Cultural Heritage Asia-1
Cultural Heritage Asia-1
Cultural Heritage Asia-1
C in conditions
of high humidiry, because of chemical reactions (Lipps
meier 1969) .
In addition, there are to adverse consequences of
the use of concrete and concrete products are of special
relevance for conservation environments: Toishi (1979)
noted that a short-term problem with new buildings
was the release of large quantities of water vapor if con
crete used in construction contained water in excess of
that required for chemical curing. Some simple precau
tions can solve the problem: Good supervision during
construction can, first of all, ensure that no extra water
i s added to improve workabiliry-a measure that offers
the added benefit of yielding a higher qualiry of fin
ished concrete-and, second, can also make sure that
concrete blockwork is covered at all times against wet
ting by rain. After completion, a period of up to six
months should, if possible, be allowed before occupa
tion for the building to "season. "
A longer-term problem noted by Toishi i s the
release of strongly alkaline particulates. These cause a
variery of problems for collections-of paintings, in
particular-and the chemical reactions involved are
accelerated at the 30 C temperatures common in the
tropics. Because particle release has been known to per
sist for many years, the use of concrete without applied
finishes in museum interiors is inadvisable (Toishi 1979).
Structural steel i s used to construct efficient large-span
structures-often industrial and storage facilities. It is
used in both rolled sections and lighter cold-formed
sections. As cladding, sheet steel is stronger and cheaper
than aluminum and is more resistant to mechanical
failure than fibrous-cement sheeting.
The major limitation in the use of unalloyed steel
is corrosion from high humidiry combined with indus
trial smoke or salry air in coastal areas. For coasts with
surf, the corrosive effect is estimated at five times that
caused by highly polluted industrial air (Lippsmeier
1969) . Hot-dip galvanizing is advisable, but gives less
effective protection than it does in other environments,
because of the rapid loss of the sacrificial metal. Applied
protective coatings and frequent maintenance are nec
essary. The use of stainless steel for decorative steelwork
is usually j ustified by long-term savings.
Sheet-steel products should have high-qualiry gal
vanized or "zincalume" protective coatings, and should
be prefnished with proprietary factory-applied, light
colored paint. Because of the light weight of sheet steel
claddings, particular care should be taken in designing
fixings for wind resistance.
Use of fiber-cement sheet products i s widespread i n all
tropical countries, because of the reduction of building
costs permitted by increasing local production. Appli-
Ki ng
cations include sheets, pIpes, wall and roof sections,
self-supporting folded building components, and
monolithic fittings (shells, furniture, etc. ).
On the whole, the material is eminently suited to
the tropics: waterproof and windproof, with limited
thermal conductiviry and good heat-storage capaciry
but low mass, it has a medium reflectiviry of 0. 3 to 0. 5,
depending on its age. It is fire-resistant and offers par
ticularly high resistance to corrosion.
Because of this material's sensitiviry to sudden
mechanical stress, surroundings at considerable distances
may be endangered by pieces btoken of in hurricane
conditions, and walls of fibrous cement sheeting may
aford little protection from other flying debris. Consid
erable destruction is likely in the event of an earthquake.
Timber i s the most common traditional building mate
rial used in the hot, humid zones. Modern timber prod
ucts, such as laminated timbers, plywoods, and
fiberboards, have extended the range of applications.
Most indigenous timbers are hardwoods and include
many species with widely diverse properties.
Deterioration may arise from photochemical effects
resulting from intense solar radiation, physical weather
ing caused by changes in temperature and humidiry, and
from fungal and insect attack. The rapidiry and fre
quency of environmental changes, from heating by the
sun to cooling by rain showers, causes continual dimen
sional changes, which produces checks, splits, warping
and raised grain, and poor paint-holding properties.
Differential dimensional change due to moisture
migration is the main cause of bowing of doors and
other panel construction. The effect is exaggerated in
buildings that are artificially cooled or dehumidified.
While mold growth is of mainly cosmetic concern,
it can indicate the presence of moisture, which is also a
precondition for attack by wood-destroying fungi.
Because fungi cannot grow in wood at moisture con
tents of under 20%, the most important precaution is
to keep moisture out and provide adequate ventilation.
A variery of insects may inflict cosmetic or struc
tural damage. In some areas, the risk of attack by pow
derpost beetles is greater than the risk posed by termites
(Building Research Establishment 1972). In tropical
conditions, the life cycle of these insects is very rapid. It
Building for Conservation
1o common for beetles to infect the wood within
months of a building's completion, causing senous
structural damage within just a few years. Termites are
discussed separately, because they may attack other
materials besides timber.
Timber can be protected by design precautions,
careful selection, and treatment measures. Appropriate
construction needs to be considered at the outset of the
design process. Care should be taken to use properly
"seasoned" timber, to provide shelter by overhanging
eave, to use and fix metal flashings carefully, to isolate
timber from the ground (by the use of properly con
structed termite shields, for example), and to detail
joints so as to accommodate moisture movements. Fas
tenings should be made of appropriate materials; in the
presence of elevated humidiry, the tannins and related
compounds in some tropical hardwoods react exces
sively with ferrous metals, leading to staining and even
failure of joints.
Species of timbers may be selected according to the
durabiliry they offer under given conditions. Pressure
impregnation with copper chrome arsenate preservative
can make the use of a cheaper, nondurable timber feasi
ble even where there is risk of decay or insect attack.
Paint finishes vary widely i n their response to the cli
matic conditions of the tropics. Their behavior depends
on their chemical composition. Chemical resistance
may be closely matched to requirements by careful
specification. Care needs to be taken in the choice of
desired paint properties. For example:
Reflectiviry varies with both color and and sur
face finish.
Function in water-vapor control vanes, from
airtightness (with gloss finishes) to porosiry
(with emulsion paints).
Thermal conductiviry \o greatly increased by
metallic additives.
The durabiliry of painted surfaces is compromised
by destructive physical, chemical, and photochemical
processes resulting from intensive solar radiation and
high temperatures. Damage may also occur below the
surface of paint, which absorbs some of the ultraviolet
radiation. In hot, humid regions, considerable deterio-
ration may result from continual humidity and from
rain striking directly on the paint surface, and in mari
time zones, from moist air containing salt. Brittleness
and cracking of paint is accelerated by large, frequent
temperature changes, and chalking may occur when
there are rapid alternations between rain and sunshine.
Paints based on natural materials, and some plas
tic-based paints, are prone to destruction by termites.
Equally dangerous is termite attack on structural ele
ments hidden by an intact coat of paint; such undetec
ted destruction can lead to collapse. Discoloration,
marking, and decomposition of paint by mold fungus
are all common-oil-based paints are in particular
jeopardy; plastic paints are somewhat less vulnerable.
In Tropenbau: Builing in the Tropics, J. G. Lippsmeier
(1969) warns that "The extent of damage done to build
ings by termites is considerable. Results of an investiga
tion in Jamaica in 1943 showed that 61% of all buildings
were infested by termites and of the remaining 39%
about 40% were contaminated. In general, it can be
assumed that about 10% of all old buildings in the trop
ics have been attacked. "
Although timber i s the structural material most
likely to be affected, other organic materials in building
finishes or in the collections housed-materials such as
silk, cotton, linen, jute, and wool-are also vulnerable
to termite damage. Natural rubber, foam rubber, and
latex products are safe only if they have been treated
with an insecticide-a point that carries important
implications for building seals.
Concrete, brickwork, mortar, and stone are unaf
fected, but their porous nature can provide passages to
the building interior, where termites may attack interior
fittings, such as wood furniture, decorations, books,
and the like.
Some materials can be damaged by the mortarlike
pulp from which termites build their surface communica
tions. This substance attacks the surface of metal or glass.
Polyvinylchloride, cellulose acetate, neoprene, and
synthetic resin adhesives are among the plastics that can
be damaged by termites. Lippsmeier (1969) notes that
termites sometimes chew the glue from wood without
touching the wood itself, and observes that plastic
based wall paints were completely removed from walls.
Preventive measures rely on appropriate physical
detailing of construction, which permits termite galler
ies that connect to the ground to be detected readily.
The ability to regularly inspect subHoor spaces for evi
dence of infestation may become a strong determinant
of building form, reinforcing other incentives to utilize
construction elevated on columns or stilts. The Hood
ing of subsoil with residual poisons such as dieldrin, as
advocated in the past, is now considered too dangerous
as a routine procedure and moreover is of little long
term efficacy where the soil is subject to rapid leaching.
However, it may still be employed to destroy infesta
tions of existing buildings. Agrawal (1981) reports some
unexplained chemical deterrent efect exerted by the
growing of bananas near buildings, but the most effec
tive approach is to "build termites out."
Passive Environmental
Control Strategies
As briefly noted earlier, there are some limits to the
potential of passive environmental control to produce
conditions meeting conservation standards, especially
in hot, humid climates. Environmental extremes can be
modified incrementally by:
appropriate siting;
reducing loads on the building;
layout planning that subjects the least vulnera
ble spaces to the most exposure, in order to iso
late rather than insulate vulnerable spaces; and
the use of local controls.
This principle of "layered control" is familiar to
curators and conservators. Considerable literature dis
cusses the progressive reduction of V1 variation or
ozone concentration from exterior to interior space and
even within display cases. The same principle can be
applied to some degree to all environmental variables. It
relies first and foremost on restricting the degree of air
exchange between each "layer" of space, with the rate
for air exchange for display cases measured in changes
per day, rather than per hour.
Airtightness in the construction of display cases is
difcult to achieve, and of doubtful value anyway. The
benefits of such construction-which may, for example,
call for the use of saturated salts for V1 buffering-are
outweighed by the dangers of the potential for conden
sation as a result of temperature changes, and by the pro
gressive concentration of released volatiles. If the
ventilation is designed to be limited, however, one can
achieve more efective filtration of air, because of the
very small volumes involved in the small scale of the typ
ical display case. Padfeld (1968) has long recommended
the provision of a ventilation opening sized according to
showcase volume and ftted with a commercial active
carbon flter cartridge. The efectiveness and cost bene
fts of pollution control, even in harsh urban environ
ments, are maximized by such arrangements.
The principal problems encountered in arid regions are
excessive solar radiation, heat, low humidity, undesir
able winds, wind borne dust and sand, and other air
Siting. Following the general principles outlined
above, the frst line of protection is appropriate siting.
