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19XR,XRV Hermetic Centrifugal Liquid Chillers 50/60 Hz With PIC II Controls and HFC-134a

Start-Up, Operation, and Maintenance Instructions

Centrifugal liquid chillers are designed to provide safe and reliable service when operated within design specifications. When operating this equipment, use good judgment and safety precautions to avoid damage to equipment and property or injury to personnel. Be sure you understand and follow the procedures and safety precautions contained in the chiller instructions as well as those listed in this guide. DO NOT VENT refrigerant relief valves within a building. Outlet from rupture disc or relief valve must be vented outdoors in accordance with the latest edition of ANSI/ASHRAE 15 (American National Standards Institute/American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers). The accumulation of refrigerant in an enclosed space can displace oxygen and cause asphyxiation. PROVIDE adequate ventilation in accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE 15, especially for enclosed and low overhead spaces. Inhalation of high concentrations of vapor is harmful and may cause heart irregularities, unconsciousness, or death. Misuse can be fatal. Vapor is heavier than air and reduces the amount of oxygen available for breathing. Product causes eye and skin irritation. Decomposition products are hazardous. DO NOT USE OXYGEN to purge lines or to pressurize a chiller for any purpose. Oxygen gas reacts violently with oil, grease, and other common substances. NEVER EXCEED specified test pressures, VERIFY the allowable test pressure by checking the instruction literature and the design pressures on the equipment nameplate. DO NOT USE air for leak testing. Use only refrigerant or dry nitrogen. DO NOT VALVE OFF any safety device. BE SURE that all pressure relief devices are properly installed and functioning before operating any chiller. RISK OF INJURY OR DEATH by electrocution. High voltage is present on motor leads even though the motor is not running when a solid-state or inside-delta mechanical starter is used. Open the power supply disconnect before touching motor leads or terminals. soap and water. If liquid refrigerant enters the eyes, IMMEDIATELY FLUSH EYES with water and consult a physician. NEVER APPLY an open flame or live steam to a refrigerant cylinder. Dangerous over pressure can result. When it is necessary to heat refrigerant, use only warm (110 F [43 C]) water. DO NOT REUSE disposable (nonreturnable) cylinders or attempt to refill them. It is DANGEROUS AND ILLEGAL. When cylinder is emptied, evacuate remaining gas pressure, loosen the collar and unscrew and discard the valve stem. DO NOT INCINERATE. CHECK THE REFRIGERANT TYPE before adding refrigerant to the chiller. The introduction of the wrong refrigerant can cause damage or malfunction to this chiller. Operation of this equipment with refrigerants other than those cited herein should comply with ANSI/ASHRAE 15 (latest edition). Contact Carrier for further information on use of this chiller with other refrigerants. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO REMOVE fittings, covers, etc., while chiller is under pressure or while chiller is running. Be sure pressure is at 0 psig (0 kPa) before breaking any refrigerant connection. CAREFULLY INSPECT all relief devices, rupture discs, and other relief devices AT LEAST ONCE A YEAR. If chiller operates in a corrosive atmosphere, inspect the devices at more frequent intervals. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO REPAIR OR RECONDITION any relief device when corrosion or build-up of foreign material (rust, dirt, scale, etc.) is found within the valve body or mechanism. Replace the device. DO NOT install relief devices in series or backwards. USE CARE when working near or in line with a compressed spring. Sudden release of the spring can cause it and objects in its path to act as projectiles. DO NOT STEP on refrigerant lines. Broken lines can whip about and release refrigerant, causing personal injury. DO NOT climb over a chiller. Use platform, catwalk, or staging. Follow safe practices when using ladders. USE MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT (crane, hoist, etc.) to lift or move inspection covers or other heavy components. Even if components are light, use mechanical equipment when there is a risk of slipping or losing your balance. BE AWARE that certain automatic start arrangements CAN ENGAGE THE STARTER, TOWER FAN, OR PUMPS. Open the disconnect ahead of the starter, tower fans, or pumps. USE only repair or replacement parts that meet the code requirements of the original equipment. DO NOT VENT OR DRAIN waterboxes containing industrial brines, liquid, gases, or semisolids without the permission of your process control group. DO NOT LOOSEN waterbox cover bolts until the waterbox has been completely drained. DOUBLE-CHECK that coupling nut wrenches, dial indicators, or other items have been removed before rotating any shafts. DO NOT LOOSEN a packing gland nut before checking that the nut has a positive thread engagement. PERIODICALLY INSPECT all valves, fittings, and piping for corrosion, rust, leaks, or damage. PROVIDE A DRAIN connection in the vent line near each pressure relief device to prevent a build-up of condensate or rain water.

DO NOT WELD OR FLAMECUT any refrigerant line or vessel until

all refrigerant (liquid and vapor) has been removed from chiller. Traces of vapor should be displaced with dry air or nitrogen and the work area should be well ventilated. Refrigerant in contact with an open flame produces toxic gases. DO NOT USE eyebolts or eyebolt holes to rig chiller sections or the entire assembly. DO NOT work on high-voltage equipment unless you are a qualified electrician. DO NOT WORK ON electrical components, including control panels, switches, starters, or oil heater until you are sure ALL POWER IS OFF and no residual voltage can leak from capacitors or solid-state components. LOCK OPEN AND TAG electrical circuits during servicing. IF WORK IS INTERRUPTED, confirm that all circuits are deenergized before resuming work. AVOID SPILLING liquid refrigerant on skin or getting it into the eyes. USE SAFETY GOGGLES. Wash any spills from the skin with

Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations. PC 211 Catalog No. 531-982 Printed in U.S.A. Form 19XR-5SS Pg 1 6-01 Replaces: 19XR-4SS Book 2 Tab 5a

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Page SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ABBREVIATIONS AND EXPLANATIONS . . . . . . . . 4,5 CHILLER FAMILIARIZATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-7 Chiller Information Nameplate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 System Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cooler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Condenser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Motor-Compressor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Control Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Factory-Mounted Starter or Variable Frequency Drive (Optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Storage Vessel (Optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 REFRIGERATION CYCLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 MOTOR AND LUBRICATING OIL COOLING CYCLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,8 VFD COOLING CYCLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 LUBRICATION CYCLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,9 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Details. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Oil Reclaim System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 PRIMARY OIL RECOVERY MODE SECONDARY OIL RECOVERY METHOD STARTING EQUIPMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,10 Unit-Mounted Solid-State Starter (Optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Unit-Mounted Wye-Delta Starter (Optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Unit-Mounted VFD (Optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 CONTROLS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-45 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 ANALOG SIGNAL DISCRETE SIGNAL General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 PIC II System Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 CHILLER VISUAL CONTROLLER (CVC) INTERNATIONAL CHILLER VISUAL CONTROLLER (ICVC) INTEGRATED STARTER MODULE (ISM) CHILLER CONTROL MODULE (CCM) OIL HEATER CONTACTOR (1C) OIL PUMP CONTACTOR (2C) HOT GAS BYPASS CONTACTOR RELAY (3C) (Optional) CONTROL TRANSFORMERS (T1, T2) OPTIONAL TRANSFORMER (T3) CVC/ICVC Operation and Menus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 GENERAL ALARMS AND ALERTS CVC/ICVC MENU ITEMS BASIC CVC/ICVC OPERATIONS (Using the Softkeys) TO VIEW STATUS OVERRIDE OPERATIONS TIME SCHEDULE OPERATION TO VIEW AND CHANGE SET POINTS SERVICE OPERATION PIC II System Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 CAPACITY CONTROL FIXED SPEED CAPACITY CONTROL VFD ECW CONTROL OPTION CONTROL POINT DEADBAND DIFFUSER CONTROL PROPORTIONAL BANDS AND GAIN DEMAND LIMITING CHILLER TIMERS OCCUPANCY SCHEDULE Safety Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 2
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Page Shunt Trip (Option) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Default Screen Freeze . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Ramp Loading. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Capacity Override . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 High Discharge Temperature Control . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Oil Sump Temperature Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Oil Cooler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Remote Start/Stop Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Spare Safety Inputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Alarm (Trip) Output Contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Refrigerant Leak Detector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Kilowatt Output. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Remote Reset of Alarms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Condenser Pump Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Condenser Freeze Prevention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Evaporator Freeze Protection (ICVC Only) . . . . . . . 38 Tower Fan Relay Low and High . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Auto. Restart After Power Failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Water/Brine Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 RESET TYPE 1 RESET TYPE 2 RESET TYPE 3 Demand Limit Control Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Surge Prevention Algorithm (Fixed Speed Chiller) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Surge Prevention Algorithm with VFD . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Surge Protection VFD Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Surge Protection (Fixed Speed Chiller) . . . . . . . . . . 40 HEAD PRESSURE REFERENCE OUTPUT Lead/Lag Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 COMMON POINT SENSOR INSTALLATION CHILLER COMMUNICATION WIRING LEAD/LAG OPERATION FAULTED CHILLER OPERATION LOAD BALANCING AUTO. RESTART AFTER POWER FAILURE Ice Build Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 ICE BUILD INITIATION START-UP/RECYCLE OPERATION TEMPERATURE CONTROL DURING ICE BUILD TERMINATION OF ICE BUILD RETURN TO NON-ICE BUILD OPERATIONS Attach to Network Device Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 ATTACHING TO OTHER CCN MODULES Service Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 TO ACCESS THE SERVICE SCREENS TO LOG OUT OF NETWORK DEVICE HOLIDAY SCHEDULING START-UP/SHUTDOWN/RECYCLE SEQUENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46,47 Local Start-Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Shutdown Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Automatic Soft Stop Amps Threshold . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Chilled Water Recycle Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Safety Shutdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 BEFORE INITIAL START-UP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48-64 Job Data Required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Equipment Required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Using the Optional Storage Tank and Pumpout System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Remove Shipping Packaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Open Oil Circuit Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Tighten All Gasketed Joints and Guide Vane Shaft Packing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Check Chiller Tightness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Refrigerant Tracer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Leak Test Chiller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Standing Vacuum Test. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Page Chiller Dehydration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Inspect Water Piping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Check Optional Pumpout Compressor Water Piping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Check Relief Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Inspect Wiring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Carrier Comfort Network Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Check Starter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 MECHANICAL STARTER BENSHAW, INC. RediStart MICRO SOLID-STATE STARTER VFD STARTER Oil Charge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Power Up the Controls and Check the Oil Heater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 SOFTWARE VERSION Software Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Input the Design Set Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Input the Local Occupied Schedule (OCCPC01S) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Input Service Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 PASSWORD INPUT TIME AND DATE CHANGE CVC/ICVC CONFIGURATION IF NECESSARY TO CHANGE THE PASSWORD TO CHANGE THE CVC/ICVC DISPLAY FROM ENGLISH TO METRIC UNITS CHANGE LANGUAGE (ICVC ONLY) MODIFY CONTROLLER IDENTIFICATION IF NECESSARY INPUT EQUIPMENT SERVICE PARAMETERS IF NECESSARY CHANGE THE BENSHAW, INC., RediStart MICRO SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION IF NECESSARY VERIFY VFD CONFIGURATION AND CHANGE PARAMETERS IF NECESSARY VFD CHILLER FIELD SET UP AND VERIFICATION VFD CONTROL VERIFICATION (Non-Running) VFD CONTROL VERIFICATION (Running) CONFIGURE DIFFUSER CONTROL IF NECESSARY MODIFY EQUIPMENT CONFIGURATION IF NECESSARY Perform a Control Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 COOLER CONDENSER PRESSURE TRANSDUCER AND WATERSIDE FLOW DEVICE CALIBRATION Check Optional Pumpout System Controls and Compressor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 High Altitude Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Charge Refrigerant Into Chiller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 CHILLER EQUALIZATION WITHOUT A PUMPOUT UNIT CHILLER EQUALIZATION WITH PUMPOUT UNIT TRIMMING REFRIGERANT CHARGE INITIAL START-UP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64-66 Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Dry Run to Test Start-Up Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Check Motor Rotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Check Oil Pressure and Compressor Stop . . . . . . 65 To Prevent Accidental Start-Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Check Chiller Operating Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Instruct the Customer Operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 COOLER-CONDENSER OPTIONAL PUMPOUT STORAGE TANK AND PUMPOUT SYSTEM MOTOR COMPRESSOR ASSEMBLY 3
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Page MOTOR COMPRESSOR LUBRICATION SYSTEM CONTROL SYSTEM AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT DESCRIBE CHILLER CYCLES REVIEW MAINTENANCE SAFETY DEVICES AND PROCEDURES CHECK OPERATOR KNOWLEDGE REVIEW THE START-UP, OPERATION, AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66,67 Operator Duties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Prepare the Chiller for Start-Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 To Start the Chiller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Check the Running System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 To Stop the Chiller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 After Limited Shutdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Preparation for Extended Shutdown . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 After Extended Shutdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Cold Weather Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Manual Guide Vane Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Refrigeration Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 PUMPOUT AND REFRIGERANT TRANSFER PROCEDURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67-71 Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Operating the Optional Pumpout Unit . . . . . . . . . . . 67 TO READ REFRIGERANT PRESSURES Chillers with Storage Tanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 TRANSFER REFRIGERANT FROM PUMPOUT STORAGE TANK TO CHILLER TRANSFER REFRIGERANT FROM CHILLER TO PUMPOUT STORAGE TANK Chillers with Isolation Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 TRANSFER ALL REFRIGERANT TO CHILLER CONDENSER VESSEL TRANSFER ALL REFRIGERANT TO CHILLER COOLER VESSEL RETURN CHILLER TO NORMAL OPERATING CONDITIONS GENERAL MAINTENANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71,72 Refrigerant Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Adding Refrigerant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Removing Refrigerant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Adjusting the Refrigerant Charge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Refrigerant Leak Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Leak Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Test After Service, Repair, or Major Leak . . . . . . . . 71 TESTING WITH REFRIGERANT TRACER TESTING WITHOUT REFRIGERANT TRACER TO PRESSURIZE WITH DRY NITROGEN Repair the Leak, Retest, and Apply Standing Vacuum Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Checking Guide Vane Linkage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Trim Refrigerant Charge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 WEEKLY MAINTENANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Check the Lubrication System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73-75 Service Ontime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Inspect the Control Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Check Safety and Operating Controls Monthly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Changing Oil Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Oil Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Oil Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 TO CHANGE THE OIL Refrigerant Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Oil Reclaim Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Inspect Refrigerant Float System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

Page Inspect Relief Valves and Piping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Compressor Bearing and Gear Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Inspect the Heat Exchanger Tubes and Flow Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 COOLER AND FLOW DEVICES CONDENSER AND FLOW DEVICES Water Leaks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Water Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Inspect the Starting Equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Check Pressure Transducers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Optional Pumpout System Maintenance . . . . . . . . . 75 OPTIONAL PUMPOUT COMPRESSOR OIL CHARGE OPTIONAL PUMPOUT SAFETY CONTROL SETTINGS Ordering Replacement Chiller Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76-122 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Checking Display Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Checking Temperature Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 RESISTANCE CHECK VOLTAGE DROP CHECK SENSOR ACCURACY DUAL TEMPERATURE SENSORS Checking Pressure Transducers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 UNITS EQUIPPED WITH CVC UNITS EQUIPPED WITH ICVC TRANSDUCER REPLACEMENT Control Algorithms Checkout Procedure . . . . . . . . 77 Control Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Control Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 RED LED (Labeled as STAT) GREEN LED (Labeled as COM) Notes on Module Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Chiller Control Module (CCM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 INPUTS OUTPUTS Integrated Starter Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 INPUTS OUTPUTS Replacing Defective Processor Modules . . . . . . . . 88 INSTALLATION Solid-State Starters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 TESTING SILICON CONTROL RECTIFIERS IN BENSHAW, INC. SOLID-STATE STARTERS SCR REMOVAL/INSTALLATION Physical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 INDEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123,124 INITIAL START-UP CHECKLIST FOR 19XR, XRV HERMETIC CENTRIFUGAL LIQUID CHILLER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CL-1 to CL-16 This unit uses a microprocessor control system. Do not short or jumper between terminations on circuit boards or modules; control or board failure may result. Be aware of electrostatic discharge (static electricity) when handling or making contact with circuit boards or module connections. Always touch a chassis (grounded) part to dissipate body electrostatic charge before working inside control center. Use extreme care when handling tools near boards and when connecting or disconnecting terminal plugs. Circuit boards can easily be damaged. Always hold boards by the edges and avoid touching components and connections. This equipment uses, and can radiate, radio frequency energy. If not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, it may cause interference to radio communications. It has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A computing device pursuant to Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference when operated in a commercial environment. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference, in which case the user, at his own expense, will be required to take whatever measures may be required to correct the interference. Always store and transport replacement or defective boards in anti-static shipping bag.


Frequently used abbreviations in this manual include:
CCM CCN CCW CVC CW ECDW ECW EMS HGBP I/O ICVC ISM LCD LCDW LCW LED OLTA PIC II RLA SCR SI TXV VFD Chiller Control Module Carrier Comfort Network Counterclockwise Chiller Visual Controller Clockwise Entering Condenser Water Entering Chilled Water Energy Management System Hot Gas Bypass Input/Output International Chiller Visual Controller Integrated Starter Module Liquid Crystal Display Leaving Condenser Water Leaving Chilled Water Light-Emitting Diode Overload Trip Amps Product Integrated Controls II Rated Load Amps Silicon Controlled Rectifier International System of Units Thermostatic Expansion Valve Variable Frequency Drive

Prior to initial start-up of the 19XR unit, those involved in the start-up, operation, and maintenance should be thoroughly familiar with these instructions and other necessary job data. This book is outlined to familiarize those involved in the startup, operation and maintenance of the unit with the control system before performing start-up procedures. Procedures in this manual are arranged in the sequence required for proper chiller start-up and operation.

Words printed in all capital letters or in italics may be viewed on the Chiller Visual Controller/International Chiller Visual Controller (CVC/ICVC) (e.g., LOCAL, CCN, ALARM, etc.). Words printed in both all capital letters and italics can also be viewed on the CVC/ICVC and are parameters (e.g., CONTROL MODE, COMPRESSOR START RELAY, ICE BUILD OPTION, etc.) with associated values (e.g., modes, temperatures, percentages, pressures, on, off, etc.). Words printed in all capital letters and in a box represent softkeys on the CVC/ICVC control panel (e.g., ENTER , EXIT , INCREASE , QUIT , etc.).

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Factory-installed additional components are referred to as options in this manual; factory-supplied but field-installed additional components are referred to as accessories. The chiller software part number of the 19XR unit is located on the back of the CVC/ICVC.

through its internal tubes in order to remove heat from the refrigerant.

Motor-Compressor This component maintains system temperature and pressure differences and moves the heatcarrying refrigerant from the cooler to the condenser. Control Panel The control panel is the user interface for controlling the chiller. It regulates the chillers capacity as required to maintain proper leaving chilled water temperature. The control panel: registers cooler, condenser, and lubricating system pressures shows chiller operating condition and alarm shutdown conditions records the total chiller operating hours sequences chiller start, stop, and recycle under microprocessor control displays status of motor starter provides access to other CCN (Carrier Comfort Network) devices and energy management systems Languages pre-installed at factory include: English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (ICVC only). International language translator (ILT) is available for conversion of extended ASCII characters (ICVC only).

CHILLER FAMILIARIZATION (Fig. 1 and 2) Chiller Information Nameplate The information nameplate is located on the right side of the chiller control panel. System Components The components include the
cooler and condenser heat exchangers in separate vessels, motor-compressor, lubrication package, control panel, and motor starter. All connections from pressure vessels have external threads to enable each component to be pressure tested with a threaded pipe cap during factory assembly.

Cooler This vessel (also known as the evaporator) is located underneath the compressor. The cooler is maintained at lower temperature/pressure so evaporating refrigerant can remove heat from water flowing through its internal tubes.

Condenser The condenser operates at a higher

temperature/pressure than the cooler and has water flowing
19XR- High Efficiency Hermetic Centrifugal Liquid Chiller 19XRV High Efficiency Hermetic Centrifugal Liquid Chiller with Variable Frequency Drive Unit-Mounted






Special Order Indicator Standard S Special Order Motor Voltage Code Code Volts-Phase-Hertz 60 200-3-60 61 230-3-60 62 380-3-60 63 416-3-60 64 460-3-60 65 575-3-60 66 2400-3-60 67 3300-3-60 68 4160-3-60 69 6900-3-60 50 230-3-50 51 346-3-50 52 400-3-50 53 3000-3-50 54 3300-3-50 55 6300-3-50 Motor Efficiency Code H High Efficiency S Standard Efficiency Motor Code BD CD BE CE BF CL BG CM BH CN CP CQ

Cooler Size 10-12 (Frame 1 XR) 15-17 (Frame 1 XR) 20-22 (Frame 2 XR) 30-32 (Frame 3 XR) 35-37 (Frame 3 XR) 40-42 (Frame 4 XR) 45-47 (Frame 4 XR) 50-52 (Frame 5 XR) 5A (Frame 5 XR) 5B (Frame 5 XR) 5C (Frame 5 XR)

55-57 (Frame 5 XR) 5F (Frame 5 XR) 5G (Frame 5 XR) 5H (Frame 5 XR) 60-62 (Frame 6 XR) 65-67 (Frame 6 XR) 70-72 (Frame 7 XR) 75-77 (Frame 7 XR) 80-82 (Frame 8 XR) 85-87 (Frame 8 XR)

Condenser Size 10-12 (Frame 1 XR) 15-17 (Frame 1 XR) 20-22 (Frame 2 XR) 30-32 (Frame 3 XR) 35-37 (Frame 3 XR) 40-42 (Frame 4 XR) 45-47 (Frame 4 XR) 50-52 (Frame 5 XR) 55-57 (Frame 5 XR) 60-62 (Frame 6 XR) 65-67 (Frame 6 XR) 70-72 (Frame 7 XR) 75-77 (Frame 7 XR) 80-82 (Frame 8 XR) 85-87 (Frame 8 XR) Compressor Code (First Digit Indicates Compressor Frame Size)* *Second digit will be a letter (example 4G3) on units equipped with split ring diffuser. MODEL NUMBER NOMENCLATURE



27 99 Q

59843 Unique Number Place of Manufacture

Week of Year Year of Manufacture


Fig. 1 19XR Identification 5

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1 2 3 4 5 17 6


8 15 14 13 12 11 9 10

LEGEND 1 Guide Vane Actuator 2 Suction Elbow 3 Chiller Visual Controller/ International Chiller Visual Control (CVC/ICVC) 4 Chiller Identification Nameplate 5 Cooler, Auto Reset Relief Valves 6 Cooler Pressure Transducer 7 Condenser In/Out Temperature Thermistors 8 Condenser Waterflow Device (ICVC Inputs available) 9 Cooler In/Out Temperature Thermistors 10 Cooler Waterflow Device (ICVC Inputs available) 11 Refrigerant Charging Valve 12 Typical Flange Connection 13 Oil Drain Charging Valve 14 Oil Level Sight Glasses 15 Refrigerant Oil Cooler (Hidden) 16 Auxiliary Power Panel 17 Compressor Motor Housing

18 19 20 21 22

34 23

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

LEGEND Condenser Auto. Reset Relief Valves Compressor Motor Circuit Breaker Solid-State Starter Control Display Unit-Mounted Starter (Optional) Solid-State Starter Shown Motor Sight Glass Cooler Return-End Waterbox Cover ASME Nameplate (One Hidden) Typical Waterbox Drain Port Condenser Return-End Waterbox Cover Refrigerant Moisture/Flow Indicator Refrigerant Filter/Drier Liquid Line Isolation Valve (Optional) Linear Float Valve Chamber Vessel Take-Apart Connector Discharge Isolation Valve (Optional) Pumpout Valve Condenser Pressure Transducer

33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24


Fig. 2 Typical 19XR Components

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Factory-Mounted Starter or Variable Frequency Drive (Optional) The starter allows for the
proper start and disconnect of electrical energy for the compressor-motor, oil pump, oil heater, and control panel.

Storage Vessel (Optional) There are 2 sizes of storage vessels available. The vessels have double relief valves, a magnetically-coupled dial-type refrigerant level gage, a one-inch FPT drain valve, and a 1/2-in. male flare vapor connection for the pumpout unit. NOTE: If a storage vessel is not used at the jobsite, factoryinstalled isolation valves on the chiller may be used to isolate the chiller charge in either the cooler or condenser. An optional pumpout system is used to transfer refrigerant from vessel to vessel. REFRIGERATION CYCLE
The compressor continuously draws refrigerant vapor from the cooler at a rate set by the amount of guide vane opening or compressor speed (19XRV only). As the compressor suction reduces the pressure in the cooler, the remaining refrigerant boils at a fairly low temperature (typically 38 to 42 F [3 to 6 C]). The energy required for boiling is obtained from the water flowing through the cooler tubes. With heat energy removed, the water becomes cold enough to use in an air conditioning circuit or for process liquid cooling. After taking heat from the water, the refrigerant vapor is compressed. Compression adds still more heat energy, and the

refrigerant is quite warm (typically 98 to 102 F [37 to 40 C]) when it is discharged from the compressor into the condenser. Relatively cool (typically 65 to 90 F [18 to 32 C]) water flowing into the condenser tubes removes heat from the refrigerant and the vapor condenses to liquid. The liquid refrigerant passes through orifices into the FLASC (Flash Subcooler) chamber (Fig. 3). Since the FLASC chamber is at a lower pressure, part of the liquid refrigerant flashes to vapor, thereby cooling the remaining liquid. The FLASC vapor is recondensed on the tubes which are cooled by entering condenser water. The liquid drains into a float chamber between the FLASC chamber and cooler. Here a float valve forms a liquid seal to keep FLASC chamber vapor from entering the cooler. When liquid refrigerant passes through the valve, some of it flashes to vapor in the reduced pressure on the cooler side. In flashing, it removes heat from the remaining liquid. The refrigerant is now at a temperature and pressure at which the cycle began.


The motor and the lubricating oil are cooled by liquid refrigerant taken from the bottom of the condenser vessel (Fig. 3). Refrigerant flow is maintained by the pressure differential that exists due to compressor operation. After the refrigerant flows past an isolation valve, an in-line filter, and a sight glass/moisture indicator, the flow is split between the motor cooling and oil cooling systems.

Fig. 3 Refrigerant Motor Cooling and Oil Cooling Cycles 7

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Flow to the motor cooling system passes through an orifice and into the motor. Once past the orifice, the refrigerant is directed over the motor by a spray nozzle. The refrigerant collects in the bottom of the motor casing and is then drained back into the cooler through the motor refrigerant drain line. An orifice (in the motor shell) maintains a higher pressure in the motor shell than in the cooler. The motor is protected by a temperature sensor imbedded in the stator windings. An increase in motor winding temperature past the motor override set point overrides the temperature capacity control to hold, and if the motor temperature rises 10 F (5.5 C) above this set point, closes the inlet guide vanes. If the temperature rises above the safety limit, the compressor shuts down. Refrigerant that flows to the oil cooling system is regulated by thermostatic expansion valves (TXVs). The TXVs regulate flow into the oil/refrigerant plate and frame-type heat exchanger (the oil cooler in Fig. 3). The expansion valve bulbs control oil temperature to the bearings. The refrigerant leaving the oil cooler heat exchanger returns to the chiller cooler.


The unit-mounted variable frequency drive (VFD) is cooled in a manner similar to the motor and lubricating oil cooling cycle (Fig. 3). If equipped with a unit-mounted VFD, the refrigerant line that feeds the motor cooling and oil cooler also feeds the heat exchanger on the unit-mounted VFD. Refrigerant is metered through a thermostatic expansion valve (TXV). To maintain proper operating temperature in the VFD, the TXV bulb is mounted to the heat exchanger to regulate the flow of refrigerant. The refrigerant leaving the heat exchanger returns to the cooler.

LUBRICATION CYCLE Summary The oil pump, oil filter, and oil cooler make
up a package located partially in the transmission casing of the compressor-motor assembly. The oil is pumped into a filter assembly to remove foreign particles and is then forced into an oil cooler heat exchanger where the oil is cooled to proper operational temperatures. After the oil cooler, part of the flow is directed to the gears and the high speed shaft bearings; the remaining flow is directed to the motor shaft bearings. Oil drains into the transmission oil sump to complete the cycle (Fig. 4).

cooler heat exchanger. The oil cooler uses refrigerant from the condenser as the coolant. The refrigerant cools the oil to a temperature between 120 and 140 F (49 to 60 C). As the oil leaves the oil cooler, it passes the oil pressure transducer and the thermal bulb for the refrigerant expansion valve on the oil cooler. The oil is then divided. Part of the oil flows to the thrust bearing, forward pinion bearing, and gear spray. The rest of the oil lubricates the motor shaft bearings and the rear pinion bearing. The oil temperature is measured in the bearing housing as it leaves the thrust and forward journal bearings. The oil then drains into the oil reservoir at the base of the compressor. The PIC II (Product Integrated Control II) measures the temperature of the oil in the sump and maintains the temperature during shutdown (see Oil Sump Temperature Control section, page 36). This temperature is read on the CVC/ICVC default screen. During the chiller start-up, the PIC II energizes the oil pump and provides 45 seconds of pre-lubrication to the bearings after pressure is verified before starting the compressor. During shutdown, the oil pump will run for 60 seconds to postlubricate after the compressor shuts down. The oil pump can also be energized for testing purposes during a Control Test. Ramp loading can slow the rate of guide vane opening to minimize oil foaming at start-up. If the guide vanes open quickly, the sudden drop in suction pressure can cause any refrigerant in the oil to flash. The resulting oil foam cannot be pumped efficiently; therefore, oil pressure falls off and lubrication is poor. If oil pressure falls below 15 psid (103 kPad) differential, the PIC II will shut down the compressor. If the controls are subject to a power failure that lasts more than 3 hours, the oil pump will be energized periodically when the power is restored. This helps to eliminate refrigerant that has migrated to the oil sump during the power failure. The controls energize the pump for 60 seconds every 30 minutes until the chiller is started.

Oil Reclaim System The oil reclaim system returns

oil lost from the compressor housing back to the oil reservoir by recovering the oil from 2 areas on the chiller. The guide vane housing is the primary area of recovery. Oil is also recovered by skimming it from the operating refrigerant level in the cooler vessel. PRIMARY OIL RECOVERY MODE Oil is normally recovered through the guide vane housing on the chiller. This is possible because oil is normally entrained with refrigerant in the chiller. As the compressor pulls the refrigerant up from the cooler into the guide vane housing to be compressed, the oil normally drops out at this point and falls to the bottom of the guide vane housing where it accumulates. Using discharge gas pressure to power an eductor, the oil is drawn from the housing and is discharged into the oil reservoir. SECONDARY OIL RECOVERY METHOD The secondary method of oil recovery is significant under light load conditions, when the refrigerant going up to the compressor suction does not have enough velocity to bring oil along. Under these conditions, oil collects in a greater concentration at the top level of the refrigerant in the cooler. This oil and refrigerant mixture is skimmed from the side of the cooler and is then drawn up to the guide vane housing. There is a filter in this line. Because the guide vane housing pressure is much lower than the cooler pressure, the refrigerant boils off, leaving the oil behind to be collected by the primary oil recovery method.

Details Oil is charged into the lubrication system through

a hand valve. Two sight glasses in the oil reservoir permit oil level observation. Normal oil level is between the middle of the upper sight glass and the top of the lower sight glass when the compressor is shut down. The oil level should be visible in at least one of the 2 sight glasses during operation. Oil sump temperature is displayed on the CVC/ICVC (Chiller Visual Controller/International Chiller Visual Controller) default screen. During compressor operation, the oil sump temperature ranges between 125 to 150 F (52 to 66 C). The oil pump suction is fed from the oil reservoir. An oil pressure relief valve maintains 18 to 25 psid (124 to172 kPad) differential pressure in the system at the pump discharge. This differential pressure can be read directly from the CVC/ICVC default screen. The oil pump discharges oil to the oil filter assembly. This filter can be closed to permit removal of the filter without draining the entire oil system (see Maintenance sections, pages 71 to 75, for details). The oil is then piped to the oil

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Fig. 4 Lubrication System

The 19XR requires a motor starter to operate the centrifugal hermetic compressor motor, the oil pump, and various auxiliary equipment. The starter is the main field wiring interface for the contractor. See Carrier Specification Z-415 for specific starter requirements, Z-416 for free-standing VFD requirements and Z-417 for unit-mounted VFD requirements. All starters must meet these specifications in order to properly start and satisfy mechanical safety requirements. Starters may be supplied as separate, free-standing units or may be mounted directly on the chiller (unit mounted) for low voltage units only. Three separate circuit breakers are inside the starter. Circuit breaker CB1 is the compressor motor circuit breaker. The disconnect switch on the starter front cover is connected to this breaker. Circuit breaker CB1 supplies power to the compressor motor.

solid-state starters. This module controls and monitors all aspects of the starter. See the Controls section on page 10 for additional ISM information. All starter replacement parts are supplied by the starter manufacturer excluding the ISM (contact Carriers Replacement Component Division [RCD]).

Unit-Mounted Solid-State Starter (Optional)

The 19XR chiller may be equipped with a solid-state, reducedvoltage starter (Fig. 5 and 6). This starters primary function is to provide on-off control of the compressor motor. This type of starter reduces the peak starting torque, reduces the motor inrush current, and decreases mechanical shock. This capability is summed up by the phrase soft starting. The solid-state starter is available as a 19XR option (factory supplied and installed). The solid-state starters manufacturer name is located inside the starter access door. A solid-state, reduced-voltage starter operates by reducing the starting voltage. The starting torque of a motor at full voltage is typically 125% to 175% of the running torque. When the voltage and the current are reduced at start-up, the starting torque is reduced as well. The object is to reduce the starting voltage to just the voltage necessary to develop the torque required to get the motor moving. The voltage is reduced by silicon controlled rectifiers (SCRs). The voltage and current are then ramped up in a desired period of time. Once full voltage is reached, a bypass contactor is energized to bypass the SCRs.

The main circuit breaker (CB1) on the front of the starter disconnects the main motor current only. Power is still energized for the other circuits. Two more circuit breakers inside the starter must be turned off to disconnect power to the oil pump, PIC II controls, and oil heater. Circuit breaker CB2 supplies power to the control panel, oil heater, and portions of the starter controls. Circuit breaker CB3 supplies power to the oil pump. Both CB2 and CB3 are wired in parallel with CB1 so that power is supplied to them if the CB1 disconnect is open. All starters must include a Carrier control module called the Integrated Starter Module (ISM), excluding the Benshaw 9
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When voltage is supplied to the solid-state circuitry (CB1 is closed), the heat sinks in the starter as well as the wires leading to the motor and the motor terminal are at line voltage. Do not touch the heat sinks, power wiring, or motor terminals while voltage is present or serious injury will result.

3 4 6

There is a display on the front of the Benshaw, Inc., solidstate starters that is useful for troubleshooting and starter checkout. The display indicates: voltage to the SCRs SCR control voltage power indication proper phasing for rotation start circuit energized over-temperature ground fault current unbalance run state software configuration The starter is further explained in the Check Starter and Troubleshooting Guide sections, pages 54 and 76.

Unit-Mounted Wye-Delta Starter (Optional)

The 19XR chiller may be equipped with a wye-delta starter mounted on the unit. This starter is used with low-voltage motors (under 600 v). It reduces the starting current inrush by connecting each phase of the motor windings into a wye configuration. This occurs during the starting period when the motor is accelerating up to speed. Once the motor is up to speed, the starter automatically connects the phase windings into a delta configuration. Starter control, monitoring, and motor protection is provided by Carriers Integrated Starter Module (ISM).
LEGEND RediStart MICRO Input/Output Card Fuses 1-4 (Hidden, not depicted) Circuit Breaker 2 (CB2): Machine Control and Heater Power Circuit Breaker 3 (CB3): Oil Pump Power RediStart MICRO Central Processing Unit Card (CPU) RediStart MICRO Power Card (hidden, not depicted) RediStart MICRO Bypass Card (hidden, not depicted)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Fig. 5 Solid-State Starter Box, Internal View

Unit-Mounted VFD (Optional) The 19XRV unit will be equipped with a variable frequency drive motor controller mounted on the unit. See Fig. 7 and 8. This VFD is used with low voltage motors between 380 and 480 VAC. It reduces the starting current inrush by controlling the voltage and frequency to the compressor motor. Once the motor has accelerated to minimum speed the PIC II modulates the compressor speed and guide vane position to control chilled water temperature. The VFD is further explained in the Controls section and Troubleshooting Guide section, pages 10 and 76. There is a separate display located on the unit-mounted VFD. Operational parameters and fault codes are displayed relative to the drive. Refer to specific drive literature along with troubleshooting sections. The display is also the interface for entering specific chiller operational parameters. These parameters have been preprogrammed at the factory. An adhesive backed label on the inside of the drive has been provided for verification of the specific job parameters. See Initial Start-Up Checklist section for details. CONTROLS Definitions
ANALOG SIGNAL An analog signal varies in proportion to the monitored source. It quantifies values between operating limits. (Example: A temperature sensor is an analog device because its resistance changes in proportion to the temperature, generating many values.) DISCRETE SIGNAL A discrete signal is a 2-position representation of the value of a monitored source. (Example: A switch produces a discrete signal indicating whether a value is above or below a set point or boundary by generating an on/off, high/low, or open/closed signal.)

Fig. 6 Typical Starter External View (Solid-State Starter Shown)

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Forward Reverse



Forward Reverse






Fig. 7 Variable Frequency Drive (VFD)








Forward Reverse



Kw TORQUE Password






Fig. 8 Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) Starter Internal View

General The 19XR hermetic centrifugal liquid chiller contains a microprocessor-based control center that monitors and controls all operations of the chiller (see Fig. 9). The microprocessor control system matches the cooling capacity of the chiller to the cooling load while providing state-of-the-art chiller protection. The system controls cooling load within the set point plus the deadband by sensing the leaving chilled water or brine temperature and regulating the inlet guide vane via a mechanically linked actuator motor. The guide vane is a variable flow pre-whirl assembly that controls the refrigeration effect in the cooler by regulating the amount of refrigerant vapor flow into the compressor. An increase in guide vane opening increases capacity. A decrease in guide vane opening decreases capacity. The microprocessor-based control center protects the chiller by monitoring the digital and analog inputs and executing capacity overrides or safety shutdowns, if required.
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PIC II System Components The chiller control

system is called the PIC II (Product Integrated Control II). See Table 1. The PIC II controls the operation of the chiller by monitoring all operating conditions. The PIC II can diagnose a problem and let the operator know what the problem is and what to check. It promptly positions the guide vanes to maintain leaving chilled water temperature. It can interface with auxiliary equipment such as pumps and cooling tower fans to turn them on when required. It continually checks all safeties to prevent any unsafe operating condition. It also regulates the oil heater while the compressor is off and regulates the hot gas bypass valve, if installed. The PIC II controls provide critical protection for the compressor motor and controls the motor starter.

















Fig. 9 19XR Controls and Sensor Locations 12

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The PIC II can interface with the Carrier Comfort Network (CCN) if desired. It can communicate with other PIC I or PIC II equipped chillers and other CCN devices. The PIC II consists of 3 modules housed inside 3 major components. The component names and corresponding control voltages are listed below (also see Table 1): control panel all extra low-voltage wiring (24 v or less) power panel 230 or 115 v control voltage (per job requirement) up to 600 v for oil pump power starter cabinet chiller power wiring (per job requirement) Table 1 Major PIC II Components and Panel Locations*
PIC II COMPONENT Chiller Visual Controller (CVC/ICVC) and Display Integrated Starter Module (ISM) Chiller Control Module (CCM) Oil Heater Contactor (1C) Oil Pump Contactor (2C) Hot Gas Bypass Relay (3C) (Optional) Control Transformers (T1, T2) Temperature Sensors Pressure Transducers *See Fig. 8-13. PANEL LOCATION Control Panel Starter Cabinet Control Panel Power Panel Power Panel Power Panel Power Panel See Fig. 9. See Fig. 9.

CHILLER VISUAL CONTROLLER (CVC) The CVC is the brain of the PIC II. This module contains all the operating software needed to control the chiller. The CVC is mounted to the control panel (Fig. 12) and is the input center for all local chiller set points, schedules, configurable functions, and options. The CVC has a stop button, an alarm light, four buttons for logic inputs, and a backlight display. The backlight will automatically turn off after 15 minutes of non-use. The functions of the four buttons or softkeys are menu driven and are shown on the display directly above the softkeys. The viewing angle of the CVC can be adjusted for optimum viewing. Remove the 2 bolts connecting the control panel to the brackets attached to the cooler. Place them in one of the holes to pivot the control panel forward to backward to change the viewing angle. See Fig. 12. To change the contrast of the display, access the adjustment on the back of the CVC. See Fig. 12. INTERNATIONAL CHILLER VISUAL CONTROLLER (ICVC) Incorporates all of the functions and operating software of the CVC with the added feature of 4 factory programmed languages: English (default) Chinese Japanese Korean NOTE: Pressing any one of the four softkey buttons will activate the backlight display without implementing a softkey function. INTEGRATED STARTER MODULE (ISM) This module is located in the starter cabinet. This module initiates commands from the CVC/ICVC for starter functions such as starting and stopping the compressor, condenser, chilled water pumps, tower fan, spare alarm contacts, and the shunt trip. The ISM monitors starter inputs such as line voltage, motor current,

ground fault, remote start contact, spare safety, condenser high pressure, oil pump interlock, starter 1M, and run contacts. The ISM contains logic capable of safety shutdown. It shuts down the chiller if communications with the CVC/ICVC are lost. The ISM can also act as the interface for PIC II to the VFD controller. CHILLER CONTROL MODULE (CCM) This module is located in the control panel. The CCM provides the input and outputs necessary to control the chiller. This module monitors refrigerant pressure, entering and leaving water temperatures, and outputs control for the guide vane actuator, oil heaters, and oil pump. The CCM is the connection point for optional demand limit, chilled water reset, remote temperature reset, refrigerant leak sensor and motor kilowatt output. OIL HEATER CONTACTOR (1C) This contactor is located in the power panel (Fig. 13) and operates the heater at either 115 or 230 v. It is controlled by the PIC II to maintain oil temperature during chiller shutdown. The XR4 with split ring diffuser has a line voltage oil heater. Refer to the control panel wiring schematic. OIL PUMP CONTACTOR (2C) This contactor is located in the power panel. It operates all 200 to 575-v oil pumps. The PIC II energizes the contactor to turn on the oil pump as necessary. HOT GAS BYPASS CONTACTOR RELAY (3C) (Optional) This relay, located in the power panel, controls the opening of the hot gas bypass valve. The PIC II energizes the relay during low load, high lift conditions. CONTROL TRANSFORMERS (T1, T2) These transformers convert incoming control voltage to 24 vac power for the 3 power panel contactor relays, CCM, and CVC/ICVC. OPTIONAL TRANSFORMER (T3) This transformer provides control power to Dataport/DataLINK modules.

Fig. 10 Control Sensors (Temperature)

Fig. 11 Control Sensors (Pressure Transducers, Typical)

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Fig. 12 Control Panel

Fig. 13 Power Panel 14

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CVC/ICVC Operation and Menus (Fig. 14-20)

GENERAL The CVC/ICVC display automatically reverts to the default screen after 15 minutes if no softkey activity takes place and if the chiller is not in the pumpdown mode (Fig. 14). If a screen other than the default screen is displayed on the CVC/ICVC, the name of that screen is in the upper right corner (Fig. 15). The CVC/ICVC may be set to display either English or SI units. Use the CVC/ICVC configuration screen (accessed from the Service menu) to change the units. See the Service Operation section, page 45. Local Operation The PIC II can be placed in local operating mode by pressing the LOCAL softkey. The PIC II then accepts commands from the CVC/ICVC only and uses the Local Time Schedule to determine chiller start and stop times. CCN Operation The PIC II can be placed in the CCN operating mode by pressing the CCN softkey. The PIC II then accepts modifications from any CCN interface or module (with the proper authority), as well as from the CVC/ICVC. The PIC II uses the CCN time schedule to determine start and stop times. ALARMS AND ALERTS An alarm shuts down the compressor. An alert does not shut down the compressor, but it notifies the operator that an unusual condition has occurred. An alarm (*) or alert (!) is indicated on the STATUS screens on the far right field of the CVC/ICVC display screen. Alarms are indicated when the control center alarm light (!) flashes. The primary alarm message is displayed on the default screen. An additional, secondary message and troubleshooting information are sent to the ALARM HISTORY table. When an alarm is detected, the CVC/ICVC default screen will freeze (stop updating) at the time of alarm. The freeze enables the operator to view the chiller conditions at the time of alarm. The STATUS tables will show the updated information. Once all alarms have been cleared (by pressing the RESET softkey), the default CVC/ICVC screen will return to normal operation. CVC/ICVC MENU ITEMS To perform any of the operations described below, the PIC II must be powered up and have successfully completed its self test. The self test takes place automatically, after power-up. Press the MENU softkey to view the list of menu structures: STATUS , SCHEDULE , SETPOINT , and SERVICE . The STATUS menu allows viewing and limited calibration or modification of control points and sensors, relays and contacts, and the options board. The SCHEDULE menu allows viewing and modification of the local and CCN time schedules and Ice Build time schedules. The SETPOINT menu allows set point adjustments, such as the entering chilled water and leaving chilled water set points. The SERVICE menu can be used to view or modify information on the Alarm History, Control Test, Control Algorithm Status, Equipment Configuration, ISM Starter Configuration data, Equipment Service, Time and Date, Attach to Network Device, Log Out of Network Device, and CVC/ICVC Configuration screens.

For more information menu structures, to PRIMARY STATUS on the COMPRESSOR DATE refer TIME ON TIME Fig. 17. MESSAGE
CHW IN CHW OUT 01-01-95 11:48 28.8 HOURS EVAP REF














Fig. 14 CVC/ICVC Default Screen




Fig. 15 CVC/ICVC Service Screen

Press the softkey that corresponds to the menu structure to be viewed: STATUS SCHEDULE , SETPOINT , or SERVICE . To view or change parameters within any of these menu structures, use the NEXT and PREVIOUS softkeys to scroll down to the desired item or table. Use the SELECT softkey to select that item. The softkey choices that then appear depend on the selected table or menu. The softkey choices and their functions are described below. BASIC CVC/ICVC OPERATIONS (Using the Softkeys) To perform any of the operations described below, the PIC II must be powered up and have successfully completed its self test.

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Press QUIT to leave the selected decision or field without saving any changes.

Press ENTER to leave the selected decision or field and save changes.

Press NEXT to scroll the cursor bar down in order to highlight a point or to view more points below the current screen.

2. Press NEXT or PREVIOUS to highlight the desired status table. The list of tables is: MAINSTAT Overall chiller status STARTUP Status required to perform start-up of chiller COMPRESS Status of sensors related to the compressor HEAT_EX Status of sensors related to the heat exchangers POWER Status of motor input power ISM_STAT Status of motor starter CVC_PSWD Service menu password forcing access screen ICVC_PSWD Service menu password forcing access screen

3. Press SELECT to view the desired point status table. Press PREVIOUS to scroll the cursor bar up in order to highlight a point or to view points above the current screen. 4. On the point status table, press NEXT or PREVIOUS until the desired point is displayed on the screen.

Press SELECT to view the next screen level (highlighted with the cursor bar), or to override (if allowable) the highlighted point value.
19XR_II MAINSTAT Control Mode Run Status Start Inhibit Timer Occupied? System Alert/Alarm Chiller Start/Stop Remote Start Contact Temperature Reset Control Point Chilled Water Temp Active Demand Limit Average Line Current POINT STATUS OFF Ready 0.0 Min NO NORMAL STOP Open 0.0 F 44.0 F 44.6 F 100% 0.0%

Press EXIT to return to the previous screen level.

Press INCREASE or DECREASE to change the highlighted point value. Fig. 16 Example of Status Screen OVERRIDE OPERATIONS To Override a Value or Status 1. From any point status screen, press NEXT PREVIOUS to highlight the desired value.

