Life of Companions of Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH

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Hadhrat Dahhaak narrates that Hadhrat Abu Dardaa once addressed the people saying, "0people of Damascus! You people are our brothers in Deen, our neighbours in nationality and our allies against the enemy. However, what prevents you from being friendly with me when it is others (and not you) who are paying my expenses. Why is it that I see your learned ones leaving while the ignorant ones fail to learn? Why do I see you people hankering after that (sustenance) which is being taken care of on your behalf while you neglect that which you have been commanded to do? Remember that there were people who constructed sturdy buildings, who amassed an abundance of wealth and who entertained distant hopes. However, their buildings became their graves, their hopes proved to be deceptive and all they amassed was destroyed. Remember that you must learn and teach others because the reward of the student and the teacher is alike and had it not been for these two, there would be no good in the rest of people." ('1 Hadhrat Hassaan reports that Hadhrat Abu Dardaa addressed the people of Damascus saying, "Are you people content to just filling yourselves with bread made of wheat flour year in and year out without speaking of Allaah in your gatherings? Why is it that your Ulema are leaving and your ignorant ones are not learning? If your Ulema had the desire, their numbers could increase and if your ignorant ones look for knowledge, they will certainly find it. Do what will benefit you rather than that which will harm you. I swear by the Being Who controls my life that every nation that was destroyed, was destrdyed only because they followed the dictates of their passions and regarded themselves as spiritually pure." ( 2 ) Hadhrat Qurra narrates that Hadhrat Abu Dardaa ? 2 3 3 2 & ; once said, "Acquire knowledge before it is taken away because its disappearance will be effected by the demise of the Ulema. There are only two categories of men; the Aalim and the student. There is no good in those who do not fall into these categories." (3) Hadhrat Abdur Rahmaan bin Mas'ood Faraazi reports that Hadhrat Abu Dardaa once 'said, 'Whenever anyone proceeds t o the Masjid t o learn or t o teach anything virtuous, he receives the reward of a Mujaahid who returns with booty." (4) Hadhrat Ibn Abu Hudhayl narrates that Hadhrat Abu Dardaa W w said, "A person is lacking in intelligence and good judgement if he thinks that spending mornings and evenings in (learning and imparting) knowledge is not Jihaad." (5) Hadhrat Rajaa bin Hayaat reports that Hadhrat Abu Dardaa 8 G W j said, "Knowledge is derived from studies." (6)

(1) Abu Nu'aym in his Hi&a(Vol.l Pg.213).

(2)Abu Nu'aym in his Hilya (Vol.1 Pg.222). (3) Abu Nu'aym in his Hilya (Vo1.l Pg.222). (4) Ibn Abdul Birr In his Jaami Bayaanil Ilm (Vol. l Pg.32). (5) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami Bayaanil Ilm (Vol.1 Pg.31). (6) Ibn Abdul Birr in his faami Bayaanil Ilm (Vo1.l Pg.lOO).


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The Encouragement Hadhrat Abu Dharr !&%2iwj and Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah %$Wi!2jgave Towards Knowledge
Hadhrat Abu Dharr %WBG and Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah ! 3 % 5 Wboth said, "Learning even a single chapter of knowledge is more beloved to me than a thousand Rakaahs of Nafl salaah." They also narrate that Rasulullaah @ i % said, "If death comes to someone studying the knowledge of Deen when he is still studying, he dies as a martyr." (') Another narration states that they stated, "Learning even a single chapter of knowledge is more beloved to me than a thousand Rakaahs of Nafl salaah, regardless of whether the knowledge is practised upon or not." (2)

Hadhrat Ali Azdi reports that when he once asked Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas about Jihaad, the Sahabi iWGW replied by saying, "Should I not tell you about something that is better than Jihaad? It is that you go to the Masjid and teach the Qur'aan, Fiqh or the Sunnah." (3) Hadhrat Ali Azdi reports that he once asked Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas 4 ? 2 iabout Jihaad. Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas WW replied by saying, "Should I not tell you about something that is better than Jihaad? It is that you build a Masjid and then teach the Qur'aan, the Sunnah of Rasulullaah @$% and Deeni Fiqh." (4) Another narration states that Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas said, "Everything seeks forgiveness for the one who teaches people what is good, even the fish in the oceans." (5)

The Encouragement Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas gave Towards Knowledge

The Encouragement Hadhrat Safwaan bin Assaal % % & @ 2 gave Towards Knowledge
Hadhrat Zirr bin Hubaysh reports that when he went to Hadhrat Safwaan bin Assaal !&w one morning, Hadhrat Safwaan % , W j asked, "What brings you here this morning, 0 Zirr?" "I have come in search of knowledge," Hadhrat Zirr replied. Hadhrat ~ a f w a a n % , remarked, "Begin your mornings as either an Aalirn or a student of Deen, but never as anyone'else." (6) Another narration states that Hadhrat Safwaan bin Assaal WBWj said, 'Whoever leaves home in search of knowledge should know that the angels spread out their wings for the student and the Aalim of Deen." (7)
(I) Bazzaar and Tabraani, a s quoted in Targheeb waL Tarheeb (Vol. l Pg.61). (2) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami Bayaanil Ilm (Vol.1 Pg.25). (3) Ibn Zanjway, a s quoted in Kanzul Ummaal(Vol.5 Pg.230). (4) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaarni ~ a ~ a a Ilm h l (Vo1.l Pg.62). (5) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami Bayaanil Ilm (Vol.1 Pg.124). (6) Tabraani in his Awsat. Haythami (Vol.1 Pg.122) has commented on the chain of narrators. (7) Tabraani in his Kabeef Haytharni (Vol. l Pg. 123) has commented o n the chain of narrators.





The Fervour that the Sahabah @ L % B % had for Knowledge

The Statement Hadhrat Mu'aadh ~ , G w Made on his deathbed about his Fervour for Knowledge
When he was on his deathbed, Hadhrat Mu'aadh bin Jabal asked the people to see whether dawn had broken. When they reported that it had not yet come, he again sent them to see. After this happened several times, they eventually reported to.him that dawn had broken. To this, he said, "I seek Allaah's protection from the night followed by a morning that takes one to Jahannam. I welcome death with open arms. It is that long absent visitor and a friend in need. 0 Allaah! While I had always been afraid of You, today I long to meet You. 0 Allaah! You know well that I never loved this world or to live long here to dig canals or to plant trees. I loved it only for the thirst in the extreme afternoon heat (when fasting), for enduring times of hardship and to sit o n my knees when associating with the Ulema in gatherings of knowledge." ('I

The Fewour that Hadhrat Abu Dardaa %~~ had for Knowledge
Hadhrat Abu Dardaa 9UW once said, "Had it not been for three things, 1 would have loved to be no longer in this world. When asked what the three things were, Hadhrat Abu Dardaa said, " (The first is)Placing my head on the ground before my Creator in Sajdah during the hours of day and night s o that it is sent ahead (as rewards) for my (true) life (in the AakhTEh+-(The second is) Enduring thirst during hot afternoons (while fasting) and (the t h i r a is) sitting with people who choose their speech as carefully a s you choose your fruit." The narration continues further.

The Fervour that Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas B G 5 m j had for Acquiring Knowledge
Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas W@!2i says, "When Rasulullaah @% passed away, I said to an Ansaari friend of mine, 'The Sahabah are plenty in number. Come. Let us learn from them.' 'I am astonished at you, 0 Ibn Abbaas!' he said, 'Do you think that people will need you (to learn from) when s o many of Rasulullaah W ' s senior Sahabah i@GWS are amongst them?' I left that as it were and proceeded to learn from the companions o f sulullaah k%#. When I heard that a Hadith was narrated by someone, I would go to his door and if he was having his siesta, I would roll up my shawl there and use it as a pillow. (As a I waited there) The wind would blow sand on me and when the man came out, he would ask, 'What brings you here, 0 cousin of Rasulullaah & % ? ! Why did you not send for me and I would have come to you?' I would then say to him, 'No. It
( I ) Abu Nu'aym in his Hi&a (Vol.1 Pg.239). Ibn Abdul Birr has also reported the narration in his Jaami Bayaanil llm (Vol.1 Pg.51).

205 is I who should be coming to you.' I would then ask him about the Hadith. My Ansaari friend happened to live to the time when he saw people gathering around me to learn and would say, 'He has been a much smarter youngster than I."'(') Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas j 4 says, "When the various cities were being conquered (by the Muslims) and people started focussing their attention towards the things of this world, I started focussing my attention on Hadhrat Umar Ww." It is because of this that most of the Ahadeeth narrated by Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas ?3!%%5 are from Hadhrat Umar ?3E&.(2)

THE LIVES OF THE S A h i l B f l H


Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah

Fervour for knowledge

Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah wWj narrates, "Rasulullaah @% once said to me. 'Are you not going to ask me for a share of the booty as your companions are asking me?' I replied, 'All I ask of you is to teach me that which Allaah has taught you.' I then spread out the striped shawl I was wearing between us. In fact, I can even picture seeing the lice crawling on it. Rasulullaah %@& then narrated Ahadeeth to me and when I had heard everything, he told me to pick up the shawl and wear it (which I did). Thereafter, I have never forgotten even a single letter of what Rasulullaah @$% had narrated to me." (3) Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah once said, "People say that Abu Hurayrah narrates plenty of Ahadeeth! It is with-Allaah that we have an appointment (and He will r o not narrate a s many judge). People ask why the Muhaajireen and ~ n s a a d ! While trade in the marketplaces Ahadeeth a s Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah occupied my Muhaajireen brothers and commitments to their properties occupied my Ansaar brothers, I was a poor man who stuck close to Rasulullaah @?%s o that my belly could be filled. I would therefore be present (with Rasulullaah when they were not. I also remembered much when they had forgotten. Rasulullaah @ % one day said, 'If any of you spreads out a cloth until I finish speaking and then holds it close to his chest, he will never forget anything that I say.' I therefore spread out my striped shawl because I had nothing else (to spread out). After Rasulullaah @@ had finished speaking, I put @'%f with the truth that it to my chest. I swear by the Being Who sent Rasulullaah from that day to this, I have never forgotten anything Rasulullaah said. By Allaah! Had it not been for two verses of the Qur'aan, I would never have narrated anything to you people. (The verses are):



(I) Haakim in his Mustadrak (Vol.1 Pg.106), reporting from reliable sources a s confirmed by Dhahabi. Daarmi and Haarith in his Masaaneed have reported a similar narration, a s quoted in Isaabah (Vo1.2 Pg.331). Tabraani h a s also reported the narration from reliable sources a s confirmed by Haythami (Vo1.9 Pg.277). A similar narration has also been reported by Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vol.1 Pg.85) and by Ibn Sa'd (Vo1.4 Pg.182). (2) Bazzaar, reporting from reliable sources a s confirmed by Haythami (Vol.1 Pg. 161). (3) Abu Nu'aym in his Hilya (Vol. 1 Pg.381).



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Certainly those who hide (frompeople) the clear things and guidance which We have revealed after We had explained it to them in the Book for the people; such people (those who hide these things) are cursed by Allaah and by all those who (are commanded to) curse (such as the angels, humans, Jinn, animals). (This applies to all such people) Except those who repent, correct (the wrong they did) and clarify (what they hid). These are the ones whom I will forgive, for verily I am The Greatest Acceptor of repentance, The Most Merciful. {Surah Baqarah, verses 159,160)(11 Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah B,Gw once said, "People complain that Abu Hurayrah narrates too many Ahadeeth. I was a person who stuck with Rasulullaah @ % to have my belly filled because it was a time when I was unable to eat leavened bread, wear silk or have slaves in attendance. Because of extreme hunger, I would press my stomach against stones (so that the coolness of the stones would alleviate the burn of the hunger).I would ask a person to recite a verse of the Qur'aan for me although I knew it only s o that (as we engaged in discussion) he may (offer to) take me home for meals. The person who treated the poor best was Ja'far bin Abi Taalib ?&GW3. He would take us home and feed us everything he had in his house. In fact, he would even take out for us a (honey or butter) container that was empty, wipe out whatever remained (stuck to the sides and bottom) and then give this to us to suck." (2)

The True Meaning of Knowledge and what the Word Knowledge Refers to when Used in a General Context Narrations from Rasulullaah & % k ! Concerning the
True Meaning of Knowledge
Hadhrat Abu Moosa Ash'ari B,m narrates that Rasulullaah @$% said, "The example of the guidance and knowledge that Allaah has sent me with is like a drenching rain that falls on a particular piece of ground. While a part of the ground is fertile and absorbs the water to grow grass and an abundance of vegetation, another portion of the ground is hard and holds the water. However, Allaah still allows it to benefit people because they drink from it, give their animals to drink from it and also irrigate their fields with it. The rain also falls on another portion of the ground that consists of a rocky terrain which neither holds the water nor grows any grass. Such is the example of a person who has a deep understanding of the Deen of Allaah. That which Allaah has sent me with benefits him, because of which he becomes knowledgeable and teaches others as well. It is also the example of the person who pays no heed to it and refuses to accept it." (3)
(1) Bukhaari (Vol.1 Pg.316).
(2) Bukhaari, a s quoted in Targheeb wat Tarheeb(Vol.5 Pg.175).

(3)Bukhaari and Muslim, a s quoted in Mishkaatul Masaabeeh (Pg.20).

207 Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood $B&Wj narrates that Rasulullaah @?@said, "Every Nabi 6@.!% that Allaah has sent before had close friends and companions who adopted his ways and obeyed his instructions. However, there came after them generations who did not practise what they preached and who did what they were not instructed to do. Whoever resists them physicall? is a Mu'min, whoever resists them verbally is also a Mu'min and whoever resists them by heart (by disapproving of what they do) is also a Mu'min. After these (three categories of people) there remains none with even a mustard geed of Imaan." ('I Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Amr $ B & W ; reports that Rasulullaah @%$ said, "Knowledge is of three types; explicit verses of the Qur'aan, concrete Ahadeeth (with authenticity that is beyond doubt) and injunctions of the same standing (/jrnaa(') and ~ i y a a s (that ~ ) is beyond doubt). Everything apart from this is extra (it is not compu1sory to learn)." (4) Hadhrat Amr bin Auf reports that Rasulullaah @@$ said, "I have left with you two factors that you will never go astray as long as you hbld fast to them. They are the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of your Nabi @%.I'(~) Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah !B!Z+%% reports that Rasulullaah @% once entered the Masjid where he found the people gathered around a man. "What is happening?" Rasulullaah @%$ asked. "0Rasulullaah the Sahabah i @W&% replied, "He enquired. The Sahabah is an Allaamah." "What is an Allaamah?" Rasulullaah @%# @ S W said, "Someone who knows Arabic better than anyone else and also has the most knowledge of poetry and the differences between the Arabs." Rasulullaah @%$ remarked, "That is knowledge that does not benefit a person and no harm will be done to remain ignorant of it." (6)


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The Statements of Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar B,G&> and Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas 8 . G W j Concerning the real meaning of Knowledge
Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar % & 2 !% ; once said, "Knowledge is in three things; the talking book (the Qur'aan), the perpetual Sunnah and t o say 'I d o not know' (when one does not know something)." (7) Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas said, "Knowledge is really in the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of Rasulullaah @%$.Based on personal opinion, if anyone says anything other than this, I cannot say whether he will find it included amongst his good deeds or amongst his sins." (8) Hadhrat Mujaahid says, "Hadhrat ~ b d u l l a a h bin Abbaas was once
(1) Muslim, as quoted in Mishkaatul Masaabeeh (Pg.21). (2) Consensus of authorities in lslaamic jurisprudence. (3)The sound Sharee analytical deduction of accepted Muslim jurists. (4) Abu Dawood and Ibn Maajah, as quoted in Mishkaatul Masaabeeh (Pg.27). Ibn Abdul Birr has reported a similar narration in his Jaami (Vol.2 Pg.23). (5)Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami Bayaanil Ilm (Vol.2 Pg.23). ( 6 ) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaam Bayaanil Ilm i (Vo1.2 Pg.23) (7)Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaam Bayaanil Ilm i (Vo1.2 Pg.24). (8) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami Bayaanil Ilm (Vo1.2 Pg.26).

THE LIVES OF THE S A M B A H @G@@> (Vol-3) 208 performing salaah while Ataa, Tawoos and Ikramah and I, all his students, were sitting together. A man arrived and asked, 'Is there a Mufti amongst you?' 'Ask your question,' I said. He said, 'Every time I urinate, a spurting liquid follows the urine out.' 'Is it the type of liquid from which a child is born?' we asked. When he replied in the affirmative, we ruled that he should take a bath (each time it happened). The man then turned away saying, 'Innaa Lillaahi wa Innaa IIayhi Raaji'oon'. Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas hastened with his salaah and as soon a s he made the Salaam, he said, 'Ikramah! Go bring that man back.' When Ikramah brought him back, Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas 3 G W j turned to us saying, 'Tell me whether the verdict you gave this man was sourced from the Book of Allaah?' 'No,' we admitted. 'Then was i t sourced from the Sunnah of Rasulullaah @%?'he asked further. When we again conceded that it was not, he asked, 'Then was it from the Sahabah mWj of Rasulullaah @&?' Again we said no. 'Then from who did you learn it?' he asked. 'We derived it from our own judgement,' we replied. To this, he remarked, 'It i s for this reason that Rasulullaah &$&%said, 'A single jurist is more difficult for Shaytaan to contend with than a thousand (ignorant) worshippers.' He then turned to the man and asked, 'Tell me. Do you feel any lust in your heart when this happens to you?' 'No, I do not,' the man replied. Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas 3i 3w asked further, 'Then do you feel any weakness in your body (after it emerges)?' when the man said, 'This again replied negatively, Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas -4 happens because of coldness (in the body), so wudhu would suffice for you (there is no need to bath)."'(')

Reprimanding those who Occupy Themselves with Learning Things that are Contrary to that Which Rasulullaah @& Taught
Rasulullaah Reprimands People who did this
Hadhrat Amr bin Yahya bin Ja'dah %Xi#&j narrates that when someone brought to Rasulullaah a scripture written on the shoulder blade of an animal, Rasulullaah @% remarked, "It is enough for a person to have himself classified as a fool or a person gone astray just to turn his attention away from what his has brought and to focus it on what another Nabi @& had brought, Nabi or to turn his attention to a scripture other than his own." It was then that Allaah 3,GjzG revealed the verse:



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Is it not sufficient for them that we have revealed a Book (the Qur'aan) to you (0 Rasufuflaah which is recited to them? {Surah Ankaboot,


verse 5 1) (2)
(1) Ibn Asaakir, a s quoted in Kanzul Ummaal(Vol.5 Pg. 118). (2) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami Bayaanil Ilm (Vol.2 Pg.40).


Hadhrat Umar Rebukes a man who Wrote the Scripture of Hadhrat Daaniyaal @& and His Incident with Rasulullaah & @ !
Hadhrat Khaalid bin Urfuta narrates that he was with Hadhrat Umar j & when a man from the Abdul Qais tribe was brought. The man lived in a place called Soos (where Hadhrat Daaniyaal & % L is believed to be buried). When Hadhrat Umar '.,' ""."'asked him whether he was a particular person from the Abd tribe, S&~&J the man replied that he was. Hadhrat Umar wm then struck him with a staff that he had with him. " 0 Ameerul Mu'mineen!" the man cried, "What have I done?" Hadhrat Umar %,Gm told him to sit down and when he did, Hadhrat Umar W , W recited the following: @ ~ ~ ~ ~ > ~ ..k > d ",Y ~ l Ib 6 \ @ > l & l ~ q u


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In the name of Allaah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful. Alif Laam Raa. These are the verses of the clear Book (the Qur'aan). Undoubtedly We have revealed it (the Qur'aan) as an Arabic Qur'aan s o that you may understand. We narrate to you a most beautiful story in this Qur'aan that We reveal to you. Before this you were of the unwary.
{Surah Yusuf, verses 1-3)

Hadhrat Umar W , W j recited the verses thrice and hit the man thrice. Again the man asked, "What have I done, 0 Ameerul Mu'mineen?" Hadhrat Umar WW$ said, "You are the person who wrote the scriptures of Daaniyaal @I!+ "I % am . " prepared to do whatever you instruct me," the man said. Hadhrat Umar then said to him, "Go and erase it with (pouring) hot water (over it) and (the wiping with) white wool. I neither want you to read it or to give it to anyone else to read. If the news reaches me that you had read it or had given it to someone else to read, I shall punish you very severely." Hadhrat Umar BGw then told the man to sit down, and when he sat in front of Hadhrat Umar %GWj, the Ameerul Mu'mineen narrated, "I once copied a scripture from the Ahlul Kitaab on a piece of leather. When Rasulullaah asked me what it was I had in my hand, I said, ' 0 Rasulullaah It is a scripture that I copied to supplement the knowledge we have.' ~asuluilaah @@ then became s o angry that his cheeks flamed red. (By the instruction of Rasulullaah The announcement 'As Salaatu Jaami'ah' was made (to ggther the people), to which the Ansaar said, 'Take your weapons! Take your weapons! Your Nabi k$$?# has been angered.' The people then amassed around Rasulullaah W ' s pulpit. RasuluIIaah % I @ said, ' 0 people! I have been granted speech that is comprehensive, conclusive, yet very concise. I have also brought to you a creed that it exceptionally pure. Therefore, you need never be confused and



THE LIVES OF THE SAHABAH @ g # % 3(Vol-3) 210 never allow yourselves t o be deceived by the confused o n e s (the Ahlul Kitaab) ."' Hadhrat Umar continues, "I then stood up and said, 'I am satisfied with Allaah a s my Rabb, with Islaam a s my religion and with you a s my Nabi.' Rasulullaah @ % then descended from the pulpit." ( I ) Hadhrat Jaabir % 3 !W i narrates that Hadhrat Umar bin Khattaab B G W j once brought to Rasulullaah @%$ a scripture that he got from some people of the Ahlul Kitaab. "0 Rasulullaah @@!"he said, "I just got an excellent scripture from some people of the Ahlul Kitaab." Rasulullaah @%$ became angry and said, "Are you people in doubt, 0 son of Khattaab? I swear by the Being Who controls my life! What I have brought to you is clear and pure. You therefore have no need to ask them. (The danger is that) They might tell you some truth that you may reject or tell you some false that you may believe. I swear by the Being Who controls my life that even if Moosa @ ! % was alive, he would have no option but to follow me."(2) Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Thaabit narrates that Hadhrat Umar bin Khattaab $23G5@% once came to Rasulullaah and said, "I was passing by a friend frenr, .the (Jewish) Banu Qurayzah tribe, so he ,wrote down for me some quotations from the Torah. Should I read them to you." When Rasulullaah m ' s face started , E m said to Hadhrat reddening (with anger), Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Thaabit % Umar ?&%W, "Can you not see Rasulullaah @?@'s face?" Hadhrat Umar %EM immediately exclaimed, "I am satisfied with Allaah a s my Rabb, with Islaam as my i % as my % Nabi." Rasulullaah m ' s anger then religion and with Muhammad $ subsided and he said, "I swear by the Being Who controls the life of Muhammad! If Moosa @&& had to be amongst you and you leave me to follow him, you would certainly go astray. You are meant to be my Ummah and I am meant to be your ~ a b i . " ( ~ )


Hadhrat Umar ~ ~ Rebukes & j a man who told him That he Found a Scripture with wonderful Content
Hadhrat Maymoon bin Mahraan narrates that a man came t o Hadhrat Umar saying, "0 Ameerul Mu'mineen! When we conquered Madaa'in, I found a scripture with wonderful content." "Is the content consistent with the Book of asked. j When the man said that it was not, Allaah?" Hadhrat Umar ~ , W Hadhrat Umar % = sent for his whip, lashed the'man and recited the verse:

(1) Abu Ya'la. Haythami (Vol.1 Pg.182) has commented on the chain of narrators. Ibnul Mundhir, Ibn have reported a similar Abi Haatim, Uqayli, Nasr Maqdasi, Sa'eed bin Mansoor and Abdur ~ a u a a q narration, a s quoted in Kanzul Urnrnaal (Vol.1 Pg.94). (2) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vo1.2 Pg.42). Ahmad, Abu Ya'la. and Bazaar have reported a similar narration but Haythami (Vol. 1 Pg.174) has commented c n the chain of narrators. (3)Ahmad and Tabraani. Haythami (Vol.1 Pg. 174) has commented on the chain of narrators.


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In the name of Allaah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful. Alif Laam Raa. These are the verses of the clear Book (the Qur'aan). Undoubtedly We have revealed it (the Qurhan) as an Arabic Qur'aan s o that you may understand. We narrate to you a most beautiful story in this Qur'aan that We reveal to you. Before this you were of the unwary. {Surah Yusuf,verses 1-3) He then said, "Those before you (the Jews and Christians) were destroyed only because they forsook the Torah and Injeel and turned to the books of their scholars and priests. These two scriptures then eventually disappeared along with the knowledge they contained."

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Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood ?&XGw and Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas !&!Ew Condemn Questioning The Ahlul Kitaab

Hadhrat Hurayth bin Zuhayr reports that Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood said, "Never question the Ahlul Kitaab about anything because since they are misguided, they cannot guide you. (The danger is that) They might tell you. some truth that you may reject or tell you some false that you may believe." also said, "If you have to ask them (the Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood B,Ahlul Kitaab), then consider what they say. If it coincides with the teachings of Allaah's Book, you may accept it, but you must reject it if it does not." (3) Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas B,w once said, "How can you people ask the Ahlul Kitaab about anything when you have with you the Book that Allaah has revealed to His Nabi @?@, which happens to be the latest scripture from your Rabb? It is new and has not been interpolated. Has Allaah not informed you in His Book that they (the Ahlul Kitaab) had altered Allaah's scriptures (the Torah and Injeel) with their own hands and said that it was from Allaah? This was done only to earn some meagre worldly profits. Does the knowledge that has come to you not prevent you from asking them? By Allaah! I have never seen any of them asking you about what Allaah has revealed!" (4) Another narration states that Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas ? & % 3 & 5 said, 'You ask the Ahlul Kitaab about their scriptures when you have Allaah's Book which is the latest of Allaah's scriptures? It is new, has not been interpolated and you are even able to read it." (5)
(1) Nasr Maqdasi, a s quoted in Kanzul Urnmaal (Vol.l Pg.95). (2) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vo1.2 Pg.40). Abdur Razzaaq has reported a similar narration. . (3) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vol.2 Pg.42). Tabraani has reported a similar narration from reliable sources a s confirmed by Haythami (Vol. 1 Pg.192). (4) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vo1.2 Pg.42). (5) Ibn Abi Shaybah, a s quoted in the Jaami of Ibn Abdul Birr.



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Being affected by the Knowledge of Allaah and His Rasool@&

5 ' 9 1 ' Y

Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah B,Gw and Hadhrat Mu'aawiya B,Gwj are Affected by a Hadith of Rasulullaah @@
Hadhrat Shufay Asbahi narrates, "Upon entering Madinah one day, I saw many people gathered around a particular man. When I asked who the man was, I was informed that he was Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah ?&!3W45.I then went close and sat down in front of him as he narrated Ahadeeth. After he had completed and was alone, I asked, 'I ask you in the name of the rights (1 have upon you in that I am a Muslim, a traveller and a student) to narrate to me a Hadith that you heard from Rasulullaah @% and that you understood well.' He said, 'By all means. I shall % $ narrated t o me and which 1 narrate to you a Hadith that Rasulullaah @ understand well.' He then sighed s o deeply that he was close t o falling unconscious. We waited a while until he regained his composure and said, '1 shall relate to you a Hadith that Rasulullaah @# narrated to me in this very house when there was none here besides him and 1. Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah j then again sighed s o deeply that he was close to falling unconscious. When he regained his composure, he wiped his face and said, 'I shall relate to you a Hadith that Rasulullaah @?@ narrated to me in this very house when there was none here besides him and I , Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah %W&j then again sighed s o deeply that he actually fell on his face. I held him up for a long while and when he regained consciousness, he said, 'Rasulullaah k%% narrated to me that on the Day of Qiyaamah, every ndtion will bgsn its knees when Allaah will descend to pass judgement between the people. The first to be summoned (for reckoning) will be the person who memorised the Qur'aan, the person who was martyred in the path of Allaah and the man with plenty of wealth. Addressing the Qaari, Allaah wi4l say, 'Did I not teach you that which I revealed t o my messenger?' 'Indeed you did, 0 my Rabb!' he will respond. Allaah will ask him further, 'And what did you do with that which I taught you?' He will reply, 'I recited it day and night.' 'You are lying,' Allaah wcl declare. The angels will reiterate saying, 'You are lying.' Allaah will then add, 'Your only motive was that people should call you a Qaari, which they have already done.' Next, the wealthy man will be summoned. Allaah will ask him, 'Did I not grant you plenty s o that you never depended on anyone else?' 'Indeed you have, my Rabb!' he will admit. 'Then what did you do with that which I gave you?' Allaah will ask. He man will say, 'I used to maintain family ties and give charity.' You are lying,' Allaah will declare. 'You are lying,' the angels will reiterate. Allaah will then say, 'Your only motive was that people should call you a generous person, which they have already done.'

213 Next to be summoned will be the one who was martyred in the path of ALlaah. Allaah will ask him, 'For what objective were you killed?' His reply will be, 'because we were commanded to fight in Jihaad, I fought until I was killed.' You are lying,' Allaah will declare. You are lying,' the angels will reiterate. Allaah will then say, 'Your only motive was that people should call you a brave person, which they have already done.' Rasulullaah @ % % then hit his hands on my knees and said, '0 Abu Hurayrah! These three will be the first of Allaah's creation with whom the fire of Jahannam will be fuelled on the Day of Qiyaamah."' (After hearing this Hadith from Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah 4 @ G W 4 ) ; Hadhrat Shufay and narrated the Hadith to him. Hadhrat then went to Hadhrat Mu'aawiya Alaa bin Hakeem says that Hadhrat Shufay was the person w h o tended t o Hadhrat Mu'aawiya !8GWj's swords. He reports, "When this Hadith from was narrated to Hadhrat Mu'aa-wiya Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah %,Wj Hadhrat Mu'aawiya S3W remarked, 'If this is what will happen to these three, what about the rest of mankind?' He then wept s o much that we thought he would acpire.Wesaid,Thismanhascemly brought a calamity upon us (by upsetting the Khalifah in this manner)!' When Hadhrat Mu'aawiya % @ . W j regained his composure, he wiped his face and said, 'Allaah and His Rasool @@ have certainly spoken the truth when they say:





Whoever desires the life of this world and its splendour (without a concern for the Aakhirah),We shall grant them the full rewards for their (goo4 deeds in this very world and they will not be wronged (they will not be given less than they deserve).They are t h e ones who shall have only the Fire for themselves in the Aakhirah.' Whatever (good actions) they did in the world will be lost to them (in the Aakhirah) and all their (good)deeds will be in vain (because they will see no rewards for these

in the Aakhirah where they will require them most. This is because they acted on/yfor world/yobjectives),{Surah Hood, verses 15- 1 6 ) ( l )
Hadhrat Abu Salamah bin Hadhrat Abdur Rahmaan bin Auf reports that when Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar S U iW 6 and Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Amr bin Al Aas % , met at Marwa, they started discussing Ahadeeth. When Hadhrat remained Abdullaah bin Amr WWj left, Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar-4 there weeping. "What makes you weep s o much, 0 Abu Abdur Rahmaan?" m replied, "That man someone asked. Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar W Abdullaah bin Amr ?&WWjsays that he heard Rasulullaah say, 'Allaah will throw a person headlong into the fire of Jahannam if he has pride equal to
(1) Tirmidhi (Vo1.2 Pg.61). Targheeb wat Tarheeb (Vol.1 Pg.28)states that Ibn Khuzaymah and Ibn

Hibbaan have both reported similar narrations.



@ C @ & % k .(Vol-3)

even a mustard seed in his heart."'(')

Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Rawaaha !&BW? and Hadhrat Hassaan @ , G 5Weep when Allaah Revealed the Verse: "Onlydeviant people follow the poets"
Hadhrat Abul Hasan the freed slave of the Banu Naufal tribe reports that Hadhrat and Hadhrat Hassaan bin Thaabit ?B!XI%'(both Abdullaah bin Rawaaha %&3W acclaimed poets) came weeping to Rasulullaah @?@when Allaah revealed Surah TaaSeenMeem Shu'araa. Rasulullaah @@ recited to them the verses:

Only deviant people follow the poets (by repeating those poems of theirs that contain rambling speech and useless talk). Do you not see that they (poets) wander lost (distracted) in every valley (have no you not see) that direction and tend to sway to the extremes)?And :(do they say things which they never do? (Such is the condition ofallpoets) Except.those who have Imaan, who do good acts, who remember Allaah abundantly and who avenge themselves after being oppressed (by counteracting the satirical poetry that the Kuffaardirect at islaam and at Rasulullaah @% with poetry of their own). {Surah Shu'araa, When Rasulullaah @@ recited the verse "Except those who have maa an, who do good acts ", he said, "That refers to you." Thereafter, when he recited "who remember Allaah abundantly", he again said, "That refers to you". Again, when reciting the verse "and (those) who avenge themselves after being oppressedn, he said, "That refers to you." (2)
verses 224-227)

The People of Yemen Weep when they Hear the a r ' a a n During the Khilaafah of Hadhrat Abu Bakr s,gwj
Hadhrat Abu Saalih narrates thatwhen some people from Yemen came to Madinah during the Khilaafah of Hadhrat Abu Bakr W , W and heard the Qur'aan, they remarked (in started weeping excessively. To this, Hadhrat Abu Bakr humility), "That is how we used to be, but then hearts started to harden." Hadhrat Abu Nu'aym explains that the phrase "hearts started to harden" means that their hearts strengthened and became content with the recognition of Allaah. (3) (1) Targheeb war Tarheeb (Vo1.4 Pg.345). (2) Haakim (Vo1.3Pg.488). (3)Abu Nu'aym in his Hilya, as quoted in Kanzul Ummaal(Vol.1Pg.224).




