PwC's Academy Middle East
PwC's Academy Middle East
PwC's Academy Middle East
012 3
2013 PricewaterhouseCoopers. All rights reserved. "PwC" is the brand under which member rms of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited (PwCIL) operate
and provide services. Together, these rms form the PwC network. Each rm in the network is a separate legal entity and does not act as agent of PwCIL or any other
member rm. PwCIL does not provide any services to clients. PwCIL is not responsible or liable for the acts or omissions of any of its member rms nor can it control the
exercise of their professional judgment or bind them in any way.
Exam subjects
Candidates have to complete 14 papers in total, nine
fundamentals level and ve professional level papers.
Fundamentals level:
Enrolment in ACCA Programme
No previous knowledge of accounting or nance is required to
start ACCA studies. However, you do need a minimum of three
GCSEs and two A levels in ve separate subjects including
maths and english or equivalent qualications.
Any previous qualication, such as a degree, may entitle you
to exemptions from certain ACCA exams (a maximum of 9
papers in the fundamentals level). This will ensure that your
point of entry is the most suitable for your level and
knowledge and skills and will prevent you from repeating
areas with which you are already familiar.
ACCA exemption policy is subject to change as assessments
may be revised without prior notice. Students are strongly
advised to obtain written conrmation of their exemption
status from ACCA before embarking on any course of study.
Students will be required to pay an exemption fee for each
paper awarded. Exemption fees are the same as exam fees.
Enrolment fees and registration
Initial and exam registration deadlines are as follows:
8 October for the December exam session
8 April for the June exam session
The following fees apply from 9 November 2012 (subject to
Professional level:
Knowledge module
F1 Accountant in business (AB)
F2 Management accounting (MA)
F3 Financial accounting (FA)
Skills module
F4 Corporate and business law (CL)
F5 Performance management (PM)
F6 Taxation (TX)
F7 Financial reporting (FR)
F8 Audit and assurance (AA)
F9 Financial management (FM)
P1 Corporate governance, risk and ethics (GRE)
P2 Corporate reporting (CR)
P3 Business analysis (BA)
Options (two to be completed)
P4 Advanced nancial management (AFM)
P5 Advanced performance management (APM)
P6 Advanced taxation (ATX)
P7 Advanced audit and assurance (AAA)
Initial registration 7 9
Annual subscription 7 9
Exam fees Exam entry
2013 exam fee
(per exam)
2013 exam fee
(per exam)
Knowledge Early 62 64
Standard 7 1 7 3
Late 217 224
Skills Early 7 7 81
Standard 89 92
Late 235 242
Professional Early 91 94
Standard 103 106
Late 251 259
(F1 - F3)
(F4 - F9)
(P1 - P7 )
Exam process
Students have ten years to complete all examination papers
from the date of registration.
The pass mark for each paper is 50%
There are two exam sessions per year, one in June and
another one in December.
Students may attempt a maximum of four exams at any one
Students are expected to study each module; Knowledge,
Skills, Essentials and Options, in order.
Students may vary the order they attempt exams within
each module but they may not vary the order of modules as
mentioned above. However, ACCA strongly recommends
that papers within a module are taken in order.
ACCA membership
In order to qualify as an ACCA member, you need to complete
14 examinations, gain a minimum of three years supervised,
relevant practical experience and complete an ethics module.
Professional ethics module
This is an online training course accessible at any computer with
an internet connection and its aim is to expose students to a
range of ethical perspectives in business.
It is recommended that students complete this module before
they sit P1 Corporate governance, risk and ethics.
More information on the Ethics module can be found at
Practical experience requirement
A key component of the ACCA Qualication is gaining relevant
practical experience, which consists of a specied set of
Practical Experience Requirements (PER). These are closely
linked to the exam syllabus to further develop your skills in the
ACCA students are required to achieve this set of objectives over
a 3-year period working in an accounting or nance-related role
and record the completion of the PER through the Trainee
Development Matrix (TDM).
There is no time limit to complete the PER, though it is
necessary to complete it before applying for ACCA membership.
Where can I study for my ACCA
Qualications and how to apply ?
Register with PwC's Academy, a Gold Approved Learning
Partner, for courses to prepare you to successfully pass the
exams. Check out the latest schedules of our various courses on
our website at
For any further information, please send an email to
[email protected].
Learning from the professionals
What will I learn?
The programme will give you:
Extensive and comprehensive knowledge of the main IFRS
standards and principles
IFRS reporting skills, including the consolidation of
nancial statements
Practical application of IFRS
Why study for your DipIFR with
PwCs Academy?
Our courses are led by PwC professionals, who are ACCA
qualied and have excellent training skills plus extensive
experience of introducing and applying IFRS in practice.
Our courses include study materials developed by PwC
professionals, full support from the lecturers, a
comprehensive study plan for the nal exam and
a mock exam.
PwC's Academy has been awarded the GOLD Approved
Learning Partner status by the ACCA, in recognition of the
quality of the tuition provided and of the support
given to students.
ACCA Diploma in IFRS (DipIFR)
Applying International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) is a
major issue for most companies and nance professionals. Over 90
percent of the worlds leading economies either require IFRS or are
converging with it, so few companies can aord to ignore the need
for their sta to understand IFRS and its implications for their
business and nancial reporting.
Why study for DipIFR?
The Diploma in IFRS (DipIFR) is an international qualication in
IFRS developed by the leading professional accounting
organisation, the Association of Chartered Certied Accountants
(ACCA). Raise your professionalism in IFRS to the next level by
obtaining this qualication.
This programme is intended for professionals working in
accounting, audit and nance who want to obtain an
internationally recognised qualication in International Financial
Reporting and broaden their knowledge of the theoretical and
practical aspects of IFRS.
ACCA Diploma
012 3
PwC's Academy
2013 PricewaterhouseCoopers. All rights reserved. "PwC" is the brand under which member rms of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited (PwCIL) operate
and provide services. Together, these rms form the PwC network. Each rm in the network is a separate legal entity and does not act as agent of PwCIL or any other
member rm. PwCIL does not provide any services to clients. PwCIL is not responsible or liable for the acts or omissions of any of its member rms nor can it control the
exercise of their professional judgment or bind them in any way.
Enrolment in ACCA Dip IFR
If you are a professional accountant or auditor who works in
practice or business, and are qualied according to national
accounting standards, then you are eligible to take this ACCA
nancial reporting qualication.
If you are working in practice, but not yet qualied, then you
may still be eligible. You will need to prove that you have one
of the following:
Three years' relevant accounting experience (by submitting
a letter from your employer)
A relevant degree plus two years' work experience
An ACCA Certicate in International Financial Reporting
plus two years work experience.
Enrolment fees and registration
ACCA (initial and exam registration)
8 October for the December exam session
8 April for the June exam session
The initial registration fee for June 2013 is 186 and includes
one exam attempt, the same fee for December 2013 is 195.
Re-sits are charged at the same price as the initial registration
fee above.
Exam subjects
ACCA periodically reviews its qualication syllabuses so that
they meet the needs of stakeholders such as employers,
students, regulatory and advisory bodies and learning
providers. Below are the 2013 examinable documents:
Exam process
The exam is a three-hour paper that contains a mix of
computational and discursive elements.
The pass mark is 50%
There are two examination sessions per year, one in June and
another in December.
There are two sections and assessments marks are split as
Where can I study for my DipIFR and
how to apply?
Register with PwCs Academy, a Gold Approved Learning
Provided for our DipIFR course to prepare to successfully pass
the exams. Check out the latest schedules of our various courses
on our website at
For any further information, please send an email to
[email protected].
Presentation of nancial statements
Accounting policies, changes in accounting
Estimates and errors
Events after the reporting period
Construction contracts
Income taxes
Property, plant and equipment
Employee benets
Accounting for government grants and disclosure of
government assistance
The eects of change in foreign exchange rates
Borrowing costs
Related party disclosures
Separate nancial statements
Investments in associates and joint ventures
Financial instruments: presentation
Earnings per share
Interim nancial reporting
Impairment of assets
Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets
Intangible assets
Financial instruments: recognition and measurement
Investment property
IAS 10
IAS 11
IAS 12
IAS 16
IAS 17
IAS 18
IAS 19
IAS 20
IAS 21
IAS 23
IAS 24
IAS 27
IAS 28
IAS 32
IAS 33
IAS 34
IAS 36
IAS 37
IAS 38
IAS 39
IAS 40
One groups question
Three scenario questions
(20 marks each)
Section A
Section B
First-time adoption of international nancial
Reporting standards
Share-based payment
Business combinations
Disposal of non-current assets and reporting of
discontinued operations
Exploration for and evaluation of mineral resources
Financial instruments: disclosure
Operating segments
Financial instruments
Consolidated nancial statements
Joint arrangements
Disclosure of interests in other entities
Fair value measurement
The conceptual framework for nancial reporting
IAS 41
Learning from the professionals
What will I learn?
