Imkc - Apiit
Imkc - Apiit
Imkc - Apiit
Executive Summary
The foremost purpose of this report is to develop an IMKC plan to promote PEO TV and PEO Silver plus package. In the introduction, the company background, its competitors who are dialog TV and LBN will be identified and compared using different criteria. Then a primary research with the use of questionnaires will be carried out for the target market. Basically the primary research will be conducted for a sample of 30 people. Mainly for the target market, the middle income earners from western, central and southern province will be taken. Based on findings, target customers profile characteristics, message expectations and media expectations will be identified and analysed accordingly and marcom objectives and strategies are developed giving importance to these research findings. Based on the objectives and strategies set up, the IMKC plan will be developed using Marcom tools, particularly, Advertising mix, direct marketing mix, sales promotion mix and public relations mix. And after developing the marcom mix activities, the budget will be allocated for each mix by adhering to the limitation of Rs.30, 000,000. Finally the implementation schedule and control and review methods will be established to measure the position and the progress of the IMKC plan.
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The author would like to thank the lecturer for the guidance and providing the necessary assistance throughout the work period of this report. Secondly the author would like to thank her parents for their constant support given. The author would also like to thank the class mates, friends and the people who helped in various ways in completing this report. Last but not least the author would like to thank all the academic and non-academic staff of the Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology for the assistance provided with library, laboratory and other facilities to complete this report on time.
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Table of Contents
Executive Summary ................................................................................................................... 2 Acknowledgments...................................................................................................................... 3 Table of Contents ....................................................................................................................... 4 1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 10 1.1 Company Profile ............................................................................................................ 10 1.2 PEO TV Packages .......................................................................................................... 11 1.3 Industry and competitor analysis ................................................................................... 12 1.3.1 Competitor analysis ................................................................................................ 12 2. Target audience analysis ...................................................................................................... 13 2.1 Target product ................................................................................................................ 13 2.2 Marketing strategy ......................................................................................................... 14 2.3 Target Market................................................................................................................. 14 2.4 Target audience .............................................................................................................. 15 2.5 Critical members in target audience .............................................................................. 16 2.5 Target market segmentation ........................................................................................... 17 2.6 Size of the target market ................................................................................................ 18 2.7 Size of the target audience other than the target market ................................................ 19 3. Primary Research ................................................................................................................. 20 3.1 Customer Profile analysis .............................................................................................. 21 3.2 Familiarity analysis ........................................................................................................ 22 3.3 Favourability analysis .................................................................................................... 24 3.4 Image analysis ................................................................................................................ 26 3.5 Message expectation ...................................................................................................... 27 3.6 Media Expectations ........................................................................................................ 28
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Integrated marketing communication 4. Marketing communication objectives .................................................................................. 34 4.1 Objective 1 (Increase awareness)................................................................................... 35 4.2 Objective 2 (Increase interest and desire) ...................................................................... 36 4.3 Objective 3 (increase interest and desire) ...................................................................... 37 4.4 Objective 4 (Action) ...................................................................................................... 37 5. Marketing communication strategy ..................................................................................... 39 5.1 Conceptual mapping ...................................................................................................... 39 5.2 Positioning ..................................................................................................................... 40 5.3 Message strategy ............................................................................................................ 42 5.3.1Overall message plan ............................................................................................... 42 5.3.2 Objective related strategies ..................................................................................... 42 5.3.3 Message timing ....................................................................................................... 51 5.4 Media/channel strategy and Marcom mix strategy ........................................................ 53 5.4.1Media channel strategy along with marcom mix strategies ..................................... 54 6. Marketing communication mix tools ................................................................................... 55 6.1 Advertising mix ............................................................................................................. 56 6.2 Direct marketing mix ..................................................................................................... 60 6.3 Public relations............................................................................................................... 61 6.4 Sales promotions ............................................................................................................ 62 7. Marketing Communication budget ...................................................................................... 64 8. Implementation .................................................................................................................... 65 9. Review and control .............................................................................................................. 66 9.1Responsibility matrix ...................................................................................................... 66 9.2 Reviewing and controlling methods .............................................................................. 68 10. Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 69 11. Reference list ..................................................................................................................... 70 12. Appendix ............................................................................................................................ 71
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Integrated marketing communication Appendix A .......................................................................................................................... 71 Appendix B .......................................................................................................................... 78 Appendix C .......................................................................................................................... 80 Appendix D .......................................................................................................................... 83 Appendix E .......................................................................................................................... 85 Appendix F........................................................................................................................... 86 Appendix G .......................................................................................................................... 93 Appendix H .......................................................................................................................... 94 Appendix I ........................................................................................................................... 98
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List of Tables
Table 1: Details of PEO TV packages ..................................................................................... 11 Table 2: Comparison between competitors.............................................................................. 13 Table 3: Justification of the target market ............................................................................... 15 Table 4: Target market segmentation ...................................................................................... 17 Table 5: Target market calculation .......................................................................................... 18 Table 6: Target audience calculation ....................................................................................... 19 Table 7: Progressive time targets for objective 1..................................................................... 35 Table 8: Progressive targets for objective 2 ............................................................................. 36 Table 9: Progressive targets for objective 3 ............................................................................. 37 Table 10: Progressive targets for objective 4 ........................................................................... 38 Table 11: Positioning ranks ..................................................................................................... 39 Table 12: Overall message plan ............................................................................................... 42 Table 13: Message strategy 1 ................................................................................................... 43 Table 14: Message strategy 2 ................................................................................................... 45 Table 15: Message strategy 3 ................................................................................................... 47 Table 16: Message strategy 4 ................................................................................................... 49 Table 17: Message timing ........................................................................................................ 52 Table 18: Message location ..................................................................................................... 53 Table 19: Marcom mix strategy along with media channel strategy ....................................... 54 Table 20: TV advertising schedule .......................................................................................... 57 Table 21: Radio advertising schedule ...................................................................................... 58 Table 22: Newspaper and magazine advertising schedule ...................................................... 58 Table 23: Posters and leaflet distribution ............................................................................. 58
