C57 98-1993 PDF
C57 98-1993 PDF
C57 98-1993 PDF
(Revision of IEEE Std C57.98-1986)
Abstract: Transformer connections, test methods, circuit configurations, and failure analysis of lightning impulse and switching impulse testing of power transformers are addressed. This guide is also generally applicable to distribution and instrument transformers. Keywords: digital recording, switching impulse, transformer impulse test
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. 345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017-2394, USA Copyright 1994 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. All rights reserved. Published 1994. Printed in the United States of America. ISBN 1-55937-399-7 No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
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(This introduction is not a part of IEEE Std C57.98-1993, IEEE Guide for Transformer Impulse Tests.)
Early in 1955, a working group was appointed by the Dielectric Tests Subcommittee of the AIEE Transformers Committee to prepare an Impulse Test Guide for oil-immersed transformers. Members of the working group agreed to draft a portion of the guide in which they had a particular interest. The content of the 1986 guide was the consolidation and editing of these writings by the working group members. The power transformer standards of ANSI, IEEE, and NEMA, plus the purchasers specications, determine the specic requirements for impulse tests. This guide will not change the standards in any way, but adds background information that will aid in the interpretation and application of these standards. These standards now provide for some alternate ways of conducting some tests or parts of tests. These alternates have been developed by different testing laboratories with consideration for their individual problems of transformer design, test facilities, etc. It is the object of this guide to discuss these differences and to show how effective failure detection can be achieved with the testing techniques employed. Although the guide is written primarily for power transformers, it is applicable generally to distribution and instrument transformers. The guide assumes the reader has an educational or practical background equivalent to that of a graduate electrical engineer with some knowledge of transformers. In late 1975, a Task Force was established within the Working Group, for Revision of Dielectric Tests, to review the original guide. It was their purpose to review the existing guide and revise areas where up-to-date oscillograms and procedures could be obtained. In February 1986, a Task Force was established within the Working Group, Revision of Dielectric Tests, to revise the 1986 Guide as follows: a) b) c) d) Addition of subclause 2.4: Lightning impulse testing of low impedance winding Addition of clause 3: Switching impulse testing Addition of clause 4: Digital transient recorder Other revisions included: 1) Addition of subclause 1.1: Scope 2) Rewording of subclause 1.2: Impulse testing techniques 3) Additions to subclause 2.5: Failure detection 4) Additions to annex A: Bibliography 5) Change from the word oscillograph to oscilloscope in this guide where applicable.
The Accredited Standards Committee on Transformers, Regulators, and Reactors, C57, that reviewed and approved this document, had the following members at the time of approval: P. J. Hopkinson, Chair P. E. Orehek, Vice Chair
The revision of this guide was developed by a Task Force of the Working Group, Revision of Dielectric Tests, which is a part of the Dielectric Test Subcommittee. The following is the Subcommittee membership: H. R. Moore, Subcommittee Chair J. B. Templeton, Working Group Chair
At the time this guide was completed, the Transformers Committee had the following ofcers: J. D. Borst, Chair J. H. Harlow, Vice Chair W. B. Binder, Secretary
This guide was developed by a Working Group of the Dielectric Tests Subcommittee of the Transformers Committee of the IEEE Power Group. The Working Group had the following membership: C. L. Rose, Chair
C. H. Bjorquist V. F. Christen N. A. Hills D. M. MacGregor W. R. McCarty C. W. Miller P. S. Pugh L. R. Rademacher A. F. Rholfs W. C. Sealey P. D. Smith W. S. Thompson H. W. Wagner
Other engineers who have served on the Working Group in the past are as follows: J. R. Meador, Chair*
C. M. Lovell W. S. Price
*First chair Those working on the rst revision, IEEE Std C57.98-1986, included the following: H. F. Light, Task Force Chair
E. J. Adolphson B. Allen C. Hurty A. D. Kline M. L. Manning S. P. Mehta J. D. Phillips Z. Zepic
R. J. Musil W. H. Mutschler, Jr. C. G. Niemann E. T. Norton R. A. Olsson P. E. Orehek S. H. Osborn G. A. Paiva B. K. Patel W. F. Patterson J. M. Patton P. A. Payne H. A. Pearce D. Perco D. A. Peters V. Q. Pham L. W. Pierce D. W. Platts J. M. Pollitt C. T. Raymond
P. Riffon C. A. Robbins R. B. Robertson J. R. Rossetti M. P. Sampat L. J. Savio W. E. Saxon R. W. Scheu D. N. Sharma V. Shenoy H. J. Sim L. R. Smith S. D. Smith R. J. Stahara W. W. Stein L. R. Stensland R. W. Stoner J. C. Sullivan D. W. Sundin L. A. Swenson
D.S. Takach L. A. Tauber J. B. Templeton A. M. Teplitzky V. Thenappan R. C. Thoma J. A. Thompsons T. R. Traub D. E. Truax W. B. Uhl G. H. Vaillancourt R. A. Veitch L. B. Wagenaar B. H. Ward R. J. Whearty D. W. Whitley A. L. Wilks C. W. Williams, Jr. J. G. Wood W. E. Wrenn
When the IEEE Standards Board approved this guide on December 2, 1993, it had the following membership: Wallace S. Read, Chair Donald C. Loughry, Vice Chair Andrew G. Salem, Secretary
Jim Isaak Ben C. Johnson Walter J. Karplus Lorraine C. Kevra E. G. Al Kiener Ivor N. Knight Joseph L. Koepnger* D. N. Jim Logothetis Don T. Michael* Marco W. Migliaro L. John Rankine Arthur K. Reilly Ronald H. Reimer Gary S. Robinson Leonard L. Tripp Donald W. Zipse
Gilles A. Baril Jos A. Berrios de la Paz Clyde R. Camp Donald C. Fleckenstein Jay Forster* David F. Franklin Ramiro Garcia Donald N. Heirman
*Member Emeritus
Also included are the following nonvoting IEEE Standards Board liaisons:
Satish K. Aggarwal James Beall Richard B. Engelman David E. Soffrin Stanley I. Warshaw Rochelle L. Stern IEEE Standards Project Editor
Lightning impulse testing .................................................................................................................... 2 2.1 Lightning impulse wave shapes ................................................................................................... 2 2.2 Lightning impulse test circuit ...................................................................................................... 4 2.3 Measurement of lightning impulse voltages ................................................................................ 6 2.4 Lightning impulse testing of low impedance windings ............................................................... 9 2.5 Failure detection......................................................................................................................... 12 2.6 Connection of non-impulsed terminals...................................................................................... 13 2.7 Non-linear devices ..................................................................................................................... 14 2.8 Interpretation of impulse tests.................................................................................................... 14 2.9 Ground current traces................................................................................................................. 17 2.10 Examples of impulse wave forms .............................................................................................. 21 2.11 Methods of presenting test results.............................................................................................. 25
Switching impulse testing .................................................................................................................. 32 3.1 Switching impulse testing techniques........................................................................................ 32 3.2 Switching impulse wave shapes................................................................................................. 33 3.3 Switching impulse test circuit.................................................................................................... 34 3.4 Measurement of switching impulse voltages............................................................................. 35 3.5 Failure detection......................................................................................................................... 39 3.6 Non-linear devices ..................................................................................................................... 41 3.7 Methods of presenting test results.............................................................................................. 41
4. 5. 6.
Digital transient recorder ................................................................................................................... 41 Grounding practices ........................................................................................................................... 42 Impulse generator size ....................................................................................................................... 46
1. Overview
1.1 Scope
This guide is written primarily for power transformers, but it is also generally applicable to distribution and instrument transformers. Other standards, plus the purchasers specications, already determine the specic requirements for impulse tests. The purpose of this guide is not to change these standards in anyway, but to add background information that will aid in the interpretation and application of these standards. These alternates have been developed by different testing laboratories with consideration for their individual problems of transformer design, test facilities, etc. It is the objective of this guide to discuss these differences and to show how effective failure detection can be achieved with the testing techniques employed.
protective equipment can be selected to provide adequate protection. The BILs and other insulation-test volt1 ages are listed in IEEE Std C57.12.00-1993 . During the 1950s, it became apparent that the lightning impulse test did not represent all the transient voltages to which a transformer would be subjected. As transmission voltages increased to the EHV level, (i.e., 345 kV and above) transient voltages, caused by various switching operations, had to be considered in both the internal and external transformer insulation design. The magnitude of surges resulting from switching operations is dependent upon system characteristics. As a result, a new switching impulse test was developed initially for the EHV voltage levels. A standard switching transient wave shape was agreed upon and the crest voltage level to ground was established at 83% of the lightning impulse crest voltage.