In urban settings, this would include the placement of
buildings close to one another to aford mutual shad
ing, especially on the east and west, and the restriction
of large open spaces. Compact building forms reduce
external surfaces subject to solar loads, and courtyards
and walled gardens increase the opportunity for the use
of vegetation.
Landscaping. Carefully selected planting can sig
nifcantly reduce the environmental loads on the build
ing. In traditional Islamic walled gardens, tall, narrow
leafed cypresses have been used at the periphery to flter
the dust and reduce wind speeds. The cleaner-but
still dry-air is then humidified by a second screen of
broad-leafed trees. Pavilions in such a garden would be
shaded by a large tree, a plane tree, for example. It has
been noted (Lesiuk 1983) that "one such tree could tran
spire as much as 500 liters of water a day," and the
extraction of the radiant and convective heat required
to evaporate such a volume of water would typically
represent a drop in temperature from, say, 57 C above
the crown to 32 c in the shade, while humidity under
the canopy might be raised by 30%.
More radical use of plant material has been pro
posed and investigated. Measurements were taken in
the Gibson Desert in Western Australia of a lightly clad
building with a plant canopy of vines grown on a
Building for Conservation
framework spaced from the walls and rooE Net heat
fow into the building was shown to be uniform and
virtually negligible (Lesiuk 1983) .
Thermal Control. The elimination of radiant solar
load is paramount. Consideration should be given to
lightweight shading superstructures, especially over the
roof of a building; in any case, roofs should be of reflec
tive colors and well insulated.
Conventional temperature control in buildings in
hot, arid regions relies primarily on the damping effect
of massive construction. By carefl design of exterior
elements, a lag exactly matched to the time difference
between the incidence of greatest heat load and of low
est night temperature can be achieved. Similarly, mas
sive internal walls absorb excess heat and reradiate it at
cooler periods on a daily cycle.
Earth Shelter Where earth-sheltered or under
ground construction can be safely undertaken without
risk of flooding, the available thermal mass is even
greater. Seasonal diferences in temperature can be uti
lized. At 6 m below the surface, undisturbed soil
remains efectively at a steady temperature equal to the
annual dry bulb average. Nearer the surface, tempera
ture swings are greater, but even with only 600 mm
cover, the temperature follows that of the monthly aver
ages. If the soil surface is shaded and irrigated, such tem
peratures can be depressed by another 7 c (King 1984).
Humidifcation. In deserts, humidifcation may be
achieved by quite simple means. The Mohenjo-daro
Museum, on the Indus in Pakistan, utilizes massive
brick walls set parallel to the prevailing winds, and a
concrete double rooE A large pool of water is incorpo
rated along the whole windward facade. Air passing
over the pool is cooled and humidifed and partially
deposits sand and dust it carries before it enters and
ventilates the museum halls. The Chandigarh Fine Arts
Museum employs similar passive humidifcation by
being arranged around a courtyard with a large pool
(Saini 1980) .
Better control of airfow, humidifcation, and tem
perature may be achieved by more complex building
forms, incorporating variations on the traditional wind
catchers of Pakistan and Iran, and modern solar chim
neys (Bahadori 1978, Cunningham et al. 1986) .
Natural Light. Light control should not rely on
conventional window placement based on the practice
of more temperate regions, then remedied by external or
internal shading devices. Instead, relatively small exter
nal openings should be used. These should be located
strategically for sun control, and detailed to provide
reflected daylight to floor, wall, and ceiling surfaces.
Where planted courts can be established, visual relief for
the interior can be provided by views of the vegetation.
The Japanese practice of placing openings low in the
wall directs one's gaze downward to a relatively small
area, which can be highly landscaped and well main
tained, perhaps with a boundary wall. Thus, contrast
between the low internal light level and that of external
illumination is reduced and glare eliminated.
Siting. The desirability of reducing environmental
loads applies equally in the hot, humid tropics. How
ever, the implications for siting and building are differ
ent. Buildings will be generally more widely spaced,
reflecting the relative ease of maintaining shade on
intervening open areas by fast-growing planting, and
the need to encourage access to breezes for naturally
ventilated buildings.
Building Shape. Individual buildings may be more
elongated, with their long axes running east to west.
This is in order to control overhead sun, which may
come from either north or south, by using of roof over
hangs. Radiation from the low rising and setting sun is
more difcult to avoid. "Shallow" building plans can
also facilitate cross ventilation by prevailing breezes.
Natural Vntiltion. Any decision to deal with ele
vated humidity by the traditional technique of encour
aging natural ventilation alone will dictate the planning,
form, and construction of the building. Ventilation
under such circumstances can be assured only by exploit
ing and enhancing available breezes, because so-called
stack efects, based on temperature diferences in interior
volumes, cannot produce the air movement required.
Building plans must therefore ensure that cross ven
tilation is not obstructed by internal partitioning. Ori
entation is not as critical as one might think, as planting
and other external elements can be used to modif the
distribution of high and low air pressure around the
building. The placement of openings in the building
fabric is critical. To enhance the velocity of a light
breeze, outlet openings must be larger in area than inlet
openings, which in turn must be so located as to direct
the air stream onto occupants and the stored objects.
Design for natural ventilation is still understood
poorly by most architects, and is explained inadequately
in most texts. Extreme care should be taken to follow
reliable literature, such as the seminal work from the
Texas Engineering Experiment Station (White 1952) .
Driving Rain. Control of permanent ventilation
openings should be the major design parameter. Where
buildings are orientated perpendicular to the direction
of the prevailing wind for natural ventilation, openings
are vulnerable to driving rain. Water finds a way
through the smallest opening, and wind can force it up
a vertical surface. Even with deep roof overhangs, pene
tration of water through openings designed for ventila
tion may be difficult to avoid.
It is best to find the solution to this in planning,
rather than in construction: Areas on the periphery of the
building may be dedicated to circulation spaces, with fin
ishes designed to cope with intermittent wetting. Storm
shutters may be required for some extreme situations.
Openings and Sunscreening. Openings for light
generally do not need to be as restricted as in the hot,
arid zone. But again, it is better not to rely on screening
conventional openings from the sun using brise-soleil
type grids. Heat from solar radiation will transfer from
such screens to ventilating air passing over them on the
way to the interior. If the screen is structurally con
nected to the building, heat will also be passed to the
interior by conduction.
Thermal Mass. As long as solar gain is minimized,
permanent ventilation for air movement ensures that
the thermal environment of the building will closely
follow that of the outside, almost regardless of the
materials of construction.
However, even with the smaller diurnal tempera
ture swings of 5 c to 10 c in a hot, humid climate,
designing to exploit "cool storage" in structural mass is
worth considering. This is particularly true if the build
ing is to be unoccupied at night-as museums typically
are-since the usual goal of rapid cooling to improve
sleeping conditions does not apply.
Szokolay (1985) reports the simulated behavior of a
thermally massive building in Darwin, Australia. The
heavyweight building is considerably warmer at night,
which would probably be unacceptable for housing,
Ki ng
but in the daytime peak temperature is reduced 2 DC.
This performance improves if the daytime ventilation
rate is decreased to one air change per hour (Ac/H) and
the nighttime ventilation is increased to 30 Ac/H; peak
day temperature is almost 4 DC lower than for light
weight buildings, and nighttime temperature is only
about I DC higher:
The results look ver encouraging but woul
require a radicall dif rent approach from solu
tions previousl advocated The most fundamen
tal difrence is the ventilation patter-the
reduction ofventiltion rate to 1ACH in the day
time wil make a radical dif rence to the ther
mal behavior ofthe building. When designing a
builing to give high air movement, one antici
pates ventilation rates in excess of50 ACH. This
means that interal gains would be ventilated
away quickl. Wth a reduced ventilation rate in
the daytime, the builing wil be much more
sensitive to internal gains ofany kind and much
more care must be taken with shading, etc. (Baer
and Banks 1987).
Furthermore, if the daytime ventilation rate is
restricted to I Ac/H, all physiological cooling effects for
occupants, and any role in prevention of mold due to
natural air movement, will be lost. This air movement
would have to be provided mechanically, typically by
overhead fans.
Dehumidifcation. Where air exchange with the
outside is restricted, consideration may be given to
dehumidification by either mechanical or "passive"
means. A system built and tested at the Miami Univer
sity in Oxford, Ohio, is of interest:
The system consists of two identical adjacent
solar colector arrays ofhorizontal screen trays
flled with a drk granulr desiccant material.
One collector array is covered with a glzing
material and is exposed to solar radiation which
heats, dries and regenerates the desiccant mate
rial The array ofhorizontal trays is arranged in
a stair-step confguration to maimize solr
exposure and to allow solr induced convective
air fow to pass through the desiccant screens,
enhancing the dring process. The heated moist
air is then vented to the exterior.
Bui ldi ng for Conservation
The opposite array is covered with a reec
tive, insulting panel. Cool moist air is drawn
through the desiccant screens and its specic
humidit is lwered. . . . Air movement through
the entire system is induced by the solr heated
convection in the regenerating array When the
desiccant is exhausted the rols ofthe to arrays
are reversed by moving the insulting covers and
changing the dmper confgrations . . . . [OJ the
desiccants studied so fr, activated charcoal is pre
erable fr the present system. It regenerates readil
in the pertinent reltive humidit and tempera
ture ranges, can be reccled indenitel, has inher
ent deodoriztion properties and is readil
availble at reltivel low costs (Moore 1983).
The source of the makeup air could be subfloor
spaces, where air would be cooled close to the monthly
average wet-bulb temperature, by passing it over the
large heat exchange surface of shaded and evaporatively
soil cooled by evaporation. Additional control over the
performance and geometry of the arrangement could
be obtained by the use of a fan.
Indirect Evaporative Cooling. Despite high ambient
RH, some limited potential for evaporative cooling does
exist. However, to be utilized, such evaporative cooling
has to be "indirect. " In simple terms, the cooled but sat
urated air produced by a conventional evaporative
cooler must be passed rhrough a heat exchanger to cool
another separate stream of air without adding moisture
to it. Such units can be used only in conjunction with
some dehumidification, since the RH of the interior
would still rise H the temperature of the air drops.
A specialized form of indirect evaporative cooling
that may be useful where water is plentiful is spraying
the roof by means of simple sprinklers. Surface temper
ature of roofing is reduced from more than 45 DC to typ
ically 28 DC (Kukreja ca. 1978).
