Rules of The ASUN Senate, 76th Session
Rules of The ASUN Senate, 76th Session
Rules of The ASUN Senate, 76th Session
Rule Page
I. Meetings of the Senate. ........................................................ 1
II. Membership of the Senate. .................................................. 1
III. Conduct of Business. ............................................................. 3
IV. Motions. .................................................................................. 5
V. Assignment of the Floor. ....................................................... 5
VI. Conduct of Debate.................................................................. 5
VII. General Decorum. .................................................................. 6
VIII. Voting. .................................................................................... 6
IX. Standing Committees. ........................................................... 7
X. Standing Committee Duties. ................................................. 8
XI. Select Committees. ................................................................ 9
XII. Committee Procedure. ......................................................... 10
XIII. Committee of the Whole. ..................................................... 12
XIV. Legislation Generally. ......................................................... 12
XV. Introduction of Legislation. ................................................. 13
XVI. First Reading of Legislation, Fast Tracking, and
Referral to Committee. ..................................................... 13
XVII. Second Reading of Legislation and Senate
Consideration. ................................................................... 14
XVIII. Enrollment of Legislation. .................................................. 15
XIX. Senate Officers. .................................................................... 15
XX. Confirmation of Appointments. .......................................... 17
XXI. Matters Regarding These Rules. ........................................ 18
XXII. Senate Training and Transition. ........................................ 18
Meetings at call of Speaker
(a) The Speaker shall call meetings of the Senate as he or she
deems appropriate, provided that the Senate shall meet at least once
every two full class weeks, and that the regular meeting date and
time of the Senate shall be on Wednesdays no earlier than 5:30 p.m.,
unless the Senate orders otherwise. The Speaker shall call no less
than two meetings of the Student Senate at least one week apart
during the spring semester of his or her election.
Meetings at call of Senate
(b) At any time the Senate is in session, it shall be in order as a
privileged motion for any Senator to move to schedule an additional
meeting, for the date and time he or she shall prescribe in the motion.
Such a motion shall be undebatable and shall require the consent of a
simple majority of the Senate.
Meetings by petition of Senators
(c) At any time outside of a meeting, a petition to call a meeting,
prescribing the date and time of the meeting and signed by at least
one-half of all qualified Senators, may be submitted to the Speaker.
Upon receipt of a valid petition, the Speaker shall provide notice of
the additional meeting to all Senators, provided that the petition is
submitted in ample time in advance of the date and time of the
meeting as indicated in the petition.
Qualifications of Senators
(a) A member of the Association shall be considered a qualified
Senator-elect upon receipt by the Secretary a certification of his or
her election to the Senate from the proper official, or a qualified
Senator-designate upon the approval by the Senate. Before such a
qualified Senator-elect or Senator-designate may assume office, he or
Rules of the Senate—2
hearings shall occur for every two additional absences after the
fourth absence.
Office hours
(f) (1) Each Senator must hold at least 2 office hours per week.
Office hours shall be held between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. Monday
through Friday, while the Senate is in Session, in the Senate Wor-
(2) The Secretary of the Senate shall post a sign in sheet in
the Senate Workroom every Wednesday before the Senate meet-
ing commences for the purpose of allowing each Senator to record
the time spent in the office. The Secretary shall maintain the
sheets in the same manner as the minutes.
(3) The Secretary shall maintain a list of each Senator‘s
office hours.
(4) Each Senator will sign in and out when holding office
(5) Whenever a Senator accumulates 6 hours worth of
absences from his or her office hours, it shall be counted as one
Senate absence to be reviewed by the Committee on Oversight
and Appointments in the same manner as in the case of absences
from meetings as provided in subsection (e) of this Rule.
Order of business
(a) After being called to order, and any customary opening
ceremonies, and calling the roll to establish the presence of a quorum,
the Senate shall proceed with its business as follows:
(1) Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting.
(2) Public comment.
(3) Receipt of petitions and other correspondence addressed
to the Senate, and subsequent referral to committees.
(4) Reports of the Officers.
(5) Reports of Senate Standing Committees, in alphabetical
(6) Reports of Senate Select and Standing Committees, in
alphabetical order.