A Warning to the Aalim who does not Teach others

and to Ignorant Person who does not Learn

Hadhrat Abzah Abu t)bdur Rahmaan ?&IG&!G3 reports that Rasulullaah @$%once praised certain groups of the Muslims in his sermon. Thereafter, Rasulullaah said, "What is the matter with certain tribes who neither make their neighbouring tribes understand Deen, nor do they teach it to them, explain it to them, enjoin them (to do good) or forbid them (from evil)? What also is the matter with other tribes who neither learn from their neighbours nor make an attempt to understand the Deen or to be conversant with it? Take note that people will have to teach Deen to their neighbours, explain it to them, enjoin them (to do good) and forbid them (from evil). At the same time, others will have to learn Deen from their neighbours and make an attempt to understand it, otherwise they will all be punished very soon in this very world." Rasulullaah @@ then descended from the pulpit and entered his room. "Who do you think Rasulullaah was referring to?" some people asked. "We think that he must have been referring to the Ash'ar tribe who have a good understanding of Deen while their neighbours are uncultured Bedouins living at an oasis. When the news reached the people of the Ash'ar tribe, they came to Rasulullaah &@@and said, "0 Rasulullaah @&%!Why is it that when you praised some people, you criticised us? What have we done?" Rasulullaah % & replied, " that people will have to teach Deen to their neighbours, explain it to them, enjoin them (to do good) and forbid them (from evil). At the same time, others will have to learn Deen from their neighbours and make an attempt to understand it, otherwise they will all be punished very soon in this very world." "0Rasulullaah they pleaded, "Will we be held responsible for the wrongs of others?" When Rasulullaah &&% repeated his words, they again asked, "0 Rasulullaah @@! Will we be held responsible for the wrongs of others?" This time again, Rasulullaah @@ repeated what he had said. They then requested Rasulullaah for a


year's grace to educate their neighbours and to give them a sound understanding of Deen. Rasulullaah granted them the grace. Rasulullaah then recited the verse:

Those of the Bani Israa'eel who committed kufr were cursed on the tongues of Dawood @~ and Isa #%& the son of Maryam. That was because they were disobedient and they overstepped the limits (oftheir religion). ((Amongthereasonsfor which they were cursed was that) They would never prevent each other from the evil that they used to carry out. Evil indeed was that which they did (not preventing each other




.tiom sinfulacts). {Surah Maa'idah, verses 7 8 - 7 9 ) ( ' )

Allaah will Grant Whoever Strives to Gain Knowledge and Imaan

The Words of Hadhrat Mu'aadh ~ , E w to a Man who Was Weeping by his Bedside before his Death
Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Salamah narrates that a man came t o (the bedside 00 Hadhrat Mu'aadh bin Jabal 9,w and started to weep. "What makes you weep?" Hadhrat Mu'aadh = 4 asked. The man replied, "By Allaah! I am neither crying because of the ties of kinship we have nor because of the material gains 1 used to get from you. What makes me weep is the fear that the knowledge I used to glean consoled him saying, from you will soon come to an end." Hadhrat Mu'aadh SZ@!2j " 0 not cry because whoever strives to acquire knowledge and Imaan, Allaah will grant them t o him just as He granted Hadhrat Ibraheem @$& during times when there was n o knowledge and Imaan." (2) Hadhrat Haarith bin Umayrah reports that when Hadhrat Mu'aadh bin Jabal % l W was about to pass away, the people around him started to cry. "What makes you people cry?" he asked. They replied, "We are crying because of the knowledge that will stop coming to us when you pass away." Hadhrat Mu'aadh % I ! % said, & "Verily knowledge and Imaan shall remain as they are until the Day of Qiyaamah. Whoever searches for them shall find them in the Qur'aan and the Sunnah. While you ought to judge every piece of information by the standards of the Qur'aan, never judge the Qur'aan by the standards of any piece of information. Seek knowledge from Umar %3@&5, Uthmaan Bw and Ali W%Xi and if you d o not meet them, seek knowledge from four men; from (Abu Dardaa % ' @ , W j ) , Abdullaah bin ~ a s ' o o d wW, Salmaan Uwaymir %%W?j ?3%3?3 and from Abdullaah bin Salaam B.=, who had been a Jew before @ say that he (Hadhrat becoming a Muslim. In fact, I heard Rasulullaah @ Abdullaah bin Salaam @,W) will be the tenth of ten people to enter Jannah (without reckoning). You must however ensure that you beware of the mistakes of an Aalim. You should accept the truth from whoever brings it t o you and reject falsehood from whoever brings it to you, regardless of who the person may be." (3) Hadhrat Yazeed bin Umayrah narrates, "During the illness that claimed his life, Hadhrat Mu'aadh bin Jabal !B3&G would often fall unconscious and then regain consciousness. When he once fell unconscious for a long time, we feared that he had passed away. When he regained consciousness, I was standing in front of him crying. What makes you cry?' he asked. 1 replied by saying, 'By Allaah! It is not because of the worldly benefits I received from you that I am weeping and
( I ) Ibn Raahway, Bukhaari in his Wahdaan, Ibnus Sakan, Ibn Mandah, Tabraani, Abu Nu'aym, Ibn Asaakir, Baawardi and Ibn Mardway, a s quoted in Kanzul Ummaal(Vo1.2 Pg.139). (2) Abu Nu'aym in his Hilya (Vol. 1 Pg.234). (3) Ibn Asaakir and Sayf,a s quoted in Kanzul Ummaal(Vo1.7 Pg.87).

21 7 also not because of our kinship. What makes me weep is the departure of the knowledge (of Deen) and knowledge of Islaamic law that I had been acquiring from you.' His response was, 'Do not weep because knowledge and Imaan shall remain as they are and whoever seeks them shall surely find them. Seek them as Ibraheem 6@&!i sought them. When he had not acquired them full;, he asked Allaah saying:


@ g % 5

'I am going to (a place where) my Rabb (has commanded me to go), (it is onfyAJfaah) Who will soon guide me.' {Surah Saaffaat, verse 991 After I die, seek knowledge from four persons. If you canllor C T I what ~ you seek with any one of them, then ask the people for the best amone.-+ 'hem. The four *L;&j, men a r e Abdullaah bin Mas'ood %Ed%j, Abdullaah L!n F3laam """""' Salmaan ! 3 = and Uwaymir Abu Dardaa 51G5W. You skiould dlso beware of the blunders of the wise and the verdict of a hypocrite.' 'How will I identify the blunder of a wise man?' I asked. He ex?lained, 'It is misguided speech that Shaytaan casts on the tongue of a man which he utters without thinking. However, it sometimes also occurs that a hypocrite speaks what is true. You should therefore absorb sound knowledge from wherever it comes to you because there is light in the truth. Matters that are dubious should however be avoided."'(') Hadhrat Arnr bin Maymoon narrates, "We were in Yemen when Hadhrat Mu'aadh bin Jabal came there and addressed us saying, '0 people of Yemen! Accept lslaam and live in peace. I am the envoy of Rasulullaah &$% to you.' Since then, I took a liking to him and never parted from him until he passed away. When he was leaving the world and I started to weep, he asked, What makes you cy3' I replied, 'I am weeping because of the knowledge that will be leaving with you.' He consoled me saying, Verily knowledge and Imaan shall remain until the Day of Qiyaamah ..."The rest of the narration is similar to the ones above.

Learning Imaan, knowledge and Practise All at the Same Time

The Statements of Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar B , G i & % Hadhrat j , Jundub bin Abdullaah %lEWand j this Regard Hadhrat Ali ~ E Win
Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar said, "During the greater portion of my life I have seen that a man (from the Sahabah @ = ) learns Imaan before the Qur'aan. Whenever a Surah was revealed to Muhammad @&%,the man would learn what was proclaimed lawful and unlawfut and where it was appropriate to stop just as you people learn the (words of the) Qur'aan itself. However, I now
(1) Haakirn (Vo1.4 Pg.466).

(2) Ibn Asaakir, a s quoted in Kanzul Ummaal (Vol.7 Pg.87).

THE LlVES OF THE SAHABAH (Val-3) 21 8 see people learning the Qur'aan before lmaan and while they have read from Surah Faatiha up to the end of the Qur'aan, they have no idea about what the Qur'aan instructs and what it prohibits. They also d o not know where it is appropriate to stop and scatter the verses about like unwanted dates." ('I Hadhrat Jundub bin Abdullaah ~ , - said, "We were youngsters almost coming of age when we learnt Imaan before the Qur'aan with Rasulullaah When we then learnt the Qur'aan, our Imaan g r e w even stronger."(21 Hadhrat Ali ! & G % I G jonce said, "Whenever a Surah, a verse or a few verses were revealed during the time of Rasulullaah @%, it would serve to strengthen the Imaan and submission of the Mu'mineen and if it contained a prohibition, they would immediately abstain." (3) How the Sahabah would not Learn another Verse of the Qur'aan until they had Learnt how to practise on the Previous verse Hadhrat Abu Abdur Rahmaan Sulami says, "The Sahabi % 3 !G B & ! who taught us they would mentioned that when they learnt ten verses from Rasulullaah not proceed to another ten verses until they had learnt everything about the previous ten verses and how to practise on them. He would also say, 'Our knowledge consisted of both theory and practice.'"(4) Another narration adds that the Sahabi ! & % also & i said, ''We used to learn the Qur'aan as well as how to practise on it. There shall however come people who will inherit the Qur'aan after us who will drink up the Qur'aan like water without it passing by their collarbones. In fact, it will not even pass here." He then placed his hand on his throat. (5) Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood !8,GiWl said, "Whenever we learnt ten verses of the Qur'aan from Rasulullaah @&, we would not proceed to learn the next ten verses until we had learnt whatever was in them." when someone asked a narrator named Hadhrat Shareek whether this referred to practising the ten . .first, he replied in the affirmative. (6) verses

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Acquiring That Much of Deeni knowledge that One Needs

The Words of Hadhrat Salmaan ~,~ to a man from the Banu Abs Tribe in this Regard
Hadhrat Hafs bin Umar Sa'di narrates from his uncle that Hadhrat Salmaan % , once said to Hadhrat Hudhayfah %JSW4, "0member of the Banu Abs! While knowledge is abundant, life is short. You should therefore acquire only that much of Deeni knowledge that you need and leave out that which does not
(1) Tabraani, reporting from reliable sources as confirmed by Haythami (Vol.1 (2)Ibn Maajah (Pg. 11):

Pg. 165).

(3) Askari and Ibn Mardway, as quoted in B n z u l Ummaal(Vol.1 Pg.232). (4) Ahmad (Vo1.5 Pg.410).Haythami (Vol. 1 Pg.232)has commented on the chain of narrators. (5) Ibn Sa'd (Vo1.6 Pg. 172). (6) Ibn Asaakir, as quoted in B n z u l Ummaal Wol. 1 Pa.232).

219 concern you." ('1 Hadhrat Abul Bakhtari reports that a man from the Banu Abs tribe was once in the company of Hadhrat Salmaan when he took a sip of water from the Tigris River. "Drink again," Hadhrat Salmaan %,EWj bade the man. When the man declared that he was sated, Hadhrat Salmaan B,l%%asked, "Do you think that your sip decreased much from the river?" The man said, "How can the sip 1 took decrease anything from it?" Hadhrat Salmaan ?3Gm then remarked, "In the same manner, knowledge never decreases. You should therefore glean a s much knowledge a s would benefit you." (2)


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The Words of Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar BE&$ to a man who Wrote to ask him about Knowledge
Hadhrat Abu Qayla reports that when a man wrote to ask Hadhrat Abdullaah bin about knowledge, the Sahabi ! B ! % % wrote back saying, "You have Umar written to me asking about knowledge. Knowledge is however something much greater than I can write back to you about. However, (the advice I will offer is) if it is possible for you to accomplish, you must make an effort to meet Allaah in a manner that you have held your tongue from dishonouring a Muslim, you do not have the burden of any Muslim's blood on your back, your belly is empty of the wealth of the Muslims and you have remained united with them." (3)

Teaching Deen, Islaam and the Faraa'idh

Rasulullaah Teaches the Deen to Hadhrat
Hadhrat Abu Rifaa'ah narrates, "I came to Rasulullaah @$@ at a time I said, A ' stranger when he was busy delivering a sermon. '0 Rasulullaah has come to enquire about his Deen because he knows not what his Deen is.' Leaving the sermon aside, Rasulullaah @@ turned to me and came to me. His chair, the legs of which I think were of iron, was then brought. Rasulullaah sat on it and started teaching me that which Allaah had taught him. Thereafter, he returned to his sermon and completed what remained of it." (4)


Rasulullaah Teaches Deen to a Bedouin, to Hadhrat Farwah bin Musayk BEW and to a delegation from Bahraa
Hadhrat Jareer reports that a Bedouin once came to Rasulullaah @& saying, "Teach me Islaam." Rasulullaah @ $ !$ explained, "(Islaam is) That you and that Muhammad &% testify that there is none worthy of worship but ~ l i a a h
(1) Abu Nu'aym in his Hilya(Vol.1 Pg.189). (2) Abu Nu'aym in his Hilya (Vol. l Pg. 188). (3) Ibn Asaakir, a s quoted in Kanzul Urnrnaal(Vo1.5 Pg.230). (4) Muslim (Vol.1 Pg.287). Bukhaari has reported a similar narration in his Adab (Pg.171), a s have Nasa'ee in his Zeenah, Tabraani and Abu Nu'aym, a s quoted in Kanzul Ummaalpfo1.5 Pg.242).

220 .THE WVES OF THE SAHABAH mEw3 (Vol-3) is the servant and Rasul (messenger) of Allaah, that you establish salaah, pay zakaah, fast during Ramadhaan, perform Hajj of the Kabah, love for people what you love for yourself and dislike for people what you dislike for yourself." (I) Hadhrat Muhammad bin Umaarah bin Khuzaymah bin Thaabit says, "Hadhrat Farwah bin Musayk Muraadi forsook the royalty of Kindah and arrived with a delegation to follow Rasulullaah @%. He stayed with Hadhrat Sa'd bin Ubaadah where he learnt the Qur'aan, the Faraa'idh of Islaam and the Shari'ah." The narration continues further. ( 2 ) Hadhrat Dubaa'ah bint Zubayr bin Abdul Muttalib reports that a delegation from Bahraa in Yemen once came to Madinah. They were thirteen men and when they arrived, they led their animals to the door of Hadhrat Miqdaad bin Amr $f@@j in the district of the Banu Jadeelah tribe. Hadhrat Miqdaad met'them, extended a warm welcome to.them and hosted them in a room of his house. When they came before Rasulullaah they all accepted Islaam. Thereafter, they stayed several days and learnt about the Faraa'idh of Islaam. When they later returned to Rasulullaah to bid him farewell, Rasulullaah @% had gifts given to them, after which they left for their homes. (3)




Hadhrat Abu Bakr BcS8&5 and Hadhrat Umar ~,W Teach j Deen
Hadhrat Ibn Seereen reports that when teaching Islaam to the people, Hadhrat Abu Bakr and Hadhrat Umar j4 would say, 'Worship Allaah without ascribing any partners to Him. Establish on time the salaah that Allaah has made obligatory for you because any dekciency in this spells certain destruction. Pay zakaah with a cheerful heart, fast during Ramadhaan and listen to and obey your leaders." (4) Hadhrat Hasan narrates that a Bedouin once came to Hadhrat Umar saying, "0 Arneerul Mu'mineen! Teach me the Deen." Hadhrat Umar %WW6 said, "(The Deen of Islaam is) To testify that there is none worthy of worship but Allaah and that Muhammad @%$$ is the Rasul (messenger) of Allaah, to establish salaah, to pay zakaah, to perform Hajj of the Kabah and to fast during Ramadhaan. You

should also look only at the apparent actions of people and beware not to probe their private lives. Furthermore, beware not to do anything that will be a cause of embarrassment (if people found out) and when you meet Allaah, tell Him that Umar instructed you to do these things."(5)
Another narration states that Hadhrat Umar added, "0 servant of Aliaah! Hold fast to this and when you meet Allaah, then tell Him whatever comes to mind." 6)
(1) Ibn Jareer,as quoted in Kanzul Ummaal(Vol.1 Pg.70). (2) Ibn Sa'd (vol.1 Pg.327). (3) Ibn Sa'd (Vol.1 Pg.331).

(4) Abdur Razzaaq, Ibn Abi Shaybah, Ibn Jareerand Rustah in his Imaan, as quoted in X;7nzu/ Ummaa/ (vol. 1 Pg.69). (5) Bayhaqi and isfahaani In his Hujjah.

(6) Ibn Adi and Bayhaqi, as quoted in Kantul Ummaal(Vo1.l Pg.70).

(Vol-3) 22 1 Hadhrat Hasan narrates that a man approached Hadhrat Umar saying, "0 Ameerul Mu'mineen! 1 am a man from the countryside and have many duties to tend to. Do advise me to do something that I can trust in to convey me (to said to him, "Give me your hand and'understand Jannah)." Hadhrat Umar j me well." When the man gave him his hand, Hadhrat Umar ? B Z & ! & said, j "You should worship Allaah without ascribing partners to him, establish salaah, pay the obligatory zakaah, perform Hajj, perform Umrah and obey (your leaders). You should also look only at the apparent actions of people and beware not to probe their private lives. Do every such deed that will not embarrass you when the news ~f it spreads amongst people and stay away from every such act that will be a cause of embarrassment and disgrace when the news reaches others." "0 Arneerul Mu'mineen!" the man said, "1 shall practise on this advice and when I meet my Rabb, I shall say, 'It was Umar bin Khattaab who told me to do this."' To this, Hadhrat Umar remarked, "Hold fast to this and when you meet your Rabb, you may tell Him whatever you like."


m a 5

Teaching Salaah
Rasulullaah Teaches the Sahabah @8Gi&5 How to Perform Salaah
Hadhrat Abu Maalik Ashja'ee reports from his father = Q that salaah was the first thing Rasulullaah E$@taught anyone who accepted Islaam. ( 2 ) Hadhrat Hakam bin Umayr ? B X & 6 reports that Rasulullaah @ @ ! taught them thus: "When you stand up for salaah, say 'Allaahu Akbar' and raise your hands without passing your ears. Then recite:

j ; &\ d , & , $ ; ; &I i ,..':w" , ' 6 'You are Pure, 0 Allaah and we praise You, Blessed is Your name, Lofty is Your honour and there is none worthy of worship but

~ 436; ;




l * ( , J

Rasulullaah Hadhrat Abu Bakr !&3@3j, Hadhrat Umar BEWj and Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood WEWj Teach the Tashahhud
Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar says, "Hadhrat Abu Bakr W%!25 used to teach us the Tashahhud from the pulpit just a s little children are taught at school." (4) Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas3-k says(5), "Hadhrat Umar bin Khattaab once took hold of my hand and taught me the Tashahhud, informing me that Rasulullaah @% has also taken him by the hand and taught him the Tashahhud, which is:
( I ) Ibn Asaakir, as quoted in KanzuIUmmaal(Vo1.8 Pg.208).


(2) Tabraani and Bazzaar, reporting from reliable sources as confirmed by Haythami (Vol.1 Pg.293). (3) Abu Nu'ayrn, a s quoted in Kanzul Ummaal(Vo1.4 Pg.203). (4) Musaddad and Tahaawi, as quoted in Kanzul Ummaal(Vol.4 Pg.217). (5)~ a a Qutni, f as quoted in Kanzul Ummaal(Vo1.4 Pg.217).


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Hadhrat Abdur Rahmaan bin Abd Qaari narrates that he heard Hadhrat Umar bin Khattaab S G W j teaching the Tashahhud to the people from the pulpit. He was ,C 6. telling the people to recite .... u L + l ) The narration still continues further. Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas W = says, "Rasulullaah @ % $used to teach u s the Tashahhud just as he taught us a Surah of the Qur'aan." ('1 Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood % = said, "Rasulullaah taught me the Tashahhud with my hand in his just a s he would teach me a Surah of the Qur'aan." The narration then proceeds to cite the words of the Tashahhud. (3) Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood w i also mentioned, "Rasulullaah @%# used to teach u s the b e g i n n i n g , s & ~ S u r a h s and the Qur'aan, a s well a s the Khutbahs for salaah artd for other occasions (such as the Khutbah for marriage)." The narration then continues to discuss the Tashahhud. (4) Hadhrat Aswad reports, "Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Masbod ?&32W used to teach us the Tashahhud just as he would teach us a Surah of the Qur'aan. I n fact, he would even correct the simple errors we made in the Alif (I)and Waaw Q." v)


Hadhrat Hudhayfah % @ Teaches = Salaah to a man who Could not Perform Salaah Well
Hadhrat Zaid bin Wahab reports that when Hadhrat Hudhayfah once entered the Masjid, he noticed a man who was performing salaah without carrying out the Ruku and Sajdah properly. When the man had completed, Hadhrat % @ ! % said to him, "For how long have you been performing salaah Hudhayfah % like this?" When the man informed him that he had been performing salaah in that manner for the past forty years, Hadhrat ~ u d h a ~ f a ? B h3 4 1 % remarked, 'You have performed no salaah for the last forty years. Had you died while performing salaah in this manner, you would not have died on the creed in which Allaah created Muhammad As Hadhrat Hudhayfah ? B H & then 5 proceeded to teach the man how to perform salaah properly, he said, "Even though a man makes his salaah brief, he must carry out the Ruku and Sajdah properly."


Teaching Adhkaar and Du'aas

Rasulullaah Teaches Adhkaar and Du'aas to Hadhrat Ali @@@@&
Hadhrat Ali bin Abi Taalib BGw narrates that Rasulullaah @?%once said to him, "Should I give you five thousand goats or teach you five phrases that
(1) Maalik, Shaafi'ee, Tahaawi, Abdur Razzaaq and others. (2) Ibn Abi Shaybah. Another similar report has been narrated,from Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood

(3) Ibn Abi Shaybah. (4) Askari in his Amthaal. (5) Ibn Najjaar. The above narrations have been quoted in Kanzul Ummaal(Vo1.4 Pg.218-219). ( 6 ) Abdur Razzaaq, Ibn Abi Shaybah, Bukhaari and Nasa'ee, a s quoted in Kanzul Ummaal (Vol.4 Pg.230).

223 contain the welfare of your Deen and your worldly life?" "0 Rasulullaah Hadhrat Ali replied, "While five thousand goats are plenty, I prefer that you teach me the five phrases." Rasulullaah @$% then told Hadhrat Ali wW to recite the following:





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"0Allaah! Forgive my sins, make my character accommodating, make my earnings lawful, make me content with what You provide for me and never allow my heart to hanker after something that You have not decreed for me." ( ) *


Hadhrat Ali %.l!Zw Teaches Adhkaar and Du'aas to G w i Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Ja'far 8
Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Ja'far ?&3Wused to teach his daughters certain words (of du'aa) and instructed them to always recite them. He mentioned that it was Hadhrat Ali Sf43Wj who taught these to him and informed him that Rasulullaah @ % $ used to recite them whenever he faced a difficulty or was worried about something. The words were:

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'There is none worthy of worship but Allaah The Most Tolerant and Magnanimous. Pure is He the Most Blessed Allaah Who is the Rabb of the universe and the Rabb of the Glorious Throne. All praise belongs to Allaah the Rabb of the universe." ( 2 ) Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Ja'far %3W%jsays, "Ali ?%GW once said to me, 'Dear nephew! I shall teach you some words that I heard from Rasulullaah Whoever recites them at the time of his death shall certainly enter Jannah. (They are) To recite three times:

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, , 'There is none worthy of worship but Allaah The Most Tolerant and Magnanimous' To recite three times:

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'All praise belongs to Allaah the Rabb of the universe' To recite three times: 'Blessed is the Being in whose hand is all kingdom. who gives life and
(1) 1bn-~ajjaar, as quoted in Kanzul Ummaal(Vol.4Pg.230).

(2) Nasa'ee and Abu Nu'aym, as quoted in Kanzul Ummaal(Vol.1 Pg.298).




death and Who has power over all things1(')

Rasulullaah @& Teaches Adhkaar and Du'aas to Some Sahabah @ 2 @ & ! G

Hadhrat Sa'd bin Junaadah BGw says, "I was one of the first persons from the people of Taa'if to meet Rasulullaah @@ (to accept Islaam). I left early in the morning from Saraat in the upper reaches of Taa'if and reached Mina at the time of Asr. I then climbed a mountain and descended (to Makkah where I accepted Islaam). Rasulullaah then taught me the words:

, , Rasulullaah @ % $ then said, "These words are the Baaqiyaatus Saalihaat (everlasting good deeds) (2)."(3) Hadhrat Ubay bin Ka'b narrates that Rasulullaah @ $ % taught them to recite the following du'aa every morning:
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"We begin the morning on the natural way of Islaam, the Kalimah of sincerity, the Sunnah of our Nabi Muhammad @% and on the creed of Hadhrat Ibraheem who was never a Mushrik." Rasulullaah @@ also taught them to recite the same du'aa in the evenings." (4 Hadhrat Sa'd ~ , G Wreports j that Rasulullaah @ ? taught i % them the following du'aa just a s a teacher would teach children to write:

6 ' 3 1

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" 0 Allaah! I beseech You to protect me from miserliness, from

cowardice, from being returned to an age of infirmity (senility), from the tribulations of this world and from punishment in the grave." (5) Hadhrat Naufal !8S&'G narrates, "Rasulullaah @ , % taught us the following du'aa to be recited when a person passes away:

'0 Allaah! Forgive our brothers, unite us and create love between us. 0

Allaah! We know only good of this servant of Yours (take his name) but You know him better than us. Do forgive us and him.' I was the youngest of the Sahabah W,m at the time and I asked, 'And what if I
(1) Kharaa'iti in his Makaarirnul Akhlaaq, as quoted in Kanzul Ummaal(Vol.8 Pg.11 I). (2) As referred to in verse 46 of Surah Kahaf and verse 76 of Surah Maryam. (3) Tabraani, as quoted in the Taheerof Ibn Katheer (Vo1.3 Pg.86). (4) Abdullaah bin Ahrnad in his Zawaa'id, as quoted in Kanzul Ummaal(Vol.1 Pg.294). (5)Ibn Jareer, as quoted in Kanzul Ummaal(Vo1.l Pg.307).

225 do not know anything good about him?' Rasulullaah @@replied, 'Say only that which you are certain of." ('I Hadhrat Ubaadah bin Saamit narrates that when Ramadhaan arrived, would teach them the following du'aa: Rasulullaah
"0 Allaah! Keep me safe and well for Ramadhaan, keep Ramadhaan safe and well for me and accept it (my fasting and Ibaadah in Ramadhaan) from me." (2)

THE LNES OE THE SAHABAH & ! , ! % @ & j '

Hadhrat Ali Teaches People how to Send Salutations to Rasulullaah @@

Hadhrat Salaamah Kindi narrates that Hadhrat Ali ? W i W taught the people to send salutations to Rasulullaah @@ with the following words:



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"0Allaah The One Who has spread out the earth and created the heavens. Q The One Who has authority over the nature of hearts, be they good o r evil. Bestow Your most selected mercies, Your every increasing blessings and the kindest of Your compassion o n Muhammad @ @ who is Your servant and Rasul (messenger), who is the seal of the Arnbiyaa (prophets) before him, the key to the locked (treasures of wisdom and Your graces), the one who used the truth to make the truth evident and who repelled the armies of falsehood. As
(1) Abu Nu:aym, as quoted in Kanzul Ummaal(Vol.8 Pg. 114). (2) Tabraani in his Du'aa and Daylami, as quoted in Kanzul Urnrnaal(Vol.4 Pg.232).





was entrusted to him, he fulfilled Your commands with the valour of his obedience to You and was always prepared to please you without shuffling his feet about and without weakness in his resolve. He called towards Your revelation, fulfilled his pledge to You and constantly strove to enact Your commands until the fire (of" Islaam) had been stoked for anyone wishing to take a spark from it. It is by him that hearts were guided after being immersed in evil and vice. I t was him who made manifest the clear signs and distinct features of Islaam and its unmistakable injunctions. He is the one whom You trust and with whom You have placed Your trust. He is the treasurer to Your knowledge and the one in whom You have vested Your knowledge. He shall be Your witness on the Day of Qiyaamah and it is he whom You have sent with Your bounties. He is after all, Your true Rasul (prophet). 0 Allaah! Expand Your eternal J a n n a h for him a n d from Your ever-increasing grace, do reward him with the purest of rewards that are given time and time again and grant him from Your abundant bounties that are safely treasured. 0 Allaah! Raise his house above all others, grant him the best hospitality with You and grant him the most complete light. Whenyou raise him (on the Day of Qiyaamah), do also grant him the privilege of having his testimony accepted by Yourself and let his words be pleasing to You, just, decisive and a clear and triumphant proof (against the Kuffaar)."

Teaching Guests and Those who Came to Madinah

Rasulullaah !%@t Instructs the Sahabah + ~ to Teach the Delegation from the Abdul Qais Tribe

Hadhrat Shihaab bin Abbaad reports that he heard a Sahabi SGw who had been part of the Abdul Qais delegation say, "When we came to Rasulullaah @ I % the Muslims were extremely happy with our arrival and they made ample way for us to sit when we reached their gathering. Rasulullaah @%$ welcomed us and as he looked at us, he asked who our leader was. When we all indicated that he was Mundhir bin Aa'idh, Rasulullaah @@ remarked, 'Is he the Ashaj (the one with the scar on his face)?' This was the first time that this name was used for him on account of an injury to his face caused by the hoof of a donkey. 'That is him, 0 Rasulullaah %!' we confirmed. Mundhir 3 , C W had stayed behind the rest of the delegation (when they went before Rasulullaah &%%) to tie their animals and secure their belongings. He then took out his bag, removed his travelling clothes and wore his best clothes. When he made his way to Rasulullaah @&, Rasulullaah @$% was reclining with
( 1 ) Tabraani in his Awsat and Abu Nu'aym In the Awaaii of Sa'eed bin Mansoor, a s quoted in Kanzul Um~naal (Vol. l Pg.214). In his Tafseer (Vo1.3 Pg.509) Haafidh Ibn Katheer has commented o n the


@,G;W>j (VOI-3) 227 his legs stretched out. A s he approached the gathering, the people made way for him, saying, 'Sit here, 0 Ashaj.' Rasulullaah @$$was now sitting up, holding his legs up. Rasulullaah @& said, 'Sit here, 0 Ashaj.' He sat on Rasulullaah W ' s right hand side and, sitting up straight, Rasulullaah @ & welcomed him and treated him warmly. Rasulullaah then asked him about his land, taking the names of various places in the territory of Hajar, such as Safa and Mushaqar. Mundhir !SGw said 'May my parents be sacrificed for you, 0 Rasulullaah in astonishment, 'You know the names of our towns better than us.' Rasulullaah @%i said, 'I have travelled extensively through your land.' then turned to the Ansaar saying, ' 0 assembly of Ansaar! Treat Rasulullaah your brothers well because together with being Muslims like you, they also resemble you most closely in hair and complexion. (Like you) They have accepted Islaam willingly and have neither been forced to accept nor was there any need to attack and fight them for refusing to accept.' (TheAnsaar then hosted the delegation). Some time later, Rasulullaah k $ ? ! $ asked the delegation, 'How did you find the


hospitality that your brothers gave you?' They replied, They are the best of brothers. They gave us soft beds to sleep in, superb food to eat and they spent their days and nights teaching us the Book of our Rabb and the Sunnah of our Nabi This impressed Rasulullaah 8@ and made him very happy.


Rasulullaah @% then turned to each one of us to assess what we had learnt and what we had been taught. While some of us had learnt the Tashahhud, some had learnt Surah Faatiha, others had learnt a Surah, others two Surahs and there were also others who had learnt one or two Sunnah practices." The narration still continues further in great detail. ('1 Hadhrat Abu Sa'eed Khudri 9,G% reports, "We were sitting with Rasulullaah &%% when he said, 'A delegation from the Abdul Qais have come.' We could see no one, but after a short while, we saw that they had arrived. After they had he said to them, 'Have you any dates or any provisions greeted Rasulullaah left over?' When they said that they had, Rasulullaah @& had a leather spread laid out. They then poured out the dates they had left over and Rasulullaah &&% gathered the Sahabah @ , ~ around. ~ ~ Rasulullaah j & @ $ !! then said to them, 'This date is called Barni.' He then proceeded to name all the different varieties of dates and the delegation confirmed all the names as correct. % @ ' gave instructions for every man of the delegation to Thereafter, Rasulullaah k be hosted by one of the Muslims, who would teach him the Qur'aan and salaah. They stayed a week, after which Rasulullaah @$ summoned them and assessed that they had not yet learnt well enough and had not yet developed a keen understanding (of Islaam). Rasulullaah @@ then handed them over to another group of Muslims, with whom they stayed for another week. When Rasulullaah @& again summoned them (and assessed them), he discovered that they had learnt well and developed a sound understanding. ' 0 Rasulullaah they s u b m i t t e d , 'Allaah h a s t a u g h t u s t r e m e n d o u s g o o d a n d g r a n t e d u s



(1) Ahmad (Vo1.4 Pg.206),reporting from reliable sources a s confirmed by (Vo1.8 Pg.178) - Haythami and by ~ u n d h i r r i n his ~c&heeb wal Tarheeb (Vol.4 Pg. 152).

THE LIVES OF THE SAHABAH @ % % @ ! & j ' (Vol-3) 228 understanding. However, we are now yearning for home.' Rasuluilaah then permitted them to return home. They then said, Why don't we ask Rasulullaah @ $ @ about the drinks that we consume in our land?' ... The Hadith then proceeds to cite the prohibition of consuming drinks fermented in pumpkin shells, hollowed wood and dyed containers. ('1

Acquiring knowledge While Travelling

Rasulullaah @$@ Teaches the Injunctions of Deen While Travelling for the Farewell Had
Hadhrat Jaabir narrates that after living in Madinah for nine years, Rasulullaah @@ did not perform Hajj until the announcement was made one day that Rasulullaah @?@would be performing Hajj that year. A great multitude of people then arrived in Madinah with the intention of following Rasulullaah @ ? & ! and doing what he did. There were still five days left of Dhul Qa'dah when Rasulullaah @% left (Madinah) with the Sahabah i&Gw. It was when they reached Dhul Hulayfah that Hadhrat Muhammad bin Abu Bakr BWj was born to Hadhrat Asmaa bint Umays 1 2 X $ % .She sent a message to ask Rasulullaah @@ what she was to do, Rasulullaah @@ replied saying, 'Take a bath, use a cloth to hold the blood and enter into Ihraam." Rasulullaah @@ then proceeded further and it was when his camel took him to Baydaa that he called out the Tafb~ya of Towheed saying:

''3 &; 9
The Sahabah @W also recited theTalbiya and although Rasulullaah @ & % ! heard some of them add phrases like " " ("Dhal Ma'aarij"), he did not rebuke them. Hadhrat Jaabir ~~j says, "The people in front of Rasulullaah @ @ reached as far as I could see. They were on foot and on animals. Behind Rasulullaah @ a ? % ! were just as many people, and there were also that many on his right and his left. Rasulullaah was in our midst and he was well aware of the meanings of the Qur'aanic verses that came to him. We therefore did exactly what we saw Rasulullaah @?%doing." (2) The aspects of Deen that Rasulullaah @% taught the Sahabah on this journey and in the sermons he delivered during the Hajj will be quoted in the chapter discussing Hajj. Some of it has however passed in the chapter discussing learning while out in Jihaad.