TO VIEW STATUS (Fig. 16) The status table shows the actual value of overall chiller status such as CONTROL MODE, RUN STATUS, AUTO CHILLED WATER RESET, and REMOTE RESET SENSOR. 1. On the menu screen, press STATUS to view the list of point status tables.


2. Press SELECT to select the highlighted value. Then:

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Start Chiller In CCN Control

Start Chiller in Local Control Clear Alarms STATUS List the Status Tables MAINSTAT STARTUP COMPRESS HEAT_EX POWER ISM_STAT CVC_PSWD Select a Status Table PREVIOUS NEXT Select a Modification Point PREVIOUS NEXT Modify a Discrete Point START STOP ON OFF Modify an Analog Point INCREASE DECREASE Modify Control Options DISABLE ENABLE SELECT EXIT SCHEDULE Access Main Menu SETPOINT SERVICE 1 1 1 1 (ENTER A 4-DIGIT PASSWORD) (VALUES SHOWN AT FACTORY DEFAULT) List the Service Tables Display The Setpoint Table List the Schedules Base Demand Limit LCW Setpoint ECW Setpoint Ice Build Setpoint Tower Fan High Setpoint Select the Setpoint SELECT PREVIOUS NEXT Modify the Setpoint INCREASE DECREASE QUIT











Fig. 17 19XR Chiller Display Menu Structure (CVC/ICVC)

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SERVICE TABLE NEXT PREVIOUS SELECT EXIT ALARM HISTORY Display Alarm History (The table holds up to 25 alarms and alerts with the most recent alarm at the top of the screen.) CONTROL TEST List the Control Tests CCM Thermistors CCM Pressure Transducers Pumps Discrete Outputs Guide Vane Actuator Diffuser Actuator Pumpdown/Lockout Terminate Lockout Guide Vane Calibration Select a Test NEXT PREVIOUS SELECT EXIT

CONTROL ALGORITHM STATUS List the Control Algorithm Status Tables CAPACITY (Capacity Control) OVERRIDE (Override Status) LL_MAINT (Lead Lag Status) ISM_HIST (ISM Alarm History) LOADSHED WSMDEFME (Water System Manager Control Status) OCCDEFCM (Time Schedule Status) Select a Table SELECT PREVIOUS EXIT NEXT

OCCDEFM (Time Schedule Status) Data Select Table PREVIOUS NEXT SELECT EXIT CAPACITY (Capacity Control Algorithm) OVERRIDE (Override Status) LL_MAINT (LEADLAG Status) WSMDEFM2 (Water System Manager Control Status)


Maintenance Table Data

List the Equipment Configuration Tables










Fig. 18 19XR Service Menu Structure

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Select a Service Table Parameter SELECT PREVIOUS NEXT Modify a Service Table Parameter INCREASE DECREASE QUIT ENABLE DISABLE QUIT


TIME AND DATE Display Time and Date Table: To Modify Current Time Current Date ENTER INCREASE DECREASE YES NO ENTER

ATTACH TO NETWORK DEVICE List Network Devices Local Device 6 Device 1 Device 7 Device 2 Device 8 Device 3 Device 9 Device 4 Device 5 Select a Device PREVIOUS NEXT SELECT ATTACH


Modify Device Address INCREASE DECREASE ENTER EXIT Use to attach CVC to another CCN network or device Attach to "LOCAL" to enter this machine To upload new tables LOG OUT OF DEVICE Default Screen LOCAL CCN



CVC CONFIGURATION CVC Configuration Table INCREASE DECREASE ENTER EXIT To View CVC Software Version To Modify CVC CCN Address (last 2 digits of part number English (U.S. IMP.) or S.I. Metric Units indicate software version) Password


LEGEND Carrier Comfort Network Chiller Visual Controller International Chiller Visual Controller Integrated Starter Module Product Integrated Control II

Fig. 18 19XR Service Menu Structure (cont)

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For Discrete Points Press START or STOP to select the desired state.

OCCPC02S ICE BUILD Time Schedule OCCPC03S CCN Time Schedule

For Analog Points Press INCREASE DECREASE to select the desired value.


3. Press SELECT to view the desired time schedule.

3. Press ENTER to register the new value.

4. Press NEXT or PREVIOUS to highlight the desired period or override to change.

NOTE: When overriding or changing metric values, it is necessary to hold down the softkey for a few seconds in order to see a value change, especially on kilopascal values. To Remove an Override 1. On the point status table press NEXT or PREVIOUS to highlight the desired value.

5. Press SELECT to access the highlighted period or override.

6. a. Press INCREASE or DECREASE to change the time values. Override values are in one-hour increments, up to 4 hours. 2. Press SELECT to access the highlighted value.

3. Press RELEASE to remove the override and return the point to the PIC IIs automatic control.

b. Press ENABLE to select days in the day-of-week fields. Press DISABLE to eliminate days from the period.

Override Indication An override value is indicated by SUPVSR, SERVC, or BEST flashing next to the point value on the STATUS table. TIME SCHEDULE OPERATION (Fig. 19) 1. On the Menu screen, press SCHEDULE .

2. Press NEXT or PREVIOUS to highlight the desired schedule. OCCPC01S LOCAL Time Schedule Fig. 19 Example of Time Schedule Operation Screen

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7. Press ENTER to register the values and to move horizontally (left to right) within a period.

8. Press EXIT to leave the period or override.

2. There are 5 set points on this screen: BASE DEMAND LIMIT, LCW SETPOINT (leaving chilled water set point), ECW SETPOINT (entering chilled water set point), ICE BUILD SETPOINT, and TOWER FAN HIGH SETPOINT. Only one of the chilled water set points can be active at one time. The set point that is active is determined from the SERVICE menu. See the Service Operation section, page 45. The ice build (ICE BUILD) function is also activated and configured from the SERVICE menu. 3. Press NEXT or PREVIOUS to highlight the desired set point entry.

9. Either return to Step 4 to select another period or override, or press EXIT again to leave the current time schedule screen and save the changes. 4. Press SELECT to modify the highlighted set point.

10. The Holiday Designation (HOLIDEF table) may be found in the Service Operation section, page 45. The month, day, and duration for the holiday must be assigned. The Broadcast function in the BRODEF table also must be enabled for holiday periods to function. TO VIEW AND CHANGE SET POINTS (Fig. 20) 1. To view the SETPOINT table, from the MENU screen press SETPOINT .

5. Press INCREASE or DECREASE to change the selected set point value.

6. Press ENTER to save the changes and return to the previous screen.



SETPOINT SELECT 100% 50.0 F 60.0 F 40.0 F 85.0 F

Base Demand Limit Control Point LCW Setpoint ECW Setpoint ICE BUILD Setpoint Tower Fan High Setpoint

SERVICE OPERATION To view the menu-driven programs available for Service Operation, see Service Operation section, page 45. For examples of CVC/ICVC display screens, see Table 2.

Fig. 20 Example of Set Point Screen

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Table 2 CVC/ICVC Display Data

IMPORTANT: The following notes apply to all Table 2 examples. 1. Only 12 lines of information appear on the chiller display screen at any one time. Press the NEXT or PREVIOUS softkey to highlight a point or to view items below or above the current screen. Press the NEXT softkey twice to page forward; press the PREVIOUS softkey twice to page back. 2. To access the information shown in Examples 10 through 22, enter your 4-digit password after pressing the SERVICE softkey. If no softkeys are pressed for 15 minutes, the CVC/ICVC automatically logs off (to prevent unrestricted access to PIC II controls) and reverts to the default screen. If this happens, you must re-enter your password to access the tables shown in Examples 10 through 22. 3. Terms in the Description column of these tables are listed as they appear on the chiller display screen. 4. The CVC/ICVC may be configured in English or Metric (SI) units using the CVC/ICVC CONFIGURATION screen. See the Service Operation section, page 45, for instructions on making this change. 5. The items in the Reference Point Name column do not appear on the chiller display screen. They are data or variable names used in CCN or Building Supervisor (BS) software. They are listed in these tables as a convenience to the operator if it is necessary to cross reference CCN/BS documentation or use CCN/BS programs. For more information, see the 19XR CCN literature. 6. Reference Point Names shown in these tables in all capital letters can be read by CCN and BS software. Of these capitalized names, those preceded by a dagger can also be changed (that is, written to) by the CCN, BS, and the CVC/ICVC. Capitalized Reference Point Names preceded by two asterisks can be changed only from the CVC/ICVC. Reference Point Names in lower case type can be viewed by CCN or BS only by viewing the whole table. 7. Alarms and Alerts: An asterisk in the far right field of a CVC/ ICVC status screen indicates that the chiller is in an alarm state; an exclamation point in the far right field of the CVC/ICVC screen indicates an alert state. The asterisk (or exclamation point) indicates that the value on that line has exceeded (or is approaching) a limit. For more information on alarms and alerts, see the Alarms and Alerts section, page 15. LEGEND CCN Carrier Comfort Network CHW Chilled Water CHWR Chilled Water Return CHWS Chilled Water Supply CVC Chiller Visual Controller CT Current Transformer ECW Entering Chilled Water HGBP Hot Gas Bypass ICVC International Chiller Visual Controller ISM Integrated Starter Module LCW Leaving Chilled Water LRA Locked Rotor Amps mA Milliamps P Pressure PIC II Product Integrated Controls II SS Solid State T Temperature VFD Variable Frequency Drive WSM Water System Manager

EXAMPLE 1 CHILLER DISPLAY DEFAULT SCREEN The following data is displayed in the Default screen. DESCRIPTION (PRIMARY MESSAGE) (SECONDARY MESSAGE) (DATE AND TIME) Compressor Ontime Entering Chilled Water Leaving Chilled Water Evaporator Temperature Entering Condenser Water Leaving Condenser Water Condenser Temperature Oil Pressure Oil Sump Temp Average Line Current STATUS UNITS REFERENCE POINT NAME (ALARM HISTORY) DISPLAY

0-500000.0 40-245 40-245 40-245 40-245 40-245 40-245 0-420 40-245 0-999 0-1 0-1 0-1




NOTE: The last three entries are used to indicate operating mode to the PIC II. These values may be forced by the CVC/ICVC only.

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Table 2 CVC/ICVC Display Data (cont)

EXAMPLE 2 MAINTSTAT DISPLAY SCREEN To access this display from the CVC/ICVC default screen: 1. Press MENU . 2. Press STATUS ( MAINSTAT will be highlighted). 3. Press SELECT . DESCRIPTION Control Mode Run Status Start Inhibit Timer Occupied? System Alert/Alarm *Chiller Start/Stop *Remote Start Contact Temperature Reset *Control Point Chilled Water Temp *Active Demand Limit Average Line Current Motor Percent Kilowatts Auto Demand Limit Input Auto Chilled Water Reset Remote Reset Sensor Total Compressor Starts Starts in 12 Hours Compressor Ontime *Service Ontime Ice Build Contact Refrigerant Leak Sensor STATUS NOTE 1 NOTE 2 0-15 0/1 0-2 0/1 0/1 30-30 10-120 40-245 40-100 0-999 0-999 4-20 4-20 40-245 0-99999 0-8 0-500000.0 0-32767 0-1 0-20 UNITS NOTE 1 NOTE 2 min NO/YES NOTE 3 STOP/START OPEN/CLOSE DEG F DEG F DEG F % % % mA mA DEG F HOURS HOURS OPEN/CLOSE mA POINT MODE STATUS T_START OCC SYS_ALM CHIL_S_S REMCON T_RESET LCW_STPT CHW_TMP DEM_LIM %_AMPS KW_P AUTODEM AUTORES R_RESET c_starts STARTS c_hrs S_HRS ICE_CON REF_LEAK

NOTES: 1. Reset, Off, Local, CCN 2. Timeout, Ready, Recycle, Prestart, Start-up, Ramping, Running, Demand, Override, Shutdown, Trippout, Pumpdown, Lockout 3. Normal, Alert, Alarm 4. All variables with capital letter point names are available for CCN read operation. Those shown with (*) support write operations for all CCN devices.

EXAMPLE 3 STARTUP DISPLAY SCREEN To access this display from the CVC/ICVC default screen: 1. Press MENU . 2. Press STATUS . 3. Scroll down to highlight STARTUP . 4. Press SELECT . DESCRIPTION Actual Guide Vane Pos **Chilled Water Pump Chilled Water Flow **Condenser Water Pump Condenser Water Flow Oil Pump Relay **Oil Pump Delta P Compressor Start Relay Compressor Start Contact Starter Trans Relay Compressor Run Contact **Tower Fan Relay Low **Tower Fan Relay High Starter Fault Spare Safety Input Shunt Trip Relay ISM Fault Status STATUS 0-100 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 6.7-200 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-255 UNITS % OFF/ON NO/YES OFF/ON NO/YES OFF/ON ^PSI OFF/ON OPEN/CLOSED OFF/ON OPEN/CLOSED OFF/ON OFF/ON ALARM/NORMAL ALARM/NORMAL OFF/ON POINT GV_ACT CHWP CHW_FLOW CDP CDW_FLOW OILR OILPD CMPR CR_AUX CMPTRANS RUN_AUX TFR_LOW TFR_HIGH STR_FLT SAFETY TRIPR STRSTAT

NOTE: All variables with CAPITAL LETTER point names are available for CCN read operation. Those shown with (**) shall support write operations for the CVC/ICVC only.

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Table 2 CVC/ICVC Display Data (cont)

EXAMPLE 4 COMPRESS DISPLAY SCREEN To access this display from the CVC/ICVC default screen: 1. Press MENU . 2. Press STATUS . 3. Scroll down to highlight COMPRESS . 4. Press SELECT . DESCRIPTION Actual Guide Vane Pos Guide Vane Delta **Target Guide Vane Pos Oil Sump Temp **Oil Pump Delta P Comp Discharge Temp Comp Thrust Brg Temp Comp Motor Winding Temp Spare Temperature 1 Spare Temperature 2 Oil Heater Relay Diffuser Actuator **Target VFD Speed **Actual VFD Speed Surge Protection Counts STATUS 0-100 0-100 0-100 40-245 6.7-200 40-245 40-245 40-245 40-245 40-245 0/1 0-100 0-100 0-110 0-5 UNITS % % % DEG F ^PSI DEG F DEG F DEG F DEG F DEG F OFF/ON % % % POINT GV_ACT GV_DELTA GV_TRG OILT OILPD CMPD MTRB MTRW SPARE1 SPARE2 OILH DIFF_ACT VFD_OUT VFD_ACT SPC

NOTE: All variables with CAPITAL LETTER point names are available for CCN read operation. Those shown with (**) shall support write operations for the CVC/ICVC only.

EXAMPLE 5 HEAT_EX DISPLAY SCREEN To access this display from the CVC/ICVC default screen: 1. Press MENU . 2. Press STATUS . 3. Scroll down to highlight HEAT_EX . 4. Press SELECT . DESCRIPTION **Chilled Water Delta P Entering Chilled Water Leaving Chilled Water Chilled Water Delta T Chill Water Pulldown/Min Evaporator Refrig Temp **Evaporator Pressure Evaporator Approach **Condenser Water Delta P Entering Condenser Water Leaving Condenser Water Condenser Refrig Temp **Condenser Pressure Condenser Approach Hot Gas Bypass Relay Surge / HGBP Active? Active Delta P Active Delta T Surge / HGBP Delta T Head Pressure Reference Evaporator Saturation Temp (ICVC only) STATUS 6.7-420 40-245 40-245 6.7-420 20-20 40-245 6.7-420 0-99 6.7-420 40-245 40-245 40-245 6.7-420 0-99 0/1 0/1 0-200 0-200 0-200 0-100 40-245 UNITS PSI DEG F DEG F ^F ^F DEG F PSI ^F PSI DEG F DEG F DEG F PSI ^F OFF/ON NO/YES PSI DEG F DEG F % ^F POINT CHW_PD ECW LCW CHW_DT CHW_PULL ERT ERP EVAP_APP COND_PD ECDW LCDW CRT CRP COND_APP HGBR SHG_ACT dp_a dt_a dt_c hpr EST

NOTE: All variables with CAPITAL LETTER point names are available for CCN read operation. Those shown with (**) shall support write operations for the CVC/ICVC only.

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Table 2 CVC/ICVC Display Data (cont)

EXAMPLE 6 POWER DISPLAY SCREEN To access this display from the CVC/ICVC default screen: 1. Press MENU . 2. Press STATUS . 3. Scroll down to highlight POWER . 4. Press SELECT . DESCRIPTION Average Line Current Actual Line Current Average Line Voltage Actual Line Voltage Power Factor Motor Kilowatts **Motor Kilowatt-Hours Demand Kilowatts Line Current Phase 1 Line Current Phase 2 Line Current Phase 3 Line Voltage Phase 1 Line Voltage Phase 2 Line Voltage Phase 3 Ground Fault Phase 1 Ground Fault Phase 2 Ground Fault Phase 3 Frequency I2T Sum Heat-Phase 1 I2T Sum Heat-Phase 2 I2T Sum Heat-Phase 3 STATUS 0-999 0-99999 0-999 0-99999 0.0-1.0 0-99999 0-99999 0-99999 0-99999 0-99999 0-99999 0-99999 0-99999 0-99999 0-999 0-999 0-999 0-99 0-200 0-200 0-200 UNITS % AMPS % VOLTS kW kWH kWH AMPS AMPS AMPS VOLTS VOLTS VOLTS AMPS AMPS AMPS Hz % % % POINT %_AMPS AMP_A VOLT_P VOLT_A PF KW_A KWH DEM_KWH AMPS_1 AMPS_2 AMPS_3 VOLTS_1 VOLTS_2 VOLTS_3 GF_1 GF_2 GF_3 FREQ HEAT1SUM HEAT2SUM HEAT3SUM

NOTES: 1. All variables with CAPITAL LETTER point names are available for CCN read operation. 2. Those shown with (**) shall support write operations for CVC/ICVC only.

EXAMPLE 7 ISM_STAT DISPLAY SCREEN To access this display from the CVC/ICVC default screen: 1. Press MENU . 2. Press STATUS . 3. Scroll down to highlight ISM_STAT . 4. Press SELECT . DESCRIPTION ISM Fault Status Single Cycle Dropout Phase Loss Overvoltage Undervoltage Current Imbalance Voltage Imbalance Overload Trip Locked Rotor Trip Starter LRA Trip Ground Fault Phase Reversal Frequency Out of Range ISM Power on Reset Phase 1 Fault Phase 2 Fault Phase 3 Fault 1CR Start Complete 1M Start/Run Fault 2M Start/Run Fault Pressure Trip Contact Starter Fault Motor Amps Not Sensed Starter Acceleration Fault High Motor Amps 1CR Stop Complete 1M/2M Stop Fault Motor Amps When Stopped Hardware Failure STATUS 0-223 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 UNITS NORMAL/ALARM NORMAL/ALARM NORMAL/ALARM NORMAL/ALARM NORMAL/ALARM NORMAL/ALARM NORMAL/ALARM NORMAL/ALARM NORMAL/ALARM NORMAL/ALARM NORMAL/ALARM NORMAL/ALARM NORMAL/ALARM NORMAL/ALARM NORMAL/ALARM NORMAL/ALARM FALSE/TRUE NORMAL/ALARM NORMAL/ALARM NORMAL/ALARM NORMAL/ALARM NORMAL/ALARM NORMAL/ALARM NORMAL/ALARM FALSE/TRUE NORMAL/ALARM NORMAL/ALARM NORMAL/ALARM POINT ISMFLT CYCLE_1 PH_LOSS OV_VOLT UN_VOLT AMP_UNB VOLT_UNB OVERLOAD LRATRIP SLRATRIP GRND_FLT PH_REV FREQFLT ISM_POR PHASE_1 PHASE_2 PHASE_3 START_OK 1M_FLT 2M_FLT PRS_RIP STRT_FLT NO_AMPS ACCELFLT HIGHAMPS STOP_OK 1M2MSTOP AMPSTOP HARDWARE

NOTE: All variables with CAPITAL LETTER point names are available for CCN read operation.

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Table 2 CVC/ICVC Display Data (cont)

EXAMPLE 8 CVC/ICVC_PSWD DISPLAY SCREEN To access this display from the CVC/ICVC default screen: 1. Press MENU . 2. Press STATUS . 3. Scroll down to highlight CVC .or ICVC 4. Press SELECT . DESCRIPTION Disable Service Password **Remote Reset Option Reset Alarm? CCN Mode? STATUS 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 UNITS DSABLE/ENABLE DSABLE/ENABLE NO/YES NO/YES POINT PSWD_DIS RESETOPT REMRESET REM_CCN

NOTE: All variables with CAPITAL LETTER point names are available for CCN read operation. Those shown with (**) shall support write operations for the CVC/ICVC only.

EXAMPLE 9 SETPOINT DISPLAY SCREEN To access this display from the CVC/ICVC default screen: 1. Press MENU . 2. Press SETPOINT . 3. Press SELECT . DESCRIPTION Base Demand Limit Control Point ECW Setpoint LCW Setpoint Ice Build Setpoint Tower Fan High Setpoint STATUS 40-100 15-120 10-120 15-60 55-105 UNITS % DEG F DEG F DEG F DEG F POINT DLM ecw_sp lcw_sp ice_sp tf2_sp DEFAULT 100 60.0 50.0 40.0 75

NOTE: All variables are available for CCN read operation; forcing shall not be supported on setpoint screens.

EXAMPLE 10 CAPACITY DISPLAY SCREEN To access this display from the CVC/ICVC default screen: 1. Press MENU . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Press SERVICE . Scroll down to highlight CONTROL ALGORITHM STATUS . Press SELECT . Scroll down to highlight CAPACITY . Press SELECT . STATUS 40-245 40-245 10-120 99-99 99-99 99-99 99-99 99-99 2-2 0-100 0-100 0-100 0-100 0.1-1.5 0-100 0-100 0-200 UNITS DEG F DEG F DEG F ^F ^F ^F ^F ^F % % % % % % % POINT ECW LCW ctrlpt cperr ecwdt ecwres lcwres error gvd GV_TRG GV_ACT VFD_IN VFD_ACT vfd_gain DEM_INH DMD_RAMP VFD_LF

DESCRIPTION Entering Chilled Water Leaving Chilled Water Capacity Control Control Point Control Point Error ECW Delta T ECW Reset LCW Reset Total Error + Resets Guide Vane Delta Target Guide Vane Pos Actual Guide Vane Pos Target VFD Speed Actual VFD Speed VFD Gain Demand Limit Inhibit Amps/kW Ramp VFD Load Factor

NOTE: All variables with CAPITAL LETTER point names are available for CCN read operation; forcing shall not be supported on maintenance screen.

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Table 2 CVC/ICVC Display Data (cont)

EXAMPLE 11 OVERRIDE DISPLAY SCREEN To access this display from the CVC/ICVC default screen: 1. Press MENU . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Press SERVICE . Scroll down to highlight CONTROL ALGORITHM STATUS . Press SELECT . Scroll down to highlight OVERRIDE . Press SELECT . STATUS 40-245 150-200 0-420 90-180 40-245 2-45 40-245 125-200 40-245 165-185 20-99 6-99 40-245 UNITS DEG F DEG F PSI PSI DEG F DEG F DEG F DEG F DEG F DEG F ^F ^F DEG F POINT MTRW mt_over CRP cp_over ERT rt_over CMPD cd_alert MTRB tb_alert SUPRHEAT SUPR_REQ CRT

DESCRIPTION Comp Motor Winding Temp Comp Motor Temp Override Condenser Pressure Cond Press Override Evaporator Refrig Temp Evap Ref Override Temp Comp Discharge Temp Comp Discharge Alert Comp Thrust Brg Temp Comp Thrust Brg Alert Actual Superheat Superheat Required Condenser Refrig Temp

NOTE: All variables with CAPITAL LETTER point names are available for CCN read operation; forcing shall not be supported on maintenance screens.

EXAMPLE 12 LL_MAINT DISPLAY SCREEN To access this display from the CVC/ICVC default screen: 1. Press MENU . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Press SERVICE . Scroll down to highlight CONTROL ALGORITHM STATUS . Press SELECT . Scroll down to highlight LL_MAINT. Press SELECT . STATUS NOTE 1 NOTE 2 0/1 2-60 2-60 2-30 x.xx 0/1 0/1 NOTE 3 NOTE 4 NOTE 5 0/1 NOTE 3 NOTE 4 NOTE 5 0/1 40-245 40-245 UNITS POINT leadlag llmode loadbal lagstart lagstop preflt pull_dt pull_sat leadctrl lagmode lagstat lag_s_s lag_rec stdmode stdstat Std_s_s std_rec SPARE_1 SPARE_2

DESCRIPTION LeadLag Control LEADLAG: Configuration Current Mode Load Balance Option LAG START Time LAG STOP Time Prestart Fault Time Pulldown: Delta T / Min Satisfied? LEAD CHILLER in Control LAG CHILLER: Mode Run Status Start/Stop Recovery Start Request STANDBY CHILLER: Mode Run Status Start/Stop Recovery Start Request Spare Temperature 1 Spare Temperature 2




NOTES: 1. DISABLE, LEAD, LAG, STANDBY, INVALID 2. DISABLE, LEAD, LAG, STANDBY, RECOVERY, CONFIG 3. Reset, Off, Local, CCN 4. Timeout, Ready, Recycle, Prestart, Startup, Ramping, Running, Demand, Override, Shutdown, Trippout, Pumpdown, Lockout 5. Stop, Start, Retain 6. All variables with CAPITAL LETTER point names are available for CCN read operation; forcing shall not be supported on maintenance screens.

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Table 2 CVC/ICVC Display Data (cont)

EXAMPLE 13 ISM_HIST DISPLAY SCREEN To access this display from the CVC/ICVC default screen: 1. Press MENU . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Press SERVICE . Scroll down to highlight CONTROL ALGORITHM STATUS . Press SELECT . Scroll down to highlight ISM_HIST . Press SELECT . STATUS 0-99999 0-99999 0-99999 0-99999 0-99999 0-99999 0-999 0-999 0-999 0-200 0-200 0-200 0/1 0/1 0/1 0-99 0-9999 UNITS AMPS AMPS AMPS VOLTS VOLTS VOLTS AMPS AMPS AMPS % % % NO/YES NO/YES NO/YES Hz POINT AMPS_1F AMPS_2F AMPS_3F VOLTS_1F VOLTS_2F VOLTS_3F GF_1F GF_2F GF_3F HEAT1SUMF HEAT2SUMF HEAT3SUMF PH1_FLT PH2_FLT PH3_FLT FREQ_ F ISM_STAT

DESCRIPTION ISM FAULT HISTORY Values At Last Fault: Line Current Phase 1 Line Current Phase 2 Line Current Phase 3 Line Voltage Phase 1 Line Voltage Phase 2 Line Voltage Phase 3 Ground Fault Phase 1 Ground Fault Phase 2 Ground Fault Phase 3 I2T Sum Heat-Phase 1 I2T Sum Heat-Phase 2 I2T Sum Heat-Phase 3 Phase 1 Faulted? Phase 2 Faulted? Phase 3 Faulted? Line Frequency ISM Fault Status

NOTE: All variables with CAPITAL LETTER point names are available for CCN read operation; forcing shall not be supported on maintenance screens.

EXAMPLE 14 WSMDEFME DISPLAY SCREEN To access this display from the CVC/ICVC default screen: 1. Press MENU . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Press SERVICE . Scroll down to highlight CONTROL ALGORITHM STATUS . Press SELECT . Scroll down to highlight WSMDEFME . Press SELECT . STATUS 0/1 0.0-99.9 0/1 XXXXXXXX 0.0-25.0 0.0-99.9 UNITS NO/YES DEG F OFF/ON TEXT DEG F DEG F POINT WSMSTAT CHWTEMP CHLRST CHLRENA CHWRVAL CHWSTPT

DESCRIPTION WSM Active? Chilled Water Temp Equipment Status Commanded State CHW setpt Reset Value Current CHW Set Point

NOTE: All variables with CAPITAL LETTER point names are available for CCN read operation; forcing shall not be supported on maintenance screens.

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Table 2 CVC/ICVC Display Data (cont)

EXAMPLE 15 NET_OPT DISPLAY SCREEN To access this display from the CVC/ICVC default screen: 1. Press MENU . 2. Press SERVICE . 3. Scroll down to highlight EQUIPMENT CONFIGURATION . 4. Press SELECT . 5. Scroll down to highlight NET_OPT . 6. Press SELECT . DESCRIPTION Loadshed Function Group Number Demand Limit Decrease Maximum Loadshed Time CCN Occupancy Config: Schedule Number Broadcast Option Alarm Configuration Re-Alarm Time Alarm Routing STATUS 0-99 0-60 0-120 3-99 0-1 0-1440 0-1 % MIN DSABLE/ENABLE MIN UNITS POINT ldsgrp ldsdelta maxldstm occpcxxe occbrcst DEFAULT 0 20 60 3 DSABLE 30 10000000

NOTE: No variables are available for CCN read or write operation.

EXAMPLE 16 ISM_CONF DISPLAY SCREEN To access this display from the CVC/ICVC default screen: 1. Press MENU . 2. 3. 4. 5. Press SERVICE . Scroll down to highlight ISM (STARTER) CONFIG DATA . Press SELECT . Enter password (4444 Factory Default).

6. Scroll down to highlight ISM_CONF . 7. Press SELECT . DESCRIPTION Starter Type (0 = Full, 1 = Red, 2 = SS/VFD) Motor Rated Line Voltage Volt Transformer Ratio:1 Overvoltage Threshold Undervoltage Threshold Over/Under Volt Time Voltage % Imbalance Voltage Imbalance Time Motor Rated Load Amps Motor Locked Rotor Trip Locked Rotor Start Delay Starter LRA Rating Motor Current CT Ratio:1 Current % Imbalance Current Imbalance Time Grnd Fault CTs? Ground Fault CT Ratio:1 Ground Fault Current Ground Fault Start Delay Ground Fault Persistence Single Cycle Dropout Frequency = 60 Hz? (No = 50) Line Frequency Faulting STATUS 0-2 200-13200 1-35 105-115 85-95 1-10 1-10 1-10 10-5000 100-60000 1-10 100-60000 3-1000 5-40 1-10 0-1 150 1-25 1-20 1-10 0/1 0/1 0/1 UNITS VOLTS % % SEC % SEC AMPS AMPS cycles AMPS % SEC NO/YES AMPS cycles cycles DSABLE/ENABLE NO/YES DSABLE/ENABLE POINT starter v_fs vt_rat overvolt undvolt uvuntime v_unbal v_time a_fs motor_lr lrdelay start_lr ct_turns c_unbal c_time gf_phase gf_ctr gf_amps gf_delay gf_pers cycdrop freq freq_en DEFAULT 1 460 1 115 85 5 10 5 200 1000 5 2000 100 15 5 YES 150 15 10 5 DSABLE YES DSABLE

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Table 2 CVC/ICVC Display Data (cont)

EXAMPLE 17 OPTIONS DISPLAY SCREEN To access this display from the CVC/ICVC default screen: 1. Press MENU . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Press SERVICE . Scroll down to highlight EQUIPMENT SERVICE . Press SELECT . Scroll down to highlight OPTIONS . Press SELECT . STATUS 0/1 0/1 40-100 0/1 0.5-20 30-170 0.5-20 50-170 0.5-3 5-20 7-10 0/1 0-2 0/1 0/1 4-20 20-60 20-60 0-100 ^F PSI ^F PSI ^F % MIN DSABLE/ENABLE DSABLE/ENABLE DSABLE/ENABLE mA PSI PSI % UNITS DSABLE/ENABLE DSABLE/ENABLE % POINT start r_contact softstop srg_hgbp hgb_dt1 hgb_dp1 hbg_dt2 hgb_dp2 hbg_db surge_a surge_t ibopt ibterm ibrecyc REF_LEAK HPDPO HPDP100 HPDPMIN% DEFAULT DSABLE DSABLE 100 0 1.5 50 10 85 1 10 8 DSABLE 0 DSABLE DSABLE 20 25 35 0

DESCRIPTION Auto Restart Option Remote Contacts Option Soft Stop Amps Threshold Surge / Hot Gas Bypass Surge Limit/HGBP Option Select: Surge=0, HGBP=1 Min. Load Point (T1,P1) Surge/HGBP Delta T1 Surge/HGBP Delta P1 Full Load Point (T2,P2) Surge/HGBP Delta T2 Surge/HGBP Delta P2 Surge/HGBP Deadband Surge Protection Surge Delta% Amps Surge Time Period Ice Build Control Ice Build Option Ice Build Termination 0=Temp, 1=Contacts, 2=Both Ice Build Recycle Refrigerant Leak Option Refrigerant Leak Alarm mA Head Pressure Reference Delta P at 0% (4mA) Delta P at 100% (20mA) Minimum Output

NOTE: No variables are available for CCN read or write operation.

EXAMPLE 18 SETUP1 DISPLAY SCREEN To access this display from the CVC/ICVC default screen: 1. Press MENU . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Press SERVICE . Scroll down to highlight EQUIPMENT SERVICE . Press SELECT . Scroll down to highlight SETUP1 . Press SELECT . STATUS 150-200 90-165 125-200 165-185 0/1 .5-2.0 0.0-40.0 2.0-5.0 20 - 35 0.5 - 50.0 0.5 - 50.0 0.5-5 15-300 2.0-10.0 0.5-4.0 UNITS DEG F PSI DEG F DEG F WATER/BRINE ^F DEG F ^F DEG F PSI PSI MIN SEC DEG F DEG F POINT mt_over cp_over cd_alert tb_alert medium cw _db ert_trip ref_over cdfreeze evap_cut cond_cut wflow_t oilpr_t rcycr_dt rcycs_dt DEFAULT 200 125 200 175 WATER 1.0 33 3 34 5.0 5.0 5 40 5 1

DESCRIPTION Comp Motor Temp Override Cond Press Override Comp Discharge Alert Comp Thrust Brg Alert Chilled Medium Chilled Water Deadband Evap Refrig Trippoint Refrig Override Delta T Condenser Freeze Point Evap Flow Delta P Cutout Cond Flow Delta P Cutout Water Flow Verify Time Oil Pressure Verify Time Recycle Control Restart Delta T Shutdown Delta T SPARE ALERT/ALARM ENABLE Disable=0, Lo=1/3, Hi=2/4 Spare Temp #1 Enable Spare Temp #1 Limit Spare Temp #2 Enable Spare Temp #2 Limit

0-4 40-245 0-4 40-245


sp1_en sp1_lim sp2_ en sp2_ lim

0 245 0 245

NOTE: No variables are available for CCN read or write operation; forcing shall not be supported on service screens.

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Table 2 CVC/ICVC Display Data (cont)

EXAMPLE 19 SETUP2 DISPLAY SCREEN To access this display from the CVC/ICVC default screen: 1. Press MENU . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Press SERVICE . Scroll down to highlight EQUIPMENT SERVICE . Press SELECT . Scroll down to highlight SETUP2 . Press SELECT . STATUS 2-10 2-10 1-3 30-100 0-1 0-78 0-100 0-78 0-100 0-78 0-100 15-22 0/1 0.1-1.5 1-5 65-100 90-100 0-99999 % DSABLE/ENABLE % % % % % % mA DSABLE/ENABLE % % % Amps UNITS POINT gv_inc gv_dec gw_ecw gv_lim diff_opt gv_25 df_25 gv_50 df_50 gv_75 df_75 diff_ma vfd_opt vfd_gain vfd_step vfd_min vfd_max vfdlim_i DEFAULT 6.5 6.0 2 80 DSABLE 25 0 50 0 75 0 18 DSABLE 0.75 2 70 100 250

DESCRIPTION Capacity Control Proportional Inc Band Proportional DEC Band Proportional ECW Band Guide Vane Travel Limit Diffuser Control Diffuser Option Guide Vane 25% Load Pt Diffuser 25% Load Point Guide Vane 50% Load Pt Diffuser 50% Load Point Guide Vane 75% Load Pt Diffuser 75% Load Point Diffuser Full Span mA VFD Speed Control VFD Option VFD Gain VFD Increase Step VFD Minimum Speed VFD Maximum Speed VFD Current Limit

NOTE: No variables are available for CCN read or write operation; forcing shall not be supported on service screens.

EXAMPLE 20 LEADLAG DISPLAY SCREEN To access this display from the CVC/ICVC default screen: 1. Press MENU . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Press SERVICE . Scroll down to highlight EQUIPMENT SERVICE . Press SELECT . Scroll down to highlight LEADLAG . Press SELECT . STATUS 0-3 0/1 0/1 25-75 1-236 2-60 2-60 2-30 0/1 25-75 1-236 DSABLE/ENABLE DSABLE/ENABLE % MIN MIN MIN DSABLE/ENABLE % UNITS POINT leadlag load/bal commsens lag_per lag_add lagstart lagstop preft stndopt stnd_per stnd_add DEFAULT 0 DSABLE DSABLE 50 92 10 10 5 DSABLE 50 93

DESCRIPTION Lead Lag Control LEAD/LAG: Configuration DSABLE=0, Lead=1 LAG=2, STANDBY=3 Load Balance Option Common Sensor Option LAG % Capacity LAG Address LAG START Timer LAG STOP Timer PRESTART FAULT Timer STANDBY Chiller Option STANDBY % Capacity STANDBY Address

NOTE: No variables are available for CCN read or write operation.

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Table 2 CVC/ICVC Display Data (cont)

EXAMPLE 21 RAMP_DEM DISPLAY SCREEN To access this display from the CVC/ICVC default screen: 1. Press MENU . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Press SERVICE . Scroll down to highlight EQUIPMENT SERVICE . Press SELECT . Scroll down to highlight RAMP_DEM . Press SELECT . STATUS 0/1 0/1 5-20 3-15 40-100 0/1 50-9999 5-60 % % DSABLE/ENABLE kW MIN UNITS POINT ramp_opt dem_src kw_ramp dem_prop dem_20ma dem_sel motor_kw dw_int DEFAULT 1 0 10 10 40 DSABLE 145 15

DESCRIPTION Pulldown Ramp Type: Select: Temp=0, Load=1 Demand Limit + kW Ramp Demand Limit Source Select: Amps=0, kW=1 Motor Load Ramp% Min Demand Limit Prop Band Demand Limit At 20 mA 20 mA Demand Limit Opt Motor Rated Kilowatts Demand Watts Interval

NOTE: No variables are available for CCN read or write operation.

EXAMPLE 22 TEMP_CTL DISPLAY SCREEN To access this display from the CVC/ICVC default screen: 1. Press MENU . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Press SERVICE . Scroll down to highlight EQUIPMENT SERVICE . Press SELECT . Scroll down to highlight TEMP_CTL . Press SELECT . STATUS 0/1 2-10 UNITS DSABLE/ENABLE ^F POINT ecw_opt temp_ramp DEFAULT DSABLE 3

DESCRIPTION Control Point ECW Control Option Temp Pulldown Deg/Min Temperature Reset RESET TYPE 1 Degrees Reset At 20 mA RESET TYPE 2 Remote Temp > No Reset Remote Temp > Full Reset Degrees Reset RESET TYPE 3 CHW Delta T > No Reset CHW Delta T > Full Reset Degrees Reset Select/Enable Reset Type

30- 30 40-245 40-245 30-30 0-15 0-15 30-30 0-3

^F DEG F DEG F ^F ^F ^F ^F

deg_20ma res_rt1 res_rt2 deg_rt restd_1 restd_2 deg_chw res_sel

10 85 65 10 10 0 5 0

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PIC II System Functions

NOTE: Words not part of paragraph headings and printed in all capital letters can be viewed on the CVC/ICVC (e.g., LOCAL, CCN, RUNNING, ALARM, etc.). Words printed both in all capital letters and italics can also be viewed on the CVC/ICVC and are parameters (CONTROL MODE, TARGET GUIDE VANE POS, etc.) with associated values (e.g., modes, temperatures, pressures, percentages, on, off, enable, disable, etc.). Words printed in all capital letters and in a box represent softkeys on the CVC/ICVC (e.g., ENTER and EXIT ). See Table 2 for examples of the type of information that can appear on the CVC/ICVC screens. Figures 14-20 give an overview of CVC/ICVC operations and menus. CAPACITY CONTROL FIXED SPEED The PIC II controls the chiller capacity by modulating the inlet guide vanes in response to chilled water temperature deviation from the CONTROL POINT. The CONTROL POINT may be changed by a CCN network device or is determined by the PIC II adding any active chilled water reset to the SET POINT. The PIC II uses the PROPORTIONAL INC (Increase) BAND, PROPORTIONAL DEC (Decrease) BAND, and the PROPORTIONAL ECW (Entering Chilled Water) GAIN to determine how fast or slow to respond. CONTROL POINT may be viewed or overridden from the MAINSTAT screen. CAPACITY CONTROL VFD The PIC II controls the machine capacity by modulating the motor speed and inlet guide vanes in response to chilled water temperature deviation from the CONTROL POINT. The controller will maintain the highest inlet guide vane setting at the lowest speed to maximize efficiency while avoiding surge. The CONTROL POINT may be changed by a CCN network device or is determined by the PIC II adding any active chilled water reset to the to the SET POINT. CONTROL POINT may be viewed or overridden from the MAINSTAT screen. The PIC II uses the PROPORTIONAL INC (Increase) BAND, PROP DEC (Decrease) BAND, and the PROPORTIONAL ECW (Entering Chilled Water) GAIN to determine how fast or slow it takes the system to respond. The VFD GAIN allows for additional adjustment of the VFD response. At start-up, the inlet guide vanes (IGV) start in the closed position and the VFD ramps to its minimum speed setting. The PIC II controller then initiates the Capacity Control algorithm to maintain the chilled water temperature at the CONTROL POINT. During operation when the CONTROL POINT is not met, the controller will establish a GUIDE VANE DELTA which will either affect a percentage change to the GUIDE VANES or the VFD TARGET SPEED. Any change that will be made to the IGV position or the VFD SPEED will depend on whether the GUIDE VANE DELTA is positive or negative, and the status of the Surge Control Algorithm. The Surge Control Algorithm determines if the chiller should operate in Normal Mode or Surge Prevention Mode. The logic for how the IGVs and VFD SPEED will be affected by the GUIDE VANE DELTA and the Surge Control Algorithm can be seen below:
GUIDE VANE DELTA From +0.2 to +2.0 From 0.2 to 2.0 NORMAL CONTROL MODE IGV VFD 1st 2nd 2nd 1st SURGE PREVENTION MODE IGV VFD 2nd 1st 1st

Normal Control mode occurs when ACTIVE DELTA T > SURGE/HGBP DELTA T. Surge Prevention Mode occurs when ACTIVE DELTA T SURGE/HGBP DELTA T. The TARGET VFD SPEED, ACTUAL VFD SPEED and the VFD GAIN can be viewed and modified in the CAPACITY

display screen. The TARGET VFD SPEED can be manually overridden by the operator from the COMPRESS screen. The VFD MINIMUM SPEED, MAXIMUM SPEED, VFD GAIN and INCREASE STEP can be viewed and modified in the SETUP2 display screen. TARGET and ACTUAL VFD SPEED can be viewed in the COMPRESS screen. ECW CONTROL OPTION If this option is enabled, the PIC II uses the ENTERING CHILLED WATER temperature to modulate the vanes instead of the LEAVING CHILLED WATER temperature. The ECW CONTROL OPTION may be viewed on the TEMP_CTL screen, which is accessed from the EQUIPMENT SERVICE screen. CONTROL POINT DEADBAND This is the tolerance range on the chilled water/brine temperature control point. If the water temperature goes outside the CHILLED WATER DEADBAND, the PIC II opens or closes the guide vanes until the temperature is within tolerance. The PIC II may be configured with a 0.5 to 2 F (0.3 to 1.1 C) deadband. CHILLED WATER DEADBAND may be viewed or modified on the SETUP1 screen, which is accessed from the EQUIPMENT SERVICE table. For example, a 1 F (0.6 C) deadband setting controls the water temperature within 0.5 F (0.3 C) of the control point. This may cause frequent guide vane movement if the chilled water load fluctuates frequently. A value of 1 F (0.6 C) is the default setting. DIFFUSER CONTROL On 19XR FRAME sizes 4 and 5 compressors equipped with a variable discharge diffuser, the PIC II adjusts the diffuser actuator position (DIFFUSER ACTUATOR on the COMPRESS screen) to correspond to the actual guide vane position (ACTUAL GUIDE VANE POS on the COMPRESS screen). The diffuser control can be enabled or disabled from the SETUP2 screen. See Table 2, Example 19. In addition, the diffuser and guide vane load points may be viewed and modified from this screen. These points must be correct for the compressor size. The diffuser opening can be incremented from fully open to completely closed. A 0% setting is fully open; a 100% setting is completely closed. To obtain the proper settings for Diffuser Control, contact a Carrier Engineering representative. PROPORTIONAL BANDS AND GAIN Proportional band is the rate at which the guide vane position is corrected in proportion to how far the chilled water/brine temperature is from the control point. Proportional gain determines how quickly the guide vanes react to how quickly the temperature is moving from the CONTROL POINT. The proportional bands and gain may be viewed or modified from the SETUP2 screen, which is accessed from the EQUIPMENT SERVICE table. The Proportional Band There are two response modes, one for temperature response above the control point, the other for the response below the control point. The temperature response above the control point is called the PROPORTIONAL INC BAND, and it can slow or quicken guide vane response to chilled water/brine temperatures above the DEADBAND. The PROPORTIONAL INC BAND can be adjusted from a setting of 2 to 10; the default setting is 6.5. The response below the control point is called the PROPORTIONAL DEC BAND, and it can slow or quicken the guide vane response to chilled water temperature below the deadband plus the control point. The PROPORTIONAL DEC BAND can be adjusted on the CVC/ICVC from a setting of 2 to 10. The default setting is 6.0. NOTE: Increasing either of these settings causes the guide vanes to respond more slowly than they would at a lower setting.

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The PROPORTIONAL ECW GAIN can be adjusted on the CVC/ICVC display for values of 1, 2, or 3; the default setting is 2. Increase this setting to increase guide vane response to a change in entering chilled water temperature. DEMAND LIMITING The PIC II responds to the ACTIVE DEMAND LIMIT set point by limiting the opening of the guide vanes. It compares the ACTIVE DEMAND LIMIT set point to the DEMAND LIMIT SOURCE (either the AVERAGE LINE CURRENT or the MOTOR KW). Depending on how the control is configured. DEMAND LIMIT SOURCE is on the RAMP_DEM screen. The default source is the compressor motor current. CHILLER TIMERS The PIC II maintains 2 run time clocks, known as COMPRESSOR ONTIME and SERVICE ONTIME. COMPRESSOR ONTIME indicates the total lifetime compressor run hours. This timer can register up to 500,000 hours before the clock turns back to zero. The SERVICE ONTIME is a reset table timer that can be used to indicate the hours since the last service visit or any other event. The time can be changed from the CVC/ICVC to whatever value is desired. This timer can register up to 32,767 hours before it rolls over to zero. The chiller also maintains a start-to-start timer and a stopto-start timer. These timers limit how soon the chiller can be started. START INHIBIT TIMER is displayed on the MAINSTAT screen. See the Start-Up/Shutdown/Recycle Sequence section, page 46, for more information on this topic. OCCUPANCY SCHEDULE The chiller schedule, described in the Time Schedule Operation section (page 20), determines when the chiller can run. Each schedule consists of from 1 to 8 occupied or unoccupied time periods, set by the operator. The chiller can be started and run during an occupied time period (when OCCUPIED? is set to YES on the MAINSTAT display screen). It cannot be started or run during an unoccupied time period (when OCCUPIED? is set to NO on the MAINSTAT display screen). These time periods can be set for each day of the week and for holidays. The day begins with 0000 hours and ends with 2400 hours. The default setting for OCCUPIED? is YES, unless an unoccupied time period is in effect. These schedules can be set up to follow a buildings occupancy schedule, or the chiller can be set so to run 100% of the time, if the operator wishes. The schedules also can be bypassed by forcing the CHILLER START/STOP parameter on the MAINSTAT screen to START. For more information on forced starts, see Local Start-Up, page 46. The schedules also can be overridden to keep the chiller in an occupied state for up to 4 hours, on a one time basis. See the Time Schedule Operation section, page 20. Figure 19 shows a schedule for a typical office building with a 3-hour, off-peak, cool-down period from midnight to 3 a.m., following a weekend shutdown. Holiday periods are in an unoccupied state 24 hours per day. The building operates Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and Saturdays from 6:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. This schedule also includes the Monday midnight to 3:00 a.m. weekend cool-down schedule. NOTE: This schedule is for illustration only and is not intended to be a recommended schedule for chiller operation. Whenever the chiller is in the LOCAL mode, it uses Occupancy Schedule 01 (OCCPC01S). When the chiller is in the

ICE BUILD mode, it uses Occupancy Schedule 02 (OCCPC02S). When the chiller is in CCN mode, it uses Occupancy Schedule 03 (OCCPC03S). The CCN SCHEDULE NUMBER is configured on the NET_OPT display screen, accessed from the EQUIPMENT CONFIGURATION table. See Table 2, Example 15. SCHEDULE NUMBER can be changed to any value from 03 to 99. If this number is changed on the NET_OPT screen, the operator must go to the ATTACH TO NETWORK DEVICE screen to upload the new number into the SCHEDULE screen. See Fig. 18.

