Columbine Report Pgs 10801-10900
Columbine Report Pgs 10801-10900
Columbine Report Pgs 10801-10900
JC. 001.010801
Case: 99-7625 (JCSO)
1U: Interview with Christopher Morris, Gary Morris (Natural Fatherof Chris) and Attorney John
1. On April 20, 1999 Investigators Vette and Acierno interviewed Christopher Morris along with
his attorney and father. At approximately 7'43 PM. and priorto any questioning Investigator
Acierno advised Christopher Morris, his father and attorney of their Miranda rights from a
Departmental Advisement form. All stated they understood and agreed to speak with
investigators. Christopher Morris and his father bothsigned the advisement waiver form.
2, Investigator Vette asked Morris to explain what had occurred since he woke up this morning
to the time he was brought to the Sheriff's Office Chris Morris saidthat when he woke up this
morning he was getting ready for bowling class which is held at the A..'vlF Bowling alley located at
the intersection of Belleview and Federal Blvd. Chris Morris saidthat this is his first period
Columbine High School class. Morris said class was to held this weekMonday throughThursday
although the schedule changes from time to time. Morris said that Eric Harris was to pick him up
around 5.50 A.M. although Harris never showed up. Chris Morris said he waited for Harris until
around 6 00 A.M. so he drove his ownvehicle (1985, red, Dodge, Lancer) to the bowling alley
and attended class. Morris said that he likes to get III class early so he can get a good bowling ban
andshoes andthe bowling lanes are turned on about 6 30 A.M. Chris Morrissaid Eric Harris
never caned him saying he wouldn'tbe picking him up this morning. Morris also saidthat Dylan
Klebold at one timeused to pickhim up for bowling although hasn't done so for about a year
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Morris said during class be never saw Harris or Klebold and assumed they weren't comingto
school. Morris said that he has never seen Dylan Klebold or Eric Harris miss bowling class unless
they were sick, but both never missed class together, ChrisMorris said that today his bowling
teammates were Nate LNU, Eddie Day, Terry Sabe and Mike Pavalonin (all last names
phonetically spelled) which are all Columbine High Schoolstudents ChrisMorris said that each
gametakes between 15·20 minutes and class is usually done about 7 20 AM"
3" Following the bowling class Chris said he drove directly to Clement Park and was listening to
music and looking for paperwork he needed to bringto class, ChrisMorris said that during this
time his vehicle overheated" Morris said this was just prior to S,00 A,M. so he let the car cool
down in Clement Park. (Morris later changedhis story and said that he drove from the bowling
alley to McDonald's to get something to eat, by himself, then responded to the area of Columbine
High Schoolwhere the school kids smoke and ate what he purchasedfrom McDonald's. Morris
described this area as being on a street above the student parking lot. Morris said while in this
smoking area he spoke to. George LNU, FrankLNU and another male individual whose name he
couldn't recall, Morris said this conversation onlylasted a few minutes while he was eating
Morris said once he finished eating he drove to Clement Park where his car overheated and spoke
to another male individual while waitingfor his car to cool down" Morris could not remember this
persons name.) Chris Morris said once the vehicle cooled down he drove closer to the Columbine
High School so he didn't have as far to walk when he left the school. Morris said he then went to
his second period Science class with Mr. Freezen (Phonetic) then to his third period
Govemmenr/Economice class. Chris Morris said following this class he went to his car and drove
to Cub Foods where he purchased Mountain Dew and other items, then drove to Cory Freezen's
house, (Son of Science Teacher, Me Freezen) whereMorris said that he hangsout at a lot
following school. Chris Morris said once at Cory's house they began playing Nintendo games for
approximately thirty minutes to an hour when Cory received a telephone call from his mother
saying that there had been a shooting at Columbine High School. Chris Morris said he and Cory
2 JC· 001·010803
Freezenthen attempted to drive to the schooland got to Cross Drive near the movie theaters
turned around and went to the International House ofPancakes (mOP) in an attempt to find
school mends. Chris Morris said that he and Cory Freezen didn't see anyone so they drove back
to CoryFreezen's house which is on the other side (West)of Southwest Plaza. Chris Morris said
while on there way back to Cory's house he received several pages on his Motorola pager ( 303-
505-9051) and attempted to return the calls once at Freezen's house. Morris said one of the calls
was from his girlfriend, Nichol woo said that she was at the mop Morris said that he and Cory
then got into Cory's truck since Morris' vehicle was beginning to overheat again and drove back
to the mop attempting to locate Morris' girlfriend. Morrissaid that Nichol had already left by
the timehe and Cory arrived so they drove to Nichol's houseand found her there. Chris Morris
said once at Nichol's house she told him that she believed one of the people involved in the
shooting at Columbine High School was "Dylan" Chris Morris said that he is familiar with Dylan
who works with him at BlackjackPizza and is on his same bowling team. Morris they didn't stay
at Nichol's house long because Cory was worried about hisdad so they drove back to Freezen's
house to wait for telephone calls or anyword that Cory's dad was alright. Chris Morris said once
back at Cory's house Charles Phillips called saying that he had heard what had happened on the
news Morris said that Charles Phillips, his brother, and a neighbor who heard the report on the
newsand knew Mr Freezen, then came over to Cory Freezen's house Morris said they were all
watching the news when they reponed that the people involved were wearingtrench coats and
possibly involved in a group calledthe trench coat mafia. Chris Morris said he knew the only
people wearing trench coats at Columbine High School wereEric Harris and DylanKlebold,
becausehe stopped wearing his about a year ago and dido't know anyoneelse other than Harris
and Klebold who wore trench coats. Chris Morris said things began sounding familiar and be not
only remembered the two wearing trench. coats but also remembered that the two had been
shootingbowling pins in the mountains. Morris also said that Harris and Klebold had been
involved in blowing thingsup around work and explained that Harris and Klebold both had been
in trouble at Blackjack Pizza and were told not to light firecrackers or anything else. Morris said
3 JC.001-010804
Harris and Klebold would take the gunpowder out of the firecrackers and compact or pressurize
it. Chris Morris said after realizing this, he and Cory Freezen both believed that Harris and
Klebold were involved. Morris said he then called 911 in an attemptto speakto a Detective and
explain that he believed he knew who the suspects were.. Morris said once he calledthe Sheriff's
Office he was beingtransferred on the telephone and it was disconnected. Morris said that his
mother, who works at Cherry Hills Police Department, then paged him so he returned the
telephone calland told his mother what had taken place, Chris Morris said that his motherthen
had him speak to a Cherry HillsPoliceDetective. Chris Morris said the Cherry Hills detective was
to pass on the information to JCSO and didn't remember his name. Chris said he then hung up and
decided to again try calling the Sheriff's Office, Chris Morris said he was transferred to a
Detective and told the Detective his story Investigator T. Acierno confirmed this information as
he wasthe Investigator Morris had spokento when be called the second time, Chris Morrissaid
Investigator Acierno told him to stay at Freezen's residence and the police would come by and
talk with him. Morris said the police arrived at Freezen's residence and told him to remove all of
his property from his pockets. Morris said he did so and was placed in handcuffs and brought to
Clement Park where he was taken to a van where several peoplequestioned him Morris said
following the questioning he was brought to the Sheriffs Office
4. Chris Morris explained approximately 6 months ago Dylan Klebold brought what Chris
believed as a pipe bomb to work. Morris described the pipebomb whichappeared to be
approximately 2' round and 12" longwith capsat both endsand a fuse, Morris said that he and a
number of employees saw the pipe bomb and Morris told Klebold to get it out of the business,
Morris said that Klebold mumbled something to the effect that you put shrapnel inside and Morris
said he didn't want to know anything about it,
5. Morris said approximately 4 weeks ago Eric Harris or "Reb" as he wanted to be called, told
Morris that he wanted to put a trip bomb in the fence behind Blackjack Pizza. Morris said there is
4 JC- 001·010805
a holein the fence behind Blackjack Pizza where a lot ofldds go through to gain access to the
other side and Harris wanted to set a trip device so when kids came through the fence it would go
off. Morrissaid he saw the trip device whichwas a CO-2 cartridge filled with gun powder Morris
saidthe cartridge had matches wrapped around the outside with a string attached as the tripping
device, Morris said when the string was tripped it would causethe matches to tight, whichwould
light the fuse, and the cartridge would explode, Morris said he told Eric Harris net to put the trip
bomb in the fence. Morris said he is unsure whetherHarris ever did or not. Christopher Morris
said he then began realizing that Klebold and Harriswere settingolf to many bombs and that they
were making bombsthat could aetuallyhurt someone Chris Morrissaid it was around this same
time that he heard from employees at work that Eric Harris was tryingto have someone purchase
weapons for him at a gun shaw Morris was unsure whether this occurred although he believes
someone did buy the guns for Harris, possibly through PhilDurana former employee of Blackjack
Pizza, becauseDuran had mentioned to Christhat theyhad gone shooting bowling pins Morris
saidthat he heard from several different people that Harris got the guns although he (Morris)
neversaw anyof the guns Morris said that PhilDuran later told him that they were playing with
an AK-47 althoughhe never mentioned purchasing thegun for K1ebold or Harris. Morris said
that he has only fired one gun in his life which was at camp and the onlygun he ever saw Harris
with was a pellet gun Morris said that PhilDuran would be hard to track down since he has a
newjob in the telecommunications field and was out of State.