Table 24: Cinema advertising .................................................................................................. 59 Table 25: Hoarding advertising ............................................................................................... 59 Table 26: Website advertising .............................................................................................. 59 Table 27: Direct marketing activities ....................................................................................... 61 Table 28: Public relations activities ......................................................................................... 62 Table 29: sales promotional activities...................................................................................... 63 Table 30: Master budget .......................................................................................................... 64 Table 31: Responsibility matrix ........................................................................................... 67
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Table 34: Direct marketing budget ....................................................................................... 96 Table 35: Public relations budget ......................................................................................... 97 Table 36: Sales promotion budget ........................................................................................... 97
List of Figures
Figure 1: PEO TV packages .................................................................................................... 11 Figure 2: Target product .......................................................................................................... 13 Figure 3: Income shares of Sri Lankan households 2009/2010 ............................................... 14 Figure 4: Target audience ........................................................................................................ 15 Figure 5: Critical members in target audience ......................................................................... 16 Figure 6: Total target audience ............................................................................................. 19 Figure 7: Population and sample for primary research ............................................................ 20 Figure 8: Customer profile characteristics based on the findings of the research ................... 21 Figure 9: Awareness level of SLT ........................................................................................... 22 Figure 10: Awareness level of PEO TV .................................................................................. 23 Figure 11: Awareness level of unique benefits and packages ................................................. 23 Figure 12: Favourability level towards SLT products ............................................................. 24 Figure 13: Favourability level towards PEO TV ..................................................................... 24 Figure 14: Favourability level of features and packages offered by PEO TV ......................... 25 Figure 15: Image analysis of PEO TV brand and PEO TV packages ..................................... 26 Figure 16: Message expectations ............................................................................................. 27 Figure 17: Most preferred media type ..................................................................................... 28 Figure 18: TV preferences ....................................................................................................... 29 Figure 19: Radio Preferences ................................................................................................... 30 Figure 20: Newspaper and magazine preferences ................................................................... 31 Figure 21: cinema preferences ................................................................................................. 32 Figure 22: internet preferences ................................................................................................ 32 Figure 23: Social network usage .............................................................................................. 33 Figure 24: Online registration for PEO TV ............................................................................. 33 Figure 25: company objective, marketing objective and Marcom objectives ......................... 34 Figure 26: Conceptual map ...................................................................................................... 39 Figure 27: Current positioning map ......................................................................................... 40
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Integrated marketing communication Figure 28: Proposed positioning map ...................................................................................... 41 Figure 29: Sample advertisement 1.......................................................................................... 44 Figure 30: Sample advertisement 2.......................................................................................... 46 Figure 31: Sample advertisement 3.......................................................................................... 48 Figure 32: Sample advertisement 4.......................................................................................... 50 Figure 33: Marcom mix strategy.............................................................................................. 53 Figure 34: Marketing communication mix tools ..................................................................... 55 Figure 35: Advertising objectives ............................................................................................ 56 Figure 36: Direct marketing objectives.................................................................................... 60 Figure 37: Objectives of Public relations................................................................................. 61 Figure 38: objectives of sales promotions ............................................................................... 62
IMKC- integrated marketing communication WP-Western province SP-Southern province CP- Central province IPTV- Internet protocol Television
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1. Introduction
1.1 Company Profile
Sri Lanka Telecom (SLT) is the nation's number one integrated communications service provider and the leading broadband and backbone infrastructure services provider in the country (SLT, 2012). SLT group has its own set of subsidiaries under which many telecommunication solutions are being provided. SLT Visioncom Pvt Ltd is one of these subsidiaries of SLT, which is the pioneer of providing internet protocol television (IPTV) service for pay television industry in Sri Lanka. This IPTV service technology which came into force under the brand name of PEO TV was first launched in September, 2008 with 36 channels and now has expanded up to 67 local and international TV channels.(SLT Visioncom, 2012) The vision and mission of SLT Visioncom can be shown as follows, Vision To be the leader in e-entertainment and e-Education Information Society in Sri Lanka Mission To provide our customers with the worlds best and most innovative Media Services, Products, Technologies and Customer Support Powered by excellent People and Solutions, we will be a customer driven, high performance company that delivers superior, sustained shareholder value (SLT Visioncom, 2012) According to PEO TV (2012), SLT PEO TV gives the opportunityfor its subscribers to enjoy the best of local and international news and entertainment experience with special features such as digital quality pictures, Time Shifted TV, Rewind TV and Video on Demand with content such as movies, music, educational and many more.
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PEO gold
PEO silver
PEO platinum
PEO entertainment
PEO TV Packages
PEO Titanium
Table 1: Details of PEO TV packages Source: compiled by author based on PEO TV (2012)
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Dialog TV Pearl Thee Diamond Emerald Gold Rs. 699.00 Rs. 729.00 Rs.1,099.00 Rs.1,649.00 Rs. 1,949.00
Refer table 1
Refer table 1
Seeing is believing
watch TV
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digital pictures
quality -
video -
Activating pass
Table 2: Comparison between competitors Source: compiled by author based on LBN, PEO TV, Dialog corporate websites (2012)
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provided.And the below figure indicates that, out of three income group middle income has 41.4% of income share. Therefore after considering these statistics taking middle income families would be more appropriate since PEO silver plus is reasonable and affordable in price.
Figure 3: Income shares of Sri Lankan households 2009/2010 Source: Department of census and statistics (2010)
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Table 3: Justification of the target market Source: compiled by author based on Department of census and statistics (2010) and SLT (2012)
Target audience Father, Mother, Children Target Market Middle income households Neighbours, grandparents, Family friends, People who currently using PEO TV Relatives
Figure 4: Target audience Source: compiled by author The above figure indicates the target market which consists of actual buyers and the target audience which consists of actual buyers and other groups which influence the purchase decision.
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Decider (Parents)
Buyer (Father/Mother)
Figure 5: Critical members in target audience Source: Compiled by author The above figures show the critical members in the target audience. Mainly the most important types of members who affect the purchase decision are initiator, decider and influencer. Therefore Parents, Friends, relatives and siblings, children and Current PEO TV users can be taken as most critical members.
