Unit 2 Medium Access Sub Layer: Q2.Write A Short Note On Static and Dynamic Channel Allocation?

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Unit 2 Medium access sub layer

It is bottom part of the data link layer and it also known as MAC(Medium access control) sub layer. MAC sub layer plays a very important role when common medium shared by many stations. it provides the service to logic link control sub layer and it receives from physical layer. The function of MAC sub layer is media access control, error detection and station addressing. Media access control procedures are implemented to ensure that every station gets a fair chance to transmit and collision do not take place. MAC layer also handles the address recognition and error checking function. Q2.Write a short note on static and dynamic channel allocation? Static channel allocation In LAN numbers of workstations are operating; only one user is allowed to broadcast on the channel. First way of allocating a single channel among multiple competing users is by using frequency division multiplexing. For n number of users, the bandwidth is divided into n equal portions, each user being assigned one portion. Since each user has a fixed frequency band, interference between users is avoided. This is applicable only when numbers of users are less and each has constant traffic. The drawback in this procedure is static FDM exhibits poor performance of channels.

Dynamic channel allocation Dynamic channel allocation channel method is incorporated in all LANs and WANs. Dynamic channel allocation method can handle all types of traffic condition. A discipline is built up among the stations of the LAN. So that fair opportunity is given to each station to transmit its data frame. For this following requirements are to be fulfilled by the LAN. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. workstations or terminals are independent A single channel is available for all communication. Collision can be detected by all stations. Workstations can begin signal transmission at any time. Stations can have either carrier sense or not. Carrier is a specific electrical signal on the network.

Sensing of carrier gives the status of the channel that is busy or free.




Q3. Explain about Slotted ALOHA & Pure ALOHA Aloha --Pure Aloha --Slotted Aloha Pure Aloha Systems in which multiple users share a common channel in a way that can lead to conflicts are widely Whenever two frames try to occupy the channel at the same time, there will be collision and both will be Efficiency of a channel:

known as contention systems. garbled.




A user is always in two states: Typing or Waiting. Frame Time denotes the amount of time needed to transmit the standard, fixed length frame (i.e., the frame length divided by the bit rate). Infinite population of users generates new frames according to a Poisson distribution with mean S frames per frame time. If S> 1, the user is generating frames at a higher rate than the channel can handle, and nearly every frame will suffer a collision.

For reasonable throughput 0<S<1. Stations also generate Re-Tx of frames that suffered collisions. Probability of K Transmission attempts per frame time, old and new combined is also Poisson, with the mean G per frame time (G>=S) At Low Load G=S At High Load there will be many collisions so G >S Throughput=G times the probability of a Tx being successful (S=GP0) The probability that K frames are generated during a given frame time is given by the Poisson Distribution Pr[k] = Gk e-G ---------K! Probability of zero frames is just e-G In an interval two frame times long the mean number of frames generated is 2G




The Probability of no other traffic being initiated during the entire vulnerable period is thus given by

P0 = e-2G Using S=GP0 we get S=G e-2G

| Slotted Aloha [Roberts Method] A computer is not allowed to send whenever it wants to instead it waits for the beginning of the next slot Continuous Pure aloha is turned into discrete one. Thereby the vulnerable is halved, the probability of Slotted Aloha peaks at G=1 with a throughput of S=1/e or about 0.368 which is about twice that of pure The Probability of a collision is just 1-e -G. The probability of a transmission requiring exactly K

no other traffic during the same slot as our test frame is e-G which leads to S=Ge-G ALOHA. attempts, (i.e. ,, K-1 collisions followed by one success) is Pk=e-G (1- e-G) k-1