Roof. In the hot, humid zones roofs must be
designed to shed rain quickly, and most often should be
steeply sloping. Because they are the major source of
radiant solar load, ventilated double roofs should be
given careful consideration.
The use of light metal roof sheet as the external
roofing in this case is problematic, as the drumming
noise from frequent rain can exceed 70 dB and can com
promise activities in the building. In normal single-roof
applications, thermal insulation would be placed in con
tact with the external sheeting to dampen this noise. In
double-skin roofs, however, the insulation's potential for
heat reduction would be wasted if it were installed in
this location. Therefore, a rigid, massive external toof
fnish, such as tiles, may be more conducive to noise
control. The permanent ventilation of the roof cavity
can be assured by correctly designed ridge ventilators,
and additional extract ventilation may be used to
exhaust some of the warm air from under the ceiling.
Some Suggestions for Optimizing
Mechanical Air Conditioning
Where conditions are required that simply cannot be
achieved by passive measures, some old principles and
new developments can increase the likelihood that air
conditioning will give satisfactory performance over the
long term.
The principle of "isolation rather than insulation"
holds even more emphatically where air-conditioned
buildings are concerned. The economy and reliability of
the air conditioning will depend on the success of the
building design in limiting the environmental loads. In
principle, those spaces requiring the steadiest conditions
should be placed at the center of a compact building,
surrounded by spaces-such as circulation, ofces, and
concession areas-that can aford to be more vulnerable
to some outside influences. Such "cocooning" spaces may
even serve as return or exhaust air plenums for the main
spaces, achieving intermediate conditions "for free."
Where general space conditioning i s required, a dra
matically different method of air supply, which has
been slowly gaining in recognition over the last few
years, should be considered. The system is a version of
the underfoor plenum air conditioning originally used
to cool large computers. To distribute the conditioned
air through the building, instead of sheet-metal trunk
ducting, false foors with access panels are used.
The main advantages for such a system are:
Energ Savings. Conventional air-conditioning
layouts supply overcooled air at a high level, which
mixes with the warm air in the room to produce desired
temperatures at the occupied levels. By supplying air at
a low level in interior spaces and exhausting from the
ceiling, displacement systems permit higher supply
temperatures for the cooled air to be maintained. The
warmer air will naturally stratif toward the ceiling.
Polution Control. It is possible that with suitable
design to limit mixing turbulence, pollutants can be
carried upward out of the occupied zone, and even par
ticulate settlement rates may be inhibited.
Hygiene. One of the greatest problems with conven
tional air conditioning is that, once installed, ducrwork
cannot be cleaned conveniently, even to remove the orig
inal builders' rubbish. With subfoor plenums, regular
cleaning can be carried out more readily, and condensa
tion and mold growth quickly detected and remedied.
Adaptability. Localized conditions, such as "hot
spots" caused by mechanical equipment or artifcial
lighting, can easily be given extra cooling.
The interesting point is that this approach works
best with higher-than-normal ceilings. As these are not
uncommon in museums and other cultural institutions,
displacement air conditioning may be particularly
suited to such applications.
The ultimate economy i n limiting air conditioning is to
cool only display cases. However, the use of a "conven
tional" system to feed air to several large cases at the
Egyptian Wing of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in
New York was a conspicuous failure, mainly because of
the rapidity and magnitude of undesirable conditions
that developed when the control system failed.
A more fruitful approach, using a humidifcation/
dehumidifcation unit designed to be robust, simple to
build, and low in cost (under $1,000 for partS in 1982)
is reported by Michalski (1982). Notable features of the
prototype were:
Use of an automotive air filter to achieve cheap, high
effciency, long-life particulate fltration.
Adaptation of a domestic refrigerative dehumidifier's
compressor, cooling, and evaporative coils. Most such
units have an expected life of ten years, even under
arduous conditions.
A centrifugal blower operated significantly below its
designed power.
An air heat-exchanger made from an automobile
radiator core.
Use of a relatively expensive humidistat capable of
maintaining less than 5% drif unadjusted over six
Humidifier arrays and silica-gel buffer columns, both
of which are economical in parts but labor-intensive.
The RH buffering is provided to smooth the ripples pro
duced by the humidistat switching and to ensure the
unit will produce dangerous levels only gradually and
slowly, even if it malfunctions.
An absorption filter of loose charcoal.
The unit supplies air to display cases through plas
tic piping of a maximum of 3 cm to as small as 1-2 mm
bore, just fast enough to overcompensate for natural
leakage. The author estimates that a total of approxi
mately 200 cases, each one up to a cubic meter in vol
ume, could be supplied from a unit of such
specifcation, over a radius of 30 m. He declares that
"The module will be ideal in a museum hall that has
many ordinary leaky display cases in an area of uniform
temperature . . . . Here it can provide humidity and pol
lution control at low cost and with little modifcation
to the existing displays" (Michalski 1982) .
In concentrating on aspects of the building environ
ment in the preparation of this paper, it became obvi
ous that the long-term integrity of objects is basically a
function of good physical conditions combined with
good management.
At a regional seminar on conservation in humid
climates, one participant recounted how, in the attempt
to upgrade storage conditions, the collection of the Fiji
Museum was damaged extensively by poor handling of
objects that had remained in good condition for years
(Wolf 1979) . The sorry state of affairs is made even
more poignant by the description at the same seminar
of relatively low-cost "appropriate technology" systems,
which have made it possible to safely store, handle, and
study diffcult objects in the ethnographic collection of
the University of Queensland (Lauer 1979) .
This paper has made no attempt to address those
more general issues of storage and security, or how
sound building .:Lsign can infuence the efective man-
Building for Conservation
agement of a cultural institution. Such issues are not
characteristically changed by geography, except insofar
as they confict with appropriate design for climate.
Emphasis has been placed instead on examining the
major premises of preventive conservation that are deter
mined by the difcult climatic conditions of the tropics.
In particular, the paper has highlighted the dangers of
assuming that air conditioning will solve all problems.
The potentially adverse role of air conditioning in mold
propagation has not previously been canvassed, whereas
the dangers of temperature and RH fuctuations resulting
from intermittent operation of mechanical alr
conditioning systems should be well known. Even in the
technologically advanced societies, mechanical systems
fail-and when they fail, things tend to go wrong very
quickly and very badly. In places where power supplies
are unreliable and the expertise and resources to main
tain sophisticated equipment are limited, one must fnd
design approaches that are culturally, technologically,
and environmentally appropriate.
At present, it must be acknowledged that for the
satisfactory preservation of certain kinds of materials,
the intractable problems of a hot, humid, monsoonal
climate cannot be overcome by passive means alone.
The best new thinking advocates the judicious combi
nation of advanced but sturdy technologies with
regionally adapted passive design. The conclusion it is
hoped readers will draw is that one can build to
enhance user comfort, fnctional effciency, and eco
nomic viability by the enlightened use of contemporary
technology, while preserving regional identity in har
mony with local beliefs, methods, and customs.
Steve King, ARAIA, is Senior Lecturer in Architecture
with SOLRCH, School of Architecture, University of
New South Wales. His postgraduate qualfcations are in
Building Science, and his research specialization is in
passive solar behavior and natural cooling of buildings.
He has previously taught at the University of Canberra
and has been a Visiting Scientist at the Jacob Blaustein
Institute of Desert Research, Israel.
Agrawal, O. P
1981 "Appropriate" Indian Technology for the Conser
vation of Museum Collections. In Appropriate
Technologies in the Conservation ofCultural Prop
ert. Museums and Monuments 7. Paris: UNESCO.
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1988 Control of Museum Climate in Thailand. In Con
trol ofMuseum Climate in Asia and the Pacic Area.
Preprints of meeting held in Kyoto, Japan, 18 Spe
tember 1988. Kyoto: Japanese Organising Com
mittee of IIC Kyoto Congress.
Aynsley, R. M.
1980 Protective Construction in the South Pacific. Gen
eral Report GRL9. Sydney: Department of Architec
tural Science, University of Sydney.
Ayres Ezer Lau Consulting Engineers
1988 Energy Conservation and Cimate Control in Muse
ums (AEL Project No. 36300). Marina del Rey: The
Getty Conservation Institute.
Bahadori, M. N.
1978 Passive Cooling Systems in Iranian Architecture.
Scientifc American 268: 144-55.
Baer, N. S., and P N. Banks
Conservation Notes: Environmental Standards.
The Interational Journal ofMuseum Management
and Curatorship 6: 207-09.
Baker, N. V
1987 Passive and Low Energy Design fr Tropical Islnd
Climates. London: Commonwealth Secretariat
Blight, G. E.
Construction in Tropical Soils. In Proceedings of
the 2nd Interational Confrence on Geomechanics
in Tropical Soils. Singapore: A. A. Balkema.
Bravery, A. F
1980 Origin and Nature of Mold Fungi in Buildings. In
Mold Growth in Builings, pp. 2-12. Princes Ris
borough, Aylesbury (U.K. ): Building Research
Building Research Establishment
1972 Timber in Tropical Builng. OBN No. 146. Gar
Cass, G. R. , J. R. Druzik, D. Grosjean, W W Nazaroff,
P M. Whitmore, and C. L. Wittman
1988 Protecting Works ofArt .fom Photochemical Smog.
Marina del Rey: The Getty Conservation Institute.
Cunningham, W A. et al.
1986 Passive Cooling with Natural Draf Cooling Tow
ers in Combination with Solar Chimneys. In Pro
ceedings of The Fourth International Confrence on
Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLE). Pees,
1954 Behaviour ofBuilding Materials in Tropical Regions
(No. SB 30) . Sydney: Commonwealth Experimen
tal Building Station.
Feilden, B. M.
1979 Design of Museums for Conservation of Cultural
Property. In Regional Seminar on the Conservation
ofCultural Materials in Humid Cimates, C. Pear
son (ed.), pp. 66-77. Canberra: Australian Gov
ernment Publishing Service.
1987 Between Two Earthquakes: Culturl Propert in
Seismic Zones. Rome/Marina del Rey, California.:
ICC ROM/The Getty Conservation Institute.
Freemantle, E.
1988 Humidity Control for Small Volumes. In Control
ofMuseum Climate in Asia and the Pacic Area.
Preprints of meeting held in Kyoto, Japan, 18 Sep
tember 1988. Kyoto: Japanese Organising Com
mittee of IIC Kyoto Congress.
Gazzola, P
1972 Restoring Monuments: Historical Background. In
Preserving and Restoring Monuments and Historic
Builings. Paris: UNESCO.
