Locutions To The World
Locutions To The World
Locutions To The World
13. President Obamas failure to respond means that Satans timetable is moved up. His planned events will happen sooner than expected. The terrorists realize that their goals, which seemed far away, are much closer. 14. The purpose of this Satanic violence in the Middle East is to destroy Jerusalem. 15. Jerusalem is the center of Gods plan. He will use that city venerated by Israel, Catholicism and Protestantism, to unite all three faiths and initiate a special era of religious unity and worldwide evangelism. 16. The important event will be the killing of the Pope in Jerusalem, just as the important event was the crucifixion of Jesus in Jerusalem. 17. This martyrdom is the fulfillment of the third secret of Fatima (as outlined in the earliest locutions January 2011). Monsignor Esseff
A Bridge Between Popes (February 19 to February 20, 2013) The Conclave (February 21 to February 22, 2013) The Resignation As A Sign (February 23 to 28, 2013) The Next Pope (March 1 to 12, 2013) Pope Francis (March 14 to 15, 2013)
Even while I speak, much is happening. The world continues down its road. Evil deeds are piled high, one on top of the other. The darkness grows and claims more people, while those already in darkness go deeper into this night of death. Mankind does not realize where it is or how soon the great darkness will be unleashed, like black clouds that suddenly fill the sky, as if without any warning. Yet, how could anyone say that this is without any warning, when my Mother has spoken so often of this situation. Few have listened to her or even heard her words. So, I will exalt her even more. I will raise up a pope who owes everything to her, including his rise to the papacy. He will not hold back. He will not limit her. When he is the pope, her mantle will fully unfold and her protection will be offered to all who seek it. I will not compromise. Everyone will come to me through my mother and those who reject her will reject me. Her power will spread everywhere in ways never before seen. Satan will be stirred to a great anger and will quickly want to destroy the pope who so unfailingly exalts her, but I will not allow him to have any victory. I will save my pope in astonishing ways until the very end when he will give his life for his heavenly Queen. Mary Who is this person whom I have chosen and whom I have so carefully prepared? Why have I kept him in the shadows, unwilling to expose him to the light? He has been mine from the very
beginning, always the chosen one, always the one who resided in the very center of my heart. He knows who he is. He knows that he has been chosen. He knows that I have prepared him. He has no doubt. He does not trust in his own strength. He knows that I will raise him up. He already knows exactly what to do, although how this will be accomplished is still hidden from him. Would I allow the great work of consecrating Russia to chance? Would I just pick someone at the last minute, who is not sure of the correct steps and who might be reluctant to go ahead when all the opposition mounts? Not at all. He has been mine from the beginning and a moment will come when I will give him to the Church. Jan17 2. The Pope of the Third Millennium Mary and Her Pope Jesus He will be the game changer because he will walk on the scene when all seems hopeless, when people will be crying out, Where is God in all this darkness? The lights will dim and then go out but only so my action will be clearly seen by all. There he will be, the pope of the third millennium. He will carry a new light, a light that he already possesses as a treasure kept in the greatest hiddenness. He will arise by the most surprising way. Again, so there will be no mistake, this pope will not be chosen by men but by the clearest and most visible signs from heaven. All will see that the Father has brought this about. Once he assumes the papal throne, my plan will begin to unfold, step by step. Little by little, the powers of darkness will be rolled back. Then, when Satan can no longer accept his defeats he will make the great mistake. Just as he erred in nailing me to the cross, so he will bring about this popes death, a true martyrdom, that will shake heaven and earth (as did my death). At that point, the true reign of my mother as the Woman Clothed With the Sun will begin. Hers will not be an immediate victory. However, all of her children will take heart and know that the victory will be theirs as they take up the sword of the Spirit. Mary I have held back these revelations until now but they can no longer be hidden. The words must be said and duly recorded. They are my words also and I would like to speak. I have chosen this son from among many. He is the child of my choice and I have guided him since childhood. I gave him devout Catholic parents and a devout home. As a child, he walked with me, not even understanding the special graces I was placing in his heart. His parents taught him a deep love for the rosary and even opened up to him the beginnings of devotion. You can see that he was always mine. Always I led and protected him, and he always cherished a special devotion to me. He was always marked by my seal. However, all that was contained in these seeds of devotion were hidden to him. He always saw himself as one of many, and always tried to consider himself the least of all. Only as these years have gone by, has he realized who he was and what I had called him to be. Even now, he would gladly surrender these gifts to others, but I have not chosen another. He is well aware of that and knows that his ascending to the papacy in inevitable. Yet, he will make no move to promote himself and he will speak to no one about the revelations he has received. All is hidden in his heart, like treasures deeply buried. It is not for him to open these treasures or to decide the time and the circumstances. All remains in my hands. He remains in my hands and I will never let him go. When he is revealed to the world, all will see that these words are true.
There is nothing more to be said at this time. Later, I will speak again as the time grows closer and those who would doubt will need yet another sign. Jan18 3. Revealing the Hidden Plan Mary and Her Pope Jesus Why do I reveal these secrets of my heart? Should I not be more careful to keep hidden my plans? It is my love for mankind that causes me to act this way. I cannot hold hack. I cannot just take prudent steps. Mine are the steps of insane love. I am deeply in love with mankind, for I have shared his earth and shared in his sufferings. I know the feel of soil beneath my feet and the smell of flowers in the air. I know his fears and I know his trials. I have experienced them all and I know the darkness that can come suddenly upon his world. This is why I speak. Mary Mankind is moving into a totally new era, with grave difficulties that he has ever experienced before and for which he has absolutely no answers. It is a new darkness, an overpowering and unknown darkness. He has been enticed down this road, refusing to examine the consequences of his actions and especially, refusing to listen to my words. He walks, no he runs, this path of even greater darkness, every hour. I watch him plunge even more deeply into the morass. I see where it leads and how entrapped he will be. He will not listen, so I must initiate a rescue, using the wisdom that God has given to me. I began this rescue long ago. It takes decades and even centuries to bring about those people who will be my instruments. There are many others whom I will use but they do not yet know that they are chosen. When my chosen one, my pope, comes into the light, millions of good people will see the personal light that already lies within them. They will understand their call and suddenly I will have an army. You, O reader, will be one of those whom I will call but you, also, must prepare by a life devoted to me.