6. Investigator Vette asked Morris what time he made it to his first class. Morris said that his first
class starts at 8.20 A.M. and he was outside waiting to get in the class at 8'10 to 8 15 A.M
Morris said that class is finished at about 9'20 A.M. Morris said that there is a five minute passing
period and he went to his next class Governmem/Economic which starts at 9 25 A.M and goes
until 10'15 A.M. Chris saidat 10'15 A.M he left class once it was finished and drove directly to
CubFoods where he was in the store about 5 minutes purchasing foods items then drove directly
to Cory Freezen's house. Morris estimatedthat fromthe time he [eft school at 10:15 A.M. until
5 JC· 001-010806
he reached Cory Freezen's house was about twenty minutes or about 10'35 A.M Moms also
stated that he had his CubFoods receipt at CoryFreezen's home which may show the exacttime
he was at Cub Foods, (this receipt was not recovered).
7 Chris Morris said that Klebold and Harrisboth have computers although they were taken away
by theirparents about a year ago because HarrisandKlebold werearrested for breaking into a
vehicle and stealing computer parts. Morris said thatbothHarrisandKlebold were on Jefferson
County Diversion for the violations and believes they were released fromDiversion about a month
ago. Morriswas asked if he knew for what purposes Harris and Klebold used the computer for?
Moms said that both Harrisand Klebold used the computer for playing games between
themselves. Morris said that a game called "Quake" which is much like the game "Doom" was
played almost everyday by Harris and Klebold. Morris said that ali you do in the games is kill and
blow up people and he (Moms) didn't take much interest in the games Morris said he was
unaware ifKlebold and Harrisused the computer anything else, Investigator Vette asked Morrisif
hewas into computers? Morris said that he likes computers and etlioys programing games. Moms
said that he also wishes to be II computernetwork administrator someday after he takes all the
classes Morris was asked if he owns a computer Morris said that he does own II computer
although has no Internetprovider. Morris said that he kind of useda mends Internet provider
whose is named, "Chuck" although doesn't usedthat anymore. Morris said that he once used
America On Line, about 5-6 months ago although could no longerafford the service Christopher
Morris said that his screen name is "Grunt257" Morris said that he andCory Freezen have played
games between computers without having an Internet provider by simply calling each others
S. Chris Moms was asked if he had anything illegal in his home or anything in his home that
would relate to this investigations? Morrissaidthat the onlything he couldthink ofwas a butler
fly knife which wasgivento him as a present, by"Chuck" and some fireworks from last fourth of
JC· 001-010807
July Investigator Vette askedMorris ifhe had any explosive devices bomb making material or
anything of that kind? Morris saidthe only think he had was the firecrackers, which he obtained
from a fireworks stand.
9. Investigator Vette asked Chris Morris if it would be alright to search his bedroom for any
evidentiary items? Morris said that Investigators could search his room. It should be notedthat
Defense Attorney JohnRichilanc was present during all of the interview. Furthermore,
Investigator Vette told Morris that he would like to take his (Morris) clothing, which couldassist
investigators in the elimination of suspects. Morris agreed and advised that investigators could
take hisclothing. Investigator veee also asked to takeMorris' computerwhich was in his
bedroom. Morris agreed. Investigator Vetteexplained that he knew nothing of computers and
computer people wouldbe broughtin to view the contents of the computer. Morris again agreed.
Investigator Vette explained that he would try to get someone to look at his computerright away
although he was unsure when investigators would be done withhis computer Attorney Richilano
said inthe past it has taken about three weeks.
10. Investigator T. Acierno read Chris Morris and his father the consent to search form Which was
signed by beth allowing officers to search.Morris' bedroom for evidentiary items. Investigators
then made arrangements to meetChris Morris, his father and Defense Attorney Richilano at Chris
Morris' residence of; 5466 WestPortland Drive. Upon arrival, Investigators met with Morris'
mother who had apparently beentelephoned by Chris Morris, his father or attorney and she had
the computer disconnected and waiting at the front door (inside). Investigator Vette adived
Morris' mother that a consent search hadbeensigned and Investigators were going to search his
bedroom. Shortly thereafter, Marc Allen Morris (brother of Chris) arrived and provided
Investigator Vette with Chris Morris' clothing. Marc Morris saidthat his brotherwas afraid to
come home since the newsmedia was present. Mark Morris said every bit of Chris Morris'
clothing he was wearing this date was in the paper sack.
1 JC- 001-010808
11. Investigators responded inside the residence andto the upstairs (southwest) bedroom. A
search was conducted as well as photographs taken priorto the search, Nothing of evidentiary
value was immediately observed. Paperwork, photograph negatives, fireworks, computer CPU
and miscellaneous items taken into custody (see evidence property unit report, dared04-2Q.99)
andtransported to the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office Evidence/Property Bureauwho will
continue to maintain care, custodyand control of the items. Investigators cleared the residence at
approximately 11:16 P M
JC· 001-010809
m7:PlTf-~La.s~i' ~.w...Oie Nam,_jo..", ,...... l),.1 £v.,..., PhotO No. ~ Offlcef
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connecting Case Reporl No isi
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: E/'nptQ:y9r's AdOtfllO
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JC- 001.010810
i Page
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Case Number
:ealicn Zeo
.,ov'S11'lg Officer
I un"""rand my nghts as they nav.. ~ ...n "'olained to me. With lhesehghls in mind. I am willing to answer questions at
thIS urne. ( ~
Date Time
(""-/ z....
I uncerstanc my nghl \0 have a carent. guan::ian or custodian present durlng queslloning. I amWilling to wa,ve the
crssence of my pareru, gl,lsrdia-n or c:,lstodian ana answer questionsat thts tImewithout my parent. gt.Isrclan or custodian
:>B:1f19 present,
JC- 001-010811
i. the parenUguardlanlcu$todlan of ,
"" juvarHle. cocerstancs that the Juvenile nos the (Ignt to have a parent/guardian/custodian presentaunng questKlt\ing. I
n WIlling to wawe my presence dunng ihe questionmg andapprove of 100 questioning tal<ing pta<:e wiltiQut my presence.
· I .
The following is a telephone transcript of a
conversation between Christopher R. Mo=is and Philip J. Duran on
April 24, 1999 at approximately 12:48 p.m. at Denver, Colorado.
JC- 001-010812
(tone sound)
Christopher R. Morris This is Christopher R. Morris todays
date is four twenty-four ninety-nine.
It is approximately twelve forty-eight
p.m.. I'm attempting to contact Philip
Joseph Duran at telephone number, area
code, three zero three, nine tr.ree
seven, eight six four eight. I am
making this telephone call from the
offices of the F-B-I, Denver, Colorado.
(phone ringing)
(dialing number)
(phone ringing)
Philip J. Duran Helle.
Morris Is Phil there?
Duran This is him.
Morris Hey. Phil, how ya doin' man?
Duran Pretty good.
Morris Hey this is Chris.
Duran Oh hey what's up Chris.
Morris Net much man. This whole thing sucks.
Duran Yeah.
Morris Jesus.
Duran Yeah •••
Morris Man.
JC- 001-010814
Duran liuh?
Duran Geez.
Morris It's, yeah (laughs), it's pretty crazy.
Naw I been, I've jus' been raadin' the
newspaper tryin' to figure out ...hat
...hat's been goin' on.
Duran Yeah.
Morris They keep askin' me you knew askin' me
questions I have no idea I'm (sigh), I
know as much as they do in the
Duran Uh huh.
I think Eric and Oylan went and used
those, those things they had recorded.
t think they used the saltle ones.