Hunderman, H. J .
1988 Humidity and Building Materials in the Museum
Setting. In The Interior Handbook fr Historic
Buildings, C. E. Fisher (ed. ), pp. 4.29-4.34. Wash
ington, D. C. : Historic Preservation Education
Kervanto, A.
1988 Urban Conservation in the Third World. In Pro
ceedings ofBuilding Conservation 88 Symposium,
M. Ivars (ed.), pp. 107-14. Helsinki: Finnish
National Commission for UNESCO.
King, S. E.
1984 State of the Art in Passive Cooling. In Proceedings
0f'NZEs', R. K. H. Johnson (ed.). Canberra: Can
berra College of Advanced Education.
Kukreja, C. P
ca. 1978 Tropical Architecture. New Delhi: TATA McGraw
Lauer, P
1979 The Economy of Artifact Storage. In Proceedings of
Regional Seminar on the Conservation of Culturl
Materials in Humid Climates, C. PeaIson (ed.). Can
berra: Australian Government Publishing Service.
Lesiuk, S.
Landscape Design for Energy Conservation in the
Middle East. In Islamic Architecture and Urbanism,
A. Germen (ed.), pp. 215-31. Damman: King
Faisal University.
Lippsmeier, J. G.
1969 Tropenbau: Builing in the Tropics. Munich: Callwey
Maheu, R.
1970 Protection ofMankind' Cultural Heritage. Report
to the Executive Board, UNESCO, May 1970. Paris:
Michalski, S.
1982 A Control Module for Relative Humidity in Dis
play Cases. In Proceedings ofScience and Technolog
in the Service of Conservation, N. S. Bromelle et al.
(eds.), pp. 28-31. Washingron, D. C. : The Interna
tional Institute for Conservation of Historic and
Artistic Works.
Miller, A. A.
1961 Climatolog. London: Methuen.
Moore, F
1983 Learning from the Past: Passive Cooling Strategies
in Traditional and Contemporary Architecture. In
Islmic Architecture and Urbanism. A. Germen
(ed. ). Damman: King Faisal University.
Munich Reinsurance
ca. 1990 Windstorm.
Nair, S. M.
1972 Biodeterioration of Museum Materials in Tropical
Countries. In Proceedings of Conservation in the
Tropics, O. P Agrawal (ed.). New Delhi: lCCROM.
Padfeld, T
1968 Design of Museum Showcases. In Proceedings of
Museum Climatolog. London: International Insti
tute for Conservation.
Padfeld, T, and P Jensen
1990 Low Energy Climate Control in Museum Stores.
In Proceedings of/COM Committee fr Conservation,
9th Triennial Meeting, pp. 596-601, Dresden. Los
Angeles: rCOM Conservation Committee / The
Getty Conservation Institute.
Pearson, C.
The Problems of Environmental Control in
Pacifc Island Museums. In Control ofMuseum
Climate in Asia and the Pacic Area, pp. 1-10. Pre
prints of meeting held in Kyoto, Japan, 18 Sep
tember 1988. Kyoto: Japanese Organising
Committee of IIC Kyoto Congress.
Pitchard, P
1984 Emergency Measures and Damage Assessment
Afer an Earthquake. Paris: UNESCO.
Rosenberg, A.
1986 Report on a Visit to the National Museums of
Gabon, Central Africa. In The Care and Preserva
tion ofEthnological Materials, R. Barclay, et al.
(eds.) . Ottawa: Canadian Conservation Institute.
Rytkonen, A.-L., et al.
1988 The Efect of Air Temperature and Humidity on the
Growth of Some Fungi. In Proceeding; ofHealthy
Builing 88, B. Berglund and T Lindvall (eds.).
Stockholm: Swedish Council for Building ReseaIch.
Saini, B. S.
1980 Building in Hot Dry Climates. New York: J. Wiley.
Stolow, N.
1979 Conservation Standrds fr Wrks ofArt in Transit
and on Exhibition. Paris: UNESCO.
Szent-Ivany, J. J. H.
1968 Identifcation and Control of Insect Pests. In The
Conservation ofCulturl Propert, with Special Ref
erence to Tropical Conditions. Museums and Mon
uments I I . Paris: UNESCO.
Szokolay, S. V
1985 Passive and Low Energy Design for Thermal and
Visual Comfort. In Proceedings ofThird Interna
tional Confrence on Passive and Low Energy Archi
tecture (PLE). New York: Pergamon.
Thomson, G.
1972 Climate and the Museum in the Tropics. In Pro
ceedings of Conservation in the Tropics, O. P
Agrawal (ed.). New Delhi: ICCROM.
1986 The Museum Environment. 2d ed. London: Butter
Toishi, K.
1979 Tropical Climate and New Concrete Buildings for
a Museum. In Proceedings ofRegional Seminar on
the Conservation ofCultural Materials in Humid
Climates, O. P Agrawal (ed.). Canberra: Austra
lian Government Publishing Service.
Building for Conservation 97
United States National Research Council
1986 Preservation of Historical Records. Washington:
National Academy Press.
White, R. F
1952 Efcts of Landscaping on Natural Ventiltion of
Buildings and Their Adacent Areas. College Sta
tion: Texas Engineering Experiment Station.
Wolf, S. ].
1979 Appendix A: Delegates Statements: Fiji. In Pro
ceedings ofRegional Seminar on the Conservation of
Cultural Materials in Humid Climates, C. Pearson
(ed.), pp. 105-6. Canberra: Australian Govern
ment Publishing Service.
Recommended Reading :
Design for Climate with Emphasis
on the Tropics
Aronin, ]. E.
1979 Climate and Architecture. New York: 1o Press.
Bahadori, M. N.
1978 Passive Cooling Systems in Iranian Architecture.
Scientifc American 268: 144-55.
Baker, N. V
Passive and Low Energy Design fr Tropical Islnd
Climates. London: Commonwealth Secretariat
Building Research Establishment
1980 Building in Hot Climates. London: Her Majestys
Stationery Offces.
Evans, M.
1980 Housing, Cimate and Comfrt. London: Architec
tural Press.
Fry, M. , and ]. Drew
1964 Tropical Architecture in the Dr and Humid Zones.
London: Batsford.
Givoni, B.
1976 Man, Climate and Architecture. 2d ed. New York:
Van Nostrand Reinhold.
Golany, G. S.
Design fr Arid Regions. New York: Van Nostrand
Koenigsberger, O. H.
1974 Manual ofTropical Housing and Builing. London:
Konya, A.
1980 Design Primer fr Hot Cimates. London: Architec
tural Press.
Kukrej a, C. P
ca. 1978 Tropical Architecture. New Delhi: TATA McGraw
Lippsmeier, ]. G.
1969 Tropenbau: Builing in the Tropics. Munich: Callwe
Munich Reinsurance
ca. 1990 Windstorm.
Olgyay, V
1975 Design with Cimate. Princeton: Princeton Univer
sity Press.
Robinette, G. O.
1977 Landscape Pnning fr Energy Conservation.
Reston, Virginia: Environmental Design Press.
Saini, B. S.
1980 Building in Hot Dry Climates. New York: ]. Wiley.
Yannas, S.
Passive and Low Energy Architecture. Crete:
Disasters and Extreme Events
The careful work of patient preservation under routine
circumstances can be rendered useless if culturally sig
nificant materials are not safeguarded from catastrophic
loss or damage.
The term "protective construction" was coined dur
ing the 1950S in studies initiated by . o. Civil Defense
authorities. It refers to the conscious design and con
struction of buildings to resist infrequent but severe load
conditions. A principal aim of protective construction is
to lessen the impact and resulting damage inflicted on
the communiry by disasters, including violent wind
storms, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, flood, fire, and
human-made problems of riot and unlawful entry. From
the beginning, the literature on the subject has stressed
that design with consideration for each of the above
problems results in similar construction features; thus,
for a small increase in cost, buildings can be designed to
provide a significantly greater degree of protection to
occupants from a wide range of harmful events (Aynsley
1980). Three rypes of extreme events are characteristic of
tropical regions and are discussed below.
Whether referred to as hurricanes, ryphoons, cyclones,
or one of many other locally used names, these severe
conditions are one and the same phenomenon: a huge
eddy of clouds building up over tropical and subtropi
cal oceans and leaving behind incredible damage in
their wake. These storms entail intense windstorm,
storm surge, and inundation.
Tropical cyclones are confined to regions where
the water temperature at the surface of the ocean is
above approximately 27 e. Below this threshold
temperature-or over land-cyclones cannot "fuel"
themselves, and quickly lose energy. Within about 5
of the equator, cyclones fail to develop, because the
Coriolis force resulting from the rotation of the earth
is too weak to divert air currents into the eddy forma
tions that develop in other latitudes.
Wind velocities generated by a cyclone result from
the sum of its speed of rotation and its general rate of
Buildi ng for Conservation
progress. The destructiveness of a cyclone can therefore
be determined according to whether it passes a location
with its "bad" side or its "good" side facing inland, the
difference in maximum wind speeds between "good"
and "bad" ranging as high as 100 km per hour.
A booklet published by Munich Reinsurance (ca.
1990) notes:
Not onl the extremel high wind velocit (mea
surements have shown speeds ofmore than 300
kph) in the event ofa cclone wil cause consider
able damage, but alo the high storm surge are
particulrl hazrdous in fat coastal areas:
masses ofwater are frced against the coast by the
storm, while at the same time the water is lied
up by the low barometric pressure in the center of
the eddy. The sea wil also become ver rough fr
many days with enormous waves causing severe
erosion damage in conjunction with the very
strong currents. Yet another fetor is that tropical
cyclones contain huge amounts ofvapor and con
densed water resulting in incredible rain fi
above al in mountainous regions along the coast.
Up to 2,000 mm ofrain fi (that is 2,000 liters
per square meter) have been measured within
just /-2 dys; it is quite obvious that precipita
tion ofthis magitude will cause devastating
foods particularl when accumulting in the
catchment area ofseveral rivers. Last but not
least, the high-speed winds around a cclone
sometimes cause smaler eddies at the edge when
hitting topographical obstacles or simpl on
account ofshear frces, such smaler edies then
going their own way as cyclone-induced tora
does and causing even greater local damage.
The Consequences fr Buildings. Buildings 1
cyclone-prone areas must be designed to withstand the
forces generated by extreme winds from all directions.
