Liquid Cargo Discharge Plan - FINAL
Liquid Cargo Discharge Plan - FINAL
Liquid Cargo Discharge Plan - FINAL
Note: All cargo operations and other accompanying shipboard operations must be performed in full compliance with requirements, procedures and recommendations contained in latest edition of ISGOTT Chapters: 11, 12, 13, 22, 23, 24, 26 and other industry publications. ISM procedures, ship's specific equipment manuals, etc must be followed. Company and Master's Standing Orders are to be kept at all times. In US waters, all operations must be as per Oil Transfer Procedures for Oil Cargo meeting requirements of 33CFR 156. In Emergency, SHUT down the cargo, Raise alarm and follow the procedures laid down in VRP/SOPEP. ARRIVAL CONDITION API / Density Cargo Grade 1 Cargo Grade 2 Cargo Grade 3 Cargo Grade 4 F.O. MDO FW LO + Constant Light Ship DISPLACEMENT Arrival Draft Fwd: Mtrs. Aft: Mtrs. Mtrs. S.F. % B.M. % Mtrs. Temp
GOV (Bbls)
GOV (m3)
GSV (Bbls)
Expected water density at Berth Expected Temperature Sea Water Manifold connections available: 3 x 16 Manifolds to be used Maximum Allowed Manifold Pressure REMEMBER!!! Manifold height above sea level Underkeel clearance at berth Air draft for the port Max Discharge duration PLANNED DEPARTURE DRAFT
Issued Date : August 01, 2008 Revised Date : Our Goals are Simple Safety of Life is Paramount, Zero Casualties, Zero Pollution Incidents
IMOPRTANT INFORMATION Nominated cargo for discharge at this port Total qtty Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 COW To Discharge Remarks Discharge 1st - COT 1W, 4W (COW 4W) Full parcle to be discharged
Vessel will perform COW of COT [Insert cargo tank number here] at this port.
30 MINS [Insert here the agreed notice during Pre-Discharging meeting] PRIOR NOTICE OF RATE CHANGE SHALL BE GIVEN TO THE TERMINAL. ONE Hour Notice to be given to Engine Room for COPs. IG and Ballast Pumps. Draft (Mtrs) F Initial stage 1st Critical stage 2nd Critical stage 3rd Critical stage Trim (Mtrs) A Mid S.F. @Fr. # B.M. @Fr. # GoM (Mtrs) Manifold Height (Mtrs) Air Draft (Mtrs)
Final stage BUNKERING: [Refer to Bunkering plan by Chief Engineer] TO BE CONFIRMED PRIOR CARGO OPERATION 1. All scupper plugs are fully tightened in place. 2. Oil Spill Response Equipment is positioned and ready for immediate use at the Manifold area, Poop Deck, VRP locker etc. 3. Fire Fighting and Safety Equipment to be readily available at the Manifold area. 4. International Shore Connection is readily available at the gangway. 5. Drip trays are clear of any water and residue liquid. Drain valves of Drip tray [insert the valve numbers here] to cargo tank(s) [Insert cargo tank number here] are closed and lashed. 6. AC plant is working on partial recirculation mode. Accommodation and E/Room have positive pressure. All other vents (which are not necessary to be kept Open) shall be closed. All doors to be closed. Access to Accommodation should be from the opposite side of the connected manifolds. 7. Doors of Designated SMOKEROOMS are SHUT. 8. All checks as per Company and Ship-Shore Safety Checklist shall be carried out. 9. Cargo, Ballast and IG systems should be correctly lined up - refer to appropriate section of this Plan. 10. Pressure gauges and temperature gauges on all cargo manifolds port and starboard - covers removed, valves opened. 11. All crew have been informed of Hazards of cargo to be discharged as per latest MSDS. COMMUNICATION BETWEEN SHIP & TERMINAL CCR, DECK, E/Rm SHALL BE CONFIRMED WORKING WELL.