1.3 References
This guide shall be used in conjunction with the following publications: IEEE Std 4-1978, IEEE Standard Techniques for High-Voltage Testing (ANSI).2 IEEE Std 1122-1987, IEEE Standard for Digital Recorders for Measurement in High-Voltage Impulse Tests (ANSI).3 IEEE Std C57.12.00-1993, IEEE Standard General Requirements for Liquid-Immersed Distribution, Power, and Regulating Transformers (ANSI). IEEE Std C57.12.90-1993, IEEE Standard Test Code for Liquid-Immersed Distribution, Power, and Regulating Transformers and IEEE Guide for Short Circuit Testing of Distribution and Power Transformers (ANSI). IEEE Std C57.12.91-1979, IEEE Test Code for Dry-Type Distribution and Power Transformers (ANSI).
on references can be found in 1.3. Std 4-1978 has been withdrawn; however, copies can be obtained from the IEEE Standards Department, 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, USA. 3IEEE publications are available from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, USA.
Figure 1Lightning impulse wave shapes IEEE Std 4-1978). This curve is referred to as the volt-time curve of the composite insulation structure of the transformer. The strength of the insulation to wave shapes other than those dened by IEEE Std 4-1978 can be approximated from the curve. Impulse tests demonstrate that the insulation will withstand impulses that lie below the volt-time curve. Applying protective equipment that has a volt-time curve lower than that of the transformer assures adequate protection of the transformer insulation. If a lightning disturbance travels some distance along the line before it reaches a transformer, its wave shape approaches that of the full wave as shown in gure 1 by curve a. This is a wave that rises from zero to crest value in 1.2 s and then decays to half of crest value at 50 s. It is generally referred to as 1.2 50 wave. The part of the wave between zero and the crest is called the front and the part beyond the crest is called the tail. A wave traveling along the line might ash over an insulator after the crest of the wave has been reached. This wave is simulated by the chopped wave that is chosen to be of magnitude as dened in IEEE Std C57.12.00-1993. It is shown by curve b. If a severe lightning stroke hits directly at or very close to a terminal the surge voltage may rise steeply until it is relieved by a ashover, causing a sudden, very steep collapse in voltage. This condition is represented by the front-of-wave curve c. As can be seen in gure 1, these three waves are quite different in duration and in rates of voltage rise and decay, and consequently produce different reactions within the transformer winding. The full wave, because of its relatively long duration, causes major oscillations to develop in the winding and consequently stresses not only the turn-to-turn and section-to-section insulation throughout the winding, but also develops relatively high voltages, compared to power frequency stresses, across large portions of the winding and between the winding and ground (core or adjacent windings). The chopped wave, because of its shorter duration, does not allow the major oscillations to develop as fully and generally does not produce as high voltages across large portions of the windings or between the winding and ground. However, because of its greater amplitude, it produces higher voltages at the line end of the winding; and because of the rapid change of voltage following ashover of the test gap, it produces higher turn-to-turn and section-to-section stress. The front-of-wave is still shorter in duration and produces still lower winding-to-ground voltages deep within the winding. Near the line end, however, its greater amplitude produces higher voltages from winding-to-ground. This, combined with the rapid change of voltage on the front and following ashover, produces a high turn-to-turn and section-to-section voltage near the line end of the winding. The selection of the type and number of test waves is determined by the test specication. These various test specications may include a number of purchaser specications in addition to the ones required by IEEE Std C57.12.00-1993.
Figure 2Lightning impulse circuit To illustrate how the various transformer and impulse-generator parameters affect the generated wave shape, some simple circuit examples will be given. Assume that for the following examples, a capacitor, which will be referred to as the generator capacitance C, is charged to a constant value and then the various circuit parameters are connected to the generator capacitor terminals through a quick-closing switch as the breakdown of a gap. The circuit will be assumed to have zero resistance and inductance except as indicated. Figure 3 shows the circuit parameters and the resulting wave shape for each example. In all these examples a high-impedance oscilloscope will be connected at points X-X, to indicate the variation of voltage with respect to time as the various parameters are connected. In each example the capacitor will be charged initially to the same voltage. With only the oscilloscope connected to X-X as in gure 3a, an oscillogram similar to A will result when the switch is closed. By connecting a capacitor across the X-X terminals as in gure 3b a wave shape similar to B will appear. It will have a shape like A but will have a smaller crest magnitude. The magnitude will be decreased in accordance with the relationship C e = E ---------------C + C2 where e E C C
is the voltage across the load capacitor is the applied voltage of the generator capacitor is the generator capacitance value is the load capacitance value
The time to reach crest for both of these traces will be zero since there is no series resistance or inductance to limit the current in charging the load capacitance. Changing the value of the capacitor will only affect the magnitude of the wave and not the time to reach crest magnitude. When a resistor is placed across these terminals as in gure 3c, a trace similar to C will result. Again the crest will be reached instantly but now the tail of the wave will decay exponentially to zero. Decreasing the resistance will cause the tail of the wave to decrease faster as shown in curve C. This can be explained by studying the time constant of a resistor and capacitor circuit that is equal to the product RC. Reducing R or C decreases the duration of the wave in direct proportion to the decrease in these parameters. Placing an inductance across the generator capacitor as in gure 3d will cause an oscillatory wave similar to D to appear. Again the time to crest will be reached instantly but the tail now will oscillate about the zero line rather than reach the zero line exponentially as in the case of the resistor. This is due to the interchange of energy between the electrostatic eld of the capacitor and the electromagnetic eld of the inductance. Decreasing the inductance or capacitance causes the wave to change from D to D, which has a shorter period of oscillation. This change in period is proportional to the LC since the period itself is equal to 2p LC . Placing a capacitor in parallel with an inductance across the generator capacitor as in gure 3e causes an oscillation similar to E. Here again the wave is oscillating but because of the load capacitor, the magnitude is initially less than D; the period is increased because the total circuit capacitance is increased. When a circuit consisting of a resistor in series with the capacitor is placed across the generator capacitance as in gure 3f, a trace similar to F will appear on the oscilloscope. Now the time to reach crest is affected. Closing the switch causes all the voltage to appear across the resistor initially and also causes a current to ow in the circuit, which is limited by the resistor. This current starts to charge the load capacitor, which decreases the voltage drop across the resistor. After the capacitor is charged, no further current will ow in the circuit and thus all the voltage will appear across the capacitor. The time required to charge the capacitor is proportional to the time constant RsC2. The capacitor will reach 95% voltage in approximately 3RsC2. Increasing the resistance, Rs will lengthen the front from F to F. Increasing the capacitor C2 will also increase the time to crest and decrease the magnitude as shown by F. If the resistor is initially replaced with an inductance in this example, basically the same result will be obtained
except that high-frequency oscillations will be superimposed on the crest. The inductance will initially limit the current available to charge the load capacitor and thus will increase the time to crest. These few examples provide an insight into the effect of various circuit parameters of a transformer impulse testing circuit upon the generated wave shape. Combining all these parameters results in an equation that is cumbersome and difcult to handle. There have been many technical papers written on the subject of surge generator characteristics for transformer testing; see [B9], [B12], [B23], and [B47]. These examples show that the time to crest of an impulse wave is affected by the series inductance, series resistance, and load capacitance. The tail of the wave is controlled by the generator capacitance, load resistance, load inductance, and also load capacitance. Figure 3g shows a simplied generator and transformer circuit consisting of the parameters discussed. The wave shape G results because the transformer circuit is a complicated network instead of the simplied circuit shown. The extremely large transformers now being built have impedance characteristics that make it difcult to obtain the nominal wave shape specied by standards (see IEEE Std 4-1978). On low-voltage windings it is sometimes impractical to obtain the 50 ms tail. From the foregoing material it can been seen that the tail can be increased by increasing the generator capacitance, load resistance, or by changing the transformer effective impedance. There is an economical maximum generator capacitance that can be made available for impulse testing and this may not be sufcient to produce a tail of 50 ms (see clause 6). Even with innite load resistance the tail may be too short. The transformer effective impedance can be varied by the manner in which the terminals of windings not being tested are terminated. If they are isolated the maximum effective impedance results. Grounding them through resistance reduces the impedance and grounding them solidly causes further reduction. The advantages and disadvantages of these methods will be discussed in 2.6. With large transformers there is also the problem of obtaining the specied front, and in the case of front-ofwaves, the specied rate of rise. This is due to the large capacitance of the transformer and the inherent self inductance of the generator and of the leads that connect the generator to the transformer. In some instances the parameters of the test circuit, or of the transformer itself, may be such that it is not practical to attain the desired wave shapes. When test conditions cannot be changed, variations in wave shapes have to be tolerated.
the voltage applied to the cable is accurately reproduced in time and amplitude by the oscilloscope. When long or high-loss cables are used, attenuation occurs. The oscilloscope utilizes an electron beam that is electrostatically deected in two directions by two pairs of plates. The amount of deection is proportional to the voltage applied to the plates and the direction of deection is controlled by the polarity of the voltage applied. One pair of plates is used to sweep the beam in the X direction, which is generally associated with the time of the oscillogram. In gure 5, two pairs of deecting plates are shown. The electron beam, which is negative polarity, will sweep from position zero to the right when a voltage with polarities indicated is applied to the X plates. With voltage as indicated applied to the Y plates, the beam will move from zero toward the upper plates in the sketch. This pair of plates is usually associated with the voltage to be measured. The rate at which the beam sweeps in the timing direction is a function of the sweep voltage wave shape applied to the X plates. This rate is generally either linear or logarithmic and is dependent on the oscilloscope design. Consistency of the sweep speed is important so that out on the tail of the wave a valid comparison between waves can be made (see IEEE Std 4-1978). In this respect, oscilloscopes with linear sweeps are preferred since waves starting at various positions on the oscillogram will all have the same horizontal spread. Because of the various impulse-wave shapes that are recorded, a number of sweep speeds are built into the oscilloscope.