Safety Controls The PIC II monitors all safety control

inputs and, if required, shuts down the chiller or limits the guide vanes to protect the chiller from possible damage from any of the following conditions: high bearing temperature high motor winding temperature high discharge temperature low discharge superheat* low oil pressure low cooler refrigerant temperature/pressure condenser high pressure or low pressure inadequate water/brine cooler and condenser flow high, low, or loss of voltage ground fault voltage imbalance current imbalance excessive motor acceleration time excessive starter transition time lack of motor current signal excessive motor amps excessive compressor surge temperature and transducer faults *Superheat is the difference between saturation temperature and sensible temperature. The high discharge temperature safety measures only sensible temperature. Starter faults or optional protective devices within the starter can shut down the chiller. The protective devices you have for your application depend on what options were purchased.

If compressor motor overload occurs, check the motor for grounded or open phases before attempting a restart. If the PIC II control initiates a safety shutdown, it displays the reason for the shutdown (the fault) on the CVC/ICVC display screen along with a primary and secondary message, energizes an alarm relay in the starter, and blinks the alarm light on the control panel. The alarm is stored in memory and can be viewed on the ALARM HISTORY and ISM_HIST screens on the CVC/ICVC, along with a message for troubleshooting. If the safety shutdown was also initiated by a fault detected in the motor starter, the conditions at the time of the fault will be stored in ISM_HIST. To give more precise information or warnings on the chillers operating condition, the operator can define alert limits on various monitored inputs. Safety contact and alert limits are defined in Table 3. Alarm and alert messages are listed in the Troubleshooting Guide section, page 76.

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Table 3 Protective Safety Limits and Control Settings

MONITORED PARAMETER TEMPERATURE SENSORS OUT OF RANGE PRESSURE TRANSDUCERS OUT OF RANGE COMPRESSOR DISCHARGE TEMPERATURE MOTOR WINDING TEMPERATURE BEARING TEMPERATURE EVAPORATOR REFRIGERANT TEMPERATURE LIMIT 40 to 245 F (40 to 118.3 C) 0.06 to 0.98 Voltage Ratio >220 F (104.4 C) >220 F (104.4 C) >185 F (85 C) <33 F (for water chilling) (0.6C) <EVAP REFRIG TRIPPOINT (set point adjustable from 0 to 40 F [18 to 4 C]) for brine chilling) TRANSDUCER VOLTAGE CONDENSER PRESSURE SWITCH CONTROL OIL PRESSURE LINE VOLTAGE HIGH LOW SINGLE-CYCLE COMPRESSOR MOTOR LOAD <4.5 vdc> 5.5 vdc 165 5 psig (1138 34 kPa), reset at 110 7 psig (758 48 kPa) 165 psig (1138 kPa) Cutout <15 psid (103 kPad) Alert <18 psid (124 kPad) >150% for one second or >115% for ten seconds <85% for ten seconds or 80 for 5 seconds or <75% for one second <50% for one cycle (if enabled) >110% for 30 seconds <15% with compressor running >15% with compressor off 150% RLA for 20 sec. >100% RLA for 45 sec. >100% RLA for 10 sec. If ISM contact open >20 sec. Energizes condenser pump relay if condenser refrigerant temperature or condenser entering water temperature is below the configured condenser freeze point temperature. Deenergizes when the temperature is 5 F (3 C) above condenser freeze point temperature. Minimum value calculated based on operating conditions and then compared to actual superheat. Detects discharge pulses caused by incorrect diffuser position. APPLICABLE COMMENTS Must be outside range for 2 seconds Must be outside range for 3 seconds. Ratio = Input Voltage Voltage Reference Preset, alert setting configurable Preset, alert setting configurable Preset, alert setting configurable Preset, configurable chilled medium for water (SETUP1 table) Configure chilled medium for brine (SETUP1 table). Adjust EVAP REFRIG TRIPPOINT for proper cutout Preset Preset Preset Preset Preset, based on transformed line voltage to ISM. Also monitored at CVC/ICVC and CCM power input. Default is disabled. Preset Preset Preset For chillers with reduced voltage mechanical and solid-state starters For chillers with full voltage starters (Configures on ISM_CONF table). Reduced voltage starters only CONDENSER FREEZE POINT configured in SETUP1 table with a default setting of 34 F (1 C).

STARTER ACCELERATION TIME (Determined by inrush current)



Calculated minimum required superheat and actual superheat are shown on OVERRIDE screen. Preset, no calibration needed.

Shunt Trip (Option) The function of the shunt trip option on the PIC II is to act as a safety trip. The shunt trip is wired from an output on the ISM to a shunt trip equipped motor circuit breaker. If the PIC II tries to shut down the compressor using a normal shutdown procedure but is unsuccessful for 20 seconds, the shunt trip output is energized and causes the circuit breaker to trip off. If ground fault protection has been applied to the starter, the ground fault trip also energizes the shunt trip to trip the circuit breaker. Protective devices in the starter can also energize the shunt trip. The shunt trip feature can be tested using the Control Test feature. Default Screen Freeze When the chiller is in an
alarm state, the default CVC/ICVC display freezes, that is, it stops updating. The first line of the CVC/ICVC default screen displays a primary alarm message; the second line displays a secondary alarm message. The CVC/ICVC default screen freezes to enable the operator to see the conditions of the chiller at the time of the alarm. If the value in alarm is one normally displayed on the default screen, it flashes between normal and reverse video. The CVC/ ICVC default screen remains frozen until the condition that

caused the alarm is remedied by the operator. Use CVC/ICVC display and alarm shutdown record sheet (CL-13) to record all values from default screen freeze. Knowledge of the operating state of the chiller at the time an alarm occurs is useful when troubleshooting. Additional chiller information can be viewed on the status screens and the ISM_HIST screen. Troubleshooting information is recorded in the ALARM HISTORY table, which can be accessed from the SERVICE menu. To determine what caused the alarm, the operator should read both the primary and secondary default screen messages, as well as the alarm history. The primary message indicates the most recent alarm condition. The secondary message gives more detail on the alarm condition. Since there may be more than one alarm condition, another alarm message may appear after the first condition is cleared. Check the ALARM HISTORY screen for additional help in determining the reasons for the alarms. Once all existing alarms are cleared (by pressing the RESET softkey), the default CVC/ICVC display returns to normal operation.

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Ramp Loading The ramp loading control slows down the rate at which the compressor loads up. This control can prevent the compressor from loading up during the short period of time when the chiller is started and the chilled water loop has to be brought down to CONTROL POINT. This helps reduce electrical demand charges by slowly bringing the chilled water to CONTROL POINT. The total power draw during this period remains almost unchanged. There are two methods of ramp loading with the PIC II. Ramp loading can be based on chilled water temperature or on motor load. Either method is selected from the RAMP__DEM screen. 1. Temperature ramp loading (TEMP PULLDOWN DEG/ MIN) limits the degrees per minute rate at which either leaving chilled water or entering chilled water temperature decreases. This rate is configured by the operator on the TEMP_CTL screen. The lowest temperature ramp rate will also be used if chiller power has been off for 3 hours or more (even if the motor ramp load is selected as the ramp loading method). 2. Motor load ramp loading (LOAD PULLDOWN) limits the degrees per minute rate at which the compressor motor current or compressor motor load increases. The LOAD PULLDOWN rate is configured by the operator on the RAMP_DEM screen in amps or kilowatts. The point name is MOTOR LOAD RAMP%/MIN. If kilowatts is selected for the DEMAND LIMIT SOURCE, the MOTOR RATED KILOWATTS must be entered (information found on the chiller Requisition form). The TEMP PULLDOWN DEG/MIN may be viewed or modified on the TEMP_CTL screen which is accessed from the EQUIPMENT SERVICE screen. PULLDOWN RAMP TYPE, DEMAND LIMIT SOURCE, and MOTOR LOAD RAMP %/MIN may be viewed or modified on the RAMP_DEM screen. Capacity Override (Table 4) Capacity overrides can prevent some safety shutdowns caused by exceeding the motor amperage limit, refrigerant low temperature safety limit, motor high temperature safety limit, and condenser high pressure limit. In all cases there are 2 stages of compressor vane control. 1. The vanes are prevented from opening further, and the status line on the CVC/ICVC indicates the reason for the override. 2. The vanes are closed until the condition decreases to below the first step set point. Then the vanes are released to normal capacity control. Whenever the motor current demand limit set point (ACTIVE DEMAND LIMIT) is reached, it activates a capacity override, again, with a 2-step process. Exceeding 110% of the rated load amps for more than 30 seconds will initiate a safety shutdown. The compressor high lift (surge prevention) set point will cause a capacity override as well. When the surge prevention set point is reached, the controller normally will only prevent the guide vanes from opening. If so equipped, the hot gas bypass valve will open instead of holding the vanes. See the Surge Prevention Algorithm section, page 39. High Discharge Temperature Control If the
discharge temperature increases above 160 F (71.1 C), the guide vanes are proportionally opened to increase gas flow through the compressor. If the leaving chilled water temperature is then brought 5 F (2.8 C) below the control set point temperature, the PIC II will bring the chiller into the recycle mode.

As part of the pre-start checks executed by the controls, the oil sump temperature (OIL SUMP TEMP) is compared to the cooler refrigerant temperature (EVAPORATOR REFRIG TEMP). If the difference between these 2 temperatures is 50 F (27.8 C) or less, the start-up will be delayed until the oil temperature is 50 F (27.8 C) or more. Once this temperature is confirmed, the start-up continues. The oil heater relay is energized whenever the chiller compressor is off and the oil sump temperature is less than 140 F (60.0 C) or the oil sump temperature is less than the cooler refrigerant temperature plus 53 F (11.7 C). The oil heater is turned off when the oil sump temperature is either more than 152 F (66.7 C), or more than 142 F (61.1 C) and more than the cooler refrigerant temperature plus 55 F (12.8 C). The oil heater is always off during start-up or when the compressor is running. The oil pump is also energized during the time the oil is being heated (for 60 seconds at the end of every 30 minutes).

Oil Cooler The oil must be cooled when the compressor is running. This is accomplished through a small, plate-type heat exchanger (also called the oil cooler) located behind the oil pump. The heat exchanger uses liquid condenser refrigerant as the cooling liquid. Refrigerant thermostatic expansion valves (TXVs) regulate refrigerant flow to control the oil temperature entering the bearings. The bulbs for the expansion valves are strapped to the oil supply line leaving the heat exchanger, and the valves are set to maintain 110 F (43 C). NOTE: The TXVs are not adjustable. The oil sump temperature may be at a lower temperature during compressor operations. Remote Start/Stop Controls A remote device, such as a timeclock that uses a set of contacts, may be used to start and stop the chiller. However, the device should not be programmed to start and stop the chiller in excess of 2 or 3 times every 12 hours. If more than 8 starts in 12 hours (the STARTS IN 12 HOURS parameter on the MAINSTAT screen) occur, an excessive starts alarm displays, preventing the chiller from starting. The operator must press the RESET softkey on the CVC/ICVC to override the starts counter and start the chiller. If the chiller records 12 starts (excluding recycle starts) in a sliding 12-hour period, it can be restarted only by pressing the RESET softkey followed by the LOCAL or CCN softkey. This ensures that, if the automatic system is malfunctioning, the chiller will not repeatedly cycle on and off. If the automatic restart after a power failure option (AUTO RESTART OPTION on the OPTIONS screen) is not activated when a power failure occurs, and if the remote contact is closed, the chiller will indicate an alarm because of the loss of voltage. The contacts for remote start are wired into the starter at terminal strip J2, terminals 5 and 6 on the ISM. See the certified drawings for further details on contact ratings. The contacts must have 24 vac dry contact rating. Spare Safety Inputs Normally closed (NC) discrete
inputs for additional field-supplied safeties may be wired to the spare protective limits input channel in place of the factoryinstalled jumper. (Wire multiple inputs in series.) The opening of any contact will result in a safety shutdown and a display on the CVC/ICVC. Refer to the certified drawings for safety contact ratings. Analog temperature sensors may also be added to the module (SPARE TEMP #1 and #2). The analog temperature sensors may be configured to cause an alert or alarm on the CCN network. The alert will not shut the chiller down. Configuring for alarm state will cause the chiller to shut down.

Oil Sump Temperature Control The oil sump

temperature control is regulated by the PIC II, which uses the oil heater relay when the chiller is shut down. 36
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Table 4 Capacity Overrides

FIRST STAGE SET POINT OVERRIDE CAPACITY CONTROL View/Modify on CVC/ICVC Screen SETUP1 Default Value 125 psig (862 kPa) >200 F (93.3 C) Configurable Range 90 to 165 psig (620 to 1138 kPa) 150 to 200 F (66 to 93 C) SECOND STAGE SET POINT Value >Override Set Point +2.4 psid (16.5 kPad) >Override Set Point +10 F (6 C) Trippoint + Override T 1 F (0.56 C) OVERRIDE TERMINATION Value <Override Set Point <Override Set Point >Trippoint + Override T+2 F (1.2 C)




3 F (1.6 C)

2 to 5 F (1 to 3 C) 0.5 to 20 F (0.3 to 8.3 C) 30 to 170 psid (207 to 1172 kPad) 0.5 to 20 F (0.3 to 8.3 C) 50 to 170 psid (348 to 1172 kPad) 0 to 100% 40 to 100% None



Min: T1 1.5 F (0.8 C) P1 50 psid (345 kPad) Max: T2 10 F (5.6 C) P2 85 psid (586 kPad) Automatic 100% Calculated Minimum Superheat for Conditions


Within Lift Limits Plus Surge/HGBP Deadband Setting



None 5% of Set Point 2 F (1.1 C) Below Calculated Minimum Superheat

Release of Manual Control 2% Lower Than Set Point 1 F (0.56 C) Above Calculated Minimum Superheat

Alarm (Trip) Output Contacts One set of alarm

contacts is provided in the starter. The contact ratings are provided in the certified drawings. The contacts are located on terminal strip J9, terminals 15 and 16.

Refrigerant Leak Detector An input is available on the CCM module [terminal J5-5 () and J5-6 (+)] for a refrigerant leak detector. Enabling REFRIGERANT LEAK OPTION (OPTIONS screen) will allow the PIC II controls to go into an alarm state at a user configured level (REFRIGERANT LEAK ALARM mA). The input is configured for 4 to 20 mA by setting the DIP switch 1 on SW2 at the ON position, or configured for 1 to 5 vdc by setting switch 1 at the OFF position. The output of the refrigerant leak detector is displayed as REFRIGERANT LEAK SENSOR on the MAINSTAT screen. For a 1 to 5 vdc input, 1 vdc input represents 4 mA displayed and 5 vdc input represents 20 mA displayed. Kilowatt Output An output is available on the CCM
module [Terminal J8-1 (+) and J8-2 ()] to represent the power consumption of the chiller. The 4 to 20 mA signal generated by the CCM module can be wired to the building automation or energy management system to monitor the chillers energy consumption. A 4 mA signal represents the chiller in an off state and a 20 mA signal represents the chiller operating at its rated peak kilowatt consumption. The rated peak kilowatt consumption is configured by the user in the RAMP_DEM display screen by the setting the MOTOR RATED KILOWATTS from the job data sheet.

Third party software from building automation systems (BAS) or energy management systems (EMS) can also access the PIC II controls through a Carrier DataLINK module and reset the fault displayed. Both methods would access the CVC_PSWD/ICVC_PSWD screen and force the RESET ALARM? point to YES to reset the fault condition. If the PIC II controls have determined that is safe to start the chiller the CCN MODE? point (CVC_PSWD/ICVC_PSWD screen) can be forced to YES to place the chiller back into normal CCN operating mode. The only exceptions are the following alarms that cannot be reset from a remote location: STATE #100, 205, 217-220, 223, 233, 234, 247, and 250. To view alarm codes, refer to Troubleshooting Guide, Checking Display Messages, page 76. After the alarm has been reset the PIC II control will increment the Starts in 12 Hours counter by one upon restart. If the limit of 8 starts in a 12-hour period occurs the alarm will be required to be reset at the chiller control panel (CVC/ICVC).

Remote Reset of Alarms A standard feature of the PIC II controls is the ability to reset a chiller in a shutdown alarm state from a remote location. If the condition which caused the alarm has cleared the chiller can be placed back into a normal CCN operating mode when the REMOTE RESET OPTION (CVC_PSWD/ICVC_PSWD menu) is set to ENABLE. A variety of Carrier Comfort Network software systems including ComfortVIEW or Network Service Tool can access the PIC II controls and reset the displayed alarm.

Condenser Pump Control The chiller will monitor the condenser pressure (CONDENSER PRESSURE) and may turn on the condenser pump if the condenser pressure becomes too high while the compressor is shut down. The condenser pressure override (COND PRESS OVERRIDE) parameter is used to determine this pressure point. COND PRESS OVERRIDE is found in the SETUP1 display screen, which is accessed from the EQUIPMENT SERVICE table. The default value is 125 psig (862 kPa). If the CONDENSER PRESSURE is greater than or equal to the COND PRESS OVERRIDE, and the entering condenser water temperature (ENTERING CONDENSER WATER) is less than 115 F (46 C), the condenser pump will energize to try to decrease the pressure. The pump will turn off when the condenser pressure is 3.5 psi (24.1 kPa) less than the pressure override or when the condenser refrigerant temperature (CONDENSER REFRIG TEMP) is within 3 F (1.7 C) of the entering condenser water temperature (ENTERING CONDENSER WATER).

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Condenser Freeze Prevention This control algorithm helps prevent condenser tube freeze-up by energizing the condenser pump relay. The PIC II controls the pump and, by starting it, helps to prevent the water in the condenser from freezing. The PIC II can perform this function whenever the chiller is not running except when it is either actively in pumpdown or in pumpdown/lockout with the freeze prevention disabled. When the CONDENSER REFRIG TEMP is less than or equal to the CONDENSER FREEZE POINT, the CONDENSER WATER PUMP is energized until the CONDENSER REFRIG TEMP is greater than the CONDENSER FREEZE POINT plus 5 F (2.7 C) and the ENTERING CONDENSER WATER TEMPERATURE is less than or equal to the CONDENSER FREEZE POINT. An alarm is generated if the chiller is in PUMPDOWN mode and the pump is energized. An alert is generated if the chiller is not in PUMPDOWN mode and the pump is energized. If the chiller is in RECYCLE SHUTDOWN mode, the mode will transition to a non-recycle shutdown.

The TOWER FAN RELAY LOW and HIGH parameters are accessed from the STARTUP screen. IMPORTANT: A field-supplied water temperature control system for condenser water should be installed. The system should maintain the leaving condenser water temperature at a temperature that is 20 F (11 C) above the leaving chilled water temperature.

The tower fan relay control is not a substitute for a condenser water temperature control. When used with a water temperature control system, the tower fan relay control can be used to help prevent low condenser water temperatures.

Auto. Restart After Power Failure This option

may be enabled or disabled and may be viewed or modified on the OPTIONS screen, which is accessed from the EQUIPMENT CONFIGURATION table. If the AUTO. RESTART OPTION is enabled, the chiller will start up automatically after a power failure has occurred (after a single cycle dropout; low, high, or loss of voltage; and the power is within 15% of normal). The 15- and 5-minute inhibit timers are ignored during this type of start-up. When power is restored after the power failure and if the compressor had been running, the oil pump will energize for one minute before energizing the cooler pump. AUTO. RESTART will then continue like a normal start-up. If power to the CVC/ICVC module has been off for more than 3 hours or the timeclock has been set for the first time, start the compressor with the slowest temperature-based ramp load rate possible in order to minimize oil foaming. The oil pump is energized occasionally during the time the oil is being brought up to proper temperature in order to eliminate refrigerant that has migrated to the oil sump during the power failure. The pump turns on for 60 seconds at the end of every 30-minute period until the chiller is started.

Evaporator Freeze Protection (ICVC only) A refrigerant temperature sensor is installed at the bottom of the cooler to provide redundant freeze protection. In place of the cooler and condenser water pressure transducer inputs on the CCM is a 4.3k ohm resister and a jumper lead. When the EVAPORATOR REFRIGERANT TEMPERATURE is less than the EVAP REFRIG TRIPPOINT plus the REFRIG OVERRIDE DELTA T (configurable from 2 to 5), state 122 will be displayed and a capacity override will occur. If the EVAPORATOR REFRIG TEMP is equal to or less than the EVAP Refrig TRIPPOINT, Protective Limit ALARM STATE 232 will be displayed and the unit will shut down. Tower Fan Relay Low and High Low condenser water temperature can cause the chiller to shut down when refrigerant temperature is low. The tower fan relays, located in the starter, are controlled by the PIC II to energize and deenergize as the pressure differential between cooler and condenser vessels changes. This prevents low condenser water temperature and maximizes chiller efficiency. The tower fan relay can only accomplish this if the relay has been added to the cooling tower temperature controller. The tower fan relay low is turned on whenever the condenser water pump is running, flow is verified, and the difference between cooler and condenser pressure is more than 30 psid (207 kPad) for entering condenser water temperature greater than 65 F (18.3 C). The tower fan relay low is turned off when the condenser pump is off, flow is stopped, or the cooler refrigerant temperature is less than the override temperature for ENTERING CONDENSER WATER temperature less than 62 F (16.7 C), or the differential pressure is less than 25 psid (172.4 kPad) for entering condenser water less than 80 F (27 C). The tower fan relay high is turned on whenever the condenser water pump is running, flow is verified and the difference between cooler and condenser pressure is more than 35 psid (241.3 kPa) for entering condenser water temperature greater than the TOWER FAN HIGH SETPOINT (SETPOINT menu, default 75 F [23.9 C]). The tower fan relay high is turned off when the condenser pump is off, flow is stopped, or the cooler refrigerant temperature is less than the override temperature and ENTERING CONDENSER WATER is less than 70 F (21.1 C), or the difference between cooler and condenser pressure is less than 28 Psid (193 kPa), or ENTERING CONDENSER WATER temperature is less than TOWER FAN HIGH SETPOINT minus 3 F (16.1 C).

Water/Brine Reset Three types of chilled water or brine reset are available and can be viewed or modified on the TEMP_CTL screen, which is accessed from the EQUIPMENT SERVICE table. The CVC/ICVC default screen indicates when the chilled water reset is active. TEMPERATURE RESET on the MAINSTAT screen indicates the amount of reset. The CONTROL POINT will be determined by adding the TEMPERATURE RESET to the SETPOINT. To activate a reset type, access the TEMP_CTL screen and input all configuration information for that reset type. Then, input the reset type number (1, 2, or 3) in the SELECT/ENABLE RESET TYPE input line. RESET TYPE 1: 4 to 20 mA (1 to 5 vdc) TEMPERATURE RESET Reset Type 1 is an automatic chilled water temperature reset based on a remote temperature sensor input configured for either an externally powered 4 to 20 mA or a 1 to 5 vdc signal. Reset Type 1 permits up to 30 F (16 C) of automatic reset to the chilled water set point. The auto, chilled water reset is hardwired to terminals J5-3 () and J5-4 (+) on the CCM. Switch setting number 2 on SW2 will determine the type of input signal. With the switch set at the ON position the input is configured for an externally powered 4 to 20 mA signal. With the switch in the OFF position the input is configured for an external 1 to 5 vdc signal. RESET TYPE 2: REMOTE TEMPERATURE RESET Reset Type 2 is an automatic chilled water temperature reset based on a remote temperature sensor input signal. Reset Type 2 permits 30 F ( 16 C) of automatic reset to the set point based on a temperature sensor wired to the CCM module

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(see wiring diagrams or certified drawings). The temperature sensor must be wired to terminal J4-13 and J4-14. To configure Reset Type 2, enter the temperature of the remote sensor at the point where no temperature reset will occur (REMOTE TEMP > NO RESET). Next, enter the temperature at which the full amount of reset will occur (REMOTE TEMP > FULL RESET). Then, enter the maximum amount of reset required to operate the chiller (DEGREES RESET). Reset Type 2 can now be activated. RESET TYPE 3 Reset Type 3 is an automatic chilled water temperature reset based on cooler temperature difference. Reset Type 3 adds 30 F ( 16 C) based on the temperature difference between the entering and leaving chilled water temperature. To configure Reset Type 3, enter the chilled water temperature difference (the difference between entering and leaving chilled water) at which no temperature reset occurs (CHW DELTA T > NO RESET). This chilled water temperature difference is usually the full design load temperature difference. Next, enter the difference in chilled water temperature at which the full amount of reset occurs (CHW DELTA T > FULL RESET). Finally, enter the amount of reset (DEGREES RESET). Reset Type 3 can now be activated.

where the HOT GAS BYPASS/SURGE PREVENTION is off, the point must pass through the deadband region to the line determined by the configured values before the HOT GAS BYPASS/SURGE PREVENTION will be turned on. As the point moves from the region where the HOT GAS BYPASS/ SURGE PREVENTION is on, the point must pass through the deadband region before the HOT GAS BYPASS/SURGE PREVENTION is turned off. Information on modifying the default set points of the minimum and full load points may be found in the Input Service Configurations section, page 55. The state of the surge/hot gas bypass algorithm on the HEAT_EX DISPLAY SCREEN (Surge/HGBP Active?). Corrective action can be taken by making one of 2 choices. If a hot gas bypass line is present and the hot gas option is selected on the OPTIONS table (SURGE LIMIT/HGBP OPTION is set to 1), the hot gas bypass valve can be energized. If the hot gas bypass option is not selected (SURGE LIMIT/ HGBP OPTION is set to 0), hold the guide vanes. See Table 4,

Demand Limit Control Option The demand limit control option (20 mA DEMAND LIMIT OPT) is externally controlled by a 4 to 20 mA or 1 to 5 vdc signal from an energy management system (EMS). The option is set up on the RAMP_DEM screen. When enabled, 4 mA is the 100% demand set point with an operator-configured minimum demand at a 20 mA set point (DEMAND LIMIT AT 20 mA). The auto. demand limit is hardwired to terminals J5-1 () and J5-2 (+) on the CCM. Switch setting number 1 on SW2 will determine the type of input signal. With the switch set at the ON position the input is configured for an externally powered 4 to 20 mA signal. With the switch in the OFF position the input is configured for an external 1 to 5 vdc signal. Surge Prevention Algorithm (Fixed Speed Chiller) This is an operator-configurable feature that can
determine if lift conditions are too high for the compressor and then take corrective action. Lift is defined as the difference between the pressure at the impeller eye and at the impeller discharge. The maximum lift a particular impeller wheel can perform varies with the gas flow across the impeller and the size of the wheel. A surge condition occurs when the lift becomes so high the gas flow across the impeller reverses. This condition can eventually cause chiller damage. The surge prevention algorithm notifies the operator that chiller operating conditions are marginal and to take action to help prevent chiller damage such as lowering entering condenser water temperature. The surge prevention algorithm first determines if corrective action is necessary. The algorithm checks 2 sets of operator-configured data points, the minimum load points (MIN. LOAD POINT [T1,P1]) and the full load points (FULL LOAD POINT [T2,P2]). These points have default settings as defined on the OPTIONS screen or on Table 4. The surge prevention algorithm function and settings are graphically displayed in Fig. 21 and 22. The two sets of load points on the graph (default settings are shown) describe a line the algorithm uses to determine the maximum lift of the compressor. When the actual differential pressure between the cooler and condenser and the temperature difference between the entering and leaving chilled water are above the line on the graph (as defined by the minimum and full load points), the algorithm goes into a corrective action mode. If the actual values are below the line and outside of the deadband region, the algorithm takes no action. When the point defined by the ACTIVE DELTA P and ACTIVE DELTA T, moves from the region 39
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LEGEND Entering Chilled Water Hot Gas Bypass Leaving Chilled Water

P = (Condenser Psi) (Cooler Psi) T = (ECW) (LCW)

Fig. 21 19XR Hot Gas Bypass/Surge Prevention with Default English Settings


LEGEND Entering Chilled Water Hot Gas Bypass Leaving Chilled Water

P = (Condenser kPa) (Cooler kPa) T = (ECW) (LCW)

Fig. 22 19XR Hot Gas Bypass/Surge Prevention with Default Metric Settings

Capacity Overrides. Both of these corrective actions try to reduce the lift experienced by the compressor and help prevent a surge condition.

Surge Prevention Algorithm with VFD This is

an operator configurable feature that can determine if lift conditions are too high for the compressor and then take corrective action. Lift is defined as the difference between the pressure at the impeller eye and at the impeller discharge. The maximum lift a particular impeller wheel can perform varies with the gas flow through the impeller and the diameter of the impeller. A surge condition occurs when the lift becomes so high the gas flow across the impeller reverses. This condition can eventually cause chiller damage. When enabled, the Surge Prevention Algorithm will adjust either the inlet guide vane (IGV) position or compressor speed to maintain the compressor at a safe distance from surge while maintaining machine efficiency. If the surge condition degrades then the algorithm will move aggressively away from surge. This condition can be identified when the SURGE/HGBP ACTIVE? on the HEAT_EX display screen displays a YES. The surge prevention algorithm first determines if corrective action is necessary. The algorithm checks two sets of operator-configured data points, the lower surge point (MIN. LOAD POINT [T1,P1]) and the upper surge point (FULL LOAD POINT [T2,P2]). The surge characteristics vary between different chiller configurations and operating conditions. The surge characteristics are factory set based on the original selection with the values displayed inside the control panel of the chiller. Since operating conditions may affect the surge prevention algorithm, some field adjustments may be necessary. The surge prevention algorithm function and settings are graphically displayed on Fig. 21 and 22. The two sets of load points on the graph (default settings are shown) describe a line the algorithm uses to determine the maximum lift of the compressor for the particular maximum operating speed. When the actual differential pressure between the cooler and condenser and the temperature difference between the entering and leaving chilled water are above the line on the graph (as defined by the minimum and full load points), the algorithm operates in Surge Prevention mode. This is determined when the ACTIVE DELTA T is less than SURGE/HGBP DELTA T minus the deadband. When in Surge Prevention mode, with a command to increase capacity, the VFD speed will increase until maximum VFD speed is reached. At VFD MAXIMUM SPEED, when Capacity still needs to increase, the IGVs open. When in Surge Prevention mode, with a command to decrease capacity only the IGVs will close.

parameter, and use the INCREASE or DECREASE softkey to adjust the amount of time. The default setting is 8 minutes. Access the display screen (COMPRESS) to monitor the surge count (SURGE PROTECTION COUNTS).

Surge Protection (Fixed Speed Chiller) The PIC II monitors surge, which is a fluctuation in compressor motor amperage. Each time the fluctuation exceeds an operator-specified limit (SURGE DELTA % AMPS), the PIC II counts the surge. If more than 5 surges occur within an operator-specified time (SURGE TIME PERIOD), the PIC II initiates a surge protection shutdown of the chiller. The surge limit can be adjusted from the OPTIONS screen. Scroll down to the SURGE DELTA % AMPS parameter, and use the INCREASE or DECREASE softkey to adjust the percent of surge. The default setting is 10% amps. The surge time period can also be adjusted from the OPTIONS screen. Scroll to the SURGE TIME PERIOD parameter, and use the INCREASE or DECREASE softkey to adjust the amount of time. The default setting is 8 minutes. Access the display screen (COMPRESS) to monitor the surge count (SURGE PROTECTION COUNTS). HEAD PRESSURE REFERENCE OUTPUT (See Fig. 23) The PIC II control outputs a 4 to 20 mA signal for the configurable Delta P (condenser pressure minus evaporator pressure) reference curve shown in Fig. 23. An output is available on the ISM module [Terminal J8 (+), J8 () labeled spare]. For chillers with Benshaw Inc. solid-state starters terminal strip labeled J8 (+), J8 () located next to the RediStart MICRO input/output card is provided. The Delta P at 100% (chiller at maximum load condition default at 35 psi), DELTA P AT 0% (chiller at minimum load condition default at 25 psi) and MINIMUM OUTPUT points are configurable in the EQUIPMENT SERVICE-OPTIONS table. When configuring this output ensure that minimum requirements for oil pressure and proper condenser FLASC orifice performance are maintained. The 4 to 20 mA output can be used as a reference to control a tower bypass valve, tower speed control, or condenser pump speed control. Lead/Lag Control The lead/lag control system automatically starts and stops a lag or second chiller in a 2-chiller water system. A third chiller can be added to the lead/lag system as a standby chiller to start up in case the lead or lag chiller in the system has shut down during an alarm condition and additional cooling is required. Refer to Fig. 17 and 18 for menu, table, and screen selection information.

Surge Protection VFD Units The PIC II monitors surge, which is detected as a fluctuation in compressor motor amperage. Each time the fluctuation exceeds an operatorspecified limit (SURGE DELTA % AMPS), the PIC II registers a surge protection count. If more than 5 surges occur within an operator-specified time (SURGE TIME PERIOD), the PIC II initiates a surge protection shutdown of the chiller. On VFD units, if a surge count is registered and if ACTUAL VFD SPEED is less than VFD MAXIMUM SPEED then motor speed will be increased by the configured VFD increase step. While the SURGE PROTECTION COUNTS are >0, a speed decrease will not be honored. The surge limit can be adjusted from the OPTIONS screen (see Table 2). Scroll down to the SURGE DELTA % AMPS parameter, and use the INCREASE or DECREASE softkey to adjust the percent of surge. The default setting is 10% amps. The surge time period can also be adjusted from the OPTIONS screen. Scroll to the SURGE TIME PERIOD




0 mA 2 mA 4 mA (0%) 4 T0 20 mA OUTPUT

20 mA (100%)

Fig. 23 Head Pressure Reference Output

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NOTE: The lead/lag function can be configured on the LEADLAG screen, which is accessed from the SERVICE menu and EQUIPMENT SERVICE table. See Table 2, Example 20. Lead/lag status during chiller operation can be viewed on the LL_MAINT display screen, which is accessed from the SERVICE menu and CONTROL ALGORITHM STATUS table. See Table 2, Example 12. Lead/Lag System Requirements: all chillers in the system must have software capable of performing the lead/lag function water pumps MUST be energized from the PIC II controls water flows should be constant the CCN time schedules for all chillers must be identical Operation Features: 2 chiller lead/lag addition of a third chiller for backup manual rotation of lead chiller load balancing if configured staggered restart of the chillers after a power failure chillers may be piped in parallel or in series chilled water flow COMMON POINT SENSOR INSTALLATION Lead/lag operation does not require a common chilled water point sensor. Common point sensors (Spare Temp #1 and #2) can be added to the CCM module, if desired. Spare Temp #1 and #2 are wired to plug J4 terminals 25-26 and 27-28 (J4 lower, respectively). NOTE: If the common point sensor option is chosen on a chilled water system, each chiller should have its own common point sensor installed. Each chiller uses its own common point sensor for control when that chiller is designated as the lead chiller. The PIC II cannot read the value of common point sensors installed on the other chillers in the chilled water system. If leaving chilled water control (ECW CONTROL OPTION is set to 0 [DSABLE] TEMP_CTL screen) and a common point sensor is desired (COMMON SENSOR OPTION in LEADLAG screen selected as 1) then the sensor is wired in Spare Temp #1 position on the CCM. If the entering chilled water control option (ECW CONTROL OPTION) is enabled (configured in TEMP_CTL screen) and a common point sensor is desired (COMMON SENSOR OPTION in LEADLAG screen selected as 1) then the sensor is wired in Spare Temp #2 position on the CCM. When installing chillers in series, a common point sensor should be used. If a common point sensor is not used, the leaving chilled water sensor of the upstream chiller must be moved into the leaving chilled water pipe of the downstream chiller. If return chilled water control is required on chillers piped in series, the common point return chilled water sensor should be installed. If this sensor is not installed, the return chilled water sensor of the downstream chiller must be relocated to the return chilled water pipe of the upstream chiller. To properly control the common supply point temperature sensor when chillers are piped in parallel, the water flow through the shutdown chillers must be isolated so no water bypass around the operating chiller occurs. The common point sensor option must not be used if water bypass around the operating chiller is occurring. CHILLER COMMUNICATION WIRING Refer to the chillers Installation Instructions, Carrier Comfort Network Interface section for information on chiller communication wiring.

LEAD/LAG OPERATION The PIC II not only has the ability to operate 2 chillers in lead/lag, but it can also start a designated standby chiller when either the lead or lag chiller is faulted and capacity requirements are not met. The lead/lag option only operates when the chillers are in CCN mode. If any other chiller configured for lead/lag is set to the LOCAL or OFF modes, it will be unavailable for lead/lag operation. Lead/Lag Chiller Configuration and Operation A chiller is designated the lead chiller when its LEADLAG: CONFIGURATION value on the LEADLAG screen is set to 1. A chiller is designated the lag chiller when its LEADLAG: CONFIGURATION value is set to 2. A chiller is designated as a standby chiller when its LEADLAG: CONFIGURATION value is set to 3. A value of 0 disables the lead/lag designation of a chiller. To configure the LAG ADDRESS value on the LEADLAG screen, always enter the address of the other chiller on the system. For example, if you are configuring chiller A, enter the address for chiller B as the lag address. If you are configuring chiller B, enter the address for chiller A as the lag address. This makes it easier to rotate the lead and lag chillers. If the address assignments in the LAG ADDRESS and STANDBY ADDRESS parameters conflict, the lead/lag function is disabled and an alert (!) message displays. For example, if the LAG ADDRESS matches the lead chillers address, the lead/lag will be disabled and an alert (!) message displayed. The lead/lag maintenance screen (LL_MAINT) displays the message INVALID CONFIG in the LEADLAG: CONFIGURATION and CURRENT MODE fields. The lead chiller responds to normal start/stop controls such as the occupancy schedule, a forced start or stop, and remote start contact inputs. After completing start-up and ramp loading, the PIC II evaluates the need for additional capacity. If additional capacity is needed, the PIC II initiates the start-up of the chiller configured at the LAG ADDRESS. If the lag chiller is faulted (in alarm) or is in the OFF or LOCAL modes, the chiller at the STANDBY ADDRESS (if configured) is requested to start. After the second chiller is started and is running, the lead chiller monitors conditions and evaluates whether the capacity has been reduced enough for the lead chiller to sustain the system alone. If the capacity is reduced enough for the lead chiller to sustain the CONTROL POINT temperatures alone, then the operating lag chiller is stopped. If the lead chiller is stopped in CCN mode for any reason other than an alarm (*) condition, the lag and standby chillers are also stopped. If the configured lead chiller stops for an alarm condition, the configured lag chiller takes the lead chillers place as the lead chiller, and the standby chiller serves as the lag chiller. If the configured lead chiller does not complete the start-up before the PRESTART FAULT TIMER (a user-configured value) elapses, then the lag chiller starts and the lead chiller shuts down. The lead chiller then monitors the start request from the acting lead chiller. The PRESTART FAULT TIMER is initiated at the time of a start request. The PRESTART FAULT TIMER provides a timeout if there is a prestart alert condition that prevents the chiller from starting in a timely manner. The PRESTART FAULT TIMER parameter is on the LEADLAG screen, which is accessed from the EQUIPMENT SERVICE table of the SERVICE menu. If the lag chiller does not achieve start-up before the PRESTART FAULT TIMER elapses, the lag chiller stops, and the standby chiller is requested to start, if configured and ready.

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Standby Chiller Configuration and Operation A chiller is designated as a standby chiller when its LEADLAG: CONFIGURATION value on the LEADLAG screen is set to 3. The standby chiller can operate as a replacement for the lag chiller only if one of the other two chillers is in an alarm (*) condition (as shown on the CVC/ICVC panel). If both lead and lag chillers are in an alarm (*) condition, the standby chiller defaults to operate in CCN mode, based on its configured occupancy schedule and remote contacts input. Lag Chiller Start-Up Requirements Before the lag chiller can be started, the following conditions must be met: 1. Lead chiller ramp loading must be complete. 2. Lead chilled water temperature must be greater than the CONTROL POINT temperature (see the MAINSTAT screen) plus 1/2 the CHILLED WATER DEADBAND temperature (see the SETUP1 screen). NOTE: The chilled water temperature sensor may be the leaving chilled water sensor, the return water sensor, the common supply water sensor, or the common return water sensor, depending on which options are configured and enabled. 3. Lead chiller ACTIVE DEMAND LIMIT (see the MAINSTAT screen) value must be greater than 95% of full load amps. 4. Lead chiller temperature pulldown rate (TEMP PULLDOWN DEG/MIN on the TEMP_CTL screen) of the chilled water temperature is less than 0.5 F (0.27 C) per minute. 5. The lag chiller status indicates it is in CCN mode and is not in an alarm condition. If the current lag chiller is in an alarm condition, the standby chiller becomes the active lag chiller, if it is configured and available. 6. The configured LAG START TIMER entry has elapsed. The LAG START TIMER starts when the lead chiller ramp loading is completed. The LAG START TIMER entry is on the LEADLAG screen, which is accessed from the EQUIPMENT SERVICE table of the SERVICE menu. When all the above requirements have been met, the lag chiller is commanded to a STARTUP mode (SUPVSR flashing next to the point value on the STATUS table). The PIC II control then monitors the lag chiller for a successful start. If the lag chiller fails to start, the standby chiller, if configured, is started. Lag Chiller Shutdown Requirements The following conditions must be met in order for the lag chiller to be stopped. 1. Lead chiller compressor motor average line current or load value (MOTOR PERCENT KILOWATTS on the MAINSTAT screen) is less than the lead chiller percent capacity. NOTE: Lead chiller percent capacity = 115 LAG % CAPACITY. The LAG % CAPACITY parameter is on the LEADLAG screen, which is accessed from the EQUIPMENT SERVICE table on the SERVICE menu. 2. The lead chiller chilled water temperature is less than the CONTROL POINT temperature (see the MAINSTAT screen) plus 1/2 the CHILLED WATER DEADBAND temperature (see the SETUP1 screen). 3. The configured LAG STOP TIMER entry has elapsed. The LAG STOP TIMER starts when the lead chiller chilled water temperature is less than the chilled water CONTROL POINT plus 1/2 of the CHILLED WATER DEADBAND and the lead chiller compressor motor load (MOTOR PERCENT KILOWATT or AVERAGE LINE CURRENT on the MAINSTAT screen) is less than the lead chiller percent capacity.

NOTE: Lead chiller percent capacity = 115 LAG % CAPACITY. The LAG % CAPACITY parameter is on the LEADLAG screen, which is accessed from the EQUIPMENT SERVICE table on the SERVICE menu. FAULTED CHILLER OPERATION If the lead chiller shuts down because of an alarm (*) condition, it stops communicating to the lag and standby chillers. After 30 seconds, the lag chiller becomes the acting lead chiller and starts and stops the standby chiller, if necessary. If the lag chiller goes into alarm when the lead chiller is also in alarm, the standby chiller reverts to a stand-alone CCN mode of operation. If the lead chiller is in an alarm (*) condition (as shown on the CVC/ICVC panel), press the RESET softkey to clear the alarm. The chiller is placed in CCN mode. The lead chiller communicates and monitors the RUN STATUS of the lag and standby chillers. If both the lag and standby chillers are running, the lead chiller does not attempt to start and does not assume the role of lead chiller until either the lag or standby chiller shuts down. If only one chiller is running, the lead chiller waits for a start request from the operating chiller. When the configured lead chiller starts, it assumes its role as lead chiller. If the lag chiller is the only chiller running when the lead chiller assumes its role as a lead chiller then the lag chiller will perform a RECOVERY START REQUEST (LL_MAINT screen). The lead chiller will start up when the following conditions are met. 1. Lag chiller ramp loading must be complete. 2. Lag CHILLED WATER TEMP (MAINSTAT screen) is greater than CONTROL POINT plus 1/2 the CHILLED WATER DEADBAND temperature. 3. Lag chiller ACTIVE DEMAND LIMIT value must be greater than 95% of full load amps. 4. Lag chiller temperature pulldown rate (TEMP PULLDOWN DEG/MIN) of the chilled water temperature is less than 0.5 F (0.27 C) per minute. 5. The standby chiller is not running as a lag chiller. 6. The configured LAG START TIMER has elapsed. The LAG START TIMER is started when ramp loading is completed. LOAD BALANCING When the LOAD BALANCE OPTION (see LEADLAG screen) is enabled, the lead chiller sets the ACTIVE DEMAND LIMIT in the lag chiller to the lead chillers compressor motor load value MOTOR PERCENT KILOWATTS or AVERAGE LINE CURRENT on the MAINSTAT screen). This value has limits of 40% to 100%. When the lag chiller ACTIVE DEMAND LIMIT is set, the CONTROL POINT must be modified to a value of 3 F (1.67 C) less than the lead chillers CONTROL POINT value. If the LOAD BALANCE OPTION is disabled, the ACTIVE DEMAND LIMIT and the CONTROL POINT are forced to the same value as the lead chiller. AUTO. RESTART AFTER POWER FAILURE When an auto. restart condition occurs, each chiller may have a delay added to the start-up sequence, depending on its lead/lag configuration. The lead chiller does not have a delay. The lag chiller has a 45-second delay. The standby chiller has a 90-second delay. The delay time is added after the chiller water flow is verified. The PIC II ensures the guide vanes are closed. After the guide vane position is confirmed, the delay for lag and standby chillers occurs prior to energizing the oil pump. The normal start-up sequence then continues. The auto. restart delay sequence occurs whether the chiller is in CCN or LOCAL mode and is intended to stagger the compressor motor starts. Preventing the motors from starting simultaneously helps reduce the inrush demands on the building power system.

