Designation by Standards Brand Name UTOP3 Ravne No. 851 Mat. No. 1.2606 DIN X37CrMoW5-1 EN AISI H12
Chemical Composition (in weight %) C 0.37 Si 1.05 Mn 0.45 Cr 5.30 Mo 1.45 Ni V 0.28 W 1.30 Others -
Description H12 hot work tool steel is a 5% chromium, general-purpose hot work steel that is characterized by excellent impact toughness. It contains less vanadium than the widely-used H13 hor work tool steel. Steel is a deep-hardening, air-hardening steel that exhibits minimal size change during heat treatmnet. It has good resistance to thermal fatique cracking (heat cracking) and excellent resistnce to gross cracking and thermal shock when water cooled in service.
Applications H12 hot work steel is recommended for hot tooling aplications where maximum resistance to cracking is required. Such applications include hot puches, die casting dies, forgins diw, hot shear baldes, and extrusion tooling.
Physical properties (avarage values) at ambient temperature Modulus of elasticity [103 x N/mm2]: 207 Density [g/cm3]: 7.84 Thermal conductivity [W/m.K]: 18.9
Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion 10-6 oC-1 20-100oC 9.8 20-200oC 11.0 20-400oC 12.1 20-600oC 13.0
Soft Annealing Heat to 820-840oC, cool slowly in furnace. Time is 4-6 hours. This will produce a maximum Brinell hardness of 220.
Stress Relieving Stress relieving to remove machining stresses should be carried out by heating to approx.650 oC, holding for 1-2 hours at heat, followed by air cooling. This operation is performed to reduce distortion during heat treatment.
Hardening Harden from a temperature of 1000-1050oC followed by oil, air quenching or warm bath quenching
Tempering Diagram
Corrosion Resistance Corrosion resistance of this alloy is better than that of plain carbon steels. However it will rust unless given protective treatment.
Disclaimer The information and data presented herein are typical or average values and are not a guarantee of maximum or minimum values. Applications specifically suggested for material described herein are made solely for the purpose of illustration to enable the reader to make his own evaluation and are not intended as warranties, either express or implied, of fitness for these or other puposes. There is no representation that the recipient of this literature will receive updated editions as the become available.
Steel 13CRMO44 (Mat.No. 1.7335, DIN 13CrMo44, AISI A182 Grade F11)
Designation by Standards Brand Name 13CRMO44 Ravne No. 762 Mat. No. 1.7335 DIN 13CrMo44 EN 13CrMo4-5 AISI A 182 Grade F11
Chemical Composition (in weight %) C 0.14 Si max. 0.40 Mn 0.55 Cr 0.98 Mo 0.60 Ni V W Others max. Cu = 0.30
Description Alloy special structural steels. Cr-Mo-steels with > 0.35% Mo.
Applications High-temperature structural steel: Collectors, water boiler and superheater tubes (530oC).
Physical properties (avarage values) at ambient temperature Modulus of elasticity [103 x N/mm2]: 210 Density [g/cm3]: 7.85
Mechanical Properties in Hardened and Tempered Condition Diameter in mm up to 60 61-90 91-150 0.2 % proof stress (N/mm2) 295 285 275 Tensile strength (N/mm2) 440-590 440-590 440-590 Elongation (%) 20 20 20 Impact strength (J) 44 44 44
0.2 % Proof Stress (N/mm2) vs. Temperature 100oC 260 250 250 150oC 245 240 235 200oC 240 230 220 250oC 230 220 210 300oC 215 205 195 350oC 200 190 180 400oC 190 180 170 450oC 180 170 160 500oC 175 165 155
1 % Creep Limit (N/mm2) vs. Temperature (oC) Hours 10 000 100 000 450oC 245 191 460oC 228 172 480oC 193 133 500oC 157 98 520oC 122 70 540oC 90 46 560oC 64 30
Creep Rapture Strength (N/mm2) vs. Temperature (oC) Hours 10 000 100 000 200 000 450oC 370 285 260 460oC 348 251 226 480oC 304 190 167 500oC 239 137 115 520oC 179 94 76 540oC 129 61 50 560oC 91 40 32
Machinability No data.
