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WorcseterSource19 PDF
WorcseterSource19 PDF
The Newsletter of Worcestershire Freemasons
Simon Rogers, an initiate, was visiting a Kidderminster lodge for the rst time and feeling rather lost. Then he saw another visitor momentarily on his own so he said Hello, Im Simon, whats your name? Im Richard, was the reply and they proceeded to have a pleasant chat before everybody went in to open the lodge. Only then did Simon, a member of Vernon Lodge No. 560, realise that hed been talking to none other than the Provincial Grand Master!
At magnicent celebrations for Wyche Lodge No. 3638 Centenary Meeting on 29 January, brethren witnessed the Provincial Team putting on their excellent ceremonial led by the Provincial Grand Master, Richard G. H. Goddard. During the meeting, the PGM announced the immediate promotion of Dr. Andrew C. Horn, PPrGSwdB to the rank of PPrJGW. The Provincial Grand Master Designate, Robert C. Vaughan, then surprised the audience by naming his new team.
Im a fourth generation Lewis, said Simon, and Id been advised to extend the hand of friendship so I did. My father Peter is also a member of Vernon and when he told me Id been talking to the PGM I was amazed. It made me realise that we really are a band of brothers. The story sums up the personality of RWBro Richard George Hamilton Goddard, the gentle and modest ruler of the Worcestershire Province who will have served for nearly ten years when he hands over the reins to his successor, VWBro Robert C Vaughan, at the AGM on June 15. He has guided the Province with a rm but genial hand through a difcult time when, as they have with all other social organisations, numbers have tended to fall as the demands of modern life and economic pressures make their mark. Throughout those years the RWBro Goddard has met thousands of Masons and his friendly demeanour has never changed. Everybody who meets him is left with a warm feeling that here is a man who truly believes that all Freemasons are equal.
VWBro Robert C Vaughan and the man he will succeed, the RWBro Richard G H Goddard.
Indeed, he says: We are all brothers together, members of a wonderful organisation, and we need to do all we can to keep it that way. With that guiding principle, the PGM has presided over a
seismic shift in Freemasonry to clear away the image of the Craft as being a mysterious and secretive affair not to be trusted. He has played a leading role in the introduction of a fresh
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The new team who will lead the Worcestershire Province from 15 June: VWBro Robert C Vaughan, Provincial Grand Master, his Deputy, WBro Stuart I Edwards, and three Assistant Provincial Grand Masters , WBro Stephen J Wyer, WBro Keith The two new Provincial Assistant M Evans, and WBro Grand Masters to be Keith George W Barrow. Evans and George Barrow.
Wall-to-wall Provincial Wardens was a rare sight when they supported RW Bro Richard Goddard (centre) as he ofciated at his last installation as PGM. The Wardens had all been appointed by the PGM during his years in ofce. The event took place at Northeld when W Bro Tony Swain assumed the Masters chair of the Provinces youngest lodge, Wenceslas No 9836. With the PGM are Maynard Burton, Mike Dancer, Bob Clark, Gerrard Oldham, Chris Firminger, Kerry Parkes, Julian Turner, Joe Marzouk, Alan Dally, Keith Evans, Rick Abbotts, Stephen Wyer, Charles Dyer, Bob Gameson, Irving Home, Patrick Firminger, George Barrow, and John Phenix.
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An historic event
Every Master Mason in the Province is eligible to attend the Installation of the new PGM. It will take place at about 10.45am on June 15 in the Great Hall at the University of Birmingham. The Provincial AGM will take place in the Great Hall after lunch. Details will be given in the AGM summons sent to every brother.
own Masonry still, of course, and will be able to devote more time to my other great hobby the Goddard Association. This is a world-wide society with about 300 members of the Goddard clan. It began in America and our RW Bro of that ilk has been a leading light in setting up a GB branch and as its president produces a quarterly newsheet. His own personal researches have so far traced ancestors back to the 14th century. He says he will also have more time for his large garden at his home at Leigh Sinton, near Malvern. Mind you, Helena does the expert stuff, Im just the labourer.
