Mainframe Programmer Analyst Applications in Washington DC Resume Barry Newton
Mainframe Programmer Analyst Applications in Washington DC Resume Barry Newton
Mainframe Programmer Analyst Applications in Washington DC Resume Barry Newton
Phone: (540) 372-9470 / E-mail: [email protected]
PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY Senior mainframe programmer analyst with extensive experience developing new systems and enhancing existing applications. Team player with outstanding analytical and technical problem solving skills, attention to detail, and demonstrated ability to succeed in demanding environments. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE SENIOR PROGRAMMER ANALYST, International Logic Systems, Inc. (ILC), Fairfax, VA, 01/11 03/12 Utilized IBM Mainframe, IBM PC, COBOLII, JCL, DB2, CICS, ENDEVOR, EXPEDITER/CICS, FILE-AID for DB2, and MS OFFICE (Word and Excel) to complete Labor Management System projects onsite at client, AMTRAK, Washington, DC. Enhanced online annulment and abolishment CICS/DB2 programs plus their corresponding back-out programs for the Hours of Service Project. New regulations required limiting hours worked, based upon time of day worked, rest time, and hours worked since rest. For annulment and abolishment, table rows were deleted for projected work hours. Table rows were reinserted if reversed before the nightly batch cycle. Modified Paperless Time Ticket System holiday pay approval logic to prevent deletion of holiday pay which caused incorrect pay and corrective work. I worked with the user to define the process, obtain current examples and identify the cause. I modified stored procedure PTS01M26 correcting holiday pay. SENIOR PROGRAMMER ANALYST, Sallie Mae (SLM CORPORATION), Reston, VA, 7/06 6/10 Utilized IBM MAINFRAME, IBM PC, COBOLII, JCL, VSAM, DB2, ENDEVOR, InterTest Batch, InterTest for CICS, Optim ACCESS, and MS OFFICE (Word and Excel), to complete projects relevant to Sallie Maes student loan operations and related financial services. Developed, tested, installed and maintained the mainframe interface to Loan Selection Tool System (LST). The mainframe side of LST is a COBOLII/DB2 system automating the final loan sale. LST created a streamlined loan acquisition and securitization process that allowed increasing loan sales and tracking the funding for individual loans. LST provided the basis to secure loan funding through the recent credit crisis. Enhanced existing CICS/DB2 online and COBOLII/DB2 batch programs to capture all potential Private Credit Loss events. The captured events were used by a data warehouse for management reporting and predictive modeling and analytics. The objective was to reduce over $600 million in currently reported potential losses. Removed collection, returned item, legal and forbearance fees required by Department of Education (DOE) to be excluded from their loans. Corrected transfer process to write off fees and ensure the fees were zero. SENIOR DEVELOPER, Princeton Information, McLean, VA, 11/05 7/06 Utilized IBM MAINFRAME, IBM PC, COBOLII, JCL, VSAM, DB2, ENDEVOR, Optim ACCESS, and MS OFFICE (Word and Excel), to complete a variety of projects onsite at financial services client, Sallie Mae, Inc., Reston, VA. (I was placed with Princetons client, Sallie Mae, on a contract to hire. I became a permanent employee with Sallie Mae, as a Senior Programmer Analyst, in July 2006.) SENIOR DEVELOPER, Dataskills, Inc. (Subsidiary of Keane, Inc.), Virginia Beach, VA, 10/04 11/05 Utilized IBM MAINFRAME, IBM PC, COBOLII, CICS, ISPF, TSO, JCL, VSAM, DB2, ENDEVOR, FileAID, XPEDITER/CICS, SPUFI, QMF, Lotus Notes, VISIO, FINALIST, and MS OFFICE (Word and Excel), to complete a variety of projects onsite at client, Newport News Holdings Corporation, Newport News, VA. Enhanced online CICS/DB2 and batch programs using XPEDITER to analyze current processing and verify modifications during unit testing for the Cross-company Selling Project. Communicated with various levels of information systems staff to analyze, develop and implement the enhancements. This project allowed multiple companies to sell a product while only one company maintained the product in inventory. Standardized approximately 60,000 addresses in the existing VSAM Fraud File using Finalist, which was called through a COBOLII program that I wrote. Also, I loaded the standardized fraud addresses into new DB2 tables using a COBOLII/DB2 program. These changes increased the accurate identification of fraudulent addresses, thereby increasing profit. While testing the standardization program, I found existing fraud addresses that had been changed by Finalist. I determined that all customer addresses would need to be periodically updated with Finalist in order to keep existing addresses current. Responsible for the setup and running of the initial Daily Job Flow Test at the new onsite processing center. Copied files and DB2 tables; ran mass binds; modified the JCL and PROC Libraries for testing; and, added