JC- 001-010616
JC· 001-010817
Christopher R. Morris and Philip :S. Duran ,On 04/24/1:;'9 ,Pa.. _....:..__
Morris Shit..
JC- 001_010&19
Continuation ofrtJ..3QZ of Chr1$t0l'har It. Morr1" an<l 1I111lil' J. Duran • On 04/24/1999 • P1lp 9 _
JC- 001-010820
JC. 001·010821
Morris Yeah.
Dural;' One of my brother's frienas was in the
fuckin', locked in a closet in the
science room for like ...
Morris Gee" .
Duran .. . three and a half hours and another
one of 'em, I guess he had to zun down
fucldn' hallway dude and jump over a
bunch of a dead bodies to get out.
Morris Shit.
Duran They've both been seayin' at our house
'cause they're both pretty messed up they
were twin brothers.
Morris God. Man I'm just, rill jus' pissed you
know I wanna know how they fricki:n' got
these damn guns ya know. This is, you
know ..•
Duran I wanna know why the fuck they just did
it dude I don't •.• it's just insane dude.
Duran Okay.
Morris H • here bold on.
(no voices)
JC· 001·010823
FD-301a (lLl v, l(kS.9lJ
JC· 001.010824
Christo.,her II. ~o""1,, and PhUip J. Duran .On 04/24/1999 .hgo _...:..:-_
Morris Gsell: •
Duran He had?
ac- 001-010825
JC· 001-010826
Morris Hmm.
Duran Yeah.
Morris Jesus,
JC- 001-010827
Morris Oh yeah.
Duran But he's sayin' if nobody wants to come
back he understands.
Morris I'm ncc , but I mean I already gave my
ewo weeks you know.
Duran Yeah he even had uh, I guess he even had
the F-B-I come out on Wednesday and,
sweep the store.
Geez man ehat's, that's some uh, some
bigger stuff.
Duran Yeah it's pretty orazy like I said I
haven't, I haven't seen Billy around and
(In I by, didn't see his car and I've
driven past there twioe.
(no voioes)
(sigh) Geez man. This (laughs) I don't
know what to say about this whole thing.
Duran I know. Insane dude.
Morris God.
Duran That's about it.
Morris Yeah, I mean I feel, I feel sorry I mean
feel sorry for 'em but at the same
JC- 001-010828
Iluran (sighsl
Morris Yeah.
Iluran Yeah.
JC· 001·010829
C"""""o .fl'D·302.f Christopher R. Morris ."d Philip J. ell.,." .00 04/24/1999 ,"'&0 _"';;;;'-_
Duran Yeah.
Morris Yeah.
Morris Cool.
Morris Shit.
JC- 001-010831
Christ<>pher It. Morris and pn~Up J. Duran .0. 04/24/1999 . !'ale _..::.=-_
JC- 001-010832
Duran Bye.
(hangs up phonel
JC· 001-010833
• 1 •
1'hi.5- document contains neither reccmmendat'kins norconclw:wns of !he FBI It iJ the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency:
it and j1lcenene are not ro bedlSaibu(#d oU13ide your a~ency
Coru:mu.auon ofPO·302 of 2
,Page -..;;;..-
six feet tall. Morris recalled that Harris was depressed about
his size and getting picked on. Morris was aware that Harris'
nickname was "Reb' and Klebold's nickname was "Vodka".
Morris hegan working at BlackJack Pizza, located at
pierce Street and Ottawa Avenue in the Pierce Street Shopping
Center, Littleton, Colorado, in October 1996. By Fall 1998
Harris, Klehold, Nathan Dykeman, and Philip Duran all worked at
the above BlackJack Pizza. Morris recalled that sometime before
Thanksgiving 1998 Klebold brought into BlackJack Pizza a pipe
bomb to show his friends. Morris recalled he got very mad at
Klebold and told him never to bring another bomb into the pizza
shop or for that matter never show another pipe bomb to him
because he knew how stup~d it was to have a pipe bomb and how
much trouble Klabold could get into if the police found out he
had a pipe bomb.
After Christmas Morris began to think that Harris was
becoming more depressed. Far what reason Morris did not know.
Morris stated that about two months ago he began drifting away
from Harris as their interests were changing. Morris had a
girlfriend, Nicole Markham, and Harris began getting into German
music and books that didn't interest Morris. Morris recalled
going to a German heavy metal concert with Harris that featured a
band called Ramatein. Morris also recalled that Harris began
reading books on Hitler and concentration camps. Morris stated
that he was involved with his own life and not Harris' and the
two grew apart.
Morris had bowling classes on Monday, Tuesday, and
Wednesday with Harris, KIabold, and Dykeman and would associate
with the above individuals during school hours but stopped doing
social things with them. On occasion Harris would pick up Morris
at Morris' home and drive him to bowling class and on some
occasions Harris would drive Morris home from school.
Approximately one month ago Harris brought a C02
cartridge filled with what Morris thought was gunpowder into the
ElackJack Pizza. Harris told Morris that it was a "trip bomb"
for the unknown people that were crawling through the fence
behind BlackJack. Morris told the interviewing Agents that the
BlackJack employees were constantly fixing the fence that unkno~~
people were crawling through and it annoyed the BlackJack
JC- 001-010836
JC- 001·010837
of the classes prior to April 20, 1999 and had not attended far
several days/weeks, as he knew he was going to fail the class
At approximately 10:lSam, April 20, 1999, Morris left
CHS and went to Cub Foods, in a close by shopping center, on his
way to Corey Friesen's house. Morris stated that at the time of
the shootings he was playing computer games at Friesen's house
with Corey. Morris stated it was not until Mrs. Friesen called
and told the boys ahout the shootings and questioned whether they
had heard from Kenneth Friesen.
As the facts of the shooting began coming over the
television Morris began to suspect that Harris, Klebold, and
possible others were involved. Morris made numerous attempts to
contact Jefferson County Sheriff's Office (Jeso), to tell them
what he knew about Harris and Klebold. Morris stated that scso
kept putting him off or the line was constantly busy so he
decided to go to Clement Park so he could tell what he knew.
When Mcrris arrived at Clement Park he was eventually detained by
JCSO and later debriefed.
Just weeks prior to the CHS shootings Morris began to
notice that Harris was becoming more aggressive and was picking
fights with other people, This made Morris very angry because it
appeared to Morris that Harris kept expecting Morris to bail him
out of these fights. Morris also recalled approximately one week
before the CHS shootings that Harris had asked Morris if he could
store some fireworks at Morris' house. Morris declined, telling
Harris that it would make his Mom too mad. Neither Morris or
Harris brought the subject of fireworks up after that exchange.
Morris was unaware of any Websites that Harris had.
After the shootings, Morris stated that his girlfriend,
Markham had recalled in retrospect that approximately one to two
weeks prior to the shooting she had observed Harris and Klebold
in the CHS cafeteria looking over a piece of paper. Markham went
up to them and asked what they were doing. Markham told Morris
that were trying to hold the paper back where she could not read
what was on it so she teasingly grabbed the paper from them. On
the paper was a diagram of the school cafeteria along with the
location of the cameras.
JC. 001.010838
Christopher R, Morris
Morris was then aSked by the interviewing Agents about
any knowledge he ~~y have of where the weapons used in the
shootings came from, Morris stated that he did recall another
BlackJack Pizza employee, Phil Duran, had taken Harris and
Klebold shoot~ng, and believed they had gone to gun shOWS
together. Morris had overheard Duran talking to Harris and
Klebold about the gun shows. Approx~mately three weeks to one
month ago Morris also overheard two other BlackJack Pizza
employees, James and Billy (last names unknown), talking about
Harris and Klebold having purchased a gun from Duran or one of
Duran's friends. Morris recalled that the gun they purchased was
an AJ{-47 or a "Tech'. Morris stated at the time he did not know
what a Tech was, and in fact at first thought they were talking
about a computer. In any event Morris thought to himself that
this talk about guns was not good, However he had no idea of the
events that were going to happen at CHS on April 20, 1999.
Morris was aware that Duran lived in a house with
several other people to include another BlackJaok Pizza employee,
Angel (last name unknown).
Morris was aware that Duran was a marijuana smoker, as
were Harris and Klebold. Morris knew this because Duran had
offered him some at one time when Duran was giving Morris a ride
home from work. Morris stated he observed Harris and Klebold
smoking "pot" on one occasion. Morris had no reason to believe
that Duran was a threat to him Or Dykeman.
