Harvard Model Congress-Preparation Manual

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Committee Preparation Manual

Harvard Model Congress Asia

January 13 15, 2012

Conference Schedule 2012

Friday, January 13, 2012 8:30-9:00 Registration 9:00-10:00 Opening Ceremonies 10:00-12:30 Delegates in Committee 12:30-13:30 Lunch 13:30-15:00 Delegates in Committee 15:00-15:30 Breakout Session 15:30-18:00 Delegates in Committee Saturday, January 14, 2012 9:00-12:30 Delegates in Committee 12:30-13:30 Lunch 13:30-15:00 Delegates in Committee 15:00-15:30 Breakout Session 15:30-18:00 Delegates in Committee Sunday, January 15, 2012 9:00-12:00 Delegates in Committee 12:00-13:00 Closing Ceremonies 13:00 Goodbye HMCA 2012!

Guide to Use of Parliamentary Procedure in Committee

Call to Order Call committee to order, opening/returning remarks. Motion to Set the Agenda Delegates choose which topic they would like to discuss first. Chair: I will entertain a motion to set the agenda at this time. Delegate: I move to set the agenda to debate Foreign Fiscal Policy with Russia first. Chair: Are there any objections to general consent (agree without debate)? If there are objections, then the motion is debated and voted on. A Speakers List is drawn up and then a vote is taken. Whenever you begin General Debate on a new issue, give the delegates a few minutes to read over the issue summaries; then field any general questions about the topic before proceeding. ***IMPORTANT: Each committees agenda will be set prior to the conference, so this motion will never actually be entertained during committee session. Introduce each topic by announcing the topic, giving a 10-minute overview of the briefing (this should be done by a vice chair), fielding any questions about the topic, and drawing up a Speakers List. Set the Speaking Time The Chair has speaking time discretion, and only requires the Chair to say, I set speaking time to two minutes. In cases where additional speaking time is useful, the Chair may entertain a Motion to Suspend the Rules to give a speaker more speaking time. This, however, requires a 2/3 majority to pass. General Speakers List This list is used only for general discussion, with no bills on the floor, nor any pro/con debate. This is a good way to start generating ideas and framing the issue. One Chair is responsible for maintaining the Speakers List, which only requires the writing of the senator or representatives information on a list on the board (i.e. ID-Sr. or IN-07). In between each speaker on the General Speakers List, ask for any points or motions, and ask if anyone would like to be added or removed from the Speakers List. Motion to Caucus After general discussion, delegates will want time to start crafting legislation. Caucus time gives them the opportunity to confer with their colleagues. The Chair may encourage the use of caucus by saying, I will now entertain a motion to caucus. The delegate that offers the motion must specify the amount of time for the caucus, the purpose of the caucus (i.e. discuss bill ideas, write the bill), and the type of caucus (moderated, unmoderated bipartisan, or unmoderated partisan). Moderated: Chair calls on people and helps lead discussion Unmoderated Bipartisan: All delegates are free to discuss bills with anyone in the committee Unmoderated Partisan: Delegates should be divided into Republicans and Democrats and are only allowed to speak with members of their own party. Chairs should be directly involved in the caucus process, working with the delegates directly and helping generate ideas. Writing a Bill Bills require 6 senators signatures in Senate committee and 10 signatures in a House committee, and the Chairs approval, indicated with his or her signature.

Chairs should take care to note that proposed bills are germane, intelligent, creative and worthwhile. Chairs should work hands-on with authors, especially if the bill needs work. Chairs should type up the bill, which must be properly formatted using the Bill Template, on a laptop in the committee room, and then send the bill as an attachment to the their respective Director (either Chris or me). In this email, also specify that the bill is under discussion and how many printed copies of the bill you would like. The email information will be distributed at the beginning of the conference

Introducing a Bill The author or original sponsor of the bill must move to introduce a bill, which requires a second and objections. The Chair will read the bill before asking for objections. If there is an objection, there is then one pro and one con speech to debate whether or not the bill should be debated, not the bill itself. 1/3 of the committee must approve the motion for the bill to begin to be considered. If multiple bills are presented to the Chair at the same time, the Chair shall read all of the bills and then take a plurality vote. After the bill is introduced, draw up a Speakers List, divided by PRO and CON, and debate ensues. Motion to Amend Motion is invoked when delegates want to add or subtract part of the bill being debated. Amendments require 8 signatures in the House or 2 in the Senate, and the Chairs signature. If the author(s) [2 authors maximum to be clearly designated on the bill itself] of the original bill agree(s) to the amendment, or pens it herself (a friendly amendment), then it is automatically added to the original bill by acclamation. If the author does not agree, it is considered unfriendly, and the Chair must entertain a motion to amend, with a second. If there is a second, move to debate on the amendment, drawing a PRO/CON Speakers List, just like a bill. The only way to stop consideration of an amendment is a Motion to Object to Consideration. Call for a committee vote on the Motion to Object. For the Motion to Object to pass, a simple majority must vote in support of it. If the amendment passes, it is adopted as part of the bill and return to the original PRO/CON Speakers List of the bill. If it fails, return to the original PRO/CON Speakers List on the original bill. Motion for Previous Question If this motion passes, debate on the bill ceases immediately and an immediate vote on the bill is then taken. This motion requires a second and objections. If there are objections, allow for one con speech to moving previous question. This motion requires 2/3 of the committees vote to pass. If it passes, vote on the bill. Record all final vote counts on the bill and write it on the bill summary sheet. Motion to Table the Bill This motion stops debate on the bill but does not kill it. Return to the bill by entertaining a motion to remove it from the table. No con speech; just vote.