Issued Date : August 01, 2008 Revised Date : Our Goals are Simple Safety of Life is Paramount, Zero Casualties, Zero Pollution Incidents
LINE UP PRIOR DISCHARGE Always follow Chief Officers instructions!! CORRECTNESS OF LINE UP SHALL BE VERIFIED BY OOW AND REPORTED TO CHIEF OFFICER. For Grade 1 For Grade 2 For Grade 3 OPEN Valve No. [Insert here the valve numbers for discharging only Grade 1 cargo] OPEN Valve No. [Insert here the valve numbers for discharging only Grade 2 cargo] OPEN Valve No. [Insert here the valve numbers for discharging only Grade 3 cargo]
Ensure Cargo V/V Nos. [Insert here the valve numbers] are SHUT and LASHED. Cargo Valve Line up in Pump Room OPEN Valve No. [Insert here the valve numbers for discharging only Grade 1 cargo] For Grade 1 OPEN Valve No. [Insert here the valve numbers for discharging only Grade 2 cargo] For Grade 2 OPEN Valve No. [Insert here the valve numbers for discharging only Grade 3 cargo] For Grade 3 Ensure Cargo V/V Nos. [Insert here the valve numbers] are SHUT and LASHED.
Eductor Line Up: Slop S to Slop S OPEN Valve No. [Insert here the valve numbers for Eductor line UP] Vacuum Pumps line up OPEN Valve No. [Insert here the valve numbers for Vacuum Pump line UP] Open fresh water supply Ballast Line Up: By Gravity: [Insert here the valve numbers] OPEN:
Make sure all other Valves SHUT. Ensure discharge valve remains SHUT before starting or stopping pumps.
Make sure Gas detection system for Ballast tanks is SHUT INERT GAS SYSTEM IGS Line Up: All tank branch valves OPEN and LOCKED. Breather Valves and MAST RISER SHUT and LOCKED. The Tanks which have potential of vapor contamination shall be kept SHUT and LOCKED. They shall be OPENED only when ready to discharge. If tanks are NOT fitted with pressure sensors, Atmosphere pressure in these tanks shall be monitored by additional compound gauges fitted at each cargo tank. 1. Confirm that there are no alarm conditions, Fixed O2 analyzer is calibrated within 12hrs of discharge operation, Recording system is working and no abnormalities. 2. Start IG Plant 3. Ensure oxygen content (Digital recorder in CCR) is less than 5%Vol. OPEN Main Control Valve and start supply of IG into COTs. 4. Confirm, using portable O2 analyser, that supplied IG is less than 5% vol. Record actual reading. 5. Ensure that COTs IG pressure is always kept within the permissable range (400 - 1000 mmAg). 6. if during cargo discharge, any problem or unstable situation develops in IG system, CALL C/O !!! And commence reducing COPs revolutions to min (800 rev/min) [Insert here idling RPM of COTPs] REMEMBER : IN CASE OF FAILURE OF IG PLANT, STOP CARGO OPERATION AND IMMEDIATELY INFORM CH OFFICER AND TERMINAL.
Issued Date : August 01, 2008 Revised Date : Our Goals are Simple Safety of Life is Paramount, Zero Casualties, Zero Pollution Incidents
HEATING Ensure Cargo tank temperatures are maintained [Insert here maxm allowed temperature for the cargo] . Hourly record shall be maintained. CARGO DISCHARGING OPERATION Before Discharging starts, the C/O will be in the CCR, Officer Of Watch to oversee the situation. One watch-keeper will be monitoring the opposite side of the connected manifolds and the sea surface. Another watch-keeper will be stationed at the manifolds area will be monitoring the pipelines on the side of connected manifolds. The third watch-keeper will be patrolling the deck. The pump man will be in the pump-room to operate valves as ordered by Chief Officer. COMMENCING CARGO DISCHARGING CRITICAL STAGE When Terminal representative informs