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Ice Build Control The ice build control option automatically sets the CONTROL POINT of the chiller to a temperature that allows ice building for thermal storage. NOTE: For ice build control to operate properly, the PIC II must be in CCN mode. NOTE: See Fig. 17 and 18 for more information on ice buildrelated menus. The PIC II can be configured for ice build operation. From the SERVICE menu, access the EQUIPMENT SERVICE table. From there, select the OPTIONS screen to enable or disable the ICE BUILD OPTION. See Table 2, Example 17. The ICE BUILD SETPOINT can be configured from the SETPOINT display, which is accessed from the PIC II main menu. See Table 2, Example 9. The ice build schedule can be viewed or modified from the SCHEDULE table. From this table, select the ice build schedule (OCCPC02S) screen. See Fig. 19 and the section on Time Schedule Operation, page 20, for more information on modifying chiller schedules. The ice build time schedule defines the period(s) during which ice build is active if the ice build option is enabled. If the ice build time schedule overlaps other schedules, the ice build time schedule takes priority. During the ice build period, the CONTROL POINT is set to the ICE BUILD SETPOINT for temperature control. The ICE BUILD RECYCLE and ICE BUILD TERMINATION parameters, accessed from the OPTIONS screen, allow the chiller operator to recycle or terminate the ice build cycle. The ice build cycle can be configured to terminate if: the ENTERING CHILLED WATER temperature is less than the ICE BUILD SETPOINT. In this case, the operator sets the ICE BUILD TERMINATION parameter to 0 on the OPTIONS screen. the REMOTE CONTACT inputs from an ice level indicator are opened. In this case, the operator sets the ICE BUILD TERMINATION parameter to 1 on the OPTIONS screen. the chilled water temperature is less than the ice build set point and the remote contact inputs from an ice level indicator are open. In this case, the operator sets the ICE BUILD TERMINATION parameter to 2 on the OPTIONS screen. the end of the ice build time schedule has been reached. ICE BUILD INITIATION The ice build time schedule (OCCPC02S) is the means for activating the ice build option. The ice build option is enabled if: a day of the week and a time period on the ice build time schedule are enabled. The SCHEDULE screen shows an X in the day field and ON/OFF times are designated for the day(s), and the ICE BUILD OPTION is enabled. The following events take place (unless overridden by a higher authority CCN device). CHILLER START/STOP is forced to START. The CONTROL POINT is forced to the ICE BUILD SETPOINT. Any force (Auto) is removed from the ACTIVE DEMAND LIMIT. NOTE: A parameters value can be forced, that is, the value can be manually changed at the CVC/ICVC by an operator, changed from another CCN device, or changed by other algorithms in the PIC II control system. NOTE: The Ice Build steps do not occur if the chiller is configured and operating as a lag or standby chiller for lead/lag operation and is actively being controlled by a lead chiller. The lead chiller communicates the ICE BUILD SET POINT, the desired CHILLER START/STOP state, and the ACTIVE DEMAND
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LIMIT to the lag or standby chiller as required for ice build, if configured to do so. START-UP/RECYCLE OPERATION If the chiller is not running when ice build activates, the PIC II checks the following conditions, based on the ICE BUILD TERMINATION value, to avoid starting the compressor unnecessarily: if ICE BUILD TERMINATION is set to the TEMP option and the ENTERING CHILLED WATER temperature is less than or equal to the ICE BUILD SETPOINT; if ICE BUILD TERMINATION is set to the CONTACTS option and the remote contacts are open; if the ICE BUILD TERMINATION is set to the BOTH (temperature and contacts) option and the ENTERING CHILLED WATER temperature is less than or equal to the ICE BUILD SETPOINT and the remote contacts are open. The ICE BUILD RECYCLE on the OPTIONS screen determines whether or not the chiller will go into an ice build RECYCLE mode. If the ICE BUILD RECYCLE is set to DSABLE (disable), the PIC II reverts to normal temperature control when the ice build function terminates. If the ICE BUILD RECYCLE is set to ENABLE, the PIC II goes into an ICE BUILD RECYCLE mode and the chilled water pump relay remains energized to keep the chilled water flowing when the ice build function terminates. If the temperature of the ENTERING CHILLED WATER increases above the ICE BUILD SETPOINT plus the RECYCLE RESTART DELTA T value, the compressor restarts and controls the chilled water/brine temperature to the ICE BUILD SETPOINT. TEMPERATURE CONTROL DURING ICE BUILD During ice build, the capacity control algorithm shall use the CONTROL POINT minus 5 F (2.8 C) for control of the LEAVING CHILLED WATER temperature. (See Table 2, example 10, the CAPACITY CONTROL parameter on the CAPACITY screen.) The ECW CONTROL OPTION and any temperature reset option shall be ignored, if enabled, during ice build. The AUTO DEMAND LIMIT INPUT shall also be ignored if enabled during ice build. ECW CONTROL OPTION and any temperature reset options (configured on TEMP_CTL screen). 20 mA DEMAND LIMIT OPT (configured on RAMP_DEM screen). TERMINATION OF ICE BUILD The ice build function terminates under the following conditions: 1. Time Schedule When the current time on the ice build time schedule (OCCPC02S) is not set as an ice build time period. 2. Entering Chilled Water Temperature Compressor operation terminates, based on temperature, if the ICE BUILD TERMINATION parameter is set to 0 (TEMP), the ENTERING CHILLED WATER temperature is less than the ICE BUILD SETPOINT, and the ICE BUILD RECYCLE is set to DSABLE. If the ICE BUILD RECYCLE OPTION is set to ENABLE, a recycle shutdown occurs and recycle start-up depends on the LEAVING CHILLED WATER temperature being greater than the water/brine CONTROL POINT plus the RESTART DELTA T temperature. 3. Remote Contacts/Ice Level Input Compressor operation terminates when the ICE BUILD TERMINATION parameter is set to 1 (CONTACTS) and the remote contacts are open and the ICE BUILD RECYCLE is set to DSABLE (0). In this case, the contacts provide ice level termination control. The contacts are used to stop the ice build function when a time period on the ice build schedule (OCCPC02S) is set for ice build operation. The remote contacts can still be opened and closed to start and

stop the chiller when a specific time period on the ice build schedule is not set for ice build. 4. Entering Chilled Water Temperature and ICE BUILD Contacts Compressor operation terminates when the ICE BUILD TERMINATION parameter is set to 2 (BOTH) and the conditions described above in items 2 and 3 for entering chilled water temperature and remote contacts have occurred. NOTE: It is not possible to override the CHILLER START/ STOP, CONTROL POINT, and ACTIVE DEMAND LIMIT variables from CCN devices (with a priority 4 or greater) during the ice build period. However, a CCN device can override these settings during 2-chiller lead/lag operation. RETURN TO NON-ICE BUILD OPERATIONS The ice build function forces the chiller to start, even if all other schedules indicate that the chiller should stop. When the ice build function terminates, the chiller returns to normal temperature control and start/stop schedule operation. The CHILLER START/STOP and CONTROL POINT return to normal operation. If the CHILLER START/STOP or CONTROL POINT has been forced (with a device of less than 4 priority) before the ice build function started, when the ice build function ends, the previous forces (of less than 4 priority) are not automatically restored.

Fig. 24 Example of Attach to Network Device Screen module address cannot be found, the message COMMUNICATION FAILURE appears. The CVC/ICVC then reverts back to the ATTACH TO DEVICE screen. Try another device or check the address of the device that would not attach. The upload process time for each CCN module is different. In general, the uploading process takes 1 to 2 minutes. Before leaving the ATTACH TO NETWORK DEVICE screen, select the local device. Otherwise, the CVC/ICVC will be unable to display information on the local chiller. ATTACHING TO OTHER CCN MODULES If the chiller CVC/ICVC has been connected to a CCN Network or other PIC controlled chillers through CCN wiring, the CVC/ICVC can be used to view or change parameters on the other controllers. Other PIC II chillers can be viewed and set points changed (if the other unit is in CCN control), if desired, from this particular CVC/ICVC module. If the module number is not valid, the COMMUNICATION FAILURE message will show and a new address number must be entered or the wiring checked. If the module is communicating properly, the UPLOAD IN PROGRESS message will flash and the new module can now be viewed. Whenever there is a question regarding which module on the CVC/ICVC is currently being shown, check the device name descriptor on the upper left hand corner of the CVC/ ICVC screen. See Fig. 24. When the CCN device has been viewed, the ATTACH TO NETWORK DEVICE table should be used to attach to the PIC that is on the chiller. Move to the ATTACH TO NETWORK DEVICE table (LOCAL should be highlighted) and press the ATTACH softkey to upload the LOCAL device. The CVC/ ICVC for the 19XR will be uploaded and default screen will display. NOTE: The CVC/ICVC will not automatically reattach to the local module on the chiller. Press the ATTACH softkey to attach to the LOCAL device and view the chiller operation.

Attach to Network Device Control The Service

menu includes the ATTACH TO NETWORK DEVICE screen. From this screen, the operator can: enter the time schedule number (if changed) for OCCPC03S, as defined in the NET_OPT screen attach the CVC/ICVC to any CCN device, if the chiller has been connected to a CCN network. This may include other PIC-controlled chillers. upgrade software Figure 24 shows the ATTACH TO NETWORK DEVICE screen. The LOCAL parameter is always the CVC/ICVC module address of the chiller on which it is mounted. Whenever the controller identification of the CVC/ICVC changes, the change is reflected automatically in the BUS and ADDRESS columns for the local device. See Fig. 18. Default address for local device is BUS 0 ADDRESS 1. When the ATTACH TO NETWORK DEVICE screen is accessed, information can not be read from the CVC/ICVC on any device until one of the devices listed on that screen is attached. The CVC/ICVC erases information about the module to which it was attached to make room for information on another device. Therefore, a CCN module must be attached when this screen is entered. To attach any CCN device, highlight it using the SELECT softkey and press the ATTACH softkey. The message UPLOADING TABLES, PLEASE WAIT displays. The CVC/ ICVC then uploads the highlighted device or module. If the

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Service Operation An overview of the tables and screens available for the SERVICE function is shown in Fig. 18. TO ACCESS THE SERVICE SCREENS When the SERVICE screens are accessed, a password must be entered. 1. From the main MENU screen, press the SERVICE softkey. The softkeys now correspond to the numerals 1, 2, 3, 4.
2. Press the four digits of the password, one at a time. An asterisk (*) appears as each digit is entered

NOTE: The initial factory-set password is 1-1-1-1. If the password is incorrect, an error message is displayed

If this occurs, return to Step 1 and try to access the SERVICE screens again. If the password is correct, the softkey labels change to:

NOTE: The SERVICE screen password can be changed by entering the CVC/ICVC CONFIGURATION screen under SERVICE menu. The password is located at the bottom of the menu. The CVC/ICVC screen displays the following list of available SERVICE screens: Alarm History Control Test Control Algorithm Status Equipment Configuration ISM (Starter) Config Data Equipment Service Time and Date Attach to Network Device Log Out of Device CVC/ICVC Configuration See Fig. 18 for additional screens and tables available from the SERVICE screens listed above. Use the EXIT softkey to return to the main MENU screen. NOTE: To prevent unauthorized persons from accessing the CVC/ICVC service screens, the CVC/ICVC automatically signs off and password-protects itself if a key has not been pressed for 15 minutes. The sequence is as follows. Fifteen minutes after the last key is pressed, the default screen displays, the CVC/ICVC screen light goes out (analogous to a screen saver), and the CVC/ICVC logs out of the passwordprotected SERVICE menu. Other screen and menus, such as the STATUS screen can be accessed without the password by pressing the appropriate softkey. TO LOG OUT OF NETWORK DEVICE To access this screen and log out of a network device, from the default CVC/ ICVC screen, press the MENU and SERVICE softkeys. Enter the password and, from the SERVICE menu, highlight LOG OUT OF NETWORK DEVICE and press the SELECT softkey. The CVC/ICVC default screen will now be displayed. 45
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HOLIDAY SCHEDULING (Fig. 25) The time schedules may be configured for special operation during a holiday period. When modifying a time period, the H at the end of the days of the week field signifies that the period is applicable to a holiday. (See Fig. 19.) The broadcast function must be activated for the holidays configured on the HOLIDEF screen to work properly. Access the BRODEF screen from the EQUIPMENT CONFIGURATION table and select ENABLE to activate function. Note that when the chiller is connected to a CCN Network, only one chiller or CCN device can be configured as the broadcast device. The controller that is configured as the broadcaster is the device responsible for transmitting holiday, time, and daylightsavings dates throughout the network. To access the BRODEF screen, see the SERVICE menu structure, Fig. 18. To view or change the holiday periods for up to 18 different holidays, perform the following operation: 1. At the Menu screen, press SERVICE to access the Service menu. 2. If not logged on, follow the instructions for Attach to Network Device or To Log Out. Once logged on, press NEXT until Equipment Configuration is highlighted. 3. Once Equipment Configuration is highlighted, press SELECT to access. 4. Press NEXT until HOLIDAYS is highlighted. This is the Holiday Definition table. 5. Press SELECT to enter the Data Table Select screen. This screen lists 18 holiday tables. 6. Press NEXT to highlight the holiday table that is to be viewed or changed. Each table is one holiday period, starting on a specific date, and lasting up to 99 days. 7. Press SELECT to access the holiday table. The Configuration Select table now shows the holiday start month and day, and how many days the holiday period will last. 8. Press NEXT or PREVIOUS to highlight the month, day, or duration. 9. Press SELECT to modify the month, day, or duration. 10. Press INCREASE or DECREASE to change the selected value. 11. Press ENTER to save the changes. 12. Press EXIT to return to the previous menu.

Fig. 25 Example of Holiday Period Screen

START-UP/SHUTDOWN/ RECYCLE SEQUENCE (Fig. 26) Local Start-Up Local start-up (or a manual start-up) is
initiated by pressing the LOCAL menu softkey on the default CVC/ICVC screen. Local start-up can proceed when the chiller schedule indicates that the current time and date have been established as a run time and date, and after the internal 15-minute start-to-start and the 1-minute stop-to-start inhibit timers have expired. These timers are represented in the START INHIBIT TIMER and can be viewed on the MAINSTAT screen and DEFAULT screen. The timer must expire before the chiller will start. If the timers have not expired the RUN STATUS parameter on the MAINSTAT screen now reads TIMEOUT. NOTE: The time schedule is said to be occupied if the OCCUPIED ? parameter on the MAINSTAT screen is set to YES. For more information on occupancy schedules, see the sections on Time Schedule Operation (page 20), Occupancy Schedule (page 34), and To Prevent Accidental Start-Up (page 65), and Fig. 19. If the OCCUPIED ? parameter on the MAINSTAT screen is set to NO, the chiller can be forced to start as follows. From the default CVC/ICVC screen, press the MENU and STATUS softkeys. Scroll to highlight MAINSTAT. Press the SELECT softkey. Scroll to highlight CHILLER START/STOP. Press the START softkey to override the schedule and start the chiller. NOTE: The chiller will continue to run until this forced start is released, regardless of the programmed schedule. To release the forced start, highlight CHILLER START/STOP from the MAINSTAT screen and press the RELEASE softkey. This action returns the chiller to the start and stop times established by the schedule. The chiller may also be started by overriding the time schedule. From the default screen, press the MENU and SCHEDULE softkeys. Scroll down and select the current schedule. Select OVERRIDE, and set the desired override time. Another condition for start-up must be met for chillers that have the REMOTE CONTACTS OPTION on the EQUIPMENT SERVICE screen set to ENABLE. For these chillers, the REMOTE START CONTACT parameter on the MAINSTAT screen must be CLOSED. From the CVC/ICVC default screen, press the MENU and STATUS softkeys. Scroll to highlight MAINSTAT and press the SELECT softkey. Scroll down the MAINSTAT screen to highlight REMOTE START CONTACT and press the SELECT softkey. Then, press the CLOSE softkey. To end the override, select REMOTE CONTACTS INPUT and press the RELEASE softkey. Once local start-up begins, the PIC II performs a series of pre-start tests to verify that all pre-start alerts and safeties are within the limits shown in Table 4. The RUN STATUS parameter on the MAINSTAT screen line now reads PRESTART. If a test is not successful, the start-up is delayed or aborted. If the tests are successful, the chilled water/brine pump relay energizes, and the MAINSTAT screen line now reads STARTUP. Five seconds later, the condenser pump relay energizes. Thirty seconds later the PIC II monitors the chilled water and condenser water flow devices and waits until the WATER FLOW VERIFY TIME (operator-configured, default 5 minutes) expires to confirm flow. After flow is verified, the chilled water temperature is compared to CONTROL POINT plus 1/2 CHILLED WATER DEADBAND. If the temperature is less than or equal to this value, the PIC II turns off the condenser pump relay and goes into a RECYCLE mode.

NOTE: Units equipped with ICVC are not available with factory installed chilled water or condenser water flow devices (available as an accessory for use with the CCM Control board). If the water/brine temperature is high enough, the start-up sequence continues and checks the guide vane position. If the guide vanes are more than 4% open, the start-up waits until the PIC II closes the vanes. If the vanes are closed and the oil pump pressure is less than 4 psi (28 kPa), the oil pump relay energizes. The PIC II then waits until the oil pressure (OIL PRESS VERIFY TIME, operator-configured, default of 40 seconds) reaches a maximum of 18 psi (124 kPa). After oil pressure is verified, the PIC II waits 40 seconds, and the compressor start relay (1CR) energizes to start the compressor. Compressor ontime and service ontime timers start, and the compressor STARTS IN 12 HOURS counter and the number of starts over a 12-hour period counter advance by one. Failure to verify any of the requirements up to this point will result in the PIC II aborting the start and displaying the applicable pre-start mode of failure on the CVC/ICVC default screen. A pre-start failure does not advance the STARTS IN 12 HOURS counter. Any failure after the 1CR relay has energized results in a safety shutdown, advances the starts in 12 hours counter by one, and displays the applicable shutdown status on the CVC/ ICVC display.

START INITIATED: Pre-start checks are made; evaporator pump started. B Condenser water pump started (5 seconds after A). C Water flows verified (30 seconds to 5 minutes maximum after B). Chilled water temperatures checked against control point. Guide vanes checked for closure. Oil pump started; tower fan control enabled. D Oil pressure verified (15 seconds minimum, 300 seconds maximum after C). E Compressor motor starts; compressor ontime and service ontime start, 15-minute inhibit timer starts (10 seconds after D), total compressor starts advances by one, and the number of starts over a 12-hour period advances by one. F SHUTDOWN INITIATED Compressor motor stops; compressor ontime and service ontime stop, and 1-minute inhibit timer starts. G Oil pump and evaporator pumps deenergized (60 seconds after F). Condenser pump and tower fan control may continue to operate if condenser pressure is high. Evaporator pump may continue if in RECYCLE mode. O/A Restart permitted (both inhibit timers expired: minimum of 15 minutes after E; minimum of 1 minute after F).

Fig. 26 Control Sequence

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Shutdown Sequence Chiller shutdown begins if any of the following occurs: the STOP button is pressed for at least one second (the alarm light blinks once to confirm the stop command) a recycle condition is present (see Chilled Water Recycle Mode section) the time schedule has gone into unoccupied mode the chiller protective limit has been reached and chiller is in alarm the start/stop status is overridden to stop from the CCN network or the CVC/ICVC When a stop signal occurs, the shutdown sequence first stops the compressor by deactivating the start relay (1CR). A status message of SHUTDOWN IN PROGRESS, COMPRESSOR DEENERGIZED is displayed, and the compressor ontime and service ontime stop. The guide vanes are then brought to the closed position. The oil pump relay and the chilled water/brine pump relay shut down 60 seconds after the compressor stops. The condenser water pump shuts down at the same time if the ENTERING CONDENSER WATER temperature is greater than or equal to 115 F (46.1 C) and the CONDENSER REFRIG TEMP is greater than the CONDENSER FREEZE POINT plus 5 F (15.0 C). The stop-to-start timer now begins to count down. If the start-to-start timer value is still greater than the value of the start-to-stop timer, then this time displays on the CVC/ICVC. Certain conditions that occur during shutdown can change this sequence. If the AVERAGE LINE CURRENT is greater than 5% after shutdown, or the starter contacts remain energized, the oil pump and chilled water pump remain energized and the alarm is displayed. The condenser pump shuts down when the CONDENSER PRESSURE is less than the COND PRESS OVERRIDE threshold minus 3.5 psi (24.1 kPa) and the CONDENSER REFRIG TEMP is less than or equal to the ENTERING CONDENSER WATER temperature plus 3 F (1.6 C). If the chiller shuts down due to low refrigerant temperature, the chilled water pump continues to run until the LEAVING CHILLED WATER temperature is greater than the CONTROL POINT temperature, plus 5 F (3 C). Automatic Soft Stop Amps Threshold The soft
stop amps threshold feature closes the guide vanes of the compressor automatically if a non-recycle, non-alarm stop signal occurs before the compressor motor is deenergized. If the STOP button is pressed, the guide vanes close to a preset amperage percent until the guide vane is less than 4% open or 4 minutes have passed. The compressor then shuts off. If the chiller enters an alarm state or if the compressor enters a RECYCLE mode, the compressor deenergizes immediately. To activate the soft stop amps threshold feature, scroll to the bottom of OPTIONS screen on the CVC/ICVC. Use the INCREASE or DECREASE softkey to set the SOFT STOP AMPS THRESHOLD parameter to the percent of amps at which the motor will shut down. The default setting is 100% amps (no soft stop). The range is 40 to 100%. When the soft stop amps threshold feature is being applied, a status message, SHUTDOWN IN PROGRESS, COMPRESSOR UNLOADING displays on the CVC/ICVC. The soft stop amps threshold function can be terminated and the compressor motor deenergized immediately by depressing the STOP button twice.

Chilled Water Recycle Mode The chiller may

cycle off and wait until the load increases to restart when the compressor is running in a lightly loaded condition. This cycling is normal and is known as recycle. A recycle shutdown is initiated when any of the following conditions are true: the chiller is in LCW control, the difference between the LEAVING CHILLED WATER temperature and ENTERING CHILLED WATER temperature is less than the RECYCLE SHUTDOWN DELTA T (found in the SETUP1 table) the LEAVING CHILLED WATER temperature is 5 F (2.8 C) below the CONTROL POINT, the CONTROL POINT has not increased in the last 5 minutes and ICE BUILD is not active. the ECW CONTROL OPTION is enabled, the difference between the ENTERING CHILLED WATER temperature and the LEAVING CHILLED WATER temperature is less than the RECYCLE SHUTDOWN DELTA T (found in the SETUP1 table), the ENTERING CHILLED WATER temperature is 5 F (2.8 C) below the CONTROL POINT, and the CONTROL POINT has not increased in the last 5 minutes. the LEAVING CHILLED WATER temperature is within 3 F (2 C) of the EVAP REFRIG TRIPPOINT. When the chiller is in RECYCLE mode, the chilled water pump relay remains energized so the chilled water temperature can be monitored for increasing load. The recycle control uses RESTART DELTA T to check when the compressor should be restarted. This is an operator-configured function which defaults to 5 F (3 C). This value can be viewed or modified on the SETUP1 table. The compressor will restart when the chiller is: in LCW CONTROL and the LEAVING CHILLED WATER temperature is greater than the CONTROL POINT plus the RECYCLE RESTART DELTA T. in ECW CONTROL and the ENTERING CHILLED WATER temperature is greater than the CONTROL POINT plus the RECYCLE RESTART DELTA T. Once these conditions are met, the compressor initiates a start-up with a normal start-up sequence. An alert condition may be generated if 5 or more recycle start-ups occur in less than 4 hours. Excessive recycling can reduce chiller life; therefore, compressor recycling due to extremely low loads should be reduced. To reduce compressor recycling, use the time schedule to shut the chiller down during known low load operation period, or increase the chiller load by running the fan systems. If the hot gas bypass is installed, adjust the values to ensure that hot gas is energized during light load conditions. Increase the RECYCLE RESTART DELTA T on the SETUP1 table to lengthen the time between restarts. The chiller should not be operated below design minimum load without a hot gas bypass installed.

Safety Shutdown A safety shutdown is identical to

a manual shutdown with the exception that, during a safety shutdown, the CVC/ICVC displays the reason for the shutdown, the alarm light blinks continuously, and the spare alarm contacts are energized. After a safety shutdown, the RESET softkey must be pressed to clear the alarm. If the alarm condition is still present, the alarm light continues to blink. Once the alarm is cleared, the operator must press the CCN or LOCAL softkeys to restart the chiller.

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list of applicable design temperatures and pressures (product data submittal) chiller certified prints starting equipment details and wiring diagrams diagrams and instructions for special controls or options 19XR Installation Instructions pumpout unit instructions

To determine if there are any leaks, the chiller should be charged with refrigerant. Use an electronic leak detector to check all flanges and solder joints after the chiller is pressurized. If any leaks are detected, follow the leak test procedure. If the chiller is spring isolated, keep all springs blocked in both directions to prevent possible piping stress and damage during the transfer of refrigerant from vessel to vessel during the leak test process, or any time refrigerant is being transferred. Adjust the springs when the refrigerant is in operating condition and the water circuits are full.

Equipment Required
mechanics tools (refrigeration) digital volt-ohmmeter (DVM) clamp-on ammeter electronic leak detector absolute pressure manometer or wet-bulb vacuum indicator (Fig. 27) 500-v insulation tester (megohmmeter) for compressor motors with nameplate voltage of 600 v or less, or a 5000-v insulation tester for compressor motor rated above 600 v

Refrigerant Tracer Carrier recommends the use of an environmentally acceptable refrigerant tracer for leak testing with an electronic detector or halide torch. Ultrasonic leak detectors can also be used if the chiller is under pressure.

Do not use air or oxygen as a means of pressurizing the chiller. Mixtures of HFC-134a and air can undergo combustion.

Using the Optional Storage Tank and Pumpout System Refer to Chillers with Storage Tanks section, page 69 for pumpout system preparation, refrigerant transfer, and chiller evacuation.

Remove Shipping Packaging Remove any packaging material from the control center, power panel, guide vane actuator, motor cooling and oil reclaim solenoids, motor and bearing temperature sensor covers, and the factory-mounted starter. Open Oil Circuit Valves Check to ensure the oil filter isolation valves (Fig. 4) are open by removing the valve cap and checking the valve stem.

Tighten All Gasketed Joints and Guide Vane Shaft Packing Gaskets and packing normally relax by
the time the chiller arrives at the jobsite. Tighten all gasketed joints and the guide vane shaft packing to ensure a leak-tight chiller.

Check Chiller Tightness Figure 28 outlines the

proper sequence and procedures for leak testing. The 19XR chillers are shipped with the refrigerant contained in the condenser shell and the oil charge in the compressor. The cooler is shipped with a 15 psig (103 kPa) refrigerant charge. Units may be ordered with the refrigerant shipped separately, along with a 15 psig (103 kPa) nitrogen-holding charge in each vessel. Fig. 27 Typical Wet-Bulb Type Vacuum Indicator

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Fig. 28 19XR Leak Test Procedures

Leak Test Chiller Due to regulations regarding refrigerant emissions and the difficulties associated with separating contaminants from the refrigerant, Carrier recommends the following leak test procedure. See Fig. 28 for an outline of the leak test procedure. Refer to Fig. 29 and 30 during pumpout procedures and Tables 5A and 5B for refrigerant pressure/ temperature values. 1. If the pressure readings are normal for the chiller condition: a. Evacuate the holding charge from the vessels, if present. b. Raise the chiller pressure, if necessary, by adding refrigerant until pressure is at the equivalent saturated pressure for the surrounding temperature. Follow the pumpout procedures in the Transfer Refrigerant from Pumpout Storage Tank to Chiller section, Steps 1a - e, page 69.

Never charge liquid refrigerant into the chiller if the pressure in the chiller is less than 35 psig (241 kPa) for HFC-134a. Charge as a gas only, with the cooler and condenser pumps running, until this pressure is reached, using PUMPDOWN LOCKOUT and TERMINATE LOCKOUT mode on the PIC II. Flashing of liquid refrigerant at low pressures can cause tube freeze-up and considerable damage. c. Leak test chiller as outlined in Steps 3 - 9. 2. If the pressure readings are abnormal for the chiller condition: a. Prepare to leak test chillers shipped with refrigerant (Step 2h). b. Check for large leaks by connecting a nitrogen bottle and raising the pressure to 30 psig (207 kPa). Soap test all joints. If the test pressure holds for 30 minutes, prepare the test for small leaks (Steps 2g - h). c. Plainly mark any leaks that are found. d. Release the pressure in the system. e. Repair all leaks. f. Retest the joints that were repaired. g. After successfully completing the test for large leaks, remove as much nitrogen, air, and moisture as possible, given the fact that small leaks may be present in the system. This can be accomplished by following the dehydration procedure, outlined in the Chiller Dehydration section, page 53. h. Slowly raise the system pressure to a maximum of 160 psig (1103 kPa) but no less than 35 psig (241 kPa) for HFC-134a by adding refrigerant. Proceed with the test for small leaks (Steps 3-9). 3. Check the chiller carefully with an electronic leak detector, halide torch, or soap bubble solution. 4. Leak Determination If an electronic leak detector indicates a leak, use a soap bubble solution, if possible, to confirm. Total all leak rates for the entire chiller. Leakage at rates greater than 1 lb./year (0.45 kg/year) for the entire chiller must be repaired. Note the total chiller leak rate on the start-up report.

5. If no leak is found during the initial start-up procedures, complete the transfer of refrigerant gas from the pumpout storage tank to the chiller (see Transfer Refrigerant from Pumpout Storage Tank to Chiller section, page 69). Retest for leaks. 6. If no leak is found after a retest: a. Transfer the refrigerant to the pumpout storage tank and perform a standing vacuum test as outlined in the Standing Vacuum Test section, below. b. If the chiller fails the standing vacuum test, check for large leaks (Step 2b). c. If the chiller passes the standing vacuum test, dehydrate the chiller. Follow the procedure in the Chiller Dehydration section. Charge the chiller with refrigerant (see Transfer Refrigerant from Pumpout Storage Tank to Chiller section, page 69). 7. If a leak is found after a retest, pump the refrigerant back into the pumpout storage tank or, if isolation valves are present, pump the refrigerant into the non-leaking vessel (see Pumpout and Refrigerant Transfer procedures section). 8. Transfer the refrigerant until the chiller pressure is at 18 in. Hg (40 kPa absolute). 9. Repair the leak and repeat the procedure, beginning from Step 2h, to ensure a leak-tight repair. (If the chiller is opened to the atmosphere for an extended period, evacuate it before repeating the leak test.)

Standing Vacuum Test When performing the standing vacuum test or chiller dehydration, use a manometer or a wet bulb indicator. Dial gages cannot indicate the small amount of acceptable leakage during a short period of time. 1. Attach an absolute pressure manometer or wet bulb indicator to the chiller. 2. Evacuate the vessel (see Pumpout and Refrigerant Transfer Procedures section, page 67) to at least 18 in. Hg vac, ref 30-in. bar (41 kPa), using a vacuum pump or the pump out unit. 3. Valve off the pump to hold the vacuum and record the manometer or indicator reading. 4. a. If the leakage rate is less than 0.05 in. Hg (0.17 kPa) in 24 hours, the chiller is sufficiently tight. b. If the leakage rate exceeds 0.05 in. Hg (0.17 kPa) in 24 hours, repressurize the vessel and test for leaks. If refrigerant is available in the other vessel, pressurize by following Steps 2-10 of Return Chiller To Normal Operating Conditions section, page 71. If not, use nitrogen and a refrigerant tracer. Raise the vessel pressure in increments until the leak is detected. If refrigerant is used, the maximum gas pressure is approximately 70 psig (483 kPa) for HFC-134a at normal ambient temperature. If nitrogen is used, limit the leak test pressure to 230 psig (1585 kPa) maximum. 5. Repair the leak, retest, and proceed with dehydration.

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Fig. 29 Typical Optional Pumpout System Piping Schematic with Storage Tank

Fig. 30 Typical Optional Pumpout System Piping Schematic without Storage Tank 51
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Table 5A HFC-134a Pressure Temperature (F)

TEMPERATURE, F 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120 122 124 126 128 130 132 134 136 138 140 PRESSURE (psig) 6.50 7.52 8.60 9.66 10.79 11.96 13.17 14.42 15.72 17.06 18.45 19.88 21.37 22.90 24.48 26.11 27.80 29.53 31.32 33.17 35.08 37.04 39.06 41.14 43.28 45.48 47.74 50.07 52.47 54.93 57.46 60.06 62.73 65.47 68.29 71.18 74.14 77.18 80.30 83.49 86.17 90.13 93.57 97.09 100.70 104.40 108.18 112.06 116.02 120.08 124.23 128.47 132.81 137.25 141.79 146.43 151.17 156.01 160.96 166.01 171.17 176.45 181.83 187.32 192.93 198.66 204.50 210.47 216.55 222.76 229.09

Table 5B HFC-134a Pressure Temperature (C)

TEMPERATURE, C 18.0 16.7 15.6 14.4 13.3 12.2 11.1 10.0 8.9 7.8 6.7 5.6 4.4 3.3 2.2 1.1 0.0 1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4 5.0 5.6 6.1 6.7 7.2 7.8 8.3 8.9 9.4 10.0 11.1 12.2 13.3 14.4 15.6 16.7 17.8 18.9 20.0 21.1 22.2 23.3 24.4 25.6 26.7 27.8 28.9 30.0 31.1 32.2 33.3 34.4 35.6 36.7 37.8 38.9 40.0 41.1 42.2 43.3 44.4 45.6 46.7 47.8 48.9 50.0 51.1 52.2 53.3 54.4 55.6 56.7 57.8 58.9 60.0 PRESSURE (kPa) 44.8 51.9 59.3 66.6 74.4 82.5 90.8 99.4 108.0 118.0 127.0 137.0 147.0 158.0 169.0 180.0 192.0 204.0 216.0 229.0 242.0 248.0 255.0 261.0 269.0 276.0 284.0 290.0 298.0 305.0 314.0 329.0 345.0 362.0 379.0 396.0 414.0 433.0 451.0 471.0 491.0 511.0 532.0 554.0 576.0 598.0 621.0 645.0 669.0 694.0 720.0 746.0 773.0 800.0 828.0 857.0 886.0 916.0 946.0 978.0 1010.0 1042.0 1076.0 1110.0 1145.0 1180.0 1217.0 1254.0 1292.0 1330.0 1370.0 1410.0 1451.0 1493.0 1536.0 1580.0

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Chiller Dehydration Dehydration is recommended if the chiller has been open for a considerable period of time, if the chiller is known to contain moisture, or if there has been a complete loss of chiller holding charge or refrigerant pressure.

Do not start or megohm-test the compressor motor or oil pump motor, even for a rotation check, if the chiller is under dehydration vacuum. Insulation breakdown and severe damage may result. Fig. 31 Dehydration Cold Trap

Inside-delta type starters must be disconnected by an isolation switch before placing the machine under a vacuum because one lead of each phase is live with respect to ground even though there is not a complete circuit to run the motor. To be safe, isolate any starter before evacuating the chiller if you are not sure if there are live leads to the hermetic motor. Dehydration can be done at room temperatures. Using a cold trap (Fig. 31) may substantially reduce the time required to complete the dehydration. The higher the room temperature, the faster dehydration takes place. At low room temperatures, a very deep vacuum is required to boil off any moisture. If low ambient temperatures are involved, contact a qualified service representative for the dehydration techniques required. Perform dehydration as follows: 1. Connect a high capacity vacuum pump (5 cfm [.002 m3/s] or larger is recommended) to the refrigerant charging valve (Fig. 2). Tubing from the pump to the chiller should be as short in length and as large in diameter as possible to provide least resistance to gas flow. 2. Use an absolute pressure manometer or a wet bulb vacuum indicator to measure the vacuum. Open the shutoff valve to the vacuum indicator only when taking a reading. Leave the valve open for 3 minutes to allow the indicator vacuum to equalize with the chiller vacuum. 3. If the entire chiller is to be dehydrated, open all isolation valves (if present). 4. With the chiller ambient temperature at 60 F (15.6 C) or higher, operate the vacuum pump until the manometer reads 29.8 in. Hg vac, ref 30 in. bar. (0.1 psia) (100.61 kPa) or a vacuum indicator reads 35 F (1.7 C). Operate the pump an additional 2 hours. Do not apply a greater vacuum than 29.82 in. Hg vac (757.4 mm Hg) or go below 33 F (.56 C) on the wet bulb vacuum indicator. At this temperature and pressure, isolated pockets of moisture can turn into ice. The slow rate of evaporation (sublimation) of ice at these low temperatures and pressures greatly increases dehydration time. 5. Valve off the vacuum pump, stop the pump, and record the instrument reading. 6. After a 2-hour wait, take another instrument reading. If the reading has not changed, dehydration is complete. If the reading indicates vacuum loss, repeat Steps 4 and 5. 7. If the reading continues to change after several attempts, perform a leak test up to the maximum 160 psig (1103 kPa) pressure. Locate and repair the leak, and repeat dehydration.

Inspect Water Piping Refer to piping diagrams provided in the certified drawings and the piping instructions in the 19XR Installation Instructions manual. Inspect the piping to the cooler and condenser. Be sure that the flow directions are correct and that all piping specifications have been met. Piping systems must be properly vented with no stress on waterbox nozzles and covers. Water flows through the cooler and condenser must meet job requirements. Measure the pressure drop across the cooler and the condenser.

Water must be within design limits, clean, and treated to ensure proper chiller performance and to reduce the potential of tube damage due to corrosion, scaling, or erosion. Carrier assumes no responsibility for chiller damage resulting from untreated or improperly treated water.

Check Optional Pumpout Compressor Water Piping If the optional pumpout storage tank and/or
pumpout system are installed, check to ensure the pumpout condenser water has been piped in. Check for field-supplied shutoff valves and controls as specified in the job data. Check for refrigerant leaks on field-installed piping. See Fig. 29 and 30.

Check Relief Valves Be sure the relief valves have

been piped to the outdoors in compliance with the latest edition of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 15 and applicable local safety codes. Piping connections must allow for access to the valve mechanism for periodic inspection and leak testing. The 19XR relief valves are set to relieve at the 185 psig (1275 kPa) chiller design pressure.

Inspect Wiring

Do not check the voltage supply without proper equipment and precautions. Serious injury may result. Follow power company recommendations.

Do not apply any kind of test voltage, even for a rotation check, if the chiller is under a dehydration vacuum. Insulation breakdown and serious damage may result. 1. Examine the wiring for conformance to the job wiring diagrams and all applicable electrical codes.

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2. On low-voltage compressors (600 v or less) connect a voltmeter across the power wires to the compressor starter and measure the voltage. Compare this reading to the voltage rating on the compressor and starter nameplates. 3. Compare the ampere rating on the starter nameplate to rating on the compressor nameplate. The overload trip amps must be 108% to 120% of the rated load amps. 4. The starter for a centrifugal compressor motor must contain the components and terminals required for PIC II refrigeration control. Check the certified drawings. 5. Check the voltage to the following components and compare it to the nameplate values: oil pump contact, pumpout compressor starter, and power panel. 6. Ensure that fused disconnects or circuit breakers have been supplied for the oil pump, power panel, and pumpout unit. 7. Ensure all electrical equipment and controls are properly grounded in accordance with job drawings, certified drawings, and all applicable electrical codes. 8. Ensure the customers contractor has verified proper operation of the pumps, cooling tower fans, and associated auxiliary equipment. This includes ensuring motors are properly lubricated and have proper electrical supply and proper rotation. 9. For field-installed starters only, test the chiller compressor motor and its power lead insulation resistance with a 500-v insulation tester such as a megohmmeter. (Use a 5000-v tester for motors rated over 600 v.) Factorymounted starters do not require a megohm test. a. Open the starter main disconnect switch and follow lockout/tagout rules.

11. On chillers with free-standing starters, inspect the power panel to ensure that the contractor has fed the wires into the bottom of the panel. Wiring into the top of the panel can cause debris to fall into the contactors. Clean and inspect the contactors if this has occurred.

Carrier Comfort Network Interface The Carrier Comfort Network (CCN) communication bus wiring is supplied and installed by the electrical contractor. It consists of shielded, 3-conductor cable with drain wire. The system elements are connected to the communication bus in a daisy chain arrangement. The positive pin of each system element communication connector must be wired to the positive pins of the system element on either side of it. The negative pins must be wired to the negative pins. The signal ground pins must be wired to the signal ground pins. See installation manual. NOTE: Conductors and drain wire must be 20 AWG (American Wire Gage) minimum stranded, tinned copper. Individual conductors must be insulated with PVC, PVC/ nylon, vinyl, Teflon, or polyethylene. An aluminum/polyester 100% foil shield and an outer jacket of PVC, PVC/nylon, chrome vinyl, or Teflon with a minimum operating temperature range of 4 F to 140 F (20 C to 60 C) is required. See table below for cables that meet the requirements.
MANUFACTURER Alpha American Belden Columbia CABLE NO. 2413 or 5463 A22503 8772 02525

If the motor starter is a solid-state starter, the motor leads must be disconnected from the starter before an insulation test is performed. The voltage generated from the tester can damage the starter solid-state components. b. With the tester connected to the motor leads, take 10-second and 60-second megohm readings as follows: 6-Lead Motor Tie all 6 leads together and test between the lead group and ground. Next tie the leads in pairs: 1 and 4, 2 and 5, and 3 and 6. Test between each pair while grounding the third pair. 3-Lead Motor Tie terminals 1, 2, and 3 together and test between the group and ground. c. Divide the 60-second resistance reading by the 10-second reading. The ratio, or polarization index, must be one or higher. Both the 10- and 60-second readings must be at least 50 megohms. If the readings on a field-installed starter are unsatisfactory, repeat the test at the motor with the power leads disconnected. Satisfactory readings in this second test indicate the fault is in the power leads. NOTE: Unit-mounted starters do not have to be megohm tested. 10. Tighten all wiring connections to the plugs on the ISM and CCM modules.

When connecting the CCN communication bus to a system element, a color code system for the entire network is recommended to simplify installation and checkout. The following color code is recommended:


Check Starter

BE AWARE that certain automatic start arrangements can engage the starter. Open the disconnect ahead of the starter in addition to shutting off the chiller or pump. Use the instruction and service manual supplied by the starter manufacturer to verify the starter has been installed correctly, to set up and calibrate the starter, and for complete troubleshooting information.

The main disconnect on the starter front panel may not deenergize all internal circuits. Open all internal and remote disconnects before servicing the starter.

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MECHANICAL STARTER 1. Check all field wiring connections for tightness, clearance from moving parts, and correct connection. 2. Check the contactor(s) to ensure they move freely. Check the mechanical interlock between contactors to ensure that 1S and 2M contactors cannot be closed at the same time. Check all other electro-mechanical devices, such as relays, for free movement. If the devices do not move freely, contact the starter manufacturer for replacement components. 3. Reapply starter control power (not main chiller power) to check the electrical functions. Ensure the starter (with relay 1CR closed) goes through a complete and proper start cycle. BENSHAW, INC. RediStart MICRO SOLID-STATE STARTER

powered, the CVC/ICVC should display the default screen within a short period of time. The oil heater is energized by powering the control circuit. This should be done several hours before start-up to minimize oil-refrigerant migration. The oil heater is controlled by the PIC II and is powered through a contactor in the power panel. Starters contain a separate circuit breaker to power the heater and the control circuit. This arrangement allows the heater to energize when the main motor circuit breaker is off for service work or extended shutdowns. The oil heater relay status (OIL HEATER RELAY) can be viewed on the COMPRESS table on the CVC/ICVC. Oil sump temperature can be viewed on the CVC/ICVC default screen. SOFTWARE VERSION The software part number is labeled on the backside of the CVC/ICVC module. The software version also appears on the CVC/ICVC configuration screen as the last two digits of the software part number.

Software Configuration
This equipment is at line voltage when AC power is connected. Pressing the STOP button does not remove voltage. 1. Ensure all wiring connections are properly terminated to the starter. 2. Verify the ground wire to the starter is installed properly and is sufficient size. 3. Verify the motors are properly grounded to the starter. 4. Verify the proper ac input voltage is brought into the starter according to the certified drawings. 5. Apply power to the starter VFD STARTER 1. Turn off unit, tag and lock disconnects and wait 5 minutes. 2. Verify that the DC voltage is zero. 3. Ensure there is adequate clearance around the drive. 4. Verify that the wiring to the terminal strip and power terminals is correct. 5. Verify that wire size is within the terminal specification and the wires are secure. 6. Inspect the field supplied branch circuit protection is properly rated and installed. 7. Verify that the system is properly grounded. 8. Inspect all liquid cooling connections for leaks.

Do not operate the chiller before the control configurations have been checked and a Control Test has been satisfactorily completed. Protection by safety controls cannot be assumed until all control configurations have been confirmed. As the 19XR unit is configured, all configuration settings should be written down. A log, such as the one shown on pages CL-1 to CL-16, provides a list for configuration values.

Input the Design Set Points Access the CVC/

ICVC set point screen and view/modify the base demand limit set point, and either the LCW set point or the ECW set point. The PIC II can control a set point to either the leaving or entering chilled water. This control method is set in the EQUIPMENT SERVICE (TEMP_CTL) table.

Input the Local Occupied Schedule (OCCPC01S)

Access the schedule OCCPC01S screen on the CVC/ICVC and set up the occupied time schedule according to the customers requirements. If no schedule is available, the default is factory set for 24 hours occupied, 7 days per week including holidays. For more information about how to set up a time schedule, see the Controls section, page 10. The CCN Occupied Schedule (OCCPC03S) should be configured if a CCN system is being installed or if a secondary time schedule is needed. NOTE: The default CCN Occupied Schedule OCCPC03S is configured to be unoccupied.

Oil Charge The oil charge for the 19XR compressor depends on the compressor Frame size: Frame 2 compressor 5 gal (18.9 L) Frame 3 compressor 8 gal (30 L) Frame 4 compressor 10 gal (37.8 L) Frame 5 compressor 18 gal (67.8 L) The chiller is shipped with oil in the compressor. When the sump is full, the oil level should be no higher than the middle of the upper sight glass, and minimum level is the bottom of the lower sight glass (Fig. 2). If oil is added, it must meet Carriers specification for centrifugal compressor use as described in the Oil Specification section. Charge the oil through the oil charging valve located near the bottom of the transmission housing (Fig. 2). The oil must be pumped from the oil container through the charging valve due to higher refrigerant pressure. The pumping device must be able to lift from 0 to 200 psig (0 to 1380 kPa) or above unit pressure. Oil should only be charged or removed when the chiller is shut down. Power Up the Controls and Check the Oil Heater Ensure that an oil level is visible in the compressor before energizing the controls. A circuit breaker in the starter energizes the oil heater and the control circuit. When first 55
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Input Service Configurations The following configurations require the CVC/ICVC screen to be in the SERVICE portion of the menu. password input time and date CVC/ICVC configuration service parameters equipment configuration automated control test PASSWORD When accessing the SERVICE tables, a password must be entered. All CVC/ICVC are initially set for a password of 1-1-1-1. INPUT TIME AND DATE Access the TIME AND DATE table on the SERVICE menu. Input the present time of day, date, and day of the week. The HOLIDAY TODAY parameter should only be configured to YES if the present day is a holiday.

NOTE: Because a schedule is integral to the chiller control sequence, the chiller will not start until the time and date have been set. CHANGE CVC/ICVC CONFIGURATION IF NECESSARY From the SERVICE table, access the CVC/ICVC CONFIGU-RATION screen. From there, view or modify the CVC/ICVC CCN address, change to English or SI units, and change the password. If there is more than one chiller at the jobsite, change the CVC/ICVC address on each chiller so that each chiller has its own address. Note and record the new address. Change the screen to SI units as required, and change the password if desired. TO CHANGE THE PASSWORD The password may be changed from the CVC/ICVC CONFIGURATION screen. 1. Press the MENU and SERVICE softkeys. Enter the current password and highlight CVC/ICVC CONFIGURATION. Press the SELECT softkey. Only the last 5 entries on the CVC/ICVC CONFIG screen can be changed: BUS #, ADDRESS #, BAUD RATE, US IMP/ METRIC, and PASSWORD. 2. Use the ENTER softkey to scroll to PASSWORD. The first digit of the password is highlighted on the screen. 3. To change the digit, press the INCREASE or DECREASE softkey. When the desired digit is seen, press the ENTER softkey. 4. The next digit is highlighted. Change it, and the third and fourth digits in the same way the first was changed. 5. After the last digit is changed, the CVC/ICVC goes to the BUS parameter. Press the EXIT softkey to leave that screen and return to the SERVICE menu.

address for each chiller if there is more than one chiller at the jobsite. Write the new address on the CVC/ICVC module for future reference. INPUT EQUIPMENT SERVICE PARAMETERS IF NECESSARY The EQUIPMENT SERVICE table has six service tables. Configure SERVICE Tables Access the SERVICE tables, shown in Table 2, to modify or view job site parameters:
PARAMETER Starter Type TABLE ISM_CONF Select 0 for full voltage, 1 for reduced voltage, or 2 for solid state/variable frequency drive. ISM_CONF Motor rated voltage from chiller information nameplate. ISM_CONF Enter ratio (reduced to a ratio to 1) of power transformer wired to terminal J3 of ISM. If no transformer is used enter 1. ISM_CONF Per chiller identification nameplate data. ISM_CONF Per chiller identification nameplate data. Enter locked rotor delta amps (LR AMPS D-). ISM_CONF Enter value from nameplate in starter cabinet Allen -Bradley this appears as max locked rotor current @100% nom. voltage. Benshaw Starters: value is entered as 9999. ISM_CONF Enter ratio (reduced to a ratio to 1) of current transformers wired to terminal J4 of ISM. For Benshaw Inc. RediStart MICRO Starters set to 100. ISM_CONF Enter 0 if no ground fault CTs are wired to terminal J5 of ISM. Enter 1 if ground fault CTs are used. ISM_CONF Enter ratio (reduced to a ratio to 1) of ground fault CT. ISM_CONF ENABLE if motor protection required from drop in line voltage within one cycle. ISM_CONF Enter YES for 60 Hz or NO for 50 Hz. ISM_CONF ENABLE if motor protection required for drop in line frequency. OPTIONS Enter 1 if HGBP is installed.

