Senior Project Proposal: Free SAT Prep Course

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Lyndssey Autrey and Taylor Feeney December 15, 2012

Senior Project Proposal:

Title: SAT Preparation Course sponsored by Mercer Service Scholars Abstract: Our project consists of four weeks in SAT Preparation courses for the content areas of Math and English at a specific local high school in Macon. By working with Mercers professors, campus organizations, and the principal, teachers, and guidance counselors at the local high school, we will help students prepare for the SAT who would otherwise not get extra assistance. We will implement the program and attain feedback from all individuals involved in order to improve the program with the intention of creating a longstanding relationship between Mercer University and the local high school. Program Mission Statement: Our mission is to better prepare high school students in low economic areas of Macon for the SAT. We will inspire them to continue their education to the college level by giving them opportunities to interact with college professors and students. By preparing and signing up for the SAT, we will encourage students to become actively involved in their future. Motto: Prepare. Inspire. Act. Project Outcome Goals: Increase SAT scores for students that have previously taken the SAT To provide a free opportunity for the teenagers in a local high school to engage in preparation for the SAT Prepare students for the SAT who otherwise would not get any opportunity for preparation Increase the number of students who take the SAT from the high school Encourage students to continue their education through college Promote better relationship with Mercer and surrounding High Schools

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Fit of the Program with Macon High Schools: The location around each of these schools illustrates a median household income of $21,042 ( This statistic puts nearly 47% of the residents below the poverty level. This statistic coupled with the following graph illustrates that SAT scores are statistically lower for students coming from lower income families:

( Other SAT Preparation Courses Offered: Sylvan roughly $990 for 30 hours of preparation and practice tests Kaplan roughly $599 for 18 hours of preparation and 4 proctored tests

With these extremely high prices for preparation courses, students from households with incomes in the twenty thousands are unlikely to have access to these resources. Simply paying $50 for the SAT itself may be extremely difficult for some of these students (though some students may apply for fee waivers through their guidance counselors). However, we both believe that these students should be given a fair chance to excel at this test without the added financial burden.

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Planning Description of Our Project:

Title: SAT Preparation Course sponsored by Mercer Service Scholars Cost for Students: Free Date of Event: 1. 2. 3. 4. September 7, 2013 September 14, 2013 September 21, 2013 September 28, 2013

*Note: Official SAT dates for the fall of 2013 have not been released yet. These dates are provided based on test dates from the fall of 2012. The event dates will be on the four Saturdays prior to the October SAT. Time of Event: 10:00 AM 3:00 PM Time Structure for the Event: 1. 10:00 AM 12:00 AM Math Preparation Session 2. 12:00 PM 1:00 PM Lunch Break 3. 1:00 PM 3:00 PM English Preparation Session Event Location: Central High School a. b. c. d. Address: 2155 Napier Avenue, Macon, GA 31204 Contact Information: (478) 779-2300 Principal: Dr. Efrem Yarber - [email protected] Website:

Individuals to Assist with Program: 1. One Math professor per weekend excluding week 4 (3 total) to volunteer to lead a section for 1 hour during the math portion of the program. 2. One English professor per weekend excluding week 4 (3 total) to volunteer to lead a section for 1 hour during the English portion of the program. 3. Students within the math department, English department, and education department to assist with group work during the 2nd hour of each section of the program.

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4. We would also like to target the Academic Resource Center (ARC) and Sylvan learning center for possible volunteers and supplies. Individuals to Contact: 1. Dr. Morgan- find out more information about high schools in the Promise Neighborhood and discover other individuals that may be helpful for us to contact. 2. Principal- introduce our proposed program and determine if it is useful and beneficial for their school. 3. Sylvan (and other SAT prep institutions in Macon)- we would like them to at least be informed about our program to avoid any competition issues since there is a Sylvan location in Macon. We would like to possibly create a partnership with them for this project if they are interested.