W Bro Peter Ricketts is a member of the Lodge of Hope and Charity No 377
policy of openness with the public, and the creation of a mentoring system to ensure that every newcomer is made to feel very welcome from the day he joins. The days are gone when Provincial ofcers did not talk to initiates, he says. I always make a point of talking to initiates. After all, they are the future of the Craft. Worcestershire Masons may take for granted the constant presence of acting Provincial
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A lasting tribute
Lodges in the Province have responded enthusiastically to an invitation to donate to a special fund as a tribute to the retiring PGM. At his request, the fund will pay for a Day of Music at Worcester Cathedral in perpetuity. He expressed a wish that he did not receive a personal gift. The chosen day is 19 January the PGMs birthday and it also coincides with the birth of St Wulstan, the Saint most closely associated with the cathedral.
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An occasion to treasure... the PGM and Deputy ank the Duke of Kent during the Grand Masters visit to the Library and Museum at Worcester.
Province for many years, designed and built by Kidderminster brethren. Perhaps the pinnacle of achievement during Richards time as Provincial Grand Master has been the 2011 Festival in aid of the Royal Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys, which raised the magnicent sum of 1.67 million and culminated in a splendid Festival celebration. Richard will carry on serving as an inuential member of the Grand Masters Council and 2013 continues to be a busy year for him, with the centenary celebrations at Wyche Lodge and at Campbell Lodge and a Banner Dedication for Thistle Lodge. Will I match his enthusiasm and dedication as your Provincial Grand Master and build upon the foundations that he and his predecessors have laid? Well, it certainly wont be for the want of trying. I hope that, with the support of the brethren of Worcestershire, we shall have similar successes in the future.
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Chapters meet in nine of the Craft meeting places and all details are in the Worcestershire Year Book. It is my intention, along with my District Recorder, Ill Bro John Chattin 31, to support all the Chapters and Princes to allow the Order to grow. There will also be a dedicated Website for the District to keep all Chapters and Princes up to date with news and events. Finally, we are hosting the MRCCI Festival in April 2014 which will need the support of all our members. I look forward to meeting you all on the circuit and am available should you wish to contact me.
Richard N Hoare
How it began
It all began seven years ago when, as Charity Steward, W Bro Brian Roberts held a series of cheese and wine parties to raise special funds to help community groups. Its grown since then, said Brian, and this year we were able to hand over cheques
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Nick Plotnek, Master of George Taylor Lodge No.9819, describes his latest hare-brained charity challenge thus: 10,000 miles, 19 countries, 8 weeks, 5 mountain ranges, 3 deserts, 2 idiots on two motorbikes, and one destination. The destination was Ulaan Bataar. Id never heard of it either, but its the capital of Mongolia and Nicks journey, which began at Birmingham Childrens Hospital, was on a tiny 125cc bike just in case the trip proved too easy. Easy? The event is called the Mongol Rally but, said Nick, it was nothing like any rally hed ever experienced before. Theres virtually no organisation, he said. Theres a start and a nish and apart from that youre on your own. Folk travel in cars and vans and, yes, motorbikes, but few try it on a 125cc machine. Sometimes camping, sometimes nding a dodgy hotel, Nick and his
non-Mason friend Kevin Strickland, rode on through storms and 50-degree heat waves, sometimes on roads as smooth as a billiard table and often on rough tracks where small boulders and potholes threatened, over mountain passes, down into deep valleys, mile after mile after mile on a road to nowhere.
