1 Problem 6-4: Author: Eric Emer March 5, 2013
1 Problem 6-4: Author: Eric Emer March 5, 2013
1 Problem 6-4: Author: Eric Emer March 5, 2013
100A PS7
Author: Eric Emer March 5, 2013
Collaborators: None.
Problem 6-4
Proof. We see that this two dimensional sequence is bounded by the area [a, b] [c, d]. That is, xn is bounded below by a and above by b. yn is bounded below by c and above by d. We deduce that our sequence {(xn , yn )} is bounded by an area. And so, a xn b c yn d (a, c) (xn , yn ) (b, d) Theorem 6.3 tells us that a bounded sequence has a convergent subsequence. Therefore, xn has the convergent subsequence xni . Similarly, yn has the convergent subsequence yni . Thus, there exists a convergent subsequence {xni , yni }.
Exercise 7.2 #1
We observe that the value (2n + 1)2 n2 for all n > 0. We also observe that both are positive series. This becomes the following inequality: 1 1 2 2 (2n + 1) n Therefore, by the Comparison Theorem for Positive Series, we deduce that: 0 1 converges, and (2n + 1)2 1 (2n + 1)2 1 n2
1 We notice that the series we seek to evaluate is actually just n 2 for all odd n. Similarly, we notice 1 1 that the series for all even n would be (2n)2 = 4n2 . We can compute the even case easily, by using the Linearity Theorem. The Linearity Theorem tells us that:
1 (2n+1)2 0
1 2 2 3 2 2 = = = (2n + 1)2 6 24 24 8 1
Exercise 7.2 #2
an and a2 n for an 0. We know that
an converges.
an converges = lim an = 0 . Therefore, we deduce that there exists an N such that: an < 1, for n N It follows that a2 n < an , for n N , because we are squaring values less than 1. Thus,
a2 n
a2 n
an =
a2 n converges
Exercise 7.2 #4
Proof. Following the hint provided, (an bn )2 0 This is obviously true because all squares evaluate to non-negative numbers. (an bn )2 0
2 a2 n 2an bn + bn 0 2 a2 n + bn 2an bn 0 (because both series were given to be non-negative) 2 (a2 n + bn )
2an bn 0 2an bn 0
a2 n+
b2 n
From the proof of exercise 7.2 #2, we know that a2 b2 n and n are convergent series. We also know from Corollary 7.2 that when adding two convergent series, the result is a convergent series. Therefore, we conclude by applying the Comparison Theorem for Positive Series, telling us that: a2 n+ b2 n 2an bn , a2 n+ b2 n converges = 2an bn converges
Finally, applying Corollary 7.2 once again, we see that multiplying a convergent series by a constant factor produces a convergent series as well. 2an bn = 2 2 an bn
an bn converges =
1 2 2
an bn =
an bn converges
The preceding exercise shows that: Convergent series with non-negative terms In this exercise, we have shown that: Convergent series a2 n, b2 n with non-negative terms in an and bn = an bn convergent an , bn = an bn convergent
The theorem from this exercise appears to be weaker, since we could actually prove this exercises theorem with just the theorem from Exercise 7.2 #3.