The Incident of How Hadhrat Jaabir Ghaadiri %G@j Acquired howledge during Rasulullaah -IS Journey
Hadhrat Jaabir bin Azraq Ghaadiri %@%Z says, "I was riding my animal and
(1) Abdur Razzaaq, as quoted in Kanzul Urnrnaal (Vo1.3 Pg. 1 13). Ahmad, as quoted in AlBidaayah wan Nihaayah (Vo1.5 Pg.146). (2)

229 carrying my provisions when I came to Rasulullaah @%$.I rode with him until we reached a waypoint. Rasulullaah @I$% dismounted and entered a leather tent, the door of which was guarded by more than thirty men armed with whips. As I drew closer, one of them started pushing me away. I said, 'If you push me, I shall push you and if you hit me, I shall hit you.' You must be the worst of all men!' he remarked. 'By Allaah!' I retorted, 'You are worse than me.' 'How is that?' he asked. 'I have come form the far ends of Yemen to listen to Rasulullaah @@ s o that I may report back to my people at home, yet you are pushing me away.' 'You are right,' the man submitted, 'I swear by Allaah that 1 am worse than you.' then rode on and it was from the Jamarah Aqabah in Mina that Rasulullaah people started crowding around him in great numbers to ask him questions. However, because of their large numbers, none of them could get close to him. A man who had trimmed (and not shaven off) his hair came to Rasulullaah @@ saying, '0 Rasulullaah @%! Do pray that Allaah showers His mercy on me.' Rasulullaah @%% said, 'May Allaah shower His mercy on those who shave off their hair.' Again the man pleaded saying, 'Do pray that Allaah showers His mercy on me.' Rasulullaah @I$% repeated, 'May Allaah shower His mercy on those who shave off their hair.' When the man again appealed, 'Do pray that Allaah showers again said, 'May Allaah shower His mercy His mercy on me', Rasulullaah repeated this three o n those who shave off their hair.' Mter Rasulullaah times, the man went to have his hair shaved off. Thereafter, I only saw men with shaved heads." ('1 Allaama Ibn Jareer's Interpretation of the verse "It is not for the Mulmineen to proceed (inJihaad)all together" Allaama Ibn Jareer has cited numerous interpretations of the verse:


*@@&@5 (Vol-3)

It is not for the ~ u ' m i n e e nt o proceed (in Jihaad) all together (simultaneously when it is not Fardh for all to participate). Why does a small group from every large party not proceed to attain a deep understanding of Deen s o that they may warn their people when they return to them s o tha?they may beware (ofsin)? {Surah Taubah, verse

After citing them, he states: "With regard t o the phrase "to attain a deep understanding of Deen s o that they may warn their people when they return to them s o that they may beware" the most correct interpretation is that of those scholars who say that the deep understanding of Deen is attained by the group proceeding out (in Jihaad) because they witness first-hand the help that Allaah renders to the people of the Deen and to the companions of Rasulullaah @$% against the enemies and Kuffaar. It is by this first-hand observation that they can
( 1 ) Abu Nu'aym, a s quoted in K m z u l Ummaal (Vol.3Pg.49). Ibn and ah has also reported the narration, a s ~ u o t e d in Isaabah (Vol.1 Pg.21 I ) .

THE LIVES OF THE SAHABAH& i % % (~ol-3) ! $ i j 230 make unwary people understand the truth of Islaam and that it will prevail over all other religions. At the same time, when they return home, they may warn their own people against doing anything that will attract Allaah's punishment as they had witnessed it afflict the Mushrikeen whom they had conquered. In this way, their people will also beware (not to transgress Allaah's commands). The verse therefore tells us that when these people warn their people about what they have seen, their people would take heed and their Imaan in Allaah and His Rasool @ % would increase out of fear that they should not be afflicted by the punishment that afflicted the people they have been informed about." ( I )

Combining Jihaad and Acquiring Knowledge

The Statement of Hadhrat Abu Sa'eed Khudri BZ$&j about how the Sahabah M . G ( & $ $ Combined Fighting Battles with Acquiring Knowledge
Hadhrat Abu Sa'eed Khudri w W says, "When we marched to battles, we would leave behind one or two men to listen to Ahadeeth from Rasulullaah @@% and when we returned from the battle, they would narrate to us all that Rasulullaah @@ said. Therefore, when we narrate these Ahadeeth, we can say that Rasulullaah said it." (2)

Combining Earning and Acquiring Knowledge

The Narration of Hadhrat Anas ~ . G w 2 about how the Sahabah @9Gw Combined Earning with Acquiring Knowledge
Hadhrat Thaabit Bunaani reports that Hadhrat Anas bin Maalik 9Sw mentioned seventy men from the Ansaar who would go to a specific place in Madinah as soon as night fell. They would then spend the night there learning and teaching the Qur'aan. When morning arrived, whoever amongst them still had some strength would gather firewood and fetch drinking water. Those who had some money would then slaughter a goat, prepare the meat and hang it at s % ' rooms. Rasulullaah @ Hadhrat Anas 4 ! & j continues, "When Khubayb %KWjwas martyred (in Makkah), Rasulullaah @%% dispatched these seventy Sahabah w W on an expedition. Amongst the group was my uncle Haraam bin Milhaan WWj. When they approached a clan belonging to the Banu Sulaym tribe (who seemed @ G 5 & G ! jaddressed the leader of the clan saying, 'May I antagonistic), Haraam 4 inform your people that we have no intention of attacking them s o that they may was leave u s alone.' The leader agreed but it was when Haraam @,Wj (1) Ibn Jareer (Vol.11Pg.51).
(2) Ibn Abi Khaythama and Ibn Asaakir, as quoted in @nzul Ummaal(Vol.5 Pg.240).

@@&&> (Vol-3) 23 1 addressing the people that someone thrust a spear at him that penetrated right through his body. When Haraam 3 , G W felt the spear strike his belly, he exclaimed, 'Allaahu Akbar! 1 swear by the Rabb of the Kabah that I am successful!' The people of the clan then attacked the other Sahabah @,Gw and did not spare anyone to tell the tale. I have never seen Rasulullaah @% s o pained about any expedition than he was at this. In fact, every time Rasulullaah %t performed the Fajr salaah, I would see him raise his hands to curse the people of the clan." ( ) Hadhrat Thaabit narrates that Hadhrat Anas FdG4W said, "A group of people once k ? @ with the request, 'Send some people with us to approached Rasulullaah t teach us the Qur'aan and the Sunnah.' Rasulullaah @% sent a group of Ansaar with them who were referred to as the Qurra. Amongst the Qurra was my uncle Haraam ~ . G m . These were a group of Sahabah % L m who were proficient in the Qur'aan and who spent the nights learning and teaching the Qur'aan. During the day they would fetch water to place in the Masjid and also gather firewood to sell. The profits of their sales were then employed to purchase food for the men of Suffa and other poor people. Nevertheless, when Rasulullaah @& sent them, they were attacked and martyred before they could even reach their destination. on our Their final du'aa was, '0 Allaah! Convey the message to Your Nabi behalf that we have already met with You, that we are pleased with You and that You are pleased with us.' It was from the back that a man thrust a spear right through the body of my uncle Haraam ~ , W When j . this happened, Haraam % , = exclaimed, 'I swear by the Rabb of the Kabah that I am successful!' Rasulullaah @@ (in Madinah) then informed the Sahabah iSGWj about the situation saying, 'Your brothers have been martyred and have prayed, '0 Allaah! % on our behalf that we have already met Convey the message to Your Nabi @ with You, that we are pleased with You and that You are pleased with us."'(2)


Hadhrat Umar ?i@$Q3 and his Ansaari Neighbour Take turns to Learn
Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas %Xw reports that Hadhrat Umar !iilGWj said, "I had an Ansaari neighbour from the upper reaches of Madinah who belonged to the Banu Umayyah bin Zaid tribe. He took turns with me in attending Rasulullaah m ' s gatherings. He would go one day and I the next so that he brought me the news of revelation and other matters the day he went and I brought it to him t h e day I went. It was on the day when it was his turn that he came knocking hard on my door, calling, 'Is Umar here!' 1 was alarmed and came out immediately. 'Something serious has taken place,' he said .. . When 1 went to see Hafsah, she was in tears. 'Has Rasulullaah %%i divorced you?' I queried. 'I d o not % ! %and was still standing when I know,' she replied. I then went to Rasulullaah $ asked, 'Have you divorced your wives?'. When Rasulullaah I % % declared that he
(1) Abu Nu'aym in his Hilya (Vol.1 Pg.123).

(2) Ibn Sa'd (Vo1.3 Pg.514).

THE LIVES OF THE SAHABAH 232 had not, I cried out 'Allaahu ~kbar!"'(')


Hadhrat Baraa ~~~j says that all of them could @ not Hear Ahadeeth from Rasulullaah @
Hadhrat Baraa ! & ! 3 & % says,"Allofus j (Sahabah ) were unable to (exclusively devote all our time to) listen to Ahadeeth from-~asulullaah because we had properlies and occupations (that kept us busy). However, during those days, no one spoke lies and those who were with Rasulullaah @& would convey the Ahadeeth to those who were absent." (2) Hadhrat Baraa W3W also said, "We did not hear every Hadith directly from Rasulullaah @& but our companions would narrate them to us when we were (unable to be with Rasulullaah @@because we were) grazing the camels." (3)

Hadhrat Talha ~ , W says j that it was During the Ends of the day that they went to Rasulullaah &%@
Hadhrat Abu Anas Maalik bin Abu Aamir Asbahi says that he was with Hadhrat Talha bin Ubaydullaah ! W b M when a man came to him saying, "0Abu Muhammad! B y Allaah! We do not know whether that Yamaani (Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah ) knows more about Rasulullaah @ @ than the rest of you that (Sahabah i49.=j)! He seems to be making stories about Rasulullaah you others do not mention." Hadhrat Talha $E33&Z replied, "By Allaah! We have no doubts about the fact that he has heard from Rasulullaah @%%what we have not heard and knows what we do not know. Because we were independent people with houses and families, we would go to Rasulullaah @%%at the two ends of the day, after which we would return home. On the other hand, Abu was a poor man with neither wealth, family or children. He was Hurayrah %W?Wj always with Rasulullaah @%, and went wherever Rasulullaah @?%went. We therefore have no doubts about the fact that he knows what we do not know and has heard from Rasulullaah @ % what we have not heard. None of us (Sahabah *&2W!&j) have ever accused him of attributing to Rasulullaah statements that he never made." (4)

Learning the Deen before Earning a Living

Hadhrat Umar said, "None may trade in our marketplace unless he had developed an understanding of Deen (enabling h i m to trade in a manner that complies with the Shari'ah)."
(1) Bukhaari (Vol.1 Pg. 19). (2) Haakim (Vol.1 Pg.127),reporting from reliable sources as confirmed by Dhahabi. ) Ahmad, reporting from reliable sources as (3) Haakim in his Ma'rifa Uloomil Hadith ( ~ g . 1 4and confirmed by Haythami (Vo1.l Pg.154).Abu Nu'aym has reported a similar narration, as quoted in KBnzuI Ummaal (Vo1.5 Pg.238). (4) Haakim (Vo1.3 Pg.512). (5)Tirmidhi, as quoted in mmul Ummaal(Vo1.2Pg.218).



23 3

Educating one's Family

Hadhrat Ali !&lGW'sInterpretation of the verse: "Saveyourselves and your families from the Fire"
Allaah says in the Qur'aan:

".. . Save yourselves and your families from the Fire .. ." {Surah Tahreem, verse 6) In his commentary of the above verse, Hadhrat Ali ~,!&@!%5 said, "Educate yourselves and your families in all that is good." ('1 Another narration quotes Hadhrat Ali !B!SG%'s interpretation as, "Teach them (your families) and educate them in good etiquette (manners)." (2)


Instructs People to Teach and Educate their Families

Hadhrat Maalik bin Huwayrith ! . @ @ & % j reports, "We were a few youngsters of @ and stayed with him for twenty similar ages when we came to Rasulullaah @ % % sensed that we were yearning for home, he asked days. When Rasulullaah @ u s about our families and we told him about them. Rasulullaah was extremely compassionate and merciful s o he said to us, 'You may return home. You should however teach your families (the Deen you have learnt), instruct them (to fulfil the requisites of Deen) and perform your salaah as you have seen me performing salaah. When the time for salaah arrives, one of you should call out the Adhaan and the eldest amongst you should lead the ~ a l a a h " ( ~ )

Learning the Language of the Enemy and of Others for Sake of Deen
Rasulullaah Instructs Hadhrat Zaid ~,&@.%+ to Learn the Jewish Language
just arrived in Hadhrat Zaid bin Thaabit %!dGWj says, 'When Rasulullaah Madinah and I was brought before him, the people said, '0 Rasulullaah @%%! This boy from the Banu Najjaar tribe has already learnt seventeen of the Surahs he was that have been revealed to you.' When I then recited to Rasulullaah very impressed and said, '0 Zaid! Would you learn how t o write the Jewish language because I swear by Allaah, I do not trust them to write for me.' I started learning the language and it was barely half a month later that I had mastered it. I was therefore Rasulullaah @%IS scribe when he wrote to the Jews and I would read to him the letters they wrote to him." (4)


(1) Haakim, as quoted in Tagheeb wat Tarheeb (Vol.1 Pg.85).

(2) Tabari in his TaTseer(Vol.28Pg.107). (3)Bukhaari in his Adab (Pg.33). (4) Abu Ya'la and Ibn Asaakir.

THE LIVES OF THE SAHABAH'&Gh&j (v01-3) 234 once asked In another narration, Hadhrat Zaid ~,W!2j says, "Rasulullaah me, 'Do you know the Syriac language well because letters written in that language come to me?' When I declared that I did not, Rasulullaah @ % requested me to learn it. 1 then learnt the language in seventeen days." ('1 Yet another narration states that Rasulullaah once said to Hadhrat Zaid ?$G&j, "Certain letters come to me that I would not like just anyone to read for me. Would it be possible for you to learn to write in the Hebrew or Syriac lgnguage?" Hadhrat Zaid wWj complied and learnt it in seventeen days. (2)

Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Zubayr %GW$ understands the Language of his Slaves
~bdhrat Umar bin Qais says, "Although Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Zubayr ? 3 I w had a hundred slaves, all of whom spoke a different language, he was capable of speaking to each of them in his own language. Whenever I saw him engaged in any worldly affair, I would say, 'Here is a man who does not think of Allaah for the blinking of an eye.' Then when 1 would see him engaged in any matter of the Aakhirah, I would say, 'Here is a man who does not think of this world for the blinking of an eye."'(3)

Hadhrat Umar 9L%w$ Instructs the Study of Astronomy and Genealogy

Hadhrat Umar %GG said, "Study a s much astronomy a s will assist you to navigate over land and sea during the darkness. Thereafter you should stop." (4) Another narration states that Hadhrat Umar wWj said, "Study a s much astronomy as will assist you in navigation and study as much genealogy as will assist you in maintaining good family ties,"

Hadhrat Ali %G&3j Instructs Hadhrat Abul h w a d Duwali to Write the Fatha, Dhamma and Kasra into the Qur'aanic Text
Hadhrat Sa'sa'a bin Sowhaan narrates that a Bedouin once came to Hadhrat Ali 8,= and asked, " 0 Ameerul Mu'mineen! How do you recite the verse:;! 6 @ 4) (&&GI('Only those who take steps shall eat it (the filth of Jahannam)')? By Allaah! Every one of us takes steps!" Hadhrat Ali W w smiled and recited the verse thus: "Only the sinners shall eat it (inJahannam)." {Surah Haaqqa, verse 37) The Bedouin then said, "You have spoken the truth, 0 Ameerul Mu'mineen. I t is
(1) Abu Ya'la, Ibn Asaakir and Ibn Abi Dawood.

(2) Ibn Abi Dawood and Ibn Asaakir, a s quoted in Muntakhab Kanzul Ummaa/(Vol.5 Pg.185). Ibn Sa'd (Vo1.4 Pg. 174) has reported a slmilar narration. (3) Haakim (Vo1.3 Pg.549) and Abu Nu'aym in his Hilya (Vol.1 Pg.334). (4) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Ilm. (5) Hannaad, a s quoted in Kanzul Umfnaal(Vol.5 Pg.234).

@Gw (Vol-3) 235 not like Allaah to just leave His servant (in Jahannam)."Hadhrat Ali 3 G W j then turned to Hadhrat Abul Aswad Duwali and said, "All types of non-Arabs are entering into the fold of Islaam, so include something (in the Qur'aanic script) by which they may receive guidance to recite properly." It was then that the Fatha, Dhamma and ~ a s r a ( 'were ) written. (2)

For A Leader to Appoint someone to Teach the People

Hadhrat Urwa 5Uw reports that when Rasulullaah $&% left for Hunayn, he appointed Hadhrat Mu'aadh bin Jabal 9G&i% over the people of Makkah with instructions to teach the Qur'aan to the people and to create an understanding of Deen amongst them. Thereafter, when Rasulullaah @$& left for Madinah, he again appointed Hadhrat Mu'aadh bin Jabal WZrn over the people of ~ a k k a h . ( ~ ) Hadhrat Mujaahid narrates that Rasulullaah@ %i appointed Hadhrat Mu'aadh bin Jabal w&j over the people of Makkah when he left for Hunayn s o that he should create an understanding of Deen amongst them and teach them the ~ur'aan.(~)

Can a Leader Prevent Someone from Proceeding in the path of Allaah for the sake of Knowledge?
Hadhrat Umar ~ G WConfines j Hadhrat Zaid bin Thaabit ! & X % in Madinah to Teach the People
Hadhrat Qaasim narrates that whenever Hadhrat Umar !3GWj left on a journey, he would leave Hadhrat Zaid bin Thaabit %,= a s his deputy in Madinah. Whereas Hadhrat Umar 3.Gs used to dispatch men to various cities (for teaching), he would send Hadhrat Zaid bin Thaabit S.Gw only for the most vital tasks (but would otherwise keep him in Madinah). When requests were made (by the people of the various lslaamic territories) to send specific people and Hadhrat Zaid %%iWjwas asked for by name, Hadhrat Umar 9,EWj would say, "Zaid's status in my estimation has not fallen at all. I keep him back only because the people of Madinah need Zaid in the matters they encounter and cannot get from anyone else what they get from him."(5) Hadhrat Saalim bin Abdullaah says, "We were with Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar %Gw the day Hadhrat Zaid bin Thaabit ?3%@!& passed away. 'A great Aalim has passed away today,' Iremarked.'MayAllaahshowerHis mercy on him today,' Hadhrat commented, 'He was certainly a great Aalim and Abdullaah bin Umar academic during the Khilaafah of Umar 3,w. While Umar ~,E&!G dispatched ( I ) These are the diacritical marks found above and beneath Arabic letters indicating which vowel sound is to be read. ( 2 ) Bayhaqi, Ibn Asaakir and Ibn Najjaar, as quoted in Kanzul Ummaa/(Vol.5 Pg.237)

?W i JG

(3) Haakim (Vo1.3 Pg.270). (4) Ibn Sa'd (Vo1.4Pg.164). (5)Ibn Sa'd (Vo1.4Pg. 1 74).

THE LIVES OF THE SAHABAH (Vol-3) 236 many people to the various cities an forbade them from passing verdicts by their own judgment, Zaid % G = used to sit in Madinah and pass verdicts for the people of Madinah and those coming from outside."'(')

@ , m k

Hadhrat Zaid'bin Thaabit BGwj Teaches People During the Khilaafah of Hadhrat Uthmaan !8Gw and the Statement of Hadhrat Umar 3WW Concerning Hadhrat Mu'aadh ~G&2jls Leaving for Shaam
Hadhrat Abu Abdur Rahmaan Sulami reports that he used t a recite the Qur'aan to .Hadhrat Uthmaan WEm. However, Hadhrat Uthmaan %E@!G once to14 him, "If you continue t o do this, you will be distracting me from tending t o public matters. You had rather go to Zaid bin Thaabit ? & because I w he has more time for this. Recite to him because his and my recitation is the same, without any differences whatsoever." (2) The narration has already passed(3) in which Hadhrat Ka'b bin Maalik narrates that Hadhrat Umar used to say, "The departure of Hadhrat Mu'aadh bin Jabal to Shaam was an event that presented much difficulty to Madinah and its people with regard to questions of Islaamic jurisprudence and the religious rulings (Fataawa)that Hadhrat Mu'aadh issued. I had spoken to Hadhrat Abu Bakr about keeping Hadhrat Muaa'dh ?SWWbehind (in Madinah) because the people needed him but Hadhrat Abu Bakr refused this request saying, 'I cannot stop a man who wants to go somewhere in search of martyrdom.' I responded by saying, 'By Allaah! When a person is serving important interests of his townspeople, he will be blessed with the status of a martyr even as he lies on his bed in his own home."'

Dispatching the Sahabah w@&3 to Various Lands for Teaching

Hadhrat Aasim bin Umar bin atl la ad ah' narrates that delegates from the Udhal and Qaara tribes, both branches of the Jadeelah clan, came to Rasulullaah @% after the Battle of Uhud. They requested Rasulullaah @@ saying, "Islaam has come to our land, s o please send some of your companions with us to teach us thp_ Qur'aan and assist us in understanding Islaam."Rasulullaah @ @ then , the Arneer of whom was Hadhrat Marthad bin Abu sent six Sahabah (1) Ibn Sa'd (Vo1.4 Pg.176).

Rasulullaah @@Dispatches a Group of Sahabah , . @bbj to Educate the Udhal and Qaara Tribes
, >.9
# I , . .

(2) Ibn Ambaari, as quoted in Muntakhab Kanzul Ummaal (Vo1.5 Pg. 184). (3) Under the heading 'The Enthusiasm of the Sahabah # B ! 3 & 3 to March in jihaad for the Pleasure of

Allaah" and the subheading "The Incident of Hadhrat Umar Concerning the Departure of Hadhrat Mu'aadh ?&W&Y

and Hadhrat Abu Bakr ! B % %


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Marthad ?&EWj,who was a close friend of Hadhrat Hamzah bin Abdul Muttalib 3 . The Hadith then continues to speak about the Battle of Rajee. ( I )

Rasulullaah @& Sends Hadhrat Ali B , G & @ j and Hadhrat Abu Ubaydah bin Jarraah BGG&G to Yemen
Hadhrat Ali w $ W narrates, "Some people from Yemen o n c e c a m e to Rasulullaah @ % saying, 'Please send to us someone who will help us develop an understanding of the Deen, who will teach us the Sunnah and judge between us by the Book of Allaah.' Rasulullaah @@ said, '0 Ali! Go to the people of Yemen, develop an understanding of Deen amongst them, teach them the Sunnah and judge between them by the Book of Allaah.' I responded by saying, 'But the people of Yemen are a foolish bunch who will bring me cases about which I will have n o knowledge.' Rasulullaah @% placed his hand o n my chest a n d reassured me saying, 'Go. Allaah shall guide your heart and make your tongue unwavering.' (By the blessings of this du'aa) Until this day, I have never doubted any judgement I have passed between two persons." Hadhrat Anas B,GWj narrates that some people from Yemen once approached Rasulullaah @%% with the request, "Do send with us someone who will teach us the Qur'aan." Rasulullaah took hold of the hand of Hadhrat Abu Ubaydah bin Jarraah B,Ew and sent him with them saying, "This is the most trustworthy person of this Ummah." (3) Another narration states that the people of Yemen requested Rasulullaah @?% for someone who would teach them the Sunnah and ~slaam.(~)

5 '

9 1 ' Y

Rasulullaah Sends Hadhrat Amr bin Hazam Bg(@@j, Hadhrat Abu Moosa Ash'ari % , E I ; w @ j and Hadhrat Mu'aadh bin Jabal % % Z W to Yemen
Hadhrat Abu Bakr bin Muhammad bin Amr bin Hazam said, "Here with us is the letter (of appointment) that Rasulullaah @% had written for Hadhrat Arnr bin Hazam =Wj when Rasulullaah % $ % sent him to Yemen to educate the people (in Islaam), to teach them the Sunnah and to collect their zakaah. The letter was an undertaking from Hadhrat Amr bin Hazam %Gw and a briefing. The letter stated: "In the name of Allaah, the,Most Kind, the Most Merciful This is a letter from Allaah and His Rasool


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0 you who have Imaan, fulfil the undertakings you make. {Surah Maa'idah, verse 1 ) (1) Haakim (Vo1.3Pg.222). (2) Ibn Jareer, as quoted in Muntakhab Kanzul Ummaal (Vo1.5Pg.37). (3) Haakim (Vo1.3Pg.267).
(4) Ibn Sa'd


THE LIVES OF THE SAHABAH &!E@&j ' (Vol-3) 238 This is an undertaking that Muhammad Rasulullaah is making with Amr bin Hazam when dispatching him to Yemen. His instructions are to have Taqwa in all matters because verily Allaah loves those who have Taqwa and those who do good." ('1 Hadhrat Abu Moosa Ash'ari 3Wj reports that Rasulullaah @% send him and Hadhrat Mu'aadh bin Jabal to Yemen with instructions to teach the Qur'aan to the people. (2)

Rasulullaah @ B Sends Hadhrat Arnmaar ~.GCwi3Gto a Clan belonging to the Qais Tribe
Hadhrat Ammaar bin Yaasir %W%relates, "Rasulullaah @%$ once sent me to a clan belonging to the Qais tribe to teach them the Shari'ah of Islaam. However, I found them to be like wild camels, with their gazes always aspiring for more and with no other interests besides their goats and camels. I therefore returned to Rasulullaah $$?%,who asked, '0 Ammaar! What happened?' When I related to Rasulullaah @$$ what the people were like and how indifferent they were, Rasulullaah @6% said, '0 Ammaar! Should I not inform you of people even stranger than these? They are people who know what these people are ignorant of and are still indifferent towards it as these people are."'(3)

Hadhrat Umar B , G w Dispatches Hadhrat Ammaar 5WWj and Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood 9 , G W to Kufa and sends Hadhrat Imraan !&Gw to Basrah
Hadhrat Haaritha bin Mudarrib narrates that he read the letter Hadhrat Umar wrote to the people of Kufa. The letter read: "I have sent Arnmaar wWj a s your governor and Abdullaah bin Mas'ood ?3G@% a s your teacher and advisor. These two a r e from amongst t h e choicest companions of Rasulullaah @%, s o listen to them and follow them. Take note that I have given precedence to you people over myself by sending Abdullaah bin Mas'ood ~ . G W to you (because I require him here in Madinah)." (4) Hadhrat Abul Aswad Duwali says, "When I arrived in Basrah, Hadhrat lmraan bin Husayn Abu Nujayd 3 G 4 % was there. Hadhrat Umar bin Khattaab %,Wj had sent him there to create an understanding of Deen amongst the people." (5)

Hadhrat Umar % O C w % j Dispatches Hadhrat ~Hadhrat % Abu j Mu'aadh bin Jabal ~ ~ and
Hadhrat Muhammad bin Ka'b Qurazi SQWj reports that only five persons (from
(1) Ibn Abi Haatim, as quoted in the TafseerofIbn Katheer (Vo1.2 Pg.3). (2) Abu Nu'aym in his Hilya (Vol.1 Pg.256).

(3) Bazzaar and Tabraani in his Kabeet; as quoted in Targheeb wat Tarheeb (Vol.l (4) Ibn Sa'd (Vo1.6 Pg.7). (5)Ibn Sa'd (Vo1.7 Pg.10).


239 amongst the Ansaar) had memorised the entire Qur'aan during the lifetime of These were Hadhrat Mu'aadh bin Jabal !3Cw, Hadhrat Rasulullaah Ubaadah bin Saamit 3G%j, Hadhrat Ubay bin Ka'b %i%Dj,Hadhrat P,bu -4yyoob $31Gw and Hadhrat Abu Dardaa S,G&. I t was during the Khiiiafzh of ~ a d h r a t Umar B , G W j that Hadhrat Yazeed bin Abu Sufyaan 3,G@G \.trots to Hadhrat Umar SM with the request, "The population of Shaam is great. The cities are overflowing with people who have accepted lslaam and are in dire need of people to teach them the Qur'aan and to create an understanding of Deen amongst them. 0 Ameerul Mu'mineen! Do assist me by sending men who will teach them." Hadhrat Umar 3,Gw then sent for the five Ansaar mentioned and said to them, "Your brothers in Shaam have pleaded to me to send to them people who will be able to teach them the Qur'aan and create and understanding of Deen amongst the people. Please assist me with three of you. May Allaah shower His Mercy on you! You may draw lots if you please, or if there are any volunteers amongst you, they may leave immediately." "There is no need to draw lots," they submitted, "While this man Abu Ayyoob is too old, this man Ubay bin Ka'b $Wi%j is ill." It was therefore Hadhrat Mu'aadh bin Jabal !3Gwj, Hadhrat Ubaadah bin . ,, ..,,. , , Saamit 9,kWjand Hadhrat Abu Dardaa !3Zwj who went. Hadhrat Umar 9 G W j ' s instructions to them was. "Start with Hims because there is a variety of people there and there you will find such people who learn very quickly. When you identify such people, direct the others towards them (to learn). When you are eventually satisfied with the people there, one of you may remain behind while the second proceeds to Damascus and the third to Palestine." The three Sahabah ~ . m therefore proceeded to Hims, where they stayed until they were satisfied with the (learning of the) people. Hadhrat Ubaadah 3.Gw stayed on there while Hadhrat Abu Dardaa 3G4iiG proceeded to Damascus and Hadhrat Mu'aadh %$S&j to Palestine. Hadhrat Mu'aadh 3 , G W j stayed o n in Palestine until h e passed away there in the plague of Amwaas. Hadhrat j left for Palestine and also passed away there. Ubaadah bin Saamit ~ . G Wthen As for Hadhrat Abu Dardaa he lived in Damascus until his death. ( I )


Undertaking Journeys in Search of knowledge

Hadhrat Jaabir ?3G':j Travels to Shaam and to Egypt to Hear Two Ahadeeth of Rasulullaah @&
S C)I- Y

Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Muhammad bin Aqeel reports that he once heard Hadhrat Jaabir 3,Cw say, "The news once reached me that there was a man who had heard a particular Hadith from Rasulullaah @#. I purchased a camel, tied a carriage to it and rode for a month until I reached Shaam. When I discovered that the man was Abdullaah bin Unays ~ G h x , I (went to his house and) said to his
( 1 ) Ibn Sa'd (Vo1.4 Pg.172) and Haakirn, a s quoted in Kanzid Ummaal (Vol.1 Pg.281). Rukhaari has reported a similar narration in his Taareekh Sagheer (Pg.22).

THE LIVES OF THE SAHABAH -% 'f (Vol-3) 240 usher, 'Tell him that Jaabir is at the door.' 'The son of Abdullaah?' he enquired. B ! W G rushed out, When I replied in the affirmative, Abdullaah bin Unays ? tripping over his clothes (in the rush). ~e hugged me and I hugged him, after which I asked, 'A Hadith narrated by you has reached me concerning retribution. (I have come to you because) J feared that either you or me would die before I had the opportunity of hearing it (directly from you)." Abdullaah bin Unays ?BW&5 said, "I heard Rasulullaah @%$ say, "On the Day of Qiyaamah Allaah s h a l l resurrect people n a k e d , uncircumcised a n d empty-handed.' When someone asked one of the narrators what was meant by empty-handed,. he replied that people will have nothing of their worldly possessions with them. Then in a voice that those far off can hear just as well as those nearby, Allaah will make an announcement stating, 'I am the One Who pays back in full and I am the Master! It is not proper for any person destined for Jahannam to enter Jahannam while a person in Jannah owes him some right that I have not claimed for him. Similarly, it is not proper for any person destined for Jannah to enter Jannah while a person in Jahannam owes him some right that I have not claimed for him, even though it may be retribution for a sing1e.slap.I We asked, 'How will this retribution be done when people will b e naked, uncircumcised and empty-handed?' Rasulullaah replied, 'It will be done with good and bad deeds (people will pay for their injustices by giving their good deeds to the wronged party and when their good deeds are exhausted,.they will be burdened with the sins of the wronged party)."'(') Hadhrat Jaabir w W i says,"IusedtohearaHadithfromRasulullaah @ @ concerning retribution which was being narrated by someone in Egypt. I therefore purchased a camel and travelled until I reached Egypt. I then headed for the door of the man.. ." The Hadith is then similar to the one above. ( 2 ) Hadhrat Maslamah bin Mukhallad % 3 M % narrates, "It was during the period that I was governor of Egypt that my usher once came to me saying, 'There is a Bedouin at the door riding a camel who is requesting to see you.' 'Who are you?' I asked. 'I am Jaabir bin Abdullaah of the Ansaar,' he replied. Looking at him (from the upper storey), I said, 'I can come down to you or, if you prefer, you may come up here.' He said, 'Neither should you come down, nor shall I be coming up. I have heard that you narrate a particular Hadith from Rasulullaah @%$ about concealing the faults of a Mu'min. I have come to listen to it.' I said, 'I have heard Rasulullaah @?@say that the person who conceals a fault of a Mu'rnin is like one who has given life to a girl who has been buried alive.' He then whipped his camel to lead it back home." (3) Hadhrat Muneeb narrates from his uncle that the news once reached a particular Sahabi ? & , = that another Sahabi was narrating a Hadith stating that when a Muslim conceals the faults of his fellow Muslim brother in this world,
and Tabraani. Haythami (Vol.1 Pg.133) has commented on the chain of narrators. Bukhaari in his Adab and Abu Ya'la have reported a similar narration, a s quoted in Fat'hul Baari (Vol.1 Pg.127), as have Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vol.1 Pg.93) and Haakim (Vo1.4 Pg.574). (2) Tabraani in Masnadush Shaami'een and Tammaam in his Fawaa'id, a s quoted in Fat'hul Baari. (3)Tabraani in his Awsat. Haythami has commented on the chain of narrators.
(1) Ahmad

24 1 Allaah shall conceal his faults on the Day of Qiyaamah. He therefore travelled all W about the Hadith. The other Sahabi the way to Egypt to ask the Sahabi w SGW; confirmed saying, "Yes, I have heard Rasulullaah @& say that when a Muslim conceals the faults of his fellow Muslim brother in this world, Allaah shall conceal his faults on the Day of Qiyaamah." The first Sahabi 9,Gw then said, "I too have heard this Hadith from Rasulullaah @@."(I)



Hadhrat Abu Ayyoob Ansaari BEwj Travels to Egypt to Hear a Hadith from Hadhrat Uqba bin Aamir @ , % G u , J 2
Hadhrat Ibn Jurayj narrates that Hadhrat Abu Ayyoob Ansaari % . I ; " @ & ; travelled all When .he arrived there, the way to Egypt to see Hadhrat Uqba bin Aamir ~ , w he said, "I wish to ask you about a Hadith that besides you and I, no other companion of Rasulullaah survives who had heard it. What did you hear % ! say about concealing the faults of a Muslim?" Hadhrat Uqba Rasulullaah @ 3GW; replied, "I have heard Rasulullaah say, Whoever conceals the fault of a Mu'min in this world, Allaah shall conceal his faults o n the Day of Qiyaamah."' Hadhrat Abu Ayyoob 3 G w then returned to Madinah and had already narrated the Hadith t o others before ever1 alighting fronl hi: conveyance.(2)

Hadhrat Uqba bin Aamir B,Gwj Travels to see Hadhrat Maslama bin Mukhallad %3Ewj and another Sahabi @'G$&2 Travels to see Hadhsat Fudhaala bin Ubayd !&%Gu,J2
Hadhrat Makhool narrates that when Hadhrat Uqba bin Aamir ! % % G ;vent to see Hadhrat Maslama bin Mukhallad !3Gw, an argument ensued be:ween the , E m ; .Hearing the voice of Hadhrat Uqba wWj, usher and Hadhrat Uqba % Hadhrat Maslama 9 B W permitted him entry. (When he entered) Hadhrat Uqba 3Bw said, "I have not come merely to visit you, but have come for an urgent need. Do you remember the day when Rasulullaah @?%said, 'If a person conceals a sin that he knows his brother committed,, Allaah will conceal his sins on the Day of Qiyaamah'?" When Hadhrat Maslama 3GW; confirmed that he did , U $ ! G ; said, "That is why I have come." (3) remember, Hadhrat Uqba S Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Buraydah narrates that a Sahabi !3,w once travelled all the way to Egypt to see Hadhrat Fudhala bin Ubayd ?31Gw about a Hadith. (4) Another similar narration adds the Sahabi came to Hadhrat Fudhala 3,Gg at a time when he was feeding his camel. When Hadhrat Fudhala 9 B W welcomed the Sahabi !3,EWj,he said, "I have not come on a mere visit. Both you


(1) Ahmad. Haythami (Vol.1 Pg.134) has commented on the chain of narrators. (2) Ahrnad. A similar narration has been reported by Ibn Abdul Birr in his Isti'aab (Vol.1 Pg.93). (3) Tabraani in his Kabeerand Awsat, a s quoted by Haytharni (Vol.1 Pg.134). (4) Abu Dawood, a s quoted in Fat'hul Baari (Vol.1 Pg. 128).