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SLT PEO TV is the pioneer in providing Pay television services to Sri Lanka under the technology of IPTV. Therefore mainly PEO TVs target market is constituted within Sri Lanka.
Province Western Province Central Province Southern Province Demographic Gender Male/Female Age 20-45 Monthly Family Income Rs. 50,000-100,000 Psychographic Life Style People who reside in Western, Central and Southern provinces are targeted based on SLT megaline coverage, High population and middle income share.
Buyer of PEO TV could be either father or mother. Therefore both male and female are taken for the target market.
People who are in the age of 20-45 are targeted since they are the people who have the potential of purchasing PEO TV.
The target market mainly consists of middle income earners. Therefore the monthly income range would be Rs. 50,000- 100,000.
In most of the middle income families both father and mother are working. Therefore these families are having a busy lifestyle.
User Benefits
PEO TV silver plus will be targeted at people who seek for maximum benefits for a reasonable price. This package offers 47 essential and most popular TV channels at a cheaper price.
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Household population
6 million
2.6 million
2.5 million
Average members in a family Number of households Middle income share Number of middle income households Fixed and mobile telephone distribution percentage for households Number of middle income households which use SLT megaline Total target market
1.46 Million
0.65 Million
0.61 million
0.25 million
0.077 million
0.072 million
Table 5: Target market calculation Source: Compiled by author based on department of census and statistics (2010)
Note: 1. It is assumed, for the purpose of this report, that all the people who have fixed telephone connections uses SLT megaline as their service provider. 2. It is assumed that fixed and mobile telephone distribution percentage given above is in terms of middle income households.
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2.7 Size of the target audience other than the target market
Target audience consists of the parties who influence the purchasing decision of the target market. Other than the middle income families computed in the table 5, the target audience will be computed based on set of assumptions, as follows. Assumptions 1. 5 family friends will influence the purchase decision of one household 2. 3 relatives and siblings will influence the purchase decision of one household 3. 4 PEO TV users will influence the purchase decision of one household
Influencing parties
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3. Primary Research
A primary research using questionnaires was conducted prior to the analysis in order to find out the target audience profile characteristics, level of familiarity, level favourability, current product positioning status, Message expectations and media expectation. Based on the findings of the research, IMKC plan will be constructed. The sample size of the target audience that was selected for the research will be as follows,
Target Audience
Figure 7: Population and sample for primary research Source: compiled by author
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3% 20-25 17% 17% 26-35 36-45 30% 33% 46-55 Above 55
Marital status
Marrie d 83%
Income level
0% 10% 7% Below 50,000 50,000-75,000 75,000-100,000 50% 100,000125,000 Above 125,000
Working Status
3% 3% 17% unemployed Seeking employment 44% Employed in private sector Employed in Public sector Other 33% 40%
Place of residence
Western province Central province Southern province
Figure 8: Customer profile characteristics based on the findings of the research Source: Compiled by author
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Integrated marketing communication According to above graphical analysis which was done based on the primary research findings, most of the respondents were in the age of 26- 45. 83% were married and 77% were employed. 50% of the target market is from the income level of Rs.50, 000- 75,000 who ultimately fall into the category of middle income earners. These middle income earners have the potential to purchase PEO TV silver plus package since it is low in price. Most of the target market respondents reside in western province and high number of respondents has 3 or 4 people in the family. Therefore PEO Silver plus will be appropriate since it provides most of the local and international channels that are appropriate for smaller families where only 2 children and parents are there. (Refer Appendix B for findings of customer profile characteristics of primary research)
According to the figure 9, Awareness level of SLT seems to be very high. In the Overall familiarity analysis in Appendix C, the percentage of overall awareness level of SLT was calculated as 91%.
Figure 9: Awareness level of SLT Source: Compiled by author based on findings of the research
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customers seems to be high according to the figure 10 shown. According to Appendix C, overall familiarity level of PEO TV is 82%.
Figure 10: Awareness level of PEO TV Source: Compiled by author based on findings of the research
Target market customers are only slightly aware of the unique benefits and packages of PEO TV. According to Appendix C, overall awareness level of unique benefits and packages were 46%. Through necessary
awareness programmes the company need to make people aware about the PEO TV packages and its benefits.
Figure 11: Awareness level of unique benefits and packages Source: Compiled by author based on findings of the research
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According to the figure 12, level favourability of target customers towards SLT products is high. In the Appendix D the overall favourability for SLT products was computed as 70%. Since SLT is one of the prestigious companies with a history, People seem to be more relying on SLT products.
Figure 12: Favourability level towards SLT products Source: Compiled by author based on findings of the research
The figure 13 indicates that most of target customers are favourable to PEO TV to a great extent. According to Appendix D, the overall Favourability towards PEO TV is 67%. This figure is neither good nor a bad figure. Therefore the company needs to improve the favourability of the PEO TV brand by enhancing the quality of the service.
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Integrated marketing communication Source: Compiled by author based on findings of the research
As it was shown in the figure 14,level of favourability towards PEO TV features and packages Appendix is D, very the low. overall According to
towards features and packages is 38%. Therefore the marketing communication team needs to take certain actions to increase the level of favourability for PEO TV packages.
Figure 14: Favourability level of features and packages offered by PEO TV Source: Compiled by author based on findings of the research
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Expected Current High Familiarity (Above 50%) Low Familiarity (Below 50%)
PEO TV packages
Figure 15: Image analysis of PEO TV brand and PEO TV packages Source: Compiled by author based on findings of the research According to the image analysis above, PEO TV brand stands in between high familiarity and high favourability levels. Moreover according the above figure, the company is expecting to increase the favourability of the PEO TV brand by implementing an appropriate IMKC plan. When considering the PEO TV packages, it can be seen that it has a low level of familiarity and favourability. Therefore the most important step that should be taken is to increase the level of familiarity and favourability of PEO TV packages.