Disclaimer The information and data presented herein are typical or average values and are not a guarantee of maximum or minimum values. Applications specifically suggested for material described herein are made solely for the purpose of illustration to enable the reader to make his own evaluation and are not intended as warranties, either express or implied, of fitness for these or other puposes. There is no representation that the recipient of this literature will receive updated editions as the become available.
Designation by Standards Brand Name OC100EX Ravne No. 654 Mat. No. DIN 100V1 EN AISI W2
Applications Cold working tools for steels and metals when hard surface and tough core are demanded - tap drills, dies, broaching tools, stone working tools.
Physical properties (avarage values) at ambient temperature Modulus of elasticity [103 x N/mm2]: 210 Density [g/cm3]: 7.85 Thermal conductivity [W/m.K]: 45.0 Electric resistivity [Ohm mm2/m]: 0.20 Specific heat capacity[J/g.K]: 0.46
Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion 10-6 oC-1 20-100oC 11.1 20-200oC 12.1 20-300oC 12.9 20-400oC 13.5 20-500oC 13.9
Soft Annealing Heat to 680-720oC, cool slowly. This will produce a maximum Brinell hardness of 213.
Stress Relieving Stress relieving to remove machining stresses should be carried out by heating to approx. 600650oC, holding for 1-2 hours at heat, followed by air cooling. This operation is performed to reduce distortion during heat treatment.
Hardening Harden from a temperature of 760-800oC followed by water quenching. Hardness after quenching is 65 HRC.
Tempering Temperature (oC) vs. Hardness (HRC) 100oC 66 200oC 64 300oC 56 400oC 48 450oC 45
Tempering Diagram
Machinability No data.
Disclaimer The information and data presented herein are typical or average values and are not a guarantee of maximum or minimum values. Applications specifically suggested for material described herein are made solely for the purpose of illustration to enable the reader to make his own evaluation and are not intended as warranties, either express or implied, of fitness for these or other puposes. There is no representation that the recipient of this literature will receive updated editions as the become available.
Low Alloyed cold work tool steel Steel OC100 (Mat.No. 1.1545, DIN C105W1, AISI W1)
Designation by Standards Brand Name OC100 Ravne No. 653 Mat. No. 1.1545 DIN C105W1 EN AISI W1
Description This alloy is one of the common water hardening tool steel grades available. W1 is basically a simple high carbon steel and is easily hardened by heating and quenching in water, just as with plain carbon steel alloys. The W series of tool steels are a very simple alloy group, low cost, and responsive to simple heating and water quenching for hardening. The alloy does undergo considerable distortion during quenching.
Applications W1 is commonly used for hand operated metal cutting tools, cold heading, embossing taps and reamers as well as cutlery.
Physical properties (avarage values) at ambient temperature Modulus of elasticity [103 x N/mm2]: 210 Density [g/cm3]: 7.85 Thermal conductivity [W/m.K]: 45.0 Electric resistivity [Ohm mm2/m]: 0.20 Specific heat capacity[J/g.K]: 0.46
Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion 10-6 oC-1 20-100oC 11.1 20-200oC 12.1 20-300oC 12.9 20-400oC 13.5 20-500oC 13.9
Soft Annealing Heat to 680-720oC, cool slowly in furnace. This will produce a maximum Brinell hardness of 213.
Stress Relieving Stress relieving to remove machining stresses should be carried out by heating to approx. 600650oC, holding for 1-2 hours at heat, followed by air cooling. This operation is performed to reduce distortion during heat treatment.
Hardening Harden from a temperature of 760-800oC followed by water. Hardness after quenching is 65 HRC.
Tempering Temperature (oC) vs. Hardness (HRC) 100oC 67 200oC 64 300oC 56 400oC 48 450oC 45
Tempering Diagram
Machinability W1 is a plain carbon steel and machines with ease. It is the base line of 100% machinability on which machinability of the other tool steels is compared.
Corrosion Resistance This is a plain carbon steel and it will corrode unless protected.