Define Carrier Sense Multiple Access Protocols? Protocols in which stations listen to a carrier and act accordingly is called carrier sense protocols. PERSISTENT AND NONPERSISTENT CSMA: The first carrier sense protocol is 1-PERSISTENT CSMA. When a station has data to send, it first listens to the channel to see if anyone else is transmitting at the moment. If the channel is busy, the App station waits until it becomes idle. When the station detects an idle channel, it transmits a frame. If a collision occurs, the station waits a random amount of time and starts all over again. The protocol is called 1persistent because the station transmits with a probability of 1 whenever it finds the channel idle. The propagation delay has an important effect on the performance of the protocol. There is a small chance that just after a station begins sending, another station will become ready to send and sense the channel. If the first stations signal has not yet reached the second one, the later will sense an idle channel and will also begin sending, resulting in a collision. The longer the propagation delay, the more important this effect becomes, and the worse the performance of the protocol. Even so, this protocol is far better than pure ALOHA, because both stations have a decency to desist from interfering with the third stations frame. Second carrier sense protocol is NONPERSISTENT CSMA. In this protocol a conscious attempt is made to be less greedy in the previous one. Before sending a station senses the channel. If no one is sending, the station begins doing so itself. However if the channel is already in use, the station does not continually sense it for the purpose of seizing it immediately upon detecting the end of the previous transmission. Instead it waits a random period of time and then repeats the algorithm.




ADVANTAGES: This channel leads to better channel utilization and longer delay. The last protocol is P-PERSITENT CSMA. It applies to slotted channels and works as follows. When a station becomes ready to send, it senses the channel. If it is idle, it transmits with a probability p. With a probability q=1-p it defers until the next slot. If that slot is also idle, it either transmits or differs again, with probabilities p and q. This process is repeated until either the frame has been transmitted or another station has been transmitting. In the latter case, it acts as if there has been a collision. If the station initially senses the channel busy, it waits until the next slot and applies the above algorithm. Define CSMA with collision detection? Persistent and non-persistent CSMA protocols are clearly an improvement over ALOHA because they ensure that no station begins to transmit when it senses the channel busy. Another improvement is for station to abort their transmissions as soon as they detect a collision. In other words, if two stations sense the channel to be idle and begin consists of exactly N slots. If station 0 has a frame to send, it transmits a 1 bit during the 0 slot. No other station is allowed to transmit during this slot. Regardless of what station 0 does, station 1 gets an opportunity to transmit a 1 during slot 1, but only if it has a frame queued. Transmitting simultaneously, they will both detect the collision almost immediately. Rather than finish transmitting their frames, which are irretrievably garbled anyway, they should abruptly stop transmitting as soon as the collision is detected.

After a station detects a collision, it aborts its transmission, waits a random period of time, and then tries again, assuming that no other station has started transmitting in the meantime. It is important to realize that the collision detection is an analog process. The stations hardware must listen to the cable while it is transmitting. If what it reads back is different from what it is putting out, it knows a collision is occurring. The implication is that the signal encoding must allow collisions to be detected.




Explain in detail COLLISION FREE PROTOCOL and LIMITED CONTENTION PROTOCOL? Although collisions do not occur with CSMA/CD once a station has unambiguously seizes a channel, they can still occur during the contention period .These collisions adversely effect the system performance, especially when the cable is long and the frames short. A BITMAP PROTOCOL: In our first collision free protocol, the basic bitmap method, each contention period consists of exactly N slots. If station 0 has a frame to send, it transmits a 1 bit during the 0 slot. No other station is allowed to transmit during this slot. Regardless of what station 0 does, station 1 gets an opportunity to transmit a 1 during slot 1, but only if it has a frame queued. Protocol like this in which the desire to transmit is broadcast before the actual transmission are called RESERVATION PROTOCOLS. Under conditions of low load, the bitmap will simply be repeated over and over for lack of data frames.