Asia Pacific Institute of Information technology
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Colour Preference
Language preference
Sinhala 17% 17%
Celebrity Appearance
Types of celebrities
Sports celebrity 23% 40% 17% 20% Movie star Singers Model
Message content
0% 23% 10% 7% Text only Image only More text and fewer images Few text and more images Both image and text equally
Figure 16: Message expectations Source: Compiled by author based on findings of the research
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Integrated marketing communication According to above graphical analysis, it can be seen that most of the target customers prefer multi-colour messages than black and white messages. Most of the respondents prefer both Sinhala and English languages in promotional messages and 20% prefer only English promotional messages. When it comes to celebrity appearance preference, it can be noted that many people like to see celebrities in promotional messages and mostly models and sports celebrities will be preferred. In regarding the message content, most of the people from target market prefer promotional messages with few texts and more images. After considering the above message expectations of the target market, the IMKC team need to produce the message content and promotional messages using multi colours with few texts and more images. And the use of both Sinhala and English languages will be an added benefit. (Refer Appendix E for research findings)
According this figure, most preferred media types by target customers are television and newspapers/magazines.
Therefore when building the IMKC plan the team need to focus more on advertising using these preferred media types.
Figure 17: Most preferred media type Source: Compiled by author based on findings of the research
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Figure 18: TV preferences Source: Compiled by author based on findings of the research According to the above graphical analysis, most of the respondents prefer night to watch television. The main reason for this fact would be that in most of the middle income families both mother and father are working. Therefore the only time they get to watch TV is during the night. Most preferred channels according to the research findings are Sirasa TV and Swarnavahini and most preferred programmes are News first, Live at 8, Lakshapathi, Bharyavo and Duwaru. Based on these findings the IMKC team can advertise about PEO TV and its packages during these most preferred programme hours.
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Paththara malli 8% Breakfast Balumgala drive 16% Pati 19% Roll 10%
Figure 19: Radio Preferences Source: Compiled by author based on findings of the research The above figures indicate the radio preferences of the target market. They mainly prefer to listen to the radio in the morning and afternoon. Working people might be listening to the radio while driving to the office. Therefore most of them prefer these times of the day to listen to the radio. Most of the respondents prefer hirufm and sirasafm as their favourite radio channels. And Tarzan bappa, Breakfast drive, balumgala, Sooriyasirasa are some of the highly preferred radio programmes. Therefore the radio advertisements for PEO TV can be broadcasted during these radio programme hours.
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Figure 20: Newspaper and magazine preferences Source: Compiled by author based on findings of the research According to the research findings, most of the respondents of the target market read lakbima, Sunday times and LMD and HI magazines. And their most preferred sections of the newspaper are classified, business/financial section and the political section. Most of the respondents purchase newspapers every weekend. Therefore, when putting newspaper advertisements, the team has to focus on more weekend newspapers.
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Figure 21: cinema preferences Source: Compiled by author based on findings of the research According to the above graphical explanation, most of the people of the target market visit cinemas in the weekend and their most preferred time slot are the evening and night shows. Therefore when carrying out cinema advertising, the team has to more focus on these time slots.
Use of internet
Figure 22: internet preferences Source: Compiled by author based on findings of the research Most of the respondents uses internet for different purposes and their most preferred websites are and
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Most of the respondents of the target market use Facebook and twitter as their social networks. Therefore IMKC team can carry out
Figure 23: Social network usage Source: Compiled by author based on findings of the research
According to research findings, most of the respondents in the target market prefer PEO TV. online registration for
Figure 24: Online registration for PEO TV Source: Compiled by author based on findings of the research
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Company objective
To provide our customers with the worlds best and most innovative Media Services, Products, Technologies and Customer Support.
Marketing objective
To become the market leader of Pay television industry while increasing market share by 20% in next 3 years.
Figure 25: company objective, marketing objective and Marcom objectives Source: Compiled by author based on SLT Visioncom (2012)
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Objective justification Currently the target customer awareness of the PEO TV packages is very low according to primary research findings analysed in the previous chapter. These packages only hold an awareness level of 46% currently. As a result of this low level of awareness of PEO TV packages, the overall brain share or the overall awareness level of PEO TV is also in a low level. Therefore there is a need to increase the level of awareness of the PEO Silver plus by 24% and PEO TV brand by 17%. Geographical and time targets (PEO Silver plus) Time Span 01/07/12 31/07/12 01/08/12 31/08/12 01/09/12 30/09/12 01/10/12 31/10/12 01/11/12 30/11/12 01/12/12 31/12/12 WP CP SP Total Cumulative Total 1% 1% 2% 1% 2% 2% 1% 1% 2% 1% 2% 1% 1% 1% 1% 2% 2% 2% 3% 4% 4% 5% 6% 2% 5% 9% 13% 18% 24%
Geographical and time targets (Overall PEO TV brand) Time Span 01/07/12 31/07/12 01/08/12 31/08/12 01/09/12 30/09/12 01/10/12 31/10/12 01/11/12 30/11/12 01/12/12 31/12/12 WP CP SP Total Cumulative Total 1% 1% 2% 1% 1% 1% 1% 2% 1% 1% 1% 2% 2% 1% 2% 3% 3% 4% 4% 1% 3% 6% 9% 13% 17%
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Objective justification The current level of target market favourability towards PEO TV packages is in a very low position which 38%. In order to increase the overall hear share, thereby to become the market leader, the IMKC team need to increase the level favourability towards PEO TV packages. The objective expects to increase the level of favourability towards PEO Silver package by 22%. Geographical and time targets Time Span 01/07/12 31/07/12 01/08/12 31/08/12 01/09/12 30/09/12 01/10/12 31/10/12 01/11/12 30/11/12 01/12/12 31/12/12 WP CP SP Total Cumulative Total 1% 1% 2% 1% 2% 1% 1% 1% 2% 3% 1% 1% 1% 2% 2% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 7% 1% 3% 6% 10% 15% 22%
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Integrated marketing communication Objective justification Increasing the familiarity and the favourability alone itself will not help the company to increase the market share. They need to make target customers act upon them and purchase more PEO TV packages. Therefore increasing the number of preferences for online registration will automatically increase the number of online registrations. Thereby, the company will be able to capture more market share. This objective expects to increase the online registration preference from its current position of 77% to 90% and thereby increase the number of online registrations by 20%. Geographical and time targets (Online registration preference level) Time Span 01/07/12 31/07/12 01/08/12 31/08/12 01/09/12 30/09/12 01/10/12 31/10/12 01/11/12 30/11/12 01/12/12 31/12/12 WP CP SP Total Cumulative Total 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 2% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 2% 3% 4% 2% 1% 2% 4% 7% 11% 13%
Geographical and time targets (number of online registrations) Time Span 01/07/12 31/07/12 01/08/12 31/08/12 01/09/12 30/09/12 01/10/12 31/10/12 01/11/12 30/11/12 01/12/12 31/12/12 WP CP SP Total Cumulative Total 1% 1% 2% 1% 2% 1% 1% 1% 2% 3% 1% 1% 1% 2% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 5% 1% 3% 6% 10% 15% 20%
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3 4 5 5 4
5 4 5 2 3
4 4 3 5 2
Table 11: Positioning ranks Source: compiled by author based on research findings stated in Appendix G Based on above positioning ranks the following conceptual map can be prepared,
Availability 5 4 3 2 1 0
Customer Service
Brand recognition
Channels offered
Figure 26: Conceptual map Source: compiled by author based on research findings stated in Appendix G
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Integrated marketing communication Based on above findings it can be identified that PEO TV lacks the positioning rank in attributes such as channels offered and customer service unlike in Dialog TV and LBN. Therefore the company needs to focus more on improving these attributes of PEO TV.