Return to General Speakers List for the Topic After the bill passes, fails, or is tabled, return to the General Speakers List for the topic at hand before the legislation was introduced. Repeat same process until another bill is introduced OR entertain a Motion to Consider a Different Issue. Motion to Consider a Different Issue This motion can only be accepted when on the General Speakers List. Needs a second of of the committee. This motion requires one pro and one con speech. Requires a 2/3 vote to pass. Motion to Recess/Rise and Report This signals the end of committee session. Recess = End of committee session before another committee session Rise = End of committee session before Full Session


Below is a table summary of the most common points and motions that will be utilized in committee at HMCA 2012. Most legislative committees will utilize this format for parliamentary procedure.



Minimum Wage Act Be It Hereby Enacted by the United States House of Representatives (House I): Preamble: The United States House resolves to strengthen the minimum wage by adjusting it by region and in accordance to inflation. Content: 1. Make it mandatory for businesses to provide their employees with social benefits pertaining to the following: a. Pension for retirement. b. Rent support. c. Transportation assistance to their job. 2. The minimum wage will be reviewed and revised every year based on state-by-state inflation. It will be divided into three sectors: health, educations, and food distribution. NGOs shall be part of these subcommittees. 3. Small/developing enterprises will be subsidized based on annual income. 4. A Committee of American Minimum Wage will be created. 5. A tariff on American consumer goods will be established. 6. Every six months there will be reports on improvements to justify continued funding. Definitions: Small/developing enterprise enterprises employing less than 50 employees or earning less than $100,000 per year Committee of American Minimum Wage (CAMW) committee responsible for reviewing and enforcing minimum wage and company social benefits Enforcement: Enforcement shall be in the form of semi-annual reviews from the CAMW. Funding: Funding for this bill shall come from CAMW, which receives its funding from raising taxes on import products. Authors: AL-5, MD-3, NJ-6, CA-35, MA-4, NH-1, NM-1


Resolution for Improving Ecotourism Be It Hereby Resolved by the Organization of American States, Preamble: We resolve to promote and improve ecotourism standards across the OAS countries. Content: 1. This resolution urges the identification of potential ecotourism features by each member nation of the OAS, distinguishing between North and South America. 2. The OAS strongly advises aid and guidance with international experts in the field of ecotourism. 3. A reasonable and satisfactory pricing strategy of ecotourism sector services in OAS countries is also advised. 4. Advertising should be conducted in ethical and consistent ways. Moreover, tourism agencies throughout the world should stress ecotourism standards to help tourists identify and distinguish ecotourism hotels; these standards will be legitimized by hotel ecotourism certification. 4. The OAS urges the implementation of stricter official standards of ecotourism in hotels and resorts of OAS member states to combat green washing within the industry. 5. This resolution also encourages the funding of countries which do not have ecotourism so as to improve security and ecotourism. Funding: Funding will be handled individually by member nations. Definitions: Green washingthe practice of purposely misleading customers about the environmental practices of an organization. Authors: Argentina, Brazil, Peru

How to prepare for the conference: Look at parliamentary procedures, which can be found here in the manual. Get comfortable with briefings. Committee chairs will soon update their program pages with information/assignments. Understand the points and motions in the table above The committee usually proceeds as follows: 1) Set the agenda- which briefing topic will be discussed. Bills/resolutions will be made to provide solutions to the problems presented in the briefing. 2) Someone can provide a brief summary of their understanding of the topic. Others can ask questions- a period of time to establish a background and get on the same page within the committee. 3) Set up a speakers list and decide on the speaking time per delegate, usually 2 mins each 4) Start with a moderated caucus facilitated by chair, who guides the general direction of the debate 5) After debating for some time, usually some points of contention/consensus are evident and some delegate may wish to motion to an unmoderated caucus, during which they can confer with other delegates in groups without chairs moderation. 6) Go back to speakers list and moderated caucus (motion first), unless someone motions to introduce a bill/resolution/communique. *Side note- different committees may have different formats, but the parliamentary procedures will be used for most of them (aside from programs like Media and Supreme Ct). 7) Try to pass a bill or resolution.

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