Scheme of Work Qualification: BETC National Diploma in Mechanical Engineering/Year (2) Unit No:5 Unit Title
Scheme of Work Qualification: BETC National Diploma in Mechanical Engineering/Year (2) Unit No:5 Unit Title
Scheme of Work Qualification: BETC National Diploma in Mechanical Engineering/Year (2) Unit No:5 Unit Title
REF. Week1&2 CONTENT Be able to determine the effects of loading in static engineering systems POSSIBLE ACTIVITIES Whole class teaching Introduction to unit
scheme of work assessment requirements. introduce and discuss rules and sign convention for resolution of forces demonstrate analytical solution of concurrent coplanar force systems. explain that a non-concurrent coplanar force system can be reduced to a single resultant force an a resultant couple.
RESOURCES Interactive white board. PowerPoint presentation (Teaching slides) Printed Lecture Notes.
Recap Students feedback questions and comments related to previous lecture. Quiz. Whole class teaching
demonstrate analytical solution of non-concurrent coplanar force systems. define and discuss simply supported beams and types of support. demonstrate calculation of support reactions for simply supported beams carrying concentrated and uniformly distributed loads.
Interactive white board. PowerPoint presentation (Teaching slides) Printed Lecture Notes.
Recap Students feedback questions and comments related to previous lecture. Whole class teaching
define and discuss direct stress and strain, elastic behaviour and modulus of elasticity. define ultimate tensile strength and factor of safety. demonstrate calculation of direct stress and strain in engineering components and associated dimensional changes.
Interactive white board. PowerPoint presentation (Teaching slides) Printed Lecture Notes.
Recap Students feedback questions and comments related to previous lecture. Quiz. Whole class teaching
Interactive white board. PowerPoint presentation (Teaching slides) Printed Lecture Notes.
define and discuss shear stress and strain, shear strength and shear modulus. demonstrate calculation of shear stress and strain in engineering components.
Recap Students feedback questions and comments related to previous lecture. Whole class teaching
Interactive white board. PowerPoint presentation (Teaching slides) Printed Lecture Notes.
demonstrate solution of problems on engineering components subjected to combines direct and shear loading. Instructor-guided group work in solving problems on engineering components subjected to direct loading, shear loading and combined loading.
Week11&12 Be able to determine work, power and energy transfer in dynamic engineering systems
Recap Students feedback questions and comments related to previous lecture. Quiz. Whole class teaching
Interactive white board. PowerPoint presentation (Teaching slides) Printed Lecture Notes.
discuss displacement v. time and velocity v. time graphs for uniform linear motion and derive associated equations of motion explain Newtons laws of motion and derive expression for inertial resistance explain and discuss the characteristics of dry frictional resistance, coefficient of kinetic friction and calculation of dry frictional resistance
Week13&14 Be able to determine work, power and energy transfer in dynamic engineering Systems
Recap Students feedback questions and comments related to previous lecture. Whole class teaching
explain the concept of dynamic equilibrium and application of DAlemberts principle define and derive expressions for work done, average power and instantaneous power dissipation demonstrate solution of dynamic problems involving application of the equations for uniform linear motion, Newtons laws and DAlemberts principle.
Interactive white board. PowerPoint presentation (Teaching slides) Printed Lecture Notes.
Week8 Week15&16 Be able to determine work, power and energy transfer in dynamic engineering Systems
Eid Al-Adha Holiday Recap Students feedback questions and comments related to previous lecture. Quiz. Whole class teaching
explain and discuss the principle of conservation of momentum and demonstrate its application in the solution of problems involving the direct impact of moving bodies define and derive expressions for gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy explain and discuss the principle of conservation of energy
Interactive white board. PowerPoint presentation (Teaching slides) Printed Lecture Notes.
Week17&18 Be able to determine work, power and energy transfer in dynamic engineering Systems
Recap Students feedback questions and comments related to previous lecture. Quiz. Whole class teaching
Interactive white board. PowerPoint presentation (Teaching slides) Printed Lecture Notes.
demonstrate solution of dynamic problems involving application of the principles of conservation of momentum and conservation of energy.
Recap Students feedback questions and comments related to previous lecture. Quiz. Whole class teaching
Interactive white board. PowerPoint presentation (Teaching slides) Printed Lecture Notes.
describe and discuss properties of fluids and derive expression for pressure at depth. describe and demonstrate pressure measurement using piezometers and manometers
Recap Students feedback questions and comments related to previous lecture. Whole class teaching
derive expression for thrust on an immersed plane surface and position of centre of pressure on a rectangular retaining surface with one edge in the free surface of a liquid. demonstrate solution of problems involving pressure at depth and thrust on an immersed surface.
Interactive white board. PowerPoint presentation (Teaching slides) Printed Lecture Notes.
Recap Students feedback questions and comments related to previous lecture. Whole class teaching
recap density, relative density and specific weight.
Interactive white board. PowerPoint presentation (Teaching slides) Printed Lecture Notes.
explain and discuss Archimedes principle. demonstrate calculation of up-thrust on fully immersed and partially immersed objects. explain and demonstrate experimental methods of determining density of solids and liquids.
Recap Students feedback questions and comments related to previous lecture. Whole class teaching
derive expressions for volume and mass flow rate for steady pipeline flow. derive and discuss the continuity of volume and continuity of mass equations for steady flow. demonstrate solution of problems involving calculation of flow velocities and flow rates in branched and tapering pipes.
Interactive white board. PowerPoint presentation (Teaching slides) Printed Lecture Notes.
Interactive white
Recap Students feedback questions and comments related to previous lecture. Whole class teaching
state and explain Boyles law and Charles law relating to the expansion and compression of gases and define an ideal gas. derive the general and characteristic gas equations. demonstrate solution of problems involving expansion and compression of gases.
Interactive white board. PowerPoint presentation (Teaching slides) Printed Lecture Notes.