Cavity Theory - Dosimetry of Small Volume PDF
Cavity Theory - Dosimetry of Small Volume PDF
Cavity Theory - Dosimetry of Small Volume PDF
Cavity theory
Problem: dose to water (or other substance) is wanted, but dose measured with a detector ( dosimeter) which have a different composition (atom-number, density) Transform dose to detector to dose in water? The dose determination is based on both measurements and calculations; dependent of the knowledge of radiation interaction Cavity theory: dose of small volume, or volume of low density useful for charged particles
Cavity theory
Consider a field of charged particles in a medium x, with a cavity k positioned inside:
x When the fluence is unchanged over the cavity the dose becomes:
dT Dk = dx col k
Cavity theory
When the cavity is absent the dose in the same point in x:
dT Dx = dx col x
Bragg-Gray relation
Example: BG theory
The cavity is filled with air. The number of gas ionizations (measurable value) are proportional with dose to the air volume. The cavity is placed in water and radiated with 1 MeV electrons and the dose in the air cavity is measured to 1 Gy. What is the dose to water? Dose relation:
D water = Dair
dT dx col air
D water =
The relation between (water/air) are tabulated or the theoretical expressions can be used.
Example: BG theory
Dose to water is then: Dwater= 1.11 Dair = 1.11 Gy Cavity theory attach the dose in the sensitive volume (the measurable value) to the actual volume If only the dose to the cavity can be determinate, then it is just relative dosimetry
dT T dT = dx col
dT dT T dT = dx col dx col
dT Dx = D k k dx col
en Dx = = Dk k
0 d 1
d = 1 : no photon absorption B-G theory The range of electrons important if kinetic energy high enough electrons traverse the cavity and d > 0