BASIC BIT MAP PROTOCOL Consider a station from the point of view of the low numbered station, such as0 or 1. Typically when it becomes ready to send, the current slot will be somewhere in the middle of the bitmap. On the average, the station will have to wait N/2 slots for the current scan to finish and another full N slots for the following scan to completion before it may begin transmitting. The overhead per frame is N bits, and the amount of data is d bits, for an efficiency of d / (N + d). BINARY COUNTDOWN: A problem with the basic bit-map protocol is that the overhead is 1 bit per station. We can do better than that by using binary station addresses. A station now waiting to use the channel now broadcasts its address as a binary bit string, starting with the high-order bit. All addresses are assumed to be the same length. The bits in each address position from different stations are BOOLEAN ORed together. We will call this protocol BINARY COUNTDOWN. The channel efficiency of this method is d/(d+log2N).









Two basic strategies for channel acquisition in a cable network: contention, as in CSMA, and collision free methods. Each strategy can be rated as to how well it does with respect to the two important performance measures, delay at low load and channel efficiency at high load. Under conditions of light load, contention is preferable due to its low delay. As the load increases, contention becomes increasingly less attractive, because the overhead associated with channel arbitration becomes greater. Just the reverse is true for the collision-free protocols. At low load, they have high delay, but as the load increases, the channel efficiency improves rather than gets worse as it does for contention protocols. Such protocols, which we will call LIMITED CONTENTION PROTOCOLS, do, in fact, exist, and will conclude our study of carrier sense networks. Write a short note on WAVELENGTH DIVISION MULTIPLE ACCESS PROTOCOLS: A different approach to channel allocation is to divide the channel into sub channels using FDM, TDM, or both, and dynamically allocate them as needed. Schemes like this are commonly used on fiber optic LANs in order to permit different conversations to use different wavelengths at the same time. A simple way to- built an all optical LAN is to use a passive star coupler. In effect, two fibers from each station are fused to the glass cylinder. One fiber is for output to the cylinder and one is for the input from the cylinder. Light output by any station illuminates the cylinder and can be detected by all the other stations. Passive stars can handle hundreds of stations.




To allow multiple transmissions at the same time, the spectrum is divided up in to channels. In this protocol WDMA (wavelength division multiple access), each station is assigned two channels. A narrow channel is provided as a control channel to signal the station, and a wide channel is provided so the station can output data frames. Each station is divided into groups of time slots .Let us call the no of slots in the control channel m and the no of slots in the data channel n+1,where n of these are for data and the last one is used by the station to report on its status. On both channels, the sequence of slots repeats endlessly, with slot 0 being marked in a special way so latecomers can detect it. All channels are synchronized by a single global clock. The protocol supports 3 classes of traffic: 1) constant- data rate connection-oriented traffic, such as uncompressed video. 2) variable- data rate connection-oriented traffic, such as file transfer, and 3) datagram- traffic, such as UDP packets. For the two connection oriented protocols, the idea is that for A to communicate with B, it must first insert a connection request frame in a free slot on Bs control channel. If B accepts, communication can take place on As data channel. Each station has two transmitters and two receivers, as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. A fixed wave-length receiver for listening to its own control channel. A tunable transmitter for sending on other stations control channel. A fixed wave-length transmitter for outputting data frames. A tunable receiver for selecting a data transmitter to listen to.

Explain IEEE 802.3 Protocol in detail with frame formats Project 802

IEEE 802.3





IEEE has produced several standards for LANS .These standards, collectively known as IEEE 802, include CSMA/CD, token bus and token ring. The various standards differ at the physical layer and MAC sub layer but compatible at the data link layer. The IEEE 802 standards have been adopted by ANSI as American National Standards, by NIST as government standards, and by ISO as international standards (known as ISO 8802). The standards are divided in to 2 parts. The 802.1 standard gives an introduction to the set of standards and defines the interface primitives. The 802.2 standard describes the upper part of the data link layer, which uses the LLC (logical link control) protocol.. Parts 802.3 through 802.5 describe the three LAN standards, the CSMA/CD, token bus and token ring standards, respectively. Each standard covers the physical layer and Mac sub layer protocol.