modifications for the Kit and Component Project. This enabled testing and installation of the modifications for this project, a major system enhancement that included high profit sales. Member of the project team responsible for all aspects of designing a gift card program. SENIOR PROGRAMMER ANALYST, GEICO, Washington, DC, 1/02 - 9/03 Utilized IBM MAINFRAME, IBM PC, IBM z/OS 01.02.00, COBOLII Release 4.0, CICS 6.2.0, DB2 7.1, JCL, IMS 6.1, VSAM, TSO/E, ISPF Level: 5.2, IOF Release 7G, LE Version: 1.2.0, ENDEVOR Release 3.9, XPEDITER/CICS 07.05.00, File-AID (for DB2-4-5; IMS06.02.00; MVS 8.8.2), CICS Abend-AID/FXRelease 4.3.1, and MS OFFICE (Word, Excel) to complete a variety of projects requiring extensive communications and complex programming, documentation, and testing within tight timeframes. Served as a member of a three-person team responsible for troubleshooting and supporting on-line CICS subsystem for ID cards and binders for a national insurance company. Converted the original, system, which used IMS databases; to DB2 for Client and Policy databases, while retaining IMS for the sales database. Completed projects prior team was unsuccessful with, including, writing, improving function and reliability of a 2D Bar Coding Project. Analyzed the original IMS database subsystem and modified the DB2 replacement subsystem to reflect changes made to the original subsystem during testing and implementation. Converted name and address from free format to fixed format. Tested the CICS, DB2, VSAM, and COBOLII code commands. Used a top-down testing technique using XPEDITER to walk through the COBOLII commands to verify the results; viewed the data before executing the CICS, DB2, and VSAM commands; viewed the data after executing the commands; and checked the return codes from those commands. Independently analyzed customer requirements and coordinated analysis and design changes with the customer and other software developers; developed design changes to the name and address display for the 2D bar code project to bring the company into compliance with state regulations. Changed Marylands FR-19 form processing from the existing IMS database system to the new DB2 database system. Modified programming logic that was written in COBOLII using structured programming techniques in an IBM mainframe environment. Modified code to increase maximum vehicles allowed to nine. Corrected vehicle coverage and lien holder for vehicles four through nine. Enabled police department to read insurance cards through sophisticated computer technology. CONSULTANT (Self-employed), Fredericksburg, VA, 1/99 - 12/01 and 1/03 9/04 Utilized IBM MAINFRAME, IBM PC, COBOLII, CICS, TSO, ISPF, JCL, and MS OFFICE (Word, Excel) to complete a variety of IT projects (mainframe and non-mainframe) requiring extensive communications and complex programming, documentation, and testing with quick turnarounds. Managed and worked on multiple projects simultaneously for clients in various industries. SYSTEMS ANALYST, Saudi ARAMCO, Saudi Arabia, 9/94 - 12/98 Utilized IBM MAINFRAME, IBM PC, IBM OS/390, COBOLII, ISPF, TSO, LE, JCL, IOF, VSAM, IMS, ENDEVOR, FileAID (for MVS and IMS), CA-PANVALET, Automated Scheduling, and MS OFFICE (Word, Excel) in completing complex IT projects that required frequent communications and complex programming, documentation, testing that had to be completed in limited time frames and providing production support on a rotating basis. Enhanced and maintained both existing online and batch Payroll systems within a large-scale IBM OS/390 environment for an international oil company. Analyzed customer requirements for adding flexible benefits to an existing IMS employee database and payroll system to determine how to add flexible benefits in accordance with installation standards and procedures. Communicated extensively with users and personnel in DP areas to define, develop, and implement requests. Added flexible benefits to the IMS employee database. Initialized the database and modified payroll processing to utilize the IMS employee database for input to include dependent data in the data transmission to the insurance company. Developed design documentation for flexible benefits and dependent medical payment, adding both to the database environment. Independently analyzed customer requirements and coordinated analysis with the customer and other software developers. Modified the medical payment plan to utilize the IMS employee database for input to include dependent data in the data transmission to the insurance company: Coded, tested, and installed changes for the flexible benefits to both the IMS employee database and payroll system. Both systems were written in COBOLII.