Review sessions provide in depth presentation of all CFA
Program subject material including portfolio management,
equity and xed income analysis, alternative investments, and
the ethics standards. Intensive sessions, progress tests, and a
mock exam are used to ensure mastery of the examination
material. Lecturers also incorporate practical, real world
examples into the teachings to further the students
understanding and detail the applicability of the learning
material to various careers in todays nancial services
Why study for the CFA Program with
PwCs Academy?
Sessions are led by CFA charterholders with extensive
nancial industry experience who guide you through the
programme based on their rst hand knowledge of what it
takes for successful completion.
Our material was uniquely developed by charterholders to
provide students with a comprehensive learning experience
that enables command of all the necessary concepts.
Our sessions promote active learning with participants
encouraged to freely engage with our lecturers.
Periodic tests are given to gauge progress and identify areas
of weakness along with a full mock examination to ensure
you are fully prepared for the exam.
Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)
The CFA designation is the worlds most respected and
recognised investment credential. It is quickly becoming the
standard for nance professionals worldwide. To become a CFA
charterholder, you must complete the CFA Program which
includes passing three intensive exams administered by the CFA
Why become a CFA charterholder?
Earning the CFA designation provides global recognition for
having mastered the tools necessary for nancial analysis and
investment decision making. The worlds top nancial rms are
increasingly making the charter a prerequisite for employment.
Take your career to the next level and join the global network of
nance professionals who have distinguished themselves by
earning the CFA designation. The program is intended for
investment professionals looking to enhance their professional
standing or jumpstart their career, non investment professionals
such as lawyers or accountants seeking to broaden their expertise,
or students who plan on entering the nance industry and want to
demonstrate their commitment and ability to perform at the
highest level. CFA charterholders are found in a wide range of
positions including investment banking analyst, portfolio
manager, strategist, CEO and more.
Chartered Financial
Analyst (CFA) Program
PwC's Academy
Exam process
Exams for each level are held in designated test centres in major
cities around the world. The three exams (Level 1, 2 and 3) must be
passed sequentially as part of the requirements for earning the CFA
The Level 1 exam is oered twice a year in December and
June. The Level 2 and 3 exams are only oered once a year in
All exams must be taken at a designated test centre. No
alternative dates or computer based testing options are
available. Exams are oered in English only.
Each exam is 6 hours in length. A 3 hour morning session is
followed by a 3 hour afternoon session with a 2 hour break in
The Level 1 exam consists of multiple choice questions. The
Level 2 exam is composed of item set questions. The Level 3
exam is composed of item set questions and essay questions.
The minimum passing score (mps) is set annually by the CFA
Board of Governors. The methodology and actual mps are not
publically revealed. Candidates are given a score of pass or
fail and provided a breakdown of each topic area revealing
if they scored below 50%, between 50% and 70%, or above
Global pass rates for the June 2012 exams were as
Level 1 - 38%
Level 2 - 42%
Level 3 - 52%
Candidates for the Level 1 and 2 exams can expect to receive
results approximately 8 weeks after testing. Level 3
candidates will receive results approximately 11 weeks after
No exemptions are granted for any of the exams.
There is no maximum number of attempts for any of the
Becoming a CFA charterholder
To become a CFA charterholder, applicants must:
Successfully pass all 3 levels within the CFA Program, each
consisting of a 6 hour exam,
Have at least four years of qualied investment work
Become a member of the CFA Institute,
Pledge to adhere to the CFA Institute code of ethics and
standards of professional conduct,
Apply for membership to a local CFA member society.
Where can I study for my CFA
designation and how to apply?
PwCs Academy in the Middle East is currently oering CFA courses
in Lebanon and the UAE. To nd out about CFA courses being held
near you, please visit
or email PwCs Academy team in the UAE at
[email protected] or PwCs Academy
team in Lebanon at [email protected]
2013 PricewaterhouseCoopers. All rights reserved. "PwC" is the brand under which member rms of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited (PwCIL) operate and
provide services. Together, these rms form the PwC network. Each rm in the network is a separate legal entity and does not act as agent of PwCIL or any other member rm.
PwCIL does not provide any services to clients. PwCIL is not responsible or liable for the acts or omissions of any of its member rms nor can it control the exercise of their
professional judgment or bind them in any way.
CFA and Chartered Financial Analyst are registered trademarks owned by CFA Institute.
Exam subjects
The CFA Program covers the basic concepts and principles
of 10 major topic areas. The topic areas are consistent
throughout each of the three levels however the topic depth
and weighting diers at each level. The curriculum for all
three levels is organised into 18 dierent study areas. Each
study area contains assigned readings and learning outcome
statements (LOS) that candidates are required to master for
the exams.
Enrolment in CFA Program
In order to enrol in the CFA Program and register for the
rst exam, applicants must:
Have a bachelor's (or equivalent) degree,
or be in the nal year of their bachelor's degree programme
at the time of registration,
or have four years of professional work experience (does not
have to be investment related),
or have a combination of professional work and college
experience that totals at least four years. Part-time positions
do not qualify, and the four-year total must be accrued prior
to enrolment.
Be prepared to take the exam in English,
Understand the professional conduct requirements,
Have a valid international travel passport (required for
enrolment and exam registration).
Pay the relevant CFA Institute fees
The Program enrolment fee applies only to rst time Level 1
candidates. Level 2 and 3 candidates and previously enrolled
Level 1 candidates only pay the exam fee.
Fee quoted is for eBooks curriculum only. For printed books
add $60 and for printed books and eBooks add $90.
CFA Institute fees
Fees and registration deadlines for June 2013 exams:
1st Deadline
(19 Sept 2012)
2nd Deadline
(13 Feb 2013)
Final Deadline
(13 Mar 2013)
enrolment fee
Exam fee
Total fee
$440 $530 $440
$1080 $1545 $1180
$640 $1,015 $740
Topic area Topic area weight (%)
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
I) 15 10 10
II) 12 0
III) 10 0
IV) 20 0
V) 8 5 - 15 0
VI) 10 20 - 30 5 - 15
VII) 12 5 - 15 10 - 20
VIII 5 5 - 15 5 - 15
IX) 3 5 - 15
X) 5 5 - 15
100 100 100
5 - 10
5 - 10
15 - 25
Ethical and Professional Standards
Quantitative Methods
Financial Reporting and Analysis
Corporate Finance
Equity Investments
Fixed Income
Alternative Investments
Portfolio Management and Wealth Planning
5 - 15
45 - 55
Learning from the professionals
Certied Internal Auditor (CIA)
If youre an internal auditor, or a future manager gaining
exposure and expertise in organisational risk management,
then the CIA is the best choice of professional qualication
for you and will serve you well during your entire career.
Why become a CIA?
The Certied Internal Auditor qualication awarded by the
Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), is the only globally
accepted certication for internal auditors and remains the
standard by which individuals can demonstrate their
competency and professionalism in the internal auditing
eld. Candidates who complete this training programme will
leave enriched with educational experience, information and
business tools that can be applied immediately in any
organisation or business environment. In 2011, more than
105,000 students worldwide became CIAs.
What will I learn?
The programme will cover all aspects of training for internal
audit and starting mid 2013, is reduced from four parts to three to
be better aligned with the changing needs of the profession:
Part I: Internal Audit Basics
Part II: Internal Audit Practice
Part III: Internal Audit Knowledge Elements
Why study for your CIA with
PwC's Academy?
PwCs own internal audit specialists bring the latest knowledge,
expertise and practical experience to PwC's Academy training
As the PwC CIA certication course is taught in English,
participants will gain comprehensive internal audit vocabulary
that will be particularly useful for working in an international
business environment.
You will use comprehensive PwC study texts and materials that
are fully approved by the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA).
Certied Internal
PwC's Academy
CIA and Certied Financial Analyst are registered trademarks owned by the IIA.