Motor Rated Line Voltage Volt Transformer Ratio Motor Rated Load Amps Motor Locked Rotor Trip Starter LRA Rating

Motor Current CT Ratio

Ground Fault Current Transformers Ground Fault CT Ratio Single Cycle Dropout Line Frequency

Be sure to remember the password. Retain a copy for future reference. Without the password, access to the SERVICE menu will not be possible unless the CVC/ ICVC_PSWD menu on the STATUS screen is accessed by a Carrier representative. TO CHANGE THE CVC/ICVC DISPLAY FROM ENGLISH TO METRIC UNITS By default, the CVC/ ICVC displays information in English units. To change to metric units, access the CVC/ICVC CONFIGURATION screen: 1. Press the MENU and SERVICE softkeys. Enter the password and highlight CVC/ICVC CONFIGURATION. Press the SELECT softkey. 2. Use the ENTER softkey to scroll to US IMP/METRIC. 3. Press the softkey that corresponds to the units desired for display on the CVC/ICVC (e.g., US or METRIC). CHANGE LANGUAGE (ICVC Only) By default, the ICVC displays information in English. To change to another Language, access the ICVC CONFIGURATION screen: 1. Press the MENU and SERVICE softkeys. Enter the password and highlight ICVC CONFIGURATION. Press the SELECT softkey. 2. Use the ENTER softkey to scroll to LID LANGUAGE. 3. Press the INCREASE or DECREASE softkey until the desired language is displayed. Press ENTER to confirm desired language. MODIFY CONTROLLER IDENTIFICATION IF NECESSARY The CVC/ICVC module address can be changed from the CVC/ICVC CONFIGURATION screen. Change this

Line Frequency Faulting Surge Limiting or Hot Gas Bypass Option Minimum Load Points (T1, P1) Full (Maximum) Load Points (T2, P2)

Chilled Medium Evaporator Refrigerant Trippoint Evaporator Flow Delta P Cutout

OPTIONS Per Chiller Requisition (DT1, DP2) if available or per job data See modify load points section. OPTIONS Per Chiller Requisition (DT2, DP2) if available or per job data See modify load points section. For VFD units refer to table located in control panel. SETUP1 Enter water or brine. SETUP1 Usually 3 F (1.7 C) below design refrigerant temperature.

SETUP1 Per Chiller Requisition if available or enter 50% of design pressure drop to 0.5 psi (3.4 kPa).* Condenser Flow SETUP1 Per Chiller Requisition if available or Delta P Cutout enter 50% of design pressure drop to 0.5 psi (3.4 kPa).* Diffuser Option SETUP2 ENABLE for 4 and 5 size compres(Compressors with Split sor. See model number nomenclature. Ring Diffusers) SETUP2 Enter diffuser actuator full span mA Diffuser Full Span rating for 4 and 5 size compressor. Value is mA Rating (Compressors with Split located on label on side of diffuser actuator motor. Ring Diffusers) Motor Rated RAMP_DEM Enter value from chiller requisiKilowatts tion form (product data submittal) if kilowatt ramp demand is enabled.

*With variable flow systems this point may be configured to the lower end of the range. NOTE: Other parameters: Screens are normally left at the default settings; they may be changed by the operator as required. The time and persistence settings on the ISM_CONF table can be adjusted to increase or decrease the sensitivity to a fault condition. Increasing time or persistence decreases sensitivity. Decreasing time or persistence increases sensitivity to the fault condition.

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CHANGE THE BENSHAW INC., RediStart MICRO SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION IF NECESSARY Benshaw starter configurations are checked and modified from the menus in the Benshaw Redistart MICRO Default Display. See Fig. 32 and Table 6 for default display and menu items. To access the menus to perform checks and modifications, the Benshaw starter must be powered up and its self-test must have been successfully completed. The self-test takes place automatically after power-up. Current transformer ratio configurations and hardware switch settings checks are performed in the MENU1 display screen. See Table 7 for menu structure and Table 8 for switch settings. 1. Press the MENU softkey until the desired menu is selected on the display. 2. Press the ENTER softkey to access the displayed menu items (Table 6). 3. Use the or arrow keys to scroll between menu items until the desired item is reached on the display. 4. Press the ENTER softkey to access the value to be changed. 5. Use the or arrow keys to adjust the new displayed value. The key increases the value while the key decreases the value. Holding the arrow key will progressively increase the rate of change. The value will stop changing when either the factory set minimum or maximum value is reached. To make fine adjustments press and release the arrow key. 6. When the correct value has been selected, press the ENTER key to store the new configuration. At this point, there are two options. The MENU key will return the display to the main display. The or arrow keys will move the display to the next menu item. When finished press the MENU key to return to the main display.

To view other settings and troubleshooting guide consult the Benshaw RediStart MICRO instructional manual included in the starter.

RediStart MICRO







Fig. 32 Benshaw RediStart MICRO Default Display

Table 6 Benshaw RediStart MICRO Menu Structure

MENU 1 Starter Setup Initial Current as % RLA Max. Cur As% LRA Ramp Time (sec.) CT Ratio: 1 MENU 2 Meter Setup Meter #1 display Meter #2 display MENU 3 Event Recorder Events 1-99 MENU 4 Dry Run Mode Dry Run Mode

Table 7 Benshaw RediStart MICRO Menu Items*

DESCRIPTION INITIAL CURRENT MAX. CURR AS % LRA RAMP TIME CT RATIO RANGE 50-300 30-70 5-30 2640-5760 UNITS % % SEC DEFAULT 125 55 15 Enter Value from Table 8.

*These values are not displayed in the ISM_CONFIG table.

Table 8 Benshaw RediStart MICRO Current Transformer DIP Switch Settings

CURRENT TRANSFORMER CT1-CT3 Starter Frame Size (Amps) 200 Amps 300 Amps 480 Amps 600 Amps 740 Amps 1250 Amps LEGEND CT Current Transformer Motor RLA Range (Amps) 95- 135 Amps 136- 200 Amps 201- 231 Amps 232- 300 Amps 301- 340 Amps 341- 480 Amps 481- 580 Amps 581- 600 Amps 601- 740 Amps 741- 855 Amps 856-1250 Amps CT Ratio 3900:1 5760:1 2640:1 3900:1 3900:1 5760:1 2640:1 3900:1 3900:1 3900:1 5760:1 MIcro Power Card (BIPCMIPWR-C4) Overload Switch Settings SW1-1 SW1-2 OFF OFF OFF OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON

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IMPORTANT: The VFD controller has been factory configured for use and communications to the Chiller Visual Controller/International Chiller Visual Controller (CVC/ ICVC). Some parameters are specific to the chiller configuration and will need to be verified prior to operation. Speed control and starting the drive have been disabled at the VFD keypad. All command functions must be initiated from the CVC/ICVC. Using the Keypad The keypad display is used to monitor, view fault history and adjust the program of the VFD microprocessor. It operates in two modes: Monitor mode and Program mode: Use the and keys to: Step through the drive parameter menus and error log when the keypad/display is in Program mode. Increase or decrease a numeric value such as the reference or parameter value. Hold down these keys to increase the scroll speed. Use the ENTER softkey to: Display a parameter or a selection value in Program mode. Save a value. Move through each monitor display item when in Monitor mode. Monitor Mode (Default Mode) Specific drive conditions may be monitored on the keypad when in this mode. An LED will be illuminated next to the description of what is displayed on the keypad. Use the ENTER softkey to scroll through and monitor the following selections: All LEDs on Speed request from the CVC/ICVC Motor Speed Output Frequency Output Voltage Output Current Program Mode This mode displays and modifies the configuration parameters of the VFD microprocessor. Particular parameters, parameter numbers, and error log information can be displayed when in Program mode. Press the PROGRAM softkey until the PROGRAM LED is illuminated to enter the Program mode. Use the and keys to move through the menus Press ENTER softkey to select the desired menu. Press and P.nnn U.nnn H.nnn R.nnn E.nnn keys to move through following parameters. General Parameters Vector Control Parameters* Volts/Hertz Control Parameters RMI Remote Monitor Interface Parameters Error Log (See fault codes)

Accessing Password Protected Parameters Although the VFD controller has been preconfigured as the factory, the user will need to be able to access the parameters to verify the job specific parameters are correct, tune the controller or correct a problem. The two passwords protecting the VFD configuration are Parameter Set Display password and Program Disable password. The Parameter Set Display password restricts viewing. P.nnn parameters above 007 and all H.nnn and R.nnn screens. The password can be accessed at parameter P.006 and will switch between enabled and disabled each time the password 107 is entered. The Program Disable password restricts the changing of the drive parameter set. To enable or disable changes select parameter P.051 and enter the password 26. NOTE: Some of the parameters can be changed only when the drive is stopped.

It is the operators responsibility to distribute access to the passwords. Carrier is not responsible for unauthorized access violations within the operators organization. Failure to observe this warning could result in bodily injury. See the Initial Start-Up Checklist section for VFD Job Specific Configuration table. For job specific parameters see inside of the VFD enclosure door, next to the keypad. Refer to the VFD Configuration table for the entire list of parameters.

Restoring the default parameter P.050 will require all the Carrier default parameters to be restored manually. VFD CHILLER FIELD SET UP AND VERIFICATION Label Locations Verify the following labels have been installed properly and match the chiller requisition: Surge parameters Located inside the control panel. Chiller identification nameplate Located on the right side of the control panel. VFD Parameter Located to the right of the VFD controller keypad on the VFD module. VFD Nameplate Located on the right side of the VFD as viewed from its front. Record all nameplate information on the Reliance Configuration sheet. Drive Protection and Other Incoming Wiring 1. Verify that the branch disconnects or other local disconnects are open and properly tagged out. 2. Verify that the branch circuit protection and AC input wiring to the VFD are in accordance with NEC/CEC (National Electrical Code/California Energy Commission) and all other local codes. 3. Verify that the fuses are per the field wiring diagram. 4. Verify that the incoming source does not exceed 85 kA. 5. Verify the power lugs in the VFD and branch protection are properly secured. Inspect the ground cable and ensure it is properly connected at the branch and to the ground lug in the VFD. 6. Verify the conduit for the power wiring in securely connected to the VFD flanged cover and runs continuously to the branch protection. 7. Verify that the incoming and outgoing wires have been properly connected inside of the reactor enclosure if a separate line reactor has been added to the chiller. 8. Ensure the control and signal wires connected to the chiller controller or the VFD are in separate conduit.

*Vector control is not used in this configuration. Press ENTER softkey to select a parameter menu screen. Press and keys to adjust the selected parameter. Press the PROGRAM softkey until the PROGRAM LED turns off to exit the program.

Changing parameters may adversely affect chiller operation.

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VFD Cooling System Leak Inspection 1. Check for leaks on the refrigerant cooling flange connections to the VFD enclosure. 2. Check for leaks on all tubing internal to the VFD enclosure, the tubing flair connection to the VFD module and the TXV valve. 3. Verify that the VFD refrigerant cooling system TXV valve control bulb is securely inserted into the VFD drive module heat sink. Power Up Verification 1. Inspect control wiring inside the VFD and verify the integrity of the connections between the integrated starter module (ISM) and the VFD module. 2. Close the control power switch in the VFD enclosure. 3. Close the oil pump power switch inside the VFD enclosure. 4. Verify the VFD disconnect switch is in the open position. 5. Close and latch the doors of the VFD enclosure. 6. Apply power to the VFD enclosure. Remove lock outs and close all disconnects. 7. Verify that the CVC/ICVC display powers up and goes to the default screen. 8. Close the VFD disconnect switch. 9. Verify the following actions during the VFD start-up self test: The display shows SELF and all LEDs are illuminated for 5 to 6 seconds. The display reads a 0 after the diagnosis is complete. If Err is displayed a fault has been detected. Perform manual reset by establishing a reset through the small hole under the VFD Keypad. If this does not correct the fault contact your Carrier representative. If AR with a counting down number is displayed wait for the number to count to 0 and the display should then revert to a 0. If the counter starts over at 30 contact Carrier representative. Configure VFD Parameters The VFD controller must have job specific parameters set as defined by the component nameplates and labels. The parameters come preset by the factory, but must be verified prior to start-up by accessing the PROGRAM MODE of the VFD controller keypad. For information on how to access the VFD keypad see page 58. Press the PROGRAM softkey to access the parameter screen to modify or view the following job specific parameters:.
VFD PARAMETER P.004 P.006 P.028 H.000 H.001 H.002 H.021 H.022 TITLE Maximum Speed Password Speed Display Scaling Motor Voltage Frequency Motor Amps Line Voltage Over Frequency Limit SETTING Line Frequency selected. Per Compressor Nameplate. 107 60 for 60 Hz selection and 50 for 50 Hz selection Compressor nameplate voltage. Line Frequency selected. Per Compressor Nameplate. Compressor nameplate amps. VFD nameplate voltage. 69 for 60 Hz selection and 57 for 50 Hz selection.

Configure Chiller Visual Controller Parameter The chiller controller must have its job specific parameters set as defined by the job sheet or installed nameplates. Below are the job specific parameters that must be set: To access the ISM_CONF screen: 1. Press ENTER . 2. Press SERVICE . 3. Enter the password 1111. 4. Select ISM (CONFIG STARTER DATA) 5. Scroll down and select the ISM_CONF DATA screen to modify or view the ISM parameters:
DESCRIPTION STARTER TYPE (2 = SS/VFD) MOTOR RATED LINE VOLTAGE MOTOR RATED LOAD AMPS MOTOR LOCKED ROTOR TRIP STARTER LRA RATING SETTING 2 VFD Nameplate Voltage. VFD Nameplate Chiller Rated Load Amps Compressor Nameplate 600 for VFD part #19XVR0414XXX 700 for VFD part #19XVR0500XXX 900 for VFD part #19XVR0643XXX 163 120 (414A) NO NO for 50 Hz selection YES for 60 Hz selection


6. Press to the SAVE softkey to save changes. 7. Press the EXIT softkey to and exit the ISM Configuration Screen. VFD Enable Configuration To access the parameters: 1. Press MENU . 2. Press SERVICE . 3. Select EQUIPMENT SERVICE. 4. Scroll down and select SETUP2. 5. Verify the following parameters:

Configure Surge Parameters 1. Press MENU . 2. Press SERVICE . 3. Select EQUIPMENT SERVICE and OPTIONS to verify the following:
DESCRIPTION SURGE/HGBP DELTA T1 SURGE/HGBP DELTA P1 SURGE/HGBP DELTA T2 SURGE/HGBP DELTA P2 SETTINGS Surge parameter label Surge parameter label Surge parameter label Surge parameter label

VFD CONTROL VERFICATION (Non-Running) In order to verify and, if necessary, tune the speed control signal of the chiller controller to the VFD (ISM terminal J8 1-2 labeled 4-20 mA OUT VFD) and the speed feedback signal from the VFD to the chiller controller (ISM terminal J6 1-2 labeled VFD HZ), follow the steps below. Set TARGET VFD SPEED to 0%. 1. Press MENU . 59

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2. Press STATUS . 3. Press COMPRESS . 4. Press SELECT . 5. Set TARGET VFD SPEED to 0%. Verify that the ACTUAL VFD SPEED shown on the VFD display is within 0 to 1 Hz. 1. Press the ENTER softkey on the VFD keypad until all LEDs on the left side of the keypad are illuminated. NOTE: The value displayed is the frequency at which the VFD is being commanded to operate. 2. Adjust VFD parameter P.009 (Input Offset) if outside the tolerance. To confirm that the speed signal from the CVC/ICVC corresponds to the value displayed at the VFD: 3. Verify that the actual speed signal feedback to the chiller controller is 0% by accessing the COMPRESS screen. 4. Verify ACTUAL SPEED VFD is 0%-1% on CVC/ICVC. 5. Adjust VFD parameter r.002 (Analog Output Offset) if outside the tolerance. Set VFD TARGET VFD SPEED to 100%. 1. Press MENU . 2. Press STATUS . 3. Press COMPRESS . 4. Press SELECT . 5. Set TARGET VFD SPEED to 100%. Verify that the ACTUAL VFD SPEED shown on the VFD display corresponds to the 50 Hz or 60 Hz setting. 1. Check the ACTUAL VFD SPEED configuration (50 Hz or 60 Hz) on the ISM_CONF screen. 2. Confirm that the VFD displays the configured line frequency within 1 Hz. 3. Adjust parameter P.010 (Input Gain) if outside the tolerance. 4. Release the TARGET VFD SPEED so that it can operate in automatic mode. (Refer to Override Operations section on page 16.) VFD CONTROL VERIFICATION (Running) Preparation 1. Disconnect power to the VFD. Verify that the branch disconnects or other local disconnects are open and properly tagged out. 2. Connect a voltmeter and ampmeter to the line side of the VFD. Locate meters safely away from the power cables. 3. Reconnect power to the VFD. 4. Measure the voltage on the line side of the drive. 5. Verify it is within 10% of the chiller nameplate voltage. 6. Set up the CVC/ICVC temperature controller per the requirements of the job. 7. Start the chiller and verify the rotation of the compressor just as it starts. 8. Allow the chiller to load up. Verify that the chiller loads up smoothly. NOTE: One or two surges may be counted during the first minute of operation. Verify That Actual VFD Speed is 100% (2%) 1. Set the VFD speed to 100%. 2. Verify that the ACTUAL VFD SPEED is 100% ( 2%). 3. If outside the tolerance, adjust r.003 (Output Analog Gain).

4. Leave running for the next test. ISM Current Calibration Check 1. With the target VFD speed at 100%, load the chiller so that the CVC/ICVC default display shows 75% to 100% under the display title AMPS %. A higher load is preferred. 2. Measure the incoming current with a separate amp meter. 3. Calculate the line side error ratio using the following equation:
Amp Meter current Ave. ISM current Amp Meter current

4. If the Line Side Error Ratio is greater than 0.02 adjust the CVC/ICVC reading by adjusting the ISM CT ratio. 5. Shut down the chiller. Change CT Ratio 1. New CT Ratio = Present CT Ratio multiplied by (1+ Line Side Error Ratio). To access the ISM_CONF screen: 2. Press ENTER . 3. Press SERVICE . 4. Enter the password 1111. 5. Select ISM (STARTER) CONFIG DATA. 6. Enter password 4444. 7. Select ISM_CONF. 8. Change present CT ratio to new ratio using calculation above. 9. Press to the SAVE softkey to save changes. 10. Press the EXIT softkey to exit the ISM_CONF screen. 11. Repeat ISM Current Calibration Check. VFD Current Control Calibration Check 1. With the target VFD speed at 100%, load the chiller so that the CVC/ICVC default display shows 75% to 100% under the display title AMPS %. A higher load is preferred. 2. Access the current on the keypad of the VFD. Determine the Load Side Current Ratio, using the equation below. Load Side Current Ratio =
VFD Actual Load Amps Motor Nameplate Amps

Next, access the VFD Load Factor on the Capacity Control screen. Calculate the Load Side Error Ratio using the equation below:
Load Side VFD Load Factor Load Side Current Ratio Error Ratio = Load Side Current Ratio

3. If the load side error ratio is greater than 0.02, adjust the VFD load factor by changing the VFD current limit on the Setup 2 screen. a. The new VFD current limit = old VFD current limit multiplied by (1+ Load Side Error Ratio). b. Recheck the VFD Current Control Calibration. c. Release the Speed Control by accessing the TARGET VFD SPEED control. Press MENU . Press STATUS . Press COMPRESS . (Refer to Override Operations section on page 16.)

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Protecting the VFD Configuration 1. Select parameter P.051 from the VFD keypad. 2. Press the ENTER softkey to access the parameter. A zero will be displayed. 3. Use the arrow key to increment the value to 26. This is the password number. 4. Press the ENTER softkey to save the value. P.051 will by displayed. NOTE: Parameter programming is disabled when the PASSWORD LED is on and enabled when the PASSWORD LED is off. 5. Select parameter P.006 from the VFD Keypad. 6. Press the ENTER softkey to access the parameter. 7. Use the arrow key to increment the value to 107. This is the password number to restrict displaying the remaining P, and all of the H and r parameters. 8. Press the ENTER softkey to save the value. Modify Minimum and Maximum Load Points (T1/P1; T2/ P2) If Necessary These pairs of chiller load points, located on the OPTIONS screen, determine when to limit guide vane travel or open the hot gas bypass valve when surge prevention is needed. These points should be set based on individual chiller operating conditions. A label that lists the configuration values of the controls is located on the inside of the units control panel. These values are based upon the original selection of the chiller. Jobsite conditions may require a slight modification to these parameters. If after configuring a value for these points, surge prevention is operating too soon or too late for conditions, these parameters should be changed by the operator. An example of such a configuration is shown below. Refrigerant: HCFC-134a Estimated Minimum Load Conditions: 44 F (6.7 C) LCW 45.5 F (7.5 C) ECW 43 F (6.1 C) Suction Temperature 70 F (21.1 C) Condensing Temperature Estimated Maximum Load Conditions: 44 F (6.7 C) LCW 54 F (12.2 C) ECW 42 F (5.6 C) Suction Temperature 98 F (36.7 C) Condensing Temperature Calculate Maximum Load To calculate the maximum load points, use the design load condition data. If the chiller full load cooler temperature difference is more than 15 F (8.3 C), estimate the refrigerant suction and condensing temperatures at this difference. Use the proper saturated pressure and temperature for the particular refrigerant used. Suction Temperature: 42 F (5.6 C) = 37 psig (255 kPa) saturated refrigerant pressure (HFC-134a) Condensing Temperature: 98 F (36.7 C) = 120 psig (1827 kPa) saturated refrigerant pressure (HFC-134a) Maximum Load T2: 54 44 = 10 F (12.2 6.7 = 5.5 C) Maximum Load P2: 120 37 = 83 psid (827 255 = 572 kPad) To avoid unnecessary surge prevention, add about 10 psid (70 kPad) to P2 from these conditions: T2 = 10 F (5.5 C) P2 = 93 psid (642 kPad)

Calculate Minimum Load To calculate the minimum load conditions, estimate the temperature difference the cooler will have at 10% load, then estimate what the suction and condensing temperatures will be at this point. Use the proper saturated pressure and temperature for the particular refrigerant used. Suction Temperature: 43 F (6.1 C) = 38 psig (262 kPa) saturated refrigerant pressure (HFC-134a) Condensing Temperature: 70 F (21.1 C) = 71 psig (490 kPa) saturated refrigerant pressure (HFC-134a) Minimum Load T1 (at 20% Load): 2 F (1.1 C) Minimum Load P1: 71 38 = 33 psid (490 262 = 228 kPad) Again, to avoid unnecessary surge prevention, add 20 psid (140 kPad) at P1 from these conditions: T1 = 2 F (1.1 C) P1 = 53 psid (368 kPad) If surge prevention occurs too soon or too late:
LOAD At low loads (<50%) SURGE PREVENTION SURGE PREVENTION OCCURS TOO SOON OCCURS TOO LATE Increase P1 by Decrease P1 by 2 psid (14 kPad) 2 psid (14 kPad) Decrease P2 by 2 psid (14 kPad)

At high loads Increase P2 by 2 psid (14 kPad) (>50%)

The differential pressure (P) and temperature (T) can be monitored during chiller operation by viewing ACTIVE DELTA P and ACTIVE DELTA T (HEAT_EX screen). Comparing SURGE/HGBP DELTA T to ACTIVE DELTA T will determine when the SURGE PREVENTION function will occur. The smaller the difference between the SURGE/HGBP DELTA T and the ACTIVE DELTA T values, the closer to surge prevention. Units with VFD On units with VFD further adjustments can be made if response to surge prevention or protection is not functioning as desired. VFD GAIN and VFD INCREASE STEP can be adjusted to allow for more aggressive changes in speed when surge prevention or protection is active. CONFIGURE DIFFUSER CONTROL IF NECESSARY If the compressor is equipped with a variable diffuser, (size 5 compressor) access the SETUP2 screen. Scroll to DIFFUSER CONTROL and press the ENABLE softkey. Compare the diffuser and guide vane values (GUIDE VANE 25% LOAD PT, GUIDE VANE 50% LOAD PT, GUIDE VANE 75% LOAD PT, DIFFUSER 25% LOAD POINT, DIFFUSER 50% LOAD POINT, DIFFUSER 75% LOAD POINT) to the values located on the label inside the control panel. See Fig. 12. Compressors with variable diffuser control have actuators tested and stamped with the milliamp (mA) value that results in 100% actuator rotation. This value is configured on the SETUP2 screen. It is labeled DIFFUSER FULL SPAN mA. MODIFY EQUIPMENT CONFIGURATION IF NECESSARY The EQUIPMENT SERVICE table has screens to select, view, or modify parameters. Carriers certified drawings have the configuration values required for the jobsite. Modify these values only if requested. SERVICE Screen Modifications Change the values on these screens according to specific job data. See the certified drawings for the correct values. Modifications can include: chilled water reset entering chilled water control (Enable/Disable) 4 to 20 mA demand limit auto restart option (Enable/Disable) remote contact option (Enable/Disable)

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Owner-Modified CCN Tables The following EQUIPMENT CONFIGURATION screens are described for reference only. OCCDEFCS The OCCDEFCS screen contains the Local and CCN time schedules, which can be modified here or on the SCHEDULE screen as described previously. HOLIDAYS From the HOLIDAYS screen, the days of the year that holidays are in effect can be configured. See the holiday paragraphs in the Controls section for more details. BRODEF The BRODEF screen defines the start and end of daylight savings time. Enter the dates for the start and end of daylight savings if required for your location. BRODEF also activates the Broadcast function which enables the holiday periods that are defined on the CVC/ICVC to take effect. Other Tables The CONSUME, NET_OPT, and RUNTIME screens contain parameters used with a CCN system. See the applicable CCN manual for more information on these screens. These tables can only be defined from a CCN Building Supervisor.

Perform a Control Test Check the safety controls status by performing an automated control test. Access the CONTROL TEST table and select a test to be performed function (Table 9). The Automated Control Test checks all outputs and inputs for function. In order to successfully proceed with the controls test, the compressor should be off, no alarms showing, and voltage should be within 10% of rating plate value. The compressor can be put in OFF mode by pressing the STOP push-button on the CVC/ICVC. Each test asks the operator to confirm the operation is occurring and whether or not to continue. If an error occurs, the operator can try to address the problem as the test is being done or note the problem and proceed to the next test. NOTE: Enter guide vane calibration to calibrate guide input on CCM (Plug J4 upper terminal 9 and 10). NOTE: If during the control test the guide vanes do not open, verify the low pressure alarm is not active. (An active low pressure alarm causes the guide vanes to close.) NOTE: The oil pump test will not energize the oil pump if cooler pressure is below 5 psig (35 kPa). When the control test is finished or the EXIT softkey is pressed, the test stops, and the CONTROL TEST menu displays. If a specific automated test procedure is not completed, access the particular control test to test the function when ready. The CONTROL TEST menu is described in the table below.
CCM Temperature Thermistors CCM Pressure Transducers Pump Discrete outputs Guide Vane Diffuser Actuator* Check of all thermistors. Check of all transducers. Checks operation of pump outputs; pumps are activated. Also tests associated inputs such as flow or pressure. Activation of all on/off outputs individually. Check of the guide vane operation. Check of the diffuser actuator. Pumpdown prevents the low refrigerant alarm during evacuation so refrigerant can be removed form the unit. Also locks the compressor off and starts the water pumps. To charge refrigerant and enable the chiller to run after pumpdown lockout. Calibrates guide vane input on CCM.


Terminate Lockout Guide Vane Calibration

*Diffuser tests function only on size 4 and 5 compressor with diffuser control enabled. NOTE: During any of the tests, an out-of-range reading will have an asterisk (*) next to the reading and a message will be displayed if you have diffuser control enabled.

COOLER CONDENSER PRESSURE TRANSDUCER AND WATERSIDE FLOW DEVICE CALIBRATION (Optional with ICVC inputs available) Calibration can be checked by comparing the pressure readings from the transducer to an accurate refrigeration gage reading. These readings can be viewed or calibrated from the HEAT_EX screen on the CVC/ICVC. The transducer can be checked and calibrated at 2 pressure points. These calibration points are 0 psig (0 kPa) and between 25 and 250 psig (173 and 1724 kPa). To calibrate these transducers: 1. Shut down the compressor, cooler, and condenser pumps. NOTE: There should be no flow through the heat exchangers. 2. Disconnect the transducer in question from its Schrader fitting for cooler or condenser transducer calibration. For oil pressure or flow device calibration keep transducer in place. NOTE: If the cooler or condenser vessels are at 0 psig (0 kPa) or are open to atmospheric pressure, the transducers can be calibrated for zero without removing the transducer from the vessel. 3. Access the HEAT_EX screen and view the particular transducer reading (the EVAPORATOR PRESSURE or CONDENSER PRESSURE parameter on the HEAT_EX screen). To calibrate oil pressure or waterside flow device, view the particular reading (CHILLED WATER DELTA P and CONDENSER WATER DELTA P on the HEAT_EX screen and OIL PUMP DELTA P on the COMPRESS screen). It should read 0 psi (0 kPa). If the reading is not 0 psi (0 kPa), but within 5 psi (35 kPa), the value may be set to zero by pressing the SELECT softkey while the appropriate transducer parameter is highlighted on the CVC/ICVC screen. Then press the ENTER softkey. The value will now go to zero. No high end calibration is necessary for OIL PUMP DELTA P or flow devices. If the transducer value is not within the calibration range, the transducer returns to the original reading. If the pressure is within the allowed range (noted above), check the voltage ratio of the transducer. To obtain the voltage ratio, divide the voltage (dc) input from the transducer by the supply voltage signal (displayed in CONTROL TEST menu in the CCM PRESSURE TRANSDUCERS screen) or measure across the positive (+ red) and negative ( black) leads of the transducer. For example, the condenser transducer voltage input is measured at CCM terminals J2-4 and J2-5. The voltage ratio must be between 0.80 and 0.11 for the software to allow calibration. Rotate the waterside flow pressure device from the inlet nozzle to the outlet nozzle and repeat this step. If rotating the waterside flow device does not allow calibration then pressurize the transducer until the ratio is within range. Then attempt calibration again. 4. A high pressure point can also be calibrated between 25 and 250 psig (172.4 and 1723.7 kPa) by attaching a regulated 250 psig (1724 kPa) pressure (usually from a nitrogen cylinder). The high pressure point can be calibrated by accessing the appropriate transducer parameter on the HEAT_EX screen, highlighting the parameter, pressing the SELECT softkey, and then using the INCREASE or DECREASE softkeys to adjust the value to the exact pressure on the refrigerant gage. Press the ENTER softkey to finish the calibration. Pressures at high altitude locations must be compensated for, so the chiller temperature/pressure relationship is correct. The PIC II does not allow calibration if the transducer is too far out of calibration. In this case, a new transducer must be installed and recalibrated. 62

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Check Optional Pumpout System Controls and Compressor Controls include an on/off switch,
a 3-amp fuse, the compressor overloads, an internal thermostat, a compressor contactor, and a refrigerant high pressure cutout. The high pressure cutout is factory set to open at 161 psig (1110 kPa) and reset at 130 psig (896 kPa). Ensure the watercooled condenser has been connected. Loosen the compressor holddown bolts to allow free spring travel. Open the compressor suction and discharge the service valves. Ensure oil is visible in the compressor sight glass. Add oil if necessary. See the Pumpout and Refrigerant Transfer Procedures and Optional Pumpout System Maintenance sections, pages 67 and 75, for details on the transfer of refrigerant, oil specifications, etc. Table 9 Control Test Menu Functions
TESTS TO BE PERFORMED 1. CCM Thermistors DEVICES TESTED Entering Chilled Water Evaporator Refrigerant Temperature (ICVC only) Leaving Chilled Water Entering Condenser Water Leaving Condenser Water Remote Reset Sensor Comp Discharge Temp Oil Sump Temp Comp Motor Winding Temp Space Temperature 1 Space Temperature 2 Evaporator Pressure Condenser Pressure Oil Pump Delta P Condenser Water Delta P Transducer Voltage Ref Chilled Water Confirm pressure Condenser Water Confirm Delta P Oil Heater Relay Hot Gas Bypass Relay Tower Fan Relay Low Tower Fan Relay High Alarm Relay Shunt Trip Relay Open/Close Open/Close When using pumpdown/lockout, observe freeze up precautions when removing charge: Instructs operator which valves to close and when. Starts chilled water and condenser water pumps and confirms flows. Monitors Evaporator pressure Condenser pressure Evaporator temperature during pumpout procedures Turns pumps off after pumpdown. 8 Terminate Lockout Locks out compressor. Starts pumps and monitors flows. Instructs operator which valves to open and when. Monitors Evaporator pressure Condenser pressure Evaporator temperature during charging process Terminates compressor lockout.

High Altitude Locations Because the chiller is initially calibrated at sea level, it is necessary to recalibrate the pressure transducers if the chiller has been moved to a high altitude location. See the calibration procedure in the Troubleshooting Guide section. Charge Refrigerant into Chiller

The transfer, addition, or removal of refrigerant in spring isolated chillers may place severe stress on external piping if springs have not been blocked in both up and down directions.

Always operate the condenser and chilled water pumps during charging operations to prevent freeze-ups. The standard 19XR chiller is shipped with the refrigerant already charged in the vessels. However, the 19XR may be ordered with a nitrogen holding charge of 15 psig (103 kPa). Evacuate the nitrogen from the entire chiller, and charge the chiller from refrigerant cylinders. CHILLER EQUALIZATION WITHOUT A PUMPOUT UNIT

2. CCM Pressure Transducers

3. Pumps 4. Discrete Outputs

When equalizing refrigerant pressure on the 19XR chiller after service work or during the initial chiller start-up, do not use the discharge isolation valve to equalize. Either the motor cooling isolation valve or the charging hose (connected between the pumpout valves on top of the cooler and condenser) should be used as the equalization valve. To equalize the pressure differential on a refrigerant isolated 19XR chiller, use the terminate lockout function of the CONTROL TEST on the SERVICE menu. This helps to turn on pumps and advises the operator on proper procedures. The following steps describe how to equalize refrigerant pressure in an isolated 19XR chiller without a pumpout unit. 1. Access terminate lockout function on the CONTROL TEST screen. 2. IMPORTANT: Turn on the chilled water and condenser water pumps to prevent freezing. 3. Slowly open the refrigerant cooling isolation valve. The chiller cooler and condenser pressures will gradually equalize. This process takes approximately 15 minutes. 4. Once the pressures have equalized, the cooler isolation valve, the condenser isolation valve, and the hot gas isolation valve may now be opened. Refer to Fig. 29 and 30, for the location of the valves.

5. Guide Vane Actuator 6. Diffuser Actuator 7. Pumpdown Lockout

Whenever turning the discharge isolation valve, be sure to reattach the valve locking device. This prevents the valve from opening or closing during service work or during chiller operation.

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CHILLER EQUALIZATION WITH PUMPOUT UNIT The following steps describe how to equalize refrigerant pressure on an isolated 19XR chiller using the pumpout unit. 1. Access the terminate lockout function on the CONTROL TEST screen. 2. IMPORTANT: Turn on the chilled water and condenser water pumps to prevent freezing. 3. Open valve 4 on the pumpout unit and open valves 1a and 1b on the chiller cooler and condenser, Fig. 29 and 30. Slowly open valve 2 on the pumpout unit to equalize the pressure. This process takes approximately 15 minutes. 4. Once the pressures have equalized, the discharge isolation valve, cooler isolation valve, optional hot gas bypass isolation valve, and the refrigerant isolation valve can be opened. Close valves 1a and 1b, and all pumpout unit valves.

Table 10 Refrigerant (HFC-134a) Charge

COOLER CODE 10 11 12 15 16 17 20 21 22 30 31 32 35 36 37 40 41 42 45 46 47 50 51 52 55 56 57 60 61 62 65 66 67 70 71 72 75 76 77 80 81 82 85 86 87 REFRIGERANT CHARGE lb kg 290 132 310 141 330 150 320 145 340 154 370 168 345 157 385 175 435 197 350 159 420 190 490 222 400 181 480 218 550 250 560 254 630 286 690 313 640 290 720 327 790 358 750 340 840 381 900 408 870 395 940 426 980 445 940 426 980 445 1020 463 1020 463 1060 481 1090 494 1220 553 1340 608 1440 653 1365 619 1505 683 1625 737 1500 680 1620 735 1730 785 1690 766 1820 825 1940 880 CONDENSER CODE 10 11 12 15 16 17 20 21 22 30 31 32 35 36 37 40 41 42 45 46 47 50 51 52 55 56 57 60 61 62 65 66 67 70 71 72 75 76 77 80 81 82 85 86 87 REFRIGERANT CHARGE lb kg 200 91 200 91 200 91 250 113 250 113 250 113 225 102 225 102 225 102 260 118 260 118 260 118 310 141 310 141 310 141 280 127 280 127 280 127 330 150 330 150 330 150 400 181 400 181 400 181 490 222 490 222 490 222 420 190 420 190 420 190 510 231 510 231 510 231 780 354 780 354 780 354 925 420 925 420 925 420 720 327 720 327 720 327 860 390 860 390 860 390

Whenever turning the discharge isolation valve, be sure to reattach the valve locking device. This prevents the valve from opening or closing during service work or during chiller operation. The full refrigerant charge on the 19XR will vary with chiller components and design conditions, as indicated on the job data specifications. An approximate charge may be determined by adding the condenser charge to the cooler charge as listed in Table 10.

Always operate the condenser and chilled water pumps whenever charging, transferring, or removing refrigerant from the chiller. Use the CONTROL TEST terminate lockout function to monitor conditions and start the pumps. If the chiller has been shipped with a holding charge, the refrigerant is added through the pumpout charging connection (Fig. 29 and 30, valve 1b). First evacuate the nitrogen holding charge from the chiller vessels. Charge the refrigerant as a gas until the system pressure exceeds 35 psig (141 kPa) for HFC-134a. After the chiller is beyond this pressure the refrigerant should be charged as a liquid until all the recommended refrigerant charge has been added. The charging valve (Fig. 29 and 30, valve 7) can be used to charge liquid to the cooler if the cooler isolation valve (11) is present and is closed. Do not charge liquid through the linear float to the condenser. TRIMMING REFRIGERANT CHARGE The 19XR is shipped with the correct charge for the design duty of the chiller. Trimming the charge can best be accomplished when the design load is available. To trim the charge, check the temperature difference between the leaving chilled water temperature and cooler refrigerant temperature at full load design conditions. If necessary, add or remove refrigerant to bring the temperature difference to design conditions or minimum differential. Table 10 lists the 19XR chiller refrigerant charges for each cooler and condenser code. Total refrigerant charge is the sum of the cooler and condenser charge.

INITIAL START-UP Preparation Before starting the chiller, verify:

1. Power is on to the main starter, oil pump relay, tower fan starter, oil heater relay, and the chiller control panel. 2. Cooling tower water is at proper level and at-or-below design entering temperature. 3. Chiller is charged with refrigerant and all refrigerant and oil valves are in their proper operating positions. 4. Oil is at the proper level in the reservoir sight glasses. 5. Oil reservoir temperature is above 140 F (60 C) or above refrigerant temperature plus 50 F (28 C). 6. Valves in the evaporator and condenser water circuits are open. NOTE: If the pumps are not automatic, ensure water is circulating properly.

Do not permit water or brine that is warmer than 110 F (43 C) to flow through the cooler or condenser. Refrigerant overpressure may discharge through the relief valves and result in the loss of refrigerant charge. 7. Access the CONTROL TEST screen. Scroll down on the TERMINATE LOCKOUT option. Press the SELECT (to enable the chiller to start) and answer YES to reset unit to operating mode. The chiller is locked out at the factory in order to prevent accidental start-up.

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Dry Run to Test Start-Up Sequence

For electro-mechanical starters. 1. Disengage the main motor disconnect (CB1) on the starter front panel. This should only disconnect the motor power. Power to the controls, oil pump, and starter control circuit should still be energized. 2. Observe the default screen on the CVC/ICVC: the status message in the upper left-hand corner reads, Manually Stopped, Press the CCN or LOCAL softkey to start. If the chiller controls do not go into a start mode (Unoccupied Mode is displayed) go to the SCHEDULE screen and override the schedule or change the occupied time. Press the LOCAL softkey to begin the start-up sequences. 3. View the STARTUP display screen and verify the chilled water and condenser water pumps have energized. 4. Verify the oil pump has started and is pressurizing the lubrication system. After the oil pump has run about 11 seconds, the starter energizes (COMPRESSOR START CONTACT is closed) and goes through its start-up sequence. 5. Check the main contactor (1M) for proper operation. 6. The PIC II eventually shows an alarm for motors amps not sensed. Reset this alarm and continue with the initial start-up. For Benshaw Inc. solid-state starters: 1. Close the main motor disconnect (CB1). Voltage will be applied to the compressor motor but the SCRs will not fire (compressor motor will not rotate). Enter MENU 4 in the Benshaw RediStart MICRO Menu structure at the Benshaw display (see Input Service Configurations, Change The Benshaw RediStart MICRO Software Configuration page 57). Select Dry Run Mode and scroll to YES. 2. Follow steps 2 through 4 for the electro-mechanical starters. When the Ramp Time is set for less than 10 seconds COMPRESSOR RUN CONTACT will close. 3. The PIC II eventually shows an alarm for motors amps not sensed. Reset this alarm and enter MENU 4 in the Benshaw display. Select Dry Run Mode and scroll to NO. Continue with the initial start-up.

Fig. 33 Correct Motor Rotation

Do not check motor rotation during coastdown. Rotation may have reversed during equalization of vessel pressures.

Check Oil Pressure and Compressor Stop

1. When the motor is at full speed, note the differential oil pressure reading on the CVC/ICVC default screen. It should be between 18 and 30 psid (124 to 206 kPad). 2. Press the Stop button and listen for any unusual sounds from the compressor as it coasts to a stop.

To Prevent Accidental Start-Up A chiller STOP

override setting may be entered to prevent accidental start-up during service or whenever necessary. Access the MAINSTAT screen and using the NEXT or PREVIOUS softkeys, highlight the CHILLER START/STOP parameter. Override the current START value by pressing the SELECT softkey. Press the STOP softkey followed by the ENTER softkey. The word SUPVSR! displays on the CVC/ICVC indicating the override is in place. To restart the chiller the STOP override setting must be removed. Access the MAINSTAT screen and using NEXT or PREVIOUS softkeys highlight CHILLER START/STOP. The 3 softkeys that appear represent 3 choices: START forces the chiller ON STOP forces the chiller OFF RELEASE puts the chiller under remote or schedule control. To return the chiller to normal control, press the RELEASE softkey followed by the ENTER softkey. For more information, see Local Start-Up, page 46. The default CVC/ICVC screen message line indicates which command is in effect.

Check Motor Rotation

1. Engage the oil pump circuit breaker (CB3) located inside the right hand side of the starter panel. 2. Then engage the control power circuit breaker (CB2) located in the same section of the starter cabinet. 3. Finally close the main motor disconnect (CB1) on the front of the starter panel. 4. The ISM mounted in the electro-mechanical starters checks for proper phase rotation as soon as power is applied to the starter and the PIC II controls power up. Solid-state starters have phase protection and do not permit a start if the phase rotation is not correct. 5. An alarm message will appear on the CVC/ICVC if the phase rotation is incorrect. If this occurs reverse any 2 of the 3 incoming power leads to the starter and reapply power. The motor is now ready for a rotation check. 6. After the default screen status message states Ready to Start press the LOCAL softkey. The PIC II control performs start-up checks. 7. When the starter is energized and the motor begins to turn, check for clockwise motor rotation (Fig. 33).

Check Chiller Operating Condition Check

to be sure that chiller temperatures, pressures, water flows, and oil and refrigerant levels indicate the system is functioning properly.

Instruct the Customer Operator Ensure the operator(s) understand all operating and maintenance procedures. Point out the various chiller parts and explain their function as part of the complete system. COOLER-CONDENSER Float chamber, relief valves, refrigerant charging valve, temperature sensor locations, pressure transducer locations, Schrader fittings, waterboxes and tubes, and vents and drains.

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OPTIONAL PUMPOUT STORAGE TANK AND PUMPOUT SYSTEM Transfer valves and pumpout system, refrigerant charging and pumpdown procedure, and relief devices. MOTOR COMPRESSOR ASSEMBLY Guide vane actuator, transmission, motor cooling system, oil cooling system, temperature and pressure sensors, oil sight glasses, integral oil pump, isolatable oil filter, extra oil and motor temperature sensors, synthetic oil, and compressor serviceability. MOTOR COMPRESSOR LUBRICATION SYSTEM Oil pump, cooler filter, oil heater, oil charge and specification, operating and shutdown oil level, temperature and pressure, and oil charging connections. CONTROL SYSTEM CCN and LOCAL start, reset, menu, softkey functions, CVC/ICVC operation, occupancy schedule, set points, safety controls, and auxiliary and optional controls. AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT Starters and disconnects, separate electrical sources, pumps, and cooling tower. DESCRIBE CHILLER CYCLES Refrigerant, motor cooling, lubrication, and oil reclaim. REVIEW MAINTENANCE Scheduled, routine, and extended shutdowns, importance of a log sheet, importance of water treatment and tube cleaning, and importance of maintaining a leak-free chiller. SAFETY DEVICES AND PROCEDURES Electrical disconnects, relief device inspection, and handling refrigerant. CHECK OPERATOR KNOWLEDGE Start, stop, and shutdown procedures, safety and operating controls, refrigerant and oil charging, and job safety. REVIEW THE START-UP OPERATION, AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL.

3. 4.

5. 6.