Disclaimer The information and data presented herein are typical or average values and are not a guarantee of maximum or minimum values. Applications specifically suggested for material described herein are made solely for the purpose of illustration to enable the reader to make his own evaluation and are not intended as warranties, either express or implied, of fitness for these or other puposes. There is no representation that the recipient of this literature will receive updated editions as the become available.
Alloyed carbon steel Steel VCNMO200 (Mat.No. 1.6580, DIN 30CrNiMo8, AISI 4340)
Designation by Standards Brand Name VCNMO200 Ravne No. 750 Mat. No. 1.6580 DIN 30CrNiMo8 EN 30CrNiMo8 AISI 4340
Chemical Composition (in weight %) C 0.30 Si max. 0.40 Mn 0.45 Cr 2.00 Mo 0.40 Ni 1.90 V W Others -
Description VCNMO200 is a heat treatable, low alloy steel containing nickel, chromium and molybdenum. It is known for its toughness and capability of developing high strength in the heat treated condition while retaining good fatigue strength.
Applications For permanently stressed components with large cross sections for automotive and mechanical engineering. For economic performance under severe dynamic stress, parts must be designed for optimum strength or toughness.
Physical properties (avarage values) at ambient temperature Modulus of elasticity [103 x N/mm2]: 210 Density [g/cm3]: 7.82
Soft Annealing Heat to 650-700oC, cool slowly. This will produce a maximum Brinell hardness of 248.
Mechanical Properties in Hardening and Tempering Condition Diameter (mm) <16 17-40 41-100 Tensile 0.2 % proof strength 2 stress (N/mm ) (N/mm2) 1050 1250-1450 1050 900 1250-1450 1100-1300 Elongation (%) 9 9 10 Reduction of area (%) 40 40 45 Notch impact energy (J) 35 35 40
101-160 161-250
800 700
1000-1200 900-1100
11 12
50 50
50 50
Machinability Machining is best done with this alloy in the annealed or normalized and tempered condition. It can be machined by all conventional methods.
Corrosion Resistance This is a low alloy steel and not a corrosion resistant alloy. Protective coating should be used.
Welding The alloy can be fusion or resistance welded. Preheat and post heat weld procedures should be followed when welding this alloy by established methods.
Cold working The VCNMO200 alloy may be cold worked, in the annealed condition, by conventional methods and tooling. It has good ductility.
Disclaimer The information and data presented herein are typical or average values and are not a guarantee of
maximum or minimum values. Applications specifically suggested for material described herein are made solely for the purpose of illustration to enable the reader to make his own evaluation and are not intended as warranties, either express or implied, of fitness for these or other puposes. There is no representation that the recipient of this literature will receive updated editions as the become available.
Aisi 4340
deskripsi VCNMO200 adalah diobati panas, baja paduan rendah yang mengandung nikel, kromium dan molibdenum. Hal ini dikenal karena ketangguhan dan kemampuan mengembangkan kekuatan tinggi dalam kondisi panas yang diobati sementara tetap mempertahankan kekuatan kelelahan baik.
aplikasi Untuk permanen menekankan komponen dengan penampang besar untuk teknik otomotif dan mekanik. Untuk kinerja ekonomi di bawah tekanan dinamis yang parah, bagian harus dirancang untuk kekuatan optimal atau ketangguhan.
Sifat fisik (nilai rata) pada suhu ambien Modulus elastisitas [103 x N/mm2]: 210 Kepadatan [g/cm3]: 7.82
lembut Annealing Panas 650-700oC, dingin perlahan-lahan. Ini akan menghasilkan kekerasan Brinell maksimum 248.
machinability Machining paling baik dilakukan dengan paduan dalam kondisi anil atau normalisasi dan marah. Hal ini dapat mesin oleh semua metode konvensional.
korosi Perlawanan Ini adalah baja paduan rendah dan bukan paduan tahan korosi. Lapisan pelindung harus digunakan.