2013 PricewaterhouseCoopers. All rights reserved. "PwC" is the brand under which member rms of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited (PwCIL) operate
and provide services. Together, these rms form the PwC network. Each rm in the network is a separate legal entity and does not act as agent of PwCIL or any other
member rm. PwCIL does not provide any services to clients. PwCIL is not responsible or liable for the acts or omissions of any of its member rms nor can it control the
exercise of their professional judgment or bind them in any way.
CDC/369/(3 /2013)
Enrolment in CIA Programme
In order to enrol for the CIA programme, candidates must:
Hold a bachelors degree (or higher degree) or its
educational equivalent from an accredited college-level
Pay the relevant IIA fees.
In addition, candidates in the CIA programme need to accept
the conditions of the programme, including eligibility
requirements, exam condentiality, code of ethics, and
continuing professional education (CPE), along with other
conditions required by the IIA's Professional Certication
Board (PCB).
The IIA fees
Fee Structure
Exam process
The CIA exam is computer based and can be tested year round
in over 500 locations worldwide. It is oered in 30 dierent
languages and during the exam the candidate has the freedom
to toggle between the language selected to sit for the exam and
Students can register with the IIA at any time of the year, but
the exam must be scheduled and taken within 180 days from
the day the exam registration is processed at the IIA. After 180
days, the registration will expire, the registration fee will be
forfeited and re-registration will be required.
The pass mark for all papers is 80%.
In the new CIA exam format starting mid 2013, there will no
longer be a provision for credit recognition for CIA candidates
who have successfully completed the examination requirements
for certain other professional certications.
Becoming a CIA
To become a Certied internal Auditor, applicants must:
Successfully pass all 3 levels within the CIA programme,
Obtain a minimum of 24 months of internal auditing
experience or its equivalent. (A Masters degree can substitute
for 12 of the required 24 months)
Pledge to adhere to the CIA code of ethics.
Where can I study for my CIA
designation and how to apply?
PwCs Academy in the Middle East is currently oering CIA
courses in the UAE, in Lebanon, in Oman and in Egypt. To nd
out about CIA courses being held near you, please visit or email PwC's Academy
team on [email protected].
Exam subjects - New in 2013
While the CIA certicate used to comprise four parts, by mid
2013 CIA candidates will be required to sit for three parts only.
The following shows the content and duration of the new CIA
exam format:
Application Fee
CIA Exam Part Fee
Continuing Professional
Education (CPE) Reporting Fee
Exam Part Rescheduling Fee
(when exam part is rescheduled
after initial appointment is made)
US $75
US $150
US $50
US $0
Member Non-member Student/
US $100
US $200
US $50
US $100
US $50
US $105
US $50
Part 1 Exam: Internal audit basics
Duration: 2.5 hours
Question count: 125
Topical focus areas include:
IIA mandatory guidance
Internal control and risk
Tools and techniques for conducting
the audit engagement
Part 2 Exam: Internal audit practice
Duration: 2.0 hours
Question count: 100
Topical focus areas include:
Managing the internal audit function
Managing individual engagements
Fraud risks and controls
Part 3 Exam: Internal audit knowledge
Duration: 2.0 hours
Question count: 100
Topical focus areas include:
Risk management
Organizational structure and
business processes
IT/business continuity
Financial management
Global business environment
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Learning from the professionals
CIMA Diploma in Performance
Management (Arabic)
The CIMA Diploma in Performance Management is the rst
international qualication in Management Accounting developed
by the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) to
be oered in Arabic.
Why study for a CIMA Diploma in
Performance Management?
The programme has been developed for specialists in
management accounting, nancial managers, and accountants
who want to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to
become certied as a specialist by CIMA.
The programme participants will get:
Skills in management decision-making and in performance
management based on nancial information.
An opportunity to make an immediate contribution to the
decision-making process.
Experience in developing professional judgment from the
application of your newly gained knowledge and skills.
What will I learn?
The CIMA Diploma in Performance Management will give you
an in-depth understanding of core management accounting
principles along with knowledge of the main tools and
techniques used to evaluate business performance.
Why study for your CIMA Diploma
with PwC?
PwCs Academy has the exclusive right to oer training for
this international professional qualication in Arabic.
PwCs Academy has accumulated a vast experience of
successful training in management accounting and nancial
Training is provided by PwCs own professionals who have
extensive practical experience.
PwC proposes a exible system of preparation for the exam,
adapted to the level of participants knowledge and
Study materials include study text, practice kit and mock
exams that are translated into Arabic and approved by
PwCs Academy provides full administrative support during
the training process.
CIMA Diploma in
Management (Arabic)
PwC's Academy
2013 PricewaterhouseCoopers. All rights reserved. "PwC" is the brand under which member rms of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited (PwCIL) operate
and provide services. Together, these rms form the PwC network. Each rm in the network is a separate legal entity and does not act as agent of PwCIL or any other
member rm. PwCIL does not provide any services to clients. PwCIL is not responsible or liable for the acts or omissions of any of its member rms nor can it control the
exercise of their professional judgment or bind them in any way.
Enrolment in CIMA Diploma
You do not need a degree to start the CIMA Diploma in
Performance Management. However, you do need to have a
basic knowledge of accounting or nance. Experience within a
nance related industry is therefore useful but not required.
You will also need to be competent in Mathematics and the
Arabic language.
Enrolment fees and registration
Initial and exam registration deadlines are as follows:
20 March for the May exam session
20 September for the November exam session
To simplify the registration process for the CIMA Diploma in
Performance Management, PwCs Academy will handle the
registration process. We will only need contact details
including name, address, telephone, email and employment
details (if students are working) to complete the registration
process. We will not be charging any fee for this service, but
will pass on the charge from CIMA to you with no mark-up.
CIMA has indicated the registration fee is GBP 290 and this
includes your membership fee and the fee for sitting two exam
papers. Exam re-sit costs GBP 79 per paper. The CIMA fees
may change without any prior notice.
Exam subjects
1. Performance Operations (P1 exam)
2. Performance Management (P2 exam)
Exam process
CIMA is responsible for setting the exams. They are all
translated and marked by CIMA. Exams are held in dedicated
exam centres in Egypt and UAE.
The pass mark for each paper is 50%.
There are two exam sessions per year, one in May and another
one in November.
Students may attempt both parts at the same time at any one
If attempted the rst paper and failed, you can use your
remaining exam credit to resit for the same paper.
Each exam is 3 hours in length with additional 20 minutes
reading time.
Each exam consist of three sections:
Section A 8 mandatory test questions (20 points)
Section B 6 mandatory short answer questions (30 points)
Section C 2 mandatory questions (50 points)
Becoming a CIMA Diploma holder and
Completing CIMA Diploma will give students an exemption
for equivalent papers in English (P1 and P2) and all ve
papers in the CIMA certicate in business accounting
(C01-C05), if you decide to apply for the full CIMA
professional qualication.
Exemptions are not awarded automatically. Students should
contact the CIMA admission department.
When and where can I study for my
CIMA Diploma?
Register with PwCs Academy for our CIMA Diploma course to
ensure success in the exams. Check out the latest schedules of
our various courses on our website at
For any further information, please send an email to
[email protected].
Topic Area Topic Area
Costing systems 30%
Forecasting and budgeting techniques 10%
Investment project appraisals 25%
Decision-making under uncertainty 15%
Managing short-term nancing 20%
Topic Area Topic Area
Pricing and product decisions 30%
Cost planning and competitive
advantage analysis
Budgeting and management control 20%
Control and performance
measurement of responsibility centres
Learning from the professionals
Certied Management Accountant
For over 40 years the Certied Management Accountant
(CMA) designation from the Institute of Management
Accountants (IMA) has served as the benchmark for
excellence in the eld of management accounting. It
provides an objective measure of the knowledge and
competencies required in the eld.
Why become a CMA ?
With its specialised focus on the eld of management
accounting, the CMA designation is the gold standard for
those in the profession. It requires the mastery of the
skills and concepts necessary for management accountants.
To obtain the designation, candidates must navigate the
extensive curriculum and successfully complete the
rigorous exam process. Employers seek out those who
have earned the designation as it provides assurance of
the prociencies required for excellence in management
What will I learn?
Part 1: Financial Planning, Performance, and Control
Planning, Budgeting and Forecasting
Performance Management
Cost Management
Internal Controls
Professional Ethics
Part 2: Financial Decision Making
Financial Statement Analysis
Corporate Finance
Decision Analysis and Risk Management
Investment Decisions
Professional Ethics
Why Study for the CMA with
PwCs Academy?