Morris concluded the interview by stating that he was
mOre than willing to assist in this investigation and was asked
again if he had knowledge of, or participated in the planning or
execution of the shootings and bomb planting at CBS. Morris
restated that he did not and as further proof, if had been aware
of the events of April 20, 1999 he would not have allowed his
girlfriend, who he stated he loves, in the CBS cafeteria at the
time of the shooting, or his girlfriend's little brother, who
came running into the cafeteria telling everyone to get down
because of the shooting. Nor would he have had his best friend's
dad, Kenneth Friesen, in the school at the time of the shootings.
ac- 001·010839
- 1-
JC- 001-010840
Filel 4-DN-57405 04/22/99
by SA Traci A. Dow-Wyatt/dae
Cant.i.nu1don of rn':>02 of 2
, P1lge _-=-~
that Harris and Klebold were involved, he felt he should find his
girlfriend, Nicole Markham (303-904-3538 - blocked number), He
found his girlfriend, then decided to come back to columbine to
see if he could provide Some information.
Morris advised that Harris and Klebold had been making
bombs for some time. They had been reading "The Anarchis~s'
Cookbook" and a number of different books about Hitler and the
Nazis. Morris was unaware of any Web sites frequented by Harris
or Klebold. Both Klebold and Harris were knowledgeable in bomb
Klebold, Harris and Morris all worked at the Blackjack
Pizza (Columbine and Pierce, (303) 978-0600). About six months
prior to April 20, 1999, Klebold and Harris set up a trip wire
explosive device on a gate behind the Blackjack Pizza. They made
a special showing cf the device to Morris. He told them to~get
rid of it. Harris and Klebold also brought a pipe bomb to the
Blackjack Pizza. Again, Morris told them that having the devices
was a federal offense and that they could go to jail. This was
important to Morris as he knew that Harris and Klebold had just
come off Diversion for some other offenses. Morris described the
pipe bomb as being made of PVC pipe, about 10 inches long and
having a fuse at one end. He was told it was filled with screws.
Another explosive had a fuse and was made from a C02 cartridge,
The manager of the Blackjack Pizza was Bob Kirges (phonetic). He
is no longer there. The new manager is Chris Lowell (phonetic).
These individuals may have knowledge about the bombs at Blackjack
or about Harris and Klebold.
Morris did not know of any steady girlfriends for
either Harris or Klebold, but did say that Klebold took Robin
Anderson to the Prom. Morris described his relationship with
Harris and Klebold as not close. They were not close friends and
he did not know much about either's personal life. However,
about two weeks ago Morris was privy to a conversation with
Harris. This conversation took place at the morning bowling
class. Harris was saying, "Wouldn't it be fun to kill all the
jocks?" Morris did not think Harris was serious, but Harris
continued with comments about blowing up the school. Harris said
they could put bombs on the school's generators and that should
blow up the school. As Morris wanted nothing more of this
conversation, he began talking to someone else.
JC- 001-010841
FD·302. (Rov. 10-6-95)
4 -DN-57405
ColU1nualion or 'FO<i02 of
JC- 001-010842
JC- 001.010843
Control Number 4744
INTERVIEWS. July 14, 1999
lNTERVIEW: 1045 E 9"'Ave., Broomfield, Colorado.
SYNOPSIS A report was received through the Northglenn Police Department
indicating BrendaPAAKER knows someofthe TCM members
associated withthe Columbine High School shooting.
JC· 001-010845
she never got hers to workand they did not communicate on the
PARKER called the Reporting Agent on July 16, 1999, and stated
she bada photo and a recorded message of HARRIS The
Reporting Agent responded to herhomeandJl,icked up the items,
A evidence tracking form was used to document the items taken.
A copyis attached to this report. The tape and photo were
reviewed withLeadInvestigator, Kate BATTEN. The photo could
not be identified as anyone related to the case. The tape was
reviewed and no information concerning weapons, drugs, or the
Columbine High School was found. The voiceon the tape did not
sound like otherknown HARRIS recordings. The tape andphoto
werereturned to PARKER by theReporting Agenl
Jerriw Mean~
Colorado Bureau of Investigation
JC- 001-010846
000 KiphW'JStreet, DeIWM, C! ~o80215 13031239·4303
IIEvld$t'lce Custodia ... O~I&
30\ $ Nevada, Monlmse, C<:, o 61401 130Ji 249·6621
3416 N. EJu:abt)!h Street, Puebkt, ",",lorado IhOO8 (7191 54J.H 133 lQ9 #
cel Case #- _
D.'0-------------7;------ EVIDENCE/FOUND PROPERTY
Lab Request #I
~/A- -----
Ouense "" _ _ _ (Cross. out one title) FieId Otfice
Rec-el'ied this data from mmiJ* ~ • whose address or l()Calion IS /?li!:'f G, ? -.ilL _d'f'E.. _-,,-_ _.
.# ::!>o I PC¢l!2t"l'r/i-// b/u-'..t:>cJ _________________________• the foUowlng fisted Items:
- ---------------
_._._._._._. __ __
. ._._._- ._-"""~"
- '- ------------
~ g• I
.... -_.•_._.-
- 0.... _
- ....~
Signature of person from whom items were taken ~/?f>1 LVtt, 11~~
~.", ",c:.~~e ct
feRl7+9Oj While Pmpetly Reco,d file;: Yellow Case File, Piok ~ Attach to E\l1den<.:e; Goldenrod - lodj""a1ua~ or Location ProPilrl)' aecewee FfO!Tl Pa......_ " ' _ _
, he-fetly aCknowledge receipt"tOt ttems-Nc. ..:.. ~_ ....."_ wmcn are listed on tne
other side of this form.
O.t., _
i hereby aCknOWIQcfge receipt fOt Ite-ms No. -,- 'whieh are ii$ll&(! on the
other $Ide: of ttus form.
Oal.: _
I hereby acknowhtOge recelPt tor Items No. wl'lich are listed on the
other stde of U"iis form.
Date: _
j hereby acknowtedge racelbt for Items. No, whleh are listed on the
other $~e Of this fOl'm,
Oat.: _
Released bY: _ Recetv$(J by: _
~ do not hold the CSI reeccesrere for any items which WfMe reported mbsing that have not be9f'\ reGOvered, I arec wai\l$ my
ril~ht to a complete in'Jel'ltQry of all items recovered bY tn. CSI.
(Slgnatur& of Owner)
Wltnes", _
ControlNumber 4744-2
INTERVIEW September 7, 1999, at approximately 5. 11 p m
INTERVIEW: 1045E. 91h Ave, Broomfield, Colorado
SYNOPSIS: Jefferson County Investigator, DonESTEPcontacted the
Reporting Agenton September 7, 1999 Investigator ESTEP
stated he badreceived information fromthe Federal Bureauof
Investigation (FBI)regarding Brenda PARKER The information
received from the FBI identified PARKER as making statements
on the Internet, connecting herselfto the Columbine shooting
JC- 001-010849
phone,but neveractually met PARKER stated Catherine used to
have a web site dedicated to Eric HARRIS and Dylan
KLEYBOLD The web site created by Catherinewas called "A
Memorial, Tears for Eric and Dylan" PARKER stated the web
site contained pictures ofKLEYBOLD and HARRIS, a list of their
friends, and some of their biography
The Reporting Agent asked PARKER if she had ever told anyone
on the Internetthat she was involved in the shootingor had any
prior knowledge, PARKER stated she had never told anyone she
knew about the shooting Investigator ESTEP asked HER if she
knew who "VODKAREB" was on the Internet, and she stated that
was her Internetname She stated Catherine is known as
"BOSTENBITCH" PARKER was asked if she ever wrote
messagesto Catherine about being involved in the planningof the
snooting. She denied having any prior knowledge, and stated she
did not know anything about it until it was reported on the news
P.s, whoever copied thepies likeI said not to, I Will find out who
you are andyou betterwatch your back' OB GAWD whydidn 'I I
just go along with the plan? I could be with them right /UJW BUr
NO 1 WAS CHICKENSHIT and now 1 have IQ be stuck here all by
myselfwith pathetic little STUPlDHEADSI Well not nt more! I
guess 1 will do what I should've done on -1-20 BoomI No more
JC- 001-010851
JC· 001·010852
• 1.
ROBERT GENE PERRY, DaB 09/12/1980, address at 7836
South Newland Street, Littleton, Colorado, telephone 303-904-
9153, was advised of the identities of the interviewing agents
and the purpose of the interview. PERRY was interviewed in the
presence of his parents, JAMES PERRY, work telephone 303-534-
4000, cellular telephone 303-904-9153, and LYDIE PERRY, work
telephone 303-744-6126. PERRY provided the follOWing
PERRY dropped out of COLu~INE HIGH SCHOOL (CHS) a
couple of months ago and recently started a night jcb at SAFEWAY,
located at Ken Carl and Pierce, in Littleton.