The IEEE 802.3 standard is for a 1 persistent CSMA/CD LAN. When a station wants to transmit, it listens to the cable, if the cable is busy; the station waits until it goes idle; otherwise it transmits immediately. If two or more stations simultaneously begin transmitting on an idle cable they will collide .All colliding stations then terminate their transmission, wait a random time and repeat the whole process all over again.

802.3 CABLING The name Ethernet refers to the cable. Five types of cabling are commonly used .Historically, 10base5 cabling popularly known as THICK ETHERNET, came first. It resembles a yellow garden hose, with markings every 2.5 meters to show where the taps go.(The 802.3 standard does not actually require the cable to be yellow, but it does suggest it).Connections to it are generally made using VAMPIRE TAPS, in which a pin is carefully forced halfway into the coaxial cables core .The notation 10base5 means that it operates at 10 Mbps ,uses base band signaling and can support segments of up to 500 meters.





NAME 10base5 10base2 10base-T 10basef

CABLE Thick coax Thin coax Twisted pair Fiber optics

MAX.SEGMENT 500m 200m 100m 2000m

Nodes/seg 100m 30 1024 1024

ADVANTAGES Good backbones Cheapest system Easy maintenance Best between buildings for

Ethernet Segment

The second cable type was 10base2 or thin Ethernet, which in contrast to the garden-hose-like thick Ethernet bends easily. Connections to it are made using industry standard BNC connectors to form T junctions, rather than using vampire taps. These are easier to use and more reliable .thin Ethernet is much cheaper and easier to install, but it can run for only 200 meters and can handle only 30 machines per cable segment. Detecting cable breaks, bad taps or loose connectors can be a major problem with both the media .For this reason, techniques have been developed to track them down. Basically, a pulse of known shape is injected into the cable .if the pulse hits an obstacle or the end of the cable, an echo will be generated and sent





back. by carefully timing the interval between sending the pulse and receiving the echo ,it is possible to localize the origin of the echo. This technique is called TIME DOMAIN REFLECTOMETRY. The problems associated with finding cable breaks have driven systems toward a different kind of wiring pattern, in which all stations have a cable running to central HUB. Usually these wires are telephone company twisted pairs, plenty of spare pairs are available .this scheme is called 10BASE-T. For 10base5, a transceiver is clamped securely around the cable so that its tap makes contact with the inner core .the transceiver contains the electronics that handle carrier detection and collision detection. When a collision is detected, the transceiver also puts a special invalid signal on the cable to ensure that all other transceivers also realize that a collision has occurred. With 10base5, a transceiver cable connects the transceiver to an interface board in the computer. The transceiver cable may be up to 50 meters long and contains five individually shielded pairs .two of the pairs are for data in and data out, respectively. Two more are for control signals in and out. The fifth pair which is not always used allows the computer to power the transceiver electronics .some transceivers allow up to eight nearby computers to be attached to them to reduce the number of transceivers needed. The transceiver cable terminates on an interface board inside the computer .The interface board contains a controller chip that transmits frames to and receives frames from, the transceiver. The controller is responsible for assembling the data into the proper frame format, as well as computing checksums on outgoing frames and verifying them on incoming frames .some controller chips also manage a pool of buffers for incoming frames, a queue of buffers to be transmitted, DMA transfers with the host computer, and other aspects of network management. With 10base2, the connection to the cable is just a passive BNC. T-junction connector .the transceiver electronics are on the controller board, and each station always has its transceiver. With 10Base-T ,there is no cabling at all, just the hub( a box full of electronics).adding or removing a station is simpler in this configuration, and cable breaks can be detected easily. the disadvantage of 1obase T is that that the maximum cable run from the hub is only 100 meters ,may be 150 meters if high quality(category 5)twisted pairs are used. also ,a large hub costs thousands of dollars. Still, 10base-T is becoming steadily more popular due to the ease of maintenance. A fourth cabling option for 802.3 is 10base-F which uses fiber optics .this alternative is expensive due to the cost of the connectives and the terminators, but it has excellent noise immunity and is the method of choice when running between buildings or widely separated hub. Each version of 802.3 has a maximum cable length per segment. to allow larger networks multiple cables can be connected by repeaters .a repeater is a physical layer device .it receives ,amplifies ,and retransmit signals in both the directions. as far as the software is concerned a series of segments connected by repeaters is no different than a single cable (except for some delay introduced by the repeaters).a system may contain multiple