Sessions are led by CMA certied lecturers with extensive
industry experience who guide you through the program
based on their rsthand knowledge of what it takes for
successful completion. Our material has been uniquely
developed by certicate holders to provide students with
a comprehensive learning experience that enables mastery
of all necessary concepts. Our sessions promote active
learning with participants encouraged to freely engage
with our lecturers. Periodic tests are given to gauge
progress and identify areas of weakness along with a full
mock examination to ensure you are fully prepared for the
Certied Management
PwC's Academy
CMA and Certied Management Accountant are registered trademarks owned by the IMA
2013 PricewaterhouseCoopers. All rights reserved. "PwC" is the brand under which member rms of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited (PwCIL) operate
and provide services. Together, these rms form the PwC network. Each rm in the network is a separate legal entity and does not act as agent of PwCIL or any other
member rm. PwCIL does not provide any services to clients. PwCIL is not responsible or liable for the acts or omissions of any of its member rms nor can it control the
exercise of their professional judgment or bind them in any way.
Enrolment in the CMA programme
The CMA exams are computer-based and administered
in hundreds of testing facilities worldwide. With three
testing windows each year, the candidate can sit for an
exam at a time and place convenient for them.
Once enrolled in the CMA Programme the steps for exam
registration are as follows:
1. File an Exam Registration Form selecting the exam(s)
the candidate wishes to take and pay the indicated fees.
2. Receive a registration acknowledgment which provides
the candidate's authorization number(s), testing
window(s), and the instructions for candidates.
3. Schedule exam appointment(s) with Prometric.
4. Once registration is completed, an email will
automatically be sent to the candidate reconrming
their selection of exam, location and time.
5. Candidate should appear for the scheduled exam
appointment(s) with the required identication
Exam Windows
Exams are oered according to the following schedule:
1. January and February
2. May and June
3. September and October
*The Certication Entrance Fee covers:
Credential review for educational qualication
Credential review for experience qualication
Six months access to the CMA Exam Support package which
includes the CMA Assessment Tool and printable practice
Final Score Report
Performance feedback reports for candidates who do not pass
Personalized, numbered certicate for oce display
Congratulatory notication to employer or others, if desired
Pass Rates
For the Period 1 September 2011 through 30 June 2012
Region Part 1 Part 2
Worldwide 31% 47%
Asia Pacic 39% 56%
Europe 49% 61%
Middle East Africa 17% 32%
The Americas 48% 56%
Becoming a CMA
To be eligible for the CMA designation, candidates must
fulll all of the following requirements:
Membership in the Institute of Management
Accountants (US$225)
Certication Entrance Fee (US$225)
Bachelor Degree from an accredited university
2 consecutive years of professional experience in
management accounting or nancial management
Passing scores for all required examination parts
(US$350 per part)
Compliance with the IMA Statement of Ethical
Professional Practice
Fee Structure
Certification Entrance Fee (non-refundable) $225*
Exam Fee $350 per part
Exam Fee if a candidate registers for both
parts at the same time for the same testing
$300 per part
Prometric Rescheduling Fee: to reschedule
your appointment within 30 days of your
scheduled appointment
Where can I study for my CMA
designation and how to apply?
PwCs Academy in the Middle East is currently oering
CMA courses in Lebanon. To nd out about CMA courses
being held near you, please visit:
or email PwC's Academy team in Lebanon at:
[email protected]
Learning from the professionals
Certied Public Accountant (CPA)
CPA is one of the leading nancial accounting qualications
around the world. The CPA credential is a license issued by
one of the 55 states or territories of the United States through
their board of accountancy. One component of the licensing
requirement is the uniform CPA examination administered by
the american institute of certied public accountants (AICPA).
Why qualify as a CPA?
CPAs are qualied to handle a wide variety of important
business functions. A CPA is always an accountant, but not all
accountants are CPAs. CPAs are considered trusted nancial
advisors who can help businesses and other organisations plan
and reach their nancial goals. You will nd CPAs holding
positions such as Financial Controller, Chief Financial Ocer
and even Chief Executive Ocer. One of the more important
roles CPAs can perform is that of a consultant. This might
include researching ways to save money for a corporation or a
small business, or developing nancial plans that will make
the business or corporation attractive to investors. CPAs are
bound by a code of ethics to give clients good, sound and
ethical advice.
What will I learn?
Training sessions will cover the subjects in the AICPA content
specication outline. These include nancial accounting and
reporting, audit, business concepts and regulation.
Why study for your CPA qualication
with PwCs Academy?
You will learn from our expert lecturers who are PwC
professionals with years of practical experience.
Training will be mainly in English but may include some Arabic
language facilitation, when needed.
Participants will be given plenty of opportunity to discuss the
course content and ask questions.
Our courses materials have been developed by Kaplan, world
leader in CPA review materials and include;
Study manuals
Online, on demand video instruction
CPA pro Qbank.
Certied Public
PwC's Academy
2013 PricewaterhouseCoopers. All rights reserved. "PwC" is the brand under which member rms of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited (PwCIL) operate
and provide services. Together, these rms form the PwC network. Each rm in the network is a separate legal entity and does not act as agent of PwCIL or any other
member rm. PwCIL does not provide any services to clients. PwCIL is not responsible or liable for the acts or omissions of any of its member rms nor can it control the
exercise of their professional judgment or bind them in any way.
CDC/369/(3 /2013)
Enrolment in CPA programme
In order to enrol in the CPA programme and register for the
exam, applicants must:
Either be a US citizen or a citizen or long-term resident of
the countries in which the exam is administered;
Have a bachelors degree or higher (usually 150 semester
hours in specic subject areas determined by the states
board of accountancy); and
Be prepared to take the exam in English.
Once applicants are satised that they meet this criteria, they
should undertake the following steps;
Step 1: Check the requirements of each state board of
accountancy that is currently part of the International
Administration of the CPA Examination and assess which
states requirements best t their credentials. Please visit for more details.
Step 2: Get their credentials evaluated by an approved
evaluation service agency. Refer to the NASBA website for the
links to these agencies. There will be a fee charged for this
Step 3: Fill in the application form obtained from their chosen
state board website.
Step 4: Make sure they receive their authorisation to test.
Step 5: Visit NASBA website to pay the additional fee for
international candidates.
Step 6: Ensure receipt of notice-to-schedule (this usually has a
six month validity).
Step 7: Schedule their exam - contact the Prometric Testing
Enrolment fees and registration
We recommend starting the registration process with the
board of accountancy of your selected state early to ensure
that you are eligible to sit for the exam.
Candidates have to pay an application fee, an exam fee and for
international students, an additional registration fee. These
vary depending upon the state board chosen and candidates
should check the relevant website.
Exam subjects
AICPA decides on the content of the exams, prepares the exam
questions and determines the method of scoring. Below is the
Content Specications Outline for the Uniform CPA
Examination eective 1 January 2013.
Exam process
Students have 18 months to complete all exam subjects from the
date of registration.
The exams are computer based.
The pass mark for all papers is 75%.
The rst two months of each quarter each year are the
testing windows, both in US and International locations
(January-February, April-May, July-August and
The exams can be scheduled with authorised Prometric test
centers in the US, Bahrain, Kuwait, Lebanon and the
United Arab Emirates.
Becoming a CPA
In addition to passing all 4 exams, candidates may have to
complete a period of work experience in order to obtain a CPA
license. Candidates should check with the relevant state boards
Where can I study for my CPA
qualication and how to apply?
Register with PwCs Academy for our CPA course to prepare to
pass the exams successfully. Check out the latest schedules of our
various courses on our website at
For any further information, please send an email to
[email protected].