INFORMATION SYSTEMS CONSULTANT, Merge Computer Group, Inc., Richmond, VA, 9/89 8/94 Utilized IBM MAINFRAME, IBM PC, IBM MVS/ESA, COBOL/COBOLII, ISPF, TSO, IOF, JCL, CICS, VSAM, DB2, Automated Scheduling, File-AID (for MVS), and CA-INTERTEST to complete a variety of projects requiring extensive communications and complex programming, documentation, and testing within tight timeframes. Maintained and developed enhancements to and customized Payroll, Personnel, and Insurance systems. Designed and wrote program specifications and assisted in programming an integrated subsystem using CICS and DB2 in accordance with installation standards and procedures. This subsystem provided online updates for payroll information for a CA payroll and personnel system in an IBM MVS/ESA, COBOL/COBOLII environment. The subsystem provided finance, compensation, and production interfaces with multiple levels of security for a national transportation company. Independently analyzed customer requirements and interfaced with personnel to design and develop a turnaround document for employees, listing their current enrolled benefits profile under a cafeteria-style benefits plan and requesting employee selection changes. Coordinated analysis with the customer and other software developers, created database, CICS, and output form additions, wrote documentation, and performed software testing. Wrote customized payroll and savings withdrawal inputs for an InSci Payroll and Personnel system using CICS and VSAM. SYSTEMS ANALYST, Saudi ARAMCO, Saudi Arabia, 10/82 - 9/88 Utilized IBM MAINFRAME, IBM MVS/ESA, COBOL, ISPF, TSO, JCL, IOF, VSAM, IMS, CA-PANVALET, and Automated Scheduling to complete a variety of projects requiring extensive communications and complex programming, documentation, testing within restricted time allotments, and providing production support on a rotating basis. Maintained and enhanced existing payroll systems using mainframe programming. Analyzed the system and designed and wrote program specifications; developed replacement systems. Interfaced with multiple users and personnel in other DP areas. Analyzed customer requirements for emergency checks and social insurance. Designed, developed, programmed, documented, tested, installed, maintained, troubleshot, and supported vacation pre-pay system created to provide salary advances and travel expenses or allowances to employees prior to vacations. Developed design documentation for social insurance. Independently analyzed customer requirements and coordinated analysis and design changes with the customer and other software developers. Initiated the rewrite of the emergency check, check reconciliation, and social insurance systems to decrease cost and improve processing and accuracy. PROGRAMMER/ANALYST, Markel Service, Inc., Glen Allen, VA, 7/79 9/82 Utilized Honeywell Midrange and COBOL to complete a variety of projects requiring extensive communications and complex programming, documentation, and testing within tight timeframes. Developed software and performed testing of programs for accounts receivable and claims systems for insurance companies. Coordinated analysis and design changes with the customer and other software developers. Maintained computer software and hardware for accounts receivable, claims, and payroll systems for a national insurance brokerage. Analyzed customer requirements, wrote program specifications, and developed design documentation. Reviewed programmer output, and designed forms and reports. Participated in the analysis, design, and programming of reinsurance, claims, and accounts receivable systems for an existing insurance corporation. EDUCATION B.A., Political Science, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA: Information Systems Course Certificate Program Richmond Information Systems Educators, Richmond, VA: Advanced DB2 Programming, DB2 Application Programming, CICS Command-Level Programming, Advanced CICS Applications, CICS LOGIC & DEBUG