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Manufacturing Journal Voucher


Manufacturing Journal Voucher

Go to Gateway of Tally > Inventory Vouchers > Alt +F7 > select Manufacturing Journal For more information on creating Manufacturing Voucher type refer Creating Manufacturing Journal.

Name of Product Select the product which needs to be manufactured from the List of Items. The Item selected in Name of Item field will be the primary Item which will be manufactured using different components.
BOM Name

Select the Bill of Material if you want the components utilised to manufacture the finished goods to be displayed automatically.
Not e : If BO M is s e le c t e d t he C om ponent s us e d fo r t he m a nufa c t ure o f finis he d go o ds & t he By -P roduct s /C o- P roduct s o r S cra p pro duc e d during m a nufa c t uring w ill be de fault e d.

For more details on creating BOM & recording Manufacturing Journal using BOM refer the topic - Creating Bill of Materials for a Stock Item

Godown Select the godown where you would like to place the produced goods.

Quantity Enter the quantity to be produced.

% of Cost Allocation This field displays the Percentage of Cost of Allocation to the Primary Item manufactured.
Not e : In a m a nufa c t uring pro c e s s if t he re a re no by - P ro duc t s / c o - pro duc t s o r s c ra p pro duc e d t he n t he % of C os t of A lloca t ion t o P rim ary It e m w ill 1 0 0 % . If t he re a re a ny by -product s /C o- product s or s cra p is m anufa c t ured t he n t he % of C os t of

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Manufacturing Journal Voucher


A llocat ion t o prim a ry it e m w ill be Tot a l C os t - C os t a lloca t e d t o By P roduct s /C o P roduct s /S crap.

Batch Name, Mfg Date, Expiry If the item to be manufactured in batches then enter the Batch Name, Manufacturing Date and Expiry Date.

Components (Consumption) The list of Sub-Component items which will be used to produce the finished goods, need to be selected here. 1. 2. 3. 4. Name of Item: In this field select the components used for the manufacture of finished goods. Godown: In this field select the Godown from where the components are consumed for production. Quantity: In this field mention the Quantity of Raw materials required to manufacture the finished goods. Rate: In this field mention the rate (purchase cost) of the raw materials used in the manufacture of finished goods Amount: In this filed the Amount will be calculated automatically based on Quantity & Rate of item


Co-Products/ By-Products /Scrap The list of By-products/ Co-products or Scrap produced during the manufacture of finished goods need to be selected here 1. Name of Item: In this field select the By-product/Co-product/Scrap name which is produced in the process of manufacture of finished goods Godown: Select the godown where the By-product/Co-product/Scrap produced will be stored % of Cost Allocation: In this field specify the % of cost of allocation to be made towards the By-product/Coproduct/Scrap produced Quantity: In this field mention the Quantity of By-product/Co-product/Scrap produced Rate: This is the rate of producing of By-product/Co-product/Scrap. (Rate = Amount/Quantity) Rate will be displayed automatically Amount: Amount will be displayed automatically based on the % of Cost Allocation defined for the By-product/Co-product/Scrap produced. Tally.ERP 9 calculates the % of Cost Allocation on Effective Cost In the above Example: Amount of By-Product 1(5,050) = 20,20,000 (Effective Cost) X 0.25\100 (% of Cost Allocation)

2. 3.

4. 5.


Cost of Components This field displays the total cost of the components (raw materials) used in the manufacture of finished goods.

Type of Addl. Cost Enter the additional cost incurred for manufacturing the finished goods, if any.

Total Addl. Cost The total of all additional cost will be displayed here.

Effective Cost The Effective cost is total of Cost of Components (Consumption) + Additional Cost incurred to manufacture the finished goods & Co-Product/By-product or Scrap In the above example: 20,00,000 + 20,000 = 20,20,000 is incurred manufacture Item B (Primary Item), By-Product 1 & Scrap

Allocation to Primary Item The cost allocated to manufacture the Primary Item will be displayed in this field. Allocation to Primary Item = Effective Cost - Total cost of Co-products/By-Products/Scrap

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Manufacturing Journal Voucher


Effective Rate of Primary Item This is the rate of the Primary Item Manufactured (finished item). In the above example: 20,08,890 / 2000 (number of Item B produced) = 1004.45/nos.

Manufacture of Finished Goods without By-Product/Co-Product/Scrap

In some manufacturing processes only finished goods will be produced without By-product/Co-product/scrap. In those cases users may not need the provision to move to By-Product/Co-product/scrap section. You can configure the movement of cursor to By-Product/Co-product/scrap section. In case, where you don't have By-Product/Co-product/scrap details to skip the movement of cursor to that section In F12: Configure (Stock Journal Configuration) Set the option Skip Co-Product/By-Product/Scrap Stock Item to Yes

Not e : W he n t he o pt io n S k ip C o- P roduct /By -P roduct /S cra p S t ock It e m is ba nd t he us e r is rec o rding a Ma nufa ct uring Journa l fo r a s t ock it e m fo r w hic h t he BO M is c re a t e d by c apt uring t he de t a ils o f By - P roduct / C o- P roduct / S crap ; t he n Ta lly .ERP 9 w ill igno re t he c o nfigura t io n a nd w ill c apt ure t he det ails o f By - P ro duc t / C o - P ro duc t / Sc rap. It w ill a ls o allo w t o m o dify t he de t a ils in By - P ro duc t / C o P ro duc t / Sc ra p s ec t io n.

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