Exam time:
4 hours
3 Testlets:
90 multiple
choice questions
1 Testlet:
7 Task-based
Exam time: 3
3 Testlets: 72
multiple choice
questions (85%)
1 Testlet: 3
tasks (15%)
Exam time: 3
3 Testlets: 72
multiple choice
questions (60%)
1 Testlet: 6
Auditing and attestation: engagement
acceptance and understanding the
assignment (12% - 16%)
Auditing and attestation: understanding
the entity and its environment (including
internal control) (16% - 20%)
Auditing and attestation: performing
audit procedures and evaluating evidence
(16% - 20%)
Auditing and attestation: evaluating
audit ndings, communications, and
reporting (16% - 20%)
Accounting and review services
engagements (12% - 16%)
Professional responsibilities (16% - 20%)
Corporate governance (16% - 20%)
Economic concepts and analysis
(16% - 20%)
Financial management (19% - 23%)
Information systems and
communications (15% - 19%)
Strategic planning (10% 14%)
Operations management (12% - 16%)
Ethics, professional, and legal
responsibilities (15% - 19%)
Business law (17% - 21%)
Federal tax process, procedures,
accounting, and planning (11% - 15%)
Federal taxation of property transactions
(12% - 16%)
Federal taxation of individuals
(13% - 19%)
Federal taxation of entities (18% - 24%)
Exam content
Auditing and
Conceptual framework, standards,
standard setting and presentation of
nancial statements (17% - 23%)
Financial statement accounts;
recognition, measurement, valuation,
calculation, presentation and disclosures
(27% - 33%)
Specic transactions, events and
disclosures: recognition, measurement,
valuation, calculation, presentation, and
disclosures (27% - 33%)
Governmental accounting and reporting
(8% - 12%)
Not-for-prot (nongovernmental)
accounting and reporting (8% - 12%)
Exam time:
4 hours
3 Testlets:
90 multiple
choice questions
1 Testlet:
7 Task-based
Exam content
Learning from the professionals
Financial Risk
PwC's Academy
Financial Risk Manager (FRM)
The Financial Risk Manager (FRM) designation is held
as the worldwide standard for risk management. Rapid
change in the nancial services industry has led
professionals, who manage risk, money and investment
to recognize the need for an up-to-date standardization
of industry knowledge.
Why become an FRM holder?
The FRM designation is the most globally respected
certication for nancial risk management, due to a
rigorous program that ensures Certied FRMs have
mastered the necessary skills and knowledge to
succeed in today's rapidly changing global nancial
industry. Certied FRMs are part of an elite global
network and hold great value to employers across
diverse businesses.
What will I learn?
The FRM Exam Part I and Part II cover a spectrum of
topics in nancial risk management.
The FRM Part I curriculum covers the tools used to
assess nancial risk: quantitative analysis,
fundamental risk management concepts, nancial
markets and products, and valuation and risk models.
The FRM Exam Part II focuses on the application of
the tools acquired in Part I through a deeper dive into
market, credit, operational and integrated risk
management, investment management as well as
current market issues.
Why study for the FRM with PwCs
Sessions are led by FRM certied lecturers with extensive
nancial industry experience who guide you through the
program based on their rsthand knowledge of what it
takes for successful completion. Our material was uniquely
developed by charter holders to provide students with a
comprehensive learning experience that enables command
of all necessary concepts. Our sessions promote active
learning with participants encouraged to freely engage
with our lecturers. Periodic tests are given to gauge
progress and identify areas of weakness along with a full
mock examination to ensure you are fully prepared for
the exam.
2013 PricewaterhouseCoopers. All rights reserved. "PwC" is the brand under which member rms of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited (PwCIL) operate
and provide services. Together, these rms form the PwC network. Each rm in the network is a separate legal entity and does not act as agent of PwCIL or any other
member rm. PwCIL does not provide any services to clients. PwCIL is not responsible or liable for the acts or omissions of any of its member rms nor can it control the
exercise of their professional judgment or bind them in any way.
CDC/369/(3 /2013)
Program road map
Part I exam
4 hours
100 MCQ
Part II exam
4 hours
80 MCQ
Two years
related work
Certied Financial
Risk Manager
40 hours/2 years
Exam subjects
Part 1
Quantitative analysis
Foundations of risk
Financial markets and
Valuation and risk
Market risk
Credit risk
Operational risk
Risk management and
investment management
Current issues in
nancial markets
About the exam
The FRM exam is a two part pencil and paper multiple
choice question (MCQ) examination
Each part is four hours long.
Part I consists of 100 MCQs and is oered in the morning
Part II is 80 MCQs and is administered in the afternoon
session of the exam date.
The passing score is determined by the FRM Committee
Becoming an FRM certicate holder
In order to be certied as a Financial Risk Manager
(FRM) and be able to use the FRM acronym after your
name, the following is required:
A passing score on both Part I and Part II of the FRM
A minimum of two years professional full-time work
experience in the area of nancial risk management or
another related eld including, but not limited to:
trading, portfolio management, faculty academic,
industry research, economics, auditing, risk consulting,
and/or risk technology.
To complete the certication process, GARP requires at
least 4-5 sentences detailing how you manage nancial
risk in your day-to-day work; your professional experience
must encompass two years of full-time work experience.
Experience completed for school will not be considered,
including internships, part-time jobs, or student teaching.
FRM institute fees
Fees and registration deadlines for May 2013 exams:
1st Deadline
(31 Jan 2013)
(28 Feb 2013)
(15 Apr 2013)
enrolment fee $300 $300 $300
Exam fee $350 $475 $650
Total fee $650 $775 $950
Part 2
Where can I study for my FRM
certication and how can I apply?
PwCs Academy in the Middle East is currently oering
FRM courses in Lebanon. To nd out more FRM courses
being oered near you, please visit or!/ PwcsAcademyLebanon.
Or email PwC's Academy team in Lebanon at
[email protected].
All the details of the
PwCs Mini MBA
The value of
PwCs Mini MBA
The value of knowledge 3
Mini MBA structure 4
Business breakdown and map 5
Corporate and business strategy
People management 6
Management skills
Marketing 7
Leadership and negotiation
Accounting and fnancial management basics 8
Project management and business processes
Linking it all together 9
Our trainers
PwCs Academy 10
experience knowledge
3 PwCs Mini MBA Programme
What is PwCs Mini MBA
PwCs Mini MBA Programme allows
professionals to gain the training and
business skills offered in a traditional
MBA programme in a more accessible
manner. The programme provides
participants with a clear picture of
organisations, their structure and
management methodology. We
provide an MBA experience in an
intensive 3 monthsession.
Why choose the Mini MBA
Todays business organisations
require professionals with specialised
skills who can simultaneously
synergise their skills with the larger
organisational structure. It is therefore
essential for professionals to have the
relevant knowledge on all facets of the
modern organisation. From project
management to fnance functions,
corporate strategy to human capital,
PwCs Mini MBA programme will not
only provide an understanding of each
but will also provide clarity on the
interdependence between them.
Who is it for?
The Mini MBA Programme is
intended for those who wish to gain
the business skills provided by a
traditional MBA programme without
incurring the time and costs necessary
to undertake a full MBA programme.
It is ideally suited for current or
aspiring managers along all lines of
business, small and medium sized
enterprise owners, and seasoned or
budding entrepreneurs.
What will I learn?
PwCs Mini MBA Programme covers
the topics taught in leading global
MBA programmes with a focus on
practical examples and case studies.
The programme comprises nine
specially designed modules carefully
chosen to provide a systematic
framework and clear structure for
understanding organisations. We
have developed a unique mapping
technique to link the modules and
create a successful business strategy.
The PwC Advantage
As a global leader in a full range of
professional services PwC employees
have an in depth understanding of the
complexities of modern organisations.
PwCs Academy has incorporated the
insights gained from working with
frms from all over the globe into our
unique Mini MBA Programme.
Lectures and materials are in English.
PwCs Mini MBA Programme includes
over 12 full days of training (100
hours) conducted over a 3 month
At the end of the programme
all participants will receive a
PwC certifcate of completion.
Thisis contingent on meeting the
minimum attendance requirement
of 76 hours and the completion of a
Harvard Business School case study.
Apersonalised assessment of the
case study will be provided to each
participant together with guidance on
suggested future developmentgoals.
When and where can I
participate in the Mini MBA
PwCs Academy is currently offering
the Mini MBA Programme throughout
the Middle East. For more information
regarding the Programme and how to
register please contact:
Iv Borromeo
E: [email protected]
T: +971 (0)4 3043241
You can also contact your PwCs
Academy Middle East country contact.
These are listed on the back of this
Corporate and
1.5 Days of training
Critical success factors
External and internal analysis
Strategies for innovation
People management
1.5 Days of training
HR as a strategic partner
Culture management
Recruitment and selection
Target setting and
Management skills
1 day of training
Change management
Effective communication
Motivation and
Stress management
1.5 Days of training
Market positioning
Corporate social
Marketing and social media
Leadership and negotiation
1.5 Days of training
Leadership vs management
Types of leaders
Role of leadership in
Negotiations (external
Accounting basics and
1.5 Days of training
Financial statement analysis
Nature and purpose of
fnance management
Budgeting and setting
fnancial objectives
Risk management
Project management and
1.5 Days of training
Project management
The project life cycle
Business operations
Quality issues
Linking it all together
1 Day of training
Conclusion to
Introduction to the casestudy
Business breakdown andmap
1.5 Days of training
Vision and mission statement
Stakeholder analysis
Corporate governance basics
Business mapping
PwCs Mini MBA Programme consists of 9 specially
designed modules presented over a 3 month period.