1. Become familiar with the chiller and related equipment before operating the chiller. 2. Prepare the system for start-up, start and stop the chiller, and place the system in a shutdown condition. 3. Maintain a log of operating conditions and document any abnormal readings. 4. Inspect the equipment, make routine adjustments, and perform a Control Test. Maintain the proper oil and refrigerant levels. 5. Protect the system from damage during shutdown periods. 6. Maintain the set point, time schedules, and other PIC functions.

temperature reads more than 180 F (83 C) with the oil pump running, stop the chiller and determine the cause of the high temperature. Do not restart the chiller until corrected. The oil level should be visible anywhere in one of the two sight glasses. Foaming oil is acceptable as long as the oil pressure and temperature are within limits. The oil pressure should be between 18 and 30 psid (124 to 207 kPad) differential, as seen on the CVC/ICVC default screen. Typically the reading will be 18 to 25 psid (124 to 172 kPad) at initial start-up. The moisture indicator sight glass on the refrigerant motor cooling line should indicate refrigerant flow and a dry condition. The condenser pressure and temperature varies with the chiller design conditions. Typically the pressure will range between 60 and 135 psig (390 to 950 kPa) with a corresponding temperature range of 60 to 105 F (15 to 41 C). The condenser entering water temperature should be controlled below the specified design entering water temperature to save on compressor kilowatt requirements. Cooler pressure and temperature also will vary with the design conditions. Typical pressure range will be between 60 and 80 psig (410 and 550 kPa), with temperature ranging between 34 and 45 F (1 and 8 C). The compressor may operate at full capacity for a short time after the pulldown ramping has ended, even though the building load is small. The active electrical demand setting can be overridden to limit the compressor IkW, or the pulldown rate can be decreased to avoid a high demand charge for the short period of high demand operation. Pulldown rate can be based on load rate or temperature rate and is accessed on the EQUIPMENT SERVICE screen, RAMP_DEM table (Table 2, Example 21).

To Stop the Chiller

1. The occupancy schedule starts and stops the chiller automatically once the time schedule is configured. 2. By pressing the STOP button for one second, the alarm light blinks once to confirm the button has been pressed. The compressor will then follow the normal shutdown sequence as described in the Shutdown Sequence, StartUp/Shutdown/Recycle Sequence section, page 46. The chiller will not restart until the CCN or LOCAL softkey is pressed. The chiller is now in the OFF control mode. IMPORTANT: Do not attempt to stop the chiller by opening an isolating knife switch. High intensity arcing may occur. Do not restart the chiller until the problem is diagnosed and corrected.

Prepare the Chiller for Start-Up Follow the steps described in the Initial Start-Up section, page 64. To Start the Chiller
1. Start the water pumps, if they are not automatic. 2. On the CVC/ICVC default screen, press the LOCAL or CCN softkey to start the system. If the chiller is in the OCCUPIED mode and the start timers have expired, the start sequence will start. Follow the procedure described in the Start-Up/Shutdown/Recycle Sequence section, page 46.

After Limited Shutdown No special preparations

should be necessary. Follow the regular preliminary checks and starting procedures.

Check the Running System After the compressor starts, the operator should monitor the CVC/ICVC display and observe the parameters for normal operating conditions: 1. The oil reservoir temperature should be above 120 F (49 C) during shutdown. 2. The bearing oil temperature accessed on the COMPRESS table should be 120 to 165 F (49 to 74 C). If the bearing 66
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Preparation for Extended Shutdown The refrigerant should be transferred into the pumpout storage tank (if supplied; see Pumpout and Refrigerant Transfer Procedures) to reduce chiller pressure and the possibility of leaks. Maintain a holding charge of 5 to 10 lbs (2.27 to 4.5 kg) of refrigerant or nitrogen to prevent air from leaking into the chiller. If freezing temperatures are likely to occur in the chiller area, drain the chilled water, condenser water, and the pumpout condenser water circuits to avoid freeze-up. Keep the waterbox drains open.

Leave the oil charge in the chiller with the oil heater and controls energized to maintain the minimum oil reservoir temperature.

tank is supplied, the refrigerant can be isolated in the storage tank. The following procedures describe how to transfer refrigerant from vessel to vessel and perform chiller evacuations.

After Extended Shutdown Ensure the water system drains are closed. It may be advisable to flush the water circuits to remove any soft rust which may have formed. This is a good time to brush the tubes and inspect the Schrader fittings on the waterside flow devices for fouling, if necessary. Check the cooler pressure on the CVC/ICVC default screen and compare it to the original holding charge that was left in the chiller. If (after adjusting for ambient temperature changes) any loss in pressure is indicated, check for refrigerant leaks. See Check Chiller Tightness section, page 48. Recharge the chiller by transferring refrigerant from the pumpout storage tank (if supplied). Follow the Pumpout and Refrigerant Transfer Procedures section, below. Observe freeze-up precautions. Carefully make all regular preliminary and running system checks. Perform a Control Test before start-up. If the compressor oil level appears abnormally high, the oil may have absorbed refrigerant. Ensure that the oil temperature is above 140 F (60 C) or above the cooler refrigerant temperature plus 50 F (27 C). Always run the chiller cooler and condenser water pumps and always charge or transfer refrigerant as a gas when the chiller pressure is less than 30 psig (207 kPa). Below these pressures, liquid refrigerant flashes into gas, resulting in extremely low temperatures in the cooler/condenser tubes and possibly causing tube freeze-up.

During transfer of refrigerant into and out of the optional storage tank, carefully monitor the storage tank level gage. Do not fill the tank more than 90% of capacity to allow for refrigerant expansion. Overfilling may result in damage to the tank or personal injury.

Cold Weather Operation When the entering condenser water temperature drops very low, the operator should automatically cycle the cooling tower fans off to keep the temperature up. Piping may also be arranged to bypass the cooling tower. The PIC II controls have a low limit tower fan output that can be used to assist in this control (terminal 11 and 12 on ISM). Manual Guide Vane Operation It is possible to manually operate the guide vanes in order to check control operation or to control the guide vanes in an emergency. Manual operation is possible by overriding the target guide vane position. Access the COMPRESS screen on the CVC/ICVC and scroll down to highlight TARGET GUIDE VANE POS. To control the position, use the INCREASE or DECREASE softkey to adjust to the percentage of guide vane opening that is desired. Zero percent is fully closed; 100% is fully open. To release the guide vanes to automatic control, press the RELEASE softkey. NOTE: Manual control overrides the configured pulldown rate during start-up and permits the guide vanes to open at a faster rate. Motor current above the electrical demand setting, capacity overrides, and chilled water temperature below the control point override the manual target and close the guide vanes. For descriptions of capacity overrides and set points, see the Controls section. Refrigeration Log A refrigeration log (as shown in
Fig. 34), is a convenient checklist for routine inspection and maintenance and provides a continuous record of chiller performance. It is also an aid when scheduling routine maintenance and diagnosing chiller problems. Keep a record of the chiller pressures, temperatures, and liquid levels on a sheet similar to the one in Fig. 34. Automatic recording of PIC II data is possible by using CCN devices such as the Data Collection module and a Building Supervisor. Contact a Carrier representative for more information.

Do not mix refrigerants from chillers that use different compressor oils. Compressor damage can result.

Operating the Optional Pumpout Unit

1. Be sure that the suction and the discharge service valves on the optional pumpout compressor are open (backseated) during operation. Rotate the valve stem fully counterclockwise to open. Front-seating the valve closes the refrigerant line and opens the gage port to compressor pressure. 2. Ensure that the compressor hold-down bolts have been loosened to allow free spring travel. 3. Open the refrigerant inlet valve on the pumpout compressor. 4. Oil should be visible in the pumpout unit compressor sight glass under all operating conditions and during shutdown. If oil is low, add oil as described under Optional Pumpout System Maintenance section, page 75. The pumpout unit control wiring schematic is detailed in Fig. 35. TO READ REFRIGERANT PRESSURES during pumpout or leak testing: 1. The CVC/ICVC display on the chiller control panel is suitable for determining refrigerant-side pressures and low (soft) vacuum. To assure the desired range and accuracy when measuring evacuation and dehydration, use a quality vacuum indicator or manometer. This can be placed on the Schrader connections on each vessel (Fig. 9) by removing the pressure transducer. 2. To determine pumpout storage tank pressure, a 30 in. -0-400 psi (-101-0-2769 kPa) gage is attached to the storage tank. 3. Refer to Fig. 29, 30, and 36 for valve locations and numbers.

PUMPOUT AND REFRIGERANT TRANSFER PROCEDURES Preparation The 19XR may come equipped with an
optional pumpout storage tank, pumpout system, or pumpout compressor. The refrigerant can be pumped for service work to either the chiller compressor vessel or chiller condenser vessel by using the optional pumpout system. If a pumpout storage 67
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Transfer, addition, or removal of refrigerant in springisolated chillers may place severe stress on external piping if springs have not been blocked in both up and down directions.



CONDENSER Water Oil Temp BEARING TEMP Press. Diff. Level Temp (reservoir) In Out Temp In Out Press. In Out GPM Temp Pressure Motor FLA Amperage (or vane position) Refrigerant Water COMPRESSOR REMARKS







Pressure GPM


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68 Fig. 34 Refrigeration Log

REMARKS: Indicate shutdowns on safety controls, repairs made and oil or refrigerant added or removed. Include amounts.

the CONTROL TEST table to turn on the water pumps and monitor pressures.

If the chilled water and condenser water pumps are not controlled by the PIC II, these pumps must be started and stopped manually at the appropriate times during the refrigerant transfer procedure. b. Close pumpout unit valves 2, 4, 5, 8, and 10, and close chiller charging valve 7; open chiller isolation valves 11, 12, 13, and 14 (if present). c. Open pumpout unit/storage tank valves 3 and 6, open chiller valves 1a and 1b.
C FU HP OL TSTAT LEGEND Contactor Fuse, 3 Amps High-Pressure Cutout Compressor Overload Internal Thermostat Compressor Terminal Contactor Terminal Overload Terminal Pumpout Unit Terminal *Bimetal thermal protector imbedded in motor winding. VALVE CONDITION 1a 1b 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 C C C C C C

Follow Steps d and e carefully to prevent damage from freeze-up. d. Slowly open valve 5 to increase chiller pressure to 68 psig 35 psig (141 kPa) for HFC-134a. Feed refrigerant slowly to prevent freeze up. e. Open valve 5 fully after the pressure rises above the freeze point of the refrigerant. Open liquid line valves 7 and 10 until refrigerant pressure equalizes.
VALVE CONDITION 1a 1b 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 C C C

Fig. 35 19XR Pumpout Unit Wiring Schematic


2. Transfer the remaining refrigerant. a. Close valve 5 and open valve 4.

VALVE CONDITION 1a 1b 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 C C C



b. Turn off the chiller water pumps using the CVC/ ICVC (or manually, if necessary). c. Turn off the pumpout condenser water, and turn on the pumpout compressor to push liquid out of the storage tank. d. Close liquid line valve 7. e. Turn off the pumpout compressor. f. Close valves 3 and 4. g. Open valves 2 and 5.
VALVE 1a 1b 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 C C C C CONDITION

Fig. 36 Optional Pumpout Unit

Chillers with Storage Tanks If the chiller has isolation valves, leave them open for the following procedures. The letter C describes a closed valve. See Fig. 17, 18, 29, and 30. TRANSFER REFRIGERANT FROM PUMPOUT STORAGE TANK TO CHILLER 1. Equalize refrigerant pressure. a. Use the PIC II terminate lockout function on the PUMPDOWN LOCKOUT screen, accessed from

h. Turn on the pumpout condenser water. i. Run the pumpout compressor until the pumpout storage tank pressure reaches 5 psig (34 kPa) (18 in. Hg [40 kPa absolute] if repairing the tank). j. Turn off the pumpout compressor. k. Close valves 1a, 1b, 2, 5, 6, and 10.
VALVE 1a 1b 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 CONDITION C C C C C C C C C C

l. Turn off pumpout condenser water.

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TRANSFER REFRIGERANT FROM CHILLER TO PUMPOUT STORAGE TANK 1. Equalize refrigerant pressure. a. Valve positions:
VALVE CONDITION 1a 1b 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 C C C C C

Chillers with Isolation Valves

TRANSFER ALL REFRIGERANT TO CHILLER CONDENSER VESSEL For chillers with isolation valves, refrigerant can be stored in one chiller vessel or the other without the need for an external storage tank. 1. Push refrigerant into the chiller condenser. a. Valve positions:
VALVE CONDITION 1a 1b 2 3 C 4 C 5 8 11 12 13 14 C C C C

b. Slowly open valve 5. When the pressures are equalized, open liquid line valve 7 to allow liquid refrigerant to drain by gravity into the pumpout storage tank.
VALVE CONDITION 1a 1b 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 C C C

2. Transfer the remaining liquid. a. Turn off the pumpout condenser water. Place the valves in the following positions:
VALVE CONDITION 1a 1b 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 C C C

b. Run the pumpout compressor for approximately 30 minutes; then close valve 10.
VALVE CONDITION 1a 1b 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 C C C C

c. Turn off the pumpout compressor. 3. Remove any remaining refrigerant. a. Turn on the chiller water pumps using the PUMPDOWN LOCKOUT screen, accessed from the CONTROL TEST table. Turn on the pumps manually, if they are not controlled by the PIC II. b. Turn on the pumpout condenser water. c. Place valves in the following positions:
VALVE CONDITION 1a 1b 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 C C C C

b. Using the PIC II controls, turn off the chiller water pumps and pumpout condenser water. If the chiller water pumps are not controlled through the PIC II, turn them off manually. c. Turn on the pumpout compressor to push the liquid refrigerant out of the chiller cooler vessel. d. When all liquid refrigerant has been pushed into the chiller condenser vessel, close chiller isolation valve 11. e. Access the PUMPDOWN LOCKOUT screen on the PIC II CONTROL TEST table to turn on the chiller water pumps. If the chiller water pumps are not controlled by the PIC II, turn them on manually. f. Turn off the pumpout compressor. 2. Evacuate the refrigerant gas from chiller cooler vessel. a. Close pumpout compressor valves 2 and 5, and open valves 3 and 4.
VALVE CONDITION 1a 1b 2 C 3 4 5 C 8 11 12 13 14 C C C C C

d. Run the pumpout compressor until the chiller pressure reaches 30 psig (207 kPa) for HFC-134a. Then, shut off the pumpout compressor. Warm condenser water will boil off any entrapped liquid refrigerant and the chiller pressure will rise. e. When the pressure rises to 40 psig (276 kPa) for HFC-134a, turn on the pumpout compressor until the pressure again reaches 30 psig (207 kPa), and then turn off the pumpout compressor. Repeat this process until the pressure no longer rises. Then, turn on the pumpout compressor and pump until the pressure reaches18 in. Hg. (40 kPa absolute). f. Close valves 1a, 1b, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 10.
VALVE 1a 1b 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 CONDITION C C C C C C C C C C

b. Turn on the pumpout condenser water. c. Run the pumpout compressor until the chiller cooler vessel pressure reaches 18 in. Hg vac (40 kPa abs.). Monitor pressures on the CVC/ ICVC and on refrigerant gages. d. Close valve 1a. e. Turn off the pumpout compressor. f. Close valves 1b, 3, and 4.
VALVE 1a 1b 2 C C 3 C 4 C 5 C 8 11 12 13 14 C C C C C CONDITION C

g. Turn off the pumpout condenser water and continue to use the PIC II PUMPDOWN LOCKOUT screen functions, which lock out the chiller compressor for operation. 4. Establish a vacuum for service. To conserve refrigerant, operate the pumpout compressor until the chiller pressure is reduced to 18 in. Hg vac., ref 30 in. bar. (40 kPa abs.) following Step 3e.

g. Turn off the pumpout condenser water. h. Proceed to the PUMPDOWN/LOCKOUT function accessed from the CONTROL TEST table to turn off the chiller water pumps and lock out the chiller compressor. Turn off the chiller water pumps manually if they are not controlled by the PIC II. TRANSFER ALL REFRIGERANT TO CHILLER COOLER VESSEL 1. Push the refrigerant into the chiller cooler vessel. a. Valve positions:
VALVE CONDITION 1a 1b 2 C 3 4 5 C 8 11 12 13 14 C C C C

b. Turn off the chiller water pumps (either through the PIC II controls or manually, if necessary) and the pumpout condenser water. c. Turn on the pumpout compressor to push the refrigerant out of the chiller condenser. d. When all liquid refrigerant is out of the chiller condenser, close the cooler isolation valve 11. e. Turn off the pumpout compressor.

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2. Evacuate the refrigerant gas from the chiller condenser vessel. a. Access the PUMPDOWN LOCKOUT function accessed from the CVC/ICVC CONTROL TEST table to turn on the chiller water pumps. Turn the chiller water pumps on manually if they are not controlled by the PIC II. b. Close pumpout unit valves 3 and 4; open valves 2 and 5.
VALVE CONDITION 1a 1b 2 3 C 4 C 5 8 11 12 13 14 C C C C C

GENERAL MAINTENANCE Refrigerant Properties The standard refrigerant for the 19XR chiller is HFC-134a. At normal atmospheric pressure, HFC-134a will boil at 14 F (25 C) and must, therefore, be kept in pressurized containers or storage tanks. The refrigerant is practically odorless when mixed with air and is noncombustible at atmospheric pressure. Read the Material Safety Data Sheet and the latest ASHRAE Safety Guide for Mechanical Refrigeration to learn more about safe handling of this refrigerant.

c. Turn on the pumpout condenser water. d. Run the pumpout compressor until the chiller condenser pressure reaches 18 in. Hg vac (40 kPa abs.). Monitor pressure at the CVC/ICVC and at refrigerant gages. e. Close valve 1b. f. Turn off the pumpout compressor. g. Close valves 1a, 2, and 5.
VALVE 1a 1b 2 C C 3 C 4 C 5 C 8 11 12 13 14 C C C C C CONDITION C

HFC-134a will dissolve oil and some nonmetallic materials, dry the skin, and, in heavy concentrations, may displace enough oxygen to cause asphyxiation. When handling this refrigerant, protect the hands and eyes and avoid breathing fumes.

Adding Refrigerant Follow the procedures described in Trim Refrigerant Charge section, page 72.

h. Turn off the pumpout condenser water. i. Proceed to the PUMPDOWN LOCKOUT test from the CVC/ICVC CONTROL TEST table to turn off the chiller water pumps and lock out the chiller compressor. Turn off the chiller water pumps manually if they are not controlled by the PIC II. RETURN CHILLER TO NORMAL OPERATING CONDITIONS 1. Ensure vessel that was opened has been evacuated. 2. Access the TERMINATE LOCKOUT function CVC/ ICVC from the CONTROL TEST table to view vessel pressures and turn on chiller water pumps. If the chiller water pumps are not controlled by the PIC II, turn them on manually. 3. Open valves 1a, 1b, and 3.
VALVE CONDITION 1a 1b 2 C 3 4 C 5 C 8 11 12 13 14 C C C C C

Always use the compressor pumpdown function in the Control Test table to turn on the cooler pump and lock out the compressor when transferring refrigerant. Liquid refrigerant may flash into a gas and cause possible freeze-up when the chiller pressure is below 30 psig (207 kPa) for HFC-134a.

Removing Refrigerant If the optional pumpout system is used, the 19XR refrigerant charge may be transferred to a pumpout storage tank or to the chiller condenser or cooler vessels. Follow the procedures in the Pumpout and Refrigerant Transfer Procedures section when transferring refrigerant from one vessel to another.

Adjusting the Refrigerant Charge If the addition or removal of refrigerant is required to improve chiller performance, follow the procedures given under the Trim Refrigerant Charge section, page 72. Refrigerant Leak Testing Because HFC-134a is above atmospheric pressure at room temperature, leak testing can be performed with refrigerant in the chiller. Use an electronic halide leak detector, soap bubble solution, or ultrasonic leak detector. Ensure that the room is well ventilated and free from concentration of refrigerant to keep false readings to a minimum. Before making any necessary repairs to a leak, transfer all refrigerant from the leaking vessel. Leak Rate It is recommended by ASHRAE that chillers
be taken off line immediately and repaired if the refrigerant leak rate for the entire chiller is more than 10% of the operating refrigerant charge per year. In addition, Carrier recommends that leaks totalling less than the above rate but more than a rate of 0.1% of the total charge per year should be repaired during annual maintenance or whenever the refrigerant is transferred for other service work.

4. Slowly open valve 5, gradually increasing pressure in the evacuated vessel to 35 psig (141 kPa). Feed refrigerant slowly to prevent tube freeze up. 5. Leak test to ensure vessel integrity. 6. Open valve 5 fully.
VALVE CONDITION 1a 1b 2 C 3 4 C 5 8 11 12 13 14 C C C C C

7. Open valve 11 to equalize the liquid refrigerant level between the vessels. 8. Close valves 1a, 1b, 3, and 5. 9. Open isolation valves 12, 13, and 14 (if present).
VALVE 1a 1b 2 C C 3 C 4 C 5 C 8 11 12 13 14 C CONDITION C

10. Proceed to the TERMINATE LOCKOUT screen (accessed from the CONTROL TEST table) to turn off the water pumps and enable the chiller compressor for start-up. If the chiller water pumps are not controlled by the PIC II, turn them off manually.

Test After Service, Repair, or Major Leak If all the refrigerant has been lost or if the chiller has been opened for service, the chiller or the affected vessels must be pressure tested and leak tested. Refer to the Leak Test Chiller section to perform a leak test.

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HFC-134a should not be mixed with air or oxygen and pressurized for leak testing. In general, this refrigerant should not be present with high concentrations of air or oxygen above atmospheric pressures, because the mixture can undergo combustion. TESTING WITH REFRIGERANT TRACER Use an environmentally acceptable refrigerant as a tracer for leak test procedures. Use dry nitrogen to raise the machine pressure to leak testing levels. TESTING WITHOUT REFRIGERANT TRACER Another method of leak testing is to pressurize with nitrogen only and to use a soap bubble solution or an ultrasonic leak detector to determine if leaks are present. TO PRESSURIZE WITH DRY NITROGEN NOTE: Pressurizing with dry nitrogen for leak testing should not be done if the full refrigerant charge is in the vessel because purging the nitrogen is very difficult. 1. Connect a copper tube from the pressure regulator on the cylinder to the refrigerant charging valve. Never apply full cylinder pressure to the pressurizing line. Follow the listed sequence. 2. Open the charging valve fully. 3. Slowly open the cylinder regulating valve. 4. Observe the pressure gage on the chiller and close the regulating valve when the pressure reaches test level. Do not exceed 140 psig (965 kPa). 5. Close the charging valve on the chiller. Remove the copper tube if it is no longer required.

Fig. 37 Guide Vane Actuator Linkage

To remove any excess refrigerant, follow the procedure in Transfer Refrigerant from Chiller to Pumpout Storage Tank section, Steps 1a and b, page 70.

WEEKLY MAINTENANCE Check the Lubrication System Mark the oil level on the reservoir sight glass, and observe the level each week while the chiller is shut down. If the level goes below the lower sight glass, check the oil reclaim system for proper operation. If additional oil is required, add it through the oil drain charging valve (Fig. 2). A pump is required when adding oil against refrigerant pressure. The oil charge for the 19XR compressor depends on the compressor Frame size: Frame 2 compressor 5 gal (18.9 L) Frame 3 compressor 8 gal (30 L) Frame 4 compressor 10 gal (37.8 L) Frame 5 compressor 18 gal (67.8 L) The added oil must meet Carrier specifications for the 19XR. Refer to Changing Oil Filter and Oil Changes section on page 73. Any additional oil that is added should be logged by noting the amount and date. Any oil that is added due to oil loss that is not related to service will eventually return to the sump. It must be removed when the level is high. An oil heater is controlled by the PIC II to maintain oil temperature (see the Controls section) when the compressor is off. The CVC/ICVC COMPRESS screen displays whether the heater is energized or not. The heater is energized if the OIL HEATER RELAY parameter reads ON. If the PIC II shows that the heater is energized and if the sump is still not heating up, the power to the oil heater may be off or the oil level may be too low. Check the oil level, the oil heater contactor voltage, and oil heater resistance. The PIC II does not permit compressor start-up if the oil temperature is too low. The PIC II continues with start-up only after the temperature is within allowable limits.

Repair the Leak, Retest, and Apply Standing Vacuum Test After pressurizing the chiller, test for
leaks with an electronic halide leak detector, soap bubble solution, or an ultrasonic leak detector. Bring the chiller back to atmospheric pressure, repair any leaks found, and retest. After retesting and finding no leaks, apply a standing vacuum test. Then dehydrate the chiller. Refer to the Standing Vacuum Test and Chiller Dehydration section (pages 50 and 53) in the Before Initial Start-Up section.

Checking Guide Vane Linkage When the chiller is off, the guide vanes are closed and the actuator mechanism is in the position shown in Fig. 37. If slack develops in the drive chain, do the following to eliminate backlash: 1. With the chiller shut down and the actuator fully closed, remove the chain guard and loosen the actuator bracket hold-down bolts. 2. Loosen guide vane sprocket adjusting bolts. 3. Pry bracket upwards to remove slack, then retighten the bracket hold-down bolts. 4. Retighten the guide vane sprocket adjusting bolts. Ensure that the guide vane shaft is rotated fully in the clockwise direction in order close it fully. Trim Refrigerant Charge If, to obtain optimal chiller performance, it becomes necessary to adjust the refrigerant charge, operate the chiller at design load and then add or remove refrigerant slowly until the difference between the leaving chilled water temperature and the cooler refrigerant temperature reaches design conditions or becomes a minimum. Do not overcharge. Refrigerant may be added either through the storage tank or directly into the chiller as described in the Charge Refrigerant into Chiller section.

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Establish a regular maintenance schedule based on your actual chiller requirements such as chiller load, run hours, and water quality. The time intervals listed in this section are offered as guides to service only.

10. Remove the hose from the charging valve, open the isolation valves to the filter housing, and turn on the power to the pump and the motor.

Oil Specification If oil is added, it must meet the following Carrier specifications: Oil Type for units using R-134a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inhibited polyolester-based synthetic compressor oil formatted for use with HFC, gear-driven, hermetic compressors. ISO Viscosity Grade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 The polyolester-based oil (P/N: PP23BZ103) may be ordered from your local Carrier representative.

Service Ontime The CVC/ICVC will display a SERVICE ONTIME value on the MAINSTAT screen. This value should be reset to zero by the service person or the operator each time major service work is completed so that the time between service can be viewed and tracked.

Inspect the Control Panel Maintenance consists of

general cleaning and tightening of connections. Vacuum the cabinet to eliminate dust build-up. If the chiller control malfunctions, refer to the Troubleshooting Guide section for control checks and adjustments.

Ensure power to the control center is off when cleaning and tightening connections inside the control panel.

Check Safety and Operating Controls Monthly

To ensure chiller protection, the automated Control Test should be performed at least once per month. See Table 3 for safety control settings. See Table 9 for Control Test functions.

Changing Oil Filter Change the oil filter on a

yearly basis or when the chiller is opened for repairs. The 19XR has an isolatable oil filter so that the filter may be changed with the refrigerant remaining in the chiller. Use the following procedure: 1. Ensure the compressor is off and the disconnect for the compressor is open. 2. Disconnect the power to the oil pump. 3. Close the oil filter isolation valves located behind power panel on top of oil pump assembly. 4. Connect an oil charging hose from the oil charging valve (Fig. 2) and place the other end in a clean container suitable for used oil. The oil drained from the filter housing should be used as an oil sample and sent to a laboratory for proper analysis. Do not contaminate this sample. 5. Slowly open the charging valve to drain the oil from the housing.

Oil Changes Carrier recommends changing the oil after the first year of operation and every five years thereafter as a minimum in addition to a yearly oil analysis. However, if a continuous oil monitoring system is functioning and a yearly oil analysis is performed, the time between oil changes can be extended. TO CHANGE THE OIL 1. Transfer the refrigerant into the chiller condenser vessel (for isolatable vessels) or to a pumpout storage tank. 2. Mark the existing oil level. 3. Open the control and oil heater circuit breaker. 4. When the chiller pressure is 5 psig (34 kPa) or less, drain the oil reservoir by opening the oil charging valve (Fig. 2). Slowly open the valve against refrigerant pressure. 5. Change the oil filter at this time. See Changing Oil Filter section. 6. Change the refrigerant filter at this time, see the next section, Refrigerant Filter. 7. Charge the chiller with oil. Charge until the oil level is equal to the oil level marked in Step 2. Turn on the power to the oil heater and let the PIC II warm it up to at least 140 F (60 C). Operate the oil pump manually, using the Control Test function, for 2 minutes. For shutdown conditions, the oil level should be full in the lower sight glass. If the oil level is above 1/2 full in the upper sight glass, remove the excess oil. The oil level should now be equal to the amount shown in Step 2. Refrigerant Filter A refrigerant filter/drier, located on the refrigerant cooling line to the motor, should be changed once a year or more often if filter condition indicates a need for more frequent replacement. Change the filter by closing the filter isolation valves (Fig. 4) and slowly opening the flare fittings with a wrench and back-up wrench to relieve the pressure. A moisture indicator sight glass is located beyond this filter to indicate the volume and moisture in the refrigerant. If the moisture indicator indicates moisture, locate the source of water immediately by performing a thorough leak check. Oil Reclaim Filter The oil reclaim system has a strainer on the eductor suction line, a strainer on the discharge pressure line, and a filter on the cooler scavenging line. Replace the filter once per year or more often if filter condition indicates a need for more frequent replacement. Change the filter by closing the filter isolation valves and slowly opening the flare fitting with a wrench and back-up wrench to relieve the pressure. Change the strainers once every 5 years or whenever refrigerant is evacuated from the cooler.

The oil filter housing is at a high pressure. Relieve this pressure slowly. 6. Once all oil has been drained, place some rags or absorbent material under the oil filter housing to catch any drips once the filter is opened. Remove the 4 bolts from the end of the filter housing and remove the filter cover. 7. Remove the filter retainer by unscrewing the retainer nut. The filter may now be removed and disposed of properly. 8. Replace the old filter with a new filter. Install the filter retainer and tighten down the retainer nut. Install the filter cover and tighten the 4 bolts. 9. Evacuate the filter housing by placing a vacuum pump on the charging valve. Follow the normal evacuation procedures. Shut the charging valve when done and reconnect the valve so that new oil can be pumped into the filter housing. Fill with the same amount that was removed; then close the charging valve.

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Inspect Refrigerant Float System Perform this

inspection every 5 years or when the condenser is opened for service. 1. Transfer the refrigerant into the cooler vessel or into a pumpout storage tank. 2. Remove the float access cover. 3. Clean the chamber and valve assembly thoroughly. Be sure the valve moves freely. Ensure that all openings are free of obstructions. 4. Examine the cover gasket and replace if necessary. See Fig. 38 for a view of the float valve design. For linear float valve designs, inspect the orientation of the float slide pin. It must be pointed toward the bubbler tube for proper operation.

Compressor Bearing and Gear Maintenance

The key to good bearing and gear maintenance is proper lubrication. Use the proper grade of oil, maintained at recommended level, temperature, and pressure. Inspect the lubrication system regularly and thoroughly. To inspect the bearings, a complete compressor teardown is required. Only a trained service technician should remove and examine the bearings. The cover plate on older compressor bases was used for factory-test purposes and is not usable for bearing or gear inspection. The bearings and gears should be examined on a scheduled basis for signs of wear. The frequency of examination is determined by the hours of chiller operation, load conditions during operation, and the condition of the oil and the lubrication system. Excessive bearing wear can sometimes be detected through increased vibration or increased bearing temperature. If either symptom appears, contact an experienced and responsible service organization for assistance.

Inspect Relief Valves and Piping The relief valves

on this chiller protect the system against the potentially dangerous effects of overpressure. To ensure against damage to the equipment and possible injury to personnel, these devices must be kept in peak operating condition. As a minimum, the following maintenance is required. 1. At least once a year, disconnect the vent piping at the valve outlet and carefully inspect the valve body and mechanism for any evidence of internal corrosion or rust, dirt, scale, leakage, etc. 2. If corrosion or foreign material is found, do not attempt to repair or recondition. Replace the valve. 3. If the chiller is installed in a corrosive atmosphere or the relief valves are vented into a corrosive atmosphere, inspect the relief valves at more frequent intervals.

Inspect the Heat Exchanger Tubes and Flow Devices

COOLER AND FLOW DEVICES Inspect and clean the cooler tubes at the end of the first operating season. Because these tubes have internal ridges, a rotary-type tube cleaning system is needed to fully clean the tubes. Inspect the tubes condition to determine the scheduled frequency for future cleaning and to determine whether water treatment in the chilled water/brine circuit is adequate. Inspect the entering and leaving chilled water temperature sensors and flow devices for signs of corrosion or scale. Replace a sensor or Schrader fitting if corroded or remove any scale if found. CONDENSER AND FLOW DEVICES Since this water circuit is usually an open-type system, the tubes may be subject to contamination and scale. Clean the condenser tubes with a rotary tube cleaning system at least once per year and more often if the water is contaminated. Inspect the entering and leaving condenser water sensors and flow devices for signs of corrosion or scale. Replace the sensor or Schrader fitting if corroded or remove any scale if found. Higher than normal condenser pressures, together with the inability to reach full refrigeration load, usually indicate dirty tubes or air in the chiller. If the refrigeration log indicates a rise above normal condenser pressures, check the condenser refrigerant temperature against the leaving condenser water temperature. If this reading is more than what the design difference is supposed to be, the condenser tubes may be dirty or water flow may be incorrect. Because HFC-134a is a high-pressure refrigerant, air usually does not enter the chiller. During the tube cleaning process, use brushes specially designed to avoid scraping and scratching the tube wall. Contact your Carrier representative to obtain these brushes. Do not use wire brushes.

Hard scale may require chemical treatment for its prevention or removal. Consult a water treatment specialist for proper treatment.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 LEGEND Refrigerant Inlet from FLASC Chamber Linear Float Assembly Float Screen Bubble Line Float Cover Bubble Line Connection Refrigerant Outlet to Cooler Gasket

Water Leaks The refrigerant moisture indicator on the

refrigerant motor cooling line (Fig. 2) indicates whether there is water leakage during chiller operation. Water leaks should be repaired immediately.

Fig. 38 19XR Float Valve Design

The chiller must be dehydrated after repair of water leaks. See Chiller Dehydration section, page 53.

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Water Treatment Untreated or improperly treated water may result in corrosion, scaling, erosion, or algae. The services of a qualified water treatment specialist should be obtained to develop and monitor a treatment program.

Water must be within design flow limits, clean, and treated to ensure proper chiller performance and reduce the potential of tube damage due to corrosion, scaling, erosion, and algae. Carrier assumes no responsibility for chiller damage resulting from untreated or improperly treated water.

Inspect the Starting Equipment Before working on any starter, shut off the chiller, open and tag all disconnects supplying power to the starter.

The disconnect on the starter front panel does not deenergize all internal circuits. Open all internal and remote disconnects before servicing the starter.

Never open isolating knife switches while equipment is operating. Electrical arcing can cause serious injury. Inspect starter contact surfaces for wear or pitting on mechanical-type starters. Do not sandpaper or file silverplated contacts. Follow the starter manufacturers instructions for contact replacement, lubrication, spare parts ordering, and other maintenance requirements. Periodically vacuum or blow off accumulated debris on the internal parts with a high-velocity, low-pressure blower. Power connections on newly installed starters may relax and loosen after a month of operation. Turn power off and retighten. Recheck annually thereafter.

OPTIONAL PUMPOUT COMPRESSOR OIL CHARGE Use oil conforming to Carrier specifications for reciprocating compressor usage. Oil requirements are as follows: ISO Viscosity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Carrier Part Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PP23BZ103 The total oil charge, 4.5 pints (2.6 L), consists of 3.5 pints (2.0 L) for the compressor and one additional pint (0.6 L) for the oil separator. Oil should be visible in one of the compressor sight glasses during both operation and at shutdown. Always check the oil level before operating the compressor. Before adding or changing oil, relieve the refrigerant pressure as follows: 1. Attach a pressure gage to the gage port of either compressor service valve (Fig. 36). 2. Close the suction service valve and open the discharge line to the storage tank or the chiller. 3. Operate the compressor until the crankcase pressure drops to 2 psig (13 kPa). 4. Stop the compressor and isolate the system by closing the discharge service valve. 5. Slowly remove the oil return line connection (Fig. 36). Add oil as required. 6. Replace the connection and reopen the compressor service valves. OPTIONAL PUMPOUT SAFETY CONTROL SETTINGS (Fig. 39) The optional pumpout system high-pressure switch opens at 161 psig (1110 kPa) and closes at 130 psig (896 kPa). Check the switch setting by operating the pumpout compressor and slowly throttling the pumpout condenser water. Ordering Replacement Chiller Parts When ordering Carrier specified parts, the following information must accompany an order: chiller model number and serial number name, quantity, and part number of the part required delivery address and method of shipment.

Loose power connections can cause voltage spikes, overheating, malfunctioning, or failures.

Check Pressure Transducers Once a year, the

pressure transducers should be checked against a pressure gage reading. Check all eight transducers: the 2 oil differential pressure transducers, the condenser pressure transducer, the cooler pressure transducer, and the waterside pressure transducers (consisting of 4 flow devices: 2 cooler, 2 condenser). Note the evaporator and condenser pressure readings on the HEAT_EX screen on the CVC/ICVC (EVAPORATOR PRESSURE and CONDENSER PRESSURE). Attach an accurate set of refrigeration gages to the cooler and condenser Schrader fittings. Compare the two readings. If there is a difference in readings, the transducer can be calibrated as described in the Troubleshooting Guide section. Oil differential pressure (OIL PUMP DELTA P on the COMPRESS screen) should be zero whenever the compressor is off.

Optional Pumpout System Maintenance For

pumpout unit compressor maintenance details, refer to the 06D, 07D Installation, Start-Up, and Service Instructions. Fig. 39 Optional Pumpout System Controls

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TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE Overview The PIC II has many features to help the operator and technician troubleshoot a 19XR chiller. The CVC/ICVC shows the chiller s actual operating conditions and can be viewed while the unit is running. The CVC/ICVC default screen freezes when an alarm occurs. The freeze enables the operator to view the chiller conditions at the time of alarm. The STATUS screens continue to show current information. Once all alarms have been cleared (by correcting the problems and pressing the RESET softkey), the CVC/ICVC default screen returns to normal operation. The CONTROL ALGORITHM STATUS screens (which include the CAPACITY, OVERRIDE, LL_MAINT, ISM_HIST, LOADSHED, WSMDEFME, and OCCDEFCM screens) display information that helps to diagnose problems with chilled water temperature control, chilled water temperature control overrides, hot gas bypass, surge algorithm status, and time schedule operation. The control test feature facilitates the proper operation and test of temperature sensors, pressure transducers, the guide vane actuator, oil pump, water pumps, tower control, and other on/off outputs while the compressor is stopped. It also has the ability to lock off the compressor and turn on water pumps for pumpout operation. The CVC/ICVC shows the temperatures and pressures required during these operations. From other SERVICE tables, the operator/technician can access configured items, such as chilled water resets, override set points, etc. If an operating fault is detected, an alarm message is generated and displayed on the CVC/ICVC default screen. A more detailed message along with a diagnostic message is also stored into the ALARM HISTORY table. Checking Display Messages The first area to
check when troubleshooting the 19XR is the CVC/ICVC display. If the alarm light is flashing, check the primary and secondary message lines on the CVC/ICVC default screen (Fig. 14). These messages will indicate where the fault is occurring. These messages contain the alarm message with a specified code. This code or state appears with each alarm and alert message. The ALARM HISTORY table on the CVC/ ICVC SERVICE menu also contains an alarm message to further expand on the alarm. For a complete list of possible alarm messages, see Table 11. If the alarm light starts to flash while accessing a menu screen, press the EXIT softkey to return to the default screen to read the alarm message. The STATUS screen can also be accessed to determine where an alarm exists.

VOLTAGE DROP The voltage drop across any energized sensor can be measured with a digital voltmeter while the control is energized. Table 12A or 12B lists the relationship between temperature and sensor voltage drop (volts dc measured across the energized sensor). Exercise care when measuring voltage to prevent damage to the sensor leads, connector plugs, and modules. Sensors should also be checked at the sensor plugs. Check the sensor wire at the sensor for 5 vdc if the control is powered on.

Relieve all refrigerant pressure or drain the water before replacing the temperature sensors. CHECK SENSOR ACCURACY Place the sensor in a medium of known temperature and compare that temperature to the measured reading. The thermometer used to determine the temperature of the medium should be of laboratory quality with 0.5 F (.25 C) graduations. The sensor in question should be accurate to within 2 F (1.2 C). See Fig. 9 for sensor locations. The sensors are immersed directly in the refrigerant or water circuits. The wiring at each sensor is easily disconnected by unlatching the connector. These connectors allow only one-way connection to the sensor. When installing a new sensor, apply a pipe sealant or thread sealant to the sensor threads. DUAL TEMPERATURE SENSORS For servicing convenience, there are 2 sensors each on the bearing and motor temperature sensors. If one of the sensors is damaged, the other can be used by simply moving a wire. The number 2 terminal in the sensor terminal box is the common line. To use the second sensor, move the wire from the number 1 position to the number 3 position.

Checking Pressure Transducers

UNITS EQUIPPED WITH CVC There are 8 pressure transducers on 19XR chillers. They determine cooler, condenser, oil pressure, and cooler and condenser flow. The cooler and condenser transducers are also used by the PIC II to determine the refrigerant temperatures. The oil supply pressure transducer value and the oil transmission sump pressure transducer value difference is calculated by the CCM. The CVC module then displays the differential pressure. In effect, the CVC reads only one input for oil pressure for a total of 5 pressure inputs: cooler pressure, condenser pressure, oil differential pressure, cooler waterside differential pressure, and condenser waterside differential pressure. See the Check Pressure Transducers section (page 75) under Scheduled Maintenance. UNITS EQUIPPED WITH ICVC There are 6 factoryinstalled pressure transducers, with inputs available for both cooler and The ICVC software will display a default reading of 26 psi during start-up and operation. An additional transducer, factory installed in the bottom of the cooler barrel, will read as EVAPORATOR SACTURATION TEMP on the HEAT_EX DISPLAY screen. This provides additional protection against a loss of water flow condition. These pressure transducers can be calibrated if necessary. It is not usually necessary to calibrate at initial start-up. However, at high altitude locations, it is necessary to calibrate the transducers to ensure the proper refrigerant temperature/ pressure relationship. Each transducer is supplied with 5 vdc power from the CCM. If the power supply fails, a transducer voltage reference alarm occurs. If the transducer reading is suspected of being faulty, check the supply voltage. It should be 5 vdc .5 v displayed in CONTROL TEST under CCM Pressure Transducers. If the supply voltage is correct, the transducer should be recalibrated or replaced.

Checking Temperature Sensors All temperature

sensors are thermistor-type sensors. This means that the resistance of the sensor varies with temperature. All sensors have the same resistance characteristics. If the controls are on, determine sensor temperature by measuring voltage drop; if the controls are powered off, determine sensor temperature by measuring resistance. Compare the readings to the values listed in Table 12A or 12B. RESISTANCE CHECK Turn off the control power and, from the module, disconnect the terminal plug of the sensor in question. With a digital ohmmeter, measure sensor resistance between receptacles as designated by the wiring diagram. The resistance and corresponding temperature are listed in Table 12A or 12B. Check the resistance of both wires to ground. This resistance should be infinite.

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TRANSDUCER REPLACEMENT Since the transducers are mounted on Schrader-type fittings, there is no need to remove refrigerant from the vessel when replacing the transducers. Disconnect the transducer wiring. Do not pull on the transducer wires. Unscrew the transducer from the Schrader fitting. When installing a new transducer, do not use pipe sealer (which can plug the sensor). Put the plug connector back on the sensor and snap into place. Check for refrigerant leaks.

Control Test The Control Test feature can check all the
thermistor temperature sensors, pressure transducers, pumps and their associated flow devices, the guide vane actuator, and other control outputs such as hot gas bypass. The tests can help to determine whether a switch is defective or a pump relay is not operating, as well as other useful troubleshooting issues. During pumpdown operations, the pumps are energized to prevent freeze-up and the vessel pressures and temperatures are displayed. The Pumpdown/Lockout feature prevents compressor start-up when there is no refrigerant in the chiller or if the vessels are isolated. The Terminate Lockout feature ends the Pumpdown/Lockout after the pumpdown procedure is reversed and refrigerant is added.

Be sure to use a back-up wrench on the Schrader fitting whenever removing a transducer, since the Schrader fitting may back out with the transducer, causing a large leak and possible injury to personnel.


CCM Chiller Control Module CVC Chiller Visual Controller CHW Chilled Water International Chiller Visual ICVC Control ISM Integrated Starter Module PIC II Product Integrated Controls II VFD Variable Frequency Drive

Control Algorithms Checkout Procedure One of the tables on the CVC/ICVC SERVICE menu is CONTROL ALGORITHM STATUS. The maintenance screens may be viewed from the CONTROL ALGORITHM STATUS table to see how a particular control algorithm is operating. These maintenance screens are very useful in helping to determine how the control temperature is calculated and guide vane positioned and for observing the reactions from load changes, control point overrides, hot gas bypass, surge prevention, etc. The tables are:
CAPACITY OVERRIDE HEAT_EX Capacity Control Override Status Surge/ HGBP Status LEAD/LAG Status Time Schedules Status Water System Manager Status This table shows all values used to calculate the chilled water/brine control point. Details of all chilled water control override values. The surge and hot gas bypass control algorithm status is viewed from this screen. All values dealing with this control are displayed. Indicates LEAD/LAG operation status. The Local and CCN occupied schedules are displayed here to help the operator quickly determine whether the schedule is in the occupied mode or not. The water system manager is a CCN module that can turn on the chiller and change the chilled water control point. This screen indicates the status of this system.



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Table 11 CVC/ICVC Primary and Secondary Messages and Custom Alarm/Alert Messages with Troubleshooting Guides
PRIMARY MESSAGE MANUALLY STOPPED PRESS TERMINATE PUMPDOWN MODE SHUTDOWN IN PROGRESS SHUTDOWN IN PROGRESS ICE BUILD SECONDARY MESSAGE CCN OR LOCAL TO START TO SELECT CCN OR LOCAL COMPRESSOR UNLOADING COMPRESSOR DEENERGIZED OPERATION COMPLETE PROBABLE CAUSE/REMEDY PIC II in OFF mode, press CCN or LOCAL softkey to start unit. Enter the CONTROL TEST table and select TERMINATE LOCKOUT to unlock compressor. Chiller unloading before shutdown due to soft/stop feature. Chiller compressor is being commanded to stop. Water pumps are deenergized within one minute. Chiller shutdown from Ice Build operation.

PRIMARY MESSAGE READY TO START IN XX MIN READY TO START IN XX MIN READY TO START IN XX MIN READY TO START IN XX MIN READY TO START IN XX MIN READY TO START IN XX MIN READY TO START IN XX MIN READY TO START READY TO START READY TO START READY TO START READY TO START READY TO START STARTUP INHIBITED SECONDARY MESSAGE UNOCCUPIED MODE REMOTE CONTACTS OPEN STOP COMMAND IN EFFECT OCCUPIED MODE REMOTE CONTACTS CLOSED START COMMAND IN EFFECT RECYCLE RESTART PENDING UNOCCUPIED MODE REMOTE CONTACTS OPEN STOP COMMAND IN EFFECT OCCUPIED MODE REMOTE CONTACTS CLOSED START COMMAND IN EFFECT LOADSHED IN EFFECT PROBABLE CAUSE/REMEDY Time schedule for PIC II is unoccupied. Chillers will start only when occupied. Remote contacts are open. Close contacts to start. Chiller START/STOP on MAINSTAT manually forced to stop. Release point to start. Chiller timer counting down. Unit ready to start. Chiller timer counting down. Unit ready to start. Remote contact enabled and closed. Chiller START/STOP on MAINSTAT manually forced to start. Release value to start under normal control. Chiller in recycle mode. Time schedule for PIC II is unoccupied. Chiller will start when occupied. Make sure the time and date are correct. Change values in TIME AND DATE screen. Remote contacts have stopped the chiller. Close contacts to start. Chiller START/STOP on MAINSTAT manually forced to stop. Release point to start. Chiller timers complete, unit start will commence. Chiller timer counting down. Unit ready for start. Chiller START/STOP on MAINSTAT has been manually forced to start. Chiller will start regardless of time schedule or remote contact status. CCN loadshed module commanding chiller to stop.