5.2 Positioning
When purchasing a pay television package the mostly analysed attributes are price, brand recognition and the channels offered. But mostly prices are almost similar in every brand. Therefore brand recognition and channels offered attributes are taken for the purpose of analysing the positioning status of PEO TV and its competitors. Current Positioning map
Integrated marketing communication According to the above positioning map PEO TV has positioned its products which have high brand recognition. But it has not been able to position its products under high number of channels offered attribute. When considering the Dialog TV it has both high brand recognition and high number of channels. Therefore the company need to improve the number of channels offered by PEO TV in order to become the market leader. Positioning Strategy In order to capture more market share and become the market leader of the pay television industry, the company need to focus on an effective positioning strategy. Since the PEO TV has unique features when compared to other competitors (Refer table 2), it can use the product feature and benefits positioning strategy to position the brand in the minds of the target market. Moreover the company can make customers aware about the new channels that have been added to the TV guide and position it as a brand that offers high number of channels. The below diagram shows the proposed Positioning map for PEO TV,
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Familiarity related messages Objective 1 Favourability related messages Objective 2 and 3 Reminder messages Objective 4 Total
Interest Desire
Table 12: Overall message plan Source: Compiled by author 5.3.2 Objective related strategies The messages must be constructed according to the objectives set up in the previous chapter. When designing the message according to each objective, the team needs to define the message content, structure, format, timing and locations of the each message.
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Integrated marketing communication Message strategy 2 (According to objective 2) To increase the level of target customer favourability towards PEO TV brand from 67% to 85% within the next six months, commencing from 1/7/2012 to 31/12/2012
Message Element Content Sub Element Theme Attention Getter Appeal Description Unity of the family Save your time with PEO TV Rewind TV facility Rationale appeal which concerns about features of the PEO TV. Unique Selling Proposition (USP) The unique features and benefits of the PEO TV will be emphasized in the message to increase the favorability towards the PEO TV brand. Format Language The most preferred languages by target customers are both Sinhala and English according to primary research. Images For this message, the images of the features will be used along with texts which emphasize the family unity. Sounds More relaxing music will be used for the message since it affects the togetherness of the family. Colour Most of the target customers prefer multi-color rather that black and white. Therefore more colourful backgrounds will be used. Source Timing Location Group of people are used.
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Integrated marketing communication Message strategy 3 (According to objective 3) To increase the level of target customer favourability towards PEO Silver plus package from 38% to 60% within the next six months, commencing from 1/7/2012 to 31/12/2012
Message Element Content Sub Element Theme Attention Getter subject you want Appeal Rationale appeal which concerns about features of the PEO TV. Unique Selling Proposition (USP) Format Language Coverage of information about the countries from all over the world. The most preferred languages by target customers are both Sinhala and English according to primary research. Images For this message, the images of the channels offered will be used along with texts which help to increase the favorability of the PEO silver plus package. Sounds More relaxing music will be used for the message since it affects the togetherness of the family. Colour Most of the target customers prefer multi-color rather that black and white. Therefore more colourful backgrounds will be used. Source Group of people are used including celebrities and models. Timing Location Description Unity of the family Stay updated with latest global news regarding any
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Integrated marketing communication Message Strategy 4 (According to objective 4) To increase the average number of online registrations preference for PEO TV from 77% to 90% within next six months and thereby increase the number of online registrations for PEO TV by 20% within the period of six months commencing from 1/7/2012 to 31/12/2012
Message Element Content Sub Element Theme Attention Getter online registration Appeal Rationale appeal which concerns about Convenience of subscribing PEO TV online. Unique Selling Proposition (USP) Format Language Online URL will be given in order to increase the convenience. The most preferred languages by target customers are both Sinhala and English according to primary research. Images and texts For this message, the images of the URL and online registration form will be given along with texts which help to increase the number of online registrations. Sounds More relaxing music will be used for the message since it affects the togetherness of the family. Colour Most of the target customers prefer multi-color rather that black and white. Therefore more colourful backgrounds will be used. Source Group of people are used including celebrities and models. Timing Location Description Unity of the family Feel the convenience by Subscribing PEO TV through
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RadioChannel Sirasa FM program Sooriyasirasa Tarzan bappa Hiru FM Breakfast drive Pati Roll Neth FM Balumgala Paththaramalli YES FM Morning show Total request show Time Mon-Friday 8.00- 10.00 A.M Mon- Friday 04.00-06.00 PM Mon- Friday 07.00- 10.00 AM Mon- Friday 04.00-6.00 PM Mon- Friday 6.50- 7.50 A.M Mon- Friday 7.45- 8.30 A.M Mon- Friday 6.00-10.00 A.M Mon- Thursday 4.00- 8.00 P.M
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Monthly Monthly
Others types of messages
Cinema Ads
E-mail Promotions
Table 17: Message timing Source: compiled by author 5.3.4 Message locations
Media type Broadcasting media Media TV Radio Website advertising Print media Newspapers and magazines Preferred newspapers and magazine mentioned in table 17. Hoardings Victoria bridge Mt.Lavinia Location Preferred media channels as it was mentioned in table 17.