Single-story and lightly constructed buildings are par
ticularly vulnerable because their mass is less than the
suction force engendered. Reinforced-concrete struc-
tures are considered particularly safe because of their
construction and high dead load.
The rapid and extreme changes of air pressure pose
frther hazards. If a building is particularly well sealed
as are modern, fully air-conditioned structures-and it
is hit too quickly by the center of a storm with its
extremely low pressure, the building fabric can be
explosively blown out by the pressure differential
(Lippsmeier 1969) .
The general provisions for strong winds may be
summarized as: (I) resistance to lateral loads; (2) resis
tance of fixings for cladding materials to repetitive
dynamic suction loads; and (3) debris resistance of the
external envelope of the building.
Building Regulations. Fundamental research lead
ing to regulation of all of these construction attributes
was carried out in Australia following the 1973 Towns
ville and 1974 Darwin cyclones. The recommendations
have been incorporated in Australian standards for con
struction, and should serve as guidelines for the use of
contemporary construction techniques in other coun
tries in the region.
The recommendations may be summarized as:
Generously dimensioned foundations, continuous sys
tems of ties anchoring wall- and roof-framing to the foot
ings, and the use of screwed and bolted fixings in place of
more conventional clips for wall and roof claddings
Stringent bracing of framed construction, and steel
reinforcing of hollow concrete blockwork
Care with the corrosion protection of steel fixings
and reinforcements, particularly when they are hidden
from view
Strengthened anchorages for door and window
frames, with special attention to hinges and the protec
tion of glazed areas
Special attention to waterproofing, because conven
tional detailing will not withstand the wind-driven rains
The codes of practice are based primarily on pro
tecting human life, and thus in some situations where
windborne debris is likely to occur, for economic con
siderations significant debris resistance may be
restricted to a single small enclosure within a building.
In a museum setting, this requirement would need to
be significantly expanded.
The following notes of caution regarding regula
tions are based on remarks offered by Munich Reinsur-
ance (ca. 1990), a major international insurer with
extensive experience in situations of catastrophic loss:
In some countries, regulations are recommended,
but not mandatory. The result is that principals and
contractors often try to "economize" in designing new
buildings-a mistake, considering that even in highly
exposed coastal regions the additional cost of making a
building resistant to wind forces amounts to no more
than 1% to 4% of the overall cost of construction, while
at stake is the risk of the total loss of the building.
The forces acting on a building are generally calcu
lated in accordance with the maximum wind velocity
anticipated to occur once in fifty years, as a mean ten
minute value and a peak gust. However, this defnition,
and a number of other aspects set forth briefly below,
cause various problems obstructing the introduction
and application of suitable construction rules.
The meteorological data available are not sufcient
for calculating such fifty-year values reliably, particu
larly in topographically rough areas. In addition, it is
not possible to reliably forecast future changes in wind
The fifty-year values may constitute too great a resid
ual risk for a museum or archive to accept.
Nowadays, ofen only specialists are capable of prop
erly interpreting the pertinent building regulations,
which have become so complicated that they are beyond
the scope of the average engineer or architect. A a rule,
straightforward calculation examples are lacking.
The pertinent regulations and directives cover build
ings of only relatively simple design and with standard
shapes. In practice, however, things tend to be far more
complicated, particularly when it comes to highly
exposed areas, such as the roofs and facades of build
ings. Moreover, not enough is known even today on the
distribution of pressure acting on the building and gen
erated inside the structure itself.
New findings in the field of building aerodynamics,
in particular new loss experience, are only taken into
account in the pertinent regulations after many years.
Conversely, it is quite possible that after just a few years
without a major windstorm disaster principals, archi
tects, and contractors will seek to have the rules slack
ened and restrictions waived.
The interaction of adjacent buildings is not taken
into account sufficiently. In large cities, for example,
Ki ng
wind velocities are considerably lower and buildings
"protect" each other, while at the same time there is a
substantial risk of widespread damage caused by debris
flying through the air.
More than in designing buildings to withstand
earthquake forces, many details have to be taken into
consideration in designing buildings to withstand all
the flow and pressure effects generated by strong wind,
meaning that the responsible engineers, architects, and
builders must have years of experience and comprehen
sive know-how in this field. If such experience is
applied properly, however, it would appear quite possi
ble to design, construct, and operate any kind of build
ing so safely that all wind forces can be mastered
without problems.
With the exception of peninsular India and most of
Australia, the whole South Asia/Pacific region falls into
recognized seismic zones. In Sir Bernard Feilden's words,
"We must always be aware that we live between two
earthquakes" (1987). While the efects of earthquakes are
uncertain insofar H the magnitude, detailed location,
and time of occurrence are at present unpredictable, cer
tain precautions can minimize the likelihood of unac
ceptable loss of cultural property.
Seismological records allow the calculation of the
"return period" of an earthquake of a particular inten
sity at any given place. As with cyclones, this is a sta
tistical concept, useful in the formulation of policy as
to the relative benefts of various safety precautions,
but of little use in predicting the detailed effects at
particular sites.
The destructive potential of each earthquake is
dependent on a complex set of local factors, of which
by far the most important is unfavorable ground con
ditions. Mter the relatively minor earthquake in New
castle, Australia, in 1989, which led to disproportionate
structural damage in some areas, authorities went so
far as to propose that earthquake risk for a particular
location be expressed as a function of the foundation
conditions of buildings, rather than on the basis of
return periods.
On this basis, detailed maps of any particular area
showing sites of particularly high risk may be prepared,
using only geological data. Where such "microzona-
Building for Conservation
tion" has not been carried out, the principles can be
applied in the examination of individual sites. The fol
lowing summary abstracted from Feilden (1987) should
serve as a general guide:
Sites underlain by Holocene and Pleistocene sedi
mentary deposits undergo shaking of intensities 2. 6 to
3. 4 times greater than those underlain by crystalline
rock. Void ratio has a strong influence. Void ratios in
the 0. 8 to 0. 9 range indicate a mean response on soil six
times greater than crystalline rock, and three times
greater than soils with low void ratios. High silt-to-clay
and saturation ratios are both unfavorable, as are situa
tions in which the water table is close to the surface.
High short-period response may also occur at sites
underlain by rock if these sites are near ridgecrests or
other pronounced topographical features.
In general, maximum amplitudes of motion are
worst on alluvial soils, and of all types of sites, these
should be avoided most assiduously when planning
new buildings.
Building Responses. The general vernacular
response to building in seismic zones in the Pacific
region has been the use of lightweight timber con
struction. This was motivated by two considerations.
First, in the absence of technologies to impart tensile
strength to masonry structures, it was advantageous
for the building to be flexible rather than rigid. Sec
ond, in the event of collapse, casualties were mllll
mized by the use of lightweight claddings.
Unfortunately, under such circumstances as in Tokyo
in 1923, fire became a greater destructive force than
the earthquake that induced it.
With contemporary technology, reinforcing of
concrete and blockwork to achieve given degrees of
earthquake resistance is quite feasible. As a conse
quence, construction that allows for the magnitude of
lateral forces anticipated in an earthquake is not con
strained by building materials alone. The necessary
details and other associated measures are well docu
mented in the building regulations of New Zealand,
Japan, and California.
The exception to the use of massive construction
would be for the accommodation of vehicles. Pitchard
strongly advises that in order to ensute the serviceability
of vehicles in an emergency, garage and carpark sites
should be chosen with care:
1 01
In an earthquake area, garages made oflight
material. . . will always be prefrable to masonry
garages. Particular care should be taken not to
park under several storeys of ofces or apart
ments. Even temporary parking of vehicles
should be prohibited near builings (within a
distance oftwice the height ofthe building), and
not merel prohibited by signs but physicall
obstructed by planting trees, terracing, erecting
low walls, diging ditches, etc. (Pitchard I984).
Historic buildings may be protected from exces
sive damage in earthquakes by a reasoned strategy of
continuous maintenance and appropriate structural
intervention. The key to a successful program is
informed risk assessment, good documentation, ade
quate disaster planning, periodic inspections, and
continuous maintenance.
Practical advice regarding preparation for earth
quakes is available in the lCCROM/GCl publication
Between Two Earthquakes by Sir Bernard Feilden (1987).
Earthquakes under the sea, called marine earthquakes, are
hardly perceptible where the water is very deep. But they
produce tidal waves known as tsunami, which may cause
enormous damage. The flood tide caused by a marine
earthquake is preceded by a very low ebb tide. Tsunami
are characterized by very long wavefronts and extremely
rapid rates of propagation. This tremendous kinetic
energy builds them to considerable height and enables
them to develop great destructive power as they approach
land over shallow water. They travel very large distances
at sea before dissipating their energy. The highest tidal
wave to date-213 feet high-was recorded in 1737.
Storm surge caused by cyclonic activiry is usually
of lesser magnitude, but of longer duration. The effect
is that of an unusually high tide resulting from masses
of water driven toward the coast by the storm, com
bined with a rise of water level as a result of lower atmo
spheric presssure. Low, flat coastlines are particularly
vulnerable to the combination of higher water level and
aggressive wave action. Severe coastal erosion can result.
Traditional housing on coasts exposed to storm
surge has ofen employed construction elevated on
stilts, to allow wave action to take place with minimal
resistance. Ultimately the only protection available to
larger, more critical facilities-such as museums-is
appropriate siting on high ground.
Despite the large number of different hypotheses
underlying the complicated climate models applied
today, current extrapolations indicate a worldwide
increase in temperature of about 1 c to 5 c by the
middle of the next century, which would give us the
highest mean global temperatures since the Ice Age
began some 2. 5 million years ago. Half of this projected
effect is attributed to CO2, about liYo to chlorofluoro
carbons (cFcs) -the propellants in sprays, refrigera
tors, and foamed plastics-and another 33% to the
effects of other trace gases.
The warmest year, since the beginning of world
wide meteorological measurements about 130 years ago,
was 1988. Five other years in the last decade also had
mean global temperatures higher than all other mean
yearly temperatures recorded so far. This certainly indi
cates a significant increase in the temperature of the
atmosphere, meaning that the anthropogenic green
house effect is already becoming noticeable.
This increase in temperature has been observed in
recent years above all in tropical areas, while not much
has changed in the polar regions. Surprisingly, this con
tradicts nearly all climate model calculations and their
forecasts, where temperatures in the polar regions had
been predicted to go up several times faster than on a
global average. This alone indicates that a certain
amount of skepticism would still appear appropriate as
regards the application of such model calculations In
general and their regional implications in particular.
