The Complete Cancer Prevention Plan (Part 2) : Dr. Frank Shallenberger's
The Complete Cancer Prevention Plan (Part 2) : Dr. Frank Shallenberger's
The Complete Cancer Prevention Plan (Part 2) : Dr. Frank Shallenberger's
Frank Shallenberger’s
All of these oxidative therapies can further produce energy. In fact, cancer cells waste
weaken cancer cells while strengthening up to 95% of the glucose they take in.
healthy ones. Because cancer cells waste so much
As for DMSO, it works like a solvent, glucose, they are constantly hungry for
helping the hydrogen peroxide penetrate more. So they start “stealing” glucose from
the cells better. Plus, there’s evidence in the healthy cells around them. And when
the medical literature that DMSO, once they’ve stolen all the glucose they can, they
absorbed by cancer cells, inhibits the devel- start turning the protein in your body into
opment of tumors. To test this, scientists glucose so they can burn that, too. That’s
experimented with a special colored dye that why your muscles start to waste away,
showed DMSO being absorbed by cancer because your body starts converting muscle
cells. Then they saw that the cancer cells protein into glucose.
didn’t grow as fast. As a result, the normal cells around
Step 3: Boost Your Overall the tumor can literally starve. This leads to
malnutrition, wasting away and death.
Health and Vitality
Fortunately, there’s a way to block this
As I mentioned earlier, I tell all my wasting away. And that’s to make sure your
cancer patients that you have to become body is getting enough protein and fat.
the “healthiest person on your block.” When you give your body enough protein, it
Becoming the healthiest person on replenishes whatever muscle protein is lost
your block means three things: 1) your to cachexia. And when you give your body
immune system is strong enough to fight enough fat, the healthy cells burn fat for
off pathogens that might attack while you’re energy. (Cancer cells cannot burn fat, only
fighting cancer; 2) you have plenty of healthy cells can. I’ll tell you more about
antioxidants that neutralize free radicals; 3) that in a moment.)
your body is able to cope with the physical There are other ways to maximize your
and emotional stress of battling cancer. health and vitality as you fight cancer. And
If you’re going to beat cancer, you can’t that’s to use everything from supplements
afford to have anything but all 3 of these to hormones to detoxification and diet. All
building blocks in place. these therapies are every bit as important
as killing the cancer itself.
Unfortunately, by the time most
cancers are diagnosed, you are already in I use supplements to rejuvenate the
a state of health that is way below your adrenal glands and strengthen the immune
potential. It is this state of poor health system. These include pantothenic acid
which usually accounts for poor outcomes. (vitamin B-5), adrenal gland extract, DHEA,
and others.
Indeed, most cancer patients don’t die
from the cancer itself. They die from being Your adrenal glands regulate your
worn out and wasted. This condition is body’s response to stress. Prolonged expo-
called cachexia. Cachexia is the gradual sure to stress can deplete your body’s
wasting away of a cancer patient’s body, resources and weaken your immune system.
often to just skin and bones. You also need to get enough sleep and
cut down on stimulants like coffee to
Cachexia occurs because cancer cells strengthen your adrenals. You can read
produce energy very differently than normal more about helping your adrenal glands
cells. As I mentioned before, while normal recover from stress in my Special Report,
cells use oxygen to burn fuel, cancer cells How I Cured My Allergies for Good and
do it without oxygen. This process is called How You Can Too.
The other nutrients I give to patients
Fermentation is a very wasteful way to
One More Cancer-Fighting Step • In one study, patients who felt depressed
and helpless and who didn't take an active role
There’s one more thing I’d like to tell you in fighting their cancer had poorer outcomes.
about and it's vitally important. Why? Because • In another study, researchers found that
this one single thing does triple duty: It boosts women who felt isolated (even if they had lots of
your immune system — strengthens your over- friends and social contacts) were 2-1/2 times
all health and well-being — and even gets down more likely to die from breast, uterine, and
to the causes of cancer. ovarian cancers.
What is it? It’s dealing with the psycholog- • And in still another study, people who
ical and emotional aspects of cancer. were not as content and satisfied with their
It’s probably no surprise to you that emo- lives as their peers had 10 times the death rate
tions like depression and grief can put great from all illnesses.
stress on your body. And it’s probably no sur- There may even be such a thing as a “can-
prise to you that stress can take its toll on your cer personality.” Researchers have discovered
immune system. Well, recent research shows that people with cancer tend to share certain
that this factor is even more important than personality traits. These include:
most people realize. For example: • Grief and loss
l Pearls
• Feelings of unworthiness need to address them and ultimately let go of
• Avoidance of conflict them.