(7) Comments and Announcements.
(8) Motions to fast-track appointments.
(9) Approval of appointments of Senators and other Student
Government Officials.
(10) Election of Senate Officers.
(11) Veto Messages from the President.
(12) Consent Agenda.
(13) First Reading of legislation.
(14) Motions to fast-track.
Rules of the Senate—4
Decorum of visitors
(b) Visitors to the Senate Chamber shall be seated in the desig-
nated gallery. No visitor may be seated along the aisles or behind the
Chair. Visitors shall refrain from disrupting the business of the
Senate. The Speaker may ask any visitor to leave the Chamber at any
time for disorderly conduct.
Voting rights
(a) (1) Every Member shall be present within the Senate Cham-
ber during its sittings, unless excused or necessarily prevented, and
shall vote on each question put, unless he or she has a direct personal
or pecuniary interest in the event of such question. For the purposes
of this Rule, presence by phone or video conference shall qualify as if
the Senator were physically present in the Chamber.
(2) A Senator may not authorize any other person to cast his
or her vote or record his or her presence in the Senate or the
Committee of the Whole Senate on the state of the Association.
(3) No other person may cast a Senator‘s vote or record a
Senator‘s presence in the Senate or the Committee of the Whole
Senate on the state of the Association.
Speaker’s Discretion in Voting
(b) The Speaker is not required to vote in ordinary legislative
proceedings, except when his or her vote would be decisive.
Votes by roll call
(c) It shall be in order as a privileged request for any Senator to
ask that the yeas and nays be recorded in the minutes on any ques-
tion. The yeas and nays shall be recorded by a call of the roll. The
Speaker shall proceed directly to a vote by roll call on the second
reading of all finance related bills, without intervening voice vote or
standing vote.
Appointment of standing committees
(a) (1) The standing committees specified in this Rule shall be
elected by the Senate within one week after the commencement of
each session of the Senate.
(2) A resolution proposing to change the composition of a
standing committee shall be privileged if offered by the chairper-
son of the committee concerned.
(3) The Senate shall fill a vacancy on a standing committee
by resolution.
Rules of the Senate—7
Standing committees
(b) The Senate shall elect Senators to the standing committees,
as follows:
(1) Academics.
(2) Budget and Finance.
(3) Campus Community.
(4) Government Operations.
(5) Public Affairs.
(6) University Affairs.
(7) Oversight.
Committee chairpersons
(c) The Senate may choose one Senator to serve as the chairper-
son of each standing committee, except for the committee on Over-
sight. Absent the Senate selecting a chairperson, such decision shall
rest with the committee. The committee on Oversight shall be chaired
by the Speaker of the Senate.
Additional committee officers
(d) Each committee shall elect a vice chairperson from its mem-
bership at its first meeting, and again at such times the office might
become vacant. Additional officers may be designated by the commit-
tee or the chairperson.
Duties of Committee Chairpersons
(e) (1) Standing committee chairpersons shall be responsible for
such duties typical of the office of chairperson including but not
limited to:
(A) coordinating committee meetings;
(B) recording the attendance of committee members; and
(C) preparing committee reports for the Senate.
(2) Standing committee chairpersons shall also perform
duties pertaining to their committees by request of the Speaker,
not inconsistent with these Rules.
(3) The vice chairperson shall fulfill the duties of the Chair at
such times the Chair is unable to do so.
General duties of standing committees
(f) Standing committees shall be responsible for the consideration
of all questions referred to them by the Senate or the Speaker, the
preparation of legislation they deem necessary for the welfare of the
Association or as directed by the Senate in instructions, and the
preparation of all reports required by these Rules or deemed neces-
sary at the discretion of the Chair.
Membership size requirements for standing committees
(g) (1) Each committee shall be composed of at least five but not
to exceed nine members unless prescribed elsewhere in these Rules
Rules of the Senate—8
for the committees. Each senator shall serve on at least two commit-
(2) Should membership of a committee fall below its allotted
minimum, the Speaker shall inform the Senate and seek Sena-
tors who wish to transfer to the committee.