A further rise in sea level, which in this century
already amounts to about 10 cm, is just as difficult to
predict as any ongoing increase in temperature. It
would appear that a rise in sea level by another 30 cm
by the middle of the next century is likely, but a rise of
as much as 1.5 m is possible. Most of this would be the
result of the melting of inland ice, which has already
occurred on a dramatic scale in some areas such as the
European Alps. A further decrease in the amount of ice
in the next few years may already be regarded as certain
to occur owing to the slow response of such melting
processes to weather conditions.
Ki ng
A warmer atmosphere and warmer seas result in
greater exchange of energy and add momentum to the
vertical exchange processes so crucial to the develop
ment of tropical cyclones, tornadoes, thunderstorms,
and hailstorms. Accordingly, such natural hazards will
increase not only in frequency and intensiry, but also in
duration and the size of the areas at risk.
This applies above all to tropical cyclones, which
will penetrate moderate latitudes and thus also affect
areas so far not exposed to this risk. Detailed mea
surements in the Pacifc show that the areas with
water temperatures at the surface above 27 C have ex
panded by about one-sixth in the last two decades.
While substantial fuctuations from one year to the
Building for Conservation
next and additional factors, such as the complex of
climatological effects known as El Nino, make it
impossible so far to prove the effect of such higher
temperatures on the frequency of tropical cyclones,
superhurricanes Gilbert and Hugo may certainly be
regarded as a clear sign of an increase in hurricane
intensiry. According to estimates, hurricane activities
in the Caribbean, for example, will increase consider
ably in the next two to three decades, the loss poten
tial going up by more than 50%. Together with the
rising level of the sea, this also means a much greater
risk of storm surges in densely populated coastal
regions in the tropics and sub tropics (abstracted from
Munich Reinsurance, ca. I990) .
The Plenary Session:
Summary of the Discussion
The fve invited papers, participants' presentations, and
working sessions of the frst three days of the sympo
sium proved to be catalytic, generating many ideas
about how to introduce protection of cultural properry
into policy contexts and into educational initiatives for
professional groups and the general public. Knowing
that government policies must be developed and imple
mented by individuals, the participants of the sympo
sium reviewed the discussions of the frst four days,
with the goal of identifing specifc actions that would
encourage public and private support for conservation
of cultural properry. What follows here is a summary of
the discussions in the fnal session.
In governments and societies where scientifc con
servation and the protection of cultural heritage are
new ideas, creating an awareness of this need takes
time. Not only must elected and appointed officials be
persuaded by experts, they must be convinced that
there is support from the citizenry. To build a new
approach for those who make policy, then, conservation
advocates must frst develop public awareness of the
importance of cultural resources and the need for their
In these fnal sessions, the symposium participants
drew on their own experiences and on the ideas gener
ated in the working groups as they suggested strategies
to accomplish this objective. Five general questions
served to organize the first part of the discussion. In the
second part of the sessions, participants named specific
organizations that assist nations in the region to
develop policy and foster professional enhancement in
the area of heritage protection.
How can support for heritage
protection be promoted among the
general public?
Encourage public support for museums, historic preser
vation, and archaeology through memberships or
subscriptions in voluntary groups (e.g. , Friends of
Cultural Heritage, National Trusts, Friends of
Museums, etc. ).
Use public relations and marketing strategies to cap
ture the public imagination. Enlist corporate
sponsors for advice and support in implementing
such strategies.
Use the print and broadcast media to encourage public
support for government action. For example,
develop two-minute public service announcements
for placement on television just before the evening
news or during the most popular viewing time for
Work through news organizations to influence decision
makers by educating journalists about the issues
and needs involved in heritage protection. Develop
an accessible resource library or database for jour
nalists to consult on heritage conservation and/or
management questions.
Publish picture books (on recycled paper) to demon
strate the need for conservation, to attract funding
for certain projects, and to capture the attention
of influential people both inside and outside of
Encourage people to love and care for their heritage
through formal and informal education at all levels.
Formal school programs can use school curricula
and feld trips to educate children. When possible,
the materials developed for these programs can be
sent home with the children for family use. Infor
mal education programs should concentrate on
those groups in the best position to change atti
tudes among policy makers, teachers, religious lead
ers, and others.
Implement essay competitions for school teachers relat
ing to cultural property protection and the
national interest.
Tailor teaching materials on cultural heritage to the spe
cific context using local images and examples.
Where appropriate, encourage churches, temples, and/
or monasteries to serve as centers of information
about cultural heritage.
To focus public and political attention on issues,
develop National Heritage Awards for children,
university students, and adults.
Develop informative signage for monuments and sites
that emphasize their importance and signal that
they are valued and protected.
In what ways can government
offcials encourage citizens to value
cultural heritage?
Establish conservation and protection of cultural heri
tage as a high national priority.
Persuade elected representatives interested in cultural her
itage to pressure their governments to control sites
and to coordinate activities with other ministries.
Using other regional examples as models, design a
project to develop an inventory of cultural prop
erty, which should then be prioritized according to
carefully considered criteria. This inventory, along
with a clear set of obj ectives for conservation,
could be incorporated into legislation.
Link community-based plans for conservation educa
tion to other local/regional planning processes.
Promote "grassroots" educational campaigns in the
countryside to encourage appropriate action by
local residents who encounter archaeological mate
rials or sites.
Declare local or national "cultural heritage days" (or
months, weeks, etc. ) to focus public attention and
political action on a single event.
Where officials change jobs frequently, ask representa
tives from the official heritage body to give peri
odic lectures to civil servants and to heads of
government sections.
When new cultural heritage policies
are being considered, how can
government offcials prepare for their
approval and implementation?
Organize a national cultural heritage development
Develop appropriate legislation ro protect the cultural
heritage from obvious and subtle threats resulting
from overt action and indirect policies. Before
policies are approved, explore possible inadvert
ent negative consequences for cultural heritage
Once government action begins to focus on these
issues, policies for conservation must become more
sophisticated. Investigate the current legal struc
ture regarding cultural property protection, find
areas where new legislation or policy would be
helpful, and look for ways to introduce the appro
priate legislation.
Integrate heritage conservation and management into
national environmental policy and land use plan
ning at all levels. Look to other national programs
for models.
Use law enforcement personnel as allies in eliminating
loss of cultural property. For example, educate cus
toms officials about issues of ownership and trade
concerning movable cultural property.
Take advantage of the role of Interpol, an international
police organization active in collecting and dissem
inating information on the illegal trafcking of
cultural property, in publicizing threats to cultural
property. National governments are responsible for
distributing Interpol notices.
1 06 Plenary Session
How can governments identify
partnerships that will enhance their
ability to protect the
cultural heritage?
Encourage regional cooperation in the development of
legislative tools as well as other matters of com
mon interest.
Send mayors and other policymakers to view develop
ments in town center conservation, planning, con
servation training, site management, arts
programs, etc., in other countries. (The United
States organized such a trip to Europe in 1965,
which resulted in the 1966 National Historic Pres
ervation Act.)
Ratif UNESCO conventions in order to gain support in
regional efforts to protect threatened heritage.
What strategies improve a nation' s
ability to protect cultural heritage
without economic loss?
Funds required for cultural heritage conservation
must be seen as an investment. The cultural heri
tage of a nation is an asset, not a liability. In order
to make these ideas clear to policymakers, propo
nents of cultural heritage protection need to iden
tif ways of placing conservation issues on the
agendas of all multilateral and bilateral meetings
where aid is discussed.
Protection of cultural heritage-ancient and historic
-should be built into any national plan.
Protective programs for natural or cultural heritage are
very attractive for visitors. Such efforts generate
awareness of the need for conservation and dem
onstrate the state's interest and commitment.
This, in turn, inspires confdence in those respon
sible for funding.
Public awareness of the economic costs and benefi ts of
each project, and of conservation efforts in gen
eral, enhance the intangible benefts of "nation
A nation's heritage can be a profitable resource that-if
managed wisely-can be sustained indefinitely.
Well-managed tourism can promote growth in all
economic areas.
Summary of the Di scussi on
Because the best funding sources are specific to projects
and national contexts, local sources of support
should be strongest. A localized and protective
sense of "ownership" works best.
Tax incentives should be investigated. Here agam,
regional models might be instructive.
Government agencies should look to both public and
private sectors for alternative ways of fundraising
for the management of historic and archaeological
sites and collections.
Where allowed by law, museums can offer member
ships to the general public and to schools in order
to raise revenues.
Public involvement in, and support for, archaeological
projects as well as museums can be encouraged
through membership or subscription through
museums or departments of archaeology.
Many countries have published compendia of informa
tion on sources of funding for heritage programs.
Other regional compendia could be developed on
these models. Workshops could be held on tech
niques for fnancing cultural conservation; these
materials could also be published.
The possibilities for debt-swapping to fnance efforts in
heritage conservation should be investigated
through local channels. In a debt exchange, a con
servation organization acquires commercial bank
debt of a developing country, either by purchasing
it at a substantial discount from the debt's face
value or receiving it as a donation. The organiza
tion then agrees to cancel the debt in return for the
borrower country's commitment of additional
resources to local conservation. This innovative
fnancial mechanism allows conservation organiza
tions to help underwrite their conservation invest
ments while simultaneously providing a way for a
host country to reduce its external debt (from The
Debt-fr-Nature Exchange, 1989, Conservation
International, Washington, D. C.)
Creative research can turn up underused resources.
Some regional possibilities were suggested:
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has usually
refused to fund cultural projects, but it has
recently approached Nepal with a request for
projects. Japan is playing an increasingly sup
portive role in bilateral cultural aid programs.
The World Bank can be approached for assistance
in a few specifc areas; they can be approached
directly with requests for information.
There has been a recent decline in conservation
assistance from foundations based in the
United States. Two possible alternatives might
be UNESCO and the United Nations Develop
ment Program.
The United Nations World Food Programme
might be helpful in certain circumstances as a
mechanism for supporting projects of cultural
heritage conservation. It has been involved in
Sri Lanka's "Cultural Triangle" Project, for
example, and should be investigated for sup
port of similar applications elsewhere.
Most individuals who raise funds recognize that manag
ing the fund-raising effort is at least as important
as receiving the funds. Many loans and grants are
provided on a one-time basis and do not address
the ongoing needs of the project. Conservation of
cultural heritage is, in most instances, a protracted
process, so those who are procuring funds should
devise long-term fnancing whenever possible.