242 THE LIVES OF THE SAHABAH (Vol-3) and I have heard a particular Hadith from Rasulullaah & % % and I (have come in the)'hope that you still remember it." "What is the Hadith?" Hadhrat Fudhala ? % M asked. i % The narration continues further.

Hadhrat Ubaydullaah bin Adi %$%W Travels to see Hadhrat Ali BEwj and the Statement of Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood !&C$@@2i Concerning Travelling in Search of Knowledge
Hadhrat Ubaydullaah bin Adi says, "When I heard that Hadhrat Ali @gw knew a particular Hadith, I feared that if he passed away, I would be unable to hear it fromanyoneelse. I therefore embarked on my journey until I reached him in Iraq." (2) Another narration adds that Hadhrat Ubaydullaah bin Adi @GWj said, $ % % j about the Hadith, he narrated it to me but then 'When I asked Hadhrat Ali % made me promise that I would never report it to anyone else. I wish that he had not done that so that I could have narrated it to you people." (3) The statement of Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood Ww shall shortly be related in which he said, "If I knew of anyone who has more knowledge of Allaah's Book than I, I would definitely travel to him." (4) Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood W%!% also said, "If a camel could take me to a person who has more knowledge of what has been revealed to Muhammad &%% than I have, I shall certainly go to him to increase the knowledge I have."

Learning from Worthy and Reliable People and what Happens when Knowledge Lies with People Unworthy of it Rasulullaah @%!#$ Sends Hadhrat Abu Tha'laba
! & % to Learn i w from Hadhrat Abu Ubaydah bin

Jarraah %gWand Praises him

Hadhrat Abu Tha'laba 3says, "I once went to Rasulullaah with the request to refer me to someone who could teach well. Rasulullaah @@ then refe~rid to Hadhrat Abu Ubaydah bin Jarraah , saying, 'I am referring you to someone who will give you excellent education and teach you exceptional manners." (6) Another narration states that Hadhrat Abu Tha'laba wW added, "When I came @ S $ & j , he was busy talking with Hadhrat to Hadhrat Abu Ubaydah bin Jarraah @
(1) Daarmi (Pg.55). (2) Khateeb, a s quoted in Fat'hul Baari (Vol.1 Pg.128). Ibn Asaakir has reported a similar narration, as quoted in Kanzul Ummaal (Vo1.5 Pg.239). (3) Ibn Asaakir has reported a similar narration, as quoted in Kanzul Ummaal(Vol.5 Pg.239). (4) Bukhaari. (5) Ibn Asaakir. (6) Ibn Asaakir, as quoted in Kanzul Ummaal (Vol.7 Pg.95).


@ % @ >(Vol-3)


Basheer bin Sa'd Abu Nu'maan ? & @ A % .; Seeing me approach, they fell silent. '0 Abu Ubaydah!' I said, 'By Allaah! This is not how Rasulullaah @?% addressed me (he did not fall silent when I came).' He said, 'Sit down s o that we may narrate a Hadith to you. dasulullaah said, 'While you now have a Nabi in your midst, there shall soon come Khilaafah on the pattern of Nabuwaat, to be followed by monarchy and tyranny." ( I )

Rasulullaah Makes it Clear that Seeking Knowledge from Unworthy People is Amongst the Signs of ayaamah
Hadhrat Anas 9Wj narrates, "I once asked Rasulullaah when the time will & come when people will stop enjoining good and forbidding evil, Rasulullaah @ replied, 'When that appears amongst you a s appeared amongst the Bani Israa'eel before you.' ' 0 Rqulullaah @ we % submitted, $ 'And i ! ' what was that?' Rasulullaah @& replied, 'When the best amongst you start to compromise (principles), when the sinners amongst you start being shameless, when kingshi'p falls to the lot of your youngsters and when the knowledge of Deen is carried by the wretches amongst you." ('1 Hadhrat Abu Umayyah J u m h ~ reports that when they once asked Rasulullaah @# about the signs of Qiyaamah, Rasulullaah @?&% said, "Amongst the signs of Qiyaamah is that knowledge will be sought from juniors." (3)

Statements of Hadhrat Umar !&lG'j' and Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood %.JGWj Concerning Acquiring Knowledge from Seniori
Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Ukaym narrates that Hadhrat Umar used to say, "Remember that the most truthful words are those of Allaah, the best way of life is that of Muhammad @?% and the worst of matters are those that have been fabricated (matters that have been made part of Deen when they are not). Take note of the fact that people will always remain in good stead as long as their knowledge comes to them from their seniors." (4) Hadhrat Bilaal bin Yahya reports that Hadhrat Umar 3 3 3 4 % said, "I know exactly when people will remairi righteous and when they will start to degenerate. When the knowledge of Deen will stem from juniors, the seniors will disregard them (and degeneration will start). However, when knowledge will stem from the seniors and the juniors will follow them, both groups will be rightly guided." ? 3 G & Gsaid, "People will always remain Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood k
(1) Tabraani. Haythami (V~1.5 Pg.189) has commented on the chain of narrators. (2) Ibn Asaakir and Ibn Najjaar, a s quoted in Kanzul Ummaal (Vol.2 Pg.139). Ibn Abdul Birr has also reported the narration in his Jaami (Vol. l Pg.157) (3) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami. Tabraani has also reported the narration but Haythami (Vol.1 Pg.135) has cornmented o n the chain of narrators. (4) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vol.l Pg. 158). (5) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vol. l Pg. 158).

THE LIVES OF THE SAHABAH @,g&!& (Vol-3) 244 righteous and steadfast as long as their knowledge of Deen comes to them from the Sahabah Ww3 of Rasulullaah @& and from their seniors. However, as soon as it starts coming from their juniors, they will all be destroyed." ( I ) Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood 3,Ew also said, "People will always remain in good stead a s long as they acquire their knowledge of Deen from their seniors. However, as soon they start acquiring it from their juniors and sinners, they will all be destroyed." (') Another narration quotes Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood $ K i6 W as saying, "You people will remain in good stead as long as the knowledge of Deen remains in the custody of your seniors. However, as soon as it is entrusted to the juniors, they will start to regard the seniors as fools." (3)

Hadhrat Mu'aawiya ~~~~j and Hadhrat Umar ~,gw Both Warn Against Acquiring Knowledge from people who are not Worthy of it
Hadhrat Mu'aawiya w W said, "Verily the most effective tool for leading people astray is a man who recites the Qur'aan without understanding it and then proceeds to teach it to children, slaves and women who in turn use it to argue with the scholars." (4) Hadhrat Umar bin Khattaab &W$5 said, "I do not fear for this Ummah a Mu'min whose lmaan restrains him nor a sinner whose sinful life is manifest. However, what I do fearfor them is a man who learns the Qur'aan until his tongue is fluerlt with it b u t t h e n interprets t h e Qur'aan in a manner it should n o t b e interpreted." (5)

Hadhrat Uqba bin Aamir %$3@GEmphasises to his Children to Accept Ahadeeth Only from Reliable Sources When Hadhrat Uqba bin Aamir ~~w was on his deathbed, he advised his sons
saying, "Dear sons! I forbid you from three things, so take note of what they are. Never accept a Hadith of Rasulullaah @& except from a reliable person, never ask for loans even though you may have to wear coarse clothing and never take to writing poetry because it will distract your hearts from the Qur'aan." ( 6 )

The Sermon Hadhrat Umar B G b X Delivered at Jaabiyah About Acquiring Knowledge from the Scholars of the Sahabah +BGCw&i
Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas ! 3 % @ ! G narrates that it was at Jaabiya that Hadhrat
(1) Tabraani in his Kabeerand Awsat, reporting from reliable sources a s confirmed by Haythami (Vol. 1 Pg.135). Ibn Abdul Birr has also reported the narration in his Jaami (Vol.1 Pg.159). (2) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaarni (Vol.1 Pg. 159). (3) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaarni (Vol. 1 Pg. 159). (4) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vo1.2 Pg. 194). (5) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vo1.2 Pg.194). (6) Tabraani. Haythami (vol.I Pg 140) has commented on the chain of narrators.



@gb$2 (Vol-3) 245 "". ', Sbw delivered a sermon to the people saying, "Whoever has any queries

about the Qur'aan should go to Ubay bin Ka'b wM, whoever has any queries about inheritance should go to Zaid bin Thaabit %%%%, whoever has any queries about Fiqh should go to Mu'aadh bin Jabal !2Uw and whoever requires money should come to me because Allaah has given me authority over it and entrusted me with its distribution." ('1

Salutations and Glad Tidings for the Student

Rasulullaah Welcomes Hadhrat Safwaan bin Assaal Be%@%>

The narration has passed at the beginning of the chapter(2) i n which Hadhrat Safwaan bin Assaal Muraadi %%W+j says, "I once came to Rasulullaah @%% in the Masjid as he was reclining on his red shawl. '0 Rasulullaah m 4 ! 'I said, 'I have exclaimed, Welcorr~eto the seeker come to seek knowledge.' Rasulullaah 6% of knowledge! Verily out of the love for what the person seeking knowledge is out to seek, the angels encircle him with their wings and then mount each other until they reach the sky above the earth."'

Hadhrat Abu Sa'eed Khudri B 6 G WWelcomes Some Students

Hadhrat Abu Haaroon narrates that whenever they went to Hadhrat Abu Sa'eed Khudri Ww, he would say, "Welcome to the people about whom Rasulullaah gave us emphatic instructions! Rasulullaah @%% said, 'People are your followers and men will come from far-off places to acquire an understanding of Deen from you. When they come to you, it is my emphatic instruction to you to treat them well." (3) Another narration states that Hadhrat Abu Sa'eed Khudri 3 $ % W quoted Rasulullaah @?%as saying, "People will come from the East to learn from you. It is my emphatic instruction that when they come to you, you must treat them well." Hadhrat Abu Haaroon narrates that whenever Hadhrat Abu Sa'eed Khudri = 4 saw them, he would say, "Welcome t o the people a b o u t w h o m Rasulullaah @@gave us emphatic instructions!" (4) Another narration(5) adds that part of Rasulullaah @%'s instruction was, "Teach them that which Allaah has taught you." Yet another narration states that Rasulullaah @ @ said, "Soon people will come to you from the ends of the earth to ask you about your Deen. When they arrive, accommodate the:m and teach them and it is my emphatic instruction that you must treat them hnrell."
( I ) Tabraani in his Awsat. Haythami (Vol.1 Pg.135) has commented on the chain of n,arrators. (2) Under the heading "The Encouragement Rasulullaah @% Gave towards Knowledge" and the subheading "Rasulullaah @ @Welcomes Hadhrat Safwaan bin Assaal !3WWj who had come to Seek Knowledge". (3) Tirmidhi. (4) Tirmidhi and Ibn Maajah (Pg.37). Haakim (Vol.1 Pg.88) has reported a similar narration from reliable sources as confirmed by Dhahabi. (5)Ibn Jareer and Ibn Asaakir.

THE LIVES OF THE SAHABAH @ & % 5 (Vol-3) 246 Yet another narration states that Rasulullaah @@ added, ''Teach them and say to them, 'Welcome! Welcome! Come closer!'''(') Whenever the young students came to Hadhrat Abu Sa'eed Khudri , he would say, "Welcome t o the people about whom Rasulullaah @ @ gave u s emphatic instructions! Rasulullaah @@ gave us instructions to accommodate them in our gatherings and to make them understand the Ahadeeth because you people are our successors and are the ones who will narrate Ahadeeth after us." Amongst the things Hadhrat Abu Sa'eed Khudri W Z W k k used to say to the new students was,, "If there is anything you do not understand, do ask me to explain it to you because I prefer you leaving here after understanding rather than leaving without understanding." ( 2 )

Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah S

Hadhrat Ismaa'eel reports that so many of them once went to visit Hadhrat Hasan that they filled his house. Pulling his legs together, he said, "So many of us once that we filled his house. Pulling his went to visit Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah legs together, he said, 'So many of us once went to visit Rasulullaah that we filled his house. Rasulullaah @@ was lying down on his side, but when he saw us, he pulled, his legs together and said, 'After my demise, people of various nationalities shall soon come to you in search of knowledge. You should welcome them, greet them and teach them.' By Allaah! We have also met such people (after the Sahabah i4BW%) who heither welcomed us, greeted us nor taught us anything. All they did when we went to them was to act harshly with us," (3)

I Welcomes ~ ~ Students ~

Hadhrat Abu Dardaa @~~~ Smiles when ~ a r r a t ' i Ahadeeth n~

Hadhrat Ummu Dardaa EBW23 says,"Whenever Hadhrat Abu Dardaa narrated Ahadeeth tlo people, he would always smile. 1 once said to him, 'I fear that people would regard you t o be a fool.' He explained, 'Rasulullaah @ % $ also smiled whenever he narrated ~hadeeth.'"(~)

Gatherings of Knowledge and Being in the Company of Ulema

Rasulullaah @$&! Encourages the Gatherings of Knowledge and the Sahabah iBE= Sit in Graups Around him
Hadhrat Al3dullaah bin Abbaas narrates that Rasulullaah @&% was once
( I ) Ibn Asaakir, as quoted in Kanzul Ummaal (Vo1.5 Pg.243). (2) Ibn Najjaar, as quoted in KBnzul Ummaal(Vo1.5Pg.243). (3) Ibn Maaja h (Pg.37). (4) Ahmad and Tabraani in his Kabeer. Haythami (Vol. l Pg. 131) has commented on the chain of


'BGw (Vol-3) 247 asked, "0 Rasulullaah Which of our companions are best?" Rasulullaah & % replied, "The person who reminds you of Allaah when you look at him, whose speech increases your knowledge and whose deeds remind you of the Aakhirah." ( I ) Hadhrat Qurra @Z%&j reports that when Rasulullaah sat in a gathering, the Sahabah i4BLw would sit in groups around him (to learn and teach, asking Rasulullaah @% when they needed to)." (2)


The Gatherings of the Sahabah the Fajr Salaah

Hadhrat Yazeed.Raqaashi says that after narrating Ahadeeth to them, Hadhrat Anas W ' W j would say, "By Allaah! This Hadith has not been learnt as you people learn when people gather around a person who lectures to them. What used to used to sit in groups after the Fajr salaah happen is that the Sahabah to recite the Qur'aan and learn the compulsory and optional aspects of ~ e e n . " ( ~ )

Rasulullaah Sits with a Gathering of the Sahabah $ $ % 5 W that Included many Poor People
Hadhrat Abu Sa'eed Khudri G W i X N relates, "I was sitting with a group of Muhaajireen amongst whom were people who (because of poverty) had so little clothing that they were hiding behind each other. A Qaari of ours was busy reciting the Qur'aan and we were all busy listening to Allaah's Book. Rasulullaah @% (arrived there and) said, 'All praise is for Allaah who has created in my Ummah people with whom I have been instructed to remain with.' The group turned and faced Rasulullaah @?@,who recognised none of them besides myself. Rasulullaah % t then said, '0 impoverished Muhaajireen, listen to the good news that you will have perfect light on the Day of Qiyaamah. You will enter Jannah half a day before the rich, which is equal to five hundred years."'(4)



Rasulullaah Prefers the Gathering of Knowledge to the Gathering of Dhikr

Hadhrat ~bdullaahbin Amr 4 % ! 3 & j narrates that Rasulullaah @% once passed by two gatherings in his Masjid. While the people in one gathering were making du'aa to Allaah and concentrating on this, the other was learning and teaching Fiqh. Rasulullaah @% remarked, "While both gatherings are doing excellent work, the one is superior than the other. As for the one, they are making du'aa to Allaah and concentrating on this. If Allaah wills, He shall grant them (what they ask) and if He wills, He may refuse them. As for the others, they are learning and teaching the ignorant and I have been sent as a teacher." Rasulullaah @%
(1) Abu Ya'la. Mundhiri (Vol.1 Pg.76) has commented on the chain of narrators. (2) Bazzaar. (3) Majma'uzZawaaM(Vol.1 Pg.132). (4) Bayhaqi, as quoted in A/ Bidaayah wan Nihaayah (Vo1.6 Pg.57). Abu Nu'aym has reported the narration at greater length in his Hilya ('01.1 Pg.342).


248 THE LIVES OF THE S A h X B A H therefore sat with this second group. ('1


Hadhrat Abu Moosa Ash'ari ~ , C @ and j Hadhrat Umar ?&EM Sit One Night in a Gathering of Knowledge
Hadhrat Abu Bakr bin Abu Moosa narrates that Hadhrat Abu Moosa @ G % ! @ j once went to Hadhrat Umar %'iGW after Isha.''What bringsyou here?" Hadhrat Umar m j asked. "I have come to speak with you," Hadhrat Abu Moosa 33W replied. "At B 5 W remarked. When Hadhrat Abu Moosa %@&% this hour?" Hadhrat Umar ? informed Hadhrat Umar %'isthat it was an important matter of Fiqh that he needed to discuss, Hadhrat Umar sat up and the two men discussed for a long while. Thereafter, Hadhrat Abu Moosa HL%G5 said, "What about the (Tahajjud) salaah, 0 Arneerul Mu'mineen?" Hadhrat Umar S,GWj replied, "It was in salaah that I had been engaged (when you arrived)." (2)

The Incident of ~Gdhrat Jundub Bajali with Concerning Hadhrat Ubay bin Ka'b %%5Wj Seeking Knowledge
Hadhrat Jundub bin Abdullaah Bajali says, "When I arrived in Madinah to seek knowledge, I entered the Masjid of ~tasulullaah @ % ! where I saw people engaged in discussions in various groups. Passing by the groups, I eventually arrived at a group in which there sat a pale man wearing two pieces of cloth and who appeared to have just arrived from a journey. I heard him say, 'I swear by the Rabb of the Kabah that the people in authority have been destroyed and I am not sorry for them!' This he repeated several times. I then sat down with him and he continued to narrate Ahadeeth for some time. When he got up to leave, I asked the people who he was. They said, 'He is the leader of the Muslims! He is Hadhrat Ubay bin Ka'b BeW.' I then followed him to his house, which I discovered was in a dilapidated state. I also discovered that he was very ascetic, had severed all ties with this world and was a man of habit. When I greeted him, he replied to my greeting and asked me where I came from. When I informed him that I was from Iraq, he remarked, 'They (Iraqis) are people who ask even more questions than I do.' This remark made me very angry and I immediately fell to my knees, raised my hands like this before my face and faced the Qibla saying, ' 0 Allaah! It is to You that I complain. We have spent our wealth, tired our bodies and rode our conveyances in search of knowledge. However, when we meet them, they are inhospitable and make remarks about us!' Hadhrat Ubay started to weep and tried to pacify me saying, 'Oh dear! I did not mean to offend you. I really did not mean to offend you.' He then said, '0 Allaah! I make a promise with You that if you keep me alive until Friday, I shall definitely state what I heard Rasulullaah &%% say without

(1) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vol.1 Pg.50).Daarmi has reported a similar narration. (2) Abdur Razzaaq and Ibn Abi Shaybah, as quoted in Kanzul Urnmaal(Vol.5 Pg.228).


@ % b @ (Vol-3) & >


fearing reproach from anyone.' After he said that, I left him and waited for Friday. When I left my room that Thursday for something, I found the streets jammed with people. I could see hordes of people on very street 1 took. 'What is the matter with the people?' I asked. You must be a stranger here?' the people asked. When I confirmed that I was, they said, 'The leader of the Muslims Ubay bin Ka'b S,GWj has passed away.' When I later met Hadhrat Abu Moosa Ash'ari 9 , - in Iraq and related to him the incident of Hadhrat Ubay !3XGw, he sighed, 'How tragic! If only he had lived so that you could have reported his words to us!"'(')

Hadhrat Imraan bin Husayn %@@% Narrates Ahadeeth in the Masjid of Basrah
Hadhrat Hilaai bin Yasaaf says, "When 1 arrived in Basrah and entered the Masjid, I saw an old man with white hair and a white beard leaning against a pillar and narrating Ahadeeth to a group of people. When 1 enquired about the man, I was informed that he was Hadhrat Imraan bin Husayn $3G&!2i."(2)

People Flock to the Door of Hadhrat Abdullaah bin , E b 3 , who Taught them all Aspects of Abbaas B Deeni Knowledge
Hadhrat Abu Saalih says, "I have seen such a large gathering around Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas that if the entire tribe of the Quraysh boasted about such numbers, they would be the envy of all. I have seen so many people flock to him that the street could not even contain them and none was able to move forward or backward. When I went in and informed him about all the people at his door, he instructed me to fetch some water for him to perform wudhu. He then performed wudhu and sat down saying, 'Go outside and announce that whoever wishes to ask about the Qur'aan and its words and meaning should come in.' When I went out and made the announcement, the people who entered filled the room a s well as the entire house. In addition to informing them about everything they asked, he also told them much more. 'Now allow your brothers the opportunity,' he said. When they had left, he instructed, 'Go outside and announce that whoever wishes to ask about the Tafseer of the Qur'aan and its interpretation should come in.' When 1 went out and made the announcement, the people who entered filled the room as well a s the entire house. In addition to informing them about everything they asked, he also told them much more. 'Now allow your brothers the opportunity,' he said. When they had left, he again instructed, 'Go outside and announce that whoever wishes to ask about what is Halaal and Haraam and about Fiqh should come in.' When 1 went out and made the announcement, the people who entered filled the room as well as the entire house. In addition to
( I ) Ibn Sa'd (Vo1.3Pg.501). (2) Ibn Sa'd 0101.4 Pg.291).

250 THE LIVES OF THE S A M A H (Vol-3) informing them about everything they asked, he also told them much more. 'Now allow your brothers the opportunity,' he said. When these people had left, he instructed me again saying, 'Go outside and announce that whoever wishes to ask about inheritance and the likes thereof should come in.' When 1 went out and made the announcement, the people who entered filled the room as well as the entire house. In addition to informing them about everything they asked, he also told them much more. 'Now allow your brothers the opportunity,' he said. When they had left, he instructed, 'Go outside and announce that whoever wishes to ask about Arabic, poetry and rare words should come in.' When I went out and made the announcement, the people who entered filled the room as well as the entire house. In addition to informing them about everything they asked, he also told them much more. If the entire tribe of the Quraysh boasted about such numbers, they would really be the envy of all because I have never seen such a large gathering around any person." ('1

Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood %3SSw Praises the Gatherings of Knowledge

Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood 4 W W Z i once said, "The best of all gatherings is the one in which matters of wisdom are discussed." (2? Another narration states that Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood said, 'The best of all gatherings is the one in which matters of wisdom are disseminated and in which Allaah's mercy is anticipated." (3) Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood also said, "People with Taqwa are the chiefs, the jurists are the leaders and attending their gatherings is a means of increasing (one's Imaan and kliowledge)." (4)

The Statements of Hadhrat Abu Juhayfah 3 W W 2 and Hadhrat Abu Dardaa ~ ~ in this W Regard j
Hadhrat Abu Juhayfah always used to say, "Sit in the company of the seniors, associate with the Ulema and mingle with the wise." (5) Hadhrat Abu Dardaa W3Wj said, "It is the deep understanding a person has that will makehimaccompanyandstayin contact with men of knowledge." (6) In another narration, Hadhrat Abu Dardaa !&W&& added sitting in their gatherings.(7)

Respecting the Gatherings of Knowledge

Hadhrat Sahl bin Sa'd Saa'idi ! & Z & i 4 3 Gets Angry with People who FooIed,Around in his Gathering
Hadhrat Abu Haazim says, "Hadhrat Sahl bin Sa'd Saa'idi ?B@W was narrating
(1)Abu Nu'aym in his Hi&a (Vol.1 Pg.320). Haakim (Vo1.3 Pg.538) has reported a similar narration. (2) Tabraani in his mbeer, reporting from reliable sources a s confirmed by Haythami (Vol. 1 Pg.167). .(3) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vol. 1 Pg.50). (4) Tabraani, reporting from reliable sources a s confirmed by Haythami (Vol.1 Pg. 126). (5) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vol. 1 Pg. 126). (6) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vol. 1 Pg. 127). (7) Abu Nu'aym in his Hilya(Vol.1 Pg.211).

@%$@ (Vol-3) 25 1 the Ahadeeth of Rasulullaah @@ to a group of his people when some of them

started turning to each other and talking. This made Hadhrat Sahl qw angry and he said, 'Look at them! Some of them are turning to talk to each other when I am narrating to them what my eyes have seen and my ears have heard. I swear by Allaah that I shall leave them and never return to them ever again!' 'Where will you go?' I asked. 'I shall go to wage Jihaad in the path df Allaah,' came the reply. 'But how will you fight in Jihaad,' I submitted, 'when (because of your old age) you are unable to ride a horse, strike a blow with a sword or even use a spear?' ' 0 Abu Haazim,' he said, 'I shall stand amongst the ranks of the soldiers to be struck bi a stray arrow or rock by which Allaah shall bless me with martyrdom."'(')

The Conduct Of Ulema and Students

Rasulullaah m ' s Kind Address to a Youngster who Requested Permission to Fornicate
Hadhrat Abu Umaamah ?&'G@j narrates that a youngster from the Quraysh once approached Rasulullaah @?@with the request, "0 Rasulullaah Do permit me to fornicate." The Sahabah turned to him and started rebuking him saying, "Don't say that! Don't say that!" 'Bring him closer," Rasulullaah @ % said. When the youngster went close to Rasulullaah @&, Rasulullaah @&% asked, "Would you like someone t o fornicate with your mother?" "By Allaah!" the youngster exclaimed, "I would never tolerate it! May Allaah sacrifice me for you, 0 Rasulullaah @%!" "Then," Rasulullaah explained, "other people will also not want anyone to fornicate with their mothers." continued, "Would you then like someone to fornicate with Rasulullaah @%% your daughter?" "By Allaah!" the youngster exclaimed again, "I would never "Then," tolerate it! May Allaah sacrifice me for you, 0 Rasulullaah Rasulullaah l % @ said, "other people will also not want anyone to fornicate with their daughters." Rasulullaah @% asked further, "Would you like someone to fornicate with your sister?" Again the youngster exclaimed "By Allaah! I would never tolerate it! May Allaah sacrifice me for you, 0 Rasulullaah @&%!" "Then other people will also not want others to fornicate with their sisters," Rasulullaah @ said. ? i % Again Rasulullaah @% asked, "Would you like someone to fornicate with your paternal aunt?" Again the youngster exclaimed "By Allaah! I would never tolerate it! May Allaah sacrifice me for you, 0 Rasulullaah "Then other people will also not want anyone to fornicate with their paternal aunts. Would you like someone t o fornicate with your maternal aunt?" "By Allaah! I would never tolerate it! May AIlaah sacrifice me for you, 0 Rasulullaah @%!" the youngster exclaimed. "Then other people will also not want people to fornicate with their maternal aunts," Rasulullaah @% said. Rasulullaah @ @ then placed his hand on the youngster's chest and prayed, "0 AIlaah! Forgive his sins, purify his heart and keep him chaste." Thereafter, the




(1) Tabraani in his X;?beer.Haythami (Vol.1Pg.155) has commented on the chain of narrators.

THE LIVES OF THE SAHABAH 252 youngster's attention never again swayed in that direction. ('1

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Repeats Himself Thrice to Make himself Understood

spoke (something Hadhrat Abu Umaamah Bw says, 'When Rasulullaah of importance), he would repeat himself thrice s o that he would be understood." (2)

Hadhrat Aa'isha @G@@ Instructs Hadhrat Ibn Abi Saa'ib to hold fast to Three Factors when Teaching
Hadhrat Sha'bi narrates that Hadhrat Aa'isha WW once said to the lecturer of Madinah Hadhrat Ibn Abi Saa'ib, 'You must obey me in three factors, otherwise I shall oppose you most vehemently." Hadhrat Ibn Abi Saa'ib said, "1 shall most definitely obey you, 0 Ummul Mu'mineen! What are they?" Hadhrat Aa'isha WWj said, "(Firstly)Refrain from going out of your way to rhyme your du'aas and i the % Sahabah BWj never did this. (Secondly) because Rasulullaah @ You should deliver a lecture once every week. If you do not want to do s o only once, you may do s o twice or otherwise thrice at the most because you should never allow people to become tired of the Qur'aan. (Thirdly) I never want to find you going to people who are engaged in some discussion and then you cut short their talk (by starting your lecture). Rather leave them to talk and you start your lecture only when they approach you and ask you to talk" (3)

Hadhrat Shaqeeq bin Salamah narrates that Hadhrat kbdullaah bin Mas'ood once came to them and said, "I know well that you people are sitting here but the only thing that prevents me from coming out to you every time is the fear of you getting tired. It was the practice of Rasulullaah to consider us when delivering lectures for fear of ever tiring us out." (4) Hadhrat A'mash narrates that when Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood W@&once passed by a man delivering a lecture, he said, "0lecturer! Do not make the people despondent (of Allaah's mercy)." (5)

The Conduct of Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood !&= when Teaching

Hadhrat Ali ! & G % &

Describes a True Scholar

Hadhrat Ali W w once said, "Should I not inform you who a true scholar is. He is one who neither makes people despondent of Allaah's mercy nor grants them the licence to disobey Allaah. At the same time, he does not allow them to feel that they are immune from Allaah's punishment. He is one who does not turn his
(1) Tabraani and Ahmad, reporting from reliable sources as confirmed by Haythami (Vol.1 Pg.129). (2) Tabraani in his Kabeer, reporting from reliable sources as confirmed by Haythami (Vol.1 Pg.129). (3) Ahmad, reporting from reliable sources as confirmed by Haythami (Vol.1 Pg.191). Abu Ya'la has reported a similar narration. (4) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vol.1 Pg.105) (5)Tabraani in his Kabeer. Haythami (Vol. 1 Pg. 191) has commented on the chain of narrators.

253 attention to something else, thereby neglecting the Qur'aan. There is no good in the Ibaadah that is devoid of (the relevant) knowledge, no good in the knowledge that is devoid of understanding and piety and no good in the recitation of the Qur'aan that is devoid of contemplation." ( I )

THE LIVES OF THE SAHnBflH ~ , ~ ' N J & (Vol-3) J

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Rasulullaah ='S Words to Hadhrat Mu'aadh bin Jabal !%$G@%and Hadhrat Abu Moosa Ash'ari %W&+5 when Dispatching them to Yemen
Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar ~ , G w narrates that when Rasulullaah sent , G W ; and Hadhrat Abu Moosa Ash'ari !3C& to Hadhrat Mu'aadh bin Jabal 3 Yemen, he addressed them saying, "Assist each other, work together, teil the people good things and do not make them averse (to the Deen)."When Hadhrat Mu'aadh B E @ & ; delivered a lecture to the people, he encouraged them towards Islaam, developing a deep understanding of Deen and the Qur'aan. He also said, "I can inform you about those destined for Jannah and those destined far Jahannam. A person is destined for Jannah when people speak good of him and destined for Jahannam when they have no good to speak of him." (2)

The Statement of Hadhrat Abu Sa'eed %%5wj Concerning the Gatherings of the Sahabah @ 4 G W and the Statement of Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar ~,G@!G Concerning the True Aalim
Hadhrat Abu Sa'eed Khudri WM said, "When the Sahabah @,GW of Nabi !$&% sat together, their discussion always concerned Deen unless one of them was reciting a Surah or having someone else recite a Surah." ( 3 ) Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar W W j said, "A man can never occupy a respectable position as a scholar unless he is not jealous of those above him, does not look down on those beneath him and does not seek a price for his knowledge."(4)

The Statement of Hadhrat Umar S,G&G Concerning the Conduct of an Aalim

Hadhrat Umar said, "Acquire knowledge and teach the people. Learn also the respectability and composure that goes with it. Humble yourself before those you learn from a s well as before those you teach, and never be arrogant Ulema. In this manner, your ignorance will be unable to stand up to your knowledge." ( 5 )
(1) Ibn Dharees, Abu Nu'aym in his Hilya (Vol.1 Pg.77), Ibn Asaakir and others, a s quoted in Kanzul Ummaal (Vol.5 Pg.231). In his Jsti'aab (Vo1.2 Pg.44). Ibn Abdul Birr has reported the words from Rasulullaah @@. (2) Tabraani, reporting from reliable sources a s confirmed by Haythami (Vol.1 Pg. 166). (3) Haakim (Vol.1 Pg.94), reporting from reliable sources a s confirmed by Dhahabi. (4) Abu Nu'aym in his Hjlya (Vol.l Pg.306). (5) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vol.1 Pg.135). Ahmad in his Zuhd, Bayhaqi, Ibn Abi Shaybah and others have reported a similar narration.