cable segments and multiple repeaters, but no two transceivers may be more than 2.5 kms. part and no path between any two transceivers may traverse more than 4 receivers. MANCHESTER ENCODING None of the versions use 802.3 use straight binary encoding with 0 volts for a 0 bit and 5 volts for a 1 bit because it leads to ambiguities .if one station sends the bit string 0001000, others might falsely interpret it as 10000000 or 01000000 because they cannot tell the difference between an idle sender (0volts) and a 0 bit (0 volts)

The need is a way for receivers to unambiguously determine the start ,end, or middle of each bit without reference to an external clock .two such approaches are called MANCHESTER ENCODING and DIFFERENTIAL MANCHESTER ENCODING. With Manchester encoding, each bit periods is divided in to 2 equal intervals. A binary 1 bit is sent by having the voltage set high during the first interval and low in the second one. a binary zero is just the reverse : first slow and then high. this scheme ensures that every bit period has transition in the middle ,making it easy for the receiver to synchronize with the sender. a disadvantage of Manchester encoding is that it requires twice as much bandwidth as straight binary encoding, because the pulses are half the width. Differential Manchester encoding is as shown in the fig above. in it a one bit is indicated by the absence of a transition at the start of the interval. a zero bit is indicated by the presence of a transition at the start of the interval. In both cases, there is a transition in middle as well. The differential scheme requires more complex equipment but offers better noise immunity. All 802.3 base band systems use Manchester encoding due to its simplicity. The high signal is +0.85volts and the low signal is 0.85 volts. Giving a DC value of 0 volts.





The 802.3 Mac sub layer protocol This frame structure consists of 2 addresses .one for the destination and one for the source .the standard allows 2 byte and 6 byte addresses but the parameter define for the 10 Mbps base band standard use only the 6 byte addresses. The high order bit of the destination address is zero for ordinary addresses and 1 for group addresses. Group addresses allow multiple stations to listen to a single address. When a frame is sent to a group address, all the stations in the group receive it .sending to a group of stations is called multicast. The address consisting of all one bits is reserved for broadcast. a frame containing all 1s in the destination field is delivered to all the stations on the network.

The length field tells how many bytes are present in the data field, from a minimum of 0 to a maximum of 1500.while a data field of 0 bytes is legal, it causes a problem. When a transceiver detects a collision, it truncates a frame, which means that stray bits pieces of frames appear on the cable all the time. To make it easier to distinguish valid frames from garbage , 802.3 states that valid frames must be at least 64 bytes long, from destination address to checksum. If the data portion of the frame is less than 46 bytes, the pad field is used to fill out the frame to a minimum size. the cable, where it may collide with another frame. The final 802.3 field is the CHECKSUM it is effectively a 32 bit hash code of the data .if some data bits are erroneously received due to noise on the cable the check sum will almost certainly be wrong, and the error will be detected. The checksum error is the cyclic redundancy check. Another reason for having a minimum length is to prevent a station from completing the transmission of a short frame before the first bit has even reached the far end of