Country after country hammered away at their tyres, and the punishment had its impact on the bikes. Bent spokes, petrol leaks, broken oil seals, damaged pistons the problems came their way in profusion but they solved them all in one way or another. Petrol was always a concern with supplies sometimes 150 miles or so apart. One day, stuck in a desert, they were forced to buy black market fuel served to them in plastic bottles. And so they arrived at the Mongolia border. Troubles
over? Not on your life! The border guard pinched my visa and forced me to buy another one, said Nick. Then Mongolia turned out to be an awful country with horric roads and it was still 1,100 miles to the capital! Still, the intrepid bikers made it and lived to tell the tale. They dumped the bikes and got on a plane home as soon as possible. And at 55, Nick was pleased with the way his body had coped with the challenge.Mind you, he said, if I hadnt trained in the gym for three months it would have killed me! His venture raised a magnicent 16,000 or so for charities, including 500 each to the Worcestershire and Warwickshire Masonic Provinces and the vast bulk going to Birmingham Childrens Hospital. Nick has a special reason to raise funds for hospital. His son Robert, born with a heart defect in 1990, died there in 2003 after years of surgery and a heart transplant in 1999.
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Ida Parkinson receives her cheque from the Provincial Grand Master.
Renewal Award for 2012 for best use of arts and culture in regeneration. To help to pay for the project, over 100 individual Freemasons and Lodges meeting at Kings Heath each paid for a sponsored paving brick. In addition, the Provincial Grand Master presented a cheque for 5,000 towards the cost of the project at the 2011 Provincial Carol Service held at All Saints Church.
The Team includes (from left): Bob James (Deputy Curator), Henry France-Sargeant, Mark Lodge, John Tapson (Curator), Colin Young (Executive Chairman), Roy Padden (Executive Deputy Chairman), Mike Pearman, Peter Merris, and Alan Dally (Executive Secretary).
New display
At the centre of the activity is the Librarian and Curator, W Bro John Tapson, who took over when John Hart died about a year ago, and applies himself to the task with the same infectious enthusiasm as his predecessor. Which means you wont nd him hiding away in an ofce. When I called he was beavering away with members of his
team creating Beyond the Craft, a new wall display depicting regalia of the other Orders. He wants to make the museum more accessible both to Masons and the wider public and to this end he has joined the Worcester Heritage Group. As a result, tourists picking up a city attractions leaet will nd Worcestershire Museum of Freemasonry on the list along with such as the cathedral and the Commandery.
His career, until he retired eight years ago, was far removed from the world of museums. He was an engineer with Severn Trent, but he had a good grounding working as John Harts deputy for a number of years and is now immersed in it. His dream is to have a brown sign on the M5 with a square and compasses on it, directing the world to Rainbow Hill.
John also wants to see more visitors from lodges and points out that he and his team will always try to accommodate brethren wishing to visit on days other than the ofcial opening times. Sunday lunches are offered to groups. First time visitors to the museum are invariably staggered by the richness and diversity of the thousands of artefacts and books on display at Rainbow Hill. If you want to see for yourself, call 05603 102654 or e-mail John on curator.wmlmt@ btinternet.com
The Royal Arch Chapters within the Province continue to give generously to the 2013 Bi-Centenary Appeal on behalf of the Royal College of Surgeons. The appeal will continue until September and will culminate in two celebratory events in London on 16th October. The rst, in the morning, will be a Presentation by the Grand Stewards Chapter in Grand Lodge followed by lunch in the Connaught Rooms and then, in the afternoon, The First Grand Principal, HRH The Duke of Kent, will preside at a Convocation of Supreme Grand Chapter followed by a dinner at the Savoy Hotel. Within the Province, The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, Excellent Companion Colin P . T. Brown, and his Executive Team continue their task in seeking to encourage Master Masons to complete their journey through Ancient Freemasonry by joining the Holy Royal Arch, given that in the Book of Constitutions it quite clearly states: There are but three degrees in Ancient Freemasonry,
Companions are therefore encouraged to invite a Master Mason to one of these events. The Appointments and Promotions Committee sat in November, and those Companions selected are now aware of their appointment or promotion, which will be conferred at the Annual Meeting of Provincial Grand Chapter on Saturday 13th April in the Avon Room at the University of Birmingham. This meeting will also see the Installation of the new Third Provincial Grand Principal, Excellent Companion David J Bell, PPrGSN, well known throughout the Province as a former Provincial Craft Director of Ceremonies.