Endowments are rarely available for support of conser
vation activities; funding recipients are usually pro
hibited from investing research money in order to
earn interest. Concerted efforts should be made to
present projects in a way that makes giving endow
ment funds attractive to funders.
Operating funds can be diffcult to procure, but they
are easier to obtain if they are requested at the
beginning of the project as part of the overall
planning process. In Bhutan, for example, multi
lateral funds were used to establish a trust for
such purposes.
Recommendations for SpeCifc,
Immediate Action
The working groups of the symposium recommended a
wide variety of measures that could be taken immedi
ately. They generally concurred that actions should be
conceived regionally and should include the Pacifc
Island states.
Organize regional confrences/symposia on the flowing
Conservation planning in urban areas
Heritage site management and resource planning
National cultural heritage legislation and charters
to guide protection and conservation activity
Planning of national strategies for professional
Protection of movable cultural property
Public education and involvement
Technical conservation practices
Tourism, economics, and conservation
Develop regional specialized training opportunities in the
flowing areas:
Creation of private, nonproft heritage organiza
tions to facilitate fundraising and the use of
Cultural site and collections management
Development of community support for, and gov
ernment sensitivity to, the importance of cul
tural heritage to the fabric of the nation
Documentation and application of traditional
building techniques and materials, such as
wood and stone
Identifcation of sources of funding; how to frame
requests for assistance
Legal practices and enforcement of existing laws
and regulations
Preventive conservation for movable cultural
Regional art, architectural history, and local or
regional history
The use of both craftsmanship and modern tech
nology in conservation
The fllowing profssional groups are sugested fr future
exchange flowships or travel grants fr the purpose of
learning new approaches to problems commonl fced in
Architects and architectural historians
Archivists, registrars
Art historians
Civil servants
108 Plenary Sessi on
Cultural heritage educators
Museum administrators
Objects conservators
Actions Suggested for
Participant Nations
Bring the successful methods of the environmental con
servation movement to cultural heritage conserva
Broaden regional exchange of information, experience,
technical expertise, and resources (including pub
lished material and databases) related to cultural
heritage conservation.
Consider developing national guidelines for heritage
conservation based on the principles of the
rCOMOS Venice Charter, tailored specifically to
local and national needs and traditions.
Move toward rCOMOS membership and development of
national committees. Membership is also encour
aged in rCOM, through national committees, and
rCCROM (Associates and Member States).
Promote the idea that heritage conservation can be a
form of sustainable development.
Work to reconnect immovable with movable cultural
property in legal and normative documents and
Ratif the UNESCO conventions: The Hague Conven
tion of 1954; The Convention on the Means of
Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import,
Export, and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural
Property; and The World Heritage Convention of
Resource Guide
The symposium organizers and participants suggested
the names of some institutions and organizations
around the world that might help in the regional imple
mentation of the actions proposed above, through
exchanges of information on fundraising, site manage
ment, museum development, training, policy, and con
servation programs.
American Association of Museums
1225 Eye Street N.W. , Suite 200
Washington, D. C. 20005, U. S.A.
Welcomes international membershi.
Art and Archaeology Technical Abstracts
The Getty Conservation Institute
4503 Glencoe Avenue
Marina del Rey, California 90292, U.S.A.
Publishes two volumes annuall 5, 000 ab
stracts per year. Availble by subscription.
Asian Cultural Center for UNESCO
clo Nihon Shuppan Kikan
6 Fukuromachi, Shinj uku-ku
Tokyo 162, Japan
Association of South East Asian Nations
Jalan Sisingamangaraja 70A
Jakarta, Indonesia
Conservation Information Network
at Canadian Heritage Information
365 Laurier Avenue West
Journal Tower South, 12th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario KIA oc8, Canada
Contains I30,000 citations (including those
in AATA), primaril bibliographic infrma
tion. Availble through the GC or CHIN
I CC ROM International Center for the Study
of the Conservation and Restoration
of Cultural Property
Via di San Michele, 13
00153 Rome, Italy
An intergovermental organiztion (coun
tries are members). The annual newsletter is
available free ofcharge.
International Council of Museums
Maison de l'UNESCO
1 Rue Miollis
75732 Paris Cedex 15, France
Summary of t
le Di scussi on 109
See also:
Individual and institutional memberships
availble. Its excellent document on conserva
tion ethics is available fr conservation pro
fssionals involved in movable cultural
lCOM Asia Pacific Organization
c/o Dr. Saroj Ghose, Chair
National Council of Science Museums
Block GN, Sector `
Bidhan Nagar, Calcutta, India
l COMOS International Council on Monuments
and Sites
7 Rue de Temple
75003 Paris, France
Individual or institutional memberships are
availble (with fve members, a start-up com
mitee; with eighteen, a fIl voting committee).
The Getty Conservation Institute
4503 Glencoe Avenue
Marina del Rey, California 90292, U. S.A.
Telephone: 310-822-2299
Facsimile: 310-821-9409
Publishes Conservation: The GCl News
letter three times per year. Subscritions are
availble fee ofcharge. Also organizes courses
(see next section).
International Foundation for At Research
46 East 70th Street
New York, New York 10021, U. S.A.
Publishes the IFAR Report, which includes
articles on art lw, cultural propert and
the and recover. It is published ten times
per year
International Institute for Conservation
6 Buckingham Street
London WC2N 6BA, United Kingdom
International Union for the Conservation
of Nature and Natural Resources
Avenue du Mont-Blanc
CH-196 Gland, Switzerland
Publishes regional inventories ofprotected
areas. Two that have been published fr the
Asia/Pacic region include cultural sites; fr
most countries, however it is noted that no
infrmation is availble. T remedy this, send
infrmation to the World Monitoring Center
in Cambridge, Englnd
South Asian Association for
Regional Cooperation
(also SAARC Archaeological Congress)
Kathmandu, Nepal
South East Asian Ministers of
Education Organization
Regional Centre for Archaeology and
Fine Arts
Darakarn Building
920 Sukhumit Road
Bangkok IOlIO, Thailand
Organizes courses, publishes SPAFA Digest
twice per year; active in conservation and
underwater archaeology.
Pacific Regional Conservation Center
Bishop Museum
1525 Bernice Street
PO. Box 19000-A
Honolulu, Hawaii 9 681 7, U. S.A.
Tokyo National Research Institute for
the Conservation of Cultural Properties
13-27 Ueno Park, Taito-ku
Tokyo 1I0, Japan
UNESCO United Nations Educational and
Scientifc Organization
Division of Physical Heritage
7 Place de Fontenoy
75700 Paris, France
1 1 0 Plenary Sessi on
United States Information Service
Contact the 1.o. Embassy in your country
The USIS representative should be kept
infrmed oflocal programs and projects of
cultural heritage conservation fr general
infrmation sharing and advice.
The World Bank
181 8 H Street N.W.
Washington, D. C. 20433, U. S.A.
World Heritage Committee
clo UNESCO, World Heritage Centre
I, Place de Fontenoy
7570 Paris, France
Governments on the twent-member commit
tee are asked to nominate experts to attend
meetings. Meetings are open to anyone inter
ested and minutes/reports are available upon
World Monuments Fund
174 East 80th Street
New York, New York I002I, U. S.A.
For a listing of available courses arranged by country, see
the International Index on Training in Conservation of
Cultural Propert copublished by ICCROM and the GCI.
The Getty Conservation Institute (4503 Glencoe Ave
nue, Marina del Rey, California 90292, U. S. A. )
offers short-term training courses for midcareer pro
fessionals. Courses are announced in Conservation:
The GC Newsletter and information may be
requested from the Training Program.
The National Research Institute for the Conservation
of Cultural Property (13-27 Ueno Park, Taito-ku,
Tokyo L Japan) holds training courses and semi
nars on Asiall cultural heritage.
The National Research Laboratory for Conservation of
Cultural Property (C-257, Nirala Nagar, Lucknow
226007, India) offers both training courses and
research opportunities.
The national park services of many countries offer tech
nical assistance and consultation, as well as occa
sional training opportunities. Canada has several
good, published examples of site management case
studies that are available through the Parks Service
(Parks Canada, Conservation Branch, 1550 Liver
pool Court, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada). Also con
tact the 1. o. National Park Service, Offi ce of
International Affairs (800 North Capital Street NW,
Room 330, Washington, D. C. 2000I).
The Cultural Triangle Project, Sri Lanka offers paid
internships and field training in excavation and con
servation, and supports students (undergraduate,
graduate, and postgraduate) for a few positions
(Central Cultural Fund, 212 Bauddhaloka
Mawatha, Colombo 7, Sri Lanka).
The Interational Journal fr Cultural Propert, (Walter
de Gruyter & Co. , Genthiner Str. 13, D-roOO, Ber
lin 30) is a new professional journal covering a
broad spectrum of issues in site management, legis
lation, policy, ethics, and conservation. It also
ofers book reviews, notices of meetings, and other
network assistance. It deals with both tangible and
intangible cultural heritage, as well as movable and
immovable resources.
The University of Canberra, Australia (POB I, Belcon
nen, ACT 2616) has courses in cultural heritage
management, museum studies, and conservation
at the B.A., MA., and ph. D. levels.
All museum studies courses are listed in Museum Studies
International published annually by the Smithso
nian Institution (900 Jefferson Dr. , Washington,
D. C. , U. S. A. ).
Summary of the Di scussi on I I I
George Washingron University has a one-year certificate
program in museum administration, designed espe
cially for foreign students (The George Washingron
University Museum Studies Program, Academic
Center, T-215, Washington, D. C. 20052, U.S.A.) .
The . / rCOM International Partnerships for Museums
Program allows exchanges of personnel between the
United States and other nations. For information,
contact the USIS cultural affairs ofcer at the United
States Embassy in your country.
Distance learning (correspondence) courses in museum
studies and cultural heritage management are
available through the University of Victoria in
Canada (University of Victoria, . L. Box 1700,
Victoria, British Columbia V82 2Y2, Canada).
Massey University in New Zealand offers a museum
studies course that can be taken as a three-year cor
respondence course (Museum Studies, Faculty of
Social Sciences, Massey University, Palmerston
North, New Zealand) .
IcCROM offers short-term courses (2-7 months) on
architectural conservation and wall paintings con
servation, as well as ceramics, paper, and preven
tive conservation (rccRoM, Via di San Michele r3,
Rome, RM-00I53).