Explain IEEE 802.4 Protocol in detail with frame formats Standard 802.4 describes a LAN called token bus .physically; the token bus is a linear of tree shaped cable on to which the stations are attached. logically, the stations are organized into a ring, which each station knowing the address of a station to its left and right .when the logical ring is initialized the highest number station may send the first frame after it is done ,it passes permission to its immediate neighbor by sending a neighbor special control frame called the token. the token propagates around the logical ring with only the





token holder being permitted to transmit frames. Since only one station holds the token at a time, collisions do not occur. An important is to realize that the physical order in which the stations are connected to the cable is not important .since the cable is inherently a broadcast medium, each station receives each frame .discarding those not addressed to it. when a station passes the token ,it sends a token frame specifically address to its logical neighbor in the ring ,irrespective of where the station is physically located on the cable. it is also worth noting that when stations first powered all ,they will not be in the ring, so the Mac protocol has a provision for adding stations to , and deleting stations from ,the ring.

For the physical layer, the token bus uses the 75 ohm broad band coaxial cable used for cable television. both single- and dual- cable systems are allowed ,with or without ends .3 different analog modulation schemes are permitted :phase continuous frequency shift keying , phase coherent frequency shift keying ,and multilevel; duo binary amplitude modulated phase shift keying. Speeds of 1,5and 10Mbps are possible. Further more the modulation schemes not only provide base to represent 0,1 and idle on the cable ,but also 3 other symbols used for network controls, all in all, the physical layer is totally incompatible with 802.3 and a lot more complicated .

THE TOKEN BUS MAC SUBLAYER PROTOCOL When the ring is initialized stations are inserted into it in order of station address from highest to lowest. Token passing is also done from high to low address. Each time a station requires the token, it can transmit frames for a certain amount of time, hen it must pass the token on. If the frames are short enough, several conductive frames may be sent. If a station has no data it passes the token immediately upon receiving it. The token bus defines four priority classes 0,2,4,6 for traffic, with 0 the lowest and 6 the highest. It is easiest to think of each station internally being divided into four stations, one at each priority level. As input comes into the MAC sub layer from above .the data are checked for priority and routed to one of the four substations. Thus each substation maintains its own queue of frames to be transmitted. When the token comes into the station over the cable, it is passed internally to the priority 6 substation, which may begin transmitting frames, if it has any. When it is done the token is passed internally to the priority 4 substation, which may then transmit frames until its timer expires, at which point the token is passed internally to the priority 2 substation. This process is repeated until wither the priority 0 substation has sent all its frames are its timer is expired. Either way, at this point the token is sent to the next station in the ring





The token bus frame format is shown in the fig above. it is unfortunately different from the 802.3 frame format .the preamble is used to synchronies the receivers clock as in 802.3 ,except that here it may be as short as 1 byte. The starting delimiter and the ending delimiter fields are used to mark the frame boundaries. Both of these fields contain analog encoding of symbols other than 0s and 1s, so that they cannot occur accidentally in the user data. as a result no length is field is needed. The frame control is used to distinguish data frames from control frames. for data frames ,it carries the frames priority. it can also carry an indicator requiring the destination station to acknowledge correct or incorrect receipt of the frame .without this indicator ,the destination would not be allowed to send anything because it does not have the token .For control frames the frame control field is used to specify the frame type. The allowed types include token passing and various ring maintenance frames including the mechanism for letting new stations enter the ring, and so on. note that the 802.3 protocol doesnt have any control frames .all the MAC layer does there is provide a way to get frames on to the cable ,it does not care what is in them. The destination address and the source address fields are the same as in 802.3.as in 802.3 , a given network must use all the 2 byte addresses and 0r all 6 byte addresses not a mixture on the same cable. the initial 802.4standard allows either size .the individual and group addressing and the local and global address assignments are identical to 802.3. Explain IEEE 802.5(Token Bus) Protocol in detail with frame formats? In a token ring token, circulates around the ring whenever all stations are idle. When a station transmits, it breaks the ring and inserts its own frame with destination and source addresses. When the frame eventually returns to the originating station after completing the round, the station removes the frame & closes the ring. Because there is only one token, only one station can transmit at a given instant. Cable Standard It specifies 2 type of transmission medium 1. Shielded twisted pair It uses different Manchester signaling technique. Its data rate is 4 or 16 Mbps. Maximum number of repeaters allowed is 250 2. Unshielded twisted pair It uses different Manchester signaling technique. Its data rate is 4 Mbps. Maximum number of repeaters allowed is 250 IEEE 802.5 MAC sub layer protocol SD: This field marks the beginning of the frame AC: It containing Priority bit (P), Token bit (T), Monitoring bit (M) & Reservation bits(R) FC: It indicates type of frame data frame or control frame





