Introduction - Writing Packet
Introduction - Writing Packet
Introduction - Writing Packet
Writing a five paragraph essay is a multi-step process that involves completing several components. We will work on each step over the next few days and throughout the semester. Please keep this packet as a resource. It should go in the front of your notebook. STEP 1: Reading the Question Each writing assignment will include a research question. The sole purpose of the writing assignment is to answer this question. What is the research question for your reading assignment? _____________________________________________________________________________________________ STEP 2: Identifying Sources There are two types of sources: primary and secondary. Complete the chart below based on last nights reading and todays activity. Primary Source Secondary Source Definition: Definition: Ex: Ex: 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. When you receive documents, you will first want to indentify whether a source is primary or secondary. ***Go through your packet and identify each source in your reading packet*** Title of Source Primary or Secondary How do you know?
STEP 3: Annotations Once you have identified whether a source is primary or secondary, you will need to read the document. While reading a document, annotations should be made. Annotations are notes that are written in the margins, highlighting specific passages or comments that you have about the reading. Use the following rubric to complete your annotations. Use each at least three times per document ______ Underline/Highlight the most important sentences or passages Circle (actually circle the words) vocabulary you dont understand ! [ ]? Write an exclamation mark next to statements that affect you. Bracket confusing passages and put a ? in the margins Write notes in the margins. Ask the text questions or make comments on the content
STEP 4: Document Analysis After you have made notes about the sources, you will need to analyze the sources for deeper understanding. This can be done 3 ways. Cornell Notes Outline APPARTS
Cornell Notes are a simple way to organize your thoughts about a particular reading. Set up as follows: Topic Question Answer ? Question Answer ? Question Answer ? Question Answer ? Summary of reading: Directions: You write questions about the reading, and answer based on your understanding of the source. Outlines are similar to Cornell Notes and are also a strong way to organize. Set up as follows: Topic I. Main Point A. Sub Point B. Sub Point II. Main Point A. Sub Point B. Sub Point Keep this format for entire document. Directions: For each main idea (usually based off paragraphs), write the main point under your first Roman Numeral, and write at least two sub points underneath. APPARTS aims not just to summarize the document, but to analyze its historical content. Topic A: Author Who wrote the piece? P: Place/Time When/Where was it written? P: Purpose Why was it written? A: Audience Who was the intended audience? R: Reason - Why T: The Main Point What is the passage about? S: Significance Why is this passage important? Directions: Using the information you have, describe the passage in its entirety.
For each source, complete your choice of notes in the space below. Use the backside of this sheet if necessary. STEP 5: Thesis A good thesis includes all of the following elements 1. It states the essay's subject -- the topic that you are discussing. 2. It reflects the essay's purpose -- either to give your readers information or to persuade your readers to agree with you. 3. It includes a focus -- your assertion that conveys your point of view. 4. It uses specific language -- avoids vague words and generalizations. 5. It includes one claim and three supporting statements A thesis statement includes the question in its response. For example: Question: What is the best high school in Charlotte? Thesis: Phillip O. Berry is the best high school in Charlotte because _______________________ ,_____________ ____________________ and _________________________. Question: How does technology impact your life? Thesis: Technology impacts my life because_____________________________,____________________________ ____________________ and __________________________.
Now try with your research question. Question (write question here): ___________________________________________________________________ Thesis (using the question to begin the sentence): ____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ However, it must also include the three reasons to justify the claim in order to be a strong thesis. Question: What is the best high school in Charlotte? Thesis: Phillip O. Berry is the best high school in Charlotte because the students are intelligent, the teachers are caring, and students from all over want to go there.
But where do these 3 reasons come from? The READINGS! The readings are designed to help you write your thesis and answer the question.
Now try with your research question: Question (write question here): ___________________________________________________________________ Thesis (using the question to begin sentence and three reasons to support): _______________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Break down your thesis. Each of the three reasons from your thesis will make up a body paragraph. Consider your thesis statement to be three parts: Claim: Reason # 1: This will be your first body paragraph. Reason # 2: This will be your second body paragraph. Reason # 3: This will be your third body paragraph. STEP 6: Introductory Paragraph An introductory paragraph includes more than just a thesis statement. It begins with an attention grabber, describes background information on the topic, and then introduces the thesis statement. Structure for Introductory Paragraph 1. Attention Grabber 2. Background
3. Thesis Statement Attention Grabber An attention grabber is a bold statement that is aimed at gaining the interest of the reader. What an AG is: short quote, fact, bold statement What an AG is not: question, generalization/vague statement, opinion Write one quote, fact or bold statement about your research topic: ______________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Background After gaining the attention of the reader, the author will want to provide information on the topic. Give two or three details about this topic: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Thesis Statement Lastly, after the attention grabber and background information have been presented, the thesis statement finishes the introductory paragraph. The thesis statement is always the last sentence of the first paragraph. Put your attention grabber, background information, and thesis statement together in one introductory paragraph: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________
___________________ you answer. Beyond just using ______________________you must explain your answer in your own words.
Significance (why is this important): SECOND DOCUMENT USED Title: Author: Date: Primary/Secondary Source: Main idea (summary of document):
Significance (why is this important): THIRD DOCUMENT USED Title: Author: Date: Primary/Secondary Source: Main idea (summary of document):
Significance (why is this important): Each of these documents will be used to support your thesis. Within each body paragraph, you will analyze the importance of this document. Paragraphs will be structured using the following acronym: R: Restate the question A: Answer the question C: Cite from the document (use a direct quotation) E: Explain why this document is significant 3rd Body Paragraph R: A: C: E:
Once you have completed these charts, you are ready to begin writing your 5paragraph essay!
Conclusion Summarize your essay and restate your thesis (make the same claim and three reasons, but use different wording)