4 PwC
5 PwCs Mini MBA Programme
Business breakdown and
This introductory module
presents an understanding of how
businesses can be mapped through
an outline of the main areas within
all organisations. The business
map is then used to introduce
competitive and strategic analysis
through our 3 step process of:
Analysis (Position), Choice (Options
for Growth), and Implementation.
Itoutlines the three levels of
strategy; corporate, business, and
functional along with the objectives
of each. Critical concepts such
as Vision, Mission Statement,
Corporate culture, stakeholder
analysis, and corporate governance
are also explained and examined.
All concepts are presented using
practical examples from the
modern business world.
Corporate and business
This module begins by presenting a
framework for analysing the global
and local business environment in
which a business operates. To do so
the PESTEL (Politics, Economics,
Social, Technology, Environment,
and Legal) framework is examined.
The concept of competitive and
strategic analysis introduced in
the previous section is explored in
greater depth. Competitive analysis
is examined using the 5 forces
model as well as SWOT analysis.
The module then delves into
strategic positioning and whether
an organisations position is
appropriate given their competitive
environment. Strategies for
growth and innovation in different
competitive environments are
developed. One of the most
important topics is the analysis of
the critical success factors and key
performance indicators that are
used to gauge success.
The business map is then used to
introduce competitive and strategic
analysis through our 3 step process of:
Analysis (Position), Choice (Options for
Growth), and Implementation.
6 PwC
People management
In this module we explore the
modern organisations most
important resource; its people.
It introduces Human Resource
Management (HRM) examining
key policies and systems such
as recruitment, appraisal,
compensation, benefts that are
used to manage people. There is
also discussion of contemporary
issues and issues specifc to the
region. A focus of the module is
addressing the vital link between
business strategy and HRM
along with the impact of HRM on
organisational culture and business
performance. Using theories,
research evidence, and practical
tools participants will understand
and learn to evaluate HRM policies
and their effect on the whole
Management skills
The aim of this module is to provide
the basics of effective management.
Motivation and communication
are critical topics in this section.
Methods for motivation and how to
identify motivational drivers at an
individual level are investigated.
The module analyses different
types of communication and their
evolutions with technological
progress. It also explores how
different communication styles
can be received (positively and
negatively) and how to adapt
communication style depending
on the audience. The module
covers the basics of time and stress
management. Tools for planning,
both short term and long term, are
also examined. Practical examples
will be used to guide participants
throughout the module.
The module analyses different
types of communication and their
evolutions with technological
7 PwCs Mini MBA Programme
The focus of this module is
presenting participants with a
brief overview of marketing theory
and tools and applying these to
real life examples. Itbegins with
an introduction to the strategic
goals of marketing and how they
can be achieved through the
marketing mix (7 Ps). Marketing
tools and concepts such as CRMs,
market positioning, and customer
segmentation are addressed.
The importance of a robust
brand strategy is examined and
crystallized through analysis of
how successful frms generate
brand value. It looks at CSR and
its role in the marketing strategy.
Ofcourse no modern marketing
course would be complete without
an examination of viral marketing
and social media and these topics
are also explored in the module.
Leadership and negotiation
This module examines the role of
leadership and its impact within
the organisation. Thedistinction
between leadership and
management is introduced along
with the objectives of each. It also
explores different types of leaders
and leadership styles. From this
participants gain an understanding
of what type of leader they are, or in
future can become. As a corollary,
participants will also identify
what skills they can improve to
become a more effective leader.
It explores how leaders can play
a constructive role in problem
solving and what pitfalls to avoid.
Apart from leadership, the module
also addresses negotiation skills.
Practical negotiation skills, both
internally and with external clients,
are presented.
The importance of a robust
brand strategy is examined and
crystallized through analysis of
how successful frms generate
brand value.
8 PwC
Accounting basics and
fnancial management
The goal of this module is to
provide participants with a basic
understanding of accounting
and fnancial management.
Additionally the module aims
to help participants understand
the role of these functions within
the organisation. It presents an
overview of fnancial statements
and key fnancial statement ratios
that are pivotal for decision making.
It explores the nature and purpose
of Finance Management along
with an examination of the link
between corporate strategy and
fnancial objectives. It introduces
the concepts of working capital
management, liquidity, cash fows,
and the different sources of capital.
The session will also include an
overview of budgeting and the
basics of risk management.
Project management and
business processes
This module provides an
understanding of the principles and
tools used for effectively managing
projects and the operations of the
organisation. Its aim is to not only
demonstrate how an organisation
manages its projects and operations
but how these decisions can
create or destroy value. Specifc
attention will be given to the
organisations value chain and
the decisions surrounding it.
Itpresents project management
methodologies, the project life cycle
and an understanding of the project
environment. It will demonstrate
how to plan and execute projects
addressing key issues such as
deadlines, resource management,
reporting, monitoring, and
quality control to ensure that key
deliverables are met.
PwCs extensive professional
network provides us unique access
to the highest quality trainers
in each location in which the
Programme is offered.
9 PwCs Mini MBA Programme
Linking it all together
We strongly believe one of the key strengths
of PwCs Mini MBA Programme is the
focus on the link between our modules
to show the interdependence between all
areas of the organisation. This module
concentrates on the interdependence
between the sessions presented in the
programme. Itwill revisit the business map
presented in Module 1 so participants can
apply their new understanding of the frm
to the pivotal skill of business mapping.
The balanced scorecard will be presented
to demonstrate how to evaluate the overall
performance of an organisation. A fnal
section on entrepreneurship will also
be presented. This will be followed by a
Harvard Business School case study that
will incorporate the learning points from
the programme. A personalised assessment
of the case study will be provided to each
participant together with guidance on
suggested future development goals.
Our trainers
Our trainers are meticulously selected to
ensure that each module is presented by a
leader in their respective feld.
In choosing our trainers we apply 3 key
criteria that must be met:
1. Experience in leadership position
2. Subject expertise
3. Knowledge of the local business
PwCs extensive professional network
provides us unique access to the highest
quality trainers in each location in which
the programme isoffered.
10 PwC
PwCs Academy
Experience knowledge
PwCs Academy is the educational
business of the global organisation
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).
Thefoundation of PwCs Academy is
our team of expert professionals who
convey their wealth of knowledge
and the practical experience they
have gained in their daily work
within leading organisations around
the world.
We offer a variety of training courses
covering professional qualifcations,
fnancial competencies, and
management skills. The courses
are based on both the individual
experiences of our experts and
the best practices of PwC Global.
Weconstantly adapt our courses to
meet the needs of modern business
and tailor them to our clients
requirements. PwCs Academies in
the Middle East are part of PwCs
growing network of Academies
which are present in over 30
countries worldwide. Through the
network of PwCs Academies we
continually exchange best practices
and successful methodologies to
ensure that we are consistently
providing industry leading training
Our courses are divided into
Finance skills and competencies
(accounting, fnancial reporting,
fnancial management, audit,
corporate fnance, and corporate
Mini MBA Programme and
Management skills
International professional
qualifcations (ACCA, DipIFR,
CIMA Diploma in Performance
Measurement (Arabic), CPA, CFA)
Our courses are offered in two
Open training courses accessible
to the public
Internal training courses
customised to individual
Our training courses are continually
evolving. We are always open to
working with clients to develop
new courses to meet their needs
and ensure their professional
development objectives are met.
Our key differentiator is our global
network of professionals. We are
constantly communicating and
gathering ideas from our diverse
network of industry experts to
ensure our courses refect the
needs of modern professionals
and organisations. Our objective
is to have industry leading experts
driving our industry leading
professional training. Thats PwCs
Our key differentiator is our globalnetwork of
professionals. Weare constantly communicating
and gatheringideas from our diverse network of
industry experts to ensure our courses refect the
needs of modern professionals andorganisations.
PwC helps organisations and individuals create the value theyre looking for. Were a network of frms in 158 countries with more than
180,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, tax and advisory services. Tell us what matters to you and fnd out
more by visiting us at
2013 PwC. All rights reserved. PwC refers to the PwC network and/or one or more of its member frms, each of which is a separate legal
entity. Please see for further details.