PERRY had been interviewed by law enforcement officers
during the evening of 04/20/1999, concerning his involvement in
the TRENCH COAT MAFIA (TCM) , and his alleged associates, ERIC
HARRIS and DYLAN, PERRY could not recall what DY~~'s last name
PERRY's sist;er, LYDIE, was in the cas cafeteria on
04/20/1999, when the shooting began. she escaped the incident
PERRY met; HARRIS and DYLAN briefly last year during the
latter part of the school year. At t;he time, bcth were beginning
to associate with members of the TCM, PERRY did not consider
them to be actual members, but bot;h were good friends of TCM
PERRY did not consider either HARRIS or DYLAN to be
goed friends of his.
HARRIS was described as an angry, bitter person, Like
a lot of the other TCM members, he had been constantly picked on,
taunted, and had food thrown at him by some of the other student;s
at CHS. DYLAN, a follower of HARRIS. was a lot more easy going
and friendly.
The last t;ime PERRY had any contact with HARRIS or
DYUL~ was circa January 1999, when he said hi to them outside of
the school,
JC· 001·0108/l4
JC- 001-010855
(Reference Rapid Start LCNIt 54 & 1123)
ROBERT PERRY advised he has recently obtained a job working a graveyard shift
at Safewayon Ken Caryland South Pierce. So as not to interrupt his sleep patterns he stayed
awake from 04/1911999, to 0412011999. ROBERT PERRY stated between 8 am and II am he
was talking to his Grandmother, who resides at their home. He stated at II am he went to his
bedroom in the basementand went to sleep, at 1140am he was awaken by his motherstomping
on the kitchen floor which is directly above his room. he wentupstairs and his mother told him
what she had heard over the news about the COLUMBINE maH SCHOOL (CHS) shootingthat
was taking place. ROBERTPERRY returned to his room gotdressed and prepared to go the CHS
to checkon the welfare of his younger sister, LYDIE PERRY, DOB 11/28/81.
ROBERT PERRY was asked to describethe trench coats that were worn by the
members of the Trench coat Mafia. He provided his blackovercoat and explainedthe others had
174A-DN-57419 ~ 04/26/1999
JC- 001-010856
174A-DN 57419
ROBERT GENE PERRY OOB 09/12/1980 04/26/1999
purchased the western duster style coat. He advised the following list of members all had the 2
duster type coats:
ROBERT PERRY advised last year ZACK HELTON, a student at CHS locatedthe
student locker combinenons on the computer, he loaded the combinanoas onto a disk and bragged
to !lim aboutthe discovery. ROBERT PERRY was certain HELTON had told CHRlS MORRIS
aboutthe locker combinations.
JC- 001-010851
jljERY ON:LIC/H1I4096
V~ 'v>.. \
1."{.\, 'l"t STATE OF COLORADO
JC· 001·010858
IUCfF'( QN:LIC/H8P51))
~o\oe, .. -t 7.:.-..- r\ STATE OF COLORADO
v~'k "L
DENSE: ~mp510 MAKE: TO)' 'lIN: JT2EL43AXN013750S
GENSE STATE: co STYLE: 40 TITLE: l1R201359
PIRATION: 02/2000 YEAR: 1992 T'lEl: 111..112964
':5' re s.errt 4/2.1/99 l::24
JC- 001-010859
NAM/PERrll' , R08ERT o • DOE'i091280. CAr,/Y IS
.ORADO PIN: 99-089'-0892 SSN: $23-3,;,,-6056 COL CLASS:
[GHT: 6 05 vIEIOI-IT: 130 ISSUE DATE: 19990330
101'1 : N SEX: MALE BIRTH DATE: 19800912
,sage sent 4/21/99 1: 34
JC- 001-010860
NAM/PERfiY J _D08/ 123055 _Cf'1RlV18
_ORADO PIN' 92-HlO-1384 SSN, 523-88-5520 CDL CLASS,
toNT, 5 09 WEIGHT: .L8S ISSUE DATE' 19981.22B
lOR, Y SE,>t, MALE BIRTH DATE; 19551230
,sage sent 4/21/99 1,21
JC- 001-010861
CODMVOOOO .000300'0')1. TXT ATTN: CAR Vl<.
QUERY ON:NAH/PERRV,L 008/19570418
,ORADO PIN, 95-119-0512 SSN: 000-00--0000 COL CLASS:
GMT: 5 11 WEIGHT: 150 ISSUE DATE' 19950429
,sage sent 4/21/99 l:25
• PERRY. LYDIE (mother) ,
JC, 001·010863
· ! .
LYDIE JEANINE PERRY, born 04(18($7, residence at 7836
South Newland Street, Littleton, Colorado, was advised of the
identity of the interviewing agent and the purpose of the
interview. PERRY was interviewed at her residence and provided
the following information:
PERRY went to bed on 04(19/99, at approximately 2:00 am
to 3:00 am that evening. PERRTs son, ROBERT PERRY, was in his
bedroom as she went to bed. ROBERT's bedroom was located in the
basement of their house.
PERRY got up tne next morning, on 04/20/99, at
approximately 11:30 am. PERRY recalled hearing ROBERT and his
grandmother talking downstairs before she gOt out of bed. at
approximately 10:00 am. By the time she got out of bed and went
downstairs in the family room to watch television with her
mother, ROBERT had gone downstairs to his room to go to bed.
ROBERT worked the night shift at the local SAFEWAY and
slept during the day.
At approximately 11:45 am on 04/20/99, PERRY began
seeing che news repOrtS of the COLUMBINE HIGH SCHOOL (CRS)
shoocing. She immediately yelled at ROBERT to get cut of bed and
he came-up from his rocm dressed only in a blanket.
PERRY was concerned about che shooting because her
daughter, LYDIE PERRY, attended eRS.
They then called PERRY's husband, JIM PERRY, ac work
and advised him of the shooting.
ROBERT then got dressed and wearing his black trench
coat departed their residence to go check on his sister.
As he traveled home, JIM ran into ROBERT before he
reached CHS and drove him back to their house.
As they arrived at the house, PERRY was on the phone
with a freind of LYDIE's, who was among the students being
~ SA Mark Holstlaw/man
This document comams neither recommendations ncr conclusrons of lhe FlU it <S tM proyeny of the FlU and l$ loaned to your il,¥c<",,}.
It.and its contents ilf1;: mn to be uutnbured outsH.1i: JOUr agency
JC- 001-010865
PllILllPS, C
JC- 001-010866
CASE # 99-16215
CASE TYPE: Assist to Jefferson County
DATE TYPED: 04120/99
Investigator KevinHeaton
On 04/20/99 at approximately 1900 hrs.. this Investigator was asked to interview a subject
at the Arapahoe County Sheriffs Office, identified as beinga member of the Trench Coat
Mafia. The subjectwas identified as'
DOB- 05111179
II 771 W Asbury Place
Lakewood, CO 80228
(3OJ) 988-8235
PHILLIPS advised that he received a call from his mother at approximately 1100 hrs
PHILLIPS stated that his grandmother lived in the area of Columbine High School and
went to check on her at approximately 1300 hrs PHILLIPS thenwent to a friends
residence at approximately 1330 hrs.. identified as.
PHILLIPS said he watched the news and knew the suspects had to be.
ERIC "Reb"
When asked how he knew this, PHILLIPS said the news identified the suspects as being in
the TrenchCoat Mafia. ERIC and DYLAN werethe only subjects' part of the group they
could not locate. ERIC and DYLAN .iso attend Columbine High School.
JC· 001-010867
CASE # 99-16215
When asked what their group stood for, PHILLIPS said they are not into sports, listen to
different type of music, and enjoy video games
This Investigator then asked why they were considered outsiders, PHILLIPS said they
didn't fit into any specific group
This Investigator then asked if the group promoted violence, guns or explosives.
pHILLIPS said they did not. and he had never seenany member in possession of any
PHILLIPS then stated that he graduated from Columbine High School in 1997 and
doesn't associate withthe group as much. He last saw ERIC and DYLAN a month ago,
when they went bowling.
This Investigatorthen asked if there had been any recent conflicts. or if the suspects had
talked about committing these crimes PHILLIPS said there had not been any recent
conflicts, nor did anyone talk about committing these crimes as far as he knows
PHILLIPS said ERIC and DYLAN did get picked on a lot however
This Investigator then asked if anyone else in the group had provided any information.