Welding Paduan dapat fusi atau resistensi dilas. Panaskan dan panas pasca las prosedur harus diikuti ketika pengelasan paduan ini dengan metode yang ditetapkan.
dingin kerja Paduan VCNMO200 mungkin dingin bekerja, dalam kondisi anil, dengan metode konvensional dan perkakas. Ini memiliki daktilitas yang baik.
sangkalan Informasi dan data yang disajikan di sini adalah nilai-nilai khas atau rata-rata dan bukan merupakan jaminan dari nilai maksimum atau minimum. Aplikasi khusus disarankan untuk bahan yang dijelaskan
di sini dibuat semata-mata untuk tujuan ilustrasi untuk memungkinkan pembaca untuk membuat evaluasi sendiri dan tidak dimaksudkan sebagai jaminan, baik yang tersurat maupun tersirat, dari kesesuaian untuk aspek dari model ini atau lainnya. Tidak ada representasi bahwa penerima literatur ini akan menerima edisi diperbarui sebagai tersedia menjadi.
Low Alloyed cold work tool steel Steel OH237 (AISI S5)
Designation by Standards Brand Name OH237 Ravne No. 237 Mat. No. DIN EN AISI S5
Chemical Composition (in weight %) C 0.57 Si 2.00 Mn 0.80 Cr 0.30 Mo 0.78 Ni V 0.25 W Others -
Description Cold work tool steel. Shock resisting tool steel with good toughness at high strength levels.
Applications Different cutting parts, chisels, rivet sets, punches, driver bits.
Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion 10-6 oC-1 20-100oC 13.1 20-200oC 13.7 20-300oC 14.4 20-400oC 14.4 20-500oC 14.7 20-600oC 14.9 20-700oC 15.0
Soft Annealing Heat to 770-800oC, cool slowly in furnace. This will produce a maximum Brinell hardness of 229.
Stress Relieving Stress relieving to remove machining stresses should be carried out by heating to 650 oC, holding for one hour at heat, followed by air cooling. This operation is performed to reduce distortion during heat treatment.
Hardening Harden from a temperature of 880-920oC followed by oil quenching. Hardness after quenching is 63 HRC.
Tempering Temperature (oC) vs. Hardness (HRC) 100oC 62 200oC 60 300oC 58 400oC 56 500oC 50 550oC 48
Tempering Diagram
Machinability No data.
Disclaimer The information and data presented herein are typical or average values and are not a guarantee of maximum or minimum values. Applications specifically suggested for material described herein are made solely for the purpose of illustration to enable the reader to make his own evaluation and are not intended as warranties, either express or implied, of fitness for these or other puposes. There is no representation that the recipient of this literature will receive updated editions as the become available.
Designation by Standards Brand Name UTOPMO6 Ravne No. 863 Mat. No. DIN EN AISI A8
Chemical Composition (in weight %) C 0.73 Si 1.00 Mn 0.55 Cr 5.50 Mo 1.35 Ni max. 0.25 V 0.65 W 1.20 Others -
Description This alloy is one of the cold work, medium air hardening type tool steels.
Applications Used for impact resistant tools such as hammers, chisels, rivet sets, Sendzimir rolls.
Physical properties (avarage values) at ambient temperature Modulus of elasticity [103 x N/mm2]: 210 Density [g/cm3]: 7.76
Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion 10-6 oC-1 20-100oC 20-200oC 20-300oC 20-400oC 20-500oC 20-600oC 20-700oC 20-800oC 11.7 11.5 11.7 12.1 13.0 13.4 13.9 14.1
Soft Annealing Heat to 830-850oC, cool slowly. This will produce a maximum Brinell hardness of 250.
Stress Relieving Stress relieving to remove machining stresses should be carried out by heating to 650 oC, holding for one hour at heat, followed by air cooling. This operation is performed to reduce distortion during heat treatment.
Hardening Harden from a temperature of 1000-1040oC followed by oil, air quenching or warm bath quenching. Hardness after quenching is 60-63 HRC (oil), 59-62 HRC (warm bath).
Tempering Tempering temperature: 150-600. Average hardness after tempering is 50-61 HRC.
Tempering Diagram
Machinability This alloy has reasonably good machinability with a rating of 85% that of the W group water hardening simple alloy tool steels.
Corrosion Resistance Corrosion resistance of this alloy is better than that of plain carbon steels. However it will rust unless given protective treatment.