The following lists the recommended sweeps for the various wave shapes:
Sweep range (s) Front-of-wave voltage Chopped-wave voltage Reduced full-wave voltage Full-wave voltage Reduced full-wave current Full-wave current 2 to 5 5 to 10 50 to 100 50 to 100 100 to 600 100 to 600
In an earlier paragraph it was stated that the full-wave stresses the turn-to-turn and section-to-section insulation throughout the winding. The stresses are affected by the slope of the wave front and not necessarily by the actual time-to-crest. In gure 6, a full wave is sketched. The time, t2t0 is the time to actual crest but the rate-of-rise of the wave that causes the stresses is E/(t1t0). E is determined by sketching a smooth curve through the irregular wave.
Figure 6Measurement of front-of-full wave The same reasoning applies to scaling the front of front-of-wave tests. The front is derived from the slope of the wave. In gure 7 the rate-of-rise is E/(t1t0) and not E/(t2t0). The time-to-chop (or time-to-ashover) is t2t0. In cases where the transformer capacitance is large, the wave rounds off near the crest and this distinction between the wave front and the time-to-chop should be made.
The voltage shall be measured by a separate connection to the terminal being tested. The gap used to chop the wave on the front shall be directly connected to the terminal being tested and may be mounted directly on the terminal. The impedance shall be limited to that of the necessary leads to the gap. Because of the large chopping current associated with the large capacitance, errors are introduced into the measuring circuit. In order to avoid these difculties, the voltages and times specied shall be considered met provided the tests are made with the gap settings listed in table 1 and with the minimum and maximum times to ashover given. Table 1Test values, gap settings, and minimum and maximum times of ashover
Full-wave test valuea (kV) 45 60 75 95 110 150
Time to ashover minimum (s) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
b The gap shall consist of the space between two 1/2 in square cut square rods. The rods shall be mounted one
from the top of the terminal tested and the other either from the flange of the same terminal or other adjacent grounded parts. The gap should preferably be centered on the bushing and adjacent to it. However, a separate gap resting on the transformer may be used. NOTEThe application of steep-front tests on windings directly connected to generators or other circuits not exposed to lightning is unnecessary.
Whenever questions arise in scaling or interpreting lm, the intent and purpose of the particular wave application should determine the method employed. In 2.4.2 through 2.4.5, the pros and cons of short-tail full wave vs. long-tail waves obtained by changing the circuit effective impedance and other impulse testing differences will be discussed. Here again the purpose and the ultimate desired stresses in the winding should determine the course to follow.
2.4.2 Method 1 Connecting the terminals together produces a high stress on the winding-to-ground insulation and a rather low sustained stress to the turn-to-turn, coil-to-coil, and across-the-coil insulation. This is due to the turn-toturn and coil-to-coil stress being primarily a function of the capacitance from one end of the winding to the other and the capacitance-to-ground. These statements can be visualized somewhat better through the use of the following simple example. Example: Let the transformer constants be represented by an equivalent circuit as shown in gure 8a. The through capacitance (capacitances from one end of the winding to the other end) of the transformer are represented by C1 and C2, and the ground capacitance by C3. L1 and L2 represent the transformer inductances. If the through capacitances, C1 and C2, are large with respect to the ground capacitance, an initial distribution similar to Curve X in gure 8b will result. Since the nal distribution is line Y, the envelope of the winding oscillation will be between curves X and X. This example demonstrates a low turn-to-turn and coil-tocoil stress but a high stress to ground throughout the winding. If the through capacitances are small compared to the ground capacitance an initial distribution similar to curve Z in gure 8b will result. The same nal distribution line Y will occur and thus the envelope of oscillation will be between curves Z and Z. This produces a high turn-to-turn, coil-to-coil, and insulation-to-ground stress. The objections to using this method of test for a transformer having the parameter relationships assumed is that part of the winding may theoretically oscillate to 200% of the applied voltage. Testing in this manner is not recommended since in service, a surge is rarely applied to both terminals simultaneously.
Figure 8Low impedance windings connecting terminals together This method of testing does not lend itself to ground-current measurements since only the capacitance current of the winding under test, to the tank and other windings, can be measured. 2.4.3 Method 2 Inserting a resistance in the grounded end of the winding will produce different turn-to-turn and coil-to-coil stresses than method 1. The change in stress is a function of the winding constants. Figure 9a shows the typical equivalent network of the transformer with one end of the winding grounded through a resistor. If the through capacitance is extremely large compared to the ground capacitance, a distribution similar to curve P in gure 9b will result. The nal distribution would be something similar to line Q, where all, or almost all of the voltage is across the resistor. The envelope of oscillation will then be between curve P and P. In this case the turn-to-turn and coil-to-coil stress is increased compared with the example that has the same capacitance relationship in method 1. When the ground capacitance is large, compared to the through capacitance, a distribution similar to curve S in gure 9b will occur. The nal distribution can again by assumed to be line
Q. The envelope of oscillation now is between S and S. Again it is possible to produce excessively high voltages to ground in parts of the winding. It is general practice to insert only enough resistance to produce a 50 ms tail and the voltage appearing across the resistor is usually limited to not more than 80% of the BIL of the grounded end of the winding. If, in the last example, the resistance required to produce a 50 ms tail had been smaller, the nal distribution line would be lowered to Q, and the envelope of oscillation would then be between S and S. The tail length and the voltage across the resistance should be measured to determine the value of resistance to be used. A low-voltage impulse generator and oscilloscope may be used to make these measurements.
This method of testing applies a 50 ms wave to the line end insulation and is suitable for ground current measurements, although it is felt that the resistance may reduce slightly failure detection sensitivity. Initially, the full-impulse voltage is applied across the winding and resistance in series; therefore, the stress across the winding will be reduced. 2.4.4 Method 3 By applying all the voltage across the winding, even though a short tail wave is used, the greatest stress to the insulation between portions of the winding is generally produced. The stress to ground at the middle of the winding may not be as great as methods 1 and 2 since the short tail will not sustain the voltage for a long time. In gure 10a, the equivalent transformer is pictured with one end of the winding grounded solidly. If the through capacitances are large compared to the ground capacitance, then a voltage distribution similar to curve M of gure 10a will result. The nal distribution is presented by line N, which means that the envelope of oscillation will be between M and M. When the through capacitances are extremely small compared to the ground capacitance, then a voltage distribution similar to curve O in gure 10b will occur, which will result in an envelope of oscillation between O and O. Again, with this method of tests there are portions of the winding that may exceed the applied potential to the line terminals, but generally these windings have long time constants, and the time for point T to oscillate to its maximum is usually long enough that the voltage applied at the terminals has decreased to 50% of the crest value. This method of test does not produce a sustained stress to the insulation-to-ground as does either method 1 or 2, but it does stress the insulation of the winding. The low-frequency test will produce sufcient stress to test the insulation-to-ground. This method of testing is very suitable for current measurements since there is no increase in the circuit resistance and the circuit therefore has good response to high-frequency disturbances. No distribution test is required to determine the value of the resistor to be used.
Figure 10Effects due to short length of wave tail 2.4.5 Method 4 Inserting an inductive/resistive network between the impulse generator and the winding being tested can often increase the tail time beyond that available with the impulse generator alone. This arrangement relies on a transfer of energy to the inductor from the impulse generator during the front portion of the wave and a transfer of energy from the inductor to the winding during the tail portion of the wave. The amount of improvement in the tail time with this method is dependent on the characteristic of the winding and the impedance values available in the inductive/resistive circuit. In general, this method is used on lower voltage windings (200 kV BIL and lower). 2.4.6 Conclusion From these examples it can be seen that the transformer construction is a controlling factor in selecting the method of testing low-impedance windings. Each manufacturer should be familiar with the response of transformer construction type and should use the applied test method that will stress the winding in a manner expected in service.
impulse generator is sufciently exible, a good compromise is the use of generator constants such that the transformer impedance largely determines the length of the tail of the applied wave. To detect variations in the current it is necessary to have current oscillograms. These are obtained by measuring the voltage drop across a suitable shunt or a wide-band pulse-current transformer which is connected between the grounded end of the impulsed winding and ground. It is difcult to shield the measuring circuit completely from the inuence of the high voltage of the surge generator, and some stray potentials are frequently picked up that may produce an erratic record for the rst 1 or 2 ms. Such inuences, if they occur at the start of the current wave (and to a lesser extent at the start of the voltage wave), should be disregarded. When the impedance of the transformer tested is high with respect to its series capacitance, current measurements may be difcult to make because of the small impulse current. In order to reduce the initial large capacitance current and maintain a reasonable amplitude for the remainder of the wave, a capacitor may be included in the current measuring circuit. The capacitor should be no larger than required to achieve this result. When possible, simultaneous oscillograms of the voltage and current should be taken. If only one oscilloscope is available, then the recommended procedure is to have the voltage oscillogram precede the current oscillogram.