I I 2 Plenary Sessi on
Symposium Participants
General Manager
Australia Council
181 Lawson Street, Redfern NSW 2016
Telephone: 61-2-950-9003
Facsimile: 61-2-950-9059
National Centre for Cultural Heritage and
Science Studies, University of Canberra
Post Offce Box I, Belconnen, ACT 2601
Telephone: 61-6-252-2368
Facsimile: 61-6-201-5999
Executive Director
Australian National Heritage Commission
Post Offce Box 1567, Canberra, ACT 2601
Telephone: 61-6-271-2IIl
Facsimile: 61-6-273-2395
Dr. A.K.M. Shasu ALAM
Department of Archaeology and Museums
22/1 BL.-B, Barbar Road, Mohamadpur, Dhaka 1207
Telephone: 88-2-237-608
Chief Architect
Directorate of Archaeology and Museums
Purto Bhaban, Segunbagicha, Dhaka
Telephone: 88-2-256-792
Mr. MAl Yinghao
Honorary Director
Guangzhou Museum
Room 307, 74 Xihu Street, Guangzhou 510030
Mr. SONG Beishan
Deputy Manager of Promotions Centre
State Bureau of Cultural Relics
29 Wu Si Street, Beijing 100009
Telephone/Facsimile: 86-1-413101
Dr. Lynde! V PROTT
Chief, International Standards Section
Division of Physical Heritage, UNESCO
I, Rue Miollis, 75015 Paris
Telephone: 33-1-45-68-10-00
Chairman and Managing Director
Maharashtra Tourism Development
Corporation Ltd.
Express Towers, 9th Floor, Nariman Point
Bombay 400 021
Telephone: 91-22-202-4482
Facsimile: 91-22-202-4521
Mr. I. Gusti Ngurah ANOM
Director, Directorate of Protection and Develop
ment of Historical and Archeological Heritage
Directorate General of Culture
Ministry of Education and Culture
4 Jalan Cilacap, Jakarta I03IO
Telephone: 62-21-384-8272
Facsimile: 62-21-3IO-7734
Mr. Martono YUWONO
Chief Architect I Planner
City of Jakarta Urban Planning and
Development Office
Dinas Tata Kota Balai Kota Lantai 13/Block G
Medan Merdeka Selatan 8-9, Jakarta IOlIO
Telephone: 62-21-384-8254
Facsimile: 62-21-384-8254
Dr. Nobuo ITo
Professor, Kobe Desogn University
Chairman, ICOMOS National Committee, Japan
19-18, Midorigaoka, Kashiwa-shi, Chiba-ken 277
Telephone: 81-78-794-5031
Facsimile: 81-78-794-5032
Mr. Tadateru NISHIURA
Head of Asian Cultural Heritage
Conservation Division
Tokyo National Research Insitirute of
Cultural Properties
13-27 Ueno Park, Taito-Ku, Tokyo 1I0
Telephone: 81-3-3823-2241
Facsimile: 81-3-3828-2484
Mr. Am Haji Taha
Acting Director of Antiquities
National Museum of Malaysia
Museums Department
Jalan Damansara, 50566 Kuala Lumpur
Telephone: 63-238-0255
Facsimile: 63-23-6294
Ms. RABIAH Mas Haji Ador
Architecrual Conservator
Conservation and Urban Design Unit
NO. 2, Jalan Sotia Bakti, Bukit Damansara
50350 Kuala Lumpur
Telephone: 63-291-6962
Facsimile: 63-291-8675
Mr. Teddy A. JOHN
National Historic Preservation Officer
Division of Archives and Historic Preservation
Federated States of Micronesia National Government
Post Ofce Box PS35, Palikir, Pohnpei 96941
Mr. Andrew KUGFAS
Yap State Historic Preservation Officer
Office of the Governor
Post Office Box 426, Colonia, Yap 96943
Telephone: 691-35-2198
Facsimile: 691-35-2381
Dr. Shaphaiya ATYA
Acting Director General
Department of Archaeology
Ramshah Path, Kathmandu
Telephone: 44-!-273701
Mr. Kama Bahadur SAKA
Nepal Heritage Society
clo Hotel Ambassador
Lazimpat, Kathmandu
Telephone: 977-1-414432
Facsimile: 977-!-413641
Manawahatu Museum
321-325 Church Street, Post Office Box 1867
Palmerston North
Telephone: 64-6-358-3951
Facsimile: 64-6-355-4184
Symposium Participants
Mr. Graham Stuart PARK
Auckland Institute and Museum
Private Bag, Auckland
Telephone: 64-9-309-0443
Facsimile: 64-9-799-956
Mr. Syed Zaigham S. JAFFREY, AlAP, AlA
Habitat Pakistan
223-, First Floor, Block 2 Pechs, Karachi, 75400
Telephone: 92-21-493-1770
Facsimile: 92-21-531-972
Dr. Ahmad Nabi KAN
Director General of Archaeology and Museums
Government of Pakistan
27-A Central Union Commercial Area
Shaheed-E-Millat Road, Karachi
Telephone: 92-21-430-638
Father Gabriel CASAL
The National Museum of the Philippines
Executive House
P Burgos Street, Ermita, Manila
Telephone: 63-2-481-427 or 63-2-404-183
Intramuros Administration
51F, Palacio del Gobernador, Cor. Gen. Luna and
A. Soriano Streets, Intramuros, Manila 1002
Telephone: 63-2-461-188 or 63-2-476-667
Facsimile: 63-2-522-2194
Mr. GOH Hup Chor
Deputy Chief Planner
Planning and Design
Urban Redevelopment Authority
UR Building, 45 Maxwell Road, Singapore 0106
Telephone: 65-321-8107
Facsimile: 65-224-8752
Symposi um Parti cipants
Mr. KWA Chong Guan
The National Museum
Stamford Road, Singapore 0617
Telephone: 65-330-0919
Facsimile: 65-330-0963
President, ICOMOS / Sri Lanka
Director, Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology
Post Office Box 1531, 212 A Bauddhaloka Mawatha
Colombo 7
Telephone: 94+503-061
Facsimile: 94+575-599 or 575-535
Dr. Roland SILVA
President, ICOMOS
Hotel Saint Aigan
75, Rue du Temple
75003 Paris
Telephone: 94+421-370
Facsimile: 94+449-659
Direcwr, Architectural Conservation
Department of Archaeology
Colombo 7
Head, Project for the Survey and Registration
of Ancient Monuments
Archaeology Division
Fine Arts Department
8111 Sri Ayutthaya Road, Bangkok 10300
Telephone: 66-2-282-3767
Professor Srisaa V ALLIBHOTAMA
Associate Professor of Anthropology
Department of Anthropology
Silpakorn University
I I 5
Na Phra Larn Road, Bangkok 10200
Telephone: 66-2-221-3898
Facsimile: 66-2-225-7258
Dr. William J. MURTAGH
Director, Pacific Preservation Consortium
University of Hawaii
Sixth West Cedar, Alexandria, Virginia 22301
Telephone: 703-548
Cultural Resource Specialist, World Bank
1818 H Street, NW, Washington, D. C. 20433
Telephone: 202-472-2982
Facsimile: 202-477-0568
Consultant, World Bank
2891 Ellison Place
Boulder, Colorado 80304
Sponsoring Organization
Dr. William P GLADE
Associate Director for Educational
and Cultural Affairs (through August 1992)
Mrs. Terry B. MORTON, Hon. AlA
Mr. Russell V KEUNE, AlA
Vice President for Programs
Mr. Robertson E. COLLINS
Chairman, ICOMOS International Committee
on Cultural Tourism
1600 H Street, NW
Washington, D. C. 20006
Telephone: 202-842-1866
Facsimile: 202-842-1861
Mr. Miguel Angel CORZO
Associate Director, Programs
Deputy Director, Training Program
Dr. Margaret G. H. MAC LEAN
Chairman, Cultural Property Advisory Committee
Senior Coordinator, Training Program
Mrs. Ann Guthrie HINGSTON
Executive Director, Cultural Property
Advisory Committee (through February 1993)
Mrs. Maria Papageorge KOUROUPAS
Deputy Director, Cultural Property
Advisory Committee
301 4th Street, SW, Room 247
Washington, D. C. 20547
Telephone: 202-619-6612
Facsimile: 202-619-5177
4503 Glencoe Avenue
Marina del Rey, California 90292, USA
Telephone: 213-822-2299
Facsimile: 213-821-9409
n6 Symposi um Parti ci pants
Front row (lef to right): Gamini S. Wijesuriva (Sri Lanka),
Martono Yuwono (Indonesia), Russell V Keune
(United States), Gabriel Casal (Philippines),
William J. Murtagh (United States), 1. Gusti
Ngurah Anom (Indonesia), A.K.M. Shamsul Alam
(Bangladesh), Ahmad Nabi Khan (Pakistan),
Rabiah Mas Haji Ador (Malaysia), Frank Preusser
(United States), Ma Bourke (Australia), Kama
Bahadur Sakya (Nepal).
Second row (lef to right): Pises Jiajanpong (Thailand),
Adi Haji Taha (Malaysia), Goh Hup Chor
(Singapore), Nobuo Ito Oapan), Shaphalya Amatya
(Nepal), Terry B. Morton ( United States), Tadateru
Nishiura Oapan), Teddy A. John (Micronesia),
Colin Pearson (Australia), An Guthrie Hingston
(United States), Mina L. McKenzie (New Zealand),
Edda Henson (Philippines), Margaret G.H. Mac
Lean (United States), Syed Zaigham S. Jaffrey
(Pakistan) .
Symposi um Parti cipants
Third Row (lef to right): Robertson E. Collins (United States),
Mai Yinghao (People's Republic of China), Song
Beishan (People's Republic of China), Nicholas
Stanley Price (United States), Graham Stuart Park
(New Zealand), Dev Mehta (India), June Taborof
(United States), Maria Papageorge Kouroupas
(United States), Jack Josephson (United States),
Sharon Sullivan (Australia), Roland Silva (Sri
Lanka) .
Fourth Row (lef to right): Senake D. Bandaranayake
(Sri Lanka), Shah Zahiruddin (Bangladesh), James
Westcoat (United States), Srisakara Vallibhotama
(Thailand) .
Particiants not in photograph: Miguel Angel Corzo (United
States), William P Glade (United States), Kwa
Chong Guan (Singapore), Andrew Kugfas
(Micronesia), Lyndel V Pron (France).
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