ship of shores readiness to receive cargo, For Grade 1 cargo: Ensure correct Manifold valve is OPEN, Open suction v/v of designated tanks [Insert cargo tanks with minimum ullage for discharging this grade] to fill up the bottom line and separator. Start COTP for 1st grade of cargo and increase RPM to 900 and slowly OPEN the discharge v/v. Ensure there is no leakage in Pump room, on deck and that off shore side manifold pressure gauge shows ZERO pressure. Ensure no oil sheen observed in water around ship. Once, Terminal confirms receiving cargo, increase COTP revolutions to max or till max agreed manifold pressure. Double check that cargo is being discharged from the intended Cargo tanks. For Grade 2 cargo: Ensure correct Manifold valve is OPEN, Open suction v/v of designated tanks [Insert cargo tanks with minimum ullage for discharging this grade] to fill up the bottom line and separator. Start COTP for 2nd grade of cargo and increase RPM to 900 and slowly OPEN the discharge v/v. Ensure there is no leakage in Pump room, on deck and that off shore side manifold pressure gauge shows
ZERO pressure. Ensure no oil sheen observed in water around ship. Once, Terminal confirms receiving cargo,
increase COTP revolutions to max or till max agreed manifold pressure. Double check that cargo is being discharged from the intended Cargo tanks. For Grade 3 cargo: Ensure correct Manifold valve is OPEN, Open suction v/v of designated tanks [Insert cargo tanks with minimum ullage for discharging this grade] to fill up the bottom line and separator. Start COTP for 3rd grade of cargo and increase RPM to 900 and slowly OPEN the discharge v/v. Ensure there is no leakage in Pump room, on deck and that off shore side manifold pressure gauge shows
ZERO pressure. Ensure no oil sheen observed in water around ship. Once, Terminal confirms receiving cargo,
increase COTP revolutions to max or till max agreed manifold pressure. Double check that cargo is being discharged from the intended Cargo tanks. Once, this set of COTs reaches level of slack tanks, OPEN other COTs as well for each grade. BALLASTING Once vessel's Draft reaches [Insert the Draft at which vessel shall start taking in Ballast] mtrs., start filling up WBTs [Insert the WBT Nos.] by gravity upto [Insert the sounding ] mtrs. Ensure that vessel is always kept UPRIGHT. Ensure that vessel is never trimmed by HEAD. Do Not excced max allowed Draft.
Issued Date : August 01, 2008 Revised Date : Our Goals are Simple Safety of Life is Paramount, Zero Casualties, Zero Pollution Incidents
WHEN 75% of CARGO REMAINS ON BOARD Continue discharging Bulk cargo. Maintain hourly record of Manifold pressure, Cargo Temperature, O2 contents of IG and discharge rate with stress calculations. Take rounds of deck and P/P room as per SSSCL. Ensure that vessel is always kept UPRIGHT. Ensure that vessel is never trimmed by HEAD. Do Not excced max allowed Draft. BALLASTING No Ballasting by WBP at at this stage. WHEN 50% of CARGO REMAINS ON BOARD Continue discharging Bulk cargo. Commence throttling COTs from Aft to have stagger of atleast 1m difference in Ullages to achieve a trim of atleast 5.0mtrs by stern for stripping and educting purposes. Maintain hourly record of Manifold pressure, Cargo Temperature, O2 contents of IG and discharge rate with stress calculations. Take rounds of deck and P/P room as per SSSCL. Ensure that vessel is always kept UPRIGHT. Ensure that vessel is never trimmed by HEAD. Do Not excced max allowed Draft. BALLASTING Adjust ballast levels to keep vessel upright using