May 11 12
May 11 12
May 11 12
Pastor: Fr. Robert Par, Ext. 110 Administrative Secretary: Susan Grates, Ext. 101
Mission Statement:
We, the people of St. Roch Parish, called to be Priest, Prophet, and Servant, endeavoring by our lifes activities to realize the prayer Christ spoke, that we may be one.
Commissioned Lay Minister Mary Ann Musser Pastoral Council Chairperson Molly Bass Finance Committee Chairperson Chris Cristiano Bookkeeper Mike DeGrace Coordinator of Religious Education Elizabeth Wiesenbach Cemetery Sexton Ben Willenberg Bulletin &Webmaster Sarah Behaeghe
On the Agenda
Wednesday, May 15 10:30 AM League of Catholic Women @ St. Michaels, Port Austin 6:00 PM Implementation Committee Meeting at St. Roch
Mass Schedule
Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 9:00 AM Check Bulletin for Weekday Masses and Holy Days
In order to celebrate the following Sacraments here at St. Roch, it is vital to be an active member of our Faith Community by participating regularly in our Worship and being a registered parishioner. Registration: If you wish to become a member of our parish family, please stop by the Parish Office to register. Baptism: We ask that you please make an appointment, prior to birth, if possible, with the Pastor. Marriage: An appointment with the Pastor must be made atleast 6 months before the wedding celebration. Reconciliation: First Saturday of the month from 9:30 to 10:30 AM, or by appointment. Pastoral Care: If you or someone you know wishes a visit and/or Holy Communion during an illness or hospital stay, please contact the Parish Office.
Thank you for your generosity. Count Group: Monday, May 13: Group 2
This Sunday, the Feast of the Ascension, marks another moment in sacred memory. Jesus - the Christ risen and now glorious - departs from the apostles. He leaves with us a commissioning which, over history, has borne great fruit: Go out and teach all nations the good news. Because of our human nature and our continual need for conversion, we have seen evidence of a certain neglect on our part of spreading the good news while also living it. On Pentecost, the fear hindering the apostles was dispelled. We too have received this same spirit through our confirmation; our own fears are dispelled by embracing the Holy Spirit. These are not poetic concepts to encourage or purely motivate it is a promise that will impassion us to be in the world and be the example of the Way. Pray with the whole Church for renewal each day, that our baptism and confirmation will bring a lively proclamation of Christs message of service as a Church, fearlessly.
Most Gracious Heavenly Father, We thank you for our mothers to whom you have entrusted the care of every precious human life from its very beginning in the womb. You have given to woman the capacity of participating with you in the creation of new life. Grant that every woman may come to understand the full meaning of that blessing, which gives her an unlimited capacity for selfless love for every child she may be privileged to bear, and for all your children. Watch over every mother who is with child, strengthen her faith in your fatherly care and love for her and for her unborn baby. Give her courage in times of fear or pain, understanding in times of uncertainty and doubt, and hope in times of trouble. Grant her joy in the birth of her child. To mothers you have given the great privilege and responsibility of being a child's first teacher and spiritual guide. Grant that all mothers may worthily foster the faith of their children, following the example of Mary, Elizabeth, and other holy women who follow Christ. Help mothers to grow daily in knowledge and understanding of Your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and grant them the wisdom to impart this knowledge faithfully to their children and to all who depend upon them. Assist all "spiritual mothers", those who, though they may have no children of their own, nevertheless selflessly care for the children of others -- of every age and state in life. Grant that they may know the joy of fulfilling this motherly calling of women, whether in teaching, nursing, religious life, or in other work which recognizes and fosters the true dignity of every human being created in your image and likeness. We beseech you to send your Holy Spirit, the Comforter, to all mothers who sorrow for children that have died, are ill or estranged from their families, or who are in trouble or danger of any kind. Help grieving mothers to rely on your tender mercy and fatherly love for all your children. We ask your blessing on all those to whom you have entrusted motherhood. May your Holy Spirit constantly inspire and strengthen them. May they ever follow the example of Mary, mother of Our Lord, and imitate her fidelity, her humility, and her self-giving love. May all mothers receive your Grace abundantly in this earthly life, and may they look forward to eternal joy in your presence in the life to come. We ask this through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, world without end. AMEN.
K of C Womens Auxiliary The meeting for May 23rd is cancelled. Election of officers will take place at the June meeting.
Strawberry Social
In the Parish Center, following Saturday and Sunday Mass th th May 18 and 19 Come Join Us!!
**All proceeds will benefit medical costs incurred** th Sunday, May 19 from 11:30 AM to 3:00 PM In the North Huron High School Cafeteria Cost: $10 a plate Come enjoy an afternoon of food and fellowship. The meal will include Pasta House pasta, salads, beverages, and dessert. Activities for the day include a silent auction, bake sale, and DJ.
There will be a box located in the back of Church to collect items to send overseas for our troops. There is a list of suggested items posted, including food items, clothing, toiletries, and fun time items. Thank you for your support, and
We would love to have you join us in song for the Mass to celebrate th the 75 anniversary of our Saginaw Diocese. The Mass will be on Thursday, June 27 at Saginaw Valley State Universitys Ryder Center If you would like to participate, you must attend one of the following rehearsals; we are providing 3 different locations and times to try to accommodate as many interested singers as possible. Saturday, May 18 10 AM to 12 PM at Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish, Midland Thursday, June 13 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM at St. Elizabeth of Hungary Parish, Reese Saturday, June 22 10 AM to 12 PM at Holy Spirit Catholic Church, Saginaw Steves Cleaning Service
Steve & Carmeline Rybinski Commercial & Residential FREEestimates
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