(3) Should a committee be unable to obtain the prescribed
minimum number of members, it may continue to operate, pro-
vided that a quorum of the committee shall be a simple majority
of its minimum prescribed membership.
Members at large
(h) Any committee, save the Committee on Conduct and Ap-
pointments, may appoint non-voting members at large. In any
committee, the number of members at large may not exceed one less
than the number of senators on the committee
Power to sit and act
(i) (1) For the purpose of carrying out any of its functions and
duties under this rule and rule X, a committee is authorized to sit and
act at such times and places within the State of Nevada, whether the
Senate is in session, has recessed, or has adjourned, and to hold such
hearings as it considers necessary.
Committee on Academics
(a) Academics is responsible for polices regarding the University
academic policy, evaluation of professorships & coruses, calendar
issues, and library operations. Academics will provide a liaison to the
Faculty Senate, the office of the Provost, and the Office of Admissions
and Records.
Committee on Budget and Finance
(b) Budget and Finance will ensure responsible expenditure of
Association funds. The committee will review finance bills, review
spending practices, review balance sheets regularly, inspect budgets
& expenses of agencies & departments, and everything else regarding
the finances of the Association. The committee will request reports
from the bookstore and business plan for the upcoming year, and
report it to the Senate. Budget and Finance cannot have less than
seven members.
Committee on Campus Community.
(c) Campus Community is responsible for policy concerning on-
campus organizations, the students‘ non-academic involvement on
campus, or services not directly overseen by the University. Campus
Community will provide a liaison to the Greek councils and RHA.
Rules of the Senate—9
Call of meetings
(a) (1) Standing committees shall meet at least once every two
weeks during the fall and spring semesters, at the time and place
prescribed by the chair. Even when no business is pending before the
committee, a pro forma session shall be held.
(2) A simple majority of the committee‘s membership may, by
written petition, instruct the chair to schedule a meeting.
(3) The chair shall provide adequate notice for all meetings.
(4) A quorum of the committee shall consist of a majority of
the membership of that committee, for committees whose mem-
bership is below the minimum prescribed membership.
(5) Committees may enact such other rules, not inconsistent
with these Rules, as they see fit.
Committee reports
(b) (1) Committees may, upon completing their deliberations,
report legislation to the Senate.
(2) Such a report shall be submitted in electronic form by the
chairperson of the committee to the Secretary in the manner pre-
scribed by the Secretary. The report may include recommenda-
tions for the Senate consideration of the legislation.
(3) Committee reports take effect immediately upon being
Discharge from consideration
(c) (1) A senator may present to the Speaker of the Senate a
motion in writing to discharge a committee from consideration of
legislation that has been referred to it for 14 days. Only one motion
may be presented for a single piece of legislation.
(2) The Speaker shall cause the motion to be placed on the
(3) When a motion to discharge is on the agenda, the Senate
shall proceed to its consideration under this paragraph without
intervening motion except one motion to adjourn. Motions to dis-
charge shall have precedence in the order of submission to the
(4) When a motion to discharge is considered, the legislation
to which it relates shall be read by title only. The motion is de-
batable for 20 minutes, one-half in favor of the motion and one-
half in opposition thereto.
(5) If a motion prevails to discharge a committee from
consideration of legislation, the Senate shall immediately consid-
er the legislation under the general rules of the Senate. A motion
to discharge requires a majority of the membership to adopt.
Rules of the Senate—11
Committee of the Whole Senate
(a) The parliamentary device known as the Committee of the
Whole shall be called the Committee of the Whole Senate on the State
of the Association.
Types of Legislation
(a) The Senate shall recognize two types of legislation, which
shall be known as Bills and Resolutions.
Requirements of style
(b) The Speaker shall determine the proper format for the
presentation of all forms of legislation and inform all Senators of the
requirements thereof.