WBT 1 (P+S). Gravitate ballast in WBT 1W as much as possible. Ask E/Rm for both the Water Ballast Pumps. Start WBPs one by one with discharge valve SHUT and continue ballasing. WHEN 25% of CARGO REMAINS ON BOARD - CRITICAL STAGE Continue bulk discharge of cargo. De-bottom Slop S and SHUT when reached 12.00 mtrs ullage. By now, vessel shall have trim by stern between 5.0 to 6.0mtrs and about 0.5degree LIST to PORT. Reduce COTP speed to avoid cavitation. When 1COT reach 18 m , put AUS on auto mode. [SHUT any Pump and bottom crossover v/vs if OPEN] Strip dry Grade 1 COTs . Reduce COTP 1 and Line Up for Eductor. OPEN [Insert v/v nos] and SHUT [COTP Suction V/V] for drawing cargo from Slop (S) for drive of Eductor. EDUCTING - CRITICAL STAGE Educting Cargo Tanks [Insert either cargo tank group or Cargo Grade 1 COTs] : Increase COTP 1 to about 1200RPM to have eductor driving pressure of 0.98 Mpa . SHUT H3 and 105 If only one Grade of Cargo then switch over to second Group of line and Pump. And similarly third Group. [Insert v/v nos to be OPENED and SHUT for each group] . Educt one group at a time and trip the COTP. COW [Refer to Section - COW Operation] - CRITICAL STAGE Carry out COW as agreed with Terminal [Insert specific COT nos and sequence for COW] Refer to section "PREPARATION FOR COW" Once COW is complete, Double check the cargo in COTs by taking dip at all available dipping points. If required educt second time. Keep manifold OPEN to avoid any thermal expansion. Once, tank group 1 is EMPTY, transfer eductor drive to COTP 1 when rpm arround 800 [idling rpm] and trip the COTP 1. Repeat for other group of lines as well. EDUCT CARGO LINE and COTP - CRITICAL STAGE SHUT H1 and Educt COTP 1 and line . OPEN [DR31, DR32, DR33, DR21, DR22, DR23, ST20, ST23 Insert v/v nos. ] and Open [HV1] & control [HV2] for vacuum. When EMPTY, SHUT all v/vs for this line. SHUT Manifold v/v. Repeat for other group of lines as well.
Issued Date : August 01, 2008 Revised Date : Our Goals are Simple Safety of Life is Paramount, Zero Casualties, Zero Pollution Incidents
DISCHARGE SLOP TANK ASHORE - CRITICAL STAGE Confirm Shore line is OPEN Reduce pump speed to minimum, SHUT DC1 [Insert COTP Disch V/V] and OPEN P/P Rm Disch v/v [105] Increase COTP speed slowly and slowly OPEN DC1 [Insert COTP Disch V/V no.] Prepare stripping pump OPEN [ST01, ST02, ST03, ST20, ST23, E05, SPS/SSS Insert stripping line v/v nos.] Confirm OB6, ST05 & ST04 are SHUT. AUS in auto mode limit DC1 opening. When Slop P/S EMPTY, SHUT SPM/SSM, DC1 . STOP COTP1 by emergency trip when on min 700 rpms Close manifold v/v 108 . OPEN DR01, DR11, DR12, DR13 . Strip RED lines and pump via Marpol line to shore. When empty, STOP STRIPPER PUMP. PUMPMAN SHALL ALWAYS BE IN PUMPROOM WHEN STRIPPER PUMP RUNNING. HE SHALL FREQUENTLY REPORT THE CONDITION OF THE STRIPPER PUMP TO ENSURE NO HAMMERING OR LEAKAGE OCCURS. FINAL BALLAST CONDITION Once all Cargo lines are drained, Fill up Ballast tanks [Insert here the WBT nos for final Ballast] DISCONNECTION OF MANIFOLDS - CRITICAL STAGE Disconnection of Manifolds shall be supervised by OOW. Ship's crew shall remain at state of heightened alertness for any spillage during disconnection. The remanent of cargo in manifold, while disconnecting, shall be collected in the drip tray and drained into COT 4 [Insert here COT No.] . Drip trays shall be immediately wiped clean after draining. After disconnection of manifolds and cleaning of Drip tray, all SOPEP and FFE shall be returned to original storage position. Prepare vessel for sailing.