• Putting the needs of others before So start being more attentive to your own
their own needs. Let go of negative emotions like guilt,
• Unfulfilled passion that has been anger, bitterness, and greed. Find ways to lower
suppressed for years the stress in your life.
In one dramatic study, researchers gave a The easiest way to lower stress is to
personality test on a large group of women, engage in stress-reducing activities. These
some of whom had cancer and some who didn’t. include prayer, meditation, exercise, or even
When the researchers picked out the women watching funny movies. They all help.
who scored high on the above personality traits,
they were able to detect who had cancer and You also have to practice changing the way
who didn’t with an 88% level of accuracy! you react to stressful events. After all, we can't
Now please understand that I am in no always control what happens to us; but we can
way implying that if someone has cancer, it's always control how we react to whatever hap-
their own fault. What I am saying is that if you pens.
have any of these emotions or tendencies, you References available upon request.
gen exposure, hormone imbalances, viruses, manner. So by eating a diet that provides
radiation, dietary deficiencies, and decreased adequate fat and no high-glycemic carbs,
energy production in your cells. you feed your healthy cells while starving
Dangerous toxins like heavy metals, the cancerous ones!
pesticides, pollutants and other chemicals Another way to address the root cause
are one cause. They’re in the air we breathe, of cancer is to make sure your hormones are
the water we drink, and the food we eat. in balance. You probably know that estrogen
These toxins build up in your tissues and imbalances can lead to cancer of the breast,
organs and slowly poison your body. So one cervix, or prostate. But other hormones are
thing you must do is start a serious detoxifi- important, too. Hormones like thyroid hor-
cation program. This can involve IV chela- mone, cortisol, and melatonin.
tion, saunas, fasting, colonics, and Modified One of the reasons people get cancer
Citrus Pectin. Speak with a qualified health when they get older is because their mela-
care professional before starting any detox tonin levels decline. So I give very substan-
program. tial doses of melatonin. Studies show that it
Changing your diet is also very impor- not only protects against cancer but also
tant. You'll want to eat plenty of organic boosts your immune system and protects
vegetables. And you'll want to entirely against the toxic side effects of chemothera-
eliminate sugars, starches, and most fruits. py and radiation.
Why? Because these foods provide cancer Undiagnosed hypothyroidism (not
with the fuel it needs to thrive! enough thyroid hormone) is another factor
As you probably know, the cells in your that prevents your body from burning fat.
body use one of two types of fuel. They It creates an environment where cancer
either burn glucose (sugar) or fat. But Nobel can thrive. So I always check my patients’
Prize winner Dr. Otto Warburg discovered thyroid levels and often supplement with
that cancer cells live almost entirely on glu- thyroid hormones. Q
cose. They can’t convert fat in an efficient
This “Natural” Food Additive
May Cause Parkinson’s
Did you know that there’s a natural sweet, salty, or sometimes bitter depending
chemical found in fruit that can cause on your taste buds.
Parkinson’s? It’s true. Fruit such as cran- The problem comes when you combine
berries, prunes, plums, and apples contain sodium benzoate or potassium benzoate in a
the chemical. So do spices like cinnamon product that also contains vitamin C. The
and ripe cloves. But the amount you’ll find two combine to form benzene. You may have
in these foods is probably too small to cause heard about benzene. Last year, the British
the disease. However, food manufacturers Food Standards Agency (FSA) measured the
use this chemical in much higher doses as a level of benzene in a number of popular
preservative. And the amount they use can drinks that contain either sodium or potas-
easily cause health problems. sium benzoate as a preservative. It found
Until recently, researchers considered high levels in the six brands mentioned above.
this chemical safe. But now we know that And there are two factors that can
when you take it in the doses required for increase the amount of benzene in these
food preservation, it causes serious cell products. The longer it sits on the shelf, the
damage. In fact, it destroys vital parts of more benzene forms. And exposing it to
your DNA. heat or light will form more benzene.