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Direct marketing
Personnel selling
Page 53
Integrated marketing communication 5.4.1Media channel strategy along with marcom mix strategies Although there are 5marcom mix strategies, for the purpose of promoting PEO Silver plus package, only the Advertisements, Sales promotions , public relations and direct marketing will be taken.
Marcom mix strategy Advertisements TV and radio advertisements based on most preferred media channels Newspaper and magazine advertisements Cinema advertisements Hoarding advertisements Website advertisements on most visited websites of target customers
Direct Marketing Direct marketing on Facebook, twitter and You tube Email marketing campaigns
Sales promotions Promotion for Customers Provide free channels for a specific period when a target customer purchase PEO silver plus package Free installation fee for non SLT users for a specific time period
Table 19: Marcom mix strategy along with media channel strategy Source: Compiled by author
Page 54
Advertising Direct marketing Marcom mix tools Public relations Sales promotion Personnel selling
In order to capture more market share the IMKC team needs to more focus on awareness building. Therefore the budget would be allocated more for advertising, direct marketing and public relations.
Page 55
Objective 1
Objective 2
Objective 3
To increase the awareness of unique benefits of PEO TV To retain the current customers by making aware about the new features and channels of PEO TV
Objective 4
Page 56
4 4 50
4 4 49
4 4 53
4 4 34
4 4 39
Page 57
Table 21: Radio advertising schedule Source: Compiled by authors Newspaper and Magazine advertisements
Newspaper/magazine Size July Lankadeepa Lakbima Sundaytimes Hi magazine LMD Full page Half page Half page Full page Full page 4 4 3 1 1 13 Advertising frequency Aug 3 3 3 1 1 11 Sep 3 4 3 1 11 Oct 3 2 2 1 8 Nov 2 3 1 1 7 Dec 2 2 1 5
Table 22: Newspaper and magazine advertising schedule Source: compiled by authors Posters and leaflet distribution
Type Place July Posters and leaflets NugegodaCity,Borella junction, Kandy city, Matara town, Townhall bus stand Total number of newspaper and magazine Ads 1000 500 1000 Advertising frequency Aug Sep Oct 500 Nov Dec -
1 1 6
1 4
2 1 5
1 2
1 2
1 1 2
Table 24: Cinema advertising Source: Compiled by author Hoarding advertising Hoarding Advertising Place
Victoria bridge Peliyagoda Colombo-Kandy route Mount lavinia July
Advertising Frequency
Aug Sep
Oct 1
Nov 1 -
Dec 1 1
1 1 2
1 1
1 1
Table 25: Hoarding advertising Source: Compiled by author Website advertising Website Advertising Website
Oct -
Nov 1 1 2
Dec 1 1 2
1 1
1 1 1 3
1 1 2
Objective 1
Increase the level of awareness through providing direcct information Increase the level of favourability through providing direct information To maintain an effective relationship with target customers through direct marketing
Objective 2
Objective 3
After considering the above objectives, the direct marketing activities can be constructed as follows,
Facebook activities
Create a profile Create a fan page Create groups Create Facebook advertisements
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Integrated marketing communication Competition Make many people LIKE the PEO TV fan page within the period. Based on the LIKEs winner will be chosen through random draw of facebook fans. Winner will receive a prize from PEO TV. Twitter Campaign Create a profile on twitter Create banned ads JulyDecember At least one tweet per day JulyNovember Everyday
Email marketing
1. Sending direct Emails to SLT users regarding the PEO TV packages and unique benefits.
Once a week
Objective 2
Page 61
Activity Sponsorships
Description Sponsoring public events such as, musical shows, cricket matches and many other events and increase the brand image. This will carried out during the tome period of July to December 2012.
Host TV shows
PEO TV can host TV shows and competitions which will help the company to increase the awareness of the brand and its packages.
To increase the favourability towards PEO Silver plus package Objective 1 To increase the familiarity towards PEO silver plus package Objective 2
Page 62
Integrated marketing communication Type of promotion Free channels Description With every PEO TV silver plus package, free extra channels will be given within the period of August to October. Free installation Free installation will be done for non SLT users who purchase PEO TV silver plus package within the period of July to October.