Issued Date : August 01, 2008 Revised Date : Our Goals are Simple Safety of Life is Paramount, Zero Casualties, Zero Pollution Incidents
PREPARATION FOR COW 1. When COT [Insert COT nos. for COW here] are initially stripped, Bottom Wash ( COW) will commence 2. Before Commence COW, be sure that all COW Master and local COW machine's valves are SHUT. 3. Check atmosphere of COTs to be washed for O2 content - MUST be less than 5%, preferably about 3%. O2 measurement to be carried out at 1m below deck and at half of the ullage space (approx. 9m) 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Complete the Tanker Operation Check list (DD-0708A-00) Part AR-5"COW Check list (Before COW) COW will be performed using COTP No. [Insert COTP no. same as Eductor] Open valve TC2 and drain valves at the fore end of COW line.Open machines valves Slowly open TC1 to 10%.When cargo passing, drain valves order to shut. Open COW machine's valves Open valve TC1 and increase the pressure up to 0.9 MPa.Keep deck hands standby at the master valve COT 4W [Insert here the 1st set of COT to be COWed] Check COW line for leaks.If any leak identified, immideately SHUT TC1 and OPEN Master valve of COT 4W to depressurize the line If no leaks detected, slowly open TC1 to FULL & Master valve of COT 4W. C onfirm all machines working properly Complete Tanker Operation Check list (DD-0708A-00) Part AR-6 COW Check list (During COW) COW machines must be adjusted in advance for Bottom Wash cycle 035-0-035. During COW, eductor shall be running only for the tanks being washed. Make sure driving pressure abt 0.8 ~ 1.0MPa. During COW, deck lines shall be constantly monitored for any developing leakages. When COT 4W stripped, OPEN Local valves for COT 1W [Insert here the next set of COT to be COWed] and then OPEN Master valve for COT 1W , check that machines running properly. Repeat Step 12 ~15 for all COTs whih are scheduled for COW. When washing cycle for Last COT for COW is complete, reduce the COTP speed, SHUT the Valve TC1 and leave the Local Machine's valves OPEN to drain the branches for this COT. Continue to Strip the COTs till empty. On completion of Stripping, put the COTP to Discharging Mode and drain the COW Line in Slop Port. Fill in the Tanker Operation Check list (DD-0708A-00) Part AR-7"COW Check list (After COW) When COW line becames Empty, Close all COW Master and Local valves for the Cow Machines. Set the nozzle of each machine to Zero.
EMERGENCY STOP PROCEDURE, SPILL PROCEDURES and SPILL CONTAINMENT No officer should hesitate to initiate the Emergency Spill Procedure in cases of oil spill !!! All shipboard emergency procedures regarding oil spills are laid down in Ship's Oil Pollution Prevention Plan (SOPEP) OR in Vessel's Response Plan (VRP) - for US waters. Read Terminal procedures from Pre-Discharging meeting. As a first step, do following: 1. Initiate Emergency Shutdown, Sound General Alarm. 2. Notify the Terminal immediately. SHUT Manifolds. SHUT all hydraulic v/vs of cargo system 3. Depressurize the line into slack tank. 4. Stop all ballast operation and SHUT all hydraulic valves of Ballast system 5. Once Ch Officer is on the scene, follow his instructions as a leader of Spill Response Party. 6. All information required by Terminal will be provided only by Ch Officer or Master, as Master deems fit!!
Issued Date : August 01, 2008 Revised Date : Our Goals are Simple Safety of Life is Paramount, Zero Casualties, Zero Pollution Incidents
HAZARDS OF CARGO [Special precautions as per MSDS of present cargo shall be mentioned here]
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS DURING DISCHARGING OPERATION The Duty Officer, Pumpman and all deck watch keeping Ratings are required to be carrying an operational personal Multi Gas detector while on the cargo deck. Immediately wear Full face cartridge respirators if H2S content above 5 ppm is detected by the personal detectors. Spare EEBDs will be located at the manifold and pump room ready for immediate use. Personnel making routine P/P Room inspections shall have personal Multi Gas detector detector and intrinsically safe radio During loading operations in particular when cargo sampling, hoses connection / disconnection and gauging routine vapor concentrations checks will be carried out on deck. Also spot atmosphere checks will be carried out in the accommodation and engine room by the Duty Officer using an H2S gas measuring instrument to ensure safe vapor levels are not being exceeded. All obtained readings should be recorded in cargo log book. During routine ullage comparison and topping off the ship's crew on deck will have personal Multi Gas detector and full face cartridge respirators and EEBDs as stand by.
AFTER COMPLETION OF DISCHARGING Ship's personnel supervising or participating in loading arms / hoses disconnection must have personal Multi-Gas detector, cartridge respirator appropriate for toxic gas (as per MSDS) and EEBDs as stand by.