The chemical I’m talking about is So what’s wrong with benzene? Benzene
benzoic acid. is not a natural ingredient in foods. It’s a
If you’ve ever read the label of canned product of crude oil, and is an industrial sol-
and bottled foods and drinks, you’ve proba- vent. Manufacturers use it in the production
bly seen benzoic acid on the label. Benzoic of drugs, plastics, synthetic rubber, and dyes.
acid comes in two “flavors,” sodium ben- Benzene is dangerous in many ways.
zoate and potassium benzoate. These com- Breathing high levels of benzene can result
pounds are preservatives that have bacterio- in immediate death. Lower levels can cause
static and fungistatic activity. That means drowsiness, dizziness, rapid heart rate, head-
that while they are not able to kill bacteria aches, tremors, confusion, and unconscious-
and fungi, in high enough doses, they can ness. Eating or drinking foods containing
stop their growth. high levels of benzene can cause vomiting,
Benzoic acid works only in acidic condi- stomach irritation, dizziness, sleepiness,
tions (pH< 3.6). So it effectively preserves convulsions, rapid heart rate, and death.
the shelf life of acidic foods. These include There have been several cases reported
citric acid (preserves, jams, fruit juices), of women who breathed high levels of ben-
vinegar (salad dressings, pickles, etc.), car- zene for many months. It caused irregular
bonic acid (sodas and carbonated drinks, menstrual periods and a decrease in the size
such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi Max, Diet Pepsi, of their ovaries. Animal studies have shown
Sprite, Oasis, and Dr. Pepper), and Chinese other complications when the animals
food (soy, mustard, and duck sauces). breathed benzene. These include low birth
The most common way people get too weights, delayed bone formation, and bone
much sodium and potassium benzoate is marrow damage.
with soft drinks. Check the label — it can be However, there are much more common
identified as either E211 (sodium benzoate) problems. These come when you consume
or E212 (potassium benzoate). Most people, lower doses of benzene over a longer period
about 75%, can taste benzoic acid. It tastes of time.
When benzene is absorbed into the Dr. Piper discovered the sodium benzoate
bloodstream, it damages the bone marrow, effect by studying a species of yeast called sac-
which produces red and white blood cells. charomyces cerevisiae. This is the same yeast
This effect on the bone marrow can be a that beer makers use. The particular strain of
cause of unexplained anemia. It also can saccharomyces cerevisiae he used can distin-
depress the immune system and increase guish between a compound that damages mito-
chondria from free radicals from one that dam-
your risk of infection. ages mitochondrial DNA. Using this system, he
The U.S. Department of Health and found that sodium benzoate does both. This is
Human Services classifies benzene as a very sobering considering the large-scale con-
carcinogen. That means it causes cancer. We sumption of sodium benzoate in our modern diets.
also know that benzene causes leukemia — “These chemicals have the ability to cause
even from the amounts in preserved foods. severe damage to DNA in the mitochondria to
the point that they totally inactivate them.
But there’s another problem with They knock them out altogether,” says Dr.
sodium benzoate. Professor Peter Piper is Piper. Dr. Piper’s work prompted Norman
a professor of molecular biology and bio- Baker, the chairman of Parliament’s environ-
technology at the University of Sheffield in ment committee to say: “Many additives are
England. He has studied the health effects relatively new and their long-term impact can-
of sodium benzoate for over 10 years. He not be certain. This preservative clearly needs
discovered that sodium benzoate by itself, to be investigated further by the FSA.”
independent of the benzene issue, can cause In 2000 the World Health Organization
problems. Like benzene, it too can damage reviewed the safety of sodium benzoate and
and inactivate mitochondria. Mitochondria concluded that it was safe. But it noted that
are the energy producers in every cell in the available science supporting its safety
your body (except red blood cells). The fact was “limited.” This means that the studies
that a food additive can damage them is an originally conducted by the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration showing it was “safe” were old
astounding finding.
and outdated. They aren’t accurate by today’s
However, sodium benzoate doesn’t standards.
damage just the mitochondria. It also dam- Dr. Piper went further: “The food indus-
ages mitochondrial DNA. This DNA repairs try will say these compounds have been tested
the day-to-day damage that inevitably hap- and they are completely safe,” he said. “But by
pens to your mitochondria. It’s also what the criteria of modern safety testing, the safety
allows the mitochondria to reproduce. This tests were inadequate. Like all things, safety
is a sure recipe for disaster. testing moves forward and you can now con-
duct a much more rigorous safety test than you
As Dr. Piper says, “The mitochondria could 50 years ago.”
consume the oxygen that gives you energy. So what can you do? First, avoid buying
When you damage them — as happens in a soft drinks with benzoates until research
number of diseased states — then the cell proves these quantities are safe. In fact, avoid
starts to malfunction very seriously. And benzoates as much as possible. There’s no rea-
there is a whole array of diseases that are son to consume it, and doing so could cause
now tied to damage to mitochondrial DNA. Parkinson’s or some other disease.
