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Wednesday, April 15, 2009 www.thejakartaglobe.

com/features Section

man Edward
explores his
various talents
French movies packed with love, laughter and action > City Beat C9 Features C4

Big, Bold and Marginalized

Members taking part in a workshop run by Bellydance Jakarta, led by Christine Yaven, at the April Komunitas Xtra-L gathering in Jakarta. The group seeks to show that size is no barrier to living a fulfilling and fun life.  JG Photo/Ashlee Betteridge

An online community is trying to get rid of stupid and don’t have any willpower,” about skin care and a workshop run by

old stereotypes and raise self-esteem in

Ita said. Bellydance Jakarta.
“But also, many stories about women Yenni, a regular at the Jakarta

Indonesia’s plus-size women

being treated badly by men. What has meetings, said the face-to-face events
come up on the mailing list is that some provide a great way to interact with new
males have the idea that big women must people.
not have any love in their lives so they are “In the group, you can share anything
Report Ashlee Betteridge ‘easy,’ and they don’t treat them with about your body, get information, find

respect.” where to get big clothes and try to find a
While these stories of mistreatment good diet program — even if we don’t
magine being laughed at for According to Ita Sugito, one of the might paint a bleak picture, the women follow it!” she said.
showing up at a job interview for a founders of the group, these are not driving Komunitas Xtra-L are pushing to “There is definitely discrimination.
professional position. You are isolated incidents, but part of a wider change these false perceptions, build a Maybe 75 percent of people discriminate
suitably qualified. But according disdain for larger people in Indonesia. strong support network and show that size against us and 25 percent are accepting. It
to your interviewer, you don’t A 2006 study by Yogyakarta’s Gadjah is no barrier to living a fulfilling and fun makes it very difficult with work
meet one important criteria: the Mada University, in conjunction with other life. sometimes and also to socialize. That is
applicant must be attractive. universities around Africa and Asia, found The group, whose membership is why this group is so good for our
You are fat. And the that 25 percent of Indonesian women and predominantly female, is currently the confidence.”
interviewer has no qualms telling you this 10 percent of men were overweight and at only support network in Indonesia for Helping plus-size women find their
right to your face, while mocking you for risk of developing hypertension, a risk larger sized people, and now has chapters inner strength was one of the goals that
bothering to show up at all. factor for cardiovascular disease. in Jakarta, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Bali, co-founders Ririe Bogor and Lulu Lustanti
Or imagine being bullied into resigning The World Health Organization, Semarang and Bandung. While the had in mind when starting Xtra-L. The
from your job in fashion retail because you
politely refused your superior’s numerous
extrapolating from an earlier study, has
estimated that by 2015, as many as
conversation on the mailing list is in
Bahasa Indonesia, it is open to people of all
pair met in 2005 while competing on a
television show called “Miss Impian”
Xtra-L Indonesia
dietary suggestions. Because of this, she 38 percent of Indonesian women and 13 nationalities who identify themselves as (“Miss Dream”), a talent competition for
has decided that you are lazy and makes percent of men over the age of 30 could be being large. There is no minimum weight women weighing more than 90 kilograms, To join or find out more information about
malicious complaints to upper overweight. The WHO classifies that as for joining. and went on to open a boutique for women Komunitas Xtra-L Indonesia and
management, eventually pushing you out having a body mass index over 25. Body At the April gathering, held at the who require clothing in larger sizes. upcoming events, look for the Xtra-L
of your job. mass index is defined as weight in Jakarta International Club, a function As they spoke to customers about their Community Indonesia e-mail list at
These are just some of the stories of kilograms divided by the square of height center in Central Jakarta, enthusiastic self-esteem issues, an idea formed for a groups.yahoo.com or search for
discrimination that plus-size women have in meters. chatter could be heard from far down the support group, Ririe said. Komunitas Xtra-L on www.facebook.com.
shared online as part of Komunitas Xtra-L “We hear a lot of stories about women corridor as about 50 attendees caught up “Everyone who came to our boutique To read Mia’s blog, The Big Asian
Indonesia, an e-mail list and Facebook being discriminated against at work or in on news and talked about everything from would always choose black dresses and say Bellydancer, visit thebigasianbellydancer.
group that has in excess of 950 members finding employment because there is a pre-election macet (traffic jams) to blogspot.com.
nationwide. misperception that big women are lazy, makeup. There was also a presentation > Continued on C2

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