(c) All legislation creating or affecting a change in law within the
legislative powers of the Senate, or providing for the budgeting and
appropriation of Association funds, shall be presented in the form of a
Binding Resolution
(d) Any legislation that gives the approval of the Senate as per
policy or as a check to the Executive Branch and causes binding
action. A Binding Resolution shall be used for: amendments to the
Senate Rules, selection of the Speaker of the Senate, selection of the
Secretary of the Senate, selection of the Parliamentarian, selection of
the committee chairs, organization of all the committee‘s member-
ship, creation of Select Committees, any disciplinary action, and
where the approval of the Senate is sought by Law or another Bind-
ing Resolution.
Expressed Resolutions
(e) Any legislation pertaining to the voice of the student body.
This includes but is not limited to, making suggestions, recommenda-
tions, or commendations.
Legislative expiration
(f) Upon adjournment sine die of a session, all legislation not
definitely disposed of by the Senate is to be considered postponed
indefinitely and can only be brought up in a new session by reintro-
Rules of the Senate—13
Initial introduction
(a) (1) A Senator may introduce or submit legislation for intro-
duction by transmitting an electronic copy in the manner prescribed
by the Secretary to him or her. A paper copy shall also be transmit-
ted, bearing the signature or signatures of the primary sponsors.
(2) Legislation filed by 9 a.m. at least four working days prior
to a Senate meeting shall be placed on the agenda for first read-
ing at that meeting.
(3) The Secretary shall also cause the legislation to be posted
on the Senate website no later than one class day following its
filing for introduction.
Sponsorship of legislation
(b) (1) Any Senator(s) filing legislation with the Secretary for first
reading shall be designated as the primary sponsor(s) of the legisla-
tion filed.
(2) After the first reading of any piece of legislation, any
number of Senators may join as secondary sponsors of the legis-
Printing of legislation
(c) The Secretary shall cause to be printed, after first reading and
referral, each piece of legislation filed for consideration.
Fast track of legislation
(d) (1) A Senator may move that legislation receive its first and
second readings at the same meeting. This procedure shall be known
as ―fast-tracking‖ the legislation. Such a motion shall be considered
by the Senate at the meeting at which the legislation is on the
calendar for first reading, and shall only be in order provided that
standard one-day notice has been given.
(2) The motion to fast-track a resolution of appointment
confirmation shall be in order only if recommended by the com-
mittee of relevant jurisdiction.
First Reading of legislation
(a) At the appointed time, the Speaker shall cause all legislation
on the calendar for first reading to be read by title only, but any
Senator may demand a reading in full.
Incidental motions
(b) Immediately after first reading, the Speaker shall recognize
any Senator wishing to make an incidental motion relating to the
Rules of the Senate—14
(a) Within two class days of the adoption of a bill which must be
submitted to the Speaker, the Secretary shall cause a copy of the bill
to be enrolled. After enrollment, the Secretary shall certify the bill,
and then the Speaker shall sign it.
Presentment of legislation
(b) The Secretary shall present all bills which shall have passed
the Senate in person to the President. The Secretary shall make a
note of the time and date of presentment.
The Speaker of the Senate
(A) The Speaker shall preserve order and decorum and,
in case of disturbance or disorderly conduct in the galle-
ries or in the lobby, may cause the same to be cleared.
(A) The Speaker shall sign all acts passed by the Senate
and all writs, warrants, and subpoenas of, or issued by
order of, the Senate. The Speaker may sign enrolled bills
whether or not the Senate is in session.
(A) The Speaker shall decide all questions of order,
subject to appeal by a Senator. On such an appeal a Sen-
ator may not speak more than once without permission of
the Senate.
(A) The Speaker shall rise to put a question but may
state it sitting. The Speaker shall put a question in this
form: ‗‗Those in favor (of the question), say ‗Aye.‘ ‘‘; and
after the affirmative voice is expressed, ‗‗Those opposed,
say ‗No.‘ ‘‘. After a vote by voice under this clause, the
Speaker may use such voting procedures as may be in-
voked under Rule VIII.
Speaker pro tempore
(b) (1) The Speaker may appoint a Senator to perform the duties
of the Chair.
(2) Such an appointment may not extend beyond one legisla-
tive day.
(3) In the case of his illness, the Speaker may appoint a
Senator to perform the duties of the Chair for a period not ex-
ceeding 14 days, subject to the approval of the Senate. If the
Rules of the Senate—16