Issued Date : August 01, 2008 Revised Date : Our Goals are Simple Safety of Life is Paramount, Zero Casualties, Zero Pollution Incidents
DESIGNATION OF DUTIES (refer SMS Record DD-0306B - Weekly Watch Schedule) Chief Officer PIC and SSO In-charge of all discharging, ballasting and Safety operations. Duty in CCR and on Deck as required. 2nd Officer Alternate of PIC. Responsible for the handling of oil transfer and ballast operation during his watch. Duty in CCR or on deck as directed.Ensuring moorings, manifold connections, gangway/patrolling watch, watchmen duties maintained. Ensuring vessel's and operations safety condition (stresses, stability, draughts, pressures, rates, etc.) Ensuring all required checks and records maintained up-to-date.
3rd Officer Alternate of PIC. Responsible for the handling of oil transfer and ballast operation during his watch. Duty in CCR or on deck as directed.Ensuring moorings, manifold connections, gangway/patrolling watch, watchmen duties maintained. Ensuring vessel's and operations safety condition (stresses, stability, draughts, pressures, rates, etc.) Ensuring all required checks and records maintained up-to-date. Bosun Overall supervision- on deck duties as per Ch Off orders. In-charge of all pre-arrival preparations on deck
Pumpman Pre-arrival tests and preparation, checking 02 % in cargo tanks, check ballast tanks, chain lockers, lining up valves on deck, pump room, etc as per C/O orders. Draining I.G. line, inspect mast-riser's, flame arrester, preparing/cleaning M.M.C. tapes, fitting cargo reducers as required, assisting cargo surveyors. In charge of pump room, cargo and ballast pumps, stripping pump, maintaining all pump room machinery in good working condition. Deck Watchmen Monitoring and ensuring good condition of the following and reporting at least once every hour:
Mooring lines Tend them as necessary. Ensure vessel is always alongside terminal.
fire wires manifold connections Position of Gangway/ accommodation ladder Cargo lines on deck for any sign of leak Draining the accumulated water on deck after obtaining permission from CCR Pump room area, cargo and ballast pumps and lines condition in pump room, including bilges PV Breaker, line pressure, Deck Seal, obtaining local readings Gauging/dipping tanks as directed operating valves as directed Water around the vessel for any sign of oil/film or any unusual object, passing traffic Monitor ballast water discharge for any presence of oil
Security watch on gangway with appropriate handling of visitors update Visitors Log Book Security Safety and Security patrolling on deck Any other job as delegated by OOW
Issued Date : August 01, 2008 Revised Date : Our Goals are Simple Safety of Life is Paramount, Zero Casualties, Zero Pollution Incidents
This plan is discussed with all officers and all confirm understanding of all components of the plan. Name Prepared by Discussed and understood by Chief Officer 2nd Off 3rd Off 3rd Off Addnl Off Signature
Issued Date : August 01, 2008 Revised Date : Our Goals are Simple Safety of Life is Paramount, Zero Casualties, Zero Pollution Incidents
A. Pk. Tk. SLOP (S) WBT 4(S) 6(S) 5(S) WBT 3(S) 4(S) 3(S) WBT 2(S) 2(S) 1(S) WBT 1(S)
F. Pk. Tk.
Cgo 1 Cgo 2
Cgo 3 m3
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 100000 110000
Issued Date : August 01, 2008 Revised Date : Our Goals are Simple Safety of Life is Paramount, Zero Casualties, Zero Pollution Incidents
@ 3000m3/hr
Cgo 3
@ 2000m3/hr
Cgo 2
@ 2500m3/hr
Cgo 1
@ 1800m3/hr
20 Time in Hours
Issued Date : August 01, 2008 Revised Date : Our Goals are Simple Safety of Life is Paramount, Zero Casualties, Zero Pollution Incidents
Issued Date : August 01, 2008 Revised Date : Our Goals are Simple Safety of Life is Paramount, Zero Casualties, Zero Pollution Incidents
Issued Date : August 01, 2008 Revised Date : Our Goals are Simple Safety of Life is Paramount, Zero Casualties, Zero Pollution Incidents