NOTESmoke bubbles rising through the oil in the transformer are denite evidence of failure. Clear bubbles may or may not be evidence of trouble; they may be caused by entrapped air. They should be investigated by repeating the test, or by reprocessing the transformer and repeating the test to determine if a failure has occurred.
Because of the complicated nature of impulse testing and the different forms of transformer construction, the various transformer manufacturers have developed impulse testing techniques suitable for their use. As IEEE Std C57.12.90-1993 was revised throughout the years, it was modied to cover the different techniques in use. As a result, there are several alternate approaches to some of the testing problems. There are three principal testing techniques in which there is a divergence of practice. They are as follows: a) b) c) Connection of non-impulsed terminals Low-impedance windings Use of capacitors across current shunts
Nominal system voltage (kV) 345 and below 500 765 1100
The following factors shall be considered in the actual choice of grounding for each terminal: a) b) c) The voltage-to-ground on any terminal that is not being tested should not exceed 80% of the fullwave impulse voltage level for that terminal. If a terminal has been specied to be directly grounded in service, then that terminal shall be solidly grounded. If a terminal is to be connected to a low-impedance cable connection in service, then that terminal shall either be directly grounded or grounded through a resistor with an ohmic value not in excess of the surge impedance of the cable. Grounding through a low-impedance shunt for oscilloscope current measurements may be considered the equivalent of a solid ground.
For terminals not being tested, see IEEE Std C57.12.90-1993 and IEEE Std C57.12.91-1979.
d) e)
The traces are recorded to allow detection of small deviations. Sufcient shielding of the impulse-recording device and signal circuits are used to reduce the background noise and interference to such a level that no visible deection is produced when the recording cable is disconnected and shorted to ground at the voltage divider end.
2.8.2 Criteria for satisfactory traces Perfect comparison of two traces may not be possible in practice for such reasons as random nature of the sparkover of the impulse generator-spark gaps, varying amount of dielectric losses in high-voltage circuits, slight changes in resistance values due to temperature effects, inuence of the objects in proximity to impulse test area, imperfect-ground system, and many others. However, the resolution of details of the recording system is limited and the traces may appear to superimpose perfectly. Most so-called perfectly matching traces can probably be shown to contain minute discrepancies provided sufcient magnication is used when viewing the traces. Perfectly matching test traces is a term depending on many factors. The discrepancies, such as very minor changes in trace thickness at a particular point, a borderline change in the slope near a peak or shape of peak, slight change in amplitude of an oscillation, or appearance of a ripple visible only after a prolonged study or using a magnication lens and similar occurrences, have varying signicance. It depends on the time at which they occur relative to the beginning of the trace, the test voltage level, insulation level of the transformer under test, type of the channel recorded (that is, applied voltage, ground current, or current in another winding), sensitivity and frequency response characteristics of the recording channel, type of transformer winding under test, trace resolution, sweep speed, etc. Perfect matching, therefore, is satisfactory matching of the traces, based on judgement derived from experience and limitations in trace resolution. 2.8.3 Applied voltage traces The recording of the voltage wave shape as applied to a terminal of a transformer winding serves a two-fold purpose. To verify that the wave shape of the impulse and the crest value conforms to the relevant test specication To detect impulse failures
It is only the latter that will be the subject of this subclause. Under the present impulse test standards there are the following three types of voltage waves applied to a winding terminal: a) b) c) Full wave Chopped wave Wave chopped on the front (known also as the front-of-wave)
Wave shapes, crest values, and other characteristics of the wave forms, together with their respective tolerances, are given in the applicable test code, IEEE Std C57.12.90-1993, and IEEE Std C57.12.91-1979. Connection of terminals that are not being tested is also governed by the applicable test code. However, during investigation of a mode or the cause for impulse failure, the connection of these terminals may be varied to obtain required information (e.g., ground current of winding not being tested can provide information on winding-to-winding failures). Special care should be taken to avoid overstressing of terminals not being tested when they are grounded through the resistor. a) Interpretation of full-wave voltage traces. The successful test results are represented by matching of voltage traces obtained from the full-wave test with those from the reduced full-wave test (taken at 50% to 70% of the full-wave test level, that is, BIL).
When a discrepancy between the two traces occurs, it can be of the following types: 1) 2) 3) One of the waves is chopped, that is, the voltage suddenly collapses to zero The wave is distorted in shape The amplitudes of the two waves differ, although the wave shape is the same
When discussing the following three types of discrepancies, it will be assumed that the test equipment, including measuring circuits, has been checked and functions satisfactorily: 1) The rst type of discrepancy (where one of the waves is chopped) indicates a failure to ground. If the chop is steep, that is, the voltage collapse occurs within 1 ms or so, the failure is near or at the line end of the winding or involving a bushing or bushing lead. When the rate of collapse is slower, it indicates that a part of the winding is included in series with the fault. Occasionally it may indicate that the failure is occurring by creepage along the surface of some solid insulation. The second type of discrepancy (when the wave is distorted in shape) is the most common and indicates failure in the minor insulation of the winding tested or, sometimes, partial failure (including partial discharge) of the major insulation or the bushing. The time of the appearance of the discrepancy relative to the start of the trace can serve as a guide as to the possible location of the failure. The sensitivity of fault indication by the voltage trace depends on the voltage regulation of the impulse generator. The poorer the regulation, the greater the effect of the impedance change on the voltage at the terminal under test. In addition, the closer the fault is to the line end of the winding, the more pronounced will be the distortion of the terminal voltage wave shape. Momentary discrepancies occurring at the crest of the wave are often caused by partial discharge in the bushing or sometimes at the line end of the winding. A discrepancy that persists for a longer time is an indication of a sustained winding failure. A dielectric failure that results in the short-circuiting part of the winding usually, but not always, reduces the duration of the wave tail. Failure in a non-impulsed winding, through a transferred surge, can also produce discrepancies similar to those described above. A failure remote from the line end of the winding (e.g., in a tapping region), may produce no indication whatsoever on the voltage trace. This is one of the reasons why ground current traces are recorded, which will be discussed later. 3) The third and last type of discrepancy (where the amplitudes of the two waves differ) is very rarely, if ever, caused by a dielectric failure and usually results from some fault in the equipment, or an error on the part of the operator.
Discrepancies at the front of the wave, up to half of the crest value, are generally caused by random sparkover of the gaps and can be disregarded. b) Chopped-wave voltage traces. The two chopped-wave voltage traces should match up to the point of chop. Whatever has been said about the discrepancies in the full-wave voltage traces applies also to the chopped waves up to the point of chop. However, as the timesweeps used for chopped-wave test recording are considerably faster than those used for full-wave tests, any short duration irregularities on the wavefront or the crest are much more prominent. These can result from random variations in the ring of the impulse generator stage-spark gap, corona from the high-voltage leads, or impulse generator or streamers from the rod gap used for chopping. Small irregularities or oscillations on the rising part of the chopped-wave trace should be disregarded if they occur below the point at which the deection has reached the value equal to one half of the crest value of the wave. Small disturbances around the crest of the wave are more suspicious and warrant further investigation. Small changes or rounding off at the point where the chop begins should also be discounted as possible failure indications since at this point of time streamers are usually fully developed in the chopping gap.