PRIMARY MESSAGE RECYCLE RESTART PENDING RECYCLE RESTART PENDING RECYCLE RESTART PENDING RECYCLE RESTART PENDING SECONDARY MESSAGE OCCUPIED MODE REMOTE CONTACT CLOSED START COMMAND IN EFFECT ICE BUILD MODE PROBABLE CAUSE/REMEDY Unit in recycle mode, chilled water temperature is not sufficiently above set point to start. Unit in recycle mode, chilled water temperature is not sufficiently above set point to start. Chiller START/STOP on MAINSTAT manually forced to start, chilled water temperature is not sufficiently above set point to start. Chiller in ICE BUILD mode. Chilled fluid temperature is satisfied for ICE BUILD conditions.

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Table 11 CVC/ICVC Primary and Secondary Messages and Custom Alarm/Alert Messages with Troubleshooting Guides (cont)
D. PRE-START ALERTS: These alerts only delay start-up. When alert is corrected, the start-up will continue. No reset is necessary.
STATE 100 101 PRIMARY MESSAGE PRESTART ALERT PRESTART ALERT SECONDARY MESSAGE STARTS LIMIT EXCEEDED HIGH BEARING TEMPERATURE ALARM MESSAGE PRIMARY CAUSE 100->Excessive compressor starts (8 in 12 hours) 101->Comp Thrust Bearing Temp [VALUE] exceeded limit of [LIMIT]*. 102->Comp Motor Winding Temp [VALUE] exceeded limit of [LIMIT]*. 103->Comp Discharge Temp [VALUE] exceeded limit of [LIMIT]*. 104->Evaporator Refrig Temp [VALUE] exceeded limit of [LIMIT]*. 105->Oil Sump Temp [VALUE] exceeded limit of [LIMIT]*. 106->Condenser Pressure [VALUE] exceeded limit of [LIMIT]*. 107->Average Line Voltage [VALUE] exceeded limit of [LIMIT]*. 108->Average Line Voltage [VALUE] exceeded limit of [LIMIT]*. 109->Actual Guide Vane Pos Calibration Required Before Start-Up ADDITIONAL CAUSE/REMEDY Depress the RESET softkey if additional start is required. Reassess start-up requirements. Check oil heater for proper operation. Check for low oil level, partially closed coil supply valves, clogged oil filters, etc. Check the sensor wiring and accuracy. Check configurable range in SETUP1 screen. Check motor sensors for wiring and accuracy. Check motor cooling line for proper operation, or restrictions. Check for excessive starts within a short time span. Check configurable range in SETUP1 screen. Allow discharge sensor to cool. Check for sensor wiring and accuracy. Check for excessive starts. Check configurable range in SETUP1 screen. Check transducer wiring and accuracy. Check for low chilled fluid supply temperatures. Check refrigerant charge. Check oil heater contactor/relay and power. Check oil level and oil pump operation. Check transducer wiring and accuracy. Check for high condenser water temperatures. Check voltage supply. Check voltage transformers. Consult power utility if voltage is low. Check voltage supply. Check power transformers. Consult power utility if voltage is high. Calibrate guide vane actuator in Control Test.







104 105 106 107 108 109

*[LIMIT] is shown on the CVC/ICVC as temperature, pressure, voltage, etc., predefined or selected by the operator as an override or an alert. [VALUE] is the actual pressure, temperature, voltage, etc., at which the control tripped.

PRIMARY MESSAGE STARTUP IN PROGRESS STARTUP IN PROGRESS STARTUP IN PROGRESS AUTORESTART IN PROGRESS AUTORESTART IN PROGRESS AUTORESTART IN PROGRESS SECONDARY MESSAGE OCCUPIED MODE REMOTE CONTACT CLOSED START COMMAND IN EFFECT OCCUPIED MODE REMOTE CONTACT CLOSED START COMMAND IN EFFECT CAUSE/REMEDY Chiller is starting. Time schedule is occupied. Chiller is starting. Remote contacts are enabled and closed. Chiller is starting. Chiller START/STOP in MAINSTAT manually forced to start. Chiller is starting after power failure. Time schedule is occupied. Chiller is starting after power failure. Remote contacts are enabled and closed. Chiller is starting after power failure. Chiller START/STOP on MAINSTAT manually forced to start.

PRIMARY MESSAGE RUNNING RESET ACTIVE RUNNING RESET ACTIVE RUNNING RESET ACTIVE RUNNING TEMP CONTROL RUNNING TEMP CONTROL RUNNING TEMP CONTROL RUNNING DEMAND LIMITED RUNNING DEMAND LIMITED RUNNING DEMAND LIMITED RUNNING DEMAND LIMITED RUNNING DEMAND LIMITED RUNNING TEMP CONTROL RUNNING DEMAND LIMITED RUNNING TEMP CONTROL SECONDARY MESSAGE 4-20 mA SIGNAL REMOTE TEMP SENSOR CHW TEMP DIFFERENCE LEAVING CHILLED WATER ENTERING CHILLED WATER TEMPERATURE RAMP LOADING BY DEMAND RAMP LOADING BY LOCAL DEMAND SETPOINT BY 4-20 mA SIGNAL BY CCN SIGNAL BY LOADSHED/REDLINE HOT GAS BYPASS BY LOCAL SIGNAL ICE BUILD MODE CAUSE/REMEDY Auto chilled water reset active based on external input. Auto chilled water reset active based on external input. Auto chilled water reset active based on cooler T. Default method of temperature control. Entering Chilled Water (ECW) control enabled in TEMP_CTL screen Ramp Loading in effect. Use RAMP_DEM screen to modify. Ramp Loading in effect. Use RAMP_DEM screen to modify. Demand limit set point is less than actual demand. Demand limit is active based on external auto demand limit option. Demand limit is active based on control limit signal from CCN. Demand limit is active based on LOADSHED screen set-up. Hot gas bypass option is energized. See stall prevention in the control section. Active demand limit manually overridden on MAINSTAT table. Chiller is running under Ice Build temperature control.

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Table 11 CVC/ICVC Primary and Secondary Messages and Custom Alarm/Alert Messages with Troubleshooting Guides (cont)
STATE 120 121 122 123 124 125 PRIMARY MESSAGE RUN CAPACITY LIMITED RUN CAPACITY LIMITED RUN CAPACITY LIMITED RUN CAPACITY LIMITED RUN CAPACITY LIMITED RUN CAPACITY LIMITED ADDITIONAL CAUSE/REMEDY Check for high condenser water temperatures. Check setting in SETUP1. Check motor cooling lines. Check for closed valves. Check setting in SETUP1. LOW EVAP 122->Evaporator Refrig Temp Check refrigerant charge. REFRIG TEMP [VALUE] exceeded limit of [LIMIT]*. Check for low entering cooler temperatures. HIGH COMPRESSOR 123->Surge Prevention Override: Check for high condenser water temperatures or LIFT Lift Too High For Compressor. low suction temperature. MANUAL GUIDE 124->Run Capacity Limited: Target guide vane point has been forced in VANE TARGET Manual Guide Vane Target. MAINSTAT screen. Release force to continue normal operation. LOW DISCHARGE No messages. Check oil charge. SUPERHEAT Check refrigerant charge. SECONDARY MESSAGE HIGH CONDENSER PRESSURE HIGH MOTOR TEMPERATURE ALARM MESSAGE PRIMARY CAUSE 120->Condenser Pressure [VALUE] exceeded limit of [LIMIT]*. 121->Comp Motor Winding Temp [VALUE] exceeded limit of [LIMIT]*.

*[LIMIT] is shown on the CVC/ICVC as the temperature, pressure, voltage, etc., set point predefined or selected by the operator as an override, alert, or alarm condition. [VALUE] is the actual pressure, temperature, voltage, etc., at which the control has recorded at the time of the fault condition.


STATE 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 273 PRIMARY MESSAGE SENSOR FAULT SENSOR FAULT SENSOR FAULT SENSOR FAULT SENSOR FAULT SENSOR FAULT SENSOR FAULT SENSOR FAULT SENSOR FAULT SENSOR FAULT SENSOR FAULT SENSOR FAULT SENSOR FAULT SECONDARY MESSAGE LEAVING CHILLED WATER ENTERING CHILLED WATER CONDENSER PRESSURE EVAPORATOR PRESSURE COMPRESSOR BEARING TEMP COMPRESSOR MOTOR TEMP COMP DISCHARGE TEMP OIL SUMP TEMP COMP OIL PRESS DIFF CHILLED WATER FLOW COND WATER FLOW VFD SPEED SENSOR OUT OF RANGE VFD SPEED OUT OF RANGE ALARM MESSAGE PRIMARY CAUSE 260->Sensor Fault: Leaving Chilled Water 261->Sensor Fault: Entering Chilled Water 262->Sensor Fault: Condenser Pressure 263->Sensor Fault: Evaporator Pressure 264->Sensor Fault: Comp Thrust Bearing Temp 265->Sensor Fault: Comp Motor Winding Temp 266->Sensor Fault: Comp Discharge Temp 267->Sensor Fault: Oil Sump Temp 268->Sensor Fault: Oil Pump Delta P 269->Sensor Fault: Chilled Water Delta P 270->Sensor Fault: Cond Water Delta P 271->Sensor Fault: Check Actual VFD Speed Sensor 273->Sensor Fault: Check Actual VFD Speed Sensor ADDITIONAL CAUSE/REMEDY Check sensor resistance or voltage drop. Check for proper wiring. Check sensor resistance or voltage drop. Check for proper wiring. Check sensor wiring. Check sensor wiring. Check sensor resistance or voltage drop. Check for proper wiring. Check sensor resistance or voltage drop. Check for proper wiring. Check sensor resistance or voltage drop. Check for proper wiring. Check sensor resistance or voltage drop. Check for proper wiring. Check sensor wiring and accuracy. Check sensor wiring and accuracy. Check sensor wiring and accuracy. Check voltage input on terminals J6-1 and J6-2 on the ISM module. Check wiring. Check VFD feedback 0-5 vac. Calibrate VFD speed reference signal.

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Table 11 CVC/ICVC Primary and Secondary Messages and Custom Alarm/Alert Messages with Troubleshooting Guides (cont)
STATE 200 201 202 203 PRIMARY MESSAGE PROTECTIVE LIMIT PROTECTIVE LIMIT PROTECTIVE LIMIT FAILURE TO START FAILURE TO STOP FAILURE TO STOP PROTECTIVE LIMIT PROTECTIVE LIMIT SECONDARY MESSAGE 1M CONTACT FAULT 2M CONTACT FAULT MOTOR AMPS NOT SENSED EXCESS ACCELERATION TIME 1M/2M CONTACT FAULT MOTOR AMPS WHEN STOPPED STARTER FAULT HIGH CONDENSER PRESSURE ALARM MESSAGE PRIMARY CAUSE 200->1M Aux Contact Fault; Check 1M Contactor and Aux 201->2M Aux Contact Fault; Check 2M Contactor and Aux 202->Motor Amps Not Sensed Average Line Current [VALUE] 203->Motor Acceleration Fault Average Line Current [VALUE] 204->1M/2M Aux Contact Stop Fault; Check 1M/2M Contactors and Aux 205->Motor Amps When Stopped Average Line Current [VALUE] 206->Starter Fault Cutout; Check Optional Starter Contacts 207->High Cond Pressure cutout. [VALUE] exceeded limit of [LIMIT]*. ADDITIONAL CAUSE/REMEDY

Check for wiring of current transformers to the ISM. Check main circuit breaker for trip. Check to be sure that the inlet guide vanes are closed at start-up. Check starter for proper operation. Reduce unit pressure if possible.

204 205 206 207

208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222



208->Compressor Motor Amps [VALUE] exceeded limit of [LIMIT]*. 209->Line Phase Loss; Check ISM Fault History to Identify Phase 210->Single Cycle Line Voltage Dropout 211->High Average Line Voltage [VALUE] 212->Low Average Line Voltage [VALUE]

For Benshaw Inc. RediStart MICRO starters, view fault code at RediStart MICRO display. Press FAULT RESET to clear faults. Check for high condenser water temperatures, low water flow, fouled tubes. Check for division plate/gasket bypass. Check for noncondensables. Check transducer wiring and accuracy. If [VALUE] is less than Limit then check the 1CR Starting Circuit. Check motor current for proper calibration. Check inlet guide vane actuator. Check transformers to ISM. Check power distribution bus. Consult power company.

Check transformers to ISM. Check distribution bus. Consult power company. Check transformers to ISM. Check distribution bus. Consult power company.


213->Starter Module PowerOn Reset When Running 214->Power Loss: Check transformers to ISM. Check voltage supply Check distribution bus. Consult power company. 215->Line Current Check upstream equipment. Imbalance; Check ISM Fault History to Identify Phase 216->Line Voltage Check upstream equipment. Imbalance; Check ISM Fault History to Identify Phase 217->Motor Overload Trip; Check ISM configuration. Check ISM configurations 218->Motor Locked Rotor Check ISM configuration. Amps exceeded; Check Motor & ISM Config 219->Starter Locked Rotor Check ISM configuration. Amps Rating exceeded 220->Ground Fault Trip; Check Motor and Current Transformers 221->Phase Reversal Trip; Check Power Supply 222->Line Frequency [VALUE] exceeded limit of [LIMIT]. Check Power Supply. 223->Starter Module Hardware Failure

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Table 11 CVC/ICVC Primary and Secondary Messages and Custom Alarm/Alert Messages with Troubleshooting Guides (cont)
STATE 227 PRIMARY MESSAGE PROTECTIVE LIMIT PROTECTIVE LIMIT SECONDARY MESSAGE OIL PRESS SENSOR FAULT LOW OIL PRESSURE ALARM MESSAGE PRIMARY CAUSE 227->Oil Pump Delta P [VALUE] exceeded limit of [LIMIT]*. 228->Oil Pump Delta P [VALUE] exceeded limit of [LIMIT].* ADDITIONAL CAUSE/REMEDY Check transducer wiring and accuracy. Check power supply to pump. Check pump operation. Check transducer calibration. Check transducer wiring and accuracy. Check power supply to pump. Check pump operation. Check oil level. Check for partially closed service valves. Check oil filters. Check for foaming oil at start-up. Check transducer calibration. Perform pump control test. Check transducer accuracy and wiring. Check water valves. Check transducer calibration. Perform pump control test. Check transducer accuracy and wiring. Check water valves. Check transducer calibration. Check sensor resistance or voltage drop. Check for proper wiring. Check for proper condenser flow and temperature. Check for proper inlet guide vane and diffuser actuator operation. Check for fouled tubes or noncondensables in the system. Check for proper refrigerant charge. Check float operation. Check for proper fluid flow and temperature. Check for proper inlet guide vane operation. Check motor sensors wiring and accuracy. Check motor cooling line for proper operation, or restrictions. Check for excessive starts within a short time span. Check oil heater for proper operation. Check for low oil level, partially closed oil supply valves, clogged oil filters, etc. Check the sensor wiring and accuracy. Check for high condenser water temperatures, low water flow, fouled tubes. Check for division plate/gasket bypass. Check for noncondensables. Check transducer wiring and accuracy. CCN has signaled the chiller to stop. Reset and restart when ready. If the signal was sent by the CVC/ICVC, release the stop signal on the STATUS01 table. Spare safety input has tripped or factory installed jumper is not present. Check condenser flow and temperatures. Check surge protection configuration.





229->Low Chilled Water Flow; Check Delta P Config & Calibration 230->Low Condenser Water Flow; Check Delta P Config & Calibration 231->Comp Discharge Temp [VALUE] exceeded limit of [LIMIT].*






232->Evaporator Refrig Temp [VALUE] exceeded limit of [LIMIT]*. 233->Comp Motor Winding Temp [VALUE] exceeded limit of [LIMIT]*. 234->Comp Thrust Bearing Temp [VALUE] exceeded limit of [LIMIT]*. 235->Condenser Pressure [VALUE] exceeded limit of [LIMIT]*. 236->CCN Override Stop while in LOCAL run mode 237->Spare Safety Device 238->Compressor Surge: Check condenser water temp and flow 239->Transducer Voltage Ref [VALUE] exceeded limit of [LIMIT]*. 240->Check for Oil in Refrigerant or Overcharge of Refrigerant 241->Loss of Communication With Starter. 242->Loss of Communication With CCM. 243->Evaporator Refrig Temp [VALUE] exceeded limit of [LIMIT]*. 244->Condenser Refrig Temp [VALUE] exceeded limit of [LIMIT]*. 245->Actual VFD Speed [VALUE] exceeded limit of [LIMIT]*.







237 238 239 240 241 242 243

Check wiring to ISM. Check wiring to CCM. Check for proper refrigerant charge. Check float operation. Check for proper fluid flow and temperature. Check for proper inlet guide vane operation.

244 245

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Table 11 CVC/ICVC Primary and Secondary Messages and Custom Alarm/Alert Messages with Troubleshooting Guides (cont)
STATE 246 247 PRIMARY MESSAGE PROTECTIVE LIMIT PROTECTIVE LIMIT SECONDARY MESSAGE INVALID DIFFUSER CONFIG DIFFUSER POSITION FAULT ALARM MESSAGE PRIMARY CAUSE 246->Diffuser Control Invalid Configuration: Check SETUP2 Entries. 247->Diffuser Position Fault: Check Guide Vane and Diffuser Actuators ADDITIONAL CAUSE/REMEDY Check diffuser/guide vane schedule. Check rotating stall transducer wiring and accuracy. Check diffuser schedule. Check for proper operation of diffuser actuator and inlet guide vane actuator. Check diffuser coupling. Check inlet guide vane operation. Check inlet guide vane calibration. Check diffuser/inlet guide vane schedule. Check diffuser mechanical set-up for proper orientation. If not using variable diffuser, check that the option has not been enabled.

248 249 250



248->Spare Temperature #1 [VALUE] exceeded limit of [LIMIT]*. 249->Spare Temperature #2 [VALUE] exceeded limit of [LIMIT]*. 250->Refrigerant Leak Sensor [VALUE] exceeded Limit of [LIMIT]*. 251->ISM Config Conflict (ISM Uploaded); Verify to Reset Alarm 252->ISM Config Conflict (ISM Downloaded); Verify to Reset Alarm 253->Guide Vane Fault [VALUE]. Check Calibration.

251 252 253

The refrigerant leak detectors output wired to J5-5 and J5-6 on the CCM module has reached the alarm limit. Check leak detector and for leaks. Confirm valid settings in ISM_CONF screen. Confirm valid settings in ISM_CONF screen. Enter Control Test and execute Guide Vane Calibration. Check guide vane feedback (terminals J4-9 and J4-10) on the CCM module.

*[LIMIT] is shown on the CVC/ICVC as the temperature, pressure, voltage, etc., set point predefined or selected by the operator as an override, alert, or alarm condition. [VALUE] is the actual pressure, temperature, voltage, etc., at which the control tripped.

STATE 140 141 142 PRIMARY MESSAGE SENSOR ALERT SENSOR ALERT LOW OIL PRESSURE ALERT SECONDARY MESSAGE LEAVING COND WATER TEMP ENTERING COND WATER TEMP CHECK OIL FILTER ALARM MESSAGE PRIMARY CAUSE 140->Sensor Fault: Check Leaving Cond Water Sensor 141->Sensor Fault: Check Entering Cond Water Sensor 142->Low Oil Pressure Alert. Check Oil Filter. ADDITIONAL CAUSE/REMEDY Check sensor resistance or voltage drop. Check for proper wiring. Check sensor resistance or voltage drop. Check for proper wiring. Check for partially or closed shut-off valves. Check oil filter. Check oil pump and power supply. Check oil level. Check for foaming oil at start-up. Check transducer wiring and accuracy. Power loss has been detected in any phase. Chiller automatically restarting. A drop in line voltage has been detected within 2 voltage cycles. Chiller automatically restarting if Autorestart option is enabled. Check line power. Check line power. ISM has detected a hardware fault and has reset. Chiller automatically restarting. Check control power.

143 144 145 146 147 148



143->Line Phase Loss 144->Single Cycle Line Voltage Dropout 145>Line Overvoltage Average Line Volt [VALUE] 146->Line Undervoltage Average Line Volt [VALUE] 147->Starter Module PowerOn Reset When Running 148->Control Power-Loss When Running

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Table 11 CVC/ICVC Primary and Secondary Messages and Custom Alarm/Alert Messages with Troubleshooting Guides (cont)
STATE 149 PRIMARY MESSAGE SENSOR ALERT SECONDARY MESSAGE HIGH DISCHARGE TEMP ADDITIONAL CAUSE/REMEDY Check sensor resistance or voltage drop. Check for proper wiring. Check for proper condenser flow and temperature. Check for high lift or low load. Check for proper inlet guide vane and diffuser actuator operation (Size 5 compressor Only). Check for fouled tubes or noncondensables in the refrigerant system. Check sensor resistance or voltage drop. 150->Comp Thrust Bearing Temp [VALUE] exceeded limit Check for proper wiring. Check for partially closed service valves. of [LIMIT]*. Check oil cooler TXV. Check oil filter. Check oil level. 151->High Condenser Check sensor wiring and accuracy. Pressure [VALUE]: Pump Check condenser flow and fluid Energized to Reduce temperature. Pressure. Check for fouled tubes. This alarm is not caused by the High Pressure Switch. 152->Excessive recycle starts. Chiller load is too low to keep compressor on line and there has been more than 5 starts in 4 hours. Increase chiller load, adjust hot gas bypass, increase RECYCLE RESTART DELTA T from SETUP1 Screen. 153->Lead/Lag Disabled: Illegal chiller address configuration in Lead/ Duplicate Chiller Address; Lag screen. Both chillers require a different Check Configuration address. 154->Condenser freeze up The condenser pressure transducer is readprevention ing a pressure that could freeze the condenser tubes. Check for condenser refrigerant leaks. Check fluid temperature. Check sensor wiring and accuracy. Place the chiller in PUMPDOWN mode if the vessel is evacuated. 155->Sensor Fault/Option Check sensor resistance or voltage drop. Disabled: Check for proper wiring. Remote Reset Sensor 156->Sensor Fault/Option Check sensor resistance or voltage drop. Disabled: Check for proper wiring. Auto Chilled Water Reset 157->Sensor Fault/Option Check sensor resistance or voltage drop. Disabled: Check for proper wiring. Auto Demand Limit Input 158->Spare Temperature #1 Check sensor resistance or voltage drop. [VALUE] exceeded limit of Check for proper wiring. [LIMIT].* 159->Spare Temperature #2 Check sensor resistance or voltage drop. [VALUE] exceeded limit of Check for proper wiring. [LIMIT].* 160->Diffuser Position Alert; Check diffuser configuration in SETUP2 Check Diffuser Configuration. screen. ALARM MESSAGE PRIMARY CAUSE 149->Comp Discharge Temp [VALUE] exceeded limit of [LIMIT]*.










153 154



155 156 157 158 159 160



*[LIMIT] is shown on the CVC/ICVC as the temperature, pressure, voltage, etc., set point predefined or selected by the operator as an override, alert, or alarm condition. [VALUE] is the actual pressure, temperature, voltage, etc., at which the control tripped.

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Table 12A Thermistor Temperature (F) vs. Resistance/Voltage Drop

TEMPERATURE (F) 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 PIC II RESISTANCE VOLTAGE (Ohms) DROP (V) 4.700 98,010 4.690 94,707 4.680 91,522 4.670 88,449 4.659 85,486 4.648 82,627 4.637 79,871 4.625 77,212 4.613 74,648 4.601 72,175 4.588 69,790 4.576 67,490 4.562 65,272 4.549 63,133 4.535 61,070 4.521 59,081 4.507 57,162 4.492 55,311 4.477 53,526 4.461 51,804 4.446 50,143 4.429 48,541 4.413 46,996 4.396 45,505 4.379 44,066 4.361 42,679 4.344 41,339 4.325 40,047 4.307 38,800 4.288 37,596 4.269 36,435 4.249 35,313 4.229 34,231 4.209 33,185 4.188 32,176 4.167 31,202 4.145 30,260 4.123 29,351 4.101 28,473 4.079 27,624 3.056 26,804 4.033 26,011 4.009 25,245 3.985 24,505 3.960 23,789 3.936 23,096 3.911 22,427 3.886 21,779 3.861 21,153 3.835 20,547 3.808 19,960 3.782 19,393 3.755 18,843 3.727 18,311 3.700 17,796 3.672 17,297 3.644 16,814 3.617 16,346 3.588 15,892 3.559 15,453 3.530 15,027 3.501 14,614 3.471 14,214 3.442 13,826 3.412 13,449 3.382 13,084 3.353 12,730 3.322 12,387 3.291 12,053 3.260 11,730 3.229 11,416 3.198 11,112 3.167 10,816 3.135 10,529 3.104 10,250 3.074 9,979 3.042 9,717 3.010 9,461 2.978 9,213 3.946 8,973 2.914 8,739 2.882 8,511 2.850 8,291 2.819 8,076 2.788 7,868 TEMPERATURE (F) 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 PIC II RESISTANCE VOLTAGE (Ohms) DROP (V) 2.756 7,665 2.724 7,468 2.692 7,277 2.660 7,091 2.628 6,911 2.596 6,735 2.565 6,564 2.533 6,399 2.503 6,238 2.472 6,081 2.440 5,929 2.409 5,781 2.378 5,637 2.347 5,497 2.317 5,361 2.287 5,229 2.256 5,101 2.227 4,976 2.197 4,855 2.167 4,737 2.137 4,622 2.108 4,511 2.079 4,403 2.050 4,298 2.021 4,196 1.993 4,096 1.965 4,000 1.937 3,906 1.989 3,814 1.881 3,726 1.854 3,640 1.827 3,556 1.800 3,474 1.773 3,395 1.747 3,318 1.721 3,243 1.695 3,170 1.670 3,099 1.644 3,031 1.619 2,964 1.595 2,898 1.570 2,835 1.546 2,773 1.523 2,713 1.499 2,655 1.476 2,597 1.453 2,542 1.430 2,488 1.408 2,436 1.386 2,385 1.364 2,335 1.343 2,286 1.321 2,239 1.300 2,192 1.279 2,147 1.259 2,103 1.239 2,060 1.219 2,018 1.200 1,977 1.180 1,937 1.161 1,898 1.143 1,860 1.124 1,822 1.106 1,786 1.088 1,750 1.070 1,715 1.053 1,680 1.036 1,647 1.019 1,614 1.002 1,582 0.986 1,550 0.969 1,519 0.953 1,489 0.938 1,459 0.922 1,430 0.907 1,401 0.893 1,373 0.878 1,345 0.864 1,318 0.849 1,291 0.835 1,265 0.821 1,240 0.808 1,214 0.795 1,190 0.782 1,165 TEMPERATURE (F) 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 PIC II RESISTANCE VOLTAGE (Ohms) DROP (V) 0.769 1,141 0.756 1,118 0.744 1,095 0.731 1,072 0.719 1,050 0.707 1,029 0.696 1,007 0.684 986 0.673 965 0.662 945 0.651 925 0.640 906 0.630 887 0.619 868 0.609 850 0.599 832 0.589 815 0.579 798 0.570 782 0.561 765 0.551 750 0.542 734 0.533 719 0.524 705 0.516 690 0.508 677 0.499 663 0.491 650 0.484 638 0.476 626 0.468 614 0.460 602 0.453 591 0.445 581 0.438 570 0.431 561 0.424 551 0.418 542 0.411 533 0.404 524 0.398 516 0.392 508 0.385 501 0.379 494 0.373 487 0.367 480 0.361 473 0.356 467 0.350 461 0.344 456 0.339 450 0.333 445 0.328 439 0.323 434 0.318 429 0.313 424 0.308 419 0.304 415 0.299 410 0.294 405 0.290 401 0.285 396 0.281 391 0.277 386 0.272 382 0.268 377 0.264 372 0.260 367 0.256 361 0.252 356 0.248 350 0.245 344 0.241 338 0.237 332 0.234 325 0.230 318 0.227 311 0.224 304 0.220 297 0.217 289 0.214 282

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Table 12B Thermistor Temperature (C) vs. Resistance/Voltage Drop

TEMPERATURE (C) 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 PIC II VOLTAGE DROP (V) 4.722 4.706 4.688 4.670 4.650 4.630 4.608 4.586 4.562 4.538 4.512 4.486 4.458 4.429 4.399 4.368 4.336 4.303 4.269 4.233 4.196 4.158 4.119 4.079 4.037 3.994 3.951 3.906 3.861 3.814 3.765 3.716 3.667 3.617 3.565 3.512 3.459 3.406 3.353 3.298 3.242 3.185 3.129 3.074 3.016 2.959 2.901 2.844 2.788 2.730 2.672 2.615 2.559 2.503 2.447 2.391 2.335 2.280 2.227 2.173 2.120 2.067 2.015 1.965 1.914 1.865 1.816 1.768 1.721 1.675 1.629 RESISTANCE (Ohms) 106 880 100 260 94 165 88 480 83 170 78 125 73 580 69 250 65 205 61 420 57 875 54 555 51 450 48 536 45 807 43 247 40 845 38 592 38 476 34 489 32 621 30 866 29 216 27 633 26 202 24 827 23 532 22 313 21 163 20 079 19 058 18 094 17 184 16 325 15 515 14 749 14 026 13 342 12 696 12 085 11 506 10 959 10 441 9 949 9 485 9 044 8 627 8 231 7 855 7 499 7 161 6 840 6 536 6 246 5 971 5 710 5 461 5 225 5 000 4 786 4 583 4 389 4 204 4 028 3 861 3 701 3 549 3 404 3 266 3 134 3 008 TEMPERATURE (C) 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 PIC II VOLTAGE DROP (V) 1.585 1.542 1.499 1.457 1.417 1.377 1.338 1.300 1.263 1.227 1.192 1.158 1.124 1.091 1.060 1.029 0.999 0.969 0.941 0.913 0.887 0.861 0.835 0.811 0.787 0.764 0.741 0.719 0.698 0.677 0.657 0.638 0.619 0.601 0.583 0.566 0.549 0.533 0.518 0.503 0.488 0.474 0.460 0.447 0.434 0.422 0.410 0.398 0.387 0.376 0.365 0.355 0.344 0.335 0.325 0.316 0.308 0.299 0.291 0.283 0.275 0.267 0.260 0.253 0.246 0.239 0.233 0.227 0.221 0.215 RESISTANCE (Ohms) 2 888 2 773 2 663 2 559 2 459 2 363 2 272 2 184 2 101 2 021 1 944 1 871 1 801 1 734 1 670 1 609 1 550 1 493 1 439 1 387 1 337 1 290 1 244 1 200 1 158 1 118 1 079 1 041 1 006 971 938 906 876 836 805 775 747 719 693 669 645 623 602 583 564 547 531 516 502 489 477 466 456 446 436 427 419 410 402 393 385 376 367 357 346 335 324 312 299 285

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Control Modules

Notes on Module Operation

1. The chiller operator monitors and modifies configurations in the microprocessor by using the 4 softkeys and the CVC/ICVC. Communications between the CVC/ ICVC and the CCM is accomplished through the SIO (Sensor Input/Output) bus, which is a phone cable. The communication between the CCM and ISM is accomplished through the sensor bus, which is a 3-wire cable. 2. If a green LED is on continuously, check the communication wiring. If a green LED is off, check the red LED operation. If the red LED is normal, check the module address switches (SW1) (Fig. 40 and 41). Confirm all switches are in OFF position. All system operating intelligence resides in the CVC/ ICVC. Some safety shutdown logic resides in the ISM in case communications are lost between the ISM and CVC/ ICVC. Outputs are controlled by the CCM and ISM as well. 3. Power is supplied to the modules within the control panel via 24-vac power sources. The transformers are located within the power panel, with the exception of the ISM, which operates from a 115-vac power source and has its own 24-vac transformer located in the module. In the power panel, T1 supplies power to the compressor oil heater, oil pump, and optional hot gas bypass, and T2 supplies power to both the CVC/ICVC and CCM. Power is connected to Plug J1 on each module.

Turn controller power off before servicing controls. This ensures safety and prevents damage to the controller. The CVC/ICVC, CCM, and ISM modules perform continuous diagnostic evaluations of the hardware to determine its condition. Proper operation of all modules is indicated by LEDs (light-emitting diodes) located on the circuit board of the CVC/ICVC, CCM, and ISM. There is one green LED located on the CCM and ISM boards respectively, and one red LED located on the CVC/ ICVC, CCM, and ISM boards respectively. RED LED (Labeled as STAT) If the red LED: blinks continuously at a 2-second interval, the module is operating properly is lit continuously, there is a problem that requires replacing the module is off continuously, the power should be checked blinks 3 times per second, a software error has been discovered and the module must be replaced If there is no input power, check the fuses and circuit breaker. If the fuse is good, check for a shorted secondary of the transformer or, if power is present to the module, replace the module. GREED LED (Labeled as COM) These LEDs indicate the communication status between different parts of the controller and the network modules and should blink continuously.










Fig. 40 Rear of CVC/ICVC (Chiller Visual Controller/International Chiller Visual Controller)

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Chiller Control Module (CCM) (Fig. 41)

INPUTS Each input channel has 2 or 3 terminals. Refer to individual chiller wiring diagrams for the correct terminal numbers for your application. OUTPUTS Output is 24 vac. There are 2 terminals per output. Refer to the chiller wiring diagram for your specific application for the correct terminal numbers.

Integrated Starter Module (Fig. 42)

INPUTS Inputs on strips J3 through J6 are analog inputs and J2 is discrete (on/off) input. The specific application of the chiller determines which terminals are used. Refer to the individual chiller wiring diagram for the correct terminal numbers for your application. OUTPUTS Outputs are 115-277 vac and wired to strip J9. There are 2 terminals per output.

7. The CVC/ICVC now automatically attaches to the local network device. 8. Access the MAINSTAT table and highlight the TOTAL COMPRESSOR STARTS parameter. Press the SELECT softkey. Increase or decrease the value to match the starts value recorded in Step 3. Press the ENTER softkey when you reach the correct value. Now, move the highlight bar to the COMPRESSOR ONTIME parameter. Press the SELECT softkey. Increase or decrease the run hours value to match the value recorded in Step 2. Press the ENTER softkey when the correct value is reached. 9. Complete the CVC/ICVC installation. Following the instructions in the Input Service Configurations section, page 55, input all the proper configurations such as the time, date, etc. Check the pressure transducer calibrations. PSIO installation is now complete.

Replacing Defective Processor Modules

The module replacement part number is printed on a small label on the rear of the CVC/ICVC module. The chiller model and serial numbers are printed on the chiller nameplate located on an exterior corner post. The proper software is factoryinstalled by Carrier in the replacement module. When ordering a replacement chiller visual control (CVC/ICVC) module, specify the complete replacement part number, full chiller model number, and chiller serial number. The installer must configure the new module to the original chiller data. Follow the procedures described in the Software Configuration section on page 55.

Solid-State Starters Troubleshooting information pertaining to the Benshaw, Inc., solid-state starter may be found in the following paragraphs and in the Carrier RediStart MICRO Instruction Manual supplied by the starter vendor. Attempt to solve the problem by using the following preliminary checks before consulting the troubleshooting tables found in the Benshaw manual.

Electrical shock can cause personal injury. Disconnect all electrical power before servicing. INSTALLATION 1. Verify the existing CVC/ICVC module is defective by using the procedure described in the Troubleshooting Guide section, page 76, and the Control Modules section, page 87. Do not select the ATTACH TO NETWORK DEVICE table if the CVC/ICVC indicates a communication failure. 2. Data regarding the CVC/ICVC configuration should have been recorded and saved. This data must be reconfigured into the new CVC/ICVC. If this data is not available, follow the procedures described in the Software Configuration section. If a CCN Building Supervisor or Service Tool is available, the module configuration should have already been uploaded into memory. When the new module is installed, the configuration can be downloaded from the computer. Any communication wires from other chillers or CCN modules should be disconnected to prevent the new CVC/ICVC module from uploading incorrect run hours into memory. 3. To install this module, record values for the TOTAL COMPRESSOR STARTS and the COMPRESSOR ONTIME from the MAINSTAT screen on the CVC/ ICVC. 4. Power off the controls. 5. Remove the old CVC/ICVC. 6. Install the new CVC/ICVC module. Turn the control power back on.

1. Motor terminals or starter output lugs or wire should not be touched without disconnecting the incoming power supply. The silicon control rectifiers (SCRs) although technically turned off still have AC mains potential on the output of the starter. 2. Power is present on all yellow wiring throughout the system even though the main circuit breaker in the unit is off. With power off: Inspect for physical damage and signs of arcing, overheating, etc. Verify the wiring to the starter is correct. Verify all connections in the starter are tight. Check the control transformer fuses. TESTING SILICON CONTROL RECTIFIERS IN THE BENSHAW, INC., SOLID-STATE STARTERS If an SCR is suspected of being defective, use the following procedure as part of a general troubleshooting guide. 1. Verify power is applied. 2. Verify the state of each SCR light-emitting diode (LED) on the micropower card. NOTE: All LEDs should be lit. If any red or green side of these LEDs is not lit, the line voltage is not present or one or more SCRs has failed. 3. Check incoming power. If voltage is not present check the incoming line. If voltage is present, proceed to Steps 4 through 11. NOTE: If after completing Steps 4 - 11 all measurements are within specified limits, the SCRs are functioning normally. If after completing Steps 4 - 11 resistance measurements are outside the specified limits, the motor leads on the starter power lugs T1 through T6 should be removed and the steps repeated. This will identify if abnormal resistance measurements are being influenced by the motor windings. 4. Remove power from the starter unit.

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J1 24 VAC









Fig. 41 Chiller Control Module (CCM)


115 VAC LL1 LL2







J2 1 + C + C + C + C + C + C J3-1 J3-2 J3-3





1 + G + G + G1 + G

Fig. 42 Integrated Starter Module (ISM) 89

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- G + 1


G + G +

1 J8










ISM 19XR04012201 9925 CEPL13025901 PCB05 CEPP130173-03-04-01 00001328




5. Using an ohmmeter, perform the following resistance measurements and record the results:
MEASURE BETWEEN T1 and T6 T2 and T4 T3 and T5 SCR PAIRS BEING CHECKED 3 and 6 2 and 5 1 and 4 RECORDED VALUE

5. Using quarter-turn increments, alternating between clamping bolts, apply the appropriate number of whole turns referencing the table in Fig. 43.

Care must be taken to prevent nut rotation while tightening the bolts. If the nut rotates while tightening the bolt, SCR replacement must be started over. 6. Reconnect the red (cathode) wire from the SCR and the white (anode-gate) wire to the appropriate location on the firing card (i.e., SCR1 wires to firing card terminal G1-white wire, and K1-red wire). 7. Reconnect all other wiring and bus work. 8. Return starter to normal operation.

6. 7.

8. 9. 10.

If all measured values are greater than 5K ohms, proceed to Step 10. If any values are less than 5K ohms, one or more of the SCRs in that pair is shorted. Remove both SCRs in the pair (See SCR Removal/ Installation). Using an ohmmeter, measure the resistance (anode to cathode) of each SCR to determine which device has failed. NOTE: Both SCRs may be defective, but typically, only one is shorted. If both SCRs provide acceptable resistance measurements, proceed to Step 10. Replace the defective SCR(s). Retest the pair for resistance values indicated above. On the right side of the firing card, measure the resistance between the red and white gate/cathode leads for each SCR (1 through 6). A measurement between 5 and 50 ohms is normal. Abnormally high values may indicate a failed gate for that SCR.


If any red or white SCR gate leads are removed from the firing card or an SCR, care must be taken to ensure the leads are replaced EXACTLY as they were (white wires to gates, and red wires to cathodes on both the firing card and SCR), or damage to the starter and/or motor may result. 11. Replace the SCRs and retest the pair. SCR REMOVAL/INSTALLATION Refer to Fig. 43. 1. Remove the SCR by loosening the clamping bolts on each side of the SCR, 2. After the SCR has been removed and the bus work is loose, apply a thin coat of either silicon based thermal joint compound or a joint compound for aluminum or copper wire connections to the contact surfaces of the replacement SCR. This allows for improved heat dissipation and electrical conductivity. 3. Place the SCR between the roll pins on the heatsink assemblies so the roll pins fit into the small holes in each side of the SCR. NOTE: Ensure the SCR is installed so the cathode side is the side from which the red wire extends. The heatsink is labeled to show the correct orientation. 4. Hand tighten the bolts until the SCR contacts the heatsink.

SCR PART NUMBER BISCR 6601218 6601818 8801230 8801830 15001850 15001850 220012100 330018500

CLAMP SIZE 1030 1030 1035 1035 2040 2050

A BOLT NO. OF DIMENSION LENGTH TURNS (in.) (in.) 2.75 3.0 11/2 (70 mm) (76 mm) 2.75 3.0 11/2 (70 mm) (76 mm) 2.75 3.5 13/4 (70 mm) (89 mm) 3.0 2.75 13/4 (89 mm) (70 mm) 4.00 4.0 23/4 (102 mm) (102 mm) 5.0 4.00 23/4 (127 mm) (102 mm) Consult Benshaw Representative Consult Benshaw Representative

Fig. 43 SCR Installation

Physical Data Tables 13A-20 and Fig. 44-57 provide additional information on component weights, compressor fits and clearances, physical and electrical data, and wiring schematics for the operators convenience during troubleshooting.

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Table 13A Heat Exchanger Data (English)

NUMBER OF TUBES CODE Cooler 10 11 12 15 16 17 20 21 22 30 31 32 35 36 37 40 41 42 45 46 47 50 51 52 5A 5B 5C 55 56 57 5F 5G 5H 60 61 62 65 66 67 70 71 72 75 76 77 80 81 82 85 86 87 142 161 180 142 161 180 200 240 282 200 240 280 200 240 280 324 364 400 324 364 400 431 485 519 225 241 258 431 485 519 225 241 258 557 599 633 557 599 633 644 726 790 644 726 790 829 901 976 829 901 976 Condenser 180 200 225 180 200 225 218 266 315 218 267 315 218 267 315 370 417 463 370 417 463 509 556 602 509 556 602 648 695 741 648 695 741 781 870 956 781 870 956 990 1080 1170 990 1080 1170 ENGLISH Dry (Rigging) Weight (lb) Cooler Only 2,742 2,812 2,883 3,003 3,089 3,176 3,442 3,590 3,746 4,137 4,319 4,511 4,409 4,617 4,835 5,898 6,080 6,244 6,353 6,561 6,748 7,015 7,262 7,417 6,426 6,499 6,577 7,559 7,839 8,016 6,879 6,962 7,050 8,270 8,462 8,617 8,943 9,161 9,338 12,395 12,821 13,153 13,293 13,780 14,159 16,156 16,530 16,919 17,296 17,723 18,169 Condenser Only 2,704 2,772 2,857 2,984 3,068 3,173 3,523 3,690 3,854 3,694 3,899 4,100 4,606 4,840 5,069 6,054 6,259 6,465 6,617 6,851 7,085 7,285 7,490 7,683 7,980 8,214 8,434 8,286 8,483 8,676 9,204 9,428 9,648 13,139 13,568 13,969 14,211 14,702 15,160 15,746 16,176 16,606 17,001 17,492 17,984 Chiller Charge Refrigerant Weight (lb) Water Volume (gal) Cooler Condenser Cooler Condenser 290 200 34 42 310 200 37 45 330 200 40 49 320 250 39 48 340 250 43 52 370 250 47 57 345 225 48 48 385 225 55 55 435 225 62 63 350 260 55 55 420 260 64 65 490 260 72 74 400 310 61 62 480 310 70 72 550 310 80 83 560 280 89 96 630 280 97 106 690 280 105 114 640 330 98 106 720 330 108 117 790 330 116 127 750 400 115 128 840 400 126 137 900 400 133 136 500 106 520 109 550 112 870 490 127 142 940 490 139 152 980 490 147 162 550 116 570 120 600 124 940 420 144 159 980 420 153 168 1020 420 160 177 1020 510 160 176 1060 510 169 187 1090 510 177 197 1220 780 224 209 1340 780 243 229 1440 780 257 248 1365 925 245 234 1505 925 266 257 1625 925 283 278 1500 720 285 264 1620 720 302 284 1730 720 319 304 1690 860 313 295 1820 860 331 318 1940 860 351 341

NOTES: 1. Cooler data: based on a cooler with standard wall tubing, 2-pass, 150 psig, nozzle-in-head waterbox with victaulic grooves. Weight includes suction elbow, control panel, and distribution piping. Weight does not include compressor.

2. Condenser data: based on a condenser with standard wall tubing, 2-pass, 150 psig, nozzle-in-head waterbox with victaulic grooves. Weight includes the float valve, discharge elbow, and distribution piping. Weight does not include unit-mounted starter, isolation valves, and pumpout unit.

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Table 13B Heat Exchanger Data (SI)

NUMBER OF TUBES CODE Cooler 10 11 12 15 16 17 20 21 22 30 31 32 35 36 37 40 41 42 45 46 47 50 51 52 5A 5B 5C 55 56 57 5F 5G 5H 60 61 62 65 66 67 70 71 72 75 76 77 80 81 82 85 86 87 142 161 180 142 161 180 200 240 282 200 240 280 200 240 280 324 364 400 324 364 400 431 485 519 225 241 258 431 485 519 225 241 258 557 599 633 557 599 633 644 726 790 644 726 790 829 901 976 829 901 976 Condenser 180 200 225 180 200 225 218 266 315 218 267 315 218 267 315 370 417 463 370 417 463 509 556 602 509 556 602 648 695 741 648 695 741 781 870 956 781 870 956 990 1080 1170 990 1080 1170 SI Dry (Rigging) Weight (kg) Cooler Only 1244 1275 1307 1362 1401 1440 1561 1628 1699 1876 1958 2046 2000 2094 2193 2675 2757 2832 2881 2976 3060 3181 3293 3364 2915 2949 2984 3428 3555 3635 3121 3159 3199 3751 3838 3908 4056 4155 4235 5622 5814 5965 6028 6259 6421 7326 7496 7673 7844 8037 8240 Condenser Only 1226 1257 1296 1353 1391 1439 1598 1673 1748 1675 1768 1859 2089 2195 2300 2745 2839 2932 3001 3107 3213 3304 3397 3484 3619 3725 3825 3758 3847 3935 4174 4276 4376 5959 6153 6335 6445 6667 6875 7141 7336 7531 7710 7933 8156 Chiller Charge Refrigerant Weight (kg) Water Volume (L) Cooler Condenser Cooler Condenser 132 91 129 158 141 91 140 170 150 91 152 185 145 113 149 183 154 113 163 198 168 113 178 216 157 102 183 181 175 102 207 210 197 102 234 239 159 118 208 210 190 118 242 246 222 118 271 282 181 141 232 233 218 141 266 273 249 141 301 314 254 127 338 365 286 127 368 400 313 127 396 433 290 150 372 403 327 150 407 442 358 150 438 481 340 181 435 483 381 181 477 518 408 181 502 552 227 401 236 412 250 424 395 222 481 536 426 222 527 575 446 222 557 613 250 439 259 454 273 464 426 190 546 601 444 190 578 636 462 190 604 669 462 231 605 668 481 231 641 707 494 231 671 745 553 354 848 791 608 354 919 867 653 354 974 937 619 420 927 885 683 420 1009 971 737 420 1072 1052 680 327 1080 1000 735 327 1143 1075 785 327 1208 1150 766 390 1183 1118 825 390 1254 1205 880 390 1329 1291

NOTES: 1. Cooler data: based on a cooler with standard wall tubing, 2-pass, 1034 psig, nozzle-in-head waterbox with victaulic grooves. Weight includes suction elbow, control panel, and distribution piping. Weight does not include compressor.

2. Condenser data: based on a condenser with standard wall tubing, 2-pass, 1034 kPa, nozzle-in-head waterbox with victaulic grooves. Weight includes the float valve, discharge elbow, and distribution piping. Weight does not include unit-mounted starter, isolation valves, and pumpout unit.