These include Parkinson’s and quite a lot of And don’t be all that reassured when the
neuro-degenerative diseases. But above all, food industry tells you that the chemicals they
the whole process of aging.” are feeding you are safe.
Actually, as bad as it sounds, Dr. Piper References:
is understating the problem. Defective mito- Hickman, Martin. “Report: Soda May Seriously Harm Your
Health,” Consumer Affairs Correspondent, The Independent.
chondria are the principle factor in every 27 May 2007.
single disease of aging from cancer to osteo-
Piper, P.W. “Yeast superoxide dismutase mutants reveal a pro-
porosis. Read that again — every disease, oxidant action of weak organic acid food preservatives.” Free
including the very process of aging itself! Radic Biol Med. 1999 December;27(11-12):1219-27.
Q. I’m confused. You say not to take The study was a prospective, random-
ized, controlled study. That’s the most con-
calcium. But my doctor and everyone
else I talk to or read says to take it. In vincing kind. The researchers studied 1,471
fact, some of them say that I’m putting postmenopausal women, none of whom were
my bones and my health at risk if I taking calcium supplements. The average
don’t take extra calcium. Who should I age was 74. They randomly assigned 732 of
believe? — Margaret D., them to take calcium supplements. The
via e-mail other 739 received placebo pills. They then
followed these women over the next five years
A. Margaret, ask your doctor to do like to see the results. The results are startling.
I do and read the literature, instead of just In the placebo group, 14 women had
believeing everything he hears, or that heart attacks, compared to 31 women in
seems to make sense. Scare tactics like this the calcium group. The use of calcium
are common. But don’t buy it. I’ve been supplements more than doubled the heart
telling anyone who would listen for the past attack rate. But it gets even worse. When
13 years to avoid taking calcium. I’ve point- the researchers looked at how well the
ed out that study after study shows that a women who had the heart attacks did, it
deficiency of calcium in the United States is turned out that there were 101 cases of
rare. I have also spread the word that all of strokes or deaths in the calcium women,
the studies from the Women’s Health versus 54 in the placebo group. Not only
Initiative have definitively proven that tak- did calcium supplements cause twice as
ing calcium supplements does absolutely many heart attacks, but they also caused
nothing to improve the strength of your twice as many strokes and deaths. That’s
bones. astounding!
But it’s much worse than that. Calcium So please, if all of the other studies out
supplements suppress vitamin D formation. there about the dangers of calcium supple-
When you combine this with the fact that ments haven’t yet convinced you to stay away
low levels of vitamin D cause cancer, and the from them, please let this one get through. A
fact that those with the highest calcium in- modest amount of calcium is okay — the
take have the highest incidence of cancer (all amount that you get in your diet, or in
published information), you start to have herbal supplements. But please avoid calci-
another concern about calcium supplements. um pills and antacids that contain calcium.
They might very likely cause cancer!
Reference: Bolland, M.J., P.A. Barber, et al. “Vascular events in
And if that’s not enough, since the cal- healthy older women receiving calcium supplementation: ran-
cium does not go to the bones, where does it domized controlled trial.” British Medical Journal. 2008
go? Several studies have shown that it goes February 2;336(7638):262-6. Epub 2008 January 15.
just where you don’t want it to go, to your
arteries. In spite of all this evidence, no one
seems to listen. Most people seem to think Got a Question?
I’m crazy for doubting the wonderful “bene-
fits” of calcium supplements. Now, maybe Do you have a question for Dr.
they’ll listen. Shallenberger? If so, please send it (typed
A study published just this last February only) to him c/o Soundview Publications,
P.O. Box 8051, Norcross, GA 30091-8051 or
(2008) shows that women (the same is prob- [email protected]. While he
ably true for men as well) who take calcium won’t be able to respond personally, he’ll try
supplements are more than twice as likely to answer as many questions as he can in
to have heart attacks than those who leave these pages.
the stuff alone.