The oscillations that usually follow the chop cannot be expected to match unless the time to chop is essentially the same on both tests (i.e., within 0.1 ms of each other). If the oscillations are generally similar, the traces can be considered acceptable. On the other hand, if the oscillations are grossly different or completely absent in one of the traces, this is usually an indication of failure in the transformer. Judgment based on experience plays a major role in interpreting the results. The appearance of oscillations in the horizontal rather than vertical direction on the rising part of the trace or on the chop part are not an indication of failure but of instability in the oscilloscope time base produced by an external interfering eld. A change in the steepness of the chop, however, or an appearance of a chop without the chopping gap ashing over are indications of dielectric failure. To avoid ashover of the bushing during adverse conditions of humidity and air density, the bushing ashover may be increased by appropriate means. The time interval between application of the last chopped wave and the nal full wave shall be minimized to avoid recovery of insulation strength if a failure has occurred prior to the nal full wave. c) Front-of-wave voltage traces. Much of what has been said about interpretation of the chopped-wave traces applies also to the front-of-wave traces. Because of a high rate of rise of voltage, the probability of a winding failure during the rising part of the wave is much greater. The failures during the front-of-wave test almost exclusively occur at the line end of the winding especially between the rst few turns where the highest stresses are produced. Small deviations in the traces up to the point of chop can indicate corona or ionization that can lead to complete failure. The corona or ionization usually occur upon application of chopped and full waves. These deviations can also indicate nondestructive corona in oil from some sharp point or corner. Considerable discrepancies either before or after chop are indicative of turn-to-turn failure, unless they can be traced to a grounding problem. Small changes such as phase change in ripples are considered acceptable.
b) c)
Depending on the type of winding tested, the relative prominence of these three components can vary widely; for example, a multilayer winding of an instrument transformer will have negligible inductive components, while the capacitive component will be very large. A non-interleaved disc winding of a power transformer, on the other hand, will have a relatively small capacitive component, with the inductive current
with large amplitude oscillations (travelling wave) being the most prominent one. Trace sweep speeds should be selected so as to display all three components, if possible, but for full-wave impulse tests the inductive component is the rst choice. Full-wave current traces. It is for this type of wave that the ground current records are most useful. The reason for this is that the full-wave voltage lasts long enough to build up an appreciable inductive and travelling wave component, which is the most reliable one for fault detection. The capacitive component of the ground current can give an early indication of the failure, provided the failure can produce detectable change in the magnitude of the component. This depends on the extent of the breakdown and on the value of the series capacitance of the winding. The larger the series capacitance, the more dependable the fault indication will be. The period of small oscillations due to mutual inductance coupling is not very useful for fault detection because of its small amplitude relative to the other two components. The magnitude of the inductive components relative to the capacitive one varies with the type of winding and with terminal conditions of the untested windings. Short-circuiting of untested windings increases the inductive component of the current several times. A typical disc winding as employed in medium and large power transformers reduces the sensitivity of fault detection, for faults comprising a small percentage of the winding. The experience and tests show, however, that a ground current method is sensitive enough to detect one short-circuited turn in a typical disc winding even with all other winding terminals short-circuited and grounded. This applies also to low-voltage helical or layer windings of power transformers. This is not necessarily true for multilayer high-impedance windings such as those used in potential and distribution transformers. Due to the large inductance of these windings, the inductive current change may be negligible even with several turns of the winding short-circuited. The type of shunt to use for the ground current recording depends on which current component is considered the most important for fault detection. In most cases, it is a pure ohmic shunt with an added parallel capacitor to limit the amplitude of the capacitive component at the beginning of the trace. This type of shunt is unsuitable for testing high-impedance multilayer type windings for reasons mentioned. A pure capacitance shunt (paralleled by a high-value bleeder resistor) gives the most sensitive indication and is capable of detecting a one turn fault in several thousand, provided the untested windings are opened, or resistance loaded only to the extent necessary to limit the voltage transferred. Impulse current transformers are particularly suitable to be used instead of a pure ohmic shunt. The rst 2 ms of the current trace cannot be expected to match because of the great probability of voltage pick-up from the high-voltage circuits. They should therefore be disregarded for the purpose of analyzing test traces. Apart from the rst 2 ms, any deviation between two traces superimposed may indicate a failure in the transformer under test and shall be carefully analyzed. The type of discrepancy will vary with the type of fault and type of winding tested. A ground fault will tend to reduce the magnitude of the ground current to zero from the moment it occurs. Faults in the minor insulation of the winding will tend to increase the current magnitude by lowering the impedance of the winding. With power-transformer windings, this will invariably be accompanied by changes in the oscillations superimposed on the inductive part of the current. When the inductive component alone shows an increase, without any other visible discrepancy in the shape or phase of the oscillations, it may indicate magnetic core saturation rather than a dielectric failure. This is apt to occur with small power or distribution transformers and calls for careful demagnetization prior to the application of the full wave. With the resistance type shunt, the part of the trace at which the discrepancy begins to show can give some indication as to the location of the fault in terms of winding length from the impulsed end. With the capacitive shunt, such as used for testing high impedance, low kilovoltampere multilayer windings, any sustained
minor insulation failure will only cause a gradual increase in the current, which builds up over a fairly long time. Location of the failure by measuring the time of its occurrence is not usually possible. Sometimes the increase in the inductive current will not be apparent, but changes in the shape of the oscillations will normally indicate a failure. The increase in the inductive component may not be visible if the fault encompasses only a small number of turns and all the untested windings are short-circuited. Even a fault involving one turn, however, in a power transformer winding would cause visible change in the oscillations. Trivial changes in the ground current, such as a slight change in slope of one of the minor peaks or a minute ripple or spikes superimposed on the trace, often arise from causes outside the transformer, such as grounding problems or imperfectly made impulse connections. They can also indicate such internal problems as partial discharge or incipient breakdown. If the connections and grounding are found satisfactory, several more full waves should be applied. If the deviation increases in magnitude, it indicates progressive dielectric failure in the transformer. If there is no progressive increase in discrepancy, the chopped-wave test followed by several full waves should be applied. If there is still no progressive increase in deviation or if the deviation disappears, this indicates that it was due to a cause that rectied itself (such as a minute amount of trapped air) or from non-injurious partial discharge, such as from a rough spot on bare metal. Small ripples or corona spikes superimposed on the ground current trace that otherwise shows no changes in shape can be due to poor grounding of the core. They can also be caused by partial discharge in transformer bushings that are too small to be visible on the voltage traces.
NOTEDiscussion on the matching of two voltage traces applies to current traces also.
2.9.1 Dry-type transformers Dry-type transformers may exhibit partial discharge at impulse voltage levels. This discharge increases the apparent resistance of the winding resulting in a damping of ground current. The resulting full-wave current trace shows a reduced swing of the oscillations when compared with the reduced full wave, but no change occurs in the phase of the peak and valleys. This is not necessarily an indication of failure. Figure 11a illustrates this. This is not necessarily an indication of failure. Figure 11b illustrates a turn-to-turn failure compared with a good wave. Figure 11c is an expanded view of impulse current waves for one 50% full wave, and one 100% full wave to clarify the minor deviations in current waves when impulse testing dry-type transformers. When impulse voltage partial discharge is suspected, the following procedure is recommended after the normal series of impulse tests has been applied. Apply a series of impulse waves at 80%, 90%, and 100% levels. The changes between the waves at each level and the original 50% and 100% waves are then determined. A judgment is made as to whether the changes are due to the impulse charge effect or to a failure in the coil. 2.9.2 Voltage and current transformers Transformer windings composed of many turns of ne wire have the highest inductance and lowest-series capacitance. For such windings, the capacitance current is small and the inductive current does not build up to a large value even after many microseconds. Figure 12 shows the current traces of the primary of three small distribution transformers that are typical of this class. The low-frequency components are well illustrated in gure 12a, to a lesser degree in gure 12b, and are not evident in gure 12c. Figure 13 shows indication of failure in a 25 kVA distribution transformer by the inductive component of the current; see [B38] and [B40]. In the case of small distribution transformers and voltage transformers, grounding the winding through a capacitor instead of a resistor for the grounding shunt produces sensitive failure detection. For such windings a turn-to-turn fault causes very little change in the current. Further, because the inductance is so large, whatever change does occur is of long duration and has the appearance of a slight shift of the whole
wave. There are no distinctive short-duration wave shape changes and the slight overall wave shape is difcult to detect. In such cases the resistance shunt is replaced with a capacitor of such size that over the duration of the impulse the capacitor charges to a voltage sufcient to produce a satisfactory deection on the trace [B45]. This deection should be equivalent to that used for recording the voltage wave. Sweep durations of the order of 500 ms are used. When a turn-to-turn failure occurs, the slight long duration change in the current wave is integrated by the capacitor so that at later times a failure wave deviates more and more from the reduced wave. A bleeder resistance of the order of 100 000 W is connected across the capacitor to bleed off the charges between successive impulses. In gure 14a, the current is measured with a resistance shunt. In gure 14b, the current waves are integrated through a capacitor. Curves shown for an unfaulted and two faulted conditions demonstrate the extreme sensitivity of capacitance grounding when used on distribution and voltage transformers. While fault detection could be obtained by superimposing the upper waves, especially if a sizeable deection were used, the lower set of waves show the fault in an obvious way. To obtain such large deviations, the value of the capacitance through which the winding is grounded should be carefully selected. Such a method is especially useful for production testing of a large number of duplicate units. Another method for voltage transformers makes use of the voltage wave shapes induced in the low-voltage winding. Current transformers pose a problem in that there is no winding from line to ground, and consequently there is no neutral current to record. On the other hand, there is little likelihood of small failures, such as turn-to-
Figure 13Fault indicated by inductive component of the neutral current turn; consequently, the high sensitivity of the current method is not so necessary. Often only the voltage wave is used for failure detection. However, detection sensitivity can generally be improved by recording the voltage produced across a resistor that connects the tank and the short-circuited secondary winding to ground.