The Statement of Hadhrat Ali ~,E@!& Concerning the Conduct of Students

Hadhrat Ali $W%!G said, "Amongst the rights of an Aalim is that you should not pose too many questions to him, you should not press him to give answers and should not pressurise him if he chooses to ignore something. Also amongst his rights is that you should not hold his clothing (and compel him to teach) when he is tired, you should never point your finger at him, never hint at him with your eyes and never question his gatherings. You should also never wait for him to slip up and if he does, you should wait for him to correct himself and accept his excuse for the slip-up. Never tell him that someone else opposes his opinion, never disclose his secrets, never gossip to him about anyone and always maintain his honour in his presence and his absence. While you may greet people collectively, gceet him specially and sit in front of him. If he has any need, beat others in serving him and never tire him by sitting too long with him. He is like a date palm by which you ought to wait for some benefit to fall to you at any time. The Aalim occupies the status of a person who is fasting while fighting in Jihaad in the path of Allaah and when he passes away, a void is created in Islaam that can never be filled until the Day of Qiyaamah. (Also take note that) Seventy thousand high-ranking angels of the heavens escort the student of Deen."

The Conduct of Hadhrat Thaabit Bunaani with his Z != Teacher Hadhrat Anas @
Hadhrat Jameela the slave woman of Hadhrat Anas W,G4&25 who mothered some of his children says, "Whenever Thaabit came to Hadhrat Anas !k'WW, Hadhrat Anas ~,Wi!G3 would instruct me to bring him some perfume to apply to his hands saying, 'Ibn Ummu Thaabit (Hadhrat Thaabit) will not be satisfied until he kisses my hands."'(')

The Conduct of Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas ! & % @ $ j ' with Hadhrat Umar @ , B & > and his Awe for him
Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas says, "For many years I had wanted to ask Hadhrat Umar bin Khattaab W4WG about an incident but it was my awe for him that prevented me from doing so. The opportunity eventually came when he lagged behind the rest of the people on a journey for Hajj or Umrah because he needed to attend to the call of nature. It was in a place called Araak in Marruz Zahraan and I was alone with him when he had completed. '0 Ameerul Mu'mineen!' I said, 'For many years I had wanted to ask you about an incident
(1) Murhibi and Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaarni, a s quoted in Kanzul Ummaal (Vol.5 Pg.242). Muntakhab Kanzul Ummaal (Vo1.4 Pg.73) and Khateeb in his Jaami, a s quoted in Kanzul Ummaal (Vo1.5 Pg.229). (2) Abu Ya'la. Haytharni (Vol.1 Pg.130) has commented on the chain of narrators.

255 but my awe for you prevented me from doing so.' 'Do not d o that,' h e said, Whenever you need to know anything, feel free to ask me. If I know anything, I shall inform you and if 1 do not, I shall tell you that I know nothing about it and you may ask someone who does.' I then asked, Who are the two women that Allaah speaks about who acted together against Rasulullaah @@?' 'They were Hadhrat Umar 3,Wj replied. The narration Aa'isha Wm and Hafsah GW&%,' continues to relate the incident at length.


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The Awe ~adhrat Sa'eed bin Musayyib had for Hadhrat Sa'd bin Abi Waqqaas %Uh@j
Hadhrat Sa'eed bin Musayyib says, "I once said to Hadhrat Sa'd bin Maalik (Abi Waqqaas) Ww, '1 wish to pose certain questions to you, but I stand in too much awe of you.' 'Dear son of my brother,' he said, 'do not stand in awe of me. If you feel that I know anything, feel free to ask me.' I then asked, 'What was it that @ said t o Hadhrat Ali -4 when he appointed him a s his Rasulullaah @ deputy during the expedition to Tabook?' Hadhrat Sa'd %dWj replied, 'Rasulullaah k%$$ said, '0 Ali! Does it not please you to know that your status with me is like that of Haaroon @&$with Moosa @&.!&"'(2)

Hadhrat Jubayr bin Mut'im % W W jResponds to a Question by saying, "I have no knowledge on the subject"
Hadhrat Uthmaan bin Abdullaah bin Mowhab narrates that Hadhrat Jubayr bin Mut'im ?8W&j was passing through an oasis when the people questioned him about a matter of inheritance. Hadhrat Jubayr-4 responded by saying, "I have no knowledge on the subject. You may however send someone with me and I will enquire about it on your behalf." The people sent someone with him 3 3 ! 2 4 % posed the question to Hadhrat Umar W W .Hadhrat and Hadhrat Jubayr 4 ?&W43G r e m a r k e d , "Whoever w i s h e s t o b e a n Aalim with keen understanding should do as Jubayr bin Mut'im ? 8 G m has done. When asked about something he did not know, he said, 'Allaah knows best."'(3)


The Conduct of Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar sEh&$jin his Teaching

Hadhrat Mujaahid reports that when Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar B = was once questioned about an aspect of children's inheritance, he replied, "I do not know." "What prevents you from replying?" someone asked. His reply was, "When Abdullaah bin Umar was asked about something he did not know, he replied by saying, 'I do not know."'(4)
(1) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vol.1 Pg. 112). (2) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vol.1 Pg.112). Ibn Sa'd (Vo1.3 Pg.24) has also reported the narration with some additions. (3) Ibn Sa'd, a s quoted in Kanzul L~mmaal(Vo1.5 Pg.241). (4) Ibn Abdul Birr in his IstYaab (Vol.2 Pg.52).

THE LIVES OF THE SAHfiBAH @E$&&3 (Vol-3) 2.56 was Hadhrat Urwa Ww reports that when Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar questioned about something he had no knowledge of, he replied by saying, "I have n o knowledge on the subject." A s the man turned t o leave, Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar said to himself, "When Abdullaah bin Umar was questioned about something he had no knowledge of, he replied by saying, 'I have no knowledge on the subject."'(') Hadhrat Uqba bin Muslim says, "1 stayed with Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar 9,w for thirty four months and on many occasions when he was questioned about something, he would reply by saying, 'I do not know.' He would then turn to me saying, 'Do you know what those people wanted (by asking me about something I had no knowledge of)? They intended making our backs a bridge to ~ahannam."'(~) Hadhrat Naafi narrates that a man once posed a question to Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar 9,GWj. Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar 3,lowered his head and did not respond for such a long time that the man thought his question had not been heard. "May Allaah have mercy on you," the man said, "Did you not hear my question?" Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar Ww replied by saying, "I certainly did hear it. However, it seems like you people feel that Allaah will not question us about the things you ask us about. May Allaah have mercy on you! Leave u s to think about your question. If we have a reply, we will inform you, otherwise we shall tell you that we do not know." (3)

Statements of Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood w,G@+i, Hadhrat Ali B , G , j and Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas @,Gwj about an Aalim Conceding that he does not know
Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood BGw once said, "0 people! When a person is questioned about something he has knowledge about, he should give the reply and if he does not have the knowledge, he should say, 'Allaah knows best'. To say 'Allaah knows best' in reply to something one does not know is also and integral ! @ ,Allaah says: part of knowledge. Addressing His Nabi @
( A T ~ T ijF) : ~

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Say, "I do not ask you people for any payment for this (propagation o f the message), and I am not among those who pretend (those who pretend to know something when they do not)."
{Surah Saad, verse 861(~)

(0 Rasulullaah =$


Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Basheer states that when Hadhrat Ali bin Abi Taalib ! % & % ! % was once asked a question, he replied by saying, "I have no knowledge on the subject." He then said, "What a great source of comfort! I was questioned
( I ) Ibn Sa'd (Vo1.4 Pg.144). (2) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vo1.2 Pg.54) (3) Ibn Sa'd (Vo1.4 Pg.168). (4) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vo1.2 Pg.51).

25 7 about something I did know and I conceded that I did not know." said, "When an Aalim forsakes t h e Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas statement 'I d o n o t know', then he has reached his point of destruction." Another narration also states that Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas !3!2%% said, "When an Aalim omits using the statement 'I do not know', then he has reached his point of destruction." (2)


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The Conduct of Hadhrat Umar Hadhrat Ali and Hadhrat Uthmaan k m when Teaching
Hadhrat Makhool reports that when Hadhrat Umar ? ! W W G noticed that the people were getting tired as he narrated Ahadeeth to them, he would occupy them with planting trees. (3) Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mus'ab narrates that Hadhrat Umar bin Khattaab %@4&5 said, "Do not pay more than forty Awqiya as dowry, even though the bride may be the daughter of Dhul Udda Qais bin Husayn Haarithi. If anyone pays more, I shall deposit the surplus into the state treasury." A tall woman with a flat nose then stood up from the women's row saying, "You do not have the authority to d o . She replied, "Because Allaah that." ';why not?" asked Hadhrat Umar declares:

...when you have given one of them a fortune, then d o not take anything from it . . ."' {Surah Nisaa, verse 20) To this, Hadhrat Umar wW remarked, "The lady is right and the man is wrong." (4) Hadhrat Muhammad bin Ka'b Qurazi -4 narrates that a man once posed a question t o Hadhrat Ali GWiWi5, to which h e gave a reply. "0 Ameerul Mu'mineen!" the man said, "That is not the answer." He then proceeded to give the correct answer, to which Hadhrat Ali %lW%jconceded, "You are right and 1 was wrong." He then recited the verse:
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Above every knowledgeable person is one who is more knowledgeable.

{Surah Yusuf, verse 761(~)

Hadhrat Sa'eed bin Musayyib says, "Hadhrat Umar bin Khattaab and Hadhrat Uthmaan bin Affaan @!Z@&j used to debate a question so vehemently that a n onlooker would be convinced that they could never be reconciled.
( I ) Sa'd bin Nasr, a s quoted in Kanzul Ummaal(Vo1.5 Pg.241). Daarmi has reported a similar narration in bried, as quoted in Kanzul Ummaal(Vo1.5 Pg.243). (2) Abu Dawood and Maalik as quoted in Jaami Bayaanil Ilm (Vo1.2 Pg.54). (3) Ibn Sam'aani, as quoted in Kanzul Ummaal(Vol.5 Pg.131). (4) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vol.l Pg. 131). (5) lbn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vol.1 Pg.131). Ibn Jareer has reported a similar narration, as quoted in Kanzul Ummaal (Vol.5 Pg.24 1) .

&) JS~
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THE LlVES OF THE S f l H A B f l H

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However, they always parted ways most amicably (as if nothing had transpired between them)." (') For a Person to Forsake Attending a gathering of Knowledge s o that a Group of People may Acquire Knowledge

The Incident of Hadhrat Uqba bin Aamir % % = j and his Tribe when they Came to Rasulullaah @@
relates, "I arrived riding with twelve members of Hadhrat Uqba bin Aamir my tribe to see Rasulullaah @&. When we had tied our camels, Mustahab companions said, 'Who will tend to the camels so that the rest of us could go and When we return, we will then receive enlightenment from Rasulullaah convey t o him what we heard from Rasulullaah 1 assumed the responsibility for a few days until the thought occurred to me that I may be duping myself because my companions were hearing from Nabi @ @ what I was not hearing and they were learning from him what I was not learning. 1 therefore presented myself one day (leaving the others to tend to the camels). There I heard someone say that Nabi @@ said, 'The person who performs a complete wudhu shall be free of sins as he was on the day his mother gave birth to him.' This impressed me tremendously. Hadhrat Umar bin Khattaab 9UU5 then said, 'If you think that is impressive, you will be even more impressed if you had heard what was said before that.' 'Repeat if for me,' 1 pleaded, 'May I be sacrificed for you!' He said, 'Rasulullaah said that if a person dies without ascribing partners to Allaah, Allaah shall open for him all eight gates of Jannah s o that he may enter from whichever gate he pleases.' Rasulullaah then came out to us and I sat in front of him. He however turned his face away from me several times. When he did it for the fourth time, I asked, '0 Nabi of Allaah May my parents be sacrificed for you! Why do you turn your face away from me?' Rasulullaah then turned to me saying, 'Do you,prefer one or twelve?' Understanding what he meant, I returned to my companions." (2)





The Incident of Hadhrat Uthmaan bin Abul Aas % G W and his Tribe when they Came to Nabi @@
Hadhrat Uthmaan bin Abul Aas %J,W% reports, "1 arrived with the delegation of the Thaqeef tribe when they came to see Rasulullaah @@.We were changing our @ ? s door when it was asked, 'Who will hold our animals clothes at Rasulullaah @ for us?' Each one of us wanted to go to Rasulullaah @& and did not want to stay behind. Because I was the youngest of them all, I said, 'If it pleases you, I-shall hold your camels for you on condition that you make a promise to Allaah that you will wait here for me when you come out.' They made the promise and then went in to see Rasulullaah $&.
( I ) ~ h a t e e bas , quoted in Kanzul Ummaal(Vol.5 Pg.241). (2) Ibn Asaakir, a s quoted in Kanzul Ummaal(Vo1.l Pg.77). Abu Nu'aym h a s also reported the

narration in his Hilya (Vo1.9 Pg.307).

259 When they came out, they said, 'Come! Let us go.' 'Where to?' I asked. 'Home,' they replied. I protested saying, 'I have left my home to come right here to Rasulullaah @@'s door just to return without seeing him after you had made me the promise you well acknowledge?!' 'Then hurry,' they said, 'because we have already done all the questioning for you. There is nothing that we have not asked Rasulullaah @@ about.' I then went in and said, '0 Rasulullaah @@! Pray to Allaah to grant me a deep understanding of the Deen and to teach me.' 'What was it you said?' Rasulullaah @ @ asked. When I repeated my request, Rasulullaah @@ remarked, 'You have asked me for something that none of your companions have asked. Go! You are now their Ameer and the Ameer of all of your tribe's people who come to you."' The Hadith still continues further. ('1 In another narration, Hadhrat Uthmaan bin Abul Aas 3G*j states that when he entered, Rasulullaah @@ had a copy of the Qur'aan with him. This Rasulullaah gave to him when he asked to have it. (')


@,@+&j (~~1-3)

Learning, Teaching and Rehearsing the Knowledge of Deen and Questions that are Appropriate and those that are Inappropriate
The Sahabah &EJG@ Rehearse in Rasulullaah @@'s Gathering and Ask him Questions
Hadhrat Anas % G % says, "When we used to sit with Rasulullaah % @ !as he narrated Ahadeeth to us, we would sometimes number as many as sixty. Then when Rasulullaah @@ needed to leave for some need, we would rehearse amongst ourselves, repeating (what Rasulullaah @@ said) one after the other so that it was firmly rooted in to hearts by the time we left." ( 3 ) Hadhrat Abu Moosa Ash'ari 3,Ew says, "After Rasulullaah @& performed the Fajr salaah, we would turn towards him. Some of us would then ask him about the Qur'aan, others about inheritance and others about dreams." (4)

The Words of Hadhrat Fudhaala bin Ubayd %G@% to his Companions in this Regard
When his companions used to come to him, Hadhrat Fudhaala bin Ubayd !3G$3% would say to them, "Learn and teach each other, convey glad tidings and increase (your knowIedge). May Allaah increase you in all good, love you and love all those who love you. Rehearse the lessons (you have learnt) because the reward for the last one is as great as that of the first. You should also add
(1) Tabraani. Haylhami (Vo1.9 Pg.371) has commented on the chain of narrators. (2) Tabraani. (3)Abu Ya'la. Haythaml (Vol.1 Pg.161) has commented on the cham of narrators. (4) Tabraani in his Kabeer. Haythami (Vol.1 Pg. 159) has commented on the chain of narrators

260 Istighfaar to your discussions."



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Statements of Hadhrat Abu Sa'eed ~ ~ Hadhrat W , Ali !&3&j', Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood ?&%b&j and Hadhrat Abdullaak-binAbbaas ~ E C w 3 Concerning Rehearsing what was Learnt
Hadhrat Abu Nadhra says that when they once requested Hadhrat Abu Sa'eed to j write down Ahadeeth for them, he said, "I shall never write it Khudri ~ , W for you and never make it like the Qur'aan. You should learn the Ahadeeth from % % (by memory and not in writing)." us a s we had learnt from Rasulullaah @ Hadhrat Abu Sa'eed Khudri also used to say, "Rehearse the Ahadeeth ak&st yourselves because this reinforces the memory." (2) Another narration quotes Hadhrat Abu Sa'eed Khudri as saying, "Rehearse the Ahadeeth amongst yourselves because this rejuvenates the memory." (3) Hadhrat Ali 4 ? B ! Z W $said, "Rehearse the Ahadeeth amongst yourselves bekause if you d o n o t d o this, you will forget them." (4) Another narration states that S & ! G j also added, "Keep visiting each other." (5) Hadhrat Ali W Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood WW$ said, "Rehearse the Ahadeeth amongst yourselves because this keeps it alive." ( 6 ) Another narration quotes Hadhrat 3 ! H k G as saying, "Rehearsing (Deeni knowledge and the Abdullaah bin Mas'ood % Ahadeeth) reaps the reward of (Nafl) salaah." (7) Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas ?B!3W said, "I prefer rehearsing the knowledge of Deen for a part of the night to engaging in 1baadah throughout the night."(8)

Hadhrat Umar $&@&!i asks Hadhrat Ali !&Eb@j Three Question and is Overjoyed with the Replies
Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar WW narrates that Hadhrat Umar ~ , - once addressed Hadhrat Ali saying, "0Abul Hasan! There were times when you were present with Rasulullaah k?@$ when we were not and there were times when we were present with Rasulullaah @&% when you were not. 1 have three questions to pose to you. Do you know anything about them?" "What are they?" % % ? $ j asked. Hadhrat Umar said, "(Is it possible that) A man Hadhrat Ali % likes another when he has seen no good in him or dislikes a man when he has replied, seen no bad in him?" "That is certainly possible," Hadhrat Ali "Rasulullaah @@ once said, 'All souls had Been gathered together in metaphysical realm where they met and associated. Those that got to know each
(I) Tabraani in his Kabee1;-qorting from reliable sources a s confirmed by Haythami (Vo1.l Pg.161). (2) Tabraani in his Awsat, reporting from reliable sources a s confirmed by Haythami (Vol.1 Pg.161). (3) Haakim (Vol.l Pg.94) and Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vol. l Pg. I l l ) . (4) Haakim (Vol. l Pg.95). (5)Ibn Abi Shaybah, a s quoted by Ibn Abdul his Jaami (Vol.1 Pg. 101). (6) Haakim (Vol. l Pg.95). (7) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Isti'aab (Vol.1 Pg.22). (8)Ibn Abdul Birr in his Isti'aab (Vol.1 Pg.24).

26 1 other there, bond in this world and those who were detached there remain detached here."' said, "That was one question (to which we have a reply)," Hadhrat Umar "(the second question is that) when speaking about something, a man sometimes responded by saying, remembers and sometimes forgets." Hadhrat Ali "Rasululla?k, said, 'Every heart has clouds passing over it just as clouds pass across the moon. While the moon is shining, a cloud passes across it, causing the light to vanish, but it again shines through once the cloud has passed. Similarly, when a man is busy speaking, one of the clouds passes across (his heart), causing him to forget. Then when it passes by, he is once again able to remember." "That was two questions," Hadhrat Umar 4 ? B W & 4 j said, "Now what about a man W Z W j who sees dreams, some of which are true and others false." Hadhrat Ali 4 said, "I have a reply for that as well. I heard Rasulullaah @%% say, Whenever any male or female falls into a deep sleep, their soul rises up to the Arsh (Allaah's throne). Those that awaken after reaching the Arsh have true dreams and those that awaken before reaching the Arsh have false dreams." Hadhrat Umar % remarked, "These were three answers that I had been in search of. I thank Allaah that I have found them before my death." ('I


*@C@!k5 (Vol-3)

Hadhrat Umar % G 5 Questions Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas % @ & j ' about the Differences Amongst the Ummah
Hadhrat lbraaheem Taymi narrates that Hadhrat Umar was alone one day when he started thinking to himself. He then sent for Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas and asked him, "How will this Ummah have differences between is one and their Qibla is one?" "0 them when their Book is one, their Nabi @% Ameerul Mu'mineen!" Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas said, "When the Qur'aan was revealed to us, we recited it knowing exactly for what reason every verse was revealed. However, after us there shall come many nations who will recite the Qur'aan without knowing why the various verses were revealed. Every nation will therefore have its own opinion about every verse. When this happens, they will naturally have differences between them a n d w h e n differences crop up, they will start to fight each other." (In his grief over this) rebuked Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas , 4 who then Hadhrat Umar left. Hadhrat Umar W3@%however realised the truth of what Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas ?%SW said and again called for him. When Hadhrat Abdullaah bin arrived, Hadhrat Umar %$%% said to him, "Do repeat what you Abbaas %WBZ have said." (2)

(1) Tabraani in his Awsat. Haythami (Vol.1 Pg.162) has commented on the chain of narrators. (2) Sa'eed bin Mansoor, Bayhaqi and Khateeb, as quoted in Kanzul Ummaal(Vol.l Pg.228).



'@,gbm (Vol-3)

Hadhrat Umar !&Cwj Questions the Sahabah @,GW about a Particular verse and is Impressed by the Reply that Hadhrat Abdullaah gave bin Abbaas Sgf&&j
Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas WGw narrates, "Hadhrat Umar 9,EWonce said,
'I recited a verse last night that kept me awake. (The verse is):

Would any of you like to own a garden (an orchard) containing all types of fruit for himself, with palm trees, vines and rivers flowing beneath? (Later, however) He then suffers old age while he (still) has weak &oung) children (who cannot assist him) and a severe wind carrying fire strikes (his orchard), burning it down (leaving him in desperate want when he most needs wealth to care for his children). In this manner does Allaah make His Aayaat clear for you s o that yvu may ponder. {Surah Baqarah, verse 266) 'What does it refer to?' Hadhrat Umar %lGWj wanted to know. When some people responded by saying, 'Allaah knows best', Hadhrat Umar S G W j said, 'I know well that Allaah knows best, but I have asked because if any of you know anything about it or have heard anything about it, he should inform me about what he has heard.' Everyone was silent. Hadhrat Umar S G w then noticed me whispering something and said, 'Dear son of my brother! Say your piece and do not undermine yourself.' 'It is actions that are being referred to,' I said. 'What. makes you say that actions are being referred to?' I said, 'It was something that came to my heart which I stated.' Hadhrat Umar %lGm then left me and started explaining it himself. He said, 'You are right, dear son of my brother. It is actions that are being referred to. A man is most in need of his orchard when he is old and when he has many dependents. He is also most in need of his actions on the Day of Qiyaamah. You are definitely right, dear son of my brother."'(')

Hadhrat Umar ~ , G w jQuestions Hadhrat G i ! & 3about Some Difficulty Abdullaah bin Abbaas S he was Experiencing with Surah Nasr
Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas 8 , G W j says, "Because Hadhrat Umar %Gm used to allow me in with the veterans of Badr, Hadhrat Abdur Rahmaan bin Auf %G@j objected saying, 'Why do you allow this youngster in with us when we have children his age?' Hadhrat Umar %lGw replied, 'He is of a calibre that you will
( I ) Abd bin Humayd and Ibn Mundhir, a s quoted in Kanzul Ummaal (Vol.1 Pg.234) reporting from reliable sources a s confirmed by Haakim (Vo1.3 Pg.542)

263 soon come to know.' Hadhrat Umar 3G&lLil therefore summoned them one day and called for me as well. I believe that he called them that day only to show me off to them. He said, 'What comments d o you have about the (following) words of Allaah:
c 5 b 9 , ,*, c / W I 4 , + ~ 1 l ~ I ' ~ & /> j j


i 4 5 G b 3 j (Val-3)


(0 Rasuiullaah @ Q & When Allaah's help (to the Musims) and victory come and you see people entering the Deen of Allaah in droves then glorify the praises of your Rabb (in gratitude for this great favour) and seek forgiveness from Him. Without doubt, He is the Greatest Acceptor of repentance. {Surah Nasr) Some said, "Allaah is commanding us to praise him and seek His forgiveness when His help arrives and when he grants us victory.' Others conceded that they were unable to comment and others remained silent. Hadhrat Umar %Gwj then said to me, '0 son of Abbaas! Do you share that view?' When I declared that I did not, h e asked, 'Then what have you to say?' I replied, 'The Surah speaks of the demise of Rasulullaah @@ that Allaah is informing him about. Allaah is saying to Rasulullaah @@: 'When Allaah's help and victory, namely the Conquest of Makkah, come and you see people (entering the Deen of Allaah in droves), then this is a n indication that your demise is imminent. At this stage, you should glorify the praises of your Rabb and seek forg~venessfrom Him. Without doubt, He is the Greatest Acceptor of repentance.' Hadhrat Umar ?&.5 iw then remarked, 'That is exactly what 1 understood."'(') Another narration q u o t e s that Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas %GWj said, "Because Hadhrat Umar !&GW used to consult with me together with the senior Sahabah @G@j of Rasulullaah @&, Hadhrat Abdur Rahmaan bin Auf 9 G w objected saying, 'Why d o you consult him with us ..." The rest of the narration is like the one above. (2)

Hadhrat Umar W3%5 and Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas %,Gb&+ Discuss a Verse and an Incident with
Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas %Ewj reports that he once asked Hadhrat Umar
sGk&$>about the verse:

0 you who have Imaan! Do not ask questions concerning those things

that you will dislike when they are made known t o you (because they

are too difficultto carry out). {Surah Maa'idah, verse 101)

(1) Sa'eed bin Mansoor, Ibn Sa'd, Abu Ya'la, lbn Jareer, Ibn Mundhir, Tabraani, Ibn Mtrdway, Abu Nu'aym a n d Bayhaqi both in their Dalaa'il, a s quoted in Kanzul Ummaal (Vol.1 Pg.276). Abu Nu'aym has also reported the narration in his Hilya (Vol.1 Pg.317) (2) Haakim (Vo1.3Pg.539), reporting from reliable sources a s confirmed by Dhahabi.



@g!&!&?? (Vol-3)

Hadhrat Umar W.%I# explained, "When some people from amongst the Muhaajireen had certain doubts about their lineage, they said, 'We wish that Allaah would reveal verses of the Qur'aan concerning our lineage.' It was then that Allaah revealed the verse you have just recited." k W then asked Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas 4 ! & j about Hadhrat Umar W saying, "I know that if that companion of yours Hadhrat Ali bin Abi Taalib assumes the post of Khilaafah, he will be abstinent. However, I fear that he should not be carried away by conceit." "What are you saying, 0 Ameerul exclaimed, "You are well Mu'mineen?" Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas -4 aware of (the virtues of) our companion. By Allaah! He has never changed or spoiled (after t h e demise of Rasulullaah @&) and h a s never offended Hadhrat Umar Rasulullaah 8@% as long as he stayed with Rasulullaah S!3W asked, "And what about Abu Jahal's daughter that he wanted to marry was still his wife (did this not upset Rasulullaah while Faatima !ii@WW Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas ! & I @ % replied by arguing, "Concerning the decisive error Hadhrat Aadam made, Allaah says:



(0G I ij 3; -qbh~d.aJ,d) ...but he forga"jChd We did not find him to be determined (to disobey


Our command). (Surah TaaHaa, verse 115) Similarly, our companion was not determined to offend Rasulullaah The idea was merely a thought that no person is capable of driving out of the mind. In addition to this, people with a deep understanding and profound knowledge of Allaah's Deen are also prone to err sometimes. However, they retract and repent as soon as they are alerted." Hadhrat Umar W W 5 then said, "A person will be sorely mistaken if he thinks that he will ever be able to dive and reach the depths (of knowledge and wisdom) with people like you." ('1


Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar !fEWjAsks Hadhrat Aa'isha About a Hadith that Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah ~ , Reported W about Attending Funerals
Hadhrat Sa'd bin Abi Waqqaas SB$&M reports that he was once sitting with Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar !&W#iS when Hadhrat Khabbaab came there saying, "0Abdullaah. bin Umar & W ! & ! Have you heard what Abu Hurayrah is saying? He claims t o have heard Rasulullaah 8@% say, 'When a person accompanies a funeral bier from the house, performs the Janaazah salaah and then follows it until it has been buried, he will receive the reward of two Qiraats, each Qiraat being equal to Mount Uhud in magnitude. As for the person who returns after performing the Janaazah salaah, he shall have a reward equal in magnitude to Mount Uhud'." Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar $WWsent Hadhrat Khabbaab to Hadhrat Aa'isha
(1) Zubayr bin

Bakkaar in his Muwaffaqiyaat, as quoted in Muntakhab Kanzul Ummaal(Vol5 Pg.229).

265 with instructions to verify the words of Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah m j and to then report what she said back to him. In the meantime, Hadhrat B 3 Wtook a handful of pebbles from the ground and kept Abdullaah bin Umar ? turning them over in his hand until Hadhrat Khabbaab returned. When Hadhrat Aa'isha confirmed what Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah SDWj said, Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar ! & G @ 2 j threw the pebbles down saying, "We have lost a great number of Qiraats." ( I ) Another narration adds that Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah 9 G W j said, "We (the poor men of Suffa) had neither plantations nor trade in the marketplaces to distract us fr~m being All I did was to seek a word from Rasulullaah - with Rasulullaah &@ to teach me or a morsel to feed me (I therefore heard a lot that others did not hear)." To this, Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar 9 S W j remarked, "0 Abu ! You stayed more with Rasulullaah than we did and Hurayrah therefore know more Ahadeeth than us." (2)


@%&& (Vol-3)


The Statement of Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas % & & j Concerning how Few Questions the Sahabah @@&% Posed to Rasulullaah @@
Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas 4 W W . j said, "I have never seen people better than the Sahabah P 2 j of Rasulullaah @%. Until he passed away, they did not ask him more than thirteen questions, all of which appear in the Qur'aan (Some of these are): They (the Sahabah ) ask you (0 Rasulullaah &%%) about the sacred months", They ask you about wine and gambling", "They ask you about orphans", 'They ask you about menstruation", "They ask you about the spoils of war", "They ask you about what they should spend". The SahabahS L S -ii questioned Rasulullaah only about matters that were of benefit to them." Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas 4 ? 2 istated further, "The first beings to perform Tawaaf of the Kabah were the angels. Between the Hajar (Aswad) and the Rukn Yamaani are the graves of several Arnbiyaa. When any of these Ambiyaa was harassed by his people, he left them to worship Allaah here until he passed away." (3)

The Women of the Ansaar ask Rasulullaah Qgestions about Deen and Hadhrat Ummu Sulaym @ G w asks about Wet Dreams
Hadhrat Aa'isha G & W 6 said, "The women of the Ansaar were the best of women. Modesty did not prevent them from asking questions about Deen and attaining a deep understanding of Deen." (4) Hadhrat Ummu Sulaym W3Wj narrates that she was sitting next to Rasulullaah
(1) Muslim, as quoted in Targheeb wat Tarheeb (Vo1.5 Pg.302).

(2) Haakim 0101.3 Pg.510). Ibn Sa'd (Vo1.4 Pg.332) has reported a similar narration. (3) Tabraani Haythami (Vol.1 Pg. 158) has commented on the chain of narrators. Bazzaar has reported a similar narration, as quoted in Al Itqaan. (4) ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vol.1 Pg.88).

THE LlVES OF THE S A H A B A H @gh@j' (Vol-3) 266 m ' s wife Hadhrat Ummu Salamah @G&%j when she asked, "0 Rasulullaah Should a woman have a bath if she dreams that her husband is having intercourse with her?" "Shame on you, 0 Ummu Sulaym!" Hadhrat Ummu Salamah BBWj cried out, 'You have disgraced all women in front of Rasulullaah @&!I'Hadhrat Ummu Sulaym ~G@@.j responded by saying, "Allaah does not shy away from the truth and rather than remaining in darkness about the matters we find difficulty with, we must ask Rasulullaah Rasulullaah 6 % replied to the question by saying, "Bless you, 0 Ummu Sulaym! The woman should take a bath if she finds any semen." "0 Rasulullaah @&!" Hadhrat Ummu Salamah @Gw exclaimed, "Do women also have semen?" "Then how else do her children resemble her?" Rasulullaah @& asked, "Women are but offshoots of men." ('1



The Consequences of Asking too many Questions and Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood ~ , W % ' S Condemnation of the Same
Hadhrat Sa'd ?91Gw, "People used to question each other about certain matters % $ mentioned and would then question Rasulullaah &$% so that Rasulullaah @ much about it that although it had been Halaal, it would eventually be declared Haraam." (2) Hadhrat Jaabir BGw says, "The verses of Li'aan were revealed only because of the many questions that were asked." (3) When people were posing too many questions to Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood ?91Gw, he said to Hadhrat Haarith bin Qais, "0 Haar bin Qais! What do you think they ask so many questions for?" Hadhrat Haarith replied, "They want to know the answers only to forget them afterwards (they have no intention of putting their knowledge into practice)." To this, Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood WZWj remarked, "I swear by the Being besides Whom there is none worthy of worship that You are right!" (4)

The Sahabah i@3Pw Condemn Asking about Things that have not Occurred
Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar 9WW once said, "0 people! Never ask about things that have not happened because Hadhrat Umar %WWjuse to curse people who asked about things that have not happened." (5) Hadhrat Umar BN% said, "It is not permissible to ask about things that have not happened because Allaah has already decreed everything that is still to happen." Hadhrat Khaarijah bin Zaid bin Thaabit narrates that his father (Hadhrat Zaid bin
( I ) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vol.1 Pg.88). (2) Bazzaar. Haythami (Vol.1 Pg. 158) has commented o n the chain of narrators. (3) Bazzaar, reporting from reliable sources a s confirmed by Haythami (Vol.1 Pg.158). (4) Tabraani in his Kabeec reporting from reliable sources as confirmed by Haythami (Vol. 1 Pg. 158). (5) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vo1.2 Pg. 143). ( 6 ) Ibn Abdul Birr in hisJaami (Vo1.2 Pg. 142).