Page 63
Promotional mix
Total budget
Advertising (Refer Appendix H) Direct marketing (Refer Appendix H) Public relations (Refer Appendix H) Sales promotion (Refer Appendix H) Review and control (2%)
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8. Implementation
Page 65
9.1Responsibility matrix
Person responsible Designation Area / nature of responsibility Mr. S. Wijewardena PEO TV brand manager Authorization of Marketing communicating plan and evaluating its effectiveness. Mr. N. Fernando Marketing manager Allocating resources for marketing communication plan and managing the budgets. Mr. D. Perera Accountant Analysing forecast expenses and budgets. Mr. R. De Alwis Sales manager Tasks referring to forecasting and managing number of sales of PEO TV packages Mrs. V. Ariyananda IT manager Analysing the development of PEO TV Website and the advertising on Social networks Advertisng team Mr. J. Senadeera Assistant manager Advertising Responsible for all activities related to advertising. Mr. M. Selvakumaran Advertising executive 1 Television advertising Marketing manager and PEO TV brand manager Assistant manager Advertising, PEO TV brand manager PEO TV brand manager PEO TV brand manager PEO TV brand manager To the shareholders of the company. Reported to
Page 66
Public relations team Mr. O.Wijewrdena Assistant manager Public relations All activities relating to public relations in promoting PEO TV brand and PEO TV packages Direct marketing team Mr. S. Rajapaksha Assistant manager Direct marketing All activities relating to direct marketing in promoting PEO TV packages and brand Mr.A.Kumarage Direct marketing executive 1 Ms. A.Dissanayake Direct marketing executive 2 Sales promotion team Ms. I. Fernando Assistant manager - Sales promotion All activities relating to sales promotion on promoting PEO TV brand. Mr. Y.Senaviratne Sales promotion executive Carrying out free installation and free channel Promotions Assistant manager Sales promotion, Marketing manager and PEO TV brand manager Marketing manager and PEO TV brand manager E-mail marketing Social network marketing Assistant manager Direct marketing, Marketing manager and PEO TV brand manager Marketing manager and PEO TV brand manager Marketing manager and PEO TV brand manager
Aug 100
Sep 150
Oct 100
Nov 150
Dec 250
Telephone Inquiries
Personnel visits
Increase Awareness level Increase Favorability level 44% 48% 50% 55% 60% 62% 30% 38% 40% 48% 50% 57%
Customer retention Increase the market share 40% 44% 50% 54% 58% 60% 35% 40% 44% 50% 55% 60%
1: 6.9
1:1.7 4
Page 68
10. Conclusion
The foremost purpose of this report is to develop an IMKC plan to promote PEO TV and PEO Silver plus package and thereby increase the sales which leads the PEO TV to become the market leader of Pay television industry. In the introduction, the company background, its competitors and the target market were identified and a primary research with the use of questionnaires carried out for the target market. The target market and the target audience were then analysed based on findings and target customers profile characteristics, message expectations and media expectations were identified and analysed accordingly. Based on the target audience analysis, the Marcom objectives were set up in the next chapter and each objective was justified based on research findings. The next chapter identified the key marcom strategies while complying with the marcom objectives and positioning strategy, message strategy and media strategy were developed consequently. Based on the objectives and strategies, the IMKC plan was developed using Marcom tools, particularly, Advertising mix, direct marketing mix, sales promotion mix and public relations mix. After developing the marcom mix activities, the budget was allocated to each mix by adhering to the limitation of Rs.30, 000,000. Finally the implementation schedule and control and review methods were established to measure the position and the progress of the IMKC plan.
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12. Appendix
Appendix A Questionnaire
I, a third year student in Business Administration at Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology (APIIT) present the following questioner for a survey as a requirement for, an individual assignment on Integrated Marketing Communication module. Please be kind enough to fill this questionnaire as genuinely as possible with accurate information. I assure you that your responses will be used only for the academic purpose of my assignment. Please tick on the choice that is mostly suitable in the relevant box. 1. What is your age? 20- 25 26- 35 36- 45 46- 55 Above 55
4. What is your family income level (Monthly)? Below 50,000 50,000-75,000 75,000-100,000 100,000- 125,000 Above 125,000
Asia Pacific Institute of Information technology
Page 71
Integrated marketing communication 5. Working status Unemployed Seeking employment Employed in private sector Employed in public sector Other (Specify).
7. Are you aware of SLT (Sri Lanka Telecom)? Highly aware Aware to a great extent Somewhat aware Slightly aware Not aware at all
8. Are you aware of PEO TV (Pay television) offered by SLT? Highly aware Aware to a great extent Somewhat aware Slightly aware Not aware at all
9. Are you aware of unique benefits and packages offered by PEO TV? Highly aware Aware to a great extent Somewhat aware Slightly aware Not aware at all
Page 72
Integrated marketing communication 10. When it comes to pay television, what is the brand that comes to your mind at once? 1st recall 2nd recall ... 3rd recall . 4th recall . 11. What is your level of favourability towards SLT products (Broadband, Mobitel, and Fixed Line)? Highly favourable Favourable to a great extent Somewhat favourable Slightly favourable Not favourable at all 12. What is your level of favourability towards PEO TV? Highly favourable Favourable to a great extent Somewhat favourable Slightly favourable Not favourable at all 13. What is your level of favourability towards features and packages offered by PEO TV? Highly favourable Favourable to a great extent Somewhat favourable Slightly favourable Not favourable at all
Page 73
Integrated marketing communication 14. Please rate the following product attributes in relation to the competitive pay television brands available in Sri Lanka (1=least preferred, 5=most preferred)
Brand Dialog TV LBN PEO TV
15. If you happen to purchase any pay television who will influence your purchase decision? (1 = highest influence, 5 = lowest influence) Spouse Children Parents Friends Relatives
16. What colour do you prefer most in promotional materials? Black & White Multi Colours
17. What is the language you prefer most in promotional materials? Sinhala English Tamil Sinhala and English All
Page 74
Integrated marketing communication 19. If yes, what type of a celebrity do you prefer? (Please specify the individuals name in front of the selected category) Sports Celebrity .. Movie Star .. Singer .. Model ..
20. What type of message content do you prefer in promotional messages? Text only Image only More text and fewer images More images and fewer texts Both image and text equally
21. What is your most preferred media option?(Rank them using 1-10 numbers, 1=least preferred, 10=most preferred) TV Radio Magazines Internet Bill boards Mobile phones Cinema Newspapers Brochures Point of purchase displays
Page 75
Page 76
29. What is your opinion about promotional activities carried out by pay television brands in Sri Lanka? 30. What is your opinion about promotional activities carried out by PEO TV?
Thank you
Page 77
Appendix B
Research Findings Customer Profile Characteristics Age
Age groups 20-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 Above 55 Total No. of respondents 5 10 9 5 1 30
Marital status
Marital status Married Not married Total No. of respondents 25 5 30
Family Size
Number of members in a family 2 3 4 5 Above 5 Total No. of respondents 5 8 11 3 3 30
Page 78
Working status
Working status unemployed Seeking employment Employed in private sector Employed in Public sector Other Total No. of respondents 1 1 13 10 5 30
Place of Residence
Provinces Western province Central province Southern province Total No. of respondents 12 8 10 30
Page 79
Appendix C
Familiarity of the brand Pay television brand that comes to the mind: First recall
Brand PEO TV Dialog TV LBN Total Number of respondents 5 5 2 12
Total 30
According to above tables, for 10 people out of 30 PEO TV comes to mind as the second recall, for 5 people out of 30 dialog TV comes to mind as the first recall and for 3 people out of 30 LBN comes to mind as the 3rd recall.