Figure 15Voltages and currents Figures 17a and 17b are examples of a coil-to-coil failure near the taps at the middle of a winding. The unit is an autotransformer, rated 78/104/130 MVA, 138 kV wye69 kV wye13.9 kV delta. The taps for de-energized operation are near the middle of the series winding, which is a continuous disc type. The high-voltage terminals were impulsed with a 400 W resistor between the low-voltage terminal and ground. Figure 18 is the current oscillogram recorded during investigative procedures and measured at a low-voltage terminal. A comparison of these oscillograms shows a signicant inductive current change.
Figure 19Voltages and currents Figures 19a and 19b illustrate partial discharge near the line end of the winding. The voltage wave forms show appreciable change near the crest, while the current wave forms show very little inductive change. Examination showed tracking on a barrier tube under the high-voltage winding, but there was no turn-to-turn failure. Figure 20 is another illustration of partial discharge during the impulse test. In this case, the evidence of partial discharge was found in a winding oil duct. In this particular case the voltage wave had not changed. Therefore, a voltage wave is not illustrated here. Figures 21a and 21b are results of tests that show the failure from the high-voltage winding to a static shield in a 138 kV unit. Figures 22a and 22b are wave forms resulting from a failure of a no-load tap changer switch on a 650 kV BIL, 30 MVA unit. Examination showed tracking to have occurred across open contacts of the switch. Deviations late in time on the current wave may indicate a source remote from the line end. Figures 23a and 23b show the failure of a capacitor type bushing on the high side of a 12 MVA transformer with a 450 kV BIL. Figures 24a and 24b illustrate a partial breakdown within a capacitor bushing, which provides the terminal for a 110 kV BIL winding. Figure 25 shows a characteristic of current wave traces termed autotransformer action. These oscillograms show the minor oscillatory mismatch from a test on a single-phase shell type 525 kV, 333 MVA, 1425 kV BIL autotransformer. Figure 26 shows low-voltage bushing failures during front-of-wave tests on a 220 kV, 80 MVA, 750 kV BIL transformer. Figures 27a and 27b show a static plate problem on the tertiary winding of a 230 kV, 210 MVA, 900 kV BIL transformer with tertiary ratings of 13.8 kV delta, 110 kV BIL, and 41 MVA. Figures 28a and 28b indicate the normal operation of nonlinear surge protection devices in the tested winding as discussed in 2.7. RFW, 75% FW, and 100% FW traces are shown. Figures 29a and 29b show a
Figure 20Currents
Figure 21Voltages and currents failure through considerable oil and paper between the high-voltage and low-voltage windings of a series connected transformer. The junction between series and main transformers experienced overvoltages due to wave reections. Figures 30a and 30b depict the effects of inadequate core grounding. Note that the mismatch is much more apparent in the highly oscillatory current waves than in the voltage traces. Figures 31a and 31b show the effects of discharge from an ungrounded core shield of a shunt reactor. Figures 32a and 32b are an indication of wave mismatches that are caused by considerations that are external to the windings. In this instance, a ashover occurred between the transformer tank and an insufciently grounded cooler.
Figure 23Voltages and currents To be useful to the purchaser the test results should include the following minimum data: a) b) c) General information, that is, type and rating of equipment tested, serial number, date of test, witnesses to the test, etc. See the suggested form in gure 33. A tabulation showing impulse tests conducted on each terminal including type and magnitude of test waves. The connection of untested terminals of all windings should be described as outlined in gure 33. Reproductions of the pertinent recordings taken during the tests are an important part of the test report. When specied, these recordings should be properly identied and arranged so that the necessary comparisons between full waves, chopped waves, and front-of-wave can be easily made. Copies of recordings taken on 35 mm lm should be enlarged to a size that permits direct visual inspection.
Figure 25Currents
Figure 26Front-of-wave It is preferred that the recordings of waves to be compared be overlaid. A less desirable alternative is to reproduce the recorded lms of waves to be compared as closely together as possible in a vertical array.
Timing waves or timing pips may be on each recording so placed that the test wave is not obscured. Acceptable substitutes would be to mark the time scale on the recordings. Recordings to demonstrate that the transformer has successfully withstood all the required impulse tests generally are included in the nal test report. Where the manufacturer has conducted additional tests to explain discrepancies, etc., the pertinent recordings also should be included in the report.
Name of Manufacturer __________________________________________________________________ Purchaser_____________________________________________________________________________ Date of Test___________________ Purchasers Order No. ______________ Mfrs Ref.______________ Serial Number(s) _______________________________________________________________________ H winding ___________ kVA ___________V ___________ BIL Winding ____________ kVA ____________ V ____________ BIL Y winding ____________ kVA ____________ V ____________ BIL
Oscillogram number
a Reduced full-wave voltage (RWF), reduced full-wave current (RFWC), full-wave voltage (FW), full-wave current (FWC) chopped-wave voltage (CW), and front-of-wave voltage (FOW). b Terminals grounded (GRD), terminals connected to arresters (ARR), and terminals connected to ground through linear resistance (RES).
NOTEAdditional sheets need only repeat this table plus purchasers order number and manufacturers reference number.
Test witnessed by___________________________________________ Date _______________________ I hereby certify that this is a true report based on factory test made in accordance with IEEE Std C57.12.00-1993. Signed _________________________________ Date _______________ Approved _________________
designing the transformer. This should be done to ensure that it is practical to perform the specic phase-tophase switching impulse test. The scope of this guide is limited to Class II power transformers (high voltage rating of 115 kV and above). At lower voltage ratings, switching impulse tests are not normally of concern, nor specied.
Figure 34Switching impulse voltage wave shape IEEE Std 4-1978 describes a general wave that rises to the crest value in 250 ms and a time to half value of 2500 ms. However, this applies to equipment that does not have a magnetic circuit that can saturate. The time duration of such a wave at high amplitude can cause the core to saturate such that air core conditions then exist. When this occurs, the tail of the wave will decay rather rapidly to zero making it difcult to obtain the slowly decaying (longtail) waves. In order to obtain wave shapes having a minimum time to the rst zero of 1000 ms, the magnetic circuit is usually magnetized in the opposite polarity prior to the start of the test such that the magnetic circuit will not saturate as quickly when the test waves are applied. This can be accomplished by passing a small direct current through the winding prior to the full level test wave impulses by reversing the switching impulse polarity on successive applications or by application of reduced impulses of opposite polarity before each full switching impulse transient.
Figure 38Switching impulse test circuit The output of the voltage divider is connected to the oscilloscope or transient recorder by either a coaxial cable or some other means such as a ber-optic transmission link for transmitting the waveform. With any system it is necessary to design the overall circuit including the voltage divider, the cable, and the oscilloscope or recorder such that the signal into the recorder has the same wave shape as the voltage across the voltage divider without excessive distortion or oscillations due to the voltage divider circuitry. Switching impulse waves, which have lower frequency components, may be measured with capacitive voltage dividers under certain circumstances. To ensure that the switching impulse wave shape measured at the oscilloscope is correct, the capacitive voltage divider circuit (including the voltage divider, the interconnecting cables, and the oscilloscope) should have a at frequency response in the range of 50 Hz to 20 kHz. Damping resistance should be used with the interconnecting cables to limit oscillations due to traveling waves. Before using a capacitive voltage divider circuit for the rst time, frequency response tests and low-voltage impulse wave verication tests should be performed to ensure that the switching impulse will be correctly reproduced. For convenience in switching impulse testing, capacitance tap type bushings of the unit being tested are commonly employed as the high-voltage capacitor for the voltage divider circuit. Such voltage dividers must correctly reproduce the test wave shape as outlined previously. Figure 39 shows a typical capacitive voltage divider.
Capacitor C1 forms the high voltage arm of the voltage divider. Capacitor C2 plus cable capacitance Cc and oscilloscope capacitance Cs form the low voltage arm of the voltage divider. Rt is made equal to the characteristic impedance of the coaxial cable and effectively terminates the cable at high frequencies.
C1 + C2 + Cc + Cs Dividerratio = ------------------------------------------C1 The time constant of Rs, the oscilloscope input impedance, and Cs, the low voltage arm capacitance, shall be large enough to minimize measurement errors. Ordinary laboratory type oscilloscopes are satisfactory for switching impulse testing, as are some lightning impulse oscilloscopes. Figure 40 shows a typical damped capacitive voltage divider circuit. The damped capacitive voltage divider has a wide frequency response (Hz to MHz). The damped capacitive voltage divider circuit contains resistance at the termination of the coaxial cable to eliminate traveling wave reections and distortion of the waveform. The damped capacitive voltage divider has the advantage that high-frequency transient oscillations in the MHz range are damped by the resistance in the voltage divider.
Figure 40Typical damped capacitive voltage divider circuit 3.4.2 Recording devices The measurement device for recording the impulse wave shape may be either an analog oscilloscope or a digital transient recording device. The recording equipment used for switching impulse tests is essentially identical to that used for lightning impulse tests with lower required bandwidth and sampling rate. Since the time associated with switching impulse waves is longer than that associated with lightning impulse waves, the sweep time for the oscilloscope or transient recorder should be increased accordingly. The recommended sweep times are 2000 to 5000 ms. The analog oscilloscope is described in 2.3.
scrutinized for recognizable indications of failure. The underlying principle for this approach is based on the dependency of the test voltage wave shape on the high impedance open circuit state of the transformer under test. Turn-to-turn failures, partial winding failures to ground, and other problems, even on windings other than the high voltage winding, caused recognizable indications on the voltage oscillograms. Figures 41 through 43 illustrate typical traces of reduced waves or full waves for successful tests (normal) and failure indications.