PHILIPS said NICOLE briefly mentioned incident, statingthat she saw two peoplecome
into the SChool with guns, but did not identify the suspects.
When asked if this could be sexually motivated, due to reports from the media that the
suspects were homosexual, PHILLIPS said he believes them to be heterosexual
This Investigator then asked how they came up with the name "Trench Coat Mafia"
PHILLIPS said they all wore the trench coats and a student asked them, "Do you think
you're the Trench Coat Mafia?" They then adopted the name
PHILLIPS also stated that they are into German Techno music, and saw a concert
together. a couple years ago
This Investigator asked if there was any significance to today's date PHILLIPS said he
heard it was Hitler's Birthday.
JC- 001-010868
CASE # 99-16215
PHll..LIPS finally stated that the group is into computers. PHll..LJPS said he has two
JC- 001-010869
5686 S. Court Place
Littleton, Colorado 80120-1200
795-5864 SIS Investigations .. " " " " " " " " 795·4735
708-3491 Detention Administration. ' " , 708-3407
708-3590 Justice Center Booking., 708-3532
708-3433 Training 708-3430
795-4949 Littleton Detention .. , ........•.. ,., 795-4933
795-4754 Environmental Crimes" ", ., 795-4758
822-5308 Byers Substation .. "" (303) 822-9244
671-8925 District 5 Substation 671-S908
Pn:j'ress l<;er"~T C4t;-e.-~ qq -16'l1'?
P898_1__ of 3 ease No. _
Denver Po/il;ll Department
t II..........., _ . . - Maiting ::Hetemeot is:
Pl-\ h .• '-.... ~ C>\ARwr 5 0 1:1 Offic. ,Ill 0 Pers.ol"l advised
1"1. ItS8v<A" P.
-Te-lte.ts~ Ise: Zip Ca<ill
,;10 .. .1:.'"
e.... Of Birth I Setia! No.
Resmance Phono SoeiiW Seeurity No.
(303 I '1S'I·ZS'1S ( I 5'-17-7'1
8u$ll"lO$ Street Addreu. City C,UntY sune z;pe-
o~, T akil'iQ Statement _No.
-Iules ()l .. +J.II:~ 70-/o:z..
1'-;';.21.'19 ''''''' 13rD Hews
C0Z;:;V an if\Cidem oCCtlfting ..t~ I LocatiOn whtre ~I!lment tallm\:
I l.I. M'.6,.J1S Jt''''H {J,,, { /('1'7'1 hi, 1I'!i&.<ll.u If.-
Summary of Slatemen,.
I have read the foregoing stllitement and the facts """rained therein are true to the best of my Knowledge and belief. I
do not maintain that It contains all of the facts or details of the incident, but only those facts about which I have been
..::L I --0.;0-
':1.1 I.!?...:L
a AM
.;;J.OS;S (Sf'PM
nme Statt:nutnt Comphrted
JC· 001·010872
P"Ilel of 3 ea.... No, _
Denver Police Depertment
N t'~t..ost. Mm. r~-
'..i.""cl'; a:« 0 c Offi"", o w_ 0 Person advised
R....-stto«_ CIty County
IS'$t;$ ZIp COde
t J j; J
BusiMU Street .Addreu County
C'<ty ~ State ZIp Code
Offl<:ftlalUttg Stat~
..... oatt r_
t HoutS
Co~ an incidtnt oc<:utring: tt I
~ ~ $I,Jtement; tak8r1;
Summary of Statement.
I have red the fortJgOillg statement and the /'8ct:$ contained therein are true to the bat of my knowledge and beiiefc J
do not mIIinrllin that ;r conUlins all of the facts or details of the incident:. but only those lSCllS ebout which J have been
On may 17, 18 and 19, 1999. I left messages for Charles Phillips Jr. to call me back in reference to the shooting at Columbine
High school. On May 20.1999,1 was finally able to talk briefly to Charles Phillips Jr.. I asked him ifhe had any knowledge
or association to any membersor formermembers of the Trench Coat Mafia. Phillips said that he had already been interviewed
by Denver Police Detective Jeff Ruetz. phone number 0003-640-1155. Phillipssaid that he was busy and did not have time
to be reinterviewed at that lime.
I was unable to obtain any additional information from Charles Philips Jr., please refer to the interview conducted by Det. Jeff
Ruetz for any additional information.
/;vf/ ~t) of
"""" Dmnau<1
11-03-99, I had an opportunity to speak with Chuck Phillips and clarify some information that he had provided in :
interview with Investigator Kevin Heaton of the Arapahoe County Sheriff's Department on 04-20-99, I asked Chuck if he
could provide me with additional information in reference to his whereabouts on 04-19-99 and 04-20-99. Chuck
explained that on 04-19-99 that he was working at Video City and his shift ended between 10:15 and 10:45 p.m. After
leaving Video City, Chuck told me that he went home and at the time, he was Jiving at 11771 West Asbury Place in
Lakewood, Colorado. Chuck told me that he remained at this home for the rest of the evening and on 04-29-99, between
the hours of I J :30 a.m, and 12:00 p.m., he received a phone call at his residence. Chuck was awoken by his mother and
told about the shooting incident at Columbine High School. After Chuck spoke with his mom, he explained that he called
his father at about 12:15 p.m, After he ended his conversation with his father, he then went to his grandmother's
residence at about 1:00 p.m, Chuck told me that his grandmother lives in the area of Columbine High School, telling me
that her address is 6885 West Rowland Avenue and his grandmother's name is Charlotte Phillips. Chuck remained at his
grandmother!Js house for about thirty minutes and at about i:30 p.m., he went to Corey Friesen's home, where he
remained and continued to Walch news media reports reference the shootings at the high school. Chuck was asked who
else was at Corey Friesen's residence. He told me that his mend, Chris Moms was there and there were several neighbors
of Corey Friesen. I asked Chuck if he was present then when the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office responded to the
-sen residence and picked up Chris Morris. Chuck told me that he was present when that occurred.
Page I of]
SAFj 11/99JCSO/t6i4
Reporting Agency I Reporting Officer Case Rep¢l"I No
I,- ,-,
COLlMBlNE 11·03·99
i ,S1tlCi1tltin X FIRST DEGREE MURDER OffenR Smus: Open X £)(~;:lliQfIO\Jly C'1omd Recommtnd CliO: Rtvill....
i Redassificaol1l1 Clc:lwd br r\!mt U""'"""'" Cl~t"l'C ,
I I ~~ I ~tiry I Brand!'t1~ i De$d'ifIDOtl I Stri!l No I VA""
I v,,~
I [)artl(;;O'N
V,'~ i
I confirmed that Chuck graduated from Columbine High School in 1997 and I asked him to tell me what his relationship
was with Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. Chuck explained that his senior year. both Eric and Dylan were sophomores.
He knew both of them from school and he later workedwith the two of them at Black Jack Pizza. Chuck explainedthat
he bad a Theater Productions class with Dylan and thalls when he first came to know both Dylan and Eric. I asked Chuck
to describe Eric Hams and Dylan Klebold for me. He told me that they were just ordinary kids and he had no idea that
they were capableof going into the high school and committing the shootings. Chuck Was asked when he last saw Eric
and Dylan. He told me that It was a month prior to the shooting, March 1999, and they had gone bowling at Belleview
Lanes, located at South Federal and Belleview Avenue. Chuckwas asked If he noticedany problems associatedwith Eric
or Dylan and if they talked about any potential shooting at tbe high school. Chuck stated that he did not see anything out
of the ordinary which wouldlead him to believethat the shooting was goingto occur. I asked Chuck if Eric or Dylanever
talked about the Anarchist Cookbookand potential ways to make pipe bombs and Napalm. Chuck told me that is aware
f the Anarchist Cookbook. He luis seen it on the Internet before, but doesn't recall Eric or Dylan ever talking about to-
COOkbook. I asked Chuck if he bad ever experimented with the making of pipe bombs or Napalm. He told me that he h".
never experimented in making any of those devices. Chuck was asked if Eric of Dylan ever spoke about any type of
weaponsor if he badany knowledge or if he participated in any weapons training or shooting with Eric or Dylan. Chuck
told me that be bad never seen Eric or Dylan with any weapons and he had never participated in any shooting. Chuck
explained that he is not an advocateof being a gun owner and explained the only weapon that he has ever shot was a BB
Prior to concluding this interview., I asked Chuck if he bad any additional information to pass on referenceEric Harrisor
Dylan. He told me that he has no further information.