267 S,~*J) would never voice his opinion concerning anything h e w a s asked a b o u t until h e ascertained whether the matter problem had already occurred. If it did n o t yet occur h e would not say anything a n d h e would comment only if it had occurred. Therefore, whenever h e w a s o n c e asked Abu Sa'eed," t h e reply something, h e queried, "Has it already happened?" "0 would come, "it has not yet happened, but we are preparing for it." "Then leave it," he would reply. It was then only when the incident actually occurred that he would duly inform the people (about what to do). Hadhrat Masrooq relates, "When I o n c e questioned Hadhrat Ubay bin Ka'b 3Ge about something, he asked, 'Has this actually occurred?' When I informed him that it did not, h e remarked, 'Then let u s rest until it does."' Another narration(2) adds that he said, "Then let us rest until it does happen. Then when it does happen, we shall be able to apply ourselves a n d to get a solution for you." ( 3 ) Hadhrat Aamir narrates that when Hadhrat Ammaar 9,Gwj was once questioned about something, he asked, "Has this actually occurred?" When informed that it did not, he remarked, "Then leave us until it does. Then when it happens, we shall be able to apply ourselves and to get a solution for you." (4)


' -8




Learning and Teaching the Qur'aan and Reciting it to People Rasulullaah k$& Encourages a Person who Earned
4' )I'

a Profit to Learn the Qur'aan

Hadhrat Abu Umaamah 3 G W j narrates that a man once came to Rasulullaah @@ and explained how much profit he had earned by buying (and selling) the shares of a particular tribe. "Should J not inform you about something even more % asked. "Can there be anything more profitable?" the profitable?" Rasulullaah @ man asked. Rasulullaah 6?@ replied, "For a m a n t o learn ten verses of the Qur'aan." The m a n t h e n went t o learn ten verses, which h e r e p o r t e d t o Rasulullaah @%%.(5)

Rasulullaah @@ Teaches Hadhrat Ubay bin Ka'b B,Gwj the Virtue of Surah Faatiha
Hadhrat Ubay bin Ka'b %GWj narrates, "Rasulullaah @& o n c e said t o me, 'Should I not inform you of a Surah, the like of which has not been revealed in the Torah, the Zaboor, the Injeel or the Qur'aan?' 'Certainly,' I replied. Rasulullaah @& said, 'I expect that you will know it before you leave through that door.' k $ then stood u p a n d I stood u p with him, a s h e continued Rasulullaah &
(1) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vo1.2Pg.142). (2) Ibn Sa'd (Vo1.3Pg.500). (3) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vol.2 Pg.142). (4) Ibn Sa'd (Vo1.3Pg.256) (5)Tabraani, reporting from reliable sources as confirmed by Haythami


THE LIVES OF THE SAHABAH @,&&&& (Vol-3) 268 speaking to me with my hand in his. I then started to slow down fearing that Rasulullaah @?% would leave before informing me about the Surah. As we drew The Surah that you promised me?' close to the door, 1 said, '0 Rasulullaah Rasulullaah @%$ asked, 'What do you recite when you stand up in salaah?' I then recited Surah Faatiha. Thereafter, Rasulullaah @& said, 'That's it! That's it! Those are the seven often repeated verses that I have been granted and about which Allaah speaks when He says:


(*ywi':F iJP)


~ q &

>G\ 2


Verily We have granted you (0 Muhammad @@) seven verses that are often repeated (especially in salaah), and the Glorious Qur'aan. {Surah
Hijr, verse 87)(')


Hadhrat Anas says, "Abu Talha !&WMonce arrived (at the Masjid) to find Rasulullaah @$% teaching the men of Suffa with a portion of a rock tied to his belly in order to keep his back straight because of extreme hunger."

Teaches the Men of Suffa

Rasulullaah k $@ Overhears Haahrat Abu Moosa Reciting the a r ' a a n to some People Ash'ari ~~w
Hadhrat Anas & ! S w narrates that Hadhrat Abu Moosa Ash'ari 3,Wj was once sitting at home and when some people gathered there, he started reciting the Qur'aan to them. A man then went to Rasulullaah k%# saying, "0 Rasulullaah @&! Should I not tell something remarkable of Abu M o o s a , ~ ? He was sitting at home when some people gathered there aqd he started reciting the Qur'aan to them." "Can you find me a place to sit from where none of them will be able t o s e e me?" Rasulullaah @%% asked. "Certainly," the man said. Rasulullaah @ % ! then went with the man, who seated him in a place from where none of the people could see him. After listening to Hadhrat Abu Moosa Ash'ari ?%,WB& reciting the Qur'aan, Rasulullaah @ % remarked, "He recites in one of the tunes of the family of Dawood &34&."(3)

Hadhrat Abu Moosa Ash'ari %2Z$W Teaches the mr'aan in the Jaami Masjid of Basrah
Hadhrat Anas relates, "Hadhrat (Abu Moosa) Ash'ari S S 3 W once sent me to Hadhrat Umar 3&W?&j. Hadhrat Umar ?3@W asked, 'How was Ash'ari when you left?' I replied, 'He was busy teaching Qur'aan to the people when I left.' Hadhrat Umar ?&WW remarked, 'Take note that he is an extremely intelligent man. You should however never let this reach his ears. How were the Bedouins when you left?' 'The Ash'ari people?' I asked. 'No, the people of Basrah,' he replied. 'They will be extremely offended to hear that (you are referring to them
(1) Bayhaqi, a s quoted in Kanzul Ummaal(Vol.1 Pg.220). (2) Abu Nu'aym in his Hilya (Vol.1 Pg.342). (3) Abu Ya'la, reporting from reliable sources as confirmed by Haythami (Vo1.9 Pg.360). Ibn Asaakir has reported a similar narration, as quoted in Kanzul Ummaal(Vo1.7 Pg.94).

269 as Bedouins),' I remarked. Hadhrat Umar 3,Gw said, 'Then you need not inform them. They will all remain Bedouins except for the man amongst them whom Allaah blesses with the inspiration to wage Jihaad in the path of Allaah." ( ' ) Hadhrat Abu Rajaa Utaaridi says, "Hadhrat Abu Moosa Ash'ari W%!.G used to come around to us in this Masjid of Basrah and sit in each gathering. I can still picture him wearing two white sheets as he taught the Qur'aan. It was from him that I learnt the Surah $ j $ & i , A ~ b ! ( ~ u r a h Alaq). It was the first Surah revealed to Allaah's Rasool ~ u h a m k a d ' @ @ . " ( ~ )


~,@&2> (VOW

Hadhrat Ali %WWj Memorises the Qur'aan after the Demise of Rasulullaah @@
Hadhrat Ali %Gw says, "When Rasulullaah @@ left this world, I vowed never to remove my shawl from my back (would not rest) until I had memorised what was contained between the two covers (of the Qur'aan). I therefore did not remove the shawl until I had memorised the entire Qur'aan." (3)

Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar B , G $ % j Learns Surah Baqarah in Four Years

Hadhrat Maymoon % # % % . j reports that Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar S G W j learnt Surah Baqara in four years. (4)--

Hadhrat Salmaan @Gw Recites Surah Yusuf to the People in the Masjid of Madaa'in
A man from the Ashja tribe narrates that when the people of Madaa'in heard that

Hadhrat Salmaan was in the Masjid, they continued arriving there until almost a thousand people had gathered. Hadhrat Salmaan BGw stood up and bade the people to sit down. When they were all seated, he started reciting Surah Yusuf. The people then started dispersing and leaving until there were only about a hundred people left. Hadhrat Salmaan %Gw became very angry and said, 'You want an enchanting lecture, but when I recite the Book of Allaah to you, you start to leave!?" (5)

Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood @W%j Teaches Qur'aan to the People and Encourages them to Learn
Whenever Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood 3,G& taught a verse of the Qur'aan to someone, he would say, "This (verse) is better than everything upon which the sun rises and everything upon the surface of the earth. He would then say this for
( I ) Ibn Sa'd (Vo1.4 Pg.162). (2)Abu Nu'aym in his Hilya (Vol. l Pg.256). (3) Abu Nu'aym in his HiIya (Vol. 1 Pg.67). (4) Ibn Sa'd (Vo1.4 Pg.121). (5) Abu Nu'aym in his HiIya (Vol. 1 Pg.203).





every verse of the Qur'aan. Another narration states that when people arrived at his house every morning, Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood S,U@ would bade them t o sit down and then passing by each person learning t h e Qur'aan, h e would ask them which verse they had reached. When they informed him, h e would then teach them the next verse and say, "Learn it because it is better for you than everything between the heavens and the earth. In fact, for a person to even look at a verse of the Qur'aan written somewhere outside the Qur'aan is better than everything between the heavens and the earth." He would then proceed to the next person and tell him the same thing, until he had said it to each one of them. ('1 Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood &gWj used to say to the people, "Ensure that you stick t o this Qur'aan because it is Allaah's tablecloth (laden with food). Whoever is capable of taking anything from Allaah's tablecloth should d o s o . Knowledge is acquired only through studies." (2) Another narration states that Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood %lGw said, "Verily this Qur'aan is Allaah's tablecloth (laden with food). Whoever is capable of learning anything from it should do s o because the house most deprived of any good is the one that has nothing of the Allaah's Book within it. Indeed, the house with nothing of Allaah's Book in it is like a deserted house with none to occupy it and Shaytaan leaves the house in which he hears Surah Baqarah." (3)

Hadhrat Umar $2.1Gwj Instructs a Man to Leave his Door to Study the Qur'aan
Hadhrat Hasan narrates that Hadhrat Umar once said to a man who very often came t o his door, "Go and study the Book of Allaah." The man left and Hadhrat Umar 3 , G W j actually started to miss him. When Hadhrat Umar 9 G w j met him again, Hadhrat Umar 3 G W j almost rebuked him. the man said, "I have found in the Book of Allaah such things that have made me independent of being at Umar SE@&j's door." (4)

What Amount of the Qur'aan Should every Muslim Learn

Hadhrat Umar ~ , G @ said, "It is necessary for every Muslim man to learn six Surahs, two Surahs for the Fajr salaah, two Surahs for the Maghrib salaah and two Surahs for the Isha salaah." (5) Hadhrat Miswar bin Makhrama 9,CtW says that he heard Hadhrat Umar ! % @ ! G say, "Learn Surah Baqarah, Surah Nisaa, Surah Maa'idah, Surah Hajj and Surah Noor because they contain the Faraa'idh." ( 6 )
( 1 ) Tabraani, reporting from reliable sources a s confirmed by Haythami (Vo1.7 Pg.167) (2) Bazzaar, reporting from reliable sources a s confirmed by Haythami (Vol.1 Pg.129). (3)Abu Nu'aym in his Hilya (Vol. l Pg. 130). (4) Ibn Abi Shaybah, a s quoted in Kanzul Ummaal (Vol.1 Pg.217). (5)Abdur Razzaaq, a s quoted in Kanzul Unimaal (Vol.1 4 . 2 17). (6) Haakim and Bayhaqi.

@,@@&$ (Vol-3) 271 Hadhrat Haaritha bin Mudarrib narrates that Hadhrat Umar ?3Ghi4 wrote t o them with instructions to learn Surah Nisaa, Surah Ahzaab and Surah Noor. ('1 Another narration states that Hadhrat Umar ~ G . said, W "Learn Surah Baraa'ah, teach Surah Noor to your women and give them silver jewellery t o wear." ( 2 )

What a Person Ought to do when it is Difficult for him to Learn the Qur'aan
Hadhrat Abu Rayhaana 3kW reports that he once complained to Rasulullaah @&% that it was difficult for him to learn the Qur'aan and that what he learnt escaped his memory. Rasulullaah @& advised him saying, "Do not take on more than you can manage and perform Sajdah (Nafl salaah) in abundance." Hadhrat Umayrah reports, "Hadhrat Abu Rayhaana came to Asqalaan where h e used to perform Sajdah in abundance." ( 3 )

Specialising in the Qur'aan

Hadhrat Qaradha bin Ka'b $%3iGjreports that when they were leaving for Iraq, Hadhrat Umar ?3Gwj accompanied them to a place called Siraar. There Hadhrat Umar 3 , G N performed wudhu and said, "Do you know why I have walked with you?" "Yes," they replied, ''you have walked with u s because we are the Sahabah @Gh$j of Rasulullaah @%." Hadhrat Umar 3Dh$j said, "(1 have come t o tell you that) You are headed for a region where the people are humming with the recitation of the Qur'aan just as bees are constantly humming. Do not preoccupy them by narrating Ahadeeth before them. They should occupy themselves with the Qur'aan alone and narrate few Ahadeeth of Rasulullaah %8$. Proceed and I shall be with you." When Hadhrat Qaradha 3 G W arrived at there (in Iraq) and the people asked him to narrate Ahadeeth to them, he said, "Hadhrat Umar bin Khattaab 3 G w j has prohibited us." (4) Another narration states that Hadhrat Umar 3,G&j said, "Do not preoccupy them with Ahadeeth for it will prevent them from mastering the Qur'aan." Yet another narration states that Hadhrat Umar 3 . G W j asked the Sahabah @G&, "Do you know why I have walked with you?" They replied, "You have walked with u s because you wish to see us off and to honour us." Hadhrat Umar ! 3 G W said, "In addition to that, I have come for another purpose as well. (I have come to tell you that) You are headed for a region where ..." The rest of the narration is like the one above. (5)
( I ) Abu Ubayd. (2) Sa'eed bin Mansoor, Abu S h a ~ k h and Bayhaqi, a s quoted in Kallzul Ummaal(Vol. l Pg.224). ( 3 )Abdul Ghaafir bin Salaamah Himsi in his Taareekh, a s quoted in lsaabah (Vo1.2Pg. 156).

(4) Haakim (Vol.1 Pg.102). reporting from reliable sources a s confirmed by Dhahabi. l in his Jaami (Vo1.2 Pg.120). Ibn Sa'd (Vo1.6 Pg.7) has reported a similar narration (5) Ibn ~ b d u Birr with the words "it will prevent them from specialising in the Qur'aan" in place of the words "it will prevent them from mastering the Qur'aan".

2 72




Reproaching Those who Question the Mutashaabih") Verses of the Qur'aan

Hadhrat Umar %U@!2j Reproaches Sabeegh for Questioning the Mutashaabih Verses of the Qur'aan
A freed slave of Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar %%&% narrates that an Iraqi called

Sabeegh in the Muslim army was questioning certain (Mutashaabih) verses of the Qur'aan and continued doing s o until he reached Egypt. From there, Hadhrat Arnr bin Al Aas ?3iw sent him to Hadhrat Umar bin Khattaab b ? & ! Z W A .messenger brought the letter to Hadhrat Umar HS&G and after he had read it, he asked, "Where is the man?" "He is still on the carriage," replied the messenger. Hadhrat Umar ?&WW instruc'ted, "Go see if he is still there because I will punish you very severely if he has escaped." When Sabeegh came, Hadhrat Umar %W&i2j said t o him, "What a r e your questions?" When he stated his case, Hadhrat Umar ?B@Wj asked Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar w @ G ! for a branch of a date palm. He then beat the man then , left ~ him until j his wounds until his back was scarred. Hadhrat Umar ~ healed. Thereafter, he repeated the treatment and again left him to recover. When Hadhrat Umar BSw called him back for more of the same, Sabeegh pleaded with him saying, "0 Ameerul Mu'mineen! If you wish to kill me, d o so in a nice manner and if you intend to cure me, then I swear by Allaah that 1 have already been cured." Hadhrat Umar 9,Gw then permitted him to return to his land but sent a letter % & j stating t h a t n o n e of t h e with him t o Hadhrat Abu Moosa Ash'ari % Muslims should associate with him. When this became unbearable for him, stating Hadhrat Abu Moosa Ash'ari wrote back to Hadhrat Umar %WW W 5 , & 6 that Sabeegh had truly reformed. It was only then that Hadhrat Umar 4 permitted the people to associate with him. (2) Another narration from Hadhrat Sulaymaan bin Yasaar states that a man from the Banu Tameem called Sabeegh bin Is1 once arrived in Madinah. He had many books and always questioned the Mutashaabih verses of the Qur'aan. When Hadhrat Umar ? % S W heard about 'this, he sent for Sabeegh while keeping some branches of the date palm ready for him. When he arrived, Hadhrat Umar ?3W% asked him who he was. "I am the servant of Allaah, Sabeegh," came the reply. B L W G retorted. Hadhrat "And I am the servant of Allaah, Umar!" Hadhrat Umar ? 3 J E w then motioned him (to come forward) and started beating him with Umar !
(1) Mutashaabih

(plural - Mutashaabihaat): These are those verses of the Qur'aan that are not as clear as the "Muhkamaat" in their interpretation. Their meanings are best known to Allaah. Allaah says about these verses, "None knows their interpretation except Allaah" [Surah 3, verse 71. It is necessary to interpret these yerses only in a manner that does not contradict what the Muhkam verses mention. When a suitable interpretation cannot be found, one should not delve too deeply into their meanings because the injunctions of lslaam are clearly mentioned in the Muhkamaat verses and failure to perfectly interpret the Mutashaabih verses will not affect a person's life. (2) Daarmi, Ibn Abdil Hakam and Ibn Asaakir.

2 73 the branches until his head was injured and blood started to drip down his face. Sabeegh then cried out, "Enough, 0 Ameerul Mu'mineen! By Allaah! That which was in my head has now disappeared." (') Another narration adds that Hadhrat Abu Uthmaan said, " ~ a d h r a Umar t ~,W&j then wrote to instruct us not to associate with Sabeegh. Therefore, if he ever arrived, we would all disperse, even if we were a hundred people." (2) Yet another narration states that whereas Sabeegh was then despised amongst his people after he had once been their leader. (3)

THE LIVES OF T H E ' S A ~ B A H W G ,c U % I > (~01-3)

The Incident Between Hadhrat Umar $BECu,@j and Some People who Arrived from Egypt
Hadhrat Hasan narrates that when some people met Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar
9Ch32 in Egypt, they said, "We have come across some matters in the Qur'aan

that we have been instructed to carry out when they cannot be carried out. We wish to meet the Ameerul Mu'mineen to ask him about this." Therefore, when Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar B,w arrived in Madinah, these people arrived with him. Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar SG&j then went t o Hadhrat Umar saying, "0 Ameerul Mu'mineen! Some people met me in Egypt and said, 'We have come across some matters in the Qur'aan that we have been instructed to carry out when they cannot be carried out.' They therefore wished to meet you in this regard." Hadhrat Umar 3G@% asked for them to be brought before him and when they were, he called the one closest to him. Hadhrat Umar ~ , G m asked him, "1 ask you to tell me in the name of Allaah and by the right lslaam has upon y o u whether you have read the entire Qur'aan." When the man replied that he did, Hadhrat Umar W,CG further asked, "Have you then gathered it all in your heart?" When he replied in the negative, Hadhrat Umar W.GGj continued, "Have you then gathered it all in your sight?" When he again admitted that he did not, Hadhrat Umar 5 % . 5 w asked, j "Have you then memorised it all? Have you put it all into practice?" Hadhrat Umar S,G!&2 then questioned each one of them in a like manner and after he had finished with the last of them, he said, "Umar's mother should have rather lost him! Do you expect me to make every person steadfast on the Book of Allaah?! Your Rabb knows well that we slip up." He then recited the verse:


If you avoid the major sins you are forbidden from, We shall wipe out your evil actions (minor sins) and enter you into a place of honour

Uannah).{Surah Nisaa, verse 3 1 }

Hadhrat Umar 9 , G w then asked them, "Do the people of Madinah know why
(1) Daarmi, as quoted in Karlzul U~n~naal(Vol.l Pg.228). (2) Khateeb and Ibn Asaakir. Daar Qutni has reported a similar narration. ( 3 ) Ibn Ambaari. Ismaa'eeli has reported a similar narration. The narrations above have been quoted

in Jsaabah (Vo1.2 Pg.198).

THE LIVES OF THE SAHABAH ~,@%&2 (Vol-3) 2 74 you have come." "No," they replied. Hadhrat Umar %M then said, "Had they known, I would have taught them a lesson with you." (')

Dislike for Accepting Remuneration for Teaching the Qur'aan

Rasulullaah m ' s Advice to Hadhrat Ubaadah s , g ~ and j Ha&rat Ubay "J,""eS '.' in this Regard
Hadhrat Ubaadah bin Saamit $ & % & j says, "Because Rasulullaah '&% was very occupied, he would hand over to one of us any person who migrated s o that we may teach him the Qur'aan. Rasulullaah @?%once placed in my care a person who stayed in my house, ate meals with me and whom I taught the Qur'aan. When he returned home, he felt that he owed me something and therefore gave me a bow a s a gift, I had never seen a bow made of better wood nor more and asked him his opinion. flexible. 1 however went t o Rasulullaah Rasulullaah @%$ said, "It is a burning ember that you are hanging between your shoulders." (2) Hadhrat Ubay bin Ka'b W W 4 4 once taught a Surah to a man who gave him a garment or a shawl a s , a gift. When he informed Rasulullaah @ & about this, % ! i remarked, "If you wear it, you will be wearing a garment of Rasulullaah $ fire." (3) Another narration states that when Hadhrat Ubay W%%j taught the Qur'aan to a man, he gave him a bow as a gift. (4) Hadhrat Tufayl bin Amr 3,msays, "When Hadhrat Ubay S G W taught me the Qur'aan, I gave him a bow a s a gift. When he went to Rasulullaah the next morning with the bow hanging around his neck, Rasulullaah %%% asked, "Who gave you this bow, 0 Ubay?" Hadhrat Ubay 3,w replied, "It was Tufayl bin Amr Dowsi to whom I had taught the Qur'aan." Rasulullaah @ % ! remarked, 'You are hanging it around your neck when it is a spark from Jahannam?!" "0 Rasulullaah Hadhrat Ubay said, "But we even eat from their food." Rasulullaah %@ said, "There is no harm in eating the food that was prepared for others and which you ate by being there. However, if the food is prepared specially for you and you eat from it, you will be eating from your share (of the Aakhirah, because of which you will have less there)." (5)


Rasulullaah W ' s Words to Hadhrat Awf bin Maalik ! & i i $ & + and j Another Sahabi SG(&&j in this Regard
Hadhrat Awf bin Maalik 5 E E X i reports that there was a man with him to whom
( I ) Ibn Jareer, a s quoted in Kanzul U/ntnaal(Vol.l Ps.228). (2) Tabraani and Bayhaqi, a s quoted in Kanzul Um~naa/(Vol.lPg.231). Haakim (Vo1.3 Pg.356) has also reported the narration from reliable sources a s confirmed by Dhahabi. ( 3 ) Abd bin Humayd, a s quoted in Kat~zul Umtnaal (Vol.1 Pg.231). Ibn Maajah, Rooyaani and Bayhaqi have reported a similar narration. (4) Sa'eed bin Mansoor, a s quoted in Kanzul Utn~naal(Vol.iPg.230). (5) Baghawi and Ibn Asaakir, as quoted in Kat~i.ulUtnmaal (Vol.1 Pg.231). Tabraan~has reported a similar narration but Haythami (Vo1.4 P9.95) has commented on the chain olnarralors.

2 75 he had hught the Qur'aan. When the man gave him a bow as a gift, he mentioned Rasulullaah @ % ! $ remarked, "0 Awt! Do you want to meet it to Rasulullaah Allaah while carrying an ember of Jahannam on your back?" ( I ) Hadhrat Muthanna bin Waa'il says, "When I went to Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Busr 3 G W j one day, he passed his hand over my head and I held him by the forearm. Just then someone asked him about remuneration for a teacher and he replied, 'A man once came to Rasulullaah @%, carrying a bow over his shoulder. Rasulullaah @& was very impressed by the bow and remarked, 'What a n excellent bow! Did you buy it?' 'No,' the man replied, 'Someone gave it to me a s a &% said, gift because I had taught his child the Qur'aan.' To this, Rasulullaah ' 'Do you want Allaah to hang a bow of fire around your neck?' 'Not at all!' the man $ instructed." I ? % (2) replied. 'Then return it,' Rasulullaah $


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Hadhrat Umar % % 5 W Disapproves j of Accepting Remuneration for Teaching the Qur'aan

Hadhrat Usayr bin Amr narrates that the news once reached Hadhrat Umar bin Khattaab " , ' "'" Sb&+j that Hadhrat Sa'd 3 said, "I shall include those who teach the Qur'aan amongst the people who receive an allowance of two thousand." To this Hadhrat Umar 3 G w remarked, "Oh dear! Oh dear! Are people being paid for (teaching) the Book of Allaah?!" % % ! & j wrote to one Hadhrat Sa'eed bin lbraaheem narrates that Hadhrat Umar ? of his governors saying, "Give people an allowance for teaching the Qur'aan." The governor wrote back saying, 'You have written to say that people should be given an allowance for teaching the Qur'aan, but then such people will start to teach the Qur'aan whose only inclination would be to be enlisted (and thereby receive a state allowance like the soldiers of the national army)." Hadhrat Umar 3 G W j then wrote back saying, "Rather give people an allowance by merit of them being family and companions of Rasulullaah k%?@."(3) Hadhrat Mujaahid narrates that Hadhrat Umar bin Khattaab S W addressed the people saying, "0men of knowledge and men of the Qur'aan! Do not accept remuneration for imparting your knowledge and for teaching the Qur'aan because then even adulterers will beat you to Jannah." (4) (NOTE. Since there are also Ahadeeth permitting the acceptance of remuneration for teaching the Qur'aan, a person may do s o if he has no other option. While it is best not to accept remuneration, i f a person does accept remuneration, he should accept it as remuneration for his time and not for his teaching )

( 1 ) Tabraani in his Kabeer, a s quoted in Kanzul Ummaal (Vol.1 Pg.232). Haythami (Vo1.4 Pg.96) h a s

commented o n the chain of narrators.

(2) Tabraani in his Kabeer. Haythami (Vo1.4 Pg.96) has commented o n the chain of narrators. (3) Abu Ubayd, a s quoted in Kanzul Umtnaal (Vol. 1 Pg.229). (4) Khateeb, a s auoted in Kanzul Umtnaal (Vol. 1 P ~ 2 2 9 ) .

2 76


@,Giw$3 (1'01-3)

Fear of Differences Arising once the Qur'aan Spread amongst Different People
The Fear that Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas ~ ~ had Wabout j this and the Incident with Hadhrat Umar B,G@&j
Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas BG4% narrates, "1 was sitting with Hadhrat Umar 3 & j whenalettercametohim from Kufa, informing him how much bin Khattaab = Qur'aan the people had learnt. 'Allaahu Akbar!' Hadhrat Umar 3 G a exclaimed (out of happiness). May Allaah have mercy on him. 'They will soon start to have differences,' 1 remarked. 'What are you saying!' Hadhrat Umar Swj exclaimed, 'How would you know that?' Because he got s o angry, I left and went home. A while later, he sent for me, but 1 made an excuse. He however sent a message saying that I have no option but to come. When I got there, he said, 'There was something that you had said (What was it?).' 'I seek Allaah's forgiveness,' I said, '1 shall never repeat what 1 said.' It was only when Hadhrat Umar SEW++ forced me to repeat my words that I said, A ' letter came to you stating how much Qur'aan the people had learnt, to which I said that they will soon start to have differences.' 'How did you come to learn this?' he asked. I replied, "I read the verse:


l~.t,i:?jr ilr,


ji,~411 Y

0 4 9

From mankind is he whose speech pleases you in this worldly life and (claiming to be a Muslim) he calls Allaah to be witness over that which is in his heart, yet he is the hardest of opponents (to a N Mus/ims). When he turns away (fiomyou) he exerts himself to cause corruption (trouble and mischied on earth and (among other things) to destroy crops and stock (cattle and other animals). Allaah dislikes corruption.
{Surah Baqarah, verses 204,205)

When this happens, men of the Qur'aan will be unable to contain themselves. I then read the verse:


'Y.T~I: i + ijy)

When he is told to fear Allaah (because of his behaviour), pride leads him t o (commit more) sin. J a h a n n a m will suffice for him (as punishment). It is a terrible resting place indeed. From mankind is he




who would sell himself seeking Allaah's pleasure. Allaah is Most Compassionate (Kind)towards His bondsmen.'{Surah Baqarah, verses

To this, Hadhrat Umar G ! i i + i remarked, '1 swear by Allaah that you are right."

Another Incident about the Fear Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas %Gi&35had in this Regard
Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Ubayd bin Umayr reports that Hadhrat Abdullaah bin W H & 2 .. when he caught hold of Abbaas S,E4$2jsaid, "I was with Hadhrat Umar 4 my hand and said, '1 think that the Qur'aan has now spread amongst the masses.' 'I do not like that too much, 0 Arneerul Mu'mineen,' I remarked. Hadhrat Umar pulled his hand away saying, 'And why not?' 'Because,' I started to explain, 'when they all start to learn the Qur'aan (without proper understanding), they will start to propound their own opinions. Once they do this, they will start to dispute and once the disputes start, they will start killing each other.' Hadhrat Umar W w then sat aside and left me alone. Only Allaah knows the anxiety I endured during the rest of that day. It was only the following afternoon that his messenger came to inform me that the Ameerul Mu'mineen was calling me. When 1 got there, Hadhrat Umar 4 ? i %asked, j 'What was it that you said?' After 1 had repeated my words to him, he said, '(I had also understood the same but) I had been concealing this from the people."'(2)

The Advice that the Sahabah @,@@@& gave to Qurraa

The Advice of Hadhrat Umar bin Khattaab %IBWj
Hadhrat Kinaanah Adawi narrates that Hadhrat Umar 3,wrote t o the commanders of his armies to send him a list of all the men who were Huffaadh of the Qur'aan so that he could dispatch them to the ends of the empire to teach the Qur'aan. Hadhrat (Abu Moosa) Ash'ari 2-4 wrote back to Hadhrat Umar ?8Gw stating that the Huffaadh with him numbered just over three hundred. Hadhrat Umar 3GWj"s reply to him was as follows:

'Yn the name ofAllaah the Most Kind, the Most Merciful From the servant o f Allaah Umar to the servant o f Allaah Qais and all the Huffaadh with him Peace be upon you all This Qur'aanis a great source o f reward and honour for you and ssall be a treasure for you in the Aakhirah. You should therefore follow its dictates and never a 1 1 0w it to followyours (by distorting its interpretation to suit your desires) because the person whose dictates the Qur'aanis forced to follow shall have it shoved on to his neck to throw him into Jahannam. As for the one who follows the Qurban, the Qurbanshall lead him to Jannatul Firdous. So as far asyou can,
( 1 ) Haakim (Vo1.3 Pg.540), reporting from reliable sources as confirmed by Dhahabi. (2) Haakim (Vo1.3 Pg.540).

THE LIVES OF THE SAHABAH & % 8 % 3 (Vol-3) 2 78 let it be an intercessor foryou and never let it be a complainant againstyou. The person for whom the Qur2an intercedes shall enterlannah and the one against whom the Qur'aancomplains shall surely enter lahannam. Always bear in mind that the Qur'aanis a fountainhead ofguidance, a flower of knowledge and the final scripture fiom the Most Merciful. It is by this Qur'aan that Allaah opens blind eyes, deaf ears and locked hearts. You must also bear in mind that when a man wakes up at night, brushes his teeth with a Miswaak, performs wudhu, says Bllaahu Akbar'and then recites the Qur'aan,an angel places his mouth on the person k mouth and says, Recite, recite. You are doing an excellent thing and it is most excellent for you.' I f he performs wudhu without using the Miswaak, the angel protects him and does nothing else. Behold' Recitation of the Qurhan in salaah is a protected treasure and an ordained excellence. You should therefore do as much o f it as you possibly can. Salaah is a celestial light, zakmh is a symbol patience is an illumination, fasting is a shield and the Qur'aanis a.proof either for you or against you. You should therefore honour the Qur'aan and never cause it disgrace because Allaah will honour the one who honours the Qur'aanand will disgrace the one who brings it disgrace. You also ought to know that the person who recites the Qur'aan, memorises it, practises on it and abides by its injunctions shall have his dubas accepted by Allaah. I f Allaah pleases, H e may accept them in this world and ifH e wills, he may reserve them as a I'reasure for the Aakhirah. Remember that what remains with Allaah is better and more lasti,7g for those who have /maan and who rely on their Rabb. "('1

The Advice of Hadhrat Abu Moosa Ash'ari !


Hadhrat Abu Kinaanah reports that when Hadhrat Abu Moosa Ash'ari WZWti gatherea together the Huffaadh (of the army he commanded), they numbered close t? three hundred. Hadhrat Abu Moosa % E @ lectured % to them about the greatness of the Qur'aan saying, ''Verily this Qur'aan shall be either a source of reward for you or a burden (in the Aakhirah). You should therefore follow the dictates of the Qur'aan and never force it to follows yours because the one who follows the Qur'aan shall be with it in the gardens of Jannah while the one who forces the Qur'aan to follow his desires shall have it shoved on his neck and it will fling him into Jahannam." (2) Hadhrat Abul Aswad Daly reports that Hadhrat Abu Moosa Ash'ari !BGw once gathered all the Qurraa, emphasising that none but the Huffaadh should come to him. It was approximately three hundred men who came to him. He then addressed them saying, "You men are the Qurraa of the city and should therefore never allow the passage of time to harden your hearts a s it happened to the Ahlul Kitaab. A Surah had been revealed that we thought resembled Surah Baraa'ah in length and in the stern subject matter it contained. A verse from it which I had memorised stated that if man had two valleys of gold he would seek to have a
( I ) Ibn Zanjway, a s quoted in Kanzul Ummaal (Val. l P~1.217) . . ( 2 )Abu ~ u ' i y m in his Hi&a (Vol.1 Pg.257).

279 third and it would only be the sand ( ~ his f grave) that would be able to fill his belly. Thereafter, another Surah was revealed which we thought resembled the Musabbihaat because it begins with the words& (Sabbaha Lillaah). The verse from it that I had memorised is:


p m



you who have Imaan! Why do you say that which you did not do?