Acoustic detection by use of acoustic sensors or just careful listening for unusual sounds during the test may be used as a supplemental failure detection or diagnostic method. Although superimposing reduced and full voltage oscillograms in total is not practical, the wave shapes should match until the point of saturation. In most cases, saturation will be obvious in that it will occur at a relatively long time as shown in gure 42. The voltage wave will decay rather quickly to zero, yet it will not chop directly to ground as would occur for most switching surge failures. Successive oscillograms may differ slightly because of the inuence of magnetic saturation on impulse duration and test circuit used. Ground
current oscillograms are generally not necessary for failure detection but can provide useful information to conrm suspected failures, and aid in diagnosing the problem.
The method of failure detection used with a conventional oscilloscope is also appropriate to use with the wave forms obtained with digital recorders. In addition, various digital signal processing techniques can assist the operators in evaluating the records. Examples of these techniques include the following: a) b) c) Expansion of the record for detailed analysis Overlaying two traces for comparison of differences Numerically subtracting two wave forms and displaying the difference
These features should be used with care and judgment since they may reveal details of differences that were previously undetected with an oscilloscope, and such details may not necessarily indicate a test failure.
5. Grounding practices
It is the intent of this clause to provide some insight into the conditions that affect the measurement of impulse waves. A complete analysis of all ground conditions cannot be given because each test setup is different. Once the philosophy of grounding is understood, compromises can be made to assure the most accurate and safest measurement. The currents owing in the impulse circuit generally are fairly large and have high rates of change (di / dt). Consequently, a voltage drop exists between points connected by a conductor through which an impulse current ows. Because of this, it is difcult to hold two different points at the same potential or, stated another way, to have two different points at ground potential. The difference in voltage between two points will depend upon the length of the interconnecting lead and the rate of change of the current owing in the lead. The voltage difference can be substantial. For example, if a current changing at a rate of 1000 A/ms ows through a wire 10 ft (3 m) long, the two ends of the wire will differ in voltage by 3000 V to 4000 V. This is not at all unusual for the ordinary impulse circuit. Because of this, impulse circuits are carefully arranged. This is particularly true of the circuits used for front-of-wave testing. The following are two prime considerations when grounding practices are established: a) b) Safety to personnel Accuracy of measurements
For safe operation, all the devices in the vicinity of the operator should be at the same voltage. If the devices have unlike voltages, there is the danger of the operator coming in contact with two pieces of equipment at different voltages. For accurate measurement, the measuring system should be connected directly across the two points to be measured such as the leads of a voltmeter. In some cases this would electrically elevate the chassis of the oscilloscope with respect to other apparatus in the vicinity since the transformer under test might be located some distance from the oscilloscope. Fullling these two considerations is sometimes difcult and some compromises are made. This is illustrated by considering several circuits. In gure 45, the voltage measured by the divider is between points A and B. The main current paths are indicated by the heavy lines. On the fronts of full and chopped waves, the voltage drop between B and C is usually negligible, and the capacitive current to the control room shield is also small. On the fronts of front-of-waves, the drop across BC is dependent on the capacitive current that ows through the transformer and the inductance of the lead BC. The capacitive current for large kilovoltampere, low-voltage windings may produce a voltage drop across the lead inductance that will be almost 25% of the total voltage measured by the voltage divider. To eliminate the voltage drop BC, the divider should be connected to point C as shown in gure 46, and the return lead from the transformer should be run directly to the bottom end of the impulse generator.
Name of Manufacturer __________________________________________________________________ Purchaser_____________________________________________________________________________ Date of Test___________________ Purchasers Order No. ______________ Mfrs Ref.______________ Serial Number(s) _______________________________________________________________________ H winding ___________ kVA ___________V ___________ BIL Tap connection: H winding ________ v Winding ____________ kVA ____________ V ____________ BIL X winding ___________ v Y winding ____________ kVA ____________ V ____________ BIL Y winding ___________ v
Test witnessed by___________________________________________ Date _______________________ I hereby certify that this is a true report based on factory test made in accordance with IEEE Std C57.12.001993 and IEEE Std C57.12.90-1993. Signed _________________________________ Date _______________ Approved _________________
With this arrangement, the divider is connected to read the voltage from A to C. However, the stray capacitive current owing from the generator and the high voltage leads to the control room and building ground and from transformer tank to ground will ow back to the generator through the lead BC and the building oor. The potential difference between the control room and oscilloscope will depend upon the magnitude and rate-of-change of the current. However, it is common practice to ground the oscilloscope to the control room for personnel safety. This forces current to ow from C through the sheath of the measuring cables to the control room ground and back to B and causes disturbances on the oscillograms of both the voltage and current. To minimize this effect, lead BC should be as short as possible. In severe cases a multiplicity of leads or wide foil may be run from B to C. In special cases a double shielded control room may be used [B31].
Figure 45A grounding method The method of gure 46 is especially useful when the generator is some distance from the transformer providing the bottom end of the generator has sufcient insulation to the ground plane and the voltage drop between point C and the oscilloscope can be kept small. For generators that are not insulated sufciently at the bottom end and therefore must be grounded to the building at their bases, the method in gure 47 is used. In this method, it is particularly helpful to run several connections from B to the tank (as indicated by BC and BD) and have many leads or a wide foil from B back to the bottom end of the generator to reduce the voltage drops between these points. However, the measured voltage will be in error by the magnitude of the voltage drop between the tank and point B. The preferred grounding method shown in gure 46 eliminates the measurement of the voltage drop in lead BD. The location of the resistance shunt for current measurement is also selected with consideration of the ground problem. In gure 45 with the resistance shunt located at the transformer tank, the cable sheath is raised above ground by the voltage drop in lead BC. Current will ow from C through the cable sheath and back to B causing disturbance on the current wave. If the shield is allowed to oat at point C, sufcient clearance from shield to inner conductor is provided. Small disturbances may appear on current oscillograms, which are due to the voltage drops in the ground leads spitting to nonconnected metal. For instance, if a piece of metal was oating electrically near the ground lead it would be possible for the lead to ash to the metal. The disturbance indicated on the scope would be a function of the capacitance-to-ground of the metal. A large capacitance would cause a greater
Figure 47Grounding with grounded generator disturbance since more energy would be required to charge up the capacitance. If the oating metal was located near the measuring cables, the disturbance on the oscillogram would be even greater. When front-of-waves are applied, the best procedure is to locate the chopping gap directly on the bushing of the transformer under test because of the voltage drops that develop when the capacitive current is owing. For the low-voltage large capacitance windings, the voltage determined by the gap spacing can be more accurate than the oscillogram record when it is not possible to obtain a well-grounded circuit. As pointed out in the discussion, the voltage drop across lead BC in gure 45 might be 25% of the total voltage measured. If the gap were connected between A and B, full front-of-wave voltage would not be applied to the transformer.
Figure 48Grounding with line current method Another method employed is shown in gure 48. In this method the shunt can be located close to the ground mat or oor of the test area, and the exposed lead from the transformer to the shunt can be kept short thus minimizing electrostatic pickup. On the other hand, this method collects all the current owing out of the transformer and generally will result in a higher initial inrush current than the previously described methods. Methods of dealing with high initial current are presented in 2.8 and 2.9.
The factors that determine the length of the wave tail in service are, in brief: a) b) Characteristics of the impulse at the point of origin Surge impedance of the circuit over which the impulse is propagated
d) e)
Circuit parameters at the terminals of the transformer subjected to the impulse exclusive of the surge propagating circuit including inductance and capacitance of all connected apparatus including the transformer Surge arrester characteristics Termination of other windings of the transformer
It is logical to propose that the transformer be tested as it will be used in the eld. However, this is not as simple nor as straightforward as it sounds. The environment of a transformer frequently changes with the years either as it is moved or as equipment or lines are added in parallel with it. Also, it is difcult in the testing facility to duplicate the effects of lines, cables, generators, lightning arresters, etc. Even more elusive is the determination of what kind of a lightning stroke to expect and just how it will enter the transmission system. Generally lightning waves vary considerably. For uniformity in testing, certain wave shapes have been standardized. Since the early 1930s, transformers have been impulse tested with a 1.5 40 wave. With very few exceptions, this has demonstrated that the transformer, when protected against lightning by the usually accepted practices, will give long satisfactory service. Manufacturers have equipped their factories with impulse generators having capacities to apply the 1.5 40 wave to the apparatus. This wave has been changed so that it is now a 1.2 50 wave. However, with the trend toward larger ratings, it may sometimes be difcult to obtain a 50 ms tail. In these cases, it is imperative that the maximum generator capacitance be used. To facilitate this, the impulse generator should be arranged so that the banks or stages can be connected in various series-parallel arrangements so as to get the maximum generator capacitance for the voltage required. The following minimum capacitance values are suggested for the various BILs when it is difcult to obtain a tail of 50 ms.