Page 2 of2
aTHER _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AS"F, Wl'XSOI1614
ac- 001-010877
Ca.e No. _
Denver Police Department
M ing Statement ts.
Officer 0 o Person aGyised
I have read the foregoing staremenr and the facts corw,ined therein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I
do not maintain that it contains all of the facts or details of the incident. but only those facts about which I have been
--!L I --0;,;;;-
?1 I Ii t( .
0 AM
~ ~"
Time Starem&t11 Completed
"i1 PM
Rusch, Jessica Ann. dobl02·12·83 Student at Columbine High School
WIF 5'04" 130 BLN/BLU
5888 West Fair Drive
Littleton, Colorado 80123
On04-21·99, between thehours of 0004 and003.5, DeputySteve Luciano and myselfconducted an interview with Jesstca Ru.scn
at her residence located 5888 West FairDrive. Littleton, Colorado, in reference to the Columbine High School incident. JCSO
had obtained information from Jessica's boyfriend. Patrick McDuWee, doblOS·30·SI, thatshe identified one of the gunmen at
the Columbine HighSchool as beingan individual known as _ _
Jessie. Rusch provided us with the following information concerning the incident at Columbine High School and what she
observed the day of 04--20-99. Jessica statedshe Was in the Science room for5th period, and tbat the Science room is located
onthe second level of Columbine High School. Sth period starts at 11:15 a.m., and endsat 12:05 p.m.. Jessicastatedshortly
afterclassbad started, she hearda loud explosion in theschool, and initially thought it wassome type of a Seniorprank. Shortly
afterthe loudexplosion, shehearda seriesof gunfire, accompanied by a lot of screaming and yellingfrom other students from
'hin the school, After determining that there was a problem at theschool. the students locked the Science roomdoorfrom the
Oh~''':' c. j Aaiglled To
i.,lnii: Nun>,,", Supenisot Inltiaia VLd DlItl
:&.J ....... "gS;") ;4J ()$t-.3 'f9 JC· 001-010819
of ,
I asked Jessica to give me the details about the subject she observed near the Scienceroom who was carrying the weapon. She
SlllIed the individual was abouI6'OO" tail. skinny. and she describedhis mannerof dress being in all black. telling me that the
pony hada blackbaseball cap on thatwas on backwards. Shesaidhe had a blackface mask. blackjeans. and a black trenchcoal
Jessicasaid underthe baseball cap. she could see the individual'shair.anddescribed it as being brown in color. curly. and about
collar length. She statedshe did not know the age of the individual. 1askedJessica if she could identify that personand tell me
the individual' 5 name, She told me she could nOI. bot she had a conversation with her boyfriend, Patrick McDuffee. after the
incident. She described the individual that she saw at the Science room door, and they came to the conclusionthai it w a s .
_because McDuffee knew he was associated with [he gang knownas the Trench Coat Mafia.
askedJessica if she could tell me how many times she has either seen or spoken w i t h ' " She said she has seen him
around school probably three or four times. and that it would have been last year. I again asked Jessica how she came to the
conclusion that the individual she saw at the Science room door was _ She stated her boyfriend, McDuffee. is
associateswith members of the Trench Coat Malia. I asked her howdose of an association her boyfriend has with this group.
She Slated she doesn't know. but he knew Ot knows quite a few of the members of the group. She then reiterated that after she
described the gunmanshe observed in Columbine High School that it was Patrick McDuffee that said it sounded like~• • •"
_from the description thai she gave.
Jessicastated the individual she observedin all black, who wascarryingthe long gun, was unable to get into the Science room.
and walkedaway from the door. Jessica staled after the pony with the gun disappeared from the window, that a teacher known
as Mr. Sanders enteredinto the classroom from an adjoining classroom. andthat he had been shot in the hack area. Jessicastaled
students then renderedaid to Mr. Sanders. Jessica told me that they remained locked in the Science room anywhere from three
to four hours before they were removed by SWAT Teams.
JC· 001·010880
Oh.n' S'lptufe Unil Numl>cr Svperv~ Initials ood Date A$i~gned To Pag, 1
q- /' f .:t::J1'ilL of J
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After Jessica provided her initial statement. I then asked her to try and give me a description of the long gun that 'he saw the
suspect carrying. She stated she could not tell me what the gun, as far as the brand or caliber was. she just knew it was a long
gun. Jessica did say that her friend, Jennifer Small, told her it was a sawed off shotgun.
Jessica was asked if she knew of any other individuals who belong to the Trench Coat Mafia other than the suspects that were
initially at the school. She stated the only other person she knows involved in this group is a Joe Stair. and she relayed the
information that afier she was taken from Columbine High School, that she remembers seeing Stair north of the school near
Clement Park at the soccer fields, and that Stair was talking with a law enforcementofficer. She described Stair as being in a
Columbine Rebels gym shirt and biue jeans. and she described his longblondish hair. Jessica said 'he saw him as she was bemg
taken to Leawood Elementary. I again asked Jessica if she knew what her boyfriend, McDuffee·s. relationship was with the
Trench Coat Mafia. Again. she told me he knows several members of the group, but she did not know the relationship. and as
-,< as she knows he is not a member of the group.
At the conclusion of our interviewwith Jessica, I providedher witha business card and asked that she contact me if she has any
additional iuformation to provide.
JC- 001-010881
oro. ASAF3 4J9& JCSD/1674
JC- 001-010882
· l .
by SA William J. Petoskey
JC- 001-010883
This ~ment -contai.ns neither reeomm,ndation$ JiOr l:o~!u,ilJns of d;l; FBr It is m~ property of the FBl and is !CJ;f1ttu IU l".... "lIl;~"~, ,
it &nd its -C'Ql'ltel1t1 an: OOt to be distributed outs4!,youragency
F1)·302a (Rev. 10-.6-95)
3. Chris Morris
Sergeant has known Morris for approximately 4
years . . Morris contacted Sergeant on April 23, 1999 regarding the
shooting at CHS. Morris is a senior at CHS and likes Duarcraft,
which is a role playing game like Dungeons and Dragons.
4. Pauline Colby
Sergeant has known Colby for approximately 1 year,
but hasn't been in contact with Sergeant since July, 1998. Colby
is a junior at CHS and hasn't spent much time with the group
photographed in the picture during the 1998-1999 school year.
S. Nicole Markhim
Sergeant has known Markhim for approximately 3
years. Markhim is a junior at CHS and is dating Morris.
6. Horst Last Name Unknown (LNUJ
JC· 001·010885
FD·302a (Rev lo-~o..95)
J C· 001-010886
JC, 001-010887
Time Statement'COmpleted
Jeffeo Case 1199·7625
Oil May 12, 1999, at approximately 1200 hrs., Denver Police Detectives Marcus L.
Fountain, badge It 91036 and Joel Bell, badge It 91009, interviewed Joseph Stair DOB
061381l. The interview took place at 7097 W. Frost Place, Littleton, Colorado. Stair's
girlfriend, Laura Bryan, was present part of the time.
Stair stated that on April 20, 1999, he wok. "p at approximately 100 hrs. Stair ate, then
played video games at home. At approximately 1200 hrs., his sister, Amanda Stair, called
home and spoke to his mother and that this is wben he first heard of the shootings at
Columbine. Stair watched the news for an hour or so, then he and his mother responded to
the library near Columbine High School to pick up Amanda. Stair was briefly interviewed
by a police oMcer at the library. That off',.er took Stair to the command post, where Stair
spent another 10-15 minutes being interviewed. Amanda went home with her mother while
Stair was being interviewed. After the interview, Stair was driven home by a pollee officer.
By the time Stair arrived at his home, it was approximately 1530. Stair reported to work at
1600 hI'S. (Arby's at Littleton Blvd. and Broadway)
As far as the trench coat mafia is concerned, Stair stated that he is one of the founders.
Stair stated that he, along with Chris Morris, John Beachem, Eric Dentrau, and Cory
Friezen, started the group around 1994 or 1995. Stair stated that they all shared the same
interest in movies, video games, and bowling. Stair stated that he met Eric Harris and
Dylan Clebold through Chris Morris approximately two years ago. Stair added that he
hung out with Harris and Clehoid only occasionally and didn't know them very well
outside of school. Though Stair stated that he liked video games, and has played Doom, he
also stated that he had not played any video games with Harris and Clebold.