Data field: There is no maximum size but the frame transmission time is limited by the token holder timer. FCS: It contains the CRC code. It checks on DA, SA, FC & data fields. ED: It marking the end of a token or data frame. FS: It contain A & C bits

A=0 & C=0 Destination not present or not powered up. A=1 & C=0 Destination present bur frame not accepted. A=1 & C=1 Destination present & Frame copied Token bus performance: When traffic is light, the token will spend most of its time idly circulating around the ring. When traffic is heavy, there is a queue at each station. Network efficiency can approach 100% under conditions of heavy load. Define Bridges. Explain in detail transparent bridges? Connecting Devices

Connecting Devices and the OSI Model





A Bridge in the OSI Model

A Bridge

Function of a Bridge





Transparent bridges The overriding concern about transparent or spanning tree bridge is complete transparency. A transparent bridge operates in promiscuous mode. Accepting every frame transmitted on all the LANs to which it is attached. as an ex consider the configuration bridge b1 is connected to LAN 1 & 2 b2 is connected to LAN 2,3,4.a frame arriving on bridge1 on lan1 destined for a can be discarded immediately, because it is on the right LAN but a frame arriving on lan1 for c and f must be forwarded. When a frame arrives a bridge must decide whether to discard it or forward it. This decision is made by looking up the destination address in a big (hash) table inside the bridge. When the bridges are first plugged in all the hash tables are empty. None of the bridges know where any of the dest are so they use flooding algorithm. Every incoming frames from dest are forwarded to all the LANs. As the time goes on the bridge learn where the dest are. The alg use by transparent bridges is backward learning. by looking at the source address They can tell which machine is accessible on which LAN. the topology can be changed as machines and bridges are powered up and down and moved around. The routing procedure for an incoming frames depend on LAN it arrives on 1) if dest & source LANs are same discard the frame. 2) if dest & source LANs are different forward the frame 3) if dest LAN is unknown use flooding. As each frame arrives the alg must be applied. To increase reliability some use 2 or more bridges parallel. This arrangement can introduce several problems. Spanning tree bridges The solution to this difficulty is for bridges to communicate with each other and overlay the actual topology with a spanning tree that reaches every LAN. in effect some potential connections between LAN s are ignored in the interest of constructing a fictious loop-free topology. To build the spanning tree, first the bridges have to choose one bridge to be the root of the tree. They make this choice by having each one broadcast its serial no installed by the manufacture & guaranteed to be unique worldwide. The result of this alg is that a unique path is established from every LAN to the root and thus to every other LAN.





Write a short note on SOURCE ROUTING BRIDGES. Also give comparison of 802 bridges?