Design Services 28057 (02/13).
UpdatE by: CDC / 369 / (3/2013)
PwCs Academy
MiddleEast contacts
Iv Borromeo
Middle East
T: +971 4 3043 241
E: [email protected]
Ross MacMillan
T: +971 4 3043 241
E: [email protected]
Emily Shotter
T: +968 2455 9123
E: [email protected]
Dania George
T: +961 (5) 428 600 (ext. 1606)
E: [email protected]
Marwa Hassan
T: +2 (02) 2759 7731
E: [email protected]
Alexandra Wickham
T: +974 4419 2777
E [email protected]
All the details of the
PwCs Mini MBA
The value of
PwCs Mini MBA
The value of knowledge 3
Mini MBA structure 4
Business breakdown and map 5
Corporate and business strategy
People management 6
Management skills
Marketing 7
Leadership and negotiation
Accounting and fnancial management basics 8
Project management and business processes
Linking it all together 9
Our trainers
PwCs Academy 10
experience knowledge
3 PwCs Mini MBA Programme
What is PwCs Mini MBA
PwCs Mini MBA Programme allows
professionals to gain the training and
business skills offered in a traditional
MBA programme in a more accessible
manner. The programme provides
participants with a clear picture of
organisations, their structure and
management methodology. We
provide an MBA experience in an
intensive 3 monthsession.
Why choose the Mini MBA
Todays business organisations
require professionals with specialised
skills who can simultaneously
synergise their skills with the larger
organisational structure. It is therefore
essential for professionals to have the
relevant knowledge on all facets of the
modern organisation. From project
management to fnance functions,
corporate strategy to human capital,
PwCs Mini MBA programme will not
only provide an understanding of each
but will also provide clarity on the
interdependence between them.
Who is it for?
The Mini MBA Programme is
intended for those who wish to gain
the business skills provided by a
traditional MBA programme without
incurring the time and costs necessary
to undertake a full MBA programme.
It is ideally suited for current or
aspiring managers along all lines of
business, small and medium sized
enterprise owners, and seasoned or
budding entrepreneurs.
What will I learn?
PwCs Mini MBA Programme covers
the topics taught in leading global
MBA programmes with a focus on
practical examples and case studies.
The programme comprises nine
specially designed modules carefully
chosen to provide a systematic
framework and clear structure for
understanding organisations. We
have developed a unique mapping
technique to link the modules and
create a successful business strategy.
The PwC Advantage
As a global leader in a full range of
professional services PwC employees
have an in depth understanding of the
complexities of modern organisations.
PwCs Academy has incorporated the
insights gained from working with
frms from all over the globe into our
unique Mini MBA Programme.
Lectures and materials are in English.
PwCs Mini MBA Programme includes
over 12 full days of training (100
hours) conducted over a 3 month
At the end of the programme
all participants will receive a
PwC certifcate of completion.
Thisis contingent on meeting the
minimum attendance requirement
of 76 hours and the completion of a
Harvard Business School case study.
Apersonalised assessment of the
case study will be provided to each
participant together with guidance on
suggested future developmentgoals.
When and where can I
participate in the Mini MBA
PwCs Academy is currently offering
the Mini MBA Programme throughout
the Middle East. For more information
regarding the Programme and how to
register please contact:
Iv Borromeo
E: [email protected]
T: +971 (0)4 3043241
You can also contact your PwCs
Academy Middle East country contact.
These are listed on the back of this
Corporate and
1.5 Days of training
Critical success factors
External and internal analysis
Strategies for innovation
People management
1.5 Days of training
HR as a strategic partner
Culture management
Recruitment and selection
Target setting and
Management skills
1 day of training
Change management
Effective communication
Motivation and
Stress management
1.5 Days of training
Market positioning
Corporate social
Marketing and social media
Leadership and negotiation
1.5 Days of training
Leadership vs management
Types of leaders
Role of leadership in
Negotiations (external
Accounting basics and
1.5 Days of training
Financial statement analysis
Nature and purpose of
fnance management
Budgeting and setting
fnancial objectives
Risk management
Project management and
1.5 Days of training
Project management
The project life cycle
Business operations
Quality issues
Linking it all together
1 Day of training
Conclusion to
Introduction to the casestudy
Business breakdown andmap
1.5 Days of training
Vision and mission statement
Stakeholder analysis
Corporate governance basics
Business mapping
PwCs Mini MBA Programme consists of 9 specially
designed modules presented over a 3 month period.
4 PwC
5 PwCs Mini MBA Programme
Business breakdown and
This introductory module
presents an understanding of how
businesses can be mapped through
an outline of the main areas within
all organisations. The business
map is then used to introduce
competitive and strategic analysis
through our 3 step process of:
Analysis (Position), Choice (Options
for Growth), and Implementation.
Itoutlines the three levels of
strategy; corporate, business, and
functional along with the objectives
of each. Critical concepts such
as Vision, Mission Statement,
Corporate culture, stakeholder
analysis, and corporate governance
are also explained and examined.
All concepts are presented using
practical examples from the
modern business world.
Corporate and business
This module begins by presenting a
framework for analysing the global
and local business environment in
which a business operates. To do so
the PESTEL (Politics, Economics,
Social, Technology, Environment,
and Legal) framework is examined.
The concept of competitive and
strategic analysis introduced in
the previous section is explored in
greater depth. Competitive analysis
is examined using the 5 forces
model as well as SWOT analysis.
The module then delves into
strategic positioning and whether
an organisations position is
appropriate given their competitive
environment. Strategies for
growth and innovation in different
competitive environments are
developed. One of the most
important topics is the analysis of
the critical success factors and key
performance indicators that are
used to gauge success.
The business map is then used to
introduce competitive and strategic
analysis through our 3 step process of:
Analysis (Position), Choice (Options for
Growth), and Implementation.
6 PwC
People management
In this module we explore the
modern organisations most
important resource; its people.
It introduces Human Resource
Management (HRM) examining
key policies and systems such
as recruitment, appraisal,
compensation, benefts that are
used to manage people. There is
also discussion of contemporary
issues and issues specifc to the
region. A focus of the module is
addressing the vital link between
business strategy and HRM
along with the impact of HRM on
organisational culture and business
performance. Using theories,
research evidence, and practical
tools participants will understand
and learn to evaluate HRM policies
and their effect on the whole
Management skills
The aim of this module is to provide
the basics of effective management.
Motivation and communication
are critical topics in this section.
Methods for motivation and how to
identify motivational drivers at an
individual level are investigated.
The module analyses different
types of communication and their
evolutions with technological
progress. It also explores how
different communication styles
can be received (positively and
negatively) and how to adapt
communication style depending
on the audience. The module
covers the basics of time and stress
management. Tools for planning,
both short term and long term, are
also examined. Practical examples
will be used to guide participants
throughout the module.
The module analyses different
types of communication and their
evolutions with technological
7 PwCs Mini MBA Programme
The focus of this module is
presenting participants with a
brief overview of marketing theory
and tools and applying these to
real life examples. Itbegins with
an introduction to the strategic
goals of marketing and how they
can be achieved through the
marketing mix (7 Ps). Marketing
tools and concepts such as CRMs,
market positioning, and customer
segmentation are addressed.
The importance of a robust
brand strategy is examined and
crystallized through analysis of
how successful frms generate
brand value. It looks at CSR and
its role in the marketing strategy.
Ofcourse no modern marketing
course would be complete without
an examination of viral marketing
and social media and these topics
are also explored in the module.
Leadership and negotiation
This module examines the role of
leadership and its impact within
the organisation. Thedistinction
between leadership and
management is introduced along
with the objectives of each. It also
explores different types of leaders
and leadership styles. From this
participants gain an understanding
of what type of leader they are, or in
future can become. As a corollary,
participants will also identify
what skills they can improve to
become a more effective leader.
It explores how leaders can play
a constructive role in problem
solving and what pitfalls to avoid.
Apart from leadership, the module
also addresses negotiation skills.
Practical negotiation skills, both
internally and with external clients,
are presented.
The importance of a robust
brand strategy is examined and
crystallized through analysis of
how successful frms generate
brand value.
8 PwC
Accounting basics and
fnancial management
The goal of this module is to
provide participants with a basic
understanding of accounting
and fnancial management.
Additionally the module aims
to help participants understand
the role of these functions within
the organisation. It presents an
overview of fnancial statements
and key fnancial statement ratios
that are pivotal for decision making.