Page 80
Number of respondents Highly Awareness Level Aware Aware to Great Extend Awareness level about SLT Awareness level about PEO TV Awareness level about Unique benefits and packages offered by PEO TV 19 12 4 11 14 5 Some what Aware 4 8 8 Slightly Aware Not Aware at all 5 30 30 30 Total
Page 81
30 139 4.6 91
12 60
14 56
30 128 4.3 82
4 20
5 20
8 24
8 16
5 5
30 85 2.8 46
35 175
90 352 3.9 73
Highly Aw are Aw are to a Great Extent Somew hat Aw are Little bit Aw are Not Aw are At all
Page 82
Appendix D
Favourability analysis
Number of respondents Highly Favourability Level Favour able Favoura ble to Great Extend level of favourability towards SLT products level of favourability towards PEO TV level of favourability towards features and packages offered by PEO TV 6 3 13 4 8 6 1 8 2 9 30 30 11 6 Some what Favou rable 9 4 30 Slightly Favoura ble Not Favoura ble at all Total
Page 83
30 114 3.8 70
6 30
13 52
8 24
1 2
2 2
30 110 3.7 67
3 15
4 16
8 24
6 12
30 76 2.5 38
20 100
90 300 3.3 58
Highly fa vora ble Fa vora ble to a Gre a t Ex te nt Some w ha t Fa vora ble Slightly Fa vora ble Not Fa vora ble At a ll
Page 84
Appendix E
Message expectations Colour preference
Colour preference Multi colours Black and White Total No. of respondents 25 5 30
Language preference
Language preference Sinhala English Tamil Sinhala and English All Total No. of respondents 5 6 3 11 5 30
Celebrity preference
Celebrity preference Yes No Total No. of respondents 22 8 30
Page 85
Appendix F
Media Expectations Most preferred media type
Type of media No. of respondents
TV Radio Magazines and newspapers Billboards Internet Total Asia Pacific Institute of Information technology
15 7 12 9 6 49
Page 86
Page 87
Page 88
Newspapers/Magazines Most preferred newspapers and Magzines Preferred News Paper Lankadeepa Lakbima Sunday Observer Sunday Times Daily News Hi Magazine
LMD magazine
Number of respondents 12 14 10 15 10 6
Page 89
Integrated marketing communication Most preferred sections Preferred Section Business/financial Sports Political Classifieds Total Number of respondents 20 13 19 21 73
Page 90
Internet usage
usage Yes No Total No. of respondents 22 8 30
Page 91
Page 92
Appendix G
Positioning status
Rating For Positioning Status
Price 4 3 5 4 5 3 4 5 4 5 4 5 3 4 5 4 3 3 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 5 3 3 124 4.133333 4 Availability 4 5 4 5 1 5 4 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 2 2 4 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 4 116 3.8666667 4 Brand recognition 5 4 4 5 5 5 4 5 5 4 4 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 144 4.8 5 channels offered 3 2 4 3 5 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 97 3.233333333 3 customer serivce 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 3 2 3 3 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 49 1.633333333 2 Price 4 4 4 4 2 4 3 5 5 5 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 124 4.133333 4 Availability 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 100 3.33333333 3
Dialog TV
Brand recognition Channels offeredCustomer serviceAvailibility 4 5 5 4 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 139 4.633333333 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 142 4.733333333 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 3 4 3 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 118 3.933333333 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 141 4.7 5 Price 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 3 4 110 3.6666667 4
Brand recognition Channels offered customer service 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 66 2.2 2 3 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 136 4.533333333 5 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 101 3.366666667 3
Page 93
Appendix H
Advertising budget Advertising Activities TV
ITN Rupavahini Sirasa Swarnawahini Derana MTV
November December
450,000 100,000
300,000 50,000
350,000 240,000 100,000
120,000 150,000
100,000 100,000
170,000 110,000
SirasaFM Hiru FM
Neth FM
Sub Total of TV and Radio cost News Papers Lankadeepa Lakbima Sunday Times
45,000 37,500 -
Integrated marketing communication Magazines Hi magazine LMD Sub Total of newspapers and magazines cost Hoarding Advertising
Victoria bridge Peliyagoda Colombo-Kandy route Mount lavinia
20,000 190,000
25,000 180,500
20,000 153,000
25,000 107,500
300,000 300,000
250,000 250,000
300,000 300,000
200,000 200,000
300,000 300,000
Sub Total of posters and leaflets cost Cinema Ads Majectic city Regal Cinema Prince cinema
60,000 50,000 -
30,000 50,000 -
30,000 40,000
50,000 40,000
40,000 -
Sub Total ADVERTISING - GRAND TOTAL Table 33: Advertising budget Direct marketing budget Direct Marketing Activities Facebook activities Facebook competitions Twitter campaign E-mail marketing Grand Total Table 34: Direct marketing budget
40,000 1,265,500
270,000 14,561,000
Page 96
Grand Total
Sales promotion budget Sales Promotion Activities Free channels Free installation Grand Total Table 36: Sales promotion budget Source: compiled by author July 200,000 200,000 August 100,000 200,000 300,000 September October November 100,000 200,000 300,000 100,000 100,000 December Total 300,000 600,000 900,000
Page 97
Appendix I
Interview questions 1. Why did SLT decide to enter the pay TV industry? 2. What are the geographic boundaries in providing services? 3. Are there any limitations in providing services? 4. What is your target segment? 5. What are the special features PEO TV offers? 6. What are the current promotions used by PEO TV? 7. What is the SLT fixed line and ADLS customer base?
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