BIL (kv) 110 (and less) 150 200 250 350 450 550 650 750 825 900 1050 1175 1300 1425 1550
Annex A Bibliography
[B1] Abetti, P. A. Bibliography of the Surge Performance of Transformers and Rotating Machines, AIEE Transactions, vol. 77, pt. 3, pp. 11501168, 1958. [B2] Aeschlimann, H. Insulation Stresses on Transformer Winding Coils Due to Chopped Waves, CIGRE, Report no 126, 1954. [B3] Aicher, L. C. Experience with Transformer Impulse Failure Detection Methods, AIEE Transactions, vol 67, pp 16211627, 1948. [B4] Aicher, L. C. Some Aspects of Ground Current Measurements During Transformer Impulse Tests, AIEE Transactions, vol. 79, pt. 3, 1961, pp 11011107. [B5] Anderson, J. G. Ultrasonic Detection and Location of Dielectric Discharges in Insulating Structures, AIEE Transactions, vol. 75, pt. 3, 1956, pp 11931198. [B6] Bean, R. L., Chackan, Jr. N. Moore, H. R., and Wentz, E, C. Transformers for the Electric Power Industry. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1959. [B7] Beavers, M. F., Holcomb, J. E., and Leoni, L. C., Magnetization of Transformer Cores During Impulse Testing, AIEE Transactions, vol. 74, 1955, pp 118123. [B8] Beldi, F., Impulse Testing of Transformers, Measuring Procedures and Test Circuits, CIGRE, Report No. 112, 1952. [B9] Bellaschi, P. L., Characteristics of Surge Generators for Transformer Testing, AIEE Transactions, vol. 51, 1932, pp 936951. [B10] Bellaschi, P. L. and Vogel, F. J. Factors Inuencing the Impulse Coordination of TransformersII, AIEE Transactions, vol. 53, pp. 870876, 1934. [B11] Blume, L. F., Boyajian, A., Camilli, G., and Montsinger, V. M. Transformer Engineering. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 2nd edition, chapters 27 and 28, 1951. [B12] Craggs, J. D., and Meek, M. J. High Voltage Laboratory Techniques. London, England: Butterworths Scientic Publications, 1954. [B13] Creed, F. C. The Generation and Measurement of High Voltage Impulses. Princeton, NJ: Centre Book Publishers, Inc. [B14] Digital Recorders for Measurements in High-Voltage Impulse Tests, IEEE Panel Session, July 30, 1991, San Diego, CA. [B15] Digital Techniques in High-Voltage Measurements, IEEE/CIGRE International Symposium, October 2830, 1991, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. [B16] Electrical Transmission and Distribution Reference Book. Westinghouse Electric Corp, 4th edition, 1950.
[B17] Elsner, R. Detection of Insulation Failures During Impulse Testing of Transformers, CIGRE, Report No. 101, 1954. [B18] Focust, C. M., Kuehni, H.P., and Rohats, N. Impulse Testing Techniques, General Electric Review, vol. 35, 1932, pp. 358366. [B19] Ferguson, J. M. Discussion of Rippon and Hicklings, The Detection of Oscillographic Methods of Winding Failures During Impulse Tests on Transformers, IEE Proceedings, vol. 96, pt. 2, 1949, p 779. [B20] Hagenguth, J. H. and Meador, J. R., Impulse Testing of Power Transformers, AIEE Transactions, vol. 71, pt. 3, 1952, pp 697704. [B21] Hagenguth, J. H., Impulse Testing of Transformers According to American Practice, Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift, Ausgabe A, vol. 76, no 23, Dec 1, 1955, pp 828831. [B22] Hagengurth, J. H., Progress in Impulse Testing of Transformers, AIEE Transactions, vol. 63, pp 999-1005, 1944. [B23] Hawely, W. G., Impulse-Voltage Test. London, England: Chapman and Hall Ltd, 1959. [B24] Hickling, G. H., Impulse Testing of Transformers with Special Reference to Failure Detection, National Physical Laboratory Symposium on Precision Electrical Measurements, Toddington, Middlesex, England, paper 23, 1954. [B25] Hylten-Cavallius, N., The Technique and Requirements of Impulse Generator Circuits, National Physical Laboratory Symposium on Precision Electrical Measurements. Toddington, Middlesex, England, paper 22, 1954. [B26] Karady, G., The Stresses Produced by Chopped Wave Tests in Different Transformer Connections and Their Variation with Wave Duration, CIGRE, Report No. 114, 1958. [B27] Langlois-Berthelot, R., Monnet, M., Derippe, J., and Favie, R. Chopped Wave Tests of Transformers with a Wave of Reduced Steepness, CIGRE, Report No. 138, 1956. [B28] Lengnick, G. W. and Foster, S. L., The Use of Neutral Current Measurements During Chopped-Wave Impulse Tests on Transformers, AIEE Transactions, vol. 76, pt. 3, 1957, pp. 977980. [B29] Liao, T. W., Nye, J. R., Brustle, H. H., and Anderson, J. G., Corona Studies, In Relation to Insulation, AIEE Transactions, vol. 74, pt. 3, 1955, pp 10461050. [B30] Liao, T. W. and Kresge, J. S, Detection of Corona in Oil at Very High Voltages, AIEE Transactions, vol. 73, pt. 3, 1954, pp. 13891395. [B31] Miller, C. J. and Wittibschlager, J. F., Management of Steep Front Impulse Waves with an Isolated Screen Room Installation, AIEE Transaction, vol. 77, pt. 1, 1958, pp. 262271. [B32] Montsinger, V. M., Coordination of Power Transformers for Steep-Front Impulse Waves, AIEE Transactions, vol. 57, 1938, pp. 183189. [B33] National Electrical Manufacturers Associations Standards for Transformers, NEMA Publication No. TR1-1980.
[B34] Nueve-Eglise, J., Transformer Impulse Tests with Special Reference to Fault Detection Requiring the Interpretation of Small Irregularities in Oscillograms, National Physical Laboratory Symposium on Precision Electrical Measurements, Toddington, Middlesex, England paper 24, 1954. [B35] Preston, L. L., Chopped Wave Impulse Testing of Transformers, CIGRE, Report No. 131, 1956. [B36] Provoost, P. G., Impulse Testing of Transformers, CIGRE, Report No. 115, 1954. [B37] Provoost, P. G., Testing of Transformers with Special Reference to the Assessment of the Results of Such Tests, National Physical Laboratory Symposium on Precision Electrical Measurements, Toddington, Middlesex, England, paper 25, 1954. [B38] Purvis, W. J., Impulse Failure Detection Methods in Transformer Testing Proceedings, High Voltage Symposium, Paper No. 14, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 1956. [B39] Rabus, W., The Impulse Voltage Difference Method for the Detection and Location of Faults During Full Wave Impulse Tests on Transformers, CIGRE, Report No. 139, 1954. [B40] Rippon, E. C. and Hickling, G. H., The Detection by Oscillographic Methods of Winding Failures During Impulse Tests on Transformers, JIEE, vol. 96, pt. 2, 1949, pp. 769790. [B41] Rohlfs, A. F. and Uhlig, E. R., A Discussion of Aichers Paper (ibid). [B42] Ross, C. W. and Curdts, E. B., Considerations of Specifying Corona Tests, AIEE Transactions, vol. 75, pt. 3, 1956, pp 6367. [B43] Stenkvist, K. E., Chopped Wave Impulse Testing, CIGRE, Report No. 143, 1956. [B44] Stenkvist, K. E., Study of Fault Detection and Failure Location During Surge Testing of Transformers, CIGRE, Report No. 129, 1952. [B45] Stewart, H. C. and Holcomb, J. E., Impulse Failure Detection Methods as Applied to Distribution Transformers, AIEE Transactions, vol. 64, pp. 640644, 1945. Report on Lightning Arrester Applications for Stations and Substations, AIEE Committee Report, AIEE Transactions, vol. 76, pt. 3, pp 614, 1957. [B46] Surge Testing. In Electrical Transmission and Distribution Reference Book. Westinghouse Electric Manufacturing Co., 1944. [B47] Thomason, J. L., Impulse Generator Circuit Formulas, AIEE Transactions, vol. 53, 1934, pp 169 176. [B48] Transformer Reference Book. (33 important technical transformer articles reprinted from Allis-Chalmers Electrical Review.) Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co., 1961. [B49] Vogel, F. J., Corona Voltages of Typical Transformer Insulation Under Oil, Parts I and II, AIEE Transactions, vol. 57, 1938, pp 3436, 194195. [B50] Vogel, F. J. and Montsigner, V. M., Impulse Testing of Commercial Transformers, AIEE Transactions, vol. 52, 1938, pp 401410.