{Surah Saff, verse 2)

Testimony will therefore be taken for everything you d o and you will be questioned about it on the Day of Qiyaamah." ( ' 1

The Advice of Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood 8 G W j

Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'oodjk once addressed the people of Kufa. After greeting them with Salaam and instructing them to observe Taqwa, he said, "Never dispute about the Qur'aan and never oppose each other concerning it because there are no discrepancies in the Qur'aan, it will never be (completely) forgotten and constant repetition of the Qur'aan will never tire one. Do you not see that the restrictions, the Faraa'idh and Allaah's explicit commands in the Shari'ah of lslaam are one? It would be said that the Qur'aan has discrepancies i i a part of it c ~ m m a n d s an act which another part forbids. Every part of the Qur'aan rather complements the rest of it. I am convinced that such deep understanding and knowledge shall surface amongst you people that surpasses all other people. If a camel could take me to a person who has more knowledge of what has been revealed to Muhammad than I have, I shall certainly go to him to increase the knowledge I have. I know well that while the entire Qur'adn would be recited t o Rasulullaah @&$ once every year, it w a s recited t o Rasulullaah k%@twice during the year that he passed away (every Ramadhaan Hadhrat Jibra'eel 6@$& would recite the Qur'aan t o Rasulullaah @@and Rasulullaah @$% would recite t o him). Whenever I recited Qur'aan t o Rasulullaah k%?%, he would approve of my recitation, therefore whoever recites Qur'aan in the manner that I recite, should not turn away and forsake it. In a like manner, whoever recites the Qur'aan in another authentic manner should also not turn away and forsake it because whoever rejects any one of the various manners of recitation will reject them all." ( 2 ) A student of Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood 4 ! W % % j from Hamdaan narrates that before Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood 4 % left i for Madinah, he gathered all his s t u d e n t s together and said, "By Aliaah! I a m convinced that such religiousness, deep understanding of Deen and knowledge of the Qur'aan shall surface amongst you people that surpasses that of all other Muslims ..." The narration continues until it states that he said, 'Verily there are no discrepancies in the Qur'aan, neither does the Qur'aan ever age o r lose its dignity by continuous repetition." (3)
( I ) Abu Nu'aym in his Hilya (Vol.1 Pg.257). (2) Ibn Asaakir, as quoted in Kanzul Ummaal(Vol.l Pg.232). (3)Ahmad. Haythami (Vol.l Pg.450) has commented on the chain of narrators.



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Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood W w also said, "It is only befitting that a man of the Qur'aan be recognised by his nights (when he is engaged in Ibaadah) when others are asleep, by his days (spent fasting) when others are eating, by his sorrow (pondering about his plight in the Aakhirah) when others are rejoicing, by his weeping when others are laughing, by his silence when others are socialising and by his humility when others are behaving arrogantly. It is also befitting of a man of the Qur'aan to be weeping and sorrowful, wise and tolerant, knowledgeable and composed. It does not behove a man of the Qur'aan to be uncouth, negligent, boisterous, rowdy and short-tempered." Another narration states that Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood 9 B W said, "Do your best to be a listener (rather than always speaking) and take careful note when you hear Allaah say, '0 you who have Imaan!' because it is only something good that you are being instructed to do or something evil that you are being prohibited from." fl)

Occupation with the Ahadeeth of Rasulullaah @% and Befitting Behaviour for those Occupied with this
A Bedouin Questions Rasulullaah @@ about

Qlyaamahwhen he was Busy Narrating Ahadeeth

Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah-4 narrates that Rasulullaah k$@ was busy narrating Ahadeeth when a Bedouin arrived and asked, "When will Qiyaamah take place?" continued narrating, some of the Sahabah @Gw said When kasulullaah (was not giving a reply because he) heard the man but did that Rasulullaah @%% not like the question. Others said that Rasulullaah did not hear the man at all. When Rasulullaah @% had completed narrating Ahadeeth, he asked, "Where is he (the Bedouin)?" "Here am I over here!" the man said. Rasulullaah @& then said, "Wait for Qiyaamah when a time arrives in which t r u s t s a r e misappropriated." "How will they be misappropriated?" the man asked. Rasulullaah &%$ replied, 'Wait for Qiyaamah when authority is placed in the hands of unworthy people." ( 2 )

Hadhrat Waabisah @~~ Propagates a Hadith of Rasulullaah @@b$ in Conformance with the Instruction Rasulullaah gave in his Farewell Sermon
Standing before the people in the largest Mabjid of Riqqa during the days of Eidul G 5 w used to say, "I was present with Fitr and Eidul Adhaa, Hadhrat Waabisah W % during the Farewell Hajj when he addressed the people saying, Rasulullaah @
( 1 ) Abu Nu'aym in his HiIya (Vol.1 Pg.130). (2) Bukhaari (Vol.1 Pg. 14).


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'0 people! Which month is most sacred?' 'This month (of Dhul Hijjah) is,' the

people replied. Rasulullaah @ i ? asked @further, '0 people! Which city is most & ! then sacred?' 'This city (of Makkah) is,' the people replied. Rasulullaah @ declared, 'Until the day you meet your Rabb, your blood, your wealth and your honour are as sacred to you as this day, this month and this city are. Have I conveyed the message?' 'You certainly have,' the people replied. Rasulullaah @& then raised his hands to the sky saying, 'You be the witness, 0 Allaah.' Thereafter, he said, 'Those of you present here should pass the message on to those who @ are absent.' Do come closer so that I may convey to you what Rasulullaah @' said to us." ( I )

Hadhrat Abu Umaamah !&$EWj Instructs his Students to Propagate

Hadhrat Makhool says, "lbn Abu Zakariyyah, Sulaymaan bin Habeeb and 1 once in Hims. After we had greeted him with went to Hadhrat Abu Urnaarnah SE~@J the words of Salaam, he said, 'This sitting of yours here is a means Allaah has used for the Deen to reach you and will also be Allaah's evidence against you (if you do not propagate it). RasuIullaah Lffi@ propagated, s o you too should propagate." In another narration, Hadhrat Saleem bin Aamir says, "When we would sit with Hadhrat Abu Ubaadah 9GE and he narrated to u s many Ahadeeth of Rasulullaah @@, he would say to us after he had completed, 'Have you understood? Now propagate as it has been propagated to you."'(2)

Rasulullaah @&IS Du'aa for those who Narrate his Ahadeeth and Teach them to the People
Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas S,Ew narrates that Rasulullaah @@ once Allaah! Shower Your mercy on my successors." "0 Rasulullaah prayed, "0 the Sahabah WBW asked, "Who are your successors?" Rasulullaah k$@ replied, "Those who will come after me, who will narrate my Ahadeeth and teach them to the people." ( 3 )


Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah %GWj Narrates Ahadeeth @@ before the in the Masjid of-~asulullaah Jumu'ah Salaah
Hadhrat Aasim bin Muhammad narrates from his father that he saw Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah 3,Gm come to the Masjid of RasuIullaah k%% on the day of Jumu'ah. Standing and holding the two knobs of the pulpit, he said, "Abul Qaasim Rasulullaah @&&the truthful and veritable narrated to us..." He then continued to narrate Ahadeeth until he heard the door of the Imaam's room open as the
( I ) Bazzaar, reporting from reliable sources as confirmed by Haythami (Vol.1 Pg.139). (2) Tabraani in his Kabee~reporting from reliable sources a s confirmed by Haythami (Vol. 1 Pg. 140). (3) Tabraani, a s quoted in Targlieeb wat Tarheeb (Vol.1 Pg.74). Ibn Najjaar, Khateeb in Sharfus Sahabah W W j and others, as quoted in Kanzul Ummaal(Vol.5 Pg.240).

THE LIVES OF THE SAHABAH @ 5 , 282 Imaam emerged to lead the salaah. He then sat down.


The Difficulty Hadhrat Umar S%%!4j, Hadhrat Uthmaan s,G$i$i&j and Hadhrat Ali sjG#@j Experienced Narrating Ahadeeth
Hadhrat Aslam reports that when they used to ask Hadhrat Umar = 4 to narrate Ahadeeth to them, he would say, "I fear that I may add a word or omit a said, 'The person who intentionally lies about word because Rasulullaah @%% me is headed for Jahannam." (2) Hadhrat Abdur Rahmaan bin Haatib says, "I have not seen any of the Sahabah @CWj narrate Ahadeeth as well and as thoroughly as Hadhrat Uthmaan 4 3 1 S & ! & . However, he was a man who was extremely reluctant to narrate Ahadeeth." (3) Hadhrat Uthmaan used t o say, "What prevents me from narrating is not the fact that I was not one of those Ahadeeth from Rasulullaah @f@ Sahabah W W with the best memories What prevents me is that I can testify say, 'Whoever attributes anything to me that I never that I heard Rasulullaah stated should prepare for his abode in Jahannam."' Another narration quotes Rasulullaah &@'s words as, "Whoever speaks lies about me should prepare for a house in Jahannam."(4) Hadhrat Ali %IGW said, "When narrating Ahadeeth to you, I prefer falling from never I % said. However, the sky rather than stating something that Rasulullaah @ when speaking to you about matters between us, then (precautions need not be so strict because) wars are won by strategy." (5)


The Difficulty Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood ! 8 E & % Experienced with Narrating Ahadeeth
Hadhrat Amr bin Maymoon reports that sometimes an entire year would pass by without Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood & l w narrating a single Hadith. When he narrated a Hadith one day, he started to shiver and perspiration beaded up on his forehead. He then said, "Rasulullaah @%$ said something like that or stated similar words." (6) Hadhrat Masrooq reports, "Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood m j started to narrate a Hadith one day, but as soon as he said, 'Rasulullaah &% said,' he started to shiver s o much that even his clothing shook. He then added, 'Rasulullaah %f said something to the effect or something similar."'(7)
(1) Haakim, reporting from reliable sources as confirmed by Dhahabi. (2) Ahmad, lbn Adi, Uqayli and Abu Nu'aym in his Ma'rifah, a s quoted in Kanzul Ummaal (Vo1.5 Pg.239). (3) Ibn Sa'd and Ibn Asaakir, as quoted in Muntakhab Kanzul Ummaal(Vol.5 Pg.9). (4) Ahmad, Abu Ya'la and Bazzaar. Haythami (Vol. 1 Pg.143) has commented on the chain of narrators. (5) Bukhaari, Muslim and others, as quoted in Kanzul Ummaal(Vol.5 Pg.240). (6) Haakim (Vo1.3 Pg.314), reporting from reliable sources as confirmed by Dhahabi. (7) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vol.1 Pg.79). Isaabah (Vol.3 Pg.156) has reported a similar narration.




Hadhrat Abu Dardaa S,Gwj, Hadhrat Anas W,G&&j and Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar ~ ~ ( ; l u & + j ' all use the words "somethinglike that or something similar"when narrating Ahadeeth.
Hadhrat Abu Idrees Khowlaani says, "1 noticed that whenever Hadhrat Abu completed narrating Ahadeeth, he would add, 'Rasulullaah @@ Dardaa 3 said that, something similar to that or something resembling that."'(') Hadhrat Muhammad bin Seereen narrates that whenever Hadhrat Anas bin b narrated ~ h a d e e t h from Rasulullaah he would end with the Maalik= words, "It was something like this that Rasulullaah % ? ! + $ said." (2) In another narration, Rasulullaah &% said, "Hadhrat Anas bin Maalik !3Ew narrated few Ahadeeth from Rasulullaah but when he did, he would end said." (3) with the words, "It was something like this that Rasulullaah Hadhrat Abu Ja'far Muhammad bin Ali says, "There was n o companion of Rasulullaah more cautious of adding anything to or omitting anything from the Ahadeeth of Rasulullaah than Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar ~ . G w ~ . " ( ~ ) Hadhrat Sha'bi says, "1 sat in the company of Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar 9 , G W for an entire year without hearing him narrate anything from Rasulullaah @yjg "(5) -.




The Dependability of Hadhrat Imraan bin Husayn ~ . W j 1Memory s and Narration of Ahadeeth
Hadhrat Imraan bin Husayn said, "I have heard many Ahadeeth from Rasulullaah @%%which I have memorised. All that prevents me from narrating them is that some of my companions may differ with me in the narration." Hadhrat Mutarraf reports that Hadhrat Imraan bin Husayn ?Z@%!%j said to him, "0 Mutarraf! By Allaah! I am certain that if I chose to do so, I could narrate Ahadeeth $ ! $ for two days continuously without repeating a single from Rasulullaah @ Hadith. However, what makes me reluctant to do s o and makes me disapprove of doing such a thing is that although I was there when many Sahabah @ of % were there and I also heard what they heard, they confuse the Muhammad @ sequence of the words when they narrate." Sometimes, Hadhrat Imraan bin j say, "If 1 were to narrate to you what Rasulullaah @% Husayn 4 ? & would said, I am certain that I will be accurate." When he quoted the words of & , ! Hadhrat lmraan bin Husayn wW would do s o with great Rasulullaah @ certainty and say, "I heard Rasulullaah @@say.. ."(7)
(1) Tabraani, reporting from reliable sources as confirmed by ~ a ~ t h a m (VoI.1 i Pg.141). Abu Ya'la, Rooyaani and Ibn Asaakir have reported a similar narration, a s quoted in Kanzul Ummaal(Vol.3 Pg.156). (2) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vol.1 Pg.79). (3)Ahmad, Abu Ya'la and Haakim, a s quoted in Kanzul Ummaal(Vol.5 Pg.240). (4) Ibn Sa'd (Vo1.4 Pg.144). (5)Ibn Sa'd (Vo1.4 Pg.145). (6) Tabraani in his Kabeer, reporting from reliable sources a s confirmed by Haythami (Vol.l Pg. 141). (7) Tabraani. Haythami (Vo1.1 Pg. 141) has commented on the chain of narrators.



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Hadhrat Suhayb $&Wwj 's Reluctance to say, "Rasulullaah@@ said"

Hadhrat Sulaymaan bin Abu Abdullaah reports that he heard Hadhrat Suhayb say, "By Allaah! I shall never intentionally narrate Ahadeeth to you saying that it is what Rasulullaah @%% said. However, I shall gladly relate to you what I experienced in the expeditions I participated in with Rasulullaah @@. Then said'." (') again, I shall never say, 'Rasulullaah

Hadhrat Waathila bin Asqa ! i % Narrates % % only the Intended Meaning of the Ahadeeth
Hadhrat Makhool relates, "Abul Azhar and I once went to Hadhrat Waathila bin Asqa "@w! ', ,/"., , &J and said, '0 Abu Asqa! Narrate to us a Hadith that you heard from @ without any uncertain words, and without any additions or Rasulullaah @' omissions.' Hadhrat Waathila k ? & asked, j 'Has any of you recited any part of the Qur'aan last night?' 'Yes,' we replied, 'But since we are not Huffaadh, we tend to add a Waawb)or an A/if(l).' To this, Hadhrat Waathila t!3Wj remarked, 'And that is the Qur'aan which you have still not mastered when it has been in your midst for such a long time. When you feel that you are adding or omitting letters to it, what about the Ahadeeth that we had perhaps heard only once from Rasulullaah %@? It is sufficient for you that we narrate only their intended meanings to you." (2)

Hadhrat Umar ~ @Censures W those Sahabah +,y" ',, ,./ @.lj-qES) who Narrated Plenty of Ahadeeth
Hadhrat Ibraheem bin Abdur Rahmaan bin Auf relates, "By Allaah! Before he passed away, Hadhrat Umar Ww sent messengers to various distant places to summon Sahabah @ W j such as Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Hudhaafa 3 , G W j , Hadhrat Abu Dardaa !&PWj, Hadhrat Abu Dharr WWj and Hadhrat Uqba bin Aamir !&l3%!2j. When they had gathered, he said to them, 'What Ahadeeth have you people spread to even the far distant lands?' 'Are you forbidding us from narrating them?' they asked. 'No,' Hadhrat Umar %l!Zw replied, 'I just want you to remain with me. By Allaah! 1 d o not want you to part from me (here in Madinah) for a s long as I live because we know best which of your narrations we shall accept and which ones we will not.' They therefore did not part from j he passed away." (3) Hadhrat Umar ~ . G Wuntil Hadhrat Ibraheem bin Abdur Rahmaan relates that Hadhrat Umar 3,Gw sent for Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood 3,w, Hadhrat Abu Mas'ood Ansaari and and said to them, "What are the Ahadeeth that you Hadhrat Abu Dardaa !&,w are so frequently narrating to the people?" He then confined them to Madinah until he was martyred. (4)
(1) Ibn Sa'd (Vo1.3 Pg.229), as quoted in Muntakhab ~nzulUmmaal(Vol.5 Pg.203).

(2) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vol.1 Pg.79). (3) Ibn Asaakir, as quoted in Kanzul Ummaal(Vo1.5Pg.239). (4) Tabraani. Haythami (Vol.1 Pg.149) has commented on the chain of narrators. Ibn Sa'd (Vo1.4


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The Difficulty Hadhrat Zaid bin Arqam !&%$% Experienced with Narrating Ahadeeth in his Old Age
Hadhrat Ibn Abu Awfa % & ! 2 j reports that when they used to request Hadhrat Zaid bin Arqam G3Gw to narrate the Ahadeeth of Rasulullaah @& to them, he would say, "We have aged and have begun to forget. Narrating the Ahadeeth of Rasulullaah @@ is a very serious matter (which cannot be taken lightly)." ( I )

Attaching More Importance to Practise than to Theory

Statements of Hadhrat Mu'aadh ~ , G w j , Hadhrat Abu Dardaa a,Gt.,@jand Hadhrat Anas g,Gt.,&+j' in this Regard
~ ) said, "Learn and Hadhrat Abu Dardaa % G ~ ( both Hadhrat Mu'aadh a s much as you wish to learn but Allaah will place no benefit in your knowledge until you practise what you know." Hadhrat Anas ?&Gw said, "Learn as much a s you please, but I swear by Allaah t h a t y o u will n o t b e rewarded for your knowledge until y o u put it i n t o practise."(4) Hadhrat Abdur Rahmaan bin Ghanam says, 'Ten Sahabah @ E m > of Rasulullaah @% informed me that they were learning in the Masjid of Quba when Rasulullaah % @ came to them and said, 'Learn..."' The remainder of the words are like the narration above.

reports that a man came to Rasulullaah @@ and said, "0 Rasulullaah @@! What will satisfy the evidence that ignorance will hold against me?" "Knowledge," Rasulullaah @@ replied. "And what will satisfy the evidence that knowledge will hold against me?" he asked further. Rasulullaah @%IS reply was, "Action." ( 6 ) Hadhrat Umar 9 G w j said, "Study the Book of Allaah and you will be known for it. Practise on its teachings and you will be amongst its worthy bearers." ( 7 )

Hadhrat Ali

Rasulullaah @@'s Words to a Man in this Regard and the Statement of Hadhrat Umar B , G W

""' "

Pg.153) has reported a similar narration which states the name of Hadhrat Abu Dharr 9G%j in place of Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood ~ W J . (1) Ibn Asaak~r, a s quoted in Kanzul Ummaal(Vol.5 Pg.239). (2) Ibn Adi and Khateeb. (3) Ibn Asaakir. (4) Abul Hasan bin Akhram in his Amaali, as quoted in Jaami'us Sagheer. (5) ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vo1.2 Pg.6). (6) Khateeb, a s quoted in Kanzul Umtnaal (Vo1.5 Pg.229). (7) Ibn Abi Shaybah, a s quoted in Ka~lzul UmmaalWo1.5 Pg.229).





The Statements of Hadhrat Ali BGWj in this regard

Hadhrat Ali !W@G said, "Study and you will be known for it. Practise on your knowledge and you will be amongst its worthy bearers because soon a time will come when nine-tenths of the truth will be rejected and the only person who will be saved will be one who remains anonymous and aloof from people. Such people are the beacons of guidance and the lanterns of knowledge. They are not hasty, do not promote immoral behaviour or immoral speech." ('1 Hadhrat Ali W W 4 ; once said, " 0 men of knowledge! Practise on your knowledge because only that person is an Aalim whose knowledge is followed by practise and whose practise conforms with his knowledge. There shall soon come people whose knowtedge will not even transcend their collar-bones. Their private lives will contradict their public lives just a s their actions will contradict their knowledge. They will sit in groups, boasting to each other and will get angry if anyone sitting in their group had to leave to sit with another group. The actions of such people will not even transcend their gatherings on its way to reach Allaah." (')

Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood !&GWj Emphasises Combining Knowledge with Action
Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood 2 said, " 0 people! Study, but whoever studies should practise what he learns." (3) Hadbrat Abdullaah bin Ukaym says, "It was in this very Masjid that I heard Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood 3w begin his speech with an oath a s he said, 'Your Rabb shall be Alone with every one of you just a s you see the fourteenth moon all by itself. Allaah will say, ' 0 son ofAadam! What deceived you about Me? 0 son of Aadam! How did you respond to the Ambiyaa? 0 son of Aadam! Did you practise on your knowledge?"' Hadhrat Ad1 binAdi narrates that Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood W%!k; repeated the following words: "Destruction be to the person who does not acquire knowledge Still, if Allaah wills, Allaah shall educate him. However, seven times destruction be to the person who has the knowledge but does not practise." (4) Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood B L 5 % ? said, 2 j "Everyone has fantastic words to say but only those will be successful whose deeds are consistent with their words. The one whose deeds contradict his words shall have only himself to blame." (5) It was also Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood =8Gj who said, "People are in need of anyone who is engrossed in Allaah. People are also in need of that person's
(1) Ahmad in his Zuhd, Abu Ubayd. Deenowri in his Ghareeb and Ibn Asaakir, a s quoted in Kanzul Ummaal No1.5 Pg.229). (2) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vo1.2 Pg.7), a s quoted in Kanzul Ummaal(Vol.5 Pg.233). (3) Tabraani. Haythami (Vol.1 Pg.164) has commented on the chain ofnarrators. Abu Nu'aym has also reported the narration in his Hi&a (Vol.1 Pg.131) from Hadhrat Alqama. (4) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vo1.2 Pg.2). (5)lbn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vo1.2 Pg.6).


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knowledge who practises on his knowledge."

Hadhrat Abu Dardaa 3 ~ G w j Fears that on the Day of Qjyaamah he will be Questioned about how much he Practised on his Knowledge
Hadhrat Luqmaan bin Aamir narrates that Hadhrat Abu Dardaa 3 G W j used to say, "What I fear most about Allaah on the Day of Qiyaamah is that he would call me in front of all creation saying, ' 0 Uwaymir!' Then when I respond by saying, 'I a m a t Your service, 0 my Rabb!', Allaah shall ask, 'Did you practise o n your knowledge?"'(2) Another narration quoted Hadhrat Abu Dardaa %Gw a s sayjng, "What I fear most is that I should be asked on the Day of Qiyaamah, ' 0 Uwaymir! Did you acquire knowledge or remain ignorant?' If I reply that I had acquired knowledge, every verse containing a command and every verse containing an admonition shall claim their rights. The verses containing commands will ask, 'Did you carry out (what was commanded)?' and every verse containing an admonition will ask, 'Did you take heed ( t o the admonition)?' I s e e k Allaah's protection from knowledge that does not benefit, from desires that are not sated and from du'aas that are not answered." (3) Hadhrat Abu Dardaa 3 G S j said, "None can possess Taqwa unt~l he has knowledge and one can attain beauty through knowledge only if one practises on it."(4) Hadhrat Abu Dardaa 33.W also said, "The worst of people in Allaah's sight on the Day of Qiyaamah shall be that person with knowledge whose knowledge does not benefit him (which he does not practise on)." (5)

Hadhrat Mu'aadh bin Jabal sGcXu&j and Hadhrat Anas B<G@&i Encourage Combining Knowledge with Practise
Hadhrat Mu'aadh bin Jabal 3,wj said, "'NO person will be able to move his feet on the Day of Qiyaamah until he is questioned about four things; ( I ) about how he used his body, (2) about how he spent his life, (3) about how he earned and spent his wealth and (4) about how he practised on his knowledge." (6) Hadhrat Mu'aadh bin Jabal 9,Gw also said, "Learn a s much a s you want but Allaah shall not reward you for it until you practise on your knowledge." ( 7 )
( I ) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaanli (Vo1.2 Pg.lO), a s quoted in K a n z i ~ l Umrnaal(Vol.5 Pg.243). (2) Bayhaqi, a s quoted in Targheeb wat Tarheeb (Vol.1 Pg.90). Abu Nu'aym has also reported a similar narration in his Hilya (Vol. l Pg.214). (3) Abu Nu'aym in his Hilya (Vol.1 Pg.2 14). (4) Abu Nu'aym in his Hi&a (Vol.1 Pg.213). Abu Nu'aym in his Hilya (Vol.1 Pg.21 1 ) has also reported from Hadhrat Abu Dardaa ~ G & J a narration similar t o the o n e Hadhrat Adi reported Srom Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood 3G&j. (5)Abu Nu'aym in his Hilya (Vol. l Pg.223). (6) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vo1.2 Pg.3). (7) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vo1.2 Pg.6). Abu Nu'aym has reported a similar narration In his Hilya (Vol.l Pg.236).

THE LIVES OF THE S A H A B A H B,U@= (Vol-3) 288 Hadhrat Anas EX&% said, "Learn as much as you want to learn but Allaah shall not reward you for it until you practise on your knowledge. While the objective of true Ulema (when acquiring knowledge) is to remember (and practise), the objective of foolish people (when acquiring knowledge) is to relate it to others (without practising)." ('1

Following the Sunnah and the Ways of the Pious Predecessors and Rejecting Bid'ah
The Encouragement Hadhrat Ubay bin Ka'b %,E%Gj Gave in this Regard
Hadhrat Ubay bin Ka'b ~ B w said, "Hold fast to the straight path and the Sunnah because Allaah shall never punish a person who is steadfast on the straight path and the Sunnah and whose tears then flow from his eyes out of fear for Allaah when he thinks of Allaah. When a person who is steadfast on the straight path and the Sunnah thinks of Allaah and his hairs stand on end out of fear for Allaah, is just like a tree with dry leaves. Just as its leaves fall off when a strong wind blows, all his sins fall off him in the same manner. Moderation

when doing something for the pleasure of Allaah and according to the Sunnah is better than exerting oneself in something that is not for the pleasure of Allaah and against the Sunnah. You should therefore check well that your deeds
, of whether conform with the pattern of the Ambiyaa and their ~ u n n a h regardless the deeds be an exerted effort or something done in moderation." (2)

The Encouragement Hadhrat Umar ~ , G G j and Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood B,W% Gave in this Regard
Hadhrat Sa'eed bin Musayyib narrates that when Hadhrat Umar W 3 W arrived back in Madinah, he addressed the people saying, "0 people! The Sunan have been demonstrated to you and the Faraa'idh have been ordained for you. You have therefore been left on a clear and distinct path, (which you will be able to follow with ease) unless people lead you to the right and to the left (lead you astray)."(3) When lecturing the people every Thursday, Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood 3,5%"". '.' k&~ would say, "There are only two matters of importance. One is a way of life and the other is speech. While the best and truest of speech is that of Allaah, the best way of life is that of Muhammad @g. Everything newly introduced (into the Deen) is a Bjd'ah and every Bid'ah is a means of leading people astray. Behold! Prolonged periods (of stagnation) should never pass over you, causing your

(1) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vol 2 Pg.6). (2) Laalkaa'ee, a s quoted in Kanzul Ummaal (Vo1.l Pg.97). Abu Nu'aym h a s reported a similar narration in his Hilya (Vol.1 Pg.253). (3) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vol.2 Pg. 187).

@ , G $ @ & &(Vol-3) 289 hearts to harden and distant hopes should never make you negligent (of the Aakhirah) because everything still pending is nearby and something far off is that which is never to come." Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood said, "Moderation in the Sunnah i s better than exerting oneself in Bid'ah." ( 2 )

The Encouragement Hadhrat Imraan bin Husayn B,G@&j Gave in this Regard
Hadhrat Imraan bin Husayn w&j said, "The Qur'aan w a s revealed and Rasulullaah @@ demonstrated his way of life (which we emulated). You people must follow us because if you do not, you shall go astray." (3) Hadhrat Imraan bin Husayn 39GWj once said to someone (who insisted on following only the Qur'aan), "You are a fool! Do you find any verse of the Qur'aan telling you that there are four Rakaahs in Zuhr and that the Qiraa'ah should be silent?" He then proceeded to enumerate the other salaahs, zakaah and other injunctions of Deen, saying, "Are the details of these found in the Qur'aan. While the Book of Allaah only briefly mentions these things, the Sunnah explains the details."(4)

Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood W8Gw Encourages Following the Sahabah BgW
Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood 9 G w said, "Whoever wishes to follow anyone, should follow the companions of Muhammad because from amongst the entire Ummah, their hearts are most righteous, their knowledge is deepest, they are the least pretentious, they are most unswerving in example and their (religious) condition is best. Allaah had selected them to be the companions of His Nabi @ g and to establish His Deen. You should therefore acknowledge their worth and follow in their footsteps because they had been fixed on upright guidance."(5)

Hadhrat Hudhayfah %,GW Encourages the Qurraa to Follow in the Footsteps of those who Preceded them
Hadhrat Hudhayfah 9 , G W used to say, "0 assembly of Qurraa! Fear Allaah and follow the path of those before you. 1 swear by my life that if you follow them, you will go very far ahead and if you forsake their path to go this way and that,
(1) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vo1.2 Pg.181). (2) Haakirn (Vol.1 Pg.103), reporting from reliable sources a s confirmed by Dhahabi. Abu Nu'aym h a s . reported a similar narration in his Hilya (Vol. 1 ~ g173). (3) Ahrnad. Haythami (Vol.1 Pg.191) has commented o n the chain of narrators. (4) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vo1.2 Pg. 191). (5) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vol.2 Pg.97). Abu Nu'aym h a s reported a similar narration from in his Hilya (Vo1.l Pg.305), a s has been quoted in the chapter Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar 9,Wj G 5 W j . describing the qualities of the Sahabah M

290 you will have gone far astray." ('I


@ = ,5


Hadhrat Sa'd bin Abi Waqqaas BgWj Tells his son, "Weare the leaders to be followed"
Hadhrat Mus'ab bin Sa'd reports that whenever his father (Hadhrat Sa'd bin Abi Waqqaas % i i 2 W led j ) the salaah (in congregation), he would make it brief together with performing the Ruku and Sajdah properly. However, when performing salaah at home (by himself), he would prolong the Ruku, the Sajdah and the salaah. He would then say, "Dear son! We (the Sahabah i43-j) are the leaders to be followed." (2) Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood 3said, "Follow and do not introducen and his Statement about Hadhrat Abu Bakr ? 3 L 5 and Hadhrat Umar ?!3G%% Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood @LW4 once said, "Follow and d o not introduce (new ways) because everything has been done for you (Rasulullaah @@ and the Sahabah @ , have already blazed the trail)." (3) Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood m W also said, "An integral part of the Sunnah is t o love Hadhrat Abu Bakr %%m and Hadhrat Umar 3 G W j a n d t o acknowledge their worth." (4)

Hadhrat Ali ! & X G w

Forbids People from Following Living People

Hadhrat Ali %G%9j said, "Be careful not to emulate people because while a man can be doing the deeds of the people of Jannah, he can change according to the knowledge of Allaah and then start doing the actions of the people of Jahannam. When he then dies, he becomes an inmate of Jahannam. It may also happen that while a man can be doing the actions of the people of Jahannam, he can change according to the knowledge of Allaah and then start doing the deeds of the people of Jannah. When he then dies, he becomes a worthy ,dweller of Jannah. However, if it is absolutely necessary for you to follow someone, let it be those who have died (as practising Mu'mineen) and not those who are alive." () '

Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood !&iGW Reproaches a Group who Opposed the Sunnah by Changing the Method of Dhikr.
Hadhrat Abul Bakhtari says that someone once informed Hadhrat Abdullaah bin t about a group of people who sat in the Masjid after Maghrib Mas'ood = when one of them would tell the others to recite lXllaahu Akbar" in a particular manner, to recite "Subhaanallaah" in a particular manner and to recite "Al Hamdu
(1) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vo1.2 Pg.97). Ibn Abi Shaybah and Ibn Asaakir have reported a similar narration, a s quoted in Kanzul Urnmaal(Vo1.5 Pg.233). (2) Tabraani, reporting from reliable sources a s confirmed by Haythami (Vol.1 Pg.182). (3) Tabraani, reporting from reliable sources a s confirmed by Haythami (Vol.1 Pg.181). (4) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vol.2 Pg. 187). (5)Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vol.2 Pg. 1 14).

@!&%!3 (Vol-3) 291 Lillaah" in a particular manner. "Do they then do a s he says?" Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood asked. When the person confirmed that they dicj, Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood ~ , W told him, "Inform me when you s e e them gathering again." (When the person informed him afterwards,) Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood B,then came to this group, wearing his high hat, and sat with them. When he heard what they were saying, he, being the stern man that he was, stood up and said, "I am Abdullaah bin Mas'ood. By Allaah, besides Whom there is none worthy of worship! Verily you people have certainly perpetrated a terrible wrong by carrying out this act of Bid'ah! Have you then superseded the companions of Muhammad @%% in knowledge?" A person nbmed Ma'dad said, "By Allaah! We never intended to perpetrate a wrong with this new act, nor have we superseded the companions of Muhammad @ % in knowledge." Amr bin Utba said, " 0 Abu Abdur Rahmaan! We seek forgiveness from Allaah." Thereupon Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood told them, "It is compulsory for you to follow the path (of Rasulullaah &?@ and the Sahabah @,GWi5) and to strictly adhere to it. By Allaah! If you will do so, you will have advanced far ahead and if you start swerving to the left and right, you will stray far off." ('I Another narration states: "The news reached Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood 3,- that a group of people were sitting in the Masjid between Maghrib and Isha.. ." The rest of the narration is like the one above. The only difference is in the following words: "Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood 3 said to them, "You people have certainly perpetrated a terrible wrong by carrying out this act of Bid'ah, otherwise we the companions of Muhammad @ must I % have strayed." Amr bin Utba bin Farqad said, "OAbdullaah bin Mas'ood @ W j ! We seek forgiveness from Allaah and we then ordered them to repent to Him." Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood -4 disperse.(2) Another narration states that when Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood 3,WG5 saw two groups in the Masjid of Kufa, he stood between the two and asked, "Which of you two was before the other?" When the one group said that they were first, Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood ?&lG&@jordered the other group to join them, thereby combining the two into one. (3) An authentic abridged narration($) states that Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood 3 G W j approached them covering his face and said, 'Whoever recognises me will have recognised me. As' for those who do not recognise me, I am Abdullaah bin Mas'ood. Are you people more rightly guided than t h e companions of Muhammad The narrator says that Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood


(1) Abu Nu'aym In his Hilya (Vo1.4 Pg.381). Abu Nu'aym has reported a similar narration from Abu

Za'raa, stating that it was Musayyib bin Nujbah that reported the gathering to Hadhrat Abdullaah bin MasTood SWj,
(2) Tabraani.
(3) Tabraani. Haythami (Vol.1 Pg.181) has commented o n the chain of narrators.

