CV Oscar Chagolla (EN-2015)

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Audiovisual Professional Creativity / Production / Directing / Post-Production

Camelia 227 B-103, Buenavista, Cuauhtmoc Mxico, D.F. Cel: (55) 4278 7146
[email protected]

Audiovisual Professional with wide experience in ATL and Digital productions.


Writer, producer, director, cinematographer, animator, VFX artist and editor are mere
labels from a single passion: Storytelling. The art of blending words, music, sounds,
images, motion and rhythm to create something beautiful beyond the message.
Accustomed to demanding tasks and work under pressure, with leadership abilities
and constant desire to improve professionally and personally.





Visual Effects:

3D Generation:

- Screenwriting
- Producing
- Directing
- Photography
- Editing
- Compositing
- Color Grading
- Audio Design
- Mastering

- VFX Supervision
- Matte Painting
- Chroma Keying
- 2D/2.5D Tracking
- Matchmoving
- Rotoscoping
- Compositing
- Particle Effects
- Color Correction

- Modelling
- Mapping
- Rigging
- FK/IK Animation
- Morpher & Cloth
- Illumination
- Particles
- Cameras
- Rendering





- Motion Graphics
- CG Cut Out
- Stop Motion
- 2.5D Puppeting
- 3D Animation
- Stereoscopic

- Advertising
- Portrait (K&A)
- Tabletop
- Tilt-Shift
- Digital Comp.

- Copywriting
- Audiovisual
- Interactive
- Radio Ads
- TV Ads
- Social Media

- Spanish: Native
- English: Advanced
- Portuguese: Advanced
- Italian: Basic
- German: Basic
- Russian: Basic

Provide a wide experience in audiovisual communication, for both ATL and Digital
productions, with a solid understanding of the tools, requirements and media
posibilities in order to become a valuable member of the company: capable of
planning, coordinate and implement the best solutions according to the budget
and communicational needs of each project.
Video Tools:

Visual Effects:

Color Grading:

Web Design:

- Premiere Pro
- Final Cut
- DragonFrame

- After Effects
- Mocha/Boujou
- Eyeon Fusion

- RG Color Suite
- SpeedGrade
- DaVinci Resolve

- Dreamweaver
- Muse
- Flash Professional

Audio Tools:

3D Generation:


Graphic Design:

- Audition
- Audacity

- 3ds Max
- Motion Builder

- Encore
- Media Encoder

- Photoshop Ext.
- Illustrator

Creative, Producer, Director, Post-producer. (Mexico city. Present)
Functions: Outsourcing services from pre- to post-production for clients as: GrupoW, BNN, Conspirao
Filmes, Olabuenaga Chemistry, Panamericano (Brinks), Stephanie Ascencio and others.

Oveja Negra Lowe, advertising agency. (Mexico city. 2013)
Functions: Planning, coordination and supervision of TV and Radio Ads, as well as postproduction services
for Camel, Axe, Zwan, Fiat, Mitsubishi and Jaguar, and creation of strategy videos for integrated campaigns.

Conspirao Filmes, production company. (So Paulo, Brazil. 2012-2013)
Functions: Creation of videos providing a comprehensive outsourcing service from pre- to post-production,
including projects for clients such as VW, Nivea, Ford, Agncia Click, Banco do Brasil, GE and Fox FX.

Video & VFX Leader


Grupo W, digital agency. (Saltillo, Mexico. 2010-2012)

Functions: Planning, coordination and execution of video, motion graphics and visual effects solutions
for interactive campaigns, as well as creation of promotional videos of the agency.

Digital Invaders, digital school. (Saltillo, Mexico. 2010-2011)
Functions: Workshop on video editing, motion graphics and compositing, helping the students to
understand the audiovisual language and master tools such as Premiere Pro and After Effects.

Independent Producer
Onrica Productions, production company. (Morelia, Mexico. 2007-2010)
Functions: Advertising campaigns in different media, from radio and television commercials to
corporate video and graphic design solutions. Production of short films and animations.

Advertising Manager
Caapus Asistencia, consulting company. (Morelia, Mexico. 2006-2007)
Functions: Management and coordination of advertising campaigns, production of radio and television
programs and public relations management in expansion project.

Designer / Creative
Chilito Inc, advertising agency. (Morelia, Mexico. 2002-2004)
Functions: Corporate design and advertising for print media, as well as creation of spots, jingles and
campaigns for radio and television.

Degree in Communication Sciences


Universidad Latina de Amrica (2002-2006)

Manantial Cointzio Norte #355
Morelia, Michoacn, Mxico. C.P. 58170

High School Studies

PREFECO Melchor Ocampo (1998-2001)
Fray Juan Benito Daz de Gamarra S/N
Morelia, Michoacn, Mxico. C.P. 58229

Interactive Campaigns

Coca Cola, Knorr, Rexona Men, Rexona Teens, Dove, Ponds, Coors Light, Cerveza Indio, Slang, AAA.

Radio Campaigns

Mitsubishi, Fiat, Jaguar, Land Rover, Manhattan, Tostadas Luzma, Muebles del Angel and others.