Stair stated that he played Doom at his grandfather's house. When Stair was asked to give
detectives his grandfather's address and telephone number, Stair stated that he didn't
know either. Stair stated that he only knew his grandfather's first name, which is "Fred".
Stair has a computer, which he stated was built by Erie Jackson in June of1998 for Stair'S
birthday. Stair stated that he had never communicated with Harris or Clebold via
computer, though they had mentioned to him that they had a web slgbt. Stair stated that he
wasn't interested ill Harris and Clebold's web sight. Stair stated that he talks on-line to
Brian Sargent, John Beachem and Tad Bois occasionally. Stair signed a consent for his
computer to be searched and provided his password, which is "NAT ASHA" and his screen
name, which is "DERNOCK".
JC· 001·010892
Stair stated that the last time he saw Harris and Clebold was around December of 1998
around Columbine High School. Stair stated that they were in Clebotd's BMW. He talked
with them and smoked a few cigarettes for a while, then left the area. Stair stated that he
has not had any contact with either of the two since then.
Stair stated that he has no guns and doesn't like them. Stair stated that when he was a
sophomore in high school, he developed an interest in bombs. Stair cheeked out a book
from a library and read up on how to make bombs. This book taugbt Stair about napalm
B, field to air explosives and melctev coektails, Stair stated that he was no longer
interested in bombs.
Stair stated that he pays his mother $200.00 per month rent for living In the house and
occupying the northeast basement bedroom. Stair signed a eenseat for Detectives Fountain
and Bell to search his bedroom. While searching the bedroom, detectives noticed
newspaper articles about a previous murder suicide involving a former Columbine student
killing his stepfather and then killing himself. These articles were on the dresser mirror.
Deteetives also found a newspaper article about Hitler. Detectives found what appeared to
he a gun rack inside of the wall behind the door to the bedroom. There were no guns in it.
Joe Stair stated that it must have been built by the previous homeowners. Detectives also
found a notepad that had what appeared to possibly be the beginning of plans for a truck
heist, which included a short U,t ofum... Stair stated that it was probably written by
Nathan Guest, who lived with the Stain from approximately February to May of 1996.
Detectives also found a blue folder wbich contained miscellaneous pllpers and a photo of
Stair and Eric Deutrau. Detectives noticed a dark colored trench coat hanging on the
closet door. Detective Fountain asked Stair if the detectives could take the trench coat, the
blue folder, the Hitler article and the notepad. Stair agreed. Detective Flnlntain made it
clear to Stair that various tests may be performed on the eoat, These items were placed
into evidence at the Jefferson County Sheriffs'Department.
Detective BeD came across a 1998 Columbine High School year-book. In the book,
Detective Bell found several written messages from various students. One message in
particular read, "Chico' Groove", lind then directly under it, "Yo Joe•.•Stay different,
better tban the norm! Jocks suck dick. rCM!! Later <<.VODKA-»"
Stair also agreed to take a polygraph and gave detectives his work schedule for the coming
JC· 001.010893
The subject was examined on May 14, 1999 at approximately 1357 hours. Standard polygraph
techniques were utilized for this evaluation. Prior to the administration of the examination, the
subject read and signed the •Arvada PoliceDepartment standardpolygraphrelease. The subject was
advised of his rights per Miranda at lJ58 hours. Subsequentto the advisement. the subject waived
his rights and agreed to speak with this examiner.
A pretest interview was conducted during which time the subject stated his purpose for taking this
polygraph examination was because he was asked if he wanted to come and do this. The subject
further stated that he wasn't involved in this and had nothing to hide regarding the murders at
Columbine High School.
In discussingthe issues surrounding the murders at Columbine High School, the subject stated that
the Trench Coat Mafia was first started by a group of his friends and himself with the original
members being Cory Friesen, Eric Dutro,John Beachem and himself. The subject stated that when
this group was initially formed, he did not have a black trenchcoat but did get one as time went on.
The subject described the Trench Coat Mafia as a "support group" for the members against other
students at school. The subject further stated that this organization was developed during his
sophomore year.
The subject stated that he was a senior at Columbine High School when he initially met Eric Harris
and Dylan Klebold. The subject stated that he sort of became friends with Dylan Klebold but that
Kleboldwas never a member ofthe Trench CoatMafia. The subject statedthat Dylan Kleboldreally
neverhung aroundwith the primary members of theTrenchCoat Mafiabut mostly hung aroundwith
Chris Morris.
The subject stated that he first met Eric Harrisduring his senior year a short time after he initially
met Dylan Klebold. The subject stated that he met Eric Harris, who was in the company of Dylan
Kleboldat that time. The subject stated that EricHarris was also not a member ofthe Trench Coat
Mafia and in fact hung out less with the members of the TrenchCoatMafia than what DylanKlebold
did. The subject further stated that he did not get to know either one of them very well but would
see Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold at lunchtime. The subject stated that he never got to be good
friends with either one of them and that he never socialized with them outside the school.
The subject stated that the last time he saw Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold was six or seven months
ago. The subject stated that they were together and parked in Dylan Klebold s car near Columbine
High School. The subject stated that he was walking to work during that time and observed them
parked on the street along with Chris Morris in the car, The subject stated that he hopr ed in the car
during which time they listened to the stereoand caught up on old times. The subject further stated
ac- 001-010894
Joseph Stair
Page 2
The subject stated that Eric Harrisand Dylan Kleboldnever talked to him about doinganything like
they did at Columbine High School. The subjectstated that they would say something like, "I'm
going to get back at that guy," or "I'm going to kill him," but that this was always said in a joking
manner. The subject furtherstatedthat theywould also say things such as they were going to burn
the school to the ground or blow it up but according to the subject, half the students said something
like this, with it also being said in a jolti".!! manner. The subject further stated that no one ever
seriously said anything about shooting srudenrs like they did on April 20"'.
The subject stated that he was "completelyshocked" when they did this on April 20"- The subject
further added that his sister was in the library when this thing began and that he is glad that she is
The subject stated that on April 20, 1999, he was home in the morning and got up at around 1100
hours. at which time he played videogamesuntilhis sister telephoned home. The subjectstatedthat
his sister then advised him and other family members of what was taking place at Columbine High
Schoolregardingthis incident. The subjectstatedthat his sistertelephoned their homebetween1130
hours and 1200 hours and informedthem at that time of the armed attacktiling place at Columbine
High Scncot, The subject stated that his mother and he watched the event on TV for the next hour
with him adding that his mother was in no conditionto drive because of this event upsetting her so
much. The subject stated that he had no idea who could be doing this while he was watching the
event on TV even though they mentioned the fact that members of the Trench Ccar Mafia were
possiblyinvolved in this incident. The subject further stated that he was completelyshocked when
he learned that the primary suspects in this incident were Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, The
subjectstated that neitner Eric Harris or Dylan Kleboldever talked about guns or makingbombs or
explosive deviceswith him. The subjectstatedthat he personally learned how to makea bomb from
several books that he obtained at the library but that he personally never made one. The subject
further admitted that he has never fired or even held a gun in his life. The subject also added that
he never went with anyone who even practicedshooting guns.
The subjectstated that the last time that he was on Columbine High Schoolpropertywastwo months
ago and that the last time he was in the school building was approximately nine months ago. The
subject furtheradded that he does not know who could have helped Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold
plan out this incident that took place at Columbine High School.
There were no further statements made by this subject during the pretest portion of the interview
The subject was then examined with an Axciton computerized polygraph system which is
periodically calibrated to insure its accuracy and reliability. The instrument was correctly calibrated
and in properworking conditionwhen this examination was conducted. Four polygraph charts were
administered on the subjects.
JC- 001-010895
Page 3
4. Regarding Columbine High School, did you personallyparticipate in planning that armed
Answer: "No."
6. On April 20, 1999, did you know for sure that an armed attack would occur at Columbine
High School?
Answer: ~O."
8. Regarding Columbine High School. didyou knowingly provide any of the weapons used in
that armed attack?
Answer: "No."
The subject'S psycho-physiological responses to the foregoing relevant questions were indicative
of him answering the questions truthfully.
After carefulanalysis of'this subject's polygrams, it is theopinionof the examiner that thesubject
has told substantially the truth.
~L,JL..., ./
J~;(VOl1d ohe, Examiner
JC- 001-010897
Rapid Start LCN~ DN52
JC- 001-010898
- I -
eC k S
of internet resource
number as belonging to
ltt eon, olorado 80123. A
pr~ntout is attached to this FD-302.
04/25/1999 (telephonically)
SA Matthew R. Hellman ~
JC- 001-010900