What Is Intrinsic Stand of Ratio

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What is intrinsic stand of ratio? Mention two advantages of LCD over LED. What is meant by dark current photodiode? Write the significant of varactor diode. Write the drain current equation of JFET. What is tunneling? What is LED give its application? Draw the VI characteristics of TRIAC. What is trans conductance in JFET? Write current equation of CE configuration.

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Draw the equivalent ckt of tunnel diode. Draw the equivalent CKT of UJT. What is mean by early effect? In what way photo diode differ from photo transistor. Write the drain current equation of enhancement MOSFET. How varactor diode act as variable capacitor? Define photo voltaic effect. Mention the application MOSFET. Define holding current in SCR. Write the applications of photoconductive cell. Write the current equations of CB configuration. Part B Explain how does the construction operation and characteristics of enhancement MOSFET differ from depletion MOSFET. Explain the CE configuration of BJT in detail with required diagram. Define and compare ,,. With necessary diagram explain the operation of JFET. N-channel MOSFET are preferred of over p-channel MOSFET give the reason Draw the i/p and o/p characteristics of a transistor in common emitter configuration and explain different region. Describe the working principal and characteristics of NPN transistor. Explain how breakdown occur in a transistor and draw the CB,CC and CE characteristics of it. Briefly describe on thermal effect of MOSFET. Compare the different transistor configuration with minimum 4 parameters.

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Describe about the working principle and characteristics of PNP transistor. Draw and explain the I/P and O/P characteristics BJT with CB configuration. Briefly describe on thermal effect of BJT. What is meant by transistor and explain the term Emitter, Collector, Base. Draw the symbol of resistor, capacitor, inductorand give its unit. Draw the pin diagram and symbol of NP,FET,NPN Transistor. Draw the symbol and pin diagram of SCR,TRIAE. Draw the symbol of PIN, Tunnel, varactordiode. Draw the symbol of AC, DC source VOA (AC), Ammeter(DC). Draw the pin diagram and symbol of NP,FET,NPN Transistor. Draw the symbol and pin diagram UJT,DIAC Draw the symbol of photodiode, phototransistor, photovoitaic cell. Explain the construction and operations of LED. Draw and explain the two transistor equivalent model of SCR. Draw and explain the VI Characteristics of TRIAC. With necessary diagram explain the operation of VTT with the help of emitter characteristics. Draw the VI Characteristics of SCR and explain its working. Briefly discus the Principal behind the varactor diode and list out its applications. Explain the consrution and working of a tunnel diode Compare a DIAC and TRIAC. Write short notes on LED and LCD. Explain the working of photoconductor cell with its characteristics and applications. Explain the consrution and working of a tunnel diode Explain with a neat diagram about the working of PIN diode Explain briefly with a neat diagram about LASER and LCD Explain in detail about the working of photodiode, phototransistor with neat diagram and symbol

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