(4) Tabraani.




also may have added, "You people are definitely clinging to the tail of deviation." Hadhrat Amr Ibn Salamah says that they were sitting at the door of Hadhrat B Z @ s 2 ! 'j home between Maghrib and Isha when Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood k = came to the house and said to Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abu Moosa Ash'ari % l S S , "Come with me, 0 Abu Abdur Rahmaan." When Hadhrat Mas'ood % came out from the house, he asked, "0 Abu Abdullaah bin Mas'ood 5 J w Moosa! What brings you here at this hour?" Hadhrat Abu Moosa Ash'ari S G W j replied, "By Allaah! The only thing that brings me here is something that I have seen which frightens me, yet it seems so good. There is a group sitting in the Masjid with a person instructing them to recite 'Subhaanallah' in a particular manner and to recite 'A1 Hamdu Lillah' in a particular manner." Hadhrat Amr bin Salamah says that they accompanied Hadhrat Abdullaah bin U 5 W j to the Masjid. When he arrived there, Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood % Mas'ood 9 G w told the people, "You have wandered astray s o fast! Even while the companions of Muhammad @@ are still alive in your midst, when his wives are still young and when his clothing and utensils are still as they were! Count your evil deeds, for I stand surety for Allaah that your good deeds will be counted."(')

The Statement of Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Zubayr %[email protected] when his Son sat with a Group who became Ecstatic as they Engaged in Dhikr.
Hadhrat Aaamirwhowas the son of Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Zubair 3,Gm narrates that he once came to his father, who asked him, "Where have you been?" The son replied, "I found a group of people better than whom I have not seen. When they engage in Dhikr, o n e of them trembles and grows ecstatic until h e falls unconscious out of fear for Allaah. (1 am late because) I was sitting with them." Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Zubayr instructed his son saying, "Never sit with them again!" When he detected that this did not make an impression on his son, he added, "I have seen Rasulullaah @%$ recite the Qur'aan, and I have seen Hadhrat Abu Bakr 8.GW; and Hadhrat Umar 3,Bw also reciting the Qur'aan. Nothing like this ever happened to them. Do you think that these people fear The son, Allaah more than Hadhrat Abu Bakr 9,Gm and Hadhrat Umar !3ej'W?" Hadhrat Aamir 9 . Z W says, "I then realised that what he said was true, after which I forsook these people." ( 2 )

Hadhrat Sila bin Haarith ?&%5wj and Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood %,Gwj Admonish People who Related Stories in the Masjid
Hadhrat Abu Saalih Sa'eed bin Abdur Rahmaan narrates that Anz Nujaybi was once standing and relating stories in the Masjid when a Sahabi by the name of Hadhrat Sila bin Haarith Ghifaari 9,G$@j said to him, "By Allaah! We have
(1)TaSraani in his Kabeel: Haythami (Vol.1 Pg.181) has commented on the chain of narrators. (2) Abu Nu'aym in his Hilya (Vo1.3 Pg. 167).

e,@lcho@3 (Vol-3) 293 scarcely left Rasulullaah k $ ? @ s ' time and have not even severed ties with our kin, yet you and your kind have already stood up in our midst (to perpetrate such acts of Bid'ah)." Hadhrat Amr bin Zuraarah says, "I was relating stories in the Masjid when Hadhrat Abdullaah (bin Mas'ood) 5Uw stood up and said, '0 Amr! You have started a misleading Bid'ah! Are you more rightly guided than the companions of Muhammad I then saw everyone dispersing from around me until 1 was left all alone." (2)


Abstaining from Opinions that do not Conform to the Qur'aan and ~hadeeth
Statements of Hadhrat Umar !&GW in this Regard
was standing on the Hadhrat Ibn Shihaab reports that Hadhrat Umar pulpit and addressed the people saying, "0 people! Accurate opinions came only from Rasulullaah @%$because Allaah used to guide him. What comes from us are but assumptions and pretences." (3) Another narration states that Hadhrat umar , . , , .. , SbW2 then added:

...and assumptions are absolutely useless against the truth." {Surah

Najrn, verse 281(~)

Hadhrat Sadaqah bin Abu Abdullaah reports that Hadhrat Umar bin Khattaab
S G W j used to say, "Those who wish to exercise their personal opinions are

the enemies of the Sunnah. They are too lazy to learn the Sunnah and it escapes their memory even when they do learn it. When questioned, they are too shy to admit that they do not know and therefore use their intellect to challenge the Sunnah. You should beware of such people." Hadhrat Umar %,l%Wj also said, "The Sunnah is that which Allaah and His Rasool @$% havedetermined.Youshouldnever make your mistaken opinion a ~ u n n a h . " ( @ Another narration from Hadhrat Amr bin Dinaar states that when someone asked Hadhrat Umar %CW4 whether Allaah guided him in the judgements he passed, he replied,'"r>o not say that! That was a speciality of Rasulullaah @'@."(7)

The Statements of Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood s % ; L u and & j Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas s F I ; w & j in this Regard
Hadhrat Sha'bi narrates that Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood ?8Gw said,
(1) Tabraani in his Kabeer, reporting from reliable sources a s confirmed by Haythami (Vol. 1 Pg. 189).

Bukhaari, Baghawi, Muhammad bin Rabee and Ibn Sakan have reported a similar narration, a s quoted in lsaabah (Vo1.2 Pg. 193). (2) Tabraani. Haythami (Vol.1 Pg.189) has commented o n the chain of narrators. (3) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vol.2 Pg. 134). (4) Ibn Abi Haatim and Bayhaqi, a s quoted in Kanzul Ummaal(Vol.5 Pg.241). (5) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vo1.2 Pg. 135). ( 6 ) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vo1.2 Pg. 135). (7) Ibn Mundhir, a s quoted in Kanzul Ummaal(Vol.5 Pg.241).



"Beware of asking, 'What is your opinion? What is your opinion?' because those before you were destroyed because they asked, 'What is you opinion? What is you opinion?' You should also not judge one thing by another because your feet will then slip after being firm. In addition to this, whenever any of you are asked about something that he does not know, he should say, 'Allaah knows best,' because this constitutes a third of knowledge." ('1 Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood once said, "Every year is followed by a year that is worse. While no year is essentially worse than another, no nation is essentially worse than another. However, what will happen is that when your Ulema and righteous ones leave the world, such people will come about who will analyse matters using their personal opinions, because of which they will (' destroy and perforate Islaam." 1 Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas ! & % % H j said, "The basis (of lslaam and the Shari'ah) is Allaah's Book and the Sunnah of Rasulullaah @%. Whoever says anything else based on his personal opinion, I cannot say whether he will find this amongst his good deeds or his sins." (3) Hadhrat Ataa narrates from his father that when a Sahabi was questioned about something, he said, "I am too shy before my Rabb to employ my personal opinion in commenting on a matter that affects the Ummah of Muhammad


The ~jtihaad'~' of the Sahabah +@,GW

Hadhrat Mu'aadh bin Jabal5B!ZW$ narrates that when Rasulullaah @ $ % sent him to Yemen, Rasulullaah @% asked him, "How will you pass judgement when a case comesbeforeyou?""Ishall pass judgement by Allaah's Book," Hadhrat Mu'aadh replied. Rasulullaah @ asked I @ further, "And what if you do not find the i? iW said, "I shall solution in the Book of Allaah?" "Then," Hadhrat Mu'aadh W judge by the Sunnah of Allaah's Rasool Again Rasulullaah @% asked, "And what if you do not find the solution in the Sunnah of Allaah's Rasool m?" Hadhrat Mu'aadh ?%@I%%j replied by saying, "I shall then practise Ijtihaad without compromising o n diligence." Rasulullaah then placed his hand on Hadhrat ! % Mu'aadh B ! chest saying, "All praise belongs to Allaah Who has inspired the envoy of Rasulullaah with that which pleases Rasulullaah

Hadhrat Mu'aadh bin Jabal ag#@j Tells Rasulullaah that he will Practise Ijtihaad without Compromising on Diligence




(1) Tabraani. Haythami (Vol.1 Pg.180) has commented on the chain of narrators. ( 2 ) Tabraan~ in his mbeer. Haythami (Vol.1 Pg.180) has commented on the cham of narrators. Ibn Abdul Birr has reported a similar narration in his Jaami (Vo1.2 Pg.135). (3) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vo1.2 Pg.136). (4) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vol.2 Pg.136). (5) ljtihaad briefly refers to applying one's mind to the source references of the Shari'ah to extract laws that are not explicitly stated. This is, of course, the work of a person whose proficiency in lslaamic jurisprudence in unqutstionabie.

The Concern Hadhrat Abu Bakr $&S#jXjjand Hadhrat Umar BFwj had for Matters they were Unaware of
Hadhrat Muhammad bin Seereen says, "After Rasulullaah %i@ there was none more concerned about not knowing something than Hadhrat Abu Bakr ? 3 W and after Hadhrat Abu Bakr there was none more concerned about not 8 3 & 4 j knowing something than Hadhrat Umar ~,lZW. When Hadhrat Abu Bakr % needed to pass a verdict and could not find a verse of the Qur'aan or a narration of Rasulullaah @ % $that applied directly to the situation, he would say, 'I shall now practise Ijtihaad. Should it be correct, it is from Allaah and if it is wrong, it is my error and I seek Allaah's forgiveness for it." (2)

Hadhrat Umar sEWj's Letter to Hadlirat Shurayh in this Regard

Hadhrat Shurayh narrates that Hadhrat Umar S,Gw once wrote to him saying, "When a matter presents itself before you, pass your verdict according to the Book of Allaah. If the matter is not mentioned in the Book of Allaah, pass your directed. i ? & If such a matter presents verdict according to what Rasulullaah @ itself that is neither in the Book of Allaah, about which Rasulullaah @ has I % issued no directives, then pass your verdict by that about which the Ulema are unanimous. However, if such a matter presents itself that is neither in the Book of Allaah, about which Rasulullaah @ % has issued no directives and about which no scholar has commented, then you have one of two choices. If you prefer to practise Ijtihaad, you may proceed. Otherwise, if you prefer, you may desist from doing so. In my opinion, desisting is the best course for you." (3)

The Statement of Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood Concerning Ijtihaad

Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood said, "When any of you has to pass a verdict, he should pass his verdict according to the Book of Allaah. If the matter is not mentioned in the Book of Allaah, he should pass his verdict as Rasulullaah k%% had done. If such a matter presents itself that is neither in the Book of Allaah, about which Rasulullaah @% has not passed a verdict, then he should pass his verdict a s the righteous scholars had done. However, if such a matter presents itself that is neither in the Book of Allaah and about which neither Rasulullaah @ % nor the righteous scholars have passed verdicts, h e should practise Ijtihaad. He must then be firm on his verdict without being embarrassed about it." Another narration adds that Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood ?i@Wj said, "He should then practise ljtihaad and (when stating his verdict, he must)
(1) Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi and Daarmi, as quoted in Mishkaatul Masaabeeh (Pg.316).

(2) Ibn Sa'd and Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami, as quoted in Kanzul Ummaal(Vol.5 Pg.241). (3) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vo1.2 Pg.56).

THE LIVES OF THE SAHABAH @@b&3 (Vol-3) 296 never say 'I think.. .' or '1 fear that ...' because what is Halaal is clear and what is Haraam is also clear. Between the two are doubtful matters and you should forsake that which gives you doubts for that which does not."(')

The Ijtihaad of Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas and Hadhrat Ubay bin Ka'b

a % @ & >

a , @ @ > >

Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abu Yazeed reports that when Hadhrat Abdullaah bin was questioned about anything and the reply was to be found in Abbaas %,Wj the Qur'aan, he would state what was in the Qur'aan. If it was not found in the Qur'aan but Rasulullaah had spoken about it, h e would say what t%said. If it was not foun 'n the Qur'aan and Rasulullaah @@ Rasulullaah k%' had not spoken about it, but Hadhrat Abu Bakr S wor Hadhrat Umar % , m W had rnentionyd it, he would say what Hadhrat Abu Bakr Y t %@!& or Hadhrat Umar t&3&G'said. However, if it was not found in the Qur'aan and if Rasulullaah @?%,Hadhrat Abu Bakr $2&$WZand Hadhrat Umar W , W had not spoken about it, he would practise Ijtihaad." (2) Another narration states that Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas %,G$!3 said, '-When we receive corroboration (to an injunction), we would not equate anything else to it (and would readily practise it)." (3) Hadhrat Masrooq narrates that when he once questioned Hadhrat Ubay bin Ka'b %,w about something, Hadhrat Ubay S,Wasked, "Has it already happened?" When he was informed that it had not happened, he said, "Then grant us respite until it happens and then when it does, we will be able to practise Ijtihaad." (4)

Exercising Caution when Issuing who Fataawaa and the Sahabah used to Issue Fataawaa


The Statement of Hadhrat Abdur Rahmaan bin Abu Layla concerning the Cautiousness of the
Hadhrat Abdur Rahmaan bin Abu Layla says, "I met a hundred and twenty Sahabah @,Wj of Rasulullaah @ % in the Masjid. When any of them narrated a Hadith, he wished that his brother (another Sahabi !&lGW) had done it for him and whenever he issued a Fatwaa, he also wished that his brother had done it for him,"(5)
(1) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami (Vo1.2 Pg.57). (2) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami Bayaanil Ilrn (Vol.2 Pg.57). Ibn Sa'd (Vo1.4 Pg. 181) has reported a similar narration. (3) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami Bayaanil Ilm (Vo1.2 Pg.57). (4) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami Bayaanil Ilrn (Vo1.2 Pg.58). (5)Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami Bayaanil Ilrn (Vol.2 Pg.163). Ibn Sa'd (Vo1.6 Pg.110) has reported a @ % @ % Hadhrat Abdur Rahmaan bin Abu Layla met similar narration adding that the Sahabah i were from the Ansaar.


@gb&3 (Vol-3)


Statements of Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood @ g ( & & j , Hadhrat Hudhayfah @gI;w&> and Hadhrat Umar @ E W j in this Regard
Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood 3 G w said, "It is only a madman who will immediately issue a Fatwa for everything he is asked."The same statement has been reported from Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas ?3Gw.(l) Hadhrat Hudhayfah @3% said, "It is only one of three persons who would issue Fataawaa; a man who knows which verses of theaQur'aan abrogate injunctions of Deen and which have been abrogated, a leader who has no alternative and a pretentious fool." (2) Hadhrat Ibn Seereen narrates that Hadhrat Umar ?3Bw said to Hadhrat Abu Mas'ood Uqba bin Umar G ,j "I was informed that you issue Fataawaa to people! The person blessed with the privileges (of l e a d e r ~ h i ~ j s h m ibear l ~ ~its o burden (of issuing Fataawaa)." (3) Another narration s t d e s that Hadhrat Umar % , W s also added, "And you a r e not a governor ( s o you need not issue ~ataawaa)."(~)

The Cautiousness of Hadhrat Zaid bin Arqam and in this Regard Hadhrat Baraa ?&%wj
Hadhrat Abu Minhaal says, "When 1 questioned Hadhrat Zaid bin Arqam ~ G W j and Hadhrat Baraa %UK@&j about selling gold and silver, each one of them told me to ask the other, saying, 'He is better than me and has more knowledge."' The narration goes on further to discuss trading in gold and silver. (5) Hadhrat Abu Husayn says, "Everyone now issues Fataawaa on matters that had they been posed to Hadhrat Umar G s j , he would have gathered all the veterans of ~ a i (to r consult with before issuing a Fatwaa)." (6)

Hadhrat Abu Bakr w,G#&j, Hadhrat Umar %,GW>, Hadhrat Uthmaan %'GWj and Hadhrat Abdur Rahmaan bin Auf %Bwj Issue Fataawaa During & ! the Time of Rasulullaah @
When Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umarj4 was asked w h o used to issue Fataawaa during the time of Rasulullaah he replied, "Abu Bakr ~ B w and Umar ?&GW$. I do not know of anyone else." (7) Hadhrat Qaasim bin Muhammad says that Hadhrat Abu Bakr ?&GWj, Hadhrat


(1) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami Bayaanil Ilrn (Vol.2 Pg.165). Tabraani has reported a similar narration . % & . j , reporting from reliable sources a s confirmed by from Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood W Haythami (Vol. 1 Pg.183). (2) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami Bayaanil Ilrn (Vol.2 Pg.166). (3) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami Bayaanil Ilrn (Vo1.2 Pg.166). (4) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami Bayaanil Ilrn (Vo1.2 Pg.143). (5) Ibn Abdul Birr in his Jaami Bayaanil Ilrn (Vol.2 Pg.166). (6) fbn Asaakir, a s quoted in Kanzu/Ummaa/(Vol.5 Pg.241). (7) Ibn Sa'd (Vo1.4 Pg.151).

THE LIVES OF THE SAHABAH wAH=5 (Vol-3) 298 Umar 2 ,4 Hadhrat Uthmaan %W&% and Hadhrat Ali used to issue Fataawaa during the time of Rasulullaah @ ? % . ( I ) Hadhrat Fudhayl bin Abu Abdullaah bin Dinaar narrates from his father that Hadhrat Abdur Rahmaan bin Auf 3BW6, Hadhrat Abu Bakr !&%?@&,Hadhrat Umar !BG@!25 and Hadhrat Uthmaan S3W were amongst those who issued Fataawaa during the time of Rasulullaah @ @ according to what they heard from Rasulullaah @$$.(')

Hadhrat Abu Moosa Ash'ari ~ ~ Tells Wthej People not to ask him Anything While Hadhrat Abdullaah is Alive ~ j bin Mas'ood ! & ~
Hadhrat Abu Attiyya Hamdaani reports that he was once sitting with Hadhrat when a person came to ask him a question. "Have Abdullaah bin Mas'ood -4 you asked anyone else?" Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood ? 4 iW M enquired. 'Yes," the man replied, "I have asked Hadhrat Abu Moosa Ash'ari $BGW4."The man then informed Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood m j about Hadhrat Abu Moosa Ash'ari 4?B3W6's reply. Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood %tG4%6 gave a reply that contradicted that of Hadhrat Abu Moosa Ash'ari !&Wi% and then left. (When this E 4 W 6 , He ) said, "Do was brought to the attention of Hadhrat Abu Moosa Ash'ari 4 not ask me about anything when this great scholar is in your midst." (3)

Those Who Issued Fataawaa during the Time of Rasulullaah @%% and the Time of the Khulafaa Raashideen
@ % , three Sahabah

Hadhrat Sahl bin Abu Khaythamah reports that during the time of Rasulullaah & % & & S . from the Muhaajireen and three Sahabah i 4 3 G W from the Ansaar were authorised t o issue ~ a t a a w k They . were Hadhrat Umar , Hadhrat Uthmaan !W&.&,Hadhrat Ali %l .W!?% (from the Muhaajireen) and Hadhrat Ubay bin Ka'b SiW&%, Hadhrat Mu'aadh bin Jabal %UW6 and Hadhrat Zaid bin Thaabit SW&!kj (from the Ansaar). (4) Hadhrat Masrooq reports that from amongst the Sahabah i4WW6 of Rasulullaah @?%, those who issued Fataawaa were Hadhrat Umar , Hadhrat Ali !@W&j, Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood , 4 Hadhrat Zaid (bin Thaabit) Hadhrat Ubay bin Ka'b %W&% and Hadhrat Abu Moosa Ash'ari ?&H%.(51 Hadhrat Qabeesah bin Duayb bin Halhala reports, "During the time of Hadhrat Umar SG%?45, Hadhrat Zaid bin Thaabit iHlW6 remained the chief authority of the judiciary of Madinah, as well a s the chief authority of issuing Fataawaa, Qiraa'ah and dissolution of estates. He maintained this position during the time


(1) Ibn Sa'd (Vo1.4 Pg.151). (2) Ibn Sa'd (Vo1.4 Pg.157). Ibn Asaakir has reported a similar narration, a s quoted in Muntakhab Kanzul Ummaal (Vo1.5 Pg.77). (3) Ibn Sa'd (Vo1.4 Pg.160). Abu Nu'aym has reported a similar narration in his Hi/ya (Vol. 1 Pg. 129). (4) Ibn Sa'd (Vo1.4 Pg. 167). (5) Ibn'Sa'd (Vo1.4 Pg.168).

m. (2)

299 of Hadhrat Uthmaan k W Z 4 & $ and for as long as Hadhrat Ali ~ , E W remained j in Madinah (as Khalifah before moving the capital to Kufa). Thereafter, he kept the k became the Khalifah post for a further five years until Hadhrat Mu'aawiya 3 in the year 40 A.H. Even after this, he remained instated in the position until he passed away in the year 45 A.H." ('1 Hadhrat Ataa bin Yasaar reports that both Hadhrat Umar ~ , G m and Hadhrat ? & i2 4 % jused to call for Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas 3Gw (to Uthmaan 4 consult with) and would also consult with the veterans of the Battle of Badr. Until the day he passed away, Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas Wm used to issue and Hadhrat Uthmaan Fataawaa during the time of Hadhrat Umar W , ~ W



Hadhrat Ziyaad bin Meenaa narrates that amongst those Sahabah @W&j who issued Fataawaa and narrated Ahadeeth in Madinah were Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas % , , Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar BWj,Hadhrat Abu Sa'eed Khudri ~ , WHadhrat j, Abu Hurayrah W4W$, Hadhrat Abdullaah Amr bin A1 Aas W3W, Hadhrat Jaabir bin Abdullaah 4 ! 8 3 % $ , Hadhrat Raafi bin Khudayj %$W%, Hadhrat Salamah I bin Akwa % Hadhrat Abu Waaqid Laythi %JGw and Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Buhaynah WW$.This they continued doing from the time Hadhrat Uthmaan ?&G3W$passed away until their deaths. Amongst them, the ones who issued the bulk of the Fataawaa were Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar Hadhrat Abu Sa'eed Khudri Abbaas ?3G%l$2j, -2, Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah k W i W j and Hadhrat Jaabir bin Abdullaah

Hadhrat Qaasim relates, "During the Khilaafah of Hadhrat Abu Bakr wW, Hadhrat Umar ?B!X%j, Hadhrat Uthmaan % @ @ and ! until % j the time she passed away (may Allaah shower his mercy on her), (my aunt) Hadhrat Aa'isha @Gm used to issue Fataawaa by herself. I used to stay with her and she showed extreme affection towards me." (4)

The Knowledge of the Sahabah ' @ , G i W

The Statement of Hadhrat Abu Dharr %%iW concerning the Vast Knowledge of the Sahabah @,E&i&i
Hadhrat Abu Dharr = 4 said, "Rasulullaah @@ left u s with s o much knowledge that even when a bird fluttered its wings in the sky, it would remind us of something he had taught us." (5) Another narration adds that Rasulullaah @$% said, "Everything that draws one closer to Jannah and that takes one further from Jahannam has been explained to
(1) Ibn Sa'd (Vo1.4 Pg.175). (2) Ibn Sa'd (Vo1.4 Pg.181). (3) Ibn Sa'd (Vo1.4 Pg.187). (4) Ibn Sa'd (Vo1.4 Pg.189). (5)Ahmad.

300 you (Sahabah @,~$&j)."(l)




The Narration of Hadhrat Amr bin A 1 Aas B,Ew about what he Memorised from Rasulullaah &%. % and the Narration of Hadhrat Aa'isha lBEm about the Knowledge of Hadhrat Abu Bakr B,Ew
Hadhrat Amr bin A1 Aas @Wj says, "I have learnt a thousand similitudes from Rasulullaah @&."(2) In a lengthy narration, Hadhrat Aa'isha W 3 W 4 says, "Whenever they (the Sahabah @,Gw) disagreed about anything, my father (Hadhrat Abu Bakr 4 = ) would come forth with a Hadith that would satisfy them all and settle the % was to be buried, dispute. Therefore, when it was asked where Rasulullaah @ no one could be found who had any relevant knowledge. It was then that % @ ! 2 j said, 'I heard Rasulullaah @ @ say, 'Whenever a Nabi Hadhrat Abu Bakr % passed away, he was buried beneath the place he lay at the time he passed away.' Similarly, when the Sahabah @,w posed divergent opinions they $ I % could ,find none with relevant about the inheritance of Rasulullaah @ , G W iwho said, 'I heard Rasulullaah knowledge. Again it was Hadhrat Abu Bakr 3 @ % ! say, 'We the assembly of Arnbiyaa do not leave behind any inheritance. Everything we leave behind is donated as ~ a d a ~ a h . " ' ( ~ )

The Statements of Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood B,E@@ and Hadhrat Hudhayfah B , E mAbout the Knowledge of Hadhrat Umar ~ , E W j
Hadhrat Abu Waa'il narrates that Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood said, "If B 3 4 & $ was placed on one pan of a scale and the the knowledge of Umar $ knowledge of all on earth was placed on the other, the knowledge of Umar would outweigh the rest." Hadhrat A'mash says, "I found it difficult to accept this, s o I mentioned it to Ibraheem, who said, 'Why d o you find this difficult to accept when I can swear by Allaah that Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood W%W said something even more profound than this. He said, 'In my estimation, nine tenths of knowledge leR the world with the demise of Umar 4~$.,11'(4) In a lengthy narration concerning the demise of Hadhrat Umar ?i%,-, Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood ?i%>Wj stated, "From all of us, it was Umar ?i%Wj who possessed the most knowledge about Allaah, who recited the Book of Allaah the
(1) Tabraani. Tabraani has reported a narration similar to that of Ahmad from Hadhrat Abu Dardaa

WSWbj, which is reported from reliable sources, a s confirmed by Haythami (Vo1.8 Pg.264). Ibn Sa'd (Vo1.4 Pg.170) has also reported a similar narration. (2) Ahmad, reporting from reliable sources a s confirmed by Haythami (Vo1.8 Pg.264). (3)Baghawi, Tbn Asaakir and others, as quoted in Muntakhab Kanzul Ummaal(Vo1.4 Pg.346). (4) Tabraani. Haythami (Vo1.9 Pg.69) has commented on the chain of narrators. Ibn Sa'd (Vo1.4 Pg.153) has reported a similar narration.


301 most and who had the deepest understanding of Allaah's Deen." ('1 Hadhrat Hudhayfah %UWjsaid, "In comparison to the knowledge of Umar 9,Gm, the knowledge of all other people seems like it could be buried in a little hole."(2) A man from Madinah said, "When I was presented before Hadhrat Umar bin learned j, scholars appeared to be little children before him. His Khattaab ~ . W understanding and knowledge towered above theirs." (3)


Rasulullaah @% Declares that Hadhrat Ali %$ZiCu,&j was the most learned of the Sahabah +MGwj and about his the statement of Hadhrat Ali Knowledge of the Qur'aan
Hadhrat Abu Is'haaq narrates that when Rasulullaah got Hadhrat Ali 3,WG married to Hadhrat Faatima WWj, she said to Rasulullaah @%, "You have married me to a man whose eyesight is weak and whose stomach is big." Rasulullaah @?% responded by saying, "I have married you to him because from all my companions, he was the first to accept Islaam, he has the most knowledge and is the most tolerant." (4) Another narration states that Rasulullaah said to Hadhrat Faatima DBw, "Are you not pleased that I have married you to the person who was the first of my Ummah to accept Islaam, is the one with the most knowledge and is the most tolerant?" (5) Hadhrat Ali ~,G&!Gjonce said, "By Allaah! I know precisely about what every verse of the Qur'aan was revealed, where it was revealed and concerning whom it was revealed. My Rabb has blessed me with a perceptive heart and an eloquent tongue." ( 6 ) Hadhrat Sa'eed bin Musayyib reports that Hadhrat Umar ~ ,used G to seek ~ ~ Allaah's protection against any intricate problem which had to be resolved without the help of Hadhrat Ali % I B ~ . ( ~ )

The Knowledge of Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood s,G$$3

Hadhrat Masrooq narrates that Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood % W Wsaid, "I know the precise circumstances surrounding the revelation of every chapter of the Qur'aan. If I knew of a person more knowledgeable than myself, I would certainly go to him if a camel or any other conveyance could take me to him." Hadhrat Masrooq says, "I sat in the company of many Sahabah @.G@!2j of
( I ) Tabraani, a s quoted in hfajma'uzZawaaYd(V01.9 Pg.69). (2) Ibn Sa'd (Vo1.4 Pg. 153). (3) Ibn Sa'd w 1 . 4 Pg.153).

(4) Tabraani. Haythami (Vo1.9 Pg.102) h a s commented o n the chain of narrators. (5) Tabraani and Ahmad. Haythami (Vo1.9 Pg. 101) has commented o n the chain of narrators (6) Ibn Sa'd (Vo1.4 Pg.154). (7) Ibn Sa'd (Vo1.4 Pg.156).

THE LIVES OF T H E SAMBAH @, =3 (Vol-3) 302 Muhammad @% and found them to be like dams. While some dams may quench the thirst of one man, others may quench the thirst of two men, others the thirst of ten and others will quench the thirst of a hundred men. Then there are oceans that can cater for all the people on earth if they had to settle there. I found Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood to be such a n ocean." (') Hadhrat Zaid bin Wahab narrates that Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood arrived one day at a place where Hadhrat Umar ! 3 ! 3 % was sitting. When he saw Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood 3 U i W approach, Hadhrat Umar %@&% said, "He is a coffer filled to the brim with the knowledge and understanding of Deen." Hadhrat Asad bin Wadaa'ah reports that Hadhrat Umar once made mention of Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood !3BW$3 saying, "He is a coffer filled to the brim with knowledge. I however had to give preference to the people of Qaadisiyyah over myself concerning him (by sending him to teach them rather than keeping him behind with me in Madinah)." (2)

The Statement of Hadhrat Ali % l E - concerning his Knowledge and the Knowledge of Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood SGw, Hadhrat Abu Moosa & $ @ @ j , Hadhrat Ammaar BB@@2,Hadhrat Ash'ari % Hudhayfah ! & l B & & j and Hadhrat Salmaan !&Gw
Hadhrat Abul Bakhtari narrates that they once approached ~ a d h r a Ali t -4 with the request t o inform them about the Sahabah '$E@'&&of Rasulullaah @@. 'Which of them would you like to know about?" Hadhrat Ali asked. "Tell us about Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood Sl@&G," they replied. Hadhrat Ali ? 3 G i said, "He learnt the Qur'aan and the Sunnah and reached the apex of knowledge. This is sufficient for you to gauge the extent of his knowledge." 'Tell us about Hadhrat Abu Moosa Ash'ari they asked next. Hadhrat Ali 4 ? & 3 3 5 i said, "He had been thorough? dyed in knowledge before coming out of the dye." The men asked further, "Then tell us about Hadhrat Ammaar bin Yaasir w'Wj." Hadhrat Ali W%% said, "He is a Mu'min who remembers well after being reminded about something he had forgotten." "Now tell us about Hadhrat Hudhayfah wj," they asked. Hadhrat Ali ?&W%'s reply was: "Of all the Sahabah '$B!X%, he best knew who the Munaafiqeen were." , Hadhrat Ali S'W%said, "He When they asked about Hadhrat Abu Dharr acquired a substantial amount of knowledge but was unable to disseminate it.'' The men further asked, "Tell us about Hadhrat Salmaan %.Wt$3." Hadhrat Ali m Wsaid, "He acquired the knowledge of the previous Ambiyaa a s well as the knowledge of the final Nabi He is an ocean whose bottom cannot be reached and he is also one of us, the household of Rasulullaah "0 Ameerul Mu'mineen!" the men then asked, "Now tell u s about yourself." Hadhrat Ali



(1) Ibn Sa'd (Vo1.4 Pg.169). (2) Ibn Sa'd (Voi.4Pg.161).




said, "It was this that you had intended asking - from the outset! Whenever 1 asked (Rasulullaah &&) anything, 1 would receive a reply and whenever I remained silent. I would b e informed." (')

The Statement of Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood ~ F WConcerning j the Knowledge of Hadhrat Mu'aadh bin Jabal BEbSj
Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood 2 said, "Mu'aadh bin Jabal 3,Wjis certainly an Ummah who was Qaanit and Haneef (one inclined towards the truth and averse to all false creeds). He is (definitely) not from the Mushrikeen." The narrator says, "I thought that Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood Ww had perhaps made an error because Allaah says in the Qur'aan:

+ I > J I LY-U,+ I Ibraheem & $ ! & was certainly an Ummah who was Qaanit and Haneef (one inclined towards the truth a n d averse to all false creeds). He was (definitely) not from the Mushrikeen. {Surah Nahl, verse 120-121) However, when Hadhrat Abdullaah bin ~ a s ' o o d 3,Wjrepeated his words to me, 1 knew that he meant what he was saying. I therefore remained silent. He then asked, 'Do you know what the meaning of 'Ummah'and 'Qaanit'is?' When I submitted that Allaah knows best, he explained, 'Ummah (in this context) refers to a person who teaches people good things and Qaanit'refers to a person who obeys Allaah and His Rasool @%. That is exactly how Mu'aadh bin Jabal %M&!4 was. He taught people everything that was good and was obedient to Allaah and to Allaah's Rasool @&."'(2)
(II.~~:+ iJp)



( I

Statements of Hadhrat Masrooq Concerning the Knowledge of the Sahabah.i%EJF@&&5

Hadhrat Masrooq says, "I examined the Sahabah i $ E W i %carefully and found that all their knowledge could be found in six of them; namely Hadhrat Umar ~ , W j , Hadhrat Ali , Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood %?!Z4%, Hadhrat Mu'aadh Hadhrat Abu Dardaa W 3 W 2 and Hadhrat Zaid bin Thaabit bin Jabal ~WWj, k S l % % . After closely examining these six, 1 discovered that all their knowledge % L G and Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Mas'ood could be found in Hadhrat Ali W
9 , w . n (3)

Hadhrat Masrooq also said, 'When I arrived in Madinah and enquired about the i3 iG W i , I discovered that amongst those with the most profound Sahabah 4 knowledge was Hadhrat Zaid bin Thaabit W3W.''(4)
(1) Ibn Sa'd (Vo1.4 Pg.162). (2) Ibn Sa'd (Vo1.4 Pg. 165). (3) Ibn Sa'd (Vo1.4 Pg. 167). (4) Ibn Sa'd (Vo1.4 Pg.176).

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