Transparent bridges have the advantage of being easy to install. We just plug them in and walk away. On the other hand, they do not make optimal use of the bandwidth, since they only use a subset of the topology. The relative importance of these two factors led to split within the 802 committees. The CSMA/CD and the token bus people chose the transparent bridge. The ring people preferred a scheme called source routing. Source routing assumes that a sender of each frame knows whether or not the destination is on its own LAN. When sending a frame LAN, the source machine sets the high-order bit of the source address to 1, to mark it. Furthermore, it includes in the frame header the exact path that the frame will follow. This path is constructed as follows .Each LAN has a unique 12-bit number, and each bridge has a 4-bit number that uniquely identifies it in the context of its LANs. Thus, two bridges far apart may both have number 3, but the two bridges between the same two LANs must have different bridge numbers. A route is then a sequence of bridge, LAN, bridge LAN, numbers. A source routing bridge is only interested in those frames with the high-order bit of the destination set to 1.For each such frame that it sees, it scans the route looking for the number of the LAN on which the frame arrived. If this LAN number is followed by its own bridge number, the bridge forwards the frame onto the LAN whose number follows its bridge number in the rote. If the incoming LAN number is followed by the number of some other bridge, it does not forward the frame. This algorithm lends itself to three possible implementations: 1. 2. Software: the bridge runs in promiscuous mode, copying all frames to its memory to see if they have Hybrid: the bridges LAN interface inspects the high-order destination bit and only accepts frames with the high-order destination bit set to 1. If so, the frame is inspected further; otherwise it is not. the bit set. This interface is easy to build into hardware and greatly reduces the number of frames the bridge must inspect. 3. Hardware: the bridges LAN interface not only checks the high-order destination bit, but it also scans the route to see if this bridge must do forwarding. Only frames that must actually be forwarded are given to the bridge. This implementation requires the most complex hardware but wastes no bridge CPU cycles because all irrelevant frames are screened out. COMPARISION OF 802 BRIDGES:The transport and source routing bridges each have advantages and disadvantages. 1. At the heart of the difference between the two bridges types is the distinction between connectionless and connection-oriented networking. The transport bridges have no concept of a virtual circuit at all and route each frame independently from all the others. The source routing bridges, in contrast, determine a route using discovery frames and then route thereafter. 2. The transport bridges are completely invisible to the hosts and are fully compatible with all existing 802 products. The source routing bridges are neither transparent nor compatible.






To use source routing, hosts must be fully aware of the bridging scheme and must actively participate

in it. Splitting an existing LAN into two LANs connected by a source routing bridge requires making changes to the host software. When using transport bridges, no network management is needed. 4. With source routing bridges, the network manager must manually install the LAN and bridge numbers. When connecting two previously disjoint internet works, with transport bridges there is nothing to do except connect them, whereas with source routing, it may be necessary to manually change many LAN numbers to make them unique in the combined internet work. 5. 6. Source routing can use optimal routing, whereas transport bridging is restricted to the spanning tree. Source routing can also make good use of parallel bridges between two LANs to split the load. Locating

destinations is done using backward learning in the transport bridge and using discovery frames in source routing bridges. 7. Failure handling Transport bridges learn about bridges and LAN failures and other changes at all. With source routing, when a bridge fails, machines that are routing over it initially notice that their frames are no longer being acknowledged, so they time out and try over and over. Finally, they conclude that something is wrong, but they still do not know if the problem is with the destination itself, or with the current route. topology

changes quickly and automatically, just from listening to each others control frame. Hosts do not notice these

Write a short note on REMOTE BRIDGES? A common use of bridges is to connect two distinct LANs. For example, a company might have plants in several cities, each with its own LAN. Ideally, all the LANs should be interconnected, so the complete system acts like one large LAN. This goal can be achieved by putting a bridge on each LAN and connecting the bridges pair wise with point-to-point lines. A simple system, with three LANs is illustrated in the following fig. The usual routing algorithms apply here. The simplest way to see this is to regard the three point-to-point lines as host less LANs. Then we have a normal system of six LANs interconnected by four bridges. Various protocols can be used on the point-to-point lines. One possibility is to choose some standard point-to-point data link protocol, putting complete MAC frames in the payload field. This strategy works best if all the LANs are identical, and the only problem is getting frames to the right LAN. Another option is to strip off the MAC header and trailer at the source bridge and put what is left in the payload field of the point-to-point protocol. A new MAC header and trailer can then be generated at the destination bridge. A disadvantage of this approach is that the checksum that arrives at the destination host is not the one computed by the source host, so errors caused by bad bits in a bridges memory may not be detected.









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