Disclaimer The information and data presented herein are typical or average values and are not a guarantee of maximum or minimum values. Applications specifically suggested for material described herein are made solely for the purpose of illustration to enable the reader to make his own evaluation and are not intended as warranties, either express or implied, of fitness for these or other puposes. There is
no representation that the recipient of this literature will receive updated editions as the become available.
Subkategori: 7000 Seri Aluminium Alloy, Paduan Aluminium, Logam, Logam Nonferrous Tutup Analog: Catatan Komposisi : A Zr + Ti batas maksimum 0,25 persen dapat digunakan dengan sebutan paduan untuk produk diekstrusi dan ditempa saja, tapi hanya jika pemasok atau produsen dan pembeli harus saling jadi setuju. Perjanjian dapat diindikasikan, misalnya, dengan mengacu pada standar, dengan surat, dengan catatan pesanan, atau cara lain yang memungkinkan Zr + batas Ti. Aluminium konten dilaporkan dihitung sebagai sisa. Informasi Komposisi diberikan oleh Asosiasi Aluminium dan tidak untuk desain. Kata Kunci: Aluminium 7075-T6, Aluminium 7075-T651, UNS A97075, ISO AlZn5.5MgCu, Aluminium 7075-T6, Aluminium 7075-T651, AA7075-T6
Komponen Wt. % Komponen Wt. % Komponen Wt. %
Al Cr Cu Fe
Mg Mn
Si Ti Zn
Catatan Bahan:
Umum 7075 karakteristik dan penggunaan (dari Alcoa): Sangat tinggi kekuatan bahan yang digunakan untuk bagian struktural sangat menekankan. The marah T7351 menawarkan peningkatan stres-tahan korosi retak. Aplikasi: Pesawat fitting, roda gigi dan poros, bagian sekering, meter poros dan roda gigi, bagian rudal, mengatur bagian katup, roda gigi cacing, kunci, aplikasi pesawat, kedirgantaraan dan pertahanan, frame sepeda, semua kendaraan medan (ATV) sprockets. Data poin dengan catatan AA telah disediakan oleh Aluminium Association, Inc dan TIDAK UNTUK DESAIN. Fisik Properti Metrik Inggris Komentar
2.81 g / cc
0,102 / di
AA; Khas
Mekanik Properti
Kekerasan, Brinell
AA; Khas, 500 g beban, bola 10 mm Dikonversi dari Nilai Kekerasan Brinell Dikonversi dari Nilai Kekerasan Brinell Dikonversi dari Nilai Kekerasan Brinell Dikonversi dari Nilai Kekerasan Brinell AA; Khas AA; Khas AA; Khas, 1/16 inci (1,6 mm) Tebal AA; Khas, 1/2 inci (12,7 mm) Diameter AA; Khas, rata-rata ketegangan dan kompresi. Kompresi modulus adalah sekitar 2% lebih besar dari modulus tarik.
Kekerasan, Knoop
Kekerasan, Rockwell A
Kekerasan, Rockwell B
Kekerasan, Vickers
Perpanjangan Istirahat
Modulus Elastisitas
71,7 GPa
10400 ksi
0.33 23000 psi AA; 500.000.000 siklus benarbenar terbalik stres, RR mesin Moore / spesimen K (IC) di Arah SL K (IC) di Arah TL K (IC) di Arah LT 0-100 Skala Paduan Aluminium
Sifat Kelistrikan
Listrik Tahanan
5.15e-006 ohm-cm
5.15e-006 ohm-cm
Thermal Properti
CTE, linier 68 F
23,6 m/m- C
13,1 in/in- F
AA; Khas, rata-rata lebih dari 68-212 F jangkauan. Rata-rata di atas kisaran 20300 C
25,2 m/m- C
14 in/in- F
0.96 J/g- C
0.229 BTU/lb- F AA; Khas pada 77 F AA; rentang Khas berdasarkan komposisi khas untuk produk tempa ketebalan 1/4 inci atau lebih besar.Homogenisasi dapat meningkatkan mencair temperatur eutektik 20-40 F tetapi biasanya tidak menghilangkan pencairan eutektik. AA; Khas AA; Khas
Solidus Likuidus
477 C 635 C
890 F 1.175 F
Pengolahan Properti