Method for Promotion and Sign Up For Event: Speak to Principal and get the program posted on the Academic Calendar for 2013 Possibly meet with the Math and English teachers (also determine what they are discussing in class to avoid teaching the same material several times) Create flyers to post around the High School Meet with guidance counselors to inform them about the opportunity and ask them to offer it to their students Run sign ups through their local math and English courses, as well as through their guidance counselors

Expected Turnout: Depending on the school, turnout could be somewhere between 75-100 students

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Monetary Aspects of the Program: Supplies and Cost: Pencils Erasers SAT Preparation Book Water Bottles Number: 400 100 100 400 Price per item: $13.99 for 144 $6.00 for 144 $0.02 3.49 for 24 pack Final Cost: Total Cost: $40.00 $6.00 $2.00 $60.00 $108.00

To encourage students to participate in our program, we would like to have four different restaurants cater the event. In this manner, students are able to receive free SAT preparation and a free meal on the weekend. Possible Lunch Sponsors: Chick-Fil-A Sonnys Fire House Subs Moes Subway

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Overall Structure of Program: 1. Week 1 a. Math Topic: Numbers and Operations & Data analysis, statistics, and probability b. English Topic: Grammar 2. Week 2 a. Math Topic: Algebra and Functions b. English Topic: Vocabulary and Critical Reading 3. Week 3 a. Math Topic: Geometry and Measurement b. English Topic: Essay Writing 4. Week 4 a. Administer Practice Test (note: we will grade and return by the following Tuesday, thus allowing them to review it before the SAT the following Saturday) b. Give final preparation and study tips for the SAT c. Registration Assistance for future SAT for interested students

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GANTT Chart:
12/5/2012 1/4/2013 2/3/2013 3/5/2013 4/4/2013 5/4/2013 6/3/2013 7/3/2013 8/2/2013 9/1/2013 10/1/2013 Email Dr. Morgan Meet with Dr. Morgan Decide on School and Email Principal Meet with School Leaders Talk to Professors and ARC Talk to Sylvan Solidify location,date, and time of Program

Get placed on school calendar

Acquire teaching materials Determine content and structure of lessons Determine lunch sponsors Advertise and acquire Mercer volunteers Entire Program Market program

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Evaluation Measures: 1. Quantitative a. Our quantitative evaluation will consist of a record of attendance for each individual session as well as an overall record of attendance. b. We will also compare the number of students from our particular high school that took the SAT in previous years to the number of students that take the SAT after our Preparation Courses. c. Compare the average test scores of those who take our preparation course with the SAT scores from previous years i. For students that do not choose to take the SAT after our course, we will compare their practice test scores with SAT scores from previous years. d. For students that have taken the SAT before, we will compare their previous results with those after our course *Note: these statistics will be determined with the help of guidance counselors at our chosen high school. 2. Qualitative a. Our qualitative evaluation will consist mainly of questionnaires filled out by the participants, high school teachers, and guidance counselors involved in the program. i. See below for the surveys ii. Students will take the Pre-Program Survey on the day of the first session They will then take the Post-Program Survey at the end of the last session iii. Surveys will be distributed to involved teachers and guidance counselors at the conclusion of the program. b. Self Assessment Survey i. See below for the survey. The self assessment will be completed once the program has come to a complete end.

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Pre-Program Student Survey 1. Are you currently signed up for an upcoming SAT date?

2. Have you taken the SAT before?

3. Are you planning to attend college after high school?

4. Why did you decide to participate in this program?

5. What are you expecting to gain from this program?

6. What topics are you worried about on the SAT?

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Post-Program Student Survey 1. If you were not signed up for the SAT course before, after taking these courses are you interested in signing up for one in the future?

2. Do you feel more confident about taking the SAT now that you have completed this course?

3. What aspects of this program did you find most helpful?

4. What aspects of this program did you find least helpful?

5. What did you gain from this program?

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School Officials Survey 1. What aspects of the structure were beneficial?

2. What aspects of the structure need modification?

3. What suggestions would you make for future SAT preparation programs?

4. Could you tell a difference in your students throughout the school day during this program?

5. Was our communication with you as teachers and guidance counselors clear and consistent? How could we have better communicated with you?

6. Would you like to see this program continue in the future? Would you be interested in getting more involved?

7. How could we have better prepared students for the SAT?

8. Are there any other suggestions or comments that you would like to make about the SAT preparation program? Feel free to be honest and critical in order to help us strengthen this program for the future.

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Self- Assessment Survey 1. Did we keep each of our deadlines?

2. Did we abide by our mission statement?

3. Were we flexible and adaptable to changes in our program outline?

4. Was there good communication between the high school and all other individuals involved?

5. Did we cover all of the material planned and covered by the SAT?

6. Were we approachable for students and faculty? What could we have done to be more approachable?

7. Were we responsive to outside criticism?

8. What would we improve or modify about this program for the future?

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