TV Campaigns

Zwan, Axe, Mitsubishi, Fiat, IFE, Monex, Laboratorios Dibar, Alternavida Alfa and others.

3D Animation

Nestl, Dove Men Care, Conspirao Filmes, Grupo BAVI, ITM, Deshard Systems and others.

Audiovisual Projects

Unilever, Rexona, Nivea, Volkswagen, Axe, Camel, Jaguar, Ford, Tecate, Tabasco, Fox and others.

Graphic and Web Design

IMSS, Century 21, GasMaster, CB Televisin, UNLA, Deshard Systems, Armando Manzano and others.

Universitary Radio Program El Infierno de Dante

Production, Script, Direction and Locution.

Feature-lenght Screenplay Vidas Alternas

Author and Screenplay Writer

Fiction Shortfilm Voces

Screenplay, Directing and Editing


3D Animation Shortfilm As es mi Mxico

Screenplay and Film Making

Flash Animation Shortfilm South Park Crisis

Screenplay, Directing, Animation and Editing

Stop-Motion Animation Shortfilm Caperucita al Dente

Screenplay, Directing, Stop Motion and Editing

Photorealistic 3D Animation Shortfilm Quin Asesin a Alicia?

Screenplay, Directing, Modelling, Animation and Editing


1st Place. Digital Photography Contest

City of Morelia, Mxico | 2006 |

Special Publication. Photoreportage Hroes olvidados

Cambio de Michoacn, Mxico | 2006 |



1st Place. Shortfilm Screenplay Contest


Official Selection. Fiction State Competition

Morelia International Film Festival, Mxico | 2006 |

Morelia International Film Festival, Mxico | 2007 | Onrica Productions

Official Selection. International Animation Competition

"Ciudad Luna" International Film Festival, Colombia | 2009 | Onrica Productions

Official Selection. Mexican Animation Competition

Guadalajara International Film Festival, Mxico | 2010 | Onrica Productions

Official Selection. International Fiction Competition

Rengo International Film Festival, Chile | 2010 | Onrica Productions

Silver. Interactive Campaign

Wave Festival, Brasil | 2010 | GrupoW

Gold. Social Marketing

IAB Conecta Awards, Mxico | 2011 | GrupoW

Gold. Interactive Tool

IAB Conecta Awards, Mxico | 2011 | GrupoW

Silver. Banner

El ojo de Iberoamrica, Argentina | 2011 | GrupoW

Gold. Website



El ojo de Iberoamrica, Argentina | 2011 | GrupoW

Silver. Online Campaign

Crculo Creativo, Mxico | 2011 | GrupoW

Gold. Advergame

Crculo Creativo, Mxico | 2011 | GrupoW

Gold. Microsite

Crculo Creativo, Mxico | 2011 | GrupoW

Gold. Banner

Crculo Creativo, Mxico | 2011 | GrupoW

Bronze. Banner

OneShow Interactive, USA | 2012 | GrupoW

Fabrcio Ide | Copywriter | Conspirao Filmes

Oscar is great team player, always willing to help and go way beyond his native expertises. For years, we
have teamed up... and he managed to make a big impression with his sharp post-production skills and
creative mind. He does know how to transform a simple script into a brilliant film.

Arturo de Albornoz | Thinking Leader | GrupoW

Oscar es uno de los profesionales en edicin de video y motion graphics que mejor conoce los medios
digitales... Adems, complementa su actividad como uno de los storytellers mas destacados al momento de
planear y dirigir casos de estudio y reels de agencia, uno de los talentos mas difciles de encontrar en la industria.

Caleb Guzmn | Digital Producer | Olabuenaga Chemistry

Oscar tiene un gran talento al momento de interpretar la visin que se quiere dar a la historia mediante el
video. Tenaz como pocos, jams va descansar hasta tener el trabajo terminado y con una calidad increble.


Alejandro Montoya | Managing Director | Digital Invaders

As Mentor of Digital Invaders he managed to permeate his professionalism, passion and tenacity with
students which was reflected in the Webscout Generations. This, coupled with the interest of teaching and
sharing his knowledge, makes Oscar an excellent teammate.

Guilherme Melles | Producer | Spray Films

No doubt about recommending Oscar!! A great professional. Fast and talented. Solve problems easily and
delivers a great result within the agreed time, was a pleasure to work and learn with him.

Alfredo Rocha | 3D Artist | GrupoW

Great 3d and Motion Graphics skills. Outstanding solving problem capabilities and nice style for graphic solutions.

Guillermo Darn | Creative | Oveja Negra Lowe

Siempre entregando ms de lo que se espera... se esfuerza por hacer que cada proyecto sea ms que
satisfactorio, exigindose a s mismo el mejor resultado, lo que al final, beneficiar a todo el equipo.

Roberto Pantoja | Owner | Chilito Inc

...excelente escritor de guiones, diseador de grficos y sitios web, fotgrafo, productor, director de cortometrajes,
spots de TV y cuas de radio, adems es un especialista con gran experiencia en la postproduccin y animacin 3D...

ATL, Digital & Non-traditional Media experience

Full-production expertise for Audiovisual Projects


Creativity for Pitching, Campaigns and Social Media Virals

Multidisciplinary skills & Team Leading qualities



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