50 Years of golf
The Worcestershire Masonic Golng Society is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year with a special charity event in aid of the childrens Acorns Trust. It will take place at Kings Norton Golf Club on July 9 and is open to all Masons, non-Masons and ladies and will be followed by a splendid dinner, prizegiving, and entertainment. Its going to be a wonderful golng occasion, said secretary Paul Battle. It is limited to 26 teams of four, so I urge people to get in touch with me as soon as possible. The society will also be holding its usual highly enjoyable matches against ve neighbouring provinces and if youre not a member already youre missing a treat. Paul Battle will be delighted to hear from potential new members on 0121 445 1981.
Suitable land was found in Kidderminster Road and by 1948 they had obtained building permission but there were severe obstacles in the way, not least the amount they had in the building fund. By 1953 the projected cost
of the hall was 9,926. Total assets were 1,202 11s 11d! Then came another blow. The site on Birmingham Road was reclassied as parkland but fortunately another was available in Churchelds. But still there was the nancial mountain to climb. Then came a dramatic change in fortunes. Out of the blue, Mrs Edith Poole, widow of former prominent member Arthur Poole, offered the brethren a 6,000 gift! This was as a direct result of the lodges policy of keeping in close contact with the widows. W Bro Wilf Webster was paying her a visit to ensure she was being looked after when she asked him to help her to put into effect a bequest from the late Arthur to create a new ward at a Bristol hospital. The cost proved to be far in excess of the funds available and W Bro Webster tactfully suggested that the building of the Bromsgrove Lodge Masonic Hall was a suitable alternative. She gladly agreed
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If youve never attended a St. Davids Day meeting of Cyfrinfa Dewi Sant No. 9135 (the Lodge of St. David, youve missed an evening to remember, says W Bro Graeme Collins, their WM. He adds: The uniquely enjoyable Welsh avour, and
meeting at Bromsgrove)
Welsh treat
our interactive singing extravaganza, will leave you wanting to return. Their festival this year falls on Friday, 22 February. If you would like to attend, contact Graeme Collins 01562 741777
Bromsgrove celebrates
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and, to speed the project up, she increased her offer from 6,000 to 10,505. By 1961 the building was complete and in the following February the Bromsgrove Lodge held their rst meeting there. The dream had come true. Now the centre is thriving with ve Craft lodges and many other Orders meeting there. And, to commemorate that marvellous gesture, it is named The Edith & Arthur Poole Memorial Hall.
I am grateful to W Bro Peter Roberson, chairman of the Bromsgrove Masonic Hall Buildings Committee, for the story of how the hall was built. Editor.
A prominent Worcestershire mason, W Bro Peter Manning, has been selected as the new Provincial Senior Grand Warden of Warwickshire. Bro Manning was a founder member of Morgan Lodge No. 9816 in 2006 and was WM two years later. The new PJGW is John Harris. They will take up their posts at the Warwickshire AGM in May.
The lads were initiated by the WM, W Bro Brian Whittingslow and their cousin, Sebastian Penney, presented the working tools. Morgan Lodge is unique in the Province. It was formed in Malvern home of the Morgan Motor Company - in 2006, and meets only in March, June, and September. Its members are generally self-confessed petrol heads with a love for Morgan cars, or any other racy motors. The idea for the lodge came from Andres brother, Delmund, and he and Andre were both founders. Sadly, Delmund, then a lively presence in Worcestershire Freemasonry, has since died. Andre, PPrGStB, was Master of the lodge in 2006 and is now Assistant Secretary.
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Published by the Provincial Grand Lodge of Worcestershire, 94 Birmingham Road, Bromsgrove B61 ODF. Editor Peter Ricketts 01562 630794. E-mail [email protected]. Information Ofcer and Source Advertising Manager Ed Baker 87979 757074. E-mail [email protected] To place an advertisement or for information, and to send in reports, contact Ed Baker.