Fidget To Focus Sensory System Impact On ADHD Minnesota
Fidget To Focus Sensory System Impact On ADHD Minnesota
Fidget To Focus Sensory System Impact On ADHD Minnesota
Learning is heavily influenced by activity in our sensory system. A gradual shift in the way children learn has changed how we teach.
Sit Still and Pay Attention~ Outdated! Mindful Learning: A shift in how to learn
Traditional Learning
Stillness is an essential element of attention Movement and variation of perspective hamper attention and concentration Repetition and Just give me the facts! Governed by rule and routine Depends upon impressions drawn by others Passive vs. Active Learning
Study: Sit Still and Pay Attention? Students were asked to view and remember landmarks and locations on a world map 3 groups: Sit Still, Shuffle, and Walk Kids in the Walk group identified sig. more landmarks than kids in the Sit Still group 24% of Sit Still group reported: Distracted By varying perspectives attention & memory improve! ADHD moving kids did best!
Why Do We Fidget?
Just one more round of Nintendo and Ill be done with my homework!
Movement Strategies
Running, walking, yoga, guided imagery Tapping fingers, wiggling legs or toes Rhythm of rocking, knitting Chewing, biting, sucking, smoking Doodling, spinning drumsticks Challenging Gravity Movements: Standing up or pacing Balancing on back two legs of a chair An arm extended in the air to fall asleep
Touch Strategies
Tactile, Textural, or Temperature Quality Fidgeting with hair, skin, coins or keys Fidgeting with toys like Tangles Clicking a pen, mechanical pencil Tapping, drumming or rubbing fingers Knitting, sewing Cooking, kneading, stirring Silkies, blankies or favorite old shirt Cold showers or cool/warm air
Sight Strategies
Television Video games Channel surfing Noticing details in a room Glancing out a window Watching a flickering candle or fireplace Watching a pendulum Using colorful tools ie. markers
Sound Strategies
Music: familiar, often with a beat Drumming White noise Water fountains, waterfalls Whistling Humming Reading outloud Hearing passing cars Overhead fans
Taste Strategies
Sweet/sour candies Mint flavors Spices in foods, like ginger Taste of Starbucks Flavored teas Taste of adrenaline Taste of fear
Smell Strategies
Flavored pens Fresh crisp air Ammonia in smelling salts Aroma Therapy
Lavender oil vs Lemon oil
Companion Strategies
Body double Study buddy, tutor Workout partner Family or parent Teacher Personal assistant Coach or Therapist or Organizer
Fidget with Attitude Do it with respect for yourself and others Welcome to the fraternity of those who
Fidget to Focus