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Table 14 19XR Additional Data for Marine Waterboxes*

HEAT EXCHANGER FRAME, PASS FRAME 2, 1 AND 2 PASS FRAME 2, 2 PASS FRAME 3, 1 AND 2 PASS FRAME 3, 2 PASS FRAME 4, 1 AND 3 PASS FRAME 4, 2 PASS FRAME 5, 1 AND 3 PASS FRAME 5, 2 PASS FRAME 6, 1 AND 3 PASS FRAME 6, 2 PASS FRAME 7, 1 AND 3 PASS FRAME 7, 2 PASS FRAME 8, 1 AND 3 PASS FRAME 8, 2 PASS FRAME 2, 1 AND 3 PASS FRAME 2, 2 PASS FRAME 3, 1 AND 3 PASS FRAME 3, 2 PASS FRAME 4, 1 AND 3 PASS FRAME 4, 2 PASS FRAME 5, 1 AND 3 PASS FRAME 5, 2 PASS FRAME 6, 1 AND 3 PASS FRAME 6, 2 PASS FRAME 7, 1 AND 3 PASS FRAME 7, 2 PASS FRAME 8, 1 AND 3 PASS FRAME 8, 2 PASS ENGLISH Rigging Weight (lb) 730 365 730 365 1060 530 1240 620 1500 750 2010 740 1855 585 860 430 860 430 1210 600 1380 690 1650 825 3100 1830 2745 1475 Water Volume (gal) 84 42 84 42 123 61 139 69 162 81 326 163 406 203 84 42 84 42 123 61 139 69 162 81 326 163 405 203 SI Rigging Weight (kg) 331 166 331 166 481 240 562 281 680 340 912 336 841 265 390 195 390 195 549 272 626 313 748 374 1406 830 1245 766 Water Volume (L) 318 159 317 159 465 231 526 263 612 306 1234 617 1537 768 318 159 317 159 465 231 526 263 612 306 1234 617 1533 768

Psig 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300

kPa 1034 1034 1034 1034 1034 1034 1034 1034 1034 1034 1034 1034 1034 1034 2068 2068 2068 2068 2068 2068 2068 2068 2068 2068 2068 2068 2068 2068

*Add to heat exchanger data for total weights or volumes. NOTES: 1. Weight adder shown is the same for cooler and condenser of equal frame size. 2. For the total weight of a vessel with a marine waterbox, add these values to the heat exchanger weights (or volumes).

Table 15 Compressor Weights

FRAME 2 COMPRESSOR WEIGHT lb 50 60 320 300 35 1260 35 125 100 2300 kg 23 27 145 136 16 571 16 57 45 1043 FRAME 3 COMPRESSOR WEIGHT lb 54 46 730 350 80 1050 70 150 135 2660 kg 24 21 331 159 36 476 32 68 61 1207 FRAME 4 COMPRESSOR WEIGHT (Without Split Ring Diffuser) lb kg 175 79 157 71 656 298 446 202 126 57 1589 721 130 59 150 68 144 65 3712 1684 FRAME 4 COMPRESSOR WEIGHT (With Split Ring Diffuser) lb kg 175 79 157 71 656 298 810 367 200 91 2022 917 130 59 150 68 200 91 4548 2063 FRAME 5 COMPRESSOR WEIGHT lb 400 325 1000 1200 250 3695 300 185 220 6850 kg 181 147 454 544 113 1676 136 84 100 3107



*Transmission weight does not include rotor, shaft, and gear.

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Table 16 19XR Motor Weights Standard and High Efficiency Motors

MOTOR SIZE BD BE BF BG BH CD CE CL CM CN CP CQ DB DC DD DE DF DG DH DJ EH EJ EK EL EM EN EP Stator Weight* (lb) 60 Hz 50 Hz 1030 1030 1070 1070 1120 1120 1175 1175 1175 1175 1286 1358 1305 1377 1324 1435 1347 1455 1358 1467 1401 1479 1455 1479 1665 1725 1681 1737 1977 2069 2018 2089 2100 2139 2187 2153 2203 2207 2228 2305 3060 3120 3105 3250 3180 3250 3180 3370 3270 3370 3270 3520 3340 3520 ENGLISH Rotor Weight (lb) 60 Hz 50 Hz 240 240 250 250 265 265 290 290 290 290 258 273 265 281 280 296 303 303 316 316 329 316 329 316 361 391 391 404 536 596 550 550 575 567 599 599 604 604 614 614 701 751 716 751 716 768 737 801 737 801 801 851 830 851 End Bell Cover (lb) 185 185 185 185 185 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 236 236 318 318 318 318 318 318 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 Stator Weight* (kg) 60 Hz 50 Hz 467 467 485 485 508 508 533 533 533 533 583 616 592 625 600 651 611 660 616 665 635 671 660 671 755 782 762 788 897 938 915 948 952 970 992 977 999 1001 1011 1046 1388 1415 1408 1474 1442 1474 1442 1529 1483 1529 1483 1597 1515 1597 SI Rotor Weight (kg) 60 Hz 50 Hz 109 109 113 113 120 120 132 132 132 132 117 124 120 127 127 134 137 137 143 143 149 143 149 152 164 177 177 183 243 248 249 248 261 257 272 272 274 274 279 279 318 341 325 341 325 348 334 363 334 363 363 386 376 386 End Bell Cover (kg) 84 84 84 84 84 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 107 107 144 144 144 144 144 144 188 188 188 188 188 188 188

*Stator weight includes stator and shell. Rotor weight includes rotor and shaft. NOTE: When different voltage motors have different weights the largest weight is given.

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Table 17A 19XR Waterbox Cover Weights English (lb)

HEAT EXCHANGER WATERBOX DESCRIPTION NIH, 1 Pass Cover, 150 psig NIH, 2 Pass Cover, 150 psig NIH, 3 Pass Cover, 150 psig NIH/MWB End Cover, 150 psig NIH, 1 Pass Cover, 300 psig NIH, 2 Pass Cover, 300 psig NIH, 3 Pass Cover, 300 psig NIH/MWB End Cover, 300 psig WATERBOX DESCRIPTION NIH, 1 Pass Cover, 150 psig NIH, 2 Pass Cover, 150 psig NIH, 3 Pass Cover, 150 psig NIH/MWB End Cover, 150 psig NIH, 1 Pass Cover, 300 psig NIH, 2 Pass Cover, 300 psig NIH, 3 Pass Cover, 300 psig NIH/MWB End Cover, 300 psig WATERBOX DESCRIPTION NIH, 1 Pass Cover, 150 psig NIH, 2 Pass Cover, 150 psig NIH, 3 Pass Cover, 150 psig NIH/MWB End Cover, 150 psig NIH, 1 Pass Cover, 300 psig NIH, 2 Pass Cover, 300 psig NIH, 3 Pass Cover, 300 psig NIH/MWB End Cover, 300 psig WATERBOX DESCRIPTION NIH, 1 Pass Cover, 150 psig NIH, 2 Pass Cover, 150 psig NIH, 3 Pass Cover, 150 psig NIH/MWB End Cover, 150 psig NIH, 1 Pass Cover, 300 psig NIH, 2 Pass Cover, 300 psig NIH, 3 Pass Cover, 300 psig NIH/MWB End Cover, 300 psig FRAME 1 Standard Flanged Nozzles 177 204 185 218 180 196 136 136 248 301 255 324 253 288 175 175 FRAME 4 Standard Flanged Nozzles 148 185 202 256 473 489 317 317 593 668 594 700 621 656 569 569 FRAME 7 COOLER Standard Flanged Nozzles 329 441 426 541 1202 1239 789 789 1636 1801 1585 1825 1660 1741 1451 1451 FRAME 8 COOLER Standard Flanged Nozzles 417 494 531 685 1568 1626 1339 1339 2265 2429 2170 2499 2273 2436 1923 1923 FRAME 2 Standard Flanged Nozzles 320 350 320 350 300 340 300 300 411 486 411 518 433 468 400 400 FRAME 5 Standard Flanged Nozzles 168 229 224 298 629 655 393 393 764 839 761 878 795 838 713 713 FRAME 7 CONDENSER Standard Flanged Nozzles 329 441 426 541 1113 1171 703 703 1472 1633 1410 1644 1496 1613 1440 1440 FRAME 8 CONDENSER Standard Flanged Nozzles 417 494 531 685 1438 1497 898 898 1860 2015 1735 2044 1883 1995 1635 1635 FRAME 3 Standard Flanged Nozzles 320 350 320 350 300 340 300 300 411 486 411 518 433 468 400 400 FRAME 6 Standard Flanged Nozzles 187 223 257 330 817 843 503 503 959 1035 923 1074 980 1031 913 913








LEGEND NIH Nozzle-in-Head MWB Marine Waterbox NOTE: Weight for NIH 2-Pass Cover, 150 psig is included in the heat exchanger weights shown in Table 6.

RIG MACHINE COMPONENTS Refer to instructions below, Fig. 6-9, and Carrier Certified Prints for machine component disassembly. IMPORTANT: Only a qualified service technician should perform this operation.

Do not attempt to disconnect flanges while the machine is under pressure. Failure to relieve pressure can result in personal injury or damage to the unit.

Before rigging the compressor, disconnect all wires entering the power panel.

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Table 17B 19XR Waterbox Cover Weights SI (kg)

HEAT EXCHANGER WATERBOX DESCRIPTION NIH, 1 Pass Cover, 150 psig NIH, 2 Pass Cover, 150 psig NIH, 3 Pass Cover, 150 psig NIH/MWB End Cover, 150 psig NIH, 1 Pass Cover, 300 psig NIH, 2 Pass Cover, 300 psig NIH, 3 Pass Cover, 300 psig NIH/MWB End Cover, 300 psig WATERBOX DESCRIPTION NIH, 1 Pass Cover, 150 psig NIH, 2 Pass Cover, 150 psig NIH, 3 Pass Cover, 150 psig NIH/MWB End Cover, 150 psig NIH, 1 Pass Cover, 300 psig NIH, 2 Pass Cover, 300 psig NIH, 3 Pass Cover, 300 psig NIH/MWB End Cover, 300 psig WATERBOX DESCRIPTION NIH, 1 Pass Cover, 150 psig NIH, 2 Pass Cover, 150 psig NIH, 3 Pass Cover, 150 psig NIH/MWB End Cover, 150 psig NIH, 1 Pass Cover, 300 psig NIH, 2 Pass Cover, 300 psig NIH, 3 Pass Cover, 300 psig NIH/MWB End Cover, 300 psig WATERBOX DESCRIPTION NIH, 1 Pass Cover, 150 psig NIH, 2 Pass Cover, 150 psig NIH, 3 Pass Cover, 150 psig NIH/MWB End Cover, 150 psig NIH, 1 Pass Cover, 300 psig NIH, 2 Pass Cover, 300 psig NIH, 3 Pass Cover, 300 psig NIH/MWB End Cover, 300 psig FRAME 1 Standard Flanged Nozzles 80 93 84 99 82 89 62 62 112 137 116 147 115 131 79 79 FRAME 4 Standard Flanged Nozzles 67 84 92 116 214 222 144 144 269 303 269 317 282 298 258 258 FRAME 7 COOLER Standard Flanged Nozzles 149 200 193 245 545 562 357 358 742 817 719 828 753 790 658 658 FRAME 8 COOLER Standard Flanged Nozzles 189 224 241 311 711 738 607 607 1027 1102 984 1134 1031 1105 872 872 FRAME 2 Standard Flanged Nozzles 145 159 145 159 136 154 136 136 186 220 186 235 196 212 181 181 FRAME 5 Standard Flanged Nozzles 76 104 107 135 285 297 178 178 347 381 345 398 361 380 323 323 FRAME 7 CONDENSER Standard Flanged Nozzles 149 200 193 245 505 531 319 319 668 741 640 746 679 732 653 653 FRAME 8 CONDENSER Standard Flanged Nozzles 189 224 241 311 652 679 407 407 844 914 787 927 854 905 742 742 FRAME 3 Standard Flanged Nozzles 145 159 145 159 140 154 136 136 186 220 186 235 196 212 181 181 FRAME 6 Standard Flanged Nozzles 85 101 117 150 371 382 228 228 435 470 419 487 445 468 414 414








LEGEND NIH Nozzle-in-Head MWB Marine Waterbox NOTE: Weight for NIH 2-Pass Cover, 150 psig is included in the heat exchanger weights shown in Table 6.

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Table 18 Optional Pumpout System Electrical Data

MOTOR CODE 1 4 5 6 CONDENSER UNIT 19EA47-748 19EA42-748 19EA44-748 19EA46-748 VOLTS-PH-Hz 575-3-60 200/208-3-60 230-3-60 400/460-3-50/60 MAX RLA 3.8 10.9 9.5 4.7 LRA 23.0 63.5 57.5 28.8

Table 20 Motor Voltage Code

Code 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 50 51 52 53 54 55 MOTOR VOLTAGE CODE Volts 200 230 380 416 460 575 2400 3300 4160 6900 230 346 400 3000 3300 6300 Frequency 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 50 50 50 50 50 50

LEGEND LRA Locked Rotor Amps RLA Rated Load Amps

Table 19 Additional Miscellaneous Weights


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Compressor Assembly Torques

ITEM 1* 2 3 4 5* 6* 7* DESCRIPTION Oil Heater Retaining Nut Bull Gear Retaining Bolt Demister Bolts Impeller Retaining Bolt Motor Terminals (Low Voltage) Guide Vane Shaft Seal Nut Motor Terminals (High Voltage) Insulator Packing Nut Brass Jam Nut TORQUE ft.-lb N m 20 28 80-85 108-115 15-19 20-26 44-46 60-62 50 68 25 34 2-4 5 10 2.7-5.4 6.8 13.6

LEGEND Nm Newton meters *Not shown. NOTES: 1. All clearances for cylindrical surfaces are diametrical. 2. Dimensions are with rotor in thrust position. 3. Dimensions shown are in inches. 4. Impeller spacing should be performed in accordance with most recent Carrier Service Bulletin on impeller spacing.


Fig. 44 Compressor Fits and Clearances

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ITEM A B C D E F G 221-299 .0050 .0040 .0050 .0040 .0115 .0055 .0190 .0040 .002 .0005 .0050 .0040 * COMPRESSOR CODE 321-389 421-489 .0050 .0055 .0040 .0043 .0050 .0053 .0040 .0043 .0115 .0100 .0080 .0050 .022 .027 .012 .017 .0020 .0029 .0005 .0014 .0050 .0048 .0040 .0038 * * 521-599 .0069 .0059 .0065 .0055 .0010 .0060 .0350 .0250 .0019 .0005 .0062 .0052 *

*Depends on impeller size, contact your Carrier Service Representative for more information. NOTE: All clearances for cylindrical surfaces are diametrical.

Fig. 44 Compressor Fits and Clearances (cont)

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Fig. 45 Allen-Bradley Wye-Delta Unit-Mounted Starter

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101 Fig. 45 Allen-Bradley Wye-Delta Unit-Mounted Starter (cont)

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LEGEND LL M OP PFCC RES S ST TB TC VL Contactor Circuit Breaker Control Power Current Transformer Disconnect Switch Fuse Ground High Pressure Relay Integrated Starter Module Main Supply Power Control Power Supply Contactor Oil Pump Power Factor Correction Capacitor Resistor Contactor Shunt Trip Terminal Block Transition Contactor Wire Label NOTES: 1. Remote device. 2. Transformer connected for 480 v primary 120 v secondary. For other voltages see chart: PRIMARY H1-H3 H1-H4 416 480 400 460 380 440 H1-H2 240 230 220 208 H1-H5 600 575 550 500 SECONDARY X1-X2 X1-X3 X1-X4 99 120 130 95 115 125 91 110 120 85 100 110 3. Current transformer amps nameplate ratio amps effective ratio with primary turns polarity marking Be sure to connect per polarity markings. 4. S - 2M contactors are electrically and mechanically interlocked. 5. Live capacitor unit. Deenergize starter. Wait one (1) minute and ground terminals before servicing. 6. All control wiring 14 gage red except as noted.

102 Fig. 45 Allen-Bradley Wye-Delta Unit-Mounted Starter (cont)


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ISM L LVG N.O. PRESS REQMT TEMP TB LEGEND (cont) Integrated Starter Module Main Supply Power Leaving Normally Open Pressure Requirement Temperature Terminal Board Denotes Control Panel Terminal Denotes Oil Pump Terminal Denotes Power Panel Terminal ** Denotes Motor Starter Panel Conn. Denotes Component Terminal Wire Splice Denotes Conductor Male/Female Connector Option Wiring AUX BRG C CB CCM CCN COMPR COND CVC DISCH DL/DP ENT EVAP EXT FR GND G.V. HGBP HT EXCH LEGEND Auxiliary Bearing Contactor Circuit Breaker Chiller Control Module Carrier Comfort Network Compressor Condenser Chiller Visual Controller Discharge Datalink or Dataport Entering Evaporator External Frame Ground Guide Vane Hot Gas Bypass Heat Exchanger


Fig. 46A Electronic PIC II Control Panel Wiring Schematic For CVC (Frame 2, 3, 4 Compressor)

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ISM L LVG N.O. PRESS REQMT TEMP TB LEGEND (cont) Integrated Starter Module Main Supply Power Leaving Normally Open Pressure Requirement Temperature Terminal Board Denotes Control Panel Terminal Denotes Oil Pump Terminal Denotes Power Panel Terminal ** Denotes Motor Starter Panel Conn. Denotes Component Terminal Wire Splice Denotes Conductor Male/Female Connector Option Wiring AUX BRG C CB CCM CCN COMPR COND DISCH DL/DP ENT EVAP EXT FR GND G.V. HGBP HT EXCH ICVC LEGEND Auxiliary Bearing Contactor Circuit Breaker Chiller Control Module Carrier Comfort Network Compressor Condenser Discharge Datalink or Dataport Entering Evaporator External Frame Ground Guide Vane Hot Gas Bypass Heat Exchanger International Chiller Visual Controller


Fig. 46B Electronic PIC II Control Panel Wiring Schematic For ICVC (Frame 2, 3, 4 Compressor)

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ISM L LVG N.O. PRESS REQMT TEMP TB LEGEND (cont) Integrated Starter Module Main Supply Power Leaving Normally Open Pressure Requirement Temperature Terminal Board Denotes Control Panel Terminal Denotes Oil Pump Terminal Denotes Power Panel Terminal ** Denotes Motor Starter Panel Conn. Denotes Component Terminal Wire Splice Denotes Conductor Male/Female Connector Option Wiring AUX BRG C CB CCM CCN COMPR COND CVC DISCH DL/DP ENT EVAP EXT FR GND G.V. HGBP HT EXCH LEGEND Auxiliary Bearing Contactor Circuit Breaker Chiller Control Module Carrier Comfort Network Compressor Condenser Chiller Visual Controller Discharge Datalink or Dataport Entering Evaporator External Frame Ground Guide Vane Hot Gas Bypass Heat Exchanger


Fig. 47A Electronic PIC II Control Panel Wiring Schematic For CVC (Frame 4 with Split Ring Diffuser and Frame 5 Compressor)

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L LVG N.O. PRESS REQMT TEMP TB LEGEND (cont) Main Supply Power Leaving Normally Open Pressure Requirement Temperature Terminal Board Denotes Control Panel Terminal Denotes Oil Pump Terminal Denotes Power Panel Terminal ** Denotes Motor Starter Panel Conn. Denotes Component Terminal Wire Splice Denotes Conductor Male/Female Connector Option Wiring AUX BRG C CB CCM CCN COMPR COND DISCH DL/DP ENT EVAP EXT FR GND G.V. HGBP HT EXCH ICVC ISM LEGEND Auxiliary Bearing Contactor Circuit Breaker Chiller Control Module Carrier Comfort Network Compressor Condenser Discharge Datalink or Dataport Entering Evaporator External Frame Ground Guide Vane Hot Gas Bypass Heat Exchanger International Chiller Visual Controller Integrated Starter Module


Fig. 47B Electronic PIC II Control Panel Wiring Schematic For ICVC (Frame 4 with Split Ring Diffuser and Frame 5 Compressor)

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LEGEND Denotes Oil Pump Terminal Denotes Power Panel Terminal * ** Denotes Mach. Control Panel Conn. Denotes Motor Starter Panel Conn. Denotes Component Terminal Wire Splice Denotes Conductor Male/Female Connector Option Wiring Frame Ground Ground Guide Vane Actuator Hot Gas Bypass Heat Exchanger Integrated Starter Module L N.O. PRESS REQMT T TB Main Supply Power Normally Open Pressure Requirement Transformer Terminal Board

107 Fig. 48 Power Panel Wiring Schematic


Auxiliary Contactor Circuit Breaker Chiller Control Module Communication Compressor Discharge


LEGEND AUX C CB CT DS FU G Auxiliary Contactor Circuit Breaker Current Transformer Disconnect Switch Fuse Ground HPR ISM L LL M RES S TB High Pressure Relay Integrated Starter Module Main Supply Power Control Power Supply Contactor Resistor Contactor Terminal Block

NOTES: 1. Power factor correction capacitors (when required) are connected ahead of all current transformers for proper calibration and sensing by the ISM and IQDP4130. 2. For phase to phase ground fault protection refer to Fig. 51. 3. For metering information refer to Fig. 52.

Fig. 49 Cutler-Hammer Wye Delta Unit Mounted Starter Sizes 3-5DP

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LEGEND AUX C CB CT DS FU G Auxiliary Contactor Circuit Breaker Current Transformer Disconnect Switch Fuse Ground HPR ISM L LL M RES S TB High Pressure Relay Integrated Starter Module Main Supply Power Control Power Supply Contactor Resistor Contactor Terminal Block

NOTES: 1. Power factor correction capacitors (when required) are connected ahead of all current transformers for proper calibration and sensing by the ISM and IQDP4130. 2. For metering option see Fig. 52.

Fig. 50 Cutler-Hammer Wye Delta Unit Mounted Starter Size 6DP

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LEGEND Current Transformer Integrated Starter Module Variable Frequency Drive Represents Twisted Wire To Door

Fig. 51 Ground Fault Phase Current Option


LEGEND Ammeter Current Transformer Main Power Supply Voltmeter Represents Twisted Wire To Door

Fig. 52 Separate Metering Option 110

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Fig. 53 Benshaw, Inc. Solid-State Unit Mounted Starter Wiring Schematic (Low Voltage)

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LEGEND AUX BR CB COND CPU CVC/ ICVC CT EVAP FU GND Auxiliary Bridge Rectifier Circuit Breaker Condenser Central Processing Unit Chiller Visual Controller Current Transformer Evaporator Fuse Ground L LL M O/L PFCC RLA SCR ST TB Main Supply Power Control Power Supply Contactor Overload Reset Power Factor Correction Capacitor Rated Load Amps Silicone Controller Rectifier Shunt Trip Terminal Block Wire Node Symbol may have terminal block Benshaw supplied terminal block Terminal Strip Power Connection PC Board Terminals Twisted Pair Twisted Shielded Pair Shield Wire Field Wiring

NOTES: 1 LED status with power applied and prior to run command.

"ON" "OFF"

3 4 5 6

Transformer T1 primary fuses FU1/FU2 value dependent on system voltage and model, per Chart 1. Transformer connections per transformer nameplate connection diagram. MOVs are used on power stack assemblies for system voltages of 200 through 460 vac (as shown). Resistor/capacitor networks (DVDTs) are used on power stack assemblies in place of MOVs for a system voltage of 575 vac (not shown). K3 relay shown in deenergized state. K3 contact will close when power is supplied. K3 contact will open on stop command or system fault. CT1-CT3 are sized per Chart 2. Optional.

Fig. 53 Benshaw, Inc. Solid-State Unit Mounted Starter Wiring Schematic (Low Voltage) (cont) 112
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AUX C CB COMM COND CPT CR CT DS EVAP FU G GFCT HPR ISM L LL LVG M MTR PRESS PT ST STAT TB TRANS VFD VL LEGEND Auxiliary Contactor Circuit Breaker Communication Condenser Control Power Transformer Control Relay Current Transformer Disconnect Switch Evaporator Fuse Ground Ground Fault Current Transformer High Pressure Relay Integrated Starter Module Main Power Supply Control Power Supply Leaving Contactor Motor Pressure Power Transformer Shunt Trip Status Terminal Block Transition Variable Frequency Drive Wire Label Starter Vendor Power Wiring Starter Vendor Control Wiring Field Installed Power Wiring (supplied by others) Field Installed Control Wiring (supplied by others) Option Starter Vendor Wiring Twisted Pair Wiring by Starter Vendor Customer Terminal Connection

113 Fig. 54 Typical Across-the-Line Starter Wiring Schematic (Medium Voltage)

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AUX C CB COMM COND CPT CR CT DS EVAP FU G GFCT HPR ISM L LL LVG M MTR PRESS PT ST STAT TB TRANS VFD VL LEGEND Auxiliary Contactor Circuit Breaker Communication Condenser Control Power Transformer Control Relay Current Transformer Disconnect Switch Evaporator Fuse Ground Ground Fault Current Transformer High Pressure Relay Integrated Starter Module Main Power Supply Control Power Supply Leaving Contactor Motor Pressure Power Transformer Shunt Trip Status Terminal Block Transition Variable Frequency Drive Wire Label Starter Vendor Power Wiring Starter Vendor Control Wiring Field Installed Power Wiring (supplied by others) Field Installed Control Wiring (supplied by others) Option Starter Vendor Wiring Twisted Pair Wiring by Starter Vendor Customer Terminal Connection

114 Fig. 55 Typical Primary Reactor Starter Wiring Schematic (Medium Voltage)


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LEGEND AUX C CB COMM COND CPT CR CT DISCH DS EVAP FU GFCT HPR ISM L LL MTR PRESS PT ST STAT TB TC TRANS VFD VL Auxiliary Contactor Circuit Breaker Communication Condenser Control Power Transformer Control Relay Current Transformer Discharge Disconnect Switch Evaporator Fuse Ground Fault Current Transformer High Pressure Relay Integrated Starter Module Main Power Supply Control Power Supply Motor Pressure Power Transformer Shunt Trip Status Terminal Block Transition Clear Transition Variable Frequency Drive Wire Label Starter Vendor Power Wiring Starter Vendor Control Wiring Field Installed Power Wiring (supplied by others) Field Installed Control Wiring (supplied by others) Option Starter Vendor Wiring Twisted Pair Wiring by Starter Vendor Customer Terminal Connection

115 Fig. 56 Typical Autotransformer Starter Wiring Schematic (Medium Voltage)

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116 Fig. 57 Typical Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) Wiring Schematic

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117 Fig. 57 Typical Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) Wiring Schematic (cont)

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118 Fig. 57 Typical Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) Wiring Schematic (cont)

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119 Fig. 57 Typical Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) Wiring Schematic (cont)

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120 Fig. 57 Typical Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) Wiring Schematic (cont)

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121 Fig. 57 Typical Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) Wiring Schematic (cont)


AUX CB CCM CCN COMM CT CVC DP/DL DS FD FR FU G GV HGBP HPR HPS HX ICVC IGBT IGV ISM J LEM MAB RC RMI ST T TB Auxiliary Circuit Breaker Chiller Control Module Carrier Comfort Network Communications Current Transformer Chiller Visual Controller Data Port/Data Link Disconnect Switch Fused Disconnect Fan Relay Fuse Chassis Ground Guide Vane Hot Gas Bypass High Discharge Pressure Relay High Pressure Switch Heat Exchanger International Chiller Visual Controller Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor Inlet Guide Vane Integrated Starter Module Junction Current Detector Module Adapter Board Regulator Controller Remote Metering Interface Shunt Trip Transformer Terminal Block VFD 1C 1M 2C 3C Variable Frequency Drive Compressor Oil Heater Contactor Start Contactor Oil Pump Contactor Hot Gas Bypass Relay Field Control Wiring Field Power Wiring Factory Wiring Shielded Cable Twisted Pair Wiring Male/Female Connector Terminal Block Connection Wire Splice or Junction Cam Switch Component Terminal Thermistor

Pressure Switch Compr Oil Pump Terminal Cartridge Fuse Earth Ground Resistor Chassis Ground Light Temperature Switch Common Potential Dry Contact VFD Terminal Current Transformer, Polarized (Direction Determined by ) Transformer IGBT Diode Silicone Control Rectifier

Transducer Fusible Link Potentiometer

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Abbreviations and Explanations, 4 Adding Refrigerant, 71 Adjusting the Refrigerant Charge, 71 After Extended Shutdown, 67 After Limited Shutdown, 66 Alarm (Trip) Output Contacts, 37 Attach to Network Device Control, 44 Automatic Soft Stop Amps Threshold, 47 Auto. Restart After Power Failure, 38 Before Initial Start-Up, 48 Capacity Override, 36 Carrier Comfort Network Interface, 54 Changing Oil Filter, 73 Charge Refrigerant Into Chiller, 63 Chilled Water Recycle Mode, 47 Chiller Control Module (CCM), 88 Chiller Dehydration, 53 Chiller Familiarization, 5 Chiller Information Nameplate, 5 Chiller Operating Condition (Check), 65 Chiller Tightness (Check), 48 Chillers with Isolation Valves, 70 Chillers with Storage Tanks, 69 Cold Weather Operation, 67 Compressor Bearing and Gear Maintenance, 74 Condenser, 5 Condenser Freeze Prevention, 38 Condenser Pump Control, 37 Control Algorithms Checkout Procedure, 77 Control Panel, 5 Control Modules, 87 Control Test, 77 Controls, 10 CVC/ICVC Operation and Menus, 15 Cooler, 5 Default Screen Freeze, 35 Definitions (Controls), 10 Demand Limit Control Option, 39 Design Set Points, (Input), 55 Details (Lubrication Cycle), 8 Display Messages (Check), 76 Dry Run to Test Start-Up Sequence, 65 Equipment Required, 48 Evaporator Freeze Protection, 38 Extended Shutdown (Preparation for), 66 Factory-Mounted Starter or Variable Frequency Drive, 7 General (Controls), 11 General Maintenance, 71 Guide Vane Linkage (Check), 72 Heat Exchanger Tubes and Flow Devices (Inspect), 74 High Altitude Locations, 63 High Discharge Temperature Control, 36 Ice Build Control, 43 Initial Start-Up, 64 Initial Start-Up Checklist for 19XR,XRV Hermetic Centrifugal Liquid Chiller, CL-1 Inspect the Control Panel, 73 Instruct the Customer Operator, 65 Integrated Starter Module (ISM), 88 Introduction, 4 Job Data Required, 48 Kilowatt Output, 37 Lead/Lag Control, 40 Leak Rate, 71 Leak Test Chiller, 50 Local Occupied Schedule (Input), 55 Local Start-Up, 46 Lubrication Cycle, 8 Lubrication System (Check), 72 Manual Guide Vane Operation, 67 123
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Motor and Lubricating Oil Cooling Cycle, 7 Motor-Compressor, 5 Motor Rotation (Check), 65 Notes on Module Operation, 87 Oil Changes, 73 Oil Charge, 55 Oil Cooler, 36 Oil Pressure and Compressor Stop (Check), 65 Oil Reclaim Filter, 73 Oil Reclaim System, 8 Oil Specification, 73 Oil Sump Temperature Control, 36 Open Oil Circuit Valves, 48 Operating Instructions, 66 Operating the Optional Pumpout Unit, 67 Operator Duties, 66 Optional Pumpout Compressor Water Piping (Check), 53 Optional Pumpout System Controls and Compressor (Check), 63 Optional Pumpout System Maintenance, 75 Ordering Replacement Chiller Parts, 75 Overview (Troubleshooting Guide), 76 Perform a Control Test, 62 Physical Data, 90 PIC II System Components, 11 PIC II System Functions, 33 Power Up the Controls and Check the Oil Heater, 55 Preparation (Initial Start-Up), 64 Preparation (Pumpout and Refrigerant Transfer Procedures), 67 Prepare the Chiller for Start-Up, 66 Pressure Transducers (Check), 75, 76 Prevent Accidental Start-Up, 65 Pumpout and Refrigerant Transfer Procedures, 67 Ramp Loading, 36 Refrigerant Filter, 73 Refrigerant Float System (Inspect), 74 Refrigerant Leak Detector, 37 Refrigerant Leak Testing, 71 Refrigerant Properties, 71 Refrigerant (Removing), 71 Refrigerant Tracer, 48 Refrigeration Cycle, 7 Refrigeration Log, 67 Relief Valves (Check), 53 Relief Valves and Piping (Inspect), 74 Remote Reset of Alarms, 37 Remote Start/Stop Controls, 36 Repair the Leak, Retest, and Apply Standing Vacuum Test, 72 Replacing Defective Processor Modules, 88 Running System (Check), 66 Safety and Operating Controls (Check Monthly), 73 Safety Considerations, 1 Safety Controls, 34 Safety Shutdown, 47 Scheduled Maintenance, 73 Service Configurations (Input), 55 Service Ontime, 73 Service Operation, 45 Shipping Packaging (Remove), 48 Shunt Trip (Option), 35 Shutdown Sequence, 47 Software Configuration, 55 Solid-State Starters, 88 Spare Safety Inputs, 36 Standing Vacuum Test, 50 Starter (Check), 54 Starting Equipment, 9 Starting Equipment (Inspect), 75

INDEX (cont)
Start-Up/Shutdown/Recycle Sequence, 46 Start the Chiller, 66 Stop the Chiller, 66 Storage Vessel, 7 Summary (Lubrication Cycle), 8 Surge Prevention Algorithm (Fixed Speed Chiller), 39 Surge Prevention Algorithm with VFD, 40 Surge Protection (Fixed Speed Chillers), 40 Surge Protection VFD Units, 40 System Components, 5 Temperature Sensors (Check), 76 Test After Service, Repair, or Major Leak, 71 Tighten All Gasketed Joints and Guide Vane Packing, 48 Tower Fan Relay Low and High, 38 Trim Refrigerant Charge, 72 Troubleshooting Guide, 76 Unit-Mounted Solid-State Starter, 9 Unit-Mounted VFD, 10 Unit-Mounted Wye-Delta Starter, 10 Using the Optional Storage Tank and Pumpout System, 48 VFD Cooling Cycle, 8 Water/Brine Reset, 38 Water Leaks, 74 Water Piping (Inspect), 53 Water Treatment, 75 Weekly Maintenance, 72 Wiring (Inspect), 53

Copyright 2001 Carrier Corporation Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations. PC 211 Catalog No. 531-982 Printed in U.S.A. Form 19XR-5SS Pg 124 6-01 Replaces: 19XR-4SS Book 2 Tab 5a

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Volts Mfg Volts Volts






230 Yes Yes Yes Yes

Assemble... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leak Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dehydrate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Charging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Operating Instructions


No No No No Hrs.


START-UP TO BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPROPRIATE MACHINE START-UP INSTRUCTIONS JOB DATA REQUIRED: No 1. Machine Installation Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes 2. Machine Assembly, Wiring and Piping Diagrams . . . . . . Yes No 3. Starting Equipment Details and Wiring Diagrams. . . . . . Yes No 4. Applicable Design Data (see above) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes No 5. Diagrams and Instructions for Special Controls . . . . . . . Yes No



INITIAL MACHINE PRESSURE: YES Was Machine Tight? If Not, Were Leaks Corrected? Was Machine Dehydrated After Repairs? CHECK OIL LEVEL AND RECORD:
3/4 1/2 Top sight glass 1/4 3/4 1/2 Bottom sight glass 1/4


ADD OIL: Yes Amount:




Condenser Final Charge After Trim

Initial Charge

Book Tab

Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations. 2 PC 211 Catalog No. 531-982 Printed in U.S.A. Form 19XR-5SS Pg CL-1 6-01 Replaces: 19XR-4SS 5a

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INSPECT WIRING AND RECORD ELECTRICAL DATA: RATINGS: Motor Voltage Line Voltages: Motor Motor(s) Amps Oil Pump Oil Pump Voltage Starter LRA Rating Controls/Oil Heater

FIELD-INSTALLED STARTERS ONLY: Check continuity T1 to T1, etc. (Motor to starter, disconnect motor leads T4, T5, T6.) Do not megger solid-state starters; disconnect leads to motor and megger the leads.
MEGGER MOTOR 10-Second Readings: 60-Second Readings: Polarization Ratio: PHASE TO PHASE T1-T2 T1-T3 T2-T3 PHASE TO GROUND T1-G T2-G T3-G




Manufacturer Serial Number

Motor Load Current Transformer Ratio Solid-State Overloads Yes No



Do these safeties shut down machine? Condenser Water Flow Chilled Water Flow Pump Interlocks Yes Yes Yes


No No No


INITIAL START: Line Up All Valves in Accordance With Instruction Manual: Start Water Pumps and Establish Water Flow Oil Level OK and Oil Temperature OK Check Oil Pump Rotation-Pressure Clockwise Yes* Check Compressor Motor Rotation (Motor End Sight Glass) and Record:
*If yes, determine cause.

Restart Compressor, Bring Up To Speed. Shut Down. Any Abnormal Coastdown Noise?


START MACHINE AND OPERATE. COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: A: Trim charge and record under Charge Refrigerant Into Chiller section on page 63. B: Complete any remaining control calibration and record under Controls section (pages 10-45). C: For unit mounted VFD complete pages 58-61. D: Take at least two sets of operational log readings and record. E: After machine has been successfully run and set up, shut down and mark shutdown oil and refrigerant levels. Hours F: Give operating instructions to owners operating personnel. Hours Given: G: Call your Carrier factory representative to report chiller start-up. SIGNATURES: CARRIER TECHNICIAN DATE CL-2
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19XR, XRV PIC II SETPOINT TABLE CONFIGURATION SHEET DESCRIPTION Base Demand Limit ECW Setpoint LCW Setpoint Ice Build Setpoint Tower Fan High Setpoint CVC/ICVC Number: CVC/ICVC Identification: BUS: Software RANGE 40 to 100 10 to 120 15 to 120 15 to 60 55 to 105 Version Controller ADDRESS: UNITS % DEG F DEG F DEG F DEG F DEFAULT 100 60.0 50.0 40.0 75 VALUE

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19XR, XRV PIC II TIME SCHEDULE CONFIGURATION SHEET OCCPC01S Day Flag M T W T F S Period 1: Period 2: Period 3: Period 4: Period 5: Period 6: Period 7: Period 8:
NOTE: Default setting is OCCUPIED 24 hours/day.


Occupied Time

Unoccupied Time

ICE BUILD 19XR, XRV PIC II TIME SCHEDULE CONFIGURATION SHEET OCCPC02S Day Flag M T W T F S Period 1: Period 2: Period 3: Period 4: Period 5: Period 6: Period 7: Period 8:
NOTE: Default setting is UNOCCUPIED 24 hours/day.


Occupied Time

Unoccupied Time

19XR, XRV PIC II TIME SCHEDULE CONFIGURATION SHEET OCCPC03S Day Flag M T W T F S Period 1: Period 2: Period 3: Period 4: Period 5: Period 6: Period 7: Period 8:
NOTE: Default setting is OCCUPIED 24 hours/day.


Occupied Time

Unoccupied Time

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CUT ALONG DOTTED LINE CUT ALONG DOTTED LINE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

19XR, XRV PIC II ISM_CONF TABLE CONFIGURATION SHEET DESCRIPTION Starter Type (0=Full, 1=Red, 2=SS/VFD) Motor Rated Line Voltage Volt Transformer Ratio: 1 Overvoltage Threshold Undervoltage Threshold Over/Under Volt Time Voltage% Imbalance Voltage Imbalance Time Motor Rated Load Amps Motor Locked Rotor Trip Locked Rotor Start Delay Starter LRA Rating Motor Current CT Ratio: 1 Current% Imbalance Current Imbalance Time Grnd Fault CTs? Ground Fault CT Ratio: 1 Ground Fault Current Ground Fault Start Delay Ground Fault Persistence Single Cycle Dropout Frequency-60 Hz? (No=50) Line Frequency Faulting RANGE 0 to 2 200 to 13200 1 to 35 105 to 115 85 to 95 1 to 10 1 to 10 1 to 10 10 to 5000 100 to 60000 1 to 10 100 to 60000 3 to 1000 5 to 40 1 to 10 0/1 150 1 to 25 1 to 20 1 to 10 0/1 0/1 0/1 VOLTS % % SEC % SEC AMPS AMPS cycles AMPS % SEC NO/YES AMPS cycles cycles DSABLE/ENABLE NO/YES DSABLE/ENABLE UNITS 1 460 1 115 85 5 10 5 200 1000 5 2000 100 15 5 YES 150 15 10 5 DSABLE YES DSABLE DEFAULT VALUE


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19XR, XRV PIC II OPTIONS TABLE CONFIGURATION SHEET DESCRIPTION Auto Restart Option Remote Contacts Option Soft Stop Amps Threshold Surge/Hot Gas Bypass Surge Limit/HGBP Option Select: Surge=0, HGBP=1 Min. Load Point (T1, P1) Surge/HGBP Delta T1 Surge/HGBP Delta P1 Full Load Point (T2, P2) Surge/HGBP Delta T2 Surge/HGBP Delta P2 Surge/HGBP Deadband Surge Protection Surge Delta% Amps Surge Time Period Ice Build Control Ice Build Option Ice Build Termination 0=Temp, 1=Contacts, 2=Both Ice Build Recycle Refrigerant Leak Option Refrigerant Leak Alarm mA Head Pressure Reference Delta P at 0% (4 mA) Delta P at 100% (20 mA) Minimum Output RANGE 0/1 0/1 40 to 100 UNITS DSABLE/ENABLE DSABLE/ENABLE % DEFAULT DSABLE DSABLE 100 VALUE

0/1 0.5 to 20 30 to 170 0.5 to 20 50 to 170 0.5 to 3 F PSI F PSI F

0 1.5 50 10 85 1

5 to 20 7 to 10


10 8

0/1 0 to 2 0/1 0/1 4 to 20





20 to 60 20 to 60 0 to 100

psi psi %

25 35 0

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CUT ALONG DOTTED LINE CUT ALONG DOTTED LINE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

19XR, XRV PIC II SETUP1 TABLE CONFIGURATION SHEET DESCRIPTION Comp Motor Temp Override Cond Press Override Comp Discharge Alert Comp Thrust Brg Alert Chilled Medium Chilled Water Deadband Evap Refrig Trippoint Refrig Override Delta T Condenser Freeze Point Evap Flow Delta P Cutout Cond Flow Delta P Cutout Water Flow Verify Time Oil Press Verify Time Recycle Control Restart Delta T Shutdown Delta T SPARE ALERT/ALARM ENABLE Disable=0, Lo=1/3, Hi=2/4 Spare Temp #1 Enable Spare Temp #1 Limit Spare Temp #2 Enable Spare Temp #2 Limit 0 to 4 40 to 245 0 to 4 40 to 245 0 245 0 245 RANGE 150 to 200 90 to 165 125 to 200 165 to 185 0/1 .5 to 2.0 0.0 to 40.0 2.0 to 5.0 20 to 35 0.5 to 50.0 0.5 to 50.0 0.5 to 5 15 to 300 2.0 to 10.0 0.5 to 4.0 UNITS DEG F PSI DEG F DEG F WATER/BRINE F DEG F F DEG F PSI PSI MIN SEC DEG F DEG F DEFAULT 200 125 200 175 WATER 1.0 33 3 34 5.0 5.0 5 40 5 1 VALUE



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19XR, XRV PIC II SETUP2 TABLE CONFIGURATION SHEET DESCRIPTION Capacity Control Proportional Inc Band Proportional DEC Band Proportional ECW Gain Guide Vane Travel Limit Diffuser Control Diffuser Option Guide Vane 25% Load Pt Diffuser 25% Load Point Guide Vane 50% Load Pt Diffuser 50% Load Point Guide Vane 75% Load Pt Diffuser 75% Load Point Diffuser Full Span mA VFD Speed Control VFD Option VFD Gain VFD Increase Step VFD Minimum Speed VFD Maximum Speed VFD Current Limit STATUS 2 to 10 2 to 10 1 to 3 30 to 100 % UNITS DEFAULT 6.5 6.0 2.0 80 VALUE

0 to 1 0 to 78 0 to 100 0 to 78 0 to 100 0 to 78 0 to 100 15 to 22

DSABLE/ENABLE % % % % % % mA

DSABLE 25 0 50 0 50 0 18

0/1 0.1 to 1.5 1 to 5 65 to 100 90 to 100 0 to 99999


DSABLE 0.75 2 70 100 250

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CUT ALONG DOTTED LINE CUT ALONG DOTTED LINE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


0 to 3 0/1 0/1 25 to 75 1 to 236 2 to 60 2 to 60 2 to 30 0/1 25 to 75 1 to 236 DSABLE/ENABLE DSABLE/ENABLE % MIN MIN MIN DSABLE/ENABLE %

0 DSABLE DSABLE 50 92 10 10 5 DSABLE 50 93


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19XR, XRV PIC II RAMP_DEM TABLE CONFIGURATION SHEET DESCRIPTION Pulldown Ramp Type: Select: Temp=0, Load=1 Demand Limit + kW Ramp Demand Limit Source Select: Amps=0, kW=1 Motor Load Ramp% Min Demand Limit Prop Band Demand Limit At 20 mA 20 mA Demand Limit Opt Motor Rated Kilowatts Demand Watts Interval RANGE 0/1 UNITS DEFAULT 1 VALUE

0/1 5 to 20 3 to 15 40 to 100 0/1 50 to 9999 5 to 60 % % DSABLE/ENABLE kW MIN

0 10 10 40 DSABLE 145 15

19XR, XRV PIC II TEMP_CTL TABLE CONFIGURATION SHEET DESCRIPTION Control Point ECW Control Option Temp Pulldown Deg/Min Temperature Reset RESET TYPE 1 Degrees Reset At 20 mA RESET TYPE 2 Remote Temp -> No Reset Remote Temp -> Full Reset Degrees Reset RESET TYPE 3 CHW Delta T -> No Reset CHW Delta T -> Full Reset Degrees Reset Select/Enable Reset Type RANGE 0/1 2 to 10 UNITS DSABLE/ENABLE F DEFAULT DSABLE 3 VALUE

30 to 30 40 to 245 40 to 245 30 to 30 0 to 15 0 to 15 30 to 30 0 to 3


10 85 65 10 10 0 5 0

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CUT ALONG DOTTED LINE CUT ALONG DOTTED LINE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

DESCRIPTION Time Broadcast Enable Daylight Savings Start Month Start Day of Week Start Week Start Time Start Advance Stop Month Stop Day of Week Stop Week Stop Time Stop Back

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RANGE DSABLE/ENABLE 1 to 12 1 to 7 1 to 5 00:00 to 24:00 0 to 360 1 to 12 1 to 7 1 to 5 00:00 to 24:00 0 to 360


CL-11 MIN HH:MM MIN 4 7 3 02:00 60 10 7 3 02:00 60


UNIT-MOUNTED VFD CONFIGURATION SHEET DESCRIPTION Maximum Speed Speed Display Scaling Motor Voltage Frequency Motor Amps Line Voltage Over Frequency Limit PARAMETER P.004 P.028 H.000 H.001 H.002 H.021 H.022 RANGE 15 to H.022 10 to 999 100 to 690 30 to 200 Power Module Dependent 300 to 565 30 to 210 DEFAULT * * * * * * * COMMENTS Job Sheet; 60 for 60 Hz and 50 for 50 Hz Job Sheet; 60 for 60 Hz and 50 for 50 Hz Selected line voltage 60 Hz = 60, 50 Hz = 50 Selected motor 100% amps Selected line voltage 60 Hz = 69, 50 Hz = 57

*Variable by job refer to component nameplates and labels.

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CUT ALONG DOTTED LINE CUT ALONG DOTTED LINE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -








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Copyright 2001 Carrier Corporation

Book Tab

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CUT ALONG DOTTED LINE CUT ALONG DOTTED LINE

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Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations. 2 PC 211 Catalog No. 531-982 Printed in U.S.A. Form 19XR-5SS Pg CL-16 6-01 Replaces: 19XR-4SS 5a

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