It explores the nature and purpose
of Finance Management along
with an examination of the link
between corporate strategy and
fnancial objectives. It introduces
the concepts of working capital
management, liquidity, cash fows,
and the different sources of capital.
The session will also include an
overview of budgeting and the
basics of risk management.
Project management and
business processes
This module provides an
understanding of the principles and
tools used for effectively managing
projects and the operations of the
organisation. Its aim is to not only
demonstrate how an organisation
manages its projects and operations
but how these decisions can
create or destroy value. Specifc
attention will be given to the
organisations value chain and
the decisions surrounding it.
Itpresents project management
methodologies, the project life cycle
and an understanding of the project
environment. It will demonstrate
how to plan and execute projects
addressing key issues such as
deadlines, resource management,
reporting, monitoring, and
quality control to ensure that key
deliverables are met.
PwCs extensive professional
network provides us unique access
to the highest quality trainers
in each location in which the
Programme is offered.
9 PwCs Mini MBA Programme
Linking it all together
We strongly believe one of the key strengths
of PwCs Mini MBA Programme is the
focus on the link between our modules
to show the interdependence between all
areas of the organisation. This module
concentrates on the interdependence
between the sessions presented in the
programme. Itwill revisit the business map
presented in Module 1 so participants can
apply their new understanding of the frm
to the pivotal skill of business mapping.
The balanced scorecard will be presented
to demonstrate how to evaluate the overall
performance of an organisation. A fnal
section on entrepreneurship will also
be presented. This will be followed by a
Harvard Business School case study that
will incorporate the learning points from
the programme. A personalised assessment
of the case study will be provided to each
participant together with guidance on
suggested future development goals.
Our trainers
Our trainers are meticulously selected to
ensure that each module is presented by a
leader in their respective feld.
In choosing our trainers we apply 3 key
criteria that must be met:
1. Experience in leadership position
2. Subject expertise
3. Knowledge of the local business
PwCs extensive professional network
provides us unique access to the highest
quality trainers in each location in which
the programme isoffered.
10 PwC
PwCs Academy
Experience knowledge
PwCs Academy is the educational
business of the global organisation
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).
Thefoundation of PwCs Academy is
our team of expert professionals who
convey their wealth of knowledge
and the practical experience they
have gained in their daily work
within leading organisations around
the world.
We offer a variety of training courses
covering professional qualifcations,
fnancial competencies, and
management skills. The courses
are based on both the individual
experiences of our experts and
the best practices of PwC Global.
Weconstantly adapt our courses to
meet the needs of modern business
and tailor them to our clients
requirements. PwCs Academies in
the Middle East are part of PwCs
growing network of Academies
which are present in over 30
countries worldwide. Through the
network of PwCs Academies we
continually exchange best practices
and successful methodologies to
ensure that we are consistently
providing industry leading training
Our courses are divided into
Finance skills and competencies
(accounting, fnancial reporting,
fnancial management, audit,
corporate fnance, and corporate
Mini MBA Programme and
Management skills
International professional
qualifcations (ACCA, DipIFR,
CIMA Diploma in Performance
Measurement (Arabic), CPA, CFA)
Our courses are offered in two
Open training courses accessible
to the public
Internal training courses
customised to individual
Our training courses are continually
evolving. We are always open to
working with clients to develop
new courses to meet their needs
and ensure their professional
development objectives are met.
Our key differentiator is our global
network of professionals. We are
constantly communicating and
gathering ideas from our diverse
network of industry experts to
ensure our courses refect the
needs of modern professionals
and organisations. Our objective
is to have industry leading experts
driving our industry leading
professional training. Thats PwCs
Our key differentiator is our globalnetwork of
professionals. Weare constantly communicating
and gatheringideas from our diverse network of
industry experts to ensure our courses refect the
needs of modern professionals andorganisations.
PwC helps organisations and individuals create the value theyre looking for. Were a network of frms in 158 countries with more than
180,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, tax and advisory services. Tell us what matters to you and fnd out
more by visiting us at
2013 PwC. All rights reserved. PwC refers to the PwC network and/or one or more of its member frms, each of which is a separate legal
entity. Please see for further details.
Design Services 28057 (02/13).
UpdatE by: CDC / 369 / (3/2013)
PwCs Academy
MiddleEast contacts
Iv Borromeo
Middle East
T: +971 4 3043 241
E: [email protected]
Ross MacMillan
T: +971 4 3043 241
E: [email protected]
Emily Shotter
T: +968 2455 9123
E: [email protected]
Dania George
T: +961 (5) 428 600 (ext. 1606)
E: [email protected]
Marwa Hassan
T: +2 (02) 2759 7731
E: [email protected]
Alexandra Wickham
T: +974 4419 2777
E [email protected]
PwCs Mini MBA Programme
PwCs Mini MBA Programme allows
professionals to gain the training and
business skills offered in a traditional MBA
programme in a more accessible manner.
The programme provides participants
with a clear picture of organisations, their
structure and management methodology.
We provide an MBA experience in an
intensive 3 month session.
Why choose the Mini MBA Programme?
Todays business organisations require
professionals with specialised skills who
can simultaneously synergise their skills
with the larger organisational structure.
It is therefore essential for professionals
to have the relevant knowledge on all
facets of the modern organisation.
functions, corporate strategy to human
capital, PwCs Mini MBA programme will
not only provide an understanding of
each but will also provide clarity on the
interdependence between them.
Who is it for?
The Mini MBA Programme is intended
for those who wish to gain the business
skills provided by a traditional MBA
programme without incurring the time
and costs necessary to undertake a full
MBA programme. It is ideally suited for
current or aspiring managers along all
lines of business, small and medium
sized enterprise owners, and seasoned or
budding entrepreneurs.
What will I learn?
PwCs Mini MBA Programme covers
the topics taught in leading global
MBA programmes with a focus on
practical examples and case studies.
The programme comprises nine specially
designed modules carefully chosen to
provide a systematic framework and clear
structure for understanding organisations.
We have developed a unique mapping
technique to link the modules and create a
successful business strategy.
Why study the Mini MBA Programme
with PwC's Academy in the Middle East?
As a global leader in a full range of
professional services PwC employees
have an in depth understanding of the
complexities of modern organisations.
PwCs Academy has incorporated the
from all over the globe into our unique
Mini MBA Programme.
The value of
PwCs Mini MBA
Our trainers
Our trainers are meticulously selected to
ensure that each module is presented by a
In choosing our trainers we apply 3 key
criteria that must be met:
1. Experience in leadership position
2. Subject expertise
3. Knowledge of the local
business environment
PwCs extensive professional network
provides us unique access to the highest
quality trainers in each location in which
the Programme is offered.
PwCs Mini MBA Programme offer:
3 Month session (materials, 100 hours
of training, Harvard Business School
case study, assessment to identify future
development needs).
When and where can I participate in the
Mini MBA Programme?
PwC's Academy is currently offering
courses throughout the Middle East.
Iv Bo rromeo
T: +971 (0) 4 3043 241
E: [email protected]
PwCs Mini MBA Programme in depth
PwCs Mini MBA Programme comprises nine specially designed modules carefully chosen to provide a systematic
framework and clear structure for understanding organisations. We have developed a unique mapping technique to link
the modules and create a successful business strategy.
The modules and selected topics are outlined below:
further details.
Design Services 28057 (02/13).
Update by: CDC / 369 / (3/2013)
Corporate and business strategu
1.5 Days of training
Critical success factors
External and internal analysis
Strategies for innovation
People management
1.5 Days of training
HR as a strategic partner
Culture management
Recruitment and selection
Target setting and performance
Management skills
1 Day of training
Change management
Effective communication
Motivation and empowerment
Stress management
1.5 Days of training
Market positioning
Corporate social responsibility
Marketing and social media
Leadership and negotiation
1.5 Days of training
Leadership vs management
Types of leaders
Role of leadership in
Problem solving
Negotiations (external
and internal)
Accounting basics and
nancial management
1.5 Days of training
Financial statement analysis
Nature and purpose of nance
Budgeting and setting nancial
Risk management
Project management and
business processes
1.5 Days of training
Project management
The project life cycle
Business operations
Quality issues
Linking it all together
1 Day of training
Conclusion to business mapping
Introduction to the case study
Business breakdown and map
1.5 Days of training
Vision and mission statement
Stakeholder analysis
Corporate governance basics
Business mapping (introduction)