30% believes they are more energy efficient than others. We calculate that MST and EST are on average used 41% in more efficient group, 55% in medium efficient group and 4% in less efficient group of firms. Based on this fact we could affirm that manufacturing firms are more efficient if they use at least one EST or MST. Fourthly, in analysing EST and MST we have also focused on the manufacturing firms that showed high implementation of these technologies. We have analysed these
technologies according to their use in different technology intensity sectors and based on the energy efficiency of the firms. We found out that analysed EST and MST are predominately highly implemented in a low and medium-low technology groups and less in the Medium-High and High technology group. This fact could again prove the fact that firms in high technology industries focus less on energy efficiency than low technology firms. We also have to remind that our results show that no significant correlation appears between technology level and the number of EST and MST use and high use. On the other hand, analysed EST and MST are usually highly implemented in firms that claim to be more energy efficient than other firms from their industry. This leads to a potentially positive relationship between being energy and material efficient and using energy efficient technologies, especially if they are highly implemented. Our final conclusion deals with the implementation of environmental management systems. Our results proved a positive significant relationship with energy and material efficiency, but only with use (not high use) of these technologies. Our research has several limitations. The first is that only descriptive statistics and correlation tests were used to map the characteristics of energy efficient technologies and their adopters. To draw further conclusions in the future several advanced statistical methods will be used (e. g. linear regression for quantitative independent variables and ordinal logistic regression). We will further explore the relationship between the implementation of energy efficient technologies and environmental performance of manufacturing firms. Besides that we will also examine the use of these technologies and economic performance of manufacturing firms. Our limitation is also the narrow geographical coverage and the fact that no similar previous data exists to compare our findings. This shortcoming is already considered with the inclusion of energy efficiency questions in the new European Manufacturing Survey 2012. Despite these shortcomings, our contribution explains the use of energy efficient technologies, the characteristics of their adopters and indicates a possible influence of these
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